#seasonal workers
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Gaspe Fishermen Face Starvation,” Montreal Star. November 11, 1932. Page 21. --- Failure of Catch and Potato Crop Causes Serious Situation ---- QUEBEC, Nov 11— (Star Special) —A number of fishing settlements in the Gaspe region are facing starvation during the coming winter, due to the failure of the fishing season and ruin of the potato crop through rain. 
Things are worse than has been stated up to now, and in one village alone, it is reported a family of nine existed on nothing but three loaves of bread for an entire week. 
Potatoes have always been one of the staple foods for fishermen during the winter months and in former years the harvest has been abundant but now fishing villages, such as Paspebiac, are importing potatoes from Prince Edward Island, a thing unheard of in the past. As there la very little money, fisherman are wondering what they are going to do when it has gone and they cannot purchase anything.
“Inhabitant of  cities and towns do not know what privation and hardship is," it was stated this morning by Hon.John Hall Kelley, Legislative Counselor who recently returned from the Gaspe region. "Why, only this summer I saw a man doing a hard day work whose only food for luncheon was' raw cucumber. And yet they never complain." r
PULPWOOD SITUATION The only thing that can save a number of the villages from being practically wiped out is the possibility of disposing of pulpwood and ‘umber that is lying idle on the land, and to that end, negotiations are under way between the interested parties.
 Another thing that will help the fisherfolk to a certain extent is the operation by limit holders during the coming winter of their holdings and thus enabling a certain number of men to get employment and earn a few dollars. If the limits are operated, it will mean that some thousands of men will be engaged. Limit-holders will wait upon the Government In the near future to ask for a reduction In ground-rents and stumpage dues.
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oasisr · 10 months
after hearing "simply having a wonderful christmas time" by paul mccartney 74 times while working in retail, I came to the conclusion that they shot the wrong beatle
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Remember Anthony’s scary and very fierce temper that used to send people scrambling
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His wife deals with it by booping him on the nose whenever he starts getting mad and IT WORKS
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willestears · 5 months
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Happy international workers day
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bl00dlight · 3 months
Aemond Targaryen x OC lyseni brothel worker {NSFW} {RQ}
Warnings ● Misogyny, Classic harmful Westerosi male bullshit, canon Aemond incelness, smut, not proof read, mother issues, general woman issues, awkward ass vibes, mentions of violence, UNEDITED, etc etc
Word count ● 5.6k
Author's Note • This isn't QUITE the same as the request, but after ep3... well let's just say it's pretty clear Aemond really ain't the type to uh, treat sex workers with respect. I mean he never was... but this really plays into the whole incel book thing. Sorry y'all. Enjoy the fucked upness. Also sorry for any typos.
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The few nights that Aemond Targaryen had spent visiting Madame Sylvie, were indeed - strange ones.
He had never thought he might return here; never thought he'd stomach the sight of the woman whom his brother had coaxed him to lay with all those years ago. It seemed as though Aemond could remember that fateful day, his thirteenth name day; down to the very last detail. What he had eaten to break his fast that morning, the feeling of his mother's weary smile beaming down at him softly, the bitter taste of the ale his brother had poured down his throat before pulling him towards the seedy streets of flea bottom.
He could remember all, but the memory of entering into Cock Inn, meeting the Madam. That, he'd somehow forgotten, only the knowledge that it had happened remained.
Yet, the first night he returned to Cock Inn, suddenly all returned. The aching saccharine scent of the perfumed air, the soft flesh of bare whores dancing and of course, the peaked eyes of the Madam as she looked upon him.
All were things that seemed to bring him back forcefully to the night Aegon had first brought him here, the night he first lay with a woman. There was still a hardened ache of disgust and humiliation in his chest regarding the matter, for it had not been an experience Aemond enjoyed. Even now, upon returning, he wasn't particularly certain he enjoyed fucking the Madame as he thought he should.
For he hadn't touched a woman since his name day, and strictly returned to the Madam for she felt familiar, known to him.
The prince rather preferred taking comfort from the older woman, laying upon her soft lap, the thick flesh of her arms and thighs cradling his bare body, her hands stroking his hair. She was soothing, understanding - of course only in a way a whore could be. Afterall, Prince Aemond was no fool to think the Madam's affections extended beyond the coin he paid her. Though it was clear she held some level of care - which for Aemond was more than enough to warrant his actions.
He needed to be soothed, cared for - especially after what happened with Lucerys. Especially since he could not bear to see the glimmer of disgust in his own mother's eyes. After all, Aemond had done for her, the sacrifice he had made in honour of duty. After all the years Alicent had willingly chosen Aegon to give attention to over himself. He had been starved of love, starved of affection. So, he sought it in the one place he knew he could get it: Sylvie.
He sighed, laying his head gently upon her lap, her fingers grazing his scalp. For a moment Aemond pretended the Madam was Alicent, that it was she who cooed and praised him softly. Who's touch was soft like silk upon his taut flesh.
Aemond closed an eye, taking in the warmth as the two lay upon a large circular bed, in which candles draped all around the stone ledge behind it. Despite the fact, he knew the brothel's surroundings to be the mastery of artificial comfort, lulling drunken men even further into depravity - he still could not help to take comfort in it. It was a welcome change from the often dreary halls of the Red Keep - which seemed more like the Sept these days.
The prince coiled himself even further upon the Madam, cuddling into her so that he might feel the plushness of her belly upon the back of his head. She felt warm, safe - in an odd way. She made him feel as though he was allowed to rip off the mask of strength he had so thoroughly integrated onto himself. Sylvie looked down upon him, slightly bewildered yet pitying the young man before her.
It was not until the familiar sounds of her protégé entered the room did her eyes wander from Aemond's silver hair. She looked up, noting the tray the young woman held. Upon it a small copper cup in which she had carefully begun to pour milk within its confines. Sylvie gave her a nod, watching as the young woman filed in, placing the tray near the bed.
The Madam rarely took in women and girls to mentor into the trade; however, her current protégé was undoubtedly one which was most promising. The day she had been bought by the Madame was a most memorable one as it was the first time she had ventured to Lys to select girls of a more prestige history - in order to attract patrons of noble birth.
She had remembered laying eyes upon the girl, Sierra, she was called, a girl of ten and two - born in a Lysene pillow house to one of the women who serviced there. She was a strange thing, soft spoken - unsure. She even looked particularly peculiar given the Valerian appearance of most Lysene citizens. Sierra did not bare the silver hair nor purple or pale blue eyes of those whom she lived amongst- instead her hair like aged gold and her eyes stormy.
The girl was odd indeed, not quite as lush or alluring as most Lysene, but rather moony. However, she was prized possession, most commonly sought by older noble men or the sons of Lords recently betrothed. Sierra was easily controlled, unintimidating, so in that way she seemed more like a Lady of the court that a brazen a brothel worker. Sylvie often sent her to men who wished to fuck a maiden and Sierra was most perfect for such desires as in all sense she truly seemed to be one. In that way she was perfect for Aemond, unthreatening as so many young whores could be – and most importantly would not remind him of whatever depravities he stifled down within himself.
“Come.” Sylvie gestured to Sierra, hailing for her to bring the prince the cup.
As she approached the two upon the bed, the prince peaked his head upwards, slowly sitting up and taking the cup from the young woman’s hand. Aemond had remembered her from his name day, remembered her wide eyes observing him and the Madam for a moment before ducking behind the silken drapes. He had always wondered what such a young girl had been doing in a brothel, remembered the coils of her golden curls flickering in the candlelight. Now, as he looked upon her after all those years, it was a reminder of how much he had grown too. She was a woman now, though still seemed just as uncertain of herself he remembered her to be.
Aemond downed half of the milk, his eye scanning her as he placed it back upon the tray, he caught the way Sierra averted his bare body. As he settled back upon the Madam, he rested his head right on her breasts, taking in the comfort of her warm flesh.
As he did so, Sylvie caught note of another worker peak her head through the silken curtains, her eyes wide as if to signal there was trouble that needed to be attended to, the Madam nodded and then caught the gaze of Sierra who approached the intruding brothel worker. Sylvie watched as the two young women were caught in a brief exchange, and it seemed that Sierra had been passed a small note – which soon made its way into the free hand of the Madam.
Patron trouble. Girl left bloodied, after a refusal of payment.
Sylvie then gave a nod to the waiting brothel worker, sighing softly as she knew this would be no easy task. The known rule of Cock Inn was for no harm to befall her girls, lest there be a tax placed upon any patron for the coin she would be unable to make in her recovery.  Though it wasn’t uncommon for patrons to become… unruly with her girls, and such behaviour was not tolerated at the Cock Inn as it was to be one of the finer establishments – meant for pleasure, not outright degeneracy.  For the most part the tax alone dissuaded most men from harming the workers, though for the ones that did – it was an arduous task getting them to meet the agreement of the tax.
Aemond closed his eye when he felt the warmth of Sylvie’s hand come to his chin, guiding his eye to meet hers.
“My prince…” Her voice soft, cooing, “It seems I must attend a rather urgent matter regarding one of the girls. I shall see to it that some of your coin is returned.” The Madam lowered her head, shifting away from him as Aemond raised his brow in curiosity.
He sat up, then, extended back to lean upon the stone ledge, “Hm, I shall wait your return.”
The Madam shook her head, rising up to her feet as she readjusted her robe, “This particular matter shall not be easily solved, I fear. I may not return for quite a time.”
Her head turned to meet the gaze of the waiting brothel worker, she then found herself pondering upon Sierra. Who meekly awaited the Madam’s next instruction, she cleared her throat before speaking to the prince once more, “Very well then… please allow for Sierra to amuse you in the meantime. She is particularly popular amongst many noble men as yourself.”
He shook his head, averting his gaze, “I’ve no use for her in that manner.”
“Indeed…” A small smirk came upon Sylvie’s face, she lowered her head, raising her brow as she chuckled briefly, “I mean for her to take my place... to satisfy such particular tastes of yours as you would have me?”
Aemond met Sylvie’s gaze, almost like a boy stubbornly resisting his mother’s advice, the Madam tilted her head, moving over to Sierra who stood; wide eyed and unsure. The Madam gripped Sierra’s arm, leading her closer to the bed, “She is most gentle.”
His eye narrowed and Aemond took a deep breath in, his chest raising in apprehension as he scanned the young woman before him. Her cherubic face, slightly trembling demeanour. He gritted his teeth and nodded, “Very well.”
With that Sylvie gave him a small nod of approval, before gently grazing Sierra’s lower back as she left. As the older woman made her way through the drapes, Sierra quickly followed; gripping her forearm softly causing the Madam to snap her head towards her. The young whore stuttered as she whispered, meeting the concerned eyes of her mentor, “Madam I…”
Sylvie sighed and brought Sierra closer, whispering firmly, “Just hold the boy. Do as you’ve seen me. Go, girl.”  She pulled herself way, giving the other worker a subtle nod as she was led away.
Sierra turned, taking a deep breath in to centre herself. She had never been with a man as powerful as the prince, never known such fear which coursed through her at the thought of what might happened to her if she was to displease him. Her hear thumped as she took that fateful step back through the haze of silken drapes, as she entered she felt the harsh gaze of that lonesome eye upon her, scanning her.
Aemond sat up freely, leaning back upon the stone ledge – uncaring that he was completely exposed before her. He let himself take her in, her willowing form which held a peculiar softness to it. The roundness of her breasts and hips which clung to the silk robe draping her form – the familiar flicker of her flock of curls which had turned a rich gold with age, a few bronzed and silvery strands peppered through them. He watched as her fingers delicately began to disrobe herself but her looked away. “Don’t.” The prince muttered.
As Sierra heard the smooth sound of his voice ring, she froze slowly looking up to him as she thought how odd he was to refuse her bare. Instead, he merely signalled awkwardly for her to join him upon the bed, in which she obliged.
She sat carefully upon the end, feeling the gaze of him boring into her back, Sierra lowered her head, “Do I displease you?” A soft tinge of her Lysene accent still lingering.
A small sigh left the prince as he shook his head and mumbled once more, “No.”
“You… you wish for the Madam.” Her voice soft as she turned her head to look upon him.
“We share a history.” Aemond spoke plainly, his eye narrowing as he gazed upon the young woman before him.
The soft flush to her cheeks, her skin plump and face still retaining the kiss of girlhood upon it, there was no mistaking the difference in her appearance to the Madam. He had noticed how despite the womanly graces Lady’s his own age possessed, they hardly appeared as grown at all in comparison to the older counterparts. There was something distinctively different to a mature woman, the way her cheeks sunk in a tad, or her skin would be softened with lotions to mask the tautness that comes with age. How their voices are deeper and eyes brimming with confidence, as if they know you all too well. In a way it was a comfort for Aemond, to have a woman understand his desire – to have seen so many men before that harboured similar needs, that for once, he did not feel so different in his depravity. The Madam knew just how to sooth and ease him, without judgement that so many younger women may possess. Indeed, there was no mistaking how Sierra was likely no older than himself.
He suddenly spoke, “What age are you?”
Instantly she felt her cheeks go red, her voice soft, girlish, “Eight and Ten, I believe.”
The prince raised his brow at this, slightly shocked at her coyness. He had never seen a whore blush before, it almost seemed like a jest, “You believe? You do not know how old you are?”
She let out a gentle breath before shaking her head, beginning to turn away before a sudden fierce grip clutched at her wrist. Seirra turned upon the bed, her eyes wide.
“Do not look away. Speak.” Aemond commanded softly, though a slight unease filled him at the sight of her uncertainty.
“I… I do not know of my name day?” She replied.
He tilted his head, once again shocked by her flustered appearance, and of course that she would not know of her name day. “You do not know?”
Sienna felt the soft satiny texture of the sheets below her, her eyes drifting downwards as she spoke, remembering her fractured girlhood, “I was born in a pillow house… my prince. My mother perished but a few years into my youth, I remember little.”
He bit his cheeks, studying her, “Hm, and your father?”
The whore looked up, her voice soft, “A mystery.”
As Aemond continued to scan her, he noted the way she altered herself in his presence – making herself appear small, less intimidating. A strange, amused look fell upon him as it found it both titillating and frustrating.  He spoke sternly again, changing the subject, “Your accent…tis strange.”
“I am from Lys.” Sierra replied.
The prince hummed, seemingly surprised, “The Valerian freehold? You appear more like a Lannister than Lysene.” He watched her as he shrugged, and he hummed again, “Hm.”
The energy in the air was rife with tension, not to mention a cloying awkwardness Sierra had seldom felt with other patrons. As though he was waiting for her to be the one to approach him, and that he was.
Fed up with his inaction she moved closer to him, noting the flicker of discomfort in his gaze – still the young whore pushed forward, positioning herself beside him. Aemond gave her awkward glance before slowly sitting up, looking out onto the lewd paintings on the chamber walls. He couldn’t help but feel a sudden nervousness, he had never been with anyone but the Madam, never touched a younger woman. He felt a vulnerability like none other, his face hardening as he began to withdraw back into himself.
“My prince?” Her voice faltered, exhaustion over the situation making her voice all the meeker, she didn’t wish to pursue him if he was to be like this. It was too much, she risked too much – the mere throughout of displeasing him and what he might do was enough to have her tense. But the mere fact it was he who seemed nervous, he who seemed unsure of himself – made the matter all the worse.
She reached out, attempting to draw him back, her hand brushing his shoulder.
“Don’t.” Aemond shifted, refusing to meet her gaze as he felt the touch of her fingers.
Another silence bloomed, and Sierra moved back, contemplating on what seemingly had set him off in such a manner. However, the thought soon occurred to her that she had never once seen the prince with any other but the Madam recently, that never once had she noticed or even heard of the King’s younger brother gracing the Street of Silk. It had only been that night all those years ago, a slight pity bloomed as she understood he was likely uncertain of how to even engage with a woman of his own age, so stifled by his own propriety, “You have been with no other… haven’t you?”
Aemond did not respond to this of course, only growing more angered and overwhelmed by the situation he found himself within. In fact, he began to regret even returning to Sylvie, he ought to have dealt with his feelings as a man would, focus on the war, on sharpening his mind and training his body. Readying himself to lead forces to take Harrenhal, not simpering like a boy in the arms of a woman… not even just a woman… a whore in fact. His thoughts were broken by Sierra’s silvery voice, “It would bring me much disgrace if I were unable to please you. The Madam would not have asked this of me, if she did not think me… fit.. for you.”
Her words though, seemed to tempt him once more and though he wished to resist it, he also feared the idea of her finding him so weak to be unable to face both his desire and lack of experience. With a small puff of his chest and stretch of his neck, he found his gaze hardening and mummering lowly, “Move.”
The younger woman followed his command, moving herself to the position in which Sylvie usually encompassed upon the bed, Aemond turned his head gazing over her swiftly before he moved to lay upon her hesitantly. Sierra looked down, her mind reeling as she had never seen a man behave in this way towards her… it was odd, though not displeasing. Slowly she brought her hand to his silver locks, gently threading through them, attempting to mimic what she had seen Sylvie do upon him. As the prince laid his head upon her chest, he felt himself unable to find the same kind of comfort as he usually did, his eye remaining open, the thought of giving in to such vulnerability in front of a woman such as she, seemed unthinkable. He couldn’t relax, shifting and readjusting himself endless and Sierra could sense as such as she cringed internally at the sheer gracelessness of it all.
As the prince finally settled upon her lap, he had managed to find a semblance of relief from the tension that made him restless. It was the familiar softness of her thighs, that same sweet and musky perfumed skin that it seemed all the whores, the Madam included doused on their skin. Gradually he had managed to close his eye, letting himself be taken by her hand making contact once more with his scalp.
“I… remember you.” She whispered.
Instantly his muscled stiffened at her words, Aemond didn’t reply, he only opened his eye.
“From all those years ago… and yet never again since.” Sierra whispered again, her voice sweet and girlish as she looked down upon the gleam of his silver strands.
The prince cleared his throat quietly, “Hm. I had no need to return.”
“And now?” She countered, though the prince did not reply, he closed his eye once more, ignoring her and focusing on the soothing pleasure of her fingers against his scalp.
“You have only been with the Madam-” Sierra began again before being swiftly interrupted.
His head turned upwards slightly, Aemond suddenly gripped her wrist, forcing her hand from his hair as he snapped, “I do not pay to have my intentions dissected freely.”
Sierra found herself suddenly stammering as she nodded fiercely, feeling his grip loosen upon her wrist as she slowly brought it back to his hair. Aemond gave her a warning glare before turning his head back, nestling his head further into her lap before he closed his eye. Silence bloomed… and awkward one at that.
As the prince lay there, awaiting for her to further such affections upon him he huffed, “You may do more.” He mumbled.
The young whore looked down upon him, unsure of how exactly to approach furthering her touch, nonetheless she lowered her head, her head turning slowly to look up to her. Sierra cupped his jaw and forced herself closer, straining her body slightly from the awkward positioning. Gently she let her lips kiss at his forehead and cheek, her hands moving his face slightly awkward and soon the prince himself shifted his frame to a more accessible position. His head now once again resting upon her chest, tilted upwards as she gazed upon his softly, he noted the way her eyes flickered as they lingered upon his sapphire eye.
Sierra went to kiss him away, but Aemond suddenly grew discomforted – feeling a particular sting of insecurity of his face. He had never been so close to a woman of his age. Never been touched by skin which was plump with youth. His jaw clenched as he pulled away slightly, but the feeling of her cool hand came to his face once more drawing him near, “You are unsure.” She read him.
“No.” Aemond replied firmly, though it was a lie.
Sierra shook her head, scanning him carefully, “Do you not think I might know when a man might feel…tentative? You have not known the touch of others; I do not blame- “
“I am not some simpering boy who has not fucked a woman. Do not presume to know the reason behind my hesitation.” The prince snapped in response, his temper flaring as her words struck a chord so exact it made him reel, for he knew she was right. Knew that he had indeed never been with another but the Madam, and even that had been a affair spurred on by recent events. The Madam felt easiest to approach, easiest to reveal himself to. She had already seen him at his weakest, frozen with fear and disgust as a young boy. Spurred on by the taunting of his brother. Who else was he supposed to turn to with such desires, who else would give him comfort in the way he needed?
He stiffened attempting to regain the well curated mask of infallibility though he could not stifle that familiar nervous restlessness which dawned upon him again the wake of her silence.
Sierra let her gaze fall, seemingly thinking on his words. Though she ignored them all together knowing they were merely the deflections of a young man who felt his ego wavering at the notion of his inexperience. The young whore looked up softly and before she could stop herself, “I wish to show you.”
Prince Aemond merely blinked at her, shocked by her sudden request. The two shared what felt like an eternity in stillness and like that he nodded, no other words being exchanged.  
Sierra almost couldn’t believe he had agreed so… easily? There was a small moment of uncertainty between them as their bodies shifted once more, Aemond sitting upwards gazing at her expectantly as she disrobed herself. His eye couldn’t help but scan her tender form, the peaks of her breasts, the blooming swell of her soon to be developed hips; a young maid’s body – not yet enhanced by motherhood.
She settled back into her spot where he could coil upon her again and that he did. Her gaze lowered as she noted how his soft strands felt upon her bare skin. Slowly she brought his hand into hers, guiding it to her breast, letting him knead the soft flesh. Aemond found himself unable to fight against his desire carefully watching the way his fingers grazed the bud of her breast. A soft moan escaped her, making him buzz with desire, he did not resist when feeling her other hand guide his head closer, he wet his lips before leaning in further to clasp them upon her nipple, suckling softly.
The young whore let out a soft whimper, moving his hand lower, “You may please… a woman by touching her.” She guided his hand between her wet folds, letting his fingers graze her clit.
The soft mewls which left her lips set off a fire in him, the feeling of her wetness on his finger made him want to work to pleasure her more. His lips clasped her nipple harder, his soft suckling intensifying as his fingers rubbed quickly, inching to stick themselves inside her. Sierra grabbed his silver hair gently, pulling him away, her eyes meeting his lonesome one.
Aemond felt his cock stiffening greatly and slowly she let her hands come to his chest, his body shifting as he cradled himself against her. Sierra found herself grasping at the length between him, stroking it gentle to gauge his reaction – which was all but enamoured with pleasure as he shut his eye, burying his head in the crook of her neck.
Her hand moved, stroking at him feeling the softness of his skin in her palm – as she did so, her lips peppered small kisses upon his forehead. Sierra was gentle with him, despite the lewdness of the act – her touch and tenderness was a comfort the prince was indulging in. He raised his head up; a soft groan left him as he forced his lips into hers. For a moment he would pretend she weren’t just a whore, but a woman who’s feelings were that of true care. As her hand increased its speed, Aemond let out a low whimper into their kiss, moving to force his lips on her neck.
Sierra tilted her head, closing her eyes as she too found herself letting go to the heady feeling between them. He was much different than the usual man who might use her, he seemed less interested in fucking her and more interested in being tended to. So that’s what she did; slowly Sierra pulled her hand from his length, a soft muttering of protest leaving him.
“Lie back.” She whispered, and Aemond obliged.
His eye was narrowed with need as he gazed upon her, watching as her soft frame now hovered over his own. Slowly he raised a hand to her cheek, feeling the smooth skin that flushed pink upon his touch. He watched her with a keen eye as she lowered herself down further, settling between his legs. Aemond shuddered a breath, his eye growing wide as he felt his heart thump wildly; suddenly he felt like a boy again – struck by an awkward inability to verbalise his desire. Though Sierra already knew, as she lowered her head, kissing softly upon his hip as her hand wrapped around his length once more.
The sight of her doing such a thing made him furrow his brow, her lips pressing so gently into his taut muscle made him feel a tad unmanned; mainly because he enjoyed it. Aemond brought a hesitant hand to her hair, deciding that he would indeed take control for once, that if he were going to let a whore take him – he would attempt to assert his desire.
As his fingers laced his spindly fingers into her curls, forcing her head lower until he felt her lips graze against his aching tip. “Take me.” He grumbled.
Her eyes looked up to his as her mouth came to clasp his tip, swirling her tongue upon him; the fleshy, yet salty taste that dripped from him filling her mouth. Aemond’s own mouth dropped, his jaw slightly slack as his head tilted back, he felt his fingers tightened their grip in her curls, slowly moving her mouth to take more of him. The prince opened his eye, looking down as a strange satisfaction brewed from the sight of it, her mouth taking as much as he wished it to.
Another groan left him as she moved her lips up and down him, gaining traction as the moments passed, his hips now bucking – fucking himself into her mouth. He forced her head upon him faster, and Sierra let him as she hollowed her cheeks – siphoning him to the point where his moans turned to pants. Her own sounds falling from her as she too felt a strange enjoyment from seeing him take so much pleasure.
He kept pushing, his cock now an ache in which he needed relief from, Aemond’s mouth hung once more as he mumbled, “Faster.”  To which the golden haired whore before him did so, her hand now enveloped around the tail end of the base of his cock, stroking it so that the orchis’ which hung between him were grazed – sending him into a further frenzy.  Thoughts of wanting to push himself between her thighs filled him, a fantasy of what she may feel like around him, how her arms would wrap around him, cradle him; it all made him huff. The pressure that built in him felt more than pleasurable, it felt like a burning flame had been set off in his loins; at this point he could hardly care about the comfort Madam Sylvie brought him, now all he could think of was how he longed to see his seed force its way into Sierra’s mouth.
 Then a tinge of anger filled him, frustration as his grip intensified as he fucked himself into her mouth – edging at his release. He felt like his brother, depraved, hungry with a force he had stifled for so long. But the thought of a whore striking such feelings in him suddenly left him feeling slightly conflicted, almost angered by the sight of her bringing him such pleasure. Aemond’s hand tugged harshly upon her hair making her wince and she looked back, confused by the sudden streak of aggression, to which in her uncertainty she began to pull away.
“Keep going.”  The prince choked out, his voice low and soft… yet, oddly threatening.
Aemond reeled at feeling small snaps of her curls break in his hand. Sierra slowly finding her mouth back upon him, siphoning him as quickly as possible though she began to tremble slightly. Afterall, this was no common patron, she could not warn him of the brothel’s code of conduct – for he could very well burn the place to a fucking cinder or worse, have their heads for an accused treason… or in an effort to purge Kings Landing of its sin. The Gods know it would not be the first time whores were blamed for the depravity of men’s desires.
It filled him with a familiar streak of satisfaction as he watched her buckle beneath him. Glory flooding him as the pleasure of her mouth brough him finally to his peak and the events of recent flashing through his mind as he rode out his long awaited release. That flash of fear upon his face reminded him of who he was, and what he was capable of. Afterall even his uncle… The Rogue Prince himself had sought for him to be slayed in his sleep.
 Daemon feared him, his mother feared him, his grandsire… the Blacks…and now the whore between him feared him. They should. He thought.
The sentiment lingered as he felt his peak slash through him, spilling into Sierra’s now hot mouth. He looked down, satisfied though disgruntled. He was quick to force her off of him, interrupting her as she went to speak. It was clear Aemond did not wish to hear what she had to say.
Uncaringly, he rose to his feet, his cock still stiff and buzzing, he reached to dress himself – feeling the soft, unsure gaze of the whore who still sat upon the bed boring into his bare back. He ignored her, unwilling to admit the pleasure he had brought her, or the vulnerability that had been seen of him. It was gone, just like that. Done away with.
As he felt himself calm, a focus coming over him as the blood rushed from his length. Without another word he abandoned her, sauntering through the Cock Inn, the sounds of passing moans flooding his ears and perfumed air attacking his senses. Clarity. Is what he thought.
Clarity that he did not need to bury himself in a whore like his brother. He had greater control; he was indeed a man of finer stock. What need did he have to give in to not only a young woman… but a whore. Born so lowly she was conceived and birthed in a pillow house. No, Aemond would take the pleasure and comfort he had gotten and focus his mind elsewhere.
At least until such desires demanded easing again.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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and! barbarian!fig! its her
#fantasy high#dimension 20#figueroth faeth#fh class quangle#if u look at the junior year design and think tifa lockhart: yeag#I already thought the cleric!gorgug junior year design kinda is very aerith so. lol#but! I do feel like these designs maybe portray the clearest arc out of all of them so far. I like that#some of it came from a bit of necessity which is really fun that mirrors the actual play format thats cool#(necessity being freshman year riz is pretty much a huge block of red flannel lmao. kinda stole figs canon color coding for a bit)#(and he's got the owlbear jacket from taping the games in sophomore year... so I cant give fig the big red blocking until#junior year lmao. coincidentally this forced me to be a bit more dynamic with her concept which is great)#her second pair of shoes very sonic tho. I kinda enjoy that lol#tbh I really love that canon gorgug is like in a pair of chucks 24/7 that is SO funny for a barbarian I hope to keep the energy going#with class swap fig I think a barbarian who wears like collector sneakers is awesome. the foot support is so important to their work#the general idea of a hyperfem girlypop barbarian still ticks for me tbh. idk enough abt the zeitgeist to know if thats passé now or not#but doing Fashion on ur job of bodily tearing ur opponent apart with the least flourish possible is just a hit for me#her knee brace is from like an injury back in her cheer days that she got by overexercising in hope of being good enough that#the team couldn't let her go. the team then used that same injury as a pretext to let her go#I think abt her arc tbh... fig's thing in canon junior year abt the point of her rebelling. I feel like a lot of it can also apply to rage#both knocking things over and holding onto things don't like. make anything new. destruction without at least a glimpse of a vision#of the after is ultimately a cynical defeatist point of view... strategic barbarianism for fig babeyy#yay! once again its time for me to Fucking Sleep. but hopefully I can hammer out a proper ref for riz and gorgug both in the#following week inbetween doing my job. its that time of da year lads (<- fully seasonal worker)
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iheartbookbran · 4 months
i cackled before the season came out and everyone was freaking out about the brothel scenes because they wanted demi!Colin and now the possibility was lost forever, when it was precisely the brothel scenes (+ the diary bit) which cemented demi!Colin to canon prosperity!
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letitbehurt · 9 months
Today we celebrate Whumpees who, for whatever reason, are forced to stay awake longer than they can physically handle. This includes (but of course is not limited to)
Whumpees self-inflicting their sleep deprivation (overworking themselves, avoiding nightmares…)
Whumper forcing Whumpee to stay awake (drugs, threats, sensory overload…)
Caretaker frantically slapping Whumpee awake because they’re bleeding out and they need to stay with me, Whumpee, come on—
Any situation, really, that forces Whumpee to push their body beyond exhaustion. Is just. Yeah.
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grahamcore · 2 years
my toxic trait is finding hannibal references in every aspect of my life and especially when they’re not present even a little bit
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"RAILROADS ARE PREPARING FOR HARVEST HANDS," Winnipeg Tribune. July 29, 1913. Page 1. ---- Conference This Morning With Provincial Governments Re Excursion Dates ---- Preparations for the harvest excursions this fall are now well under way and the three Canadian railroads of the west are beginning to form definite plans concerning this annual transportation problem.
Passenger agents of the Canadian Northern, Grand Trunk Pacific, and Canadian Pacific were in conference this morning with representatives of the Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta governments concerning the most desirable date for starting the influx of laborers, and the probable number that will be wanted in the various districts. Their recommendations will be sent to the eastern head- quarters of their various roads where the final arrangements for the excursion trains will be made.
Need 40,000 Men. After conning over the present situation, it was decided that about 40,000 men will be needed to supply the demands of the three provinces this fall, and that the first contingent will be wanted here about August 18.
These men will be obtained chiefly from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces and the first excursion train from these points will probably start on August 15. Others will follow as rapidly as equipment can be handled.
Large Local Surplus. From the Manitoba government, Immigration Superintendent J. J. Golden attended the meeting, while Saskatchewan was represented by Thomas Milloy, immigration agent, and Alberta by R. J. Daley, publicity commissioner for the province. They stated that in the three provinces at present, there is an aggregate of some seven or eight thousand unemployed men. It is desired first to get these into the harvest fields, and the excursions from outside points have therefore been set back until the harvest will be well under way.
The rates to be charged are not yet decided upon, and will be left in the hands of the eastern passenger offices.
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sprinklesharkie · 5 months
he's just like me fr
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buckets-of-dirt · 1 year
Okay archaeology friends, field season is nigh in my part of the world and I'm determined to create (and stick to) a quick, easy, and effective morning/night stretch routine this year to prevent my body from falling apart too early. I found a pretty simple set of stretches recommended for construction workers, which I'll post below, but if anyone has suggestions for modifying it for the needs of your average field tech I'd be most grateful.
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(ID in alt text)
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bamsara · 2 years
I got some sticker envalopes send-backs today (aka postal service couldnt deliver them to kofi/patreons for some reasons) and I would like to know why an envalope that was being delivered to someplace an hour from me, took 3 weeks to get back to me after not being delivered :D
No blame on postal workers who are understaffed and busy rn but like, oh man
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battleangel · 2 months
A History of Violence
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I wonder if Kris Jenkins who was recently drafted in the second round by the Bengals, same name & same position as his father who was a Pro Bowler who played 10 seasons for the Panthers, Patriots & Jets, ever bothered to read what his father told the New York Times in 2011 about what it was like playing in the trenches in the NFL?
Kris Jenkins - View of Life in the NFL Trenches
Article Excerpt
"N.F.L. fans, people outside, they have no clue what goes on. This isn’t like playing Madden. This isn’t like being the popular kid in high school. When you do those things in the real world, and it don’t work out, you still have your health. The thing about football is you’re directly playing with your life, the quality of it and the longevity of it. The stakes are up there.
You ever been in a car crash? Done bumper cars? You know when that hit catches you off guard and jolts you, and you’re like, what the hell? Football is like that. But 10 times worse. It’s hell."
Nothing is questioned, nothing is learned.
Cycle and history of violence from father to son continues.
The son will just repeat everything his father went through.
Life in the trenches, on the line.
His fathers New York Times article was only written 13 years ago — did his son even bother to read it?
"The debate about concussions wasn’t there yet. I’ve had more than 10, including college and the pros. Nobody cared. And that’s the thing. We play football."
Are we as an audience, as fans, as a nation of football loving fanatics so blasé about the same violence that was visited upon the father being visited upon his son?
Does that not even get us to collectively pause before checking pre-season match ups in preparation for Week 1 next month?
America's collective Christmas in September — footballs back!!!!!!!
Do actual thoughts ever creep in amongst the unbridled ebullience, enthusiasm and unchecked joy of, "Football!!!!!!!!!!!!".
Or is the unthinking emotion inherent in football fanaticism across all levels, players and non-players alike, the point?
The pure emotion and the short circuiting of logic.
Its probably not a great idea for me to go bash my head against that dudes head 70 to 80 times a game, every game, every season.
But, its football!!!!!!!!!
So, nothing else matters?
Unlike rules now protecting quarterbacks and other positions from helmet to helmet hits, absolutely nothing has changed for offensive & defensive linemen and running backs — you're still smashing yourself head first into a concrete wall — as a running back, 20 to 30 times a game and as a lineman, 70 to 80 times a game.
No matter how much the NFL lies about this and tries to pretend the issue is concussions, its not — the existential issue threatening the sport of football itself is the repetitive SUBconcussive head impacts involved in every blocking and tackling play in football.
They are absolutely unavoidable and occur literally over a thousand times every single season.
It is these repetitive subconcussive head impacts — average 1500 hits to the head per season in high school, football & the pros — that 10 to 15 years after their playing careers are over, can cause neurological disorders and conditions like CTE, Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease, ALS and dementia in former players.
We have seen the movie before.
Im pretty sure Will Smith was in it.
And even that movie was nothing but masterful subterfuge from the NFL as they named it as their eternal smokescreen — Concussion — instead of what actually turned Mike Websters brain into CTE mush — Repetitive Subconcussive Head Impacts.
Doesn't have the same Hollywood ring to it, does it?
But it doesn't make it any less true or the NFL any less deceptive.
The NFL's own disability paperwork for former players says players can be compensated as early as 36 for early-onset dementia.
Is a game really worth someone losing their literal mind at 36?
When do we question the every day violence inherent in every tackling and blocking play in football?
"I remember one game, at Carolina, my second year. We played Arizona, and the double team weighed 780 pounds combined. They just kept double-teaming me, hoping I would fold and cave in. I didn’t. But that was probably the most painful day I had.
From the double teams, over the years, I wore the left side of my body down. I was past hurt.
I was at the point of numb. Like my body was shutting down nervous systems, so I didn’t have to deal with pain.
The numbness started at the very beginning. I couldn’t feel part of both arms. I couldn’t feel part of both legs. It was worse on the left.
I’m just starting to get feeling back in my left side. Look, football is no joke.
But I’m going to say this much: somebody has to be the grunt. That’s why there’s no better position on the field than interior defensive line. Forget quarterbacks or specialists. They’ve got it easy. If we don’t come to play, nobody else on defense can do their job. We’ve got the toughest job on the field. We don’t care about our facial hair. We play a grimy position.
Piles, oh, my God, they’re brutal. I’ve had my ankles twisted. I’ve been bit. I’ve done stuff. I’ve tried to break guys’ elbows, pinching people, twisting ankles, trying to bend up their arms, pop an elbow out. Why? I had to fight back."
Tackle football is cognitive dissonance & constant dissociation.
The inherent violence of football is never seriously questioned nor is it held up under a critical lens.
The most violent, punishing plays are casually dismissed post-game by players waving their hands and saying, "It was just a football play."
Yeah — thats actually the exact problem.
Ah, pile ups. Just a good old fashioned rugby scrum.
Nothing dehumanizing, nothing to worry about.
As long as its not my dick being grabbed at the bottom of a pile as I dig my way through my second bag of Fritos Scoops, safe and secure on my couch, while those dumb fucks kill themselves for an oblong shaped ball for my entertainment.
Exploitative, much?
The spectacle of the pile up.
The brainwashing so clearly evident when grown adult men who would be ashamed to act this way publicly over anything else suddenly leap in unison into the air like feral animals as Troy Aikman shouts with unfettered glee, "The ball is loose!!!!!!".
So is our collective humanity in watching a several ton mass of flesh undulate, eye gouge, scrotum twist, bite, spit and hurt each other for...what?
Us? Them? Football?
"Mentally, we’re conditioned to be tough. We’re conditioned to feel no pain. The only injury I ever felt while playing was when one of my knees tore. That’s the only time I felt pain and was like, O.K., that hurt.
But Mondays, you wake up, and it’s hard to get out of bed. It hurts wherever you got hit. I remember one time getting hit by Edgerrin James. He put his head in my chest. I woke up, and I couldn’t even move, because it felt like my chest was going to collapse. It was sore for days. All you want to do is get the blood circulating.
Hot tub. Cold tub. Hot tub. Cold tub."
Hot tub. Cold tub. Hot tub. Cold tub.
That's brainwashing.
A dissociative brainwashing ritual to dissociate the self from the pain & violence of the game.
It's like Junior Seau when he referred to himself in third person when he was mic'd up for NFL Films before every single hit for the duration of an entire game.
Very creepy if you can find it on youtube.
It literally sounded like he was programming himself to hit, then he would hit the hole, collect himself on the ground and do it.
Hard. Goddamned hard.
Again. And again. And again. And again.
If thats not brainwashing, what is?
"The brain fog? It still hasn’t stopped. It feels like you’re punch-drunk, like someone hit you over the head. It’s like you knock yourself stupid. When you have to concentrate on things, then it becomes an issue. My head gets foggy to the point where I really can’t function."
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And yet you put a helmet on your son's head and you sent him out to play the same position.
Like father, like son.
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Just like fathers in the military who have sons who "follow in their footsteps".
Often, articles will speak of a newly drafted player's heritage and lineage in the sport and if his father had a storied career, the hyperbole of the newly drafted son "being born to play" is routinely trotted out.
Smacks of eugenicism, genetic determinism, militarism, rigid heirarchies, dynasties.
Capitalist masculine toxicity.
"We know it’s going to hurt. We know because pain in football is consistent over time. You’re still hurting in the off-season. You’re hurting when the next season starts.
I mean, guys play hurt, but it’s a choice. They do a pretty good job now, with all the scrutiny around concussions.
On the line, it’s still painful. By the end of the year, half an offensive line might be getting shots, draining fluid from their knees. Most stay away from cortisone now, because it’s degenerative.
Everything gets off center. Bulging disk. Herniated disk. For linemen, it starts in the lower back. Throws everything off."
What did Jason Kelce recently say on his podcast with his wife?
His back is so fucked up from playing football that he cant bend down to pick up his 1 year old daughter nor can he hold her while standing.
Kelce also played on the line as the center for the Eagles.
Is it worth it?
Should children be playing this game?
Should anyone in its current incarnation?
Has science shown that the risk of repetitive subconcussive head impacts causing neurological conditions & disorders is too high for any child to assume?
What about teenagers in high school who are legally minors and not adults?
Should they be able to assume risks as teenagers that can mentally incapacitate them later in life as soon as their 30s?
Potential suicide due to CTE in their 20s?
1500 hits per season every season starting in high school.
So, that's 6k hits to the head in four years of high school football.
Another 6k more hits to the head in four years of college football.
12k hits to the head before the pros not counting youth football prior to high school which is ages 5 to 14 aka Pop Warner.
Even 5 year olds endure on average 336 hits to the head every season in Pop Warner.
5 year olds!
Ask yourself where else you could hit a 5 year old child 336 times in the head over the course of a few months without being arrested and jailed?
Is it really okay just because it's football?
Does that truly justify that amount of head impacts to a 5 year old child?
Wouldn't we call that abuse if it was happening in the Boy Scouts or any organization other than Pop Warner?
Should it be happening at all?
In service of whom and for what?
Football? Glory? Masculinity? Manhood? America? Pride? Militarism?
All of the above?
"I can’t blame anybody for my death. I made the choice to play football. I made the choice to walk through the concussions. I could have stopped. I could have said, my head hurts. It was my choice, as a man."
But who told you that playing through permanent brain injuries is what makes you a man?
Can't we blame that person?
Your father and your coaches from youth, high school, college all the way to the pros?
Militaristic views of masculinity kills boys and young men for the game of football.
It's a militaristic war game that simulates combat yet kills people in slow motion for real.
The violence suffered by players in football is as celebrated as militaristic ideals of what soldiers suffer through in war: valor, courage under fire, physical courage, endurance, stoically fighting through unimaginable injuries & pain, the quarterback heroically leading his squad as their captain marching his troops down the field to victory just like any military commander complete with a chevron like system that awards stars for each year or season of service very similar to how stripes function in the military.
This militaristic ideal of masculinity is endlessly promoted, encouraged, rewarded and valorized in football just as it is in the military.
Football is Americas killing fields.
High school players — teenaged boys, not adult men — die every year playing football.
Over a million boys play high school football each year and only a handful die or suffer permanent, disabling and/or catastrophic injury.
Would you be so glib about the numbers though if it was your son or your brother or your boyfriend or your best friend who died playing high school football?
What if they were permanently paralyzed from the neck down playing college football?
It's easy to treat the above numbers as a statistic or rounding error when you can close out of the Facebook support page for the now dead or disabled high school or college player and get ready for Chiefs/Ravens next month.
What if you couldn't just X out of the Facebook page because you had to quit your job to take care of your disabled son for the rest of your life?
Or what if your brother killed himself from having CTE from playing college football?
The reality is, we can drop a "sad crying" emoji on a Facebook status and move on — the families of the young boys and men sacrificed to this sport definitely can't.
Go ask Tyler Sash's mom if she's "moved on".
Hasn't science proven at this point that tackle football just doesnt work the way it is currently played?
Why are we okay risking future Junior Seaus, Mike Websters, Justin Strelczyks, Phillip Adams, Tyler Hillinskis with every boy and young man that straps on the pads and helmet and charges on to the field?
Is it 10% of players that get CTE? Is it 20%?
Is it more? Is it half?
More than half?
The truth is we wont know until a CTE test is developed for living players.
Pop Warners Chief Medical Director is working with the FDA to develop the test as I type this.
Why do you think that is?
The NFL's own study funded through a university admits that NFL players are 19 times more likely than non-NFL players to develop neurological conditions and disorders.
19 times!!!!!
As long as its not your brain getting scrambled right?
And you can just sit there and watch the leagues reigning back to back MVP and reigning Super Bowl Champ slowly deteriorate their minds while accumulating permanent brain damage for your entertainment.
Pass the chips.
"We consider football a gladiator sport because we understand you’re going to get hurt. You’re putting your life on the line.
You might not die now, like in an old Roman arena, but 5, 10 years down the road, you could. You know that.
I wouldn’t change anything.
During my career, I kept my mouth shut. This now, speaking out, it’s about telling you my life. There’s no agenda, no vendetta. This is what football’s really like.
The first warning is the first meeting you have with an agent, when you realize this is real. My choices count at this point. I’m going to be prostituting myself for the next 18 years of my life.
That’s the first warning.
The next one is that good old combine.
That’s when you realize, when you march in that room half naked, I’m a number now."
No, thats when you realize that the NFL is MODERN DAY SLAVERY.
It's a modern day meat market.
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6% of the US population is Black male. 75% of the NFL is Black.
0% of the owners are Black. Only 2 out of 32 coaches are Black.
Almost all of the NFL owners are white with very few exceptions and exactly none of them are Black.
The NFL is a modern day plantation.
"I loved New York. I loved playing there. I loved the spotlight. I was fine in New York, but I also played for Eric Mangini. We started 8-3, Brett Favre, all of that. Everybody told Mangini, stop with the long practices, you’re killing us. You practice too hard. We’re on turf."
36% of all injuries that occur in the NFL are due to turf & 1/4 of all concussions are a result of players heads slamming against turf.
Why won't the NFL replace turf with grass in their stadiums as the NFLPA has been asking for for years?
Because they're cheap as hell and would rather injure their own investments then pay for grass.
The owners & the league have the same exact disregard and disdain for their own players.
The NFL has agreed to switch out turf for grass for the World Cup because the soccer players refused to do what NFL players are forced to — fuck their bodies up on turf.
It proves the NFL and owners could do it and, in fact, they did do it so they could host the World Cup in their football stadium — unless it's actually for the players in their own league.
In that case, you're shit out of luck.
Should have played soccer.
"What you hear from guys like Ray Lewis, James Harrison, what they’re saying is we’re well aware what we’re signing up for. The violence, we love it. The madness, we love it. We love measuring ourselves in it.
Those guys express themselves with their pads. You soften the game, you’re taking away their freedom of expression. Nobody wants to see flag football, and now, you might as well give guys flags, tell them to hug afterward, all that."
Did he even read the beginning of his own article???
Constant cognitive dissonance is the distillation & essence of tackle football — by the players, the audience, coaches, trainers, medical personnel, announce team, play by play, color, pre-game & post-game hosts, team & network journalists.
I see no repetitive head impacts causing CTE.
I hear no repetitive head impacts causing CTE.
I speak no repetitive head impacts causing CTE.
"The violence is what I remember. Like against Buffalo in 2009, when I had the game of my career. Or the time I slapped a lineman out of the way in Houston with one arm. Winning, the physical part, the mayhem, finding the line between insanity and sanity, that’s the exact reason why you play. That’s the reason fans like football in the first place.
A guy like James Harrison, he’s possessed, and that’s the guy you love to play with, love to watch. He doesn’t need to be babied."
Protection from permanent brain damage & trauma, fans bloodlust, coaches unreasonable demands, neurological disorders & conditions, neurological symptoms including suicidality, depression, memory loss, confusion, irritability, volatility, aggression, amnesia, mental incapicitation, deteroriation & decline is being "babied"??????????
"The N.F.L. is too big to fail. If that happened, it would be a slow death. It’s still the ultimate game. For us, it’s like legal prison rules. You have to protect your manhood, your well-being. You’re going to be challenged. You’re going to be tested."
"You have to protect your manhood."
Protect The Shield.
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Brainwashed into the cult of American masculinity.
Just like all the other 2.6 million young boys & adolescents playing youth football.
Another million playing in high school.
100k playing in NCAA college football.
1600 play in the NFL.
All brainwashed into the cult of masculinity.
Millions of young boys and teenagers sacrificed on the altar of tackle football, Americas true religion.
"There aren’t too many places a 400-pound guy with an attitude can go and beat the crap out of somebody and not get locked up for it. I have a violent streak. I have to fight it out of my system. We signed up for it. All of it. We’re not trying to be sane or rational."
What does an 8 year old playing tackle football for Pop Warner sign up for?
Tradition, rigid authoritarianism, toxic masculinity, ideals of manhood worth sacrificing your body, mind, memories, personality, self and literal life for.
A 13 year old football player committed suicide after an egregious hit and post concussion symptoms that lasted for over a year in 2018.
He played through the hit and practiced in pads the very next day — think that might have made his concussion worse?
Prior to the hit, he was a straight A student, a voracious reader, erudite, sociable & well-liked.
After the hit, he became withdrawn.
He lost vision in one eye. He lost his balance frequently.
He was unable to read for more than a few minutes at a time.
He started tackle football at 9.
He played two ways as a linebacker and running back and was known as a ferocious hitter who never complained of pain.
He attempted suicide, was hospitalized, seemed to be improving, then the second suicide attempt was tragically successful.
Dead at 13 for the sport of football.
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When is enough enough?
Football is a game, it's a magical talisman, it's a sport, it's a crucible, it's a maker of men, it's the distillation of manhood and masculinity, it's what being a man is.
It's worth bashing and battering your brains repeatedly.
It's worth your mind.
It's worth not knowing who you are at 50.
It's worth you committing suicide.
Just remember to shoot yourself in the chest so your brain can be donated and studied.
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Belsnickel doodles!!
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lokiusly · 11 months
Mobius needs Loki just as much as Loki needs him.
Who ate with him during lunch before Loki?
Who was his partner on missions before Loki (and would actually die and kill for him)?
Who took pie breaks and timeline detours with Mobius before Loki?
Loki was lonely, and I bet Mobius was too until they found each other.
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