#seed starters
xosimone · 5 months
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Physical media is still very important.
In 2021, I deactivated all of my social media. I had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and I found myself constantly triggered all of the time. I had been off of it for about two years, and when I finally returned, I saw so many updates from my friends, mutual friends, acquaintances, family, etc. that I had NO clue about— they were engaged, in new relationships, married, moved to new cities, graduated, having babies, and were in so many new eras that I had no clue about. They had my number, so they could have told me, and it really sucked that I didn’t get to see those exciting things in their life.
That stuck with me, and I started thinking about my family that was not on social media, namely my grandmother, who’s 91 years old, and how she may not see what is happening in the lives of her kids and grandchildren who do not live near her.
I call her often, and she used to always ask about my boyfriend and my cat and she wanted to see photos. I would send them to my aunt, and I would ask for her to show her, and sometimes she’s forget. That made me so sad that my grandma can be so disconnected from us.
So, I decided to get a camera and start taking as many photos as I could and mail them to her. I show her everything— my plants, maybe a meal I made, my cat, me while being very sleep deprived, etc.
I think she deserves to see what my life looks like, and I have fun showing her! This brings me to the point that physical media is important to have records of what life looks like for you.
Physical media is important to continue to expand the access that others have to you. I think this is relevant especially because we get so used to the prevalence of digital media and social media and we think it is connecting ourselves to the world, and to an extent it really is! But it does isolate those who aren’t on social media whether they prefer not to be on it, whether they do not have social media access due to censorship, whether they do not have social media access because they cannot afford the tools to have it, whether they do not have social media access because they cannot have access to media period (i.e. military duties), whether they do not have access to social media because it is beyond their time.
If we really think about it, we really push older people from access to us and the world in favor of something more technologically advanced, and I think that is unfair too. Accessibility means everyone can and should access it (to me at least).
Anyway, I hope this serves as a reminder or at least inspiration to continue to add physical media to how you share your lives— whether that is through journaling, letters, or even printed imagery that you can mail out.
In the meantime, I’m going to mail these to my grandmother so she can see my pretty plants, my pretty cat, and my pretty life.
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utterdrip · 4 months
ive been gardening SO much friendos would anyone be open to seeing pics?
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general-kalani · 4 months
Leaving a blood trail was never his intention, but his strengthened immunity to the Bliss unlike others, mostly because of his prolonged time in it to get used to it, had caused him to take more shots than necessary by his flock- the cult.
His brothers' cult now really.
Entering a nearby home he was thankful that, for the time being, it was empty.
No Resistance, no cult.
A blessing in his eyes, if he had to be honest.
But now, bleeding out with no chance of recovery... Well, it was only a matter of time until he died.
Sliding against a corner, no weapons on him he tried his best to stay awake but that was in vain...
He prayed that whoever entered the home next was not an enemy of some kind...
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kedreeva · 10 months
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Almost done! I collected and baked the leaf litter today, and all that's left is figuring out something for the ivy to climb. I would love a little lattice, but I haven't seen one in miniature, and I'm not sure where I would get the small flat pieces needed to make one. Perhaps I will take a trip to the hardware store to look tomorrow!
I also cleaned another batch of moss, which is air drying overnight. I'm going to use it for the baby snails containers, though depending on how many there are when they emerge, I may need to clean more 😬 I'm just glad I have easy access to free moss, because that stuff is expensive otherwise!
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thealbatrvss · 8 days
starter call — torre do relógio: open
Após uma noite confusa em que suas plantas começaram a agir de modo diferente - estranho -, Althea precisava retornar à cidade e reabastecer sua loja, precisava entregar uma encomenda grande de lavandas e principalmente, precisava dar um jeito de se alimentar. Sentia a garganta arder e doer, a sede começando a dar chatos sinais de que estava na hora de procurar uma nova fonte. A vampira franziu o cenho, poderia ser pelo cheiro forte de flores e plantas no conversível, mas a verdade é que estava imaginando o sangue sintético - vegano - que mantinha na loja por precaução. Sua mente estava completamente tomada pelo pensamento vermelho e cheiro de ferrugem que quase não notou quando uma das sombras dos transeuntes pareceu se mexer sozinha. Parada no sinal, Althea esboçou um sorriso confuso, mais divertido do que questionador, deixando sua visão seguir a sombra que tentava se desvincular da dona até que um típico som de tick-tock preencheu sua audição sensível, os olhos rapidamente seguiram a direção do barulho. A Torre do Relógio que vivia parado tinha ganhado vida, os ponteiros batendo a cada segundo marcado. Uma risada ficou presa no fundo da garganta da bruxa com a visão, enquanto estacionava o carro e parava de frente ao prédio. Ergueu a sobrancelha direta quando sentiu a presença de alguém se aproximando, mesmo que à alguns metros. — Não é engraçado como as coisas acontecem nessa cidade? — Indagou à quem se aproximava, levando a destra até o rosto e retirando os óculos escuros que sempre usava sob a luz do sol. — Pelo menos o relógio voltou a ter serventia. — Deu de ombros antes de continuar. — Até que eu gosto desse clima meio mórbido, parece que o velho Lúcifer está espreitando entre as esquinas.
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damienstarrk · 9 months
[open starter]
*New SnapChat story*
"Yo. Hitting the nearby Gym. Check the location and let's meet at up for a workout or lunch ;) 😉 😈"
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greenlaut · 7 months
when i visited european countries on a scholarship; i realised greenhouses is just one massive terrarium catered for me. warm + humid to emulate the tropics and very familiar tropical plants. i can live there no problem. giant enclosure for greenleaf.
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solarpunkani · 7 months
Saw your tags on that post about swamp milkweed about having trouble getting it started--you may already know this, but milkweed seeds need light to germinate! They only need a light dusting of soil on top of them (and putting them somewhere with a lot of light helps!); if you can't see the seed through the soil, it's buried a little too deep. They basically want to be laying flat on the surface of the soil rather than poked down into it, with just enough soil on top to help them retain moisture. Yes this does make it kind of annoying to manage moisture because you don't really want them drying out either (sorry 😭) but I hope this helps!! I mention it because this is the most common issue I see with people trying to grow milkweeds from seed. They also want 4 weeks of cold stratification (cool temperatures like in a fridge while also being in contact with moist soil; you can plant your seeds, pop the whole pot in a ziplock/cover it with cling wrap, and just refrigerate it for a few weeks) so don't forget to do that!
You know
it's really funny
because i like to call myself the self-proclaimed milkweed queen of tumblr (at least on my gardening blog but still)
And yet
constantly fucking forget about the light thing
IDK if that'll fix all my problems (the soil at my house is pretty sandy so I think that's the problem when it comes to transplanting at least) but regarding getting those little shits to germinate??? that might be the ticket
(one of the other problems I face sometimes is the seeds deciding to mold when they're in the fridge cold stratifying, i lost a good chunk of seeds to that last year but i don't see any signs of it happening yet this year so fingers crossed everyone)
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macroglossus · 18 days
took the entire month of august, two and a half bags of gf flour (over thirty dollars. of flour), about five accidental attempts at mass familial poisoning (kept making treats with the discard blissfully unaware that it wasn't actually colonized by yeast yet at all but by other less yummy bacteria [which is why the entire concoction smelled evil]), and several days of cosleeping with the jar (somehow miraculously didn't spill all over the couch/crush it) but my sourdough starter is FINALLY off the ground and healthy and making genuinely sour ass yummy bread. took four times the amount of time and significantly more resources than i expected but i put a little pink bow on her and she's so cute now that i forgive her
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mcuntainbcrn · 1 year
@starlitwishes liked for a starter!
It wasn't very often that she could sense someone watching without being able to draw a near immediate bead on them, but the feeling of unseen eyes on her was persisting far longer than it should and she couldn't feel any energy signature in particular tailing after her...and it was beginning to wear on her nerves.
Where exactly were they hiding? ...this was getting irritating - could they hear her? ...could she lure them?
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"...I know you're there - you might as well come out; my patience is quite thin."
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inhumanhacker · 5 months
Starter call. Who would like a starter?
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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"I've seen so much weird stuff since I moved to Louisiana. Started working for a man named Xander a few weeks ago and things got ten times weirder. What have I gotten my self into?"
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randompokemonfacts · 2 years
Random Fact of the Day
Daily Pokémon that was randomly selected: Bulbasaur!
Did you know that there was a strange seed planted on Bulbasaur’s back at birth? This Pokémon can be found napping in bright sunlight, absorbing the sun’s rays into the seed on its back. While it is still young, Bulbasaur will use the nutrients that are stored in this seed in order to grow!
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general-kalani · 7 months
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In John walked into his own office, whistling casually after talking to one of the Faithful, hanging the coat he had on a hangar. Time to do some work and-
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"Hello, John."
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"JESUS FUC- Joseph. My fucking god when did you get here! I wasn't told you were coming here!.. If I was told I would've greeted you personally, brother!.. Jesus you scared the shit out of me."
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"You always were fun to mess with, little brother... Lets have a chat."
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phantasmaw · 1 year
♢*   — @melodicbreeze  ​/  𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫
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  〈 ஐ* 〉┊  Vexing. That is the only word Sovann can think of to describe this particular bard's melodies. Each performance always has a way of slipping under their skin and captivating them. Like waves lapping against a rocky shore, each pluck of the lyre erodes the sharp bitterness bubbling in their veins until it's all washed away. In the absence of bitterness, yearning lingers, soft and pliable and frightening. How a simple melody strummed by a simple bard could lower their guard so effectively is entirely beyond them. That is what makes both instrument and player so vexing. And yet every night the bard has wandered out into the wilderness to play, Sovann has answered the music's beckoning call, even if only on the peripheral.
     Tonight is no different. The lyre's crystalline notes have long since coaxed them out of hiding. They lounge on their stomach atop one of the gargantuan branches reaching out from the archaic tree of Windrise. Hidden by both the dark of night and generous foliage, the displaced nightguard watches through half-lidded eyes as a cluster of fireflies waltzes to the bard's strumming. Their silvery tail twitches. The desire to hum tickles at the back of their throat, but they swallow it down. As the bard's playing slows, their eyes fall shut. Visions of glittering halls adorned with sunlit clouds float behind closed eyelids. When the breeze caresses their bare shoulder, it feels like a pair of familiar warm hands tucking them in to sleep. If they can stay like this a few moments more, then...
     The music stops. Sovann's eyes snap open. They push themself upright in time to see the bard standing. They blink in disbelief. That's it? Usually he plays at least five songs (they think; they're uncertain of when, exactly, a song begins or ends). At least long enough for the moon to rise much higher into the sky than it is now. An inexplicable burst of anger crackles down from the back of their skull and into their ribcage. It explodes against the pumping of their heart and falls into the pit of their gut, where it becomes a writhing, oily thing that steals their breath and makes a hot rash of panic sweep across their skin. Their lips curl back into a silent snarl.
      In a slash of liquid moonlight, Sovann suddenly stands in the way of the Mondstadt local. They glare down at him, eyes twin stars of molten gold that glower with discontent. One of their clawed hand brandishes their polearm. Hydro swirls in razor-sharp whirlpools at the tip of their weapon, pointed down towards the ground, but an unspoken threat nonetheless.
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      "You didn't finish," they growl, low voice scratchy from disuse and roughly shaping each word in a more dated iteration of Teyvat's common language. Their gaze flashes from the lyre, to the bard's face, to the Anemo vision hanging at his hip, and then back to his lyre. The aura of the Statue of the Seven undulates in their ear. The oily feeling slithers tight around their gut. The gesture crassly with their polearm. "Every other night you play for longer. Much longer. Why didn't you finish?"
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enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 31
In the dimly lit room, shadows played on the walls as the two figures stood close, their connection palpable. Their eyes locked, an unspoken language weaving between them.
As they gazed into each other's eyes, a magnetic force seemed to pull them closer. The air crackled with anticipation, and though their clothes remained, an invisible fire simmered beneath the surface.
His voice, a velvet whisper, brushed against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "You know, princess, you've been an awfully good girl." The words hung in the air, creating a tension that begged to be explored.
Her senses heightened as his deep chuckle reverberated. She felt herself melting, not just from the sultry words but from the promise that lingered in the air.
"Already melting for me? I haven't even done anything," he teased, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "Good girl."
The room seemed to shrink around them as the chemistry between them intensified. The unspoken desire sparked a dance of emotions, creating a story only their eyes could tell. In that moment, words became unnecessary, and the silent conversation continued in the language of stolen glances and lingering touches.
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