#ts lamp/calm fluff
artist-owl · 3 years
Inside this Place is Warm
outside it starts to pour
prompt: spooning at night
pairing: LAMP
word count: 833
ao3 link in reblog :)
Virgil stood at the window, hands wrapped around their warm mug, looking out into the street. The rain was coming down in diagonal sheets, pelting the asphalt with enough force that they could see it splashing back up even from the apartment window. The streetlights cast an orange glow that was refracting in every raindrop, bathing the street in the warm color, contrasting the pale glow of the 7-11 sign across the road. It was late enough that the beams of headlights only passed occasionally, the only sign of a passing vehicle visible until it crossed under a streetlamp. The rain and wind had combined to make a rushing, drumming sound, as they battered at any surface they could reach. Occasionally, the clouds would light up, stark white against the black backdrops of buildings and pine trees, and a moment later the rolling rumble of thunder would shake the sky, loud and low enough that Virgil almost swore they could feel it in their chest, could feel the floor shake underneath them.
They breathed in the warm aroma of their spiced cider as they brought the mug to their lips and sipped. It was a perfect night.
Virgil felt warm arms encircle them from behind, and a forehead pressing into their hair. They didn’t need to turn around to know who it was - the lips that just reached the nape of their neck and the cinnamon-scented shampoo was a giveaway.
“Hey Ro,” they murmured, not wanting to break the peaceful moment.
“Hey Vee,” Roman said, just as quiet. “What are you doing all the way over here?”
Virgil gestured at the window with their mug. “It’s a beautiful view.”
Roman snorted softly. “Glad you think so, Morticia.”
“You joke, but I am absolutely taking that as a compliment.”
“I meant it as one.” Virgil could hear the fondness in his voice. “Is our dark and stormy knight ready for bed?”
Virgil smiled. “Absolutely.”
The thing about sharing a bed with three other people is that by all accounts, it shouldn’t work. Too much heat and too many limbs and not enough space to put them all. Ever since they’d started though, Virgil had never found a reason to complain.
Virgil walked into the bedroom in their most comfortable pajamas to see Logan getting ready to close the blinds. “Leave them open, please?” they requested before they could remember to be anxious about making a request.
Logan looked over and smiled softly at them. “Of course, I was just raising the blinds so that you could see better - I know that you enjoy looking at the rain.”
Fuck, the fact that Logan not only remembered that fact but acted on it shouldn’t have been as sweet as it felt. Virgil ducked their head and muttered “thanks,” but they were fairly certain that they hadn’t been able to hide their (mildly) besotted smile from Logan (ugh, they’d been spending too much time with Roman - they was only a few steps away from saying ‘twitterpated’ unironically).
Patton was already in bed by the time Virgil was getting there, and their boyfriend smiled and made grabby hands at them. “Come on honey,” he cooed. “Let’s go to sleep.”
Virgil’s smile was no less stupid as they crawled into bed, letting Patton bury himself in their arms as they tucked their chin over his head. Virgil felt the bed dip as Logan climbed in on the other side, wrapping his arm around Patton so that he could rest it on Virgil’s waist. Patton let out a hum of contentment, and Virgil dropped an adoring kiss on the top of his head.
The creek of the wood floor had Virgil looking up. Roman was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed. There was just enough light in the room for Virgil to see the soft smile on his face.
“What are you doing all the way over there?” Virgil teased, echoing Roman’s words to them earlier.
“Oh, it’s just that it’s a beautiful view,” Roman replied in kind.
Patton giggled. “A better view would be you right here.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” Roman said fondly, walking over to join them, slotting himself behind Virgil in the bed with an adorable sort of burrowing motion that ended with his arm draped over Virgil and his hand somewhere on Patton’s hip. He pressed a kiss to the back of Virgil’s neck, making them shiver. Virgil felt more than saw Logan move his hand to hold Roman’s.
The window of the bedroom faced the opposite direction of the blowing wind, making the plinking of raindrops against glass mix with the showering of the storm, and the window was a solid wash of water, blurry lights wavering behind it.
“Goodnight loves,” Roman said softly, his warm breath fanning over the back of Virgil’s neck.
“Goodnight,” Patton chimed, gently bumping his head against Virgil’s collarbone.
“Goodnight,” Logan murmured,
“Goodnight,” Virgil said, eyes already closed, utterly content.
Yeah, it really was a perfect night.
23 notes · View notes
The Four Times Virgil Was Sleepy Around The Other Sides and The One Time He Fell Asleep
Link to AO3 version
Post the inspired the concept
Post that helped me with scene 4
Virgil doesn't have a good sleep schedule. That fact absolutely affects him in his everyday life. Just a bunch of Virgil being sleepy and defensive about it.
This is honestly just very self-indulgent because I just absolutely love Virgil Sanders and can't exist without thinking about the Sides for five seconds
It had been a long… day? Week? Month? Interval of time. I had been a long interval of time for the resident mindscape emo who just couldn’t seem to catch a break.
Letting out a long, drawn-out groan of agony, Virgil flopped down onto the couch, fully planning on just being a general nuisance by hogging it. Though, as soon as he stilled, hands resting on his stomach, he noticed just how good laying down felt. Arching his back off the couch, he heard those satisfying clicks before dropping back down with a sigh.
He could almost sleep here. There wasn’t exactly anything stopping him. The other Sides are off doing their own thing and Thomas probably wouldn’t miss a wanna-be vampire hollering in his ears. Besides, he needed the rest. So, slowly he allows his muscles to relax further as his eyes slide shut.
Then he hears footsteps.
Virgil shoots upright, scooting to lean on the arm of the couch his head was previously next to, trying to look natural. His gaze goes to the doorway just as Patton enters the room.
He startles when he notices Virgil’s presence, legs sprawled out, still taking up the couch. “Anxiety! Hi, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” Patton’s shocked expression quickly changes to show his typical cheerful smile, confusion about Virgil being there present none the less.
“I could say the same, but we live in the same mindscape and are bound to see each other most of the time, so I can’t.” Virgil’s sass is prominent no matter how deadpan he sounds and Patton’s smile almost wavers.
“Of course, kiddo! I didn’t mean anything bad by you being here, just got a bit surprised. Well I’ve got something to do, I’ll see you around, Anxiety!” he called as he went back down the hall he just entered from.
It was about a week later; Virgil had managed to get one (1) almost full night of sleep – he got maybe two hours – and was once again extremely tired and considering just saying fuck it and going back to bed for the rest of forever. So how exactly did he end up dragged into a movie night with the rest of the Sides? Pure dumb lack of luck.
He was placed on the couch, sandwiched between Patton and Logan – Patton who just wants to give the newest member of their little group the most love he can and Logan who would probably implode if he had to sit on the ground – Roman sitting at Patton’s feet on the bean bag he dragged over. Virgil could already feel himself fading, with the lights off and all the warmth and the shockingly comfortable surface that is Patton’s chest he was being pulled into. Honestly, it’s as if the guy was made to be as huggable as possible.
Virgil soon reached the point of having to force his eyes to stay open barely halfway through the first movie. He couldn’t fall asleep. He’s tough and dangerous and they can’t know he sleeps and becomes defenseless sometimes, it’s far too dangerous. Who knows what could happen to him, what they could do–
His own internal ramblings were cut of as he let out a wide yawn, half burying his face into Patton’s chest. Patton released a small sound that definitely caught the other two’s attention if the yawn didn’t. “Are you tired, kiddo?” Patton quietly asked, hand soothing through Virgil’s hair.
Virgil quickly pushed himself off Patton’s chest. “No. I’m just getting bored of sitting here, watching a bunch of singing animals.” He stood from the couch and made his way quickly to the doorway, ignoring the disappointed expression on Patton’s face and relishing in Roman’s offended one. “See you tomorrow maybe.” Then he disappears up the stairs.
It’s a quiet day. Not the odd kind of quiet.
Rather, the kind of quiet that is achieved when everyone is relaxing in the common room doing their own thing. It’s not as if a vacuum sealed chamber, there’s still the sounds of Logan flipping pages in his book, of Roman’s pencil scribbling away in his notebook, and of whatever show Patton decided to watch. A good quiet that everyone could enjoy. Everyone that was fully awake that is.
Virgil sits on the couch, between Logan on the armchair and Roman on the middle cushion, staring blankly at his phone's home screen. He considered finding another app to entertain himself on but as soon as he hit the home button the fatigue of a poor sleep schedule hit like a bus. At this point, he might as well be sleeping with his eyes open due to his complete lack of responsiveness to anything around him.
Logan glances at the seemingly spacing Side. Eyelids slightly drooping, the lack of spare eyeshadow particles to suggest usage of makeup – which was concerning on it’s own as it almost looks like he is wearing makeup, the heavy lean on the armrest. Anxiety is not doing okay is the conclusion he comes to.
As most should know, Logan is not one to sugar coat or delay, so it’s easy for him to decide to get the current predicament dealt with as soon as possible. “Anxiety,” he starts, closing his book and causing everyone’s attention to move to him, including, just barely, Virgil’s, “from what I have observed, you seem tired. Have you been having issues sleeping?” Right to the point.
Everyone’s attention is now on Virgil, even as he still seems to be processing what Logan said, a confused expression on his face and half-asleep glaze to his eyes. “Wha’?” He says after a few more moments, blinking dazedly at Logan.
“Alright, that is everything I need to know.” Logan stands and moves towards the closet they keep spare blankets and pillows, A.K.A the Pillow Fort Closet™. He pulls out a soft blanket and pillow and carries them back into the common room, setting them down on the armchair. He quickly shoos Roman and Patton off the couch while Virgil watches, barely processing anything. “Anxiety, can you lay down for me?”
Virgil barely registers when he complies, lifting his head when he’s told to as Logan slips the pillow under it and drapes the blanket over the rest of him. It’s only after Logan sits back down that Virgil realizes what just happened and is sitting, standing, and sinking out in quick succession.
Months later, a few days after Virgil revealed his name and everyone got a dandy style change, things had returned to relative normativity except Virgil was marginally more included in many things the other Sides choose to do than before.
It’s currently night, a particular night in which Roman has been up even into the morning so late he decides there’s no point in sleeping. Roman decides to head downstairs and get a cup of coffee with the promise he’ll actually sleep tomorrow. What he finds isn’t not normal, but definitely not expected.
When he rounds the doorway into the kitchen, he catches sight of a large mass around counter level. He’s immediately flicks on the light, earning a startled hiss from the mass, now revealed to be Virgil sitting in the sink, the Side seemingly just woken up by Roman’s entrance.
“Virgil?” Roman asks. “What are you doing in the sink?”
“Sleeping. What are you doing up?” He rubs harshly at his eyes with a wide yawn.
“I got… busy and came to get some coffee. Why are you sleeping in the sink?”
Virgil only responds with a shrug, slumping further into the sink though his gaze doesn’t leave Roman.
Roman only nods and gets to work on making his coffee. “Well, it’s not my back that’s gonna feel like a dragon hit me with a tail whip later.”
“Whatever.” Virgil, still annoyed and tired from being so abruptly woken, continues to watch Roman with a slightly dazed stare until he finally leaves the room, turning the lights off as he went.
As soon as he's gone up the stairs, Virgil falls right back to sleep.
It was yet another, apparently mandatory now, movie night, and Virgil isn’t complaining. He is, once again, being cuddled by Patton and is happy to cuddle back with the easy bribe of hair petting being offered. Logan sits on his other side holding one of his hands as it had soon after his acceptance been revealed that Logan was actually very lenient about – if not openly welcoming – of physical contact. Roman sitting at their feet as per usual in regard to movie nights.
Virgil’s relationship with the other Sides had quickly developed into one of relative familial comfort.
Leading to a very similar predicament to earlier that year.
Sitting for more than an hour in a dark room, surrounded by warm bodies, with plenty of comfortable pillows and blankets surrounding them – a requirement set by Roman and Patton – the perfect movie night and napping environment. So, it’s simple to say that, while Virgil had been getting better sleep as of late, he is pretty sleepy.
There is one difference though. Instead of running out of the room the second his eyes start closing, he relaxes more against Patton’s chest. With a sigh he tries to bury his face further into the body, causing Patton to let out a low, small laugh.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart. You’re safe.” He whispers to Virgil.
Virgil hums in contentedness as Logan slowly rubs the back of his hand and Roman wordlessly lowers the volume of the movie. As he slowly drifts into sleep, he can’t help but think one final conscious thought.
Man, I love my family.
68 notes · View notes
luna-is-a-main-now · 5 years
Your Words and Feelings, Chapter One
When his alarm went off, Virgil flinched in surprise as his eyes snapped quickly to the time displayed at the top corner of his phone. Had he really stayed up all night again? Apparently, yes, he had, and he was sure to get called out about it later. With a heavy, exhausted sigh, he made the alarm shut up and reluctantly rolled out of bed to start getting ready for the day. After doing his regular morning routine, he grabbed some food and finally looked down at his hand to check for the writing he knew would be there. 
In red ink and fancy handwriting in the middle of the back of Virgil's hand was a small line of text reading: Good morning, my loves, I hope you all have a lovely day!
Below it, Virgil watched as sky blue ink in a curly, bubbly font quickly appeared in response, showing a drawing of a smiley face with a text bubble that cheerily proclaimed "You too! Thank you, Red!"
Virgil grinned as he pulled out his purple pen and scrawled back a small, quick note above the red. "Thanks Princey, right back at ya." With a sigh, he grabbed his stuff and set off for school, not even bothering to see if the owner of the occasional dark blue ink would reply. He rarely did, but Virgil got the impression that he appreciated seeing the notes from his soulmates nonetheless. At least, Virgil hoped he wasn't bothering him or the others with his little notes. 
Entering his first class, Virgil sighed heavily as he dropped his bag heavily to the floor by his desk, then proceeded to drop himself heavily into his chair, both resulting in loud thumps. One more small thump sounded as Virgil laid down heavily over his desk, hiding his head in his arms and appreciating the soft warmth his hoodie’s sleeves provided. 
He ignored the teacher as class started, figuring that because it was the Friday before a three day weekend, they wouldn’t expect them to do anything too important anyway. Not that he really cared right now even if it were important. He honestly would not have budged the whole time he had been in class if it hadn't been for the hesitant taps he felt on his arm. He snapped his gaze up with a glare, expecting it to be the teacher, but his eyes immediately softened when he saw that it was just the kid who sat next to him, looking hesitant as he fiddled with and adjusted his glasses numerous times. 
“Hey… do you by any chance have a pen I can borrow? I must have dropped mine on the way to school.” Virgil sighed softly, but he looked so hopeful and desperate that Virgil couldn’t bring himself to say no. So he handed over the first pen he found, only realizing too late that it was his purple pen, the one he only used when communicating with his soulmates. The person who Virgil had given the pen to thanked him profusely and quickly started taking the notes before Virgil could do anything about his mistake though, and now he felt far too anxious to ask for it back before he was done using it, despite the pen belonging to him. He just hoped he would get it back, but for now, Virgil just put his head down again. He was too tired to deal with things at the moment.  
The sound of the bell dismissing first period startled Virgil out of his half asleep state, causing him to slam his knee into the metal leg of his desk suddenly, and do so with enough force that it made Virgil’s stomach hurt. He hissed in pain at the same time the person next to him did, as they both reached for their knee. Surprise and dim recognition lit up in Virgil’s eyes as he rubbed at his knee, but the boy next to him hadn’t even realized what had happened, and was too preoccupied checking over his own knee to notice Virgil.  
“Show me your hands,” Virgil requested, his voice still a bit gruff from exhaustion and pain. The person in question looked up at Virgil and nervously picked at the cardigan draped over his shoulders. Slowly, hesitantly, he reached his hands out to Virgil while looking at him curiously and very confused. Grabbing the one he knew it would be, should Virgil be right, he bit his lip and looked at it closely. Not that he needed to look to close before catching the fancy red script followed by sky blue and purple ink, and a small dark blue check mark. Checking his own hand, Virgil realized he must have missed it while he was asleep, but he had the dark blue check mark on his hand as well. Giving the boy in front of him a tired smile, Virgil held his hand out as well, watching as his new-found soulmate’s face went from puzzled to elated in seconds when he realized.
“Oh this is wonderful! I’m Patton!” He enthusiastically introduced himself as he seemed to literally vibrate with happy energy. Before Virgil knew it, Patton had flung his arms around Virgil’s neck and pulled him in for a hug. “I’m the sky blue ink! I’m assuming you’re purple?” He giggled softly as he stepped back to hand Virgil his purple pen back. Virgil could only nod numbly, being too tired to really keep up with Patton’s quick speech and excitable energy. 
“Uh, I’m Virgil.” Virgil smiled at the slightly shorter boy, then pulled his phone out from his jacket pocket. Unlocking it, he quickly navigated to the phone keypad and handed it to Patton. “Give me your number? That way we can talk over the weekend?” Virgil offered awkwardly. He needn’t have been worried though. Patton beamed brightly at his suggestion and eagerly grabbed the phone from Virgil’s hands. Virgil had never seen someone type so quickly in his life. 
“Ooh! I have C lunch! What do you have? If you’re up for it, we can meet up and talk then!” Patton bounced up and down excitedly. He beamed at Virgil as he handed him his phone back.
“I have C lunch too, and yeah I’m down for meeting up and talking then. I need to get going now though or I’ll be late for my next class… but I’ll see you later?” He smiled softly at Patton, and he nodded vigorously, before quickly grabbing his stuff and basically skipping out of the room with a cheery goodbye. 
Virgil blinked, half believing he had imagined it all through his sleep deprived state, but glancing down at his phone, Patton’s contact was still there. Virgil smiled when he noticed he had added a sky blue heart emoji after his name. Virgil decided to keep it that way forever, and he really hoped that soon, he’d have two other names in his phone set up in similar style. 
Roman felt completely and utterly drained and fully exhausted, right down to his very soul. One or more of his soulmates must have pulled yet another all-nighter, and he had a pretty good idea of who it was. It was becoming much too common a habit these days, and Roman was getting sick of it, even though he knew that if it was the person he thought, he couldn’t control it any more than Roman could. 
However, on the same token, normally Roman was a morning person. Before, people had even said that he practically glowed in the morning; they would always say that Roman was so bright and full of energy and that it made them happy to see someone so excited about every day, no matter how weird that mindset was as a freshman in college. Roman didn’t care that it was weird, he loved being full of energy and starting the day off in a positive mood. After all, the whole world’s a stage, as the saying goes, and Roman needed energy to perform his very best on that stage. 
However, with the extreme lack of sleep running in the background of his brain all the time, all he got now was concerned comment after concerned comment. Roman was touched that his peers and teachers cared about his well being and that they actually checked in when his normally chipper mood was drastically different, but he swore he was going to scream if one more person asked him if he was alright when he was so clearly not. Despite Roman’s strict sleeping schedule and him getting more than the typically recommended eight hours, he still felt exhausted straight down his very bones. It was annoying. It also didn’t help that his knee hurt, also a result of one of his soulmates.
Sometimes the shared feelings bond between soulmates was such a hassle. Sure, he enjoyed feeling when his soulmates were excited and happy about things, as it made him feel all warm inside, happy that they were happy. However, he hated when he could feel when they were sad, depressed, hurt, angry, in pain, tired, etc and had no way to be there for them and help. All he could do now was write messages to them in red ink, and not even the messages that truly mattered such as his name, his number, or his location in order to meet them faster, due to whatever strange magic governed the soul bond between soulmates.
Grudgingly, Roman pulled out his fancy red pen, the pen he used only to write to his soulmates, because they were special and deserved a special pen. Wiping away their standard morning greetings with the help of a one-use rubbing alcohol pad, Roman began to write in his fancy, flowing script. He couldn't help but notice that it was actually much sloppier than it normally was. He couldn’t really bring himself to care all that much either though. He blamed his exhaustion and frustration for both.
Okay, which one of you pulled another all nighter? This is three in a row and it’s getting a bit ridiculous. Also, who hurt themselves? My knee has been aching all morning! You all must be more careful; injuries especially when exhausted have more effect, you know.
The scrawling purple text was slow to appear. It was as if the writer was hesitant. Roman felt bad that he had been so demanding; he never wanted his loves to be hesitant around him. 
Sorry Princey. Those were both me. Insomnia is hitting me hard this week; I’ll try harder to sleep tonight. As for the knee… I got startled and rammed it into the metal leg of my desk. Not the best start to my morning, honestly.
Roman winced in sympathy. That all sounded horribly unpleasant. Roman wished he knew the owner of the purple ink. He wondered if he could help with the sleep issue in any way. He understood that insomnia couldn’t be controlled, but he wondered if maybe he could be able to help at least by singing or cuddling him till he was lulled to sleep. He wished to meet his soulmates soon; he was a hopeless romantic and thrived off of giving and receiving affection, love, and care with those he loved dearly. Despite never meeting his soulmates, Roman already knew he loved them to the very bottom of his heart. He only wished he could show them just how much in person. 
Then, strangely, a small note began to appear on Roman’s wrist. However, this note wasn’t in purple, sky blue, or dark blue, the only colors his soulmates used. It was in a thick, dark black ink, like that of a sharpie marker. 
Note to self: replace lost pen. Also, cookies? Or brownies?
The last part gave away who had written that easily enough and Roman chuckled. It was sky blue, or as they had nicknamed him, Padre. He was always making lists and reminders on his skin, and a lot of them pertained to sweets most of the time. Roman couldn’t wait to try the baked goods his soulmate must be quite good at making by now. 
Okay, don’t worry about it Stormcloud. Roman wrote to purple, smiling as he used their occasional nickname for him. Take it easy today though, alright? Maybe ice that knee when you can. Also, Padre, did you really lose your pen?
Roman couldn’t help but smirk as he wrote back, addressing sky blue. He really did hope purple got some rest soon though, his insomnia was getting much worse lately and it was concerning. However, he was thoroughly amused at sky blue’s forgetfulness. He found it endlessly endearing and adorable, even though he had never seen it in person. This time, when Padre wrote back, it was in standard black ink pen, which Roman figured he must have just found in order to abandon the sharpie.
Yeah, I must have dropped it on the way to school or something! No biggie though; at least it was something easy to replace, even though I did love that pen in particular!
Roman smiled at that, too. He loved everything about his soulmates, even the one who used dark blue ink and didn’t interact as much as the other two. He had explained before that he didn’t really like writing on his skin directly, but that he didn’t mind seeing his soulmates converse. In fact, he had admitted it was enjoyable to see them talk, even if he wasn’t a part of it all that often. 
Oh! Princey, Padre and I met this morning in class. Maybe now that one of us has met the other, that means we’ll all see each other soon? I hope so, at least. What about you?
The purple ink’s words made Roman’s heart stop for a second. Stormcloud and Padre had met? Oh, Roman was jealous, 100%, but he was also beyond excited. 
Oh, I do hope so too! I can’t wait until I meet you all! Then I can spoil you all properly with plenty of love and affection!
Roman sighed happily as he began daydreaming about meeting his soulmates again for the thousandth time. He wanted to know all about them. He loved them with all his heart; they were all bound to be wonderful people and Roman had always felt so incredibly lucky that he seemed to have three wonderfully unique soulmates that he was destined to be with one day. It made his romantic heart melt and ache all at once everytime he thought about it. Checking his hand and the ink that had travelled up and down his arm as space ran out, he realized that Stormcloud had only responded with a checkmark, due to there being no open spaces left to respond. Roman quickly added his check mark, and so did dark blue and Padre. On cue, the ink started to disappear as one or more of them began wiping away the writing, save for Padre’s sharpie note. 
The four of them had come up with that system long ago; if multiple parties were conversing and space ran out, they would all have to indicate whether or not it could be erased. Without 100% agreement, the writing would stay in order to prevent each other from getting rid of important things or things they hadn’t read yet. Dark blue, or Teach, as they often called them, had proposed that plan, and Roman had to admit that it worked perfectly for all of them. 
After everything was wiped off, Roman smiled fondly at his arm, still stained with the colors of his soulmates. Occasionally, even wiping the ink off so soon after it was applied still left ghost marks of the words and colors behind. Roman loved that it occasionally looked like his arm was a faded tie-dye project. It was colorful and beautiful and served as a pleasant reminder of how lucky he was. Roman adored it. 
Eventually, and with a small sigh of exhaustion, Roman decided to head off of his college campus, and toward a local coffee shop that had opened close by recently. He didn’t have any more classes today anyway, and a friend had told him that the coffee there tasted simply amazing, and that even other people who claimed to not be coffee people liked their stuff. Personally, Roman had never been overly fond of coffee, but he did appreciate the effects it had, especially in times such as these when he felt he might pass out at any second. He felt more and more tired as time passed, and he could only guess at how awful purple must be feeling since the exhaustion originated from him. However, Roman couldn’t help him yet, so he had to settle for trying to chase away the exhaustion that crept into his own system from the soul bond. 
As he pushed open the door to the small little cafe, a small bell chimed pleasantly to announce his arrival. An employee greeted him politely with some sort of standard welcome, and Roman politely smiled and nodded at her in acknowledgement. He quickly walked up to the order counter and looked over the menu. 
“Hi, what can I get for you?” The cashier asked cheerfully, smiling at him brightly. Roman smiled back at her tiredly. 
“Ah, what do you suggest? I’m normally not much of a coffee guy, but a friend insisted I try coffee from here and that it would change my mind.” Roman chuckled softly. “It’s my first time here so I honestly don’t know what most of this,” he gestured slightly at the menu off to the side, “is. What’s good, is basically what I’m asking.” Roman laughed slightly, the notes laced thick with nerves and exhaustion. The cashier only smiled back at him again.
“Oh this happens all the time now! So many non-coffee drinkers have been coming in lately on advice from a friend; it’s kinda crazy actually!” She chuckled and threw her hands out in an ‘I dunno’ gesture. “People new to coffee typically like sweeter drinks as opposed to more bitter, so a frappuccino might be a good place for you to start! I personally say you can’t go wrong starting off with a standard vanilla or mocha frappuccino, depending on your tastes.” She offered helpfully, pointing to the mentioned items on the menu so Roman could look at the printed pictures of them more closely. 
“Ooh, I do indeed like sweet things! Let’s go for the mocha thingy you said.” Roman chuckled as he forgot what it was called already. “Thank you for the help by the way.”
“Frappuccino, but most just call it a frappe or a frap.” She explained with a smile. “You’re welcome, and what size would you like?” 
“Ah, probably a large if I’m to make it through the day. I’m exhausted; my soulmate pulled an all nighter.” Roman explained with a little laugh. 
“Oh I know the feeling.” She chuckled. “That will be $2.34, would you like anything else?” 
“That’s all, thank you. You’ve been a wonderful help.” Roman pulled his wallet out and gave her a five. “Keep the change as a tip, okay? I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and night ahead!” Roman smiled at her brightly. She grinned at him brightly and nodded, waving at him as he walked to the end of the counter where they put out completed orders. 
It didn't take very long for his drink to be called, and an employee handed the drink directly to Roman. Thanking him, Roman grabbed a straw and took a test sip of his drink. He hummed, pleasantly surprised at the taste. It was sweet, but not overpoweringly so, and the drink was smooth and perfectly blended, and the soft scent of coffee mixed with the whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on the top just made the drink seem all the more better to him. 
On a whim, Roman checked his hand again, delighted to see more writing. This time it was in dark blue ink, meaning their seldom seen soulmate was reaching out. Roman couldn’t be happier about it. 
Purple, please try to get sleep tonight. Your immune system must be severely compromised from the lack of sleep you are already experiencing. Sky, please also eat some healthy foods; not just baked goods, okay?
Roman smiled. This was how Teach showed his love, despite them all having heard the same advice over and over again. It seemed as though he valued how much his soulmates practiced self care and healthy choices, which Roman found touching. 
Yeah, I got it Teach. Sleep is important, I know. Thank you for the reminder though.
Oh, I suppose I could pick up stuff to make food other than baked goods. However, I wanna show Stormcloud my famous chocolate chip cookies now that we���ve met! And I’ll do the same for all of you when it’s our turn to meet!
Roman practically squealed in delight as he pulled out his red pen to reply to that. However, he ended up bumping right into someone, and spilled both of their coffee’s. Roman winced, embarrassed at his careless mistake, but also managed to pull the person out of the way in time so that nothing spilled on him personally. He still felt bad about the lost coffee and the huge mess he had created in the middle of the cafe. 
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” Roman cried. “I should have been paying more attention, are you alright?” He asked, as the other male adjusted his glasses with a disgruntled expression. Roman’s eyes caught on a flash of dark blue, light blue, and purple ink on his hand before it was hidden again, but he couldn’t help but notice the dark blue pens in his shirt pocket. Roman wanted it to be true, but he swallowed down his excitement for now. 
“I am alright. Unfortunate to lose my coffee before I can assume any of its benefits, but no matter. Are you alright? I admit it was also partially my fault.” He frowned slightly, as if he didn’t quite like how that had been presented, but was almost too tired to care. Roman noted that he didn’t have dark circles under his own eyes, so the extreme exhaustion he was displaying was a result of the soul bond, not his own sleep schedule. That only gave Roman more hope, and he couldn’t help but smile at the man in front of him, who he was sure was his soulmate. 
“Oh yes, I’m okay. And, please, no, that was my fault. I was too busy conversing with my soulmates.” Roman smirked as he held his hand up and out towards the other male, making it as easy to see as possible, and prompting him to look at his hand closely. “I’ll assume you were possibly doing the same?” He asked as he saw the other’s expression go from neutral to surprised, and he smiled softly, an expression that had Roman’s heart doing flips in his chest.
“Well it seems you are correct. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Logan. You may have already guessed but I’m dark blue.” He gestured at the pens in his pocket with a smile, and Roman easily returned it. 
“I’m Red, or Princey, or whatever other nickname I’ve been given by now,” Roman chuckled softly, and held his hand out towards Logan for a handshake. “My name is Roman, though. It’s a pleasure to meet you too, my dear soulmate.” Roman smiled at him even wider when Logan shook his hand. 
“Here,” Logan commented as he took out his pen and started writing on a napkin, handing it to Roman once he had finished. “It’s my number. So we don’t lose contact when we leave.” He smiled at Roman in an almost shy manner.
“Thank you, and that’s smart! For now though, why don’t you grab a table? I’ll clean up this mess and order us some new coffee so we can talk? That is, if you’re free of course.” Roman offered hopefully as he accepted the napkin with Logan’s number on it, putting it safely in his pocket. Logan bit his lip and seemed to think on that for a bit before slowly nodding.
“Yes, I can stay for a bit. I have a class at three, and it is only one thirty, so I can stay until about two? I know thirty minutes isn’t long, I apologize.” Logan explained slowly. Roman only smiled at him brightly.
“No need to apologize! This was honestly a very sudden meeting, so of course you may have other plans! Or well, a class, but same difference. We can plan something better for next time now that we’ll be in contact over text?” Roman offered as he started off to grab a stack of napkins, and also requested a mop or something from an employee. 
“Yes, for sure.” Logan smiled at him gently. “I shall look forward to getting to know you better, Roman.” He stated, then waved as he went off to find a table for the two of them. Roman quickly got to trying to soak up the spilt coffee on the floor with the napkins, and was very grateful when someone brought out a mop for him, making the process go much faster. Once he had cleaned up the mess he accidentally made he went back up to the order counter. 
“That was quite the situation.” The barista snickered at him good-naturedly. Roman couldn’t help but chuckle back as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. He had made quite the spectacle of himself, admittedly. 
“Yeah, not the most elegant or graceful way to meet a soulmate, I admit, but at least I met him.” Roman smiled softly. “I couldn’t be more excited about it, quite honestly. I can’t wait to learn more about him.” Roman said in an almost dreamy tone of voice, allowing his inner hopeless romantic to shine through. He had been waiting for the day he would meet one or all of his soulmates for years, and finally it was here and Roman already thought Logan perfect. 
“I’m so happy for you! You should thank the friend that told you to come here. After all, had you not, this never would have happened.” She commented with a gentle smile. “Anyways, I’m assuming you’re trying to replace the drinks? So another mocha frap for you and an iced coffee for him?” She questioned, getting back to business. Roman grinned at her. 
“Yep! And yes, I will be sure to thank my friend, for sure.” Roman smiled brightly. 
“3.84 is your total, will that be all?” She questioned politely as she finished tapping in the order on her computer. Roman nodded, and handed her another five. 
“I know I already said it, but I hope you have a wonderful day and night!” Roman called as he headed down to the pick-up counter. He only had to wait for a few minutes again before being handed both of his drinks, straws already in them. He thanked the employee who handed him the drinks, and quickly made his way over to Logan with an excited grin plastered onto his face. 
Sitting down and sliding Logan his drink, Roman couldn’t help the grin that crept back up onto his face, and continued to grow. He couldn’t help it; he was just so happy. Logan tilted his head at Roman inquisitively and Roman practically melted off the chair at the gesture. He was ecstatic that Logan was his soulmate, and that he had finally met him. 
“I’m so happy we finally got to meet. I’ve been wanting to meet any of my soulmates for so long and now you’re here, actually in front of me and it’s amazing and kind of surreal.” Roman sighed happily. “I just couldn’t be happier about this right now.” Roman finally said in response to Logan’s earlier questioning glance. 
“Oh, well, yes.” Logan smiled and adjusted his glasses. “I, too, have been wanting to see who my soulmates are for quite a while. Though, I am worried about Sky Blue and Purple’s unhealthy habits.” Logan commented with a small frown, and tapped his coffee pointedly. 
“Oh, yeah, I feel that one.” Roman raised his coffee towards Logan slightly. “Especially as college students. The lack of sleep of just working on my own projects is bad enough, but then purple never sleeps and it’s a nightmare getting through the day. I mean, I don’t blame him and I’m not upset, just concerned and very tired. Though, I can’t imagine what actually having insomnia must feel like.” Roman shrugged and took a long sip off his drink as Logan considered his words carefully.
“That’s fair. I just hope that when we meet him, perhaps we can help a little? One can hope, at least.” Logan sighed tiredly, and also took a long sip off his coffee. “I agree with you though. Especially about being a college student. Classes are much harder to perform well in when I feel I’m about to pass out from exhaustion half the time, despite keeping a fairly good sleep schedule myself.” 
“You said it.” Roman chuckled. “And yes, I do hope that when we meet them, we’ll be able to help in some way. Even if it’s a small way.” Roman sighed softly and frowned in thought, staring down at his hand but without really looking. How long would he have to wait before they were all together? Of course, he was beyond excited he had met Logan, but he wanted to have all of his loves in one space and give them all as much affection as he possibly could. 
“Oh, look at the time!” Logan exclaimed, checking his phone. “It’s already 2:05, I have to go. Uh, text me later, okay?” He asked hurriedly, and hardly waited for Roman’s quick, enthusiastic nod before he was rushing out the door. Roman shook his head with a small smile. 
He didn’t get to talk with Logan long, but Roman knew he was already completely in love. 
He couldn’t wait to fall in love with his other soulmates too.
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thechildoflightning · 4 years
Pumpkin Ch3- Pick
Title: Pumpkin [Masterpost]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: LAMP/CALM
Chapter Title: Pick- Chapter Three
Family traditions are something Virgil’s never really had in a good way before. He had traditions- rituals- in his life once. But they weren’t the good kind. After, well his father had tried and they did have small traditions. But for the most part, Virgil never had that chance, never had the chance to create small little traditions with his family.
And now he does. He has that chance.
Warnings: Brief Panic, Overstimulation
[ao3 link]
Pick- Chapter Three
Knowing them- well more- knowing Roman, they got detoured once more. They were headed towards the actual pumpkin patch, but suddenly, Roman had them staring out at a bath of yellow, filled with kids screeching as they threw corn in the air.
“What… is it?” Logan asked, “I mean. It’s a pit with corn. But- what is it?”
“It’s a corn pit!” Roman says, spinning to gesture at the pit as if that explains it all. Logan frowns slightly.
“It’s a pit! Of corn!” He says with the same excitement, practically bouncing in place.
“Yes. It is.”
“You play in it!”
Logan looks towards the pit with assorted people playing in it, creating corn angels and sinking into the yellow substance.
Roman frowns, and seems to take a moment to actually think about instead of bounding to conclusions for once.
“...Because it’s fun?” He says uncertainty, as if Logan’s question was a trick.
“But it’s...corn,” Logan observes, still looking at the substance.
“You don’t play in corn,” Logan states, as if it is a simple fact. Which fair- Virgil can get behind that. He’s a big supporter of the idea that corn is generally better eaten than played in. Especially as popcorn/
“Other people are,” Roman points out, gesturing as the groups of people playing in the kernels.
“Kids are,” Logan acknowledges, “We aren’t kids.”
“So? There’s no rule saying that we can’t.”,” Roman challenges.
Logan shifts, and seems to consider.
“There isn’t an explicitly stated rule, no,” he admits while still not giving way to the activity. Roman offers a shrug in response.
“Okay. Well I’m going to jump into the pit once. Because it’s fun. If kinda gross. You can if you want or you don’t have to.”
And with that, Roman shoves Kit in Virgil’s arm and leaps into the pit. Corn goes flying, and Roman starts to genly sink, comically slow. He lays out on his back as he slowly becomes covered, before sitting up suddenly before his head can disappear, and shaking the corn out of his hair.
Logan observes Roman, and Virgil and Patton observe Logan. Trixie observes Virgil. Kit observes the scents nearby.
Eventually, Logan seems to make a decision, and after looking around once more, he gives a firm nod, and enters the pit of corn. Roman brightens up at the sight and wades through corn towards him.
Logan’s face morphs from hesitant, to surprised, to curious. He threads his finger through the corn, letting it spill through his fingers and back into the pit. When all the corn drops he flaps one of his hands once before grabbing more corn and letting it run through his hands again.
“I like it,” Logan tells Roman, who’s obviously waiting for an evaluation. “The corn feels nice.”
Logan stares, transfixed by the corn as he continues to stim by running his hands through it. Kit wiggles in Virgil’s arms, and Virgil lets him down, watching as Roman and Logan play in the corn pit. 
With his attention on his husbands, Virgil doesn’t notice Kit charging for Logan, directly into the corn pit.
Kit whines at the side, trying to figure out how to enter, and Virgil is just about to call him back over, heart already hammering in his chest as he realizes what Kit’s going to try.
But he freezes, and a millisecond is all Kit needs to make a decision and leap into the pit.
“Kit!” Virgil yelps. Patton gasps at his side.
Kit struggles towards Logan, making a bit of headway before starting to sink in the corn. When he realizes what’s happening he starts to cry, and scrambles to reach the top, but his desperate attempts only make him sink further in.
It’s barely a second later before Logan’s grabbing him, and scooping the pup up into his arms, murmuring words of comfort. Kit clings to him desperately.
Virgil’s heart is pounding and his breath comes out in wheezes. His mind is filled with worry for Kit. Kit almost- he almost drowned in corn. What the fuck. He could get hurt so easily, Virgil hadn’t even noticed-
His cut out of his spiralling by a familiar nose nudging his hand. He has enough sense to follow Trixie’s lead, sitting heavily on a free bench behind them. Trixie jumps up, settling in his lap, and Virgil takes some deep breaths as she performs the grounding exercise. 
Seconds later, he notices Patton at his side and leans into him, still a little out of breath and suddenly exhausted at the startling wave of panic.
He takes a deep breath and looks for Kit.
“Kit’s fine,” Patton soothes at his side.
Virgil nods, as he watches his pup continue to cling onto a Logan that’s trying to get out of a corn pit with a puppy attached to him. 
Kit is fine. He definitely seems a bit startled and is firmly latched onto Logan, but Logan and Roman are both giving him so much comfort and keeping a careful eye on him. Kit is fine.
Did Virgil really almost have a panic attack about his puppy falling into a pile of corn? 
Well, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s panicked over his dogs getting hurt. He never thought it would involve corn, but hey, Kit’s always been a bit more chaotic then his two previous dogs.
Kit is fine. But then Logan’s face twists into something more resembling distress than comfort.
Virgil directs Trixie off him and races over, trying to figure out what’s wrong.
But he can’t find anything wrong, Kit looks fine. Logan doesn’t even seem to be paying as much attention anymore.
“Is Kit hurt, is he okay?” Virgil demands, still lost. Logan shakes his head and hands over Kit. Virgil quickly takes him in his arms scooping him close. Kit whines a bit, and scrabbles at his arms trying to get back to Logan, still shaken up. But Virgil isn’t ready to let him go, and he brings him close, hugging him tight. Trixie presses up against his side.
Virgil’s paying so much attention to Kit, he doesn’t take notice of Logan starting to stim by flapping his arms. The motion does catch his attention after a moment, especially considering Logan is generally uncomfortable stimming so visibly in public.
Virgil smiles at him, happy to see his husband feeling free to stim visibly, until he takes note of the fact that the flaps Logan is doing don’t seem to be happy at all. Instead of joyful and waving, their desperate and hard, and Logan’s face twists into something uncomfortable.
Roman also seems to notice, and takes a step closer to Logan, who jerks away and shakes his head and biting his lip, hands still flapping.
“Hey Lo,” Patton said, “You seem upset. Is that right?”
Logan gives a firm nod.
“Okay. That's good to know. Are you overstimulated?”
Logan nods once more and continues flapping. He pulls his head up and starts looking around.
“Are you emotionally overstimulated?” Patton asks, considering the recent corn-drowning encounter with Kit.
Logan shakes his head.
“Physically overstimulated?”
A nod.
“Okay. I’m going to run through the senses and we’ll try to figure this out.”
Logan nods. He brings his arms in tight to his chest, and start rubbing at his forearm and hand with his other hand, twisting his hand around the limb as he continues to look around. The motion doesn’t escape them.
“Touch?” Patton asks.
Logan nods fiercely, and continues to rub at his arms. 
“Film. Dust. Get off,” Logan states.
“From the corn?” Patton asks.
Logan nods.
“Okay, well I know there were bathrooms somewhere around here. Do you want to try washing your hands and arms?”
Logan nods.
Roman darts away to find where the bathrooms are located, and when he returns, the four of them wake their way over.
Logan vigorously washes his hands in the sink for a few minutes, eyebrows scrunching in and mouth tight as he scrubs up and down his arms and hands. 
Eventually, he seems to be satisfied, and turns the water off, looking much calmer. He’s stopped stimming as anxiously and his features are no longer tight. 
“Sorry,” he mutters to the three of them.
“You don’t need to be sorry,” Virgil says.
Logan nods in acknowledgment. 
“You’re right,” Logan says, “I’m not sorry. I say that I am but that’s not- I’m not sorry. I don’t like bad textures.”
Kit squirms in Virgil’s arms. 
“I think someone was worried about you,” Virgil comments, “want him back?”
Logan nods in agreement and Virgil passes over the puppy who instantly curls up in Logan's arms, leaning into his chest. Logan smiles at him and gives him a small kiss on the forehead. 
“He’s babey,” Roman declares, causing Virgil to snort in laughter and Patton to smile and coo at Kit. 
“Pumpkins?” Virgil suggests.
The group agrees, and slowly but surely they finally make their way to the pumpkin patch. 
The field stretches out to agree in front of them. Virgil can only imagine that it goes for miles, stretching past the horizon. Green leaves on brown ground with bright orange spheres sitting throughout them cover the field. 
They could have grabbed pre-picked pumpkins near the front, but this is much more fun. 
They begin together, but Roman is quickly gone, looking for “the best pumpkin ever.” 
His definition of best usually involves picking the largest pumpkin he can reasonably carry back to the car. And while Roman isn’t partially strong, he has his height going for him. The pumpkin is going to be big. 
Virgil follows Logan and Patton instead. Logan is much more hands on with pumpkins, sitting them up and frowning at them, checking to see if they stand without falling over, and if there would be a good surface for carving. 
Patton is much more visual, pointing out all the different pumpkins in ranging shapes and sizes. Eventually, he lets out a gasp as he sees a yellow one and immediately announces that’s the pumpkin he’s going to get.
“Check it over first,” Logan suggests even as Patton is already on the ground and reaching for the stem to break it off. Luckily enough, the pumpkin seems to be fine, and it’s only slightly lopsided when sitting up.
Logan takes the pumpkin as Virgil helps Patton up off the ground and they continue on.
Logan finds one that he’s satisfied with soon enough. It’s perfectly round and sits nicely on the ground. Virgil’s pretty sure this is the pumpkin they use in promotional pictures it seems so well put together. Virgil’s surprised plants can even grow things like that.
They carry on, Roman rejoining them with an absolutely massive pumpkin as Virgil is taking the stem off a long narrow one he found. It’s an odd shape, but should work well with the idea he has for carving.
They wander away from the pumpkin patch as a group, heading towards the front to pay.
As they leave the patch and enter the area of pre-picked pumpkins, Virgil quickly selects two mini ones. He carries one himself before holding the other out to Trixie.
“Take it nice. Gentle,” he tells her, and she carefully takes the pumpkin in her mouth, carrying it herself to the register. Kit looks curiously over from where he’s still wrapped up in Logan’s arms.
“You get one too Kit,” Logan tells him, “You can have yours at home, as long as you don’t eat it. Alright?”
Kit snuffles and buries further into Logan while letting out a large yawn. Virgil can’t help but agree with his actions completely. The outing has been fun, but Virgil’s social meter is running low. 
They purchase the pumpkins, and leave the pumpkin patch, travelling towards their car when Logan stops. The three of them halt around him.
Virgil turns to him, about to ask why he stopped when he sees the sight in his arms.
Kit, in Logan’s arms, lying on his back, completely splayed out with head and limbs flailing, completely fast asleep.
“Awww,” Patton coos.
“He’s so small,” Roman marvels, “And oh! Look at his little toes.”
Virgil does, seeing the little beans flail a bit as Kit most likely dreams. It’s the cutest little movement.
“He’s tired,” Logan says, “It’s been a long day.”
Yeah. Yeah it has. A long day, but a good one. 
“Let’s go home,” Virgil says.
He gets three versions of agreement, and they carry on, together.
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@mewithanie @eddies-spaghetti @lemonyellowlogic @savioursailor @goldteethandacurseforthistown @you-betcha-weirdo @gattonero17
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peach--lipgloss · 5 years
Tumblr media
i made a ts lamp to moodboard!!! hope you guys like it!!
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notebook-of-fics · 5 years
Family Matters
Pairing: platonic LAMP
The day ticked on casually, without a care in the world. Free days to Virgil were a whole separate dimension, away from the problems of adult life where he could at long last kick back and relax. At least, it was supposed to be.
"You'll wear a hole in carpet, Panic at the everywhere," Roman said, lounging on the couch. He inspected his nails as if to underline his own je ne sais quoi. Virgil growled at him.
"Why today, of all days!"
"Well, it's Sunday, kiddo," Patton called, bringing from the kitchen a large bowl of popcorn. He passed it to Roman and plopped in the middle of the couch cheerfully.
"But all the work he has to do! And the fans, they've been waiting for months!" Virgil lamented, making a sharp 180 at the end of his pacing trajectory and continuing onward.
"It's all scheduled for Monday," Logan said, depositing on the coffee table a multitude of drinks. "In fact, I've scheduled the optimum workload for Thomas for the entire next week. Today is going exactly as planned, Virgil."
"What he said," Roman re-entered the conversation. "Now, will you pick a movie anytime soon or shall I?"
"Come now, slugger, it's Virgil's turn to pick a movie this week. Let's be fair." Patton leveled a friendly punch at Roman's arm that barely ruffled the fabric.
"I suppose," Roman side dramatically, shifting on the couch so he could throw his legs over Patton's lap, who in turn patted his shins in greeting.
"While Patton is right, I do believe it's time for the movie to start, Virgil," Logan said, claiming the adjacent sofa himself.
Anxiety stopped his pacing, although the inertia remained and he vibrated on the spot nervously.
"Tsk, fine," he gave up at last, rolling his eyes. "But don't blame me if the movie sucks..."
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lilfellasblog · 5 years
New chapter of Healing Broken Wings is posted on AO3!
Chapter 132 is up!
@xbrad-pitifulx-main @escalatingtoofast @violetsanderssides @fantasy-loving-witchling @cyraniadebergerac @nerdycupcake559 @cats-and-virgil @orchidstream @ineedzsleep @adizzycollegekid @fandomloverangel
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ironwoman359 · 6 years
Hi, my parents just told me that they’re separating so could I maybe ask for some fluff? Sorry I know a lot of people go through this but I’m just kinda in shock and I need something nice to read
Oof, I’m sorry to hear that anon. *hugs* My parents separated in 2016, so I know what you’re going through. I hope things get better soon Have some quick family LAMP cuddles:
Looking at the four of them, Virgil couldn’t say he knew exactly how they had ended up in this situation. Logan was leaning up against Virgil’s right side, his glasses askew and head up against Virgil’s shoulder. Roman had apparently decided that Logan would be a more comfortable cushion than the couch and had his head resting on the logical side’s chest, and his legs were tangled with Virgil’s own. And there draped over Virgil’s lap, one arm reaching over so he could hold Logan’s hand and using Roman’s legs as a pillow, was Patton. A small smile was on his face as his chest rose and fell gently with sleep, a smile that Virgil couldn’t help but mirror as he looked around at his family. 
He couldn’t say exactly how they had ended up in this situation, but he wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
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therubyjailcell · 5 years
does anyone have like,,, cute fics,,, with some trans positivity? in them...?
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tera-91 · 6 years
Snacks and Procrastination
Finally done!! I hope you guys like this! Also if I forgot to tag anything please let me know and I will add it. Also if you would like please send me feedback I would love it!
Pairing: LAMP/CALM romantic 
Warnings: Anxiety flare up, nothing too detailed; climbing cabinets; comfort; Fluffy, light teasing/flirting
Word Count: 3392 
Virgil sighed as he looked up into the cabinet. He loved that the others would do the shopping and get all of his guilty pleasures without him having to make the trip during an anxiety flare up. Among other things who could live without Cheez Itz or Root Beer? He really did love them, but did they really have to put the items they knew he liked on the second and third shelf of the upper cabinets?
A low growl escaped him as he glared up at the box of Cheez Itz that were out of his reach. He wanted them, and he wasn’t going to leave the kitchen without them. Should he ask one of the others to get it for him?
Patton? He would just gush about how cute he was not being able to reach it and would most likely grab said item, put it on the counter; and then proceed to crush him, rub his freckle dusted cheek against his purple hair while he hugged him and then he would kiss him repeatedly. Best scenario, Virgil wouldn’t be able to get away for several minutes. No, he could already feel the embarrassed smile forming on his face.
Logan? He would get healthier options from the shelves and place them on the counter, all the while he would lecture him on how unhealthy it was to eat a large amount in one sitting, as he knew Virgil would most likely eat a good majority of the box and not just a serving or two. Then he would take down the box and place it on the counter before he would spin Virgil around and pin him against the counter until he would pick a healthier option and promise to eat that instead, or that he would only eat a serving size or two of Cheez Itz and eat the healthier snack if he was still hungry. Sure, he could lie but he was a terrible liar and Logan would probably know. That is, unless he grabbed Logan’s tie and wrapped an arm around the spectacled giants’ neck, got on his tip-toes and kissed him, which would cause Logan to overload at the forward action coming from Virgil and he could grab the box and make his getaway before Logan could recover. His face started to feel warm as he thought about that scenario.
Roman? Well he wasn’t as predictable as Logan or Patton. However, it wouldn’t surprise him if Roman called him his damsel in destress in his endearing boisterous voice as he reached for the box. He would call Virgil some charming nickname and pick him bridal style, which he knew Virgil didn’t like so he would kiss his jaw repeatedly to keep him from complaining, before he would carry him off and leave his precious snack behind.
He shook his head and ran his hand down his burning face. As much as Virgil would love any of that, any other time, he just wanted to get his salty and cheesy snack and to get back to his The Flash marathon.
Unbeknownst to Virgil, all three of the others stood about ten feet from him hidden by the doorway that led to the bedrooms. 
“Aww he’s so cute!” Patton whispered excitedly as he bounced.
“Shh my sweet sugar cookie, we don’t want to let him know we’re here.” Roman whispered as he placed his hands on Patton’s shoulders to try to calm his movements while he watched their adorably short emo glare up into the cabinet. It never failed to make a part of him melt when the purple fringe moved just enough to be able to see his cognac eyes that were only enhanced by his eyeshadow.
The look of determination in those eyes was unmistakable even at this distance. He knew Virgil would do just about anything for his snacks. There’s my loveable and confident, Panic at the everywhere! He thought with a smile. He knew that if Virgil could get the box without asking for help it would give him a major ego boost which, according to Patton, he needed at the moment. That and Roman found it incredibly adorable when he watched Virgil climb to reach things whether it was in the house or, on the rare occasion, when Virgil was able to make the trip with them to the grocery store.
“I have to say Ro, putting the Cheez Itz on the third shelf is one of your best ideas yet for such circumstance.” Logan said quietly as he reached to adjust his glasses. Roman grinned as warmth bubbled in his chest at both the praise and the sight of the three people he adored most each looking captivating in their own way.
“Look, look!” Patton said in a hushed voice and grabbed one of Roman’s hands as he pointed towards Virgil in excitement. Roman quickly glanced down and took Pat’s hand into his own before he turned his attention toward Virgil. 
Virgil attempted to get the box from the shelf. He put one hand on the cool granite counter and pushed up onto his tiptoes. He took a deep breath, pressed his stomach against the counter and pushed against it as hard as he could and reached up. His fingertips barely brushed the wood of the second shelf, no-where near his prize. With a few choice words he backed down and huffed.
He had a way to get the precious box. Virgil placed his hand on the smooth metal of the lower cabinet hardware, swiftly opened the door, and flinched as the hinges gave a high screech at the movement. Note to self, oil all the cabinets or replace squeaky hinges Virgil thought sourly as he glanced towards the door and cut-out that faced the living room and didn’t hear anything that would indicate any of the other three would break from their movie to see what he might be up to. Hopefully they have Mulan turned up loud enough where they didn’t hear that He thought as he held his breath for a brief second.
Once he was satisfied none of the others would come into the kitchen he released his breath and carefully used his sock covered foot to push against the flour and sugar containers until he had just enough space to get a foot hold. With almost cat-like precision he placed both hands on the counter and swung his leg up, he used that momentum to push up and brought the other leg up to sit on his knees. Those aerial yoga classes with Patton sure paid off he thought with a grin as he thought back to his previous, unsuccessful and even painful, attempts at getting on the counters without using a chair. Sometimes he really disliked living with tall people. With the house initially belonging to Logan, the tallest at almost 6’7, he had special cabinets built so the countertop was nearly five inches taller than in a normal house.
Now finally face to face with his prize, he reached into the cabinet and pulled out the box of Cheez its as a sense of pride filled his chest at the small victory. With practiced ease Virgil popped the top of the previously unopened box. He took his time with the plastic refusing to let history to repeat itself as he had ripped a bag in the past and had the orange squares go everywhere, he shuddered at the thought. Not wanting to wait any longer he reached into the box. Lucky! I got a double! Virgil thought as he pulled out 2 squares that were still stuck together. He popped them in his mouth and relaxed at the salty taste as he ran his tongue over them.
As he chewed, the crunch temporarily prevented him from hearing the footsteps coming towards him. He reached into the bag to grab another salty and cheesy square when he heard his only warning.
When the cabinet door gave the loud shrill the three immediately hid, or rather Logan and Roman hid. Patton felt one of Roman’s strong arms wrap under his left arm and hold onto his right shoulder as he was pulled behind the wall. At the sudden movement he closed his eyes and his arms immediately flew up to grab onto Roman’s sturdy forearm.
Once they had stopped moving Patton peaked open one eye and noticed Roman’s other arm braced against the wall and the warmth from his broad, solid, chest against his back. Has Roman been working out more? I don’t remember his chest feeling so … Oh no stop it Patton! Focus! Have to make sure Virgil doesn’t accidently hurt himself Patton thought as he shook his head and heat quickly made its way across his face.
At the grinding sound Patton figured Virgil was back at trying to get the Cheez itz from the shelf. I’ll have to scold Roman about being mean by putting Virgil’s go to snack so high later Patton thought as he pulled against Roman’s grip. Roman didn’t let go but his grip shifted from his shoulder to his hip which allowed Patton to see around the door way.
It took him less than a second to figure out what Virgil was doing. The lack of a chair made it frightfully obvious to him as he had seen the many bumps and bruises Virgil once begrudgingly admitted came from the same action. Patton tried to stop the involuntary gasp, unsuccessfully, by quickly covering his mouth with his hands. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Logan move rather quickly so he could observe Virgil. He could also feel Roman shift a little quicker than he probably otherwise would have at his reaction.
They all watched as Virgil jumped onto the counter with apparent ease and fluidity. Patton quirked an eyebrow and tilted his head When did Virgil become so flexible? He told me those nasty bruises came from trying to climb the counter before so how? He thought before realization dawned on him like a ton of bricks. Oh! his face relaxed and he smiled No wonder he didn’t mind going to aerial yoga every other week with me he thought as he couldn’t hold in his excitement in any longer, without thinking, a squeal escaped him as he made a bee line towards his bewitchingly small fruit bat.
A squeal, that could only come from Patton, caused Virgil to freeze, with his hand still in the bag, and his back to go straighter than a board. Oh no I’ve been spotted Virgil thought as arms wrapped around his waist. He turned his head when he felt a light pressure on his upper arm. Upon seeing the dirty blond hair he quickly relaxed into the familiar grip of Patton. He quickly became aware of the familiar smell of brown sugar and vanilla once he laid his cheek against the soft hair that could put goose down to shame. This must be why Patton likes doing this all the time He thought, snack momentarily forgotten.
“Ah if it isn’t Half Past Dead. Finally come out of your cave I see.” Roman said, voice sounding particularly regal, which caused Virgil’s head shoot up and look towards the other doorway. There stood Roman and Logan, he could feel his face contort with his confusion. Why are they over there? I can still hear Mulan in the living room. Virgil gave a half-hearted huff and laid his cheek against Patton’s hair once again, who simply nuzzled against his hoodie covered arm.
“I wanted Cheez Itz but someone put them on the third shelf.” Virgil replied as he let himself get lost once again in the soothing Vanilla and comforting pressure around his waist. 
Logan watched, partly in amusement, as Patton broke free of Roman’s grip and all but tackled Virgil where he was on the counter. He followed Roman, who lead with a quip which would most likely lead to some banter between the two.
When Virgil responded to Roman, Logan couldn’t help the smirk that made its way to his face “That would be Princey, he was the one who unpacked the snack foods.” Logan said as he glanced down at Roman who had a look of surprise on his face at being snitched on.
He chuckled when Roman looked between him and Virgil and made familiar flustered noises, or as Virgil coined them offended Princey noises. “Yeah, I figured.” Virgil said, voice slightly deeper, as Patton finally let go but kept a hand on Virgil’s thigh.
“I-I did no such thing!” Roman pouted.
“Falsehood.” Logan said, a lilt to his tone to show his amusement and that he meant it in an unaccusatory fashion. It had the desired effect on Virgil thankfully he thought as he walked over to Roman who still had the adorable pout on his face. He leaned down ever so slightly “Look at his face.” He whispered into Ro’s ear as he stood behind him and draped his arms over his shoulders.
Roman let out a low hum as Logan straightened up and placed his chin on top of his head. “He does look far less stressed than he did before we went shopping this morning.”  He said as he leaned back against Logan.
The two watched as Virgil turned so that he was facing them instead of the cabinet, with the constant fuss of Patton who feared he could fall off the counter.  “I wish we had a way to prevent bad days for him.” Roman said in a soft voice, not taking his eyes of Vigil and Patton who where play fighting over the box.
“You know a main source of his anxiety is his work, which despite the bad days, he loves almost more than us and to ask him to quit is not an option Ro.” Logan said as he kissed his cheek before he buried his nose in Roman’s wavy, red streaked, short honey blonde hair desperate to hide the involuntary snort at the unfolding event in front of them. Patton actually succeeded in taking the box from Virgil and demanded a kiss as payment for the box. Virgil leaned down but shot right back up and looked right at them.
“Hey Lo? Can you come over here?” Virgil asked.
He pulled away from Roman in slight confusion and made the short walk over to the counter Virgil was perched on. It hit him as soon as he was there, and a smirk made its way to Virgil’s face. The way he was on the counter, Virgil was taller than even himself. Hmm, interesting he thought as he gently ran his fingers through Patton’s hair and applied enough pressure to just be able to barely move his head, Pat quickly caught on and giggled as he turned and ran to Roman and jumped in his arms to kiss him.
Logan stood in front of Virgil and placed both hands on the counter on either side of him. “What can I do for you my talented pumpkin king?” He asked slyly as he effortlessly got on his tiptoes to be eye to eye with him. The question had a better effect than he could have even predicted. The smirk fell from Virgil’s face and the blush that engulfed it, he practically glowed.
He blinked rapidly trying to process what just happened, he was speechless. He hadn’t expected that to come from Logan’s mouth, Roman probably, even Patton maybe but definitely not Logan. He especially didn’t expect Logan would follow that up with leaning against the counter and cupping his face before kissing him. With his senses overwhelmed with coffee and cinnamon, he didn’t realize that Roman and Patton also made their way over to the counter.
Logan still hadn’t broken the kiss when sturdy arms wrapped around his waist and he was pulled off the counter, away from Logan, and held princess style in Roman’s arms.
“Wha-” He couldn’t even finish when he was stop by another kiss, this time Roman. This time it was citrus and the aged wood smell of the theatre, which permeated all of his clothes, but it wasn’t a bad thing as he secretly loved it.
When Roman finally pulled away, it left his head spinning. To embarrassed to say anything he buried his face into Roman’s neck while he just laughed, that annoyingly charming and heart-melting laugh. He was vaguely aware of footsteps before Roman nuzzled the top of his head.
“Aw come now my little thundercloud you know I get jealous easily.” Roman said in a playful tone. It was true Roman did get jealous if he walked in and the three of them were in a cuddle puddle and he had been accidently left out. Virgil simply lifted his head and gave a feeble glare, which only resulted in Roman laughing again.
Roman had already started making his way out of the kitchen when Virgil realized he didn’t have his Cheez Itz, and there was no way Roman had them because he could feel both of his hands and they most certainly didn’t hold a box.
“Ro, I worked so hard for that snack.” He whined as he was carried into the living room. He let his head fall backwards so he was limp in Roman’s arms, he knew was being dramatic, but the situation called for it. As he hung upside down he noticed that the movie was no longer playing and all the, as Patton called them, cuddle puddle pillows were laid out on the living room floor.
“What’s going on?” He asked as he raised his head and Roman put him down on in the middle of the various pillows. When he got no answer, he looked around and saw Logan changing Netflix from Mulan over to The Flash and Roman had disappeared.
Patton soon appeared with blankets, he walked over to Logan to give him a kiss, before he dropped all the blankets flopped down next to him with a giggle. “Isn’t it obvious? Work has had you a bit stressed lately Virge.” He said as he adjusted himself next to Virgil. “We know its important to you and the reward you get from it is beyond anything imaginable.” He was once again speechless, Pat noticed even the smallest changes in any of them it was phenomenal.
His mouth opened and shut as he tried to think of anything to say, anything to express how he felt. It didn’t matter though; his scattered thoughts were interrupted. “My turn.” Patton said gleefully as he kissed him. Anything his mind might have come up with, gone, his mind went totally blank as he relaxed into the kiss. Patton’s kisses were always gentler, softer, than Logan’s or Roman’s but they all had the same undertone. That undertone never failed to quiet any fears, any insecurities that plagued him during his work.
As Patton pulled away a box suddenly appeared in his lap. He looked up to see Roman and Logan towering about them, the former, with a grin on his face had a bunch of other snacks, while the latter had drinks including of Root beer in his hand which he handed to Virgil. At his confused, non-verbal inquiry, Logan explained as he and Roman settled into the pillows. “You were being pushed to far on the Yerkes-Dodson curve, it was impeding your emotional state, and eventually it would’ve affected your work which would have just worsened the situation.”
“What he means is, we noticed you were having a bad day and you tend to procrastinate on your work when that happens. We love you and knew if we spent some much-deserved cuddle time together it would help.” Roman said as he scooted up to Virgil’s other side and began to toss one of the many blankets over them.
“Isn’t that what I said?” Logan asked as he began the pilot episode. Virgil chuckled snuggled into the cuddle puddle. It was perfect, the three people he couldn’t function properly without, his favorite show, and his preferred choice of snack. He loved it when Logan pointed out any inconsistencies, when Roman gushed of the dramatic flair, when Patton make adorable noises at something happening in the show. He could stay here forever.  
 @sandersfander1820 @teacupfulofstarshine @myjamofchoiceis-crofters @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @j-d-lightful  @princeanxious @could-always-be-gayer-2 @altruistic-skittles @sylveon-lover-crazyfangirl1415
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gloomiedyke · 6 years
Of Course
On Ao3 Here
Summary:  Virgil’s only ever really had one answer when it came to the others.
Pairings:  LAMP/CALM, either romantic or platonic, whichever you prefer
Word Count:  2,306
Warnings:  None, I don’t think.  Fluff.
Virgil lived in grey.
He didn’t mean to sound so dramatic or emo about it (despite what Creativity might say).  It wasn’t some huge, momentous statement or anything.  It was just a fact of his life- if he could really even be called “living”, being a part of another person.
Whatever, the point was:  Virgil not-quite-lived in grey.  It was just how it was- anxiety was neutral, capable of being equally good or bad, helpful or hindering, life-saving or life-ruining.  It all depended on the person, and their mind, and their life.  How they were coded to be, and how they chose to be.
Thomas was a good person.  He was kind, positive, sensitive, understanding.  But at his core, Thomas was emotional, really emotional.  And emotion could swing either way, especially when it was strong.  So Virgil lived in greys, sometimes swinging hard enough to hit ‘bad’ or ‘good’, mostly just providing a subtle guidance and only kicking in with any strength during emergencies.
Until, that is, Thomas hit puberty.
Fucking thanks, hormones.
By the time things had calmed down the other Sides were set in their opinions of him.  (And, unfortunately, Thomas himself had become aware of him, and Virgil didn’t know how to feel about that).  Of course Morality was as kind as ever, but Virgil knew he made the mock father figure just a little too uncomfortable.  Logic was mostly unbiased, so it was possible he was just indifferent, which Virgil didn’t mind all that much, even if he got so painfully lonely sometimes.  And Princey… well.  The Prince had never much liked Anxiety; when they were young he’d felt that Virgil’s attempts to keep Thomas from death got in the way of his dream chasing.  As they got older, and Virgil’s fears and control over Thomas grew, Roman only believed it all the more.
Virgil figured that was just the way things were.  They’d never been all that close, and he didn’t need to be liked (Thomas’ fear of rejection gave away the lie here, but he didn’t need to acknowledge that).  It didn’t matter, and it wouldn’t change, so he might as well get used to it.
He hadn’t expected to care about them quite so much, though.
Anxiety had always cared about the others, of course- he was both the survival instinct and the protective instinct, after all.  But then Thomas started making the videos, and they were all forced to spend time together and actually talk to each other, beyond just insults (though there were a lot of those, too).  And, more quickly than he’d thought, he’d gotten to know the others on a more personal level.
Patton was as loving as Virgil had always thought- not to mention funnier.  Logan was smart, full of a wonder over new things, and so much kinder than he realized.  And Roman…
Roman was everything Anxiety wasn’t.
Brave.  Strong.  Charming.  The Prince never let anything as trivial as anxiety stop him, never let his own fears get in the way of creation.  But, beyond even that-
Roman had absolutely no trouble talking to the others, being friends with them.  He didn’t stutter, didn’t avoid eye contact, didn’t shake when faced with something as utterly stupid as conversation.  Roman didn’t feel the need to hide to avoid a panic attack.  He could be better, be good enough and bright enough, and Virgil couldn’t help but resent him for that.
And even if they couldn’t love him, he couldn’t help but-
“Hiya, kiddo!”  Morality chirped at him from in front of the oven, glasses sitting crooked above a blinding smile.
Virgil nodded slightly, sliding past him towards the coffee pot.  “Hey, Mo.”
“I was just making some cookies!  I know it’s a little late, but,”  Patton winked at him, leaning close in a cartoonishly conspiring way, “I think we deserve to live a little dangerous, huh?”
He shrugged in response, but he couldn’t help a small smile.  The “Dad” Side tended to do that to people.  Patton had to be where all that goodness Thomas exuded came from, Anxiety was sure.  His levels of sweetness could cause cavities, and Virgil was damn sure it didn’t come from him.
When he turned back around, coffee in hand, he paused.  The other Side was standing, still, in the middle of the kitchen, eyes on the oven.  This in and of itself was not unusual; Patton always got excited when baking, and liked to watch the cookies turn golden as they found their shape.  But something was different, here.  There was no smile, no giddy gleam in his hazel eyes, no barely suppressed bouncing or cheerful humming.  Patton didn’t even seem to be seeing the oven, eyes gone distant and uncharacteristically quiet.  Virgil had never seen him so… muted.
“... Hey.”
The other jerked slightly at Virgil’s rasp, before smiling big at him.  “Yeah, kiddo?  Did you need something?  Are you okay?”
“Uh, I’m good.  Are… you… ?”  Virgil asked, hesitant.  He wasn’t any good at this, at talking to people.  Sure, he could trade quips with Princey, and listen to Logic ramble every once in a while, but when it came to actual conversation he just got too nervous too quickly.
“I’m great!  With cookies on the way, how could anyone feel crummy?”
Virgil snorted at the pun, biting down on his smile.  “Nice.”
Patton’s grin turned more genuine (though it was hard to tell, which scared him a little- Patton shouldn’t be this good at pretending, at hiding whatever he was hiding.  It was Patton).
“Wanna hear some more cookie jokes?  Some of ‘em are pretty sweet!”
Morality giggled at his own pun, hands clasping together and joy melting into something almost entirely real.
And, really, what could Virgil say, in the face of that?
On a quiet sigh of relief, he murmured, “Of course.”
Patton didn’t seem to question how out of character he was acting, thankfully.
Virgil winced at each clack.  He never would have said anyone could type passive aggressively, but Logic had apparently figured it out.  The self-proclaimed “unbiased” Side was working determinedly on his laptop, which he’d set up at the breakfast bar that morning and seemingly hadn’t moved from since.
Anxiety considered him quietly from the table, watching sidelong without turning his face from his phone.  Logan’s stiff, tense shoulders and slightly hunched posture practically radiated his irritation, and each just-slightly-too-forceful clack on the keyboard only seemed to wind him even tighter.
Without a word, Virgil calmly stood and moved to the stove.  Logic twitched, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge him at all, until the darker trait set a gently steaming cup of green tea at his side.  
This seemed to finally jerk the overworked Side’s attention from whatever document he was working on- wide eyes, the exact same shade as Thomas’ because Logan was Logic and thus unchanged by fancies of the mindspace, stared blankly at Anxiety for a moment before roving slowly to the cup by his elbow.
Virgil turned away without waiting for a response, palms gone clammy at his own ridiculous actions (why would you do that you probably made it wrong he probably thinks you’re weird you should just mind your own business fuck) and wanting nothing more than to hide in his room for a while.
“Thank you, Anxiety.”
So softly he doubted the other could hear, and without turning back:  “Of course.”
When Roman found him in the living room, one of the rare times Anxiety was hanging out in there (sometime he just needed to get out of his room, and the voices it loosed on him all night), he knew it was going to be one of those days.  One of those conversations.
Virgil tensed slightly, and when Roman snapped “Jason Toddler”  In greeting, he was sure.  The darker Side steeled himself.
“‘Sup, Princey.  What’s with the hair, get in a fight with your pillow this morning?”
Just like he’d expected, Roman turned sharply on Virgil, who stood automatically, hiding his shaking hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Really, Obnoxious Fumes?  ‘Cause I don’t think anyone who looks like they fell out of a cybergoth’s fantasy has the right - or fashion sense enough - to be making comments.”  The Prince snapped, face darker than Virgil’s comment had warranted, and the embodiment of anxiety braced himself.  He knew Roman needed this, needed to lash out somehow, and that it couldn’t be at Patton, who'd be heartbroken, or Logan who’d take it too personally.
Virgil had always made a good scapegoat.
It was another ten minutes of increasingly cutting quips before they got loud enough that Logan heard them and harsh enough that Patton felt them through Thomas.
“Stop!”  Their heart yelled, silencing both of them (though anxiety had calmed as soon as the other entered the room- he couldn’t handle the thought of catching Patton in the cross-fire).
Roman finally stepped away, and already he could see something loosened in the others frame, as strange as it seemed.  Patton glared them down, and Logan shot them a disapproving glance before returning to his room to read or finish whatever they’d distracted him from.
“Thanks for the pointless argument,”  Roman snarled, heavy with sarcasm and laced with a hidden, desperate kind of honesty.
“Of course, Princey.  Any time.”
Virgil never thought himself capable of leaving them, leaving Thomas, but he’s always been a selfish creature (he’s better off without me they’ll be so much happier what do I even give them what can I offer without hurting them fucking buck up they’ll be happier this way just leave).
Still, he hates himself a little more after, and he’s not sure if it’s for leaving or for waiting so long to do it.
And then they come for him.
They learn his name. (My name is Virgil- there, it’s like a band-aid, just rip it off-)
They don’t leave.  He still doesn’t know what to do with that.
Virgil’s gaze flicks up from his phone, instantly aware of how pale and tired Patton looks, freckles stark against his usually pink-flushed cheeks.  “Yeah, Pat?”
The other grins at him, still too good at lying for Virgil to be at all comfortable with.  “I don’t want to bother you, and it’s nothing at all important really, I just wanted to ask- if you’re not busy, y’know, if you might-”
“What do you need, Patton?”  Their heart’s smile falters a little at his quiet rasp, but he tries again.
“Oh, I was just wondering if you’d like to watch some cartoons with your ol’ fun-loving father figure friendo.  If you’re not busy.”
And Virgil’s still learning how to let himself be so openly gentle, but Patton’s never been all that hard for him to reach for, and really, what else could he say?
“Of course.”
He glances up at Logan’s arrival, and can’t help a small smile.  The other Side carries an Agatha Christie book in one hand, coffee mug in the other, and he actually bumps into the door jam on his way in, eyes glued to the pages.
“Hey, Logan.”
His head jerks up at Virgil’s voice, and he offers a small nod, something warming in his face.  Virgil doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to that reaction, can’t stop his smile or the shaking in his hands.
“Hello, Virgil.  How are you?”
“Good,” he murmurs, ducking slightly to see the cover of Logan’s book as the other sits at the counter beside him.  “What’s the latest research topic?”
The Sides eyes light up, and he straightens, hands darting up to gesture as he flies into a ramble about something to do with the stars.  Virgil watches quietly, sipping at his coffee, and humming at the right moments to show his attention.  Logan has a problem with being heard- he gets defensive if he feels like the person he’s speaking to doesn’t care about what he has to say, and he’ll stop talking altogether.
After an hour or so, Logic’s words peter out, and he adjusts his glasses self-consciously.  “Thank you for asking. I… hm, yes, thank you.”
Virgil’s lips quirk at Logan’s awkward cough, and he stands to refill their mugs.  “Of course.”
“Hello, Cloud Gloom.”  Roman’s grand pronunciation seems strangely subdued, though it isn’t super obvious.
“‘Sup, Roman.”  Virgil watches him steadily, still and calm (he’s still getting used to not tensing up when the other walks in).  Roman holds up well enough for a few seconds, and then starts to squirm under his gaze.
“So, what are you angsting about in this little corner of the mindscape?”
Virgil raises an eyebrow and casts a pointed look around the common room he’s currently occupying.  Roman shifts uncomfortably before throwing his body into motion again, all grand gestures and determination.  “Well, no need to be shy, Welcome to the Purple Parade.”
Virgil tilts his head slightly, dropping his gaze back to his phone.  “C’mere.”
Roman stutters to a halt.  “What?”
“Come here.”  The darker trait nods to the couch next to him, glancing up only briefly.
Roman hesitates, seems to consider fleeing, but eventually moves to perch beside him.  Virgil holds still for a minute, letting the other relax, before shifting over to rest his weight against the royal.  The other stiffens in shock at the contact, but Virgil ignores it, queuing up a buzzfeed video he knows Roman will like and settling in, weight firmly holding the other Side in place.
Gradually, he relaxes, and the darker trait elects not to mention it.  Just pulls up another video, resolved to pretend this isn’t happening if it’ll make the both of them less awkward.
Of course, Roman never does what’s expected of him.
“... Virgil?”
“Yeah, Princey?”
“... Thanks.”
And, really, Virgil has only ever had one response when it comes to these three.
“Of course.”
Billy Raffoul
James Bay
Amber Run
(playlist "Of Course" is on Spotify, under the profile "RainyJames")
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kirigaya-art · 6 years
Patton giggled into his sweater sleeves, gazing up at the screen as one of the protagonists of the movie walked through the house. "Ooh, this is creepy!"
Logan's brows furrowed, and he looked down at Patton. "At the most, it's suspenseful. We haven't even seen anything scary yet, just the unsettling atmosphere."
Virgil shuddered under the large blanket he and Patton were sharing. He squinted at the screen, unsure whether or not he wanted to look. "I agree with Pat," he mumbled. "This is freaky."
Roman rolled his eyes, leaning back against the back of the couch from where he sat next to Logan. "Don't tell me you two are scared already?" He didn't mention the way his heart was pounding.
Logan glanced over at Roman, smirking. "Oh? And you're not?"
Roman huffed, crossing his arms. "I-- that's--"
Virgil turned back to look at him, one eyebrow raised. "Wait... are you scared or not?"
Roman's face flushed slightly, and he tilted his chin up to hide it. "Of course I'm not scared!"
A soft breath brushed over Roman's ear. "Are you sure?"
Roman shrieked, flying off the couch and tripping over the blanket. He hit the ground with a rather large thump, but ignored the pain in favor of turning to gape at whoever-- or whatever-- had whispered in his ear. His eyes widened as he took in a humanoid figure, just slightly... off.
"Deceit!" He yelped, unable to tear his eyes away from his scales.
Virgil sighed, looking more annoyed than scared as he reached for the remote and paused the movie. "What's wrong, Dee?"
Deceit snorted. "I don't know, but the absolute last person to ask is Creativity."
The other three turned to look at Roman questioningly, who glanced around questioningly. "What? What do you want?"
Logan crossed his arms. "Of course I'm not scared," he replied.
Roman flushed as red as his sash (or in this case, his sweater). "That's-- so what?"
"So you set off Deceit's hidey sense," Logan quipped.
Patton squealed. "Dad joke!"
Deceit chuckled darkly. "You're all quick to catch on."
Logan glared at him. "Are you calling me slow?"
Roman floundered to stand, brushing himself on. "Yes, yes, this is all hilarious, and yes, I'm terrified of this movie. Can you leave us alone now?"
Deceit's smug smile fell. "Of course. All I'm good for is popping in to tell you when you're lying, and then I'm more than happy to leave." He pushed himself back from the couch and turned, starting to walk away.
"Wait!" Virgil stretched out a hand, despite being much too far away to stop Deceit. "Are..." he hesitated, still a little confused. "Are you trying to say you want to stay?"
Deceit sneered. "Of course not. I despise horror movies. And there is no way in any timeline that I'd want to spend time with you idiots."
Logan, Patton, and Roman gaped at him, but Virgil just shook his head.
Logan cleared his throat. "If... if you'd like to stay--"
Patton grabbed at Logan's leg, shaking his head. "Um, actually, Deceit, maybe there's a different movie you'd like to see!" He ducked his head. "By yourself..."
Virgil frowned, turning to Patton. "Jeez, Patton. Really?"
Patton winced. "You guys know we don't get along..."
Deceit frowned. "Yes, because you try so hard to adapt."
Patton bit his lip. "I..." He looked up at Deceit, eyes wide.
Virgil placed a hand on Patton's shoulder. "I get that it's difficult, but you all managed to accept me, right?"
Roman sighed. "Took two episodes, but you're right."
Patton shook his head. "This is different!"
Deceit groaned. "Oh, it's alright, I'm not right in front of you, and I can't hear any of this conversation."
Patton's bottom lip wobbled. "I don't want to exclude anyone, but you're, like... my direct opposite."
Deceit's forked tongue clicked. "I understand."
Virgil's grip on Patton's shoulder tightened. "Patton, he didn't ask to immediately become your best friend, right? He just wants to watch a movie with us. Is that too much to ask? I know I would have appreciated something like that before I joined you all."
Patton looked over at him, surprised. He seemed to be following the train of logic (despite it not coming from Logan). "I..."
Roman and Logan hesitantly looked towards Patton, and while they didn't look particularly excited, it seemed like they shared Virgil's hope for a truce. Patton scanned over their faces, nose scrunching in thought.
Deceit's eyes widened. "What?"
Patton smiled. "Come sit with us!" He patted the floor next to him on the side opposite Virgil.
Deceit shook his head. "That's-- really? You mean it?"
Patton chuckled. "You'd know if I was lying!"
Scary Movie Night
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roxiusagi · 6 years
Tumblr media
Inktober day 7 - Exhausted
first of all, it looked quite nice when the only parts colored were the sides, but then, and Wixi can confirm because she was on the line with me while it happened, everything went horribly wrong.
i tried to colour the couch and the colour was off, everything blended together, it was patchy, i screamed (rip Wixi for having to suffer through that) and i am really mad because it kinda ruined the piece.
/btw click for better quality/
...but it could have be worse i guess, just wanted to draw my exhausted boiis after long day.
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thechildoflightning · 4 years
Pumpkin Ch2- Funnel
Title: Pumpkin [Masterpost]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: LAMP/CALM
Chapter Title: Funnel- Chapter Two
Family traditions are something Virgil’s never really had in a good way before. He had traditions- rituals- in his life once. But they weren’t the good kind. After, well his father had tried and they did have small traditions. But for the most part, Virgil never had that chance, never had the chance to create small little traditions with his family.
And now he does. He has that chance.
[ao3 link]
Funnel- Chapter Two
It’s Kit who sees the pony first, just as they finally escape from the maze. His ears go on end and his nose points towards it, attention singularly focused on the mysterious animal.
“Kit,” Roman chides, not realizing yet what had caught his attention.
Kit turns back to Roman, focus waving between him and the pony, obviously wanting to behave but being distracted by the new animal and scents.
“He sees the pony,” Virgil comments, following Kit’s line of sight.
Roman turns, and his eyes light up.
“He hasn’t seen a pony before,” Logan notes from next to them. Virgil nods, and they walk towards the small animal pens.
Kit goes with them, enthusiastic but cautious. His ears are pricked up and his nose is sniffing like crazy, trying to decipher all the smells. 
When they reach the fence, Kit goes right up to it, sniffing at the pony. The pony looks down at him in equal interest and leans down to meet Kit. The pony gives a wide snort, nostrils flaring, and Kit darts back a few paces before cautiously coming forward. He reaches through the fence and wacks the pony’s nose.
“Kit!” Virgil says unsure whether to laugh or admonish the pup. The pony sees fine and there’s no harm done, but Kit also can’t go around batting animals. Though to be fair, the pony is also something he has never seen before.
Virgil just settles for shaking his head, not bothering to correct it unless it happens again. He’ll keep an eye out, that’s enough for now.
“Look, there’s ducklings,” Patton says, pointing over to one of the enclosures. The follow his lead to the new fenced off area where a few ducks and numerous ducklings lie. Starting there, they go down the line, cooing at all the animals that are particularly cute. They get to the pigs later, and Logan reads out the names for them on the plaque.
Virgil doesn’t pay much attention, eyes locked on the critters, but the last name makes him pause.
“Wait what did you say the pig was named?” Virgil asked.
“Waddles,” Logan said.
“That’s from a thing. I don’t know what thing. But it’s from a thing. What’s it from?”
His spouses give him shrugs so Virgil pulls out his phone to check. He knows it’s from something, and it’ll bug him all day if he doesn't check now.
“Gravity Falls,” he says outloud, “It’s from Gravity Falls.”
“Oh yeah!” Patton says, “Yeah it’s Mabel’s pig.”
“Who’s Mabel?” Virgil asks.
“You know Waddles but not Mabel?”
“No,” Virgil shakes his head and tries to figure it out, “Like- I recognize both names. But I don’t know from what.”
He searches up Mabel from Gravity Falls, and he suddenly knows where he’s seen the cute animation style before.
“Picani,” he realizes, “Picani has a poster in his office.”
Well- Picani has many posters in his office. But there’s definitely a Gravity Falls one now that Virgil thinks about it. With a boy and a girl in the center with a pig and somewhere in the background there’s a floating triangle with an eye. Oh and a weird uncle.
“Hmm,” Patton hums, “We should watch it. It’s a good show. Cute. About these two twins who go spend the summer with their great uncle where a bunch of weird supernatural stuff happens. I think there would definitely be triggers for you though. We can check ‘Does the Dog Die?.’”
“Oh I think my sister’s seen this show!” Roman chimes in, “Wait is one of the twins trans? I’m like 90% sure she said one of them was trans. Or both. Was it both?”
“...Technically neither of them are trans?” Patton admits, “But they’re both trans now. Because I’m trans and I say so.”
“Valid,” Virgil says.
He’s quickly followed by Roman’s, “Mood.”
“Did Esther like the show?” Logan asks.
“Hmm? Oh uh- I think so?” Roman replies, face scrunching up into an adorable frown, “I can ask.”
“Is there actually any queer representation in it?”
“I think so,” Patton says, “There was something and I know it was a big deal but I don’t remember exactly.”
Logan hums and turns back to the pigs.
“Which one’s Waddles?” Logan asks.
“I think that one?” Roman says, pointing at the one in the far corner. “It has the same spots as the picture.”
Logan nods, and they stare at the pigs a bit longer before moving on.
The goats are last and by far the most fun. They seemed to almost play with each other, bleating and jumping around. They also engage in a bit of staring and bouncing with Kit and Trixie. The goats seem fascinated and entertained by the pups, and the pups seem equally fascinated and entertained in return.
In fact, they got so caught up in watching the goats and dogs tease each other, that they completely missed the last goat.
“Ow!” Roman yelps, falling back from the fence.
“What?!” Virgil responds instantly, narrowing in on Roman for any signs of harm or injury.
“It bit me!” Roman complains loudly.
“The goat! It bit me!”
“Are you okay?” Virgil presses, still worried.
“Oh yeah I’m fine,” Roman easily dismisses. “But hey! It bit me! And it chewed through my jeans!”
He turns to face the tree of them, pointing out the chewed away fabric near his knee.
Patton stifles a giggle, leaning into Virgil’s side at the sight as Roman continues to look highly offended.
Roman ignores them, and instead struts right back over to the goats.
“That wasn’t nice,” he says directly to the goat that bit him, “That wasn’t nice at all. You’re mean.”
“The goat doesn’t understand you,” Logan inputs, “In addition I very much doubt  it has the capacity to consciously make a choice to be mean or unkind or to feel similar complex emotions and intend to perform actions that follow through with those complex emotions. But I’m unsure. I don’t know much about goats. But it is a goat Roman.”
“I don’t care!” Roman says loudly.
Logan shrinks ever so minutely. Roman still isn’t facing them.
“I don’t care,” Roman repeats, and carries on, “Your goat facts are very interesting Logan, thanks for sharing.” Logan straightens a bit, and bounces on his toes. “But I’m human and I’m going to project my goddamn emotions on these evil goats if I so please.”
Patton continues to snort into Virgil’s side. Virgil wraps an arm around him and watches the entertaining interaction.
“As long as you’re aware that you’re projecting your emotions onto the goat,” Logan supports.
“Heck yeah. They’re mean goats. I’m doing the healthy anger projection thing. What’s that called?”
“You’re generally discouraged from projecting in therapy,” Patton adds, the same time Virgil adds, “Equine Therapy.”
“Oh yeah, animal-assisted therapies are a good example,” Patton agrees, “Cause sometimes we need to project. But projecting onto actual people can hurt them and hurt our relationships with them. Projecting onto animals can create a healthy release for certain emotions when done in a proper setting. Equine therapy is a great example of that.”
Roman nods, still glaring at the tiny goat in front of him.
“I’m calling this mad-at-goats therapy,” he declares, before giving one last piercing stare at the ‘evil’ goat, before his face softens. “He’s kinda cute though. Now I feel bad for him. I’m sorry goat.” He reaches his hand back over the fence and the goat sniffs it gently. “Hey can we get a pet goat?”
A quick flip from hating goats to loving them isn’t exactly something Virgil would expect from most people, but from Roman it’s hardly a surprise.
“I’m vetoing goats,” Virgil informs him.
Roman grumbles, faux annoyed.
“We all agreed when moving in with Virgil that he got veto rights on any pets,” Logan mentions at Roman’s grumbling.
At the comment, Roman finally turns back to face them at all.
“I know,” Roman says, “I was teasing. I don’t actually want a goat, and I’m not mad at Virgil for vetoing the goat even if I did want one. It was very kind of you to gently but firmly remind me of a preestablished agreement we had come to.”
Roman rejoins them, and they continue to stand in eyesight of the goat enclosure, while still being out of reach and out of the way of all the other people who want to check them out.
“Oh. Okay. I don’t want a goat either. I suspect they would need exercise, but seem very difficult to walk,” Logan muses.
They all glance over at the leaping animals.
“Yeah,” Virgil agrees, “We can barely manage a puppy as is.”
Patton gasps.
“Don’t talk about my son that way!” Patton insists, glancing down at Kit at his feet. He looks back at Virgil. “Can you pick him up for me?” Virgil nods and reaches down to pick up the small pup before trading the puppy for Patton’s cane so Patton can hold his small body in two hands.
“Don’t listen to them Kit,” Patton coos, “They’re just mean. You’re a lovely perfect darling who could never do anything wrong.”
“Hey! I thought I was the lovely perfect darling who could never do anything wrong!” Roman protests.
“No love. You’re the darling who decides it’s a smart idea to stand up on your desk during college to debate with a classmate and then fall off it and get a concussion.”
“Okay, that was once!” Roman argues, “And come on, it’s not fair using that against me twice in one day.”
Patton’s eyebrows knit together.
“I mentioned that earlier?” 
The sentence is much more of a question than a statement.
“Yeah. I almost fell off the hay bales in the corn maze,” Roman reminds.
“Ah right,” Patton nods, “I remember the hay bales You almost fell off?”
“I mean yes but nope. Completely fine. No near falls or misses or anything like that. But yes I almost fell.”
“He almost face planted,” Virgil supports.
“But I didn’t!” Roman says, voice rising at the end.
“You need to be more careful,” Patton chides. A shifts on his feet a bit and grimances slightly, “We don’t need someone splitting open their head at the pumpkin patch.”
A searing picture burns through Virgil’s mind. One of human skull and brain matter. Of blood and bones and-
Trixie presses against his leg. Virgil shakes the past from his mind and takes an even breath.
“Hm?” Virgil responds, turning his gaze back to Patton as Trixie stays at his side. Patton watches him carefully. 
“Oh, I’m good,” Virgil says, soothing Patton’s concern.
Patton nods and shifts again. Kit squirms lightly in his hands.
“Want to trade back?” Patton asks, nodding at his cane.
They switch again, and Kit gets transferred to Roman’s arms after Virgil instead of back to the ground. Roman holds him close and gives small cooing noises as Kit squirms enthusiastically at the attention.
“Can we sit?” Patton asks, “My hip’s hurting.”
The group quickly agrees and they find an open bench nearby. They take a minute, just sitting, taking in the scenery. The pumpkin patch is large, and the actual pumpkin patch part of the pumpkin patch is even larger. The fields stretch off into one direction, quite a few people wandering around them to pick their own pumpkins.
“We should get funnel cake,” Roman says abruptly.
“Oh yes.”
“I’ve actually never had funnel cake,” Virgil admits.
“What?” Roman says, whipping to catch Virgil’s gaze and mouth hanging slightly opened, “You’ve never had funnel cake? Ever?”
Virgil’s told his spouses a lot of weird, fucked up things over the years. But of course this simple detail about a dessert he has yet to try would be one of the things that managed to shock Roman completely.
“We didn’t exactly get dessert in a doomsday cult,” Virgil explains, voice light.
“Okay, first off, you weren’t in a doomsday cult just fucked up weird religious shit. Second of all, You had what…” Roman takes a moment to fumble over the dates, “fifteen-ish years since then. And you still haven’t had funnel cake.”
Of course Roman’s going to focus on the funnel cake. 
Virgil shrugs in response.
“Unacceptable, we’re definitely going to get funnel cake now. You have to try it.”
“Don’t make him try it,” Logan immediately jumps in.
Roman turns to him, seemingly a bit lost for words.
“...Why not?”
Logan taps his foot on the ground. Patton reaches up to settle a hand on his shoulder before thinking better and dropping it.
“It should be Virgil’s choice. Don’t make him.”
Logan’s gaze is downcast and his hands wring together in what Virgil knows is an anxious stim. Roman seems to recognize the stim for what it is as well, and his face and body relax.
“Oh of course,” Roman agrees, switching from light teasing to pure honesty, “Sorry I was probably a bit unclear. I meant that I suggest Virgil tries it, and I encourage him to, but if he really doesn’t want to, I’m not going to force him.”
Logan nods, but frowns. He starts rocking slightly.
“Lo? You alright?” Virgil asks.
“I think-” Logan hesitates, “I think I’m overstimulated. I feel- not bad… but not good. It’s- static, but not static? Buzzing perhaps. I think I’ll stay with Patton if you’re going to get funnel cake.”
“Would you like a firm hug? For a pressure stim? Or touching in a different way?” Patton asks.
“Don’t touch me,” Logan responds immediately.
Patton nods, and listens.
“Apologies,” Logan says after a minute, “That was rude. I meant-”
Logan doesn’t finish and scrunches his shoulders in towards his body, face still downcast.
“Are words hard right now Logan?”
Logan hesitates before nodding.
“Okay,” Patton replies, “Well I don’t need an apology. I think ‘don’t touch me’ is a perfectly fine way of communicating you wouldn’t like touch. It was direct, and some people may take it as rude, but I know that wasn’t your intention and that communicating is hard right. It was a fine way to say that.”
“Okay,” Logan agrees.
“Do we still want funnel cake?” Roman asks for a moment, looking at the group.
Virgil considers, “Yeah why not try it?”
“Heck yes,” Roman says, “that’s the type of attitude I like.”
Roman pulls Virgil away to go get funnel cake, giving Patton and Logan a bit of space in the meantime. It seems to help somewhat, because when the return with treat in hand, Logan looks much calmer and less overwhelmed.
Roman presents the funnel cake dramatically, causing Patton to giggle and Virgil to elbow him gently. They pass around forks and dig in.
Virgil has to admit it’s not half bad. He wouldn’t want it every day- the flavor and taste being much too overwhelming for everyday consumption. But the treat seems to fit in perfectly with today, and Virgil can appreciate that. Some foods are just made for certain occasions. Like latkes during Hanukkah.
They finish the treat, throwing away the trash before settling on a bench all together to make a decision on their next move.
“Pumpkins?” Patton asks.
There’s no objections, and as such, they all start moving towards the field of orange.
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Just Tell My Crush I Like Him
This was it. This was the day Virgil was gonna confess...except he couldn’t. He promised the he’d confess today but he just didn’t feel comfortable so, he did the next best thing.
Virgil rants with his crushes about his other crushes and none of them know he likes more than one of them
Pairing: LAMP
Warnings: Self deprication and a slightly sexual joke
Tags: Pining, fluff, angst, and a touch of chaos?
Chapter 1
If there was one thing Virgil could do, it was talk about his crushes for hours upon hours. During different days, Virgil would spend one on one time with different sides: On draining days- he'd recuperate in Logan's room, on emotional days-he'd bake with Patton, and on inspired days- he'd participate in a craft with Roman. At least, that'd how it started. A few days a month, he'd somehow end up with the other three, typically under those circumstances. Logan would invite him to spend time in his room as the other read. They would interact a bit here and there, sometimes sharing whatever they were looking at and debating the subject. Mostly though, days in Logan's room were just a relaxed way to spend time with each other. If Virgil was ever significantly distressed, Patton would ask Virgil to bake with him. Virgil accepted as the change of scenery and activity helped the anxious side calm down. In some cases, the baking even made him excited. After a particularly wonderful day, Virgil asked Patton if he'd like to bake. Now, he was definitely a tad bit nervous, but he knew it would make the other's day. Patton was certainly surprised but visibly excited. After that, baking became their thing: no longer as just a way to recover, but as a way to just spend time together. Virgil's first encounter spending one on one time with Roman was a bit different. Unlike the others who wanted to spend time with Virgil in those instances, Roman needed a helping hand and the others were preoccupied with one of Thomas's dilemmas. Roman didn't mind having Virgil be the one to help however, he was a bit weary due to never interacting with Virgil separate from the group. Their interaction was uncomfortable for a few minutes before they started playfully bickering as Roman led him into Imagination. Virgil leant Roman a second pair of eyes (not literally, Remus) as he observed the prince's painting. He had spent days slaving away on it and every second paid off thanks to the look on the shorter side's face. He-was-spellbound. The painting depicted a mixture of things the sides enjoyed but surprisingly the differences in interests complimented each other beautifully in the swirl of colors. Once Virgil was finally able to tear his eyes away, he complimented the prince and for the first time in his life, had no pointers to give. Roman didn't even try to contain his joy at the response. And yet even after receiving no helpful advice, Roman asked him for his opinion again, on another project. At some point Roman began helping Virgil with his drawing techniques while Virgil helped Roman with specifically dark or disney themed projects. Virgil helped when Roman created another castle in Imagination, only this time it had elements from every single Disney movie in existence: Pete's Dragon, Treasure Planet, you name it! (And let's just say Virgil made sure to leave a few extra surprises for Roman in that castle of his.)
Despite his effort to remain distanced from the others, Virgil found himself looking forward to every moment he spent with them. Light hearted conversations and banter with the others began to give way to something Virgil was extremely unfamiliar with. Conversations began going deeper and deeper and deeper still and this stirred something in Virgil that he didn't know he had the capacity for, love. Learning the though processes and dreams of the others along with their unfiltered care for him lead Virgil to fall deeply for them. The more time he spent with them, the more time he wanted to spend with them. Family meals and movie nights became more lively as they all became closer and he wouldn't trade that for any-well, maybe...no. He wouldn't trade that for anything. As they revealed personal things about themselves, Virgil began to as well. He was admittedly slower to open up but all three of them were patient, nonetheless.
Unfortunately, his feelings couldn't stay hidden. After a nice debate in the starry room followed by scrolling through tumblr and reading respectively, the silent agreement to avoid that territory was breached.
"May I inquire something?"
Virgil raised an eyebrow, "Shoot."
"I have nothing to 'shoot' at you, and even if I did, I doubt I would be inclined to do so."
"It's means ask away, buddy."
Logan loosened his tie seeming almost nervous as he spoke, "Do you possess romantic feelings for anyone?"
Virgil's body went ridged. Did he know? Virgil stuffed his phone into his pocket and kept his hands there as well. As much as he'd rather escape into the world of tumblr, if he held his phone any longer Logan might have noticed how much his hands had begun to shake from nervousness. Virgil tried to force his shoulders to relax as he shifted into a more comfortable position,
"What brought this on?"
Okay, that was good. Figure out how much he knows or thinks he knows and figure out a way to counter, just like any other debate.
"I've noticed an increase in the length of time you spend around Patton, along with more of a variety of expressions than you had previously shown when exposed to him, and an increase in the length and frequency of your time spent 'spacing out' or as Patton would say, during your 'daydreams.'
Virgil opened his mouth only to close it again, he had no idea how to respond to being caught but boy was Logan attractive when he did that. Shaking his head and snapping out of it, Virgil simply nodded. Logan gave him a small timid smile as he asked if the emo would like any advice, if he needed it, because despite not experiencing a relationship himself, Logan did have some helpful information about them in his pretty little head. "I'd uh I'd like that, thanks Lo," Virgil gave a two finger salute before slipping out of the room. It was a little earlier than he'd normally leave but not so early that he'd seem upset. This was a relatively rare occurrence, as he would spend every moment with Logan that he could, but what the heck it was a pretty weird day already and Virgil had a few things he needed to wrap his head around.
“And then he just winked at me! Completely unaware of how adorable what he just did was! I swear that one is gonna be the death of me!” The logical side chuckled at this, Virgil had previously explained the phrase and it was certainly entertaining to see it in use.
“And did you feel his hair? Softest thing in the world I’m telling you. I just wanna hug him and never let go.”
“He is quite endearing.” A content sigh escaped the shorter one’s lips, “You can say that again.”
The next to find out was Roman. The prince gently rested his sword on his shoulder as the walked, similarly to how a guard would in old movies. The atmosphere was intoxicating from exotic plants to mystical beasts, this part of Imagination was not to be missed. They walked along the stone path as the Prince strayed from their previous subject, “He’s just soooooooooo annoying.”
Virgil gave him a look, “Who?”
“Logan. It’s just.he. He just. He’ll correct some of my ideas which can be helpful but is sometimes just hurtful but then there are these other times,” he trailed off for a moment as a dreamy look crossed his features, “and he’ll give me this smile.”
“So you’re upset he smiles at you?” Virgil didn’t know whether to be exasperated or amused. “No well uhm yes? It’s just so annoying. Have you seen the way he flips his hair out of his face after working out?” Roman turned to look beside him, only to find that Virgil had stopped walking a few feet back.
“Wait I’m not the only one?” Virgil took a quick few steps and stood facing Roman.
“The only one what?” Virgil was too wrapped up in the fact that he wasn’t alone in this that he didn’t hesitate to answer.
“Not the only one that finds that extremely attractive.”
“Wait, you too? Yes he’s so freaking hot! And he, somehow doesn’t even know it.” Roman’s arms were thrown around in all directions as they fanboyed over the freaking hot guy who had no idea when he was being awfully distracting. They stopped by a creak along the path and Roman kneeled down to drink some. Virgil leant against a tree as he waited for his companion. Roman coughed for a minute or two before breathing steadily once more.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, choked on the water. Nothing shall ever defeat this prince! Nothing can choke me no manticore or spider people, I shan’t lose to this liquid again!” He claimed.
“You’d let Logan choke you,” Virgil smirked. Roman sputtered in response before increasing his speed as he stepped back onto the stone path, so that Virgil couldn’t see his blushing face. He muttered an embarrassed, “You’re not wrong” before attempting to distract the other. Virgil found his response surprisingly adorable as he sped up and fell into step beside him. He wasn’t gonna let Princey live this down but he’d let it go for now.
And lastly, Patton found out during one of their baking sessions. Patton had just finished washing the dough off his hands as they waited for the cookies to bake when he asked the question “Have you ever fallen for someone before?” Virgil was incredibly nervous at the question but quickly decided he do what he tried to do when Logan asked. He just has find out how much Patton knows and deny it. “Why? What’s up?” Patton sighed at the non answer, “It’s just, I have so many feelings. You know, I’m Thomas’s feelings, so does that mean that nobody else can have crushes?” Patton tried to dry of his sweaty hands on his apron, but it was no use. “I don’t think that’s the case. You know we can all feel other emotions so why would feeling-feelings be any different?”
“I have no way to be sure. There are so many things we still don’t understand about ourselves and other sides. I could spend my entire time pining and never know whether or not there’s even a possibility of having a shot.” Patton looked so lost that Virgil let his guard down just a tad, “At the very least at least two of us, other than you, have those kinds of feelings.” Patton’s eyes lit up, “Wait really?” At Virgil’s nod Patton started hopping up and down in excitement. After the initial excitement wore off Patton looked a bit perplexed, “How do you know? That the other person has feelings, I mean.”
“Well, we’ve talked about feelings like that before.” “Is it okay for me to ask who the other guy with feelings is?” Virgil thought for a moment, “I don’t think he’d mind me saying, he’s literally the side that covers romantic stuff.”
Patton practically squealed, “Roman!”
“Yep,” Virgil said popping the ‘p’
“I bet he’d be super romantic. Probably do all of those grand romantic gestures.”
Virgil would have laughed if Patton hadn’t looked so invested, “Yeah that’s actually like half of what he talks about.”
“I wish someone would do that for me.” Virgil frowned at Patton’s disappointment, “I’m willing to bet a limb that someone will.” Patton gave a small genuine smile, at that.
“So how about you?”
“Would you like to be swept off of your feet?” “Depends on the person and how they do it. As long as they didn’t pressure me into anything or make me feel extremely uncomfortable, I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Wait, really? I thought you’d be against that kind of thing.”
“Nah, I mean I’m not dying for it to happen but I think it’s really sweet. Shows how much they care, ya know?” Patton smiled and ruffled Virgil’s hair, “Yeah, I think so.” The timer went off and Patton hopped over to the oven, earning a smile from V. Something was tossed onto Patton’s chest as he struggled to catch it, “Forgetting something?” Patton stared at Virgil with a puzzled expression before both of them said, “Mittens,” at the same time. The little guy had a habit of forgetting the oven mitts and burning his hands, while baking. Patton put them on his hands before pulling out the hot tray of goey cookies and breathing in the smell. The scent was a mixture of butter, flour, sugar, and chocolate, it was his favorite smell. Patton’s blissful expression caused Virgil to melt a little bit inside. They snacked on a few cookies and put the rest in a bowl, for later. The question from earlier got him thinking, “Hey, Pat?” “Yeah, kiddo?” “If you could date any of the sides who would you pick?” Patton looked away, a little embarrassed, “I’d probably pick Roman.”
“Okay yeah, I can see that.” “What about you?” Virgil had already kinda told the other two about two of his crushes so maybe it would be nice to have someone to talk about his last crush with? Well, he was about to find out. “I guess, Roman.” Patton was caught a little off guard but started gushing over how sweet Roman was and how he subtlety made sure all of the others were taken care of, in a way that differed from the others. Logan made sure they were physically taken care of, Virgil made sure they were safe, Patton made sure they were taken care of-emotionally, and Roman was extremely protective of them but tried to cover it up. They all had their ways of looking out for each other, one they all had in common was ranting. Whenever a side was stressed or confused or really happy, the sides would rant to each other and the receiving side, no matter who it was, always listened and helped where they could. Patton and Virgil had a new topic to talk about. Whenever Roman made something for Pat or did something out of the ordinary when with Virgil, they would meet up and talk about how incredibly sweet, dumb, and just overall ridiculous he was.
As amazing as this was, this was bad. This was so so bad! Virgil knew that Patton had feelings for Roman and Roman had feelings for Logan but he didn’t know if Logan liked anyone. It felt wrong hiding what he knew from his friends, especially since he hadn’t told them everything right off the bat. But, there was no way he could tell them that he liked all of them. He knew for a fact that they cared about him a great deal but that it was platonic, I mean he knew their crushes so how could they like him.
After a couple months of all of this, Logan forced him into a position he would rather not be in. Logan had informed him that while it was beneficial to confide in him with his feelings, it would leave him feeling unhappy if he did nothing about it. Something about it not being fair to let Virgil hurt and continue pining when he was certain Patton returned his feelings. What Logan didn’t know is that Patton liked Roman! Nonetheless, Logan had stated that either Virgil told Patton or he would. Virgil had till the end of the week to make a decision. And here’s the thing, he couldn’t ask for advice because Roman would think that he liked Logan and not Patton and would probably try to fix things but end up making them worse. He could tell Patton that Logan had said the same thing that he had actually said to him but change the fact that he would tell Roman instead of Patton but then Patton might try to confront Logan, in a kind manner which would just result in Logan telling him anyway. It was a lose lose situation so, he did the next best thing.
During a break between the movies of a nice movie night Virgil did the only thing he could think of. Moving the popcorn off of his lap and getting off of the couch, he double checked to make sure everyone that needed to be there was in the room. It wouldn’t be very smart to say something while Patton was grabbing drinks or Roman was in the middle of a song. Virgil stood up quickly glancing at all of them before staring at the floor, “Tell my crush I like him,” the second the words escaped his mouth, Virgil bolted out of the room. Even if the others hadn’t been stunned by the fact that he was telling them to tell his crush that he liked them, they still wouldn’t have been able to stop him from leaving. Logan was the first to break the silence by clearing his throat.
Chapter 3 is up on Ao3 :D
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secretfamdertine · 6 years
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    Welcome to the 2019 Secret Famdertine!
@dramaticallyanxious​ ,
Artist but I have literally switched back and forth like 6 times in the process of filling this out so im clearly very okay with either
LAMP/CALM, logicality/glasses gays, anything with virgil. Platonic or romantic is a-ok
Im a sucker for soulmate stuff as well as found family. Especially fond of that moment a character looks over and realizes this is their family and they cant fight a grin off their face. Random other things i tend to like do to me projecting: found family after previously bad situation, touch starved, adhd & autism things, nonbinary stuff. Aro-ace spectrum. Being loved and supported unconditionally. Fluff is good. Angst is good. 
Im fine with any form of Deceit, i’d prefer no major character death
Thank you for joining!
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