#crop failure
doomsayersunited · 1 year
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Gaspe Fishermen Face Starvation,” Montreal Star. November 11, 1932. Page 21. --- Failure of Catch and Potato Crop Causes Serious Situation ---- QUEBEC, Nov 11— (Star Special) —A number of fishing settlements in the Gaspe region are facing starvation during the coming winter, due to the failure of the fishing season and ruin of the potato crop through rain. 
Things are worse than has been stated up to now, and in one village alone, it is reported a family of nine existed on nothing but three loaves of bread for an entire week. 
Potatoes have always been one of the staple foods for fishermen during the winter months and in former years the harvest has been abundant but now fishing villages, such as Paspebiac, are importing potatoes from Prince Edward Island, a thing unheard of in the past. As there la very little money, fisherman are wondering what they are going to do when it has gone and they cannot purchase anything.
“Inhabitant of  cities and towns do not know what privation and hardship is," it was stated this morning by Hon.John Hall Kelley, Legislative Counselor who recently returned from the Gaspe region. "Why, only this summer I saw a man doing a hard day work whose only food for luncheon was' raw cucumber. And yet they never complain." r
PULPWOOD SITUATION The only thing that can save a number of the villages from being practically wiped out is the possibility of disposing of pulpwood and ‘umber that is lying idle on the land, and to that end, negotiations are under way between the interested parties.
 Another thing that will help the fisherfolk to a certain extent is the operation by limit holders during the coming winter of their holdings and thus enabling a certain number of men to get employment and earn a few dollars. If the limits are operated, it will mean that some thousands of men will be engaged. Limit-holders will wait upon the Government In the near future to ask for a reduction In ground-rents and stumpage dues.
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tom4jc · 2 months
August 8, 2024 Give Thanks
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trendingtechguruji · 1 year
Extending Monetary Safety to the Marginalised : Micro insurance in India
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 Micro insurance in India is a specialized form of insurance that aims to provide affordable and accessible coverage to low-income individuals and marginalised communities. It is designed to protect these vulnerable populations from financial risks associated with various life events, such as illness, accidents, natural disasters, and crop failure, among others.
India is a diverse country with a significant proportion of its population residing in rural and economically undeserved areas. Many of these individuals have limited access to formal financial services, including insurance. Micro insurance plays a crucial role in extending the protective umbrella of insurance to these undeserved segments. Read More
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loriache · 6 months
Notes on the World Map: Melini
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I'm kind of annoyed the complete World Bible doesn't have a version of the World Map with Melini filled in... unless it does and I missed it, but I literally bought it and looked at the relevant pages for this post! Anyway, I think this is the closest we have. I'm looking at this and -- Kahka Brud literally doesn't have a coast anymore. No wonder they're pissed!! Any industry involving the sea, trade, fishing, etc. is basically impossible now - you'd have to get to the coastline on the west side of the continent. That's probably miles!
Speaking of miles... how big is Melini?
This is where I got... really unwell. So first off, let's assume the official Dunmeshi World Map is a Mercator projection. I think the stage cartography in the Dunmeshi universe is at, it's going to be most important that maps are useful for marine navigation. So we can't just drop an approximate scale onto the grid and leave it at that; we have to work out where the equator is.
The way I've done that is via two places that seem like they have a close(ish) real world equivalent - in terms of climate and culture - Utaya and the Island of Wa (Toshiro's home). The Island of Wa is obviously Japan, and I've seen plausible arguments that Utaya is probably a climate/location similar to Nepal.
So, here's the (approximate) location and latitude of those places on a Mercator map of Earth:
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If we arbitarily superimpose the two maps, asssuming they're the same size, we can draw a theoretical equator line that puts the two places at the same latitude, though on a different side of the equator. Putting them on the same side as Earth made the equator really low. I feel like that's ... unlikely, so we're going with this.
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That puts Melini at a rough latitude of .. ~55? which would, using the same scale as the previous map, make two squares (at that latitude) about 600 miles. Very roughly calculating the size as given on the map based on that, that gives a width of (approximately) 250 miles and a length of 400, coming in at a bit less than 100,000 miles² due to the shape. Probably it's between the sizes of the UK and Aotearoa.
That really helps me visualise what Laios is working with here when I think about post-canon. Though I reckon what I've done here is "Just enough research to really annoy an expert". Sorry if you're that expert. I really don't know much about cartography <3 It's like that xkcd comic:
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On distances, as someone who lives in the UK; with a car, you can get almost anywhere in a day if you're prepared to drive until late. But they don't have cars, so getting from one end to the other would take multiple days of travel. It'd take about 7 days to walk the approx "length", 400~ miles (from the top of Scotland to Liverpool) (according to Google Maps) and 2 days cycling, so probably 3-5 days with horses, depending on how you pushed them. That'd vary a bit depending on terrain, of course.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
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Guys! Help! I dunno why but Insta keeps doing this weird crop thing whenever I try to post more than one horizontal drawing! I don't know what to do and I'm worried for the future posts I'll make. Can anyone tell me what's going on and how to fix it? I've tried resizing, posting with my phone instead of tablet, trying it out on other pictures bedsides the ones you see here that are also horizontal, but of different sizes and still, NOTHING!!! Would appreciate any help!!! Pls!!! This happened before, but I can't remember how I resolved it, all I know is that I did. It's really stressful tho. Google and YouTube has been no help whatsoever either. They keep telling me to resize the photo and I did, but nothing changes! The empty black space besides the photos are the problem. Those spots are supposed to parts of the drawings themselves and when I try to post it as is, it fully crops my picture to the size of it you only see. I know how to make it so Insta will accept a different sized picture than the usual 1x1, but it's not letting me get pass the editing phase this time. How am I to share my art like this??? -Bubs.
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(If you can't help, pls try reblogging until someone who does know sees it. TvT I just wanna get this over with.)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Cannot Pay Duty On Free Potatoes,” Toronto Globe. October 27, 1932. Page 4. ---- Dakotans Offer Needy Manitobans Vegetables ‘for the Digging’ ---- TARIFF LIFT REFUSED --- (Canadian Press Despatch.) Winkler, Man., Oct. 26. - While farmers of North Dakota are obliged to let their potato crop rot for lack of market, Manitoba farmers of this district, who lost their crops through drought and the grasshopper plague, say they will be forced to go on relief money to pay the duty on North Dakota potatoes which the farmers below the line have offered ‘for the digging.’
Intervention on their behalf for the institution of a special arrangement by which the residents of the district might be exempted from payment of 45-cents-a-bushel tariff, was made by J. L. Brown, member of the Federal House for Lisgar. In reply to the latter’s request, the Minister of National Revenue, Hon. E. B. Ryckman, wrote: ‘I dare say you have in mind the action which was taken some years ago in connection with the importation of hay. I do not feel this is a proper remedy for the unfortunate condition in which the residents of this place find themselves. It practically means the establishment of a sectional tariff, which is unsound in principal.
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mariocki · 22 days
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Infinite list of favourite lyrics: 224/?
Don McLean - On the Amazon (1972)
"Snarling equinox
Among the rocks
Will seize you
And the Fahrenheit
Comes out at night
To freeze you...
Wild duodenum
Are lurking in the trees
And the jungles swarm
With green apostrophes,
Oh, the Amazon is calling me."
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proserpine-in-phases · 3 months
The upper midwest is flooding while most of the rest of the continental us is under a record setting heat dome. Do you think some people around here (my coworkers specifically) might start believing in climate change now?
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cicadaknight · 3 months
having more days of wondering if it'll be the last time i get to enjoy specific things before the planet becomes uninhabitable. a cool breeze? sipping a cider in the sun on a hill of poppies? fresh fruit?
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tweedfrog · 5 months
Getting cancelled for wearing the thanos kitten heels to my American Government mandated grief counselling because I saw half my family disintegrate before my eyes
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scary-white · 2 years
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And now I know...
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vang0bus · 11 months
sorry but that post saying you shouldnt call whats happening in gaza a war/conflict is so stupid. most wars in history have been unbalanced that doesnt make them not wars
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mossfeed · 1 year
crazy how many irish americans just don’t know their history bc why would you ever expect ireland to side with israel
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snarky-gourmet · 2 years
im making tomato soup from scratch 😌
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atigrado · 1 month
i might have flopped with that luka drawing i fear.......
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