sitting-on-me-bum · 8 months
Alitta virens flying X1DII by Alexander Semenov
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kumatart · 4 months
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🔸Seaworm Adopt🔸
TH Listing
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gotstabbedbyapen · 5 months
Nerites: Poseidon. Will you still love me if I'm a worm?
Poseidon: Yes. I can still turn you back like I did when you were a shrimp.
Poseidon: Why do you ask? *turns around and sees Nerites as a seaworm*
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juuyeah · 2 months
Tag game : List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
I was tagged by @shiro-s2e2-erukinzu ! 💖
1. SpyxFamily : it's my main overfixation since two years so yeah i can talk a lot about it! And even more if it is Franky related.
2. Ice hockey goaltending. I am a goalie and talking about goaltending is very specific to me! It is also very fun to discuss about our fav famous goalies and techniques.
3. North atlantic Coastal environment and biology. I have a master degree in marine biology and my main other job is to teach kids basics of marine life during school year and make tourists discover local fauna during summer. Do you love crabs, seaworms and shells? I am your guide!
4. Drawing. I guess i would be able to talk a lot about drawing too. I am so happy when i can discuss with other artist friends!
5. Volcanoes. I used to be the volcano nerd at school. I still have probably good memories about it.
Thank you again for the tag! Free to @whateversawesome @mari-orangebread and @rachellysebrook to participate 💖
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zazzander · 2 years
Why I think Halbrand is Sauron
I believe the writers are going for a humanising angle with Sauron. They want him to be conflicted.
And we really get that context with Adar’s interrogation. Which I believe is 100% true in Adar’s mind.
“After Morgoth’s defeat, the one you call Sauron… devoted himself to healing Middle-earth, bringing its ruined lands together in perfect order. He sought to craft a power not of the flesh… but over flesh. A power of the Unseen World. He bid as many as he could to follow him far north. But try as he might…something was missing. A shadow of dark knowledge that kept itself hidden, even from him. No matter how much blood he spilt in its pursuit. Mmm. For my part… I sacrificed enough of my children for his aspirations. I split him open. I killed Sauron.”
After the defeat of Morgoth, Sauron had a crisis of the faith. He tried to create something that will fix everything. But he was ‘missing’ something (something I believe he finds later in the series…). Then the orcs mutinied against him.
“The way I see it, it wasn’t Elves that chased me from my homeland. It was Orcs.” – Halbrand, episode 2
In his conversation with Galadriel, he says "My people have no king". This is a sentiment that Adar echoes in episode 6. Sauron's people have no king because he is their king. And they do not want him.
After the mutiny, Sauron was cast adrift. He was a wanderer.
“That’s funny. I found this on a dead man. Thought the pattern suited me.” - Halbrand, episode 3, regarding the "king's" symbol.
Galadriel believes this is a lie, but what if it’s the truth? What would Sauron do with such a symbol?
Sauron, as Halbrand, seems dead-set on starting anew. Morgoth is defeated. He’s previous allies have betrayed him. Halbrand regrets what he’s done. He wants to hide – to be a smith once more. And where better to hide from the Elves than Numenor, a kingdom of Men that has rejected the Elves?
So he boards a ship bound for the island. He brings the symbol with him as a means of gaining position there. If he’s a noble man who’s been cast out of his nation by evil, of course he’s dishevelled, of course he’s without friends. But that also means he's not just going to be a peasant on the streets. Such a story would have allowed him to start a conversation with the nobles of Numenor (which is all someone like Sauron needs).
Whether or not he controlled the seaworm doesn’t really matter. The point is – he didn’t plan to meet Galadriel out on the sea, but saw an opportunity when he did. While she’s talking about armies and war, he points her towards the Southlands. He undoubtedly knows that Galadriel has been his greatest pursuer. How could he not? So why not kill two birds with one stone?
I believe Halbrand/Sauron’s plan during the Numenor arc was to send Galadriel off to the Southlands with an army and have his two biggest enemies fight each other. Weaken each other. For his part, he’d stay in Numenor, ingratiating himself, much like he planned before. And if luck was on his side – Galadriel and Adar would kill each other and he’d be set.
Unfortunately for that plan, it becomes increasingly clear that Galadriel will not be able to sail off with an army if he doesn’t come as well. The identity that he picked up to win over the Numenorians is suddenly a liability, and it’s why he’s eventually forced to concede the point. He agrees to sail. To get himself involved once more.
That's why he's staring at the symbol at the end of episode 5, looking conflicted.
In Episode 6, Adar and Sauron finally reunite. Adar doesn’t recognise him, why would he? As far as Adar is concerned, Sauron is dead. But I believe Adar starts to suspect Halbrand's idenity after the initial confrontation. He asks Halbrand: “Who are you?” and Halbrand doesn’t reply.
I believe that Sauron/Halbrand really does want to redeem himself, to fix the world. And the suspect this will be his ongoing motivation for why he forges the Rings. And how he convinces the various Men, Dwarves, and Elves to take them.
As for why the Elves are building the big forge already. I think they are planning to use it to craft the mithral – with the goal of healing the tree.
I suspect once this Southlands arc is done, Galadriel is going to bring Halbrand to the Elves and Dwarves as a friend (maybe even lover). That’s how he ends up winning them over.
The other option is that he hears about the forge. Then Galadriel finds out his true idenity and he goes to the Elves as Annatar.
As for who’s going to become the Witch King. My eye is on Kemen, the non-canon son of Pharazon. He seems very corruptible…
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motelpearl · 9 months
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I'm nervous about posting my art >:{ but this is my drawing of Nina & Ardus from Starfish by @rmhashauthor.
It took about 4/5 hours from the sketch to the final product. Mixed media (markers, pen, & acrylic paint on the sky/in the water/the back of Nina's shirt/Ardus's bioluminescence.)
Most of the details (such as the blueback, the red seaworm on the ground, Nina's outfit) are inspired directly by passages from the book. Other things (such as ardus's outfit, the sailorfruit tree, & the island) I took some creative liberties with.
Some parts didn't come out exactly how I wanted them to because my pen wouldn't stop bleeding & I had to work around it but I'm not letting all the hours I spent on it go to waste so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ditheringtouhoufan · 7 months
Adriatic: Wait, what’s the plan?
Baltic: Just don’t die!
Adriatic: Baltic, I need you to swear-
Baltic: Seaworm.
Adriatic: Swear as in promise.
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oceanic-recollection · 9 months
Watch out! Ill eat your detritus if you don't stop messing with me
<GRP> not my DETRIUS... YOU BASTARD....!!!!!!!!!!
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
bothers benedikta
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"Has the little seaworm come out to play?" The vitriol in her velvety voice would usually be enough to have anyone not under her command scramble away for fear of being ripped apart. Lovek, on the other hand... Who knows with her, really. Benedikta can't claim to know the other Dominant particularly well in spite of their shared alliance. "I thought you preferred your own company over anyone else's."
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spidermilkshake · 1 year
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Ancardia's Unusual Animals--The Great Iceworm
Classification: Beast (mollusc)
Habitat: Arctic and Anctarctic seas, concentrated under consistent areas of sea ice.
            The Great Iceworm is a gargantuan species of seaworm which until recent Ages was scarcely researched due to its difficult and remote habitat. The second largest of all of Ancardia’s invertebrates, the great iceworm spends its entire lifecycle in the icy waters of the two polar zones of Ancardia’s seas, depending upon the rich biomass of the oceans below and close to permanent sea ice. It is known to be particularly common in the very southernmost ranges of Sostuniland, where many tens of thousands of square miles of sea ice remain throughout the summer and the density of large calved icebergs remains high throughout the year, but they do also occur in significant populations under the northern ice cap to the far north of Tvearban’s coasts. Like many of the ocean’s largest creatures, it is docile to most other creatures, only feeding on the smallest of lifeforms in its environment. The majority of a great iceworm’s diet is krill mixed with larval crabs and fishes, supplemented by various somewhat larger invertebrates such as basket stars, polychaete worms, and sea spiders. Several species of large amphipods have evolved seemingly to live only on the dead tissue and parasites that afflict the great iceworm, and so you will seldom find one of these huge creatures swimming without an entourage of several dozen to several hundred palm-size red and gold primitive crustaceans.
            While the worm itself is not particularly aggressive, it is possible to startle it which brings on the danger of such a huge animal responding by a defensive thrashing. Its mouthparts are relatively small, but still large enough for bites to be injurious to humanoids, and if directly attacked it will not hesitate to retaliate. Most of the danger from great iceworms comes from their boreholes in the sea ice layer in order to periodically breathe air, which are as wide as the worm’s body itself (usually 2 to 3 meters in diameter) and have been known to very lightly freeze over or have loose snow blow into them, creating a brittle thin area that is not immediately obvious as an environmental hazard. Dropping several meters into below-freezing water in such situations is almost always fatal even with assistance in escaping the frigid water, and so Sostunians living and working around sea ice often are careful to bring walking poles to test the areas along their route for hollow sounding ice and unusually-placed deep, loose snow.
            Great iceworms are extremely large, and vary in size depending on their age and the density of food supply they have encountered so far. Most adults measure a minimum of 14 meters in length as either younger individuals or those in areas with less abundant plankton life, but can also reach astounding lengths of 25 or even 30 meters. The average length is closer to 20 meters, though as newly-hatched larvae they begin life as only about 5 centimeters in length. Great iceworms breed whenever they encounter abundant krill for longer than a few weeks at a time, and can breed multiple times in a year (though this is very rare), and will either seek out a mate or undergo parthenogenesis if a mate is nowhere to be found. Eggs are laid in masses on the underside of sea ice, in bundles of 20,000 to 40,000 at a time, though most will be picked off by various sea life before hatching. A larval great iceworm grows exponentially in its first year, usually reaching several meters very quickly. Before reaching adult size, juvenile great iceworms are subject to predation from a number of sharks, other large worms, seabirds and seals. Great iceworms are not known to die from old age, their population mainly being controlled by parasite numbers, predation on larva and eggs, and scarcity of food.
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The Hunter and the Hunted: Teemo 1
Bandle City. My home, my duty, my responsibility.
I’ve been part of the Bandle Scout Forces for as long as I can remember. You may not say by looking at me, but I’m hundred years old. My size and look are part of what makes me so good at my job, people see me and don’t suspect that beneath my small and fluffy appearance there is an experienced soldier who has a long streak of successful missions on his back. Humans are the ones that make this mistake the most, they always forget that size doesn’t mean everything.
But when I’m not on duty, I’m just Teemo! I love my fellow yordles citizens, I love to help those in need, and I love to laugh with my friends. Maybe I do appear as my size and look show…
Oh, well!
I say goodbye to my good friend and fellow soldier Tristana with the promise to see her again once I return, to eat and drink together while sharing our days.
On this day I’m on scouting duty in the Kumungu Jungles. I have to see if anything is suspicious and I have to reposition my shrooms in the most important parts of the jungle. The day, despite some unexpected dispute with the local fauna, is going fine. There are traces of hunters from Noxus, with equipment far too striking to be just some hunters’ tools. Poachers, or kidnappers. I must inform the city. Luckily my shrooms found them before they could harm someone.
I step on the purple face of one of those humans, now dead and unable to hurt anyone. It wasn’t the first time that I saw tools like those. Many times humans had ventured this far to kidnap yordles. We’ve been sold as pets, slaves, and in some cases, they ate us. I was once kidnapped too. While on a mission to get myself a Soul-Devouring SeaWorm in the area of Bilgewater, I was captured by a man with funny hair on his face and a long coat, whose intent was to sell me for gold. With the help of Tristana, Corki and Lulu I was safe and he was turned into a frog.
I laugh at my own memory of that episode and start placing the shrooms while humming and singing notes of an old yordle song. A bush moves behind me. I freeze as I expect one of the humans to have survived my traps, so I put a hand on my blowgun.
I wasn’t expecting what follows: a roar, loud and scary forces me to turn without taking my weapon. A lion, bigger than a bear and more ferocious that anything I’d ever seen in that jungle. It’s not from around here, I can tell that just by looking at it. Nothing within my knowledge matches its description. A Vastaya, maybe?
The lion is about to reach me, thoughts of death and sorrow freeze me on the spot, sure my time was up. But no sir it’s not. The last shroom I put down a few seconds earlier explodes and its pores hit the beast, clouding its sight. It ends its course on a tree as I grab my weapon and flee for dear life. I run for what feels like an hour despite being a minute or two. I stop my run and turn around towards where I came from knowing that that beast was not done with me. I breathe and calm myself down.
I am Teemo, the swift scout, former Omega Squad leader. I will show this animal what that means!
Geez, Tristana’s right, I DO change when I get serious…
I know that the lion is comic and I would make sure it knows that I am not to fall without a fight. It probably attacked me thinking that I’m a small, defenceless creature that is just strolling in the jungle, begging to be killed and feasted upon. I will show him what a small creature like me can do to a big one like him.
I decide to hide in a bush, knowing that my footprints, albeit small and hard to see to untrained eyes, will bring him to me. Good, I’ll be waiting.
I lay my shrooms around the bush and hide them inside the ground, setting my traps. I enter the bush as planned, take my blowgun to my mouth and breathe.
Now, I wait.
Heavy steps approach my direction. It’s not even trying to conceal its position, cocky and sure that it’s going to take my life. He rips the bush with his knife, seeing me armed and ready.
I shoot him with a dart between his eyes, a very special dart of mine created with a toxin that temporarily blinds my enemies. It won't damage a big beast like that much, but it's not supposed to deal tons of damage. The animal shouts, trying to hit me with his knife and claws but I’m already away, and then he steps on one of the traps I laid, engulfing him by the purple toxin cloud once more. I know not if more traps are triggered, I only know that this will be a long day.
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johndyerwrites · 5 months
My solicitation for dock builders flushed out a pair of sturdy young men who work weekdays for one of the name brand marine contractors. A discount on the market rate ensued, along with better start and end dates. But the big payoff may be that I discovered what needed to be done. The pilings were compromised by rot and seaworm predation. The first guys who showed up to bid didn’t say a thing…
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het-leven-kronen · 10 months
I am the king, I am the king, I am the king, I am the king, I am the king, I am the king, I am the king, I am the king – The Birthday Party@YouTube, Junkyard (live)
In het Aquarius Evangelie (Ds. L. Dowling – Het Aquarius Evangelie, Uitgeverij Schors V.O.F.) zegt Jezus: ‘Wanneer ge uw harten gereinigd hebt door geloof, zal de koning binnentreden en gij zult zijn gelaat zien. En toen vroeg het volk: Wat moeten wij doen opdat wij onze lichamen geschikt zullen maken als verblijfplaats voor de koning? En Jezus zeide: Alles wat voert tot reinheid in denken, in woord en daad, zal de tempel van het vlees reinigen. Er zijn geen regels die op iedereen van toepassing zijn, want de mensen zijn specialisten in zondigen; een ieder heeft zijn eigen overheersende zonde. En ieder moet voor zichzelf uitzoeken hoe hij het beste zijn neiging tot kwade dingen kan omzetten in die van rechtvaardigheid en liefde. Totdat de mensen het hoger niveau bereiken en dat van zelfzuchtigheid verlaten, zal deze lijn van werken de beste resultaten opleveren’. Deze wijze woorden van Christus sluiten naadloos aan op het thema van deze blog het leven kronen.
We kronen het leven als we ons waardig gedragen, als we ons volwassen opstellen en we zuiver (rein, smetteloos) denken en handelen. Het is ‘het pad tot leven … betreden dat naar het Koninkrijk der Hemelen leidt (Anoniem – Brieven Van Christus nr. 2)’. Hiervan heeft de Genagelde getuigd in woord en daad. Hij heeft er Zijn leven voor gegeven.
De weg die naar dat Koninkrijk leidt is bezaaid met respect. Respect is iemand in zijn waarde laten, iemand laten merken dat hij er mag zijn, dat hij zichzelf mag zijn in zijn keuzes, zijn handelingen en zijn gedachtegangen, zolang hij maar het beste met zichzelf en zijn omgeving voorheeft. Anders moet hij tot de orde worden geroepen. Als we dit met onszelf doen, dan gaat de innerlijke criticus ten onder.
Below the thunders of the upper deep; Far far beneath in the abysmal sea, His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep The kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee About his shadowy sides; above him swell Huge sponges of millennial growth and height; And far away into the sickly light, From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumber'd and enormous polypi Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green. There hath he lain for ages, and will lie Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep, Until the latter fire shall heat the deep; Then once by man and angels to be seen, In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die. – Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), The Kraken
Rekening houden met elkaar, met de dieren en met de dingen om ons heen, met onszelf daar gaan de assertiviteit en de compassie hand in hand met elkaar door het land. Met deze beide competenties kunnen we het leven heel mooi spelen. Doen we dat dan kronen we het leven!
Mooi spelen dat is leven volgens de regels, maar soms ook níet. Het is maar net wat beter uitkomt, wat goed is voor het moment. Spelen we niet volgens de regels, dan rest ons niets dan moed verzamelen. Want dan worden we gezien als spelbrekers. En spelbrekers brengen farizeërs en sadduceërs in diskrediet.
Regels helpen ons om ons gedrag te reguleren. Maar als regels niet langer functioneel zijn of onmenselijk dan moeten we ze ook in vraag durven stellen. Dan moeten we ze durven schenden.
Zoals regels menselijk of onmenselijk kunnen zijn, kunnen relaties dat ook. Maar mensen die het leven kronen gedragen zich waardig onder alle omstandigheden. Dat siert hun gedrag.
Het is aan jou om iemand de kroon op te zetten, iemand de kroon van het hoofd te nemen, iemand naar de kroon te steken, de kroon te spannen of de kroon op je werk te zetten (Woorden).
Waar ga je voor? Voor het leven kronen of het leven ontkronen? Hoe je het eerste kunt doen, daarover lees je meer op deze blog.
Veel leesplezier en doe het goed!
Roeselare, 13 juni 2016
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