#season's yeeting pt. 2
pt XVI good omens season 2 (still not traumatic) episode 3 EDINBURGH
HELLO IT'S ME IT'S THE OFFICIAL GOOD OMENS MASCOT WHY DO I STILL KEEP INTRODUCING MYSELF IDK. If you don't know who I am, thank God and Satan for their mercy and flee. Also, the day after I post this, I'll be watching the last three episodes on livestream for the first time so. You know. I'm hyped on the energy of this being my last day not enveloped in tears. Take the summary:
Before the episode starts, someone asks why Crowley said in the last episode that Aziraphale couldn't fall because look at him, all angelic when Crowley looked the same as starmaker. I reply that "Crowley thinks he deserved it, he sees Azi as something beautiful and untouched while he probably sees himself as idk marked in some way so god kicked him down."
I am told that I am learning too fast to weaponise the narrative to induce angst. So then I say oh, I go too fast for you. Tears ensue.
The episode begins! Everyone shrieks about Edinburgh, David Tennant, how it is their favourite episode, and SCOTTISH CROWLEY.
We open with lesbians being gay, and then Muriel enters as Inspector Constable! They are very sweet and very determined to do their job right, and they are adopted by Crowley and Aziraphale just like Jim.
Crowley sits on Aziraphale's chair's arm. The maggots all swoon.
Fine, I also swooned.
Aziraphale gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss-mansplain-manipulate-manwhores his way into getting Crowley to give him the Bentley keys (BOUNDARIES. BOUNDARIES.).
The really ineffable plan is whatever the fuck was happening in Aziraphale's brain when he somehow went from London to Edinburgh via Loch Ness (check the map) and then proceeded to disguise himself as a detective who pretends to be a journalist.
Crowley slays in sleeve garters and a cardigan keeping house in the bookshop meanwhile, does not sell books, instead cleans with Jimbriel and periodically yeets book stacks into corners when distracted.
Aziraphale reads his old diary entries about Crowley, a (6000+) 13 year old with a crush.
MINISODE MINISODE. They are in Edinburgh during the mid 1800s. Victorian outfits, check. Scottish Crowley, check. Capitalist Karen Aziraphale, che-wait what.
Huh. Well. There's a wee bit of body snatchin' going on, to sell to doctors for medical research because there aren't enough murderers, and to make enough money to survive.
Aziraphale channels his inner capitalist judgemental Karen and ruins that plan, come on Aziraphale you have religious trauma but you're better than this, and long story short, Wee Morag dies after Aziraphale realises his error, her friend Elspeth has to sell her corpse for pennies, and is about to commit suicide with laudanum. Azi, oh god. I'm glad you underwent character development at least.
He calmly educates Aziraphale about how his whole "the poor have more opportunities and you shouldn't give them money or they'll lose the virtue of poverty" is absolute bullshit, and he does this understanding Aziraphale's situation and not losing his temper.
The framing. The framing of the shot when they see Wee Morag and Elspeth sitting down on a step and explaining their situation. Aziraphale stands above, bustling with righteousness, and judges them. Crowley sits down. He sits down next to them, rather than taking the high ground. He meets them where they are and empathises. It is the fact that he is fallen and damned that makes him behave really divine and sorry I wrote a whole hymn on him have it I'll stop rambling just know I love him.
I think his amusement is a facade so hell won't think he's genuinely being good. I think he's morally grey and incredibly brave and kind.
When Elspeth is bouta kill herself with the laudanum, Crowley grabs it and drinks it himself, and grows tiny and then huge, absolutely high off his head. David Tennant takes the opportunity to travel Scotland from east to west in terms of accent variety.
He gives us the good message of NO DYIN'. NO MORE DYIN'. IT'S NOT ON. And then forces Aziraphale (who doesn't want to ruin her virtuous poverty) to give the girl all the guineas he has in his pocket, and tells her to go off and start a farm or something. BUT NOT JUST PRETENDY GOOD, BE PROPERLY GOOD.
He then gets pulled into hell. To be punished for this. Aziraphale is frightened and heartbroken for him, looking around desperately, and we find out that Crowley didn't meet him for a while after. And later he wanted holy water. To protect himself? He got punished by hell. For how long? The whole month in between the incident and the diary entry? There can't be anyone better at punishment and cruelty than hell.
Sorry I'm just screaming here.
Never mind fuck I started this summary really happy and bouncy and listening to a dance playlist. Dionysus by BTS and Italian pop is still playing and now I'm crying.
Is this the natural progression. Fuck I'm crying. Sorry guys something else happens with Aziraphale politely talking to a phone and Crowley smiling really beautifully while unsuccessfully trying to manipulate two lesbians into a relationship and something about a visit I don't care everyone's being morally dubious as usual and then lovely Scottish music outro I CAN'T FUCKING ELABORATE I'M SITTING HERE CRYING OVER CROWLEY.
right summary done, time to go sob, lmao i thought i wouldn't cry today over good omens HAHAHAHA still not traumatic eh HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Season’s Yeetings Pt. 2 || Blanche, Connor, Cordelia, Nadia, Regan, and Kaden
TIMING: Present  PARTIES: @harlowhaunted @connorspiracy @humanmoodring @kadavernagh @chasseurdeloup  SUMMARY: Another exorcism. The stakes are higher, and Nadia’s life hangs in the balance. feat Mav the Exorcist CONTENT: Self harm, suicide attempt (possession-driven)
Nadia had stabbed herself. She’d stabbed herself, and all she could really do was look down at her hands wrapped around the knife’s handle. She blinked, shock setting in faster than pain. She didn’t even feel it, really. Really. She looked up, trying to see Regan or Blanche or Connor or even Mav, but the only person she could focus on was the woman in the circle with her. Had she always been this blurry. No wonder she thought the red headed figure looked like Brooke an embarrassing number of times. This was Cordelia Gregory, and she was cruel, and she’d made Nadia stab herself. She’d stabbed herself. It was startling to her, just a little. She’d never expected Cordelia to make her stab herself. She’d never taken the threats Cordelia had made to others about killing Nadia seriously. She wasn’t worried about herself. She was worried about her friends, people that Cordelia had proven time and time again that she had no problem in hurting. She actually seemed to take a great deal of pleasure from it.
“Move your foot against the chalk line and let me out of the fucking circle,” Cordelia whispered in Nadia’s ear, attempting to put her hand on Nadia’s face (her face it was still hers, goddammit). “Let me out of the fucking circle, and you might live. Right? You might live. We’ll both live! We’ll-- I’ll leave you alone, just let me out!” The last word was a shriek, causing the power to go out in the apartment complex. All this stupid girl had to do was let her out.
“No.” Nadia wasn’t a fool. Not anymore. She wasn’t letting this woman, this bitch that had tormented her for years out just so that she could go after someone else. Nadia Diaz was going to be Cordelia Gregory’s last victim, for better or for worse. Cordelia’s rage, something that she was intimately familiar with, was incredible to see as the face in front of her contorted with it. Nadia grinned back at the poltergeist, a savage sort that wasn’t an expression she normally made but, fuck, it felt good. For just a second, she allowed herself to hate Cordelia, to be glad that she was taking her down. This had been years in the making. She watched Cordelia reach down and grab Nadia’s hands, and she felt herself drag the knife up and out, her hands throwing the knife out of the circle. Nadia couldn’t help the sound that came out of her mouth. Fuck. That-- That wasn’t supposed to happen, right? Things weren’t supposed to be removed like that. Nadia fell to her knees, her hands moving to try and replace the knife with pressure. “Hurr--” She swallowed the word. Hurry. They needed to hurry.
Regan knew enough medical terminology and jargon to immediately recognize the Latin chanting. The book she had borrowed from Blanche mentioned this would likely happen -- apparently, situations like this called for Latin or other ancient languages, though she didn’t completely understand what the purpose of it was. It didn’t matter at this point. Dissecting everything that happened and was happening and would happen wasn’t going to do Nadia any favors, and this was about Nadia, not her own need for logic and sense. She pulled away as Blanche inched in closer to her, not willing to stand within whispering distance. “Yes?” She said impatiently, not taking her eyes off of Nadia, “Good. He had better know what he’s doing. Kaden said he found the best. Failure is not an option.” If Blanche was trying to communicate something else to her, she wasn’t receptive to hearing it.
Regan pushed herself closer to the central circle as Nadia’s trembling grew more fierce, worse than the most frightened patients she had ever encountered in the ER. But it wasn’t just fear. Something was happening to her. Inside of her. Pinpricks of sweat glistened on her skin and the sputtering of nerves shook her body even harder like she was being wrenched in half. Nadia’s face twisted and tore in several directions, her hand slowly drifting behind her, and-- a scream. Nadia’s. The lights flickered, off more than on, but Regan kept her eyes pinned to her friend. Was there a way to help? Any way? She knew she was instructed to just wait, to be there as moral support and in the event of an emergency, but how was she supposed to know the point of intervention? The blood drained from Nadia’s face, her lips skinned back in pain, and as the lights flicked on once more, she caught the glint of a knife near Nadia’s throat.
“Stop!” Regan screamed back, barreling toward the circle, stopping short just at its precipice. The lights shattered, flickering no more. She knew Blanche was probably behind her, trying to stop her, but her singular focus was on Nadia and getting that knife out of her hands. “Put it down! Now! You’re going to--” But it was too late. Nadia’s hand moved in one fluid motion, knife traveling from her neck, into her gut. Her eyes took in every movement of the knife, the way it sliced and the twist of Nadia’s wrist, how deep it went, the way the hilt pressed right up against her shirt. Everything was blurred and chaotic, moving simultaneously too fast and too slow. For a second, life stilled as Regan’s insides crushed with grief that she couldn’t reach Nadia in time. Her friend looked up to her, no longer shaking, an eerie calmness on her face, her eyes swollen and sad. Blood soaked into her shirt, spreading through fabric like a drop of ink in water, more pulsing out with each beat of her heart. Regan could see Nadia’s breathing, slow and harsh, growing weaker by the second. Too slow. Too harsh. Too weak.
And next to Nadia was the redhead. The same one Regan had met in this very apartment months ago, and the same one that had treated Nadia’s body like some horrible puppet and plaything ever since. This was the person who nearly murdered Kaden and herself, and who had committed countless crimes to countless others. And now, she wanted to murder Nadia. There was so much Regan wanted to say to Cordelia and say to Nadia right now, but she could only move and act. Regan bolted to break the circle, not wasting a second as Nadia collapsed. There was no time to talk. She was a doctor. That was part of why she was here. It was time to be a doctor. Her lungs tightened, something dark lurking inside of them -- a scream for Nadia that she was on the very edge of sounding. She needed to help her, to staunch the blood before all of it spilled across the floor, her life with it.
Blanche wished she hadn’t spoken at all. She realized the error she had made instantly. Cordelia wasn’t above taking Nadia down with her. If she couldn’t have her body, no one could. Blanche’s gaze was glued to the knife as she watched it plunge into Nadia’s gut. Her own stomach seized, remembering the long knife that had gone into her own skin. Instinctively, she took a step forward, as if to go help, when she remembered one of the most important things she read about exorcisms. The circle can’t be broken. Blanche froze on the spot, her eyes snapping to Regan. “Regan, don’t!” Blanche cried. Cordelia would be free to leave and free to torment Nadia or some other unsuspecting victim another day. She acted quickly. With a fluid motion she dropped the shotgun and was stepping forward. A familiar pain seared across Blanche’s forehead, her mind protesting the use of her power. She didn’t care, though. Her energy reached Regan, ranking her back harshly away from the exorcism. Blanche backed up, looking over her shoulder towards the door.
“K-Kaden!” Blanche screamed, “We need you!! Now! Please!” Her voice cracked slightly with the panic, her head splitting from the sudden force of energy and from Regan’s screeching. No sooner did the hunter appear in the doorway, did Blanche throw Regan at him. She tried to be lighter this time, but she didn’t think she did a very good job - it was powered with adrenaline and she had never had to throw a friend on purpose before. She could apologize later, though. “Keep her there so she doesn’t break the circle!” Blanche ordered shakily. She rushed forward to the edge of the circle now, on the other side of Mav, her gaze trained on Cordelia. “I’m sure this doesn’t need to be said,” Blanche said to Connor, though her eyes never left Cordelia’s form. A seething hatred erupted in her, and wasn’t able to bury it away this time. Thoughts of empathy were replaced with raw fury, and in this moment, Blanche was going to enjoy her existence being eradicated. Later, maybe not. But now? She was pissed. “We need to get a move on before Nadia bleeds out. Let’s go.”
Waiting outside the door was awful. Kaden tried to play out what he thought was happening behind him as he waited. It would be fine. Mav knew what he was doing. Nadia would be fine. Then there was screeching and the sound of glass shattering. Banshee screeches, no mistaking them. It was probably just Regan seeing something supernatural. It would be fine. This was going to be fine. But it didn’t stop. And he heard Blanche screaming, too; screaming his name. Fuck.
Kaden turned and burst through the door. Before Blanche could explain, he saw exactly what was happening. Regan was heading towards Nadia. She was going to break the circle. No. This wasn’t-- He darted towards her, glass crunching beneath his feet as he rounded the circle. He practically threw himself at Regan, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back. With her held tight, he saw it. He finally saw it. The reason why Regan was willing to risk the entire exorcism. He saw the knife in Nadia’s side. The pool of blood on the floor around her. “No.” This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t what was supposed to-- “No!” he shouted, not sure who it was even directed to anymore. His grip nearly loosened and he considered running towards her himself. “We can’t. We can’t. Regan, we have to wait. She won’t--” She wouldn’t die. She couldn’t. Regan hadn’t screamed. If there was anyone Regan would fucking scream for, it was Nadia.
But it struck him that there was still time, she could still unleash a death scream right here, right now in this room. And even if she knew how to hold it back by now, Kaden was sure she wouldn’t be able to. Not for Nadia. And he would be here with his arms around her while she screamed. Just long enough for his lungs to explode and his heart to burst. Any sane person would let go. He gripped her tighter, kept her away from the circle. Nadia wasn’t dying. Not today. He was sure of it. He had to be sure of it. He had to hold onto that hope, even if it was stupid and foolish. One thing in this fucking town had to go right for once. “Nadia. Hold on. You have to-- Regan, tell her what to do from here.” He didn’t need to tell Mav to hurry it the fuck up. He was sure the exorcist could figure out that this was a dire situation. And the last thing they needed to do was break his concentration.
It wasn't the glass that made Mav flinch, you didn't work as long as he had in the exorcism business without getting used to picking a few stray pieces of broken lightbulbs from your mustache every now and again. No, it was that scream. It was a hell of a sound. He wondered if having this here banshee with them was a good idea. Lucky for them, his removal ritual wasn't necessary no more so the interruption wasn't a complete disaster. Thankfully, he didn't need to tell anyone not to let the banshee cross the circle, the tiny medium made sure of that. He was real glad she was tougher than she looked and more than worth her salt. The last thing they needed was to risk this poltergeist getting out of the dang circle. He was already going to struggle to destroy her spirit for good, they didn’t need any more complications, considering this whole exorcism was going tits up darn fast.
Ms Diaz had returned to her body and he felt the poltergeist leave that very same body before he’d even finished his ritual. Mav reckoned that was on account of the stabbing she did to the body. He figured they didn’t have a whole lot more time to work. He was going to need every last bit of energy he could find to make this go in their favor. As soon as he’d finished his phrase, he shifted as seamlessly as he could manage into the second half of his plan. The chain of energy he was channeling stopped pulling on the spirit and started to wrap around the poltergeist. He was going to use it to constrict her, pull tighter and tighter until there was nothing left, like a lasso tugged too tight or a snake squeezing the life out of its prey. He hoped the young exorcist beside him could keep up, but he seemed like he was quick as a whip and there was no room for doubt. Not when Ms Diaz’s life hung in the balance. He gripped the young man’s shoulder as objects started to fly around the room. This spirit was mad as a mule chewing bumblebees and he was going to need all the help he could muster to pool this energy and rid the world of this poltergeist.
The whole situation was chaos. As soon as Connor managed to react to one thing, the next impending disaster reared its ugly head. He wanted to scream for Nadia, to yell at that horrible fucking poltergeist to get the hell away from her, but it was too late. Knife had ripped flesh, and she was bleeding. He'd seen on TV that stomach wounds were a slow and painful way to die. They had time, but not much of it. He increased his chanting, urgent and desperate. His eyes met Blanche with desperation as she took care of whatever that screaming woman was (definitely not a moose).
Connor saw it all happening, but he couldn't focus on it. He had to drown it all out. The only thing that mattered right now was Nadia, and saving her meant sending this fucking arsehole poltergeist to hell. He squeezed Mav's wrist, letting the energy flow through them more easily, and he looked to Blanche, communicating with her with only his eyes and the extension of his other hand. He couldn't stop the ritual. He couldn't stop chanting, but he needed Blanche to take his arm too. The hunter and the other woman were more difficult, but Connor knew that he and Mav needed all the energy they could get. Cordelia was strong, determined, and a real fucking bitch. Word after word after word, he focused everything he had on her, his focal point beginning to burn hot beneath his fingertips as he used it as a conduit.
She was getting weaker. Connor could feel it. He looked at Mav again, the two of them speaking wordlessly. They were close. But that would only make Cordelia more desperate. He was almost screaming the ritual at her now, every atom in his body telling her to get the fuck out.
“Hey!” Cordelia screamed over the madness, the breaking glass and flying objects, looking straight at the banshee as she was only just being restrained by Kadie. “If you break this circle, you can save her! She might have a chance! But if you let these fuckers do their bullshit, she will go down with me.” She felt her form flickering as the exorcism took hold. This wasn’t like the last time. Hell, it wasn’t even like the first time, when she’d found herself thrown from Nadia’s body for who even knew how long, existing only in the ether as she’d reformed herself to try again. This hurt. This made her put her hands over her ears and scream. She lashed out and sent some little statue that had been on the coffee table flying, shattering it against a wall. “Let me out or I’ll fucking kill her! Let me out or I’ll fucking kill her!” She tried to pull the knife back into the circle but only succeeded in sticking it into a wall. Fuck. Fuck.
Just keep pressure on it. Just keep pressure on it. Nadia kept repeating the words to herself even as the chanting and screaming got louder. She just needed to hold on until Cordelia was dealt with, and then whatever happened would happen. Just keep putting pressure on it. However, Cordelia begging Regan to break the circle forced her to look up, panicked. No. If anyone might break it, it would be Regan. She didn’t understand what was at stake. Regan couldn’t possibly understand that getting rid of Cordelia was the only important thing in this whole situation. And Nadia couldn’t blame her, she’d probably be losing her shit if one of her friends was hurt, but this was bigger than her. She was one person. Cordelia could ruin countless lives; she probably already had. She needed to go. “I’m fine,” she choked out, locking eyes with Kaden over Regan’s shoulder. Don’t let her go. “I’m not going to die, yet.” And she fucking wasn’t. Not until this bitch was dealt with.
Regan wasn’t sure what happened -- it was all a confusing blur. She had surged toward Nadia, scream rattling in her chest, but in only a split second, she was yanked in the other direction, air forced from her lungs in a loud screech. Blanche was shouting something; she heard Kaden’s name, but her thoughts were only on Nadia as she watched her friend’s blood continue to pool as she grew paler and trembled and struggled to keep herself upright. The door was thrown open and she felt something wrap tightly around her, pulling her like gravity just as the invisible vice around her dissipated. Another scream jumped out of her, but as she realized it was arms encircling her, she choked everything back. Who-- Kaden. It was Kaden. The noise thundered like a storm in her chest, but she kept it locked in, holding it inside of her lungs like the casket’s dark water, even as it demanded to be emptied. Even so, some of it managed to escape in desperation as she yelled, “Kaden. Let me go. Kaden let me go. Nadia is dying. Nadia is dying, she stabbed herself, you need to let me go right now. Nadia is going to die. She’ll die if she doesn’t stop the bleeding.” Regan’s tongue felt weak and out of place as she spoke those words. Nadia dying had been a possibility, but not one that she wanted to actually, truly allow herself to believe. And while she could feel Kaden’s arms loosen for just a moment, they latched back around her. Her lungs fought against his grip for a second, but they quickly deflated.  
Cordelia drifted toward the edge of the circle as everything shook and shattered around them, her sharp eyes meeting Regan’s as they darkened again. At this point, she wasn’t sure whether or not she was hallucinating the way Cordelia seemed to be there one moment and gone the next as the chanting crested. But Cordelia was right, in her sick, twisted way. Regan’s top priority was saving Nadia’s life, and whatever agenda Cordelia had -- escaping? -- didn’t matter at this moment. They could worry about that later, when Nadia was alive and healthy. As Kaden’s grip only tightened, she understood that no one else seemed to share that goal, and she was struck with far more frustration and fear than she was allowed. “Don’t touch her! Stay away from her, don’t touch her! I’m not going to let you hurt her!” Regan screamed, barely holding back. Kaden. She couldn’t do that again. Not with Kaden right there. She dug her nails into her palm, feeling the blood pool through bandages. You cannot afford yourself emotion. For every bit of feeling you react to, you surrender yourself to the mercy of your screams. Deirdre would have been appalled by all of this. False calmness swam over her, but her heart couldn’t lie -- it still beat twice as quickly as it usually did.
Tell her what to do. “Nadia,” Regan said, her voice trembling. She wasn’t sure if the remaining glass shattering was because of her, or Cordelia. The marmot statue, too. It was unacceptable. Dangerous. Not doing Nadia or Kaden or anyone any good. When Regan spoke again, the quiver vanished. “You’ve already pulled the knife out. That’s-- that isn’t good. Someone needs to grab a towel from the kitchen or remove their shirt and pass it to Nadia. Shirt is faster. Nadia, lie flat on the ground and press the shirt to the wound. Do everything that you possibly can to maintain consciousness. Listen to someone’s voice and use it as an anchor. Keep talking. Talk to me.” Her voice flattened with despair despite her best attempts to snuff it out, “Kaden, please let me go. Please. Whatever they’re doing, I don’t think it’s going to be fast enough.”
“If I let you go she’ll die! We can’t!” Kaden kept his arms wrapped tight around Regan, despite her protests. If she screamed now, he’d have no idea if it was for Nadia or for himself. And he wasn’t sure it would fucking matter one way or another. He shut his eyes and held fast. It was all he could do. Brace them both against whatever was happening in that circle in front of them. He couldn’t see much even with his eyes open. As a scream tore through her, he winced and gripped her tighter. Tears pricked at his eyes and his own scream ripped through his throat that he couldn’t hear as the sound resonated through him. This was it. This was how he’d die. Not hunting. Not in the woods. In his friend’s apartment holding back a banshee. Hold on. He just had to hold on. Relief didn’t come when the sound stopped. The ringing didn’t stop either. He wanted to check to see if his ears were bleeding, he was pretty sure he felt the familiar dripping down his earlobe, but he didn’t let go of her; he wouldn’t. Muffled sounds came from in front of him that sounded like her voice, but he couldn’t make out a single word she was saying. Not yet. He didn’t dare let up on her. “Hold on, Nadia,” he said, locking eyes with her. He didn’t know what was happening, but he knew it wasn’t over yet. He turned to face the exorcists, watching closely for any sign for when this would end. “Blanche!” he called out to her, though he couldn’t regulate his own volume. He hoped she could hear him. “Tell me when. The second it’s done. Somehow.” He hoped she could. But he wouldn’t let go of Regan until he knew for sure that the exorcism was over, when he knew Cordelia was banished forever.
It was hard not to get distracted by the sound of Regan screaming, especially how the loud scream rattled around in Blanche’s head. She was glad she wasn't the one chanting, even as she forced herself to stay rooted to the spot as she saw all the blood pour out of Nadia’s wound. A wave of nausea overtook her just as she met Connor’s gaze, and even as her skin tinged green, she was able to force the horrible feeling back as she gripped Connor’s hand tightly. It was hard to explain, but the second she did, she felt the power leeching from her, pouring into the exorcism. She heard Kaden yell to her, and could only raise her free hand to show she heard him, closing her eyes tightly as she willed every ounce of energy and power she had to Connor and Mav. She didn't know how this worked, but her seance sessions with Jasmine and whatever witchy-things she had done with Nell told her intention mattered. Even as the image of Nadia’s blood staining the floor hung in the back of her mind, she threw herself into the focus of energy that would ultimately - hopefully - be Cordelia’s undoing.
This here little lady was a tough spirit to banish. She was stubborner than a mule and he got the feeling she had a burr in her saddle. Mav could feel the young exorcist’s energy flowing through him and he felt the burning iron in his hand. He held tight to the chain of the pocket watch, used his words to pull the rope of energy wrapped around the spirit tighter and tighter. They were damn close to sending this spirit back to the hell she crawled out of, he could feel it in his bones. He ducked as a statue went flying towards him. That was a nice try, little lady, but Mav didn’t lose a single syllable of the ritual. He figured this might be about the time in the exorcism where things went all catawampus and objects started flying about. No matter he could handle that. He knew how to dodge a book or two and keep his chin waggling. And he was right. Any loose items on the sides of the room started to go flying every which way and he gave Connor a quick squeeze to let him know to hold fast and carry on with what they were doing. They couldn’t lose sight of the  Just when he thought he was tapped, he felt an extra boost of energy. The mini medium was standing nearby and Connor had grabbed hold of her. All they had to do was pool their energy all together and he could pull this spirit right off the face of the earth.
Connor would have failed at this a thousand times over if not for Mav. It had been foolish to think he could have done this alone. He'd barely been performing exorcisms for a year. How was he supposed to deal with something like this? Cordelia wasn’t living up to her name, because she wasn’t very fucking cordial at all. She was even more evil than he’d originally given her credit for, and he loathed his underestimation of her strength. Maybe if he’d taken her more seriously, they wouldn’t have got to this point, but it was too late now. He needed to focus on the task at hand, not the ones he’d already failed. Cordelia clung on, a parasite desperately trying to cling to the world, and only so she could use it for violence.
As much as Connor tried to drown out what was happening with Kaden and the wailing banshee, he couldn’t block out the screams, couldn’t block out the blood, the desperate instructions that would save Nadia’s life. Or so he hoped. He mentally cursed; at himself, at Cordelia, at this whole mess of a situation. Connor had barely even taken Blanche’s hand, but the surge of energy that flowed through him into Mav was enough for the moment. It had to be.
Connor didn’t stop changing, but he let go of Blanche’s hand to pull one sleeve of his shirt off, slipping the unfastened plaid down over his arm, then he replaced one hand on Mav’s arm with another so he didn’t have to break contact, slipping the rest of it off and leaving him in just the plain white t-shirt underneath. He had to be careful not to move the salt when he placed it into the circle, putting it within Nadia’s reach and silently praying that it would work. They just needed to slow the bleeding. They were almost there. He took Blanche’s hand again and looked up at Mav, who was massively taller than Connor’s slight frame. His eyes practically begged him for this to be over soon.
This was it, Cordelia realized with an unnerving amount of certainty as the words echoed through her core, through her entire being, rattling her from within. She looked down at herself, watching as she faded in and out of existence. Existence. This was it. She was going to just… stop existing. Like she’d never been here at all. She screamed out again, against the pain of it. She’d never felt anything like this when she’d been alive, not in Nadia’s body, and not in her own. Death had hurt less. She dropped to her knees, sinking a bit into the floorboards, in front of Nadia Diaz. Cordelia put her hands on the girl’s face, her neck, trying to absorb herself back into Nadia’s skin, even as the exorcists’ words sent another tremor through her, causing her to flicker like bad tv reception. “Please,” she said, eyes wild with fear. “Please. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die again.” She didn’t want to stop existing. She didn’t want to disappear into nothingness. This wasn’t how her story was supposed to end.
Jerking away from the spectre in front of her, Nadia reached out with blood soaked fingers for the shirt Connor had passed into the circle. She pressed it hard to the wound in her stomach, trying to use the feeling to ground her. “I’m fine,” she managed to say to Regan, though she didn’t think she could keep up a steady stream of monologue. This is me pressing down on the wound. This is me trying not to stare at the ghost in front of me. She’s gotten really easy to see, now, actually. Is that normal? Should I be worried? It’s probably fine. Talking was too hard, at the moment. She’d try again, later, after all of this was over and she could sleep. Fuck, Nadia was tired. She was so tired. But she couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t even lay down like Regan instructed because she knew she’d lose consciousness. She wouldn’t be able to keep this up for long. The fight seemed to be leaving Cordelia, the ghost all frantic screams and icy cold touches against Nadia’s skin, but Nadia felt like she was fading just as quickly. Eyes open, Diaz, she told herself. She pressed harder, the shirt staining in blood as she curled forward, still resting on her knees. She’d have to buy Connor a new shirt.
When Nadia didn’t react to her, Cordelia seethed, jerking at the girl’s arms and pushing her in an attempt to get a reaction. “Don’t ignore me! I know you see me!” she howled, a last ditch effort for attention. Nothing was working, not her hands frantically trying to pull Nadia’s away from the wound, not her abilities to throw objects against walls and people. She was drained, spent, unravelling. Not that there was much left of her to unravel. She was the last bit of string on an empty spool. “You’ll die, too, you stupid, stupid bitch,” she snarled, getting in Nadia’s face one last time. “They won’t finish in time to save you. You’re going to be right back where you started. They can’t save you. You can’t even save yourself.” Cordelia managed to grip Nadia’s arm, her fingers only slightly sinking into soft skin. She looked into Nadia’s face, practically bloodless, and she felt a brief sense of satisfaction amidst all the panic and fear and blinding anger, knowing that she’d be the end of Nadia Diaz’s life, even if it meant the end of her own.
“Vete pa la puñeta,” Nadia said quietly to the poltergeist in front of her, looking Cordelia in her pale, flickering eyes. Go to hell. Though, Cordelia wasn’t going anywhere. There’d be nowhere for her to go. She’d be gone, nothing more than a lot of bad, bad memories and scars on the people that she’d hurt. She’d be nothing more than the cause of blood on Nadia’s hands. Cordelia was barely even there anymore, her form appearing and disappearing as she barely clung to Nadia, to life. But she didn’t seem like she could hold on anymore.
With a final scream, Cordelia felt herself slipping away despite the way she tried to wrap her fingers around Nadia’s heart, her soul. She looked at herself as she disappeared. It didn’t feel like dying. It wasn’t even painful, anymore. It felt like absolutely nothing at all, and, after clinging to life far after her expiration date, nothing at all is what Cordelia Gregory became.
Eyes shut tightly, Nadia sagged forward, unable to hold herself up properly as Cordelia vanished. For good. She was gone for good, and Nadia was still there, still in her body, though she felt herself fading fast. Far too fast. Still, she felt… relief. Cordelia was gone. She’d never hurt anyone ever again. Nadia would be her last victim, and that made her feel warm, even though her body was freezing. She heard noises, people moving around her, but she couldn’t bring herself to raise her head. Too much effort. “I’m fine,” she muttered because, really, she couldn’t feel much pain, not anymore. She was fine, even though there was a lot of blood. She needed-- jerking her head up, she looked at Regan, her eyes panicked and her vision fuzzy around the edges. “No hospitals,” she said, her voice sounding distorted in her ears. That was all she could manage to say, then she fell forward again, and Nadia Diaz knew nothing more.
“We have to! She’ll die! She’ll die!” Regan shouted, trying her best not to let an outburst become a scream. She couldn’t tell how successful she was, but Kaden was still clinging onto her, nearly choking her, and as she turned and saw blood dripping down from her boyfriend’s ears, her heart choked, too. She knew she couldn’t risk saying anything more; she needed to think only of the numb nothingness of the clearing, the improbable calmness she now held as she forced herself into the water. But Nadia. Nadia was-- Regan tried desperately to pry Kaden’s hands away from her, barely noticing as Connor supplied his shirt and Cordelia’s howls grew more and more frantic. Something was happening. She didn’t understand it, and right now, didn’t concern herself with wanting to. The only thing that mattered was that it could result in her being able to get to Nadia. She didn’t ease up, though -- she kept trying to slip out and fight her way toward the circle, her eyes never leaving the growing pool of blood underneath her friend. Nadia claimed to be fine even as there was no more white on the shirt and even as her face blanched more with each passing second.
The room stormed around them. Cupboards slammed open, furniture dragged itself across the floor, and as the chanting grew louder, Cordelia’s desperation and cries surged like lightning. Cordelia had pounced for Nadia’s neck like a viper, and Regan -- trapped in Kaden’s arms as she struggled, unable to even scream a warning -- had never felt more useless. This wasn’t what she thought would happen. They were here to save Nadia, right? Shouldn’t that have been the priority? Why was this in question? Why-- but in the blink of an eye, Cordelia was no more, dissipating like insubstantial mist. The room changed, the drop in pressure palpable as everything seemed to still. And Nadia, Regan realized as terror engulfed her, stilled, too.
Kaden’s arms grew slack. Regan didn’t think. She tore out of them and sprinted toward the inner circle, where Nadia lay unconscious on the ground, blood still rushing from the wound in her abdomen. No hospitals? Fuck that. She wouldn’t-- Nadia-- she wouldn’t let her die. That wasn’t a wish that she would respect if her life was on the line. The bleeding was catastrophic, and unless they stopped it soon, Nadia would not make it out of here alive.
Regan scrambled for the bloodied shirt and pressed it tight against the wound, Nadia’s blood soaking through to her fingers, burning her skin to blisters. It hurt, but Deirdre had prepared her well, and she would stay there like this for hours if necessary. Anything. “I need help. Someone needs to roll her onto her back while I apply pressure. The stab wound runs all the way through her.” Regan didn’t dare ease off the wound, but she checked Nadia’s pulse -- rapid -- and her skin -- cold, clammy -- and knew controlling the bleeding was only the beginning. “She’s in shock. She may be unresponsive; I need to do a sternal rub to check. Kaden, grab me the hemostatic dressing from the kit. Once you bring them, I need you to place your hands where mine are and do not ease up. Blanche, get a blanket and towels. Connor, get my phone from the kitchen and call--” she hesitated, “Call Dr. Lin-King. Tell her I’ll explain later.”
In the end, Cordelia begged for her life, unhinged and desperate with fear. It was hard for Blanche not to see the parallels with Constance Cunningham, the other red haired poltergeist that had yet to vacate her mind since her undoing the previous week. Resentment and self-hatred rose in her, stifling everything but the surge of power in her fingertips. She gripped Connor’s hand tighter, as if to anchor herself down to this spot. It was heartbreaking to see how the outcome of Constance and Cordelia’s situations didn’t change anything, even when she changed her actions. A soul was destroyed, eradicated from existence forever. Maybe Cordelia deserved it -- maybe there was some part of her that knew Constance did too, though she would sooner willingly light herself on fire than admit that -- but Blanche couldn’t help but circle back to the disappointment and anger she felt in herself and at the world as she saw the pieces of Cordelia’s soul fade away with her final screams, her furious fear clinging to the air, rattling around loosely in Blanche’s mind. Soon Blanche wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the screams that haunted her - rage and resentment would echo and she would wonder whose it was. Constance Cunningham? Coredelia Gregory? Maybe even a glimpse of Lauren Langley?
How many memories of destroyed spirits would be left behind in her mind before Blanche went insane? It was a cold thought, and it was that thought, not Regan barking orders at her, that snapped her back to reality. Realizing she was still clutching Connor’s hand in a death grip, she let it go and went to go search for what Regan asked her for. Admittedly, she hadn’t been listening, but she could guess what she needed. Towels. Something to cover Nadia, who was bleeding out on the floor. Nadia, whose life was in danger again because of a ghost who was too afraid to just die.
Blanche realized then what she wanted to say to Cordelia, though it was more than too late. A reminder that dying was probably the easiest thing any of them would ever do, masked by the fear of the unknown deluding them all into thinking it was the hardest thing of all. Living was harder, but as Blanche finally found suitable towels bringing them back to Regan, she knew that simply existing was the hardest thing in the world.
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secret-realm · 3 years
On today’s living with my beloveds, here comes: “fighting the cold: winter season” because it’s winter time for me and today’s weather was really cold.
A whole human demon heater.
His body heat is naturally warm, so the cold doesn’t affect him too much.
Thanks to this he can easily go around wearing sleeveless shirts inside the house.
Someone touches his arm slightly with cold hands and he ends up jumping away.
"Oi! What would ya come like that out of nowhere?"
He's really easy to scare, so be careful.
"Of course the great Mammon can handle this cold- oh, y-you wanted a hug? Wait! We're ya goin'?"
Faust loves to squeeze him out of nowhere.
Human heater pt.2.
Pretty much has to do with Asra's warm aura.
Will carry a blanket around for everyone else who gets cold.
"You should wear some more layers of clothes if you're feeling cold"
Sweet and gentle smile.
But if someone doesn't listen to the advice provided by Asra then they'll get dragged by a blanket that will get attached to them.
"Next time we can avoid this if you listen to me."
One of Stella's favourite sleeping place (but don't tell Felix).
As cold as the chilly air.
The low temperatures don’t really affect him because he's used to it.
But if something way colder directly touches him he’s yeeting himself away.
Almost like a startled cat.
Not Stella though, she's too cool for that.
"There's no need for me to wear more clothes, I'm not shaking because of the cold. Why? It must be due to exhaustion since I did not- what? I refuse to take a nap!"
Intriguing creature for Faust, but too cold for her to stay next to him for too long.
He still will get squeezed tho.
If the weather is cold then he gets cold.
But with a warm environment he will be alright.
Although he is pretty much going around all of the time, so he keeps himself warm by moving too.
Literally everywhere at all times??
Hold on? Was he drinking too much Dr. Pepper again? He was told not to do that!
"Of course I wasn't drinking Dr. Pepper for the fourth time today ha... I-"
And there he goes running away.
"Lady Stella! Please help me! Waaaaaa-"
Usually cold.
Sometimes her body is cold, and it doesn’t feel like it at all.
Other times her body is so cold that even her soul can feel it.
“I think my thermoregulation is broken”
Close to the heater when it is too cold around her. She’s warm now.
Five steps away from the heater and Sophie is cold once again.
Hands’ skin gets cracked during winter season and fingers are full of little cuts.
"My hands are not even cold now!... Are they?"
Sophie had been typing on her laptop for an entire hour now, and Felix was sitting next to her. The day had been really cold, but both of them took care of their tasks naturally.
Then all of a sudden cold air brushed the back of their necks, making both of them shake slightly. Although it was not that big of a deal and they could have continued their routine the same way, everything was about to change.
A door of the corridor opened, and then a couple steps were heard.
"Why are both of you not wearing your sweaters?"
Felix and Sophie could practically see Asra's smile even without turning around, and it was more than enough to terrify them. A unhappy, smiling Asra means they are in trouble.
In mere seconds Sophie had placed her laptop on top of the couch to dash out of the living room.
"Mammon, help!" Sophie shouted trying to get the demon to save her, but Felix tackled her to the floor to run away faster than her. "Felix, what-"
"My apologies Sophie, but as you can see I must save myself as well." Felix said not even turning around to spare Sophie a glance.
Out of the corner, Mammon made his way into the room, glancing at Sophie who was just getting up. "Oi, what's goin' on here?" he asked, clearly confused.
"Mammon, save me." Sophie's big eyes seemed even bigger now that she seemed terrified.
Without even getting an answer she closed the distance between them, quickly hugging Mammon and hiding her face.
"Hundred hells!" The scream was heard and then steps getting louder. Felix was going back to the room, Asra hot on his heels.
The next thing they knew was that Felix attached himself to the other side of Mammon, and Sophie tried pushing him away.
"Get off! Find your own hiding place" she said trying to get Felix's hands off of Mammon, but he quickly shook his head.
"Why must I leave? Perhaps it is you who needs another spot to hide."
The bickering stopped instantly after noticing someone stopping in front of everyone.
"You both, if you are cold, why don't you wear more clothes? Am I asking for too much?"
And there it was. The charming yet terrifying smile had made its way onto Asra's face
Before anyone could protest, Saeyoung had arrived, stopping next to Asra and allowing his arm to rest over the magician's shoulder.
"I found a new movie for us to watch. I got snacks too, let's go~ Lady Stella is waiting for us already, and we can't make our queen wait."
When Asra turned around after muttering that it was alright and following Saeyoung back into the living room, Sophie and Felix finally allowed themselves to let go of Mammon who was simply smiling at them, trying not to laugh.
Three, two, one seconds... And two blankets had appeared out of thin air enveloping both Sophie and Felix, dragging them back to the living room. Of course they were not free of the scolding.
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mexicancat-girl · 4 years
Ok guys, I can't take it, I’m seriously at my limit here.
Uraraka vs Bakuboi was a sham of a fight and none of it makes any goddamn sense.
Uraraka deserved her win, for multiple reasons.
Shout out to @bnhasalt, who’s post reminded me how indignantly furious this arc makes me.
More under the cut over both how salty I am, and how Uraraka losing against Explodo Kills makes absolutely no sense, even narratively.
(Warning ahead for a discussion on sexism, misogyny, forced fanservice, the blatant favoritism towards That One Specific Character even if unearned in the narrative, and the general incompetence on how to write female characters.
I call B/kugo “Bakuboi” in this analysis bc I don’t want to write his Actual Name out and have it pop up in his character tags. Also, heads up, I’m sorry for how messy and long this rant is )
First, can I just say that Horikoshi is uhhhh Bad at writing female characters?
Which I’m sure many female fans already have an inkling about, but goddamn is it never more obvious than in the Sports Festival Arc. Because hey, at least the female characters are THERE and PARTICIPATING and have their own time to shine! This ISN’T one of those arcs that just stars THE BOYS, so that MUST mean this arc is equal opportunity! Right...?
God, I wish. I wish...
See, the girls are the minority of the Sports Fest in general. It shouldn’t be this way. And quite frankly, the fact that the classes (and UA in general) isn’t closer to being a 50/50 gender split also makes no sense, considering all children are raised in a society that values heroism EQUALLY and almost half the population is male and half female.
But, okay, let’s say I actually believe in the most illogical character ratio imagineable of there being a 2 boy to 1 girl, like this is another round of Naruto But It’s Superheroes So It’s Different I Swear.
We all know that there is going to be an emphasis on Izuku, since he’s the protagonist and he wants to make All Might proud during the Sports Festival.
Pre-Festival, there’s the reveal that Uraraka wants to do her best, with her main motivation of becoming a hero to give her parents a good life. Iida also wants to make his own family proud, specifically his brother, because of his family legacy. 
Since these three are a trio, you’d think they’d all get some time to shine, right? Since they’re Izuku’s friends? And Izuku considers them his equals?
Yeah, no. Wrong.
This arc is dominated by Izuku, Shoto, and Bakuboi. That becomes clear very quickly. 
I knew I shouldn’t expect much, since these three are powerhouses and also the most popular characters of the entire franchise (just look at the popularity polls) but still. I’d thought at least Uraraka would get a chance to shine! Since we get some character development and motivation revealed from her!
But the female characters in general get done so dirty this arc, despite it being first set up as a perfect arc to let the girls have just as much opportunity to participate as their male peers.
The most significant part of the female characters all getting an ‘equal time to shine’ is when He Who Must Not Be Mentioned and Kaminari trick the girls into dressing as scantily-clad cheerleaders. Which is both Tiring and Unncessary.
(This scheme also shouldn’t have worked because Momo is Vice Rep and she is an intelligent girl, top of her class. She would be smart enough to go to a teacher and actually double-check to see if Class 1-A girls really needed to cheer in the activities portion of the Sports Festival. 
But noooo, Horikoshi can’t pass up a chance for FANSERVICE and forcing his underaged female characters to be uncomfortable for The Funnies! Thanks! I hate it!)
The female characters that move onto the final round of the Sports Festival, and thusly have the most attention, are: Uraraka, Mei Hatsume from Support, Momo, Mina, and Shiozaki from 1-B.
Wow, I sure wish these girls could like...show their worth. And maybe NOT get steamrolled and easily tossed aside in their matches because they’re facing Boys and Boys Have Strong Offense-based Quirks, That’s The Rules Folks.
(Before you come at me, I know that isn’t a rule that applies to every single male character in the series, but the strongest and offense-based Quirks tend to go to the male characters, while the female characters tend to get more support-based Quirks. It’s both sexist, but also an inherent trend in media in general. Please Just Let Women Punch Shit To Smithereens And Control The Elements.)
Yes, Mina and Shiozaki won their first rounds easily! And that’s great to see! But then we turn right around, and they're eliminated just as quickly in their second matches! Without even a fighting chance!
Good God, Shiozaki is literally PUSHED OUT OF THE RING. That’s it, that’s how she lost. Same thing with Momo in her match! And Mei straight-up forfeits because her character is based more on advertising her inventions/babies, so she doesn’t even fight.
So essentially, the female characters are shucked away if they’re not used to make the male characters look good, or there for fanservice, or there to show a shallow form of ~feminism~ so Horikoshi can pat himself on the back and say “See! Girls strong! I can write girls!”
And now we get to the meat of things: Uraraka.
Oh, poor Uraraka. Out of all the female characters, your potential was the greatest, and also the most squandered...
As a reminder, at the start of the arc, Uraraka speaks with both Izuku and Iida about how she wants to do well in the Sports Fest. They all promise to do their best. Izuku’s friends admit that they want to face him in later matches, because they want to be his equals.
Uraraka wanted to stand on the same level as Izuku and Iida, but she's the only one that doesn't move on past her first match!
And man, what an absolute bogus match it is.
Is it emotional? Yeah. Did I tear up when I watched it? Sure, every single time! But that's more because Uraraka is one of my favorite characters and I feel empathy for her and thought she deserved better.
The match gets to me because I also hate how Bakuboi is so fucking entitled and gets everything handed to him on a silver platter.
Bakuboi himself is written as, essentially, a Gary Stu. He always wins. ALWAYS. And even when he ‘loses’, he still manages to beat his opponents to the point that they need to be hospitalized (see Izuku vs Kacchan pt 1) or he makes his losses ALL ABOUT HIMSELF by twisting logic to fit his own narrative.
Remember how Bakuboi won against Todoroki in the final match? And was so pissed at him he was ready to Physically Assault Todoroki for him not being able to Get Over His Trauma to go 100% during their match? And even though Bakuboi LITERALLY won the entire Sports Festival, he’s so entitled that he demands a rematch because he feels like he “didn’t actually win”?
Not wanting a rematch for Todoroki’s sake, because Todoroki has been through a rough time and Bakuboi overheard Todo’s Tragic Abusive Backstory. Oh no, that would make too much sense and show too much character growth, we can’t have that! Bakuboi, even when winning the Sports Festival, demanded a rematch because he wanted to beat the shit out of Todoroki AGAIN to assert his dominance.
You see, Bakuboi is always rewarded in the narrative. Even when he loses it’s not seen as his fault. He’s never really punished for it, and he never learns any lessons from his losses.
Ah, and let’s not forget, Katsuki Bakuboi has the Best And Strongest Quirk Ever. Strong enough to even do the impossible and work to his advantage when it shouldn’t!
Like how he SOMEHOW manages to ‘beat the odds’ by breaking the laws of physics to win in Round 2. He manages to PUNCH THROUGH A QUIRK THAT CREATES A SOLID WALL from 1-B’s Tsuburaba in order to get back his team’s headband and move on to Round 3.
Or hey, his finishing move, Howlitzer Impact? Doesn’t make any sense either. It shouldn’t work as a...cyclone? Tornado? Drill thing? 
Look, the logistics of it shouldn’t work. Yes, this is anime, but do you HONESTLY think that a teenager YEETING himself in a fast spiral will somehow accomplish anything more than spreading out some explosions in a circle around him? You honestly think any other character would be able to pull that bullshit off WITHOUT upchucking their entire lunch?
But because it’s Bakuboi, it works somehow. Because Bakuboi’s Quirk is The Shining Beacon Of Quirks. 
Drawbacks? Sure, he SUPPOSEDLY has them. They’re noted in his character profile and everything. But very rarely do those supposed “drawbacks” ever actually come into play and actually, like, stop him. Or slow him down. Or, yknow, ACTUALLY WORK LIKE DRAWBACKS ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK.
Because apparently, human limits don’t exist for Katsuki fucking Bakuboi, nope, not at all!
One of Bakuboi’s "drawbacks" is supposed to be that he can't overexert himself or he can fuck up his wrists/his forearms will start to ache. 
Cool cool cool, except...This rarely slows him down or effects him at all. 
It’s actually astounding he hasn’t given himself Carpel Tunnel, because that would be a natural consequence to over-using his Quirk. Hell, he should be fucking up his arms almost as much as Izuku does to his own arms with a destructive Quirk like OFA! Explosions are dangerous and cause massive destruction, and that should be fucking up his arms SOMEHOW!
But, nope. Bakuboi is as fresh as a goddamn daisy. He can Never Have A Weakness.
(Another drawback is cold weather/Winter season is supposed to weaken his Quirk. Makes sense, since heat would help him produce more nitroglycerin sweat, and the cold would make it hard to sweat. But that sure as hell didn’t stop him during the Joint Training Arc in the future, and he didn’t struggle whatsoever to almost singlehandedly win that for his team.)
Not ONCE does Bakuboi’s Quirk ever effect him negatively and forces him to weaken! He keeps using his Quirk like it's nothing!!
And that’s the crux of the entire problem with Uraraka vs Bakuboi’s match.
Bakuboi apparently has “drawbacks” and “limits”, but he keeps somehow managing to break them without a sweat (ha) and without consequence, essentially PULLING WINS OUT OF HIS ASS.
Bakuboi was using his Quirk LITERALLY NONSTOP during Round 1, and kept using it to throw himself around in Round 2. Logically, he should’ve fucked his arms up and been at the very least SLOWED DOWN by the third round of the Sports Fest because he went past what were SUPPOSED to be his Quirk’s canonical limitations and logic!
It would've taught Bakuboi that he can't fucking steamroll through all his problems! He has limits! There are consequences to over using his Quirk! He’s a human being and he doesn’t have endless stamina like some sort of God!
Hell, every other character has these limits very clearly shown and outlined with their Quirks! Uraraka throws up when she over-uses Zero Gravity. Shoto, before using his fire side, would get frostbite. Iida’s Engines will stall after using Recipro Burst.
The other characters have limitations to their Quirks that slows them down, shows consequences for their actions, but Bakuboi NEVER HAS ANY.
THIS is why he’s a Gary Stu. THIS is why he won his match against Uraraka.
Bakuboi SHOULD have been weakened from using his Quirk non-stop. Bakuboi SHOULD NOT have managed to pull out that “one final big explosion” that ruined Uraraka’s final attack.
Bakuboi was literally hissing about his arms hurting earlier, before their match started. And Uraraka forced him to use his Quirk so much that she managed to amass a ton of debris to knock him out and win the match. HIS EXPLOSIONS SHOULD HAVE SPUTTERED OUT, AND NOT SAVED HIM WITH THAT LAST-SECOND ASSPULL.
Like, I’m preeeeetty sure the entire reason Horikoshi wrote Uraraka vs Bakuboi in the first place was because he was attempting at writing Feminism.
See, Bakuboi Hates Everyone Equally, he’s not a violent misogynist for beating up Uraraka! It’s a Match, he Respects Women And Sees Them As Equals! The Crowd of Pro Heroes are the ones being Misogynistic and Judging The Match Early!
And look at Uraraka, she’s a Strong Woman! She keeps getting back up! That’s the Shonen Spirit! And she’s smart, too! Look at her amazing plan to win--
Oh, wait. Wait, nope. She didn’t win at all! :) Because our shining beacon of perfection Katsuki Bakuboi never loses!! :)) Look at all her hopes and dreams being blown to literal smithereens, because of Bakuboi’s ass pull, even though he shouldn’t have had enough time, sweat, and strength to muster up that last explosion!!! :)))
Can ya’ll feel my incandescent fury right now?
Because Horikoshi can NEVER write Bakuboi losing, Uraraka COULDN’T HAVE WON, even if her winning makes THE MOST LOGICAL SENSE.
This scene was supposed to show Uraraka’s strength. But it feels like Uraraka is being literally spit in her face, for even DARING to TRY to win against Katsuki fucking Bakuboi.
How much more impactful would Uraraka’s breakdown have been, if she had moved onto the Second Round with Izuku and Iida? How she would feel ashamed that she couldn’t keep up with them, with how Powerful their Quirks are? Especially after seeing Izuku and Todoroki’s amazing match, and seen how destructive and close a match it had been?
How DEVASTATED she would have felt, beating BAKUBOI--one of the strongest of their class!--and then STILL managing to lose the Sports Festival?
That would have been SO much more interesting! And even SADDER!! C’mon!
Uraraka SHOULD have won her match! It would’ve provided both character development for herself, and for Bakuboi! Bakuboi would realize he has limits to his body and Quirk, and realize not to underestimate his opponents! Uraraka would realize that she’s strong in spite of her Quirk not being necessarily combat-oriented, but still has a long way to go in being a Pro Hero!
The only good parts about this godforsaken arc are 1) Mei Hatsume 2) Hitoshi Shinso and 3) Izuku vs Todoroki fight and Todoroki’s Tragic Backstory Reveal. Everything else is hit-or-miss, if not completely hot garbage.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED Talk, and for reading this entire thing! Four for you, reader. You go, reader.
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runnfromtheak · 3 years
Rules: Post the name of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or I will tell you something about it!
so i got tagged by @luthienluinwe and @boyblunder-thedarkheir and they are cruel because they know how many WIPs I have so let's track them all down I suppose
e3 dickdonna
[redacted] fic
JayDonna precursor to JayDickDonna
Victor Trevor
Stevie's Gift
habits of the heart (i can't say no)
you are not breathing
i'm addicted to the way you hurt pt 2
jaydick hp au
dick but he eats people hannibal au
day 7 different mentors ouch times
earth 69 - strayverse
cassandra cain
A Pale Picture Past (I Live Not Now)
Just Close Your Eyes pt 4
conversations with an empty grave
DG Snipple
DickDonna BDSM color code
Evil Dick
Exchange sequel
Fucking Flower Fic Sequel
Gays in Space
if i'm not all you need (then just set me free)
kiss tomorrow goodbye
new ideas
resurrection woes
Ric Fix-it
Ric gets yeeted
super psycho love
wires pt 3
what if dick died during infinite crisis because i am a masochist
How Could She
How Could He but oucher
Requiem for the (Not So) Dearly Departed
Mori's Fic
Lu's fic
RR Sequel for Epiii
Hannibal angst
i was rewatching digestivo bc i hate myself fic
Post-Fall Infidelity
[redacted]'s treat
dick is a fleshlight sladin hell fic for Q
fuck or die trauma
isn't it lovely, all alone (heart made of glass, mind of stone)
win's treat
treat ideas
(five BTVS fics I'm not going to bother naming lol)
Anti-life equation
Hurt and comfort request
twisted sequel
Jason hanahaki seasonal
renegade DCEASED
random apprentice thing
YJ apprentice au invasion ouch
the batman who laughs
same robin au
there are more but i'm crying cause they are in different files so rip to them
I'm tagging @epistemologys, @bitterleafs, @stevieraebarnes, @behindtherobinsmask and anyone else who wants to! <3
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sunmaylight · 3 years
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt.3 - Wind Master’s Self-Designated Quest & The Events that Happen After
I am back again with reactions & comments for when I read book 3. 
This is honestly fun for me because I can look back at what I read and remember my first reaction to everything. I can also see how things connect to make up each arc by going back and reading them. 
I really want to start book 4, but completing this first so I compose myself and not be a mess of emotions reading it. Cause, any book that is mainly about Xie Lian’s past is bound to be filled with angst and possible tears for the guy.
Ch 102: The Love for All Seasons Stew, the stew Xie Lian made and Shi Qingxuan is enthusiastically wanting to try some, shares with Ming Yi. Hua Cheng eats it like nothing and gives Xie Lian feedback
- Me: Ah, RIP Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi. It was nice knowing you two.
Start of the Venerable of Empty Words
Ch 103: The stew knocks out Ming Yi and sends Shi Qingxuan to tears. Then Shi Qingxuan hallucinates
- Me: You know, by this point Xie Lian should have his own warning label to prevent this from happening in the future. What if he made something for Jun Wu and kills him with his cooking? Actually, that sounds pretty funny. This just in: Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu defeated by a plate of questionable food made by his favorite Heavenly Official, Xie Lian.
103: Shi Qingxuan tells a horror story. Xie Lian feels a cold breeze and discovers it’s made by SQX.
- Ah, I think I’m understanding more that Heavenly Officials are really eccentric. Especially the upper court.
Xie Lian casually mentioning he has encountered a Venerable of Empty Words in the past and how that ghost left him after staying with the fallen god for almost a year.
- Me: *sobs* Xie Lian. 
Wind Master talking about his past before ascension and then post ascension
- Me: Okay, but did you actually ascend?
Learns about Heavenly Calamities
- Me: Well, that will surely be relevant in the future.
105: Investigating for the Ghost. Learns that from a tampered list that Hua Cheng killed vengeful, malevolent tyrants
- Me: Hua Cheng, who else have you killed? How the fu-dge is it that you are more productive than Heavenly Officials in making sure nothing bad happens?
As the group was going to leave, Xie Lian remembers the kids (& Qi Rong). 
Hua Cheng: I have already called a babysitter. Don’t worry about a thing Gege.
106: The group was teleported to the wrong place.
- Me: Well, aren’t things starting out just lovely.
Hua Cheng changed clothes and Xie Lian Noticed. 
Hua Cheng & Xie Lian exchange verbal communication passwords. Hua Cheng’s password has Xie Lian blushing.
Xie Lian’s password: “Just recite the Ethics Sutra a thousand times.”
- Me: ...Is that a joke? Xie Lian, if they actually had to recite that, it’s like saying you don’t want people to talk to you.
Xie Lian’s password is revealed to be just that phrase. He set it up as a joke
- Me: goddamnit. I have been bamboozled. 
Learning about the legend of the Potential Scholar He, who was mad smart but got a lot of people wanting to crush him out of jealousy. He died after getting his revenge against those who were gatekeeping him.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng now have to play Mafia in a four man group.
Ch 108: A game to sniff out the Word Ghost. The game reminds me of the Japanese Game, King’s Game.
- Me: Is there a Chinese equivalent to the King’s Game?
SQX -’king’- Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have to strip each other. Just one layer
- Me: If this was me to my crush, I would be weirded out to do this in front of my friends. Unless if I was drunk
SQX to Hua Cheng (from the book): “What’s the worse suffering in the world?”
Hua Cheng: “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet unable to do anything. That’s the worse suffering in the world.”
- Me: (ToT) Hua Cheng. I got to mark this down. Hua Cheng’s beloved and him need their happy ending.
Ming Yi to Xie Lian: “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”
Xie Lian: “My Second Ascension.”
- Me: !!! Xie Lian, what the F*CK happened during the shortest ascension recorded in Heaven?
Ch 109: Hua Cheng lends Xie Lian a ‘bit’ of spiritual power. Xie Lian does a palm thrust and blows off the roof of the temple.
- Xie Lian & Me: ...Hua Cheng, that’s a little bit?
Hua Cheng: Was that not enough? I can lend you more.
Ch 110: Hua Cheng puts on a mini fashion show to Xie Lian in the middle of something important. 
Xie Lian: *focus is pulled away to stare at Hua Cheng*
- Me: Okay. Cute, but please focus. There is a time and place for everything. Now is not the time!
Water Master is suppose to prepare for the third Heavenly Calamity. SQX is kidnapped
- Me: What if this is the third calamity? Having to save SQX from the Venerable of Empty Words?
Xie Lian wants to do a soul-shifting spell, but Hua Cheng is stopping him.
- Me: Hm, does Hua Cheng know something? That is suspicious.
Ch 111: Venerable of Empty Words says: “Don’t worry, with your eyes wide open, you will watch the person coming to seek you die before you!”
- Me: *Thinks of Hua Cheng for Xie Lian* Shit, it got to Xie Lian. I really hope this doesn’t happen in the future. Cause, it’s not like Hua Cheng can die by conventional means since his ashes are ***** - Safe
Wind Master is revealed to be wearing a lot of treasures and gems on their person
- Me: Why is Wind Master wearing all of that?
Soul-Shifting spell ends, Xie Lian hears Hua Cheng’s voice
- Oh shit. I think Hua Cheng is mad.
SQX: “This is the Terrace of Cascading Wine. It’s where I ascended”
- Me: Wait, SQX is one of the Four Famous Tales? The odd one that is like Qi Rong that is about a guy who ascended for just pouring wine?
Learns that Xie Lian was actually sleeping when he ascended.
- Which ascension did that happen at?
SQX is in hysteria after Shi Wudu grabs him. SQX was acting suspicious before then SWD arrived.
- Me: Wow, what happened to SQX? D-did he actually fail his Heavenly Calamity and this is part of the punishment? Do Heavenly Officials get an advance notice that they have a Heavenly Calamity they have to face? Or is he behaving like this because of the removal of all of those artifacts and jewels?
Ch 113: Hua Cheng sent a step-litter, a step-litter that is very extravagant, to Xie Lian. Hua Cheng is giving Xie Lian a fancy carriage ride towards somewhere.
- Me: Wow. What an obvious sign that Hua Cheng has deep feelings for Xie Lian 
The whole Step-Litter Scene of Ghost calling Xie Lian Hua Cheng’s ‘lady’ while he was in the Step-Litter and everything after until they drop Xie Lian off at Puqi Shrine
Xie Lian’s new banner: “Return Babes through Miraculous Hands”
- No words
Hua Cheng helping Xie Lian do a task of working in the field. There is an indescribable tension that has been created through Xie Lian’s dense brain
- Me: Man, you can slice the tension with a sword and they still wouldn’t realize anything.
Xie Lian has a mysterious donor who filled his donation box with gold bars. He decides to return them
- Me: Yes, good for you Xie Lian. You do you.
The Drama between the Wind and Water Masters
- Me: You know, there is someone on YouTube who animated this part. I can now only visualize that while reading through my notes.
Earth Master forged his shovel to be his spiritual device. Ming Yi, Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian travel through the tunnels dug by the Earth Master’s Shovel under Heaven
- Me: Wait, does this mean technically anything can be made into a spiritual device?
SQX can’t access his spiritual powers
- Me: shit. Did he actually fail a Heavenly Trial against Reverend of Empty Words?
The three are forced to dig and end up at Quan Yizhen’s palace with Pei Ming behind them
Pei Ming: QYZ, help me out and capture them
QYZ: *sees Xie Lian and remembers what he did for him during the Lantern Festival* - Grabs bed and throws it at Pei Ming- YEET!
Xie Lian tosses dice and the three end up at Puqi Shrine again. Xie Lian is greeted to the sight of a shirtless Hua Cheng finishing up some labour work with using E-Ming.
- Me: Is this going to be Xie Lian’s gay awakening? Will he finally acknowledge he has feelings for Hua Cheng?
Xie Lian immediately calms down and gets back into action
- Me: dang it!
The group, now with Hua Cheng, teleports to the Rain Master’s land. They exchange what they know and Xie Lian is drawing a very terrifying conclusion.
- Me: So, if there was a chart of the four famous tales compared to the four great calamities based on comparing their authenticity of tales
- Xie Lian    Hua Cheng       (They have to match somewhat)
- Princess who slit her throat         White No-Face      (Both have very little knowledge and seem very much bamf)
- General who broke his sword       Black Water       (Just vibes based on their names)
- Shi Qingxuan         Qi Rong     (Don’t really match the others, but are famous enough to get on the list)
Xie Lian connects the dots on Scholar He's name
- is that even possible?
Pei Ming arrives and then the group moves to Shi Wudu’s Heavenly Trial ground cause mortals are in danger. Their mission is to help the mortals and not get in the way of Water Master. 
Hua Cheng changes into a fisherman outfit
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng share a tender moment with a steam bun. General Pei watches them
- Me: Oh? Pei Ming, what did you notice? Did you notice the potential ship between the two of them?
118: The ship somehow wandered into the Ship-Sinking Black Water’s territory.
- Me: Oh no. The drama.
Alright, here seems good. The next part will be the Wind & Water Master Arc pt 2 (?). At least I think so since the Wind part was discovered and now it’s the Water part that’s next. 
You know, I really wanted to comment on a bunch of other stuff. Especially the Hualian moments, but decided against it cause there are some things that should be read
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep33 S4 pt 1: Deus Ex US Military
Been a little distracted but was reminded--yo--I gotta finish S4 of Yugioh this year. I think I can do it. There’s like...what...two episodes left? Three? Like I don’t want to tempt 2020, but like...I think I can finish this thing.
That and a bunch of my Photoshop files corrupted, I don’t know why, I’m very scared for my hard drive, and I need to do a big ol defrag and hope that’s enough. Really hoping this is my bad and not my computer’s bad. I’m pretty hard on this computer when I paint digitally.
and I was immediately gifted by the anime gods because yo, it’s my favorite storyboarder! They're back to carry me through my election burn out, every episode they touch has so much style and no matter how freakin weird or confusing the plot is, this storyboarder/animation team doesn’t seem to care. They will this kids show about cards with this attention to detail. They just have a lot of enthusiasm and that’s a thing about anime that I really like to see. No matter how weird it is, you gotta go 150% without any shame. Love it. Love to see em back.
First off, that earthquake from last episode?
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Just a little bigger of an earthquake than I originally thought, coincidentally, this is when Roland shows up, only to realize that he’s like...10 minutes to late.
Well, maybe a little longer than 10 minutes when you consider that Mai freakin died and Yugi almost died, and Joey is absolutely dead and being carried across Tristan’s back.
Anyway, Roland just walked into a whole lot and is just trying to process his life. Roland is all of us in October/November of 2020.
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If Roland only knew how many times Seto and Mokuba have totally biffed it when he wasn’t looking.
Like for reals...how is Roland still alive? Like...I don’t think the guy has ever died. Not even once. Maybe that’s Roland’s superpower as the secret FourthKaiba, by just being the only one to stay very far away from the constant BS strewn at this family.
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Roland is just...too inept to die. He’s always too far away, he comes after the big bad has already murdered a few people, he’s just...too bad at his job to ever be a target. Live long, Roland. The Kaiba who was the smartest of all by actually being the dumbest.
Also, look at him parking far enough away on the actual helicopter landing pad. He is the only ‘Kaiba’ that follows the law. This could also be the other reason for his secret to longevity.
(read more under the cut)
Faced with a stairwell between their freedom and this weird earthquake chasm that just opened on the top story of this building, Yami decides it’s his job to carry...................
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(Never forget that we know the exactly weight of Yugi Muto.)
And like Yami is weirdly strong because of magic powers but like...maybe Yami should take Joey and then Tristan should pick up Raphael? I’d say Tea could also pick up Raphael, but I feel like she just wouldn’t want to.
TBQH maybe the reason that Yami is carrying Raphael is because literally no one else feels like it? Like no one likes this guy?
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Just kinda feels like Yami is holding onto Raphael out of a sunk-cost fallacy. He’s already done so much work to this guy, can’t lose him now. Gotta save Raphael to make up for killing Gurimo, Weevil, and Yugi. Can’t fail a fourth time.
Anyway, you know what else this storyboarder is good at?
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How did they even get reference for drawing this? They didn’t, right? They’re just so good at art that they were like “I can draw ANY person in ANY outfit straight up the crotch, I dare you.”
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Seto decides to...not help out, much like virtually all of Yami’s other friends, who also just kinda...yelled and cried at this situation instead of...helping.
Which is fine, because the stairwell gave out and then Raphael decided to uhhhh throw this directly at me.
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Just one more yeet for the road. Youknow this guy has yeeted the Pharaoh not once but twice in one season, and both times he just chucked him like he was made out of foam core. (Also, please admire the millennium puzzle in this shot going out at like a 90 degree angle. Just...A+, this storyboarder is hilarious)
At first, I really thought Yami was dabbing his way over that ledge.
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In a moody shot with his hair and his jacket swaying in the breeze, almost designed for you to lift and stick into your Youtube AMVs, Seto looked onward and seemed...kind of bored because no one’s throwing any cards. And like who can blame him, he has been on the top of so many ledges and so many buildings that he’s seen Yami make this same speech of “DON’T DO THIS DAMN LEDGE THING I SWEAR TO GODS” like...so many times.
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He just immediately accepts Yugi died and is like “Well I guess that makes me king of games.”
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And Raphael, after like several minutes of begging Yami to just let him die, decides to let go of that ledge on his own, because this is Yugioh, and you gotta fit in that suicide within the first 10 minutes of the episode. Which, PS, is not the weirdest thing that happened this episode.
And because Roland is freakin late to everything, he showed he could have done this the entire time. Honestly I think Roland just didn’t want to deal with Raphael. We can blame this on Roland, right?
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PS we never see this building again in this episode.
I don’t know........why they bothered showing this. If anything it makes the next plot twist more weird because it’s like...what was the point of the random ass earthquake and the random ass concept art building if we, in fact, aren’t coming back here???
I mean I guess it’s a nice shot for your Artstation portfolio, good on you, Yugioh background artist.
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Unfortunately this chip contains Seto Kaiba’s greatest weakness. (SanDisk card? Jump drive? Which PS--if they had jump drives this whole time, why was Seto using floppies earlier in the season? Like what happened there?)
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And then, with the hatch of their helicopter just wide open, no one in a seat belt, and walking away from the destruction of one of the largest buildings in San Fransisco, finally the cops showed up. Real cops this time, not possessed cops. Also, it’s the Marines.
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Am I going to get my Monty Python ending? I mean...if cops can recognize these kids in this universe...I might get my Monty Python ending. :) :) :)
For some reason, back on the mean streets of San Fransisco with no people left alive in it, Rebecca just kinda started losing her mind. Maybe this was to make up for the 2 seasons I had to watch Duke Devlin flirt with a 12 yo? That now we have to suffer Duke saddled with this small crazy person?
This small crazy person who is painted as this intolerable person next to Duke Devlin, but is also a love interest for the main character? Like Yugi’s into some weird ass angry girls.
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PS the orcs were no longer needed for the plot so they have turned into streams of light in order to join with the Leviathan mass. So now Rebecca and Duke Devlin will just have literally nothing to do for the rest of the season. I guess they can go to Ghiradelli square...someone’s gotta eat that ice cream before it melts.
Also this happened.
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In case you were like “Wow Rach, you didn’t update the Death Count, how dare you”--it’s because I uh...completely forgot that the Oricalchos crew is immune to fall damage. Raphael’s just fine now. He fell down 50 stories...and then 50 stories fell on him...but don’t think about it.
Meanwhile, on the back of some aircraft carrier, far into international waters, the kids get recruited into the military of a foreign country and it’s just as weird as you think it is.
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Hey guys.
So, Bandit Keith was weirdly in Hell this season for no reason, right? What if he died offscreen because, earlier in the season, the US military threw him at Dartz because they couldn’t get a hold of Yugi or Kaiba? What about that headcanon? What if that’s why his angry ghost wanted revenge?
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Anyway, they join the ranks of Shadow T. Hedgehog, which makes sense because...these guys look like human OC’s of Shadow the hedgehog already.
Sorry I just had a moment because Shadow uses guns a lot despite not needing them at all so “people won’t get uncomfortable with how powerful he is” while in Yugioh they can’t even...show a gun. That really is...you ever think about how weird that is? That Shadow the Hedgehog, a strange remix of a 90′s sega mascot, has a million giant guns but Kaiba’s actual gun (which, apparently he does have in the Japanese version of this show) got edited out completely?
Sometimes it just dawns on me and I have a moment.
Now the US Military just hand delivering them to Dartz is so wild because their reason for the USA not doing anything on their own with their fleets and fleets of ships is:
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Have you MET the US? I live here, and if we were like given the choice to shoot the ocean...or just die...we’d be like “wait...for reals? So no one gets hurt, we just shoot guns at the water? You mean we finally found our true calling? For REALS? I just shoot this water bucket!??? FOR REALS????” and it would become a national holiday. All pop songs would be devoted to it. Our ancestors would make movies about it.
I mean, our dumbass president considered nuking a hurricane in 2019...in case you forgot because damn, it’s been a STUPID 4 YEARS. (And you better have voted already because for reals do not make me go through 4 more years of this. I do not think this blog would survive it...or the hurricanes that will keep getting nuked.)
Also....the show actually threw the word “proof” out there. Seriously show? You OK?
I figured the mind control situation would be a better reason not to arrest Dartz other than “Dartz is just so good at covering up his tracks” when the TRACKS have a broken down Caltrain on one side of them, and the other side of the tracks have the rest of that same Caltrain at the bottom of a river.
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Seto is not amused but he never is. He will take this Nobel Peace Prize and step up to the microphone at the UN and be like “I WANTED IT TO BE A CARDS PRIZE.”
PS--we HAVE a map already, right? Raphael died to give us this map--and then didn’t die, but it’s not like anyone else here knows that. So like...why did we need the US Military to show up at all? Why is this scene important? Other than to look cool, I guess? Like...
...why is the US military here we already have a Deus Ex Machina delivered by Raphael? At least that one was deserved--the whole point of that duel was to get this MAP.
A map that we are never going to use.
...There’s a good chance that two writers wrote this episode in two different buildings and just...glued the two halves together. Animation is wild. Weird ‘Cinema sins’ things like this happen...all the time. This one though, this one is kind of funny because it’s a ton of wasted effort on the very best storyboarder.
Anyway I broke this up into two segments because I’m tired, and also, while a lot of people like long posts, the smaller posts are kinda easier to read. More will be upcoming in like...I dunno it really depends on a lot of things right, now, I’ve been having a time, but at least Yugioh is always there to enjoy. Maybe I’ll need so much distraction you’ll get an update tomorrow? Good things can happen, and it’s not like I get to do anything else for Halloween.
Happy Halloween Y’all! Lets make the most of it!
(here’s a link to read these in chrono order)
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mustloveshera · 5 years
you know that s2 (ish) episode where catra is captured by bow n glimmer, but just acts smug because she knows they're too Ethical to do anything to her, and as the ep goes on glimmer is just inching closer and closer to yeeting catra off a cliff? glimmer's s4 arc felt like an extended version of this. like, she's under so much pressure from all sides she just keeps resorting to more violent measures to regain control of the situation, no matter whether it's the 'good' choice or not
(pt 2) that line about how she’s choosing to be the queen that saves etheria really drove this home for me - she’s no longer trying to win ‘in the right way, by being better than They are’, she’s become a full-on wartime ruler who will try to ensure victory no matter what. i love how it’s simultaneously a complete 180 on her morals and priorities but also so completely understandable and in-character, i love it, it adds so much complexity
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yes!! when talk of “dark glimmer” started cropping up, i assumed that earlier incident served as foreshadowing. now we know that wouldn’t be the last time that glimmer prioritized the greater good over saving an individual. that darkness was always inside her; it was just a matter of provoking her enough to push it out into the open, and convincing her not to listen to her friends anymore. 
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what i liked about this season-long conflict was how much of a push was required. yes, that darkness was there, but if it weren’t for angella’s disappearance, shadow weaver’s manipulations, and double trouble’s extensive (they even admitted it was difficult to actually make them fight lol) work, it wouldn’t have emerged to such an extent. the best friends squad is a strong trio, which is why breaking them apart was not easy.
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catra’s point is a good one. being morally superior to your enemies at every turn can be difficult to maintain when you’ve already lost so much because of them. in s4, glimmer had already lost her mother, and then they lost salineas, and so many other seaside towns… so why bother being ethical towards the horde anymore? why bother being ethical at all if the cost is so high, and the benefit of abandoning your morals is even higher? what good is risking everything to save one person, if you would then need to face the destruction/death of so many others? 
i absolutely get it. i’m rather utilitarian, so i agree that sometimes you need to resort to dubious activities to lead to the best outcome. unfortunately, glimmer went a bit too far, and without communicating with her friends. had she been on better terms with them at the time, maybe her actions wouldn’t have blown up in her face like that, and maybe they would’ve actually paid off. 
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glimmer still has the best intentions. she isn’t an idiot and she isn’t a monster. 
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she can still connect with others, such as scorpia, and she still can’t bring herself to kill someone who was responsible for her mother’s disappearance when they look like she wants her to do it. 
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at the end of the day, she genuinely wants to save etheria and all of its people, which is why she’s willing to admit that she screwed up and needs to fix what she’s done. it isn’t about winning--it’s about helping others. she may have gotten lost for a while, but when it comes down to it, she does the right thing. 
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jan-uinely · 4 years
hot takes [pt. ii]
good[e] morning campers! we have more thoughts on \_ |_ | _/  RuPaul’s Drag Race episode 9... because i have nothing better to think about... lol. This is a novel, btw. 
SO... I have said it before and i will say it again... the in memorium segment gave me life. Robot Barbie Cheerleader. also RIP to jan’s clear drink in untucked. 
Let’s get into the gig, because why not. Unsure if readers are aware, but I am very politically minded. [do I use tumblr as a way to put politics aside for a little while? sure. but I have also worked on campaigns, did not take Elizabeth warren dropping out of the presidential race well... I mean she dropped at the beginning of march and now look at where we are.... anyWAYs.]
I did not like this episode. I did not like the challenge. From what I understand, the only other time this challenge was done was in season 4, but I stopped watching season 4 when sharon wore a conf*derate flag bodysuit for a mini challenge, prior to which she wore a mccain/palin shirt. I still don’t know if it was a joke, but #yeet. 
So this episode took the place of a “roast”/ stand up episode. Those are usually fine. They separate folks a little bit more. But, as someone who followed the recent primary with a VERY close eye, but was could also be humorous about it... Debates are hard to do. What makes a debate work is that everyone is well versed on everyone else’s platform, and knows how to attack them, because they have been the same person the whole time. For some reason, everyone “invented” a different character to play.... no one had a real platform... and it’s really hard to ~volley~ when people don’t really understand everyone’s characters. I also think, similar to the democratic primary- that there were too many people on stage. I also think snatch game happened too early... but that’s another story never mind anyway [did you catch that into the woods/bernadette peters joke???? @ JAN ]. 
So everyone has these “characters” which for the most part are not super consistent with who they’ve been portraying on the show... which makes it challenging. Then, it was moderated very poorly, and then edited together very poorly. There was no flow... it was very choppy. Again... not a fan. 
Season 8 also had a political challenge, but if i remember correctly, that was just a branding challenge kind of. It was better than this. Now, do I appreciate the fact that Drag Race is taking this election very seriously?? YES. But this challenge was just Not It. 
I thought Jaida was very consistent, I liked Jackie’s a lot [It seems like a running gag that she is too prepared in the same way that Jan was too energetic... which has its own election flashbacks....] I am really enjoying crystal... I thought she also had what was close to a fully formed character.. it just needed to bake a little more. 
So... next up... ms. goode. #cringe. tbh I don’t care about the performance. Were they just trying to redo snatch game? basically. were they the only person to try and do that? No. 
This mirror chat was the bomb dot com tho. best part of the episode.
We’re talking about the “oh i’m not political” We knew from episode one that Gigi grew up in a lot of privilege- and wasn’t the only one [@ jan] but jesus has it shown in gigi the most... I mean bob the drag queen said it best.. Gigi goode’s mom vs Jaida Essence Hall. 
But the nerve to openly say “i’m not political, and I don’t like it” when you KNOW at this point in time what the contestants have gone through... it’s just really insensitive. Also to be the open front runner knowing that the RPDR fans can be young and impressionable.. is really irresponsible TBH. 
Guess what? I don’t like to follow the news sometimes. I don’t watch tr*mp’s press conferences. Sometimes I log off twitter and go to tumblr. But I still stay INFORMED on the issues and am able to back up my positions. I VOTE. [cannot believe i’m saying this but i would not be surprised if gigi did not vote in 2016.]
Maybe it’s bc I stan jan in a way that I have stanned no one else before [the only ru girl who even comes close to it while I was actively watching the show without prior knowledge is naomi] Maybe it’s combined with the quarantine that I have nothing else to do. And with that comes a [virtual] introduction to basically everybody who’s anybody in the NYC drag scene. [I will say the Bob-Monet-Cracker-Jan quad is just A+] So maybe I just have a better idea of what it is [have I gone down a Youtube rabbit hole on this subject? yes] 
Is new york also my personal favorite city? yes. Have I been to LA? no. Do I like the concept of LA? no. Have I been west of the mississippi river? no. So maybe it’s a combination of all of these things [including Jan saying on repeat that New York is the greatest city to do drag] but. The NYC girls are just so much more political. Brita, Bob, MOnet, tbh Jan is also on the record saying some A+ shiz. Marti Cummings is a non binary drag artist running for city council in manhattan. “Everybody black and aquaria.” 
Is NYC politics like any city, full of machines and garbage too? Sure. But NYC is just so much more powerful and political. LA is just the embodiment of privilege.
 I also think it’s interesting that some of the smaller town/city gals will move to LA [Trixie/Katya/Alaska? I’m looking @ you] after they get the drag race coin. Not that it’s a bad thing or anything, it’s just an interesting dynamic. [another aside: the non NY/LA girls deserve it all and i think it’s really powerful when the show directly addresses issues of wealth/privilege/access to drag on the show.] 
[end sidebar]
And Gigi came into the competition saying “I want to be on vogue” which is great. Their fashion sense is great. Most of their outfits are great. It’s great that they can do comedy [sometimes- like when they are not playing the role of Gigi] But something else I take issue with- and don’t get me wrong humility is great- is the whole “I’m not a dancer” that’s BS. they whole back handspring etc, madonna challenge. Maybe you weren’t a trained dancer, but ffs cut the crap. [if you haven’t look up gigi goode showgirls] 
And yet the judges continue to give Gigi [and SP] free passes. It’s like Ru is so afraid that if either of them end up in the bottom, they won’t turn it out and then there will be no frontrunner. Well guess what? In season 7, Max had 2 wins before anyone else and came in 9th. valentina going home was a total gag. Brooke and Yvie lip synced on the snatch game ep. But Apparently when the skinny white fashion queen from the big city [gigi, aquaria] does less than well, they don’t get put up for elimination??? [did aquaria deserve to lip sync for the makeover? idk.]
Gigi is getting a “winner” edit and it’s not really fair to anyone. People who should have won certain challenges were IGNORED, and instead the producers give all the credit to gigi, giving them almost a worse edit. Like we want to see humans, not robots. If we learned ANYTHING from last week is that the judges don’t like when you just “start on 100 and stay there THE WHOLE TIME”. Bc the truth is that [aside from the loads and loads and loads of privilege,] Gigi is really nice and very talented. But I, as a viewer of reality TV, live to see the perfect fail. I want everyone to shine [this is why I loved when Naomi sent manila home, oops] 
Also.. I would like to address the fact that Gigi basically used the same outfit twice... this runway and entrance look have almost the same pattern, with just a slightly different skirt type. I would like for this behavior to be called out bc it is such a memorable silhouette. 
Also- Shout out to Crystal for the most bomb ass runway... I want that whole outfit pls. 
but aside from that... TBH I just want a show with the real top 7 [ the heidi and widow have been cracking me up saying “we’re at top 5″ or “we’re at top 6″ before the ep aired on instagram and I’m loling.. and that VERY AWK moment when Jan is on the x change rate saying that they couldn’t justify putting anyone other that her and widow in the bottom bc gigi and 3 wins and trying to work around not saying SP’s name had 2. [also shout out to jan the real mvp for unfollowing SP on twitter]] doing competitions and having fun. And I’ve said this before. This is a really good season that did not need production’s handprints all over everything. But they chose to cast RuPaul’s Best Friend Race, so they shouldn’t be complaining or trying to manufacture drama.
I was cracking up when Jaida was [clearly prodded by producers] asking is there anything we need to talk about? and then Jackie goes to talk to widow right before they leave and they are just nice to each other. lol no drama here. It’s the season of the inner saboteur. 
So Jackie and widow are in the bottom and tbh I don’t know. I would have liked to see Gigi lip sync. I would have liked this challenge to not happen. but it did. The lip sync song.. I just didn’t love the cut... Katy perry’s voice is so over produced [trend alert] that the illusion of the lip sync didn’t work in the first chorus. Jackie’s plastic bag was just A+. These lip syncs, tbh starting w jan v widow have been very good. not good enough to make up for the garbage that was everything since ep. 3, but close. [and some of that was song choice, some of it was not. I will say brita killed her first one but rip to rock]
Jeff gold bloom. I just don’t know. Maybe it’s bc I never saw jurassic park. Maybe he was just a bad judge. maybe he too was being prodded by production. ugh. You can read the takes on his interactions with jackie somewhere else. 
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Things I’ve heard high schoolers say pt 2
Person 1: But air doesn’t splash Person 2: How do we know that, Im splashing the air right now.
Person: Prove me wrong. Prove fish can’t see air.
Person: I think you underestimate just how poor I am.
Person: I just invented a new thing. No Romo. Like no homo but with romance cause I’m lonely. Get it?
Person: So yah I burned my hair cooking ramen.
Person: Well I figured he wasn’t an adopted iguana.
Person: Say it. You know god is watching.
Person 1 upon heading the news of George Bush’s death: Wait he’s still alive? Person 2: No he’s dead that’s the point.
Person: I got it. *five second pause* no I don’t got it.
Person 1: My name is (name), but you can call me yours. Person 2: Okay nice to meet you yours.
Person: Don’t drink it all fool.
Person: Bruh you could literally turn in a gay fanfic and he’d give it an A.
Person: Bruh, what is this triangular accusation?
Person 1:It’s call physics. Person 2: Yah but I don’t take Physics hence they should not apply to me.
Person 1: Discreet. Person 2: No discr-yeet *dabs*
Person 1: Be impressed with my ability to bull shit. Person 2: I mean, it’s gotten you this far.
Person: Why do I feel like finals are lowkey Russian roulette? Like okay I made it through most of them but I still have a few pulls of the trigger to go and one of them might get me.
Person 1: Murder. Just do it. Person 2: I didn’t know that nike was sponsoring murder.
Person: How do mermaids reproduce if they’re just like conjoined legs?
Person 1: Frozen Yogurt Person 2: Fro yo Person 1: Frozen YOgUrt Person 2: Fro Yo Person 1: FROZEN YOGURT
Person: All I have to do to commit suicide is jump from my parents expectations to my grades.
Person 1: I mean yah I cheated on that test. Person 2: Man your love life it DOOMED!
Person: I was seeing if I was tripophobic by repeatedly stabbing my finger with my pen.
Person: You do know that crickets exist during the day right?
Person 1: Hey (person 2), we’re friends right? Person 2: ….. What do you want. Person 1: You know, that sandwich looks real good. *person 2 hand them the sandwich* OMIGOD THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!
Person: Omigod (person’s name) is going through puberty!
Person: If you pulled my ear I would have ripped out your nostril.”
Person 1: She’s attacking me! Person 2: No, he’s beating a woman, that’s not polite.
Person 1: I know many things! Person 2: like what? Person 1: ..... Person 2: my point.
Person: My shoes will be sparkly red stilettos. Fight me Dorothy.
Person: umm hello Christmas miracle even though I’m not Christian. Come at me 15 years from now!
Person 1: you’d make a really good baldie Person 2: yah you have a really rest head shape
Person: you know teletubbies? Yah that but compressed.
Person 1: I mean how will you become American? Person 2: paint me white, I’ll get a passport.
Person 1: I’m so funny. Person 3: it’s hard not to be when your life is a joke.
Person 1: So I’ve decided that my new career choice is to make school specific memes Person 2: That's Plan A? Yeash... at least Plan B lands you some cash
Person: I’m so small and bitter I’m like a human expresso
Person: You know what I’d name a baby kangaroo if I had one? David Jowie.
Person: I’m just saying that the orange red glitter crayon is you.
Person: I feel like a 1940’s schoolgirl who goes to an all girl finishing school where embroidery is a required class.
Person: I started high school with straight A’s, now I’m not even straight.
Person: Yeah, I’d swear by comic sans.
Person: (Persons name)stop being depressy and you’ll be more sucessy
Person: You can totally be insecure and self absorbed at the same time.
Person 1: Are you kids okay? Person 2: Besides crippling depression yeah.
Person: I don’t know it’s just giving me pig vibes.
Person: What drugs where the animators for “Pink Elephants on Parade” on?
Person: long story short I make like a semi hot guy.
Person: If I where pregnant id just be like 'you put this thing inside of me, you're helping me until it's out.'
Person: These girls asked me what type of  guys I like and being the simple gay I am, I completely blanked
Person 1: why do you read on your phone if you get carsick at 20 minutes? Person 2:Because it works for the first 19 minutes.
Person: Three Indians, a Thai, a Colombian, and an American walk into a bar. Just kidding they aren't old enough to drink. Three Indians, a Thai, a Colombian, and an American walk into a school cafeteria...
Person: I can't do alcohol cause I'm not of age but I can do drugs because they're illegal for everyone.
Person 1: you can't have a breakdown, it's the third day of school. Person 2:... so?
*Group of kids singing Bohemian Rhapsody in twelve different keys* Person: For gods sake choose a key!
Person: For gods sake that was complicated. You didn't need to send out a survey to see which episode of which season of which show to watch.
Person: Honestly I'd chose stab over dab any day.
Person 1: She said she'd throw me out of the window. Person 2: She never did. Person 1: She never did.
Person: What language is this? *pause* Oh wait it's English.
Person 1: I mean it's pretty hit or miss. Person 2 from across the courtyard: I guess they never miss, huh?
Person: Chu-chu bitch. I’m a train.
Person after loosing game of kahoots: I’m going to ka-shoot myself.
Person: So basically I need to learn Hungarian for a song.
Person: No one screams their sneeze, its not human
Person: If I where a mosquito I would bite you and you’d get malaria and die.
Person: That tide pod aesthetic.
Person: No I loved Barney, Barney was my bo.
Person: If I where my own boyfriend I’d dump me.
Person: It's already a really good song but then it's dubstep so it's extra good.
Person: No one is EVER to old for coolmathgames.com
Person 1: Why are you using a poon? Person 2:….. Person 1: WHY ARE YOU USING A POON?!
Person 1: I’ve been blonde for 16 years. Person 2: So what? I’ve been brown for 16 years and you don’t see me coloring myself white!
Person: Yes. Scrape the sweat off my hand.
Person: No one cares about a square cube of water.
Person: We’re melanin intoxicated.
Person: Well my life may be a mess, but at least I’m not doing drugs. Yet.
Person: Negative 13 out of 10, do not recommend.
Person: Yah that’s gunna have to be a no from me.
Person: Fool me once......fool me twice.......fool me as many times as you want, my first name is dumbass.
Person 1: Ya know, I think the Americans have the order of dates right JUST BECAUSE you can do 4/20/2019. Person 2: Okay but they’re still wrong though.
Person with AirPods: And where are YOUR AirPods? Thats what I thought you broke bitches.
Person: Salem witch trials bitches.
Person: La Croix, the AirPods of the soda world.
Person: Who needs a thermometer when you have… your hands!?
Person 1: It’s time to bring back SEXY MASQUERADE BALLS Person 2: It really is. I need an excuse to wear an incredibly uncomfortable dress that's so big I can't even walk through doorways. Person 1: And to wear a swan inspired mask that doesn’t cover enough of my face to deem myself totally anonymous enough to be half as bold and daring as i plan on acting that night but everyone else is on board we’ll all just forget about it the next day. Person 2: That's to specific for you to have made up on the spot, you've thought about this.
Person: It was lady Macbeth that drugged and made the guards drunk, without her Macbeth would just be like “I guess I’ll stab him???” Person: It’s like playing where’s Waldo but the page is India and I’m Waldo.3Person: Why are there so many frowny faces everywhere?
Person: This group chat is weird. It's either homework, deep philosophical conversations, or memes, there's no in between.
Person 1: Honestly, where DID it come from Person 2: The endless abyss that is the internet.
Person: Are you really blaming our generational depression on Jake Paul?
Person 1:  Oh. My. God. Guys. Keep your carbon dioxide away from my computer. Person 2: But sharing is caring. Person 1: But my computer doesn’t need this kinda of negativity in its life right now.
Person: Sweetie, if you think I’m going to stop wearing my favorite dress just because you kissed me in it, you are dead wrong.
Person with a metal straw: I don't drink broke.
Person: My whole life has become that sock on the floor. It's just there. When did life screw us over and then just ex? I’m just gonna write a book, and the last sentence will be life screwed them over and then exed. A story of the main character who gets screwed over, so I can get that 'it be like that sometimes' reaction.
Person in group chat: Positivity- I will make you feel better about being an idiot. Self Doubt- I will highlight all of your mistakes and set low standards for you so you'll never be disappointed. Me to Self Doubt- I'm listening...
Person 1: Sadly the disappointment never goes away... Person 2: Man we're a sad lot this time of year.
Person 1:It’s almost my favorite time of the year Person 2:Ahh yes. Singles awareness day, also known as chocolate sales at Walgreens eve, also known as... Valentine's Day. Person 1:... Oh... I meant rainy season.
Person: Being antivax is like swimming in shark infested waters because you're afraid the bridge could break lmao.
Person: I learned how eat a kumquat this weekend.
Person: It’s so sticky. It’s like clear cheese.
Person: Hamburger helper? More like hamburger help me pass this class.
Person 1: So I slipped on a grape… Person 2: You got K.O.’ed by a grape (person’s name), how does it feel.
Person 1: Look at me, I’m fine. Person 2: Well how many drugs did you take. Person 1: Several.
Person 1: Did you just say it’s ALMOST FEBRUARY? Person 2: Yes, it’s January 72nd.
Person: I knew your comedic standards where low, but poop jokes? Really?
Person: What? So are you insinuating the fact that reliablest isn't a word?
Person 1: [bitter old man voice] back in my day, tik tok was a kesha song. Person 2: Back in my day we had wires attached to our AirPods.
Person: There's a reason rainbows aren't straight. Just saying.
Person reading sheet music and seeing mf crescendo: I forgot that mezzo forte was a thing for a second so I thought it said mother fucker as a crescendo but mood
Person: He looks like a fine piece of toasted white bread.
Person: If life hasn't given me a fist bump by now, why should I give life one?
Person: we all died in 2012 this is hell.
Person 1: Who wants a pamphlet on condoms? Person 2: Why do you have this? Do you collect them? Person 1: Yah it’s my hobby. I have this one, one on HIV and one on teenage pregnancy.
Person: We live a society where reading about assassins and gory details is a hobby.
Person: Stop breathing so loudly on my thumb!
Person 1: I’m the comic relief. Person 2: For what? Person 1: Myself.
Person1: Who’s your valentine this year? Person 2: Me, myself and I. Person 1: Wow three valentines, you really can’t keep them away can you?
Person: Why do women gotta get their period, why not men. I wish I was born a seahorse.
Person 1: No we can’t all fit, her car is smol. Like you. Person 2:  Says you miss 5 foot nothing lmao. Person 1: Hey we’re the same hight so says you miss 5 foot nothing.
Person: No, that’s cheating no emotionally disabling people.
Person 1: Why is it that we’re talking about someone burning eggs on two different group chats. Person 2: Hey I didn’t burn them. Person 3: Cause why not?
Person 1:  That’s not how an Australian accent works. Person 2: This is why I’m not Australian, I don’t have the koala-fications.
Person 1: I’m Indian, numbers run through my blood. Person 2: That’s like saying I’m going to marry my cousin just because I’m white.
Person: So I ate veggies and hummus for lunch but then I counterbalanced it by eating a spoon full of straight Nutella.
Person: Seagulls, California Pigeons, what’s the difference?
Person 1: I humbly apologize and request your forgiveness. Person 2:  I humbly decline your request for forgiveness.
Person: I think I’m permanently stuck somewhere between “If you mess with me I’ll fight” and “If you mess with me I’ll cry.”
Person 1: It was implied! Person 2: What’s implied is your inability to accept that fact that I’m right!
Person 1: I got lazy because I was eating Pringles. Person 2: She values Pringles more than me.
Person: Yo, you be the crazy ex girls they be talking about in memes.
Person: I swear (persons name) if I hooked up with squidward in your dream your subconscious and I need to have a little talk.
Person: You get to die, and you get to die! Everybody gets to die!
Person: How do you just add a child?
Person 1: Look at this ink based pencil. Person 2: A pen?
 Person 1: This egg is all broken. Person 2: It’s like you then, you both broke under the pressure.
Lakshmi: Don’t force your opinion, voice it.
Person 1: If I where a fruit, which one would I be? Person 2: Sushi. Person 1:… Sushi isn’t a fruit.
Person: I mean it’s not straight up “Yo come here I’m gunna kill you.”
Person: Bye gays, bye (other girls name).
Person 1: No (person B) stop. Just shut up. You’re making me loose brain cells. Person 2: But… Person 1: No. Just no.
Person: Stop. That is non-consensual pizza eating.
Person 1: Cheese is not a vegetable! Person 2: Well it’s not a meat either! Person 3: Guys… It’s dairy.
Person: Idiots have priority over just regular dumb people
Person: God melted the polar ice caps just to make it rain for Noah then refroze them. I don’t know (kids name) I’m not god!
Person: You and I will go out, and leave them to their raw fish rolled in sea salad.
Person: Does anyone else get really energized when they change their room? Just me? Okay.
Person: I hope you know I will diss you guys to the end of the earth.
Person: Bruh talk to (person’s name) I don’t know sh… *notices teacher looking at her*…niahhh.
Person 1: The thing is, I don’t want to be 80 that’s rough. Person 2: Then just die at 50.
Person: You’d be scrambled eggs with hair.
Person: Seeing you two fighting, it’s like seeing a piece of light fighting a black hole.
Teacher: What can you tell me about probability? Student 1: I hate it. Student 2: Dont you mean you? Student 1: Yes both.
Person: My brain has the dumb I’m sorry
Person 1: If my first word was no, I’m assuming that’s foreshadowing for them my family disowns me after I renounce religion and systemic abuse. Person 2: Or…. You just need to make sure your last word is yes. Person 1: Yes to what though? Person 2: ‘Are you dying?’ Yes.’ Pessimism, just your style. Person 1: That’s true.
Person: My parents don’t message me, they’re the type of people who CALL. Where did I get my social anxiety from??
Person: Well guys it's been great knowing you I’m just going to drown now.
Person: I figured out a new diet regime, it’s called sleeping until noon and just not eating breakfast.
Person: The f on my birth certificate was the doctor paying their respects.
Person: Chocolates with raspberry filling are the sole reason I’m still alive.
Person 1: Isn’t Latin a dead language? Person 2: You’re a dead language!
Person: Hydrate before you diedrate.
Person 1: you have a son named Spider-Man? Person 2:  what noooo! Person 3: well don’t expose her!
Person: That awkward moment when you just really don’t care about people.
Person 1: (Person 2) and I will be over here with my virgin margarita and her water. Person 2: Hey! I want apple juice! Person 3: Why are you not drinking (Person 1)? Person 2: Because she’s to single, and also she’d strip. Person 1: Woahh! How dare you assume that I’m not drinking because I’m to single?
Person 1: Ya know, I think I’m going to have to jazz hands my way through hell. Person 2: All of us will.
Person: Brown town children, y’all find someone in India?
Person 1: Wow you have the best backup singers. Person 2: I only hire the best, at least 5 stars in yelp. Person 1: Well good because that’s  the sound they’re making.
Person: The cold kills everything, it’s like my heart.
Person 1: Remember the rolls I brought to school last year that I used to give you? The ones with paneer and the really good spices? Person 2: Yah? Person 1: This is not at all the same thing.
Person 1: What’s stevia? Person 2: It’s like sugar but no.
Person 1: Yeetus Skelettus. Person 2: Fetus Deletes? Honey, that’s called abortion.
Person: Anything for you. That’s what you said. Anything for you. But when I ask for just one bite of your pasta? No!
Person 1: I've written 1,300 words and don’t have a thesis statement or topic question Person 2: Yeah, you need to figure that out.
Person 1: you know I had a dream that you where in a romantic relationship with a toaster. Person 2:  wasn’t that your relationship with (ex’s name)? Person 1: you’d have more chemistry with a toaster.
Person: Can people read colors? Cause I am ooo.
Person: It’s like hands but medusa
Person: You look like a cardboard jellyfish that’s brown
Person 1: Two of us like boys. Person 2: We all like boys. Person 1: Two of us like ONLY boys.
Person: you’re like a reverse plant. You convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.
Person: Shhhhh. I’m not in physics, let me be dumb in peace.
Person: Why are you laying down like some greek god, get up you brown child.
Person 1: Do all of you just think you’re going to be single? Person 2: I already am why not keep the streak going to get a high score?
Person: and now cracks of light are coming out from around the sides like some sort of computer Jesus!
People 1 and 2: Rock Paper Scissors Person 3: shoot me please.
Person 1: not since 9/11 you can’t. Person 2: dang. You just tossed your whole country just to prove a point. I’ve never been so proud.
Person 1: what is an angle of depression? Person 2: it’s my life. Person 1: no it’s you because it’s not straight.
Person: Boom. Lesbians.
Person 1: Well what if two rocks just washed up at the same time and humans. Person 2: Evolution.
Person: Watermelon isn’t good anymore, I swear its just water with food coloring.
Person: You being dumb makes me want to correct you, sos too being dumb cause I’m on vocal rest.
Person: well (persons name) who have you a mouth?
Person: Teachers that grade late work deserve all the love and cookies and cake in the world.
Person 1: honestly I just want to die right now. Person 2: same. Literally same.
Person: I just feel like a single molecule lost in space.
Person: who’s gunna stop me? God? Damn him to hell.
Person: the line is not actually straight it’s like (students name)
Person 1: It’s your favorite sleep deprived gay. Person 2: But I’m my favorite sleep deprived gay. Self love. Person 1: We Stan.
Person 1: Why do you have a tool? Person 2: Because my hair is moist.
Person: eating lead was an otherworldly experience
Person 1: I have everything stolen from me 2: at least you have the tiniest bit of dignity left 3: what dignity? 1: exactly
Person 1:( holding up katsup) does this go on salad?
Person:I’m turning red! Me! A brown girl!
Person: I’m not trying argue that we should date, I’m just saying.
Person 1: what’s your biggest turn on? Person2 : a light switch Person 2: or then leaving.
Person 1: what is the most attractive retire on someone Person 2: my own face
Person: you’d be that one bar do white chocolate that just sits in the feidge because no one wants it
Person: that’s like saying I’d rather see your shirt than your face.
Person: why would I shut up when I can shut (kids name) down
Person: Subtle. Gay. Vibes. I’m telling you.
Person: just watch me write my ee on all the reasons why nick caraway is gay. Just watch me.
Person: Why are you stereotyping. What if the body doesn’t want trucks, what if he wants to be a fairy.
Person: being ace is basically just eww no but like forever.
Person: Stop trying to science your way out of being wrong.
Person: even if you did ask me out I’d still say no so then you’d even be rejected by a trash can
Person 1: you can’t read cheese color. Person 2: yellow?
Person 1: Think about  it like you’re brown Person 2: She is brown Person 1: Then act like it
Person: You’re not an ugly frog, you’re a beautiful human being. Person: I am. Very very dumb. And also. Bisexual.
Person: I was thinking of something smart but then I forgot what it was.
Person: I want to skip the crush phase and just make out with someone.
Person 1: The only way to get into the Holland family is to marry in through Paddy. Person 2: (Person 1’s name) this isn’t the royal family.
Person: Omigod you looked like the human version of squid ward.
Person: I want to be smart. Where can I learn smart stuff?
Person: But plant the seed and smoke the weed and chop the cane.
Peeeson 1: that is the definition of meter? Person 2: about 3 feet. Person 1: okay thanks America
Person 1: who’s Tom Holland? Person 2: Spider-Man you uncultured swine!!
Person: I am not a children
Person: Ohh dang yeah forgot chickens existed for a while
Person: Hey! Don’t narrate my water!
Person: I don’t read water.
Person: Think of it as a relationship. If you and your ex break up they are salty but you profit because you wanted to end it but if you end it weak, then y’all will argue back and forth and get nowhere with ending it while still exchanging insults.
Person: You know those really sexual mattress adverts?
Person: Oh please, you have the sexual appeal of an easy bake oven.
Person 1: weed is a gate way drug Person 2: YOURE A GATEWAY DRUG!
Person: (first, middle, last name), I love you to the end of the earth. But you are a daft child.
Person 1: She’s like that type of girl. She’s the long paragraph white girl. Person 2: Well that’s a niche if I’ve even seen one.
Person 1: swing you two fight is like watching two ants fight. Person 2: you friking piece of bacteria!
Person: I’m just an intellectual.
Person: I will murder your face off.
Person: that’s like a kilometer tall.
Person: It’s weird when I pet you horizontally.
Person: to be honest I thought those were rocks in a jar for the longest time. Turns out they weren’t.
Person: does she have a brother or gay tendencies
Person: I’m going to slap your hand like it’s a fricking spider.
Person: I like your face better blurry.
Person: every night at about midnight someone starts googling astrology
Person: I will kick you. I will murder your soul.
Person 1: I’m just going to marry a millionaire. Person 2: Where are you gunna finds a millionaire in this economy?
Person: Welcome to my tea party, there isn’t any tea to drink, but we have a lot of it to spill.
Person: Yah, it was something about sex or something.
Person: You’re all uncultured swines.
Person: I’m about as straight as a sine curve.
Person 1: They’re not Oreo’s you dumb head Person 2: I know that dumber head. Person 3 :Shut up dumbest heads
Person: As an ex foetus i can say with authority that if my mother had aborted me i wouldn't have known nor would i have given a fuck
Person: I’ve just accepted I’m going to fail this test. I’ve gone through the 5 stages of grief already.
Person: Yes I’m blind that’s why I need glasses fool.
Person: what the fork do you want you little son of a biscuit.
Person: Anyway now I’m taking Tylenol PM and I’m going to actually sleep tonight that’ll be fun.
Person: I need all the hoodies. ALL OF THEM.
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incomplete list of gay st episodes
happy pride here’s my contribution
season 1:
city on the edge of forever
spock’s Poorly Concealed Jealousy
the actual physical woman jim is supposed to be boning (to spock, on where they belong): “you? at his side, as if you’ve always been there and always will”
p l e a s e
the naked time
I'm choking just thinking about this ok
spock, inhibitions lost, fucking tackling jim about his feelings
h a n d h o l d i n g
canon dialogue: “when I feel friendship for you, I am ashamed”
shore leave
“push...push hard....d i g  it  I N  T H E R E, MISTER SPO --
truly legendary
flirting in life-threatening situations(TM)
the planet gives them whatever they desire most & spock’s travel time is suspiciously fast
the devil in the dark
oh my god
standard Battle Power Couple bullshit
orders? don’t know her. we disobey orders to save each other like MEN
dramatic cave-ins
spock melds with an alien & jim is very close to losing his shit
as usual
operation: annihilate
okay listen basically any episode where spock gets sick/injured is fuckng...Too Much
McCoy: uh jim.......do you not mayhaps have a ship to run??
jim: do I look like i FUCKING care. my bf’s hurt just Do Something
errand of mercy
this episode is so fucking slow
do you know why?
because they can’t. stop flirting.
please y’all are trying to sneak into a compound can you tone it down and FOCUS for two (2) seconds
this side of paradise
this isn’t even that gay it’s just included on principle
did u kno star trek invented sex pollen?
spock hangs upside-down from a tree just watch it
season 2:
we getting real gay real fast kids
amok time
this is it. this is The Episode. this is the hallowed ground where it all began
seriously watch this Very First about 800000000 fanfic things will make sense
jim & spock Not Looking at each other and discussing Vulcan mating habits
spock about to challenge all Vulcan traditions bringing jim (and bonus bones) down to Vulcan
spock! smiling!
spock, in full Vulcan mating throes, wrestling jim to the ground
later “huh my mating drive is gone now. fascinating”
spock, logically: ‘I can’t talk about this based on thousands of years of Vulcan privacy” 
spock, gayly: “yeah ok jim i’ll tell u”
I can’t even list everything this ep is such bullshit just watch it
mirror mirror
‘if I read my Spocks correctly”
spock w a beard, jim w a cutoff tank. true gay fashion icons
sparkly eyeshadow
spock being ordered to kill jim for his own gain and Not Doing It
u just Kno that jim has to keep reminding himself not to flirt w mirror!spock
bread and circuses
this made me and @phoenixexploded SCREAM in my kitchen
flavius and his cutoff shorts? a Gay McFreakin Icon
u kno that post that’s like ‘gay people don’t know how to use chairs’ yeah
this ep is more mcspock than anything
flirting snark in inopportune situations, including but not limited to: during a fight for their lives, in a prison cell, in a prison cell AGAIN
spock saves bones’ life
bones: “why, you wouldn’t know what to do with a genuine, human emotion --” “really, doctor?” “yeah, i’m worried about jim too”
not mentioned above: the FUCKING sex eyebrows. bones keeps flicking his eyes to spock’s lips.
the sexual tension is eNormous. save them
the ultimate computer
when your bf gets jealous of a computer
bones: spock sure loves that computer
jim: yeah I Hate It. No Reason Why Just a Bad Feeling
Actual Canon Dialogue: “Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them. Captain, the starship also runs on loyalty to one man, and nothing can replace it, or him.”
friday’s child
jim & bones have a fight & when jim apologizes spock basically tells him off Vulcan-style
uh bones adopts a baby it’s fine
bones is holding hands w this warrior lady and when spock walks by he YANKS his hand out of hers like a guilty kid
spock makes an Angst Face and walks away
there is no context for any of this
bones: “you put one hand here to support its head -- “ spock: “I would rather - I would rather not”
the baby gets named “leonard james” and they’re like spock what a great name right? what do you think?
spock: I think the two of you will be insufferable for a week, captain
journey to babel
fucking. iconique
Worst Meet The Parents Ever
Amanda & Jim bond over being in love with Vulcans
Spock & Sarek bond over their illogical humans
jim pretends he’s not Literally Dying of a stab wound so spock can save his dad
the apple
can you maybe Stop Flirting before you’re all dead
handholding bc why not
spock Yeets Himself in front of a poison dart (for jim ofc) and then tries to say it was the logical course of action
bones calls spock the devil pt 1
a piece of the action
spock says jim’s driving alarms him
this episode is terrible. please watch it
the changeling
spock melds with a computer & gets hurt and jim LOSES IT
no platonic touches we cling to each other’s arms instead
this ep is complete batshit
bones calls spock the devil pt 2
kinky dungeon adventures
the deadly years
this shit is ANGSTY
they all start aging really fast ig
jim: ‘i’m not pretty anymore’ spock: I love u anyway captain 
spock displaces jim for his own good and jim’s like ‘how could u of all people betray me like this. I thought u LOVED me’
season 3:
and the children shall lead
turbolift makeouts
”my Vulcan friend”
can your bf bring you out of a full-blown, alien-induced panic attack by saying your name one (1) time? no? didn’t think so
need me a freak like THAT
this also made us start shrieking in the kitchen btw. my mom thought we were dying
the tholian web
this is The Angstiest Episode of TOS
they think jim’s dead & can’t stop arguing and it’s Sad
jim leaves them (just Spock and Bones btw) a message to listen to after his death & it’s like ‘trust each other. be strong. love, ur bf’
when they find him he’s like ‘what happened? how’d u get along without me? what did u think of my message”
& they’re like ‘haha what message. nah it was fine.’
jim: yeah sure I call bullshit
whom gods destroy
this megalomaniac captain gets a crush on jim & spock is Not Having It
at various points the bad guy impersonates both of them. both jim and spock can tell that it’s him.
like listen. as a viewer I have the benefit of dramatic timing and background music and I couldn’t even tell
in conclusion, it’s gay, lads. thanks for coming to my tedx talk.
i’ll be back soon with additions esp to season 3. u can’t stop me.
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sammy8d257 · 6 years
Shadow Council May my labors please you
After 7 months of working on this between school and other art projects I'm proud to put this out for the world!
God I love the C Team so much This audio comes from Season 1, ep. 9, Homecoming Pt. 1 This scene was one of my favorites from season 1 And season 2 was just as good, if not even better I can't wait for season 3 to start in a few weeks!
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disasteralex · 6 years
voltron + vine/memes pt 3 (feat. klance)
because we all need some lighthearted fun after this season
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 
(spoilers for s6)
during his time on the space whale thing, keith tells krolia about all of lance’s stupid vines to pass the time
krolia, trying her best to understand earth culture, says keith’s father was thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. keith has regrets
keith has a dopey smile on his face the entire time. krolia’s spidey senses are tingling. she knows
lance tries to get keith to name his cosmic space wolf gabe. keith is confused. whenever he asks who gabe is, lance just thumps his own chest, raises his hand up to the sky and says “rip gabe”
lance and pidge try to get the wolf to bork like the “smoke weed every day” vine. shiro is Disappointed but can’t say anything because that would mean admitting he knows the vine and he can’t do that
pidge constantly refers to lance’s fursona and refuses to call him anything but pike for three weeks. the tables have turned
a few days into their journey back home, they land on a planet where the aliens look like dog-people and pidge makes about 10 furry jokes in the span of a minute
lance, finally snapping: “stop kinkshaming me!” pidge, with the most deadpan look on her face: “kinkshaming is my kink”
shiro laughs before he can stop himself and blows his cover
after shiro is brought back, the team decides to catch each other up
when they tell shiro what happened with lotor, everyone goes a quiet because they don’t want to bring it up in front of allura. finally, she takes matters into her own hands and goes “well, as i believe the phrase goes, i yeeted him across the bridge”
lance has never been more proud of someone in his life
pidge, that little shit: “did you mean yoted allura”
lance, at one point: “and we just drop in, like hey there galra, it’s me, ya boi”. hunk, nodding: “we dropped in like whupow and balalala”
keith is intrigued when lance explains buzzfeed unsolved. lance promises to show him as soon as they get back to earth and keith is suddenly a Very Flustered Boy
krolia: “is this boy propositioning my son?” coran: “i don’t think so?”
the garrison keeps them overnight (preventative quarantine), so lance drags keith over to his room to watch unsolved. they end up binging the first two seasons of supernatural. keith absolutely loves it and lance is so happy
the next morning, he makes sure to download every single episode for when they’re in space
when matt meets up with the group and is informed of what happened, he immediately shouts “I WANT TO SEE MY LITTLE BOY”
lance, as keith helps shiro out of the black lion: “HERE HE COMES”
shiro regrets everything, especially once matt breaks out the grandpa jokes
at one point, hunk and pidge go a little too far in teasing lance and he snaps and shouts “I’M SENSITIVE AUBREY” before running away from them (I have a headcanon that whenever lance panics or freaks out he reverts to vines/memes). hunk and pidge immediately realize what they’ve done/been doing and feel horrible
the next day, they get allura to bring lance to them. they’ve got pidge’s laptop already set up and playing music and they’re both wearing sunglasses and shrouded blankets
when lance walks in, they hand him another blanket and pair of sunglasses. lance smiles a little, accepts the unsaid apology and promise, and takes his place in front of them
in preparation for returning to earth, the garrison trio try and teach the others “earth slang”. nobody can tell how much they’re making up
coran then spends the next week asking the paladins what the tea is at breakfast. shiro feels too old for this
hunk, eating earth food for the first time in months: “finally some good fucking food”. lance cries of laughter
once they’re back on earth matt rigs his communicator to play the intro to bill nye the science guy whenever he enters a room. every time the garrison trio will drop everything and compulsively shout “bill bill bill” and he finds it hilarious
one time he catches shiro bopping his head to the music and nearly loses it
pidge discovered halfway to earth that she has a whole folder of memes and vines saved to her laptop and gathers everyone around for Family Meme Time 
pidge also has a strangely large collection of bad commercials. coran loves all of them, but his favourite is the shamwow guy
allura and coran are confused by earth’s geography (specifically the fact that north america is broken up into continents, then countries and provinces/states)
pidge, hunk and lance at the exact same time: “AMERICA, EXPLAIN”
keith enlists pidge’s help because he catches on pretty quick to the fact that lance freaks out every time he uses a vine/meme successfully
keith, as they land on a planet full of space deer: “hey lance” “yeah?” “look at all those chickens” lance freezes
pidge, in the background: lance.exe has stopped working
krolia to coran: “is this a weird earth mating ritual?” coran, squinting: “i’m... not sure”
before they all leave for their separate homes on earth, the paladins decide to get mcdonalds together
keith, walking up to the drinks station: “hey lance” lance: “yeah?” keith quickly samples all the drinks, takes a sip and says “fuck you”. lance thinks he’s in love
shiro, shook to the core but also not really surprised: “is he flirting???”
krolia, quietly but fiercely: that’s my boy
everyone is given communicators while they’re apart in case of an “emergency”. lance uses his to send keith memes and stuff from the strange side of youtube. keith mostly uses his to send lance videos of krolia reacting to weird earth shit and to tell shiro that yes, dad, he’s taking care of himself
keith’s favourite video is one lance sent him of him and his older brother recreating "when mama isn’t home”. lance’s is a video of keith laughing as krolia tries to fight a revolving door
before they leave for space, the group makes a trip to costco. coran is enthralled. krolia is fascinated by all the weapons and tries to use one. somehow, they manage to lose keith. by the end of the day, they’ve been banned indefinitely
when they leave earth again, they have approximately 20 multipacks of kd, a shiro-sized freezer of bacon, 12 giant jars of nutella, a cabinet full of costco brand vodka (coran is weirdly obsessed with it), and 60 pounds of ground coffee specifically reserved for shiro
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mccinnamon-bun · 6 years
Class Shenanigans Pt.2
*art class*
Me: *walks into art room w/ musical Santa hat playing* 'TIS THE SEASON MOTHERFUCKERS
Teacher: *shows a piece of art of a big apple in a tiny room*
Me: Chonky
Friend: It's a big boi
Friend 2: *shows up at the lunch table*
Friend 2: *whacks me in the face*
*science class*
Friend 2: FUCK *name*
Teacher: did she just say what I think she just said?
Me: Yup
Teacher: Was it two words?
Me: Yeah
Teacher: I don't think they were the words "Merry Christmas"
Me: *turns to friend* that wasn't very festive of you
Friend 2: *yeets a Santa hat at me*
Friend 3: I have a document on my computer called "School Shooting"
Me: WHAT THE FUCK *name*
Friend 4: Toodles
Friend 3: Who the fuck says toodles
Me: That was the gayest thing I've heard today oh my god
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the5sosdumpster · 6 years
Get To Know Me Tag
1. What is your full name? Jennifer T Lee
2. What is your nickname? Jenny
3. What is your zodiac sign? Leo
4. What is your favorite book series? I read one that was called Tiger’s Curse or something like that but that series was pretty lit
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yes to ghosts - eh to aliens
6. Who is your favorite author? idk if I have one, maybe Dostoevsky
7. What is your favorite radio station? Don’t listen
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Mint or Blue Raspberry
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Beautiful
10. What is your current favorite song? The Only by Sasha Sloan
11. What is your favorite word? Shit
12. What was the last song you listened to? Secret Love Song, Pt. II by Little Mix
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Criminal Minds and Gilmore Girls
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Perks of Being a Wallflower or Bad Moms
15. Do you play video games? I don’t have the stuff for it
16. What is your biggest fear? Never being happy
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m empathetic
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I’m stubborn as hell
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs
20. What is your favorite season? Winter
21. Are you in a relationship? Lmao cute, no I’m not
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Ignorance
23. Who is your best friend? Malorie
24. What is your eye color? Blue/Grey
25. What is your hair color? Red (natural)
26. Who is someone you love? Other best friend Abby
27. Who is someone you trust? My parents
28. Who is someone you think about often? My dog Dash who died last year
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? I was just accepted into a field school and I was offered a really cool position for art
30. What is your biggest obsession? Music
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Bear In The Big Blue House
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? No one oof
33. Are you superstitious? Uh kinda but not really idk
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Bugs, esp beetles and centipedes 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind
36. What is your favorite hobby? Art
37. What was the last book you read? Gorillas in the Mist
38. What was the last movie you watched? Fifty Shades Darker lmao
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Bass Guitar, Euphonium, and Piano
40. What is your favorite animal? Wolf
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? @calumspeachy @calumthmas @h0tsos @irwinvalentines @empathycth
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Fly or be invisible
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? When I’m asleep
44. What makes you smile? 5sos, Netflix, friends, anthropology
45. What sports do you play, if any? None
46. What is your favorite drink? Coffee and tea
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Over a year ago
48. Are you afraid of heights? Not really
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? Privileged men.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yeet
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? No
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? Wildlife biologist
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Idk I guess To All The Boys
54. What is something you worry about? Being good enough
55. Are you scared of the dark? No
56. Do you like to sing? Ye
57. Have you ever skipped school? Yeah lol
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? My bed, asleep
59. Where would you like to live? Hawaii or England or smthn
60. Do you have any pets? Yeah: 2 geckos named Linda and Timothy, 1 fish named Suzan, 2 snails (w fish) named Jamison and Freeda, 1 cat named Hazy who is a dick, and 1 dog named Dory who is the love of my life
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets
63. Do you know how to drive? Ye
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Headphones
65. Have you ever had braces? Yeah
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Rock
67. Who is your hero? Halsey
68. Do you read comic books? Nope
69. What makes you the most angry? Privileged dumbasses
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Book
71. What is your favorite subject in school? Anthropology
72. Do you have any siblings? Yeah, one older half brother
73. What was the last thing you bought? Food at the grocery store
74. How tall are you? 5′5
75. Can you cook? Ye
76. What are three things that you love? Music, art, 
77. What are three things that you hate? Rude people, PDA and haters.
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Female
79. What is your sexual orientation? Straight
80. Where do you currently live? CO
81. Who was the last person you texted? Malorie
82. When was the last time you cried? Last night
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? Dan Howell
84. Do you like to take selfies? Eh
85. What is your favorite app? Tumblr or Insta
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Good, we’re usually good lol
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? Aussie
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Australia
89. What is your favorite number? Don’t have one
90. Can you juggle? Nope
91. Are you religious? Nah
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Ocean
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Lol no
94. Are you allergic to anything? Nope
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yeah?????
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Yeah
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Depends on who I was debating with
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Both
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? “You have to start somewhere, right?”
100. Are you a good liar? To a stranger, yeah
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Slytherin 
102. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah lol
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? No
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Give it to the police
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Some are
108. Are you ticklish? Yeah
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yup
110. Do you have any piercings? No
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Peter Kavinsky
112. Do you have any tattoos? Yeah, like 6 or something
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? To change my major to a double in Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts
114. Do you believe in karma? Yes
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Contacts during the day, glasses in the evening
116. Do you want children? No lol
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My parents maybe idk
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? idk there’s a lot
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Yupppp
120. What colour are most of your clothes? Black or earthy tones
121. Do you like adventures? Yeet
122. Have you ever been on TV? Nope
123. How old are you? 19
124. What is your favorite quote? "Stop saying ‘I wish,’ and start saying ‘I will.’”
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Savory
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Yet Another Chatfic pt 5
part 1 I 2 I 3 I 4
this is a long chapter! and im posting it ahead of schedule! bc I love yall!
please leave comments! likes! I love feedback!
Also! this chapter has a peek into sarah, finch, and alberts groupchat
Queens of New York
santagay: say yeet if you made it home alive
DJacobs: Yeet!
SJ420: yeet
richbitch: yeet
Spot8365631: yeet
respecs: yeet
albiehadalittlelamb: yeet
WhereforeArtThou: yeet
noteventhatshort: yeet
SJ420: wheres finchy boy?
littlebirdie: still at their apt
littlebirdie: oh right
littlebirdie added crispycrutch to Queens of New York
PM with albiehadalittlelamb
santagay: al, finch slept over
albiehadalittlelamb: yeah ik?
santagay: i hate to say this and be that guy, but al, he slept in crutchies room
santagay: ik whats its like to be cheated on, and i never thought i would be having this conversation about finch but I dont want you to get hurt.
albiehadalittlelamb: ill ask finch, im sure nothing happened
PM with littlebirdie
albiehadalittlelamb: did my fake bf cheat on me?
littlebirdie: …
albiehadalittlelamb: GET SOME BOIII
littlebirdie: lmao so your not mad?
albiehadalittlelamb: why would I be mad? even if we were dating id be chill about this, ik you have a huge thing for crutchie and lord knows youd never get any action from me
albiehadalittlelamb: the only problem is that jack thinks your cheating on me
littlefinch: ok so should we fake-break up? cuz i kind of dont want to, but if jack thinks im cheating on you…
albiehadlittlelamb: i have a plan
albiehadalittlelamb: does crutchie know that were fake dating?
littlebirdie: ye, theres no way i would even be allowed into his room if we were actually dating
albiehadalittlelamb: ok but heres the thing, if jack thinks you cheated on me, then race probably thinks the same
littlebirdie: oooHHHHHH
littlebirdie: so now im also fake cheating on you so that race will feel bad and fall for you and your sad situation
albiehadalittlebird: exactly!
littlebirdie: nice! what could possibly go wrong
Queens of New York
respecs: so why is this chat called queens of new york
inyourFACEtrack: well you see…
inyourFACEtrack: twas all hallows eve 2017
inyourFACEtrack: and 7 of us showed up to kaths halloween as drag queens completely independantly
noteventhatshort: and sarah kath jack and i were dressed as disney princesses
respecs: thats beautiful
respecs: and here i thought it was bc ?everyone? here is lbgtq
santagay: well if you think about it, its both
richbitch: when was the last time we even had a straight in this chat?
crispycrutch: i think  we had morris in the chat for a week when he was dating romeo
santagay: oh god i forgot about that
SJ420: does he even count as a straight?
inyourFACEtrack: well there was a reason he was only in the chat for a week so…
santagay: true, speaking of which
santagay: specs, if you ever hurt romeo, we will find out where you live and steal all of you soap lest you ever get a date again
respecs: noted?
SJ420: he gave me the same threat when I started dating kath lmao
santagay: it worked didnt it?
SJ420: im hate you
santagay: you loved me once loser
WhereforeArtThou: oh shit he went there
inyourFACEtrack: oooooooooooo
crispycrutch: ??????
SJ420: once upon a time i thought i was a het, and then i dated jack for like 2 months
SJ420: and 90% of our relationship was checking out pretty girls together
SJ420: so i figured i should date those pretty girls
noteventhatshort: BIG MOOD
SJ420: for the record the other 10% of the relationship was jack checking out “cute” boys and me being like eh
santagay: and herre i thought you were just trying to stop me from being jealous
SJ420: jack at one point i kissed another girl in front of you and you did not care
noteventhatshort: AHHH
inyourFACEtrack: OOOF
richbitch: AN ICON
santagay: ok well
SJ420: don’t even try bud
DJacobs: That’s my sister!!!!!
santagay: but at least you didnt hide it
santagay: at least you werent kissing people behind my back like SOME people in this chat
SJ420: ????
Spot8365631: i thought you were over that
santagay: i am i just need to have moral high ground over someone
inyourFACEtrack: wait what
noteventhatshort: is this chat just stories of jack getting cheated on now?
richbitch: im living for this
richbitch: jack cant keep a man nor woman
noteventhatshort: but whats this about spot cheating on jack?
santagay: he BROKE my FRAGILE 15 y/o HEART
santagay: but spottie was too cool, lived too fast, couldnt be tied down to one man
Spot8365631: also david was a much better kisser
richbitch: CALLED OUT
inyourFACEtrack: 911? theres been a murder?
DJacobs: This…. is true.
respecs: i am living for the drama in this chat
crispycrutch: were kind of a mess tbh
respecs: i understand and completely respect that
inyourFACEtrack: you reSPECt that?
respecs: haha very funny not like thats my goddamn username or anything
Spot8365631: roasted
inyourFACEtrack: bitch
santagay: fuck offfffff
WhereforeArtThou: this bet is unfair
WhereforeArtThou: im only attracted to one gender, thats less than half the people to ask
santagay: dude ur still winning
WhereforeArtThou: yeah but its a lot more work
inyourFACEtrack: i only have 1 girls number, i think its p even
santagay: this seems like something you should have considered when we started
WhereforeArtThou: ok but consider this
WhereforeArtThou: i didnt
inyourFACEtrack: ok but consider this
inyourFACEtrack: ur a dumbass
WhereforeArtThou: strong words coming from a guy who threw a wii remote out the window
noteventhatshort: fight fight fight fight
inyourFACEtrack: my embarrassments are not ur entertainment smalls
noteventhatshort: ur embarrassments are my only entertainment what r u talking about
Spot8365631: also everything you do is embarrassing
inyouFACEtrack: i feel betrayed
santagay: you should
santagay: i once saw u put hot chocolate mix in oj
inyourFACEtrack: it tastes like a terrys chocolate orange i stand by my choices
crispycrutch: you snorted mr noodles seasoning bc spot told you to
inyourFACEtrack: and i got 20$ for it
Spot8365631: u didnt “””get”””” 20$ ur debt to me was just slightly reduced
inyourFACEtrack: EITHER WAY
crispycrutch: once i watched u drop a spoon into a pot of boiling water and stick ur hand in to get it
inyourFACEtrack: i think ur point has been made, thnk u crutchie
Spot8365631: please do not stop, hes had it coming
crispycrutch: i will stop only bc i value my safety and so i still have receipts for the future
inyourFACEtrack: oh god
inyourFACEtrack: why did i think it was a good idea to live with you
crispycrutch: bc you love me and i contribute to the rent
inyourFACEtrack: touche
crispycrutch: besides, i would have dirt on you regardless
crispycrutch: i have seen each and every one of you do stupid stuff, no one is safe
inyourFACEtrack: mooooom crutchies being meannnn
DJacobs: Crutchie, please delete your blackmail.
crispycrutch: how can i delete it when its in my brain
santagay: i have never been more scared of crutchie
SJ420: crutchie is my idol
crispycrutch: that does not make you safe my friend
SJ420: honestly at this point you could reveal anything about me and i would not care
SJ420: i have reached a god status where nothing you say could possibly embarrass me
richbitch: im so in love with you
SJ420: love you too babe
PM with SJ420
richbitch: ik youre in the next room but i dont want dave to hear, but I got a dinner reservation for two tomorrow at 7 and was wondering if you would like to join me
SJ420: i mean of course, but why are you asking me like this
richbitch: because
richbitch: also you should wear that dress you got for christmas
SJ420: ok?
More Than Just Cigars
SJ420: kath is acting weird
albiehadalittlelamb: what kind of weird
albiehadalittlelamb: like “i just lost a lot of money” weird
albiehadalittlelamb: “i just took a bunch of acid” weird?
littlebirdie: oh no is it “i just slept with jack” weird?!
SJ420: oh god no
SJ420: she texted me and asked me on a date
SJ420: i asked her why and she said because
littlebirdie: !!!!!!!!!
SJ420: ye, a dress from christmas
albiehadalittlelamb: OH MYYYYY GODDDDDDDD
littlebirdie: GIRL
SJ420: what????
littlebirdie: jfc ur blind
albiehadalittlelamb: if u havent caught on yet we cant morally help u srry
littlebirdie: nope
albiehadalittlelamb: have fun on ur date tho
PM with santagay
albiehadalittlelamb: oh yeah finch did not, in fact cheat on me
albiehadalittlelamb: he was just making up with crutchie last night, they had a fight
santagay: and u trust finch in this
albiehadalittlelamb: ofc, ive known finch a long time, he would never
santagay: ok if you insist, i just dont want you to get hurt
albiehadalittlelamb: thanks jack
Queens of New York
littlebirdie: anyone else just, super glad that theyre gay?
littlebirdie: bc thats such an important feeling
DJacobs: Me too, Finch
Spot8365631: rt
SJ420: rt
noteventhatshort: rt
WhereforeArtThou: rt
albiehadalittlelamb: rt
santagay: rt but bi
inyourFACEtrack: rt but bi
richbitch: rt but bi
respecs: rt but bi
crispycrutch: rt but pan
littlebirdie has changed Queens of New York to Queers of New York
inyourFACEtrack: helllllll yeah
Spot8365631: no cussing, my mom checks my phone
inyourFACEtrack: oh my goodness im so sorry spot
inyourFACEtrack: ill delete the message right away
DJacobs: What?
DJacobs: Why does your mom check your messages, Spot?
DJacobs: You’re 23 and moved out?
DJacobs: Also I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you swear in this chat.
DJacobs: This is a meme, isn’t it?
santagay: u got there on ur own!
santagay: im so proud of u!
DJacobs: Thank you, Jack.
inyourFACEtrack: why does it feel like everyone is in loving and healthy relationships except me?
PM with inyourFACEtrack
Spot8365631: wow rude
inyourFACEtrack: were not in a relationship remember?
Queers of New York
DJacobs: Jack and I are not dating.
santagay: dude, were mom and dad, i think that’s close enough
respecs: question, in this mom/dad thing, who is everyone else
santagay: kath and sarah are the aunts obvi
inyourFACEtrack: smalls, romeo, crutchie, al, and i are their kids
inyourFACEtrack: finch used to be one of the kids but now hes dating al so that seems weird
inyourFACEtrack: i guess hes sarahs kid now?
SJ420: awwww i love my new son
respecs: what about spot?
santagay: hes kind of… his own entity… like an estranged uncle or neighbor that spends more time in ur house than his own
Spot8365631: rude but accurate
santagay: thats my name dont wear it out
Spot8365631: i hate you sm
santagay: then y r u always in my house???
Spot8365631: this metaphor has gone to far. blocked deleted and unfollowed.
santagay: honestly? thats fair
santagay: i respect ur choices
Spot8365631: sounds fake but ok
PM with Spot8365631
inyourFACEtrack: in a beautiful twist of fate, crutchie jack are going to see a movie with davey and kath, and im home alone with a meat lovers pizza on its way
Spot8365631: ok?
inyourFACEtrack: would you care to join me?
Spot8365631: no, sounds too much like a date, and were not in a relationship right?
inyourFACEtrack: dude, were friends, sharing a pizza, and maybe having anal sex
inyourFACEtrack: thats not a date its just what we do
Spot8365631: still no, i have to finish a foreign policy essay for tomorrow
inyourFACEtrack: oh ok
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