#scotty is having a bit of a moment
silverstarfics · 1 year
@thunder-pride Day 2 which means it’s Scott’s turn to have a crisis. I’m just kidding - sort of. Anyway this was a lot of fun to write and it is completely ridiculous but ta da! You can also read it on AO3.
It was rare for them to be off shift at the same time and even rarer still for their official downtime to overlap, so when Gordon produced a crate of beers seemingly from thin air and suggested chilling on the beach, Scott agreed without a second thought. This, in hindsight, was the start of his downfall because in what world was it a smart idea to drink with Gordon?
But now they were sprawled in the sand and all inhibitions had been thrown to the wind. It was only late afternoon but the drinks were already almost finished and a request had been made for Kayo to bring more when she got back from her rescue along with demands for enough pizza to feed a small army because Alan would probably have finished his own mission by then and had plans to pick up John on his way down so that they could have a nice family weekend. These plans had already been derailed because if Scott was buzzed, then Virgil was well on his way to drunk and would doubtlessly be nursing a hangover the next morning.
“It’s not weird,” Gordon proclaimed, still rambling about some nonsense he’d gotten up to during his Olympic days. Scott had stopped listening around the same time as Virgil had rolled onto his back and stared at the sky as if it would save him from his younger brother’s idiotic stories. “It’s, uh…”
“Weird,” Virgil repeated dryly, flinging an arm across his face to hide his smirk.
Gordon gave an indignant splutter. “Your opinion is irrelevant. Scooter? What d’you think? Weird or cool?”
“Um…” Scott had no idea what they were talking about, but he trusted Virgil’s judgement above Gordon’s. Virgil knew when to stop; Gordon had been known to get so drunk that he’d dyed his hair purple and tried to steal three inflatable flamingos from a public swimming pool. “Weird.”
Gordon knocked his shades down his nose to squint at him suspiciously. “You haven’t listened to a word, have you?”
“Ugh.” Gordon flopped onto his back and stretched his arms, sending a small sandstorm in Virgil’s direction. “Whatever. Anyway, it’s your turn to pick the topic.”
“Can’t I just enjoy my drink?”
Virgil reached for his bottle with a long-suffering sigh. “Leave him alone, Gords.”
“Hell nah.” Gordon rocked himself back upright to sit cross-legged like a little kid, eyes alight with mischief and hair covered in sand. “C’mon, Scotty, you must have some fun stories.” He snapped finger-guns with a delighted grin. “Worst date you’ve ever been on – go.”
“Um…” Scott sorted through memories until he recalled his college days with an honest-to-god shudder. “Shit, let me think.” He took a considering sip of his drink. “Oh. One time I took a girl to this restaurant where a buddy of mine worked. He served us and then turned to me and asked how my boyfriend was. For some reason, my date didn’t find that particularly funny.”
“Wait, wait…” Gordon gestured so wildly with his bottle that beer sloshed over the rim and foamed across his hand. “You had a boyfriend? Since when? This is new information!”
Scott propped himself on his elbows with a loud laugh. “Nah, we were just close friends. Everyone always thought we were together for some reason.” He picked at the label of his bottle absently as he recalled warm nights of laughter and drunken affection. “We hung out a lot. Nearly all the time, actually, but that’s because he was the first person I knew on campus.”
“Oh, okay.” Gordon’s frown cleared with understanding. “I guess I can see why people thought-”
“Sometimes we held hands. He always forgot gloves and I run hot so it was logical.”
There was a pause.
Virgil slowly sat up and stared at him. “Um, Scott…”
“He used to kiss me but he was physically affectionate with all his friends.”
“Oh my god,” Gordon choked. “Scott had a boyfriend and didn’t even know it.”
“What?” Scott took a moment to steady his voice before he could squawk again like one of the seagulls hovering above them. “No, we weren’t dating. That’s my whole point? We were just close friends who sometimes got drunk and hooked up.”
Gordon looked as if he’d just been granted the gift of the greatest secret in the universe. Virgil, on the other hand, looked so utterly shocked that he’d sobered up within a matter of seconds. He opened and closed his mouth a few times like a goldfish, then settled for draining his bottle, shaking his head slightly.
The conversation was momentarily put on hold by Kayo’s arrival. The distant rumble of engines promised that Thunderbird Three was on final approach and Scott craned his neck to glimpse the distant gleam in the sky as the rocket’s hull reflected the setting sun. Glass chimed as Kayo took the steps two at a time, new drink supplies tucked under her arm.
“Hey.” She dropped the drinks onto the sand and took a moment to untie her hair, massaging her scalp with a wince. “God, it’s been a long day. What did I miss?”
“Scott had a boyfriend in college and didn’t realise it,” Gordon announced gleefully. “They totally hooked up and held hands and went on dates and everything, but Scott thought it was platonic.”
“It was platonic,” Scott protested. “Tom was my roommate and he was a good buddy of mine, that’s all.”
“Oh my god,” Kayo stage whispered. “They were roommates.”
“It does sound like you were dating,” Virgil admitted, the traitor.
Scott snatched up a new drink, all of a sudden feeling overly sober. “I think I would know if I was dating someone.”
“Apparently not,” Kayo chimed in. “Because there’s oblivious and then there’s whatever you are.”
Gordon rolled onto his stomach to prop his chin in his hands. “I genuinely thought you were straight until this story.”
Scott lowered his bottle to level his brother with a deadpan stare. “When did I ever claim to be straight?”
“Oh my god.” Gordon was grinning like a Cheshire cat. “You’re not?”
“I feel like this story very much proves he’s not,” Kayo interjected.
Scott glared at her. “You can’t talk. You couldn’t keep your eyes off Penny when she wore that red bikini.”
Gordon looked up sharply. “Say what now?”
“Nothing,” Kayo snapped. She dropped her murderous look with a sigh, handing Scott a new drink as a peace offering. “So, you’re…?”
“I’m not straight,” Scott confessed with a longing look back up at the villa. Why couldn’t he have decided to stay behind and get some work done instead? “I’m not anything. I’m just… me.” He pressed his mercifully cool bottle against his forehead. “God, you guys think I have time to figure out my sexuality? I don’t even have time to sleep most nights.”
“Yes,” Virgil muttered in that particular blend of exasperation and concern. “I’m very aware of that.”
Gordon sniffed the air as the smell of freshly cooked pizza drifted down to them. Two figures appeared at the top of steps, one significantly taller and wobblier than the other. Alan could barely see over the stack of pizza boxes in his arms, while John was too focussed on not going head over heels to be of help.
For a few blissful minutes, Scott genuinely believed that the matter had been dropped for good. He stuffed his mouth with pizza just in case to give him an excuse not to answer. But then Alan asked the fateful question – so, what were you talking about? – and Gordon’s face lit up like the freaking sun. Scott flopped backwards onto the sand with a groan.
“Dude,” Alan whispered delightedly, “I can’t believe you were that oblivious. Also, since when are you into guys?”
Kayo sniggered. “Is this the real reason you keep rewatching Top Gun?”
“People are hot,” Scott muttered, burying his face in his hands and willing a black hole to engulf him, anything to avoid this conversation. “And why is everyone making this such a big deal? Gordon also flirts with anything that has two legs and a pulse, but I don’t see anyone getting on his case.”
“Okay, first of all-” Gordon held up a hand, visibly struggling to hold back laughter. “-two legs isn’t a requirement because I would totally hook up with a mermaid. Secondly, no one is getting on my case because I’m not dumb enough to date someone without realising.”
“Oh, for Chrissake.” Scott hauled himself upright with another exasperated sigh. “Next thing you’ll be telling me that it wasn’t platonic when Tycho said he’d like to see more of me after we met up for drinks last week.”
There was another long pause.
“Oh my god,” Alan gasped between laughs. There were actual tears in his eyes as he tried to catch his breath. “This is too good.”
“Scott,” Kayo said gravely, then trailed off. “Just…” She tossed up her hands. “What the hell?”
“You went on a date with Tycho Reeves?” Virgil questioned.
“No,” Scott corrected, “I met with him for drinks. And dinner. And- Oh. Oh.”
“So,” John drawled, “The takeaway here is that Scott can’t tell when someone’s flirting with him.”
Gordon grinned like a maniac. “You can make the moves, but you can’t take ‘em.” He took another bite of his mauled pizza and mumbled past pineapple, “Sucks to be you, Scotty.”
Alan wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Okay, forget Scott’s identity crisis for a moment – Gordon, what the hell is that?”
Gordon held his pizza aloft like a trophy. “Hawaiian.”
“An abomination,” John amended.
Kayo arched a brow. “It’s great. You two just don’t have taste.” She stole a slice, ignoring Gordon’s protests. “See?” She tossed a pineapple cube into the air and caught it in her mouth like a circus trick. “It’s good.”
Virgil shuffled across the sand to pat Scott’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“I had a boyfriend. I might have a boyfriend. How didn’t I realise this?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” John called, shortly before being tackled into the sand by Alan for stealing the last slice of pepperoni.
Scott pushed himself to his feet.
“Where are you going?” Virgil queried, making no move to get up too.
“Where do you think? To call Tycho!”
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travellingtribble · 4 months
I'm in my feels thinking about how fucked up the TOS crew ended like
Kirk got stuck in the nexus from ~2293 to 2371 only to die again, for good, as soon as he got out? Come on. come on man.
Bones got old. like really old. and didn't get to see Kirk again??? It's been a while since I watched the TNG episode with McCoy, I don't remember what he says, but he was like 150 years old. Did he ever even see Kirk before he got stuck in the Nexus. Did he ever see Spock? (I'd hope so, Spock disappears years later, in Picard if I'm correct?)
Spock was... around doing Spock stuff. And then Kirk died and did Spock even know? did someone tell Spock that his literal soulmate died. twice. and then Spock got stuck in another universe, a reality slightly different from his own, where everyone is younger than him and Jim is not really Jim and he has his own Spock anyway and his planet is gone and he lived the rest of his days in the Kelvin timeline, alone.
And Scotty got stuck in a transporter buffer for 75 years. That's so long. They had to tell him Kirk was gone? (although, they were together when that happened, weren't they? they were on the Enterprise-B, technically Scotty knew that Kirk was "dead" didn't he? I guess spending 75 years stuck in a buffer mode will screw up your memory though.) Did he see Spock again? Did he see Bones again before either of them died?
Basically the only ones we didn't see explicitly (or implicitly) die or disappear of the OG crew are Uhura, Chekov and Sulu. Where were they? what were they doing? did they know about Kirk? about Scotty? about Spock?
Sorry but like. that is so fucked up. why does nobody talk about this!!!
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chromedaddyofficial · 3 months
ngl it’s kind of funny when baz and rachel start trading insults about “oh it’s soooo cute that rachel named the band skid row when he’s never had any trauma” “oh baz was this prep school kid who always got everything handed to him” how about we settle on both of y’all were privileged growing up and snake’s the only mf in skid row who can talk about “i had it tough growing up” and be right about that 🤨
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skenpiel · 2 years
ok so! uh! normally this is the moment where id go "i have a normal amount of feelings about this movie [through tears]" but that actually isnt the case this time. guess i just didnt like it as much as all the other movies in the franchise
#there were a lot of things i didnt like#for example there were a handful of plot holes to me most notably the fact that scotty was on the enterprise b when kirk 'died'#because. if that was 73 years before the movie takes place‚ and THAT was roughly 2-3 years after the tng episode relics took place#then after being freed from the transporter pattern buffer after being in there for 80 YEARS#he would have KNOWN kirk was dead#but in the episode he says 'i bet jim kirk himself hauled the old gal out of mothballs to come looking for me'#thats usually not how you talk about someone who has (to you) been dead for 7 years.#now of course that kind of timeline fluke isnt the end of the world but. well........ i guess i kinda expected better?#i sound sooooo fuckin mean and nitpicky here but trust me thats not the only reason i was disappointed#i was also upset that they essentially made data a comic relief character throughout the majority of the movie?#he had like 3 actual emotional moments and the rest was just silly goofs. he doesnt deserve to be treated like that#(although his life form song was sick. i will admit)#and soran as a character was just kinda...... disappointing. he was a cheesy villain with a pretty iffy motive#not to mention they COMPLETELY missed the chance to give us the opportunity to explore guinan more. she DEFINITELY deserved more screentime#all she was in this movie was. well? just a support character who offered a little advice and explanation and then left#that upset me a bit too bc i love guinan soooo much#i guess overall it didnt. have like. a distinct feel to it. it kinda just felt like a long tng episode with a higher budget#(but evidently not that much to show for it)#the other star trek movies were so very obviously their own THING‚ separated from the original series#though i think that may have had a little to do with the movies taking place a while AFTER tos ended#whereas this movie took place like. really pretty shortly after the end of tng#that said i wanna make it clear i liked the movie. it just doesnt really hold much of a candle to the first 6#also what kinda gayass last words are 'oh‚ my' like htrghoieruhgoug ok gayboy#ANYWAY!!!!! thats my thoughts on star trek generations i guess. it wasnt as good as id hoped but still good for the most part#i only cried like. once. and that wasnt even actual crying it was just tearing up a little bit -_-#and i didnt have to take that many hyperfixation stim breaks either....#well either way im glad to have finished it! now i can go back to rewatching tos ^___^#also reading first best destiny YAYYY#can u believe its only 4am. i finished this movie like. super quickly compared to the other ones LAWL
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inkdrinkerworld · 10 days
How do you think Scott would react to seeing hickies on his sister because of Logan?
“What the fuck is that on your neck?” Scott’s hand flies to your chin, turning your face to the side to expose the reddish purple bruise on your neck.
Honestly, it’s a bit embarrassing for your brother to yell like that and make a scene just as you were coming out to breakfast, but all you can do now is pull your face away from him and shrug.
“If I have to explain what a hickey is to you Scotty, that might be a bit odd.”
He rolls his eyes, passing you a bowl of porridge and a bowl of bananas all cut up.
You both always have breakfast together, a little nod to your life at home where you and Scott would always eat at least one meal together.
“Okay smart ass,” you smile and sit at the table. “You could’ve covered it up. It’s weird seeing you with them when I know Logan’s the one dishing them out.”
You roll your eyes as you eat. “And it’s not weird seeing you covered with them from Jean?”
Scott’s cheeks redden as he drinks some of his coffee.
“Where is the brute anyways?” He asks and you smile bashfully. Scott sees you younger than you are for a moment as he looks at you.
“Asleep, though probably not for much longer.” Scott tilts his head. “You know, you’re sort of a shitty friend Scotty. His nightmares rouse him all the time.”
Scott nods, sympathy warning him. It’s gone the moment Logan comes stomping into the sunroom and drops himself beside you with a sloppy kiss to the hinge of your jaw.
“Disgusting.” He’s only teasing to piss Logan off.
“Did you shit the bed this morning? Your attitude stinks.” Logan grumbles, stealing a bit of your fruit as he lets himself lean on you to wake up.
“Or maybe it’s because you’ve left a bruise the size of a golfball on my sister’s neck.”
Logan only groans, “Ever the prude. Sorry to disturb your virgin eyes.”
You smack Logan on his chest with a small smile, Scott smiles despite himself- happy that you’re happy.
“Behave. S’too early for you both to try biting each other’s head off.” Logan kisses your shoulder in apology, taking a sip of your tea with a sigh as he fully lets himself wake up.
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hederasgarden · 2 months
Like Oil and Water
Summary: Your office power struggle with Scott comes to a head. Paring: Scott (Twisters) x F!Scientist!Reader Word Count: 2.1K Rating: Mature, 18+ only. Enemies to lovers trope, PIV sex, fingering, and dirty talk. Slight angst.  A/N: The story is based on this ask I received. I know there are like…five Scott fans out there besides me so I hope y’all like this. I have no explanation for this fic except I’m horny for Scott. I had an alternative ending to this story but whoops feelings crept in. Thank you to @ryebecca, @whatblogisthis216 and @a-reader-and-a-writer for looking this over. The snazzy summary is courtesy of @writercole.
Please comment or reblog if you enjoyed this and want to see more. Or scream at me in my inbox. That always makes my day. 
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David Corenswet Characters Masterlist
“I’m never picking up your coffee order again,” Javi swears, handing the Starbucks cup to you. “Whatever happened to coffee with a little bit of cream?”
“Capitalism,” you reply, taking a sip. It wasn’t exactly how you liked it, missing that deep caramel flavor, but you appreciate Javi’s effort. “Thanks again.”
He nods, drinking from his cup as you make your way down to the labs, discussing the results from the latest test. 
“We will need to adjust the relays, but other than that, I think we’re in good shape,” you tell him. “I’ll let the techs know we need those changes made this week.”
“Sounds good. I gotta make a quick call, but I’ll join you after,” Javi promises, disappearing into his office while you make your way down the hall.
You hear the low timber of Scott's voice before you spot him in conversation with one of the female techs. You loathe to admit it but he looks good, his tanned forearms on display with the sleeves of his white company shirt rolled up. The baseball cap tucked into his back pocket and dusty boots let you know he probably came straight from the field. 
"We need to fix the relays. They failed the test. Again. That's unacceptable," he begins, gearing up for another one of his infamous lectures. "Back when I was at MIT, this type of calibration was the first thing we were taught."
Scott may have been one of the smartest guys on Javi’s team but he was also a smug asshole. From the moment you met him, he irritated you, reminding you of every man who thought he was smarter and better than you just because of his gender. Everyone expected engineers to be difficult to work with, but Scott took it to another level. Who could blame you for taking him down a peg or two when you had the chance?
"So you went to MIT. Big whoop," you begin, delighted to see Scott tense up at the sound of your voice. When he turns to face you, the tech is quick to scurry away. "Call me when you have a PhD from a real school, like Caltech, Scotty."
He hates it when you call him that but today it's your jab about MIT that strikes a nerve. A muscle in his jaw jumps, and he exhales harshly. God, that angry look in his eye really did something for you. Too bad his looks couldn’t make up for how much of a dick he could be. 
Scott practically spits your first name out, stepping into your space to loom over you. His broad shoulders and muscular build block your view of the lab. You tilt your head to look at him, fighting the urge to smile. "You really should address me as ‘doctor,’" you calmly remind him, tapping your name badge. 
You arch a brow, waiting for his response but his mouth snaps shut, attention moving to something behind you. 
It’s Javi.
"Come on guys," he sighs. "Play nice."
You glance over your shoulder, smiling sweetly. "I'm always nice.”
"Why are you even in the labs today?" Scott questions, glancing down at your heels. 
You smooth a hand down your dress and smile. "I'm the Vice President of R&D for Storm Par. These are my labs. I belong here.”
"Dressed like that?" He scoffs. 
"What, you don't like it?" You ask, turning in a slow circle. 
"We had a meeting with some new investors," Javi supplies, trying to cut off the start of another fight between the two of you. 
Scott turns away and you can practically hear his teeth grinding together. He still hasn’t forgiven you for talking Javi out of letting his uncle invest in the company. It would have been easy money but you never liked the business plan. It was best to stick with government grants and investors without any personal connections. 
Javi touches your arm. “Come on, we gotta finish that grant.”
You hum in agreement, trailing behind him to the doorway. Pausing, you glance back and catch Scott watching you, his lips pressed into a thin line. With a grin, you wiggle your fingers at him, amused to see the furrow in his brow deepen even further.
The rest of your day is blessedly Scott-free and you spend your time buried in meetings and wading through needlessly complicated grant submissions. Javi employed some of the smartest people you’ve ever had the privilege of working with but they were terrible when it came to making the science digestible to investors. You sigh, rubbing your temples. It was going to be a long night.
You work uninterrupted, buried in the complexities of the grant, until Scott storms into your office, slamming the door behind him. “Did you tell the techs they could go home early?” he demands.
“Please, do come in,” you deadpan, setting aside the papers you’re holding.
“Did you send them home?” He repeats, rounding your desk and invading your personal space. At his side, his hands are clenched into fists, the veins in his neck standing out.
“I did.” You rise to your full height but even in heels, he dwarfs you. 
“That wasn’t your call.”
“You do remember my job title, right?”
“I’m VP of Operations,” he reminds you. “I say when they go home, especially when we’re on a deadline.”
“They report to me, and you’ve had them working long hours,” you fire back.
He shakes his head, crossing his arms tightly across his chest, as he gives you an unimpressed look. “You’re too soft on them. I told Javi you weren’t right for this job. This isn’t academia. We work hard here.” 
You bristle at his words, clenching your fist so tightly that your nails dig into the soft skin of your palm. He has no idea what it took for you to get here, the challenges you faced, or the men like him you had to prove yourself to.
“Go fuck yourself, Scott.” 
You glare up at him, chest rising and falling rapidly. You wait, ready for whatever asshole comment is sure to come but he just stares at you. Then, to your surprise, his gaze drops to your mouth. You freeze, electricity zipping up your spine when you realize you’re close enough for your chest to brush his as you exhale. Looking back, you won't remember the impulse that led you to tilt your head and press your lips to his, only that you did.
The kiss only lasts a second before you pull away, heart pounding in your chest. For a moment, neither of you moves, but then suddenly he surges forward, his large hand grasping the side of your face. His lips crash into yours roughly. A hand at your hip urges you back until you bump your desk but he doesn’t stop until he’s practically dragged you on top of it. He presses in close, eating up what little space remains. You groan, grasping at his shirt as you push your hips into his. 
“Fuck,” he pants, resting his forehead against yours as his warm breath fans across your face. For one terrible second, you think he might stop or say something stupid to ruin the moment but then he’s kissing you again. He forces a hand between your bodies and roughly pulls your underwear aside so his fingers can drag through your folds. You’d be shocked by how fast it’s all happening but any higher thought fizzles out once his thumb circles your clit and his tongue breaks the seam of your lips to taste you. 
You’re breathless when he pulls away, back arching in response to his talented fingers. Through your lashes you see him smirk down at you. “No smart comebacks now?” He questions.
Before you can retort he adds a second finger. You moan, rolling your hips to seek more of him. “Knew you’d be fucking greedy,” he whispers.
He watches you fuck yourself on his hand with a hungry glint in his eyes until your pace slows. He glanced at your face. You rise up on your elbows, brow raised. “Am I going to do all the work here?” 
“Shut up,” he growls, withdrawing his fingers.
A witty comeback is on the tip of your tongue but it dies when Scott brings his fingers to his mouth. He stares down at you while he sucks them clean, his Adam's apple bobbing. Your stomach clenches hard at the sight. 
“That’s better,” he comments, unbuckling his belt. “Nice and quiet.” 
He takes a condom from his wallet and rolls it on his thick length. If there was ever a time to stop, it’s now. You look at Scott, his dark gaze swimming with desire and push the thought away, rising up to kiss him. The blunt head of his cock nudges your entrance and you lift your hips. You relish the way he looks, dark hair curling over his sweaty forehead and his body straining for you. Knowing you’ve done this to him sends a rush of want through you. 
Scott pushes inside slowly, hissing as your wet heat envelopes him until he’s halfway in and then he snaps his hips forward unexpectedly. Your breath leaves your lungs in a rush. He falls forward and the weight of him is electrifying. You’d be embarrassed at the desperate little sounds his mouth swallows up if he didn’t feel so damn good. 
He fucks with an intense kind of precision you’ve seen him bring to his work, reaching deep inside you to hit all the right places. You bury your fingers in his dark hair and pull, eliciting a needy moan from the irritatingly talented man above you. 
“You gonna come for me?” He asks, breathless. 
A desperate little, please, slips past your lips without your permission, spurring him on. He hooks a hand under your knee and forces your leg into your chest as he keeps up his frantic pace. The new angle takes him even deeper and pleasure ripples through your stomach. He feels unbelievably good and you practically sob when he pulls back and rises to his full height, afraid he’s going to stop. But he doesn’t, grasping your hips with both hands and forcing you to meet his thrusts. 
You’re tantalizing close and, without thinking, you reach down to help yourself along but Scott is quick to slap your hand away, replacing it with his own. 
“That’s mine,” he growls, the rough pad of his thumb catching on the sensitive skin. He watches with rapt attention as his cock and fingers work in tandem to drive you over the edge. You come with his name on your lips. 
“Fuck, just like that,” he gasps. 
Before you can recover your breath, he leans down and kisses you, his weight pressing you into the desk as his hips move relentlessly. Then he shoves himself deep inside and stills, groaning. Your ears ring and your body buzzes with the aftershocks of your own orgasm. The two of you stay like that, intertwined and panting until, finally, Scott moves. 
Cool air rushes between your bodies and you stare up at him. You can see him thinking in real time, his clever gaze searching your face as he continues to process what happened. What could either of you possibly say after this? Nothing good you realize. 
“Don’t,” you whisper, finger pressed to his lips. “Don’t ruin it.” 
Scott closes his eyes and swallows hard. Then he's moving, slipping out of you with a grunt. He turns away from you, redressing. The clink of his belt buckle is loud in the quiet office. Pressing your fingers to your swollen lips, you take a moment to let yourself feel everything before pushing it aside and standing on unsteady legs.
You fix your appearance the best you can and busy yourself with shuffling the mess of papers strewn everywhere. It might be cowardly, but you keep your gaze fixed on your desk when you hear the door creak open. You wait, the minutes dragging by until you know it’s safe to look up, only to find Scott still there.
He lingers in the doorway, his gaze fixed on you. 
Then you blink and he’s gone. 
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vulcanhello · 2 years
#I WANT TO POST THE WHOLE BOOK I LOOOOVED IT#we got scotty double trouble action (TWO scotsmen on the bridge)#we got chekov minor love interest#we got sulu badass pilot and sulu knocked out and having to be carried around for the second half of the book moments#we got UHURA’S FIRST TIME AS ACTING CAPTAIN. WHICH I WILL BE POSTING ABOIT#we got mccoy and joanna!!! WHO I LOOOOVE. the scene of them meeting got me 😭😭#we got spock logical as always (my fav thing he did was a huge spoielr so i wont say it. but it was GOOD)#we got kirk on the run having to put up with people he hates but theyre criminals so hes constantly threatening them in thr most insane ways#(the criminals r space racist and actually racist theyre white supremacists so everyone hates them. kirk threatens to rip their hearts out#and feed them to pigs which. he should have done fuck the federation)#overall it was really solid!#some of the characterizations i disagree with a little but its still estentially the crew ykwim#if anything i would prefer if it was longer! i would like to have seen the trial for the terrorists#i mean that lawyer guy is in this book. i wanted some lawyer action#and i would have liked to see more of the mccoys tbh! but what was there was nice#i enjoyed spock and chekov side mission and kirk and sulu side mission#i love uhura in the captains seat shes my favvv#ok and. to be FAIR. the ending is a bit lame like the last few pages. THATS why the enterprise was fucked up? fr? k#honestly tho the book did its job i had fun <333#captain’s log#tos#trek books#ok SPOILER TAGS FROM HERE ON OUT#SPOCK TOOK THE ENTERPRISE INTO THE FUCKING ATMOSPHERE OF THE PLANET LMFAO#GIRL! IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!#honestly tho that was one of the best scenes it was sooo cool lmfao the bad guys just give up. im pretty sure its a religious experience for#kirk#its just so out there i loved it#obsessed w spock tho. the captain needs to be picked up? np we’ll use the entire enterprise as a taxi for him <333#overall GO READ THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!
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aryxchse · 7 months
percy doesn't know.
— leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader.
inspired from the song ;; scotty doesn't know by lustra
summary ;; percy is oblivious about leo fucking his sister at every chance he gets.
warnings ;; nsfw stuff i guess, no full smut though. percy is being oblivious as hell, reader is sneaky and leo's a little bastard <3
a / n ;; wish my english was good enough to actually write some good smut, but please don't kill me because i just implied it 👐🏻 OH and they're aged up, obvi.
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Percy doesn't know that y/n and me
Do it in my cabin every Sunday
She tells him she's in lake but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Percy doesn't know
y/n l/n, percy jackson's precious little sister. she was only a year younger than him, but he still acted like she was a baby. he tried to protect her at all costs and sweared that he would kill anyone who looked at her wrong.
and when she told him that she was dating with leo, he couldn't help but get even more protective. but he did not have the right to say something, because he was happily in love with annabeth. and y/n just wanted to live that kind of love too, she deserved it.
so when she told him she was going to lake, to swim and meditate a little, he believed her. she was too soft and naive to do something secretly behind him anyways. at least, that's what percy told to himself.
little did he didn't know was that y/n, was going to bunker 9.
"finally," leo breathed out when he saw his perfect girlfriend y/n. "thought percy didn't let you be alone."
y/n smiled mischiefly as she approached to him, already seeing him hard. it looked like it hurt, and she would do anything to make her sweet boyfriend satisfied. "doesn't matter, i'm here right? let me help you with that." she said, pointing his arousal.
leo only smirked when she got down to her knees.
I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
y/n's got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
"h-hi, perce. what's up?" she said, trying to hold her voice stable.
she wasn't going to open the phone, really. but leo, being a little shit he is, insisted. appearently he wanted to see how much his girlfriend was capable of holding herself.
besides, leo was too heated at the moment that he didn't even cared when percy called. she was close, he was close, they were so close to having the feeling of paradise. percy would enter the room and leo would still keep pounding into her, that's how hot he was. he couldn't stop.
leo bited back a laugh, thrusting into her more. he bended her over at his working table, the metal stuff throwed on the ground long ago. she tried to scratch the table but of course, failed.
"no, thank you i don't want anything." she said, arching her back more as leo kept his speed. she was so close to exploding that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to muffle her moans like she did now.
percy was on a date with annabeth at the amusement park and he was catching some plushies now. and he knew how his sister loved plushies, especially sea creature themed ones. "well, m-maybe you can get the shark one, thanks perce." she said, tears rolling down as her voice shaked a bit.
"okay, love you too. kiss annabeth for me." she said before hanging up, and releasing herself with a loud cry. she screamed all of the voices she kept inside while she hit her orgasm, panting on leo's desk. it didn't take much longer for leo to cum after her, a breathless chuckle leaving his lips.
"you did so well, princesa." he panted, kissing her back.
I did her on his birthday
percy doesn't know
percy doesn't know
percy doesn't know
it was august 18th, percy's birthday. everyone of their friends were invited, so it was normal for leo being there too.
the house was full of people, that percy couldn't even look or talk with his sister more than two minutes. everyone congratulated him on his new age and how handsome he turned out. bla, bla, bla.
y/n wore a white skirt with a blue crop top that leo got her at her birthday. he didn't said anything while he handed it to her, but the low neckline was making her boobs look gorgeous. and he don't even mention of how hot that top looked with that skirt.
leo held her hand as he whispered in her ear. "i need you, right now." he whispered in a desperate tone, a tone she couldn't say no to.
"leo we can't— the house is too crowded and-" leo kissed her neck secretly, only making her squirm under his touch. "that's why no one would notice." he whispered in her ear.
percy was talking with annabeth when he saw y/n taking leo's hand and dragging him to somewhere. "y/n!" he called, making the couple turn around.
"w-what's up?" she asked, trying to sound not too panicked. percy didn't noticed, thanks to gods. "where are you two going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. which annabeth was going to be mad at him for it later.
"i gotta pee man, and she's leading me to the bathroom." leo explained, hiding behind her so that percy won't see his boner. percy was going to say something, but was intrupted by annabeth.
"okay then, we wouldn't want leo to pee in his pants on your birthday, right babe?" annabeth asked, not caring if percy was going to answer or not. and not waiting for it either. "but-" percy tried to say.
"great! be quick though, we're about to give him his presents." annabeth said like she knew, she winked to the couple. y/n gave her a warm smile, in a way only she could understand what she meant behind it. thank you, you're the best!
annabeth dragged percy to the kitchen while the couple got upstairs, making out the moment they entered the bathroom.
a / n ;; thanks for reading, you really survived to here fr 🫶🏻
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libraryofloveletters · 8 months
Choo Choo Trains
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Lance Stroll  x Fem!Reader
Warnings: lance is an uncle!! (chloe and scotty have a kid in this lmao), he's got some rizz as the kids say, sweetness all around, frantic lance for a moment there.
Word Count: 537
Author's Note: sorry for the wait, these have been all over the place lately lmao
Uncle Lance promised his nephew a toy train and when he remembers, he scrabbles last minute to find something.
Toy stores are a popular place all season around but especially during the holidays.
Seeing that you are one of the only toy stores in town, you tend to work longer hours than most. It was nearly 10 and you were just about to lock the doors, making sure to put the last set of boxes on the shelf.
The bell rings above the door, you groan internally as you step out of the aisle. There's a man, fluffy brown hair on his head, he brushes the snow out of his hair as he looks around, the panic on his face was evident.
"Sir, we're closed," you tell him, glancing at your watch just to make sure of the time. "It's 10:06, we closed 6 minutes ago."
"Please," he huffs, passing a hand through his thick hair. "I won't take much of your time, just let me grab one thing."
You sigh, not having the heart to kick the man out. "Is there something in particular that you're looking for?"
"Uh," he starts, feeling a bit bad that he rushed in, despite you being closed, and still not having a clue what he was gonna get. "I'm not sure."
"Who are you buying a gift for?"
"My nephew."
"How old is he?"
"3," the man smiles and you nod. "Well, from my experience, most boys that are three tend to leant towards superheroes or trains."
The man's eyes light up, "trains! He loves trains!"
You nod, smiling as you lead him through the aisles to the back where you had a massive display with different types of trains. "I don't have time to go through all of these, because I'm sooo late for dinner and you're closed but uh.." He looks at the different boxes and picks up the biggest one, "yeah, this'll do."
Unable to contain your laugh, your hand covers your mouth. "Is that all?"
His brows furrow. "Do you think I should get more?"
"No," you shook your head. "I just meant, like do you wanna get anything else?"
"Oh!" he laughs, shaking his head. "No, this is good."
He follows you to the front to cash out, "want me to wrap it?" You asked, already setting the box on the green wrapping paper. He nods, glancing at your name tag. "Thank you, y/n."
"You're welcome.." You trailed off and he caught on. A hand pressed to his chest. "Lance." You nodded, "you're welcome, Lance."
After wrapping the box up, you stuck a bow on it and handed it over to Lance. "I hope your nephew likes it and that you aren;t in too much trouble for being late to dinner."
Lance smiles, "thank you, for everything."
You were tossing out the scraps of wrapping paper when you heard Lance call for you. "Are you open tomorrow?"
"We are, from 8am to 10pm. Are you bringing your nephew back?"
"Maybe," he smiles, "but either way I'll be back."
"Toy shopping for yourself, Lance?" You smiled, chuckling.
"No," he smiles too. "I'll be back to ask you out, y/n. Have a good night." He waves to you with a smile, heading out the doors and leaving you with very red cheeks.
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knight-of-flowerss · 1 month
Smut! MDNI! 18+!
Synopsis: Daughter of a famous boxer, a spoiled little princess, but also one who cares for her family. When your brother gets beaten to a pulp by an underground beast of a boxer, your father takes him under his wing. Now you have to deal with him.
Note: am I supposed to be writing three other fics atm? Yes. Yes I am. Did I write this in the spur of the moment cause it sounded like an amazing fic? Yes. Yes I did.😋 also I used Y/N twice (js a warning lol)
Tags: @thethreeeyed-raven @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom @hardkiddonut
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Your bother was a boxer. A shit one but still a boxer. Your dad is one too, a legendary one. The great Duke Miller. Your brother, Scotty Miller, is due to be his 'prodigy', he's hoping.
Duke has high standards for Scotty, he wishes for him to be like how he was. But he's a screw up, he hates boxing and he'd rather play football rather than train.
Duke started him off in underground fights, trying to toughen him up. It'd been a few months and he'd gotten a bit better so Duke decided to put him in a match with one of the best fighters in that shitty, underground boxing world.
Benjicot 'Bloody Ben' Blackwood.
He's dangerous, always beating his opponents basically to a pulp. As soon as he stepped into that ring, he was an animal.
And that's what happened, he beat Scotty to a pulp, nearly killing him. You were furious, watching your brother get repeatedly punched as he lay their helplessly, brutality always did make the crowd go wild.
Scotty is taken away on a stretcher, to the hospital. Rage blinds you as you storm over to Benjicot's changing room, opening and slamming the door.
He's half dressed and you're seething with anger. Are you seriously going to stand up to this very violent boxer? Yes, yes you are apparently.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?! You nearly killed my fucking brother!" You shout at him. Ben turns around, only just now noticing you're here.
His eyes rake up and down your body, taking in the heels, short dress and perfectly manicured nails. His lips curl up into a smirk as he leans against the lockers, his arms crossing across his bare chest. "He was too weak. He deserved it."
Was your brother weak? Yes, yes he was. Are you going to let this man know that you agree with him? No. No the fuck you aren't. "Too weak?! So since he's too weak, you just thought you'd kill him?! Is that it?!"
He shrugs and his smirk widens. He pushes off the lockers and stands straight. "His own fucking fault. He shouldn't have signed up to fight me. You must be his little sister then?"
"Yeah! I am! And it wasn't him who signed up for the match! It was our dad! Just 'cause you think you're some big man doesn't mean you have to nearly kill him!" You screech, the sound echoing off the walls.
He approaches you slowly, stopping just in front of you, towering over you. He takes you in once more, his gaze raking over you. Taking you all in, a shiver going down his spine.
"Your daddy should know better than to throw your older brother to me. What's your name then?" You glare up at him as he smirks down at you. "My name's y/n, but I don't care about that. You're gonna pay for his hospital bills."
He hums, "y/n huh? Cute, like you." His smirk morphs into a teasing grin, "and pay his hospital bills? How are you going to make me do that, Darlin'?"
"You're gonna pay it with the money you won." He laughs at that, gripping your chin and tilting your head up. "Is that so? You think you can just waltz in here and demand money from me, huh? And what if I don't wanna give you a single penny, Darlin'? What then?"
You smack his hand away, "it doesn't matter if you don't want to! You nearly fucking killed him! It's the bare minimum!"
He laughs again, reaching out and tugging you towards him, his big, calloused hands gripping your hips. "How do I know you care about your older brother? How do I know you aren't just trying to swindle me out of my hard-earned cash?" He grins, a shit-eating grin.
You push him away, your manicured nails slightly digging into his bare chest, "Because I was the one who told him not to fight! I love my brother and you are the fucker who nearly killed him! You're gonna pay for it!"
He lets out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes at you. He leans forward, his arms coming up to box you in on a nearby locker. "And how are you going to stop me from walking away, huh? Sweet little thing like you. Who's gonna make me pay, huh?"
"I'm gonna make you pay. Or they are." You nod your head at the two men at the door, your body guards. They follow you practically everywhere since your dad is a legendary boxer back in his day and his brother being his 'prodigy son', that's what the press calls him, bar him being a shite boxer.
He follows your gaze over to the two bodyguards, eyeing them both up for a few seconds before a loud, barking laugh leaves his lips. His attention drifts back to you. "Yeah? You think those big guys are going to make me pay up, eh? Just because your daddy used to be this big, famous boxer doesn't mean your bodyguard’s intimidate me darlin'."
"Oh, so you think you can beat them black and blue like you did Scotty?" He laughs again, a barking sound that seems to echo. He grins down at you, his voice now taking on a lower, more serious tone.
"You think I’d let those two goons over there even touch me? I'd knock them both out with a single punch, then what're you gonna do darlin'?" His tongue darts out to lick at his lips before grinning.
"You won't knock them out." You spit out. He smirks, leaning in closer so your faces are mere inches apart. “You doubting my boxing skills? I'm offended, darlin'. You just saw what I can do. I'd beat those big guys into the ground, without even breaking a sweat."
You cross your arms over your chest, "Go on then."
He laughs again, a loud and arrogant sound, he pushes away from the wall, "You sure you want me to kick your goons arses? Won't you be embarrassed about my beating them so badly?" You give him a dirty look, looking him up and down, "Like you could."
He grins as he stops in front of your big bodyguards. He looks up at the two big men, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face as he gives them a cocky wave. "Hey there boys, fancy a little sparring session? Just a fun little warmup before I fight again tomorrow."
The bodyguards exchange a look before the first one cracks his knuckles, his eyes never leaving Ben. "Sure pal, why not?"
You stay a little behind, watching everything happen. One of the bodyguards swings a punch at Ben's face, but he ducks to the side at the last moment and it misses, he laughs as he straightens up and shakes his head. "Is that the best you've got? Seriously?"
The bodyguards both charge forward at the same time now, fists flying. But he's too quick, he dodges every punch, his movements smooth and agile. He laughs again and smirks at them. "You call yourselves bodyguards? You're about as strong as a wet noodle."
The bodyguards are getting frustrated now, one of them tries a kick aimed at his stomach, but he grabs the man's leg and swings him around, sending him flying into the other bodyguard and knocking them both to the ground. He stands over them, still laughing, his hands on his hips as he looks to you. "You still doubting me, darlin'?"
You glare at him, "You said you could knock them out, you haven't knocked them out yet." He laughs again as he looks down at the two men who are now both getting to their feet. He's having the time of his life. "I'm getting there sweetheart, I'm getting there. Just didn't want it to be too quick and easy."
The bodyguards charge at him again, but he's still too quick, he ducks and weaves through their punches, countering with jabs of his own. He's like lightning, moving around the room with dizzying speed.
The bodyguards are getting tired now, their movements slowing down as they wear themselves out. But he's nowhere near tired at all, he's enjoying himself too much. "Come on guys, is that all you got? This is embarrassing, honestly."
The bodyguards exchange a look, they're both exhausted now, their faces red, their breathing ragged. They're done for. But it doesn't even look like Benji has broken a sweat.
He grins as he steps over to them, towering over the two big men, his hands on his hips as he looks down at them. "Have you boys had enough yet?"
They both nod, still trying to catch their breaths. There is no way they could keep up with him. He laughs again, that same loud, barking sound, and turns to look back at you. "There, I told you I'd knock their asses to the ground. You doubt me again princess?"
"Are both of you fucking serious?! You're both fucking pathetic!-" You hear someone clearing their throat at the door, you turn to look at them. "Daddy..", Your father was at the door. A former legendary boxer, still big and hench, in his fifties, bordering sixties. He's still got his muscles and the brooding glare.
Benji's smirk slips a little, his eyes going wide at the sight of your father, the famous, legendary boxer, Duke Miller. This was not the man he wanted to meet right now. Well, he would love to meet him, but right now when he's knocking his daughter's bodyguard's on their arses? Nope. He slowly steps back and stands up straight, he's still taller than your dad, but that didn't matter, everyone knew that this man was not to be trifled with.
Your dad doesn't speak, merely looks him up and down and grumbles. "You're that Bloody Ben bloke arnt you, huh?" Benjicot swallows, his hands shifting from his hips to stuffing themselves into the pockets of his trousers. "Yes sir. That's me."
Your dad walks further into the room, taking in the sight of his two bodyguards sitting on the floor, before his steely gaze drifts back onto Ben, he looks him up and down for a few moments before grumbling again. "What're you doing talking to my daughter?"
Ben glances quickly at you before looking back at your father, trying to keep his cool, though he can feel himself starting to sweat under the pressure of being eyeballed by your dad. He shrugs his shoulders and responds with a slight stutter. "She uh, she came to see me, sir… after the fight."
Your dad narrows his eyes, the intense glare not faltering for a second as he steps further into the room, moving closer to Ben, his expression stern and intimidating. "Why'd she come to see you huh? You beat her brother good. What she want from you?"
Ben swallows again, his hands gripping a little tighter in his pockets, though his lips still quirk upwards into a cheeky half-smirk. He looks past your dad and meets your gaze for just a moment, before his eyes flicks back to your dad again. "She came to demand I pay hospital bills, sir."
Your dad scoffs a little at that, his eyes flickering over to you, before he fixes Ben with his hard stare again. "Hospital bills huh? Yeah she's a good kid, always making sure that brother of hers is okay. Always looking out for people." He steps closer still, his face so close to Ben that he's practically breathing down his neck, his voice dangerously low. "I take it you told her you ain’t paying?"
Ben swallows again, his gaze shifting to the floor, the smirk slipping from his face as he suddenly feels much smaller and insecure under your dad's gaze and proximity. He nods faintly once, not trusting himself to speak without stuttering right now.
Your dad chuckles slightly at that, a low and gruff sound, as he steps back and crosses his arms over his chest, still looking at Ben. "Is that right? You’re saying no to us, huh?” He raises an eyebrow as he waits for a response, the look on his face making it very clear he's not to be trifled with or defied.
Ben slowly raises his gaze, meeting your dad's eyes now, his bravado starting to return as he straightens up slightly and speaks up. "Yeah, I am. Why should I pay hospital bills for some guy who I beat up in a fight when it's literally our jobs."
Your dad keeps his brooding face on before bursting out in a boisterous chuckle, "Fair enough lad." You look at your dad with a shocked face, you can't believe he's not shouting at him by now.
Your dad chuckles again and shakes his head as he moves over to the two bodyguards, still sitting on the floor, and reaches down to pull the first one to his feet, who wobbles slightly but ultimately stands up on steady legs. He pats him on the shoulder before he nods to the second one, who stands up but still looks a little shaky. "You two go stand out in the hallway. Make sure we're undisturbed." They both nod and leave the room, glancing warily and warily at Ben as they do.
Ben watches them go, his eyes following the two bodyguards, before slowly drifting back to your dad, who is now standing in front of him again, his arms crossed over his giant chest and his feet planted firmly on the floor, like an intimidating sentinel.
Your dad glares at him for a few moments, his expression stern, before he slowly starts to speak again, his voice low and firm. "Let me tell you something, kid. You got a reputation for being tough, for winning fights and being a damn good boxer. But I'm not afraid of you. Don't think for a second that I wouldn't lay you out flat if I had to. Understand?"
Ben swallows again, his bravado shrinking down under your dad's harsh words and terrifying presence. His shoulders slumped slightly and he mutters. "Yes sir, I understand."
Your Dad nods, seemingly satisfied in knowing that he's got Ben feeling small and scared. He steps back, putting a little distance between them before speaking again, his voice a little less intimidating now, but no less firm and authoritative. "Good. Now, I'm going to talk with my daughter. Alone. You sit down. And you don't move a muscle till one of us tells you to, you hear?"
Ben nods again and mutters another 'yes sir' before he quickly turns and heads over to a chair in the corner of the room, sitting down on it quickly, like an obedient schoolboy.
Your dad makes a satisfied grunt as he watches Ben sit down, his gaze lingering on him for a few more moments, before he looks at you, jerking his head towards the door. "Pumpkin, come with me. We need to talk."
You nod and follow him out of the room, glancing back towards Ben one more time, he glances up and meets your eyes but looks away quickly, staring down at his hands awkwardly instead, looking like a scolded child sitting in the corner.
Once you're both out in the hallway, your dad speaks again. "What're you doing talking to that kid, Pumpkin?" You look up at your father, "He has to play Scottys bills daddy. Just because you think he's a good boxer and you wanna 'take him under your wing' doesn't mean he gets to beat up your son."
Your dad scoffs and mutters something under his breath as he shakes his head, still looking a mixture of annoyed at your insistence. "You're too soft, Pumpkin. Kid has skills, he's got potential. I think I can train him, mentor him, groom him. He could be something special."
"But.. but he hurt Scotty, daddy!" You plead with your father. Your dad sighs and looks at you, his gaze softening a little as he takes in your concern for your brother, though his tone remains firm. "It's just a couple of broken bones sweetheart. Scotty'll be fine. Kids get hurt in boxing. It's part of the game. You gotta toughen up a little, stop being so soft."
I pout. Am I a spoiled princess? Yes, yes I am. Do I get worried about my brother and my dad revolving around fights? Yes, yes I do. That's why I'm so adamant that this fucker pays.
Your dad chuckles slightly when he sees your pout, his expression softening even more. He has a soft spot for you, always has. "You're just like your momma. Always getting worked up at the slightest bit of injuries. She was soft just like you."
I nibble at my bottom lip slightly, "I miss momma. She would agree with me. It's not smart to take that.. savage… under your wing daddy."
Your dad sighs at that, his smile slipping as he's reminded of the past. He shakes his head slightly before he speaks, "Your momma would most likely not approve, you're right. But she's not here anymore. I'm the one looking out for you two now. And I say that kid has potential. I think it'd be a waste to let him carry on fighting in those crappy little underground clubs. I could help him become great, get him into professional fights."
You roll your eyes, done with this stupid conversation, "whatever, I'm gonna go visit Scotty." Your dad nods and pats you on the shoulder. "You do that sweet'eart. I'm gonna stay here and have a chat with that kid for a while. But you go see your brother, I'm sure he'd love a visit from you."
I walk away, going to the hired car for you to go to the hospital, leaving your dad.
Your dad watches you go, his expression soft for a moment before he turns back to the room, pausing outside the door to take a deep breath before he goes in.
Benji is still sitting in the chair, looking up when the door opens. He can see the intensity in your dad's eyes and suddenly feels a wave of nervousness again as your dad approaches him.
Your dad stands over him for a few seconds, not saying anything, just looking down at him. Ben tries to smile to cover up for his nervousness but it comes across as an awkward grimace on his face instead.
Your dad just grunts and motions to the chair next to Ben. "Move owa." Ben quickly scrambles to move a little further down the chair, and your dad sits down next to him, his legs spread out wide and his bulk taking up more than half the chair.
Your dad turns to look at him, his gaze hard and unwavering, it makes Ben shrink a little in the chair. "So, kid, I hear you beat my boy Scotty good huh?"
Ben swallows and nods faintly, his fingers gripping the arms of the chair slightly as he tries not to show how intimidated he feels right now by your dad.
Your dad lets out a gruff chuckle and shakes his head slightly. "You're a crazy bastard, I'll give you that. He's my kid and I love him, but Scotty never was the brightest or the toughest. I'm not surprised you managed to lay him flat like that."
Ben chuckles a little, relaxing slightly and feeling a little more confident. He likes how your dad is treating him casually, instead of like a kid, the way you had, even though he's older than you. "He was sloppy. Put up a pretty pathetic attempt of a fight. It was hard to even take it seriously, if I'm honest."
Your dad lets out another laugh at that, this one a little louder. "Yeah, Scotty's never been the best at fighting. He's always been a bit of a mummy's boy that one. Never been one for roughhousing. Was always more interested in playing sports than fighting."
Ben nods in agreement and relaxes further into the chair, starting to enjoy the conversation with your dad now, instead of feeling like he's being interrogated. He's smiling now, the same cocky smile he usually has. "Yeah, he spent more time on his football kick than on punch training, I could tell from his form as soon as the fight started."
Your dad chuckles again and nods. "Yeah yeah, that sounds like Scotty alright. Always a mamma's boy, that one. I've tried my damndest to get him to toughen up, to actually learn how to fight instead of relying on being quick or agile. But every time I tried to get him to come to the gym with me, all he wanted to do was kick a bloody ball."
Ben laughs at that, shaking his head at the thought of Scotty being anything but a fighter. "He's damn lucky he never came up against a proper fighter then or he'd be hurt a lot more than a couple of broken bones."
Your dad laughs loudly at that and shakes his head, seemingly amused by the thought of Scotty getting hurt worse than a few broken bones. "You are a real fighter son, a true one. But you're stuck in these shit-tip underground fights."
Your dad grins at that and claps a hand down on Ben's shoulder. "That's what I'm hoping to change. You got real skill kid, you've got natural talent. But you could be one of the greats if you let me train you. Help you reach your full potential."
Ben grins back at your dad, his eyes lighting up with excitement now. It was one thing to have your daughter come demanding him to give money. But having the famed former legend himself want to take him on as a mentee? That was an opportunity he was not about to refuse, even if it did mean he was stuck having to deal with your pestering.
Your dad grins as he sees the excitement and interest in Benjicot's gaze, and squeezes his shoulder. "So, what do you say kid? Will you join my private training regimen and let me help you reach the greatness I know you can achieve?"
Ben nods, not hesitating for a second at the offer. "Hell yeah I'll do it. Train with a legend? Who'd say No to that?"
Your dad grins even wider at that, laughing as he gives Ben a firm pat on the back. "That's the spirit kid. No time to spare. We start your regular training next week. Twice a week. I trust you'll be at the gym every time, no excuses. Understand?"
Ben nods again, feeling the firm slap on his back and trying not to wince as it hits his sore muscles. "I understand, sir, yeah. I'll make sure I show up. Every single session."
Your dad grins and leans back in the chair as he hears that, his hand still on Ben's shoulder. "Ah that's good news. I was hoping you'd say that. You'll stay at me mansion. Have a proper place to rest and eat before and after our training sessions. There's a gym there so that we're not driving back and forth to the boxing gyms too. You'll love it, kid."
Ben's eyes widen at that. A mansion?! That's some real top class treatment. He's never had anything close to that growing up, so he's shocked to say the least at the offer. Plus, living at a boxing legends mansion? And one as rich as your dad is? This was sounding better and better by the minute.
Your dad pats him on the shoulder again. "You'll have your own room, don't worry. Private room just for your use. Got plenty of space at the mansion, more than enough room for you to have your own space separate from our family."
Ben's mind is still boggling at the thought of having a room in your dads mansion. It's an insane deal from his point of view. Free training from one of the boxing greats and a place to live? It sounded like a dream come true. He smiles and nods again, still a little speechless.
Your dad smiles as he sees the look of disbelief on Ben's face, and can't help but laugh at his surprise. "I take it you're shocked by that, yeah? Surprised I'm giving you such special treatment and a place to live?"
Benji nods, his lips curving up into a smile despite himself. "Hell yeah, I'm surprised. I was expecting a few training sessions, but now you're telling me I'm living with you at your mansion. You don't have to do all that for me, you know. I don't deserve it."
Your dad laughs and shakes his head, waving away Benji's words. "Nonsense, kid. You've got talent. Serious talent. I'm damn near certain I can turn you into a world class fighter. It'd be a waste not to give you the best training and support to reach your full potential. I'm going to make you a damn legend."
Ben's smile somehow gets even wider at the praise and support. It feels damn good to be treated as something other than just a dumb boxer and instead, someone with actual potential. "Yeah, damn right you are. I'm gonna be the best damn fighter you've ever trained. Make you proud of having taken me on like this."
Your dad smirks and pats Benji's shoulder again, giving it a firm squeeze now. "That's what I like to hear. You have the skills, kid, I've got a lot of confidence that you're goin' places. I'm not taking on just any old guy to train. You're something special. I can see it. You're gonna have the skills and the talent to become a damn champion one day if I keep working with you."
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It'd been a few months since Benjicot moved in. As you can already tell, it was a shit show. Let's just say a glass got launched in the direction of Benjicot from you, snarky comments from an injured Scotty and Rom, your little brother, silently eating while he watches and does his GCSE revision.
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At every opportunity, you make his life hell. Well, inconveniencing him. Moving his boxing gloves or wrap, putting his clothes in random places, changing out his protein powder for flour. Other things too, just to piss him off, a little inconvenience in his day.
You were also rude, giving him dirty glances, mean comments, rolling your eyes at every word.
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After seven months of Benjicot living with them and training with your father and brother, your birthday comes up. Nineteen. You always had wild, big parties on your birthday, this is no difference.
You're going for classy. Golds, silvers, fancy glass carved cups. It was gonna be huge.
Guests pile in, champagne getting passed around to each. After all the guests arrive, they get to mingle for a while and put the presents on the large, over-piled table.
Soon enough, you make your grand entrance. Walking down the very large staircase, clad in a black dress, short skirt at the front with a long trailing back, sliding against the floors and stairs. Your hair is lightly curled and your makeup done up. You looked almost feline.
Benjicot's standing with your brothers, watching your walk down the stairs, like a model. Long legs going down each step with cute Louis Vuitton heels.
Stepping off the stairs, people come up and wish you happy birthday. You grab a glass of champagne, sipping on it as you make your way around, mingling with friends and family.
After a while, you're a bit tipsy, taking shots with your friends and dancing on the dance floor. You stumble outside, walking to a small bench in the very large back garden, grabbing a breath of fresh air.
Ben wanders into the back garden to grab some fresh air as well. He'd had a good time partying so far but he'd needed a short break. He spots you sitting on the bench and heads over to join you. He sits on the bench next to you and looks over at you. "You enjoying your birthday so far?"
You look at him as he sits down, rolling you eyes, just your luck. "Yeah. I am."
Ben just snickers softly at your reaction to him sitting next to you. You clearly weren't too happy to see him, which amused him. "Oh, come on. Don't act too thrilled to see me, I know you're really happy I'm here…"
Ben has a cocky smirk on his face as he pokes your side gently. He hadn't seen you all night, so you getting all annoyed at him for joining you on the bench was amusing. You sigh, rolling your eyes again as you put one knee ontop of the other, resting your elbows on them.
Benji's smirk grows at the sight of you rolling your eyes yet again. He'd clearly gotten under your skin already, and it was far too easy.He glances over at you and grins before he speaks up again. "Damn, you look like you're really enjoying yourself over there."
One of his eyebrows raise slightly as you reposition your legs. You were acting just as he had imagined you would, you'd clearly grown exasperated with him already, even though he'd been sitting next to you for only less than a few minutes. It was a little funny.
Benji snickers to himself. You were a hell of an easy to rile up. He could already tell he was annoying you, he was just testing your limits now. "Why the long face? We're at a birthday party… you're supposed to be having fun, birthday girl…"
"Yeah well, with the guy that battered me brother and is now me dads fucking favourite despite not being his son sitting next to me, no surprise I'm not in a good mood." You scoff.
Benjicot just smirks slightly at your response, you were clearly a little pissed off and he knew he was the cause of it. You were just so easy to rile up, all he had to do was sit next to you and you started losing your temper. He chuckles softly, tilting his head at you. "That's right… I'm the golden boy… and you're just a pain in my arse…"
He leans back against the bench and continues to smirk smugly as he glances over at you. You were glaring at him already, you must've been absolutely fuming by now, but that was exactly what he was wanting. You were very fun to wind up, he knew exactly how to get under your skin.
He couldn't help it, he was far too amused by your angered expression. He knew you were seething on the inside and he just felt like poking the bear some more. "Aw… look at your face. You're all pouty and angry… it's cute…"
You give him a disgusted look. "Just shut up. My head is banging and you’re talking too much."
Ben snickers as you give him that look. You acted so damn cute when you were annoyed, it was amusing to him. He almost couldn't resist the idea of making you even more pissed off. "Aww, is your little head hurting? Has all that dancing given you a migrane? Poor little thing…"
You glare at him. Then your mind got fuzzy, next thing you realise, your making out with him and his fingers are.. well.. inside you..
Ben's taken by surprise when you suddenly start making out with him, not that he's complaining of course… but he wasn't expecting you to kiss him out of the blue. He grins into the kiss, just going with it. He lets a finger trail along your skin before he slides his fingers between your legs.
Benjicot's enjoying this, clearly, and he's not about to stop kissing you and touching you any time soon… he knew you were a little angry before but now he had you kissing him and making out with him he just wants more.
Ben slides his tongue into your mouth, pressing himself closer to you as he starts to kiss you a little bit rougher. He's enjoying having you so close to him like this, and he can't help but want more.
You moan softly into his mouth, your legs parting more as his fingers rock inside you. Ben grins against your lips, feeling you part your legs even more for him. He loved seeing how much you wanted him, it was an ego boost. He pushes his fingers into you a bit deeper, enjoying the way you writhe for him.
Ben slides his tongue into your mouth again, trying to muffle all of those sweet sounds you make. He really was enjoying this a lot, and he wanted more… he felt his jeans start to tighten as you got a bit more handsy and started pulling his shirt up.
Benji pulls back from the kiss when he feels you start to tug at his shirt, grinning down at you. "You gonna take my shirt off, darlin'?" You moan and pant, pouting. "I.. I wanna feel you.. fuck Benji.."
Benjicot just chuckles softly, enjoying how eager you were right now. He wasn't used to you being so willing and submissive.. He grins down at you as he pulls off his shirt, revealing the lean, well-toned muscles underneath. He grins as he looks at you, just waiting to see what you would do next.
You tug him down to kiss you again, moving his hand to guide his fingers back inside you, your nails raking down his chest.
Ben grins as you pull him down to you, not even a little bit surprised that you're wanting to continue things. He moans as he starts kissing you again, and it doesn't take you long to guide his fingers back to where they had been before and he lets his fingers sink into you again. He lets out a soft groan as your hands wander down his chest.
He leans into you a bit more, enjoying the feeling of your hands running over his chest and body, and your lips on his. He's really enjoying this, and you feel so fucking good around his fingers, he's starting to strain in his jeans, and he knows he's going to need to ease the pressure and discomfort soon enough.
You grip onto his waist, your other hand in his hair as you tug on it and moan in his mouth.
Ben moans back into your mouth, loving how you're pulling his hair and gripping onto his hips, knowing how good his fingers are making you feel, how eager you are. He slides his other hand up your thigh, his hand moving higher and higher as he kisses you more roughly and you let out another quiet gasp.
His lips move from yours and start trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of hot, messy kisses against your throat as his hand on your thigh starts to push your dress up, wanting to get touch more of your skin.
He moans against your neck, his lips and teeth sucking and biting gently as he continues to kiss down your collarbone and shoulder, his hands are now grabbing your thighs, his fingers digging into your skin as he continues leaving hot, eager kisses all over your skin.
Your thighs tremble slightly, squeezing your eyes shut, biting your lip softly. The pleasure is becoming too much.
Benjicot can feel your thighs trembling in his hands and he grins against your skin, loving how you were reacting to his mouth and hands, he could tell you were getting more worked up. His lips and teeth travel back up to your neck and he starts kissing and biting at it again, leaving more marks over your skin.
"Fuck.. Ben.. 'm close.." You whimper out, trembling and writhing.
Ben feels a shiver down his spine as you let your breathless words, he can tell how close you are and he loves it, he keeps his lips against your neck, sucking and biting gently as his hands slide higher and higher up your legs. He's enjoying it too, his breathing is heavier and he's feeling a lot of pressure against his jeans, he's going to have to find a way to get some relief sooner or later.
"Oh fuck! Benji! 'M gonna cum!" He lets out a low and slightly strangled moan as he sucks a mark into your throat, feeling you getting closer and closer to release as his hands continue to move and wander over your legs. He's growing more and more desperate to have some sort of relief, it was starting to get really uncomfortable, feeling your skin against his and hearing you call out his name over and over again.
" 'm gonna cum, 'm gonna cum, 'm gonna cum.." You mumble and babble, thighs shaking. He grins against your neck as he hears your breathless words, loving the sounds of you so close to cumming, he continues to suck and bite at your throat, his breathing heavier now and feeling more strained, he needs something soon.
Benji lets a hand wander up higher, finally letting his hand grip and squeeze your thigh, wanting to touch more of your skin and hold you even closer to him. He moans against your neck as he feels himself get even more pent up and frustrated in his jeans, and he's starting to get desperate for some kind of relief and friction.
You grip his arm, acrylic nails digging into his skin, your mouth drops open into an 'O' as your thighs tremble and you cum, the waves of pleasure crashing down.
He moans into your neck, feeling you come against his fingers and he can't help but let out a slightly shaky breath as you grip onto his arm and make all those sweet sounds.
His hips twitch forward, and he lets out another shaky moan as he feels himself get even more pent up, he's struggling to keep it together.
He pulls back from your neck and letting his forehead rest against yours, his breathing still a little laboured and his jeans feeling really damn tight.
"Mmm… Benji.." You moan breathlessly. He can't help but let a shiver run down his spine as you say his name again, all breathless and weak, he's really struggling to keep himself from just shoving you back against the bench and taking what he so badly wants.
He lets out a low moan as he looks down at you, his heart racing and his head spinning a little, he needs some kind of relief, and he's struggling to keep himself together as he looks down at you, all messed up and flushed and panting a little.
Now that was one hell of a birthday present.
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gilbertscurls · 2 months
Meddle About ➵ Matt Sturniolo
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warnings: cheating, badly written smut (?), english not being my first language
“Thank you so much for watching. See you next Friday!” Nick’s voice sounded from the walls of the triplet’s kitchen walls after they just finished recording a new video.
The moment his voice quietened; it was replaced by a small applause. The brothers looked up and saw you leaning against the entrance.
“Great video,” you commented, lightly biting your lip. Then you turned your gaze to your boyfriend and approached him to kiss his cheek. “Hey.”
“Hi, babe,” Chris replied, tilting his head at the last moment so that your lips met his instead of his cheek.
You continued their kiss for a moment, while the other two brothers exchanged knowing glances—they both liked you, though they didn’t think you were the perfect match for Chris.
Matt cleared his throat loudly, trying to interrupt your affection so they could get back to taking care of things related to the new video. You glanced at him, then winked and mouthed, “In an hour.” He responded with a slight smile and a nod.
You shrugged. “Well, I’ll let you guys finish the video.”
Before you left their house, you made eye contact with Matt again, suggestively licking your lower lip.
The only sound in the car was loud moaning. It was parked in an empty store parking lot that had been closed for hours. You tossed your hair over your other shoulder, kissing the neck of the boy who was moving his hips. Both of you were breathing heavily.
“Matt,” you gasped loudly, biting your lip as a loud moan escaped your throat.
His movements became increasingly sloppy until you felt him finish in the condom. You whimpered in disappointment, as you still hadn’t reached your high. The brunette took a few deep breaths and kissed her exposed collarbone before kneeling on the car floor.
“Sorry,” he muttered, then immediately began rubbing your clit with two fingers, making you moan.
He continued this caress for a moment, simultaneously sliding and curling two fingers inside you, until you arched your back and loudly gasped his name. He smiled in satisfaction, licking his fingers while maintaining eye contact with you.
“That was…” You took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair. “Amazing.”
Matt smirked smugly, then handed your clothes to you, also putting on his boxers and removing the condom, which he tossed out the window. You rolled her eyes at this sight but chose not to comment.
“You know it’s our birthday today?” he commented in a restrained voice.
You nodded, still trying to catch her breath. Then you shrugged.
“A day like any other. I’ll sleep with him tonight as a gift.”
Matt only bit his lip, lowering his gaze. Oh, how he wished he wasn’t the other man.
“H-hello?” you said with a trembling voice.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Chris asked worriedly.
“Um, yes. Shit, yes. YES. Um, I mean yes, why do you ask?”
Matt smirked maliciously, speeding up his movements and causing you to moan. This was yet another Sunday in a row you spent in the car in the parking lot. It had become a sort of tradition for you. However, Chris usually didn’t call you when you were having sex. And especially not so close to your climax.
“I just haven’t seen you in a while and thought we could meet up.”
“Ugh, no. I can’t.”
You could no longer suppress a moan that escaped your throat. You tried to cover it up with a cough, but it was in vain.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Y-yes, I’m just… I’m shopping, and these bags are heavy. I got a bit out of breath,” you lied quickly, pulling Matt’s hair hard.
His mouth was sucking the skin of your breast, and his hands were roaming your back. Suddenly, your back arched, and you came with a loud moan. You took a deep breath, focusing entirely on the conversation with her boyfriend.
“Sorry, I tripped. What were you saying?”
You heard a heavy sigh on the other end of the line, followed by Chris’s voice.
“Y/N, is there something you want to tell me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N, please…”
“Chris, what are you talking about?”
“Look out the window.”
You did as instructed, immediately freezing. The phone slipped from your hand, landing somewhere on the seat. In the parking spot right next to them, stood Chris with a pained expression. You quickly threw on her dress and panties, then jumped out to him.
“C-Chris, I can explain…”
“I saw everything. I wondered why you both always disappeared at the same time on Sundays, but I never expected… This.”
“How long has this been going on?”
Matt also got out of the car and stood next to his brother. His lips were swollen, and his hair was messy. Chris just shook his head in disappointment.
“Half a year,” Matt confessed when it became clear that you weren’t going to answer.
Chris muttered a curse under his breath, then turned to his (now probably ex) girlfriend.
“Half a year? We’ve been together for seven months, so… You’ve been cheating on me for almost our entire relationship? It’s over. I can’t forgive you. And you, Matt… I expected more from you.”
He shook his head again, starting to walk away. You wanted to run after him, but Matt grabbed your wrist.
“Y/N, leave him. He had to find out someday. Now we don’t have to hide and…”
You burst out laughing.
“We don’t have to hide? This…” You pointed to the space between them. “This isn’t a relationship or anything. And it never will be. You’re good in bed, but that’s it. And now, excuse me, I need to get my boyfriend back.”
After saying those words, you started running in the direction where Chris had disappeared around the corner. Matt could only stand there, heartbroken, watching the girl who owned his heart.
“Oh, I wish I had Chris’s girl,” he muttered sadly under his breath.
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ktempestbradford · 1 year
A Story for Star Trek Day
I've told this story on Twitter before. I tell it every Star Trek Day and whenever a Deep Space 9 anniversary rolls around. It's about me and Avery Brooks (aka Best ST Captain Benjamin Sisko).
The college my mother went to specifically started recruiting top Black students in the 60s. Due to this, the Black kids all mostly knew each other as they were in that same program. Avery Brooks went to the same college and they were good friends.
(She once told me he had a huge crush on her and I was like MOM. MOTHER. WHAT. HOW COULD YOU HE COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAD.)
Anyway, many of the students in this program remained friends long after college. So over the years as Avery was getting TV gigs & such we would all watch cuz he was my mom's friend & I thought that was the coolest. There was one particularly fun night when my best friend's uncle, Frankie Faison, guest starred on A Man Called Hawk. TWO people we know on TV!
When I was in middle school Avery was touring his production of "Paul Robeson" and it came through our town, so I got to see him perform in person (awesooooome) and meet him for the first time since I was a baby (which I did not remember, of course).
Now, backing up a little bit: I am a Star Trek fan because of my mom. She loved the original series and I remember being a wee Tempest in front of the TV watching The Wrath of Khan and us excitedly going to see Star Trek IV together.
I watched TNG from the instant it appeared on TV because of her. I watched all of The Animated Series even though everyone looked "wrong". (Man... it took me 4 months to realize that dude in the red shirt was Scotty cuz I'd only ever seen movie Scotty.)
Then... they announced Deep Space 9.
We heard Avery Brooks would be the commander and there was MUCH rejoicing around our house. DS9 turned out to be the best Trek ever and, of course, Avery was awesome. This was around the time my mom dropped that "he had a crush on me but I wasn't interested" bombshell.
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I'm still bitter.
I mean, I love my dad he's great. But SISKO COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAD.
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I lost my mom in 1999. She was--and I'm not exaggerating--an extraordinary woman and beloved by many. I received so many beautiful messages of condolence from her friends all the way back to those college years, including Avery. So many people remembered her fondly. <3
I kept watching Star Trek and often talked to her as if she was there during episodes. She would have LOVED Discovery. Especially since she took me to RENT the year I started college. I'm sure she would have shared my opinion of Enterprise as well. But she loved her some Scott Bakula, so she would have watched, anyway.
I got the chance to interview Avery Brooks at DragonCon back in 2013 (jeez, it's been almost 10 years omg). Before the interview, I went up to him on the Walk of Fame and I said:
Hi, I'm (name K stands for) Bradford, I don't know if you remember me...
And he looked up and said: Of course I remember you.
We talked for a bit and I asked if I could come back and interview him later and he said yes (he wasn't supposed to; his handler had A LOOK). I didn't want to hold up his line, so I said I'd see him later.
Before I could go, he reached out for my hand and squeezed it before saying: I loved your mama, you know.
And we just stayed like that for a few seconds, missing her together.
...I might have been trying very hard not to burst into tears.
That DragonCon was the last time I saw Avery. Barring an extraordinary circumstance, that's probably the last time I'll see him in person. I'm glad we got to have that moment together. And we had a great conversation!
His contribution to Trek has meant so much to me. SISKO4EVA
And I'm glad that it's another tie between me, my mom, and Trek. I can't watch DS9 without hearing her voice giving color commentary. Even the episodes she didn't live to see.
I think Star Trek is part of what gave her hope for the future. She passed that on to me. ❤️🖖🏾❤️
Happy Star Trek Day to all who celebrate.
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awakeandlonely · 1 month
A Wolverine fic I guess
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Summary: Scott likes getting into other peoples business that doesn't mean it has to be truthful.
Word count:601
A/N: I tried you guys I really did not here you have at it
‘‘Logan big problem!’’
Running into the room and yelling would reasonably warrant the reaction of him grabbing onto you with one hand of claws unsheathed and the smell of iron quickly disbursing in the room.
‘‘Not that kind of problem’’
Logan lets out an exasperated sigh and goes back to his abandoned half drunk beer waiting on the counter.
‘‘Then what sort of problem then bub?’’
Fiddling with your fingers you look anywhere but his face feeling embarrassed for what you told Scott  just moments prior to your disruption.
‘‘You gonna spit it out or what?’’
‘’Right before I tell you it's a very stupid thing and you promise not to get mad?’’
You can see the gears turning in his head. Contemplating whether this was really worth his time to listen to you since you deemed it so stupid. But soon he does come around to the idea of even humouring you and nods for you to carry on.
‘’So Scott was talking to me and hes going on about Jean as he does and I guess he felt like I needed to give input or something so he asked if I had a partner and-’’
Logan cuts you off.
‘’You didn't tell him that we...’’
‘’No…well sorta ’’
He sighs in disbelief and turns away from you, good thing for you since having to look him in the eyes while confessing this had been a struggle
‘’I didn't want to tell him i've never been on a date so he may or may not believe that we are exes’’
He didn't want to hear if you had anymore to say so grabbing his finished bottle of beer Logan walks out of the room and towards the kitchen with you following behind.
“So Scotty now think we've had something going on?’’
He doesn't wait for your confirmation and continues.
“So I have to now deal with him either making interacting with him more unbearable or having to listen to him ask unnecessary questions about a relationship neither of us had?’’
“Yeah pretty much.’’
Reaching the kitchen, Jean was inside talking with Scott about whatever they usually talk about. You'd think Scott would run out of things to talk about since he does so constantly to either you, jean or logan. Scott hears you both enter and is giving Logan a side eye as he ignores him to open the fridge for another drink.
“Soo y/n…” Jean starts “Ive heard theres a new development in your love life”
Logan stiffens up a bit and Scott still is looking at him.
“Oh yeah that's in the past now, nothing developmental about it.” trying to escape the conversation.
‘’Aww i was just thinking you two would have been cute together -’’
Logan walks out the room popping the cap off the bottle and leaving it on the floor to rile up Scott more, seeing this as an opportunity to annoy him because in his eyes he's hurt his dear best friend.
‘‘Well i guess some things weren't meant to last but there plenty of other opportunities right scott?’’
Scott just snapping back to what Jean was saying he gives a quick nod and smiles at you as you quickly leave.
‘‘So what really happened between those two?’’
‘‘Scott you know I don't snoop without permission’’
Scott groans and pouts.
‘‘Okay fine. They didn't have anything going on and Logans used this to annoy you more than normal. Do you think we should tell them we know?’’
She didn't have to look into Scott's mind to find the answer with that smirk on his face.
hope you liked it I might make a part 2 if this gets enough love and also may open up requests if I feel like writing again
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lovelytsunoda · 8 months
don't go breaking my heart // lance stroll
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soft moments stolen between wedding and reception
weddings are joyous and festive, but can be stressful for introverts like lance and his wife. so when they were able to steal some moments with each other in the peace of his aston martin between the ceremony and the venue, they know these are the moments they will treasure the most from that day.
pairing: lance stroll x newlywed reader
warnings: just fluff, a minor minor allusion to sex.
author's note: i have no idea why i have written so many wedding things for this man, but i think it's because he is the raw definition of husband material. thank you and good night lmao.
“don’t go breaking my heart…I couldn’t if I tried”
elton john and kiki dee crooned over the speakers as lances aston martin drove through the quebec countryside. it was a quiet night, stars high in the sky as he ran his thumb over his wife’s thigh.
“I love you.” he hummed, daring to look over at the love of his life as he took a corner too fast. “my darling darling wife.”
she smiled, meeting his gaze. “eyes on the road, handsome. you’ve got the rest of your life to stare at me. I love you too.”
the wedding had felt like a blur, maybe because of how wired they both felt. it should have been a smaller ceremony, in all hindsight considered.
it was an odd thing: you want to celebrate your love around all these people, but then the day arrives and suddenly you feel anxious at letting them see you pledge your heart to another.
lance and y/n had always been the quiet, soft couple. the one evoking ‘awe’s and heart eyes from the groups around them. they knew each other like the backs of their hands, better than any track map or textbook.
“enjoy the quiet while it lasts.” she hummed, nimble fingers gently easing the pins for her white lace veil out of her hair. “is it bad that I’m dreading my own reception?”
lance laughed. "nope. because i am, too. i know it's all about us and all that, but i hate being the center of attention. i would have rather had a dinner party."
she snorted. "technically this is really just a rather large dinner party."
"i mean, there's food and wine, you picked a damn good throwback playlist. dinner party." lance shrugged, taking his foot off the gas, headlights illuminating the empty road ahead.
lance had decided to take the scenic route, savoring this moment alone, this little bit of calm before the storm. before the party, the noise, the people.
just him and his wife, falling a little bit more in love with each other every day.
"if scotty throws his back out dancing to 'suicide blonde', i'm not fucking helping." y/n laughed, reaching for the stereo to flip to the offending inxs song. "i still cannot believe that this song was about kylie fucking minogue."
"there's a reason we invested in the mocktail bar."
"you know most of the guys have flasks hidden in their suit jackets, right?"
she would have preferred something low key, but her family had wanted the big party. it wasn't all bad. she got to pick the food (pasta bar, anybody?), the drinks, the decorations, the music. she'd made a throwback playlist of all her favorite happy songs, all the ones that made her feel alive, giddy and in love, ranging from inxs to def leppard to kesha.
she'd waited twenty-five years for this moment, so why was she suddenly getting this bad feeling about going to the party that followed?
the event venue slowly came into view over the distance, the white brick building with it's pillars and vintage charm, the walkway to the door lit up with fairy lights. the small parking lot was already almost full, the rest of the guests waiting inside for the happy couple. lance parked his car furthest from the door, but kept the engine running.
he took her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles. "we can turn around and drive away." he was dead serious when he looked over at her. "i'm serious, we can run and go get burgers and milkshakes and see a movie and then go back to the hotel and not sleep a minute because we are too busy having the goofiest, most romantic sex of our lives. i just want you to be comfortable."
"i know. and that's why i love you so much, lance." she sighed, a smile blooming on her face. "but our friends are in there. our parents are in there. hell, your dad is probably trying to sell my dad on buying a time share villa in biarritz."
lance laughed, leaning over the center console to kiss her forehead. "whenever you want to leave, you just tell me. if you need a minute to yourself, just shoot me a text message and i'll come and find you. or don't, if you just want a walk in total solitude. i'll probably need one of those at some point, too."
"i knew there was a reason i married you." she joked, tilting her head up to press her lips to his. "i love you to the moon and back, lance."
"you wanna go inside?"
"we might as well."
lance took his seatbelt off, shutting off the car and sliding out of the driver's door. her dramatically slid across the hood, earning a laugh from his wife as he skipped towards her door, opening it for her before extending a hand for her to take.
"beautiful girl, love of my life, may i help you out of this shockingly low car?"
she laughed, slipping one of her hands into his warm one. "yes, my beautiful husband. yes, you may."
she stepped out of the car, the hem of her white silk dress dusting the gravel in the parking lot. a breeze ran through the area, making the hair on the backs of her arms stand up.
"love, you're shivering." lance said softly, slipping out of his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she put her arms through the sleeves, wrapping her arms fully around her husband. "i love you."
"i love you, too." she took a minute to stand there, her nose in his dress shirt, breathing in his cologne. bath and body works, today. she liked that. something playful and romantic instead of the heavy, stinging designer scents he usually wore.
"we should go inside." he whispered, their bodies swaying together in the silence, her skin warm against his.
"or we could stay out here just a little longer."
and who was he to argue with that?
"you get five more minutes. i'm starting to get hungry and the pasta bar has my name written all over it."
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @cartierre @diorleclerc @httpiastri @silverstonesainz @lorarri @twinkodium
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multifandomgirl08 · 9 months
Rose gold chains, ripped lace - D.R. #3
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Sugar Daddy!Daniel Ricciardo x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): 18+, implied sexual content (Putting this in here as a precaution), spending excessive amounts of money, Age Gap (Reader is in her 20s, Daniel is in his early 30s), leaving the morning after
A/N: This time it's from Daniel's POV. It's a continuation from Headcanon Three, but a little deeper into what Daniel is thinking about while all this is happening. I promise this will have a happy ending, eventually.
Words: 1.5k
→ Next Part Daniel's POV | Reader's POV The Arrangement Masterlist
Daniel had made his peace about his time at McLaren, it hadn't been good for him so much so that he ended up firing his manager and losing Michael as a friend. Then just before the announcement of his contract coming to an end happened, you had come into his life.
It felt like after so long there was someone who prioritized him as much as he prioritized others.
He had been careful that first year because he didn't want to lose what he felt like he had with you. He never pushed you, and as he felt his feelings grow he knew he couldn't keep this up forever.
He had fallen for you, hard. And he didn't feel like he could tell anyone about it.
Scotty knew him too well, and after that dinner had asked Daniel how long you had been together and why he was only meeting you now. Daniel had been vague in his answer, said that it had only been a year and he wanted to make sure that it would last this time. He was sick of jumping into something only for it to fall apart.
He didn’t want to tell his best mate that he had fallen in love with the woman he was paying to spend time with him. It would be too messy and Scotty wouldn’t understand.
So Daniel ended up talking to Christian about the possibility of being the 3rd driver for Red Bull. He knew he wouldn’t be racing but he would be back around the guys and doing media. While Daniel was away he still made sure to text you, send you flowers, and the times when he didn’t have media duties, he would find a way to spend time with you.
He told himself that it was for the best, you wouldn't think that anything had changed between the two of you.
Sitting in your new apartment with you made him feel like he wanted to have this all the time. It felt like he finally knew what it was like to have someone to come home to.
While he was away he started to pick out gifts that were a little bit bolder than jewelry, handbags, and flowers. He started small with shoes, getting you a pair of Louboutins in your size.
Months after that the boxes that arrived at your door got bigger, always with a handwritten note from him.
There was a big event going on in Monaco with some of the drivers, Daniel had invited you and when you said that you could come he was ecstatic.
He had booked a hotel room just outside of Monte Carlo for you, and on your first day there took you shopping for a dress to wear to the event.
The whole night that you were together, you didn't make it seem that you didn't fit in with everyone in the room. You were polite to everyone, and extra polite to all of the servers.
Spending the evening in Monaco with you had been everything Daniel wanted it to be. You danced, ate, and drank the night away together. Daniel's town car took you back to your hotel before you invited him up to your hotel room.
Daniel didn't want to think anything of it at first, from the moment he saw you in that dress all he could think about was what it would be like to finally take things further.
The little fleeting touches you always shared were no longer enough. You gave him a drink and ended up talking for a while, and he just watched you. Saw the way that you walked around the luxury hotel room with ease.
You went to change out of the dress and heels and Daniel stayed on the couch taking deep breaths and talking himself out of his thoughts.
Don't do it, mate, you're paying her to spend time with you. It wouldn't be right. He thought before he heard the door to the adjoining bedroom open. There you stood in a black nightgown that he probably bought you, he had seen the La Perla charge on his credit card a week before the trip. $900 dollars well spent if you asked him. It was a damn shame that he couldn't take it off you.
"Want another beer?" You asked walking over to the couch.
He just shook his head no. He had barely drank from the bottle that was on the coffee table.
You had poured yourself a glass of Champagne that had been complementary to the room before putting your feet on Daniel's lap. He couldn't help but feel awkward around you, normally he could be pretty smooth with women. Even as he joked with you you would laugh at what he was saying his eyes kept traveling to your legs or your lips as you talked.
Feeling your hand on his thigh made his mind snap out of whatever he was thinking about. He wanted to ask you what you were doing before he saw a small smirk spread over your lips.
When your lips met, Daniel knew he had officially stopped thinking. He knows this song and dance. His hands go to your thighs, pulling at the fabric of the nightgown as you grind into his dress pants.
His lips fall to your neck, leaving kisses and bruises that your Dior makeup wouldn't fully cover the next morning.
Daniel's white button-up shirt ends up on the floor just outside of your bedroom. He pulls the dress off you before you let out a laugh when you land on the mattress. He'd never heard a more perfect sound in all his life.
"Look at my fucking girl." He praises you as you lay on the bed, him kissing up your neck before tearing your underwear in two. The scraps of fabric were eventually discarded onto the floor.
He has to have you, he's tired of waiting. As you dig your fingers into his shoulders he can tell you are too. He wants to know how much. How long have you wanted him? Since the moment you met? Since he flew you to Italy?
"Daniel," You purr into his ear.
Everything after that moment is a haze, the white sheets against your skin, him telling you how good you are for him. Daniel had never spent that much time touching, caressing, and taking his time with one woman in his life.
By the time he had pulled away from you, he wasn't sure if he would be able to let you go in the morning. His eyes felt heavy as he lay back against the pillows. Daniel felt you settle in the bed against his side. The light press of your hand against his chest made it easy for him to drift off.
Daniel ends up waking up a few hours later. The sun peeks in through the window. He looks at you still asleep, the sheets pooled around you both.
He shouldn't have slept with you. It wasn't right. He had done the one thing he swore to himself that he wouldn’t. He had taken advantage of you.
He moved to get out of bed and immediately looked for his underwear. He found them thrown half hazard by the dresser, he picked them up to put on before he was eye line with a tray that held your jewelry, all pieces that he bought you. He looked back at you, seeing a pair of Cartier earrings peaking through the strands of your hair, with a thin rose-gold chain around your neck.
Sure, he was in love with you. How your laugh sounded, the delicate feel of your hand holding his, how your eyes sparkled in candlelight. The feeling of home that he got walking into your apartment that he only felt when he was on the farm in Perth.
He saw you shift in the sheets, letting out a small groan in discontent as you settled yourself further into the pillow that he slept on. God, were you cute.
He let his eyes start to scan around the room looking for a notepad or something close. He couldn't be here when you woke up. He couldn't hear that you regretted last night.
He would leave you a note, and then call you once you were back home, without him accompanying you back to your apartment like he originally planned.
He redressed in his clothes from last night. He looked everywhere and couldn't find his white dress shirt anywhere in the room. If you found it somewhere, he could get it from you, if you ever wanted to talk to him again.
He moved to walk out of the room but stopped momentarily hearing, "Daniel?" Slip from your lips. He took a deep breath and then opened the door leaving you alone in bed.
God, did he fuck this up. Why had he let himself give in? He knew better.
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Taglist: @hc-dutch, @taylorslovesswifties13, @cixrosie
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v-o-i-d-e-d · 1 month
Spock x reader
Could you please do. 5 times Spock caught the reader from falling +1 time he didn't. Reader gets really hurt but no death. Just hurt/comfort please✨
Of course I will do this for you! I hope you don't mind I shortened it a little for the sake of my word count. (It's already too long) But the premise is the same!
Warnings: reader is very clumsy, blood, brief description of a burn, language and I think that's it!
Word Count: 3,351 (buckle up)
Let me know if you guys want a part 2 to this one, I feel like it has tha kind of potential 👀
Allow the Ground to Find its Brutal Way to Me - Spock x Reader
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               The first time Ensign (Y/N) met Spock was an accident. She was supposed to be in the engine room – as per her engineering status – but instead, she was hiding away in the lounge. Most of her daily work was finished anyway, she could stand to take a break and catch up on her reading. However, just as she had reached a particularly exciting part of her book, her communicator crackled to life and Scotty’s voice filled the once peaceful silence.
               “(L/N), I need you to return to the engine room. I need your help repairing a minor issue with the hyperdrive.”
               The thought of ignoring the call crossed her mind but then so did the thought of losing her job,
               “On my way.”
               With a defeated sigh, (Y/N) marked her page and left the lounge. As the door hissed open, she stepped out without looking and bumped harshly into someone. (Y/N) and the stranger tottered for a moment before they both stabilized.
               Commander Spock was admittedly distracted by his datapad when he heard the lounge door open. He had looked up a bit too late and walked straight into the woman walking out of the room. After their quick apologies, the young ensign left without introduction. Spock had never seen her before and upon noting her red dress surmised that she worked primarily in the engine room. He let out a short hum as he continued on his path toward the bridge, this time making sure to keep his eyes on the hallway.
               Over the next few months, (Y/N) and Spock saw a lot more of each other. Whether it was a coincidence or fate (Y/N) did not care she was just glad it happened. The two have many things in common such as a love for reading, art, and history. (Y/N) had become quite fond of her commanding officer and upon that realization, the thought of losing her job crossed her mind once again. The door to the Bridge hissed open and she walked as gracefully as she could beside Scotty as they entered for their weekly report. Supposedly, this ritual was so that Captain Kirk could be kept in the loop about any problems we may be having down in the engine room but (Y/N) was starting to think that it was simply a way for Kirk and Scotty to chat. For about five minutes the two men had a serious conversation, and then it transitioned into a more friendly and less important one that (Y/N) tuned out of. 
Spock noticed her as soon as she stepped onto the Bridge. Her hair was pulled away from her face today - she must have been doing mechanical work. He recalled her mentioning that she doesn’t like pulling her hair up because it gives her a headache. 
“...so I only pull it up when I have to. Don’t want it to get in the way while I’m neck deep in a turbine of something.”
The Vulcan huffed a breath through his nose that almost resembled a chuckle at the memory. Spock looked back toward (Y/N) at the sound of her laughter. Her lips curled in a lopsided grin and her cheeks flushed a pretty pink color as she waved off whatever it was Kirk had said to make her laugh. Spock’s brown eyes stared intently at (Y/N)’s face. She was a very beautiful woman - it would be illogical for him to deny that - but it was not practical to dwell on those thoughts so he begrudgingly looked back down at his work. 
(Y/N) had sneaked what she thought were subtle glances toward the Vulcan. How could she not? But apparently, the glances were not subtle enough to go undetected by Captain Kirk who had connected her gaze with his second in command. 
“Spock? Really? Come on, of all the men on board,” Kirk scoffed. 
(Y/N) looked down at her shoes feeling a bit caught and murmured, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Scotty and Kirk exchanged knowing glances and Kirk reached out and tapped (Y/N) on the shoulder, “Hey, do you think Vulcans get jealous? I think we should test it out and call it a science experiment.”
(Y/N) couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up at the notion. She waved off the suggestion and shook her head in disbelief. “You are unbelievable. Can I be dismissed? I do have a job to complete.” 
Kirk nodded and sent her away with a smile. She was relieved to be out of that situation and made her way back toward the elevator which just so happened to lead her right past a certain Vulcan. He looked up as she walked past and she waved and smiled. He nodded back. Unfortunately for (Y/N)’s confidence, she happened to walk a bit too close to the control table Spock was standing behind and managed to knock her hip into it hard enough for her to stumble. Spock quickly reached out and grabbed her bicep so she wouldn’t fall and (Y/N) gave him a sheepish grin. 
“Whoops,” she chuckled as she straightened herself up. “My clumsiness strikes again.” She chuckled to herself as she left the room. 
(Y/N)’s palms were sweaty as she quickly swiped them against her uniform. Her eyes flicked between the aliens in front of her and Kirk. She had been part of a group that was meant to explore a newly found planet, however, the locals were not as accepting as the captain had anticipated. Normally, (Y/N) would not be involved in such missions but much to her annoyance the people on this planet spoke a dialect close enough to a language she knew to make her a valuable translator. The mood was quite tense as she stood in between the two groups. The aliens had just told Kirk that if they did not leave the planet soon, they would be punished.
“Punished how?” Kirk asked her. She cringed.
“I’d rather not repeat that one. Just know the description was very graphic and I think we should follow their direction.”
Kirk rolled his shoulders back and narrowed his eyes. “How about a bargain?” 
(Y/N) hesitated before relaying the question to the lead alien. The alien paused before allowing Kirk to elaborate. 
“You keep a member of our crew until we’re done with analysis and then we will come back for them when we leave. No more than 24 hours.”
Spock, who had remained silent by Kirk’s side grabbed the captain’s shoulder, “This is not a good idea. We don’t know how they treat prisoners here. You could be putting one of the crew members in danger.” 
“Relax. We’ll send one of the officers with them. They have training to withstand or escape if necessary. I know what I’m doing, Spock.
(Y/N) had relayed the proposition and the aliens turned to each other to deliberate. (Y/N) shifted on her feet and looked over at Spock with a wary expression. She said nothing but Spock understood: Whatever the aliens were saying wasn’t good. After a few moments, the aliens gave their response. As they spoke, (Y/N)’s eyes widened. When the aliens finished, she turned to Kirk and cleared her throat. 
“They say that they accept your bargain as long as they get to choose who stays.”
“Fine. Who do they want?”
A long pause. Kirk could feel Spock’s glare burning into the back of his head and chose not to cast a glance in his direction. “No.”
“It does make the most sense. I’m the only one who can speak to them and it’s only for a day. Who knows, maybe they’ll tell me stuff about their people.” (Y/N) could not believe she was advocating for herself to be a prisoner of some strange race but she just didn’t want shooting to start. 
Kirk finally cast a sidelong glance to his second in command who was already looking at him with an unreadable expression. Spock simply nodded. He couldn’t deny the logic. While she was there she could act as an ambassador on behalf of Star Fleet. 
“Fine” Kirk nodded and immediately (Y/N) was taken by the arms in a firm grip. She yelped in surprise and forced her legs to cooperate as she was led away from her group. 
“I guess the 24 hours starts now!” She said over her shoulder as she was led back toward the little village the aliens came from. 
Data gathering and analysis had never gone quicker. Everyone on the ground crew worked overtime through the night to gather as much as they could in the short time they were given. To say Spock was nervous would be a bit of an understatement. Anytime his hands were not occupied by work he would be picking his cuticles raw at the thought of (Y/N) stuck in that village. He was not optimistic, but Kirk reminded him that the aliens may not be hostile toward her. Spock often forgot that possibility. The group stood at the edge of the village just as the 24 hours were up. Much to Spock’s relief, (Y/N) was being led over to them unharmed. She was held firmly by the arm just as she had been yesterday but she seemed much less nervous today. 
“You okay?” Kirk asked when she was standing across from him 
“Yeah, I’m fine. They want to know if you have what you came for.”
Kirk nodded and, as if on cue, the alien holding (Y/N) pushed her forward. It wasn’t a particularly hard push, however, (Y/N) was not expecting the sudden forward momentum and tripped over her own feet. Spock, who stood once again at Kirk’s side, stepped forward and allowed (Y/N) to fall into him so she wouldn't hit the ground. The Ensign’s fingers softly gripped into Spock’s forearms and she straightened herself, murmuring a thanks under her breath. 
“Let’s head back to the ship.” She said grabbing both Spock and Kirk by the arm and leading the group away from the watching aliens. 
The only lights in the engine room were the red flashing emergency lights. The zap of electricity was heard from frayed or snapped wires and steam blew from busted pipes. (Y/N) had her hair messily pulled from her face and sweat dripping down the back of her neck as she gritted her teeth. She was clinging tightly to a pipe close to the hyperdrive with a tool in hand attempting to fix the catastrophic problem that had come from a too close encounter with the Klingons. The Enterprise groaned and tilted causing (Y/N) to hold tighter to her only anchor. The tool fell from her hand as she squeezed her eyes shut. When she didn’t hear the clang of the metal tool hitting the floor for several seconds she suddenly realized how far off the ground she really was. She had already climbed several feet up the scaffolding before the ship tilted, but now even if she tried to drop to the floor she would begin falling toward the wall. The ship was almost completely on its side and there was no way she would survive a fall from where she was. 
“Shit, shit, shit!” (Y/N) whined as she willed her aching arms and legs to stay wrapped around the pipe. The metal beneath her hands quivered and clicked as pressure built up in the pipe. (Y/N) looked around for something, anything, that she could grab to move away from this pipe which felt like it was going to burst at any time. 
“Ensign (Y/N)?” Someone shouted her name but she couldn’t see where they were standing. 
“Help! I’m definitely stuck!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, hoping the person could pinpoint her location. There was a pause and then the sound of something exploding and crackling with electricity. 
“I can’t use the walkway, the ship has tilted too far and the alternative route has just been…obstructed.”
It was Spock! (Y/N) could have cried from relief even though he was telling her he couldn’t get to her. Something about knowing he was there with her made her a little less afraid. She took a deep breath and looked around again. This time for a way for Spock. She saw one on the North side of the room. It was just level enough that if He came through that door, he could carefully walk toward where she was. There was just one problem. 
“I see another way but,” (Y/N) let out a breathy, humorless chuckle, “You’re going to have to come in from the North hallway.”
Spock blinked in his spot against the wall. The ship shuddered and he stabilized himself with his hands. He heard (Y/N) gasp but didn’t hear anything else. The North Hall was all the way on the other side. He would have to backtrack and go around and who knows the state of that side of the ship. 
“That- that may not work.” 
“I know but there’s no other good way in.” (Y/N) could feel her arms tiring. If something didn’t change soon, she was going to fall. She felt her stomach sink at the thought. 
Spock didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t see (Y/N) so he had no idea what kind of state she was in. He swore under his breath. It didn’t matter. The only way to possibly help her was to go to the other side. If she sounded that calm, she must believe she’ll be okay long enough for him to make it. 
“I’m going around. I swear I will come to get you just stay where you are.” Before she could answer he was gone.
(Y/N) sighed and briefly rested her forehead on the warmed metal. “God, you have no idea how difficult that’s going to be.” 
She didn’t know how long she had been hanging there, but it felt like forever. Every few moments the ship would groan and shift and it was getting increasingly hard to stay on the pipe. (Y/N) felt her eyes sting with unwanted tears as her limbs grew numb. She grunted as she tried to adjust her grip. She bit back a sob. The metal was getting warmer. Air was compressing on the inside and pressure was building. At any moment it would- another awful groan, then a hiss and a loud crack as the metal in front of her chest broke open. (Y/N) screamed as hot steam hit her. Her arms and legs finally lost grip as the shock of the pain ran through her body. Another blood-curdling scream ripped itself from her throat as she fell from the pipe, quickly plummeting toward the far wall below her. When the hard material met her back, the air left her lungs as she gurgled on the fluid bubbling up in her throat, and just as the sensation of the pain of her fall crept in, the darkness in the corner of her vision overcame her. 
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” 
The sound was very faint but it was unmistakable. It was Spock calling her name. Her eyes were stubbornly refusing to open and the rest of her body felt numb but she could hear him getting closer. She noted through hazy sensation that she was lying on her side. The ship must have shifted again. Hands were on her. She couldn’t tell where but she knew the familiar pressure of Spock’s grip on her. A gurgling sound came from her as she was carefully turned over. 
Blood lazily drooled from her lips and her head flopped lazily to the side. She looked dead, Spock thought as he searched for a pulse. His eyes burned with unshed tears but he couldn't let himself feel at that moment. He had to focus on getting (Y/N) out. Like he promised. However weak it was, the pulse he felt beneath his fingers overwhelmed him. 
“(Y/N), can you hear me?” 
He got no response. Spock looked her over once again before gently scooping her up into his arms. It was as he walked toward the - now clear - exit of the engine room that he let his eyes roam the large burn on her upper chest. Parts of her uniform had been melted against her skin and some of the skin had started to blister. Spock tore his eyes away. He couldn’t stand to look. “I am going to get you out of here.” He said to her, but it was him who needed the reassurance. 
Burning. That’s the first thing (Y/N) smelled. As if someone were burning meat. It was to her horror as she opened her eyes and focused on her surroundings that the smell was coming from her own body. Despite her panic, she didn’t have the energy to move but, as she looked around at the infirmary she was in, her body decided that she had the energy to cry. Silent tears streamed down her face as she tried to make some kind of noise. To her left, the heart monitor began to rapidly beep in accordance to her rising heart rate which caused two people to come rushing into the room: Dr. Bones and Spock. Their presence told (Y/N) that she must be in a Star Fleet infirmary, maybe even still on the ship. Bones began to fuss over her, checking her vitals and talking to her in a soft but stern tone, 
“What the hell were you thinkin’ staying in the engine room? You were supposed to evacuate with everyone else.”
Obviously, Bones didn’t expect a response from the girl who still had tears rolling down her cheeks. He glanced at Spock who was awkwardly standing at the foot of the hospital bed, watching. When he looked back (Y/N), her wide, wet eyes were pleading up at him. 
“Now don’t worry, sweetheart. You’re on some pretty strong meds right now so you shouldn’t be feelin’ any pain. Once you’re more physically stable we can start your burn treatments and the physical therapy for your back.”
The heart monitor picked up speed once again as (Y/N)’s eyes seemed to get impossibly wide. Spock chose that moment to gently rest a hand on her leg in comfort. Bones shook his head softly. 
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about all that right now. Just get some rest and you’ll be right as rain soon.” The doctor patted her head gently and with one final scan of the machinery in the room, he left the two alone. 
“I-” Spock started then stopped. His brown eyes found (Y/N)’s and he hesitated. He looked down at her hand before continuing, “I am sorry I did not get to you sooner.”
(Y/N) wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault. To grab his hand or shake her head no but she couldn’t. All she could do was look at him and listen as the man before her pleaded for her forgiveness. 
Luckily, she didn’t have to wait very long for Spock to take her hand himself. His skin was cold compared to hers and he felt her fingers twitch against his palm. His eyes snapped to meet hers. Her eyes were still watery but she was no longer crying. She sniffled softly and her cheek twitched, the corner of her mouth barely perking up into a small, lopsided smile. 
I forgive you.
Spock scoffed as a small smile of his own made its way to his face. He stood up and gently rested (Y/N)’s hand against the scratchy hospital blanket. Spock leaned down, pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, and sighed. He could still smell your shampoo in your hair. 
“Get some rest.”
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