#scoob inspired this one
[This is my AU of Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby Doo Meets Courage The Cowardly Dog movie, I included my CTCD OCs Barry, Onyx, Carnelian, Kameron, Francine, Bunitty, Crister and Bard in it]
[While Mystery Incorporated met Courage and the Bagges, Muriel and Eustace. Courage heads up to the attic, Scooby and Shaggy follow him up the stairs. In the attic, Courage's new friend who is a black cat named Barry is asleep and holding his plush rabbit. There, Courage opens the door, and he, Shaggy and Scooby enter. As they enter, the three approach the sleeping cat]
Courage: Shh– [he whispered to Shaggy and Scooby] Barry? Barry? [he responded quietly, then he pokes Barry's nose]
[Barry opens his eyes, he sees Courage, Scooby and Shaggy all looking at him. Barry yawns and stretches his arms out]
Shaggy: Like, pal. He's now… speaking to his rabbit he has with him?
Barry: [he sees Courage] Oh, Courage! [Then his eyes move to Shaggy and Scooby Doo. But that causes him to get scared and he screams, which is from his anxiety. Barry pulls out his toy gun underneath his blanket and he points at Shaggy]
Shaggy: ZOINKS! Like, that lil guy HAS A GUN RIGHT AT US SCOOB!
Scooby: Ruh roh, Raggy! WE'RE ROOMED
Shaggy: Like, listen little dude. We're both like, pretty cool dudes. Ain't that right Scoob? [Barry lowers his toy gun down]
Scooby: Rah! We ratch a road of creepy monsters and a road of rad guys
Barry: Oh… right. [places his gun down behind him] Sorry that I pointed my gun at you guys. I genuinely had to do that if there is anything that is trying to kill me in this household.
Shaggy: Like, that's ok pal. Like, I thought I was gonna get shot
Barry: Look, don't worry about it. It's actually a toy gun that shoots corks instead of real bullets. [Scooby and Shaggy's eyes look at eachother, then at Barry]
Scooby: …Right
Courage: Barry, would you like to introduce yourself to them?
Barry: Oh right, I didn't even get to do that at first. My name is Barry! I am a new friend of Courage here in Nowhere.
Scooby: Roh– But how did the two of you meet? [Scooby points at each of the two]
Barry: He met me at a hospital, I was with my mom, after i am now born. Courage came here to see us. We became very close, and we have many things in common. [Scooby and Shaggy nod to that] we do get scared at things really easily, but we have a brave heart and by that we save the ones we love.
Shaggy: Like, that's so cool dude. [to Courage] Your actually a cat that acts like you dude
Courage: [nods] Mmhmm
Shaggy: Like it's nice to meet you Barry man. I'm Shaggy, Shaggy Rogers
Barry: It's nice to meet you too Shaggy
Scooby: I'm Scooby Doo
Barry: Scooby… Scooby Doo? As in the famous Scooby Doo who solves the most greatest mysteries with a crew of… mystery solvers?
Scooby: Yeah? [Courage is confused]
Barry: [places his paws on Scooby's and he looks up at him] I can't believe this, I.. I watched many of your shows!
Scooby: [gasps] REALLY?!
Barry: Yeah! You guys are in a van, running around doors, and unmasking monsters who are now people dressing up in costumes. You have given me inspiration Scooby Doo, to become a mystery solving detective around the streets during the 50s [his eyes are sparkling with excitement]
Scooby: Wow! [his eyes sparkle with excitement too]
Shaggy: Like lil man, I now really noticed how much of a fan you are to Scoob [places his arm around Scooby's shoulder. The three together chuckle along, while Courage watches Barry with an embracing smile, since he has found new friends to interact with]
Shaggy: [spots Barry's bed behind him] Huh? Like, never seen a bed placed in a attic like this
Barry: Oh, yeah. That's where I sleep in
Shaggy: Like, in the attic? [to Courage] Like does this dude have a home and a family, man?
Courage: Yeah, he does. But he stays in here a lot, since his parents are busy with stuff
Barry: Lemme put this up with you Courage. [he holds out some pictures of his family to Shaggy and Scooby] My family all appear to be in mafia teams. The first being my ancestor Nathaniel. After he married Miranda, they had their son Barrett
Scooby: Oh wait! He rooks like you
Barry: You could say that we are much alike to our ancestors. By time passes, the three families start with my great grandparents; Carnelian and Onyx, Gerald and Lillie, and Piperita and Cinnamon. My maternal great grandparents had my grandfather Matt and great aunt Maria. And also great grandparents had my maternal grandma; Lauren. My maternal grandparents now had my mom named Teresa, and my uncle who is called Oliver. Great grandpa Piperita and great grandma Cinnamon have grandma Marie, who she met my grandpa Brandon and they have my dad named Nathan. And finally my mom and my dad are married and they have me! Which I am the final of the bloodline. [Shaggy and Scooby's jaws dropped by the whole family tree explanation that Barry has told them]
Shaggy: Like man, THAT WAS WILD! Like I didn't even know that you are like part of such a huge family line like this. [Barry raised his eyebrow at Shaggy while he lets his breath out]
Barry: Yeah, since my father runs a mafia business, he and mom had to do their work, so with their trust to Courage. They now acquire him to be my caretaker [Courage smiles at this response, and chuckles. Then Shaggy, Scooby and Courage head down the stairs. Courage and Scooby Doo turn around to Barry]
Courage: Barry? Are you… coming?
Barry: I'm coming Courage
[Barry joins along with the three as they go down through the attic, then, downstairs to the living room where the rest of the others]
Muriel: Oh– Barry! Your here in time for my special Scottish dream cookies. [she hands one to Barry, which makes him giggle with joy. He then eats it]
Shaggy: Like dude, you get along with the sweet old lady here
Barry: [gulps it down] Yeah, Muriel is like a grandmother to me
Scooby: We seen that ranky old man here
Barry: Who– Oh… you mean Mr Bagge? I don't like him
Shaggy: You don't like him cuz of how cranky he looks–
Barty: I prefer not to say about it
Scooby: Ok
[Scooby and Shaggy's friends; Velma, Daphne and Fred see Barry, though he backs a little, nervously]
Barry: Uh, Shaggy? Scooby Doo?
Scooby: Oh! Their my friends
Fred: Hey!
Daphne: Hi!
Velma: Hello!
Barry: Hi? I'm… Barry. Who are you guys called?
Daphne: Daphne, Daphne Blake
Barry: Oh, so your Daphne the… the Beautiful! Daphne the Beautiful! It's nice to meet you Daphne, I'm Barry [walks to Fred]
Fred: I'm Fred Jones
Barry: Fred Jones! Or Fred the… Leader! Fred the Leader! It's nice to meet you as well [the two shake hands. Then he walks to Velma] and your…
Velma: Velma Dinkley
Barry: And you provide the intelligence. Which has me to call you Velma the Tech Intelligent! I'm Barry
Velma: It is an honoured pleasure to meet you Barry. And we would like to welcome you to the Mystery Incorporated where we solve the biggest mysteries around the whole world [Barry's eyes sparkle with wonder when he is welcomed to the Mystery Incorporated]
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mrhyde-mrseek · 5 months
Been rewatching Scooby Doo Mystery Inc. and hyperfixating on small town gothic mystery aesthetics, so here’s my version of the gang if I were to write my own adaptation:
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19, engineering major
His special interest is traps
Asexual and biromantic, he/him
In a pre-established relationship with Daphne, they’re a ride-or-die couple and can sometimes be sappy to the point that they gross the others out
The heart of the group, brought everyone together, is usually the one to cool down arguments
Decent at cooking but REALLY good at baking
Gets ascots from Daphne every year for his birthday
Knew Velma a little in high school, mainly from physics and math but never got to actually know her until college
Got the Mystery Machine from a sketchy car dealer when he turned 16 and loves the old rust bucket to death
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18, forensics science major, minor in history
Also autistic, self-diagnosed because it’s really hard to get a diagnosis
Lesbian and genderqueer, she/they
Had a crush on Daphne a few years ago, but when Daphne and Fred got together she forced herself to ignore it until it eventually went away
LOVES true crime podcasts, kinda wants to start their own one day
Super blunt and sarcastic, can sometimes come off as rude to the people who don’t know them that well
Struggled with an eating disorder for a while, Shaggy helped her recover and now they’re best friends
Tech wiz
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19, fashion design major
Pan, she/her
Grew up in a wealthy family with four older sisters, was always pressured by her parents to fit their image of perfection, so she eventually started deliberately doing things to piss them off
Starting a relationship with Fred was the breaking point and now she doesn’t talk to them (she still keeps in touch with her sisters, though)
Natural blonde, dyes her hair
The most athletic out of all of them, used to do gymnastics and dance throughout middle school and high school
Quit when she realized how much it was negatively affecting her body image
Hates when people assume she’s ditzy just because she’s hyperfeminine
Looks mean at first, is actually super sweet
Fascinated with ghosts and cryptids
Loves ‘80s and ‘90s Heathers-inspired fashion
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20, culinary arts major but was undecided for a while
Aroace, he/him
Mix of hippie and grunge aesthetic
Definitely smokes weed
Loves ‘70s and ‘80s music
Has a panic disorder, ADHD, and dyslexia
Has seen every classic horror movie to ever exist despite being terrified of them
Everyone assumes the Mystery Machine belongs to him until someone in the Mystery Gang corrects them
Will eat basically any type of food you put in front of him
Shitty relationship with his parents since they have unreachable expectations for him and constantly compare him to his classmates and cousins
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Shaggy’s psychiatric service “dog”
Not actually a dog—in reality he’s an alien who crash-landed near Shaggy’s house and took the form of a Great Dane, the Rogers got him trained as a service dog for Shaggy’s panic disorder, and the rest is history
Shaggy still has no idea (although he and the gang do think it’s weird that Scoob can talk)
Despite being a bit of a coward he’d do anything to protect the gang, especially Shaggy
Likes horror movies just as much as Shaggy
Will eat literal garbage if hungry enough (which is all the time)
Started developing doglike traits over the years (barks at people walking by, hates the vacuum, developed a taste for dog treats, etc.)
Also here’s the full body photos i drew:
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Honestly your analysis on Wyrm culture and PK gave me a lot of inspiration on how view him. I don’t mind him woobified if that’s how some fans like him, but really breaking him down, I can’t ignore the facts with him. I find myself enjoying viewing him in a more antagonistic role with how views himself and others. By Wym merits—regardless of how neurodivergent he is compared to most of his kind—he is a conqueror. His function is to build a kingdom and build it well.
I also love how you view him hating his Wyrm instincts and suppressing them, but at the end of the day, you can only fight your instincts so long.
I don’t want to ramble too much as I would probably just go on discussing Herrah and Lurien as well.
Very glad you enjoy my interpretation of him, anon! I've been writing stuff with him in it since like, November 2019 so it means a lot to hear that people like how I write him given the time I've put into trying to understand and flesh out his character from the hints we get in canon. He's a conquerer and he has some pretty terrible ideas about self-worth, but he loves so deeply and the results of that love are what make him truely monsterous. Very fun guy to play around with, esp. with the added 'dragon in man's clothing' deal he has going on.
Personally I dislike the more recent trend of woobifying him just bc he canonically felt super guilty about mass murder, but that's based entirely on the fact that I like him BECAUSE he's tragic and a deeply flawed, fucked up, terrible person, so it's more just not my thing. But I will take woobified PK ANY day over how the fandom was when I first joined, where people seemed to unanimously think he was the epitome of misogynistic evil intentionally abusive straight white male capitalist who kicked the vessels into the Abyss as well as being a colonizer of Hallownest, and if you liked him you'd have to list all his faults and say you don't support him every other breath and if you contradicted the fanon idea of him you'd get slammed for it (people thought that him being 'The Pale King' and his wife 'The White Lady' was direct proof that he was a colonizer who genocided the moths....when the reality is that they're just both literally white. I have seen only one person deal with this take with any sort of nuance, the rest was...oh boy it was bad). They're probably still out there and just have me blocked, but the trend of people viewing PK as a pathetic little man has increased to the point where I think they're in the minority now. Which is a relief, because while I can understand hating PK, you at least should get his character right. And he canonically IS a pathetic little man. I just want to kick him down a flight of stairs and set him on fire with a blowtorch rather than swing him around like a stinky little ferret
I'm ALWAYS down for hearing rambles about Herrah and Lurien though!!! Especially Lurien. Please god the Lurien fanclub is like 2.5 people we're dying like flies out here scoob
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rainbowchibbit · 5 months
Just a fan here to say hi!
I'm thrilled to see you have moved and things are calming down a bit for you. I hope The Many Muses should strike you again.
I've followed SoulFell for a long time, found it via the voice overs during the undertale golden era on YouTube. It brings me a lot of happiness to see it continue. You make something beautiful from my first venture into fandom.
Thank you so much!!! I also hope soon that the many muses will Grace me with their presence again. Or beat me over the head with inspiration LMAO I’m still waiting for the final sale of the condo so that’s still stressing me a little bit even though closing should be done by Thursday but I’m still like @_@ please mister buyer sir take this condo out of my hands I’m dyin scoob jabdkdnfkfj
BUT YEA hopefully soon I will start posting Soulfell stuff again! I think I said this in another post at one point but I need to sit down with my outline and really trim it down because I want to bring the story to its proper conclusion but I also don’t want to be doing it for another like 5 years or smth JBDKVAB I want to FINISH A PROJECT and I also want to then move on to a new project of some kind! No idea what but probably a bunch of way smaller things than soulfell hahaha 💖💖
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bougierthanthou · 9 months
The Untapped Potential of Scooby Doo
As a Scooby Doo fan I've seen almost everything they'e ever dropped. From the original to a pup named Scooby doo, the 90s movies where they encounter zombies werecats ghosts witches warlocks and even a malignant virus with sentience that traps Mystery Inc in a video game based on themselves. Even tho the franchise has had hits in the past it seems like they've fizzled out and even lost the plot. I'm referring to Scoob! that came out in 2020 that doesn't even include a mystery for the heroes to solve beyond the one featured in the short origin story in the very beginning of the move. Instead it has them working with a superhero to stop a supervillain. Scoob! strayed too far from its roots. But by far the worst offender as of late has got to be VELMA it has a laundry list of flaws, but the ones that are most glaring would have to be an uninteresting lead who cannot seem to solve any of the mysteries presented to her despite Scooby Doo's 50 year history not only describing but showing her to be the brains of Mystery Inc. Then you have the strange characterizations of these characters poor dialogue that tries to capture how teens speak today which is even more peculiar because the show is supposed to be geared towards adults 18-25 and none of the characters fall in that range. What's most enraging about this is Scooby Doo is an intellectual property with so much promise, especially if they made it more adult. Imagine a Scooby Doo series set in college with them solving crimes on campus, drawing inspiration from Veronica Mars and How to Get Away With Murder. Dealing with mundane cases and stumbling onto a conspiracy, seeing how each characters' respective major ties into how they mystery solve, clearly defining their roles in Mystery Inc. Or alternatively they're all established adults mid 20s who are traveling private investigators they hop in the mystery machine and go where the work is much like the series Supernatural. They could use this franchise to make substantial commentary on social injustices, just think about how an ongoing show like this could further show the corruption and inefficiency of police the criminal justice system and even politicians. It could recontextualize the procedural which is usually from the POV of detectives/cops and offer an alternative to copaganda. Not to mention the cross genre potential, think about it mystery sci-fi horror supernatural and camp either all at once or one of them being the go to genre they mix with mystery for each season. Each incarnation could draw inspiration from the likes of Clue, Happy Death Day, Se7en, Scream the list goes on and on as to what Scooby Doo could be.
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lemon-box · 1 year
My ideal scooby doo gang dynamic and their respective guiding personality traits:
Fred: AUTISTIC HIMBO WITH PARENTAL ISSUES & A SPECIAL INTEREST IN TRAPS! Pretty obvious, I basically think the mystery inc version of Fred is the most perfect one, minus the obsessive behavior he had towards Daphne in early season 2… I don’t think enough people talk about that side of MI Fred? It was honestly pretty uncomfortable, I think we could write it differently while still keeping the “I have abandonment/attachment issues w my girlfriend and it’s impacting us both” message. Either way, Fred is the himbo leader who owns the mystery machine, loves his friends, is reliable, and serves as comedic relief as well. He’s interested in mysteries because they’re the best way to make use of his traps & test out new ones.
Daphne: Daphne needs to be the one with social skills. That’s the one thing she has that the others don’t: she can network, has connections, and can use her parents’ infinite pool of money to just make any accommodations happen? Despite that she’s still very sweet, considerate, and one of the main 3 clue finders (them being Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby). I don’t really mind her being in love with Fred or Velma (sorry Shaphne shippers), but I don’t think love interests should be necessary for any of the characters. In one of Daphne’s character profiles released in 1999, it stated that her life ambition is to become a mystery novel author. AND I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THAT I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! That is such an easy yet clever way to not only give her more depth as a character but curiosity & motivation for these dangerous situations as well, I think it’s such a shame that no scooby doo media that I’ve seen has utilized that for her :(. Daphne is a people person, is resourceful, athletic, and the resident fashion expert. She’s interested in mysteries because they help & inspire her with her writing.
Velma: Velma is the dork nerd with a tumblr blog on mysteries/unsolved cases and is an absolute academic weapon. You KNOW she took AP chemistry in freshman year and got at least a 4 on the exam. She’s super smart, confident, her only hobbies are studying and solving mysteries, and I think she has the least social skills out of everyone which makes it a really fun dynamic with Daphne! She’s very observant, serious, and despite how hard it is for her to show affection, she really loves her friends, they’re her found family after all. I don’t really like iterations of Velma where she thinks everyone around her is an idiot and it feels like she actually hates the gang. If we can portray her as a teen with trouble showing affection instead of a teen who actually doesn’t feel it, I think the anger issues she had in MI could work really well. Velma is a nerd with sass, biggest believer in ghosts/monsters, walking encyclopedia, and dependent on her friends to get through when she can’t find a solution. She’s interested in mysteries because she is a naturally curious person who’s hungry for knowledge and for a chance to study the supernatural.
Shaggy (and scooby): Shaggy is the anxiety ridden, emotion driven anchor of the group. Yet despite his overwhelming feelings he’s the one who keeps everyone grounded. Everyone else gets so carried away with investigations, clues, and their ambition that they forget where the line is sometimes. But Shaggy is unaffected by that, at the end of the day he seeks security and safety, and he can remind everyone to stop and consider new perspectives. That makes him great at finding clues, him and scooby are always looking where the others aren’t, especially using scoob’s sense of smell and shaggy’s sense of taste. In the 2020 scoob movie they described them as the heart of the group, and in one scene daphne said “with shaggy and scooby gone there was no one to remind us to eat lunch…” AND THAT’S EXACTLY IT. THEY’RE COMEDIC RELIEF, THEY BRING EVERYONE TOGETHER, AND THEYRE GOOD AT FINDING CLUES. I also love iterations of Shaggy where he’s a chef. It’s not his lifelong passion, but he loves food so he loves making it, both for himself and everyone else. He believes food tastes better when shared with others. Shaggy is interested in mysteries because despite the dangerous situations, he feels emotionally safe around his friends, and he also likes traveling if it means he gets to add more food profiles to his palette! Solving mysteries allows him to grow not only as a person, but grow out of his very sheltered life which left him rather naive about the world, but he doesn’t know that yet :) thats where the character development comes in.
Short Scooby part: Along with Shaggy Scooby is a big part of the heart. He’s basically everyone’s emotional support dog, especially shaggy’s, and as a dog he can’t help but go where his weird nose takes him. He brings everyone together, is loyal to his empathy, and he’s interested in mysteries because he’s just happy to be around his friends. I think MI gave him a much bigger and more important role than scooby has ever had before, and frankly I think that’s an excellent use of his character, he makes for a great plot device, I need writers to utilize that.
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theizzizzy · 3 months
other than out walking the dog, what inspired your AU? ^_^
Scoob and Shag, Steven Universe (because that is in my bloodstream with how much it was my life 8 years ago), some of my old Sam and Max A.Us (like the Mafia Au), and of course many pieces of Newton and Marlon fanart from the images page on Google! (Separate and ship art)
This is just the ones off the top of my head, there’s so many things in my life that I could be drawing inspiration from without realizing it!
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Velma... again (just my opinion)
I really hope the writers understand what we’re trying to say here about the show and why all the backlash is happening.
It’s about the legacy of SCOOBY FRICKING DOO, the way yes the original show/franchise/cartoon had some issues, but overall it was actually a very free space and loving of all the characters and their distinct personalities, especially considering the time it came out. (the non animated first movie did a good job of highlighting some of the character flaws, imo - not the best job, but these writers could’ve helped that)
The true fans knew that daphne isn’t dumb, stupid or one-dimensional
We knew Velma was sharp, self aware, and a loving personality
We knew shaggy was the adorable sweetheart who bumbles around sometimes not knowing what he’s doing, but knew he loved scoob and his gang
We knew Fred (honestly I never liked Fred, he has quite a few issues but not of mean/cold hearted ness just some ignorance and arrogance) cared about the team and prided himself on being there for his gang, and did always look out for all of them.
And most of all, we knew scooby and we loved him always.
This show… forgets all of that and fails to realise the impact the show had to so many people
Encouraging people to be confident like Daphne’s fashion sense (and showed she could be insecure about other things- mystery Inc)0
Encouraging people to be smart like Velma, to me she always inspired that no matter who I’m friends with, I can be true to myself and that even not being the center of attention (tho she did deserve it) doesn’t matter if my friends accept and love me as I am
The show stood for so much more than just funny mysteries solved by a wonky gang, while also remaining to be the funny mysteries solved by a wonky gang.
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scoobyganggifs · 2 years
:3 what do all the little nicknames for the duos mean? like as in what inspired them, theyre all really cute
AWE!!!!! OK OK thank u sm for asking the explanations r under the read more :]]
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several r simply based on color schemes along w something that resembles imo that color scheme while also making me think of duo in questions friendship!!! those being:
“gingerbread” comes from scoobys brown fur n daphnes ginger hair while also to me emanating this warm comforting homeliness where i was especially thinking of all the instances where daph knows exactly what to do to comfort scoob waugh
“citrus” comes from ofc velma being orange + shaggy being green (like a lime!!!) while having that food connection for shaggy. citrus fruits always remind me of summer, which in turn reminds me of scooby doo as a franchise bc its always the time they do rerun marathons on tv….
“breezy” comes from blue n green both being cool colors i associate with spring specially a characteristic mild spring breeze n ofc things fly in the breeze like how shaggy often flies into freds arms at any hint of danger. HONESTLY i think my logic for yhis one might be a bit harder to follow but trust me
“sunset” ORANGE N PURPLE BABEY!!! sunset is a time where opposites meet and while i dont personally view them as such velma + daphne are certainly often characterized or deemed by others as that. sunset blends day n night together, reminding us that often those that appear to be opposites will have more in common + be closer to each other than it first seems. u know
“horizon” maintaining the velma sun imagery sure sure and fred as the boundless sky but the horizon is something constant right? throughout the day it keeps everything on track by having the sun + sky work together
OK now for the others:
“grover” JUST THE TWO OF US 😭😭😭 in everything scooby + shaggy are ALWAYS together sometimes the others arent there, but they r ALWAYS by each others side. theyre the absolute best of friends man 😭😭😭 we can make it it we try 😭😭
“chosen” LIVED IN A WORLD WHERE THAT SDMI PLOTLINE DIDNT EXIST WHEN I CAME UP WITH THIS ONE ☹️☹️☹️ but ANYWAY its a ref to how in scooby goes hollywood theres the “backstory” scene where they go to the pet store + they meet scooby as a puppy for the first time n its VELMA who lifts him out of his lil box + says “i think hes wonderful” she chooses him and ive always loved that SO much like its always stuck w me even if its not the origin story i personally subscribe to its such an important scene to me…..
“six degrees” six degrees of separation babey!!!! between fred + scooby one thing they have in common is ofc their voice actor mr frank welker whos been voicing fred since the start n scooby since whats new….was especially thinking abt the scene in wheres my mummy where fred is imitating scooby LMFAO
“tredecim” latin for thirteen u already KNOW thirteen ghosts augh its such a Show n i love how shaggy + daphs dynamic obvs gets to receive more focus separate from the dynamic of usually the whole gang
“shining armour” sir daphne youre MY knight in shining armour!!! while ik that line had shippy intentions i can still apply it to their friendship as a whole i think <3 as a treat <3
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frogsndogs · 1 year
Scooby Doo Fantasy AU (inspired by the clips of "The Sword and the Scoob" that I've seen, and some fanart)
Newly crowned King Norville Rogers of Camelot is doing his best to keep the kingdom together after the sudden passing of his father - King Arthur
His “dog” Scooby is desperately trying to hide that he is in fact a dragon that Norville was supposed to kill as a trial in order to become King but instead spared and swore to protect
Meanwhile In Crystal Covania King Fred Jones the First, attempts to take advantage of Camelot’s disarray and steal a powerful artifact from them - the planispheric disk
The disk is being studied by a scholar Velma Dinkley, looking to prove that magic is not the solution to everything and find an alternative for it
So King Jones sends his son, Prince Fred Jones the Second and one of their knights, Rose to steal the disk from the kingdom
But in the middle of their attempt, Rose betrays Fred, stealing the disk for herself and when Fred tries to stop her she attacks him, but he is saved by The Black Knight, King Rogers' right hand (also known as Daphne Blake) (the first woman, and the youngest person to hold the position)
This leads to political tension between the realms bc King Jones tried to steal the disk and Prince Jones is still in Camelot and Rose is out there, trying to sell off the disk to the highest bidder
So Prince Fred has to team up with King Rogers, his definitely-totally-a-dog, The Black Knight, and Velma the Scholar in order to retrieve the disk and they agree to split it equally between the realms
Spolier: King Jones has no intention of sharing it and has told the Prince to steal it the first chance he gets
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orchideae · 9 months
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HELLOOO! HI! I saw an opportunity to jump into your inbox and i'm taking it! i've said it before and i'll say it again- sae, your portrayals are absolutely wonderful and i adore hearing your takes on the story. you have such a unique way of approaching the canon content and expanding on it and i love it! it's always so fun whenever scoob, you, and i get a chance to chat whether it's plotting or just talking about whatever. i am so looking forward to speaking with you more in the future <3 i hope that this new year treats you well! — @arlquin // 2023 is almost over
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You little cheating lady, you're sneaky just like your muse and it's entirely unfair. So for starters, have a ghibi Yelan, because she's too cute for both her own good, mine and yours (and also honestly, I think she's a great first step into 2024 for us, do you have a ghibi in return for me? That way they're ready, and we can send them off to that storage closet).
Okay but on a serious note, you are ridiculous in every possible way. Were you never taught to not make people emotional? It makes some of us ugly cry you know, kind of like me, I'm one of those people!! Okay, but on a very serious note: you are far too kind, and much too sweet. This means so very much to me, and even more so considering that I hold you in such high regard as a fellow writer. I like to think that it's the people around us who inspire us to achieve what we do, and if so, you've been responsible for a pretty hefty amount of the motivation that's been bubbling in my veins as of late. Thank you for this, thank you for having strut your way into Genshin Impact and its RPC, because it's definitely brighter with you in it. Here's to 2024, where hopefully we'll chat infinitely more often, and write just as much (just kick me, honestly, kick me with those running shoes before you head out). I hope you have a kick-ass New Year, because you've certainly already made mine that much better!
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disgruntleddemon · 1 year
If you had to direct a Scooby Doo movie (or series), what would it be like and what would you include? Which series/era would you take the most inspiration from? Would the mystery/locale be inspired by real events/locations or something totally different?
Ooooh!!! Fun question!!
For both a show and movie I'd take the most inspiration from the renaissance era movies! I'd probably be a bit more mature in audience since i think there's a lot of fun horror potential w Scooby doo, while also keeping the goofier aspects. Also hopefully take inspiration from the renaissance era art too, cause it's seriously so good i wanna eat it.
For a movie specifically I'd have it focus on Mothman! I think that would be really fun and atmospheric! I'm honestly surprised Mothman HASN'T been used yet, cryptids work so well for sd (like ik they technicallyyyy did chupacabra, but it's not like either predominant descriptions of chupacabra, so i don't count it)
Not entirely sure of the plot, but definitely a fun spooky woodsy vibe.
For a series, I've actually thought about it a bit before. I'd have monsters be real, and a well known thing. Common enough to realistically have someone pretend to be one to scare ppl off, but uncommon enough not everyone would be able to spot signs of a fake.
I'd have the gang go around researching monsters, or at least taking an intrest in them, and recording any findings. Some episodes would have people in costumes where the gang is able to recognize fakes based on their monster knowledge, real monsters that they have to deal with in some way, or sometimes monsters they think are fake, but are actually just new or rare ones. Maybe a variation on a common one.
I'd really like at least one scooby snack factory episode, cause I'm a sucker for those, but also to add a personal hc/au of mine. I like to think Scooby is a family name on his mom's side, and that that side of the family founded the scooby snsck company. That episode would be helping out Scoob's mom! There'd also be a moment where the gang is like "wait, does this mean Scooby and his mom have the same name??" And his mom would reveal that his original name was Spooky Doo (ignoring that one comic character, or maybe having Scoob named after him lol), but he changed his name to Scoobert Doo after the Scooby snacks founder. Party cause it suited him better, partly cause he thought the name "Spooky" would jinx him and he'd end up in scary situations lmao.
This fits less, but I'd also like to squeeze in my Scrappy headcanon of him being half alien, and being a magnet to the supernatural. Little revival for him, as a treat. He wouldn't be a main character, but would appear for a few episodes. Always episodes that have real monsters hkvkcjc
I'd also like to squeeze in poly mystery gang if possible, but if not, probably just not feature any romance in the series. It's just never my thing when it comes to sd media tbh. Definitely lots of slice of life moments regardless tho. I'd like to emphasize their familiarity and closeness y'know?
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Chapter 33: Run
This chapter is more significant than you might think. In my mind Scoob and Shag goes through a few phases before it lands on what we now know it as. There is the random goofs phase, then the horror comic phase, and finally it settles on anime-inspired action.
And the third panel of this chapter, the one where they do the slide, is the first signs of where the series is going. Cause that slide is textbook anime stuff.
And with the final panel the line about having to fight the monster shows to the readers that the change is coming pretty soon.
Conclusion: The beginning of the good stuff
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flcwerofevil · 2 years
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the sclera visible below the iris; the jarring change of winter daylight; afghan blankets half unspooled; a thousand yard feast, a woman at the end of the table without a fork to be seen; green apples discarded, half-eaten; dog-eared books folded to the center of the page, stained; a smeared portrait with its lips dyed a vicious stain of red; a dulled kitchen knife glinting in the afternoon sun; the mouth of an envelope torn open like a wound
—  IRAJ KOBEISSI  /  flower of ice  ﹒  full application   ﹒   pinterest
I. TL:DR cw: familicide, death, suicide, cults, mass murder, arson
Trains to become a sword master to reclaim family honor. Doesn’t give a shit.
Kills her family and starts exploring the world to find herself. She is an artist, a clown, a cult member, a bodyguard, security to a ship, etc. She takes on miscellaneous jobs wherever she goes. 
Insert a long and growing list of the atrocities Iraj has engaged in for people’s hands in love / curiosity. Notably setting fire to a village for Madame Massacre’s favor, killing Child of Flame’s spared victims, killing people for their blood so she can turn it into paint, becoming a circus clown and terrorizing children (pennywise fr), joining a cult and actively recruiting people, and much more!
Finally, Iraj has a love affair with a woman she refers to as OXEYE DAISY, Iraj attempts to kill a love competitor but fails. Daisy manipulates Iraj into turning herself in. She accepts every charge against her whether it is true or not.
Iraj has a former mentee, CRABGRASS, kill Daisy as she mistakes a letter sent to her jail cell as a plea for death.
Iraj is straight chilling in prison, finding it a little cramped but OK. Is getting a tiny bit antsy.
monster clown ( quite literally, but also psychologically )
in another lifetime she is both the discord mod and discord kitten
deeply embroiled in the absurd but not quite understanding it. she is the first half of the ‘myth of sisyphus’ without cause to finish
if she were to create a movie it would be something like ‘the girl in the house across the street from the girl in the window’ or ‘the birds’ 1963
pinocchio - “I have the whole world to see!” / wait damn i didn’t realize a parallel to iraj is this wooden hoe. yonkers scoob.
it’s the not caring to be human while still deeply caring about being called inhuman but not understanding why you care and so you try and mimic those around you while also feeling superior that you’re not engulfed in grief, but also feeling like you’re missing out on something vital, and you attempt to induce it artificially but it leaves you feeling unsatisfied because it’s not real and therefore you don’t actually experience the full emotion, but not knowing how else to go about it and so you continue doing what you’re doing and hoping one day it will produce the results you want, but this is just creating a cycle of emptiness and widening the chasm without a real need to do so
iraj is the immortal snail meme
Every unhinged woman needs a logical partner. This type of affection isn’t romantic and I like to think it’s the kind of feeling childhood friends have for each other even when their interests begin to diverge. They’re an unlikely pair and that’s what makes everything fit. It leaves you saying “huh. When/how the hell did this happen?”
I just think it’d be fun if she and someone else were friends and bonded over being Evil together. Imagine Hikaru and Kaoru kind of playful mischievousness but obviously much worse because they’re all bad people lol. maybe your character is manipulating mine and while Iraj might have an inkling as to what’s happening she doesn’t give a shit. As long as it’s kinda fun!
Someone Iraj feels compelled to save without the desire to have something paid in return. She can’t explain the feeling, and it quite honestly makes her feel uncomfortable. I’d love to hash this out with someone while we gnaw on each other’s bones.
I don’t know if we’re allowed to have cellmates in prison, but damn I think it’d be fun if they could. Maybe they were cell mates at the beginning of their sentences but shit happened and now they’re separated. Were they friends, enemies, gossips — did they try to carve a hole in the wall with a spoon together? Who knows!
You saw her at her silliest. (Clown Era)
You saw her at her most Depressed ™ (Cult Era)
Iraj was your sidekick for a while. She helped you do whatever it is that you did but parted ways eventually. I would like for this to be a mutual / didn’t-leave-on-bad-terms connection but I’d be fine with them being enemies as well. I think her sidekick era came right before her clown era, so imagine one day Iraj wakes you up like “Hey, uh, I’m leaving tonight. You remember HEMP and how they said I wouldn’t be a good clown? I’m about to prove them wrong. I’ll catch ‘ya later, ok? We’ll reconnect when life gets less busy. Wish you all the best love!”
Straight up, I don’t know why anyone would willingly be her muse but I think it’d be really funny for either A.) you really wanted to be her muse and thought her art was cool even if it was weird or B.) jk I don’t have another idea, but I could come up with more on demand like trained monkey.
Iraj thought [LOCATION] was a place to confess your sins. You listened but not because you wanted to. You two never saw each other, and politeness maybe kept you there while she poured her “heart out.” Now you have the secret code to her journals and to every weird thought she’s ever had. I think she would try and talk to you during this confessional as well, even if that’s not how it’s supposed to go. Regardless if you answered though, she would have continued.
Iraj accepted every charge she was accused of. What if she pleaded guilty to one of your character’s actual crimes?
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 7: The Way You Shake and Shiver
Fandom: Scooby Doo
Shaking hands
Alt; Tears
Silent panic attack
I dont feel confident in my ability to write seizures, and while I know I dont have to include all three promts... why stop now? And I couldn't stop singing the theme so I decided to just do it. This takes a lot of inspiration from that one really long post about the Scooby gang. So thank you them!
Norville "shaggy" Rogers had thought he was done with moments like these. He lived the life of a mystery solver now, with constant terror and jump scares, he thought he'd been desensitized enough to grow past... this.
He'd had his first one when he was a child, in front of a large audience of classmates and their families. Had fallen apart on stage and scared his teacher, he'd looked for a familiar face in the audience but his fathers back was all he found. He'd been "dissappointed" in 'Norville' and Shaggys world turned for the worse. Expectations ever higher, and rules ever stricter.
Things had gotten better when he met Daphne Blake. Who was sharp, a little aggresive, and competitive, but had a way of sucking up all the energy in a room so he felt he had enough room to breathe. She punched a bully for him in elementary school, and he made her laugh and suddenly they were inseperable and hed have it no other way. Plus she didnt mind Scooby- his anxious but helpful rescue/emotional support dog.
Fred and Velma had come later, he'd seen them around but Shaggy wasnt one to instigate anything. But he'd admired Fred, a leader, ambitious, smart and nice in a way not many of the jocks and stuff were. He'd shared a class with Velma, shed always seemed a little blunt, she was smarter than anyone but alone a lot, she had an attitude like she didnt care but Shaggy could see that she did. They were both weird in different ways, but Shaggy could never find the guts to think about them more than that. And Daphne seemed fine to be a duo, Until they all collided.
It was a ghost at their towns fair- in actuality it was an interested buyer of the land- that brought them together and had them forming this... Mystery Inc. Business. And with Protective Daphne, Brave Fred, and No nonsense Velma, Shaggy was never bored and he found himself happier than he'd ever been when he was with them.
So why after all this time, after all the crimes they've solved, is Shaggy sitting in a corner unable to just freakin breathe!?
He had been walking with Scooby and Velma, another haunted place in another spooky town. Everything was pretty normal- considering their lives- and Velma had been a steady stream of history and facts that was calming even in the face of his and Scoobs terror. So imagine his luck, when a chandelier falls between him and the others. He falls backwards, hard, into the stone wall, he cant make out where Scoob and Velma ended up, not before he falls through said wall.
Now he's had his fair share of hidden doorways and the like, but usually there wasnt someone there to knock him out immediately. The headache he wakes up with has his sight spinning when he tries to look around. It has his heart trying to thump out of his chest, but he pushes the feeling away, in the past the way out was pretty easy to find, he just had to calm down.
Hes in a small room, stone walls and a single oil lamp for light sitting on a desk in the corner, the room is bare of anything else and with no obvious signs of exit. Logically he knows he got put in here, so he can get out, but logic is not at the forefront of his mind. Not when the 'ghost' they've been investigating is sitting at the desk the next moment he looks. Not when said ghost is holding a large knife and staring directly at him.
But even in the face of this, Shaggy tries to stay in control of himself, if for no other reason than to panic in privacy and not in front of this dude. Besides, he had to have been gone for awhile now, and that meant the others would be looking for him and burst in any minute... any minute.
The ghosts hand moves and Shaggy is only able to dodge from years of experience, the knife bouncing off the wall where his head had been and clatters across the floor back towards the ghost. His pale hand picks it up, moves towards Shaggy, who flinches and curls into himself to shield anything important. When nothing more comes, he looks up to find the room as empty as when he awoke.
And an old panic, one familair and terrible, grips his heart-each beat quick and stuttering- has his lungs too big to fill, no breath fuffiling and simply leaving him longing for more. He pushes himself as far into the corner as he can, curled into himself and trembling hard enough his teeth start to chatter, which he halts as he clenches his jaw, he has to be quiet. He doesnt want attention, please he promises he doesnt want attention hes not doing it on purpose, make it stop makeitstoppleasestopstopstop!
Tears have come unbidden, and a shaky hand swipes at them quickly. Weakness cant be shown. Hes an adult now, however just barely, and he has had worse than a close call with a knife, he should not be crying and trembling and gasping in a corner.
But he was alone, alone for the first time in... in who knows how long. He was alone and no one was coming for him, the ghost was probably causing them trouble, and he wasnt there to draw it away. He was being useless in a corner and no one was coming for him because he didnt deserve it. Daphne deserved a best friend who wasnt scared, Fred deserved a team full of members who wouldnt run scared, Velma deserved someone who understood without having to dumb things down. And Scooby deserved a human that could protect him.
They didnt deserve a sniveling mess who falls apart at the smallest scare, who ran and held them back. Its no wonder he was alone here, he cant do anything right.
Tears continue to replace the ones he wipes away so he gives up in favor of trying to find the breath that continues to fail him. Falling on his side and curling up further doesnt neccasarily help, but its cool against his face and his eyes can trace the cracks of the floor.
Velma doesnt know whos feeling worse between the four of them. Scoobys practically a mess of course, but hes turned into a determined little slueth. Daph is on a war path, had been the moment they met up without Shaggy. Fred has gone full leader mode, using every skill he learned at forensics camp to find Shaggy. And Velma, shes gone quiet. Taking in everything, and watching for that 'ghost', to give him a piece of her mind.
It was weird, not having Shaggy around. Velma was used to it being just her and Fred, but when Daph, Shaggy and Scooby had joined, she found spaces filled she hadnt considered before. Missing peices to an equation she hadnt realized she wanted to solve. And now they were in disarray, and she didnt like it. She didnt want to speak and say the wrong thing, not without Shaggy there to soften any unintential blows. She trusted them, she liked them, and without Shaggy she didnt know how to get things like that across. He had a way of listening to what they all had to say, and figuring out what they meant, the unsaid words, the feelings behind them. (At least most of the time.)
They set up a trap faster than ever, Velma couldnt care less about who the damn guy was or his motive. She wanted Shaggy back and that was all that mattered at this point. Fred and Scooby are the bait this time, and Velma thinks they should mix it up in the future as well so Shaggy doesnt have to do so much running. (Does he like running?)
Theyre effecient, in a way theyre 'ghost' obviously wasnt expecting. He falls into the trap like a leaf in fall, left hanging upside down and unable to so much as move a finger.
"Wheres our friend?" Daphne steps forward, a deadly grace in every step, a blank face, but eyes promising a slow death.
His mask is removed, his face resembling a wanted man from town, a dangerous man.
"The 'ittle whimps prah'ly dead by now. Scared itless he was." The accent is thick and nothing like the silent creep of a ghost he played, "played a ittle game wit 'em, made fer a poor targeht."
Daphnes heard enough, punching the guy right in the mouth, so hard a tooth flies from it. Fred and Velma have no sympathy, and Scooby has already lost interest, sniffing around to find Shaggy himself. Fred makes sure their trap is secure, before they follow the dane, all the way back to the fallen chandelier. Velmas side still smarts from where shed fallen, small cuts littering exposed skin hit by shards of debri.
They search the walls and floor for any clue, and Velma finally feels useful as she discovers a suspicious crease in the stone wall. She calls the others over, and they all press every rock and line, before one gives. The wall flips them quickly and silently, revealing a small room with a desk and lamp. But there in the corner, lies a trembling figure, body shaking with each inhale, but quiet in an eery way, like a horror movie on mute.
Daphne moves forward, Scoob shuffling low on the floor, they'd dealt with this before, she and Fred however are frozen by the wall, scared to make a wrong move, to make it worse.
"Hey, shh, look at me Gee, Im here, lets breathe yeah?"
Shaggys eyes are blank, but they move ever so slightly to Daphnes hand where it rests on the ground, holding her weight. The knuckles are split and bleeding a bit, bruises already trying to form.
"Like, wow, you hit like a girl." His voice croaks, but he speaks, and when Daph huffs a laugh, his own lips quirk just a bit.
Scoob moves in close to provide whatever comfort he can, while Daphne demonstrates breathing. But Shaggy still seems out of it, even as his eyes roam the room, until they land on the two lingering away from them.
"Was it, like, a real ghost?" He asks quietly, and Velma is reminded of their captives words, she wondered what the game was, but it didnt matter right now.
"No, it was Sirus Duugan. The guy from the wanted poster in town." Velma answers.
"Hes tied up nice and tight, and missing a tooth." Fred adds.
They may be imagining it, but Shaggys shaking seems to have lessened.
"How'd you do it?"
And the two dont hesitate to lay out everything they did. The plan, the trap, the bait, the interregation of sorts, they say it all, sitting beside the others now as Shaggy slowly comes back to them. His head is in Daphs lap, her fingers running through his hair. Velma is using her finger to write code on his leg, Scooby laid up against him, and Fred holding his hand. They see the exhaustion creep into Shaggys face, the blood from a head wound caked in his hair and forehead, and the small cuts from the shards. Velma even notices a strand of hair near his ear, just a little shorter than it should be. Her eyes trace the wall then, to where he would have been if he was sitting up, and find a knick in the rocks. Whatever 'game' Sirus played, Velma hopes she can get in her own hit before they leave.
And she does, before the cops take him away, a nice solid kick to the gut, before they load Shaggy into the van and find somewhere to go for the night, where they'll cuddle and keep him safe.
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Buffy book review: Crossings
I'd been looking forward to reading this book for a while, because the summary seemed really interesting to me. And for the most part, this book really didn't disappoint.
This demon has come to Earth and is trying to find the bones of his boss in order to bring him back to life, though he plans on killing him the moment he succeeds, in order to receive his power (or at least trying to). And the demon is, of course, using followers to try and help him with this, but the followers can't really travel to Earth. So they've tricked gamers to give up their bodies and switch their consciousness with them. The gamers think when they're in the demons' bodies and in the demons' world, that they're beta testing a new virtual reality game. But they're not. And gamers are dying there, of course.
That's the main plot of the book: trying to stop this demon from getting the bones, and trying to get the gamers back.
There's also a new side character for this book: Bobby Lee, who I really enjoyed. He was sweet. His family has been fighting this demon for generations and has killed it numerous times (and it's killed Bobby Lee's family members, recently his father) and it keeps coming back. He could really relate to Buffy in having lost a parent, and also how hard the balance was in knowing if you should try to act like a parent to your younger siblings after that fact or their sibling still (or a mix of the two). Because a main theme of this book is Buffy trying to figure out her and Dawn's new relationship. This is a complete aside... but seeing Buffy and Bobby Lee interact made me somewhat understand why some people write the Buffy/Lindsey crack pairing in fics.
There's also a famous medium who accidentally connects to the demon world, who ends up being a big help in finding the gamers and bringing them home. (And I loved at the start of the story where Tara and Giles went to see his show together. Tara interacting with people other than Willow is always great to see.)
At the start of the book, you kind of have three stories going on before they become one (and before you realize they were all connected). And I feel like maybe the separation went on too long, but when they do finally things, things are amazing.
What to say about this book?
I loved the moment where Dawn majorly figured things out and got to "prove her worth to the Scoobs."
Anya is wonderful as usual and some of her and Xander's moments were really cute.
Xander, when he "gets sucked into the game", him trying to convince everyone that they're not in VR, but rather in a demon world was very inspiring.
Some of the Spike and Buffy moments here were really nice.
I appreciated this novel already hinting on Willow beginning to rely on magic too much--and Tara's worries about that--though Willow reading the medium the Riot Act to get him to help was super.
All-in-all, a very fun book... Even if I do think they got one or two things about gaming wrong;)
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