#i enjoyed spock and chekov side mission and kirk and sulu side mission
vulcanhello · 2 years
#I WANT TO POST THE WHOLE BOOK I LOOOOVED IT#we got scotty double trouble action (TWO scotsmen on the bridge)#we got chekov minor love interest#we got sulu badass pilot and sulu knocked out and having to be carried around for the second half of the book moments#we got UHURA’S FIRST TIME AS ACTING CAPTAIN. WHICH I WILL BE POSTING ABOIT#we got mccoy and joanna!!! WHO I LOOOOVE. the scene of them meeting got me 😭😭#we got spock logical as always (my fav thing he did was a huge spoielr so i wont say it. but it was GOOD)#we got kirk on the run having to put up with people he hates but theyre criminals so hes constantly threatening them in thr most insane ways#(the criminals r space racist and actually racist theyre white supremacists so everyone hates them. kirk threatens to rip their hearts out#and feed them to pigs which. he should have done fuck the federation)#overall it was really solid!#some of the characterizations i disagree with a little but its still estentially the crew ykwim#if anything i would prefer if it was longer! i would like to have seen the trial for the terrorists#i mean that lawyer guy is in this book. i wanted some lawyer action#and i would have liked to see more of the mccoys tbh! but what was there was nice#i enjoyed spock and chekov side mission and kirk and sulu side mission#i love uhura in the captains seat shes my favvv#ok and. to be FAIR. the ending is a bit lame like the last few pages. THATS why the enterprise was fucked up? fr? k#honestly tho the book did its job i had fun <333#captain’s log#tos#trek books#ok SPOILER TAGS FROM HERE ON OUT#SPOCK TOOK THE ENTERPRISE INTO THE FUCKING ATMOSPHERE OF THE PLANET LMFAO#GIRL! IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!#honestly tho that was one of the best scenes it was sooo cool lmfao the bad guys just give up. im pretty sure its a religious experience for#kirk#its just so out there i loved it#obsessed w spock tho. the captain needs to be picked up? np we’ll use the entire enterprise as a taxi for him <333#overall GO READ THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!
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Whumptober 2022
No. 22 Pick your poison (allergic reaction)
It was a nice shore leave. And the crew really deserved it. After everything that had happened during their five years mission up until now, they really needed to rest for a while.
Kirk had decided to invite a few members of the crew for dinner.
They sat at the restaurant, gathered around a huge table.
Everyone was there.
Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov.
And Keenser really enjoyed their company. Even though he wasn’t really talkative, the Roylan loved to have people around him.
He loved to hear them talking and laughing. He loved to spend time with them.
When their food was served, Keenser was amazed by how good the salad looked. He didn’t eat any meat. It wasn’t in his nature to do so. Much like Vulcans and other species, Roylans were vegetarian.
Keenser took a bite.
The salad didn’t just look appealing, it also tasted very good.
Keenser enjoyed every bite of it until suddenly he felt something in his throat.
He tried to cough but it didn’t change anything.
The lump only seemed to grow and he couldn’t breathe properly anymore.
Keenser reached up to touch his neck, gasping for air.
Scotty noticed.
“Laddie? What’s wrong?”
Concern was written all over his face. And it turned into shock when Keenser fell off his chair to the ground.
Despite the ethical reasons there was another point why Roylans didn’t eat meat.
They were allergic to it.
“There seem to be traces of ham inside the salad,” Spock explained relatively calm while McCoy was already up at his feet and at Keenser’s side.
“Shit! I need a hypo! An allergic reaction!”
Keenser was sure that he’d suffocate. He still remembered one time where he had accidentally eaten meat. Back then he would have died without the doctor working at the academy. But there had been a hypo near at that time.
The whole world was moving way too slow.
Keenser heard the voices of the others. Black dots were dancing in front of his eyes as less and less air filled his lungs.
His heart was racing.
He didn’t want to die. He just wanted a calm shore leave. Why couldn’t he get some rest?
When he felt a sting in his neck and heard the hiss of hypo, his body relaxed almost instantly.
His vision cleared again and he saw his friends gathered around him, looking scared as hell.
“He’s okay. He’s fine,” McCoy sighed in relief.
Yes… he was. Thank goodness he was! And he’d never forget to ask if there was meat inside a meal again.
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Star Trek - Leonard "Bones" McCoy x reader - Southern Charm - Words: 3,556
A/N: While I did write this with TOS in mind, I do believe it is fairly AOS compliant as well. Enjoy!
"Lieutenant Commander Y/N L/N, Chief Medical Officer of the Starship Serenity."
"Welcome aboard the Enterprise, Doctor L/N. I'm Captain James T. Kirk. This is my first officer, Commander Spock and our CMO, Doctor McCoy. We're looking forward to having you as the first trainee in the Starship Exchange Training program."
"Pleasure to meet you all. And I'm looking forward to it as well," You replied, stepping off the transporter pad. You gave the Captain a handshake, the First Officer a Vulcan salute and then turned to the grumpy looking CMO.
"How old are you?" He demanded to know.
"Old enough," You assured him, crossing your arms. "Why do you ask?"
"Just don't see many youngsters like you with that rank," He trailed off, leaving the statement open ended.
"Well, I happen to be an outlier. Or haven't you heard of that, Doctor? Besides, I'm not that young," You replied, curtly. You didn't often become confrontational this quickly but questions on your age and suspicions on how you got your rank were a sore spot for you.
"Just because I have to train you doesn't mean I have to like it," McCoy grumbled.
"I never asked you to." You quickly grabbed your bag that was transported with you and walked to the doors. Just before you stepped out to the hallway, you turned back around. "Captain, Commander, have a good evening. I am looking forward to working with you two over the next few weeks. Don't worry, I know where my quarters are. Doctor, I will see you at 6."
As you unpacked your bag, you thought over what happened in the transporter room. You had really been looking forward to this training and you had heard many great things about the Doctor. Of course, you had also heard he was a bit of a grump, but you hadn't thought it was this bad! You decided to stay in your room for the rest of that evening, as it was already late when you arrived, and try for a fresh start in the morning.
"Are you out of your mind? I'm a doctor, not an assassin!"
"I was simply saying, Doctor McCoy, that Starfleet medical personnel are completely untrained in self defense techniques! We are trained to save lives, not take them. That I completely agree with. But we must also be trained how to defend and disable. Defend ourselves, disable our opponents. Otherwise we may become a hindrance to any away missions we get assigned on!"
"Look, even if you're right, and you're not, when would we have the time to train?" He yelled. "Have you ever been to medical school? Do you know how stressful that is?"
"Of course I went to med school! I happened to graduate top of my class! And I remember very clearly how stressful it is! But they need to make it work! Even another month would be enough for most!"
"Another month?" He screeched. He raked his fingers through his hair and rubbed his forehead. "Look, I have plenty of training to defend myself in the field. Let's just agree to disagree and get this over with."
"Alright, Doctor," You sighed. The first 2 weeks of training slowly passed with the only change in attitude being on your side. You'd gotten to disliking the Doctor as much as he disliked you. Every day you trained was near constant arguing and insulting.
Unbeknownst to you, Kirk had started taking bets from the senior crew members on when in the final week you two would get together. Whoever won would get 3 days vacation. The current bets on Kirk's paper were:
Uhura: As she steps on the transporter to leave Thursday
Scotty: Monday
Chekov: End of shift Tuesday
Sulu: Beginning of shift Wednesday
Spock: At precisely 07:35 in the evening Friday
Kirk looked oddly at Spock when he submitted his estimate. "Spock, you do realize she is scheduled to leave Thursday afternoon."
"Yes, Jim."
"So why-"
"I have my reasons."
"Logical, I'm sure."
"Quite. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in engineering."
"Ok, Spock. But don't get your hopes high about any vacation!"
Monday: Scotty's Day
You got up early and headed down to the rec room to get breakfast. Usually you had breakfast in your room but this morning, oddly enough, Scotty had invited you to join him for breakfast. Once you entered the rec room you mentally groaned. Of course McCoy would be there!
"Good morning, Scotty," You greeted, walking up to his table which was unfortunately right next to Kirk, Spock, and McCoy's table.
"Aye! And an even lovelier morning with you here, lassie!" You blushed slightly, surprised at the engineer's comment.
"Oh please!" You scoffed. You were about to walk away to the replicators to get your food when Spock cleared his throat.
"I believe Mister Scott is correct, Doctor. Your hair and makeup accentuate your natural beauty quite well."
"Spock!" You, Kirk and McCoy gasped at the same time.
"Look here," You finally said, gathering your composure. "I appreciate a compliment here and there but really! I'm going to go get my breakfast and I don't want to hear one more peep out of any of you when I return! Understand?" They all nodded and stuck to their word, not another compliment for the rest of the day.
Tuesday - Chekov's Day
Your shift had gone fairly well. Training with Doctor McCoy was finally becoming almost bearable and there hadn't been any major disasters. "Doctor, was there anything else you needed me for today?" You asked, stepping into the open doorway of his office.
"No, you can go if you'd like," He sighed, not lifting his eyes from his PADD.
"Is something troubling you, Doctor?"
"Just a lot of paperwork, darlin'," He said absently. You blushed brightly and he quickly tried to correct himself. "I mean, Doctor. Sorry." He finally looked at you, face as red as yours. You nodded and attempted to make a hasty exit but you ran into a gold blur.
"Oh! Ezcuze me!" Chekov quickly said, helping you up. "I'm wery sorry! Are you hurt?"
"Only my pride, Pavel," You replied, dusting yourself off.
"What in blazes happened out here?" McCoy yelled, stomping out.
"Oh nothing, Doctor," You assured him.
"Well watch where you're going next time!" He ordered. With that he marched back to his office and closed the doors. You sighed and wished Chekov goodnight before leaving.
"No vacation," Chekov mumbled softly before leaving Medbay too.
Wednesday - Sulu's Day
You walked into Medbay to start your shift only to find Sulu already there. "What are you doing here so early?" You asked. "Your check-up isn't for another 45 minutes."
"I wanted to make sure I got here on time. You know how it is on the bridge sometimes," He chuckled. You nodded and chuckled lightly. You checked the schedule on the PADD and noticed the Ensign before him had cancelled.
"Well, Sulu, you just managed to get an early appointment. Step on up!" You had him sit on the nearest biobed and grabbed your Tricorder. As you started running over the usual check-up points, Dr. McCoy walked in.
"You're here early," He commented. Sulu nodded and you explained what happened. "Alright. Y/N, I'm going to leave you to it. I have a headache this morning and I think I'll just sit in my office for a bit with the lights down." You looked at him a little better, noticing how exhausted he looked. His hair was a mess and there were dark bags under his eyes. He may be a pain but he was still human and you felt for him.
"Did you need me to get you anything, Doctor?" You asked. He shook his head but groaned at the movement. "Just comm me if you need anything." He made a noise of agreement and you went on with Sulu's checkup.
Thursday - Uhura's Day
"Good morning, Y/N," Uhura greeted you in the turbolift on your way to Medbay.
"Good morning, Uhura," You replied abit sadly.
"You alright, sweetheart?"
"I'm going to miss you all. I love my ship and my crew, don't get me wrong, but," You trailed off, unsure of how to explain yourself.
"You don't feel like family there?" She filled in. You nodded slightly. "Oh honey, I understand. Don't feel bad, alright? Who knows! Maybe you'll get a transfer one day even!"
"That would be nice I guess," You admitted. The doors swooshed open and as you stepped out, Dr. McCoy walked by.
"Doctor L/N," He said, sounding somewhat frustrated. "I need you to gather all the anti-toxin hypos we have."
"Of course. Is everything alright?"
"Spock just told me we're going on a mission tomorrow. He should have told me at least 2 days ago. The new colony on Oliza 6 sent out a distress call about 1 week ago saying that something was wrong. They said some of the younger people were having strange reactions to some of the foods."
"That's odd. Isn't the food on a planet usually tested first?"
"Yes but apparently they forgot to test on the younger adults. Blasted regulations. Test one adult you've tested them all." At this point you had nodded a silent goodbye to Uhura and started walking with Doctor McCoy down the hall. "Let's see if we can't find out what's on that planet and run some tests of our own. Might save some time."
"Doctor?" You said, somewhat hesitantly.
"I do have to go back to my ship this afternoon. I," you paused. McCoy had finally started to be nice with you and now you had to go. You didn't want to upset him again on your last day. "I'll help as much as I can on the tests of course, Doctor, but I-"
"No, no," He said with a sigh. "I didn't realize it was Thursday." He smiled slightly and put his hand on your shoulder. "If you tell anyone what I'm about to say, I'll have to kill you," He joked. "Your work has been excellent. Your skill set is beyond your years and please don't take that wrong. You've impressed me." You blushed at his praise. "Of course, I still don't agree with the extra combat training," He added. You rolled your eyes and he chuckled. "But I guess you're not so bad."
"Well thank you, Doctor. I, uh, I guess I'll get the hypos for you now."
"Oh, um, yes, thank you," he replied somewhat awkwardly. The rest of your shift went about the same. You and the Doctor awkwardly dancing around each other. Eventually, though, the time came for you to finish packing, and leave the Enterprise.
As you headed to the transporter room, Uhura came running up to you with a small package in her hands. "What's this?" You asked.
"Oh, just a little going away present that a few of us put together for you."
"That's really sweet of you. Thanks so-"
"Bridge to Lt. Uhura," The Captain's voice rang through her comm.
"Duty calls!" She exclaimed. "Keep in touch!"
"Will do!" You replied, heading off to the transporters. Once you got there though, you saw Scotty talking to the Captain through the comm. He seemed upset about something.
"But Captain! I-"
"Scotty, we need to help that colony. There's no time."
"Aye, Captain. Scott out," He sighed. "I cannae believe 'at."
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, lassie. I'm so sorry! The Captain just got an emergency message from Oliza 6. We're heading there straight away."
"So I'll be staying another night?"
"At least." Your brows furrowed in thought. While you did want to get back to your ship to start your transfer application, a few more days here was not all that bad.
"Ok," You replied. Scotty seemed surprised. "I'll just take this back to my room and then head to Medbay. They'll probably need me handy."
"Aye. I'll let the Captain and Doctor know." You nodded in reply and headed off. When you returned to Medbay, you could have sworn you saw a look of relief on McCoy's face.
"Doctor L/N," McCoy said. "I'm putting you in charge of Medbay for the time being." Your eyebrows raised in surprise. "Jim's put me on the landing party and you technically are the next ranking medical officer on this ship."
"Well, thank you, I guess," You said. "Have you made any progress on the tests?"
"I believe so," He pulled up some test results on his PADD and showed them to you. "The hobgoblin ended up helping me but he was actually of some use." He looked around furtively. "Don't tell him I said so though."
"I promise," you said seriously. You stared at each other for a moment before you both broke out into a fit of laughter.
"Really though, the fruits on Oliza 6 seem to be causing a buildup of adrenaline in their systems causing aggression, anxiety and heart problems."
"Hm, interesting."
"That's what the hobgoblin said," McCoy grunted. You chuckled and he finished explaining their plan to administer hypos to everyone. The comm suddenly whistled.
"Bridge to Dr. McCoy," Uhura said.
"Yes, Lieutenant?" He replied.
"The Captain is preparing to beam down now and would like you to meet him in the transporter room."
"Alright, I'm on my way." You followed the Doctor as he gathered a few last minute items from his office. When he grabbed his phaser from his desk you couldn't help yourself.
"Doctor, that phaser is last year's model. Didn't you get your new one?"
"Oh, must not've. I'll ask Scotty for one." He grabbed his communicator and flipped it open. "McCoy to Scott."
"Scott here. Whaddya need, Doctor?"
"L/N said my phaser is old. Got a new one for me?"
"Sure do, Doc. I'll have her all polished up for ya when ya get to the transporters. Just remember, this one's a wee bit more powerful than the last. She's got a bit of a kick!"
"Don't worry, Scotty, I'm sure I can handle it. McCoy out." You looked worriedly at him because, knowing his views on defense training and based on what he said, this new phaser would throw him for a loop.
"Doctor, perhaps you should just stay with your old pha-"
"Doctor L/N," He said stiffly. "I do not want to hear anything more about training. I am perfectly capable of defending myself. Please do not worry yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mission to attend to. Do you think you'll be able to handle Medbay while I'm gone?"
"Of course, Doctor McCoy," You snapped. You heard the Medbay doors swoosh closed and sighed, leaning on he's desk in his office. You closed the office doors and locked them, needing a moment to gather yourself. "Gah! That man is so annoying!" You yelled to yourself. "If he doesn't get himself killed on this mission-" you left your threat unfinished. "Oh! I could just kiss him," You seethed. "I mean, kick." You paused, mid-pace, and shook your head vigorously. Your brain had apparently taken a left turn without telling you. "Did I seriously just-and now I'm talking to myself. Ok, Y/N, get yourself together. You'll figure it out later." You finished your little pep talk and headed back out.
The first few hours were fine. One or two clumsy engineers with a few cuts and bruises. A sniffle here and a headache there. It was actually somewhat relaxing. You decided to be a little helpful and got some paperwork done for Dr. McCoy. As you sat in his office tapping away on your PADD, you found yourself lost in thought. You hoped he wouldn't be upset that you did some extra work for him. "That's not what I asked you to do, Doctor!" You mocked under your breath. Chuckling slightly you continued your quiet monologue, "Oh wouldn't he be upset if I ran a report on him. He definitely is overworked. He'd come in here, yelling and screaming in that adorable southern accent of his, and he would proba-" You interrupted yourself again. Staring off for a second, realizing what you just said. "Adorable? Good grief. I'm either unconscious or demented."
The rest of the shift went fairly well and you heard that the landing party was making good progress too. Finally you turned everything over to the night shift doctor and went to your quarters to get some rest before your shift began again in the morning. Your sleep that night was restless, though, and when your alarm went off you didn't think you had slept a wink.
Friday - Spock's Day
"Good morning, Doctor L/N," one of the nurses greeted you as you walked into Medbay.
"Good morning," You replied tiredly. "Anything on the schedule?" You asked as you got a cup of coffee from the replicator.
"No. Just a couple of vaccines that the nurses can take care of."
"Good. I'll be in the office if you need me then."
"Are you alright, Doctor?"
"Fine. Just couldn't sleep last night."
"Oh, I understand. I'm worried about Dr. McCoy too. As I understand, the reaction the youths are having is fairly viol-"
"I am not worried about the good doctor!" You yelled, angrily. "Just in case you didn't notice, he's not exactly my type. And even if he was, that is no concern of yours, nurse!"
"Permission to speak freely, Doctor?" She asked with a slight smirk.
"Of course," You replied, rubbing your forehead. "I'm not the dang Captain." She giggled lightly before replying.
"That's exactly what McCoy would say. No go get some rest. We'll hold down the fort, Doctor." With that she walked off to get a few things prepped for the day. As you walked into the office and sat down, you thought about her observation.
"Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit."
A few hours later, after a short nap and another cup of coffee, you were reorganizing the supply room when Scotty called through on the comm. "Doctor L/N! We're gonna need a team down here immediately! The captain and Dr. McCoy were injured and we're beaming them aboard right now!"
"Ok, Scotty, we'll be right there, how serious is it?" You replied. Chills had run up your spine when he said Dr. McCoy had been injured but you kept yourself focused.
"The Captain's not too bad. I think he said a broken arm. Doctor McCoy though. He's in pretty rough shape."
"Alright. L/N out," You signed off. You started to grab emergency supplies and sent the emergency team down to the transporter room. Just like Scotty said, McCoy was in critical condition by the time you saw him. He was completely unconscious, had multiple broken ribs, a broken right arm, a fractured left leg, and a concussion. After about 3 hours in surgery, he was finally patched up. You looked at the chronometer and saw it was about 3 in the afternoon. Deciding that you needed to talk to him as soon as he woke, you opted to sit guard on a chair next to his bed.
"Doctor L/N?" A nurse called out. You opened your eyes with a start. Looking at the chronometer again you realized another 4 hours had passed.
"Has he woken up?" The nurse nodded. "Well why didn't you wake me?" You whisper yelled, not wanting to wake him now.
"For the same reason you're whispering now. He didn't want to wake you." You shook your head and looked back at him sleeping on the biobed. "His vitals are good and he will likely make a full recovery in about a week."
"Oh no! This doctor is getting a prescription for some real R&R for at least a month. He's been far too overworked." You immediately grabbed the PADD with his chart information and put him on medical leave for a month. The nurse smiled at you and shook her head.
"You know, you're technically off duty now. You can head back to your quarters."
"I think I'll stay here a bit longer," You said slowly, a blush rising to your cheeks.
"I thought so," She nodded. You settled back down in the chair and got a bit more paperwork done on your PADD. Looking at the chronometer again you saw it just turned to 7:33pm. You heard a groan from the bed and saw the Doctor waking up.
"Well hello there, darlin'," He smirked.
"Hello, Dr. McCoy," You smiled.
"Oh for Pete's sake, would you please just call me Leonard!"
"I'll consider it," You grinned. You stared at him for a moment, realizing again just how scared you had been.
"You alright, Y/N?"
"I was just so scared, Leonard," You admitted. "I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to tell you-" you stopped mid-sentence, nervous to continue.
"Tell me what?" You decided to chance it so you bent over and gave him a quick kiss. Standing up quickly, you looked away embarrassed. "Well, I'm not sure I understood. Can I hear that again?" He smirked. You smiled and leaned forward again for another kiss. You vaguely heard the doors open but neither you nor Leonard paid attention.
"So, any plans for your 3 days vacation, Spock?"
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princesssarcastia · 4 years
star trek into darkness
okay so I’m watching st:id again after all my AMAZINGG back and forth on AUs with @starlightandsunshine centering on the emotional aftermath of this movie, and I now have several (many) meta thoughts
Soo I’m thinking about how
Jim actually opens up emotionally to uhura after blowing everyone else off, also lets her wave him off in the middle of the mission to fight with her boyfriend, and then takes her side in the argument. THEY ARE FRIENDS AND LIKE EACH OTHER, I will not be accepting any other canon, ever.
He makes chekov (19 y/old????? fucking hell) chief of engineering after soctty leaves; is it because keenser was next in line and quit too? or is it because kirk roots his command in personal decisions and trusts chekov more than anyone else to do what he needs? he only bonds with marcus when marcus mentions how he was (ostensibly) the one to talk pike into joining starfleet.  Poor Chekov, he literally did not deserve this stress.
I’ll bet you anything that Jim when Pike took the enterprise from him, even as Jim was angry, he never once, not for a second, regretted what he did.  He’d lose the enterprise a thousand times over to save spock’s life.  to save any of their lives. (ignore me and you will get everyone on this ship killed, Khan says, and Jim turns right back around, pissed as hell, because Khan has observed him for five minutes and had him clocked COLD. he knows that’s Jim’s one huge button)
Deeply enjoyed how Spock got back at Jim for his teasing about Carol, the new science officer, by not telling jim shit about her deception “until it became relevant.” don’t ever tell me spock’s a robot because he enjoys antagonizing jim just as much as jim enjoys antagonizing him
the enterprise deserves someone in that chair that knows what he’s doing.  that’s not me. that’s you, spock. Do you ever think about how Jim literally abdicated the captain-ship during this movie? idk if that was him 619ing, or him maybe...agreeing with what Pike told him, before he died.  That Jim wasn’t ready for command, didn’t deserve it, that he wasn’t capable of upholding the mission and protecting his crew (clearly, since he almost got them all killed, in Jim’s mind).  Jim is...literally admitting that he doesn’t think he’s worthy of being captain, and that Spock should take his job.  that’s fucked up, especially given that he goes and basically commits suicide an hour later. (they give spock a line at the end of the movie to show that spock thinks that bullshit: as a mission of this duration has never been attempted, I defer to your good judgement, captain. really, though, Spock’s face as Jim essentially makes him captain-captain is kind of devastating; like Spock had no idea Jim felt this way or harbored these insecurities)
I’d totally missed, up until this point, that Jim was the one who suggested this mission to Marcus in the first place!! Like holy shit, talk about feeling guilty. Marcus sure as hell took advantage of it, and it’s largely his fault, but Jim was the one who walked up to the head of starfleet and straight up asked for an off-books incursion into enemy territory for revenge.  You can’t tell me that Jim doesn’t take that whole burden onto his shoulders, given that he, again, pretty quickly afterwards commits suicide via warp core.
This crew all loves each other SO FUCKING MUCH.  And the also love their captain.  Jim says “hey chekov i know you’re a navigator and 19 but be my CEO” and chekov’s like “yikes, sure!”  Jim randomly comms Scotty, who just quit and is drunk, and Scotty drops everything to go break into a secure starfleet base behind Jupiter and literally save everyone.
And they spend this whole movie trying to pull Jim back together after all this shit, losing the enterprise and Pike dying.  Bones fusses over his health and flirts with Carol to exasperate him, Spock makes it clear he’s unequivocally on Jim’s side while kicking him in the ass over his dumb decision making to get his brain working again.  Uhura acknowledges his loss and commiserates with him over spock being...spock.  Chekov and Scotty go waaaaaay out of their comfort zones without question because he needs them, no questions.  Sulu is his amazing damn self and literally the entire ship would fall apart without him, and I like to think if he’d had more time he would have dragged Jim into some sparring to let it out in a way that doesn’t involve, you know, klingons.
all due respect commander, but we’re not going anywhere.  how is sulu consistently the best part of every single movie?? I love him
and this...this is what you would have done.  don’t fucking tell me Jim doesn’t know what happened in TOS, don’t you fucking dare, because Jim in this moment chose to take spock’s place. i want you to know why I couldn’t let you die. FUCK Jim knows for sure, for sure. UGH.
Okay but Scotty doesn’t even have to say anything to Spock beyond telling him to get down to engineering; he knew exactly what that meant.  Knew it meant Jim was dying or dead.  Because every single one of the bridge crew knows about Jim’s self-sacrificial tendencies; they were devastated, but not surprised, not at all, because aos!Jim learned the day he was born that the best way to show someone you love them is to die for them.  And he loves them. so much.  god, Bones’ face when they bring Jim’s body in is haunting. Uhura gripping her mouth, because there aren’t words.  Scotty crying his eyes out.  Spock...going feral pre-surak vulcan on everyone.
And then the whole bridge crew is so fucking furious that Khan, directly or indirectly, took advantage of those tendencies, that they all help Spock go fucking feral and absolutely would have helped him murder Khan if they didn’t need him to get Jim back.
This concludes my mostly angsty thoughts about ST:ID and how it relates to aos!Jim’s angst ridden ass and the bridge crew’s relationships therein. will definitely be playing into the next round of time travel au discussion for sure
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For @wolfjackle​, who asked for the prompt “routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing” and gave me free reign for pairing. I hope you enjoy this short kirk/spock fic! <3
He’ll blame the mind-meld with Old Spock every time, but there are some things about being in a relationship with Spock that just come naturally to him. It would terrify him, if he gave himself even a minute to consider it. He’s never been somebody’s home before. Gods know, he’s never had a home himself. And yet. And yet, there are days like this:
He’s sitting in his study on the Enterprise, reading mission briefs for the next planet on the list. Spock has Delta Shift, which sucks, because they only get a few hours together once he gets off Alpha, but it’s how it has to be right now. This region of space is dangerously close to the Neutral Zone, and at least one senior crew-member must be on each shift. It makes sense to split them up, at least until they get to a safer area of space. That doesn’t mean he likes it. So he’s been sulking. Sue him.
“Jim.” Spock looks into their study. Jim pretends to ignore him, but he can’t help but notice the way the corners of his lips turn up at the sight of him. It’s perilously close to a smile.
“Do you still insist on blaming me for our current schedules?” Spock asks, moving to stand beside Jim’s desk.
Jim doesn’t look up, feigning concentration on the report in his hands.
“Jim. Captain.” When Jim continues to ignore him, Spock’s eyebrows twitch and Jim could swear he hears a faint sigh. “This is irrational. You are aware of the circumstances that require a senior officer on the bridge at all times. In fact, I believe you yourself approved the current rotation. You told Mr. Scott as much when he complained to you about being placed on Gamma Shift for the next two weeks. I believe your exact words were “It sucks for everyone, Scotty. Suck it up.””
Jim snorts. He can’t help it. There’s just something so… ridiculous about Spock parroting his speech patterns.
Spock’s eyes soften, and he allows himself a small smile, there in the privacy of their quarters. “Jim. T'hy'la. Look at me.”
He closes his eyes and exhales, running a hand through his hair. “I hate this, Spock. I barely get to see you anymore. Hell, we haven’t been in the same room for more than an hour or two for the past month.” He’s pouting. He knows he’s pouting. He doesn’t care. “It’s just… endless rounds of staring out at space, then seeing you for an hour or two for dinner, and then reports, then going to bed, maybe getting an hour with you for breakfast, then back on shift. I hate it. I haven’t seen Bones in a fucking month, Uhura I get for maybe half a shift on Mondays, I see Sulu in passing in the hallway since he’s on Beta Shift, Scotty won’t talk to me since I stuck him on Gamma - I just… At least you get to see Chekov on Delta. I’m… I’m bored. I’ve got all the junior bridge crew on Alpha, and they’re all to fucking scared of me to call me on my bullshit. Nobody dares even roll their eyes at me when I make a bad joke, they just laugh, because I’m the captain, no, I’m Captain Kirk, and therefore some sort of superhuman super-officer or something. I’m too afraid to mess with them because I think if I did I’d make them cry. And to make it all worse, I keep turning to look for you at my back, and you’re never there.” He pounds his fist on the table in frustration, getting a sick sort of satisfaction from the way it stings. “And it’s not like they’re bad officers. They wouldn’t have made it on the Enterprise if they were. But they’re not… they’re not family.” He sighs and buries his face in his hands.
“I know,” Spock says. “I, also, am not fond of our current arrangement.”
Jim looks at him then, startled. For Spock, that was the equivalent of a full blown tantrum.
Spock places a careful hand on Jim’s shoulder. “Jim. Did you honestly believe I wouldn’t rather be with you?”
“I…” and there it is, that stupid, weak, awful part of him that’s convinced he’ll never be good enough. That even though he’s Captain James T. Kirk, the guy who saved the earth, even with everything else he’s done, he’ll never be anything to anyone but some screwup kid that got lucky.
“T’hy’la,” Spock says, voice low and intense, full of conviction and an unspoken promise. “There is no place I would rather be, than here at your side.”
“I… I know.” Jim covers Spock’s hand with his, smiling at the blush that creeps over his cheeks at the gesture. He does know. It’s just, times like this, sometimes he forgets. “And I know it’ll be over soon. It’s just…”
“However brief, it is still unpleasant,” Spock finishes for him. “We must simply endure. Three more weeks, and we will be able to return to our routine.”
“Three weeks…” Jim shakes his head, squeezing Spock’s hand lightly. “I’ll do it. For you.” Then he smirks. “But only because I know Uhura and Scotty started a betting pool on how long it would take for me to go batshit crazy without you.”
“Of course,” Spock inclines his head. “It is illogical to allow your subordinates to continue to bet on your mental health.”
Jim laughs. “Sure. And I won’t say anything about your bet then. Five weeks huh?”
Spock’s not-smile makes a reappearance. “It is a logical bet. Particularly after our last mission. Or shall I remind you of your mental state upon my return from Illa IV?”
The captain hits him on the arm. “Don’t joke. We didn’t know if you were alive or dead for three of those weeks.”
“I was not the one Doctor McCoy was forced to tranquilize to keep you in sick bay.”
“Oh, like Bones ever needs an excuse to tranquilize me. He’s way too happy with those hypos, I swear.”
“Only because you are irrational and insist on putting yourself in hazardous situations.”
“Well, if you would stop getting into trouble planet-side -”
“I don’t believe my proclivity for falling into dangerous situations has anything to do with-”
The ding of Jim’s alarm interrupts whatever he had been about to say. He sighs, looking away. “Sounds like it’s about that time.”
Spock nods, stepping back. “I should report to the bridge.”
“Yeah. I guess it is.” Jim turns back to his reports, unconsciously holding out a hand. Spock blinks, then extends his fingers, brushing against his in a Vulcan kiss. Then, perhaps sensing the gesture wasn’t quite enough, he moves closer. Jim turns his face up to him expectantly, without even really realizing what he’s doing, for Spock to press a gentle human kiss to his forehead.
“Remain strong for me, t’hy’la,” Spock says. “We will be together again soon.” Then he turns, leaving a stunned and smiling Jim in his wake.
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grandtheftstarship · 5 years
Not Yet (Leonard McCoy x Fem!Reader) [Request!]
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Prompt 21 with Leonard McCoy! 🖖🏻💙 -Anon
Thank you for your request anon :) Sorry for making you wait! I’ve been really uninspired lately and when I write and I’m uninspired then my work doesn’t have my heart in it. I really want the stories you request to be the best they can be, so I tried to write when my writer’s block was absent there for a minute! I really hope you understand and enjoy! 
also heartbreak but that doesn't matter
IMPORTANT!!!! I am going to be going on a quick hiatus to work on a larger fic on my AO3! It isn’t Star Trek, but let me know if you want to read it anyways. I will be finishing all current requests that I have. You can send in a request but just know that I won’t get to it very quickly!! Thank you!!
The next requests are: 1. Kirk 2.Spock
Prompts Chosen: 21. Just hold on… please
Word Count: 1645 Warnings: graphic descriptions of injury, swearing, A.N.G.S.T, sciencey stuff I made up, ending is a little rushed Posted: Tumblr, Wattpad
Leonard had warned you. He told you he had a bad feeling about the away mission. He told you it was a bad idea, but you went anyway and now you were paying the price. 
You were the only one to survive the malfunction. You were the engineer, designated to keep the shuttle up and running while the science officers recorded their data, but an Ensign you didn’t know the name of had screwed with some wiring and everything was fried. Everything, including the Ensign, and every other officer aboard the vessel. The only reason you survived was because you were conveniently working in the back rubber-sealed room of the shuttle. 
“[y/l/n] to Enterprise!” you shouted into the receiver, frantically trying to steer the shuttle as it plummeted through the atmosphere of Mantilles. “Goddamnit, pick up.”
“[y/n]? What’s wrong?” Jim’s voice came in static and you nearly collapsed in relief. 
“Jim, something fried and killed the whole crew. Engines are gone. I’m going down- ugh!”
The shuttle lurched violently as you re-entered the atmosphere, feeling your ears pop and the cabin’s temperature start to rise. You waited until the hot brightness of the flames and the rushing in your ears died away before opening your eyes again. 
The comm reconnected to the Enterprise and you could hear Leonard trying to reach you from the other side.
“[y/n]! [y/n], can you hear me?” 
“Yes!” you called back, hands flying over the control panel as alarms started blaring. “Shit!”
“Beam me out!” you shouted, panic rising in your chest. “Beam me out! 1,000 meters from the surface!”
Your breathing got faster as you tried in vain to do something, anything to stop the shuttle from falling so quickly. 
“Jim, please!” you heard Leonard begging on the line. “Somebody, please do something!”
“500 meters!”
“I’m trying but there’s something wrong with the shuttle’s hull, I can’t get a lock on her!” you heard someone yell. 
“200 meters,” adrenaline mixed with fear shook your hands violently as the control panel flashed red in warning, the trees getting closer and closer. Your movement stopped slowly as defeat settled into your bones. “Leonard-”
“Don’t you start,” Leonard choked and you could tell he was trying not to cry. 
“100 meters,” you tried not to cry either, knowing all of the crew on the other end about to watch you die. You decided to go down honorably. “50 meters.”
“35. 20. 15.”
You could hear frantic yelling on the other end as the count dipped under 10 and the shuttle started hitting the trees. You quickly activated the safety belt, even though you knew it wouldn’t do any good.
Your line went dead.
Leonard was frozen. He didn’t particularly know what he was supposed to do in this instance. He felt numb as he heard the static coming from your comm and the word TERMINATED taunting him from the screen displaying your zeroed-out vitals. A small part of him pointed out that the tech could be wrong and you weren’t dead but he pushed it away. He knew that it was over. 
When he finally noticed how the bridge had fallen silent besides the klaxon sounding quietly in the background and the computer repeating ‘warning’ in a steady rhythm from his medical station, he tore his eyes from the screen and looked around. Uhura was crying, Jim looked like Captain Pike had died in front of him all over again, Spock was holding Uhura, turned away from the rest of the crew, Sulu’s face was paused in an expression of horror, Chekov’s head was in his hands, and everyone else didn’t seem to understand what had just happened. 
Even though he was already standing, he made a show of pushing his chair away from behind him, the clash of metal on metal as the chair hit the floor slicing through the silence. Leonard’s sad eyes met Jim’s and suddenly he wasn’t sad anymore. Anger welled up inside him and he rushed off the bridge. He could’ve stopped this. Someone could’ve done something. His feet took him to his office and he stopped when he stood in his doorway. Both his eyes and his hands twitched with rage. The door shut behind him and Leonard snapped. He slammed his hands on his desk before moving his arm in one fluid motion and sent everything resting on it tumbling to the floor with a crash. He stared at the papers, padds, pens, pencils, and various other things littered all over the floor before the tears started welling in his eyes. He never thought he would be an angry cryer, but here he was. He collapsed into his desk chair, head down on the desk, and let it out.
You don’t know what woke you. Maybe it was the heat, or maybe the pain, but whatever it was it sent your eyes flying open. You gasped in agony, feeling the weight of whatever piece of the shuttle was crushing your right arm and legs. It was almost too much and you felt the darkness start rushing back into your vision but you blinked rapidly, pushing it away. You were smart enough to know that if you went under again, there was a good chance you would never come back up. 
You tried to survey your surroundings though the pain you were feeling in a multitude of places made it a bit hard. It seemed to be late morning on the planet judging by the way the sun filtered low in the trees, making it a bit easier to see the wreckage of the shuttle around you. From what you could tell, you were under the main control panel and part of your seat. You could feel the belt ripping the skin around your abdomen, and the upper strap had definitely broken your collar bone. You looked around again, eyes settling on a communicator, unharmed and just below where you were stuck. Hope soared through your chest, but only until it suddenly dawned on you that with the destruction of the shuttle, everyone most-likely thought you were dead. 
You decided to focus on trying to get yourself out from underneath the piece of shuttle without permanently losing your legs instead of dwelling on the fact that the people you cared about most had already left you behind. 
You felt around with your free hand, not feeling any blood, so you figured it was internal bleeding. You were somewhat right.
You groaned as you started to lift the piece of metal off of your body, feeling the blood start to pool under your legs.
You were able to heave the heavy steel up and off of you, wincing at the loud crash following as it made contact with the ground. You stayed in your position for a minute longer, allowing yourself to breathe before propping yourself up on your good elbow and nearly passed back out. 
Your body was covered in your own blood, left leg bent painfully in an odd direction. When you sucked in a breath, pain seared through your shoulder and you looked down sharply. Yeah, your collar bone was definitely broken. 
You refocused on the communicator. You had been wedged between two shuttle parts until you had freed yourself and now you were elevated several feet off the ground. You tried your best to keep yourself braced as you attempted to slide down the bent piece of metal, crying out in agony as your broken leg hit the reddish dirt. You clutched your knee, letting a few tears slip out from your puffy eyes. Something warm and wet started seeping through your ripped dress again, and you noticed that with the impact you had started bleeding from everywhere again. You glanced back up at the rusty-looking spot you were just laying in, cringing at the fresh red streaking through the white hull. 
You limped for the communicator, ending up in a crawl, and hastily flipped it open. 
“[y/l/n] to Enterprise,” your croaked out, clutching the communicator for dear life. “Please, please...Anyone..?”
You don’t know how long you lied there, waiting for someone to pick up. Your eyes were bloodshot, cheeks tear-stained, hope slowly dissolving; until your communicator picked up something. 
“[y/n]?” came your static reply. You wanted to cry again you were so happy.
“Yes, yes it’s me!” you cried back, gasping in relief. “Leonard... is that you?”
“We’re coming to get you darlin’,” he said back. Your excitement started to wear off as you noticed the blood pooling around you. 
“Uh, Leonard?” your heart started to race. You couldn’t die now, not when you had just found your family again. 
“Yes, darlin’?”
“I’m losing lots of blood...” you trailed off as your eyes started to droop, fatigue settling in your bones. 
“[y/n]! Listen to me, you have to stay awake okay?” Leonard spoke worriedly. 
You fought it, you really did, but the darkness was just enough to force you to succumb. You lazily managed to press the tracking beacon on the communicator before going under, hearing Leonard pleading on the line.
“Just hold on...please.”
You were hazily pulled out of the empty sleep you were in, cracking your eyes against the harsh lights of what you assumed was the medbay. You stirred, hissing in pain when you moved. 
“[y/n]!” Leonard said in surprise, dropping what he was doing and rushing to your side. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you smiled up at him, never happier to see his smiling face. “Still hurting a little.”
Leonard leaned in for a quick kiss, trying not to hurt you. “I’ll come to check on you in a bit, okay?”
You nodded, sending him a small smile. 
“Also, never do that to me ever again.”
You nodded, smiling wider. “Don’t worry, I don’t particularly like being in shuttle crashes.”
He beamed. “Get some rest. I love you.”
“I will. Love you too.”
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Jim Kirk x fem!reader (4)
“Congratulations,” McCoy drawled, as he took a seat on the other side of Jim in the booth. “I’ve heard hardly a word today that isn’t about you two.”  “Believe me, we’ve heard far too many words about ourselves,” Jim sighed, scowling at his whiskey. “How was lunch, then?” McCoy continued, smirking. “I hear that place does a wicked cheeseburger.” “Am I not allowed one cheeseburger for the whole shore leave Bones?” Jim smirked, shrugging. “If it’s any consolation, it’s spoiled me for all other cheeseburgers. No more replicated crap ones for me.” “How’s the happy new couple?” You all looked up as Uhura approached, smirking. You jumped to your feet. “Lieutenant Uhura, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” you smiled, shaking her hand warmly. She grinned. “And you, Ambassador.” She settled into a seat beside Scotty.  “(Y/N), please,” you insisted, sitting down again.  “Enjoy your lunch date with the Captain?” she queried, mischief dancing in her dark eyes. You blushed, even as you rolled your eyes. “Oh yeah, once they stop interrogating us long enough for us to actually get in to the cafe,” you huffed, tetchily. Uhura laughed, which you considered a success.
“Chekov!” Jim shouted across the bar, as the young Russian was ambushed by a pushy looking Andorian. Chekov hurried away from the woman in her distraction, quickly sliding into the booth. “Thank you, Keptin,” he sighed, relieved. “You must be the Ambassador?” “(Y/N), please,” you smiled, shaking his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The Andorian shoved herself up to the booth as you released his hand, with a sickly smile. “How lucky am I to find the senior crew of the Enterprise?” she tinkled, lightly. “Do any of you have a comment on Ambassador (L/N)’s performance in the Kobayashi Maru simulation and her assignment to your ship? You must know that Admiral Barrows made some very serious allegations of cheating.” “No comment,” Uhura replied, glaring at the reporter. “From any of us.” You didn’t miss how Chekov and Scotty both pushed closer to the Captain, even with you between them. “None at all?” the Andorian insisted, pulling up a seat. “You don’t mind if I join you, do you?” Jim had gone rigid beside you, as Bones leaned over the table. “We mind,” he ground out, lowly. “A lot. This crew has not been left alone by you lot since the Captain took charge of the ship. Leave us alone.” The smile disappeared. “That’s not very nice of you, Doctor McCoy,” she simpered, coldly. “You wouldn’t want that to get out, now, would you?” You leaned over to Chekov. “Back door takes you onto Hyde Street, I’m room 112 in Lodge 13,” you whispered, quietly, “They don’t have access to student lodgings.” Then you stood up, glaring. “Alright, I’ll make a comment for you, ma’am. Perhaps we can discuss it outside?” A series of protests jumped from the crew, but you winked back at them, effectively sending them into a curious silence.
“...of course,” the Andorian said, smile returning, “Appreciated, Ambassador.” You slipped out of the booth, dropping your wallet into Chekov’s lap.  “Get Jim out of here,” you hissed, as you leant down to retrieve it, flicking out your room’s key card. “Booze is under the sink.” You followed the Andorian through the crowded bar, and out into the cool night air. You pulled your leather jacket tightly around you. “Can you comment on Admiral Barrows’ allegations that you cheated the Kobayashi Maru simulation?” she questioned. You smirked, folding your arms. “As I told reporters last week, I made no attempt to alter the test conditions. I operated solely in the test parameters,” you answered, easily. “I believe that was also the statement issued by StarFleet command, was it not?” “Indeed. Why do you believe Admiral Barrows made those allegations?” “Only Admiral Barrows can answer that. I’m sure he has his reasons, just as I am sure you have yours for coaxing me into defamation,” you responded, primly, raising an eyebrow. She stuttered, but quickly picked up the questions again. “Is it true Admiral Pike interfered personally on your behalf? Do you think he believes the Enterprise crew is lacking in the diplomatic skills required for their mission?” she asked, the smile now far gone. “I can make no comment on the inner workings of StarFleet command, and information on that is best pursued through official channels. However, I can safely say that the crew of the Enterprise has proven time and again that they are capable of handling every situation thrown at them. There is no more capable crew in StarFleet.” You raised an eyebrow. “Anything else?” “If the Enterprise crew is so capable, why have all reporters been met only with refusal to comment?” You pursed your lips, staring at her coldly for a moment. “The Enterprise crew recently saved the world, Miss Thelev, and the repayment they have received has been press harassment,” you said, starkly, “Intrusion into their personal and professional lives has reached unacceptable levels and if I were a reporter at this stage, I would be thankful that the crew simply refuses to comment and does not file a complaint.” She faltered, and you turned away, stalking back to the door of the bar. “Was that a threat, Ambassador?” she called after you, voice shaking a little.  “No comment.” The door closed behind you.
“We can’t just leave her!” Jim’s voice was loud as you opened the door onto Hyde Street.  “Be quiet, kid, you’ll wake the whole damn neighbourhood,” McCoy hissed back, and you saw him grabbing Jim by the shoulders. “Keptin, (Y/N) is a trained diplomat,” Chekov offered, quietly, “She can probably manage one reporter. From vhat I saw, she has done so all day.” “I thought I told you lot to go,” you hissed, hurrying over to them. “I don’t know how long that’s going to hold any of them off, so we better hurry up and get back on campus before someone catches us.” “What did you tell her?” Uhura questioned, immediately, even as you led the way towards your dorm.  “I answered a few questions,” you shrugged, then offered a sideways smile. “I don’t think she quite got the answers she wanted, though.” “Wha’s tha’ supposed ta mean?” Scotty questioned, as you scanned into the academy campus and held the door open for them all. “Well, I really only repeated things they’ve all heard before,” you said, easily, letting the door latch behind you. “Including industry policies regarding press harassment.”  “You what?” McCoy questioned, whirling on you. “Hey, I’m not the one who cussed a reporter out,” you answered, holding your hands up in surrender. Chekov snickered. Jim was still silent and tense, distant from the conversation, and you could hear shouting echoing from the bar. “Listen, I’ll explain when we get to my room, okay?”
You weren’t sure how your life had come to ushering the senior crew of the USS Enterprise into the living room of your tiny flat.  “I’m pretty sure Leila keeps her booze under the sink,” you muttered, thoughtfully, “Not sure what’s there, I’ll see what I can find.” You turned to the kitchen, hunting around through the cupboards until you retrieved a bottle of scotch and an Antarean brandy. Collecting some tumblers, you made your way back to the living room and put them on the table. “You didn't threaten her or anything, right?” Sulu questioned, as McCoy and Scotty poured drinks all round. “What? No!” you protested, sitting cross-legged on the floor. “I’m not sure if any of you have seen my file, but I went to university before I came to StarFleet. My dad didn’t want me to join StarFleet. Space was always my mom’s thing until she died out there. So he sent me to Harvard and I did a law degree. I just pointed out that given the significant intrusion the press had on your professional and personal lives, questions could be raised about the violation of industry procedures for press harassment.” Jim snorted, quietly, and Sulu looked almost impressed. “Where’ve you been while ah’ve been tryin’ to get them away from ma ship, lass?” Scotty huffed, grinning broadly. You smiled, happily, taking a sip of your water.  “On a lunch date with the Captain, I believe, Scotty,” Uhura put in, laughing. 
You all sobered, and tensed as the door opened again, but you relaxed as Leila stumbled in, obviously drunk off her ass. “(Y/N)! Is tha’...s’that Cap’n Kirk?” she questioned, as you caught her unbalanced form. “And...an’...where’s Spock?” “I’m not sure, Lei,” you answered, gently, leading her through the living room. “You ready for bed?” “Yeah...yeah,” she mumbled, quietly. “Sleep. Luke dumped me.” “Luke was an asshole anyway,” you pointed out, opening the door to her bedroom. “You need a bucket?” “Nah,” she sighed, curling up in a ball on the bed. “Jus’ sleep.” “Alright Lei,” you soothed, pulling a blanket up to cover her. “I’ll see you in the morning, honey.” You tiptoed out, fetching a glass of water and some painkillers from the kitchen to put on her nightstand, then you closed the bedroom door almost silently behind you.  “Sorry about that,” you apologised, returning to the living room. “Leila’s been on and off with this asshole from her bio class for months. He must’ve dumped her again.” “I know that feeling,” Uhura muttered, sending a wry smirk at Jim across the room. Jim rolled his eyes, dropping his head into his hands, prompting quiet laughter from the comms officer. “What about you, (Y/N)?” she continued, not moving her eyes from Jim. “You got anyone attached who’s gonna miss you out in space?” “Leila’s a full time occupation,” you laughed back, “Besides, when everyone knows you’re in fast-track and don’t drink, dating options are limited no matter how many times your roommate sets you up.”
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mrkrychek · 5 years
Brighter than the sun (Part 10/10)
So this is it. This is the last chapter. I'm a little bit sad that this story found it's end. But it was a long journey to get here. Too long sadly. Even longer for me posting this also on Tumblr when it has been on AO3 for nearly a year.
I hope you enjoyed it and my mistakes weren't as bad as it seems to me. Friendly reminder at this point that English ist not my mother tongue. And I tend to make mistakes.
I would like to say thank you to the kudos and the few comments. Thank you very much for it! This means a lot to me!
At the end I have a tiny little wish: maybe if you have a few minutes it would help me if you could leave a comment on how you think the story was and if it was good to read or found some mistakes. Thank you very much!
Here you can find the last part
Warning: no warnings yet
Word count: 4492
Part: 10/10
пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) - Please
The weeks passed, the Enterprise was nearly rebuild. Over these weeks you got closer to the crew because all of you'd met frequently at a bar to chat if you not met through your work at the station. Uhura and you've got the closest. You've became really close friends and you were really happy about that.
It was one of these nights you met with the whole crew at the bar, having some drinks and fun. You were sitting along with Uhura, Scotty and Sulu at a table. Scotty was talking about something Keenser happened a few days ago while they worked on the Enterprise. The poor one got sick again and refused to see the doctor even though it was obvious that he had a high fever. So it happened that Scotty had to catch him in a 'very 21st century movie worth move' (his words) before he would have fell down several meters – from what you assumed would have been just like 3 meters, but you didn't want to ruin his heroic story. Since then Keenser was tied up in med bay and wasn't allowed to leave for about another two days.
Sadly Pavel wasn't able to attend this evening with you because he was sent on a little mission at the side of Kirk and Spock to escort some important Andorian politician from Yorktown to a nearer planet for some negotiations with their population. He was just gone for a few days but you missed him already. As you found the solid ground for you friendship again and built an even stronger friendship than before, you couldn't help but being constantly by his side and missing him even just minutes after you had to separate. The others joked about you two being like one person actutally.
But by all the saying that you were just friends and acted like them, something between the two of you changed. It was strange that you somehow knew how Pavel was feeling some times. When he was down without showing it you knew. When he was overwhelmed by your sheer present you knew. And you gave him just what he needed. Whether it was a friendly ear, a shoulder to cry on or some space. You gave it to him just because you knew he needed it. It was just a mystery to you how this was actually possible.
As Sulu and Scotty were about to get a new round of drinks Uhura leaned into you with a little smile. “You miss him, aren't you?”
You looked at her a little bit confused. Of course she knew what was going on inside you. Sometimes you thought that she was able to read your mind because it seemed like she knew more than you. “How is it possible you be so calm with Spock not by your side? And I mean...Pavel is just my friend.”
The smirk appearing on her face made you even more confused. But you knew that smirk it was often followed by a 'Sure you're just friends?'. Not this time. “I just do. You know, over the years the bond between me and Spock grew quite strong. So strong that it allows us to send just short little telepathic messages to know the other is alright. It's rare that soulmates are able to do that and it takes sometimes decades to develop this power but here we are. Whenever he feels that I need comfort by him he reaches out to me.” She was right, not every soulmate couple was able to do this. As far as you knew it not only needed a strong bond between the two but also one part must been capable of telepathy. Spock as a Vulcan was.
“Wish I had something similar...” You admitted with a shy smile. You know that its was really rare to find you soulmate. But you knew that it was possible.
“Just take a look to what you have. Chekov is mad about you. All you have to do is to let it happen.”
“I'm not in lo...” You stopped yourself in midsentence. Suddenly you felt this warm feeling inside combined with some excitement. Where was this coming from?
“(Y/N), everything okay?” Quickly you shook your head to get you out of this thought.
“Uhm, yea. Sorry just got this strange feeling. But it's okay and gone.” Whatever it was again you needed to focus. “As I wanted to say I'm not in love with him so it won't happen. We're just friends and will always be.”
Gladly the both men came back before Uhura could say anything against your statement. It was a topic you liked to avoid because it made you feel a little bit uncomfortable. So the drinks Sulu was arranging right in front of your were just the perfect distraction you needed. Immediately you took one glass and raised it. “To this wonderful evening and never ending alcohol!” The other started to laugh but raised their glasses too. With one gulp you emptied you glasses.
“I see my crew knows how to get themselves off!” A familiar voice shouted from the entrance of the bar. The four of you turned your heads toward it. But actually that wasn't necessary because you all knew that it could have been only one person. It was your captain. And by his side was Spock. You felt your heart sinking because there was no sign of Pavel. Disappointment spread through your veins followed by worries that something happened. But wouldn't Kirk otherwise look heavy-hearted or so?
The both of them walked towards your table. Spock took immediately the empty seat next to Uhura, while Kirk took the one next to Scotty. With a bright smile he looked at all of you. “Hope you all are still in for more drinks. Sorry that we arrive so late but well the flight back wasn't very pleasant.”
As you stood up to excuse you because you wanted to leave – not saying that you wanted to look for Pavel – you stepped exactly next to your seat when someone was arriving so that you nearly run into them. “Oh sorry!” Gladly to your and their reflexes there was no bumping into each other. It would been a mess because their were having a lot of drinks on a serving trail.
When you looked up to the person you felt your heart jumping again. Damn heart why was it always doing this? It was just Pavel, even though the sight of him made you really happy. Maybe you could trow your intention to looking for him over.
“You're leaving?” He said with a questioning look.
“Uhm no I just...uhm needed to use the restroom” You lied though you know that at least Uhura wouldn't buy this accuse. With a smile he stepped aside so you could pass. Quickly you took the way to the restrooms. You looked into the mirror and wondered what just happened these past weeks with you. More and more you found yourself thinking of Pavel when he wasn't by your side. When he was your heart was beating so fast. You could tell that you were not in any way inn love with him. Shaking you head you splashed some water into your face and took a deep breath. Then you left the restroom again and headed for your table.
All of them were laughing. In the absence of empty seats Pavel took yours. When you came nearer he made the attempt to stand up for you but you gestured towards him that he should keep on his seat. Quite natural you sat down on his lap and smiled at him. “You don't mind, do you?” As he smiled at you and laid his hand down at your hip to keep you from falling down all he did was nodding. You laid one of your arms around his shoulder and neck and smiled back. “Glad that you're back!” A slightly cough came from across the table. You turned your head to look at Kirk. “Of course I'm also glad that you're back, Jim!” Everyone started laughing again.
“That's good. For a tiny moment I thought my Stellar Cartographer doesn't care about me.” Kirk joked and raised his glass. “To this wonderful crew I call my family! Cheers!” All of you raised your glasses and drank.
The night was so much fun with the guys joking around and you and Uhura rocking the dance floor. The more you drank the more loose you became. The glaces some males gave you and Uhura didn't bother you anymore, the both of you ignored them and just had a wonderful time. The only glance you couldn't ignore was Pavel's. It was the only glance you wanted to feel on you right now. And to keep it on you you caught yourself some times that you put on a little show for him. It wasn't probably the best - thinking about his feelings for you – but you couldn't help wanting his attention. The fault for this was only on him. Why didn't he changed out of the formal uniform he was wearing? It made him look so damn good and handsome. More than once you found yourself checking him out and biting your lip. You blamed the alcohol for this, being sure that if you would be sober you wouldn't act that way.
One by one the others left until it was just Kirk, Pavel and you. Though there were now plenty of empty seats you decided to keep on sitting in Pavel's lap. It was way more comfortable than any seat. And he wasn't complaining so what. But the time came that tiredness overwhelmed you and you had a hard time to keep awake. It wasn't unnoticed by the two others so they called it a night and left the bar.
Of course Pavel didn't let you walk home by yourself so he insisted to bring you to your quarter. What a gentleman he was. So perfect. When you reached your quarter he even came inside with you. You turned on the light just enough that you could see where to walk but low enough to not let it blind you. It gave your room a strange atmosphere. When you turned to look at Pavel you could swear that the air got hotter. In the pale light he looked even better than at the bar. The outlines of his face got more defined and hard. His eyes seemed to glow. It felt like something was magically pulling you towards him. But you resisted. Kind of.
“What in the name of god did I've done to deserve you in my life?” You whispered, not sure if he was able to hear. “You're too perfect, too precious for this word. I don't deserve to have you in my life because I'm such a horrible person.” Even though it was so dark in the room you could see his face tensing up than soften again. His hand reached out to lay down on your check, slowly stroking.
“You're not horrible.” He was wrong. Maybe he couldn't see or didn't wanted to. But you were hurting him all the time. You could see it, feel it. You provoked it tonight at the bar while you were dancing just for him. While sitting on his lap, your hand in his hair. You played with his feelings although you didn't want to.
“Why me? Why do you love me, Pasha? There are so many women out there. So many who are way better than me. Who don't hurt you. Why me?” When he wanted to disagree you laid a finger on his lips to hush him. You weren't finished yet. Maybe the alcohol made you saying things you always kept for yourself. “And why can't I get away from you? Why are you always on my mind since you came back into my life? Stop being there. I get head aches because you're permanently in there. Stop making me confused by it. Stop making my heart pounding so hard in my chest. Stop making me feel these strange things.” Your finger left his lips, wandering down his chin along his jawline. Down his throat. Over his chest. Playing with the Starfleet badge. “Why didn't you changed before you came to the bar? This uniform was way to overdressed for it. It makes you sexier than you should be. It makes me wanting to get it off you so bad. And I shouldn't feel this way. You're my best friend.”
Slowly you looked up to him. The expression in his eyes took your breath. His eyes were screaming at you full of hunger and lust but also full of love. Automatically you're thighs pressed together as if they could stop the warm, wet feeling that spread through your lower body. The alcohol may had given you the strength to speak your mind but your body was reacting all by itself.
Minutes passed without no one of you saying anything. You kept staring into each others eyes. All the talking was done. There were no words left to say. Without you doing anything you body started moving towards Pavel. One step towards him was needed to stand right in front of him. Your breast touching his chest. Your hand which was laying on the badge on his chest was moving upward, curling around his neck. He was not so much bigger than you but enough for you to get on your toes while you were dragging him down. It took just a split second then your lips touched.
First the kiss was sweet nearly shy. Then it grew more wilder, hungrier. Pavel put his arms around your waist, brought you more to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull yourself closer to him. There had been many first kisses in your life before but non has felt like this. Somehow you felt like you were flying high above the clouds. Everything spun around you. You started to feel dizzy. You really needed to get some air so you broke the kiss. Neither of you opened their eyes for several moments. Afraid of losing this magical moment. Then you slowly open yours seeing that Pavel did just the same. Even in this pale light you could see that his cheeks were flushed. The sight of it made you arouse even more. You couldn't hide your desire anymore.
“I want you”It came harshly out of your mouth. You wanted to kiss him again but this time it was him stopping you. Backing off you looked at him with confusion. Was there anything you did wrong? It wasn't possible that he didn't want you because it was obvious.
“This is something I was dreaming of for so long” His confession sounded like there was something unsaid in it. Something you didn't want to hear. He put a hand on your head to let run through your hair. “You can't imagine how long. But you're drunk and I don't want to take advantage of it.” Another pause. His eyes drifted of to his hand which was still running through your hair. Actually you didn't feel drunk anymore. You felt much more sober after this kiss. The only drunk you were was drunk on him. But when he looked at you again you knew that the moment between was over. “You should go to sleep. And if you still want this in the morning when you're sober, I'll be waiting for you. Like I always do.” His last words were more a whisper than speaking out loud.
Without any other word he lead you to your bed, helped you out of your dress and into a way more comfortable sleeping shirt. When you laid down on your bed he gently covered you with you blanket. He kissed your temple before wishing you good night.
Just before he was about to leave you raised your voice again and called out for him: “Stay!” You weren't sure it was loud enough for him to hear because you drifted into a deep sleep right away.
After a few hours you woke up with a little head ache. The hangover wasn't as bad as you expected. Laying there in bed, staring at the ceiling you thought about what happened last night. You had a lot of fun and alcohol. A few jokes by Scotty or Kirk came to your mind and made you grin. And then there was a lot of dancing with Uhura. And there was Pavel. You sitting in his lap, running you fingers through his hair. Him escorting you home. His hungry eyes. And then the kiss. A moan escaped your throat by the sheer thought about it. His lips have been so soft but rough at the same time. His tongue in your mouth had been perky. His arm around your waist that'd pulled you as close as possible. You'd wanted him so bad, you'd been so wet for him. But he'd been the wiser one of you. Had pushed you away even if it has been obvious that he wanted you so bad too.
You sat up, seeing that the bed next to you was empty. Disappointment spread out inside you. So he didn't stayed. Of course he didn't. Probably the torture would have been to much for him. But he said that if you still wanted him in the morning he'd be there waiting. Why did he always torture himself with such a promise? He should have walked away from his feelings a long time ago. It would have been the best for him. You weren't good for him.
Slowly you got out of bed. Your dress was neatly rested on the stool nearby your bed. But there was something else. You walked towards it to get a better look just to discover it was the uniform Pavel was wearing last night. Was he still here? The sound of steady breathing was the instant answer to that unspoken question. When you walked around to your living area and the couch standing there you found him sleeping on it. He wasn't wearing more than a Tshirt and boxer briefs. The thin blanket he probably used to cover himself was laying half on the ground and was twined around his legs. So he did stayed. But as a gentleman as he was he kept his distance to you presumable because it could have been that you regret what happened the night before. Smiling you shook your head because he was really the sweetest guy in this universe.
You really should regret what happened but somehow you just felt happy. And truth to be told you knew the reason of it. Whatever made you push the fact aside that you had actual feelings for is guy. Not the feelings you had for you best friend. No you actually liked him a lot more than a friend. At some point and you don't know when you really fell in love with him. How could you have been so blind? Even after Uhura pointed it out to you so many times. You've been such a dumb-ass.
Slowly you got on your knees in front of him and watched him sleeping for a while. He looked so peaceful and beautiful. His hair was a mess, his Tshirt was a little bit shove up so his abs where visible and this little trail of darker hair which disappeared into his boxer briefs. You had to bit down on your lip to not moan at this view especially at the sight of his slightly arousal. How was it possible that you resisted him for so long?
Gently you started to run your fingers through his hair. They felt so soft . With a quiet grunt Pavel started to wake up. Wrinkles appeared between his eyebrows and on his forehead before he slowly opened his eyes. After he blinked a few times to see properly he turned his head towards you. A tired but happy smile came into sight.
“Vat time is it?” His voice was still a little bit throaty from sleep. Did he always sound like this when he wakes up? You hoped so because it sounded good combined with his Russian accent.
“I don't know. Probably still to early to get up. But I had enough sleep to sober up...” You eyes were searching for his, looking for a reaction before you continued. “I hope you're still up for your offer.” It took some time for him to put the words together and realize the meaning behind them. As his eyes grew big you knew that he got it. He slowly got up keeping his eyes on you. They were asking you silently if you were absolutely sure. All you could do was giving a quick nod before getting up, straddling him and kissed him with all that desire you felt. His arms came around you, pulling you closer while petting you back. Your heart burst into flames because of the pleasure you felt.
Moans escaped both of your throats as you started to roll your hips in his lap, his arousal clearly growing bigger. Both of you were very hungry and not really patient at the moment. You broke the kiss and nearly at the same time pulled of Pavel's shirt as he done with yours. It was very surprising how fast he undid your bra and tossed it away to your shirt. He bent down to take one of you nipple into his mouth. He sucked at it briefly before he let his tongue to lick at it. You let a little scream get out. A hand of yours gripped automatically in his hair. How was it possible that he pushed you just the right way the first time? It was like he knew exactly what you needed and wanted.
Your hips started to move a little faster in need. His groan sent a shiver down your you spine. You got up just enough to get a hand between the two of you and grab his dick through the fabric of his boxer briefs. Stroking him fast and hard just before he laid his hands on your hips, lifted you up just to press you down on the couch. A surprised gasp came off you. You were on the edge and you needed him right now. And by the look in his eyes he was exactly the same. So you got up to pull down his boxer briefs with his help. In a blink he also helped you out of your panties and spread your legs. Then he hesitated and looked at you. You could tell that he wanted to make sure that it was really what you wanted.
“Pasha, пожалуйста (pozhaluysta)! I need you right now!” Your begging came out harshly. He nodded before he bent down and kissing you wild. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, he carefully he pushed inside you. Instinctively you dug your nails into his back. The feeling of him inside you was nothing you ever felt before. It was like he fit perfectly, like your body was made just for him. Both of you moaned loudly when he pushed fully inside you. For a brief moment he just stayed in this position, looking into your eyes. You did the same with a smile on your face. This moment was just perfect.
Slowly Pavel began to pull out of you just to push back inside. Again you moaned loudly. It felt so good having him inside you. You began to move against him. It took you some time to find a common pace but as you did it started to feel even better for both of you. Never had you such a pleasure while having sex with someone. Everything seemed to be better with Pavel. Way better.
You were looking into each others eyes while riding each other towards your climaxes. It wouldn't last much longer. Pavel again bent down to you to kiss you quickly and the kissed down your throat and neck. You laid your head on the side to give him more space. His strokes got more rapid and hard as the nearer you came your climaxes.
And then he did something you haven't expected. He bit down on the space between you neck and shoulder. The pain running through you body hurt but also gave you some extra pleasure. You dug your nails again into his back surely leaving some marks. But it was the only way to ease the other feeling that suddenly rose inside you. It was like something inside you loosened and connected to something inside Pavel. It was like you were becoming one. And so felt your climax. You came along with Pavel in a way you never experienced.
When he let got of the part he just bit down to, he gently kissed it. You tried to steady your breath as Pavel did. Exhaustion made him lay own on you a little bit, trying not to lay to much weight on you. Your hands rested on his back slightly petting him. You were exhausted as he was but also so damn pleased. Slowly you brain started to work up what just happened just moments before you came. You knew that you read something about that. But what was it? Then it came to you like thunderstruck. You couldn't help but started laughing.
When you were just a little child your mother has told you stories of princesses who found their princes and lived happily ever after. You'd loved these stories even though you'd known that they weren't real. But she also told you stories of real people who'd lived life better than any fairy tale. People who said they'd found their soulmates. When you were just a little child you'd believed in these stories even your father had laughed at you and told you on and on that the were just modern fairy tales people had started to tell because they had got tired of the old ones.
Now at the age of 30 you found out the truth. These weren't just fairy tales. These stories about soulmates were true. Uhura told you she found hers in Spock years ago. Even though you heard her stories about this you still had a hard time to really believe it that it was true.
Now at the age of 30 you laid next to your best friend. After all this time and the fighting against your actual feelings, you let it happen and found happiness. The greatest happiness you could found. Because you found your soulmate in Pavel Andreievich Chekov.
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thesoftdumbass · 6 years
Hold My Hand
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott X Reader
Requested by Anon: May I request a Scotty fic where he really loves holding the reader’s hand and finds any excuse to do so?
Word Count: 3.5K
Characters: Scotty, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Jim Kirk. Mentioned: Keenser, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Ben Sulu, Spock
A/N: Just a warning, I know absolutely nothing about engineering, so any time it is mentioned in one of my fics it is basically just the same thing. 
I love this request so much, thank you Anon who sent it to me, and also I’m sorry that it took so long! I am working on other ones, I just want them to be good for you guys, and I have real-world problems and such, bleh. I really hope you like it!
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“Make sure you’re more careful next time, Ensign Y/L/N. I don’t wanna have to patch you up again,” Bones says with a cheeky smile as you walk out of an exam room, having just repaired the hand that you managed to burn in engineering. Shorting circuits can really smart.
“Don’t worry Doc, I don’t feel like dealing with your grumpy self. Have fun with those Andorian measles, though,” you snark back at him, winking as you walk backward out of medbay. You and Leonard see a lot of each other, you being a red shirt and all. Engineers tend to get a lot of injuries, and you decided long ago to make your time around the doctor at least mildly entertaining.
As you make your way back to the control room that you were working in before your unplanned break, you run into your supervising officer and friend, Montgomery Scott. He stops you when you move to pass him in the corridor.
“Y/N, I thought I told you to take the rest of the day off. You just burned your hand, you need to let it heal!”
“It is healed, Scotty, thank Heavens for dermal regenerators. The burn is gone and I have new skin to scar up however I please,” you smirk.
“Dinnae joke, Lassie. Injuries are no laughing matter,” Scotty reached for your hand anyways, gently cradling it in his own calloused one, fingers running along the patch of pink skin, causing a small wince to cross your features. You quickly school your face back to normal but Scotty doesn’t miss the movement, giving you a pointed look.
“I’m fine Scotty, I promise, I just need to finish stripping the wires on panel B and replace the fuses,” you insist and go to pull your hand back to your side and Scotty just lets you, a tight smile pulling on his features.
“Keenser will finish it, now go get some rest. Ye’ve got a full day of irritating your coworkers tomorrow.”
You look into Scotty’s eyes and find determination there, knowing that you won’t win a stand-off with the stubborn Scot. “Alright then. I’ll be back in the morning to get on your nerves,” you say with a smirk as you walk away, heading to your quarterdeck to change into some pajamas and watch old holos.
“Well this is just spectacular,” you mutter to yourself as you traipse through the streets of the planet you’re on. The ground mission that you were a part of ran into some trouble. The planet was inhabited by natives, but you didn’t know until too late that Klingons also took up residence there.
Your landing party had to break up and find your way back to the beam-down point in pairs, as a group of six would be too conspicuous. The disguise you are currently wearing is itchy, making you fidget, and your companion just chuckles as you scratch at your shoulder once again.
“What are you laughing at, Scotty?”
“Quit squirmin’, lass. You’re acting suspicious, you could get us caught.”
“I can’t help it, I’m nervous and this stupid dress is so itchy. What is it, made of straw?” you ask rhetorically, reaching up once again to relieve the discomfort.
“Here, give me,” Scotty grasps your wrist mid-air, moving his hand down to intertwine your fingers. “Maybe we’ll be more low-profile if we just walk slowly, look like a couple browsing the stalls.”
You nod your head, a thoughtful look crossing your face. “I think that’ll work.”
And so you make your way through the market, holding hands and talking normally the whole time, making sure you don’t draw attention to yourselves. You finally reach the edge of the city and continue on, reaching the rendezvous point within minutes of clearing the populous area.
Relieved smiles greet you as you rejoin the group, it seems you were the last two to arrive. “Oh good, you guys are back! We were afraid you’d been caught and we would have to send a team to scout,” Uhura rushed up to you, reaching for your arm only to find it still tucked into Scotty’s side. Her eyebrow raises and she gets a mischievous look in her eyes, pointedly looking down at your joined hands. You clear your throat and let go, not having noticed that you were still holding his hand.
“Yeah, we’re fine. We were trying not to draw attention to ourselves, so we just walked slowly.” Uhura accepts your answer.
“So everyone else made it back safely?” Scotty speaks up, making sure to check everybody for any apparent damage, and seeming satisfied at not finding anything wrong.
“Let’s get back to the ship, then.” Nyota pulls out her comm, calling up the Enterprise for a beam out.
Once you are safely back onboard and in your room you pull off the itchy disguise and let it fall to the floor, not wanting it to ever touch your skin again. Getting comfortable in lounge clothes, you replicate yourself a cup of tea to get settled and while you’re waiting for your drink to get done you start to wonder. Is there a reason that you kept your hand in Scotty’s once you were safe? I mean, sure, it’s nice to have that reassurance when you’re in a dangerous situation, but you can’t help but think that it’s more than that. Abandoning your train of thought for now, you grab your mug from the replicator and sit yourself down on your couch, resolving to figure it out on another day.
You dance along to the music, only swaying a little bit in your inebriated state. It’s a celebration night, Chekov’s birthday, and you feel justified in letting loose after dealing with the stresses of working for Starfleet. The song ends and you stop, becoming aware of how dry your throat is.
You make your way through the crowd to the bar, stumbling a little bit in your heeled ankle boots that certainly are not regulation issue. Ordering a cocktail for yourself, you look around and let out a loud squeal when you spot some friends. Scotty and Uhura are standing a few feet away, watching as Keenser and Pavel are having a drinking competition, it’s unclear who’s winning. You walk over to the group, joining in and cheering for whoever drank a shot quicker that round.
The little group is broken up when Keenser pounds his fist on the table twice, signaling his surrender. Everybody around you cheers and you laugh as Chekov stands up in his seat, raising his hands in victory and stumbling, almost hitting the floor. Chekov will have a killer hangover in the morning, but for now, he is happy to have won.
The group around you disperse, and you’re left standing with Montgomery, a large smile on his face and a tumbler of scotch in his hand. The two of you are talking about everything and nothing when your favorite song come over the speakers. Gasping and putting your drink down on a nearby table, you grab Scotty’s hand in yours.
“Dance with me?” you ask excitedly and Scotty can’t resist, the twinkle in your eye too bright for him to disappoint you.
“Aye, of course, Y/N. I have te warn ya though, I can’t dance worth a lick,” Scotty says and you just laugh.
“Come on,” you giggle, grabbing one of his hands in yours. You make your way to the crowd at the edge of the dance floor, but that’s not enough for you. Pushing your way through the throng of people and pulling Scotty along with you, you make it to the center of the dance floor excitedly.
By now your favorite song is almost over but you don’t let that bother you, dancing to it as well as a few songs that come on after it. You’re not exactly a skillful dancer, but you don’t let that stop you from having fun, doing whatever moves pop into your head. Scotty watches with a grin on his face, copying your moves as best he can and spinning you around a couple times.
When the heat from being surrounded by dancing bodies starts to get to you, you pull Scotty close to you, having to yell to be heard over the speakers. “Can we take a break?”
The two of you start to make your way back to the bar, finally getting a chance to cool down. It’s not a surprise that you almost fall, your feet tired from dancing and the alcohol still running through your system, though not as strongly now. Scotty catches you before you can hit the ground, holding you steady by the arms and bringing you closer to his body so he can support you.
“Are you alright? I can find you a seat if you’d like to sit down,” he offers.
“I’m good, I think I’m just gonna go to bed. I didn’t realize how tired I am.”
“I’ll walk you then.” With a smile, Monty puts his arm through yours and leads you out the doors of the recreation deck and you make your way to the turbo lift together. You walk in comfortable silence, leaning your head against his shoulder while waiting for the turbo lift to make its way to your floor.
You reach your quarters after a few minutes and just stand outside for a moment, enjoying Scotty’s presence. Eventually, though, you feel the long day and even longer night hitting you and you have to go in.
“Thank you for walking me back to my quarters, Scotty, and for putting up with my drunk self.” He chuckles, the sound warm and inviting.
“It’s no’ a problem, lass. Get some sleep, and drink plenty of water. I’ll see you on shift tomorrow?”
You just nod, your brain too tired and aching to form words. You smile when Scotty places a kiss on your hairline and make your way inside your room, taking off your dress and laying down, but not before drinking a glass of water and setting another on your bedside table along with a couple aspirin. And even though the after-effects of drinking are hitting you already, you are looking forward to work tomorrow.
You reach out a hand to steady yourself on the nearest object, leaning heavily on the rail of the walkway you are currently on. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” you mutter.
Your day had started out normally. That is until a Cardassian warship started following the Enterprise closely. Captain Kirk tried hailing them, but they jammed the signals before firing disruptor blasts, barely making a dent in the shields.
The ship shudders once again as you make your way through engineering, your destination the torpedo bay with a malfunctioning trigger mechanism. Everybody else was busy with other tasks, keeping the warp core functioning properly and making sure that the fires started from erupting sparks are extinguished quickly.
Almost to the torpedo bay, you stumble when the ship lurches. You’re getting tired of these Cardassians attacking you out of nowhere, just wanting to fix the torpedo so you can get out of this star system. Right as you’re about to open up the panel to fix the problem, you are interrupted by the door swishing open.
“Lassie, what are you still doin’ here?” Scotty asks, breathing hard from exertion and face red.
“I’m doing my job, Scotty, what’s the problem,” you ask, almost nonchalantly.
“There are Cardassians on the ship, Y/N! You cannae stay down here. You need to get to a safe location.”
“Well they’re not in here, I can still do my job,” you say flatly.
“But your job isn’t security officer, so we’re going to my office. You will be safe in there,” he pressed.
But Monty, what about the proton torpedo? We need it to disable their ship.”
“Please, Y/N. Come with me.”
You finally comply with his pleas, and after letting out a relieved sigh Scotty grabs your hand. Leading you out of the torpedo bay, you take a left turn out the door and head toward his office.
Scotty notices the Cardassians before you do. As soon as he sees the man and woman with light grey skin, the ridges on their faces standing out, he pulls you into an alcove and makes sure that you are both hidden from their wolf-like eyes. Pulling you into his side he brings his arm up to his chest, your hand still in his, resting just over his heart.
You revel in his embrace, his warmth keeping you grounded. Not that you feel like a damsel in need of rescuing, but you feel better knowing that Scotty is here with you. After a few minutes, you leave Scotty’s side to peer out of the small alcove you are in, finding the way clear to seek shelter.
Silently moving through the bowels of the ship, you make it to Scotty’s office without further incident and collapse onto the small couch in the room as Scotty locks the door behind you. He sinks into the seat right beside you and pulls you into his chest, content to sit with his chin resting comfortably on your head, waiting for the security officers to deal with the ship’s invaders.
It’s not until the alarms stop sounding and the red lights stop flashing that you remove yourself from his arms, thanking him for keeping you safe from the Cardassians and excusing yourself to check the ship for damages.
As you’re walking through the corridors after leaving his office, you can’t help but think about how willing you were to just sit and let Scotty hold you. Oh my God... you think to yourself. I have feelings for Scotty!
It’s finally Saturday and you have a night off after so long of trying to keep up with your crazy work schedule. So after a long day in engineering, your only plans are to eat a homey meal and curl up with a good book for a few hours before going to bed early. You’re already longing for the fuzzy blanket currently laying across your bed, the warm fabric-
“Y/N, do you want to come to movie night with me?”
You hear Scotty’s voice behind you and spin around, coming face to face with the man, the corners of his mouth turned up.
“Huh?” You ask, your head tilted in confusion.
“The bridge crew is gathering to watch old holos in the Captain’s quarters tonight. I thought you might want to join me,” he shrugs, looking around the hallway.
“That sounds fun,” you answer enthusiastically. After all, plans could be changed.
“Excellent!” Scotty exclaims but then lowers his voice to normal levels. “I’ll, uh, I’ll let you get changed out of your uniform and meet you on the senior officer’s deck at 20:00.”
“Later,” you say as you continue on your way to your quarters. You’re not sure what to wear, so you change into a pair of leggings and a cozy sweater with sleeves too long for your hands, a bralette underneath and a pair of converse on your feet. When in doubt, wear what’s comfortable.
You just leave your hair natural and head out, making it to where you’re supposed to meet Scotty just in time, him arriving just a moment after you. Scotty is also dressed down, a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants in place of his uniform. He greets you and then you’re off, walking to Jim’s quarters and making small talk. You stand in front of the door just a few moments later, and suddenly your nerves flare up.
You’ve heard about these movie nights but you’ve never been before and you don’t know what to expect. You fidget with your hands trying not to freak out, before Scotty reaches over, grasping your hand assuredly before pressing the button to open the door and walking in with you following reluctantly behind him. Several voices greet you once you’ve fully entered the room and the door closes behind you and you wave shyly.
“Y/N! I’m glad you could come.” Jim comes over to give you a friendly hug. “The movie starts in a few minutes and there’s food and drinks in the kitchen, make yourself at home.”
You nod your head in thanks and make your way to the kitchen with Scotty, making a plate of food before walking over to the drinks table. Leonard is there with a glass of bourbon in his hand, and he smirks when you walk over to him. “Hot date?” with a quirk of an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes at his good-natured teasing, looking back at Scotty who is a few feet away talking with Nyota. “Aww, I guess someone’s jealous,” you rib back, poking him in the cheek. Len swats your hand away and laughs, his dimples showing up. You chuckle along and continue to talk and soon you’re joined by Uhura, who jokes about when Leonard and Jim will get together and get married.
By the time everybody is finished with their food and getting a refill on drinks, it’s time for the movie to start and Jim is turning out the lights and asking the computer to play the holo, a classic called “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”. Scotty settles in the corner of the couch and you sit next to him, perfectly contented to be pulled into his side as the music starts.
About halfway through the holo, you stretch your back which has gotten stiff from sitting for so long, looking around at the gathered company. On the other end of the large couch is Leonard and Jim, you’re not surprised to find them cuddled close together. Next to them is Pavel, who has fallen asleep, drooling on Hikaru’s shoulder, who is messaging Ben on his PADD. Spock and Uhura are sitting next to each other on the floor in front of the couch, watching the film with mild interest.
As you’re observing the others, you feel a hand fall over your own laying on your leg and turn to your side, seeing Scotty looking back at you. There’s a softness in his eyes that you’ve grown used to from him and it warms your heart to see it now. You smile at Scotty, but then there’s a slight frown on his face but before you can ask him about it he’s speaking.
“Your hands are cold,” he says quietly, trying not to distract the others from the movie.
“They just get a little chilly sometimes,” you shrug. When you say this Scotty takes both of your hands in his, holding them and rubbing circles over the backs with his thumbs. You lean into the warmth he is providing, laying your head on Scotty’s shoulder and going back to watching the movie.
You don’t notice when you’re falling asleep, you just wake up later to the feeling of a chaste kiss being placed on your forehead. You open your eyes slowly to find yourself in Jim’s quarters still, the room dark except for the holo-screen, which is rolling the credits. Scotty is looking over at you, an amused look in his eyes.
“What time is it,” you ask groggily.
“About time for you to go to bed. Come on, I’ll help you back to your room.”
You nod and stand to your feet with Scotty’s help, stretching your arms above your head. You say goodnight to everyone, hugging Uhura before walking out the door, headed to your own quarters. You trail a finger along the titanium wall of the corridor as you walk and your shoulder bumps with Monty’s with every other step you take.
“Lass,” Scotty says softly to get your attention, gently grabbing the hand closest to him to pause your movement. You look to him, eyebrows quirked in interest. He reaches a hand up, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, you lean into his touch and he lingers, a warm hand on your cheek. “I’d really like to kiss you now, if you’ll let me.”
Instead of responding, you reach up on your tiptoes, feeling Scotty’s breath on your face. You press your lips against his in a tender kiss, pulling back after a moment to see his reaction. Scotty’s eyes are closed, a slight blush on his cheeks as he smiles softly. You take that as a good sign, leaning back in for more.
You and Scotty stand in the middle of the hallway kissing like that for a few minutes and you know that somebody could walk by at any time and see, but you can’t find it in you to care. Eventually, you have to pull away to breathe, resting your forehead against Scotty’s and taking a few gulps of air.
“Would you go to dinner with me, Y/N?”
You giggle as if the answer should be obvious, reaching up and pecking Scotty’s lips once again. “I would love to, Scotty.”
You touch a hand to his cheek reverently before pulling away, reaching out a hand for him to take. And as he continues to walk you to your quarters, kissing you goodnight at the door, you wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else.
Permanent Tags: @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester  @mad-girl-without-a-box  @cd1242  @space-helen
Star Trek Tags: @bookcaseninja  @musikat18  @kickingitwithkirk  @shealwaysreads  @auduna-druitt
Hold My Hand Tags: @izzy10718  @kjs-s  @biologik  @grumpymedbae  @prairiedawn  @liveloudwriteloud  @pianomad  @damnitman-jamlocked-inthetardis  @beccaboobs1996  @sugerquill  @fireboltrose7559  @annathewitch  @xmalpalx 
*If your name is bolded, then I couldn’t tag you for some reason. I’m sorry, loves!
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stuffgetswatched · 6 years
Star Trek: Beyond
Well next on the list, it’s Star Trek. This film was... it was maybe the best of the new Star Treks, but it wasn’t quite tight enough to make it fantastic on it’s own. More Spoilerific thoughts below.
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This film was at it’s best when it was engaging in the relationship they had developed between existent characters. The duets, especially Spock and Bones, they were fucking fantastic and highlighted why we enjoy their chemistry. Bones himself is basically part of the three main characters, simply due to how well Karl Urban has carried the role. Sulu continued to secretly be the most competent person on the ship and the obvious next captain, Chekov (RIP Anton, you were the best) and his sexual exploits in the background, they were all done fantastic. Obviously Scotty had the most to do on his own, but what I found weird was that Uhura was almost underused? She was there but she wasn’t doing anything massive on her own, like she wasn’t distinct aside from being a part of Spocks little arc. That was kinda disappointing.
I honestly wish more of the film had been spent on those relationships? I had huge hopes with the plot seeming to be ‘shore leave interrupted’, but as we came to realise that the station they were sent to was insanely advanced it dawned on me that it was going to go to the well again with the big stakes explosions destruction. Thankfully they didn’t break the Yorktown, but they certainly broke the old Enterprise.
Why do they have a fetish for blowing crap up in these films. Is it necessary? The mutilation of the ship initially was more than enough for me, then I had to sit and watch them just... crash it again.
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I mean look at that. The film looked incredible, as they always do, that’s the best warp has ever looked. But I honestly didn’t need it to enjoy the film. It’s nice that they do it, but if they could avoid studio shutdown by cutting the CGI budget down by twenty five million then I’ll be more than happy.
All credit to the production crew and Simon Pegg, it did not feel like a production as dogged with issues as it was. Rogue One is a great example of a similar modern film that was butchered before release with rewrites and reworks, but Beyond came out very comprehensive. Up until about... an hour in it was working and functioning perfectly, I was even praising the writing for being surprisingly top notch. Then... is starts to struggle a little bit. The world was defined as a graveyard world, and they tracked the crew by tracking the only bit of a rare Vulcan metal that should be there, around Uhuras neck (sadly her largest plot contribution aside from getting Kirk on the other side of the door). However the graveyard was old enough that it caught the Kelvin. Surely in those centuries, more federation ships, with pre-destruction Vulcan numbers, would exist? I don’t know, niggles appeared at this point and some of the set pieces started to struggle.
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The writing also struggled with the main non crew characters, Krall and Jaylah. Because of the massive focus on the core characters, and the promotion of Bones to equal screen time, these two were sharply curtailed into relatively basic roles. Jaylah started interestingly, but never really came back again in her own - she got a moment to resist the flow of the plot but was easily persuaded to ‘be brave’ which isn’t really how one overcomes deep trauma but okay sure whatever. She had a rivalry, i noticed, with the subcommander of Kralls folks, but that was so sandbagged by time restraints they had to break the battle flow to inform you it existed.
I was shocked that Idris Elba was Krall, mostly because... Krall was so painfully generic. I feel like we’ve done this a hundred times before, and this specific story twice. Villain from the Federations past, a soldier who can’t let a war go, ‘unity makes you weak’, ‘conflict is a part of life so blow up a monument’. It’s kinda painful how often I have seen that plot in relatively one dimensional villains. His subcommander had a line where he was like 'Complete the Mission' and that belonged in a different film that gave the idea that ‘captains do anything for their crew’ more time. It was the only tie in to the attempt to make him make more compelling. Didn’t work.
Neither of those two actors were used to their potential, and Idris Elba was most likely a shocking waste of money that wasn’t needed to be spent. He had nothing to do, nothing to say and no emotion to elicit, speaking in a guttural voice with a heavily covered face. And Paramount wonders why it’s struggling financially!
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This film was sometimes annoying to watch because it had a lot of very good ideas, and it came surprisingly close to being truly great. The cheesy but awesome music killing the enemies should not have worked, but it did. The cinematics were beautiful and the camera work was fine. The heart and soul was in, and details when they were used were used well. But for every great touch was a moment of waste, such as the unintentionally hilarious reverse of the Into Darkness shot of the Enterprise crashing into the sea, but now with the Kelvin surfacing out of the pool. It was held back, especially in the second half.
What else to say. ‘Sulu is Gay now’ was the most understated thing, and I mean... yeah sure. It’s fine, I’m not going to complain about more representation. Fuck anyone who argued it was rubbing it in faces, it was exactly the same level as the Guardians of the Galaxy “the nova core guy has an alien wife and kid” and no-one complained about that. It’s actually sad how easy it is for them to play with inter-species relationships in the film more than same sex ones, I’m glad they are doing it, but you know.
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I think the weird thing I actually got from Beyond is the realization that a film like this without human protagonists couldn’t exist today. People have a hard enough time watching or making films with female or minority protagonists. Imagine if they got one of the thousand Federation vessels without any humans on board and just followed that. Maybe they could be working on the frontier, not the best vessel, not the worst vessel either, just a Defiant level ship trying to keep a minor sector from erupting into internal conflict on the Federation border. An important job, but not a real threat. A thankless task, letting them focus on the extended crew, all those aliens that no-one cared about in the background of other sci fi films. Not played for laughs, not treated as fodder.
Wouldn’t that be interesting?
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musikat18 · 7 years
Non-Stop (Jim Kirk x Reader Part 3)
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That Would Be Enough (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3- you are here)
Pairing: AOS Jim Kirk x Reader
Rating: PG for angst, language and descriptions of violence
A/N: Time to pick up steam and get into the meat of some plot~ Enjoy!
You probably should have taken that extra languages credit at the Academy instead of Advanced Physiological Analysis.
If you had, you would have found it easier to focus on the words of the panicked alien woman through the universal translator and not the tense figure of your ex-captain just across the way.
“Can we trust her?” Commodore Paris looked at you as the female alien, identifying herself as Kalara, tried desperately to read your face.
“There’s nothing significant in her records,” you half-mumbled and scrolled through the file. “She is the captain of a science vessel, though I....” You hesitated.
“You don’t know why she would leave without any of her crew with her,” Jim read your mind. Your smirk was almost noticeable. Dear god, did you miss what marginal intuition he showed.
“If there is any chance that crew can be rescued from the nebula she speaks of,” Paris looked over the chart of the region, “Starfleet has a duty to retrieve this peaceful vessel.”
You switched over to a new data chart on your PADD, “Sir, the region has yet to be explored by the Enterprise, or any other far-reaching vessel Starfleet operates. We have no idea what or who could be waiting in that nebula.”
“The Enterprise would be happy to accommodate space to allow Commander Y/L/N to join us,” Jim suggested. You snapped your head in his direction. He clearly did not take that Advanced Physiological Analysis class, because you were this close to yelling at him, and you probably would have if he hadn’t, for once in his life, suggested a perfectly logical and decent idea.
“...A word in my office, Captain,” Paris waved Jim after her. You blew air out through your nose. Great. Just great. You had worked so hard to keep yourself out of any emotional situations, and now Captain James Tiberius Perfect-Hair-Pretty-Eyes was going to ruin all the barriers you’d put up around yourself.
Like any logical person, you decided to retreat to your own office.
You heard that from your doorway, and for all your training in combat and security, you still jumped at the sound, almost falling into your holo-display of information.
Jim gave you an empty chuckle, “You’re putting that all together like you’re running out of time on something.”
“Well, I am,” you reasoned, “It’s for your crew. Information that might be helpful going into the nebula in that sector.”
He frowned to one side, “So you don’t want to come with us.”
“I have work here, Jim. I have a life here. I can’t just drop everything and run back out into space with you just because- because- why do you want me with your crew again?”
“Because I know you, Y/N,” he said, giving you a sincere look. “You’re the best security officer in this fleet, and an even better tactical officer than me or anyone currently on the Enterprise. You don’t deserve to spend your time on a Starbase where-”
“Can you cut that out, Jim?” you snapped. “I know what you’re discussing with Commodore Paris. You want to leave the Enterprise. You applied for a vice admiralty, and you applied for it here. How can a Starbase be good enough for you and not me?”
“That’s a different situation, Y/N, and how did you even find out about that?”
“I’m the security head, smartass. All comms go through me, voice-written or not.”
“That...that would make a lot of sense.”
“You don’t seem to be very good at that.”
Jim bored his blue eyes straight into yours, “That’s why I need you.”
“You have Spock and Bones to babysit you, and don’t you say ‘but I want you to babysit me.’ No, you don’t, because there is so much dumb stuff you could have done in five years that there’s no way I’d ever let you off the hook for it.”
“...Be that as it may-”
“Jim,” you sighed. “Don’t fight me, okay? Just don’t.”
Your ex-captain and current crush and friend and lots of other things nodded and hung his head, turning to leave your office.
“...I do think about why you could have left, you know.” He said, “I think about it all the time.”
Your heart wanted you to run after him, to tell him everything, but you couldn’t. Not before he was heading out on such a dangerous expedition. You turned back to your work. There was still a lot to do before the Enterprise left Yorktown with Kalara.
“Commander Y/L/N,” Paris greeted from your doorway.
“I am not getting on that ship.”
“I can’t believe she made me get on this ship,” you grumbled at Bones. 
You were now sitting in medbay, back in a standard red commander’s dress, crossing your legs over the edge of a biobed and waiting for McCoy to gather your new medical scans and vaccines.
“You and me both, darlin’,” the Southern doctor waved his tricorder at you. “You and me both.”
“Who does Jim think he is, asking me to drop everything and run back off into space with him?”
“Y’know, me and the others are still on this ship, too.”
You rolled your eyes, “You know what I meant.”
“Listen, Jim isn’t one to admit when he fucks up, but he does fuck up, and he knows he did with whatever happened between the two of you,” Bones offered. “You two have the same line of thinking.”
“Okay, but I keep myself alive, he goes and throws himself into danger at the flip of a switch.”
You could see the change in emotion behind Bones’ hazel eyes.
“This is about the warp core three years ago.”
You sputtered, “That’s ridiculous! That was three years ago!”
“I get it, alright?” McCoy cleaned his tools as he spoke to you, “You lost him, and it’s your job to keep this whole ship safe.”
“It was my job to keep this whole ship safe. I have a lot more on my plate now.”
Bones stood firm, “We do things that are more alike than I thought, I’ve decided. Save lives, just in different ways. I know you might not be able to let that all go so easy-- do you think I sleep well at night?”
You sat, silent for a moment. He was right, of course; you hadn’t had Jim’s dead body dropped in your security mainframe.
“Well, you and I tend to handle tragedy differently, don’t we, Bones?”
He didn’t argue with you. You weren’t sure if it was because you had struck a nerve or because you were right.
Both. It was probably both.
“Y/N,” Uhura poked her head in your new-old office on the ship. “Wow...you’ve gotten busy again quick.”
“I’m not staying here, Nyota,” you said, trying to cover up your disappointment for the sake of your sharpest friend. “I still have some Yorktown stuff to manage while I’m out here. Finnegan can’t do it all by himself, after all.”
“You’ve written a thousand pages of orders for Yorktown and any nearby vessels in three hours,” she said seriously. “Dr. McCoy would have a fit if he knew you were working this hard.”
“What else is there to do? Like I said, I’m not staying here.”
“Shame. Now that you and Christine are both transferred, I’m starting to run out of crew for girls’ night.”
You smiled, “Maybe we’ll have time for one more on the way back.” 
“Anyway,” she said with a laugh, “Captain Kirk wants you on the bridge. We’re almost through the nebula. Kalara says there’s a planet beyond there, and that that’s where her crew is.”
“When does Jim not need me on the bridge?” you grinned. There were so many meanings and feelings to swallow with that statement.
You could tell it hit Nyota more than you intended. 
“...He has mellowed out, you know. Not a lot, he’s still Jim, but you get it.”
“I don’t think he’ll stop being Jim for anything. Not that I mind Jim, just...”
“I know,” she nodded, walking ahead of you into the turbolift. “I know you’re upset with him, we all see it.”
“Nyota,” you stopped her, “can we just focus on the mission?”
“That’s probably a good idea,” she said.
You hated her a little for being so good at reading anyone and everyone.
“Security commander on the bridge, keptin,” Chekov announced your arrival. You gave the sweet kid a little wave, and he grinned back. You didn’t quite regret coming back as much after that.
“The planet is called Altamid,” Kalara explained to you, standing with a tense posture at one of the viewing stations. Something about her had changed. She didn’t look worried anymore; she looked downright scared. You tried to meet eyes with Jim, but he was focused on other things.
“Captain, we have an incoming vessel,” Sulu warned Jim. You cast your eyes to the screen of the ship, trying to analyze the odd movement of the vessel across the way.
“Uhura, hail them.”
“Hailing frequencies open...they’re not responding.”
You’d never seen a ship move in such a serpentine manner before...
“I’m getting some kind of signal...still no response.”
It was almost like movie made each individual panel of the unidentified ship glimmer... You moved over to your old station, eyes bursting wide at the readings. 
“They’re mobilizing weapons!” your cry caught Jim and Kalara’s attention.
“Shields up!”
You began optimizing the weapons at your disposal as the unidentified ship split into hundreds of smaller battle pods. 
“Captain,” Spock warned, “we are not equipped for this kind of engagement.”
“He’s right, Jim,” you said. “The size of that fleet alone will-”
You cut yourself off as the ship jolted.
“They’re boarding, sir,” Nyota said. Your gaze steeled.
“Y/N,” Jim warned as you grabbed for a phaser under your station. “Y/N, what are you doing?!”
“You’re not the only one with the authority to save lives, Jim!”
Your stony expression froze his as the turbolift doors closed in front of you.
Your life, as it seemed, was going to go back to non-stop, break-neck action.
Tagging: @mrkrychek @wonders-of-the-enterprise
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dreamthinkimagine · 7 years
For the Anon who asked for this! Thanks for the prompt and I hope you like it!
“You have to do a mind-meld, Spock,” Leonard “Bones” McCoy said to the Vulcan First Officer. Below them, laying on the bio-bed, was an unconscious Jim Kirk.
“Doctor, it would be more wise to inject the Captain with-”
“I know, but we’re all out. Gonna get some more on our next stop, but I don’t wanna wait that long. Now, if your Vulcan-mind-reading can make someone forget something, make them think like you, transfer information, and maybe even restore memory, not to mention that his mind can’t even affect yours in his state, then a mind-meld is worth a shot.”
“Very well,” Spock said and knelt down. He placed his hands on Jim’s forehead and chin.
“Well?” McCoy waited for an answer, but wouldn’t get one.
As Spock traveled to Jim’s ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, one of more parts of a human brain that helps control sleeping and waking, not only could he hear McCoy’s ‘Answer me you pointed-eared Vulcan’, he discovered some information about his friend.
Apparently, Jim had a secret love for the classic game, “Bingo”, craved cheese and crackers when he was frustrated, had a twentieth century photo album with photos of him and every single person on the ship, was quite insecure, very ticklish and - Spock couldn’t focus too much on it now, even though he already saw what it was, because he was there. Jim’s ventrolateral preoptic nucleus. He placed his hands on it and said, “Wake up. You are waking up, James Kirk.”
In the Sickbay, McCoy was about to yell at Spock again for not answering him, when Jim’s eyes opened. Spock was, once again, in the Sickbay.
“Bones,” Jim said. “What happened?”
“You were training with a crewman. When you got to combat...you lost.” When Bones cleared Jim to go, Spock decided to discuss what he saw with the doctor. Spock whispered it into his non-pointed ear and Bones couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face and the mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“You have heard me correctly, Doctor.” Seeing the doctor was satisfied, Spock left.
Since Spock assumed that everyone else would have the same reaction as Bones, he told everyone he saw for the rest of the day; and they all had the exact same reaction. Additionally, he figured Jim might like if they knew.
When Jim stepped out of his Quarters the next morning, Scotty, who was passing by, gave him a tweak on the side. Jim straightened out and squeaked.
“Mornin’, Captain!” He poked his ribs and Jim’s arm shot up to protect himself and he giggled. He straightened himself out again and lowered his voice.
“Scotty, what are you doing?” Scotty shrugged.
“Just thought you’d like a laugh, Captain.” Note to self, Kirk thought. Have McCoy check Scotty. He continued down the hall and onto the Bridge.
Anyone who passed him on the Bridge made sure to give him a quick tickle. Sulu went after his ribs. Chekov poked at his collarbones. Uhura scratched his neck. Yeoman Rand attacked his underarms when he went to give her back the PADD she needed him to sign. Even Spock squeezed his knees and eventually directly above them.
What’s going on? Kirk thought to himself. Why is everybody tickling me?
“Sickbay to Bridge.” Kirk pushed the button on the arm of his chair.
“Kirk here.”
“Captain, Scotty’s fine, and I want to see you in Sickbay.”
“To check you after your incident yesterday.” After an injury, or in Kirk’s case, a knock-out, Bones always checked up on it for a few days after they’d been allowed to leave Sickbay. Just to be on the safe side.  
“Spock, you have the Comm,” Kirk said as he got up and walked into the turbolift. As he walked to Sickbay, everyone who passed him was sure to poke, prod and/or scratch at ticklish spots; and each time Jim squrimed and laughed and giggled. Or if someone got a very sensitive spot, they earned themselves a squeal.
“Was that you squealin’?” Bones asked as Jim entered. The look in Jim’s eyes told the doctor all he needed to know. Jim sat down on the biobed and Bones scanned him, making sure everything was all still working fine - which everything was. Once he was done, and he didn’t tell Jim that he was done, he had him lay down.
“I gotta check your stomach.” Before Jim could question, he was thrown into a world of laughter as Bones “checked” his belly. He folded in on himself and tried to use his arms and legs to shield himself as he laughed, but it did no good. A squeeze here, a scratch there. A giggle here, some panicked laughter there. He decided that Jim had had enough and stopped. For now. Jim laid on the bed panting and curled up.
“Why,” Jim asked as he began to catch his breath. “Is everybody tickling me?”
“Spock told us.”
“Found out you were ticklish while mind-melding with you yesterday to wake you up.” Jim got up and headed for the door, but he stopped and turned around. His face was made up with mischief. “I gotta get some revenge on him. Then, you.” When he was out the door, Bones made a mental list of places to avoid for the next few days.
Shifts ended before Jim got back to the Bridge. People saw the difference in him from earlier - now he hungered for revenge. No one dared touch him now, lest he tickle them to the ground, or insanity; whichever came first.  
“Spock,” Jim greeted. “We need to have a meeting for our upcoming mission. We’re going to the conference room.”
“Who else is required to attend, Captain?”
“No one else. Let’s go.”
“Captain, I have a short business to attend to. May I meet you there?” It was hard, but Kirk allowed it. He wanted revenge, but whatever Spock had to do might be important. And his crew and ship came first.
“Well, before we begin,” Kirk said once Spock arrived and sat down. “I really would like to thank you for yesterday. For bringing me back.”
“Of course, Captain.”
“Next time, though, please don’t go rummaging through my personal information and then telling everyone about it. Now, let’s begin.” Jim lunged and tackled the half-Vulcan.
As Spock tried to figure out his friend’s illogic, he felt a scratching sensation on his stomach. He sat up and raised an eyebrow. Kirk noticed this and moved to his sides. Nothing. He tried his neck. Nada. Ribs? Nope. Knees? Zilch. He even slipped his fingers under Spock’s arms. No. No reaction.
“You’re not ticklish?”
“Negative, Jim.” Jim could have sworn that he saw Spock smirk at him. With that, Spock pounced and scratched at his ribs.
“Jim, when I explored your mind, I discovered another piece of information which I decided not to inform the crew, except Dr. McCoy, as I figured you may be embarrassed. You enjoy being tickled.” There was no use in denying it at this point. ‘A logical choice,’ Spock would have said. Jim, through his laughter, nodded.
Suddenly, Spock switched to his neck, causing giggles to flow out of Jim’s mouth and Spock was basking in the sound. It must have been so difficult being a Starship Captain, he needed laughter. Spock’s eyes brightened at the sight of his best friend’s happiness.
“If my memory serves correctly, another spot humans tend to be sensitive is here.” Spock shoved his hands under Jim’s arms and Jim started to buck.
“HAhahahahaha!! Spohohock!” When he lowered his hands to just under the armpits, Jim howled.
“Is there any place you are most susceptible?” Spock asked and moved to Jim’s thighs. Jim was too busy laughing to answer, when he completely froze and gasped. When he looked at his hand, he realized he had placed it on Jim’s left hip. He looked at Jim’s face. A wide smile took place on it, causing his eyes to crinkle. Spock could tell that Jim was purely happy, so he began to kneed Jim’s hips.
“Are you having, what humans call, ‘fun’, Jim?” If Jim didn’t like it, Spock would stop. He was just trying to be a good friend. He saw that Jim liked it. It made him happy and lifted his stress off of his shoulders for a little while. If Jim didn’t like it, it would only add to his stress.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Jim nodded. Spock could tell that Jim didn’t have a care weighing him down right now, so kept it up for another minute. When Jim started to have trouble breathing, Spock stopped and helped him up.
“Thanks,” Jim said once he caught his breath.
“Anytime, Captain. Stress is most illogical.”
“How did you know -?”
“You are a Starship Captain. One can assume that the position invokes great stress upon those who command.”
“You’re a good friend, Mr. Spock.”
“As are you, Jim.”
“Good night.”
“Good night.” On that note, they parted their separate ways, ready for some rest.
When Jim got back to his Quarters, he found a few things laid out nicely on his bed. A “Bingo” board with a coupon labeled: “One Free Bingo Game”. There were boxes of crackers and a wheel of Vulcan cheese. A photograph of Jim and Spock after their first mission that was taken by - well, Jim didn’t know that. Or how Spock got it. Then here were two versions of the same list : ”Reasons why Jim Kirk is Just as Good as Everyone Else”. One was in alphabetical order and the other was in order of importance. The last thing was a note. It read: “Thought you could use these. - Spock”.
He smiled as he drifted to sleep and got Bones back the next day, only to be attacked again by the crew two hours later. And as he laughed, he knew that today was a good day.
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chronotrek · 7 years
760. [MOV] Star Trek Beyond
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(5/5 stars)
This is it. This is the one. It took two movies of setup but we've finally arrived at a proper Star Trek movie that feels like it should. We're in the five-year mission, Kirk is rocking those pointy sideburns from the TV series, and for once we're nowhere near Earth and the ship is actually exploring deep space. The film starts with Kirk visiting some CGI aliens as a neutral representative of another species that has presented them an ancient weapon artifact as a peace offering. The Teenaxi do not take the peace offering as intended and instead attack Kirk. Fortunately, they're about the size of chihuahuas, and Kirk is able to beam back to the Enterprise with just a couple of them tagging along, running loose in the corridors. He managed to tear his shirt, of course. Since the Teenaxi didn't want the artifact, he has Spock catalog and store it.
McCoy swipes some whisky from Chekov's locker and has a drink with Kirk, who is turning 30. Kirk is a year older than his dad ever was, and is getting mopey. The endless expanse and his responsibilities as captain are isolating him a bit, and he's applied for a vice-admiralty position on Starbase Yorktown, a brand-new station on the outer frontier that looks like Justin Lin really wanted to direct Inception. He's recommending Spock replace him as captain of the Enterprise, but unbeknown to him, Spock is considering resigning his commission in Starfleet to help repopulate the Vulcan species, a decision that's caused him and Uhura to break up. (Though, really, he'd only need to take leave every seven years, he wouldn't have to quit his job.) Uhura wants to give back the necklace Spock gave her that belonged to Amanda Grayson, but Spock insists she keep the gift.
An escape pod approaches the Yorktown with a distress call. The lone occupant Kalara says her ship and crew are stranded on the planet Altamid. It's on the other side of the nebula near the Yorktown. Kirk volunteers the Enterprise for a rescue mission, using their advanced sensors to navigate the nebula's thick debris fields. They arrive at Altamid and are quickly met by a vessel of unknown configuration that starts jamming their comms before breaking up into a swarm of "bees" that attack the ship. They're frighteningly methodical, attacking with suicide runs. First they take out the deflector array, then sever the warp nacelles, then start boarding the ship by impaling the hull with breaching pods. Phasers do minimal damage as they only destroy a few bees at a time, and the swarm completely avoids torpedoes.
The leader of the swarm, an alien named Krall (hi Idris Elba!), begins looking for the weapon artifact stored aboard the Enterprise. He has the ability to drain the life from other humanoids, leaving them as dessicated husks. Kirk gets to the artifact first and gives it to a crewmember with a facehugger-style head to hide. Scotty reroutes impulse power to draw from the warp core so they can try to escape at impulse, and the swarm severs the saucer from the stardrive section to cut the power feed. Spock and Bones are in the turbolift when this happens and their car is launched into space before a bee captures them, but they're able to kill the pilots and take control of the bee themselves.
The impulse drive is still attempting to draw power from the warp core, and in order to switch it back they'll need to perform an actual saucer separation, removing what's left of the neck from the saucer. Kirk orders the crew to abandon ship while he performs the separation but like Kirk and McCoy, the escape pods are all captured by the bees. Scotty hides himself in a torpedo and launches it, knowing the bees will avoid his torpedo, letting him fly to the surface. Uhura helps Kirk fight off the invaders as they prepare for saucer separation but Uhura is stuck on the neck section with Krall when the separation is complete.
Even with impulse engines drawing from saucer power, they don't have enough boost to escape the gravity well of the planet. Kirk orders the bridge crew to escape in Kelvin pods. It's a cool escape pod system on the bridge, likely added because of George Kirk's sacrifice flying into the Narada. It's a single pod bay with individual pods loading in one at a time. Kirk is the last of the bridge crew to escape in a pod, and the saucer crashes to the surface below.
Most of the crew have been rounded up by Krall. Kirk, Chekov and Kalara's pods land near each other, Scotty escapes his torpedo before it careens off a cliff, and McCoy and Spock crashland their bee. Scotty meets an alien named Jaylah who has been stranded on this planet for years. She is a highly skilled melee fighter and engineer, developing holographic duplicates of herself to confuse in a fight, and she's constructed many traps to protect her home. Her home, as Scotty discovers, is the 22nd century Earth Starfleet vessel Franklin, humanity's first Warp 4 ship. Jaylah and her family were captured by Krall years ago and she escaped, fending for herself ever since.
Kirk and Chekov get Kalara to admit that she lured them into an ambush. She claims her crewmates were being held hostage by Krall and he'd let them go if she lured the Enterprise here. Chekov isn't able to scan for the rest of the crew, but the tricorder range is limited so Kirk suggests they hike back to the saucer and see if they can get its sensors online. While there, Kirk heads to the lockers to pretend to retrieve the weapon, and Kalara attacks him and informs Krall of its location... just as Kirk and Chekov wanted. The artifact is obviously not here, and they are able to get Krall's communication frequency from her call. This turns into another Inception-style gravity bending fight scene as Kirk and Chekov run through hallways to avoid Kalara and Krall's other minions. They end up igniting the saucer's thruster fuel tank which buys them time to escape, but flips the saucer and kills Kalara and the other minions. While looking for other survivors, they get caught in one of Jaylah's traps, an amber-colored gas that quickly solidifies and encases them. Jaylah frees them from it after Scotty assures her they're friends.
Uhura, Sulu, and the rest of the crew are rounded up in a camp. Krall reveals to Uhura that he can speak English, broken as it is, and he harbors a deep hatred for the Federation and its ideals, which he believes to be a lie, of peaceful coexistence that stand in stark contrast to the natural competition of evolution. Uhura and Sulu are able to break out of their holding cell thanks to a rather acidic sneeze by Keenser, Scotty's tiny alien assistant, and they find a monitoring system that's tapped into Federation frequencies. Krall knew that the weapon was aboard the Enterprise the moment Spock cataloged it. Once Krall knows it's not aboard the Enterprise, he realizes one of the crew must have it, and threatens to kill Sulu unless it's given up. The facehugger alien opens the back of her head to show it, and Krall is able to complete his superweapon, the Abronath, which he tests on said facehugger alien, who is dissolved before Uhura's eyes.
Spock is impaled by a piece of shrapnel on their landing, and McCoy has to improvise a cauterizing implement after pulling out the piece. Spock explains why he and Uhura broke up to McCoy, stating that he's planning on resigning his Starfleet commission to return to New Vulcan. He hasn't spoken to Kirk about it yet. There's plenty of banter to be had between the two, something that we hadn't seen quite enough of in the last two films, and they're definitely making up for lost time. Just as they are found and surrounded by several bees, Scotty reactivates the transporter on the Franklin and beams them over one at a time.
Spock's injury is able to be better treated on the ship, and thanks to that necklace he had Uhura keep that happens to have a unique radioactive signature, they're able to track down where Krall's camp is. ("You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?") Scotty reconfigures the transporter, an older model that was originally intended only for cargo, and believes he can get about 20 crew at a time with it so long as they can erect transport enhancers near the base. Jaylah is apprehensive about helping them go back there, fearing they will all die like her father did, but Scotty gives her a pep talk and Kirk has an idea about how to mount a distraction during the rescue attempt.
Using a vintage motorcycle that was aboard the Franklin, the holographic duplicator, and a canister of that insta-amber gas, many Kirks drive many motorcycles around Krall's base, distracting Krall's minions while the rest of the team gather up the crew and beam them to the Franklin a group at a time. Jaylah gets separated from the rest of the group and loses her transport beacon when she gets into a big ole fight with the guy who killed her father, but Kirk is able to get her out when he does a big ole Fast and the Furious style stunt of jumping off his bike as she falls off a roof and grabbing her while he's in process of being transported.
As they are all rescued, Krall mobilizes his bee fleet for departure. Now that he has the Abronath, he can use it against Starbase Yorktown. Kirk asks if Scotty can get the Franklin up and running to pursue them, and Scotty thinks it's impossible without a "jump-start"... which would involve dropping the Franklin off the cliff it sits on and waiting until it hits terminal velocity before firing thrusters. So of course they do that, because Sulu is Sulu and can fly anything. I can't stress enough, once we see the Franklin in full silhouette, how much it resembles the NX-01 Enterprise. This is not the last homage to the Enterprise era in the film, which is great because it means the filmmakers know that they still have to acknowledge anything before 2233 as canon to both timelines.
Pursing the fleet, Spock and McCoy beam over to one of the bees since they have prior experience flying them. They quickly fight off and eject the drone pilots, and then examine how the thousands of ships in Krall's swarm coordinate with each other. Recalling the Enterprise signal jam that was most likely a broadcast storm attack from the swarm, they realize that such a system of coordination and communication would be vulnerable to VHF frequencies. Jaylah has a boombox with Earth music on it that she's been rocking out to throughout the film. They plug it into the ship and broadcast "Sabotage" which not only disorients the bees, it actually blows them up. Yeah. They blast Beastie Boys to blow up ships. Is it dumb? Yes. Is it awesome? FUCK. YES. They surf a wave of exploding bees and give the frequency to Greg Grunberg at Yorktown's command center, who boosts the signal, repelling the attackers.
Krall's ship manages to break through the airlock and they take the Franklin to pursue it into Yorktown. They're able to stop his ship but he escapes from it. On the Franklin, Uhura watches an old recording of the crew and realizes she recognizes the voice of Captain Balthezar Edison in the recording... it's Krall. Edison was a MACO who served on NX-01 Enterprise during the Xindi campaign in the Delphic Expanse and fought in the Earth-Romulan War. When the Federation was founded, MACO was dissolved and Edison was absorbed into Starfleet and given the Franklin. Somehow the ship got lost, possibly through a wormhole, and stranded on the planet Altamid. Edison felt abandoned and betrayed by the principles of the Federation, and discovered that the former inhabitants of the planet had left behind a bunch of mining drones and life-extending technology. They find more dessicated crew corpses and realize he might look human now.
And he does, almost. He still has the Abronath and plans to release it into Yorktown's air recycling system, where it will kill all inhabitants of the station. Kirk pursues him atop a skyscraper that houses the central chamber of the system and they fight while Scotty attempts to shut down the system to prevent it from getting spread. After a fight of both fists and of ideals between Kirk and Edison, not to mention some bizarre tricks of intersecting artificial gravity fields at that altitude, they manage to get an emergency valve open to the outside and Edison gets sucked out into space with the Abronath activated, only consuming him, Kirk also careens toward the valve but is caught by Spock and McCoy, who still haven't figured out how to land their bee yet.
Commodore Paris tells Kirk that after his actions, the vice-admiralty position he applied for is his, but he realizes that vice admirals sit behind desks all day, so he declines the appointment. His first best destiny is on the bridge of a starship, and they just so happen to be building one at Yorktown. Spock opens a box of Spock Prime's belongings and finds a promotional cast photo from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and realizes he should stay with his crew after all. McCoy organizes a surprise birthday party for Kirk with the whole crew, where they toast to the crew and to absent friends (as Chekov is center in frame). Scotty manages to pull some strings and gets Jaylah an application to Starfleet Academy. And the five-year mission is resumed after a brief hiatus as the new starship built at Yorktown is christened NCC-1701-A, USS Enterprise.
The JJverse films standardized stardates so they follow the Gregorian calendar, with the number following the point being the day of the year from 1-365. So for the film to start on 2263.2 means it's January 2nd, 2263, and Kirk is celebrating his birthday. But Kirk was born on the day of the Kelvin's destruction, which was 2233.04 (I assume leading zeros are optional), otherwise known as January 4th. Maybe McCoy was starting the celebration a few days early, or maybe Kirk's log was 2 days before.
The viewscreen on the Enterprise bridge has to be built to similar tolerances as every other bulkhead on the ship, especially as it is forward-facing and contains the senior crew of the ship. Therefore, there is no way in hell they wouldn't have built it to be able to withstand a few blasts from a freaking hand phaser.
Where is the deflector array on the Franklin?
Why wouldn't they return the Teenaxi who got beamed up with Kirk? Isn't that kidnapping?
Kirk: I ripped my shirt again.
Kirk: Captain's log, stardate 2263.2. Today is our 966th day in deep space, a little under three years into our five-year mission. The more time we spend out here, the harder it is to tell where one day ends and the next one begins. It can be a challenge to feel grounded when even gravity is artificial. But, well, we do what we can to make it feel like home. The crew, as always, continues to act admirably despite the rigors of our extended stay here in outer space. And the personal sacrifices they have made. We continue to search for new life forms in order to establish firm diplomatic ties. Our extended time in uncharted territory has stretched the ship's mechanical capacities. But fortunately our engineering department, led by Mr. Scott, is more than up to the job. The ship aside, prolonged cohabitation has definitely had effects on the interpersonal dynamics. Some experiences for the better, and some for the worse. As for me, things have started to feel a little episodic. The farther out we go, the more I find myself wondering what it is we're trying to accomplish. If the universe is truly endless, then are we not striving for something forever out of reach? The Enterprise is scheduled for a reprovisioning stop at Yorktown, the Federation's newest and most advanced starbase. Perhaps a break from routine will offer up some respite from the mysteries of the unknown.
McCoy: I found this in Chekov's locker. Kirk: Wow. McCoy: Right? I mean, I always assumed he'd be a vodka guy. Kirk: A vodka guy, exactly.
McCoy: You guys break up? What'd you do? Spock: A typically reductive inquiry, Doctor. McCoy: You know Spock, when an earth-girl says "it's me not you", it's definitely you.
Paris: It isn't uncommon, you know, even for a captain, to want to leave. There is no relative direction in the vastness of space. It is only yourself, your ship, your crew. It's easier than you think to get lost.
Uhura: How do you know our language? Krall: I know your kind. Uhura: I am Lieutenant Nyota Uhura of the USS Enterprise. And you have committed an act of war against the Federation. Krall: Federation? Federation is an act of war!
McCoy: They say it hurts less if it's a surprise. Spock: If I may adopt a parlance with which you are familiar, I can confirm your theory to be horseshit.
Jaylah: I am Jaylah. And you are Montgomery Scott. Scott: Aye, Scotty. Jaylah: Come now, Montgomery Scotty.
Scott: Wait a minute, is this your ship? Jaylah: No, Montgomery Scotty. It's yours.
Chekov: Do you even know what the combustion compressor looks like? Kirk: It's square, right? Chekov: No, it's [Kirk fires] round. Kirk: That's what I said.
Scott: Music's a bit old fashioned for my tastes, not to mention very loud and distracting, but hey, well played. Jaylah: I like the beats and shouting.
Scott: I have an idea, sir, but I am going to need your permission. Kirk: Why would you need my permission? Scott: Because if I mess it up, I don't want it to be just my fault.
Spock: Leaving me behind will significantly increase your chances of survival, Doctor. McCoy: Well that's damn chivalrous of you, but completely out of the question. Spock: It is imperative that you locate any surviving crew. McCoy: Here I was thinking you cared. Spock: Of course I care, Leonard. I always assumed my respect for you was clear. The dialogue we have had across the years has always... McCoy: It's okay, Spock. You don't have to say it. Well, at least I won't die alone! [Spock is beamed out from behind McCoy] Well that's just typical.
Spock: Lieutenant Uhura wears a vokaya amulet which I presented to her as a token of my affection and respect. McCoy: You gave your girlfriend radioactive jewelry? Spock: The emission is harmless, Doctor, but its unique signature makes it very easy to identify. McCoy: You gave your girlfriend a tracking device? Spock: ...That was not my intention. McCoy: I'm glad he doesn't respect me.
Krall: Your Federation has pushed the frontier for centuries, but no longer. This is where it begins, Lieutenant. This is where the frontier pushes back.
Kirk: I think you underestimate humanity. Edison: I fought for humanity! We lost millions to the Xindi and Romulan wars. And for what? For the Federation to sit me in the captain's chair and break bread with the enemy? Kirk: We change, we have to. Or we spend the rest of our lives fighting the same battles.
Kirk:You won the war, Edison. You gave us peace. Edison: Peace is not what I was born into.
Edison: You can't stop it. You will die. Kirk: Better to die saving lives than to live by taking them. That's what I was born into.
Kirk: I heard about Ambassador Spock. Is that what you want to mention that time in the turbolift? Spock: More or less. I trust your meeting with Commodore Paris went well. Kirk: More or less.
Kirk: Space. The final frontier. Spock: These are the voyages of the starship... Scotty: Enterprise. Its continuing mission: Bones: To explore strange, new worlds. To seek out new life, Chekov: And new civilizations. Uhura: To boldly go where no one has gone before.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Star Trek: 10 Gifts For Spock Fans | ScreenRant
Mr. Spock, distinguished first officer of the USS Enterprise, and one of the most iconic figures in science fiction history is beloved by millions of people worldwide. The late great Leonard Nimoy gave life to the fastidious Vulcan in the mid-'60s, when the world was introduced to the very first entry in the Star Trek franchise; Star Trek the Original Series. He served dutifully under the roguish Captain Kirk, and alongside fellow crew members Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura, always ready with a sagacious observation about humankind.
It was Spock's position, as a foil to the human perspective, that gave Star Trek its depth of introspection. As part alien, he suppressed his emotions in favor of fine-tuning his mental acuity, namely in the areas of logic and reason. It was in his ability to synthesize the trials of the crew down to their necessary focal point that he really shined. Here are ten gifts a Spock fan would be highly illogical not to get.
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Now you can have your own Mr. Spock with you wherever you are, thanks to this adorable miniaturized version of the USS Enterprise first officer by Funko Pop. Spock served faithfully aboard the famous starship under Captain James T. Kirk, offering him counsel, advice, and friendship.
Whether you choose to place the impervious Vulcan on your desk, or on a shelf next to the rest of your Star Trek memorabilia, Mr. Spock is sure to find the placement anything but "highly illogical". Every detail is perfectly captured, from his pointed ears and eyebrows to his iconic hand gesture to "live long and prosper".
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Celebrate the incredible career of actor Leonard Nimoy and the enduring fame of his alter-ego Mr. Spock with this special Director's Edition DVD of "For The Love Of Spock". Made to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek as well as the famous Vulcan, it features interviews from those who knew him best and is narrated by his son, Adam Nimoy.
Listen to stories from the sets of the original Star Trek television series, as well as the many motion pictures that followed, as told by Nimoy's longtime friend (and shipmate) William Shatner. Other commentary includes Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto (who plays Spock in the new Star Trek films) and several other industry friends. Extras include photo galleries, trivia, and videos of Leonard Nimoy singing!
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Now you can dress up your feet and calves just like Mr. Spock from the original Star Trek series, complete with his blue science uniform and Starfleet badge. His face stares out at you front the front, and on either side of his head, protruding Vulcan ears!
These socks are perfect for Trekkies or as a gag gift for the science fiction geek in your life. Wear them as good luck socks under your suit when you have a meeting with clients. Break the ice with new coworkers. Earn big points with that special someone in your life that loves the most famous Vulcan in the universe. May your feet live long and prosper in these hilarious Spock socks!
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Relive all of the excitement, adventure, and action of one of the most famous television series of all time, Star Trek the Original Series! As one of the biggest contributions to science fiction of all time, Star Trek introduced progressive concepts for its day amidst space exploration by the intrepid crew of the USS Enterprise!
Join Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Scotty, Chekov, Sulu, and Uhura on their five-year mission to explore new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before! With the complete series on Blu-ray, you have the choice of watching the series in an unaltered format, or with enhanced special effects, showcasing it the way it was intended to be seen but couldn't due to budget constraints of the time.
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Whether you're a Trekkie, a fan of Mr. Spock, or just like to have a really big mug to enjoy your morning coffee with, this Spock 3D ear mug is for you! Crafted in beautiful sturdy black ceramic, this mug features a lovely black and white image of Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock, with his distinctly pointed Vulcan ears poking out from either side of the mug.
The mug can hold 20 fluid ounces, making it perfect not only for hot beverages like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate but also for your favorite soup! And if you don't want anything hot, why not use it to hold your cereal in the morning, or some ice cream while you curl up and binge Star Trek the Original Series? Even the handle is pointed like a Vulcan ear!
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Straight from the source of Leonard Nimoy comes I Am Spock, commemorating his career as a venerated Hollywood actor as well as a prolific storyteller. Nimoy's portrayal of the logical Vulcan Mr. Spock on Star Trek the Original Series is one of the most beloved in television history, transcending the program to create a true pop culture icon.
In Nimoy's own words, read what he felt about the phenomenon of Star Trek, its legacy, and his part in it. With anecdotes about the television show, the six motion pictures, and his inclusion in Star Trek: The Next Generation, it's a fascinating look at a man and figure that will be remembered as long as there are those that look up at the sky with wonder.
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When Star Trek the Original Series ended after just three short seasons, many Star Trek fans feared it might be the end of journeying through the stars with the crew of the USS Enterprise. Then came Star Trek: The Motion Picture in 1979, ushering in a whole new series of adventures with Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and other fan favorites.
Available as one complete set, enjoy the thrilling adventures of the original Star Trek cast in six full-length motion pictures. Experience Star Trek I, II, III, IV, V, and VI with completely remastered Blu-ray quality. The image and sound transfer is so pristine, it'll feel like you're watching the films for the very first time again!
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Live long and don't burn your hands with this one-of-a-kind Mr. Spock oven mitt. Made from a durable polyester blend, it's the perfect accessory for daring missions into the back of the oven. If you have a pizza burning or casserole in distress, the only logical choice is to grab your Mr. Spock oven mitt and save the day.
Measuring over 17 inches in length, this isn't a small oven mitt. It more closely resembles a sports finger waver, and will go almost to your elbow. The mitt is split into the iconic Vulcan hand gesture but still provides dexterity. Perfect for the Trekkie who likes to get handy in the kitchen.
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Want to impress the Trekkie in your life who has everything? Give them this amazing heat changing mug featuring the away team from Star Trek the Original Series! On one side of the mug, you'll see Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Lieutenant Uhura, and Doc McCoy in the transporter room reading to beam to the surface of a planet.
Fill the mug with your favorite hot liquid, and faster than you can say, "Energize!" watch them appear on the other side of it in a rocky red terrain! This 12 ounce mug is microwave safe but not dishwasher safe, so don't toss it in with the rest of your load or it'll lose its transporting capabilities!
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With these easily applied Vulcan ears, people will be coming to you for your extremely well-reasoned counsel and logical inferences. Made from 100% vinyl, these Spock ears measure 3.94" inches high and 1.97" wide, and run narrow for a good snug fit.
These officially licensed ears are perfect for Halloween, Sci-Fi parties, or a Vulcan cosplay. True Trekkies will just pop them on whenever they feel like bingeing a few episodes of the Original Series or throwing on any of the original films. They were specifically modeled after Spock's ears in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the second film in the Kelvin timeline trilogy.
NEXT: Star Trek: 10 Things Every Trekkie Fan Needs
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source https://screenrant.com/star-trek-spock-fans-gifts/
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Remember When: Kirk x Uhura
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valtsv · 7 years
not to be Gay but I can't imagine for the life of me how Bones could *not* love Jim. both in a friendly way and in an "I'm in love with you way". it's just kind of an inevitability imo and Bones is 100% the type of person who gets all sappy and adorable in private because Jim Kirk Deserves To Be Loved Dammit and Bones doesn't really do "casual" (plus no way would Jim do that with Bones because It's Bones???)
*holds ur face in my hands* anon,,, if this is you being Gay,, please always be as Gay as possible
this is such a beautiful ask; i don’t know if i’ll be able to provide even half as satisfactory an answer, but i’ll do my best
a simple fact: bones loves jim. bones is absolutely head-over-heels, awfully, terribly, ridiculously in love with jim kirk.
it’s not an easy kind of love. it’s a very difficult, complicated sort of love, and yet it’s also the simplest kind- age-old, bone-deep devotion, slowly developed over years. bones would go to the ends of the earth for jim kirk, alongside jim kirk, with only mild a lot of complaining, but that’s the thing: he’d follow jim anywhere; no matter how much he grumbled and criticised jim’s often questionable decisions, he’d drag himself by a fingernail to be with jim every step of the way.
it’s not instant love, either. there’s no chorus of angels, no sharp sting of cupid’s arrow hitting it’s mark when bones sees jim kirk for the first time. when bones first meets jim on that shuttle in iowa, he just sees another kid starfleet scraped off the streets and stuffed his head full of pretty, empty promises of honour and hope and glory and the excitement of exploring the vast uncharted void of space. they’d swallow him up and, once they’d extracted everything they could gain from him, they’d spit out the broken, useless remains.
bones has already left a daughter and an ex-wife behind. he doesn’t someone else to take care of. someone else who will destroy themselves and drag him down with them when they do. but when bones looks at jim- really looks at him- and sees the determination built on more than just starfleet’s manufactured fantasies burning in his eyes, he realises he has no choice in the matter.
bones is a healer. he has a gift for repairing people, for putting them back together. that’s why he became a doctor. and bones knows jim, before he even knows jim, will be an unstoppable force when he decides to rush headlong into danger and dash himself to pieces at the bottom. but maybe, just maybe, bones can be there to pick up the pieces. to hold them together as best as he can.
(loving jim is an inevitable conclusion, but the journey to get there is a complicated one, one that bones has to undertake and accept in his own time, on his own terms.)
and so every day for three years, bones forces himself to wake up in the morning, and every day he finds himself by jim kirk’s side, listening with incredulity to this genius kid with his too-loud mouth that can’t speak in whispers and his too-bright eyes that are feverish in their intensity ramble on about his hopes, observations, ambitions and opinions and somehow, no matter how much he gripes and insists that jim’s a damn fool, headed for a hard fall one day, mark my words, he somehow finds himself agreeing with him every single time.
jim kirk burns his candle at both ends, and yet somehow stubbornly continues to burn hotter and brighter, even as the darkness closes around him, and bones finds himself realising he’d do anything to be there to weather the storm for this kid who has no concept of personal privacy and steals his alcohol, who labels him with shitty nicknames and petty insults that sound too much like fond endearments to be safe, who gets into stupid fights because he can and always calls bones first because he knows bones will drop whatever he’s doing to be there with harsh words and gentle hands when jim kirk needs him the most.
(a deep, long-buried part of bones knows that jim kirk is saving him, too, but that’s a secret he keeps even from himself, for both their sakes.)
bones doesn’t just love jim- he’s devoted to him. it’s devotion that makes him follow jim into space- “disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence” and all- despite his aviphobia and his reservations about jim’s decision making-abilities, because at the end of the day, where else would he go?
and so every day bones forces himself to wake up and carry on, and every day it gets a little easier and yet so much harder at the same time, because one day bones looks into jim’s eyes and finally sees what he thought was reckless abandon and a hunger for self-destruction replaced by the hope that lit them from within all along, and soon after has to stop looking altogether, because doing so causes his mouth to go dry and his heart to stutter painfully in his chest.
bones knows he can’t have jim. jim won’t survive being tied down, and bones refuses be the one to clip his wings and try to ground him. bones is a doctor- he’s good at putting things back together, repairing them. he’s also very skilled at taking them apart.
bones has taken it upon himself to hold jim together when the rest of the world is against him. he won’t betray jim’s faith in him by breaking him. bones devoted himself to jim and to starfleet the moment he first stepped on the enterprise at the beginning of their five-year mission. he’s made his peace with that. and that’s enough. it has to be.
and it is, until they’re on a recon mission and for the first time in months there’s no hostile native species, no tricks or traps or battles to be fought, and the whole crew is relaxing on the planet they beamed down to. chekov found a lake with clean water, and spock deemed it safe enough to bring food down to the surface. and bones is just sitting and watching them all enjoy themselves- chekov and sulu examining the local flora, uhura reclining on the grass with chapel, spock trying to console a fretful scotty- when bones looks up and there’s jim kirk, standing directly in front of him, one hand thrust out like an offering.
“go with me” says jim. “where?” asks bones, and jim smiles. “does it matter?”
and as bones forces himself to meet jim’s eyes for the first time in months and sees his own devotion reflected back at him, something inside him falls, gracelessly, but with an inevitability that is strangely comforting, into place.
oh, it says.
there you are, it says. i’ve been looking for you.
bones stands up and dusts off his pants. “alright” he says. jim hasn’t moved; his hand is still outstretched, waiting.
he takes it.
shkshjs im sorry this turned in a rambly fanfic/headcanon dump
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