#scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse imagines
ruewrote · 2 years
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PAIRING: carter grant x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language GENRE: idk SONG INSPIRATION: crank that by soulja boy WORD COUNT: 486
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of fucking course, the apocalypse happens as you actually go out for once.
shit, shit, shit. the thought pounds in your head as you peer around a wall towards the police station, crank that blaring from a car stereo in the near distance.
the sounds of groaning and shuffling feet make your skin crawl - noticing the glass doors were open and very much smashed. as you leant further out to get a better look, your shirt was pulled back and you were pushed up against the same wall you were looking over.
getting ready to scream but a hand quickly covered your mouth silencing most of noise, opening your eyes to be met with another pair - soon shutting up but your breathing was still heavy as the same boy checks if the coast is clear.
as you were in no apparent danger you licked the stranger's hand to get him away from you, soon regretting it and spitting out saliva.
“ew dude! what the fuck?” the brunette grimaced, whilst wiping his hand on his khaki shorts, realising there were three others, two boys and a woman, “yes cause jump scaring a person is definitely the best way to get someone's attention when there’s fucking zombies roaming around?”
your conversation - more like argument catches a couple of the creatures’ attention, you all ran back to the run-down car. they didn’t bother to discuss the situation and to just get out of their as fast as possible.
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as you made your way out of town, the sky had darkened and the stranger's friend who you had soon discovered his name was ben - had fallen asleep beside the two of you, whilst denise drove and augie sat in the passenger’s seat.
you and carter had sat in a comfortable silence, him looking out of the window and you were you were staring at your hands, still trying to wrap your head what was going on. 
“are you okay?” carter spoke quietly from beside you; you give him a tight lipped and nodded, “i guess as best as i can be after all this has happened.”
he looks away but you're still glancing over at him, eyes scanning over his features, one thing you’ve noticed from the beginning is that he has such pretty eyes, a deep hazel. 
you stayed like that for a couple of minutes. however, that was cut short since he had turned back over to you, you whipped your head back around to the front of the car. a deep blush spread across your cheeks.
you feel him lean more into your side and whisper into your ear, “you’re not so bad yourself babe.” you turned your head to disagree, but all you could do was splutter noises of outrage knowing you had gotten caught, he just laughed at your expression.
why did someone so annoying have to be so pretty? 
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© ruewrote.
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daniel306gaming · 2 years
Marvel Zombies Secret Wars
To: Marvel Entertainment and DC Entertainment
                                                       Intro Welcome to the MULTI-VERSE where we crossover characters or series to see who would win. In today’s MULTI-VERSE fan fiction we’re going to be seeing a Secret Wars featuring the Marvel Zombies and the Justice League along with Earth-616. ¿How can this affect the multiverse going forward? This is my own take of events taking inspiration from the 2015-16 Secret Wars story arc with elements from the 1984 version while following the mythology of the Marvel Zombies and the Justice League and the timeline of the Marvel/DC universe. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and let’s get right into this horrific fan fiction.  
What’s unique about the multiverse is the many events that happen within them. Some events are completely different and others are rather very similar and even little events that can even crash with each one other from one end to the other and dealing with time and events can lead to the destruction of the multiverse. The story I tell u today is horrific and trust me you’re going to be very surprised on why it’s horrific. ¿Why u ask? Well let me explain. Imagine a world that is in every way, shape and form the same but with the slightest change being a zombie apocalypse and what if this world had made its way not just to the DC multiverse but also to our world. The heroes and zombies of both multiverses will be brought in to fight against each other for the sake of entertainment. I am the Watcher. I am ur guide to these vast new realities. Follow me and pounder the question. What If…
                                          Part 1 (Justice League)
In the Marvel Zombies Universe, Colonel America, Iron Man, Giant-Man, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, the Hulk and Wolverine have just acquired a portion of the cosmic power after devouring the Silver Surfer. 4 years have passed since the zombie apocalypse began and they have devoured their entire universe. They returned to their Earth where the zombies then continued to devour whatever life force were available but their hunger was still insatiable. They then knew they needed more food supply but the resources were already running low. The Marvel Zombies then decided that the flesh of other zombies were not able to satisfy them. Coincidentally, Galactus the devourer of worlds arrived on Earth and was attacked by the zombies. At first he repelled them easily but the heroes created a device to amplify their powers they gained from the Silver Surfer and managed to injure him. With Galactus’s enchaned powers in them they knew it would only be a matter of time before they would be hungry again. Giant-Man and Iron Man started working on a dimensional teleporter to track and devour more universes. Giant-Man managed to gain access into Uatu’s lab and there he managed to unlock the secrets of the universe. There were apparently other multiverses and parallel dimensions in the universe. Giant Man told the other Marvel zombies about this and they decided to scout for other worlds in the universe. They came across another universe which hasn’t been infected. They locked their coordinates in and they were transported into the other universe which was the DC universe. Meanwhile, in the DC universe Batman and the Justice League were discussing their next course of action after their recent battle with Darkseid. They were wondering when Darkseid would launch his next attack. Batman told Cyborg to scan across the network to search for any possible tracks of Darkseid. Cyborg then said that across Metropolis there was a portal that emerged and some people were emerging from it but they didn’t seem to be normal people but rather zombies. Batman said that it was impossible as demons in Darkseid’s level is understandable but zombies are kinda weird. Cyborg then put on the screen of the people emerging from the portal but what shocked them was that the people started devouring the people of Metropolis. The Justice League knew that they need to assemble to identify and eliminate this threat. Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Aquaman headed to Metropolis while Flash, Batman and Cyborg decided to aid the others who might have survived the onslaught. The US Army was also dispatched by the time the Justice League had arrived and all of Metropolis were infected and zombified. From a aerial view Superman saw the infection was spreading rapidly. If the infection weren’t completely bitten then they could turn into zombies. He used his heat vision to raise the zombies and attacked the Marvel Zombies but they saw that they were unable to defend against his attacks. Superman then told the Justice League to retreat as they needed to regroup properly. Batman retreated to the Bat-cave where he observed the chaos consuming Gotham. Just then a live tv broadcast was hijacked. Appearing before the screen was Giant-Man who made a declaration that the entire world will be consumed by them and that there’s nothing that they can do to defend their attacks. Iron Man managed to pinpoint the location where there would be a huge supply of meat which was at Arkham Asylum. The Marvel Zombies then charged towards Arkham Asylum. From the Bat-cave Batman saw that the massive horde of zombies were approaching Arkham. Realizing that he has no other choice he released all the super villains including Joker, Bane, Penguin, Lex Luther etc. to fight against the zombies. The Justice League also regrouped at Arkham Asylum. Seeing the Marvel Zombies up close Batman asked who they were and then Giant-Man said that they used to be heroes from another universe but one day they were consumed by this disease which caused them to turn into zombies. Since then they have devoured countless victims and managed to create a portal that would allow them to search for more supply of fresh food. Green Lantern and the Lantern Corps arrived and started shooting down at the Marvel Zombies while the last of the DC heroes and villains battled the zombies. Superman told everyone to avoid getting bitten and fight in long distance combat if possible. A brutal battle exploded between them. Aquaman was overwhelmed by the group of the infected while Joker and Green Lantern were devoured by Giant-Man, Colonel America ripped apart Black Canary and Wonder Woman was smashed by the Incredible Hulk. Wolverine, Luke Cage and Spider-Man used their agility to instantly infect the heroes and villains so that they would have more manpower. One by one of the DC universe started falling down. Batman told the remaining survivors to flee and regroup at the Bat-cave before Batman detonated Arkham Asylum killing everybody including Colonel America and Mister Fantastic. The only survivors of the DC universe were Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Superman, Robin, Red Hood, Batman, Lois Lane and Alfred. Batman was also disappointed that there weren’t other survivors but he knew that he had to think of a solution. With Wasp’s head he brought back to the Bat-cave he experimented on it. Meanwhile, Giant-Man was furious that his wife was killed by Batman and vowed to devour him. Batman then deduced that the hunger for flesh was more of a physiological than physical. However, he was unable to create a cure for the zombie victims. Just then he saw in the Bat-computer that millions of people were being infected at at rapid speed across the world. Batman used his satellites and was shocked to see an infected Flash running and infecting everybody. Superman decided to stop the Flash as he was capable of going on a rampage and the infections can multiply instantly. Lois begged Superman not to go but he had no choice. Superman flys into the Flash’s head obliterating it. Unfortunately he finds out 2 of Barry’s fingers were lodged into his abdomen. Superman bids farewell to Lois realizing that he can be turned into the infected anytime soon. He flew away into space depriving himself of oxygen. However, it was too late as the transformation has begun. He started attacking National City and the Marvel Zombies were happy that they had a strong ally to spread their damage even further. With over 50% of the world already infected Batman said that there were only 2 options. Either they obliterate this world or head into outer space and seek another place of refuge. However, with the zombies being smart it would only be a matter of time before they would be discovered. They first had to stop Zombie Superman. Batman said that with him being his close ally he donned a suit which was built to battle Superman in times like this. Fully armored with kryptonite Batman left the remaining DC heroes and villains before fighting with Superman. A hungry Superman still had his weaknesses to kryptonite. Batman then stabbed him with the kryptonite sword killing him for good. Batman then returned to the Bat-cave to decide what their next course of action was going to be. But was shocked to see Robin and Red Hood eating Lois while Harley and Poison Ivy were ripping apart Alfred. Batman then decided to shoot all of them blowing them apart. He saw that the Wasp’s container head was broken meaning that she caused the others to turn into the infected. Just then the remaining Marvel Zombies which were Giant-Man, Iron Man, Wolverine, Luke Cage and Spider-Man appeared at the Bat-cave. Giant-Man said to Batman that with him being the last survivor he should just surrender himself and turn into one of them. Batman refused and attacked the Marvel Zombies. Batman blew up Spider-Man’s guts and blasted Luke Cage’s head off killing Luke for good but Spider-Man survived as his  suit had a healing technology meaning that the damage was healed. Knowing that he can’t stand a chance against the horde of zombies he retracted to his Bat-jet. However he was shot in the knee by an infected Green Arrow before an infected Shazam smashed into the ground. Pinned to the ground Batman self destructed his suit killing both of them for good. However this give Wasp the chance to infect Batman as she bit him on the neck turning him. Batman then became one of the infected. Giant-Man laughed at the sight of the infected Batman and knew that there would be no other threats that could counter them any longer. Batman then became a zombie Avenger. With the whole word infected within hours and Batman’s defeat Giant-Man, Wasp, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Hulk and Iron Man with now Batman locked their coordinates in to search for more flesh meat. They found another universe to devour and that was Earth-616 of the Marvel universe. However, as they were being teleported there they were sent somewhere else revealing to be none other than the Battleworld.
                                       Ultimate finale (Earth-616)
The being who tooked them introduced himself as the Beyonder and he explained to the zombies that they were brought here to participate in the Contest of Champions. This only excited them. They had a chance to feed without actually going to look for life to consume. As the Contest of Champions proceeded in Battleworld the zombie Avengers quickly arose through the competition. As they fought against champions from other realities and dimensions. They ate them as they were being defeated and the Beyonder and his audience enjoyed the carnage and gore with them praising them for it. It didn’t take time before they got dissatisfied with just eating other contenders. Their hunger was insatiable and they kept getting hungrier. They skin broke out and began to randomly attack the people on Battleworld to satisfy their hunger. Zombie Spider-Man, Giant-Man, Hulk, Wolverine and Iron Man along with Batman began eating everyone in their path. The zombie Avengers then decided that Battleworld was the key to traveling across the multiverse. Zombie Giant-Man infected most of the citizens and asked the zombie Avengers for help to defeat the so-called Beyonder. If they could gain his powers they would go beyond their universe. The Beyonder soon pitted the heroes of Earth-616 to try and stop their zombie counterparts and in this altercation that ensued the Beyonder told the zombies that they have faced countless villains such as Kang, Thanos, Doctor God Emperor Doom, Galactus and the Skrulls and it was time for the heroes to be put to the test by having them go up against themselves but in zombie form. The zombie Avengers were then teleported to Earth-616 where the zombies found themselves back to the beginning. Cars and trucks blew up in Times Square while the Beyonder laughed watching the chaos unfold. Earth-616 had become the new Battleworld within minutes. The zombie Avengers started eating people. Giant-Man grabbed a handful of people who were running on the streets before Giant-Man-616 punched him in the face smashing his face into a wall. The Avengers regrouped. Captain America fought zombie Wolverine while Spider-Man fight himself. The zombies that had eaten people started spreading the infection to others while the superhuman zombies and heroes of Earth-616 clashed in an epic fight to the finish. Zombie Spider-Man began to choke his alternate self before Peter-616 threw himself into a wall. Zombie and 616 started circling each other. Peter-616 asked why he was doing this and zombie Spider-Man replied that he can’t stop himself and that it was too late to become the hero he once was. Peter took his mask off and told him that they were the same. Zombie Spider-Man took his mask off and it was as if they were both looking into a mirror. Before Zombie Spider-Man screamed at him Peter knew that if he didn’t stop him he would go after MJ, Harry and May while at the same time zombie Hulk fought with 616-Hulk. The 2 exchanged punches at each other until Hulk gained the upper hand and clapped zombie Hulk’s face killing him for good. Captain America used his shield to slice off zombie Iron Man’s face off before being attacked by zombie Wolverine who was ready to give a final killing blow to Steve Rogers but Rogers dodged the attack and managed to cut his head off too. With just Zombie Spider-Man and Giant-Man left the Beyonder was shocked with how these heroes from this world didn’t give up and that they would put up a fight. Giant-Man held down Zombie Giant-Man. While the heroes were trying to hold him Magneto alongside Charles Xavier alias Professor X came to the scene and they used all of their power before they stopped him. Magento raised a piece of metal through the air and hurled it towards zombie Giant-Man’s chest pinning him to a building before proceeding to cut his head off while at the same time Charles Xavier went inside his mind. He found the truth and learned some backstory behind the zombies before they killed Hank for good. Zombie Spider-Man had been kicked to the middle of the Battleground and looked around at his counterparts. This was his fate. 616-Spider-Man came to the scene and offered to help him by extending a handout. For the first time zombie Peter felt human again and a tear came down his eye. He looked at his hand with the last power of cosmic from Galactus. Zombie Peter closed his eyes and shot himself with a beam of cosmic energy to his skull and he died. His body slumped to the ground. The Beyonder then came to the Avengers and rewarded them that they were the superior heroes and told them that he will be back again to test their might. Zombie Batman who hid from the battle this entire time was killed by Black Widow being shot in the head. The zombie corpses turned into ash and the heroes were left uneasy as anything at this point could be thrown their way in the Contest of Champions…
                                                      Alternate Ending
After zombie Spider-Man died Batman who hid from the battle this entire time screamed at the Avengers for killing the zombies. It was too late for him and now he was going to take vengeance. Batman blasted Spider-Man’s skull in half killing him for good. He looked at the Avengers before eating them one by one dodging and missing all of their attacks. Zombie Batman infected Giant-Man of Earth-616 and by the time Earth’s heroes were infected the heroes from Earth-616 and Zombie Batman were able to kill the Beyonder. As he was being teleported away he was caught and destroyed. After the heroes have absorbed his powers and destroying the Battleworld causing the destruction of the Marvel Multiverse they gained access to the ability to move through other dissensions and realities. From there they jumped to the DC multiverse destroying it all including the dawn of time with the Monitor and Anti-Monitor subsequently killed as well until they had ridden of the multiverse and all life completely with nothing more to eat. They looked beyond the essential entities in the existence outside the multiverse trying to find a way to reach them before they starved but before they could do that their hunger began to turn on each other. They fought amongst themselves trying to  eat each other and utterly destroyed themselves leaving multiverses that were cold, dead and empty…
                                                           THE END!
And that is going to be it for this Marvel Zombies Secret Wars fan fiction where the Zombies of Earth-2149 fought against the Justice League from the DC Universe and the Main Marvel Universe alias Earth-616. We were able to see Powers beyond the universe in this fan fiction. We were introduced to the Beyonder who was a powerful entity that could bring realities together. We also talked about the Battleworld and how the Contest of Champions were held there and I think and I hope you’ll think that it tied together very well with a zombie Secret Wars type storyline just like the title says it. I hope you’ll enjoy this horrific fan fiction with that alternate ending and be on the lookout for more what ifs coming soon. Take care guys and have a fantastic day. Peace out!
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multifandomsimagine · 4 years
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Imagine being Denise’s younger sister and Carter developing a crush on you after you save him from the zombies at the strip club
——— Masterlist / Ko-Fi ———
Hiding in the manager’s office, [Name] and Denise were looking for the right time to escape the club when they heard screaming coming from the floor. A quick peek out the window showed two boys running away from Angel and Mike - two of Denise’s former coworkers - who were now trying to eat people. “We can’t just let them be eaten.” [Name] said as she watched one of the boys run to the bathroom with Mike trailing after him. 
“I know,” Denise sighed. Handing [Name] a knife, she loaded up the gun. “I’ll go save the one in the restroom. You go to the one near the bar. Be careful okay?”
[Name] nodded. Quietly, she opened the door before making her way to the bar, making sure to avoid stepping on the smashed glass in order to not draw Angel’s attention to her. Once she was a few feet away, she rushed toward the two, knife in hand before sinking it to the back of Angel’s head. Stilling, Angel slumped down on top of the boy causing him to scream even more in surprise. Rolling her eyes, she pushed the body off of him before holding out her hand. “Are you okay?” 
Looking up at her, his eyes widen in surprise when he saw her. “Wow.” 
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amara-scott · 6 years
Ben Goudy x Reader
Hold me, please. Summary: Sharing a tent can be fun but not if it’s with the person you like the most.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! zombie apocalypse AU
anon: hi! how do you think haikyuu pairs would react/response in a zombie apocalypse?
this ask sure takes me back because i had SUCH a zombie phase when i was 12. i literally bought that ‘zombie survival guide’ book by max brooks and walking dead was my fave but AHHH I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS ASK. also this eventually becomes more angsty as it goes on
Hinata and Kageyama: 
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hinata would probably be the first to believe in the news on TV but they’ll both be freaking out a lot when they first encounter an actual zombie 
luckily they’re both really good at running so they just run for their lives before they consider hiding somewhere
they probably pass by a convenience store to stock up on ‘necessary supplies’, that being meat buns and milk 
between the two of them, it would be kageyama who’d keep more of a level head. he devises a whole system for them when it comes to finding hideouts and taking watches at night
as much as possible, they wouldn’t want to directly engage with and fight zombies and choose to outrun them. mostly because hinata would still grapple with the fact that the zombies are still humans
they’d definitely try to find a group to stick around and travel with because they believe in safety in numbers. also they just know they’ll go crazy by themselves
hinata, who hasn’t dealt with the whole zombie apocalypse so far, would feel much better in a group. he’d take on the role of taking care of fellow kids. also, his speed and quick reflexes make him a good scout when they have to do supply runs
kageyama would definitely try to hone his skills with using weapons so that he could be one of the fighters that the group can count on. most of the time he’s doing target practice 
if they’re in a good group, i can see their survival chances being quite good but without, they’d probably suffer from emotional damage by themselves
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi:
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neither of them would be able to believe their eyes after hearing the news and they’d both be too shocked to act when a zombie horde starts attacking their town
tsukishima would be the one to act first and yell at yamaguchi to run away with him 
both of them would try to find a strategic place to hide. if they’re in school, probably thought of hiding in the kitchens because it has weapons and food
they both like to play it extremely safe so they wouldn’t dare leave that hiding spot until either supplies have run low or they’re chased out 
yamaguchi is generally quite hospitable to other survivors, especially if he knows that they’re fellow students but tsukishima is way more suspicious
luckily, tsukishima’s wary nature has saved them from being entangled in group conflicts or other people who would try to sabotage them
the only thing is that none of them are very good at combat or doing supply runs so they do have to rely on being in a group
tsukishima would be quickly known for having really good strategies to minimize casualties when they do have to do supply runs or raid a building to turn into a hide-out
yamaguchi would take it upon himself to learn first-aid so that he could be more useful to the group and he becomes invaluable to them in the long-run
between the two of them, yamaguchi would be more hopeful about humanity’s survival and them trying to find a cure or a way to eradicate the zombies
tsukishima would just only grow pessimistic as the years go by, not just from the ongoing zombie apocalypse but because of how he’s seen people lose their humanity
Daichi and Sugawara: 
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they’re shocked at first but fairly quick to react. they’re able to grab the attention of people around them and start a plan of escape in the event that they’re both in a building when it happens
daichi would be quick to take somewhat of a leadership role but he wouldn’t hesitate to put himself out there to direct counter-attacks. because of this, people would easily see him as a very reliable person 
sugawara is also quite skilled at coming up with solutions whenever they’re in a predicament. if they end up in a hideout, he’s in charge of laying traps for any zombies that might come in
both of them do have the potential of becoming leaders in a group of people
their main aim would be to have a section of the city full of survivors that would also be self-sustainable and of course fortified from the outside world
their only fault probably would be that they’re too forgiving and have trouble making hard decisions
in the event that only one group of people would be saved between two, daichi and sugawara would try to save both but that does cost them
they also have a tendency to make things seem okay when it’s not okay to prevent mass hysteria
but that does mean they’ll be hiding things from their own group. but one thing they have promised is to tell everything to each other
Oikawa and Iwaizumi:
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ngl they’ll both be really freaked out in the face of a horde of zombies unless iwaizumi would quickly pull oikawa off to the side so they could hide somewhere 
i can imagine iwaizumi hammering nails into a baseball bat and expertly using it as his weapon 
oikawa is quite crafty and cautious when it comes to interacting with fellow survivors because the only person he can trust at this point is iwa-chan
he ends up prioritizing their survival above all else and has once or twice tricked or backstabbed another survivor just to get weapons or basic necessities
iwa isn’t a fan of it at first but after realizing that it could happen to them, he becomes more open to oikawa’s way of doing things
most of what they do is break into houses and stay there for the night before leaving and going someplace else the next day. they know its not wise to stay in one place
they also don’t really trust other people enough to be in a group. they already have each other so why take that risk?
they do like to look for alcohol when breaking into new houses and after making sure they’re safe, they’ll definitely spend the night drink
neither of them particularly like the way they live and it’s things like these that they look forward to 
both oikawa and iwaizumi would like to try and settle down at some point. hopefully in a cabin to themselves in the woods where they can live a life that’s as normal as it can get
Ushijima and Tendou: 
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tendou,,, wouldn't be that surprised cause i feel like he watches a great deal of zombie films and just thinks that it will happen at some point
when ushijima sees that his friend just knows what to do, he doesn't hesitate in following him
they immediately arm themselves with whatever makeshift weapons they can find
tendou already knows to aim directly for the head and to use the zombie's slow speed to their advantage
its only after they're able to take a rest in a hidden place away from people and zombies that it hits them -- this is going to be their life from now on
they'll try to look for their friends if they can and form a group together. the only people they could actually trust are their teammates
both ushi and tendou would have really good combat skills though
ushijima has enough strength to wield almost any kind of melee weapon, even something like an axe. although his prefered one is a crowbar
crowbars are great zombie apocalypse melee weapons though because ideal weight + pointy end + functional
tendou is great at using handguns (he makes sure to always have a silencer on hand). knows how to conserve ammo too
ushijima would definitely try to look for an ideal place to live (like, a farm). he isn't a fan of having to constantly roam around
tendou is quite fond of scouting missions and being able to explore what’s left of the human race and structures. his goal is to make a map of the area around their hide-out for other people to use 
Kuroo and Kenma: 
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ngl kenma thought that he had been gaming too much and now the zombie survival game he was obsessed with had come to life
and kuroo’s just like ‘are those??? zombies????’ 
it takes a while for them to snap out of it and realize that such a thing is now happening and they need to escape or hide
kenma’s survival instincts tell them to divert from crowds because crowds are bigger targets and spread infection easily
he’s very strategic about this and opts that their best chance for survival would be to gather resources and hole up inside an apartment with the doors barricaded
since they live in a city, it’s hard for them to move around because it’s so overpopulated
kuroo knows that they’ll have to leave at some point so he trains himself physically, even making makeshift weapons too (hello crowbar and probably a hammer)
kenma spends his days watching from a window, observing how the city population quickly gets infected and falls to ruin but tries to concentrate on routes for getting out
finally, they pack up what supplies they have and make their way down and hijack one of the cars left behind to drive out of the city
both of them know that they have a better chance of surviving in a group but they’re both still wary. whenever they sense that something’s off in their group, they’ll leave without a second thought
kuroo and kenma are the ones who miss the ‘old world’ more than anyone else and they always get a bit sentimental when they break into houses
kenma has a tendency to look around for handheld game consoles and batteries. his most prized possession is a gameboy that he only plays for one minute a week. sometimes he just holds it for comfort
kuroo likes visiting high school gyms, despite their danger. whenever he comes across one, he’ll mindlessly do some serves and spikes with any balls that are left
Bokuto and Akaashi:
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when the zombie apocalypse happens, initially they put their trust that the military would be able to save them and that it won’t last for so long
they spent most of their time being in a makeshift military base camp, not knowing what’s happened in the outside world around them until their living space was infiltrated by what it was trying to keep out
akaashi was quick to pack up their things and run, dragging a shell-shocked bokuto with him
with the two of them alone for the first time, their sanity does crumble a bit until a pack of survivors from the same camp find them
neither of them can survive without a group, mostly for mental stability reasons
but when they’re with a group, they are sure to put in their own work
despite his physical prowess, bokuto still has reservations with killing zombies because part of him still sees them as people who unfortunately ended up turned
he prefers roles related to building or strengthening their hideout like reinforcing walls and fortresses
akaashi has this desire to make things feel as normal as possible. he likes tinkering with machines and his main goal is to be able to set up a sustainable source for electricity
they have different reactions to how the world has changed. bokuto hates venturing out of the hideout and seeing the city that he’s known for so long being greatly different.
akaashi, on the other hand, is more accepting of how the world has changed, thinking that it must have been bound to happen
Osamu and Atsumu: 
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the two of them have watched enough zombie movies to figure out was going on and instantly know what to do
they’re quite quick to snap into action and grab any weapons they can use nearest to them and just make a run for it
they both have different priorities -- atsumu being better weapons and osamu collecting resources like food and medicine -- but they’re quick to sort them out
both of them are also the solo drifter type of people. they travel in the same car, even having the foresight to steal gas from abandoned cars or stations at the roadside
the zombie apocalypse does bring out a savagery in atsumu and osamu. they’re skilled with killing zombies alright. in fact, almost too skilled
the killing desensitizes them to violence and they end up adapting a more ‘survival is the fittest’ mindset
they do have different skills when it comes to combat. osamu prefers using a gun and is quite handy at it. atsumu feels more comfortable with using melee weapons
when put into the situation where they have to kill a fellow human being for their own benefit, they won’t hesitate to do so
sometimes, the twins do reminisce about how their lives used to be and the dreams they once had
atsumu raises his hands and pretends to set a ball when he’s alone and osamu sometimes laughs to himself whenever they raid a grocery store
there’s a savagery in how they kill zombies because of this because that’s how they take out their anger on the things that robbed them of the life they should have had
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @tpwkatsumu​ 
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darth-el · 4 years
The Rebellion (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Steve x Reader x Billy (Zombie Apocalypse AU) Warnings: Gore, violence, language, but there is fluff!!!!  A/N: This is the final chapter of Senior Year and The Bunker and I’m so sorry that it took so long for me to write. It is a long one with 8.5k words. This also took a different life to what I was expecting which is interesting as well.  I hope you all enjoy and feedback is always welcome.  Also side note, the films and TV show that inspired how this series went (and there are references to them) are: Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, 28 Days Later, A Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, Zombieland, and The Walking Dead. I would fully recommend watching all these films if you haven’t already. 
Part 1 Part 2
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Steve stroked your cheek as if to check he wasn't hallucinating.
“We found somewhere safe to stay for a couple of months and then this girl found us and I think she led them to us but I don't know what happened because one minute we were fine and then we had a run in a shop with cult members who I'm guessing were with these guys and then we were raided by them, zombies everywhere and my aim wasn't as good as it should have been,” You were talking really fast Steve's brain couldn't fully comprehend what you were saying. You took a huge breath to regain some of the oxygen you had lost while explaining everything to him.
“Who's 'we'?” He asked raising his eyebrow. You gulped and carried on talking at your quick pace.
“I stayed in Indiana expecting you to be there for weeks, but I ran into Billy Hargrove while I was searching for y-” You were suddenly be cut off by Steve.
“Who?” Steve looked like had been blind sided by this bit of information.
“Billy.” You muttered under your breath remembering how much they actually hated each other in school.
“You spent the couple of months with Billy?” Steve stood up and threw up his arms in frustration, you just looked at him wondering why this was the most important thing to focus on in that moment.
“Steve,” You said as calmly as possible but you didn't know how to finish that sentence.
“Yes?” He scoffed at you. This was far from the reunion you had in mind, but you thought once you saw each other nothing else would matter. You just sighed and shook your head not looking at him and trying to fight back the tears. “You slept with him didn't you?” Steve thought he saw guilt on your face when it was just pure frustration at this whole situation.
“I didn't,” Your voice was cracking. “I did kiss him though.” You confessed now that you were faced with this question. He laughed sarcastically and clapped his hands.
“Oh that's just fucking brilliant.” His tone was equally sarcastically as he started pacing throwing his arms up in the air again.
“I thought you were dead,” You shouted at him. “In that moment we were the only ones alive, you would have done exactly the same.” You screamed, causing the a guard to come in and check what was happening.
“Keep quiet or I'll blow your fucking heads off.” He sneered before slamming and locking the door again. You both looked at each other wide eyed, in that moment Steve knew what happened in between him going missing and now didn't matter because you were right. He was gone, you didn't know if he was dead or alive.
“I wouldn't kiss Billy even if it meant saving humanity.” He tried to joke and sat back down next to you and wrapped an arm around you meaning you could rest your head on him. You let out a gentle laugh.
“It wasn't worth it,” You sighed with a giggle resting your hand his thigh. Steve pulled you in closer and kissed the top of your head softly making you smile. “What happened with you?” You were drawing shapes on his thigh absent mindlessly.
“Where do I start?” He chuckled watching you draw the shapes on his thigh.
“The beginning is always a good place.” You teased adjusting your head so you were a bit more comfortable.
“After we got separated due to the mass of zombies breaking into where we were staying I managed to find a car, I went to find you but you obviously had left so I went searching for you but you were nowhere to be found. I don't know where I was but I was driving along a road and a tree had been chopped down to block the road, which is when I became surrounded by these guys and thrown down here,” Steve explained. “What season is it?” He looked at you trying the gage the amount of time he's been down here for.
“Winter,” It pained you to think he's been down here for months. He exhaled sharply as he knew it was at least three months since he was captured. “What are these people?” You asked quietly not really expecting a proper answer.
“Sadistic,” Steve was trying to mask the fear with humour. You stared up at him puzzled, you knew they must have been but it wasn't answer. “They think they're the answer to the new world. Join them or rot in here.” He shrugged like he didn't believe what he was saying.
“At least we can rot together.” You sat up and kneeled next to him playing with his hair as it soothed both of you. He laid down and rested his head on your lap making you get into a more comfortable position.
The fluorescent light was continually flickering and buzzing making it difficult to sleep. You have no idea how many days it's been since you last slept. Steve was able to sleep as he had grown used to this. He was laying next to you with an arm stretched out lazily over your stomach, you noticed he was drooling in his sleep making you laugh because the amount of times he would make fun of you for drooling over him in your sleep was constant. Sleep seemed to be the only time he was content down here, he moved slightly and wrapped his arm around you tighter. You enjoyed watching him sleep, but it also motivated you to find a way out of here. You could hear indistinct shouting in the rooms surrounding you and crying, you wondered if this was always the case or not because this was the first time you picked up on it. You could hear the door unlock after a crash was heard and a different guard came in to find the source of the noise and upon seeing you laying on the floor and Steve asleep he slammed the door shut making Steve jump awake. Your eyes narrowed at the door in thought.
“What you thinking?” Steve sounded sleepy and was resting on his elbows looking as sleepy as he sounded.
“How often do they come in here?” You asked still looking at the door and hearing the noises outside.
“Only to give us food,” Steve put his hands over his eyes and laid back down next you.
“Any other times?” You pressed him to think some more as this could be your chance to escape.  
“Only when we're an inconvenience.” Steve said not really thinking much more of it making you roll your eyes at how unhelpful he was being, you laid next to him and wrapped yourself around him with your head on his chest. You watched the light flickering and saw that it had a plastic casing around it.
“Do you think you can remove that?” You asked Steve who had fallen back asleep, you nudged him to wake him up and he just grumbled and held you tighter. “Steve?” You voice was firmer.
“What?” Steve mumbled annoyed that you woke him.
“Do you think you can remove that?” You repeated yourself and sat up to make sure that Steve hadn't fallen back asleep.
“Maybe,” Steve was slightly confused by this question, he stood up and tried to reach it but it was just out of his reach. “Get on my shoulders.” He instructed as he pulled you up. You climbed onto his shoulders and managed to pull the casing off easily. You stood on one end of it and snapped it in half so it was jagged, you looked pleased with yourself as you examined it hoping it would work. Steve wondered what you were doing.
“Tell me if this hurts.” You smiled at him, and he looked a bit bewildered by this statement, you stabbed at him in the arm with a small amount of force so he would feel it but not cause him damage. He jumped back as your new weapon made contact with him.
“Why?” Steve asked rubbing where you stabbed him.
“Just checking if it hurts.” You beamed a smile at him, making him wonder if you were enjoying hurting him.
“Why though?” Steve asked again taking the weapon from you apprehensively scared you were going to hurt him again.
“Because if that hurt, imagine it in neck.” You exhaled letting out a small laugh feeling overwhelmed. Steve looked terrified of you, it had been a long time since he saw you and he realised how much you had changed.
“Wouldn't the actual light work better?” Steve looked up at the flickering glass tube of light which was stained yellow with age.
“It would, but I don't want to risk it,” You tilted your head to the side impressed with him.
“What do you mean?” His face was now one of confusion as he passed you the broken case.
“That is going to be hot to touch and unless we can turn that off we might get electrocuted,” You explained unsure if the electrocution thing was true or a myth. Steve slumped his shoulders in defeat before picking up the other half of the snapped casing and swinging it like a baseball bat a few times while you crouched down next down to the door, Steve quickly followed suit as he could see in your eyes you plotting something. “When whoever it is comes in, hit them in the face as hard you can with that and I'll do what I can as well.” You instructed, he saluted to tell you that he understood which was immediately followed by you banging on the door and wailing to get a guard in the room. You heard the door unlock and Steve stood up pressing himself against the wall, the door swung open with force you had to stop it from hitting you in the face making the door shut, you heard the sound of plastic hitting flesh and you jumped into action and stabbed the man in the neck. You were surprised the plan actually worked as the man laid on the floor choking on his blood which was spilling out on the floor.
“Wow!” You exclaimed as you picked up his weapons and stabbing him in the head with the knife he was carrying, you went to put that in your holster only to remember it had been taken from you and slid it over to Steve.
“Wow?” He questioned your response as you checked if the gun was loaded, which it was.
“I was not expecting that to work,” You had amusement in your voice mixed with relief, Steve just blinked at you in shock that you took a gamble on both your lives like that. “It paid off okay.” You blurted out making him look away as you examined the wrist of the guy who had the same branding as the guys in the shop. Steve went for the keys and you made your way out the door quickly and quietly while he locked the door behind you making you gesture vaguely at him.
“What?” He looked at bit blank at you making you shake your head.
“He's dead Steve,” You chuckled to yourself shaking your head. “He isn't going anywhere.” You heard Steve mumble in response but you weren't quite sure what it was, you grabbed his hand and pulled him along the corridor. The bunker was huge was obviously made by someone everyone probably thought was paranoid at the time but was in fact just thinking ahead. You heard voices approach and you shoved Steve into what you hoped to be a cupboard as the door was unlocked, you falling in behind him. He could see your eyes grow wide as you stared behind him and he turned around and to discover a lab with zombie parts strewn all over the place and you jumped when one charged at you only to be pulled back by the chain around it's neck.
“I knew this wasn't a bad idea,” You muttered to yourself as you admired your surroundings.
“What do you think they do in here?” Steve asked as he picked up an arm that was laying on the table and started playing with it.
“I don't know what kind, but it's definitely research.” You sighed as you took the arm from Steve and hit him with it playfully before putting it back down.
“What was that for?” He pouted, but a smile cracked through his pout making him laugh.
“We're not here to play with severed limbs,” Your voice was stern but you could feel a laugh escape. “That is a sentence I never thought I'd say.” You whispered laughing which was cut off by voices approaching the door, you pulled Steve to the side and crouched back down. A guy who looked like your typical mad professor walked in with a guard, as they walked through the door you slid out without them noticing.
Navigating the tunnels was hard, but it became clear that this wasn't just some millionaire who was paranoid about the end of the world; it most likely had something to do with the government initially. To Steve you were running around like a headless chicken when in reality you were trying to find Billy and escape with him too. There was a guard at the end of the corridor you were sneaking down, you instructed Steve to stay where he was but he was waving his arms about as he silently protested and pushed you back as he crept up behind the guard; you weren't sure what he did but you heard a gurgle and saw the body hit the floor as Steve stabbed it in the head. You walked down the corridor to meet Steve who was collecting ammunition for your gun and giving a knife, which turned out to be your old knife. You heard sobbing from a room, instinctively you grabbed the keys from the guard and opened the door to find a woman crying over the body of another woman, she didn't even realise that you were standing in the doorway. Neither you or Steve knew what to do, all you knew was that you had a dead body behind you and one in front of you.
The woman after a couple of minutes felt eyes watching her and turned around her eyes were filled blood, you noticed she had a bite on her shoulder and the body in her room was in fact the body of a zombie, whether or not she was a relative was unknown. You quickly threw the body of the guard with the help of Steve into the room as she lurched towards you, the body knocked her off her path and distracted her as she started to bite into the flesh. Steve closed the door and locked it hoping she wouldn't escape sometime in the future. “That was lucky,” You tried to joke as you made your around the corner. You could hear more screaming and growling coming from each room and it unsettled you.
“What do you think they're doing?” You could feel Steve hover you as you checked if the next corner was clear.
“No idea, but I don't like it,” You didn't take your eyes off the door at the end of the room, no one was guarding it but you felt drawn to it. “Come on.” You took his hand and led him down the passageway and opened the door, you ground to a halt as you gained the attention of men playing poker. Survival instinct kicked in before they could grab their weapons you shot through them all knowing your cover had been blown, Steve stabbing them in the head. You grabbed what you could in terms of ammunition and weapons. Alarms started blaring and you knew you were in trouble now, Steve grabbed your hand and ran in no particular direction, someone shouting orders echoed through the corridors amongst the noise of the alarms. Steve tried to open a door but it was locked, which meant someone was most likely imprisoned in there. You didn't have time for Steve to find the key so you shot at the lock and was ready to kill a zombie if needed, the door opened and inside were two men who looked just as bad as Steve and they both looked at you confused. “Who are you?” One of them asked, he had a long beard and a lot of hair, but had kind eyes behind all his hair.
“Freedom.” Steve took two guns from you which had on your shoulders and tossed them to the guys who scrambled for them and ran out the room.
“Really Steve, freedom?” If it wasn't an emergency you would have teased more about his cheesy line.
“I thought it sounded cool.” He followed you running through the corridors in the opposite direction of the other prisoners, a guy stepped out a room wondering why the alarms were sounding until he saw you, as he went to pick up his gun to fire you had already shot at him. You shot him once more to make sure he was dead and picked up his gun. Steve pulled you back and dragged you into the room that the guard came out of which was a large weapons cupboard.
“Fuck me sideways and call me Rambo,” You weren't really thinking what you were saying as you enamoured with your choice of weapons.
“And you said 'freedom' wasn't cool.” Steve teased as he picked up what happened to be your crossbow.
“We need to be 'freedom' for other people.” You took the crossbow from Steve who was difficulty working it, the moment you loaded it the door opened and a man was standing looking confused before it dawned on him that you were the ones that escaped. You fired the crossbow without thinking and when his body fell to the floor you pulled the bolt out of his eye making Steve cringe and reloaded it and handed it back to Steve.
“You scare me, you know that?” Steve examined the crossbow trying to figure out how you were so at ease with it because it was so heavy and stiff.
“That's why you fell in love with me though.” You blew a kiss and picked up a handgun which had a silencer on it and a holster for it. You were sure they were yours originally, Steve quietly agreed at your statement as he picked up another gun and slung it around his shoulder. Both of you looked like you were you were made of guns where you picked up so many.  
The 'rebellion' as you called it went as smoothly as it could despite being chased from all angles, you were breaking people free and the people who captured you were thinning out. You ran past a room and heard banging on the door, you shot at it and the door swung open and Billy was in there with a zombie crawling across the floor where Billy was trying to fight it, you shot at the zombie and it instantly stopped moving as you gave him a gun. “What the fuck is going on?” He was confused by the pandemonium around him.
“Freedom.” Steve dragged you away and to find a way out, Billy following closely behind which you knew Steve wasn't to happy about. In a small dark tunnel you found a ladder and assumed that this was your way out. Light broke through the heavy metal trapdoor as you opened it, a large smile spread across your face because you were free, you helped Steve and Billy out but you could feel the tension between them which you chose to ignore for the moment and continued running trying to find a car; neither of them noticing you were gone until you called their names making them run over to you.
“Your petty high school rivalry means shit in this world,” You smacked them both around the head. “If you want to survive, move!” You smacked them again hoping it would get through to them and they both looked sheepishly down at the floor before following you.
The entirety of the time while trying to find your way out of the forest and onto a road the boys were bickering which made you question whether or not you should just leave them to it and go back to surviving on your own as it was so much easier then. You swung round on your heels holding your gun making them stop in their tracks and saw a zombie coming up behind them.
“Duck,” They both did as you said as you fired the gun hitting the zombie right in the head and letting the body crumple to the floor both of them watching the body when they got what had happened. “You two need work this shit out right now because I am not going to get killed because of your idiocy,” You stormed over to them and threw their weapons behind you so they were out of reach. “Talk,” You threw your hands up in the air, picked up a large stick and planted yourself on the floor as you the carved the stick into a weapon while both the boys looked at you in bewilderment. They both stood there awkwardly, Billy was rubbing the back of his neck as he did when he felt awkward and Steve was kicking a rock avoiding eye contact. “You both consider yourself fucking alpha males and obviously wanted to be the dominant one,” You rolled your eyes at how useless they were “Especially you,” You pointed at Billy. “I know you're pissed at Billy because of the kiss,” You shot a look at Steve who looked like he wanted the world to swallow him up. “So fucking talk about that.” You continued carving you stick to make a weapon waiting for them to talk thinking about useless men were when it came to talking about their feelings, especially to one another.
“That ain't happening,” Billy finally broke the silence making you throw a stick at him which made Steve laugh, you threw your head back in frustration and let out a huge groan.
“I don't want you near her,” Steve glared at Billy, face was filled with anger but his eyes showed that he was hurting more than anything.
“That's not your decision to make,” Billy retorted with his cocky smile making you roll your eyes so much you thought they were going to fall out. “ And I think she made her decision when she kissed me.” Billy knew this was a low blow, hearing him say that felt like a gut punch. Steve glanced at you trying to hide the hurt and walked off. You ran off after him. “Tell me why I shouldn't end your life right now,” You spat at Billy as you walked past who looked way to pleased with himself. Steve was leaning against a tree with his head resting against it as he looked up at the sky watching the birds fly over. You leaned on the tree next to him subconsciously mirroring what he was doing.
“You kissed him?” Steve huffed looking at you.
“I instigated it,” You finally admitted “Missing you and alcohol do not go well,” You sighed with a small laugh, Steve furrowed his brows at you and exhaled as if he was trying to calm himself down.
“I don't want the same conversation again,” Steve pushed himself off the tree and moved so he was facing you. “It just hurt hearing it from him.” He stroked your cheek gently, his eyes were soft but looked tearful. You melted at his touch.
“I love you Steve,” You wrapped your hands his neck and kissed him gently on the nose making him smile.
“I love you too.” It didn't feel like you were in a forest god knows where surrounded by flesh eating ghouls that could attack at any second.
“Come on,” You took Steve's hand and led him back to where Billy was sitting waiting for you which shocked you because you thought he would have taken the opportunity to run away. “This is what's happening,” You caught Billy's attention who was admiring your handiwork on the weapon. “You two are doing what exactly what I say,” Steve and Billy both looked at each other holding their breath because they knew the next words that were coming out your mouth would not be good. “If either of you put us in danger with your incessant arguing I will leave you to get eaten,” Your eyes darted between the both of them. “Do you understand?” They both nodded in agreement knowing you were going to be true to your word. You picked up the weapons and passed them their owners and made your way through the forest.
“Was she always this scary?” Billy tried to make conversation with Steve as he was interested in if this was a drastic change in character.
“Not really,” Steve side eyed Billy not wanting to talk to him.
“Oh.” Billy knew that was the end of the conversation as he trudged along following you.
“She's a completely different person now,” Steve confessed, he knew you were in there somewhere but he almost didn't recognise you. Billy knew this you better than he did.
“She threatened me with a knife two seconds after saving my life,” Billy admitted looking embarrassed. “She also looked like she enjoyed it.” Which made Steve laugh.
“She knows how to survive.” Steve watched you as you gracefully walked through the forest, your long hair that reached down to your waist was now nothing but a memory. Your large wardrobe of pastel dresses were replaced by tight leather trousers, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Your once soft features were now hardened.
You all found a safe place to stay for the night, but it was only for the night. Billy was asleep on the bed and you were on guard. You were expecting Steve to be asleep, but he proved you wrong when he sat down next to you on the balcony which had your legs hanging over. When you found the place you devised an escape route which involved you jumping off the balcony onto a trampoline and hopefully over a fence. Usually moonlight would light up the area, but it was cloudy and it was a new moon that night. You rested your head Steve's shoulder, the night was still and it was getting warmer meaning spring was close.
“I'm sorry,” You mumbled under your breath taking Steve's hand in yours while you watched over the ghost town.
“For what?” He was baffled and couldn't understand why you were apologising, he wrapped his arm around you.
“Just for everything.” You moved closer to him so your legs were now touching, you were feeling a bit melancholy and you weren't sure if Steve felt it too.
“I'm sorry too,” You could hear in Steve's voice that he meant it and he was feeling the same as you.
“Get some sleep, I can guard.” He gestured to the room behind you, before standing up you kneeled behind him and wrapped your arms around him.
“Good night.” Your face was buried into his neck, this to Steve was the old you. He watched you as you walked back indoors and made yourself comfortable on the makeshift bed on the floor as you cursed at the sleeping Billy who was taking up the entire bed.
Billy went to find a working car the next day while you Steve packed everything up and got ready for a raid. You wanted to see if the cabin you made your home for a couple of months was still empty as it was truly safe, until humans turned up but you doubted you'd be able to find it now.
“Humans are the worst,” You thought aloud, Steve didn't know exactly where this came from but agreed as he considered everything he had been through in the past year and a bit. You could hear a scraping at the door which meant that a zombie had decided to try either making itself at home or making you lunch. Steve looked slightly worried as you walked over the door and opened it making the zombie fall in, which was immediately greeted by a knife into the head. You started hacking the head off with your knife without fully thinking.
“What are you doing?” Steve moved away from you slightly as he was worried about some of the mess you were causing would get on him.
“It's a long story,” You didn't look up at him as you pulled the head off with difficulty, you proudly presented it to Steve who turned green. “They're attracted to the smell of blood,” You started to explain. “I use the heads in hopes that it'll cover up the smell of us,” Steve stood there trying to figure out the logic which didn't take long as he clapped his hands the moment he understood. You heard a car rock up and Billy climbed out draping his arms over the roof with a pair of sunglasses on which he must have stolen. You picked up your things and the head and threw them in the car and the head in trunk. “I'm driving.” You held out your hand expecting car keys to be dropped in them.
“No!” Billy's face contorted from arrogance into one of horror within seconds as he had flashbacks to your chaotic driving.
“Don't ever let her behind the wheel.” Steve teased as you poked your tongue out at him.
“I learnt that the hard way.” Billy picked you up and put you down so you were now no longer near the driver's door which made Steve uneasy. You kicked Billy in the shins for manhandling you like that, Steve climbed into the back seat of the car and you climbed in next to him. You could see Steve was getting jealous again.
“Steve,” He hums in response turning his head at you, he could see that you could still read him like an open book. “I love you.” You put your hand on his thigh and squeezed it gently to reassure him. Billy was watching you both in the mirror instead of keeping an eye on the road which is when you hit a zombie making you jolt forwards in your seat, your instinct was to put your arm in front of Steve's chest to stop him from hurtling forwards even more. Billy had lost control of the car, he was really thankful in that moment that you warned him about the seatbelts because he would have been a puree in the street otherwise. He managed to regain control after a few agonising seconds, there was a collective sigh of relief as you carried on like normal except the windshield was painted red with chunks attached the wipers which struggled to clear away the mess.
“You okay?” Billy's voice was a bit shaky and you nodded while staring at Steve.
“We're good.” Steve answered looking down at your arm which was still resting on his chest making him happy because even before everything you always put him first and tried your best to protect him.
“Where to?” Billy looked at you in the mirror, the windshield was still smeared red but the outside was more visible now.
“No idea,” You leaned forward in your seat and rested your arms on the backs of the two seats in front of you. You felt Steve's fingers trace along the small of your back which felt electric. “Do you know where we are?”
“We're still in Ohio,” Billy shrugged turning his attention to the road and leaned back into your seat, you nodded in thought.
“How did I end up in Ohio?” Steve tilted his head in confusion looking out the window at the fields you were driving through.
“I want to get as far away as possible from here,” You ignored Steve's comment as you put your head in your hands and racked your brain to think where you could go.
“As long as it's warm I don't care.” Billy broke your train of thought and you looked at him blankly.
“Because that's the real priority here.” It felt like Steve read your mind and Billy rolled his eyes as he continued to drive down the road.
“Canada?” You interjected before an argument could start between the two boys.
“That's a no,” Billy shook his head.
“It's perfect though, it's less populated meaning there's less chance of getting eaten,” You explained rolling your eyes and throwing your arms up in the air.
“She's got a point.” Steve chuckled knowing that would irk Billy.
“What about Mexico then?” Billy suggested not taking his eyes off the road, but gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“If we can survive that then that'll be great,” You couldn't believe what you were hearing. “But I know we're not. Canada is our best bet.” You said bluntly as your stomach made an unearthly noise meaning you needed food.
“You hungry?” Steve was trying not to laugh at this noise as you nodded, stomaching still gurgling. It didn't take long to find another ghost town, you handed Steve your handmade weapon for him to use as Billy sharpened his knife.
“I'm going to stay here,” You checked if your gun was loaded and both the boys were not happy to hear this. “You need to be quiet for this and I'll draw too much attention.” You put your gun in your holster smiling at them. They nodded and made their way into the shop. Billy followed exactly what you did on previous raids which made Steve wonder what he was doing until a zombie made itself known. Billy crept in and you heard a body fall to the floor, you hoped it wasn't Billy. You climbed on to the roof of the car and sat on it keeping watch, your ears had been very attuned to the smallest of noises. You heard a small clattering inside the shop which was most likely one of the guys and could hear low growls over the ultimately silent landscape. The growls were closer as you thought as two zombies staggered around the corner looking as ungraceful as they came, you waited for them to come closer as you decided not to waste bullets on them. They caught you sitting on the roof of your car and staggered over to you, you jumped off the car and got yourself ready. It took longer for them to come over to you than you anticipated making you impatient. You let out a soft groan and walked over to them stabbing them both in the head with ease. You hacked their heads off and played with them as you went back to the car both boys came out the shop with a number of supplies and covered in blood looking like they saw a ghost.
“You guys okay?” You were slightly concerned by their appearances as you threw the heads in the trunk of the car.
“Y-yea...We're fine.” Steve was stumbling over his words, you knew something happened in there but he would tell you when he was ready. Billy didn't say anything, he just climbed in the car and started it while waiting for you to get in.
“If either one of you got bitten you need to tell me now.” Your eyes darted between them hoping they would give away something.
“No one got bit.” Billy's voice was low, it almost sounded like he was holding back tears or anger. You could see in Steve's face he was the same, you sunk down in the seat opening a pack of potato chips the boys stole. The crunching and the sound of the engine were the only things filling the silence.
“How did you cope with your brother?” Steve said softly, tears started to fill his eyes, your stomach sank hearing this.
“I had to accept it happened very quickly,” You screwed up the now empty bag and threw it behind you. “Life goes on and we have to survive,” You pursed your lips and you could see that was not the answer Steve wanted to hear, but Billy knew this was lie. You had become numb and repressed it, you could see Billy looking at you as if to say “tell Steve the truth”.
“Have you accepted it though?” Billy shook his head knowing you weren't going to tell Steve unless he got it out of you himself, you looked at him disbelief as did Steve. You started falling over your words unable to form a coherent sentence or thought.
“I don't think I have,” You let out a huge breath to calm your thoughts and the words fell out of mouth as naturally as breathing. You felt a huge weight lifted off your shoulders, you felt Steve's hand caress yours making you turn to him. Tears were rolling down his cheek which you gently wiped away with your thumb as you rested your free hand on his cheek. “It does get easier though.” You whispered reassuringly, he wasn't wholly convinced but he could see the sincerity in your face.
Billy stopped off every now and again on your journey to nowhere so supplies could be picked up or scouting potential places to sleep for the night, you all felt there nothing suitable and carried on. At some point you had all entered Michigan, you wondered if Billy did think going to Canada was good idea and didn't want to admit it because he protested far too much initially or if this was accidental. You entered a town which looked like it had military involvement but it was now just a ghost town like every other place you went through, you laughed at the thought that if this was an old wild west movie there'd be tumble weed rolling across the roads. Steve was asleep resting on your shoulder, you moved gently so he could sleep on your lap as it was probably a lot more comfortable for him and you could play with his hair. “He saved my life.” Billy murmured not entirely wanting you to hear what he had just said because it would be admitting defeat in his eyes. You hummed in response as you didn't hear him as you were too focused on Steve, making Billy repeat himself which went against his every instinct.
“What happened?” You asked quietly running your fingers through Steve's hair which made him mumble something in his sleep which was complete nonsense.
“There was zombie in the shop,” Billy clutched onto the steering wheel tightly making his knuckles go white at the thought of what happened. He felt like he didn't have the strength to carry on, but knew he had to find it somewhere. “It came up behind me and knocked me to ground and I wasn't in a position to get it off me,” He exhaled as he said this not taking his eyes off the road. “It was incredibly close to biting me. He stabbed it in the head and saved me.” You knew there was more to the story than what Billy was letting on.
“What does that have to do with my brother though?” You were puzzled, you were pleased that both were safe but it didn't explain the pure horror on their face when they left the store. Billy shook his head and bit down hard on his bottom lip. “Was it someone you knew?” You knew that would be a long shot but it was worth asking anyway if it meant a little bit of clarification. He just shook his head and sighed as he pulled over the car so he could regain his composure.
“Where are we?” Steve woke up as the car came to a halt and sounded groggy.
“We've potentially found somewhere to stay.” Billy shrugged getting out the car as if the conversation beforehand hadn't happened.
“This doesn't look s-” You were cut off by the door slamming shut, you watched as the zombies stumbled around the building. Billy grabbed your homemade weapon from the trunk of the car and walked over to the zombies, you weren't sure how many there were but it was in double figures meaning if he made one wrong step he would end up dead. You let your head drop forwards in annoyance before getting out the car yourself to help Billy, you ran up and stabbed the closest one in the head and made your way through them. You could see Billy was releasing his rage out on them and it was dangerous because you knew he wasn't thinking straight and it left a lot of room for error. After a few minutes he managed to kill everything that was trying to attack him, his breathing was heavy and covered in blood as he examined the damage he had done. Steve raced up behind you to check if you were okay, also covered in blood.
“It's safe now.” Billy wiped the hair out of his eyes with his bloody hands. You walked up to the building and saw that the building was padlocked shut, inside you could hear loud moans and banging on the wood covered windows.
“That would be a no.” You skipped down the steps and stood next to Steve who draped his arm around your shoulder.
“Carry on?” Steve looked at the mayhem you were going to leave behind as you made your way to the car, you looked back and could see that Steve and Billy were in a heated discussion about something. Billy stormed over looking angry and climbing into the car and lighting up a cigarette that he must grabbed from the last raid.
“I need to talk to you,” Steve took your hand and pulled you away from the car. You knew it wasn't going to be good. Steve was looking at you intently trying to find the right words to say, you could feel your heart stop as you imagined the worst case scenario. “What happened in the store wasn't good,” Steve started, you chewed the inside of your cheek as you waited for him to confirm your worst fears. “The reason why I asked you about your brother was because,” You could see he was difficulty forming the words and it was breaking your heart and he could see it on your face. “I should have done the same, but couldn't,” Visible confusion swept across your face as you looked at him. “There was a child in the shop who had been bitten. I killed what turned out to be their mother and they didn't want to end up like that,” Steve looked away from you as he said this scared that you would hate him because he wasn't strong like you. “It was actually more like eaten than bitten,” Before he could carry on you swung your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug.
“It's okay,” You whispered in his ear, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in tightly.
“I didn't want you to know because I'm not strong like you.” He buried his head in the crook of your neck.
“Steve,” You laughed at hearing him say that you're strong. “You are honestly the strongest person I know,” You pulled away slightly so you could look at him and moved a strand of hair that was flopping over his face. He shook his head laughing. “Being in that position isn't about whether or not you're strong, it's far more complex than that,” You looked at him, there was still a lot of pain behind his eyes. “When I chose to do that for my brother, it was for self preservation on my part. I didn't want to watch him turn into what killed him, but as I pulled the trigger the only thing running through my brain was 'what if I fuck up and it doesn't kill him instantly? What if I make a painful death even more painful?' ultimately I knew I made the right decision. I also had the advantage of being bought up with my dad who taught me how to hunt which helped a lot, you however were far more likely to cause more harm than good especially with a knife.” Steve nodded understanding that you were right and you held out your hand and he put his in yours as you walked back to the car.
“It was the zombie that almost got Billy,” Steve admitted as well feeling like the weight had been lifted.
“Does Billy know?” You looked back at him still walking to car and Steve nodded in response.
“My mistake did almost cost another life.” Steve caught up with you so you were now walking side by side.
“Not a mistake, but I didn't think people turned that fast.” Steve smiled down at you feeling happy that he had someone as understanding as you.
“I didn't either.” Steve opened the car door for you and let you climb in and walked around the other side to get into his side.
“All good?” Billy asked flicking his cigarette out the window and putting his sunglasses back on.
“All good.” You smiled as Steve climbed in next to you.
The night drew in and after multiple stops Billy had driven you to the Canadian border, you and Steve were both asleep on one another. The atmosphere in the air was tense and Billy didn't like it. It was eerily deserted despite there being evidence of military presence at some point. You felt a hand whack you. “Go away,” You mumbled adjusting yourself in your seat to get comfortable again in your half asleep state. The hand hit you again making you wake up fully. “What?” You hissed as you jolted up waking Steve up.
“What's going on?” Steve rubbed his eyes as he yawned.
“We're near the border,” Billy pointed at the road in front of him and you climbed over the centre console to sit in the seat next to him. The headlights illuminated what was in front of you, there were barricades at the side of the road and old news papers danced in the headlights where they were picked up in the wind. You felt tense, you turned around to Steve who looked deeply unsure by everything that was surrounding you. Billy stopped the car which scared you as it made you vulnerable. “What do you think we need to do?” Billy's hands were clasping at the steering wheel still as he looked back at Steve and then looked at you.
“I'm scared.” You admitted as you locked your door, not that would make much difference in the end.
“I think keep going.” Steve was scared, but he knew if you were scared he had to be calm for your sake.
“Okay then.” Billy pressed his foot down on the gas slowly when all of sudden an army made themselves known. Your eyes were wide with shock wondering if they were there the entire time or if they saw you coming. A knock on your window made you jump and a man who was dressed in a military uniform was staring at you. You rolled down the window slightly so you could talk to him.
“American?” You all nodded in response to him. “Flights stopped months ago,” You all looked at each other and mouthed the words 'flights' to Steve wondering what he was talking about. “But we can offer you refuge,” He smiled, you wanted to trust him in your gut but after the ordeal you had been through you weren't sure if you should. He hit the roof of car and gestured for you to drive beyond the border. “Three Americans.” You heard him say in a walkie talkie as you rolled up your window and Billy drove off.
Beyond the border the town was functioning like normal. It didn't feel like it hadn't turned to shit just a couple of miles away, but you noticed that the barriers surrounding the place meant that just outside it was shit, but it felt like it was going to be contained. You chuckled softly to yourself hoping this was the start of something new for you and Steve. Billy parked the car and you were greeted by a very happy woman who showed you around and showed you to your houses which had everything you needed from electricity to water. The car was checked and your guns were taken away into storage which you were shown, the guy checking your car held up the heads that you forgot were in there, you leaned into Steve trying to suppress your giggles which made Steve laugh.
“Collector?” The guy joked as he put them down next to him and handed you the rest of your weapons that didn't require ammo. You walked back into your house putting the weapons down by the door deciding you'll deal with them in the morning and before your foot had touched the bottom step you were lifted up bridal style by Steve who carried you upstairs into the nicely decorated bedroom and put on the bed. Steve was hovering over you smiling.
“We finally have a safe place we can call our own.” You played with the neckline of his shirt as he stroked your cheek gently admiring your features.
“All I've ever wanted.” He whispered gently before you pulled him in for a slow, passionate kiss which he quickly reciprocated with a smile as he wanted to do that the moment he saw you in the bunker and every second after.
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nova-cola · 6 years
What was the weirdest thing that happened at camp
This is a bit of a hard question for me to answer because I’m not really the type to get involved in most of the weird things that happen at camp. Here’s a couple of the more interesting things I have been involved in or heard about though:
One dark and stormy night in 2013 I was looking directly at a lightning bolt as it struck the flagpole in the middle of camp. I was a few hundred yards away, but even still the flash was so bright and thunder so loud that I was literally blinded and deafened for several seconds. A few of the other staffers had been daring each other to run over and touch the flagpole shortly before it happened, and one of them was in the process of walking toward the pole when lightning struck it
In 2014 our administration staff was pretty spineless, which was awful for most of the camp but great for the few areas that had great directors (the Kitchen and Archery) because they were able to run the best program they could imagine relatively unimpeded. As a result, the Archery Director, Nick Anderson, learned some medieval siege weaponry engineering, and, with the help of a few other engineers on staff, drafted the plans for a trebuchet. When he presented the plans to Administration they said it would be cool, so Nick got all the necessary parts ordered and we built it. Leviathan’s axle stands 8 feet 6 inches above its base and the boom is about 20 feet tall when fully upright. The counterweight is a half ton of granite (in the form of various rocks gathered from around the camp), and it is calibrated to throw objects that weigh about 7 pounds. Most of the time we use it to throw rocks, but watermelons and gallons of water are more fun. We calibrated Leviathan to throw objects high, rather than far, because that was we’re able to actually see the projectile land rather than just seeing it fly into the woods. 
Related fun fact: The Guide To Safe Scouting doesn’t have any rules in it specifically about trebuchets. I can only assume that this is because nobody in scouting has gotten seriously hurt in a trebuchet incident yet, and I intend to keep it that way. We are meticulously safe with Leviathan. 
Consistently, across all six years I’ve been there, hardly a week goes by without the staff discussing either how they would survive a zombie apocalypse or what we would do if the scouts all suddenly turned feral and attacked us. Some days this possibility seems more likely than others. 
Staff members come from all over the place. Yeah, most of us are from the Utah, Wyoming, Idaho area, but each year there are a couple people from farther away. We’ve had staff from Florida, North Carolina, and California before. Pretty good for a relatively small camp that few people out of council have heard of, I’d say.
We nearly got evacuated in 2017 because of a nearby wildfire. The smoke was thick enough to darken the sun in the day and at night you could see the glow from the flames behind the hills on the other side of our lake. Ash rained from the sky on us a couple days. If the fire had moved just a few miles closer to us we would have had an emergency evacuation, so the staff was pretty on edge for those couple days. 
Most of our staff get to sleep in cabins (with the exception of the 14 year old boys, who have to sleep in some fancy tents that got donated to us) which is pretty nice. A few of the cabins have heaters, and most of the others have some amount of insulation. The most interesting cabins though (although probably the worst to live in, in my experience) are the L cabins, called that because they’re shaped like capital Ls. The L cabins were originally built back in the 1930s by the CCC to house the team that built the dam at the bottom of the New Fork Lakes. Technically the camp predates that (we were established in 1925, 100 year anniversary is coming soon-ish) but the areas that scouts originally camped at are underwater now.
This has gotten much longer than I kinda expected, so I’m gonna end it here. I’m sure there’s more stuff I could write about though, so if you want to know about anything specific, I’m still here
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dragonforsale · 6 years
Tagged by @bouncepaaad
1. Favorite dessert?
Cut up strawberries and blueberries with homemade whipped cream.
2. What’s your favorite creative outlet?
3. Do you have a nice singing voice?
I think I have a pretty average singing voice. Doesn’t sound bad, but it’s not the best either. I’m not really sure.
4. If you could choose only one piece of media (book, videogame, movie, album, etc.)  to own for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Video games. Specifically breath of the wild.
5. Do you prefer wearing dark or bright colors?
6. Favorite board game?
7. What sounds make you happy?
Cats purring and meowing
8. Which season do you prefer?
Early fall is probably my favorite time of the year
9. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars. Don’t know that much about Star Trek.
10. If you have an old t-shirt that is so worn and loved that it’s fraying and almost see-through but you keep it anyway, describe it!
Yeah kind of. Freshman year of college I used to be in my schools filmmaking club and someone came in with free merchandise for the movie boy scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse because they were interning for the movie. I mostly like it because it’s a nice fabric and fits me well. I usually do house work in it so that’s why it’s kind of beat up
11. Best piece of advice you’ve been given so far?
Best piece of advice I’ve heard is a line from Billy Joel’s song Vienna that goes, “Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true”. Dreams and aspirations are good to have and to work towards, but you have to be realistic and realize that not all of them will come true or come out the way you imagined.
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Dad-Bods and 6-Packs: The 14 Dreamiest Dads of Horror
Father’s Day is a day to let Dad know we care about him just as much as he cares about us. It is on this day that we celebrate the men who have been there to teach us, those that have guided us, protected us, and … made us swoon.
I know you’re thinking this is wrong, wrong, wrong and anyone who keeps tabs on the hot dads of others must have some sort of ‘daddy-issue’ of her own, but I can assure you I do not and this is all sorts of right if you can recognize a good looking man when you see one.
This is a list of  dad crushes and appreciated fathers of a very specific focus, leaving out the neighbors’ husbands and my friends’ dads (much to their relief). What we’re looking at here are the dads and father figures of the horror genre, an archetype that has since evolved by way of appearance and family involvement. Modern generations have appropriated the term ‘daddy’, once used to solely label our own fathers while we were children, to now refer to other attractive, older, men of all kinds including those with fit, rock hard abs to the worship of the ‘dad-bod’ in all its glory. We might as well enjoy the gratuity these casting directors have thrown at us and let our insides fill with butterflies before the gore and jump scares become a distraction.
Let’s take a taboo look at the dreamiest  daddies of horror, in every sense of the term you’d like to apply:
  Jesse Hellman in The Devil’s Candy
What line do I need to get in to meet a man that has great taste in music, has mad artistic skills, and has a super ripped body? While watching The Devil’s Candy, I kept thinking about how good of a dad Ethan Embry’s Jesse Hellman is to his daughter as he encourages her to be a confident individual, and how much I wanted to join their family. It’s clear to anyone with eyes that Ethan Embry has gone from playing the hopeless, hapless, friendzone inhabitant to the role of a bad-ass, hard core, head-banging king. His portrayal of Jesse Hellman has redefined the typical ‘dad’ image, bringing on a new wave of ‘cool dads’ to the horror genre. So metal. So devilishly hot.
The Devil’s Candy? More like The Eye Candy, am I right?
(Thanks, Keith!)
  Leo Barnes in The Purge Anarchy
I know how the typical saying goes, but in my experience I believe revenge is a dish best served piping hot and I consider Frank Grillo’s Sergeant Leo Barnes to raise mercury when it comes to that. The vengeful father is hellbent on taking full opportunity of murdering the man responsible for his young son’s death the night of the annual Purge, but he also has a tender heart for the innocent and helps them live through the night no matter the cost. Under that black trench coat, armored car, and dark smouldering look, Leo is a protective softie at heart. Major daddy vibes!
Leo, well, Grillo, gets bonus points for having great hair too.
  Michael Hamilton in The Cloverfield Paradox
Quite possibly the only one on this list that makes all of the right decisions while also being the most compassionate is Michael Hamilton (Roger Davies), husband to engineer Ava Hamilton. Ava leaves her husband back on Earth to board the orbiting Cloverfield Station  in hopes of saving the planet from a debilitating energy crisis. Aside from allowing her to go without so much as a plea, he is a real man who supports his wife’s intelligence, decisions, and abilities. Michael is the man running into the terrible unknown attack to offer his professional assistance when a more immediate crisis occurs. We learn that crisis is New York City being deconstructed by one of our favorite movie monsters, Clover. His care for a stranded little girl and sincere love for his wife stuck in space is a recipe for not only a good former dad, but also for a good man.
Plus… look at those biceps and appled cheek bones! I don’t know which I want to grab first. The Cloverfield Paradox lacked in a lot of areas, mostly in Michael Hamilton screen time.
  George Lutz in The Amityville Horror (2005)
Whether you’re attracted to men or not, I think everyone can back me up when I say Ryan Reynolds as George Lutz in the 2005 remake of The Amityville Horror is one of the hottest dads in cinema. That body of his would have me burning through firewood in hopes he’d go outside to chop some more so often that the ghosts would flee on their own from smoke inhalation quicker than the Lutz’s did. Who needs a priest?
Why the kids have such negative feelings about him becoming their stepdad is beyond me. I’d be willing, eagerly, to take up residency with George at the Amityville house, oozing walls and all.
  Lee Abbott in A Quiet Place
Anyone into the strong, silent type? If existing with John Krasinski’s Lee Abbott means a vow of silence, then consider me forever on ‘mute’. I think what makes Lee so appealing to viewers of this year’s breakout films, A Quiet Place, is the familiarity and comfort most of us have with him as loveable Jim of The Office, but Krasinski has since matured in both his career and his look. Lee is intelligent, bold, and, like Jim, a bit of a romantic. Silent swoon!
Say goodbye to the days of Krasinski playing the cute, sweet, funny co-worker and hello to the crafty, well-built, and handsomely bearded leading man we’d gladly sit tight in silence through the apocalypse for. Monopoly, anyone?
  Will in The Invitation
Speaking of quiet types, Logan Marshall-Green as the paranoid dinner guest Will in Karen Kusama’s The Invitation is one smoking brooder. Green has recently made a bit of a name for himself in the horror community with starring roles in M. Night Shyamalan’s thriller Devil and Leigh Whannell’s super charged Upgrade, but it’s this particular serious role of a grieving father suspicious of his ex-wife’s dinner party motives that has really drawn our attention. His tortured performance full of sizzling glances and lingering stares is intriguing and, despite the emotional pain he’s feeling over the loss of his son, is unfortunately quite sexy. Who wouldn’t want to haveWill sulking in their lap while running fingers through those long locks?
There is no mystery behind it, Will is the white hot flame of this slow burn.
  John Form in Annabelle
Have you ever met a man so smart, yet his common sense skills are a little… off? Dr. John Form is one of those guys. He is a clean cut, all American, Boy Scout of a man who is focused on achieving his goals and being enclosed within a white picket fence with his wife and growing family.
If you dig pleated pants, sweater vests, and having a hot dinner ready on the table for your husband when he arrives home from work (despite an obvious household haunting) then John is the ideal daddy. His pearly white smile and perfectly parted hair makes it a little easier to forgive him for ignorantly gifting his pregnant wife with a deadly, obviously creepy, conduit doll in Annabelle. It’s the thought that counts so we’ll gladly accept the sweet stupid sting from this handsome WASP.
  Johnathan Shannon in Wish Upon
Theres a clever saying people use down here in the south that applies well to Ryan Phillippe’s character Johnathan Shannon, in Wish Upon. It is used most commonly when someone wants to “politely” pity you without sounding mean: Bless is heart.
The role is not exactly ground-breaking front neither is the film, but it is Ryan Phillippe so naturally some part of you is going to react to his level of bad boy charm.
Normally, a man that can be found rummaging through the town’s trash cans as an all-day hobby is not truly an appealing quality I seek out in a man, but I’d be willing to make an exception here.
Imagine if he was your dad, or better yet, imagine if he was your friend’s dad? I knew exactly how Barb (Shannon Pursor who plays Phillippe’s daughter’s friend, but she will always be Barb) felt when she stared at him, mouth agape, while he pumped out some sizzling tunes from his saxophone. Oh yeah, did I mention he is a jazz musician? It’s not necessary for him to utter any of the poorly written lines for us to appreciate him for exactly what he is: a hot, dumpster diving, saxophone playing, widowed hoarder.
Yeah… I’d still go for him.
  Tom Witzky in Stir of Echoes
Kevin Bacon’s Tom Witzky is the hot, young dad on the block in Stir of Echoes. Though him and his wife have been forced from the party scene to settle in the more suburban part of town to raise their son, Tom still knows how to have a good time. He too is a modern, sexy rocker dad who appreciates a snug t-shirt and a good vinyl. I’d be okay with him destroying the backyard in search of a random dead girl’s body if it meant he’d do it shirtless each time.
I don’t want to objectify Bacon too much as he is a pretty talented actor, he’s just never really been my cup of tea aside from this film. Tom Witzky and his 90’s post-grunge demeanor must have me hypnotized…
  Seok-Woo in Train to Busan
Does anyone love a professionally dressed man in a tailored suit covered in sweat and blood as much as I do?
Workaholic Seok-Woo in Yeon-Sang ho’s epic South Korean zombie thriller Train to Busan might start off as an absent minded, selfish man trapped in the middle of a horrendous undead outbreak with his young daughter, but it’s his protective and ultimately selfless decisions that redeem him as a character and as a father. He is an extremely good looking and confident man that just needed a reality check. Being aware of the errors of his ways only makes him that much more attractive. If I was going to be trapped on a train I wouldn’t mind the uncomfortable claustrophobia nor the impending doom-by-zombies-masses if it meant he’d be close to me!
Sacrifice is always hot and always gets a guy extra points in this genre.
  Dr. Steven Murphy in The Killing Of a Sacred Deer
I briefly hesitated a little when adding Colin Farrell’s odd character from the divisive The Killing of A Sacred Deer mostly because of two reasons: 1. Out of all the dads on this list and in general, he’s pretty much the worst as far as decision making and being selfish and 2. His intimacy predelicition towards getting off on his wife acting like a corpse was decidedly a huge turn-off to me… or was it?
Thanks to some sage reasoning from a trusted fellow Contributor (Thanks, Tyler!), Dr. Steven Murphy made this list by the scrape of a scalpel. His intimacy kinks are not to be judged as he is, on the outside, hot all over. You know what they say about what goes on behind closed doors.
The thick handsome beard, hairy chest, kind eyes, the accent, and the fact that all of those are attached to Collin Farrell was enough to win me over (combined with a palette cleansing viewing of Sophia’s Coppola’s The Beguiled).
As much as I hate to admit, this cardiovascular surgeon did indeed get my heart pumping whether he liked that or not.
  Jim Hopper in Stranger Things
While Chief Jim Hopper is adult mourning the loss of his daughter at the start of Stranger Things, he is a reborn daddy the minute he takes in Eleven come the second season. Their relationship is absolutely adorable and pulls on our heartstrings in the best of ways.
But that’s not why Jim makes this list.
David Harbour, specifically as Hopper, has one of the best dad-bods in horror and science-fiction alike. I like 6-pack abs just as much as the next girl, but hugging up on a dad-bod like his is my heart’s truest desire. Hopper is a good looking testament to attractive beer guts everywhere and proves that dad-bod is THE real deal.
Average is sexy, so is a uniform. We totally dig it, guys.
  Adam Maitland in Beetlejuice
Though considerably a stretch, this suggested from another fellow Contributor (Thanks, Jessica!) couldn’t go unnoticed. Adam Maitland is not a father in Beetlejuice, but rather he acts like a dad to our favorite outsider, Lydia, and is certainly more of a father figure to her than her own. Adam’s willingness to step up to the plate when so many real fathers bow out, gives him enough dad credit to be considered for the list.
What really qualifies Alec Baldwin’s early role is that Adam is living and breathing (sort of) Dad-style incarnate. The khakis, the glasses, the belt, the plaid, the modeling hobby. Adam is all dad from the inside out without actually being one and for some, I’m assuming, psychologically explainable reason we find him to be completely crush-worthy, ironically hitting us right in our amorous feelings.
Adam is the one dad on this list we can safely fantasize about only because he is not a dad by law nor by biology.
He can haunt my house anytime.
  Lucifer in Rosemary’s Baby
As one of our brilliant Nightmare on Film Street hosts pointed out, I really can’t complete this list without including the biggest, baddest, and most physically hottest dad in all of horror and cinema, the devil himself (Thanks, Kim!).
He’s actually fiery and steamy, being the King of Hell and all, and is, biologically, father to the otherworldly offspring he’s forced upon poor Rosemary in Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby. He may not be a pleasant looker, unless your into horns, hoofs, and a tail, but I’m gonna label him the ‘wild card’ of this list because all groups need one. Looks are subjective, so the criteria for being a ‘hot dad’ of horror is not necessarily reliant on outer appearance alone.
Lucifer is the hottest, literally.
  There you have it, a sizzling handful of dreamy dads to make your Father’s Day either super uncomfortable or a lot more enjoyable. Horror is getting hotter and hotter every day and the cast lists for the roles of daddies, I mean, fathers is setting off smoke alarms in all directions. If we have to face flesh-eating zombies, tormenting demons, blood hungry murderers, invading creatures, and the inevitable end of the world why not sit back, embrace the modern times, and enjoy the view?
Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! You’re all automatic additions to this list for being horror fans to begin with.
  The post Dad-Bods and 6-Packs: The 14 Dreamiest Dads of Horror appeared first on Nightmare on Film Street - Horror Movie Podcast, News and Reviews.
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dailyfeartwdgifs · 7 years
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'Fear the Walking Dead': Outgoing Showrunner Discusses Season 3 Finale, Season 4 Ideas
Sunday marked the end of an era on Fear the Walking Dead, as co-creator Dave Erickson's run on the show wrapped with the conclusion of the two-part season three finale. With his final Fear the Walking Dead story in the books, THR spoke to Erickson for one last look back at the zombie apocalypse, a glimpse into what he would have dreamed up for the future, and his thoughts on the news that the series he's departing will finally crossover with The Walking Dead proper in the near future.
Your run on Fear the Walking Dead is officially over. How does that feel?
It's bittersweet. I feel like we had a good season. I think we did good work. I think we found something of a rhythm. The irony is that I see season four more than I saw season three, and I had a pretty good sense of season three. There are some things we laid into these last few episodes that I would love to see play out. I would love to see Ray McKinnon's Proctor John as our big bad going into season four. There are a lot of things I'm curious about. It's a little bit... it's sad to say goodbye. It will be interesting to see what Scott, Andy and Ian do going into season four, and what's hopefully a much longer run.
And just to be clear, even though you have ideas for season four, you don't expect those ideas are necessarily where the show is going to go next? Have you discussed any of your thoughts with the new showrunners?
God, no. That's the bittersweet part. When you're so invested in a story, you have a pretty clear sense of the characters. There are elements, even going back to the pilot, of the show that I would have seen arcing out until probably even season seven. I think it will probably be completely different. It will be its own thing. I'm sure it will be equally great. But I have not had any conversations with the guys about direction. It's time for them to take it and run with it.
In terms of your ending of Fear the Walking Dead and knowing where you wanted to take them in the grand scheme of things — where did you take them? When you think about the ideas you wanted to express in a theoretical seventh season, do you feel like your final run was able to touch on some of those thoughts?
Yeah. What was crucial to me was to draw a line in the sand between Nick and Madison, specifically. It was also important to tell a story about the rise of Alicia, and have her step out from her mom's shadow and become her own person and achieve a level of independence, which I think Alicia the character did and Alycia the actor played beautifully. The goal was, thematically, that this was going to be an exploration of violence this season. We talked a lot in the room for the first couple of seasons about Cormac McCarthy and Blood Meridian, and I think Ray McKinnon's character is very much our version of the Judge. I don't know if he's coming back. It would be interesting to see what happens to Proctor John in the future.
Fundamentally, it's about getting to a place where Madison returns to herself. She starts the season with an attitude of violence and a willingness to do whatever it takes to protect her family. It's ingrained in her based on her childhood and things she's had to do when she was a kid. There's a passing of the baton, going from the midseason finale into the midseason premiere, where Nick took the gun and put down Jeremiah Otto. That's largely the reason why she doesn't kill Troy in episode nine. She's a bit spun out by her son becoming her, effectively. It concerns her. She tries to offer some degree of charity and benevolence by freeing him. What she comes to realize and the audience was already well aware of, we get to the penultimate episode and realize Troy was the one who compromised the ranch and his actions were indirectly about to place the dam in danger, it's now time for him to go. She realizes that if she had just done what she should have done in episode nine, they would still be on the ranch. This idealized version of what that life would be [that she sees glimpses of throughout the finale] would have been realized. She comes back to herself.
In doing that, Madison really defines Nick. He's been in a strange and surreal relationship with Troy for the past several episodes. He's willing to abide by him. He's willing to guide him. He's willing to prevent him from killing. But he doesn't want to put him down. When Madison kills him, I think Nick takes it personally. He sees it as a failure. He also realizes that Madison's way of life is something he can't endorse. In the finale, he tries to find a third way. He tries to find a way that's going to take the thing that everyone's willing to fight for, the thing that begets the violence — this resource of water — and blow the dam, share the water, so there's no reason to fight and draw blood, and save his family. If he has to sacrifice himself in the process, he's okay with that. That's his idea of an option. It's not pacifistic, but in his mind, it's nonviolent.
The final moments of the finale focus squarely on Madison. We don't fully know what happens to Nick, Alicia, Daniel or Strand — they could all be swept up in the explosion, for all we know. Did you want to leave yourself room to imagine their fates were ambiguous? Is there a version of this story where Nick is dead in your mind, for instance?
Well, you could take it in any direction. There was a version of the story where Troy didn't die. But when I realized I was moving on, the story we were telling about the Clarks and the Ottos, I wanted to finish that story. It's something that could have extended into season four and beyond, but not knowing what that was going to be, I wanted to close that door and end the Otto conversation and that narrative and see how it would impact Madison and Nick specifically. So in my mind, there's a version of the story where everyone bands together, unified, with one common enemy: Proctor John. In that version, the death of Lola would have had a huge impact on Salazar. Having lost Ofelia, Lola became his surrogate. That would have been something to explore. But in any version, Nick survives. There was definitely more story I had for Nick and Madison and Alicia. I would want to keep that core Clark family going for a while long. I'm sure the guys will.
When we spoke after the midseason premiere, you mentioned you were able to cross some items off of your zombie apocalypse bucket list in this final stretch of episodes. What are some examples?
I wanted Madison to return to herself. I wanted to create this very defined chasm between Nick and Madison, because I think the long-term arc of that story would have ended in a confrontation between mother and son. I wanted to blow up the dam. That's something we scouted in season two when we were looking at the desert sequences between Dayton Callie and Mercedes Mason, and that was the first time we drove by the Rodriguez Dam, and that became a goal as a set piece and the key representation of this great resource for the season. I knew I wanted the dam to blow. I was excited and looking forward to that.
But the thing of it was, I very much wanted to bring everyone back together. The original intention was to have Salazar, Strand, Madison, Nick, Alicia and possibly Troy in one version, and have them all as a very motley dysfunctional crew of survivors, and give them a common goal. That was one version. But it's interesting. From an emotional and thematic standpoint, I brought it pretty much where I wanted to, and set up some questions for moving forward. Strictly in terms of plot, and who survives and doesn't survive? It was designed in a way to leave the door open so the new guys can do what they want to do.
If you had continued on with the show, who were the characters in your mind that would still be standing by the very end of the story? Who would have lived through your version of the series finale?
For me, Madison. The thing that's interesting to me, and one of the questions I asked myself and asked Robert Kirkman very on was of the people in our group, who do you see becoming the Governor? Of our group, who could become a Negan? That's interesting to me, to watch an evolution of a character and start with them as a hero, and bleed that into antihero, and bleed that into full-on villain. It would have been interesting. In terms of the final conflict within the family, it would have been key. For me, there's a lot left for Madison specifically.
There would always be tension between Strand and Salazar, especially given that Strand shot Salazar in the face. (Laughs.) Ruben asked me once, "What happens to me? Ofelia's gone, and he just shot me in the face. What now?" And I said, "Look, there's a greater good you guys could serve moving forward. There's a narrative version where you could justify those guys remaining side by side. But that said, there would always be mistrust: 'You shot me and left me to die. When's the other shoe going to drop?'" It'll be interesting to see of those two, which one will survive ultimately. In Daniel, you have someone who knows how to kill and operate in this world and is willing to do whatever it takes. Then you have a Strand, who when he's forced into violence, which is again hanging that on the larger thematic spine, he doesn't do it well. It disturbs him. That's the thing: his line is that "it's the worst thing that ever happened to me," and after he's shot a man in the face, he's thinking about the way it's rocked him and upset him. It's an interesting moment for Strand. He's a master manipulator. He can talk and strategize, but he's not a man of violence, which I find ultimately interesting. Madison in this story is a woman of violence. She can embrace that and re-embrace that. It's something Nick ultimately can't abide. He loves his mother and he's willing to sacrifice for her and Alicia, and there's a certain tragedy in that. He doesn't want to go to that same place anymore.
It was revealed recently that The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead will crossover in some capacity in the near future. I know there were early designs to thread Fear the Walking Dead together with the CDC, so from your perspective, I'm sure this is a long time coming. Are you excited about the crossover, or at all disappointed that you won't be involved in finally making it happen?
I am intrigued to watch as a fan to see how the hell they pull it off. (Laughs.) By design, you have two shows that are hopefully very different tonally. That was the intention, coming out of the gate. It'll be interesting. You have to blend those two tones together in an organic way. And then there are all the reasons we discussed not doing it: the timeline, the geography... so it's interesting to see how those elements are bridged. I'm sure they have a plan locked in, because I think they'll start shooting soon. I wouldn't say I'm disappointed to not be part of it, because I think there's ample story in the Fear world to sustain the show without having to crossover — but it should be interesting...
Clearly, Taqa Walker is showing up in Alexandria, right?
I certainly hope so, because Michael Greyeyes is awesome, and Justin Rain, who plays Crazy Dog aka Lee, is also awesome. That's the exciting thing. There are so many elements. Luciana is still out there. There are a lot of characters you could thread into the world. It's kind of a candy store for those guys. There are 17,000 characters on Walking Dead, and now they have a bunch of other characters from the southwest they can integrate. It'll be cool.
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ruewrote · 3 years
ℎ𝑖𝑚, ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑒.
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PAIRING: carter grant x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language, gore GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: reflections by the neighbourhood WORD COUNT: 808
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today was no different from the others, me with a book in hand, her sat on his lap - laid against his chest as he spoke to our friends. oh yeah i’m kind of in love with my bestfriend.
it's pretty cliche, i’d fallen for him faster than i could catch myself.
it was beyond stupid feeling this way about him especially because i knew i’d never be able to tell him about it, because let’s be honest he only really sees me as a close friend and as he should, but i really wish he wouldn’t.
it had to be about two months since his and isabella’s relationship had started, it was bad enough him having her crush on her and talking about her all the time - now you have to sit and do everything with them.
i had to watch as she presses a kiss to his cheek before making her way to go and grab herself some juice from the cafeteria. carter smiling at the girl as she walked away before re-joining the conversation.
all i could do wish was that he would look at me the way he looked at her.
from time to time i think about how it could’ve been me in that position instead.
my legs slowly swung back and forth waiting for carter to show up, the anticipation made my heart only beat faster, but it soon slowed when i realised he wasn’t going to show up. i was waiting a whole two hours before i gave up and started to make my way back home.
the streetlights flickering on, and a light rain started pouring. great.
on the way home, i was trying to make up some sort of excuse for his tardiness. checking my phone every few minutes to see if he had messaged me, but nothing.
this was nothing a good ole’ milkshake couldn’t fix. my hand which was pressed against the glass to the door of the diner, i saw carter there and he certainly wasn’t alone. he was sharing a milkshake with her.
realising what i had just witnessed, i turned around with a heart full of hurt.
he ditched me for her? i don’t think i’ve seen him happier. who am i to ruin that?
my bottom lip wobbled as i continued my way on home.
putting myself through enough pain, i put my things away and made my way back to class as the bell rang. half listening to augie blabber on about a new badge that he was trying to achieve. 
too deep in thought to notice someone was very close behind me. all i felt was impact of the floor, after, realising carter had dragged me back a little too hard. obviously losing my balance from the sudden contact.
“woah! i didn’t think you’d fall over dude, im sorry.” carter, of course. he helped you up from up off of the floor and you continued your way back to class with a now sore ass.
“it's all good, it's not like it’s the first time you've done it before,” playfully nudging his arm with mine as we walked along to the scouts' room that soon stopped when isabella made an appearance and pushed me to the side.
i walked into the room silently, carter? of course, he didn't - as soon as he entered, he let out a huge burp, “was that really necessary carter?” scout leader rogers asked him and he muttered an apology.
whilst grant was getting lectured by rogers, i finally got time to talk with ben, he knew what was going on and how i felt about his other close friend, “hey dude, how are you feeling?” i slightly leaned onto his shoulder and whispered to him.
he looked down at you and lightly shrugged, “isabella is starting to get on my nerves too.” you moved way and to look back at him and he nods.
i leant back into my own space to get ready to hear about recruiting more scouts, sighing deeply as i pick at my nails, bad habits die hard especially when you have anxiety.
“augie, a unicorn is gonna fly out of your ass before somebody joins,” carter huffed and sat down. as did ben, augie and i next to him. “carter! language.” rogers warned.
“he's right though, nobody's going to show up it's just a waste of time.” ben agrees.
“we got to have some sort of hope guys, i to joined late but i’m here right now,” i excitedly implied but was soon shut down by a rude comment by carter.
“y/n’s right! ye of little faith, where's the scout spirit?” everyone went silent before roger’s made an announcement, “well! we all know it's augie’s special night tonight” we all started clapping and cheering for him unenthusiastically, him appreciating the praise. 
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© ruewrote.
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beckyalbertalli · 8 years
Hitting theaters on March 16, 2018
Meet the Cast:
Nick Robinson as Simon Spier
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“Okay, first of all, Oreos absolutely qualify as a food group.”
How you know him: Olly in Everything, Everything, Ben Parish in The Fifth Wave, Zach in Jurassic World, Joe in The Kings of Summer, and more.
Keiynan Lonsdale as Bram Greenfeld
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“...Awkward Silence Bram.” 
How you know him: he’s Wally West/Kid Flash in The Flash, Uriah in the Divergent movies, Ollie in Dance Academy, and more.
Alexandra Shipp as Abby Suso
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“Abby isn’t wearing a cowboy hat. She’s wearing a full-on stack of cowboy hats.”
How you know her: Storm from X-Men: Apocalypse, Kim from Straight Outta Compton, Aaliyah from Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B, and more.
Jorge Lendeborg Jr. as Nick Eisner
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“Anyway, I have a policy of not falling for Nick.”
How you know him: Spider-Man: Homecoming, Cisco in The Land, and more. 
Katherine Langford as Leah Burke
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“You have to understand that no one has mastered the art of deadpan delivery like Leah.”
How you know her: she’s Hannah in Thirteen Reasons Why!
Logan Miller as Martin Addison
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“I’m definitely putting him in my contacts as ‘Monkey’s Asshole.’”
How you know him: Kent in Before I Fall, Sam Alexander/Nova in Ultimate Spider-man, Carter Grant in Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, and more.
Miles Heizer as Cal Price
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“I have this feeling in my gut that Blue is Cal Price.”
How you know him: Alex in Thirteen Reasons Why, Drew in Parenthood, Tommy in Nerve, and more.
Jennifer Garner as Emily Spier (aka Simon’s mom!)
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“The thing about my mom is she’s a child psychologist. And it shows.”
How you know her: she’s literally Jennifer Garner. 
Josh Duhamel as Jack Spier (aka Simon’s dad)
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“My dad has this hilarious idea that he’s a hipster.”
How you know him: Life as We Know It, Transformers, Win a Date With Tad Hamilton and more!
Talitha Bateman as Nora Spier 
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“Nora, you are no longer my sister.”
How you know her: She played Teacup in The Fifth Wave!
Tony Hale as Mr. Worth (Creekwood High School assistant principal) 
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How you know him: Buster Bluth in Arrested Development, Gary Walsh in Veep, and lots more.
Natasha Rothwell as Ms. Albright
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“Ms. Albright is moderately badass for a teacher.”
How you know her: Kelli from Insecure, writer for Insecure & Saturday Night Live, and lots more. 
Mackenzie Lintz as Taylor Metternich
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“I guess I’m lucky I have a really fast metabolism.”
How you know her: The Hunger Games, Under the Dome, and more. 
Drew Starkey as Garrett Laughlin
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“Semi-douche Garrett”
How you know him.
Clark Moore as Ethan (an openly gay Creekwood student)
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How you know him: The Sing-Off, Glee, and more. 
Colton Haynes as Kevin (cute college boy - in the book, he’s named Peter)
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“He has extremely white teeth.” 
How you know him: Teen Wolf, Arrow, and lots more. 
Cassady McClincy as Jackie (Simon’s ex-girlfriend)
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“And then I never spoke to my girlfriend again.”
How you know her: Good Behavior, Constantine, and more. 
Terayle Hill as Spencer (in-tha-butt bully)
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How you know him: The Quad, Being Mary Jane, and more.
Tyler Chase as Aaron (other in-tha-butt bully)
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How you know him: Ben on The Walking Dead, Sleepy Hollow, Six, and more.
Bryson Pitts as 10-year-old Simon Spier
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How you know him: check out this badass resume! 
Haroon Khan as Suraj (Martin’s best friend)
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How you know him: you might not. But you will. OH, YOU WILL.
Margot Wood, Jordan Doww, Riyadh Khalaf, Doug Armstrong, Monica Church, Meghan Hughes, and Sean O’Donnell as the coolest Creekwood students ever (see if you can spot them in the courtyard and the cafeteria)!
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How you know them: YouTube, Instagram, and more! 
Jordan Doww: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6911355/, https://www.youtube.com/user/JordanDoww
Riyadh Khalaf: https://www.youtube.com/user/CaptRiyadh
Doug Armstrong: https://www.youtube.com/user/Epiphanized
Monica Church: https://www.youtube.com/user/othermonica
Meghan Hughes: https://www.youtube.com/user/MissMeghanMakeup
Sean O’Donnell: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5761975/
and our very own Margot Wood from http://www.epicreads.com! 
Behind the Scenes:
Director: Greg Berlanti
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How you know him: executive producer for ALL THE SHOWS, including Riverdale, Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Everwood, and lots more.
Screenwriters: Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger 
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How you know them: co-executive producers and writers for This Is Us, supervising producers and writers for Grandfathered, producers and writers for About A Boy (TV Series), and more and more. 
Executive Producer: Timothy Bourne
Producers: Marty Bowen, Wyck Godfrey, Isaac Klausner , Pouya Shahbazian
Associate Producer: Chris McEwen  
Cinematography by: John Guleserian
 For additional info:
SIMON’s official IMDB page!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: When and where will filming take place? 
A: Filming took place in Atlanta - it wrapped on April 22nd! 
Q: Will Nick Robinson be wearing glasses in this movie? 
A: Nick won’t be wearing glasses for most of the film (it would complicate the lighting in some scenes). However, I promise you, he is pure Simon Spier - and he’ll be wearing glasses in all the flashback scenes!
Q: On the IMDB page, I see names I don’t recognize, like Ethan, Spencer, Aaron, and Claire. Are some of the main characters’ names going to be changed?
A: Nope! Ethan is a new character created by my screenwriters and film team. He’s AMAZING, and I can’t wait for you to meet him. Stay tuned for a few other awesome new characters, like Lyle and Mr. Worth. (I can’t imagine the Simon universe without them now!) Spencer, Aaron, and Claire are Creekwood students. 
Q: Is it true that Alice won’t be in the film?
A: I’m afraid Alice doesn’t appear in the film - Nora is pulling double duty! But you’ll see her again in my 2018 Leah POV sequel.
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multifandomsimagine · 4 years
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Imagine getting mad when Ben and Carter want to go to the secret senior party and ditch Auggie 
——— Masterlist / Ko-Fi ——— 
"I can’t believe you guys are even thinking about this,” [Name] said as she sat in the backseat of Ben’s car. Having been at her own after school activities, she got a ride home from him since they were neighbors. But that meant hearing about their latest scout meeting went. Leaning forward a bit, she scoffed at the two boys, letting her disapproval be known “Auggie is your friend and you’re thinking about ditching him for a party.”
“You aren’t in the scouts. You wouldn’t understand [Name],” Carter turned in his seat to look at her. “This,” he tugged at the uniform, “is like the male version of a chastity belt. Girls aren’t going to be interested in us if we’re still in such dorky outfits.”
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amara-scott · 6 years
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THE 100
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starsbtts · 6 years
Can you write more imagines about scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse?
Sure I love that film and the characters send me some ideas to write, or like social media au’s
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maczazind · 8 years
Film Diary 2017: January
Now that my 2016 film diary is FINALLY published, I wanted to try something different with my 2017 version. With this blog now up, I wanted to post this year’s entries in monthly installments as opposed to one massive list. Since it won’t be a single post I wanted to do something I wish I had done more with my 2016 list, which is detail my thoughts a bit more on the entries involved. Some admittedly may warrant their own separate post because I feel so passionately about said film, but at least a monthly breakdown now will allow for a more detailed film diary going forward.
If you’d like to see them as the year progresses, however, each installment will be given the tag “Film Diary 2017” so feel free to follow along!
That being said, here is the list of films I saw in the month of January 2017 - including how each feature was primarily seen and an asterisk which denotes that viewing was the first time I’ve seen that movie in its entirety, despite possibly having seen pieces of the film previously or having a general knowledge of it. All reactions are strictly MY OPINION:
January 4th: 1) Into The Woods* - DVD (Rental - Library); As a fan of movie musicals, I have to admit this one kind of disappointed me. I really like the other fellow Sondheim adaptation of Sweeney Todd, but this one fell flat in my eyes because it doesn’t quite take advantage of its capabilities. Though it does revamp the stage version with some solid visuals and an impressive cast, it’s in the third act where there are multiple scenes that don’t quite take the liberty of being transformed, ultimately feeling like they’re more or less the carbon copy from the original and don’t expand given that they have the capability to. Not to mention, the cast at times feels so large and we spend time jumping around between all of them, it doesn’t really allow us the time to grow overwhelmingly connected to some of the characters.
2) I Am Big Bird: The Carol Spinney Story* - Streaming (Amazon Prime); Not the best documentary I’ve seen, but still an interesting and emotional one. Worth a look.
3) Edward Scissorhands* - DVD (Rental - Library); Yes, yes – it’s my first time seeing this and to be quite honest it’s not my favorite Burton movie. Knocking it off my film lover’s bucket list, it was good! Funnier than I thought it would be; an intriguing story with plenty of fun elements. But at the same time, it certainly doesn’t knock Beetlejuice off its top spot in my eyes.
January 9th: 4) Scouts Guide To the Zombie Apocalypse - Streaming (Amazon Prime); While the opening scene set up a Zombieland-like tone and actually had me excited for a bit, this flick crosses a point midway through where it never quite exceeds its B-movie status. Mindless fun, entertaining but nothing over the top to gush over. It may surprise some out there; still, just an ok watch.
January 12th: 5) Alice Through The Looking Glass* - Streaming (Netflix); Having enjoyed the odd tone I’ve come to expect from Alice in Wonderland, the live action remake from 2010 lands in a solid spot for me. This sequel, however? Well it depends on your suspension of disbelief as the movie goes on. Alice as a ship captain? Actually cool. Time travel? …sure, why not. It elevates the supporting character of the Hatter and admittedly adds some backstory to it all. The play on whether or not Alice truly has been imagining this or not in the real world is an intriguing piece for the few minutes it’s presented, but that’s never quite driven home as we’re whisked away more in the Wonderland journey and everything is wrapped up in an all too neat bow. At the very least, its heart is in the right place and the moral undertones drive home. At the same time, it’s an additional voyage that perhaps didn’t need to set sail.
January 13th: 6) Dr. Strangelove* - Blu-Ray; In this….let’s say INTERESTING…political climate, there certainly have been a number of media entries listed by people to reflect the present day events. If anything, this classic satire has something for everyone to love. Peter Sellers is fantastic in multiple roles, the scenes range from tense to intriguing, and if you’ve never become acquainted with the work of George C. Scott then this is the perfect introductory. While not my favorite classic feature from decades passed, it’s one that has stood the test of time for good reasons.
January 14th: 7) Big Trouble in Little China* - Streaming (Netflix); I think i finally understand the obsession with Jack Burton. Besides being a total badass, Jack was easily the most relatable in all of BTILC as he is more the audience perspective than anything else. Like us, Jack is swept away in something way larger than he may understand and at times it can be confusing as the story grows to ridiculous size. While a cult classic, I’ll admit BTILC didn’t really grab me. Perhaps it’s one of those films you need to check out in your age of development to have a love for, but really I’ll pass. I adored Jack, but the rest was a crazy visually-strong jumble that I’m glad I at least crossed off my list.
January 15th: 8) Patriots Day* - Theater; Maybe it’s because I’m from New England, but man was this an emotional rollercoaster. While you’ll know the story pretty well given how closely followed this tragic story was when it happened years ago, Patriots Day does a great job of taking that and adding the real world heart, perspectives and details beyond whatever CNN could give you. With visually memorable scenes and strong performances filled throughout, definitely give Patriots Day a watch when you can.
9) Short Term 12* - Streaming (Netflix); I put off seeing this indie for years and after the credits started rolling I was kicking myself for not doing so sooner. It’s rare when I have the urge to see a movie again after having just seen it, but my god Short Term 12 was one of those exceptions. An emotional character driven story revolving around themes of depression, abuse, trying to embrace love in spite of it all, mixed with surprises, genuinely funny moments, heartstring pulling sequences and all pulled together with an outstanding performance by Brie Larson, I absolutely loved it all.
10) Pocahontas - Blu-Ray; It had been awhile since I’ve seen this Disney animated film that has always felt middle tier for me. And rewatching it as an adult, yeah I can see why. There are some plot devices that don’t make sense while the romance is really what needs to be embraced regardless of the shortcomings. Visually stunning, but further cemented as not in my top five favorite Disney films.
January 16th: 11) Hardcore Henry* - DVD (Rental - Library); I went in expecting a fun mindless action movie that played like a videogame and that’s exactly what I received. Sure the plot is a little convoluted. Sure the ending is rather abrupt. But man if Sharlto Copley doesn’t steal the entire show. As questions build up about his character, it all pays off in a fantastic scene that just further drives home the comedic elements of the movie. If you can deal with the videogame campaign first-person POV of it all, give it a chance.
January 18th: 12) Little Sister* - Streaming (Netflix); My least favorite entry this month. An indie flick on Netflix that’s a gothic….let’s go with dark comedy? Though I’d say more family drama. The concept sounded interesting, but I kinda walked away from this one bummed out.
January 20th: 13) The Hustler* - Streaming (Netflix); Turning it back to the black and white classics, The Hustler skyrocketed up my list and landed firmly in a top spot of one of my favorite old movies. Paul Newman is charming as ever while the action is so incredibly tense in the best way. While the movie is a bit long and may drag in the middle, George C. Scott once again emerges with an interesting supporting role and has compelled me within two movies to further explore his filmography.
January 21st: 14) The Color of Money* - Streaming (HBO GO); Well if you watch the aforementioned original, you HAVE to see the sequel the next day, right? What I thought was going to be a shift where Newman plays the supporting character turned into a different sort of film where he’s actually the main character yet again. Not nearly as good as its predecessor, it’s a worthwhile expansion of the themes from the first film.
January 25th: 15) Ghost in the Shell* - Blu-Ray; An inspirational anime feature to many creators, this isn’t exactly my first exposure to the franchise (I caught some of the Arise chapter when it was broken up across Netflix, and Stand Alone Complex was around when I was younger). While it wasn’t my favorite film of the genre, it was certainly intriguing to watch. I wanted to experience the original in all its influential glory before the U.S. remake with Scarlett Johansson came along and I’m glad I did.
January 27th: 16) Star Trek Beyond* - Blu-Ray; The second film in the rebooted Star Trek franchise, Into Darkness, left me quite disappointed upon its release because besides the super obvious Khan concealment prior to release, the story to me just felt like a bunch of event sequences loosely strung together. Here, the heart and character is thrust back into the plot while additionally feeling a bit like a traditional Star Trek episode as a majority of the action takes place on a single planet. Even though the opening box office didn’t sound too confident, I’m glad there are plans in motion for another Star Trek film because I felt this was a great course correction that stands strong next to the 2009 reboot.
17) Trainspotting* - Streaming (Netflix); Another film I put off for awhile, its impending removal from Netflix quickly moved this one up the list. And yes, i finally understand the praise. There’s something so simple and yet so interesting about it all. A character driven look at addiction, told in a visually impressive package of comedy, tragedy, heartbreak and growing up.
January 28th: 18) There Will Be Blood* - Streaming (Netflix); Yet another viewing influenced by an impending Netflix departure, I was swept away the second Daniel Day Lewis began to deliver his lines as Daniel Plainview. As the man of science vs. man of faith story moves along the tracks, there are so many layers in this film to attach yourself to and love at least some aspect of. The greed, the wealth, the confrontation, the father and son tale, the flexing of ego and so much more. I finally understand not only why people have praised this film for a decade but why it’s remained in conversation for all that time as well.
January 29th: 19) Don’t Breathe* - Streaming (Flixster); One of the many acclaimed horror films from 2016, thankfully I finally had the chance to see this one after picking it up via a short-lived Blu-Ray sale on Amazon. Not nearly as gory as Fede Alvarez’s previous directorial effort in the Evil Dead remake, Alvarez does a great job of establishing a closed space (which I’ve always been a fan of in others such as Die Hard or 10 Cloverfield Lane) and unleashing a number of anxious possibilities that continue to surprise. Relying on an incredibly small cast, the performances count just as much despite not even our protagonists being morally virtuous along with a few secrets up its sleeves.
January 30th: 20) Blair Witch (2016)* - Blu-Ray; Extended thoughts here, but long story short – I don’t believe this one deserved as much hate as it received.
21) No Country for Old Men* - Streaming (Netflix); My final film of the month actually came as a welcome surprise for me. When it comes to Coen Brothers films, I am that rare outcast who kind of feels disappointed because I don’t feel most live up to the hype (well, except for Fargo at least). Thankfully, NCFOM lands on the positive side of my personal preference as it’s a visually incredible movie alongside a story that expands into an edge of your seat showdown the more it goes on. Admittedly, I had to rewatch the third act to really fathom the message driven home as things shift in order to relay a central message and subvert expectations. But at the same time, it’s a bold approach that never takes away from the other two acts while allowing you to sit & think afterwards about what transpired and what is stated.
Furthermore, Best Picture winner No Country for Old Men has prematurely kicked off a successful string of films in February’s 2017 listing that have all been nominated and/or won Academy Awards. But more on that later…
What movies did you see in January 2017? Are there any movies you’d highly recommend that I should add to my watchlist? Feel free to drop me an ask or a reply!
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