#seeing step nine and then episode nine is still kind of funny to me lol
Hmm will something suspicious happen
Ope no suspicious of him :o
Nooo Bobby :'(((
I've heard him say this too many times in these past few episodes 😭😭 :(( o.o
Uh oh o.o
Idk could be probably both 😭😭😭🥺💔💔😬💔
Anyway UMMM O.O???
Y'all I do not deserve this 😭
Guys I'm stressing o.o xD
That was wild y'all o.o episode and promo xd
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I LOVED this episode y'all!! Seeing Bobby's backstory was absolutely HEARTBREAKING my gosh 😭😭💔, and I'm so glad everybody's okay in present day <33. I think the relationship explored between Bobby and Amir was really interesting, and I'm glad it wasn't all just tied in a now at the end. Also the flashbacks and the backstory in general were not at all what I expected and they hurt :'). xd But yeah it was such a good episode.
This'll be pretty short bc. it was just Bobby lol.
Hen, Eddie, Buck, Chimney, Maddie, and Ravi! Missed you guys :D. I'm sure they were doing great xD. Well everyone's kinda been going through it except Buck but eh you know lol. Anyway, love them all <3.
Athena! Seeing her support Bobby is so sweet :')). They're literally the most supportive couple ever <33. Also her coming in at the end when he was injured :'D. I love them so much <333. Also, I'm glad she helped him find Amir and stuff (pretty sure she did). And that she let him do what he needed to do but still told him what she thought, that he didn't need to and such <3. I love her :')).
Bobby! DUUUUUDE he was so good this episode 😭❤️🥰. His backstory just absolutely killed me 🥺💔😭 xd. Like I said, I did not expect his drinking to go back to childhood, that's just- awful :((. That last shot of him pouring a glass and drinking it broke me 😭😭. Also him trying to save his dad :(((. I didn't register until it switched to the flashback of them taking away his dad (though to be fair Amir had only just said it, but I didn't think of it before he said it either) that he's the one he's always trying to save :'O DD':. Or more literally, the reason he's always trying to save people. That's just heartbreaking 😭😭😭🥺💔. Anyway, I'm so glad they all ended up okay in present day <33. And that Bobby never gave up, on Amir or in general :')). He got them out of there <33. And he definitely has all of those people's trust and respect now lol xdd. Hopefully he doesn't decide to do work down there now as well xD. Not that it's not good stuff to be doing, he just has awful luck and enough of a history there lol. Especially literally a history with the cartels xD. Also, I admire that he's always so compassionate in the fact that he always takes that chance to make amends. He didn't just stop because it was hard, he tracked Amir down (and then tracked him down again to save his life xd). Icon :')). Anyway, he ABSOLUTELY SLAYYYED!!! Ate it up this episode <333, as always 🥰. My boy, my babey <333. I love him so much :D ❤️❤️ <3.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :D. It was stresssfulll though man xD. Again, I'm glad everybody mad either out okay <33. Another layer on that being that I don't think Bobby could have handled losing more people right now, especially Amir :(( (though any time in his case). But everybody's okay :')) 🥰🥰🥰. I'm terrified for the next episode though lol o.o xd. HE BETTER BE OKAY 😭😭😭🥺❤️!!! Anyway, this episode was really well done, with the flashbacks and everything, and their placement. It was so good :)). Just enough heartwrenching with some victories in there xD.
So yeah! I loved this episode, it was amazing. It was cool to see the focus on Bobby, too. I'm excited and terrified for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 8: Step Nine
It was so good! I'm excited for the next episode, and to see everyone else again, but I'm also terrified for Bobby. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 9: Ashes, Ashes
See you then!
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
BNHA S2 Ep14 - About Deku
Ok hi guys, this is just a fucking appreciation post about my baby Deku (I'll probably find a way to tie it up with some bkdk knowing me lol)
This is the episode where Deku is at Gran Torino for his 1-week internship. Amidst the obvious funny parts of Gran Torino acting like an old grampa when he's sharp as fuck, what's interesting is when you stop and think about how this is one of the significant steps for Izuku to master OFA, but I don't think we talk enough about it, you know?
Like Gran Torino says, Izuku has great "analysis and prediction" skills, we've seen this from the first season, with his obsession over heroes and his notebooks and how that helped shape his thinking and make him literally think outside the box (flexible with his thinking, I mean how many would have been able to put together that fucking "Save Kacchan" plan when he got kidnapped? Or during Heroes Rising when he's the one strategising the whole defence/attack against Nine and everyone fucking listens to him aaaah my baby is so fucking brilliant 💚😭). It's no wonder it takes him less than a day to figure out how to use OFA not like something that needs to be activated but instead as a "normal" quirk which needs to run through his whole body.
The thing that is interesting though is to be able to see his thought process about all of it, it makes it so much more remarkable to realise how he puts two and two together (he's still a fucking 15-year-old kid, that's impressive if you stop to think on it for a sec) and you see him, once again, working hard to fucking try and perfect it. He's putting in all the fucking work he has to to be able to only master OFA a little bit and that's just so fucking amazing. When you compare this to everyone else in the class who had all those years to discover their quirks, what they can and cannot do, the limitations and dangers from using it etc. and then Izuku who literally had it for what, two months top? I mean, this is insane to see him level up (yeah I'm using All Might's analogy when Deku/Baku face him for the exam) that quickly (dhjepoezl no wonder Kacchan fucking got pissed when he saw this - his little nerd already catching up when he himself has been wasting his time, yeah that must have hit hard).
So yeah, Deku is a fucking beast now (in the latest season) but it's because he actually put in all the fucking work and it shows. Just like how he trained for 10 months to be able to swallow OFA - and that's also something we don't talk enough about. AND THAT'S A THIRST APPRECIATION RIGHT THERE BECAUSE HAVE YOU SEEN IZUKU'S MUSCLES DEFINITION IN THAT FUCKING EPISODE?!!!!!! Our baby cinnamon roll is hot af and you cannot tell me otherwise 👇🏼 (also OFA green lightning ouufff 🥵)
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*drops mic*
Ps: I said I'd put some bkdk in here, so: when Izu is thinking about how "stiff" he is and how to be more flexible what does he think of? Fucking Kacchan dhqdmqmq, Kacchan's moves during their first fight and yeah lol Another kind of "WWKD" moment lmao #izukuisobsessed
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wicked-ghoul · 1 year
I feel like season 7 of Dragons The Nine Realms was good but a step down from last season and I can't put my finger on why???
There was a lot I liked about it (especially the score, like, I would genuinely love a soundtrack for this shows score!), but something felt off...like...more than usual lol
I think it was the group disbanding thing...felt a little forced, thought the pay off was pretty good though.
This was the first time Jun ever actively pissed me off tho! Like, she was always obnoxious and self interested but WOW was she a pain in episode two! I literally snapped "Shut the fuck up!" at her at some point lol
Thought it was very funny that Alex had a black shirt on throughout her entire episode...like...was it to show that she was emo and edgy or something? Like she's going to the dark side, for one episode, but not really? And then in the next episode she's back to the green shirt. Just thought that was funny lol
Also, Olivia was mentioned offhandedly in the first episode and then never showed up??? Like, was her voice actress busy? What gives!? Yet another bizzare writing choice on this show's part I guess XD
Dunno how I feel about Hiccup and Toothless creating a cage for the Jormundgandr, but honestly Hiccup going down there and building a bunch of traps for dragon hunters in the first place was kind of ridiculous. My feelings on the ending of The Hidden World are complicated, I don't hate it conceptually but I've read a lot of really good arguments about why it didn't work, part of me wonders if this was the writers way of giving Hiccup and Toothless more time together? *shrug* Thought it was funny how Thunder realized his recessive gene of retractable teeth lol
this show is still very much My Trash and I am very interested to see what happens in season 8 (and I'm assuming season 9 since, you know, 9 realms lol)
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
Wandavision Ep 6 Spoilers
No really, spoilers. 
Previously on Wandavision — Wanda told SWORD to shove their drones right straight up their asses, Vision woke up to the reality that his utopian sitcom life was in fact a dystopian hellscape, their children were extremely creepy, and Agnes was being bizarre as hell and super sus. In the real world, Acting Director Dick was a dick, and Darcy and Jimmy welcomed Monica into their sciencey weird-crime-fighting team. Monica also mentioned an aerospace engineer she knows, which some suggest may be the first mention of Reed Richards in the MCU. I have conflicted feelings about the Fantastic Four. Mostly I never liked them. But, I'm open to revising my opinion.
Oh, and also X-Men 'Verse Pietro showed up suddenly and that was fun.
Anyway. the roommate and I tried to sort out a timeline — so Monica unBlips and goes back to work at SWORD three weeks later. AD Dick tells us Wanda stole Vision's body nine days previously. That means, just three weeks ago Wanda was in the middle of a battle, lost her boyfriend, was Snapped, was then unsnapped to fall right into the middle of another battle. Lost THREE additional teammates. And then sometime in the following week found out a shady government agency had Vision's body and she probably went "OH HELL NO". Because that's what I would say. So she goes to SWORD, dents a few doors, takes Vision's body and swans off to New Jersey. Look, she's been through a hell of a lot in the last couple weeks, is what I'm saying. I don't blame her a tiny bit. But, also, I don't think she's entirely behind this.
10-year old boy plus video camera = the 90s. Obnoxious opening credits. But, you know, I kind of liked them (as a one off). WAYYY better than last week's.
It's Halloween, and *sigh* Billy is breaking the fourth wall and narrating to the camera. There's childish twin bickering as you expect, Tommy's the wild and crazy twin, and Billy's the buttoned up twin. And Pietro is passed out on the couch at 4 in the afternoon. Living his best life. He teasingly scares the boys, chases them around, and there's awkward child acting.
Wanda comes down the stairs in the classic Scarlet Witch costume, and says she's a Sokovian Fortune Teller. Sokovia was more wild than I realized.
Genuinely funny flashback to Wanda and Pietro trick-or-treating in Sokovia as kids, 'the year we got typhus'. lol. Was it the fish that gave them typhus? Or was that just a special treat? Wanda doubts this version of events, and Pietro suggests she suppressed the memory due to the trauma. This gives Billy the chance to tell the camera that mom's been weird since uncle Pietro turned up to crash on their couch.
Next it's Vision's turn to appear in the classic Vision costume. Yikes. Wanda thanks him for humoring her, and he says there were no other clothes in his closet and they have a very weird second where he's not playing along and she's not sure what to do, and then he breaks into sitcom character says something about "just kidding, i know how much you love mexican wrestling" like it's a luchador costume, and then there's some super weird flirting. TMI you two.
Meanwhile, Pietro is a large child and the kids love him, of course. So there's that.
Back to Wanda and Vision, she's ready to take the kids out trick-or-treating, but Vision says he can't go, he's on the neighborhood watch and must patrol the streets ever-vigilant for wild gangs of child hooligans who might TP trees. He's gone off-script and it takes Wanda a second to figure out how to play this. She says it's the boys' first Halloween so he has to be there. Pietro breaks up the almost argument and says he can be a father figure-type and he'll help with the boys. Vision's still pretty off-script but Wanda doesn't fight it but looks uncertain, and he goes off to protect the night — or early afternoon.
Pietro is a child hooligan and wants to go do hooligany things with the kids. Wanda says he doesn't have a costume and he grabs Billy and they speed off only to return dressed in classic Quicksilver duds. Well, cheap-looking, thrown together Quicksilver duds. I laughed. The hair. lol. Good one.
Outside in the real world. The Hex field is still kind of glowing red and making bad force field noises. It only started doing that when Wanda got pissed in the last ep. Oh, goody, it's Acting Director Dick. I've learned his name is Hayward. I don't care.
Blah blah Stompy Mc-I'm-In-Charge blah. Monica is not pleased about the whole trying to kill Wanda with a missile while she was talking to her plan. AD Dick just says "now we know who we're dealing with". Um … what? You tried to kill her and her response was to tell you to go away. Yeah, boy, she's a monster.
Darcy is there to helpfully remind AD Dick that Wanda made him look like the fool he is. ILU girl. "Hey, there he is; the guy who almost got murdered by his own murder squad." Jimmy just makes a 'i'm so disappointed in you and your choices' face at him in the background.
I despise characters like Hayward. They are so tedious. Narratively they are there to incite conflict, but given the situation conflict naturally exists, surely there are other ways to bring up/drive that tension without the trope of the government heavy ready to solve the problem with the most extreme amount of force available to him. OH no! Our plucky heroes will have to find a way to save the day and fight the Man! Can they do it? Boring. It's too bad General Talbot went insane and then died; he could probably give tips on How Not To Be That Guy.
Hayward wants to know if Darcy works for him and she's like "dunno my dude", Monica claims her, AD Dick says "which one of you is the sassy best friend" and Jimmy's like, that is quite enough Acting Director Not Very Nice Man. "There's no time to diminish your colleagues when you're about to start a war you can't win." AD Dick just wants to take out Wanda so the whole nightmare ends. Monica's like um, we literally do not know what's going on. Like, for real we have no clue. So that might not, in fact, end the nightmare, Director Murder Britches.
They argue a lot and Director Dick goes off the rails. Dude's like more unhinged than seems warranted. Unless he's just so embarrassed that he pissed himself when Wanda returned his murder drone to him, he's decided SHE MUST BE DESTROYED FOR THE GOOD OF … NEW JERSEY AND MY SOILED UNDERWEAR OR SOMETHING. 
"Captain Rambeau, you are an impediment to this mission!" Oh no! He's gonna tell her all about how hard it was to survive in a post-blip world, all those lucky blipped don't know what it was like! You just can't understand! Monica tells him not to use that as an excuse to be a coward. I'm so bored with this scene. Let me guess, the trio will have to go behind his back to save the day.
"Maybe it's a good thing you weren't here with your mother died. Because, clearly you don't have the stomach for this job." … non-sequitur much? Or is he saying she would have inherited the Director-ship (which should probably not be how that sort of agency works, let's be real). Is this scene five hours long, or does it just feel that way?
The Dick banishes the trio from his base.
"Hayward is way over-stepping his provisional authority". Jimmy Woo, you're so great. Monica says he's up to something. Yeah a tactical nuke and murder. Clearly he doesn't want to actually solve the problem, he just wants the problem to go away with a big show of macho explosions and whatnot. I suspect he might be in over his head, like he was not meant to be Acting Director, let alone Director. Also, he's a boring cliche stereotype and I loathe it.
JIMMY! I legit did not see that coming. He just pure hauls off and clocks one of the soldiers escorting them off the base, to a transport truck or something. Monica seems just as surprised for a second but then she's like "hell yeah!" and jumps in. Darcy sort of stands back and watches. lol. "Why didn't anyone tell me the plan?"
Oh look, it's my shipping container! They put the soldiers in there. Guys, it was for Hayward. Come on.
The trio disguise themselves with ponchos, which is a big step up from the usual MCU disguise of "baseball hat". That was a good bit in Ant-man and the Wasp "it's not a disguise, it just looks like us at a baseball game" (I watched that like last week. I missed Luis). Anyway …
Back in the sitcom world. The kids are ready for their early afternoon trick-or-treating. They're still talking to the camera. It's so awkward. I'm not a fan. I get it's meant to reproduce the very 90s Nick-era sitcoms and so, you know, it's spot on. Still, though.
Pietro is encouraging and supportive. "Unleash hell, demon spawn!"
Dang there are a lot of kids in that neighborhood. Wasn't Vision wondering last episode why there weren't any kids? Is the program correcting itself?
Wanda tries to test Pietro, asking him about some kid at an orphanage when they were kids. Pietro calls her on it, and says he knows he looks different. Wanda wants to know why that is. He says, "You tell me. I mean, if I found shangra-la, I wouldn't want to be reminded of the past, either." Hmm.
The kids speed off with uncle Pietro. Wanda wanders over to talk to neighbor Herb, who has a g-man earbud in and is clearly part of the neighborhood watch. In the background Pietro is stealing all the candy and smashing pumpkins and spraying the place with silly string. The hijinks are so wacky. Wanda tells Herb maybe Vision can help out with the chaos, and Herb says Vision isn't on duty. Oh no, he lied to her!
Herb goes weird "is there something I can do for you, Wanda? Do you want something changed?" Hmmm.
Elsewhere Vision is wandering the wild streets of Westview. He finds people caught in some type of weird decorating loop, the woman seems trapped but aware.
Commercial time!  What the fuck was that. "Yo-magic! The snack for survivors." No, really, what the fuck.
Night has fallen, the twins and the twins walk the streets. Wanda's making the boys give back all the candy they stole. She says Pietro is a bad influence. He says "I'm just trying to do my part, kay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the rugrats, and ultimately give you grief. I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"What happened to your accent?"
"What happened to yours? Details are fuzzy, man. I got shot like a chump in the street for no reason." AHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! no really AHAHAHAHAAH! Thank you, Pietro! Holy shit, perfect. That's some delicious shade. I expect to see this gif'd fifteen different ways when I load tumblr today.
"Next thing I know, I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me."
The kids interrupt. And now all of a sudden Tommy can zoom. Character development!
Everyone is so careful to give Wanda what she wants. Why? She's not cruel. Who wants to keep her pacified? And whoever it is cannot possibly be pleased with AD Dick messing things up. Assuming it's an outside or outside-ish force/entity, of course. I mean, I don't think she's doing this entirely, she might be the battery powering it, but despite her thing last episode to get SWORD to leave her alone, she does seem a little confused about the where, why, and how things are going.
"Don't go past Ellis Avenue." Just a kid thing or a boundary of the sitcom control world?
In the real world, our heroes are sneaking through a tent city and into the server room. The scene with Pietro and Wanda discussing his accent is playing in the background. Darcy seems put-out that Pietro was recast. lol. "He brought the wrong face."
Darcy hacks into Hayward's devices. "Hayward figured out a way to look through the boundary." "And he didn't share it with the group." I don't like Hayward. 
Something is blipping on the map on the computer. Jimmy asks if it's Wanda, but Darcy says "it's tracking the decay signature of vibranium". So Vision. Monica wants to know why Hayward is tracking Vision. Well, I'd super like to know what SWORD was doing with Vision in the first place, because they weren't just storing him, they were doing something. So …
Jimmy notices that there are other dots, the ones closest to Vision, who are other residents. Jimmy says the ones near the edge of town are barely moving.
Back to Vision. He's found a cul-de-sac to patrol. Everybody's frozen in place, the street lights flicker. Eerie. They're all dressed for Halloween. Does this mean the field is shrinking, or the effects spreading and so it's closing in, slowing and then freezing people who were earlier moving about just fine? Vision is unaffected by this whatever it is. He turns himself into himself and flies off, up above the town. part of the town is dark, and part alive with voices and laughter.
He spots a car at the edge of town. It's Agnes. She seems frozen-ish, but when he asks what she's doing there, she says "Town Square Scare. Where is it?" all robotic like. Vision helpfully tries to give directions. lol. "Took a wrong turn, got lost" she says.
Vision touches her head and she wakes up. "You! You're one of the Avengers. You're Vision. Are you here to help us?" "I am Vision. I do want to help. But, what's an Avenger?"
Hmm. Well, I guess he did say last week that he couldn't remember anything before Westview.
"Am I dead?" she asks. "No, why would you think that?" "Because you are."
Agnes starts screaming "Dead" at Vision. She's not coping well. Vision says he's going to try and reach outside town and try to figure this all out. "How? No one leaves. Wanda won't even let us think about it." I SUSPECT YOU, AGNES! Why would Wanda keep everybody trapped and miserable? I could see if she did it on accident, but this implies she's purposefully hurting people. I don't buy it. Agnes, again, seems to be in the right place at the right time to make Vision doubt Wanda. You're a very suspicious character, Agnes.  
She starts to laugh. "All is lost." Vision touches her had and she resets to sitcom Agnes. Somehow she can move again, she turns the car around on Ellis Ave and heads back into town. So, that answers that.
Vision walks across the Eillis Ave to the field beyond.
Meanwhile, Darcy continues to hack. Monica gets a text and says "that's it! My way back into the Hex will be here in an hour." Jimmy's all ready to boost a ride to take her to meet her aerospace buddy. But, Darcy says, nope. Can't do it. Monica's been through the Hex twice, and it's rewritten her cells. "It's changing you." Monica is undaunted. "I know what Wanda's feeling and I won't stop until I help her." Alrighty then.
Jimmy's finally going to get to hotwire a car! But wait, Darcy's not going with them. AD Dick has something hidden behind one last firewall. Darcy thinks it's big and can help them. She's going to find it.
I don't think Jimmy had to hotwire that humvee. It just started right up. Motorpool, pfft - they always leave the keys.
Back in Westview. Halloween continues at Town Square. Pietro asks Wanda where she was hiding all those kids. Whu? Says Wanda. "I assume they were all just sleeping peacefully in their beds. No need to traumatize beyond the occasional holiday cameo, amiright?" What is Pietro. "Hey don't get me wrong, you've handled the ethical considerations of this scenario as best you could. Families and couples stay together. Most personalities aren't far from what's underneath. People got better jobs. Better haircuts for sure."
"You don't think it's wrong?"
"Are you kidding me? I'm impressed. It's a pretty big leap from giving people nightmares and shooting red wigglywoos out your hands." No, really, what is Pietro? "How'd you even do all this?" Hmmm.
"I don't know how I did it. I only remember feeling completely alone. Empty. Just endless nothingness." She looks back at Pietro and for a second he's dead Pietro. Poor Wanda.
Darcy continues to hack Hayward's systems. Cataract classified weapons something something. They're still tracking Vision. Who continues his walk across the field and comes to the hex. He tries to push through it. Looks painful. SWORD rolls out to go overreact at him. He makes it through the barrier, kind of. It's a struggle.
Hayward standing there looking like a jackass "he really does want out, doesn't he?" Like he’s just amused by this turn of events, or watching a lab rat try to get out of the lab. 
Darcy's standing behind watching all of this. Bits of Vision sort of fly off and back into the Hex. Darcy says "oh no!" and runs towards him, screaming for them to help him. Way to give away your sneaky hiding, girlfriend.
In Westview. Billy looks up, he can hear what's going on outside. "I hear daddy in my head. He's in trouble."
Vision calls for help, while SWORD prioritizes arresting Darcy. Phil Coulson would never have behaved like this. Boo to SWORD. Vision is dissolving. It's kind of gross and sad.
Wanda asks where Vision is, and Pietro interrupts "Don't sweat it, sis. It's not like your dead husband can die twice." Wanda wallops him with some red wigglywoos.
Billy sees soldiers and thinks Vision is dying. Wanda stops everything and makes a big red boom. The Hex appears to be expanding. Whoops, now you've done it AD Dick. He runs away like the brave brave guy he is. They leave Darcy handcuffed to a jeep. "Are you serious right now?"
The Hex overtakes Vision and then Darcy. Trapped soldiers become clowns, and we're in the circus. Well, SWORD seems like a circus, so Wanda's not wrong. I'm pretty sure Jimmy and Monica made it, but sadly the bravest Director who ever braved also escaped. He deserved to be a circus clown. Better luck next week, Wanda.
Well, I just don't know anymore.
Hayward doesn't care about Wanda, except where I think because of this someone will figure out what he was doing to Vision's body. And Vision is ultimately the thing he cares about in all this. I hope Wanda drops a house on him.
Quit suggesting I watch Age of Ultron next, Disney. It’s not happening. 
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puppy-phum · 4 years
thank you once again @yibobibo​ for tagging me ♥ even if, like I said, this is pure torture. I have so many sons that I’ve given up on counting them sigh but here goes.
favourite male fictional characters.
I took it that this meant ten so am going with that (tho am not gonna try and put them into order). am also sticking to all the characters I loved this year. and gonna ramble and add gifs so cutting it here. 
1. Liu Sang
The Lost Tomb Reboot/Reunion: The Sound of The Providence
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I have so much love for this boy it’s not even healthy. it’s a bit funny tho bc once I started tltr, I didn’t really like him and almost forgot about him as the first season ended. he just felt so annoying and bitter in what I saw him, even if I did get that he had a Tragic BackstoryTM (I felt for him but well. tltr really made him hard to like at first). but then they brought him back in the second season with his sad puppy eyes and inability to handle his thoughts on wu xie and being all touch-starved and pitiful and whatnot and baam, I had the adoption papers ready. he’s wonderful and so strong and so smart and amazing. and liu chang as his actor has been wonderful (and he’s so pretty my god, have you seen him??)
2. Shen Wei
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never did I expect to just. fall into this hole after a year? I remember what a mess I was when I first watched guardian over a year ago, right after finishing the untamed. I was in shambles even as I knew how it would end. and now I’ve done this all again while also reading the novel and. my love for shen wei, especially bc it’s zhu yilong acting as shen wei? astronomical. I want to write poetry about him and his stupid responsibilities that he chooses to carry silently and his devotion to zhao yunlan and his love for his ppl and his didi and. I hope that one day I manage to write weilan bc I have this one idea and you can come pry it from my cold, dead fingers if it doesn’t get out there (am also super happy about the edit I made bc my god does he deserve at least that)
3. Cloud Strife
Final Fantasy VII
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ok so stepping into the video games territory now. I was waiting for the remake like crazy and it was everything to me once the quarantine hit during spring. the game is so beautiful and I felt like I looked at this gorgeous boy once and was ready to give him my heart (tbh am quite sure he owned my heart before I even learned to know him). he is tragic in so many ways (I’ve only scratched the surface of all of his pain I know) and I wish I could just. hug him a lot. he is kind and cares very deeply even if he hates to show it and I love it how remake showed him also just being a human disaster (some of his scenes are just. peak comedy). I would kill for his smile (I have already cried for it a dozen)
4. Geralt of Rivia
The Witcher (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
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if there’s one grumpy, brickwall of a man I love, it’s geralt. I affectionately call him “papa wolf” while playing witcher 3 and his voice in it does things to me (I am just so fond of him ok, begone you dirty fuckers). I got introduced to him through the books and adored him in them bc he is so prickly and sarcastic and still so full of love even if he will never admit to it. he is the father figure I wish I could have in real life. (and yes, I’ve seen the tv series (or at least a couple of the first episodes) and it looks stunning but. this is my version of geralt and that’s the hill I will die on)
5. Xiaoge
Zhang Qiling, Daomu Biji (The Lost Tomb 2)
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(wow finding a gif for him was a pain, apparently I gotta learn how to gif or?) ah, my dear boy who I’ve ended up just calling xiaoge bc he seems to prefer it over his real name/title/whatever zhang qiling really is. I got introduced to him through tltr where we really didn’t get to know that much about him bc he was just... there. huang junjie was absolutely stunning tho and his soft smiles made me super fond, but only in the lost tomb 2 did I really fall in love with xiaoge as a character. I was surprised tbh bc I didn’t expect it to be this drama? I had so many doubts about the cast in tlt2 but they all delivered! and I think cheng yi’s xiaoge is now my favorite bc he somehow captured that softness and the pain of him? (and we do not talk about that buxun storyline tyvm) tho now that ultimate note is on the way, I gotta say that xiao yuliang does a wonderful job as xiaoge too!
6. Wu Xie
Daomu Biji (Ultimate Note)
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(sorry we have to go with a pingxie gif now but maybe it’s only fitting) tbh it’s hard to choose my favorite version of wu xie. I think all of the actors for him have done amazing job showing wu xie in different parts of his life (all of them are very distinct but still feel like the same person) but currently zheng shunxi takes the lead. I really wanted to put the reboot version of him here (bc I love that mature, relaxed and somehow very soft version of him and the angst is phenomenal and the thoughts he has about death... yeah) but I already have zhu yilong’s face here once so :’D wu xie is just one of those characters you cannot not like. he is so strong, so kind, so stubborn, so wonderfully stupid sometimes and in need of careful protection. I also adore it how smart he is and I could listen to him spew history facts for 10 hours straight (even if it was in a tomb full of blood zombies) ♥
7. Jiang Cheng
Jiang Wanyin, The Untamed
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my darling boy! my beautiful angry grape! I love him beyond words. I love him in all of his raging, misunderstood, stupid, sassy, constipated, abused, tragic, bitter, big hearted glory. I could write novels about him (and I did and am still writing oh boy) and his love for ppl and his inability to show that love and his loneliness and his issues. I could also write another novel for all of his outfits etc. bc damn, what a fashion king. he is just so great. he owns my soul. he deserves happiness and in this essay I will
8. Isana Yashiro
Adolf K. Weismann, K Project
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I rewatched k project this spring bc a) it’s one of my favorite animes ever (it just looks stunning with all the colors) and b) I love yashiro to bits. I remember falling in love with him when I first watched k project many years ago bc he was just so kind and bright. this time though, I ended up seeing another side of him and my god did I cry. he is... so sweet. he cares for others so deeply and is ready to sacrifice so much for them and his love for his two clansmen... yeah. I think I finally saw the tragedy of him too, all the pain and loneliness and insecurity he decides to hide behind his smile and obnoxious personality. he reminded me a lot of myself and watching him made my heart bleed in a good way
9. Qi Tiezui
Ba Ye, The Mystic Nine
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(wow am going to riot for the lack of all the gifs hhh) yes, we’re continuing with the dmbj universe that sucked me in big time this year. the drama of the mystic nine wasn’t probably that earth shattering for me as it somehow got boring more than once but I did love ba ye to bits. he was just... so nice? I got it that he was somehow this “comedic relief” in the drama with all of his funny scenes and ridiculous mannerisms but I could see the brilliance of him. he is warm and smart and kind of a romantic too and he cares for all of his friends so deeply? it was also sweet how protective of him his two zhangs were (does that run in the family? the tendency to imprint into one smart but disastrous man and keep him safe? maybe) and I really hope I knew more about him bc he seemed to have a lot of knowledge and a lot of impact to ppl’s lives (I yelled when they mentioned him in ultimate note, I miss him ;;)
10. Dorian Pavus
Dragon Age Inquisition
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(yes I’ve been replaying DA:I this year, this counts!) another darling boy! my lovely sass master son! I have so much love for him and his story in DA:I. he is my favorite companion (and his romance is my favorite too, probably obvious in the way am currently romancing him for the third time) and he has given me a lot of strength. the way he stands up against his father, how he’s ready to reform his homeland instead of walking away, how he’s so caring for those he sees struggling... it’s very warming and I feel like I’m safe with him. it feels a bit silly to say that but he really is that comfort character I will seek out when I just want to know am doing fine :’) (and I am so excited to see him again in DA4! probably?)
+ 11. Li Cu
Tomb of the Sea
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yes I cheated a bit (with my own rules lol) to fit li cu here. I didn’t really expect to like him or tomb of the sea as much as I did once I started it? I’ve seen leo wu elsewhere before this (battle through the heavens, nirvana in fire) and his face always makes me think about a sad puppy so maybe I just grew fond over li cu instantly bc he was... so hurt? the first episode really slaps you in the face with all of it, showing him being abused, wounded, kidnapped, tortured, used and then just very, very scared and broken. he continues being that throughout the whole drama and I feel like tomb of the sea (or sand sea or sha hai idk) is the darkest and angstiest story in the dmbj universe. I know it deserves to be bc this is a dark time for wu xie but... my darling li cu. I wish him only happiness ;; he was so strong and smart and wonderful in this and it was just so amazing to watch him grow and find his own place in the world just bc he did something himself (even when he got dragged into all of this bc of wu xie) also I support the wu xie adopts li cu -agenda
Honorary mentions: 
Zhang Rishan, Xie Yuchen and Hei Xiazi from DMBJ universe. The Twin Jades of Gusu and Ouyang Zizhen from The Untamed. The Iron Bull and Fenris from Dragon Age games. Thane Krios, Kaidan Alenko and Jaal from Mass Effect games. The whole lot of Assassin’s Creed protagonists (especially Ezio Auditore and Shay Cormac). Adam Parrish and Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle. Neil Josten from All For The Game. Eduon and March from The Smoke Thieves. Qiling from L.O.R.D. Critical World. Luo Fei from Detective L (played by Bai Yu). 
well, with this I can really see that I have a thing for those who are tragic :’D I have a thing for grumpy, prickly and antisocial guys or those who hide their pain behind a smile. maybe it’s bc I am somehow both, even if I can’t show my anger or be mean to others and even if I feel like my smile never sticks either. I just find kinship in all of the characters who are on this list. and I feel like I aspire to be as strong and as kind and as loving despite all the pain I’ve been put through.  
thank you, this was so much fun! and sorry I made this so long and so complicated ^^’ but well, there are just way too many male characters I love haha
at the end I want to tag @i-am-just-a-kiddo​ @ashenwren​ @kholran​ @tiesanjiao​ @lan-xichens​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @manhasetardis​ and @lzswy​​ ♥ feel free to do this in your own way or not at all! and thank you if you managed to read through my rambling :’D
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yourkdramaanalyst · 4 years
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Hello, K-Drama fans! I stepped out of Tumblr for more or less than a month. It's a good thing that I didn't forget I have a blog here. Lol. I've been busy so I wasn't able to cross out most of the dramas on my list. But the drama I am about to review right now is actually a series that I already crossed out of my list twice! So what made me watch Hospital Playlist for the second time?
• Introduction to the Drama
Short Gist:
It's about five friends who used to be school mates in medical school, who are now working at the same hospital.
Director Shin Won Ho and screen writer Lee Woo Jung previously worked on the famous Reply series (which are a work of art!)
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The five main characters are (from left to right) Jo Jung Seok, Jeon Mi Do, Jung Kyoung Ho, Yoo Yeon Seok, and Kim Dae Myung . Quite an interesting line-up, huh?
Yoo Yeon Seok also appeared in many dramas and movies. He's in this industry for 17 years now (if my calculations are correct). He was in dramas Dr. Romantic, Gu Family Book, Reply 1994, etc. Yeon Seok has starred in many medical dramas already.
Jo Jung Seok, an award winning actor, has starred in many dramas and movies. He appeared in dramas The King 2hearts, Oh My Ghost, Jealousy Incarnate, etc. He's a good rom-com and drama actor.
Jung Kyoung Ho has been appearing in the small screen since 2004 and has already landed in many roles. He was in Beating Again, Missing Nine, and Prison Playbook. If you noticed, he was Yoon Seri's ex-boyfriend in Crash Landing On You, which was just a special appearance.
Kim Dae Myung is more of a big screen guy. He has been appearing in movies since 2012. Some of other dramas where he starred are Misaeng: Incomplete Life and The Sound of Your Heart.
The only woman in the main cast is originally a play and musical actress. She's a fresh face in the world of K-drama. Jeon Mi Do had her first role 2 years ago in a drama called Mother. She appeared in a movie called Metamorphosis last year and finally, had her second role this year in Hospital Playlist.
A second season of the drama is to be expected next year. 😉
• The Experience
As I mentioned earlier, I've already watched this drama twice! It's not even that long since I watched this for the first time, and I just finished watching it again.
The first time I watched Hospital Playlist, I didn't know what it was all about. I was actually just having a phase where all I wanted to watch was medical dramas (yes... that's true, even though I am not a med student or anything related) so I clicked on it immediately as soon as all of the episodes were released on Netflix. But as soon as I finished watching the first episode, I couldn't really stop myself from watching more.
Typically, I enjoy watching light and funny dramas but this one is on another level. It has become my favorite Netflix original drama! Until now, I still can't get over it. I can't wait for the next season to be released.
•Points that I Liked About the Drama
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1. Hospital Playlist tells a lot of story about different people. There are five main characters but the story does not only revolve around them but also tells the story of the people around. This is actually common when it comes to medical dramas since there are a lot of patients. However, in this drama, they didn't just focus on patients but also on the hospital staffs. In fact, there are so many doctors from different departments that are shown here. I got to see more of what's happening during their breaks, how senior doctors look over the interns and residents and other staff, etc. Of course those are not real life scenarios, but it seemed real and made me feel like I am one of them.
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2. Light and funny but really heartwarming. It's the kind of drama that will make you laugh and cry at the same time. It's not the slapstick comedy kind of drama but more of a situation-based kind? I don't know if you get it at all, LMAO. Watching it makes you feel like you're just catching up with friends, talking about your daily lives and laughing and reminiscing about the past.
3. Plotless but not nonsensical. It is not a complicated drama which is easy to watch no matter how old or how young you are. It should still be watched chronologically, though, because there are still a lot of stories to follow about each character. There's just no definite goal that was shown in the drama but the way the story was told, it's almost perfect.
4. One of the most realistic medical dramas. There are no exaggerated medical scenes where the doctors have to do impossible things and whatsoever just to save a patient.
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5. I love the characters. It's impossible to choose a favorite character! Even the supporting ones are characterized well. Each character is different, that's why even if there are many of them, you won't get lost.
6. It's a medical drama so I learned a lot as well. If you are interested in medicine or currently taking up medicine related programs, Hospital Playlist is a good k-drama option to watch.
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7. The OST is good. I highly recommend this drama if you are a sucker for good OSTs like me. All of the songs here are just covers. I am not familiar with the original songs since they are from the 1990s and early 2000s, but I still enjoyed them. For a month, I've only played Hospital Playlist OST. I'm not even kidding!
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8. They didn't overdo the romantic scenes. I ship a lot of the characters because there are also side stories like doctors who start to like each other. But none of them are cringey. I had a good time watching some characters' love story as it progresses.
9. There are so many cameos. I won't mention them because it may lead to spoilers but I swear, I love those special appearances!
• The Ending
The ending of the first season was satisfying. There are still unanswered questions, though. That's something to look forward to for the 2nd season. I can't say much about the ending because I know that it's not the final one yet. Still, my heart was contented with the 12 episodes.
•Final Thoughts
Will I watch it again? YES. FOR SURE.
Rate: 10/10 (for this season only)
The reason why it's a 10/10 for me is because I prefer dramas like this, okay? If anyone disagrees with me, you can try to convince me to change my mind but I doubt anything will change. 🤣
•Hospital Playlist Top 5 OST
I really had a hard time picking my top 5 favorite songs because all of them are good. This is a really hard task for me, why did I even do this to myself? Lol. I feel my heart breaking. I. Am. Not. Kidding. So the songs I listed here are not really my top 5, it's rather a proof of my claim that everything is good. ('cos i just can't, i am sorry).
Me to You, You to Me by Mido and Falasol
Lonely Night by Kwon Jin Ah
Introduce me a good person by Joy
Aloha by Cho Jung Seok
In front of city hall at the subway station by Kwak Jin Eon
That's it! There's nothing I don't like about Hospital Playlist and I have no issues, too. If I am to think of one, it would probably be about the release date of the second season because I am dying for it.
So what are your thoughts? 😊 Thank you for reading!
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aenslem · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
Tagged by: @thirteenstardisfam thank youu and i am so sorry it is so super long lmao i did not mean too, but somehow ended up with it, and also i think i will make fandom hate me for some stuff about 11, but i love him! don’t you dare to think otherwise :’D
im tagging: @tennant @luke-skywalker @panlyra @stupidape @buffyrosenbergs @expelliarmus idk who of you whovians wanna do it out there feel free to say i tagged you and go on ;)
Favourite Doctor:  still Ten, i love 12 and 13 almost as much, even if not harder atm, but if it comes to choosing 1 fav doctor then it’s always Ten, so far no one stepped higher for me :’D I loved his era, i loved so many episodes with him, his season arcs, his companions, his relationships with everyone, and this is the only Doctor whose regeneration was smooth for me, he was continuation of Ninth Doctor and it felt like that. I was not like ‘but he is so different in so many ways’ nope, never. Maybe it’s because companions were the same, everyone was still around which was great btw, and I fell in love with the show with Tenth Doctor, dare I say that I stopped watching back then when Matt Smitt became doctor? lmao, must be shock for some but yes, I dropped this show because of THAT lmao??now i laugh at my own self but yeah, i did. where’s everyone, why it feels so different? that was huge nope. Only years later I got back into it, thanks to amazing Michelle Gomez. Actually I was not even going to watch other doctors at that moment, but I watched episodes only with Missy, then i said well it’s not bad I like it and Missy and Twelve were?? OOOF LOVES OF MY LIFE FOR SURE because their relationship were so cool and of course i loved it, so i started a huge rewatch, the first since i dropped the show. Fell in love with Doctor/Master all over again, Ten was as amazing as I remembered, Nine was perfect and I love him too!!! and then... i got to s5... oh god, i was like, let’s give him a chance, what do i lose? but it still felt so weird, and the show was so different, and suddenly everyone else is so important but where are old characters? but i got into it because i have already seen some of 12′s episodes and i got used to the style?? i guess. and then River appeared, not because of her but around episode 5 or 6 i was into it already, not as much as i was before but anyway, maybe weeping angels helped because i loved them and it reminded me of Ten, i felt some kind of a connection to old doctor. I liked River with 10, i thought i will like her with 11 too... but alas, still felt like you know those boys who have never had sex but try to act like they know everything about it and hit on every moving thing and think they do it cool? :D i am sorry if i hurt someone’s feelings with it, but that’s how 11 was for me back then, and while I do understand river/11 it’s the least of all river ships for me, 11 is still the least fav doctor because of those feelings i had back then when i stopped watching, they are not rational i know that now but still feel them, but i love him now, and will protect that kid at all costs! i love ponds, i will kill if anyone says anything bad about Rory Williams! and Amy and Rory? quoting my favorite star trek couple? DUDE WE GO TOGETHER OR NOT AT ALL!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! and even if i was not into all river/11 relationship i loved the story, and of course i liked 12, but s8 still feels like what the hell for me, not because of the doctor but because they tried so hard to show clara as bossy, i mean, i liked her with 11 and then suddenly they turn her into some control freak, it was not so MUCH with 11... but i know now why they did it, so Missy’s words have an effect and all. but still, i love clara before and after s8 :’D s9 clara? i will kill for her too. it’s too long but idk  :’D and actually, this shows that if you give it a chance even if you don’t like actor/actress at first - you might love the show ;) so stop acting like jodie is miscast honestly, i am ready to fight anyone for saying that :D say whatever you want about plot choices, but do not fucking act like it’s Jodie’s fault! actors are not responsible for show runner choices. She acts amazing with the material she has. anyway, 10 is my fav idiot!
Favourite Master: Missy, always was and always shall be. My favorite character in general in the show, no one tops my girl!
Favourite Sonic: honestly? i don’t really remember any sonic but 12′s glasses :D so... glasses. I mean, i don’t really care how it looks like, it does its job... most of the time lmao, but i liked those glasses and the thing with browser history was my fav :D
Favourite Companion: oh it’s soooo hard!!! either Donna or Bill. I can’t choose. but yeah, those are both with whom there were no ‘romantic’ relationship implied, i love friends more than couples. and I just loved 10 and Donna as a team and Bill and 12, i still wish they had more time. also Martha, the smartest companion lol she was amazing.
Favourite Story: anything involving The Master :D all episodes with them are my favs, but i can’t just pick one story, i still remember the first episode i watched back when it was airing and are you my mummy stuck in my head for the rest of my life giving me brrrr feeling, like it was not scary but somehow made me super uncomfortable? also vashta nerada?? duuuuude, you can’t just look at the shadow the same way. and ten/river together were really great, i mean, he did not know who is she, the mystery, i love shit like that?? yeesss!!!!! there are so many great ones. I don’t want to choose.
Favourite Soundtrack: that unreleased tiny melody when the master dies in the last of the time lords T--T and this is gallifrey and clara’s theme! those are my favs. and I also really like 11′s theme, kinda ready for adventures and doing some weird but funny shit :D
Dream Actor for next Doctor: ooooof OOOOF dude! you know what, usually it is one actor for 3 seasons, that’s how it was for the last 3 doctors, i want Jodie to break that rule and stay with us for 4th season as well, i just want to see how pissed off those haters will be lmao i really really think the entire timeless child thing will not feel the same with someone else yet, and i don’t think they will reveal much in 13th season, that’s HUGE thing, or they should make it so good and the next doctor... aaah i don’t want to feel that change again, like i did with 10 to 11, and felt with the every next doctor, but i overcome that shit and just give them a chance, it’s the doctor after all and im sure loving all of them now. not sure it can disappoint me even if most of plot choices in the season are ... weak. idk who, there are so many great actors but whoever i choose will not be as great as someone they choose, because they always somehow cast amazing people, but i agree with emily it’s time for a doctor of color! tho, they can’t go back to white male actor right now, i just can imagine how it will look like, with all the hate Jodie received and how people still whine about female doctor, it will look like they tried and decided to go back to white male doctors, one half will be happy but the other one will eat them alive! so yeah, i am pretty sure it’s not gonna be white man again yet lol
Dream Composer: idk
Dream Story: well, considering 13 is in jail now, i would love to see someone “we know” rescuing her, because honestly if they just showed me jack and left it like that, i will not accept it!!! but also since yaz will be the only one left with the doctor, since bradley and tosin leave the show, i hope we will have some yaz and doctor relationship development without anyone else, maybe jack could stay because i love him, but jack’s presence did not hurt doctor and rose relationship development back then, so it should not hurt now also. but if they bring someone new, at least don’t make it right away, let yaz and 13 have an adventure at least 1 episode, some talk and stuff. so when yaz leaves also... (and i kind of had that stupid feeling that yaz will die in the end, because somehow everything hints on that for me? idk maybe it’s because i rewatched and giffed orphan 55 today and vilma (?) telling yaz to run and stay alive kinda felt like something that hints on yaz’s future... and yaz is always going somewhere without thinking, to random alien ship, to save the doctor, she steps into trouble like a doctor hoping everything will somehow be ok, but im not even sure she hopes, it’s more like i am as good as her so i can do it, not in clara’s way when everything hinted she is like the doctor, because let’s be honest she was and even got her own tardis, but she thinks she is, but she is not, i think some day that might end bad for her... so when she also leaves i don’t want it be like well yeah, what’s next? i mean, i still miss Bill, that was like NOOOOOO with tears and screams for me, i loved Bill! and we had 2 seasons with yaz and i still don’t feel the same connection to any of the current companions atm, so i would like the show to make me love them more, i do love them, just not as much as those i still miss, but im sure defending any of them lmao i love them anyway. you know what i mean...
A Companion You’d like to see back: oh OH. we cant bring them back for entire season right? but doctor can meet Donna at some point, which will have no point lmao cos she doesn’t remember and it will only hurt doctor and i don’t see how her appearance will help any plot, it will be just fanservice cameo. But Bill is out there with Heather, they are powerful creatures now, i think it could somehow fit into the story, I want Bill back. But also, Clara is still one heartbeat away from death, she can be out there, and she has tardis. tiny cameos will be fine for me :D and Martha, but also Madam Vastra and Jenny, Kate and Osgood, where they are??? bring them back and it can make sense, their appearances. I mean, imagine someone from UNIT in s11, not unit itself but osgood??? it would feel so much different. 
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: weeping angels!!!! OOOF they were creepy, and i love them, like, DON’T BLINK!!! how can you not blink for so long? that is cool, i want them back. and also the most beautiful shots are always with angels so... :’D
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: oooh, while 10 is my fav, and I totally would hit on 13 :D i will choose 12, 12 from season 10, because he was such a grandpa, no lovey dovey stuff, he would lecture me on thing i do, give me new info about something, we would explore shit together and he would be like a grandpa i never had. We would definitely have long discussions about stuff and have good laugh together and i would make references to movies and then we would watch those movies :D i would act like Bill lmao yess i want to travel with 12!!!
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grapesodatozier · 5 years
in honor of new st3 content and me officially being back on my mileven bs, have a super cheesy, slightly angsty hurt/comfort mileven one shot with a nice, fluffy ending!!
words: 3,177
read on ao3 or below!!
Mike sat on his couch, laptop in front of him and a pizza box with two slices missing next to it. He had been trying to distract himself all night, but his foot kept bouncing, and his heart refused to lift itself from his stomach. He blasted music, tried to work on his latest campaign, started and abandoned about four different things on Netflix before giving up - nothing could keep his mind off the fact that El was on a date right now and he was alone in his pajamas in his apartment at a quarter past nine on a Saturday night. She couldn’t forget the way she had talked about it, how excited she had been. Some guy she’d met on tinder. Mike’s skin felt too tight any time he thought about El on tinder, but she insisted that ever since graduating from college it was the easiest way to meet people. Mike had to admit that his own situation proved her right, but that didn’t mean that he had to like it. Who knew what kind of creeps were on that app? He knew El was more than capable of handling herself, but the thought of some guy who only chose to go out with her because she was ridiculously beautiful, some skeevy guy who didn’t even know how much she loved dipping fries in shakes or how she cried at nature documentaries, made his blood boil. They didn’t know how smart she was, how clever, how witty and funny and kind. They just knew she was hot, and apparently that was enough to lead to a date.
Mike tried to rationalize his way through it, reminding himself that she had been talking to this guy for about a week, that mutual interests had probably been discussed. He reminded himself that El could make her own decisions. And while it quelled the anger and some of the worry, the anger just turned back to heartache, the way it always did.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a knock on his door. He shut his laptop and got up to answer it. For a moment he was self-conscious of the fact that he was home alone in his sweatpants on a Saturday night, but he figured the person knocking knew that anyway. Still, he straightened out his t-shirt, despite his awareness of the futility of the action. He opened the door and there was-
She was standing with her arms wrapped around herself, looking small as her hair hung in her face. It took her a moment to look into Mike’s eyes as she asked, “Can I come in?”
“Always.” Mike gave her a small smile as he stepped aside to let her in and closed the door behind her. She looked dressed for a date - nothing fancy, but a nice, short sleeved black sundress, the kind with the buttons down the front, and a pair of heeled boots. Mike also noticed the glitter on her eyes and cheeks, and he noticed that her expression didn’t match her look. “What’s up? I thought you had a date tonight.”
El took a minute to take a breath before telling Mike, “He stood me up.”
“What?” Mike asked, genuinely incredulous.
El shrugged and shook her head. Mike could see some anger there, and maybe some pain, but mostly she just looked annoyed as she explained, “He just didn’t show up. I waited for half an hour and texted him twice and he just texted me, ‘oh, lol, sorry, I totally forgot about that. I’m out with my guys right now - rain check?’” Mike couldn’t help but smirk a little at the obnoxious voice she donned while quoting her no-show date.
“What did you say?”
“I just unmatched with him. He doesn’t have my number, so I guess I won’t be talking to him again.” Mike felt guilty about it, but there was warm happiness glowing in his chest and a wave of relief crashing over him.
“Damn, that’s pretty ruthless,” he chuckled. He was glad she didn’t seem too broken up about it. “He deserved it, though.” El gave him a tell me about it look before plopping onto his couch and kicking off her shoes. He tried and failed to suppress his smile at how comfortable she clearly felt in his space. He was glad she knew she was welcome any time.
“I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?” she asked as Mike took a seat next to her.
“Just some Saturday night writer’s block,” he assured her.
“So I can have some of this then?” She smiled at him with glittering eyes as she slowly opened the pizza box.
“Actually I’m saving those six for myself,” he joked. El rolled her eyes, but she gave him a small smile as she half-heartedly tossed a pillow at him. He watched fondly as she tilted her head back in order to eat the slice of pizza in her hands. She looked over to him and caught him smiling at her.
“What?” she asked, her mouth full.
“Nothing,” Mike giggled. “That asshole doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
“Are you making fun of me?” El playfully shoved his shoulder, but she followed her own movement and scooted closer to him.
“I would never.” Without thinking, Mike pressed a kiss to El’s cheek. He blushed when he realized what he had done, and he thought he might’ve seen some pink in her cheeks as well, but if she was fazed she didn’t show it.
“Whatever,” she grinned, having swallowed her food. Mike’s heart jumped into his throat as she snuggled into him. It wasn’t unusual for them; they were both pretty physically affectionate people, and since their other friends weren’t as much they ended up magnifying it in each other. Still, Mike’s heart kept on racing as he secured his arm around her shoulder.
“Can we watch something?” she asked, looking up at him with those golden hazel eyes that got him every time.
“Of course,” he smiled down at her. Retrieving the remote from the side table and turning on Netflix he asked, “What do you wanna watch? Nature documentary?” To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before was her favorite movie, but he figured it wasn’t the best night to suggest that.
“Ugh, no, I don’t wanna cry right now. Can we watch Queer Eye?”
“Right,” Mike laughed, “because you’re definitely not gonna cry at Queer Eye.”
“Hey, I deserve a good happy cry, I’ve had a bad night,” El giggled. Mike pulled her closer; he knew she was joking, she didn’t seem to actually be that upset, but that didn’t matter. She had had a rough night, and he wanted to be there for her. He wanted her to know that he was there for her, that he always would be. He reminded himself that she had shown up at his door, that she knew she could go to him. Still, it made him feel better to hold her. “Hey, can I borrow some clothes?” she asked. “I wanna get out of this.” She lifted the skirt of her dress to emphasize her point, her nose wrinkled in distaste.
“Yeah, sure. You know where they are,” he smiled.
“You’re an angel,” she grinned with a kiss to the top of his head before popping up off the couch and heading down the hall for his bedroom. Mike took the opportunity to catch his breath. He ran his fingers through his hair and called up the show on Netflix, picking one of El’s favorite episodes. He fucked around on his phone until she got back, though now he was far too distracted to focus on anything. It didn’t help much when she walked back into the room absolutely drowning in one of Mike’s old t-shirts and flannel pants. All Mike wanted to do was pull her onto his lap and hold her close, cover her in kisses. But it wasn’t his time to initiate; he needed to see where El was at, what she needed. And if a giddy smile pulled at his lips when she draped herself over his lap, well, he could keep that to himself. “Ooh, I love this one!” she exclaimed as she cuddled closer to him.
But as the show went on, Mike snuck a few glances at El, and each time she seemed… distracted. He ran his fingers gently over her shoulder, and while it got her to relax a bit, there was still that divot in her brow that told Mike she was thinking about something, something that probably didn’t have much to do with moisturizer or home décor. “Hey,” he said softly, “everything okay?”
She seemed to shake herself out of a fog before she looked up at him. Her eyes searched his, and he wished desperately that he could give her whatever she was looking for. “Can I sleep here tonight?” she asked. The smallness in her voice made Mike’s chest ache. He hoped she knew that he would do anything for her.
“Of course,” he murmured back, his voice soft but sincere, and full of everything he could only show in gestures, never words. He rested his forehead against hers and watched as she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. His hand slid from her shoulder to her waist and stayed there protectively. Noticing her attention wasn’t on the show, he asked, “Do you wanna go get ready for bed?” It took her a moment again, but she nodded, her eyes still distance. He helped her up, only for her to stop in her tracks and groan. “What’s wrong?” Mike asked, his hands gently taking hers.
“I don’t have makeup wipes with me,” she pouted. Though she looked adorable, Mike wanted to kiss it right off.
“I think I have some left over from the last time you stayed the night. You wanna come with me to check?” She nodded and shot him a soft smile - one that still had that melancholy tugging on its sleeves, but a smile nonetheless. He led her by the hand to the bathroom, scared to let her go.
She hopped on the counter as soon as they got to the bathroom, her feet swinging back and forth. It was so cute Mike thought he might explode. Thankfully, he had to search through a few drawers before finding what he was looking for, so he had time to catch his breath. He took out one of the wipes and stepped into the space El made for him in front of her. Wordlessly, he took her face gently in her hands, and she closed her eyes to let him begin taking her makeup off. It eased Mike’s racing heart a bit, that she let him care for her. He appreciated being able to do something, even just something small. He took his time, delicately swiping the glitter off of her eyelid so as to not hurt her. He gently wiped away her mascara and eyeliner, telling her when to open her eyes and look up so he could get the makeup below her eye off as well. “Men are trash,” she stated, a sudden noise in the silence which made Mike snort.
“Can’t argue with that,” he grinned. “I don’t think the Queer Eye guys are trash, though.”
El met his eye then, gave him that soft smile again, and reached out, pressing her knuckles lightly against his chest and running her thumb over his shirt. Mike hoped she couldn’t feel how hard his heart was beating. “Yeah, I guess you’re not trash, either.” Mike couldn’t tell why she sounded so sad as she said it, but it made his stomach fall to his feet.
“Well, thanks,” he grinned bashfully. “Close your eyes.” His voice was soft, his caress of her cheek softer as he tried to control the shaking of his hand.
But she didn’t close her eyes. She kept looking at Mike, and this time the sadness was written all over her face. “Why doesn’t anyone want to spend their time on me?” As if the question itself wasn’t enough to break Mike’s heart, the quiver in her voice made it shatter. “Why is it so hard to find someone who will love me?”
“Love doesn’t always happen quickly,” Mike said, choosing his words carefully. His hand was still cupping her cheek, his thumb stroking lightly over her soft skin. His eyes scanned her face, taking her in. Noticing she was waiting for more, he continued, “I think it’s probably better when it takes time. It takes time to get to know someone, and to know someone is to love them. Someone’s gonna get to know about the way you gush about your degree, and they’re gonna love it. And someone’s gonna love the way you eat way too much cookie dough even though you know it’ll give you a stomach ache.” He smiled at her, and while she was smiling back, whatever was dragging her eyes down seemed to be getting heavier. He took both of her hands in his own and kept going. “Someone’s gonna love that Spice Girls poster in your room, and they’re gonna love when you recite every line of High School Musical. They’re gonna love watching you get ready in the morning.” He could hear his voice getting more wistful, but he couldn’t help it. “They’re gonna love that you look over every menu item even though they could tell you once you picked what restaurant to go to what you’re gonna order.” He realized that he’d been smiling to himself and made sure to meet El’s eye as he said, “Someone is going to love you so much, El. You’re the most loveable person I know. I promise the wait will be worth it.”
“Why don’t you love me?”
Mike’s heart stopped. “What do you mean?” He hated the way his voice broke, but his throat felt like it was close to caving in. “You’re my best friend in the world. Of course I love you.”
El shook her head, and Mike could feel himself starting to panic as tears welled in her eyes. Were those tears his fault? How was he supposed to make this better? “You don’t love me like I want you to love me,” she said through a small hiccup of a sob. Mike was speechless - and El, apparently, wasn’t done. “You say to know someone is to love them. But no one knows me better than you. If you don’t love me, how is anyone else supposed to love me?” All Mike could do was shake his head and hold her hands, show her he wasn’t going anywhere. “You do all these nice things for me, and you say all these lovely things, but you don’t love me. No one treats me as well as you do. How am I supposed to find someone better?” Mike honestly couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It sounded like a love confession, but how could El be in love with him? How could she share his feelings and he hadn’t even realized? El was full on crying as she told him, “And I get so tired of waiting, and so I try to put myself out there, but no one is what I want because all I want is you. I don’t want someone like you, or someone who treats me like you do, I want you. And sometimes I think you want me to, when you say things like that, but you never do.”
“I do,” Mike blurted out finally, so softly his voice came out a hoarse, choked whisper. He continued, more steadily, “I want you. You’re everything I want, you’re all I want.” El’s eyes looked apprehensive, surprised, but at least that seemed to stop the tears. He wiped away the wetness on her cheeks and cupped her face as he confessed, “I want to hold you when you eat too much cookie dough and your stomach hurts, and I want to comfort you while you cry over nature documentaries, and I want to take you out to dinner and hold your hand and come home with you and kiss you and play with your hair. I wanna brush my teeth next to you and listen to you talk about the things you love for hours. I wanna hear about your day, every day.” El’s hands were on Mike’s waist then, and he could feel them shaking as she gripped his shirt and pulled him closer.
“Mike,” she whispered.
He realized that he was shaking as well - nearly his entire body was, his heart ricocheting in his chest. But his voice remained steady and confident, true, as he said, “El, I love you. I’ve always loved you.”
A smile spread across El’s face, one that finally reached her eyes. She rested her forehead against Mike’s and let out a choked, “I love you so much.” Mike just looked at her for a moment, as though to check that this was really happening, before tilting his chin up and catching her lips in a kiss. A shiver went through him as her hands relaxed and ran up his chest to wrap around his shoulders. He smiled into the kiss as she pulled him closer. He placed his hands on her waist and mirrored her actions, pulling her as close as he could. He loved the way she felt in his arms, like it was where they were meant to be. Then, as if the feeling of El’s lips moving against his own wasn’t enough to have his head spinning already, she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in just that extra little bit closer. He could feel his blood rushing, his heart racing as her fingers slid into his hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist then, desperate for her; he’d been dreaming about this for years, and he needed her to know how much he meant everything he said, everything he did for her. He wanted her to know that he would do and say those things a million times over. He wanted her to know that he wouldn’t let go until she wanted him to.
It was El who pulled back first, a breathless giggle on her lips. “Oh my god.”
“I know,” Mike beamed, his cheeks bright pink as he caught his breath.
“No,” El giggled again, “I mean, oh my god, I kissed you for the first time with half a face of makeup on.” Mike looked up to see that she was right. And while the sight made him giggle with her a bit, it did nothing to make the moment any less amazing.
“You’re still the most beautiful person in the world,” he grinned, pulling her close again and peppering kisses all over her cheek. She let out another laugh and wrapped her arms around him. Mike thought he could definitely get used to her holding him that tightly.
93 notes · View notes
whateverisbeautiful · 6 years
Reveling in Richonne
122: The I Love You’s (8x14)
First of all…
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I have so been looking forward to breaking down this solid gold moment right here. Cuz y’all, it’s everything. 🙌🏾 So you already know I have to happy dance in advance lol.
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Wait it’s still not out of my system. 😋
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(Side note: I’m already extra when it comes to even their smallest moments so this is about to be extra x10. So thank you for putting up with me lol 🙏🏽😂 And this post is particularly long (cuz of course), so I’ll spare your TL with this one 👌🏽😊)
Lemme tell you, every time I see or even just remember this moment I cannot help but react to it with the same high energy I had when I first saw it. This moment gives me complete and utter joy and it also really moves me, so this will always be me when it comes to this scene…
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Cuz y’all...they said it!! 🎉Won’t He Do It! Yes He Will! All the time! Forever and Ever! Amen. 🙌🏾😌🙌🏾😌
And I love that while it was a big celebratory moment for us, it was such a normal thing for them. All the way here for it. 👌🏽😊
It’s funny cuz I generally avoid spoilers but, the week before, I had been hearing murmerings that 8x14 might be the episode where they say it, and just the mere notion of that had me turning up. So literally the whole episode I was just waiting and watching like...
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Cuz ever since I boarded this ship the thought of what those “I love you’s” would be like and when they would come was on my mind often. And we finally got to see it! And of course Danai and Andy knocked it out of the park. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
But first, to back track just a little bit, in the few moments prior we see Carol open up to Ezekiel about her daughter.
(Side note: I wish Carol and Michonne would talk more. They’re different in a lot of ways but also have a lot of similarities too. Like in Carol’s conversation with Ezekiel she shares about how these people helped her find a better version of herself and that’s the case for Michonne as well.👌🏽)
The main reason I bring up this moment tho, is because, when they cut to the wider shot, Carol and Ezekiel are holding hands which is sweet, and what I love most about it is that you can see Michonne sitting in the background, almost center with the hand hold. And y’all that’s not a coincidence. 💯
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How did Richonne’s romantic relationship start? With a glorious hand hold. 🙌🏾😋 And it’s cool that we get some parallel to R&M’s 6x10 moment in the same episode that we get to witness another long awaited exchange. 😊 (And this also sort of suggests that Carol and Ezekiel might be joining the couples club that I think only Rick and Michonne are in rn.)
But seeing Michonne sitting alone made me kind of sad too cuz it makes me think about how she would totally be spending that time with Carl if he was there (or Rick if he wasn’t out wildin 🙃)
So they hear the gate open and then Michonne springs up cuz she knows her man has come home, which is probably a big relief for her, knowing his recent inclinations to leave and get himself in serious predicaments.
My favorite thing about seeing Michonne spring up like this is cuz, as many have pointed out, it’s so reminiscent to when Rick heard her arriving at the gate in the season 4 premiere. Y’all their magnetic connection is still going strong all these seasons. 😊
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So then Rick and Morgan walk in looking like two bad kids who can solemnly swear they’ve been up to no good. 😂 
And when Michonne sees him, she has a look that says she’s both relieved and also that she can tell her man has likely spent the day wildin all the way out.
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Morgan walks up to Henry and tells him he was able to kill the Savior who killed his brother. And rather than relish the vengeance, Henry actually expresses sympathy that Morgan had to kill again and he tells him sorry. 
And then I get hit hard upon hearing Morgan tell Henry “Don’t ever be sorry” cuz it’s exactly what Morgan told Carl back in “Clear.” 😭
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I’m always here for a “Clear” reference in this show even tho it’s also a heartbreaking reminder that Carl isn’t there anymore. (And I hope this show knows that in no way will Henry be a legitimate replacement, so TWD don’t try to make fetch happen. Just saying.)
So while that’s going on, Rick is walking towards the main house and people are looking at him cuz Homeboy def looks like he’s been suspect. And he’s just sort of looking right back at people like “Say something, I dare you.” 😅
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One person he doesn’t look at tho is Michonne and y’all I admit I was not feeling that. I was like; Rick don’t you walk past your girl without acknowledging her in some way. Like I know he’s in a daze and probably feeling guilty but at least nod or something bruh, especially after likely making her stressed all day about where he went.
As he walks away, Michonne watches him go and they emphasize her having this look.
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Seeing this reaction from her briefly made me worried that maybe this show was heading towards another moment of distance between them or even disappointment cuz tbh Michonne wouldn’t be out of line if she did feel a little disappointed. So at first, when it came to where they stand, I was like…
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But the thing is, Sis is so understanding and the epitome of a great wife so any worry that maybe this was going to cause an issue between them was quickly dispelled in the final scene of the episode.
So now onto the scene that has kept me on cloud nine for months. ☺️Lol. Lemme get prepared.
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The scene starts with Rick walking into their room seeming freshly showered, and I love that there seems to be this comfortability with him returning to him and his woman’s room. Like I think they have him enter the scene this way to hit home that this is Rick at the most settled he’s been in a while.
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And it’s significant to see him putting on a clean white tee cuz it really does feel like it’s meant to imply a clean slate as well as the lighter side he’s coming back to. He’s leaning into the good again, (now that he’s gotten some of the savagery out of his system lol)
Also I love that there’s this candlelight glow that’s totally paralleling the precious candlelit dinner proposal scene in 7x12. 🙌🏾 I think having that similar glow going just helps to set the tone that he’s more in that 7x12 headspace again, rather than the headspace we saw in the dive bar.
We then see Rick have a visible moment where he knows this is the time to open his letter, like his North Star told him to in this very room earlier in the episode. Everything that’s happened today has shown him that now is the time to stop running. So he goes to the drawer and takes out the letter.
So then, Michonne walks in and stops at the doorway and this whole moment is super similar to the scene earlier. Cuz just like Rick walked in and found Michonne holding her letter near the dresser, Michonne walks in to find Rick holding his letter in the same spot.
Their reactions are different tho cuz where Rick saw her holding the letter and felt a sense of fear and anxiety, Michonne sees him holding the letter and you can tell there’s a sense of relief.
Like she definitely seems a little surprised too with finding Rick right there with the letter, but also happy that whatever he did outside the walls led to the letter and not more suppressing or running from coping.
So the first thing Rick says is “Thank you.” And Rick is a real one for knowing he needs to thank her. And I love how Rick so often says thank you to Michonne in this series cuz Homeboy knows he’s with a queen and he’s grateful. 😊
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Now, you know my extra self had to really reflect on what each line of dialogue meant in this scene, and to me Rick’s thank you was for her getting him to see the light slowly but surely, and for fighting for Carl and for himself, for being by his side this whole time, for loving him, and sharing with him, and for everything she is. 👌🏽😊
It was also thanking her for being patient as he took a little detour to where she knew he needed to be. But I think most of all, at the root, this is Rick telling her thank you for not giving up on me. 💯
I love how it’s so visible that a weight is taken off Michonne when he says this cuz it lets her know that he’s in a much better clearer space than before. She was carrying so much for the both of them, to the point that I was like Sis is overdue for a shoulder to cry on, but in hearing and seeing Rick like this, some of that load on her is lightened.
What I adore most about this moment is the way they both take this deep breath when he says this. They are legitimately one and so in sync. 😍🙌🏾
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In seeing that Rick is in a clearer headspace she knows they’re making some progress and it’s a relief that he’s more present and stable cuz again, if he’s okay she’s okay and you see that in the synchronicity of their body language.
They both seem to just loosen up due to knowing/sensing that they’re a little more centered than earlier. It’s not that all their external problems are gone, but they’re centered with one another, which is enough to make them feel a lot better. 💯
I love that seeing he’s okay means the world to Michonne and in both of them taking this breath it reminds me of the moment in This Is Us where they all take a deep breath to take a step towards releasing the pain of their loss. As TIU said, when you don’t deal with your grief it’s like your holding your breath, so it’s big for R&M to be able to take this breath together.
The next thing he tells her is “I’m sorry” and I was very proud of Rick for telling her that.
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Like hearing him apologize had me like…
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And to me, the sorry was for the way he’s been running from her and the pain, for not being there for her the way she’s been there for him, for leaving and putting himself in harms way, and doing the opposite of what she and Carl wanted, for letting irrational Rick dictate his actions and not the Rick that knows to listen to her, and for distancing himself when he knows that’s not the way they are meant to be.
Rick knows he owes her better cuz in all this grief he has every right to wrestle with it but again, when it comes to Michonne he also has every responsibility to be there for her too, for so many reasons. 
To name one, he wanted her in season four to continue this bond with Carl and she did and they became best friends so she opened her heart so fully to Carl and raised him with Rick, so Rick knows that as the husband he has to walk with her in this, and he’s apologizing for not doing that fully.
But Michonne stays out here teaching how to be a great wife cuz with so much love and compassion she tells him “You don’t have to be.”
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I love this. 👏🏽😊 Cuz it’s not that she’s just passively letting Rick slide, she just understands that since they can’t reverse the past, all they can do is move forward, learn from it, and be better. And this is her way of showing she’s still here for him and they can be better together.
And I feel like in her telling him he doesn’t have to be sorry it’s not just her saying you don’t have to be sorry for what you did (cuz y’all Michonne and Rick are cut from the same cloth so she can understand what he did cuz she’s capable of going ham on the Saviors like that too) but it’s also saying you don’t have to be in a sorry state forever.
I appreciate that she chooses not to linger on this or reprimand him and make this cause a wedge. Also probably part of why she feels he doesn’t have to be sorry is because she knows his grieving journey has finally led him to the letter, which is where the healing process will begin.
She wants him to know he doesn’t have to be sorry for his grieving process cuz she knows this specific process very well considering she’s experienced it twice now. I love that she understands him so fully and so deeply and more than anyone else I think Rick has ever come across. 🙏🏽😊
Cuz low key someone who wasn’t his soul mate might not have had a response like “You don’t have to be” when he apologizes but more like “you better be”, but Rick’s got himself the best of the best who supports him through literally thick and thin. 👏🏽👸🏾
Rick seems to often be waiting for someone to tear him down or doubt him or be disappointed in him (probably cuz of his past) but she never does. 🙌🏾
Michonne always uplifts him and this moment was yet another way of saying “I’m still with you” and you know Sis always means it. 😌
So after she tells him this, Rick faces her and finally really looks at her with clear eyes again and it makes all the difference. He’s got himself the best wife and he knows it. Cuz she’s so compassionate and understanding and just genuinely wants the best for him without judgment. At the same time she’s not passive and naïve, she knows what’s up but she always chooses to see the man over the mistakes. #RealLove 👌🏽
And then comes the words we’ve been waiting for. Cuz Rick turns and faces Michonne and with the sweetest sincerity says, “I love you.”
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Every. Last. Thing. 
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That “I love you” was a reminder and a promise that, as much as his whole world has changed, his love for her hasn’t. It’s still there and going strong. 💕
I appreciate that he turns to face her more head on when he says this cuz he wants it to be crystal clear that he means this. We’ve seen that when he’s not being totally honest he can’t really look at people, but here he looks right in her eyes cuz this is the 100% truth. 💯😊
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I said in the last post how I was nervous that because this episode tried to make Rick’s word seem like it was questionable that they’d want this scene to be interpreted as questioning if Rick’s words are sincere or just manipulative, but all you have to do is see his face to know he’s serious. 
He’s looking at her the way he looks at her when he’s in his right mind, which is like she’s his sun, moon, and stars. ☺️
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And y’all, when he says this it came out so effortlessly that I had to pause cuz it was so clear that not only was this not the first time he’s said this but it was very clear that Homeboy has told her plenty of many of times. 👏🏽😊
Before this episode, I was thinking they’ve said it before but of course Andrew Lincoln found a way to deliver this line in a way where it sounds like this is something Rick says all the time. 😋
But it still feels really special and significant this time, because while I feel this totally isn’t their first, second, or even tenth time exchanging “I love you’s”, I think this may be their first time saying it since losing Carl, which is why it’s so meaningful and a milestone, cuz it’s showing they’re back to telling each other what’s always been true.
And after seeing this so many times, I’ve come to like the sort of melodic way he says it cuz there’s something so tender about it.
Also it’s sweet that he nods when he says it cuz this isn’t meant to be angsty, it’s supposed to be more like he’s saying; “you know that thing I tell you all the time? It’s still true” And it never stopped being true, he’s just now in a healthy spot to tell her again. 😌👌🏽
And once he says that, Michonne then completes this perfection by telling him, “I love you too”
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And I gotta happy dance one more again.
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But for real, her delivery of that line was beautiful. 😭 It was so sincere and meaningful while also sounding comfortable and certain.
And there’s definitely something emotional in her delivery because they’re expressing this sentiment post-Carl, but there’s also such a sense that this is so normal and natural for them. 
Danai is so good at communicating so much in just a facial expression but also in just a tone of voice like this moment here. 👸🏾
And I love that Michonne got to say I love you to both Carl and Rick in 8B. They’re family. 😭💕
Now as I was first taking this all in, I was like why didn’t they show Michonne’s face as she said that (cuz y’all my extra self would have wanted a split screen so I could see both of their every move in real time lol 😂) 
But what works about doing it this way is that it just goes to show that those three words are so normal for her to hear and say that it didn’t need this reveal of her reaction. She said it like she means it and like she knows he means it too cuz he’s said it fourteen thousand times before. 😋
And Richonne tones for the win, y’all. Like the way they speak to each other is always so loving and genuine and melts my heart. 🙌🏾
I actually have live footage of my heart when I heard them exchange I love you’s:
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Lol so if my heart turned into Simone Biles, and I’ve only been waiting like two years for this, I can only imagine how gratifying this moment must’ve been for those that had been waiting for this since season 3 and 4.
Like y’all have been going strong for this couple for years and that allowed people like me to jump on board down the line to see what’s always been there between them. So I was celebrating not just for me but for y’all who believed this day would come as early as the moment R&M laid eyes on each other. 😊 And y’all were so right. Won’t He Do It! 🙌 🏾😋
And I love that this moment had so many of us like...
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So while I still would have loved to see Michonne’s reaction, I do love that we get to see Rick’s reaction to her.
Rick nods when she tells him, cuz she’s told him this plenty of many of times too. Amen. 🙌🏾☺️
And y’all I already adored this scene and watched it a ton of times lol, but I never noticed, until I saw it pointed out recently, that Rick actually subtly sheds a tear when she tells him she loves him.
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And seeing that has me even more emotional than I already was. 😭
It makes this moment even more moving because even tho these “I love you’s” are not some new profession for them, it still means the world to them. 😊
And I think for Rick to hear his woman so genuinely express that she loves him too, it moves him in this way because he’s reminded yet again that he still has extremely valuable love left in his life.
After losing Carl, he’d been convincing himself that he’s a failure. But Michonne is here and showing him that he’s still loved, and seen, and cared about, and forgiven, and believed in, and that hits home for Rick and makes him really grateful. 😊
Y’all we really are so blessed that this relationship is in such capable hands with these actors. They’re so skilled at making these moments feel so authentic and personal because they’re characters are so lived in and it really does feel like we’re getting just a peek into the deep closeness and intimacy R&M have in everyday life. It makes you feel like it’s too personal to have an audience almost, but it’s perfect. 😌👌🏽
Like every night since 6x10, R&M get ready to go to bed in a room they share and this is how they talk, except more weighted this time given the circumstances.
I appreciate that they’re also so in tune with the characters so they knew to play this moment as meaningful but also casual because it’s a sentiment often expressed between them. They don’t just know they love each other, they clearly tell each other often too. ☺️
8x01, 7x16, 7x12, 7x10, 7x09, 7x08, 7x05, 7x04, 6x11, and even as early as the day they went canon in 6x10; those are all the episodes where I love you’s could totally have been exchanged. Here for it. 😋
And y’all I have to have my reoccurring epiphany that this is Rick and Michonne. The Rick and Michonne that met at that fence, and constantly found themselves staring each other down when they were just strangers in season 3.
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The Rick and Michonne who were glad to see each other at the gate in season 4. The Rick and Michonne who knew the rules had changed for them in season 5. The Rick and Michonne who just needed a pair of mints to finally embrace the fact that they were in love in season 6. And now we’re here. It’s a blessing. 🙌🏾🎉
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I love thinking about any Richonne scene prior, especially pre-canon, and then thinking about this glorious “I love you” scene following it. Cuz y’all these two have been expressing “I love you’s” to each other in so many different ways for the longest. And it’s just so great to get crystal clear undeniable confirmation that their journey, starting way back in season, 3 was about these two falling in love and now being this strong couple in love. 🙌🏾😌
My favorite is thinking about their moment in the season three finale which parallels this one. In both scenes Rick apologizes and she’s understanding, but in s3 he tells her that it “must’ve been something else” that led him to bring her in. And now in s8 we can pretty much confirm that the “something else” was cuz Homeboy was falling in love. 🙌🏾🎉
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Y’all there’s just no denying that what these two have is the real deal. It’s crazy tho cuz even now, with the literal ILYs having been said, there’s people who still completely overlook their relationship or “don’t see the chemistry” or don’t get that Michonne and Rick are a soul mate package deal relationship, which just confirms that…
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And again, I acknowledge that everyone absolutely has a right to their opinion on it. 👌🏽 But imho, if people can’t see that Rick and Michonne’s relationship is a soul mate relationship now, then it’s cuz they don’t want to see it since in every scene Rick and Michonne are in the “I love you” is evident. 
Whether it’s in action or in different words, and now in those exact special three words. They are in love. And they are going to stay in love til the end. 💯
So to the people who specifically hate on them, I low key feel like this scene was also a way to say…
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But regardless of who’s on board, Richonne only gets stronger and stronger and better and better, so it’s all good.
And y’all the scene doesn’t just end with the I love you’s! There’s more gold to witness. 🙌🏾
Cuz after they share these wonderful words, Michonne goes to Rick and reaches for him cuz he can finally receive it, in fact he needs that.
The way he looks down before she walks over, I feel like Rick doesn’t think she’s about to kiss him, probably cuz he still doesn’t think he deserves that.
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But again, Michonne quiets those doubts in him and gives him the love and connection they both need and y’all it’s beyond precious. 🙌🏾
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Like this reminded me of one of Richonne’s most life-giving moments with the Kiss of Life in 7x05, in the way Michonne reaches for him and reminds him why he’s got a bomb ride or die wife. 👸🏾
I love that they’re able to share this kiss and just be completely enraptured in this moment. And you can tell they’ve both been wanting to connect this way for a while. 😊
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And that mirror showing us all the angles. 👌🏽That mirror is a Richonner and I’m here for it. 😋
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And then the looks they share tho…like y’all this love goes deep. ☺️And it’s great how Richonne can’t help but do everything passionately when they’re with each other. 👏🏽
And then the forehead touch, making them like a perfect heart, is such a beautiful establishment of the strong unit they are and the way they lean on each other and are magnetically connected.  This right here is unbreakable. 😌💯
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To see them both just be fully locked into this moment and not fight the connection their meant to have is so refreshing. 🙌🏾😊 #magnets
And seeing them in front of this whole mirror is def meant to contrast the broken mirror Rick was in at the bar. In the broken mirror he was alone and troubled, but here he is focused and with the woman that’s his rock so he’s much more whole.
Even during their distance in 8x13, I knew we wouldn’t have to wait long until they were back in each other’s arms, and just an episode later they’re right back where they’re meant to be. 👌🏽
So then, still so close and connected, they both look over at this letter and it’s kind of like these two are looking at Carl in a way.
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And it’s deep cuz Carl really was their North Star and such a driving force for these two as individuals. But he still is their North Star because he helped to give them each other, which is how they are able to get through this. 😭
Rick lifts the letter to imply he’s ready to take her words to heart and read it. And Michonne walks away cuz she wants to allow him time to fully take this in on his own.
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Before leaving, she looks at him in a way that says; alright it’s time to take this leap, no more running and once you jump I’ll be right there with you. 👌🏽😊
And having gotten his strength from his everything, he’s able to sit and finally let Carl speak to him one last time, cuz I think part of him knows now that Carl won’t end with that letter.
Like Glenn said; the dead live on in the living. So Carl lives on in Judith and in him and in the woman he’s in love with especially, Michonne. So long as they have each other and love each other, they’ll never lose Carl. 😌
Before Rick reads the letter, he looks up and it’s like he’s trying to look up towards Carl cuz now the roles are switched and Rick has to look up to his son.
This episode concludes with Rick reading the letter and emotionally taking in the words. It’s clear this whole scene is not to suggest that Rick is continuing to be jaded, but to show he’s rising above that unhealthy space. 
He’s open to the letter, he’s opening up to Michonne again and focusing on what he loves over what he hates, cuz real Rick is returning.
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Y’all love covers a multitude of sins and, while TWD does not get a pass for all the baffling dumb decisions made this season, those “I love you’s” def sustained me for a good while lol.
That day was Easter, it was I Love You’s, it was a good celebratory day.👌🏽😊
And this special moment between Rick and Michonne was such a beautiful way to end the episode, having that moment be the final thing. It just goes to show how Richonne only get stronger and closer through adversity. They endure things that should break them, but together they’re stronger than all of it and they always find their way back to each other.
So I truly adore this scene for giving us the golden “I love you’s” and for showing us how lovingly and authentically they’ve found their way back to each other after the hardest adversity yet. And as long as they have each other they’ll thrive, because they are really and truly soul mates. 💯☺️
Rick and Michonne need each other, y’all. And they’re perfect together. And most importantly, they love each other.👌🏽😌🎉🙌🏾
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gif sources: michonnegrimes gekari danaigurirasource spideyys andy-clutterbuck supagirl ricksmichonne
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rye-views · 6 years
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 7.5/10
Season 1:
I love how every character is so uniquely them.  I love the confidence Peralta has in being him. I love the difference in Boyle and Diaz. It reminds me of a weirder version of Aubrey Plaza and Chris Pratt’s characters. The whole cast actually kinda reminds me of Park n Rec. I love the corgi and I love that I finally see the scene that I saw on tumblr. I loved Holt doing some charming. I love when Holt banters with Peralta. I love when people play along. I can’t imagine the actors not as their characters. The humor here intermittently gets to me. Little moments of humor always gets to me. What kind of humor is this? I love it.
Boyle’s character in his love life makes me rather uncomfortable.
Season 2:
Gina is so weird. I’m living. I also love how stoic her facial expressions are. She could easily be an annoying, bubbly character, but she’s not. I love how Peralta always calls out Boyle for his weirdness. Gina has been fav this season. The fake makeouts really got me. WOO!
It’s funny how into roleplay Peralta is. I still find it amusing that Terry Crews is in this show.
Rosa acting as not her makes me so uncomfortable. LOL. Wuntch looking for a wire also makes me uncomfortable.
Season 3:
How I feel about Peralta and Santiago is how I felt about Ted Mosby and Robin. Jake is a wonderfully good friend. Interesting that Jake’s haircut isn’t much, but I like it. ARLO IS SO CUTE. CHEDDAR IS SO CUTE.
Santiago’s nerdiness is kinda amusing. I started to dig it when she mentioned the Helvetica documentary. Gina and the ponytail wig is priceless. The possum is so funny. I laughed so hard. omg. Meredith Palmer. omg. Ron Swanson. I’m dead.
Season 4:
omg. Jerry Gergich.
Really oh my god at Holt getting impaled.
Rosa’s hair looks good this season. I’m dead at Doug Judy’s role. I love him. I love that they fanned about Harry Potter. Couple goals.
Season 5:
I kinda enjoy Jake’s beard. I like how into movies he is. He would probably be good in a relationship with me. hah. I love that they brought in the real Bi of Rosa. I love the agreeing on GIna and Rosa’s hot coupleness. Lmao. I love Rosa getting attracted in the end. I love how supportive these friends are with each other. I love how they build each other up. I did enjoy the crawling in the safe house. I didn’t like the perverts, but I enjoyed it. Also, enjoying Kevin knowing things that aren’t suitable for him. I love that Jake’s and Amy’s relationship didn’t have much trouble. Last episode made me tear. I love how badass women cops Diaz and Santiago are. Rosa is also so cool with the medical school, pilot’s license, etc.
I was really missing Gina this season.
Season 6:
I love when the nine nine got drunk as fuck. I love how perfect Jake and Amy are for each other.
Peralta acting out someone with DID made me chuckle.
Memorable Quotes: “I just forget stuff like a cool person.“ “You don’t outgrow punk, sir.” “How am I attracted to you? Doesn’t matter, I am.” “Pretending to be nice to me is worse than being mean.” “What celebrity, sir? Is it a Chris? Hemsworth? Evans? Pratt? Pine? Brown? Cross?” “I’ve been revined by Rob Kardashian, so yeah, I’m a director.” “Heterosexual you is such a dog.” “the hiding place, not the smoking. Mary Anne is better than that.” “She’s a work in progress.” “Oh my god, our precinct is disgusting.” “And the barracuda is gonna…” “What?” “-weird imitation.-” “NINE NINE!” “Stop yelling at me, I saved the day!” “Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. So, thank you.“ “I told you that in confidence.” “We don’t have that kind of relationship.” “Because it’s weak and humiliating to love someone. I lie to make myself strong and normal.”
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bb-bigbang-org · 4 years
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EPISODE 1: “This house offers no cute people, and I hate it” - DREW
I am playing up a character so I’m acting kinda cold to a lot of people saying short simple answers to DM’s mostly. 
aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. i think im actually really going to love this cast.
Alright ladies and gentlemen. I'm gonna make the first text confessional and I think its gonna be very simple. 
This house offers no cute people, and I hate it. I usually flirt with one man and woman in this house, and there is NO ONE cute in this cast. But I guess, this being the inaugural season of this ORG- I can't fault them because... it was probably hard for the production to find a solid group of people! That being said, the person coming closest to /cute/ is Andrew... but we'll see how it goes it from there.
Here are my first impressions based on the videos!
I want to be Katrina's friend. She seems like a super cool chick.
Austin seems like a good guy but it's hard to judge without a video and without chatting.
Mandi seems really distracted in her video and I worry that she will not have enough time for this game if she has so many other responsibilities.
Drew seems like a pretty chill guy, but for some reason I suspect that there will be some drama with him later on...
Pennino's a cutie. Voting him most likely to self evict. But he seems like a good kid.
Lukas is funny, I feel like he's going to be popular from the start... Not sure which way I should go with that but I should keep an eye on him.
Sooo I guess Frosby knows a bunch of people in this ORG which is certainly concerning. But he seems like a good guy.
Brooke seems like a lost sheep which may make her a good person to keep around for the numbers.
Kayla seems cool! Seems like she is knowledgeable about BBORGS but also seems pretty levelheaded. Also, she's pregnant! How sweet! As I mentioned in my video, I want to work in medicine with pregnant women so I love that.
Joe is cohosting another ORG I'm in and I feel like the other host doesn't like me so I wonder if he doesn't like me either.
Ashley seems great. She seems like someone I would hang out with.
Love Andy! I played in The Circle Online with him!
Sammy seems cool! He also mentioned time issues, but I feel like he would be active enough. He has respects for the hosts so I imagine he won't be missing too much, just might not be as active in the house chats. Probably a good person to keep around, though.
Cody hasn't provided much info except being Australian, which is pretty cool. lol
omg Chloe's video... She seems fun, seems like the kind of drunk to give a stranger a pep talk in a bar bathroom.
First day in the Big Brother house and I'm already part of two alliances. One I know was made by Cody the other...I'm not sure. Cody really wants this HOH which seems risky but, that's his choice, I guess. I really don't want to win HOH at all. Like...bruh lol so if somehow my guess was accurate...I'm gonna yeet myself into oblivion. Like, I want Cody to take the fall. Let him make the bloody first moves haha
Frosby is back in the saddle and I already have no idea what im doing... yet again. But ya know what im here to have fun god damiit and fun is what im going to have. First off im glad to see joe made this season bc BOOM instant ally gotta love the guy. 2nd Im already making some fast friends, what can I say I love talking to people. PRetty soon im going to have so many allies I wont know what to do. This season my main goal is to try and make a little more friends with more of the ladies. I realized in my last season of BB I didn't have a single girl for an ally and I feel like I sold myself short on some good quality allies. SO im going to try my best and talk to everyone and make allies with as many people as I can so I can safely make it through the early evictions. Also my plan is play it cool with challenges until post jury time and then I step up my challenge game! That is all I got for tonight ill probably come back tomorrow with a view on big players in the game. FROSBY OUT 
TO sum up my first day of this game I am playing it hard and fast! I am ensuring that I have a majority alliance and it’s awesome because I was quite lucky to have a few pre game connections going into this so I’ve utilised all of them. And it helped that Brooke wanted to make an alliance with me and a few other people from it
I pitched to everyone that the game of Big Brother is a difficult one to navigate through which is the reason why I created this majority alliance. Now my goal is to win this HOH and start the game from the top. When I am at the top is when my aggressive nature will truly start to kick in. First of all when I decide who I nominate I am going to request an alliance chat with them and tell them that I’m on top they are on the bottom and they both have 0 chance of winning the game. Then proceed to put them on the block
Now hopefully me being so aggressive it will actually be a weird way of showing how loyal I am to my alliance. This could easily backfire of course but the idea is for them to perceive me as a goat. When in reality that’s what I want them to think and I will do everything I can to aggressively get things my way in this game. And if I find out that any of my allies are going against me and the alliance I’m going to be aggressive about how I call them out for it. And hopefully the perception will still be “yeah this guy might be mean but he’s also very loyal to his people let’s take someone else out over him”
So i'm here! I'm really happy to be here. But I see some faces like Joe, Kayla, and Brooke, which I know, and I'm kinda scared about playing with them, but I really need to start talking to people. 
So, the first day Cody made a nine person alliance. which is fine and all because i am in it but he is literally running the alliance and im not sure i really trust him at all yet.. so we will see how fast this will blow up.
Oh boy. I’m in over my head. There’s so many new people and I have no clue how to play this game. It’s so hard keeping track of people and who they are. I think a lot of these people know each other and have played with each other before which scares me. That means I have a disadvantage. I am an outsider and they won’t see me the same as those people that they’ve already played with. I’m going to try and stay under the radar but be very friendly since that’s what worked for me in the last org that I played in. I’ve met some really nice People so far. I really like Andrew and Austin. I hope the people that I’m talking to and making friends with her trustworthy. I would really hate if I started becoming really good friends with somebody and they turned out to go behind my back. That would really suck if I was one of the first people to leave.
For the record, I do not want to win the first HOH. Its too early for that power and I don't want to make a splash yet. I would rather just watch from the sidelines this week.
As my theme song said - "Take one step at a time, there's no need to rush."
I feel like I’ve made some solid bonds with the people around me. Came in knowing a lot of people, and they seem like they’re all willing to work with me. I think Mandi and frosby will be my go to’s. Surprised frosby still wants to work with me after last game but I feel like I can trust him. I think I’m in a good spot for at least these first few weeks. 
Watching Lukas blow up unde9able is great. Especially since I was the one that ratted it out to him. He came to me and said Cody has a nine person alliance and since he’s HoH, I didn’t want to lie to him. He promised me safety in return of telling him who’s in it. I’m just gonna kick back and relax and hope he doesn’t nominate Kayla. 
Unde9nable got leaked already? I wonder who told the HoH... not I, but I did tell Chloe- and girl its a MESS. I gotta act like I'm in some sort of trouble with Lukas, but after speaking with him earlier, he knows that its a front. I literally am just not feeling Cody, and his ass needs to GO. Glad to see that I have some people agreeing with me that he's fake, he sounds robotic, and that he's disingenuous! LOVE THAT FOR ME!!! 
Hey hey it’s already day 2 feeling okay. I kinda wish that the one on ones weren’t in my private messages but it’s okay. I am getting to know people and it’s cool. Pretty good so far. I like Lukas and Sammy. And I’m glad I didn’t win HOH I don’t want to be first and have a target.
So I’m not entirely sure what’s going to happen moving forward with my game. Obviously the HOH plan and alliance failed and I made the decision to stir the pot a little and made a particular comment which got reported. And it made me realise it’s best to stop the crazy persona. 
I do feel like I do have some legit relationships in this game, people such as Joe and Kayla I’ve talked to a lot. I’m not entirely sure that they will want to play with me moving forward through. Thankfully I do have an alliance with Brooke which she started and like I said I do feel like I got a good bond with Joe and Kayla. However it’s probably not gonna be enough. I just spent some time chilling in voice chat with a few people and we had a good time. We talked essentially 0 game though which was absolutely fine, the only thing we did talk about was just me apologising for my actions however I feel like I’m definitely a dead man walking but I can try to use that to my advantage and say that I am an open number. I just hope that does not make me perceived as a wildcard
Daily Thoughts for Day 2:
HOH Competition: I was really trying not to win the first HOH competition, but I didn't throw it necessarily, I just didn't try at all. I didn't want to obviously throw, but I figured not trying would be enough not to win. WELL turns out I tied for 2nd out of 16 houseguests. WHOOPS. That was close. Anyway, Lukas won! I feel okay with Lukas as HOH. We have talked a bit and he consults with me game decisions, so I feel pretty safe. We don't have an explicit alliance, but we have said we'll have each other's back this week at least.
9 person alliance: So, apparently there was a majority alliance created in the first 24 hours of the game. Even worse, it seems that Cody created the alliance and just added random people in without consulting them first. That seems messy af. Lukas blew up the alliance in the house after someone leaked it to him. I mean, are you surprised it got leaked if people didn't even want to be in it? I would have leaked it too! Lukas may have created a target on his back by blowing that up, but it seems like most people in the house are on his side because most people weren't committed to that alliance anyway.
House Meeting: After the alliance was exposed, Cody decided to call a house meeting. He explained that he came in here and decided to play a "drill sergeant" character. He quickly realized that he was rubbing people the wrong way after he got reported for threatening physical violence. He will play as himself from now on. He was trying to save his own ass, but I think it's too late for him.
Houseguest Connections:
The person I'm the closest with in the house so far is Frosby. We got to chatting on the first night about board games and the conversation just flowed really easily. He was a part of that 9 person "alliance" but that doesn't really concern me because I believe that he was just added willy nilly and didn't have any stake in it. Other than that, I've talked game with Lukas the most. I don't have any solid alliances formed, but I wanted to wait until week 2 to really start solidifying things. I prefer to take the time to get to know people before committing to alliances.
well first nomination ceremony went good!! i totally forgot pennino was in the game.😳 i feel bad because he is in such a different time zone then all of us buuuuut. i was nominated so thats good. i am trying my best to just be social with everyone. i have talked to ash and desiree on vc but other than that i havent talked to them at all. i have yet to talk to pennino at all. but other than that i have mostly talked to everyone either through dm or in the house chat. i am honestly scared this game.😂 i have no idea what ANYONE is thinking. im worried about brooke and kayla because they are so close and know about me and joe. i know they are eventually going to try and break me and him up. joe will always be my number one and i will always protect my little brother.😎
So this is a bad situation. But I want to work with Lukas. Keep your enemies REALLY close
My thought on my housemates so far.
(They will be rank 1-15 purposely, it’s just a first impression rank, not everything in written in stone) 
1. Lukas (we’ve had a good connection, very fluid conversation, nice dude, TOP ally rn, he wasn’t part of the 9 person alliance)
2. Frosby (he contacted me, and he was very nice, very cool, he was part of the 9 person alliance, and we were both a bit Wary about it too.)
3. Mandi (my twinsie)
4. Sammy (he’s very nice, a bit busy, but when he has a break, he talks and it’s very fluid)
5. Desiree (i know her from another org, and she maybe an ally, like be a huge threat because she knows I play a good social game)
6. Katrina (i respect her for her career choice, also she said I was funny, and well now I love her lol)
7. Chloe (party girl, fun to talk to her, that character can also be an act, but benefit of the doubt)
8. Drew (he’s Zen, cool, i like him)
9. Ashley (she’s cute, i like her for now)
10. Kayla (i got no solid opinion of Kayla rn)
11. Brooke (she’s very active, i like that, but she has already a social game going on, and obviously I’m not part of it, but that can benefit me, for now)
12. Joe (who?)
13. Austin (weed bro, doesn’t talk much)
14. Cody (catfish)
15. Pennino (he’s very young, and has a very weird time difference, I’ve played a previous org with him, and he didn’t talk at all, i bet he bites more than he can chew)
That’s is my initial ranking of my houseguests.
My strategy for this game is “smile and wave”, this is 80 days, and the dying star will be mainly based on vengeance on another houseguest or if they think it’s a threat. Keep it cute, this game is basically called the “long con”. I’m ready to play.
Daily Thoughts for Day 3:
Lukas nominated Cody & Pennino today, and then Sammi, Chloe, & Frosby were picked. I feel good with the nominees, Cody already blew up his game and I haven't really talked to Pennino at all. I am happy to not be picked for POV as well, because I want to lay low in the game for now. I am happy that Frosby got picked though, because he is my ally so if he wins I can at least feel involved from the sidelines.
Alright so according to a few people I might actually be safe...it’s hard to believe anything that you are told in this game. But if I’m safe then fuck yessss I’m back in it. 
It seems as though people’s views and thoughts on me have changed mostly and the votes actually might not all be coming my way. However I’m still not expecting to be kept safe because they could just be trying to make me feel comfortable! 
If I do survive I am going to try and lay low for a bit. I’m probably going to throw the next HOH, still undecided. I don’t wanna draw too much attention onto myself because if I’m in a position of nominating people straight away after surviving then people might change how they feel about me yet again especially if they’re on the receiving end of a nomination
I am also probably not going to set up any alliances either unless I feel I absolutely need to. I think instead I’m going to try and be looked upon as kind of a floating free agent. I might only try to win vetos if I get picked for them
Daily Thoughts for Day 4:
Sammy won POV and didn't use it. I think that was the right decision. Final nominees are Cody & Pennino. Lukas told me he doesn't care who goes home and that it's up the house, but it seems like Pennino is a pawn here. I think if there is someone in the group who is so obviously making waves, they should go for the first week. In the coming weeks, we can worry about bigger threats, but first week, I'm more in favor of evicting the person who is the most controversial.
Trust ratings so far (1 most & 15 least)
1. Sammy
2. Joe
3. Brooke
4. Kayla
5. Drew
6. Mandi
7. Lukas
8. Chloe
9. Katrina
10. Frosby
11. Desiree
12. Austin
13. Andy
14. pennino
15. Cody
UGH. i dont know who to vote for.😭 everyone is so back and forth. everyone wants cody out because he rubbed them the wrong way, and pennino. people want him gone because he isnt very active, but he is sooo nice. but also i love drama and cody is a good drama started. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO.😭😭 no one is giving me answers on who is going or who is staying.
Trust Ranking: 
1. Lukas
2. Frosby
3. Mandi
4. Sammy
5. Desiree
6. Austin
7. Brooke
8. Katrina
9. Drew
10. Chloe
11. Cody
12. Ashley
13. Kaya
14. Joe
15. Pennino
From 5-to 13. It can totally change during time.
Absolutely gaggin. 
Like this is how the first week is gonna end? People are gonna claim that CODY is the least threatening player than a 14 year-old. Absolutely bonkers man. Did I sign up to play Big Brother or Hopscotch? Like my god- the way that Ashley and Brooke are going around trying to PERSUADE the other houseguests that Cody is the one to keep. AND it doesn't help matters when I'm supposed to be aligned with Joe/Mandi/Katrina, and they're all like- yeah Cody isn't a competition threat and a vote shield!? 
Like I understand that Pennino isn't the most active, but why are we gonna be wasting a WEEK on him when he's probably gonna strike out for inactivity or something down the line?!? LIKE I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Everyone here is thinking on the short term, and I honestly hate it. I really do. 
Bollocks. I'm just so over everything that has transpired in the last 24 hours. And if this is any indication on how the rest of the game will be- then I'm gonna make it my damn mission to make sure that I get Ashley, Brooke, Frosby, Joe, and Andrew out of here. Trust and believe.
soooo. kayla and sammy came to me and said they wanted to flip the votes and evict cody. i told them if they had the votes i would go wherever the house went. well my alliance with joe, drew, and katrina said we had the votes to keep cody. we have frosby, brooke, joe, drew, katrina, ashley, desiree, and maybe chloe?? i dont know and then me. i told sammy that they didnt have the votes to flip and that cody would be a good vote shield if we were ever on the block with him. so i finally convinced sammy to keep cody. sorry kayla and austin! i am just going where the house goes. i honestly dont care who goes home but i think keeping cody is our best option going forward in the game. plus pennino hasnt talked to me at all and i think i can trust cody.
Kayla really wants Cody gone but I think he should stay.. I really don’t want to go against her or lie to her but if I have to, I will.
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nerdy-pidgey · 7 years
So The Last Man on Earth had its season finale last night and I want to talk about it. I’m also going to be talking about the episode last week as well because I just watched all 3 episodes tonight. 
First off, the most important thing to discuss is the massive 6-month time skip the show just drops in your lap with no warning. Usually if a time skip happens in a TV show, it’s between seasons or follows a massive event. Here, we were in the middle of multiple rather involved plot lines and character arcs. Carol was getting concerned that there was something wrong with her pregnancy because she didn’t have any symptoms. Melissa was making slow but sure progress with her mental illness. Jasper was slowly getting closer with the other members of the group. The episode begins with a romantic(?) moment between Gail and Erica, which isn’t completely surprising because when the characters were first introduced back in the first season, it was implied they had experimented with homosexuality before coming to Tucson. But it hadn’t been brought up since then, and it kinda came out of left field. This whole episode did. Every scene throws curveball after curveball at you, confusing you. I started to think that one of the characters was having a bizarre dream. Jasper talks for the first time (to us anyway) and Tandy reacts like it’s a big deal, but then it’s revealed that he’s reacting to something completely different. At Todd and Melissa’s wedding, Tandy finally reveals that it’s been six months since the last episode, and the writers practically give us a big middle finger about everything that’s confusing us. And yeah, I get that it’s funny because it subverted our expectations. But at the end of the day, all they did was leave multiple dangling plot lines and jump ahead in time to the aftermath without actually giving us a satisfying conclusion for any of it. Oh no, is there a problem with Carol’s pregnancy? Oh, nope, she’s nine months pregnant lol. Is Melissa ever going to fully recover? Oh, she’s completely back to normal? Great. Will Jasper ever open up to the rest of the group? What’s that? He’s talking and making snarky comments to everyone. Well that’s just fucking peachy.
Also small nitpick but if Jasper is talking now why are they still calling him Jasper? You mean to tell me that he didn’t tell them his name?? Or that he doesn’t have a name?? THAT doesn’t make any sense.
I suppose one good thing that came out of the time skip was Melissa. She absolutely stole the show in these episodes. All of the best lines were hers. I had forgotten how much I missed her no-nonsense, say-it-like-it-is attitude. I also really enjoyed the introduction of the nuclear meltdown element. I love when they bring back how morbid it is that everyone’s dead and man’s creations are falling apart. Everything about Erica’s labor was handled spectacularly. Carol having to get over her fear, Gail and Todd overcoming the immense challenge and redeeming themselves for their previous failure, everyone helping reposition the baby so they don’t have to do a c-section, it was all amazing.
But, unfortunately, we need to talk about the elephant in the room, the one major problem I had. I may have not liked the time skip too much, but by the time the two part finale was starting, I had accepted that this was where the show was going. No, my major problem was Tandy. I understand that Tandy’s antics are the main source of this show’s humor. I like it. I like how it’s mostly cringe humor. But I feel like these three episodes crossed a few lines and were really in bad taste. One of the plot lines I was starting to see was Tandy very slowly starting to grow up and act a little more mature. However, it seems like the time skip has caused Tandy to regress and become even worse. Often times, Tandy’s actions aren’t very harmful. They’re just kind of annoying, and he usually has a heartfelt moment with another member of the group by the end of the episode. And while there was a small moment with Gail at the end of the first episode, but it wasn’t very genuine. Plus, everything Tandy did in these episodes was just despicable. Putting on the mask and pretending to be Phil? That was just fucked up. His exceedingly long speeches making everything about himself was just terrible. He was a massive creep and violated Erica’s personal space while she tried to breastfeed like four fucking times. And he singlehandedly caused the fire in the trailer house that led Pat to their location.
Also let’s talk about Pat. Pat was a confrontation I had really been looking forward to since the beginning of the season. And then he’s there for five seconds before he gets shot by Pamela. It’s nice to see that Pamela joins the group, and I’m excited to see where that goes in the beginning of season 4, but I feel like the writers forgot about Pat, had no real plans for him and he was just another loose end they had to tie up incredibly quickly, like all of the development that was going on before the time skip!
But back to Tandy, I just felt like everything he did in these episodes was unforgivable. He has gone from a quirky little annoyance with funny one-liners to an actual nuisance and a serious hindrance to the group’s long-term survival. I really hope they address this going forward in season 4. I think Tandy needs real development. He can’t go on like this forever. A good opportunity for a step towards this would have been in the second episode, where he could have actually been a real help in assisting Gail and Todd in the delivery room, instead of...ugh, doing a tasteless impression of the DEAD FATHER OF ERICA’S CHILD.
So, overall, I mostly enjoyed the season 3 finale. The nuclear meltdown threat was great, Melissa was hilarious, and the intensity of Erica’s labor was beautifully written and executed, with some Carol development thrown in for good measure. The time skip was a little annoying, though, and felt largely unneeded, and left the show with more than a few unresolved plot lines, including Pat. Tandy was a fucking scumbag and I hate him. Things I hope they address in season 4 include this, Gail and Erica’s romantic(?) moment, and Jasper’s name. Seriously are they just gonna keep calling him Jasper??
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