ellistruggle · 6 years
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Movie Night
this is a gift for @ari334 =) you were my drawn name and i really hope you like it
Happy New Year
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blair334 · 6 years
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Top 10 photos taken seconds before disasters
Hey @musicphanpie-b guess what? Im Your secret Santa (sanders?). This was a lot of fun to work on, heck several times I had to stop because I made a joke about it. (My favorite being the fact that the photo has background Logicality! Because the background. Logan and Patton are building a snowman. No?) I digress. I hope you like it. And have a great 2019.
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runaway-horses · 6 years
Merry Christmas, Logan
Hello lovelies! This is my gift for @really-sleep-deprived-nerd as part of the 2018 Fanders Secret Santa! I hope you like it, I sure had fun writing it!
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Fluff! Minor hurt/comfort, but really it’s all fluff. Google Translated Spanish.
Read on AO3 here!
Logan neatly stacked the papers on his desk and slipped them into their appropriate folders. His classroom was quiet, a rare occurrence given it was typically filled with the raucous sounds of high schoolers. He put all the folders in his briefcase and gave his classroom a final glance to ensure nothing was left behind before he left. While Logan would enjoy the break, he had to admit that he would miss his students.
Well. To a degree. Most of them.
Satisfied that he wasn’t leaving anything behind, he turned off the lights and shut the door, letting it lock behind him.
“Oh hey Lo-lo!” Logan couldn’t help but sigh at the sound of his flamboyant coworker. “Hello Remy.” He greeted, turning towards the voice. Remy was leaning against his own door, a mischievous grin on his face. “Oh girl, you look tense. Wanna grab drinks? Flirt with some cute guys?”
“Remy, you’re asexual. And in a relationship.” Logan deadpanned. Remy waved his hand dismissively. “So you’ve seen through my clever ruse to get you out. C’mon Lo, doesn’t your routine get boring?”
“Quite the opposite Remy, I find my schedule pleasant. And what makes you think I am lacking in companionship?” Before the art teacher could respond, Logan was already heading for the door. “Have a good break Remy!” He called over his shoulder, ignoring Remy’s spluttering.
The drive home wasn’t long, really. 25 minutes. Logan would be home before it 6:00. It passed quickly, and before he knew it he was pulling up to his apartment.
When he opened the door to his empty apartment, he couldn’t help the pang of loneliness in his chest. He found himself wishing he had taken Remy up on his offer, if only for some company for the night. It wasn’t like he didn’t know he was coming home to an empty house, but...well.
He placed his bag on the kitchen counter and put the kettle on the stove to make himself some tea. As he waited for the water to boil, he unpacked his briefcase. He had assignments from his students to grade over the break, but not so many that his break would be strenuous.
He hadn’t assigned anything over the break other than asking his students to try to glance over their notes at some time. While he had enjoyed school when he was a student, he understood the need for breaks from the pressures of high school. He could only hope his coworkers hadn’t assigned too much work.
Once everything was out of his bag and on the kitchen table, vaguely organized by grade and  Logan already starting on a ninth grader’s paper, the kettle whistled loudly. Logan started slightly, before pulling it off the heat and pouring the boiling water into a mug with a tea bag already waiting in it.
He went back to the table with his mug in his right hand and the paper in his left, prepared to work away the loneliness pricking at his skin.
And work he did. He had almost finished the stack of ninth grade papers before he looked at the clock and realized it was past eleven. It was then that he noticed how heavy his eyelids were, and how his neck ached from bending over the table for so long.
Logan stood up and stretched, feeling his back pop from the change of position. He poured out his (cold) cup of tea, and neatly stacked the marked papers on the corner of the table. Pleased with the amount of work he had completed, Logan looked forward to falling in bed and, hopefully, falling asleep quickly, before any unwelcome emotions found their way back into his thoughts.
His phone dinged from its spot on the table, and he opened it to see a text message from Roman.
From: Roman
oh my god
code rainbow
i repeat: code rainbow
shit lo he’s looking at me
Logan sighed and instead of attempting to decipher his texts, called his dramatic friend, who picked up almost immediately.
“Roman, where are you? What is ‘code rainbow’? Who’s looking at you?”
“Hay un chico lindo aquí y me está sonriendo! Logan, I’m too gay for this. I will die, right here, on this barstool, of a gay heart attack.” Logan rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics. He could hear the loud music thumping on Roman’s end of the speaker. “I’m guessing you’re at a club?”
“As a matter of fact I am, and everything was fine until he decided to start staring at me with his gorgeous eyes and pretty lips and precious freckles! Like I said, this will be the end of me. It was nice knowing you, Pocket-Protector. Do me a favor and make sure they put “Too gay to function.” as cause of death or me.”
Rearranging himself so he was sitting on the couch, Logan pinched the bridge of his nose lightly.
“Roman, you are simply too dramatic for words,” Logan kept speaking as Roman made an offended noise from the other end of the call. “But I know you know how to flirt. Go dance with him, offer to buy him a drink, and tell me about it in the morning.”
“Logan, was that a compliment?” Logan cut him off as he could hear the glee in his friends voice. “Goodbye, Roman.”
“Now hang on here Microsoft Nerd-” But Logan hung up before Roman could finish, quite uninterested in whatever smug comment Roman had prepared.
Logan and Roman had known each other for years, and while their personalities clashed somewhat frequently, at the end of the day they enjoyed each other’s friendship and found the friendly banter to be fun.
And for as long as he had known him, Roman had been a notorious flirt, and his good looks and lovely Spanish accent made him quite popular among the single population of their town. And more importantly, he was a really great person, if a tad too dramatic for Logan’s taste.
Logan shifted on the couch to get more comfortable as he picked his phone back up. It was nearing midnight. He really needed to get to bed soon.
But surely it’d be ok if he sat there for a minute longer…
Someone was moving him. There was cold air hitting his skin where the blanket fell away and even barely awake Logan could feel his neck aching.
“Mmnhh.” He moaned, expressing his displeasure with being disrupted.
He heard a warm chuckle. “It’s ok darling, it’s just me. You fell asleep on the couch, your neck is going to hurt if I let you stay here.” The familiar voice of his husband had a deep part of his soul settling down in peace and happiness.
“Virgil,” Logan sighed out, pushing into his embrace, still half asleep and not aware enough to be self conscious about his behavior. Virgil pushed his fingers into Logan’s hair gently, scratching at his scalp.
“Hey Lo.” Virgil’s voice was warmth, the calm familiarity of a loved one, the comfort of a hot drink during a cold day, warming you from your soul out. Logan wanted to pepper his face in kisses and sit up and talk with him, but sleep was pulling too heavily on him.
So he simply allowed himself to fold into Virgil’s body and drift back to sleep, content that he was here.
Before letting sleep reclaim him, he felt the gentle press of lips to the top of his head.
Logan woke up in his bed, and was momentarily disoriented. Hadn’t he fallen asleep on the couch?
Then memories of last night came back to him, and he sat straight up, scanning the room for Virgil. He wasn’t in their room however, and Logan allowed himself a brief moment of disappointment that he had woken up alone, again, before getting out of bed to search the house for his husband.
He didn’t have to go far. Virgil was awake and moving around their kitchen with his back turned to Logan, who caught the scent of coffee in the air.
“Good morning Virgil,”
Virgil turned around and smiled at him, and Logan wasn’t one for emotions but damnit he had missed that smile. He felt small pricks in his eyes indicative of tears, and whatever emotion he was experiencing must have shown on his face because Virgil came forward and pulled him into a gentle kiss.
Home home home love warmth Virgil.
Logan sighed into the kiss, a happy little sound, and felt Virgil’s responding smile against his lips. Virgil started to pull back, and Logan made a noise of protest and put his hands on his face to keep Virgil where he was.
“Hello love,” Virgil said, disconnecting their lips to rest their foreheads together. Logan opened his eyes to look at Virgil and felt his heart give a little flutter.
“Hello,” Logan murmured, feeling his face flush at the pet name despite his best efforts. “Are you hungry?” Virgil enquired without pulling away from him.
“Yes, I am a little hungry,” Logan admits.
With another quick peck to his lips, Virgil pulls back to move whatever he was cooking off the heat. “There’s coffee in the pot.” Logan made a humming sound of appreciation and pulled two mugs out of the cabinet.
There’s a calm quiet in the kitchen as they move about their respective tasks, and Logan feels more content then he has in weeks.
They settle on the couch to eat, something they rarely do with Virgil’s need for cleanliness, but it seems unspoken that today they want to be as close as possible. They exchange coffee and plates and Logan smiles at the French toast and scrambled eggs that Virgil has prepared. He’s been eating mostly breakfast bars and cereal since his husband left.
It’s quiet for a bit as they eat their food, but eventually Logan is no longer hungry and has questions. “What are you doing home? I thought you’d be gone for another week at least.”
Virgil shrugged. “The editor that I went to meet wasn’t suited for the job. I discovered rather quickly that we wouldn’t work well together and wrapped up the interview. I caught the first flight out of L.A. and came home. I would’ve called but it was so last minute. Plus, I wanted to surprise you.” Virgil said the last part almost shyly, as if Logan could possibly take issue with him being home.
“Well I’m glad you’re home. I missed you rather badly,” Logan was loathe to admit just how much he had. He knew this trip had been necessary for Virgil’s job and he didn’t want to make his husband feel bad because he was lonely.
But Virgil knew anyway. He was always good at reading Logan.
“God, I missed you too Logan. So much. I’m not doing another of these trips for a while, ever, if I can help it.”
“But your books, your publicist, you can’t just stop-” Logan protested. “I can do whatever I like, I’m the writer.” Virgil cut him off. “Besides, I don’t even like these trips. You know how much I hate public speaking.”
Logan sighed. That was true, but he still felt a twinge of guilt at the relief that washed over him.
“Lo. I can hear you thinking,” “That is a scientific impossibility-” “You know what I mean you nerd.” Virgil pressed a kiss to his forehead. Logan quieted and smiled. “You’ll talk to Thomas?” “I will talk to Thomas,” Virgil confirmed. Logan gave a tiny nod and Virgil smiled.
“Now that that’s settled… Are you doing anything today? Cause I was hoping for a Netflix marathon. Oh wait, do you have school stuff to do? Stuff to grade?” Logan shook his head.
“I did quite a bit of grading last night. I don’t sleep very well in the empty bed so…” He trailed off
awkwardly and saw a pained look pass over Virgil’s face before his husband pulled him up into his lap. “I know darling, I’m so sorry it’s been so long,” Logan leaned contentedly into his warmth. “It’s okay, you’re here now.”
Virgil set his chin on top of Logan’s head after pressing a kiss to the soft hair.
“I am. And now I’m going to take a page out of Roman’s book and spend the next few days wooing you.”
“You don’t need to ‘woo’ me, you already have me.” Logan objected with no real bite, a smile hidden in his voice.
“You can’t argue your way out of this one Logan. I’ve made up my mind that I’m going to romance you for as long as you’ll tolerate it.”
Logan huffed out an annoyed breath, but the effect was slightly ruined by him burying himself in Virgil’s chest. He threaded his fingers in Logan’s hair and played with his hair as he queued up Netflix.
And, if he was being honest, watching his husband be ridiculously over the top for the next few days sounded quite nice.
As long as he was here in the warmth of their home, with the love of his life, Logan didn’t need anything else. It was perfect.
The end! Happy Holidays to everyone, and here’s to a better New Year!
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0joodles0 · 6 years
Secret Sanders Santa!
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Here is a watercolor gift I made for @robinsdraw as I was their Secret Sanders Santa!
It's a redraw of a frame in A Lesson In Practicality (Animatic) by them, originally written by the lovely writer, ResidentAnchor!
This was super fun to draw! I think it's the first drawing I've ever actually posted, should I post more art?
I'm rambling, I hope everyone has had an amazing year, and if it wasn't the best, I bet 2019 will be freaking dope for you!!
Happy Holidays!
(this is only the first drawing! I might post the second drawing I made for someone else for a different secret sanders later :> @secretsanders )
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i-am-not-anon · 6 years
My 2018 secret sanders gift goes to @switch-switch-bitxh !!
I made multiple edits/moodboards of Roman for you 💕 All of the pictures are from Thomas' instagram except for one which is a screenshot of his vine. I hope you like them!
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For this one I chose pictures that felt like they showed Roman as a child!
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Who's Roman if not an actor.. Here he's acting his heart out on stage!
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Here are just some Instagram shots where I feel like Roman took over a bit.. And a cinematic parallel?
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I once heard from the man himself that Roman is responsible for all the butt pics Thomas has posted... Enjoy
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Aaand the final one has that sweet sweet Prinxiety. Three times Virgil gets flustered by Roman and when he finally decides to take action in the relationship, Roman is absolutely lovestruck. That's what I tried to represent here anyway. (Because deep down Roman is a bottom even though he acts all confident first lolol) (and thats how I went with the "pretty boy"-one as well, only the left upper corner shows him as leading side and otherwise he prefers to be taken care of)
Hope you liked my gift!
I also began writing a fic series inspired by this challenge, and I can begin to tag you to it if you'd like that. The first part is right here
Have happy and blessed new year, Eeva
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fedoraphe · 6 years
Summary: Patton didn't expect the Holiday to hit off with a chime. However, there he was.
Pairing(s): Romantic Logicality, Romantic Prinxiety. And the rest is purely platonic LAMP/CALM! ♡
Trigger Warning(s): Mentions of Food. That's probably it?
Word Count: 3338 words
Note: Aaaaaannd, tada, @paradoxicalpatton!! I'm your Secret Santa- Biggest surprises? Anyway, I tried my hardest to fluff this as much as possible! Hence, why it took me so long- My deepest apologies for that. Buuut! Onward to the fic, dearests! Shall we?
Excitement had begun to wildly blossom in Morality's chest.
Patton heard the soft carols of the children on Thomas' door - And, though their volume was unfortunately loud, he'd toned it down - the strong scent of eggnog tickling his nose at the occurring party at his host's house, giggles escaping his parted lips at the warm gut feeling that sat heavily in his chest. The drumming sensation of the music's beat gently tapped against Patton's flushed skin, as his adorable smile quipped it's way into the moral side's lips, an upbeat squeal hiccuping it's way into the air.
His eyes sparkled with glee, dark blue gift-wrapping paper sprawled out on his desk, while a small box sat in the middle of it; The object was Logan's gift. The last present he has to wrap up for the day - He already got the rest of the presents down, as the time he had cracked awake was fairly early. Though it didn't matter that much. Patton promised to himself he would finish wrapping the presents right then and there, and Logan's gift was all that was left to wrap up, then he was good to go.
Patton's hands got to work before he knew it, his movements precisely done under the lampshade that emitted off the light for the entire room. A pattern no longer foreign to him played by the tips of his fingers, meticulously done as he felt the light above him, and though it provided him warmth, the cold, eerie stare it gave off. The chill advanced as the temperature begun to sink low, and Patton's first instinct was to snap his head up, soft, crimson eyes soon landing on his window sill, a gasp trailing soon after at the pleasant sight that graced his line of vision.
Patton adjusted his glasses a few times to get a good grip on his eyesight; Snowflakes began to flutter from outside, the sky a beautiful hue of orange, fading into a light shade of blue. The grass was replaced with snow, the patches soft just from sight. Patton imagined him and the others making snow angels, laughs and giant grins being passed around as they patted the snow for their snowmen, talking about what they got for the last window from their Advent Calendars.
Wait, Patton's Advent Calendar.
A gasp parted from his lips, letting the paper fall from his hands as he stumbled towards a tiny house in the corner of the room. He fell down onto his knees, head lightly leaning in front of the house; It held a single gift. The final window he has to receive.
Patton's hand reached for the gift, gently squeezing it through the space it was in, before it nearly popped out. A goofish smile danced from the crinkles of his cheeks, placing it against his chest, his nimble fingers setting from under the gift, his thumbs gently pressing against the tiny present; The material felt hard within his grasp. He raised his brow in suspicion, tossing it into his dominant palm. His fingers softly untied the ribbon, the red paper falling to the floor as the thread broke free. Patton's eyes flew wide, marvelling at the handiwork that now sat heavily in his palm.
A small reindeer figurine was what he got. The weight was strangely heavy. Special, but odd. Their back hung several strings of golden threads, leaving him with the assumption of necklaces - Though there were two different, and very familiar ones. Two streaks of blue framed across their neck, the one from atop holding a golden plate with the words 'Pawton.' an awe-stricken gasp rolling off his lips. The one from below read "SD." A straight-out copy from Scooby Doo. The goofish grin he had from before plastered back into his lips, eyes trailing down as he absorbed all of the information for his newly received friend. The hooves faded into a light blue, a touch of brown settling as the base color for the reindeer. The nose had a little boop of red, a tiny blush coating it's cheeks. Their antlers were beautifully twisted, and seen as it took a heck ton of effort, he mentally thanked the person who had taken the time to wrap the gift. Patton's gaze glistened with profound joy, grin widening, if that was even possible, sparks in his chest beginning to strike as a giggle managed it's way into the winter air. He had to thank Roman later, as he had assumed the boy was the one who made it for him.
Patton skipped over to his vanity, gently placing the figurine on the side of the desk, along with other figurines he had collected, the reindeer seemed to fit in perfectly with the weird bunch. His eyes flickered towards his mirror, a flash of light blue immediately gracing his vision. His grin intensified, giving off a chuckle, as the mirror repeated the action. He currently wore the Morality sweater from Thomas' merch, and as much as he loved the design, it didn't quite fit his aesthetic. Though, it didn't stop him from wearing the outfit; The center of the sweater held Patton's logo, a dark shade of blue covering for the most part, while purple sat from his shoulders to his neck. Snowflakes and Christmas trees danced directly below Patton's logo, connecting from the front to his back. The smile that Patton gave off to the mirror held warmth, as his legs ventured away.
He swung open the door, smile widening at the early time he had woken up on. A yawn escaped his lips, arms reaching up to stretch behind his back, a pleased sigh following soon after when the familiar pop! welcomed his sense of hearing. This day was going to turn out great, Patton would make sure of it. The thought of snowball fights and ice-skating plastered into his mind, light banter being openly passed around while all of them ate their Holiday dinner. No drama; The goal for today.
Although, it was an impossible wish. He had to try.
Patton bounced off onto the stairs, his feet lightly patting the floor as his smile radiated off the hallway. His feet cushioned into the bottom floor, his nose immediately hit with the smell of cocoa. He sighed in content, his crimson gaze landing on the back of dark-ish blue. Patton simply didn't think his grin couldn't get any bigger.
The intellectual side nearly sprung up at the sudden mention of his name, a tiny blush slightly coating his cheeks from how timid the action was. Patton beamed at the choice of clothing he currently wore with stride - The logic sweater that Thomas decided to sell from his merchandise. A cool blue, tie covered with Logan's logo on the center, grey and blue zigzags hovering right above specs of the mid-dark shade of blue from below. His sleeves adorned with reindeers and snowflakes, trailing along his arms to his neutral-blue cuffs. His palm currently occupied a cup of hot chocolate, tiny marshmallows, also in the shape of cups of hot chocolate, delicately floating above the Christmas delicacy. Nonetheless, the nerd looked ridiculously amazing. And, although the style didn't quite fit Logan's aesthetic, Patton found it endearing on the change of clothing for the current celebration of the Holiday.
"Ah. Hello, Patton." Logan greeted with a nod, to which, Patton responded with an excited squeal.
"Woke up early, Lo?" Patton felt his feet lurch forward, his hand flexing towards the cupboard, but he didn't find his cup. An eyebrow quirked up, head spinning to Logan's direction to ask him - Only for him to find Logan's hand outstretched, the scent of cocoa filling his senses, as his cup was sitting calmly in his grasp. All safe, and filled to the brim with hot chocolate.
"I suppose I had."
Patton's lip reached up into a slight smile, softly grabbing the cup from him as a quiet 'thank you' rolled off his mouth, placing the cup against his lips, taking a gentle sip - Gosh, was the beverage so delicious from just a quick swig. He pleasantly hummed, locking eyes with Logan when he lowered the cup just a bit, failing to notice the pinkish shade that delicately dusted the nerd's cheeks.
"Woah, when did you learn to make hot chocolate, Lo?" He glanced back into the mix of a delicate white and brown twisting together, "It tastes amazing!"
Logan paused for a moment, blinking profusely. A light cough played from his mouth, his blush intensifying as he wracked up a response. "I believe a cooking book may have been involved." He sputtered out, stretching out his hand before reaching behind to rub the nape of his neck.
It was Patton's turn to blink profusely, a giggle sprouting from his lips. Logan nearly started disfunctioning when a pat came into his shoulder.
"Don't be nervous, Lo. It's okay." Patton removed his hand, Logan's eyes flying wide as Patton's grin widened, "But do explain how you did it. My love for cooking cannot be espresso!"
Logan discarded his fascination and sighed.
A bundle of purple popped out from atop the living room couch, a pair of eyes soon sprouting out after, frantically searching across the room before landing on a pair. "There!" They whisper-yelled, popping out from the couch to reveal a fairly tanned man. A groan erupted from beneath him, popping out from beside the boy before they muttered.
"Is this necessary, Virgil? This is the second beauty nap you decided to disturb!"
Virgil glazed down at the man before him, rolling his eyes before leaning down to kiss him on the tip of his nose. "You'll get your sleep later, Sleeping Beauty. But right now, we've got mom and dad in a bit of a romantic tangle." He gestured towards Patton and Logan, who were both busy being a blushing mess.
Virgil nodded.
Roman gave in with a sigh, "Fine." He blowed off the hair that currently framed his face, "What do you think we should do?"
"Dunno. You're the one who's the embodiment of creativity here." He crossed his arms. "You think you can think of something?"
The tip of Roman's lip teased with a light smirk.
Roman hopped up from the chair they were in, giving Virgil a soft peck on his lip, before skipping towards the couple, hiding behind the wall, a proudful huff smoking into the air.
"And that's why I love dogs a latte!"
Logan sighed from exasperation, fingers itching forward to grab his cup. Patton's giggle emitted off joy, Roman popping up from above his hiding spot, a mischievous smile plastered across his perfectly tanned face. His fingers twisted, a tiny little speck of light appearing, before it travelled through his pointer, over to the pair. He lunged his finger back into place, slipping back into his position, biting back a chuckle as his ears openly listened throughout the rest of the conversation.
Logan's grasp tightened around his cup - Huh, weird. It felt more lighter than before? - before it reached against his lip, expecting to feel the beverage slither across his tongue, as he sighed once more in content, the retorts he would normally generate melting from the welcoming warmth of the hot chocolate.
Except, nothing happened.
Patton's gasp was the first thing he heard, his right eye opening as he gazed down on the moral side. Patton simply gestured to his cup, his blush becoming more visible -
- Oh. It wasn't his cup.
"A mistletoe?"
The realization left Logan breathless. The heat from before crawled up from his toes to his cheeks, a deep shade of scarlet brushing all over his face. It appeared to him that Patton felt the same - The mistletoe dangled from Logan's hold, Patton directly in front of him, his eyes twinkling with wonder and mild confusion. Logan swallowed a lump in his throat; Out of all the things that this scenario could be executed, it had to be now? Early in the morning, while nothing even happened yet?
"I- It's okay if- If you don't want to kiss m- Wait, I mean-" Patton frantically tried to collect his words, apologies rolling of his mouth. The words stunned Logan, shaking his head in dismissal, placing the mistletoe back down the counter to place a finger beneath Patton's chin.
"No, I- I don't mind this at all, Patton."
Patton's blush grew deeper, appearing to be in a constant battle between smiling, or running off. Logan answered his question by simply tilting his head forward, giving him the choice to slip away if he wanted. However, Patton didn't. He hesitantly cupped Logan's cheek, his crimson filled gaze trailing down onto his lips. He puffed his cheeks out in determination, plucking his lips while he contemplated on whether or not he should actually do this.
Logan's growing discomfort was what pushed Patton to lurch forward, his lips delicately shoved against Logan's, the nerd nearly losing himself right then and there. Logan's legs wobbled, his arms instinctively wrapping around Patton's waist, a joyful sigh emitting from the man below him, Logan feeling the foreign, but comfortable weight of Patton's arms wrapping around his neck. Patton's hand carded through Logan's hair, his arms pulling Patton closer to deepen the kiss.
The kiss wasn't anything like they had imagined - Logan's lips felt luscious against Patton's, the scent of shivelled pencils and shredded paper filling Patton's senses to the brim; The favorful, earthy smell of nostalgia. Patton's scent of fresh olives and smooth lavender soothed Logan to the core of his spine, his soft, tasteful lips of sharp roses made Logan physically relax; Patton's scent was the warm, harmonious smell of a refreshing orchard on a hot summer day.
A whistle caused them to yank away from each other, both of their cheeks dusted a deep shade of red. Their gazes landed on Virgil, whose smirk so bright the sun could dim in shame, Logan's cup in between his crossed arms. Roman slapped a hand over his mouth long ago to stifle his laughter, his other hand currently averted upward, a phone in the place of his palm - Ah, so the Prince decided to record the whole ordeal. How original.
Logan's eyes rolled off to the side, his legs pushing off to Virgil, yanking off the empty cup from him. "Thank you. I'll gladly retrieve that." He commented, although it didn't necessarily hold any venom, a tiny smile played from the corners of his lips. Virgil's chuckle wasn't hard to catch, sending a mischievous wink towards Logan, his smirk never leaving.
"Glad you finally did it with dad, L."
"How many times do I have to tell you? I am not your mother."
"Didn't say you were."
Logan rolled his eyes once more, his head slightly leaning from behind to catch a glimpse of the other two. Roman's laughter failed to cease, Patton's face fully red as he huffed out an annoyed breath.
"Roman! Please delete that!"
"Sorry, Padre. But I won't let neither of you live this down."
"Hnnngh!" Patton stuck his bottom lip out, pouting as he crossed his arms, kicking the carpet. If the brunet wasn't red, he would surely be right now. Roman would've screamed at how adorable he was, but laughing currently got him distracted. Logan's light blush came back from before, nearly gushing at his puckered cheeks Patton gave.
"I don't blame you, Lo. Patton's cute." Virgil's voice called out from behind him.
Logan craned his neck, facing the other, as he cocked a brow, "Are you indicating something here?"
"No. But let's face it, anyone would date him."
Logan's brow raised, his blush fading, "Even you?"
"Even me." Virgil added, fluttering his eyelashes shut, insestifying his smirk. He risked opening an eye when he got no reply, only to see Logan giving him a cold look of warning. Virgil sprung to his feet, all bravado washing off of him as he quickly covered up an excuse, "Oh, no don't be jealous- It'll be entirely platonic, I'm just sayin'. I'm not going to take Patton. I promise."
Logan gave in with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, "You are... vexatious, Virgil."
"Thanks, Lo. I try," Virgil's smile was fond, leaning back against the wall as relief passed over him like a warm blanket. Logan responded with another roll of his eyes, nodding as he took his leave, his legs walking off to the other two, adjusting his tie before he cleared his throat.
"Alright." The two were completely unaware of him, both of them freezing, before sharing a gaze and glancing at him, both of their lips breaking into an awkward smile, "I think it is about time we start our festivities for today's holiday."
"Wow, teach. You're treating this like this is some professional event." Roman commented, fanning away his invite like a fly, "Though, you are correct. It's Merry Bitchmas, guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Why not start this day with gingerbread houses?" Roman boasted, Patton looking like he was about to scold his profanity, before he quickly bit back the scold.
"I was thinking we should hang the star for the Christmas tree-" Patton shot Logan a look, the words instantly burning on his tongue, a swallow finishing the suggestion. "Fine." He conceded, sagging his shoulders forward, before a sigh escaped from his parted lips. Well, there goes his perfectly stacked plan.
"Great! Onwards now, boys-"
"Wait, I'll contradict," Logan interrupted Roman, running a hand through his face, "Are everyone's presents ready? We're starting our gift exhange on noon- If that is alright?" He turned to glance at Virgil, a nod sent at his way, his smirk visibly plastered back on his face. Logan's gaze moved to land on Roman, who looked slightly perturbed at the sudden interruption, but nonetheless he nodded as well. He then turned to Patton, his gaze softening.
"What about you, Patton?"
Patton's beam lit up the place, his enthusiastic nod causing a smile to creep up Logan's lips. Roman chuckled a little, before he boasted once more.
"Magnificent! Looks like we're all set. Now can we-"
"Oh- Sorry Roman, but I forgot about the presents!" Roman was interrupted again, Patton's lunge of his feet fighting off the uncomfortable silence as his feet skidded across the floor, hastily running up the stairs. The room fell silent, thunder-like pats creeking from upstairs, before a loud bang defeaned the room.
No sound left any of the men's mouth. A few moments pass, before an offended noise sounded from Roman's lungs, followed by a snicker from Virgil, then laughter insinuated between the three - Even Logan joined in. The room lit up like a thousand fireflies, the laughter full of pure joy, Christmas cheer can be ceased in shame. Their smiles were wide, genuine, that even the sun cannot defeat. Patton came down to check what the ruckus was about, but only saw the three in a huddle on the floor, giggles and chuckles rolling off their mouths. A smile tipped into the corner of Patton's lips, his gaze softening as he slipped out a chuckle of his own as well.
Hmm... Yeah, maybe the Holiday would be great after all.
And Patton couldn't be more happier for his family, his sigh of pure mirth, rolling out into the thick, joyful Christmas air.
Oh my goodness, this took four days to finish-
*coUGH* Aaaaaaaahh!!!! Here it is!!! I hope you enjoyed it, darlings- Hnnnn, I'm so nervous on posting this- Buuuut, yeee!!!
@secretsanders ♡ [Oh! And also tagging the wonderful, @ask-patton-sanders-and-friends since they wanted to! I deeply appreciate them for the validation, and motivation they gave me! Love ya so much, dear. ♡♡♡ ]
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raw-eggs · 6 years
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I was your secret Sanders!! I decided to go with all three of your suggestions and drew winged!Patton! I think he'd definitely make snow angels lol. I know it's not the best but I hope you like it!
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bitchmas-came-early · 6 years
Cocoa and Ice Balls
Word count: 1,518
This is my gift for @the-virgil-mary for the Secret Sanders gift exchange. I hope you like it!
TW: Deceit, exclusionism
Patton sat up in bed with a yawn, stretching his arms before freezing in shock as his eyes landed on his window. Through his pastel yellow curtains, he saw something that he could only ever remember happening in the mindscape - snow! There had to be at least three inches of the soft powder! He flung himself out of bed and dashed downstairs to the living room to find everyone else awake and eating breakfast. Almost everyone, anyways.
“Hey kiddos! Where’s Deci?” He asked cheerfully, peering around the corner to see if he was in the kitchen. Virgil scoffed, drumming his fingers on his legs.
“Who cares? All he does is cause problems for everyone else.” He muttered, nibbling at a piece of dry toast, causing Patton to do a quick 180 to face Virgil with a loud gasp.
“Virgil! I am surprised at you! You know better than anyone that it’s important for everyone here to feel loved and cared for!” He scolded lightly, not wanting to upset anyone when he was so excited about all the snow. “Everyone needs to get bundled up and comfy, we’re all going to sip some cocoa and have lots of quality family time!” He said, running back up to Deceit’s room and gently tapping on his door. “Wakey wakey kiddo! We’re gonna have cocoa and watch the snow! Do you wanna come?” He barely finished his sentence before he heard the others response.
“Of course not.”
“Great! Well get cozy and meet us in the living room!” Patton responded with a gentle smile before hurrying to his own room and digging up the Christmas sweater that Roman had made him, as well as some pyjama bottoms. As he changed fairly quickly, he made it downstairs before Deceit.
“So I’m guessing Jekyll and Lies isn’t coming down?” Roman muttered bitterly, crossing his arms over his chest. Patton shook his head with a slightly disappointed sigh.
“He’ll be down here in a second, you had better play nice, Roman.” He paused and glanced at the other two. “That goes for both of you too.” He said sternly. Right then, Deceit near silently came down the stairs, wearing his regular attire, causing Logan to tilt his head to the side in confusion.
“Do you not have anything else, that’s more… appropriate for our activities? Or are you just trying to keep it uh… extra?” The logical side asked, his voice full of uncertainty, clearly not intending to upset the other.
“I have tons of other things, but I’ll be fine.” Deceit muttered, insecurity evident in the way he looked down at the ground. Patton frowned.
“No, no, no! You won’t be as cozy in that! How about something a little more… festive?” Patton summoned up a sweater for the other: A fairly simple yellow and black colour blocked piece, with a few snowflakes and some green wavy details. While he was at it, he also summoned up some grey and black pyjama bottoms.
Deceit looked down at it for a minute, trying to find the right words before whispering, “I absolutely hate it...” causing Patton to break into a huge grin and envelope him in a tight hug.
“I knew you would! Now, go sit down with everyone! I’m gonna start up the cocoa!” Patton said excitedly, pulling away from the other with a joking shoulder shimmy.
“Hopefully this time it won’t get knocked into my lap again by someone.” Roman said, fixing Logan with a pointed stare.
“I’ve already apologised for that!” The other shot back quickly, before taking a breath to calm himself. Didn’t want to have yet another eye injury, after all.
“Come on, everyone! We don’t want to miss the snow! Sit down!” Patton called, heading to the kitchen. Logan, Roman, and Virgil all sat together, but the moment that Deceit sat down, the other three shifted their bodies away slightly. Patton returned after a few minutes, somehow managing to balance five mugs of steaming hot cocoa in his hands, and then passing the mugs to their respective person. Each person wrapped their hands around their mugs, enjoying the warmth they provided. He then noticed the gap between them, and knew exactly what the others did, but played it off for this moment in time. He’d make sure to have a stern talk with them about that later. “Aw, did you guys save me a spot next to Deci? Thank you!” Patton gushed, plopping down and sipping from his mug, leaning against Deceit. He realised, with a smile, that Deceit was leaning back, and slowly, everyone else did as well. Patton couldn’t keep his smile from widening.
“Merry Christmas, kiddos.” Patton murmured, taking a sip of his cocoa. Deceit shifted slightly, turning to look at Patton.
“You know, I’m totally hating this and all but… it sounds really terrible and… non-enjoyable to have a snowball fight with you guys.” He offered nervously, glancing around at the others. Virgil snorted in response.
“Yeah, in your dreams, snake boy.” The hoodie-clad boy sneered, cuddling closer to Logan. “Nobody wants to go out in all that except for you.” Patton quickly turned and shot the others a warning look, clearly wanting them to support Deceit’s idea.
“As much as I want to go with it… I just styled my hair, and it’s so hard to maintain all this with all the cold and moisture out there. Sorry you two, I’m not going out there any time soon.” Roman huffed in response, fixing his hair as he spoke. All that was left now was Logan. Patton sent him puppy dog eyes at the same time that Virgil sent him a look.
“I- you guys can’t possibly expect me to choose between you.” He started, before Virgil gently elbowed him in the side. “Right, it’s not a good idea for us to go out there. While the cold weather on its own isn’t enough to make us sick, we’d be much more susceptible to illness if we get cold and wet from frolicking in the snow. Not to mention the risk of injury from accidental - or purposeful - ice balls thrown at someone. I’d much rather stay in here, where it’s warm.” Logan glanced down at Virgil, who seemed pleased with his answer, and was curled up next to him once more. Deceit deflated, and set his mug down before standing.
“No, no, it’s totally fine guys. I was obviously joking. Come on, you know me. Going out into the snow? Pfft. I wouldn’t want anything like that.” He said, voice wavering as he attempted to exit the room without alerting the others of his own emotions. Patton frowned.
“Deci, wait-”
“I’m fine, Patton. Don’t worry about me.” Deceit snapped, rushing up the stairs and into his room, the slam of his door echoing down to where the other four were sitting.
“Guys! Wasn’t that a little insensitive to his feelings?” Patton scolded, standing up as well. “Deci is a part of this family, whether you guys like it or not, so you’d better get used to him. I’m going to go upstairs and talk to him, and when I come back down, I expect to a full apology from each and every one of you, got it?” He asked, his tone implying there was no room for negotiation.
“Got it.” The others muttered in unison. “But I’m not gonna be happy about it.” Virgil added. Patton frowned once more.
“Virgil, buddy, I know you two don’t get along well, but you need to at least try, okay? For me?” He asked. Virgil simply sighed and nodded in response. "Thank you. Now, I never wanted to ever say this to you guys, but you all leave me no choice. I’m very disappointed in you." Patton said, wincing slightly as the others hung their heads, ashamed, but hurried upstairs to Deceit’s room. “Hey, kiddo, how about you and I go play in the snow on our own? Come on, it’ll be so much fun!” There was a beat of silence.
“Yeah, I totally want to go have a snowball fight with only you because the others, that absolutely want me there with them, definitely didn’t shoot down my idea. That’s totally not sad and pathetic!” He muttered in response, his voice tearful and shaking.
“Deci, are you… crying?” Patton asked gently, slowly opening his door. Deceit was sitting against the wall beside the door, and quickly went to rub away the tears that were running down his cheeks.
“No.” He grumbled. “I… I don’t know if I want to go out there anymore.” Patton moved to sit in front of him, disregarding the shiver that ran down his back the minute he stepped in the room.
“It really will be a lot of fun out there, I promise. I won’t let anyone be rude to you, they know better than that. So, what do you say?” There was a very long pause before Deceit finally spoke again.
“I guess not..” He said warily. Patton jumped up with an excited clap of his hands.
“Great! You go change, and I’ll meet you downstairs, okay?”
A/N: I’m so sorry to end it like that, but the deadline kind of jumped at me with all of the concerts and shows that I was a part of this month. Anyways, I hope that you like this piece nonetheless. If requested, I might take this and make it into a full fledged fic, because I kinda got into the groove after the first half of this. Happy holidays! This was really fun to write, and I hope to be a part of it next year, if we keep it going!
Taglist-ish: @secretsanders @fullofshi-cago 
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secret santa daily : some good ol’ angst for @blitzgamev !!!
Hope you like it, and I left plenty f room for interpretation and possible meanings for this comic strip! >:3c
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dandomroodles · 6 years
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This is my gift to @karmelsartyfartystuff for the Secret Sanders! I hope you like it :D.
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everyoneprotector · 6 years
@thesassiersilv101 I got you in the Secret Sanders thing (via draw names!) Here is you fic!
“He’s a liar Patton! He’s literally a snake! How could you trust him! In our home!” Roman doesn’t sound angry. Not at Patton, never at Patton.
At me.
It’s fine, let him get to you.
“Dad, please don’t let him stay,” Virgil begs, “you can’t let him stay! He could control us.”
I stumble back, although I stop myself from any outburst.
“He wouldn’t do that!”
“Patton, he is not a simple animal you found in the imagination. He is a dark side. It is not logical to keep him here. You are the person who invited him, you need to get rid of him, as we cannot. He could invite more dark sides into our home.”
I knew I good, now I’m not sure that it’s true.
“Patton, you need to get rid of the beast-“ The door knob moves, and I run down the corridor before anyone can see me. I stop outside Patton’s room.
Should I go in? I don’t need somewhere to stay. To hide.
I race into the room and dive under the bed, barely missing hitting my head on the edge. 
He’ll know I’m here he’ll come I know he will and then I’ll have to go back to them. I want to go back
“De? De are you there?” His voice is so soft, full of safety and warmth and
And he’s going to leave me there and I’m going to see him again.
“De? Oh De I’m not going to leave you.”
Liar liar liar Liar LIAR
I’m pulled out of the bed, into warm, safe arms. I’m suddenly made aware of my rackety sobs. Pull yourself apart, you idiot.
“De, it’s okay.”
I’m not going to be hurt by them. I want to go. It’s not for the best.
“Just breath De. That’s the only job you have in this world.”
Liar, dark side, snake, LIAR
“Just keep breathing De, please just breath for me, it’s your only job in this world!”
“I don’t want this job ANYMORE”
“Oh De-”
“Don’t lie to me Pat, please I want to hear more lies.”
“No De, I’m not going to send you away. I love you. I really do-” He wipes tears from from my face.  “-and anyways, how could I send someone as lovely as you away?”
Why am I crying more now?
“I didn’t think I was bad. Now I’m not sure that it’s true.”
“‘Cause i think your so bad and I’m nothing like you.”
“De, you are the best.”
“But your family loves me. The want me around.”
“But I choose you. And will keep choosing you. I don’t care if they don’t want us together, if they want to seperate us, they will have to break me.” He smiles at me.
And pulls me into a kiss.
It’s sweet and slow; gentle and loving.
My eyes flutter shut, a smile tugging on my lips.
“I love you too.” I say, the truth falling out so much easier than any of the other truths I’ve told..
“I will always chose you.”
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