#scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse x reader
ruewrote · 2 years
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PAIRING: carter grant x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language GENRE: idk SONG INSPIRATION: crank that by soulja boy WORD COUNT: 486
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of fucking course, the apocalypse happens as you actually go out for once.
shit, shit, shit. the thought pounds in your head as you peer around a wall towards the police station, crank that blaring from a car stereo in the near distance.
the sounds of groaning and shuffling feet make your skin crawl - noticing the glass doors were open and very much smashed. as you leant further out to get a better look, your shirt was pulled back and you were pushed up against the same wall you were looking over.
getting ready to scream but a hand quickly covered your mouth silencing most of noise, opening your eyes to be met with another pair - soon shutting up but your breathing was still heavy as the same boy checks if the coast is clear.
as you were in no apparent danger you licked the stranger's hand to get him away from you, soon regretting it and spitting out saliva.
“ew dude! what the fuck?” the brunette grimaced, whilst wiping his hand on his khaki shorts, realising there were three others, two boys and a woman, “yes cause jump scaring a person is definitely the best way to get someone's attention when there’s fucking zombies roaming around?”
your conversation - more like argument catches a couple of the creatures’ attention, you all ran back to the run-down car. they didn’t bother to discuss the situation and to just get out of their as fast as possible.
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as you made your way out of town, the sky had darkened and the stranger's friend who you had soon discovered his name was ben - had fallen asleep beside the two of you, whilst denise drove and augie sat in the passenger’s seat.
you and carter had sat in a comfortable silence, him looking out of the window and you were you were staring at your hands, still trying to wrap your head what was going on. 
“are you okay?” carter spoke quietly from beside you; you give him a tight lipped and nodded, “i guess as best as i can be after all this has happened.”
he looks away but you're still glancing over at him, eyes scanning over his features, one thing you’ve noticed from the beginning is that he has such pretty eyes, a deep hazel. 
you stayed like that for a couple of minutes. however, that was cut short since he had turned back over to you, you whipped your head back around to the front of the car. a deep blush spread across your cheeks.
you feel him lean more into your side and whisper into your ear, “you’re not so bad yourself babe.” you turned your head to disagree, but all you could do was splutter noises of outrage knowing you had gotten caught, he just laughed at your expression.
why did someone so annoying have to be so pretty? 
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© ruewrote.
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skepsiss · 7 months
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Chapter 1, chapter 2, and chapter 3 are up now! (7,638 words)
All chapters are now up!!
Read it here on AO3: The Last Strange Thing
Rate: Explicit (violence, gore, and s*x)
Read tags under the cut for warnings, and details.
Welcome to the apocalypse. The demo-infection has taken hold of the world, and humans are a rare thing these days. Still, people hang on to civilization in pockets across North America and beyond. Hawkins is one such place.  Steve Harrington is a scout who runs missions for Hawkins, and on one of those missions, he becomes separated from his scouting partner, Robin. He has to find his way across Indianapolis in an infected world, meeting one very important individual on the way, Eddie. The two of them must trust one another in order to journey across Indiana, while perhaps finding something softer to nurture with one another along the way.
The journey is full of romance, death, action, and suspense. This is a "The Last of Us" alternate universe. This work is 100% completed, and I will be posting each chapter between now and April 7. Prepare yourself for approximately 52k of action, horror, romance, supernatural happenings, and love.
@llamalpaca will be posting some VERY COOL accompanying art that inspired this WHOLE PIECE! So be sure to give them a follow and check out that art piece when it drops in April. Look at it here!!!
Big thank you to @knormalizeknitting for being my beta reader!
Link to the Monster Reference Guide, here.
Censoring the word s*x so tumblr doesn't get mad at me. Please don't tag with NSFW or other such tags. The post itself is not inappropriate, but I want people who are going to read the fic to be aware of what is there.
Additional Tags: action, romance, hurt/comfort, alternate universe, The Last of Us AU, canon divergence, apocalypse, apocalypse au, body horror, gore, blood, animal and human death, excessive force (weapons), level of violence and graphic nature of imagery that aligns with Stranger Things, dead dove don’t read, dead dove don’t eat, smut, nsfw, frotting, handjob, happy ending, zombies, zombie apocalypse, steddie, stobin, platonic stobin, Steve and Robin are best friends, Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, slow burn, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, miscommunication, misunderstanding, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, betrayal.
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multifandomsimagine · 4 years
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Imagine being Denise’s younger sister and Carter developing a crush on you after you save him from the zombies at the strip club
——— Masterlist / Ko-Fi ———
Hiding in the manager’s office, [Name] and Denise were looking for the right time to escape the club when they heard screaming coming from the floor. A quick peek out the window showed two boys running away from Angel and Mike - two of Denise’s former coworkers - who were now trying to eat people. “We can’t just let them be eaten.” [Name] said as she watched one of the boys run to the bathroom with Mike trailing after him. 
“I know,” Denise sighed. Handing [Name] a knife, she loaded up the gun. “I’ll go save the one in the restroom. You go to the one near the bar. Be careful okay?”
[Name] nodded. Quietly, she opened the door before making her way to the bar, making sure to avoid stepping on the smashed glass in order to not draw Angel’s attention to her. Once she was a few feet away, she rushed toward the two, knife in hand before sinking it to the back of Angel’s head. Stilling, Angel slumped down on top of the boy causing him to scream even more in surprise. Rolling her eyes, she pushed the body off of him before holding out her hand. “Are you okay?” 
Looking up at her, his eyes widen in surprise when he saw her. “Wow.” 
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amara-scott · 6 years
Ben Goudy x Reader
Hold me, please. Summary: Sharing a tent can be fun but not if it’s with the person you like the most.
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Hey!!! I'm absolutely obsessed with your work!!!! If you could do a smut with Ethan x Reader, based on Ethan's ending. Like they found a little house in the forest, they have supplies and everything is calm at least for a few days and Ethan's so tired so they want to spend time together, reaffirm their love and that kind of stuff?? (If she could ride him that would be amazing!!) Then again, of you feel like not doing this request is totally okay!
It’s DONE!! I’m so sorry it took so long! Whether you still follow our content or not, this little piece will always be here for you to read! ❤️ Bambi
Together - Ethan x Reader
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* image from LucyDreams, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 1,880
Fluff / NSFW
Warning: Explicit . Profanity (18+)
The last remaining sunlight shimmered through the trees onto the unkempt woodland terrain situated on the outskirts of the zombie-infested city. It had been several days since escaping the downfall of the school, and you had found yourself besieged in a seemingly empty forest with Ethan by your side.
“Wait!… Ethan!” You huffed as you climbed to higher ground, attempting to keep up with his long strides. He glanced over his shoulders to see you staggering with each step as you struggled for air. Ethan halted before reaching out to pull you into his arms. His embrace was firm and comforting, and he rested his chin onto your head as he held you close.
“I know a place up here. We’re not far. I just don’t know—” Ethan paused and looked back up to the direction that he was leading you. “I just don’t know if it’s safe.”
“We gotta take chances, right? To survive?” You nuzzled into his chest, listening to the rapid thrum of his heart. The sound of his heartbeat was soothing, and you sighed heavily, ridding whatever reservations you had with this unknown place. You peered up, gazing into his eyes and smiling gently; reassuring him that you were ok to move on. “I trust you, Ethan. Let’s keep going before the sun sets completely.”
Ethan nodded his head in response and twined his fingers with yours, guiding you to what he hoped would be your potential safety.
The late afternoon sun warmed your cheeks as you stretched out on the mattress. Rubbing your eyes, you yawned before smiling contently — feeling completely relaxed and at ease. It had been over a week now, and you finally felt like you had found ‘home’. You couldn’t believe that his family’s cabin was still in good condition. Everything around was neat with only a bit of unkempt greenery. The house itself was filled to the brim with long-life food and water. As well as a lake nearby with an abundance of freshwater fish.
Hopping out of bed, you made your way to the kitchen to look for Ethan only to find a bowl of soba noodles prepared for you with a hand-written note.
Scouting the area.
I’ll be home soon.
Uneasiness consumed your entirety as you looked out the kitchen window.
Why would he go out on his own?
Your breath hitched and trembled as you clasped your hands to your chest, “Please be safe.”
An array of orange hues lit up the open space of the lounge as you admired the beautiful sun setting behind the woodland trees. In the foreground was a tall silhouette approaching the parameters of the cabin. An unmistakable figure that drove you to your feet as you raced towards him with open arms. However, your usual greeting came to a halt as you gaped at the dark bloodstains smeared across Ethan’s jacket. Frantic, you searched him for any evidence of bite marks or scratches.
Ethan greeted you with a tired smile before reaching out to caress your cheek gently with the back of his fingers. “I’m ok. It was only one. It just got a bit messy.” He gave the top of your head a kiss — an encouraging sign that had always helped calm your trepidation.
Relief washed away from your shoulders as you sighed deeply, returning his smile with your own. “I’m glad your home safe.”
“Yeah. The higher ground seems to be keeping them away. It’s been several days since I’ve come across any of them.” His stare was reassuring as he kept his hand on your cheek. His thumb continued to stroke your skin softly until he came to remember what was in his bag.
“Oh, yeah.” Ethan crouched down and removed his bag from his shoulders. You watched him curiously as he unzipped it before your lips tore into a wide and gleeful smile. Noticing your happiness, he smiled once more. “I finally caught some fish.”
Dinner was unusually quiet tonight. You kept sneaking glances at Ethan while picking at your fish, wondering whether he was truly okay. His posture was relaxed; however, his eyes seemed to have been lost in thought. Swallowing his final mouthful of his meal, Ethan abruptly stood up and silently made his way to the kitchen area. He placed his plate on the bench and proceeded his way to his bedroom.
Worried, you followed Ethan into the room to find him leaning against the wall upon his bed with his head buried in his arms.
“Ethan? Are you alright?” You watched him with concern as you climbed onto the bed, settling right next to his slumped-over form.
Ethan tilts his head to the side as you caught his gentle gaze. You could see the shadows under his eyes, and you felt your heart ache. He was doing so much to keep this place safe… to keep you safe, and you felt a pang of guilt squeeze at your chest.
Determined to help him unwind and feel at ease, you adjusted your posture and sat on your heels. With a tender smile on your face, you patted your knees — inviting Ethan to rest. His expression remained calm as his eye line focused down to your lap. He nods in response, and you welcomed his head on your thigh by running your fingers through his dark tresses.
You stroked his hair with care and adoration. He had become the most important person in your life, and you bear the thought of living in a world without him — apocalypse or not.
You… loved him.
Lost in your own thoughts, you stared affectionately at his relaxed face.
So kind… So selfless… What have I done to deserve someone so caring?
Ethan’s deep voice brought your attention back to reality. His appearance was usually nonchalant; however, he was looking at you with unspoken desire.
A desire that made your heart skip a beat.
“Hmm?” You replied, smiling sweetly at the man you wholeheartedly cherished.
Ethan’s large hands reached out to stroke your cheek, and you nestled into his palm. His thumb traced the line of your jaw before reaching the point of your chin. The tenderness of his touch stole your breath away as he brushed the contours of your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut as you sighed quietly, embracing the warmth of his caress. He sat up and cupped both his hands upon your rose-painted cheeks. There was a sense of longing present within those beautiful turquoise gems, and your heart began to thrum beneath your chest — anticipating his next move. His gaze lingered for a moment before moving down to your parted lips. You could feel his warm breath against your skin as he leaned in closer before pressing his lips upon yours, kissing you delicately.
Obviously, you had both kissed before. However, tonight felt a little… different. There was an electrifying spark that made it all the more memorable, and you didn’t want it to end with just one kiss.
Ethan pulled away ever so slightly, and you immediately missed his touch. His nose grazed against your own as fiery passion glistened within his powerful gaze.
“I love you (Y/N).”
He spoke so softly, yet the words resonated to the depts of your core, and before you knew it, your lips were on his once more — hungry, lust-driven and desperate. Your hands tangled in his mane as he ran his all over your body, caressing you fervidly. Both your lips parted to welcome each other’s tongues as you fought for dominance. Ethan’s hands were warm as they glided along the curves of your torso before his fingers gripped onto the fabric of your top, impatiently pulling it off over your head. He then guided you onto his lap — your clitoris brushing up against his semi-hard cock. You broke your kiss, moaning avidly as you began to grind your hips upon his. As one thing led to another, your clothes were soon scattered on the hardwood floor as you wrapped yourselves around each other — not wanting to let go.
Tiny water droplets streamed down the frosted windowpane of the bedroom, mimicking the sweat on your bare skin. Ethan laid on his back, his toned chest heaving steadily as he marvelled at the beauty of your naked form — in awe with every inch of your body. His broad palms settled on your hips as you straddled over him, skimming your essence up and down his shaft. You watched him writhe and groan from pleasure with a half-lidded gaze as you began to fondle with your breasts, tweaking your nipples between your fingers.
Each grunt and growl that came out of your lover’s mouth consumed you with hot, carnal passion as the stimulation of your swollen clit was becoming too much to bear. It had only been minor foreplay; however, you were now at the peak of your arousal — eager for fulfilment. Fluttering your eyes open, you captured Ethan’s stare and notice the intensity of his gaze. He too was craving for more, and without hesitation, you took hold of his cock and slowly eased yourself down onto him.
The thickness of his girth stretching your walls had you mewling with delight. Ethan gritted his teeth and hissed as your pussy hugged his dick, firmly. You stilled yourself for a moment, enjoying every throb of his cock before rocking your hips back and forth. The sound of your wetness reverberating throughout the quiet room along with your breathless gasps and groans.
“Ohh, Ethan…” You sighed lustfully, tipping your head back as pure ecstasy coursed through your entire body.
Ethan was panting laboriously, digging his fingers into your flesh. Each thrust of his hips, in sync with your rhythmic dance. Anchoring your hands down onto his chest, you tried your best to steady yourself as your body relished in a quivering state. Your pussy began to clench, your abdominals tightened — a tell-tale sign of becoming undone.
Overwhelmed with unbridled pleasure, you mewled once more, trembling as you let your inhibitions take over. Ethan bucked underneath you as he painted your insides with the heat of his seed. You collapsed onto him, your heart thrumming from the exertion. A full-body blush highlighted your skin, the both of you indulging in the bliss of your climax.
Laying on your side, you snuggled into Ethan’s arms. His taut muscles making you feel warm and safe as he pulled the blanket over the both of you. He nuzzled his face into your hair, taking in your scent. A scent he treasured deeply from the moment that you had met. Content that you were able to help him feel at ease for the night, you held him close as his body relaxed into you.
A radiant smile tore across your face, overjoyed with what had transpired. This was your first time being intimate with Ethan. Whether it was his confession or the desperate need for each other, the moment just felt right, and you couldn’t be happier than you were tonight. Shifting the hair from his face, you gazed dotingly into your lover’s eyes, sure of your emotions before kissing him tenderly on his lips.
“I love you too, Ethan.”
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yoongi-sugaglider · 4 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count:2325
Part 12===Part 13===Part 14
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The moment we pushed into the hotel hallway it was all gunfire and falling bodies. Seokjin made quick work of the men, pushing ever forward in a hail of bullets that pierce the walls and floor with a merciless bite.
Room doors opened with a crash but the bodies only appeared for a moment before crashing backwards into more darkly clad bodies. I couldn’t help but be impressed, the forward push of Seokjin’s wide shoulders a reassuring reminder why we’d kept him around for so long despite the epic cringe that was his dad jokes.
The one moment there was a break in the gun fire Hoseok and I began scouting out the rooms, reassuring ourselves that nobody was hiding in the shadows for our eventual retreat back to the stairwell.
The first few rooms were empty thankfully but the third we tried was a different story. A dark shadowed blur dashed out of the dark bathroom, catching me off guard and slamming me into the wall so hard it knocked the wind out of me and almost caused me to lose my grip on my weapon.
Hoseok acted quickly though, wrapping his arm around the man’s throat and pinning his arm up in the air in a choke hold so fierce it caused his grip to loosen on me instantly. The two fell backwards, fighting for control as I recovered enough to smash the butt of my gun into my former assailant’s temple so hard he went limp in Hoseok’s arms instantly.
We gave each other a nod of thanks, both glad to have the other as backup in this life or death situation.
Out in the hall Jungkook was in a fight of his own, two men having made the mistake of trying to take him on at once. Jungkook’s leg darted out, taking one man out at the knee by snapping it painfully backwards. The fool landed with a scream, clutching his leg as his partner came at Jungkook with an ill placed fist towards Jungkook’s temple. Kook’s reflexes were far too quick though, grabbing the man’s wrist and twisting it sharply in the opposite direction. The man screamed out, high pitched and aching as Kook wrenched his arm behind his back and kicked the back of his knee so that he dropped down to the floor. Jungkook pulled upwards hard, dislocating his opponent’s shoulder with another well placed kick.
A single gunshot rang out, ending the man’s suffering instantly. Jungkook glanced back at me, a manic grin lighting up his face as he watched me eject my clip and slam another home.
“That’s my girl.” He cheered and I couldn’t help but swell a bit with pride as the three of us turned to race down the hall to Seokjin and Yoongi.
The two had already cleared the rooms ahead of us and now stood side by side with Rose. Seokjin was arguing with her as Yoongi glared with a mix of displeasure and what I could only describe as awe at the strange machine she had wrapped in her arms.
“There is no fucking way I’m leaving it behind.” She whined, clutching it tighter and almost seeming to want to stamp her foot like a petulant child.
“We can’t possibly make it all the way back home with you carrying that monstrosity and be expected to protect you AND stay alive.” Seokjin turned to me, his eyes filled with pleading for me to try and talk some sense into her. 
“I take it that’s the machine Tae made for you?” I asked. I couldn’t help but stare at the thing, wondering what had possessed her to think to even grab it in the chaos of escaping her room.
“It is. It’s the most important thing in my life besides what’s in my bag. You can’t possibly ask me to leave it behind.” She pouted, fluttering her lashes at me in an attempt to garner a bit of sympathy.
“I’m sorry. But it’s just too much. I mean, yeah you could try….but by the time you got half way down the street you’d be forced to drop it and make a run for it. Those….things won’t care that you’re carrying precious cargo, they’re more interested in your insides anyway.”
She stared down at it, heaving a sigh before turning and gently leaning it on the ground against the elevator doors. “One day...I’ll come back for you…” She stroked the gleaming metal and I could swear she shed a tear.
Turning back to us she hitched up her bag, glancing warily down at the pistol Jungkook was offering her.
“You really don’t expect me to take that do you?” She asked, her voice filled with doubt at the situation.
Yoongi sighed, grabbing the gun and forcing it into her hands. “Listen sweetheart. It’s kill or be killed. We risked our asses to come out here and get you for Taehyung’s sake, the least you can do is cover us.”
She winced and sighed as her fingers wrapped around the cold steel. “Alright...yeah no that’s fair.”
“You’ve got 15 rounds, one in the chamber. Make them count.” Jungkook turned to each of us, eyeing us up and down to check for injuries before glancing down the hall.
“There’s gonna be more in the stairwell, we can’t count on our way in to get back down which means clearing the lobby before we’re out the back way. Tae you still with us?”
“On it boss, back alley is clear for the moment, no activity on the streets. I’ll lose you in the stairwell for a moment but once you’re back to ground floor I’ll be sure to update you if anything changes.”
“Easiest way to the back door?”
Rose chirped up at this. “There’s a hall directly outside of the stairwell, leads to the front lobby. Head straight down the middle towards the back. There’s a kitchen that should be pretty easy to get through. It’s basically a straight shot to the alley from there.”
Jungkook nodded, checking the chamber on his gun to make sure it was clear before nodding once again. “Alright. Head out. Keep your heads down as best you can and your eyes open.”
We each signed off in agreement and began making our way down the hall. 
There was an unnerving silence once we were back in the stairwell, each of us trying our best to keep our footsteps quiet as we followed behind Seokjin who once again led the press onward. The silence was shattered quickly though by the sound of gunfire echoing up the center shaft of the stairwell.
I pressed my back as best I could into the wall, arms pulled into my chest and my weapon at the ready as bullets flew by before me. At a break in the firing Seokjin leaned over the railing, spraying a hail of gunfire of his own into the landings below as the rest of us pressed on in an attempt to gain ground on those beneath us.
“Get down!”
My eyes widened when I spotted Hoseok, tiny metal pin in hand as he lobbed a black object into the abyss below. I grabbed Rose who’d been pressed in close behind me, ducking both our heads down as a massive explosion rocked the stairwell and caused all matter of dust and debris to rain down on our heads.
My ears rang, a screaming high pitch tone filling my head with an ache unlike anything I’d ever felt as Yoongi tugged Rose and I to our feet and shoved us down the stairs.
“Christ Hoseok, really?” I muttered, smacking my palm several times into the side of my head as my hearing slowly returned. He only glanced back to me with a grin, fingers deftly rezipping Seokjin’s bag and throwing it over his shoulders.
We made it two more landings down before the gunfire began again, this time aimed far more sporadically and far less in number than before. Our next landing saw the effects of Hoseok’s grenade, bodies hanging limp over the railing and blasted out into the corridor beyond. We stepped over them with zero remorse and continued to dodge the gunfire as we moved on. 
Seokjin leaned over the railing once more as the firing slowed, allowing his AK to do the talking as the firing slowed and then ceased all together. We managed to make it down to the ground floor, arms and legs burning from the mad dash down the stairs and ears ringing in the silence following our assailants’ last shots.
Rose leaned against the wall, breath heavy as she clutched at her chest and coughed around her lungs’ desperate attempt at re oxygenating her body. “Fucking hell...being a computer nerd does NOT come in handy in the apocalypse.” She shook her head, knees bent as she coughed a few more times before straightening with a grimace. “Remind me to take up some cardio if we make it out of this alive.”
“We will. And I will don’t worry.” I smiled, patting her on the shoulder and turning to Seokjin who’d taken his bag from Hoseok.
“She’s been a good girl, not gonna lie. But there’s only so much ammo I brought for her.” He sighed sadly, tucking the pink monster away and pulling out two of his favorite pistols.
“Alright boys, final push. Down the hall and through the lobby. Get to that kitchen and push for home. Tae’ll have eyes on us so no worries alright?” Jungkook waited as we all whispered our affirmatives.
On a three count we were out the door and into the thankfully empty hallway. Yoongi covered our rear, steps clipped and sure as he moved backwards with a guiding hand from Hoseok gripping his shoulder. Jungkook had point, weapon moving ever watchful with his eyesight as we made our way to the corner that turned into the lobby.
I could see rubble littering the ground from the explosion that’d taken out the large glass front doors and a massive portion of the cinder block of the ceiling. Bodies were scattered throughout, probably from the chatterers that’d been milling the lobby and had been caught in the blast.
I couldn’t help but wince at the sight of one dragging itself across the floor. There was no lower body to speak of, just a trail of viscera leading from it back to a pile of rubble that it’d surely dragged itself from.
“Fucking gross dude…” Hoseok muttered from behind me, attempting to stave off a gag as we moved into the rays of light cast from the holes in the rubble outside. Our movements were quick after that, rushing past the chattering mass on the ground and into the dark hall that would hopefully lead us to open air and a path out.
The kitchen was just as dark as everything else. Thankfully we’d reached it without incident but this cesspool of darkness could very well be our undoing if we weren’t careful.
I closed my eyes, squeezing them tight and opening them to blink rapidly in an attempt to adjust my eyes to the gloom beyond but it wasn’t much help. The murky darkness was basically impenetrable beyond the dim light cast by the hallway door that Yoongi held open for the moment.
My eyes glanced back to the dark silhouette that was Jungkook and his outstretched fist indicating us to hold our positions. He motioned to Seokjin who reached into his bag and after digging around for a moment he tossed a large black mass to Jungkook. The mass was caught with ease and I barely managed to suppress my impressed snort in time as Jungkook pulled what were clearly a pair of night vision goggles over his head.
Seokin really thought of everything, I have to say I was pretty damn impressed.
We all linked up, fingers entwined in the tails of the shirt of the person who walked before  us as Yoongi slowly closed the door behind us. The room plunged into darkness and I could feel Hoseok tense up behind me before all thought was on Rose who walked before me being led by Seokjin.
I strained my ears, listening for Jungkook’s footsteps in the lead and trying to match my steps with his.
“Get down!” Jungkook’s voice rang out at the same time as a muzzle flash blinded me from further in the room.
I dragged Rose down with me as gunshots rang through the air, straining to keep her body covered with my own as Hoseok cursed on the ground behind me.
All went silent after a dozen or more shots had gone off and I sighed in relief as Jungkook’s dusky voice muttered out the all clear. But the relief came all too soon.
As I stood, arm wrapped in Rose’s elbow, one more shot rang out, instantly followed by another as I shouted out in pain.
A piercing white hot pain burned through me. Jungkook roared with rage at the front of the line as I went down, dropping to my knees with a whimper as stars exploded before my eyes.
There was no escaping the screaming in my head as bright light flooded the kitchen, illuminating the horror on Jungkook’s face as I reached for him. But it was just too much.
I’d been shot. In some stupid fucking hotel in the middle of a goddamn apocalypse.
I caught the sight of Yoongi, wrapping me in his arms and lifting me from the floor as chaos erupted around me.
The light began to fade as my eyelids grew heavier and heavier. The last thing I could hear as my mind shut down from the pain was Taehyung’s voice in my ear, filled with regret and fear, and one last bellow of anger from Jungkook before I lost consciousness and said goodnight to the world.
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darth-el · 4 years
The Rebellion (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Steve x Reader x Billy (Zombie Apocalypse AU) Warnings: Gore, violence, language, but there is fluff!!!!  A/N: This is the final chapter of Senior Year and The Bunker and I’m so sorry that it took so long for me to write. It is a long one with 8.5k words. This also took a different life to what I was expecting which is interesting as well.  I hope you all enjoy and feedback is always welcome.  Also side note, the films and TV show that inspired how this series went (and there are references to them) are: Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, 28 Days Later, A Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, Zombieland, and The Walking Dead. I would fully recommend watching all these films if you haven’t already. 
Part 1 Part 2
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Steve stroked your cheek as if to check he wasn't hallucinating.
“We found somewhere safe to stay for a couple of months and then this girl found us and I think she led them to us but I don't know what happened because one minute we were fine and then we had a run in a shop with cult members who I'm guessing were with these guys and then we were raided by them, zombies everywhere and my aim wasn't as good as it should have been,” You were talking really fast Steve's brain couldn't fully comprehend what you were saying. You took a huge breath to regain some of the oxygen you had lost while explaining everything to him.
“Who's 'we'?” He asked raising his eyebrow. You gulped and carried on talking at your quick pace.
“I stayed in Indiana expecting you to be there for weeks, but I ran into Billy Hargrove while I was searching for y-” You were suddenly be cut off by Steve.
“Who?” Steve looked like had been blind sided by this bit of information.
“Billy.” You muttered under your breath remembering how much they actually hated each other in school.
“You spent the couple of months with Billy?” Steve stood up and threw up his arms in frustration, you just looked at him wondering why this was the most important thing to focus on in that moment.
“Steve,” You said as calmly as possible but you didn't know how to finish that sentence.
“Yes?” He scoffed at you. This was far from the reunion you had in mind, but you thought once you saw each other nothing else would matter. You just sighed and shook your head not looking at him and trying to fight back the tears. “You slept with him didn't you?” Steve thought he saw guilt on your face when it was just pure frustration at this whole situation.
“I didn't,” Your voice was cracking. “I did kiss him though.” You confessed now that you were faced with this question. He laughed sarcastically and clapped his hands.
“Oh that's just fucking brilliant.” His tone was equally sarcastically as he started pacing throwing his arms up in the air again.
“I thought you were dead,” You shouted at him. “In that moment we were the only ones alive, you would have done exactly the same.” You screamed, causing the a guard to come in and check what was happening.
“Keep quiet or I'll blow your fucking heads off.” He sneered before slamming and locking the door again. You both looked at each other wide eyed, in that moment Steve knew what happened in between him going missing and now didn't matter because you were right. He was gone, you didn't know if he was dead or alive.
“I wouldn't kiss Billy even if it meant saving humanity.” He tried to joke and sat back down next to you and wrapped an arm around you meaning you could rest your head on him. You let out a gentle laugh.
“It wasn't worth it,” You sighed with a giggle resting your hand his thigh. Steve pulled you in closer and kissed the top of your head softly making you smile. “What happened with you?” You were drawing shapes on his thigh absent mindlessly.
“Where do I start?” He chuckled watching you draw the shapes on his thigh.
“The beginning is always a good place.” You teased adjusting your head so you were a bit more comfortable.
“After we got separated due to the mass of zombies breaking into where we were staying I managed to find a car, I went to find you but you obviously had left so I went searching for you but you were nowhere to be found. I don't know where I was but I was driving along a road and a tree had been chopped down to block the road, which is when I became surrounded by these guys and thrown down here,” Steve explained. “What season is it?” He looked at you trying the gage the amount of time he's been down here for.
“Winter,” It pained you to think he's been down here for months. He exhaled sharply as he knew it was at least three months since he was captured. “What are these people?” You asked quietly not really expecting a proper answer.
“Sadistic,” Steve was trying to mask the fear with humour. You stared up at him puzzled, you knew they must have been but it wasn't answer. “They think they're the answer to the new world. Join them or rot in here.” He shrugged like he didn't believe what he was saying.
“At least we can rot together.” You sat up and kneeled next to him playing with his hair as it soothed both of you. He laid down and rested his head on your lap making you get into a more comfortable position.
The fluorescent light was continually flickering and buzzing making it difficult to sleep. You have no idea how many days it's been since you last slept. Steve was able to sleep as he had grown used to this. He was laying next to you with an arm stretched out lazily over your stomach, you noticed he was drooling in his sleep making you laugh because the amount of times he would make fun of you for drooling over him in your sleep was constant. Sleep seemed to be the only time he was content down here, he moved slightly and wrapped his arm around you tighter. You enjoyed watching him sleep, but it also motivated you to find a way out of here. You could hear indistinct shouting in the rooms surrounding you and crying, you wondered if this was always the case or not because this was the first time you picked up on it. You could hear the door unlock after a crash was heard and a different guard came in to find the source of the noise and upon seeing you laying on the floor and Steve asleep he slammed the door shut making Steve jump awake. Your eyes narrowed at the door in thought.
“What you thinking?” Steve sounded sleepy and was resting on his elbows looking as sleepy as he sounded.
“How often do they come in here?” You asked still looking at the door and hearing the noises outside.
“Only to give us food,” Steve put his hands over his eyes and laid back down next you.
“Any other times?” You pressed him to think some more as this could be your chance to escape.  
“Only when we're an inconvenience.” Steve said not really thinking much more of it making you roll your eyes at how unhelpful he was being, you laid next to him and wrapped yourself around him with your head on his chest. You watched the light flickering and saw that it had a plastic casing around it.
“Do you think you can remove that?” You asked Steve who had fallen back asleep, you nudged him to wake him up and he just grumbled and held you tighter. “Steve?” You voice was firmer.
“What?” Steve mumbled annoyed that you woke him.
“Do you think you can remove that?” You repeated yourself and sat up to make sure that Steve hadn't fallen back asleep.
“Maybe,” Steve was slightly confused by this question, he stood up and tried to reach it but it was just out of his reach. “Get on my shoulders.” He instructed as he pulled you up. You climbed onto his shoulders and managed to pull the casing off easily. You stood on one end of it and snapped it in half so it was jagged, you looked pleased with yourself as you examined it hoping it would work. Steve wondered what you were doing.
“Tell me if this hurts.” You smiled at him, and he looked a bit bewildered by this statement, you stabbed at him in the arm with a small amount of force so he would feel it but not cause him damage. He jumped back as your new weapon made contact with him.
“Why?” Steve asked rubbing where you stabbed him.
“Just checking if it hurts.” You beamed a smile at him, making him wonder if you were enjoying hurting him.
“Why though?” Steve asked again taking the weapon from you apprehensively scared you were going to hurt him again.
“Because if that hurt, imagine it in neck.” You exhaled letting out a small laugh feeling overwhelmed. Steve looked terrified of you, it had been a long time since he saw you and he realised how much you had changed.
“Wouldn't the actual light work better?” Steve looked up at the flickering glass tube of light which was stained yellow with age.
“It would, but I don't want to risk it,” You tilted your head to the side impressed with him.
“What do you mean?” His face was now one of confusion as he passed you the broken case.
“That is going to be hot to touch and unless we can turn that off we might get electrocuted,” You explained unsure if the electrocution thing was true or a myth. Steve slumped his shoulders in defeat before picking up the other half of the snapped casing and swinging it like a baseball bat a few times while you crouched down next down to the door, Steve quickly followed suit as he could see in your eyes you plotting something. “When whoever it is comes in, hit them in the face as hard you can with that and I'll do what I can as well.” You instructed, he saluted to tell you that he understood which was immediately followed by you banging on the door and wailing to get a guard in the room. You heard the door unlock and Steve stood up pressing himself against the wall, the door swung open with force you had to stop it from hitting you in the face making the door shut, you heard the sound of plastic hitting flesh and you jumped into action and stabbed the man in the neck. You were surprised the plan actually worked as the man laid on the floor choking on his blood which was spilling out on the floor.
“Wow!” You exclaimed as you picked up his weapons and stabbing him in the head with the knife he was carrying, you went to put that in your holster only to remember it had been taken from you and slid it over to Steve.
“Wow?” He questioned your response as you checked if the gun was loaded, which it was.
“I was not expecting that to work,” You had amusement in your voice mixed with relief, Steve just blinked at you in shock that you took a gamble on both your lives like that. “It paid off okay.” You blurted out making him look away as you examined the wrist of the guy who had the same branding as the guys in the shop. Steve went for the keys and you made your way out the door quickly and quietly while he locked the door behind you making you gesture vaguely at him.
“What?” He looked at bit blank at you making you shake your head.
“He's dead Steve,” You chuckled to yourself shaking your head. “He isn't going anywhere.” You heard Steve mumble in response but you weren't quite sure what it was, you grabbed his hand and pulled him along the corridor. The bunker was huge was obviously made by someone everyone probably thought was paranoid at the time but was in fact just thinking ahead. You heard voices approach and you shoved Steve into what you hoped to be a cupboard as the door was unlocked, you falling in behind him. He could see your eyes grow wide as you stared behind him and he turned around and to discover a lab with zombie parts strewn all over the place and you jumped when one charged at you only to be pulled back by the chain around it's neck.
“I knew this wasn't a bad idea,” You muttered to yourself as you admired your surroundings.
“What do you think they do in here?” Steve asked as he picked up an arm that was laying on the table and started playing with it.
“I don't know what kind, but it's definitely research.” You sighed as you took the arm from Steve and hit him with it playfully before putting it back down.
“What was that for?” He pouted, but a smile cracked through his pout making him laugh.
“We're not here to play with severed limbs,” Your voice was stern but you could feel a laugh escape. “That is a sentence I never thought I'd say.” You whispered laughing which was cut off by voices approaching the door, you pulled Steve to the side and crouched back down. A guy who looked like your typical mad professor walked in with a guard, as they walked through the door you slid out without them noticing.
Navigating the tunnels was hard, but it became clear that this wasn't just some millionaire who was paranoid about the end of the world; it most likely had something to do with the government initially. To Steve you were running around like a headless chicken when in reality you were trying to find Billy and escape with him too. There was a guard at the end of the corridor you were sneaking down, you instructed Steve to stay where he was but he was waving his arms about as he silently protested and pushed you back as he crept up behind the guard; you weren't sure what he did but you heard a gurgle and saw the body hit the floor as Steve stabbed it in the head. You walked down the corridor to meet Steve who was collecting ammunition for your gun and giving a knife, which turned out to be your old knife. You heard sobbing from a room, instinctively you grabbed the keys from the guard and opened the door to find a woman crying over the body of another woman, she didn't even realise that you were standing in the doorway. Neither you or Steve knew what to do, all you knew was that you had a dead body behind you and one in front of you.
The woman after a couple of minutes felt eyes watching her and turned around her eyes were filled blood, you noticed she had a bite on her shoulder and the body in her room was in fact the body of a zombie, whether or not she was a relative was unknown. You quickly threw the body of the guard with the help of Steve into the room as she lurched towards you, the body knocked her off her path and distracted her as she started to bite into the flesh. Steve closed the door and locked it hoping she wouldn't escape sometime in the future. “That was lucky,” You tried to joke as you made your around the corner. You could hear more screaming and growling coming from each room and it unsettled you.
“What do you think they're doing?” You could feel Steve hover you as you checked if the next corner was clear.
“No idea, but I don't like it,” You didn't take your eyes off the door at the end of the room, no one was guarding it but you felt drawn to it. “Come on.” You took his hand and led him down the passageway and opened the door, you ground to a halt as you gained the attention of men playing poker. Survival instinct kicked in before they could grab their weapons you shot through them all knowing your cover had been blown, Steve stabbing them in the head. You grabbed what you could in terms of ammunition and weapons. Alarms started blaring and you knew you were in trouble now, Steve grabbed your hand and ran in no particular direction, someone shouting orders echoed through the corridors amongst the noise of the alarms. Steve tried to open a door but it was locked, which meant someone was most likely imprisoned in there. You didn't have time for Steve to find the key so you shot at the lock and was ready to kill a zombie if needed, the door opened and inside were two men who looked just as bad as Steve and they both looked at you confused. “Who are you?” One of them asked, he had a long beard and a lot of hair, but had kind eyes behind all his hair.
“Freedom.” Steve took two guns from you which had on your shoulders and tossed them to the guys who scrambled for them and ran out the room.
“Really Steve, freedom?” If it wasn't an emergency you would have teased more about his cheesy line.
“I thought it sounded cool.” He followed you running through the corridors in the opposite direction of the other prisoners, a guy stepped out a room wondering why the alarms were sounding until he saw you, as he went to pick up his gun to fire you had already shot at him. You shot him once more to make sure he was dead and picked up his gun. Steve pulled you back and dragged you into the room that the guard came out of which was a large weapons cupboard.
“Fuck me sideways and call me Rambo,” You weren't really thinking what you were saying as you enamoured with your choice of weapons.
“And you said 'freedom' wasn't cool.” Steve teased as he picked up what happened to be your crossbow.
“We need to be 'freedom' for other people.” You took the crossbow from Steve who was difficulty working it, the moment you loaded it the door opened and a man was standing looking confused before it dawned on him that you were the ones that escaped. You fired the crossbow without thinking and when his body fell to the floor you pulled the bolt out of his eye making Steve cringe and reloaded it and handed it back to Steve.
“You scare me, you know that?” Steve examined the crossbow trying to figure out how you were so at ease with it because it was so heavy and stiff.
“That's why you fell in love with me though.” You blew a kiss and picked up a handgun which had a silencer on it and a holster for it. You were sure they were yours originally, Steve quietly agreed at your statement as he picked up another gun and slung it around his shoulder. Both of you looked like you were you were made of guns where you picked up so many.  
The 'rebellion' as you called it went as smoothly as it could despite being chased from all angles, you were breaking people free and the people who captured you were thinning out. You ran past a room and heard banging on the door, you shot at it and the door swung open and Billy was in there with a zombie crawling across the floor where Billy was trying to fight it, you shot at the zombie and it instantly stopped moving as you gave him a gun. “What the fuck is going on?” He was confused by the pandemonium around him.
“Freedom.” Steve dragged you away and to find a way out, Billy following closely behind which you knew Steve wasn't to happy about. In a small dark tunnel you found a ladder and assumed that this was your way out. Light broke through the heavy metal trapdoor as you opened it, a large smile spread across your face because you were free, you helped Steve and Billy out but you could feel the tension between them which you chose to ignore for the moment and continued running trying to find a car; neither of them noticing you were gone until you called their names making them run over to you.
“Your petty high school rivalry means shit in this world,” You smacked them both around the head. “If you want to survive, move!” You smacked them again hoping it would get through to them and they both looked sheepishly down at the floor before following you.
The entirety of the time while trying to find your way out of the forest and onto a road the boys were bickering which made you question whether or not you should just leave them to it and go back to surviving on your own as it was so much easier then. You swung round on your heels holding your gun making them stop in their tracks and saw a zombie coming up behind them.
“Duck,” They both did as you said as you fired the gun hitting the zombie right in the head and letting the body crumple to the floor both of them watching the body when they got what had happened. “You two need work this shit out right now because I am not going to get killed because of your idiocy,” You stormed over to them and threw their weapons behind you so they were out of reach. “Talk,” You threw your hands up in the air, picked up a large stick and planted yourself on the floor as you the carved the stick into a weapon while both the boys looked at you in bewilderment. They both stood there awkwardly, Billy was rubbing the back of his neck as he did when he felt awkward and Steve was kicking a rock avoiding eye contact. “You both consider yourself fucking alpha males and obviously wanted to be the dominant one,” You rolled your eyes at how useless they were “Especially you,” You pointed at Billy. “I know you're pissed at Billy because of the kiss,” You shot a look at Steve who looked like he wanted the world to swallow him up. “So fucking talk about that.” You continued carving you stick to make a weapon waiting for them to talk thinking about useless men were when it came to talking about their feelings, especially to one another.
“That ain't happening,” Billy finally broke the silence making you throw a stick at him which made Steve laugh, you threw your head back in frustration and let out a huge groan.
“I don't want you near her,” Steve glared at Billy, face was filled with anger but his eyes showed that he was hurting more than anything.
“That's not your decision to make,” Billy retorted with his cocky smile making you roll your eyes so much you thought they were going to fall out. “ And I think she made her decision when she kissed me.” Billy knew this was a low blow, hearing him say that felt like a gut punch. Steve glanced at you trying to hide the hurt and walked off. You ran off after him. “Tell me why I shouldn't end your life right now,” You spat at Billy as you walked past who looked way to pleased with himself. Steve was leaning against a tree with his head resting against it as he looked up at the sky watching the birds fly over. You leaned on the tree next to him subconsciously mirroring what he was doing.
“You kissed him?” Steve huffed looking at you.
“I instigated it,” You finally admitted “Missing you and alcohol do not go well,” You sighed with a small laugh, Steve furrowed his brows at you and exhaled as if he was trying to calm himself down.
“I don't want the same conversation again,” Steve pushed himself off the tree and moved so he was facing you. “It just hurt hearing it from him.” He stroked your cheek gently, his eyes were soft but looked tearful. You melted at his touch.
“I love you Steve,” You wrapped your hands his neck and kissed him gently on the nose making him smile.
“I love you too.” It didn't feel like you were in a forest god knows where surrounded by flesh eating ghouls that could attack at any second.
“Come on,” You took Steve's hand and led him back to where Billy was sitting waiting for you which shocked you because you thought he would have taken the opportunity to run away. “This is what's happening,” You caught Billy's attention who was admiring your handiwork on the weapon. “You two are doing what exactly what I say,” Steve and Billy both looked at each other holding their breath because they knew the next words that were coming out your mouth would not be good. “If either of you put us in danger with your incessant arguing I will leave you to get eaten,” Your eyes darted between the both of them. “Do you understand?” They both nodded in agreement knowing you were going to be true to your word. You picked up the weapons and passed them their owners and made your way through the forest.
“Was she always this scary?” Billy tried to make conversation with Steve as he was interested in if this was a drastic change in character.
“Not really,” Steve side eyed Billy not wanting to talk to him.
“Oh.” Billy knew that was the end of the conversation as he trudged along following you.
“She's a completely different person now,” Steve confessed, he knew you were in there somewhere but he almost didn't recognise you. Billy knew this you better than he did.
“She threatened me with a knife two seconds after saving my life,” Billy admitted looking embarrassed. “She also looked like she enjoyed it.” Which made Steve laugh.
“She knows how to survive.” Steve watched you as you gracefully walked through the forest, your long hair that reached down to your waist was now nothing but a memory. Your large wardrobe of pastel dresses were replaced by tight leather trousers, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Your once soft features were now hardened.
You all found a safe place to stay for the night, but it was only for the night. Billy was asleep on the bed and you were on guard. You were expecting Steve to be asleep, but he proved you wrong when he sat down next to you on the balcony which had your legs hanging over. When you found the place you devised an escape route which involved you jumping off the balcony onto a trampoline and hopefully over a fence. Usually moonlight would light up the area, but it was cloudy and it was a new moon that night. You rested your head Steve's shoulder, the night was still and it was getting warmer meaning spring was close.
“I'm sorry,” You mumbled under your breath taking Steve's hand in yours while you watched over the ghost town.
“For what?” He was baffled and couldn't understand why you were apologising, he wrapped his arm around you.
“Just for everything.” You moved closer to him so your legs were now touching, you were feeling a bit melancholy and you weren't sure if Steve felt it too.
“I'm sorry too,” You could hear in Steve's voice that he meant it and he was feeling the same as you.
“Get some sleep, I can guard.” He gestured to the room behind you, before standing up you kneeled behind him and wrapped your arms around him.
“Good night.” Your face was buried into his neck, this to Steve was the old you. He watched you as you walked back indoors and made yourself comfortable on the makeshift bed on the floor as you cursed at the sleeping Billy who was taking up the entire bed.
Billy went to find a working car the next day while you Steve packed everything up and got ready for a raid. You wanted to see if the cabin you made your home for a couple of months was still empty as it was truly safe, until humans turned up but you doubted you'd be able to find it now.
“Humans are the worst,” You thought aloud, Steve didn't know exactly where this came from but agreed as he considered everything he had been through in the past year and a bit. You could hear a scraping at the door which meant that a zombie had decided to try either making itself at home or making you lunch. Steve looked slightly worried as you walked over the door and opened it making the zombie fall in, which was immediately greeted by a knife into the head. You started hacking the head off with your knife without fully thinking.
“What are you doing?” Steve moved away from you slightly as he was worried about some of the mess you were causing would get on him.
“It's a long story,” You didn't look up at him as you pulled the head off with difficulty, you proudly presented it to Steve who turned green. “They're attracted to the smell of blood,” You started to explain. “I use the heads in hopes that it'll cover up the smell of us,” Steve stood there trying to figure out the logic which didn't take long as he clapped his hands the moment he understood. You heard a car rock up and Billy climbed out draping his arms over the roof with a pair of sunglasses on which he must have stolen. You picked up your things and the head and threw them in the car and the head in trunk. “I'm driving.” You held out your hand expecting car keys to be dropped in them.
“No!” Billy's face contorted from arrogance into one of horror within seconds as he had flashbacks to your chaotic driving.
“Don't ever let her behind the wheel.” Steve teased as you poked your tongue out at him.
“I learnt that the hard way.” Billy picked you up and put you down so you were now no longer near the driver's door which made Steve uneasy. You kicked Billy in the shins for manhandling you like that, Steve climbed into the back seat of the car and you climbed in next to him. You could see Steve was getting jealous again.
“Steve,” He hums in response turning his head at you, he could see that you could still read him like an open book. “I love you.” You put your hand on his thigh and squeezed it gently to reassure him. Billy was watching you both in the mirror instead of keeping an eye on the road which is when you hit a zombie making you jolt forwards in your seat, your instinct was to put your arm in front of Steve's chest to stop him from hurtling forwards even more. Billy had lost control of the car, he was really thankful in that moment that you warned him about the seatbelts because he would have been a puree in the street otherwise. He managed to regain control after a few agonising seconds, there was a collective sigh of relief as you carried on like normal except the windshield was painted red with chunks attached the wipers which struggled to clear away the mess.
“You okay?” Billy's voice was a bit shaky and you nodded while staring at Steve.
“We're good.” Steve answered looking down at your arm which was still resting on his chest making him happy because even before everything you always put him first and tried your best to protect him.
“Where to?” Billy looked at you in the mirror, the windshield was still smeared red but the outside was more visible now.
“No idea,” You leaned forward in your seat and rested your arms on the backs of the two seats in front of you. You felt Steve's fingers trace along the small of your back which felt electric. “Do you know where we are?”
“We're still in Ohio,” Billy shrugged turning his attention to the road and leaned back into your seat, you nodded in thought.
“How did I end up in Ohio?” Steve tilted his head in confusion looking out the window at the fields you were driving through.
“I want to get as far away as possible from here,” You ignored Steve's comment as you put your head in your hands and racked your brain to think where you could go.
“As long as it's warm I don't care.” Billy broke your train of thought and you looked at him blankly.
“Because that's the real priority here.” It felt like Steve read your mind and Billy rolled his eyes as he continued to drive down the road.
“Canada?” You interjected before an argument could start between the two boys.
“That's a no,” Billy shook his head.
“It's perfect though, it's less populated meaning there's less chance of getting eaten,” You explained rolling your eyes and throwing your arms up in the air.
“She's got a point.” Steve chuckled knowing that would irk Billy.
“What about Mexico then?” Billy suggested not taking his eyes off the road, but gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“If we can survive that then that'll be great,” You couldn't believe what you were hearing. “But I know we're not. Canada is our best bet.” You said bluntly as your stomach made an unearthly noise meaning you needed food.
“You hungry?” Steve was trying not to laugh at this noise as you nodded, stomaching still gurgling. It didn't take long to find another ghost town, you handed Steve your handmade weapon for him to use as Billy sharpened his knife.
“I'm going to stay here,” You checked if your gun was loaded and both the boys were not happy to hear this. “You need to be quiet for this and I'll draw too much attention.” You put your gun in your holster smiling at them. They nodded and made their way into the shop. Billy followed exactly what you did on previous raids which made Steve wonder what he was doing until a zombie made itself known. Billy crept in and you heard a body fall to the floor, you hoped it wasn't Billy. You climbed on to the roof of the car and sat on it keeping watch, your ears had been very attuned to the smallest of noises. You heard a small clattering inside the shop which was most likely one of the guys and could hear low growls over the ultimately silent landscape. The growls were closer as you thought as two zombies staggered around the corner looking as ungraceful as they came, you waited for them to come closer as you decided not to waste bullets on them. They caught you sitting on the roof of your car and staggered over to you, you jumped off the car and got yourself ready. It took longer for them to come over to you than you anticipated making you impatient. You let out a soft groan and walked over to them stabbing them both in the head with ease. You hacked their heads off and played with them as you went back to the car both boys came out the shop with a number of supplies and covered in blood looking like they saw a ghost.
“You guys okay?” You were slightly concerned by their appearances as you threw the heads in the trunk of the car.
“Y-yea...We're fine.” Steve was stumbling over his words, you knew something happened in there but he would tell you when he was ready. Billy didn't say anything, he just climbed in the car and started it while waiting for you to get in.
“If either one of you got bitten you need to tell me now.” Your eyes darted between them hoping they would give away something.
“No one got bit.” Billy's voice was low, it almost sounded like he was holding back tears or anger. You could see in Steve's face he was the same, you sunk down in the seat opening a pack of potato chips the boys stole. The crunching and the sound of the engine were the only things filling the silence.
“How did you cope with your brother?” Steve said softly, tears started to fill his eyes, your stomach sank hearing this.
“I had to accept it happened very quickly,” You screwed up the now empty bag and threw it behind you. “Life goes on and we have to survive,” You pursed your lips and you could see that was not the answer Steve wanted to hear, but Billy knew this was lie. You had become numb and repressed it, you could see Billy looking at you as if to say “tell Steve the truth”.
“Have you accepted it though?” Billy shook his head knowing you weren't going to tell Steve unless he got it out of you himself, you looked at him disbelief as did Steve. You started falling over your words unable to form a coherent sentence or thought.
“I don't think I have,” You let out a huge breath to calm your thoughts and the words fell out of mouth as naturally as breathing. You felt a huge weight lifted off your shoulders, you felt Steve's hand caress yours making you turn to him. Tears were rolling down his cheek which you gently wiped away with your thumb as you rested your free hand on his cheek. “It does get easier though.” You whispered reassuringly, he wasn't wholly convinced but he could see the sincerity in your face.
Billy stopped off every now and again on your journey to nowhere so supplies could be picked up or scouting potential places to sleep for the night, you all felt there nothing suitable and carried on. At some point you had all entered Michigan, you wondered if Billy did think going to Canada was good idea and didn't want to admit it because he protested far too much initially or if this was accidental. You entered a town which looked like it had military involvement but it was now just a ghost town like every other place you went through, you laughed at the thought that if this was an old wild west movie there'd be tumble weed rolling across the roads. Steve was asleep resting on your shoulder, you moved gently so he could sleep on your lap as it was probably a lot more comfortable for him and you could play with his hair. “He saved my life.” Billy murmured not entirely wanting you to hear what he had just said because it would be admitting defeat in his eyes. You hummed in response as you didn't hear him as you were too focused on Steve, making Billy repeat himself which went against his every instinct.
“What happened?” You asked quietly running your fingers through Steve's hair which made him mumble something in his sleep which was complete nonsense.
“There was zombie in the shop,” Billy clutched onto the steering wheel tightly making his knuckles go white at the thought of what happened. He felt like he didn't have the strength to carry on, but knew he had to find it somewhere. “It came up behind me and knocked me to ground and I wasn't in a position to get it off me,” He exhaled as he said this not taking his eyes off the road. “It was incredibly close to biting me. He stabbed it in the head and saved me.” You knew there was more to the story than what Billy was letting on.
“What does that have to do with my brother though?” You were puzzled, you were pleased that both were safe but it didn't explain the pure horror on their face when they left the store. Billy shook his head and bit down hard on his bottom lip. “Was it someone you knew?” You knew that would be a long shot but it was worth asking anyway if it meant a little bit of clarification. He just shook his head and sighed as he pulled over the car so he could regain his composure.
“Where are we?” Steve woke up as the car came to a halt and sounded groggy.
“We've potentially found somewhere to stay.” Billy shrugged getting out the car as if the conversation beforehand hadn't happened.
“This doesn't look s-” You were cut off by the door slamming shut, you watched as the zombies stumbled around the building. Billy grabbed your homemade weapon from the trunk of the car and walked over to the zombies, you weren't sure how many there were but it was in double figures meaning if he made one wrong step he would end up dead. You let your head drop forwards in annoyance before getting out the car yourself to help Billy, you ran up and stabbed the closest one in the head and made your way through them. You could see Billy was releasing his rage out on them and it was dangerous because you knew he wasn't thinking straight and it left a lot of room for error. After a few minutes he managed to kill everything that was trying to attack him, his breathing was heavy and covered in blood as he examined the damage he had done. Steve raced up behind you to check if you were okay, also covered in blood.
“It's safe now.” Billy wiped the hair out of his eyes with his bloody hands. You walked up to the building and saw that the building was padlocked shut, inside you could hear loud moans and banging on the wood covered windows.
“That would be a no.” You skipped down the steps and stood next to Steve who draped his arm around your shoulder.
“Carry on?” Steve looked at the mayhem you were going to leave behind as you made your way to the car, you looked back and could see that Steve and Billy were in a heated discussion about something. Billy stormed over looking angry and climbing into the car and lighting up a cigarette that he must grabbed from the last raid.
“I need to talk to you,” Steve took your hand and pulled you away from the car. You knew it wasn't going to be good. Steve was looking at you intently trying to find the right words to say, you could feel your heart stop as you imagined the worst case scenario. “What happened in the store wasn't good,” Steve started, you chewed the inside of your cheek as you waited for him to confirm your worst fears. “The reason why I asked you about your brother was because,” You could see he was difficulty forming the words and it was breaking your heart and he could see it on your face. “I should have done the same, but couldn't,” Visible confusion swept across your face as you looked at him. “There was a child in the shop who had been bitten. I killed what turned out to be their mother and they didn't want to end up like that,” Steve looked away from you as he said this scared that you would hate him because he wasn't strong like you. “It was actually more like eaten than bitten,” Before he could carry on you swung your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug.
“It's okay,” You whispered in his ear, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in tightly.
“I didn't want you to know because I'm not strong like you.” He buried his head in the crook of your neck.
“Steve,” You laughed at hearing him say that you're strong. “You are honestly the strongest person I know,” You pulled away slightly so you could look at him and moved a strand of hair that was flopping over his face. He shook his head laughing. “Being in that position isn't about whether or not you're strong, it's far more complex than that,” You looked at him, there was still a lot of pain behind his eyes. “When I chose to do that for my brother, it was for self preservation on my part. I didn't want to watch him turn into what killed him, but as I pulled the trigger the only thing running through my brain was 'what if I fuck up and it doesn't kill him instantly? What if I make a painful death even more painful?' ultimately I knew I made the right decision. I also had the advantage of being bought up with my dad who taught me how to hunt which helped a lot, you however were far more likely to cause more harm than good especially with a knife.” Steve nodded understanding that you were right and you held out your hand and he put his in yours as you walked back to the car.
“It was the zombie that almost got Billy,” Steve admitted as well feeling like the weight had been lifted.
“Does Billy know?” You looked back at him still walking to car and Steve nodded in response.
“My mistake did almost cost another life.” Steve caught up with you so you were now walking side by side.
“Not a mistake, but I didn't think people turned that fast.” Steve smiled down at you feeling happy that he had someone as understanding as you.
“I didn't either.” Steve opened the car door for you and let you climb in and walked around the other side to get into his side.
“All good?” Billy asked flicking his cigarette out the window and putting his sunglasses back on.
“All good.” You smiled as Steve climbed in next to you.
The night drew in and after multiple stops Billy had driven you to the Canadian border, you and Steve were both asleep on one another. The atmosphere in the air was tense and Billy didn't like it. It was eerily deserted despite there being evidence of military presence at some point. You felt a hand whack you. “Go away,” You mumbled adjusting yourself in your seat to get comfortable again in your half asleep state. The hand hit you again making you wake up fully. “What?” You hissed as you jolted up waking Steve up.
“What's going on?” Steve rubbed his eyes as he yawned.
“We're near the border,” Billy pointed at the road in front of him and you climbed over the centre console to sit in the seat next to him. The headlights illuminated what was in front of you, there were barricades at the side of the road and old news papers danced in the headlights where they were picked up in the wind. You felt tense, you turned around to Steve who looked deeply unsure by everything that was surrounding you. Billy stopped the car which scared you as it made you vulnerable. “What do you think we need to do?” Billy's hands were clasping at the steering wheel still as he looked back at Steve and then looked at you.
“I'm scared.” You admitted as you locked your door, not that would make much difference in the end.
“I think keep going.” Steve was scared, but he knew if you were scared he had to be calm for your sake.
“Okay then.” Billy pressed his foot down on the gas slowly when all of sudden an army made themselves known. Your eyes were wide with shock wondering if they were there the entire time or if they saw you coming. A knock on your window made you jump and a man who was dressed in a military uniform was staring at you. You rolled down the window slightly so you could talk to him.
“American?” You all nodded in response to him. “Flights stopped months ago,” You all looked at each other and mouthed the words 'flights' to Steve wondering what he was talking about. “But we can offer you refuge,” He smiled, you wanted to trust him in your gut but after the ordeal you had been through you weren't sure if you should. He hit the roof of car and gestured for you to drive beyond the border. “Three Americans.” You heard him say in a walkie talkie as you rolled up your window and Billy drove off.
Beyond the border the town was functioning like normal. It didn't feel like it hadn't turned to shit just a couple of miles away, but you noticed that the barriers surrounding the place meant that just outside it was shit, but it felt like it was going to be contained. You chuckled softly to yourself hoping this was the start of something new for you and Steve. Billy parked the car and you were greeted by a very happy woman who showed you around and showed you to your houses which had everything you needed from electricity to water. The car was checked and your guns were taken away into storage which you were shown, the guy checking your car held up the heads that you forgot were in there, you leaned into Steve trying to suppress your giggles which made Steve laugh.
“Collector?” The guy joked as he put them down next to him and handed you the rest of your weapons that didn't require ammo. You walked back into your house putting the weapons down by the door deciding you'll deal with them in the morning and before your foot had touched the bottom step you were lifted up bridal style by Steve who carried you upstairs into the nicely decorated bedroom and put on the bed. Steve was hovering over you smiling.
“We finally have a safe place we can call our own.” You played with the neckline of his shirt as he stroked your cheek gently admiring your features.
“All I've ever wanted.” He whispered gently before you pulled him in for a slow, passionate kiss which he quickly reciprocated with a smile as he wanted to do that the moment he saw you in the bunker and every second after.
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seraphimluxe · 5 years
Saved by the Bell Part 1
Bucky x Reader
Warnings: gore, mentions of anxiety, evil zombie spirits, swearing, apocalypse, yeah the usual
A/N: I wrote this about a month ago and it was so bad i never planned to post, but I edited it today and don't think it's terrible? I've proofread this so many times I could probably recite it from memory 😅 this was also the first fic I'd EVER written so cut me some slack pls pls
Feedback is more than welcomed ❤️
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She should have seen it coming.
Part of her knew something was wrong.
Her world was in a limbo and everyone could feel it. Whispers and murmurs were the only verbal acknowledgement that anything was out of the ordinary. The sky was a murky wash of dirty paint colors, birds were silent and animals were solemn.
It was as if all matter was resting for a great awakening. The opening act.
Or rather the reopening act.
As superstition tells it, hundreds of years ago the rusted bell in the center of town, once un-ringable, clanged her glorious song, and thus the heavens opened. Hell was released. Dark, zombie-like spirits clambered for their flesh and souls.
Those who weren’t consumed and torn apart, were transformed into mutants, with a mindset akin to their own, creating a being more powerful than humans and themselves. The process was time-consuming and agonizing for both parties, therefore only a few dozen were recruited. The few humans left over gathered with the town mage, closing the portal and casting the spirits back to their dimension. Little is known about the mutants. Some say without a leader, they fled the town, although where they went is unknown.
It woke you. It woke the whole town. The deep, sharp bellowing sent chills down your spine and adrenaline coursing through your veins. Everyone who heard understood it’s implications and purpose. Some were at work already, some preparing their meals, saying goodbyes before school, but within a few short seconds chaos erupted.
Clambering out of bed and through the front door, you braced yourself for the blinding sunlight, only to discover a dusky blight had fallen upon the world. Your eyes scanned the streets, men and women, a mass of panic and disarray. Instantly you recognized a familiar face, your almost-next-door-neighbor.
“Sam!” You caught his attention for a second before he shook his head and turned to the sky, fear laced in his eyes. You were afraid to look, almost knowing what you were going to find. Curiosity took its hold on, your eyes slowly trailing up to the apparent spectacle above you.
The sight was one you’ll never get out of your head, the sky opening up, letting darkness and ghost-like wispy creatures flood the earth like ants at a picnic. Any initial terror was magnified tenfold when a scream pierced through the air. Simultaneously snapping everyone to their senses, the crowd began stirring, shoving to get in any direction away from that.
“C'mon we gotta get out of here” Sam’s hand tugging on your arm, pulling you downtown with the crowd. There was shoving, another scream, followed by another, and another. Sam pulls you into a tight dimly-lit alley between two houses, both of your breathing heavy, and eyes frantic.
“Steve!” Sam called to the figure walking past the alley, and suddenly there were three figures in the alley- oh he’s got a plus one. A very large plus one.
Three men heavily breathing on you while the world erupted into chaos? Not exactly what you had planned this morning.
“Who’s she?” The plus one rasped, his voice dry from running, you assume. His eyes are piercing blue, even in the shade of the alley.
“A neighbor.”
“I’m Steve.” Followed by, what was supposed to be an outstretched hand, but in the tight conditions, just an awkward arm spasm, almost hitting your hip.
“Yeah, I gathered that much,” You joked, out of breath “I’m Y/N.”
“Cool. We don’t really have time for this shit.” Oooooh nameless plus one has a bit of an attitude. Duly noted. “We need to get away from the crowd if we want any chance at survival. They’re herding us like bison right now.” Pissy Pants has made a solid point.
“We could go to Natalia’s house?” Steve proposed optimistically,
“Mmm She’s-” An unnervingly close scream cut him off, he quirked a dark eyebrow underneath a long mess of hair. “She’s close to the docks.” he finished, “Let’s go, on three”
“Wait, wait, waaaait. Slow down, Tin Man”
Another quirked eyebrow, but this time it’s directed at Sam. It was a good look on him.
“We’re leaving. If you want to come, then come. Otherwise, just stay here and wait to die.”
“Bucky!” A whisper-yelled scolding from Steve. Wait, is his name Bucky? His mom must’ve been hitting the good stuff when she picked that.
Sam rolled his eyes and looked to you, awaiting your response.
“He’s probably right”
“That’s a big ‘probably’, Y/N.”
“Well there only one way to find out,” something between a scoff and a laugh escaped “Bucky’s” lips, and it would have surprised you, had it not been for his sudden countdown.
And as planned, you all bolted on “three”. Steve and his buddy leading the way through some kind of sick obstacle course. A second wave of adrenaline pulsed through your veins and sends your heart crashing against your chest. The pounding in your ribcage and ears is not unlike the sudden and loud noise behind you.
This had to be a dream.
There’s no other reasonable explanation, right?
A million various anxiety-provoking thoughts streamed through your head on a conveyer belt. Everything, and potentially everyone you know is being destroyed.
That’s lovely.
Upon arrival at Natalia’s house, the brilliant young men discovered that it was locked… And now you’re in the shed. Another dark, enclosed space with the three boys, but fortunately, this one farther from the screams.
“We need to devise a more long term plan.” Shorty with the hair has apparently mistaken this for a boy scouts training mission, and elected himself “troop guide”. He’s right, nevertheless.
“What do you have in mind?”
A glint of metal shifts across from you. A shovel maybe?
“They probably won’t be operating it, but taking the boat would be a good choice.”
“This is Bucky, by the way,” Steve whispers and gestures to him. You nod, Yup, gathered that much.
Bucky’s really got a vendetta against that shovel next to him.
“If we took a boat, we’d either be super screwed or super safe.” Sam offered,
“Okay, but what about our families? We’re just gonna leave them?”
Between Bucky sighing, and Steve grimacing, the answer doesn’t look good.
“Doll, this is survival of the fittest at this point. There’s no telling if they’re alive, and if we go out searching for them, we won’t last. We’re responsible for ourselves right now.” Bucky’s voice was softer than you were accustomed to, but still firm.
He was right. Now wasn’t the time to do something stupid and self-sacrificial-
“We could try-”
“Steve, he’s right. We could be looking for, God forbid, dead people. Or they could be safe and we’d get ourselves killed searching for them.” You hated what you were saying. You hated that the situation has come to this point. It’s been an hour and you’ve already resorted to abandoning your family. What’s next? Eating each other?
You shudder at the thought.
“Should we send someone to scope the docks, or should we all just go on three?” Sam, out here asking the real questions.
“Sendin’ someone to scope would kinda be a terrible idea, but I’ll volunteer if we’re gonna do it.”
“I say we die together.” 6 horrified eyes stare back at you. You clap your hands “Alright! let’s do it!”
“I’m down,” Sam shrugs
Everyone unceremoniously rising at once, serving as a reminder that this was, yet another, very tight space for 4 people to coexist in.
Upon standing, Bucky shifted into a stream of light coming from on of the cracks in between the wall panels. The once presumed shovel, is now very clearly not a shovel
“Oh fuck,” You whisper.
That’s his arm.
This shouldn’t have come as a surprise, mechanical and prosthetic limbs weren’t entirely uncommon in Aeston. You just somehow missed that small detail in the panic and chaos.
Wait, he was running in front of you the whole time, were you really THAT oblivious?
It was only when he let out a small chuckle, did you realize that you were staring, eliciting another mumbled “Oh fuck”
Thankfully, he changed the topic to a countdown. Everyone began preparing for a potential death, and on his cue, they silently fled. Steve and Bucky naturally taking the lead as you began to wonder where is this boat anyway?
That was your largest concern, until you rounded a corner and were met with Steve’s eerily large back. When you saw what stopped him, you wished you’d never left the shed.
A woman in her mid-fifties, half of her body was carnage, clearly having been dragged through the street. She had been consumed from the waist down, allowed her insides to spill onto the cobbled road. Worse yet, she was still being eaten.
Sam was equally as distraught as you, his eyes wet with fear and his hand trembling near his parted lips. The creature snapped it’s head up from her carcass, the gray skin of it’s face coated in blood. Up close you could see that it didn’t have a body, the flesh of the face faded into smokey darkness.
It opened its mouth and released a noise that sounded something in between a squeaky door, and a growl. Chills shot down your limbs, and you had to bite your lip to keep from crying. Your whole body was numb from fear, the blood draining out of your complexion.
Steve and Bucky began to slowly back up, one of their hands took residence on your arm and guided you behind them, and away. The very second they couldn’t see it anymore, Bucky whispered “Run.”
Fighting your shaking legs to function was a difficult task, focusing all your energy on not tripping. The pounding of your shoes on the road mimicking the one in your chest. Bucky’s back was your guiding light, and damn he was fast. Your lungs began to burn.
You were definitely not getting enough oxygen.
He hopped off a ledge and onto the sand a few feet below and ushered you down and under a pier. Grateful for a break, you scurried down and collapsed on the ground, panting. Your hands still shaking terribly, and you’re sure that even if you hadn’t just run 45mph, your heart would still be exploding against your chest. The image of the woman replaying in your head.
That could’ve been any one of you. That’s the reality you’re living in right now.
You don’t want this. This is bad. It’s childish of you to wish for a time machine, but you do. You’re desperate to feel safe for even a moment.
You also really don’t want to cry. Not here, not now, not in front of everyone. Crying isn’t practical and it’s not going to save you. Tough it out, you tell yourself.
Steeling yourself, you take a breath. Steve looks like he’s worse off than you. Though no one is shedding tears, the panic, horror and trauma is spelled out in their features and in their mannerisms. You wouldn’t have to be observant to note the almost tangible air of anxiety under the pier.
You and Bucky compose yourselves first, him being concerningly only half-affected. He opened his mouth to presumably say something comforting but was interrupted.
“Do you hear that?” Everyone held their breath for a moment, and all at once they noticed the whisper of hushed voices somewhere on the pier above. The soft knock of shoes against the wood. Sam and Steve still disoriented from the previous events, but the distraction wholly welcomed.
Bucky held up a finger and ducked out from under his cover, quickly pulling himself up onto the pier. You hear his heavy footsteps carry about twenty feet away, and then his low gravelly voice added to the rest. You’re unable to make out what he’s saying, but his serious tone quickly switched to a surprised and happy one.
Well that’s a good sign.
The engagement draws to an end, and the heavy clunk falls closer and closer to you, and then with a big thump he lands on the sand beside you.
“We’re good. Boat’s leaving in 10 minutes. They’re stocked with clothes and supplies and shit.” His voice was unnervingly chipper.
“And Steve, you’ll never believe who I found,” Another figure hopped in the sand next to him, a small girl who looked only a few years older than you.
The plus one has a plus one.
“Nat?” Steve asked, he still sounded weak, but carrying the same cheeriness as his colleague.
“Hey big guy,” Her voice was smouldering and husky, you’d be lying if you said it didn’t do things to you. It was the perfect contrast to her doll-like charm.
Wow, I can’t believe Bucky recruited an angel to save us.
“So these are the friends you were telling me about..” When she spoke those words, you realized you all probably looked bedraggled and forlorn, crouching under a rather short pier. Both Samuel and You were still in your pajamas. How embarrassing. “They’re cute,” Oh.
Wait, 'friends’?
“C'mon, we’ll get you sorted.” She glanced around her, scanning for any threats, before offering her hand to you. You accepted it and less than gracefully stumbled out into the open, finally taking note of your surroundings for the first.
It was the downtown pier, the one outletting to the Solair River, also known as “the river so huge it should probably be considered an ocean”.
Steve immediately assumed the role of Introducing everybody, awkward, but sweet. Apparently this was the “Nat” whose shed you inhabited. Cool.
Her constant glancing around and hurried steps almost made her seem paranoid, but her demeanor and casual conversation with Bucky told an entirely different story. Her hand on your lower back ushered you into silent line loading onto the ship.
You were boarding, leaving, escaping the life you knew with your neighbor and three people you’ve never met before. Putting your faith in them and trusting them in such a dangerous situation would either be your downfall or your saving grace.
Fear was silent and smelled like sand and cool, murky water.
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twdeadfanfic · 6 years
Life at the end of the world Pt 41
Summary: Your life as a zombie apocalypse survivor. It starts with the Reader settling into the camp at the quarry, before s1 and then follows the show events and storyline, more or less, but with the Reader in it.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Slow burn, violence, language.
Author’s note:  English’s not my first language so maybe there’re some mistakes, I apologize in advance. For the same reason, I can’t write character’s accents and things like that. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it. There’d be several parts to this.
You were back on the road heading towards the Saviors’ settlement.
Most of the Alexandria people had been nervous and distraught about the whole thing but they had finally accepted it was necessary, and some of them had joined you.
You were all crammed inside the RV, a big group, and though the proximity of your friends usually made you feel better, you were feeling anxious and worried about what was about to happen, especially because you didn’t know exactly what was going to happen. That only made you more afraid.
You knew you weren’t the only one feeling like that, everyone was tense and silent. Daryl looked at you, biting his thumb as he studied your face, you knew he could read you. He didn’t say anything, though, just turned back to look through the window.
“Hey, you alright?”
You quietly asked to Rosita, who was looking through the other window with a hard face and harder eyes, nothing like the woman who had shown up at your doorsteps a couple days ago with broken-hearted tears rolling down her cheeks
Abraham had dumped her, she had explained you without going into much detail while you both sat down on the porch. She had been totally head over heels with Abraham and she had been devastated, you had never seen the strong woman like that, and you had tried to comfort her as best as possible, though you didn’t know if you had succeeded.
After that day, though, you had never seen her crying again and she seemed to have hardened her heart, though you knew she was suffering. Everyone knew what had happened, Abraham was not discrete, but Rosita had been lashing out against anyone who tried to approach her about it, so nobody brought it up anymore.
“I’m fine, Y/N.” She answered curtly.
“Just...” You let out a defeated sigh, hating to see her like that. “Know that I’m here for you...”
Rosita’s facade faltered for a second, his eyes turned vulnerable before she swallowed hard, giving you a nod.
“We have to focus on the plan, nothing else matters now.”
Honestly, first part of the plan was madness to you, and you pursed your lips in disgust as Jesus and Rick studied three severed heads from recently killed walkers, trying to decide which one looked more like Gregory. That was your excuse to get into the Saviors’ place.
They wanted Gregory’s head and you hadn’t any other plan, and Jesus had told you the guards may not know how Gregory really looked, but still...
“I don’t know if this is more disgusting or stupid...”
You grumbled to Daryl, who looked at you and seemed at loss for words to comfort you. You knew you were been mean, though, you couldn’t help it with your nerves on edge, and knew you were worrying him, so you gave him a small, apologetic smile. He squeezed your shoulder gently before going back to scout around the perimeter.
It was night when you finally arrived at the building where the Saviors were settled, leaving behind Maggie and Carol to keep watch at the RV.
Maggie had been pissed to be left behind, she wanted to be helping in the front line, but you were relieved. She was pregnant, for heaven’s sake. She was so strong and brave, such a fighter, people tended to forget about her condition, but still, it was time she stopped being in danger for once.
You were hidden behind some bushes, next to Rick and Tara, your heart beating so hard you thought they might be very well hearing it. You were waiting for Daryl’s signal and as minutes passed you grew more anxious, wondering if he had run into trouble, until you finally heard his whistle and you all rushed towards the front door of the building where Daryl waited for you, a dead guard on the ground next to him.
You asked, your heart still beating fast no matter he nodded reassuringly to you.
As soon as the other guard walked out, bringing the Hilltop man they had abducted, your people jumped on him, finishing him quick, and you walked silently inside.
You followed Daryl through the corridors, both of you making sure to stay close to each other, moving as silently as you could. Opening door after door, you found sleeping men, totally unaware of your presence, and one by one your group began to sink their knives into their heads, ending them in silence.
You felt sick to your stomach. You hadn’t expected it would affect you that much.
They were bad people and you had killed your good share of bad people, of people who had attacked you and threatened you. You would kill anyone who was a danger to your group without hesitation, you’d done it before.
But still, looking at those sleeping men, oblivious to everything...they were bad but they didn’t look like it when they slept, you didn’t know them, they hadn’t done anything to you.
You forced yourself to replay again the story Jesus had told you about them, to think about the group that had attacked Daryl, one of them stabbing his shoulder. It made you mad but when you lifted your knife, hovering it over the head of the sleeping man, you couldn’t bring yourself to sink it into his head.
Your hand trembled and you swallowed hard. Daryl noticed, he was right next to you in the room, after having ended the man that slept on the other side. He turned towards you, placing a hand over the one that held your knife so you wouldn’t have to do it.
You shook your head imperceptibly, you had to do it, it was your duty, it was what you had gone there to do. You had to be strong, you had to remember why you were doing it. You didn’t let Daryl pull your hand away, and with his still over yours, you sank the blade into the man’s head.
You let out a shuddered breath, trying to be quiet, as you pulled your knife back, feeling like you might just throw up. Daryl looked at you, chewing on his lower lip, before you turned on your heels and left the room, heading towards the next.
It was all going smoothly, if you could call it that, until an alarm started blasting, followed by gunshots. Daryl pulled you behind his arm and you both ran, trying to find your people, getting in the middle of some gunfire between Michonne and Rick, and some Saviors.
Daryl pushed you behind him and you two took cover behind a corner, aiming and shooting every time the other men stopped to recharge until the threat was subdued. It kept going like that, you four trying to push forwards, shooting Saviors in your way, hiding from their gunfire while you heard more gunshots from somewhere, knowing that the rest of your people were fighting too.
It ended in victory for your people. Or at least, you all were alive and unharmed, while the bloodied up bodies of your enemies lied on the floor. You wondered briefly while you didn’t feel happy about it, you even had found weapons and supplies too.
Before you could give it much thought, you had to move again. Time to come back home.
You didn’t realize how long you had spent in there until you went out and noticed the sun rising up. You were bound to be exhausted, but you just felt numb. You waved to Jesus like in a dream as he got into a vehicle to drive his men back to Hilltop, and you all got ready to make your way back to Carol and Maggie.
You couldn’t wait to be back home.
You felt the comforting touch of Daryl’s hand on the small of your back, guiding you, but you all stopped on your tracks as you heard the rumble of a motorbike and turned to see a man riding one, trying to escape.
In a heartbeat, Rosita had shot at the wheels with perfect aim, making him fall down, and Daryl was on him on a second, pinning the man to the ground as he delivered blow after blow to his face. You ran to Daryl, aiming your gun at the man on the floor, recognizing the bike as Daryl’s, Rick following you suit.
“Where’d you get the bike?”
Daryl demanded, though it wasn’t like the man could speak with him still punching him.
“Lower your guns.”
A voice suddenly spoke through a walkie that had fallen next to the man, startling you all. “All of you, lower your weapons right now.”
You all did as instructed, looking around, trying to see from where you were being watched but to no avail. Rick took the walkie, talking to the voice, trying to find out what was going on. You exchanged a scared look with Daryl, your heart in your mouth as you heard their words.
They had Carol and Maggie.
You heard their voices as Maggie and Carol confirmed it was true and you felt close to tears. Glenn was frantic, and with good reason, as he raised the man to his feet, helped by Daryl, their guns pointed to the man’s head as Rick tried to work a deal.
It didn’t seem to work and the woman on the other side of the walkie left you all hanging.
Glenn had finally lost it, seeming totally out of himself, cursing and kicking the dirt off the floor. You could understand him perfectly, you were so scared for Maggie and Carol that it was hard to breathe, and if it were Daryl on their place...no, you couldn’t even think it.
Rick cursed aloud too, glaring at the walkie, trying to speak to whoever was that woman, but there was no reply.
“We gotta...”
Glenn couldn’t even finish his sentence, looking around frantically, his eyes a mixture of anger and fear.
“Hey, come on, man...” Daryl approached him slowly, carefully placing a calming hand on Glenn’s shoulder, stopping his pacing. “We’ll find them, yeah?” He tried to reassure his friend even though you knew he was scared too. “We’ll track them, alright?”
Glenn nodded quickly, swallowing hard, though his eyes were still frantic as he looked around.
“Yeah...yeah, come on...” Rick nodded, trying to sound more at ease than he was probably feeling.
You all followed Daryl as he tracked through the forest the people that had abducted Maggie and Carol. From time to time, Rick managed to talk with the woman, though she still didn’t seem too keen on his deal. Bt the time she seemed to agree, Daryl was positive you were close.
Next time a voice came through the walkie, it was not the woman but Carol telling you where to go, making you all look at each other with eyes wide in surprise. Soon, black smoke was rising up the sky.
“Shit...” Glenn hissed. “Come on!”
You all run until you found the building you’d been looking for and when you opened the door you were greeted by the sight of Carol and Maggie standing there free, safe and sound, though looking truly shaken.
“You all right?”
Daryl muttered to Carol, pulling her into a hug when she shook her head. You gave her a concerned look, you had never seen her looking like that, seeming so fragile and broken, and you wondered what had happened in there.
You whispered to Maggie, who was in Glenn’s arms, reaching your hand towards her. Maggie gave you a weak smile, taking your hand and squeezing it.
“I’m okay...” She reassured you softly before letting Glenn walk her out.
Rick was talking with the prisoner and Daryl let go of Carol to go back him up, so it was your turn to hold her now. She let you wrap your arms around them, but didn’t say a word while you listened to Rick and the man exchanging words.
So, that man was Negan. It was...it wasn’t what you were expecting but well, Daryl had been right, they weren’t as tough, they were just bullies scaring people around to have their things instead of working themselves.
You barely flinched when Rick pulled the trigger, ending Negan for good.
The journey back to your vehicles was silent. Everyone was exhausted and not in the mood to talk about what had happened or to celebrate your victory, the slaughter of Negan and his men, which assured your trading deal with the Hilltop.
Daryl patched up the wheels of his newly found bike as best as possible and drove it back towards the group’s RV, and everyone began getting inside, eager to leave the place. You stood awkwardly outside, not sure of what you were supposed to do now, get inside the vehicle with all the others or go with Daryl on his bike. He was giving you an unsure look too.
“Don’t need to come with me, I know you’re tired...”
You shook your head, walking purposely towards him and swinging your leg over the bike, sitting down behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist, pressing yourself against his back.
You both had barely spoken a word in the whole day and you were still pretty shaken about the events of the day, but as always had been, being next to him gave you comfort. Daryl placed his hand over yours for a second, his thumb running over your knuckles, before placing it back on the handler and turning the engine on.
You liked to ride on his bike, it made you feel safe, weird as that might sound, you liked the feeling of almost been flying, the air flying around you as he sped up, all while being snuggled to him, though the rumble of the bike and its movement made you feel a bit drowsy sometimes...and Daryl had been right, you were worn out and the day had left you feeling like all the energy had left your body, so you were bound to feel sleepy.
The ride back home was long and at some point you felt yourself leaning more and more into Daryl so you tried to straighten yourself but eventually you let your forehead rest against his shoulder, closing your eyes even though you kept your tight hold of him.
“You good?”
Daryl asked you over the sound of the bike and the air, turning his head ever so slightly for a second to check on you.
You nodded but you felt him slowing down the bike as if he were afraid you might fall down so you ran your hands under his jacket to grab the front of his shirt, your arms even more tightly around him, making him notice you weren’t letting go.
He nodded but didn’t speed up as fast as he usually would. It wasn’t like the RV could go that fast anyway, but you knew he was doing it for you.
The sun was going down when you finally reached Alexandria. Everyone had questions but you all were too tired to answer to most of them and you found yourself lashing out at a couple of people without meaning to. You regretted it instantly, they were only worried.
“Shit, sorry...”
You muttered, ashamed, when you noticed your brother taking a couple of steps back. He had come to check on you and you had ruined it...he didn’t seem to hold it against you, though, he gave you an understanding nod.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I guess...” You shrugged, failing to pretend you were fine. “I mean, we won, so...” You let out a sigh. “It’s just I’m dead on my feet.” You hoped you never had to tell your brother what you had done that day...you couldn’t...
“I can see that.” Your brother gave you a small smile that you couldn’t help but return. “I’ll see you in the morning, gonna go lend some comics to Carl after breakfast.”
You all headed home besides Rick and Maggie, who stayed behind to tell the Alexandria how the threat had been eliminated and what was going to happen now.
You walked into your room and flopped onto the bed with a tired sigh, face down.
“You okay?” Daryl asked you quietly, sitting down next to you.
“Yeah...” You turned your face to the side so you could look at him. “Just tired.”
Daryl nodded, letting out a hum. His eyes darted to the door before coming back to you.
“You want to check with Rick, right?”
Daryl nodded again, looking almost guilty, so you tried to give him a weak smile.
“Come on,” You nudged him. “Go.”
“It won’t take long,” Daryl assured you before disappearing out of the room.
With a tired sigh, you forced yourself to get up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom for a quick shower, you needed to take the dirt, sweat, and blood off you. You didn’t even bother to wash your hair, you just stood under the spray of hot water.
When Daryl came back, you were already curled up on your bed though wide awake. You hadn’t been able to fall asleep, every time you closed your eyes you saw the sleeping men on the beds, felt your knife sinking into their brains, the sick sound...
You shuddered, and you were relieved to see Daryl back as he made his way towards the bed without turning on any light, as if not to wake you up. The moment you felt him get into the bed you rolled over to half lie over him, your head on his chest. Daryl wrapped his arm around you, running his fingers through your damp hair.
“You ain’t okay.” He murmured.
You stayed silent for a couple of seconds before shaking your head weakly and whispering a no.
“What’s it?”
“Those men we murdered...”
You didn’t know how to explain it, you weren’t even sure of what you were feeling. You had killed people before without any remorse and you’d do it again for your family. Still, you were hunted by what you had done today and you couldn’t really say why.
“They ain’t the first we kill...”
You knew Daryl was right, you thought the same, but you couldn’t help yourself.
“I know...”
You shrugged helplessly and Daryl held you tighter, feeling your distress but seeming at loss for what to say.
“It’s just...” You began again, trying to put into words your feelings without much success.” I don’t know...it feels different...they didn’t come for us, didn’t attack us, it didn’t feel...I...I don’t know...” You tailed off helplessly.
All the other times, when people had come for your family, you had been ready to take them down, but this time it had felt cold in a strange way that made a shiver run down your spine.
“They attacked Sasha, Abraham and me,” Daryl reminded you. “Attacked the Hilltop too.”
“I know...” You hated the idea that he might be thinking you didn’t care about him being attacked by them, it wasn’t that. “But...they didn’t look...they just...they were asleep...I don’t know, Daryl, I don’t know what I’m feeling or why I’m feeling like this, all I know it’s that I can’t help it even though I hate it...”
You swallowed hard, blinking quickly as you felt dangerously close to tears.
“Hey...” Daryl lifted your head gently, stroking his thumb over your cheekbone. “It’s okay...nobody wanted to do that, nobody liked to do it.” He let out a tired sigh and you wondered how he was feeling about it, what were his thoughts. “But we had to.”
You nodded weakly and Daryl looked at you with concern but let you pull away from his hand to rest your head on his chest again.
“I’m sorry you had to do it...”
“We all had to.” You whispered, running your fingertips gingerly over his chest, trying to distract your mind. “And you know I’d kill anyone who threatens you or our family.”
It had never affected you like that before, though. You hated how weak you had felt at that moment, right before you killed the man when you thought you weren’t going to be able to do it.
“I still wish you hadn’t...you should have let me...I...”
You silenced him by pressing your lips to his. You didn’t want to hear it, didn’t want to think about it anymore, it was over and you only wanted to forget. Probably not healthy, but you didn’t care.
“I really don’t want to talk about that right now.” You murmured against his lips, one of your hands sneaking up to tangle your fingers on his long hair. “I want to forget it...I don’t want to think...”
Daryl looked like he wanted to say something, to argue maybe, you knew he was worried and confused, but then he gave in, burying his hand in your hair and pulling you close, his fingers brushing roughly against yours, allowing your mind to wander somewhere else.
But it wasn’t the end of Negan, was it? :(  Thank you for reading and if you had a moment, leave me a comment so we can talk!
I never thought anyone’d like to be tag in any of my stories so thank you! It means the world!
If you want to be tagged please let me know.
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ruewrote · 3 years
ℎ𝑖𝑚, ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑒.
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PAIRING: carter grant x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language, gore GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: reflections by the neighbourhood WORD COUNT: 808
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today was no different from the others, me with a book in hand, her sat on his lap - laid against his chest as he spoke to our friends. oh yeah i’m kind of in love with my bestfriend.
it's pretty cliche, i’d fallen for him faster than i could catch myself.
it was beyond stupid feeling this way about him especially because i knew i’d never be able to tell him about it, because let’s be honest he only really sees me as a close friend and as he should, but i really wish he wouldn’t.
it had to be about two months since his and isabella’s relationship had started, it was bad enough him having her crush on her and talking about her all the time - now you have to sit and do everything with them.
i had to watch as she presses a kiss to his cheek before making her way to go and grab herself some juice from the cafeteria. carter smiling at the girl as she walked away before re-joining the conversation.
all i could do wish was that he would look at me the way he looked at her.
from time to time i think about how it could’ve been me in that position instead.
my legs slowly swung back and forth waiting for carter to show up, the anticipation made my heart only beat faster, but it soon slowed when i realised he wasn’t going to show up. i was waiting a whole two hours before i gave up and started to make my way back home.
the streetlights flickering on, and a light rain started pouring. great.
on the way home, i was trying to make up some sort of excuse for his tardiness. checking my phone every few minutes to see if he had messaged me, but nothing.
this was nothing a good ole’ milkshake couldn’t fix. my hand which was pressed against the glass to the door of the diner, i saw carter there and he certainly wasn’t alone. he was sharing a milkshake with her.
realising what i had just witnessed, i turned around with a heart full of hurt.
he ditched me for her? i don’t think i’ve seen him happier. who am i to ruin that?
my bottom lip wobbled as i continued my way on home.
putting myself through enough pain, i put my things away and made my way back to class as the bell rang. half listening to augie blabber on about a new badge that he was trying to achieve. 
too deep in thought to notice someone was very close behind me. all i felt was impact of the floor, after, realising carter had dragged me back a little too hard. obviously losing my balance from the sudden contact.
“woah! i didn’t think you’d fall over dude, im sorry.” carter, of course. he helped you up from up off of the floor and you continued your way back to class with a now sore ass.
“it's all good, it's not like it’s the first time you've done it before,” playfully nudging his arm with mine as we walked along to the scouts' room that soon stopped when isabella made an appearance and pushed me to the side.
i walked into the room silently, carter? of course, he didn't - as soon as he entered, he let out a huge burp, “was that really necessary carter?” scout leader rogers asked him and he muttered an apology.
whilst grant was getting lectured by rogers, i finally got time to talk with ben, he knew what was going on and how i felt about his other close friend, “hey dude, how are you feeling?” i slightly leaned onto his shoulder and whispered to him.
he looked down at you and lightly shrugged, “isabella is starting to get on my nerves too.” you moved way and to look back at him and he nods.
i leant back into my own space to get ready to hear about recruiting more scouts, sighing deeply as i pick at my nails, bad habits die hard especially when you have anxiety.
“augie, a unicorn is gonna fly out of your ass before somebody joins,” carter huffed and sat down. as did ben, augie and i next to him. “carter! language.” rogers warned.
“he's right though, nobody's going to show up it's just a waste of time.” ben agrees.
“we got to have some sort of hope guys, i to joined late but i’m here right now,” i excitedly implied but was soon shut down by a rude comment by carter.
“y/n’s right! ye of little faith, where's the scout spirit?” everyone went silent before roger’s made an announcement, “well! we all know it's augie’s special night tonight” we all started clapping and cheering for him unenthusiastically, him appreciating the praise. 
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© ruewrote.
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skepsiss · 6 months
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Chapter 7 is up now! (2,755 words)
Read it here on AO3: The Last Strange Thing
Rate: Explicit (violence, gore, and s*x) Read tags under the cut for warnings, and details.
Chapter summary: Robin has made it out of the city, and now has to keep herself calm while she waits for Steve to return. She doesn’t know if he is alive or dead, but she forces herself to believe that he is coming back in 3 days time. Those plans change as the barn where they board their horses is infiltrated and Robin has to try to talk herself out of a bad situation. 
The journey is full of romance, death, action, and suspense. This is a "The Last of Us" alternate universe. This work is 100% completed, and I will be posting each chapter between now and April 7. Prepare yourself for approximately 52k of action, horror, romance, supernatural happenings, and love.
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Read the full series description, additional tags, the monster reference guide, and more under the cut!
Welcome to the apocalypse. The demo-infection has taken hold of the world, and humans are a rare thing these days. Still, people hang on to civilization in pockets across North America and beyond. Hawkins is one such place.  Steve Harrington is a scout who runs missions for Hawkins, and on one of those missions, he becomes separated from his scouting partner, Robin. He has to find his way across Indianapolis in an infected world, meeting one very important individual on the way, Eddie. The two of them must trust one another in order to journey across Indiana, while perhaps finding something softer to nurture with one another along the way.
@llamalpaca will be posting some VERY COOL accompanying art that inspired this WHOLE PIECE! So be sure to give them a follow and check out that art piece when it drops in April.
Big thank you to @knormalizeknitting for being my beta reader!
Link to the Monster Reference Guide, here.
Censoring the word s*x so tumblr doesn't get mad at me. Please don't tag with NSFW or other such tags. The post itself is not inappropriate, but I want people who are going to read the fic to be aware of what is there.
Additional Tags: action, romance, hurt/comfort, alternate universe, The Last of Us AU, canon divergence, apocalypse, apocalypse au, body horror, gore, blood, animal and human death, excessive force (weapons), level of violence and graphic nature of imagery that aligns with Stranger Things, dead dove don’t read, dead dove don’t eat, smut, nsfw, frotting, handjob, happy ending, zombies, zombie apocalypse, steddie, stobin, platonic stobin, Steve and Robin are best friends, Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, slow burn, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, miscommunication, misunderstanding, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, betrayal.
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multifandomsimagine · 4 years
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Imagine getting mad when Ben and Carter want to go to the secret senior party and ditch Auggie 
——— Masterlist / Ko-Fi ——— 
"I can’t believe you guys are even thinking about this,” [Name] said as she sat in the backseat of Ben’s car. Having been at her own after school activities, she got a ride home from him since they were neighbors. But that meant hearing about their latest scout meeting went. Leaning forward a bit, she scoffed at the two boys, letting her disapproval be known “Auggie is your friend and you’re thinking about ditching him for a party.”
“You aren’t in the scouts. You wouldn’t understand [Name],” Carter turned in his seat to look at her. “This,” he tugged at the uniform, “is like the male version of a chastity belt. Girls aren’t going to be interested in us if we’re still in such dorky outfits.”
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skepsiss · 6 months
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Chapter 5 is up now! (5,860 words)
Read it here on AO3: The Last Strange Thing
Rate: Explicit (violence, gore, and s*x) Read tags under the cut for warnings, and details.
Chapter summary: Steve and Eddie have come to a tentative truce as they agree to help one another get out of the city and head toward Hawkins. Well, Eddie doesn’t know Steve is going to Hawkins, and Steve is more than a little suspicious about Eddie’s intent. Regardless, they have to make it out of the city first, and that proves to be difficult with the roving band of warrior nomads that have circled up on Indianapolis. Eddie is rightfully terrified of them, and leads them down to the abandoned sewers to hopefully avoid this dangerous group. Was it the best decision, or a death wish?
Here is a little snippet.
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The journey is full of romance, death, action, and suspense. This is a "The Last of Us" alternate universe. This work is 100% completed, and I will be posting each chapter between now and April 7. Prepare yourself for approximately 52k of action, horror, romance, supernatural happenings, and love.
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Read the full series description, additional tags, the monster reference guide, and more under the cut!
Welcome to the apocalypse. The demo-infection has taken hold of the world, and humans are a rare thing these days. Still, people hang on to civilization in pockets across North America and beyond. Hawkins is one such place.  Steve Harrington is a scout who runs missions for Hawkins, and on one of those missions, he becomes separated from his scouting partner, Robin. He has to find his way across Indianapolis in an infected world, meeting one very important individual on the way, Eddie. The two of them must trust one another in order to journey across Indiana, while perhaps finding something softer to nurture with one another along the way.
@llamalpaca will be posting some VERY COOL accompanying art that inspired this WHOLE PIECE! So be sure to give them a follow and check out that art piece when it drops in April.
Big thank you to @knormalizeknitting for being my beta reader!
Link to the Monster Reference Guide, here.
Censoring the word s*x so tumblr doesn't get mad at me. Please don't tag with NSFW or other such tags. The post itself is not inappropriate, but I want people who are going to read the fic to be aware of what is there.
Additional Tags: action, romance, hurt/comfort, alternate universe, The Last of Us AU, canon divergence, apocalypse, apocalypse au, body horror, gore, blood, animal and human death, excessive force (weapons), level of violence and graphic nature of imagery that aligns with Stranger Things, dead dove don’t read, dead dove don’t eat, smut, nsfw, frotting, handjob, happy ending, zombies, zombie apocalypse, steddie, stobin, platonic stobin, Steve and Robin are best friends, Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, slow burn, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, miscommunication, misunderstanding, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, betrayal.
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skepsiss · 6 months
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Chapter 4 is up now! (3,864 words)
Read it here on AO3: The Last Strange Thing
Rate: Explicit (violence, gore, and s*x) Read tags under the cut for warnings, and details.
Chapter summary: Steve is in a deadlock with a stranger who is threatening his life. Will they come to a truce and escape the city together as a larger threat looms in the distance? Or will this encounter end in Steve having to make quick work of this odd man? Steve has never enjoyed being violent, but he knows he can hold his own in a fight if it comes to that.
The journey is full of romance, death, action, and suspense. This is a "The Last of Us" alternate universe. This work is 100% completed, and I will be posting each chapter between now and April 7. Prepare yourself for approximately 52k of action, horror, romance, supernatural happenings, and love.
Eternally fucking grateful to @knormalizeknitting for being my beta reader and the world's best cheerleader! I cannot express how helpful it was to have someone gushing about the story I was writing while I was writing it and bogged down by 30,000 words. I DID IT! And I owe a big thanks to K for just being energetic and into the story.
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Read the full series description, additional tags, the monster reference guide, and more under the cut!
Welcome to the apocalypse. The demo-infection has taken hold of the world, and humans are a rare thing these days. Still, people hang on to civilization in pockets across North America and beyond. Hawkins is one such place.  Steve Harrington is a scout who runs missions for Hawkins, and on one of those missions, he becomes separated from his scouting partner, Robin. He has to find his way across Indianapolis in an infected world, meeting one very important individual on the way, Eddie. The two of them must trust one another in order to journey across Indiana, while perhaps finding something softer to nurture with one another along the way.
@llamalpaca will be posting some VERY COOL accompanying art that inspired this WHOLE PIECE! So be sure to give them a follow and check out that art piece when it drops in April.
Link to the Monster Reference Guide, here.
Censoring the word s*x so tumblr doesn't get mad at me. Please don't tag with NSFW or other such tags. The post itself is not inappropriate, but I want people who are going to read the fic to be aware of what is there.
Additional Tags: action, romance, hurt/comfort, alternate universe, The Last of Us AU, canon divergence, apocalypse, apocalypse au, body horror, gore, blood, animal and human death, excessive force (weapons), level of violence and graphic nature of imagery that aligns with Stranger Things, dead dove don’t read, dead dove don’t eat, smut, nsfw, frotting, handjob, happy ending, zombies, zombie apocalypse, steddie, stobin, platonic stobin, Steve and Robin are best friends, Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, slow burn, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, miscommunication, misunderstanding, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, betrayal.
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skepsiss · 6 months
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Chapter 10 is up now! (2,678 words)
Read it here on AO3: The Last Strange Thing
Rate: Explicit (violence, gore, and s*x) Read tags under the cut for warnings, and details.
Chapter summary: Robin is back in Hawkins… with the Red Saints. She unwillingly showed them where Hawkins was, and then promptly tried to get Hopper and Joyce to send out a search party for Steve. Things were looking dicey with the Red Saints, though, so Hopper can’t spare the bodies to go find Steve. So what does Robin do? She finds the one woman she knows will get the job done. Nancy. 
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Read the full series description, additional tags, the monster reference guide, and more under the cut!
Welcome to the apocalypse. The demo-infection has taken hold of the world, and humans are a rare thing these days. Still, people hang on to civilization in pockets across North America and beyond. Hawkins is one such place.  Steve Harrington is a scout who runs missions for Hawkins, and on one of those missions, he becomes separated from his scouting partner, Robin. He has to find his way across Indianapolis in an infected world, meeting one very important individual on the way, Eddie. The two of them must trust one another in order to journey across Indiana, while perhaps finding something softer to nurture with one another along the way.
The journey is full of romance, death, action, and suspense. This is a "The Last of Us" alternate universe. This work is 100% completed, and I will be posting each chapter between now and April 7. Prepare yourself for approximately 52k of action, horror, romance, supernatural happenings, and love.
@llamalpaca will be posting some VERY COOL accompanying art that inspired this WHOLE PIECE! So be sure to give them a follow and check out that art piece when it drops in April.
Big thank you to @knormalizeknitting for being my beta reader!
Link to the Monster Reference Guide, here.
Censoring the word s*x so tumblr doesn't get mad at me. Please don't tag with NSFW or other such tags. The post itself is not inappropriate, but I want people who are going to read the fic to be aware of what is there.
Additional Tags: action, romance, hurt/comfort, alternate universe, The Last of Us AU, canon divergence, apocalypse, apocalypse au, body horror, gore, blood, animal and human death, excessive force (weapons), level of violence and graphic nature of imagery that aligns with Stranger Things, dead dove don’t read, dead dove don’t eat, smut, nsfw, frotting, handjob, happy ending, zombies, zombie apocalypse, steddie, stobin, platonic stobin, Steve and Robin are best friends, Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, slow burn, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, miscommunication, misunderstanding, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, betrayal.
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skepsiss · 6 months
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Chapter 8 is up now! (4,819 words)
Read it here on AO3: The Last Strange Thing
Rate: Explicit (violence, gore, and s*x) Read tags under the cut for warnings, and details.
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Chapter summary: To say Eddie is growing on Steve is an understatement. He’s cute, and Steve can’t deny that they’ve bonded after their near-death experience together. He finds Eddie’s enthusiasm endearing, and it only takes one song before he starts to open up to him… and maybe suggest they should do more than just chat.
Here is a little snippet.
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The journey is full of romance, death, action, and suspense. This is a "The Last of Us" alternate universe. This work is 100% completed, and I will be posting each chapter between now and April 7. Prepare yourself for approximately 52k of action, horror, romance, supernatural happenings, and love.
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Read the full series description, additional tags, the monster reference guide, and more under the cut!
Welcome to the apocalypse. The demo-infection has taken hold of the world, and humans are a rare thing these days. Still, people hang on to civilization in pockets across North America and beyond. Hawkins is one such place.  Steve Harrington is a scout who runs missions for Hawkins, and on one of those missions, he becomes separated from his scouting partner, Robin. He has to find his way across Indianapolis in an infected world, meeting one very important individual on the way, Eddie. The two of them must trust one another in order to journey across Indiana, while perhaps finding something softer to nurture with one another along the way.
@llamalpaca will be posting some VERY COOL accompanying art that inspired this WHOLE PIECE! So be sure to give them a follow and check out that art piece when it drops in April.
Big thank you to @knormalizeknitting for being my beta reader!
Link to the Monster Reference Guide, here.
Censoring the word s*x so tumblr doesn't get mad at me. Please don't tag with NSFW or other such tags. The post itself is not inappropriate, but I want people who are going to read the fic to be aware of what is there.
Additional Tags: action, romance, hurt/comfort, alternate universe, The Last of Us AU, canon divergence, apocalypse, apocalypse au, body horror, gore, blood, animal and human death, excessive force (weapons), level of violence and graphic nature of imagery that aligns with Stranger Things, dead dove don’t read, dead dove don’t eat, smut, nsfw, frotting, handjob, happy ending, zombies, zombie apocalypse, steddie, stobin, platonic stobin, Steve and Robin are best friends, Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, slow burn, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, miscommunication, misunderstanding, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, betrayal.
14 notes · View notes