#second jen
ashoss · 4 months
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this idea wont leave my brain please help me !! YIPPEE HADES BATKIDS !!!
without the bg and text under the cut :))
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asdhj probably gonna post like,, two at a time because thats ,, a lot,,,, of drawing ,,,,,,, so heres tim and jason! i think i got the hang of it more with jason lol
thank you to those who helped me with the titles for the batkids!! they were all really good :D (all on insta lol)
timothy: the tenured - thomson_at
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earlgodwin · 8 months
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otaku553 · 4 months
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Me at 3 am the night before 8 am registration for next term’s classes begins
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fairweathermyth · 2 months
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Hey, Helen, um, have you been getting people making comments about us at work?
THE NEWSREADER 1.02 Once in a Lifetime
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animatedjen · 11 months
"Rethinking your allegiance?"
Inquisitor Cal Kestis seeks redemption through his fight against the Empire.
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Oh look Jen 10 concept art I forgot about lol
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lbctal · 1 month
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minijenn · 15 days
UF Preview
I dunno, enjoy the boys meeting. I made it fuckin gay or whatever. (cries in Stedip for the rest of my life)
While Dipper was still frantically flipping through the journal’s pages, he didn’t notice the large pink blur dashing through the woods ahead of him until it was too late. All he heard was a deep, fearsome growl before something plowed into him hard, knocking him clean off his feet. He clung onto the journal, keeping it clutched close to his chest, especially when he looked up and saw exactly what had barreled into him out of nowhere. 
It was a lion–large and powerful and oddly pastel pink as it hovered over him, its teeth bared as glared down at its unfortunate catch with a menacing snarl. As soon as he processed exactly what he was looking at, Dipper let out a frightened yelp, covering his face with the journal just in case the lion decided to strike. Thankfully, that didn’t happen as someone else intervened just in time.
“Lion! Cut that out! We don’t have time to play around right now, we’ve gotta save Connie!”
“H-huh?” Dipper peeked out from underneath the journal, confused. The lion still had him pinned and still looked ready to rip him to shreds at any moment. But he didn’t, if only because of the boy peering down at him from the feline’s back with a look of apologetic concern. 
“Oh my gosh, are you ok?” he asked. He didn’t give Dipper a chance to answer before he scowled down at the pink beast beneath him, annoyed. “Lion, get off of him already!” The lion didn’t budge, at least not until the boy scolded him again. “Lioooon…”
The beast huffed, backing off at long last. As soon as he was free, Dipper scrambled to his feet, backing away from the big cat fearfully. “That’s… an actual lion…” he muttered, still in disbelief. 
“He sure is!” the boy mustered a smile as he patted Lion’s side. 
“And he’s pink,” Dipper stressed, bewildered. 
“I know,” the boy chuckled. “Isn’t he cool?”
“A-and he’s yours?”
“Oh, well it’s a really neat story,” the boy said, though his smile quickly fell. “But I don’t really have time to tell it. I’ve gotta go find my friend Connie. Y’see, she was kidnapped by a bunch of gnomes and I-”
“Wait, did you say gnomes?” Dipper interrupted. The sheer strangeness of such a statement should have been what caught him off guard, but it wasn’t. Instead, it was something he remembered catching a glimpse of in the journal. He flipped through it as quickly as he could, finding exactly what he was looking for as he turned the book over to show the boy. “You mean these things?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s them!” the boy nodded. “That’s a pretty cool book you have there. Where’d you find it?”
“...That’s not important right now,” Dipper quickly shut the book, hiding it back inside his vest. “What is important is that I think those gnomes may have ran off with my sister too.”
“Oh no!” the boy gasped, genuinely alarmed. “Well, then we ought to team up to save her and Connie. Hurry, hop on!”
Dipper flinched, warily eyeing Lion as he shot him another bitter glare. “You mean… get on the lion?”
“Uh… yeah?” 
“Are you serious?”
“Oh, don’t worry! Lion won’t bite!” the boy assured. “...Probably. B-but it’s ok, I promise!” He held a hand out to Dipper, wearing a warm, encouraging smile all the while. “Don’t you trust me?”
“I don’t even know who you are,” Dipper pointed out dryly. 
“Oh, uh, right,” the boy rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. “My name’s Steven. What’s yours?” 
“...Dipper,” he replied a bit stiffly. 
“Nice to meet you, Dipper!” Steven’s already friendly smile widened as he held his hand out again. “So now that we actually know each other… what do you say? Do you trust me now?”
Dipper hesitated, looking between Steven and the hand he was offering to him. Briefly, the journal’s haunting warning echoed through his mind, cautioning against trusting anyone in this town. He already wasn’t the most trustful person to begin with, but how could he possibly extend what little trust he did have in him to a boy he barely knew, riding a pink lion through the woods? It was ridiculous, completely and utterly ridiculous. That’s exactly why he was more than ready to turn Steven down, to turn around and continue his search entirely on his own, except… 
Except when he met the kind, soft, sincere smile Steven was sending his way once more, a smile so much like his own sister’s that it nearly hurt him to think about it… Dipper found he just couldn’t find it in him to say no.
“I… y-yes, I guess I do,” he agreed, slowly taking Steven’s hand. The other boy’s eyes lit up with excitement as he helped hoist Dipper up to take a seat on Lion’s back behind him. 
“Alright, we’re officially a team now! And a totally awesome one at that!” Steven cheered, nudging Lion back into motion. “So let’s go find those gnomes!”
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Two more days until we see these two amazing people on our screens again!
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novantinuum · 6 months
it's late, post Steven focused SU edit wips
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wigglebox · 7 months
I FINALLY AM GETTING A NEW IPAD! It'll be delivered tomorrow ;_;
I'm going from a 10inch screen iPad Air with 64 gigs of storage to a 12.9 inch iPad Pro with a terabyte of storage I'm so damn excited!
This means my art will hopefully go a little faster since I'll have more layers to work with and won't have to debate which layers to flatten before I want to lol. It'll also help with commissions because right now on my little iPad, an 8x10 canvas only gets me 10 layers which is REALLY HARD to work with ;_; and I've made it work but I'd like that to be a little easier for me lol.
I'm also going to explore more animation work! Because I'll have so much storage and it'll have more ram to it, I'll be able to actually download a nice animation program.
I'm currently trying to work on an art portfolio which is why I've been so quiet lately lol.
Ugh - I've wanted this since August so I'm happy I finally have enough money lol.
Thank y'all who have bought the coloring books and who have commissioned me! I'll be making more coloring books [the next one probably coming out in June] and I will be opening commissions soon as well! <3
And of course, I already plan on my first drawing on this new iPad to be of Dean and Cas! xD
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earlgodwin · 5 months
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"For the good of those who see in us, the defense of our beloved people, whom we love above all else and whose love we reciprocate, requires us to use our children as instruments and bargaining tools to obtain the necessary ends." — Rodrigo Borgia (Lucrezia Giovane, directed by Luciano Ercoli)
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swingsetindecember · 5 months
i don't pick up callers who say unknown. like my guy, you call me and are a stranger??? i feel like i would just not get to talk to a psycho killer in a horror movie. like i would never pick up until they got ahold of someone in my contact lists' phone. even then i would be like, they never call, this is clearly a pocket dial.
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chradi · 2 months
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Star Wars LARP once more!!!
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starsapphire · 1 year
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ff #280/281
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