#seaselkie edits
seaselkie · 8 months
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Cowboy Like Me
This was first seen Here as a gift in the @mazerunnersecretsanta event 2023. I don't often post, but I'm sharing this via my own blog now Santa reveals have gone live.
If you like it, reblogs are appreciated so others can see it easier, and do check out the fandom event if you like Maze Runner. It's been running for 6 years now and always a lot of fun.
This was done for @moonysloverboy and frankly when I saw one of the wishes was a cowboy au...well. There was no going back. I've had a written ranch au in the back of my mind for a couple of years now, but I was very conscious that I wanted this to be its own thing. It was built around pictures that inspired the kind of feel and aesthetic that I love - the warm golden tones of long days in a worn saddle over vast acres - and various filters and tweaks helped get it a bit more cohesive (contrary to what you might think based on my last few posts, I don't often do edits lol so its a learning curve). I also had some fun thinking up some scattered bits of dialogue that might flesh out the idea.
It was purposely nothing solid in terms of a plot, or even in who was saying which line (I think theres solid potential in either Newt or Thomas being the bull rider mentioned here haha), so there's hopefully the space to see different possible stories.
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mazerunnersecretsanta · 8 months
TMRSS23 Reveals!
🎅🥳 TMRSS23 Reveals are HEREEEEEEEEEE!!!! 🎅🥳 
Good to go? Have you seen the TMRSS23 Wrapped? Do you have your guess lists ready? Chaos gifs to hand?
All will now be revealed…!!
Here are the TMRSS 2023 santas!!
Thank you so much to all our wonderful santas, for all the creative and diverse gifts this year. What a gift to our fandom, truly!  
We hope that you all had fun participating in TMRSS this year. Thank you so much to those of you who have celebrated each other and our community. We have really appreciated seeing your likes, reblogs, yelling, livereads and overall excitement and appreciation for santas' hard work. 
Please do continue to reblog and share the creations! Reblog, rec, tag, comment - show our santas some love!
if you want to post your creations on your own blogs, or anywhere else, go for it!  We’d be really, really grateful if you could tag/mention “tmrss23″ when you do 🥺🙏  Also, go ahead and publicly thank your betas, cheerleaders, or pets if you want to - there’s no longer any need for secrecy! 🙅‍♀️🕵️‍♀️ (We can let you know who your betas were, if yours was arranged through our tmrss system.)
We’d like to personally thank the following people:
@whiterubys for designing our fabulous banner and icon - check out Anne’s blog for more gorgeous gifs and edits! 
Our wonderful pinch hitters: @seaselkie, @persnickett and @purplepingupenguins and kind beta readers: @jo-the-unknowable @itsthemxze​ @astralpenguin and @persnickett 
You’re all absolute tmrss angels and we appreciate your help so SO much!! We could not run tmrss without being able to rely on our wonderful pinch hitters and betas, who are such essential supports to us during the event. Pinch hitters: thank you for being the reason that no one is left without a gift, which is so very important. Thank you, tmrss stars!!!!!!! 😍👏
Thanks again everyone for participating this year!! Hope you had fun!
Hope to see you all next Christmas, for tmrss24…! 😉🥳
Dreams and Bridge 🎅🎁
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singt0me · 6 years
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Glass Pearls and Sea Shells (13k) minaris 
"Aris’ lips twitch as if they’re forming words of a mind still tied up in dreams. Something strange happens in Minho’s chest in that moment, and he thinks, This might be an issue."
In the interlude; Safe Haven grows on around them, thriving. Minho ponders the meaning of everything as new developments form in the shape of a sandy haired boy, sea glass, and cowboy figurines.
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seaselkie · 8 months
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The Vows We Make
Newt and Thomas are both raised princes of kingdoms with long running bad blood; the mountain region and the coastal realm. An arranged marriage is meant to put an end to the animosity, only the treaty is a lie - both parties secretly wanting access to the other's kingdom. It might have brought both of them crashing down, but neither Thomas or Newt expected to actually fall in love, and now they have a choice to make. The war they've been raised to fight, or each other and perhaps a better world.
This was first seen Here as a gift in the @mazerunnersecretsanta event 2023. I don't often post, but I'm sharing this via my own blog now Santa reveals have gone live.
If you like it, reblogs are appreciated so others can see it easier, and do check out the fandom event if you like Maze Runner. It's been running for 6 years now and always a lot of fun.
This was done for @fandoms-princess who asked for a royalty au and I wanted to do an edit for this but also wanted to flesh out a storyline for it so it had some direction. The idea of warring kingdoms sort of came together after the quote wouldn't leave me alone and I really enjoyed building off of that. (This is another one that has the bare bones of a fic percolating away as a 'hopefully one day' thing).
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seaselkie · 8 months
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Murder on the Board
This was first seen Here as a gift in the @mazerunnersecretsanta event 2023. I don’t often post, but I'm sharing this via my own blog now Santa reveals have gone live.
If you like it, reblogs are appreciated so others can see it easier, and do check out the fandom event if you like Maze Runner. It's been running for 6 years now and always a lot of fun.
I got some really fun wishes from @ohbluesky and doing a bit of a murder mystery concept was so different and enjoyable to work on. Layers upon layers went into this, not to mention the use of several apps and internet searches to bring it all together and it was all a blast. (Plus I still have a partially formed fic idea I may someday get to).
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seaselkie · 8 months
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We Were Always Looking at the Same Stars
This was first seen Here as a gift in the @mazerunnersecretsanta event 2023. I don't often post, but I'm sharing this via my own blog now Santa reveals have gone live.
If you like it, reblogs are appreciated so others can see it easier, and do check out the fandom event if you like Maze Runner. It's been running for 6 years now and always a lot of fun.
This was done for @dont-bee-shy who had some fun wishes and the inspiration caught me to do a Sonyarriet au edit that used a couple of them. I love these kind of collage edits - layering it all was a lot of fun with the little doodles and constellations over everything.
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TMR Secret Santa 2018 - The Big Santas Reveal! 🎅
And here we have it, folks! Reveal Day is finally upon us!
The TMRSS 2018 Santas!!
Thank you so much to all of our santas, who worked hard to create beautiful gifts and fill the fandom with a festive flood of new content!
We hope that everyone enjoyed both creating and receiving gifts, and thanks to those of you who have shared your excitement and thoughts with us, it was wonderful to see all the screaming and happiness :))
@santas, Feel free to share your creations online as and when you feel like it. It would be lovely if you could reference tmrss18 when you do :)) Also, go ahead and thank your betas or cheerleaders or cats if you want to - there’s no need for secrecy or mystery anymore!
We’d like to say an extra huge thank you to the following people:
@your-local-geek for designing our fabulous banner and icons - check out Anne’s blog for more gorgeous gifs and edits! 
@comebacknow, @seaselkie, @purplepingupenguins, @jo-the-unknowable, @your-local-geek, @newthomally and @the-obrien, our wonderful pinch hitters! Thank you all so much for stepping in to help, ensuring that nobody was left without a gift! You’re all stars! 
Thanks again everyone for participating! Hope you had fun!
Maybe we’ll see you all next Christmas, for tmrss19...! 😉
Dreams 🎅🎁 
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