#seek his kingdom
wecanbeperfect · 1 year
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We must be born again of God of his Spirit
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babythegod · 6 months
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Matthew 6:33 (KJV) - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
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goldensunset · 2 years
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just gonna make myself weirdly emotional about this
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storm-driver · 1 year
kh4 fanfic scenario where roxas somehow manages to meet up with subject x and she calls him ventus over and over, but every time roxas tries to correct her, she sinks a little further into denial, insisting he must remember his past and the sacrifice he made for them.
and roxas, not really knowing who ventus is besides having a close tie to sora, has to start putting pieces together himself since the wayfinder family is in the realm of darkness
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I've been thinking about the way we tend to attribute qualities to how Hyrule should "feel like" to feel authentically like itself (I often hear child-like, full of wonder, mysterious, playful but also mystical in that vague "we sort of know when we see it" sort of vibes), especially backed against common interpretations of the setting commonly heralded as "wrong" (mostly thinking about the "edgy" thing, but also when it's too childish, or when it's too dense with lore, etc), and that led me to think that Hyrule (and consorts, Lorule/Labrynna/Termina/etc), in all its known shiftiness, kind of feels like the materialization of a pathetic fallacy to me (without the negative connotation that comes with fallacy).
As in: Hyrule feels that way because Link feels that way about Hyrule. But when Link needs to feel something else, Hyrule becomes Termina. Or a Link that doesn't care about Hyrule, and that's a plot point, demands a setting like The Great Sea instead. A more mature Link that already has a community built around him will fare better in the Twilight Princess' Hyrule than he would in ALTTP's.
I feel like Hyrule, in narrative faming (and honestly there's a point to be made that it reflects the current values of the setting itself and it could be fun to consider this literally even), will always be the Hyrule of the eyes of its beholder. I'm not sure every character would even experience the very same Hyrule in the same way; but because Hyrule is built for Link, in many ways, we will very often (though not always!) see that evergreen kingdom that's always vague enough to be enticing, but precise enough to be worth the adventures.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Since I very sincerely doubt Uther managed to kill ALL the Dragonlords (they're knights, not the KGB, and it was a lot easier to disappear back then) imagine them returning to Albion from Rome or whatever to find Cousin Balinor's only son is ruling Camelot and the Druids, is best friends with an immortal knight and one dude that's been raised from the fucking dead, is bonded to THEE oldest dragon they've ever heard of (and who is also nuttier than squirrel stew) and a semi-feral hatchling that barely listens to four (4) people max and hisses/bites/claws at the rest, and oh yeah, is married to a fucking Pendragon.
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Family dinners must be a hoot and a half.
oh to be a fly on the wall when they finally make an audience in Camelot. oh to see Merlin's face morph from apprehension to wonder to exhaustion to horror because they're telling Arthur everything they know.
#obviously these guys arrive post battle of camlann and post magic ban being lifted#they heard about the new king of camelot being the once and future king wanted to see that for themselves (they have so many questions)#they create a dragonlord support group for merlin#honestly my question is when exactly did the dragonlord population start dimishing#sure okay we can say during the Purge and Uther isn't one for mercy so he would totally go on a warpath...but they're dragonlords and yet#they lost to a mad king who only had knights on his side.#theory: dragonlord population was dwindling long before the Purge#other kingdoms in Abion were growing suspicious and wary of dragolords and their ability to “control” dragons#many kings felt threatened by it and sought to exterminate them#paranoia for magic prob been around long before the Purge (twas only the catalyst for a century long tension bt royals and sorcerers)#think WW1 kind of tension between kings and dragonlords: kingdoms were beginning to stabilize/unify; territories were drawn out#oh bro i am now actually very interested in exploring the events leading up to the Purge#my theory: Ambrosious the king said to “unite” Albion that first time had issues with gaining fealty from dragonlords#dragonlords saw themselves as neutral ambassadors but Ambrosious saw them as threats; they reached some treaty but the animosity stayed#every line of succession you have a king seeking to get dragonlords under their rule and dragonlords refusing#then maybe a king or so before Uther less heirs for dragonlords occur; less eggs hatch or are allowed to hatch (kings find them and keep#the prized eggs in their vaults full of treasure blatantly ignoring the very sacred and important dragonlord customs)#but then the Purge comes and now many dragonlords are hunted down and killed and many leave to never return#so yeah maybe Balinor was the last dragonlord on Albion by s2 finale but not because they all died but bc he was the last one who stayed#and lived since everyone else now reside elsewhere in the world refusing to rebuild the bridge the kings had burned#bbc merlin#dragonlords#headcanons#asks
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rogdona · 6 months
got a bunch of ideas for the world too
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aelswiths · 1 year
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Lord, you were a father before you were a King
Aelswith & Alfred in 2x08
For @cayleyhannha-blog who requested gifs of Aelswith & Alfred
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nonconstories · 2 months
Someday, I will buckle down and write my sexy monster fucking version of King Lindworm, where the prince stays at least semi-dragonfied. But see, I'm torn. Do I make the monster prince cis and he's semi-dragonfied from the wedding night, and now he's just the heir to throne and also a traumatized, aggressive monster boy married to a Very Weird peasant girl who's THE FUTURE QUEEN NOW and also yeah she's kind of a witch and oh by the way the prince is VERY MUCH not a regular person and oh by the way you know all those princesses he ate? Yeah their dads are like mad.
Is he only called 'the prince' because dragons are all intersex and their gender is always self-selected? Is his human form female and the peasant girl actually does complete the ritual and EVERYONE is surprised? And the king and queen just chuck their new 'princess' in a dungeon to rot out of sight and send peasant-queen home to her goddamn mill like you didn't see shit and she's like actually no I am angry AND fearless AND very horny for dragons and her trans dragon husband is all I WILL break out of here I WILL learn the magic it takes to get my real body back I WILL find my wife and the human prince is sweating goddamn bullets as Deranged Peasant Witch and Deranged Trans Dragon Prince and Idiot Moron Queen are all plotting different plots and several of these plots end with him dead.
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cxldtyrant · 6 months
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@viopolis asked: Lord Cooler, could I ask for your comments on your kind's [ Reputation ] and [ Government ]?
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          Cooler shifted comfortably in his seat, lightly drumming his fingers against the right arm of his throne. A small smirk flitted across his features as he regarded the inquiry with mild amusement. It was little surprise that the Ambassador wished to learn more about his kind. In the grand scheme of things, the Arcosian people were considered enigmatic—if reviled—by most of the galaxy. Very rarely did his people leave their home planet, and the only prominent members the universe was familiar with were himself, his father, and his foolish little brother—the latter of whom had besmirched the Arcosian name with his violent temper tantrums and disregard for decent social etiquette.
          Unsurprisingly, it was yet again up to him to clean up his brother’s mess. Their people did not deserve to be condemned by the galaxy for the ill-thought actions of that spoilt little brat.
          “The Arcosian people come from a long line of strength and resilience, having spent millennia’s evolving due to the harsh, hostile environment of Arcos,” the Prince advised, stilling the motions of his fingertips. “As such, my people greatly respect strength, and have a natural ambition to better themselves. Of course, the definition of “strength” itself is open to interpretation: some will seek to improve their physical prowess, while others prefer an intellectual growth, or perhaps even seek greater wealth, status, or to hone a particular skill. Regardless, my people do not settle for mediocrity or stagnation. They are always seeking improvement.”
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          He moved his hands, his fingers interlocking as he propped his elbows over the armrests, leaning slightly forward has he regarded the latter. “My mother had ruled Arcos before her passing, after which fell towards my father as the Dowager King and acting Regent, until my brother and I were ready and worthy of the throne—" which, if his father had it his way, would have been until his death via old age rather than willing relinquishment. Or perhaps, yet again, he would have gifted his unworthy brother another throne as his puppet king. Cooler’s grip tightened briefly. “But my family is not the sole leadership of Arcos. We have our advisors and acting regents, and a senate of many noble families governing each settlement across the planet. With each city and town they rule, they have their own elected officials overseeing their subjects and brining concerns to them. It is very much an interwoven system of responsibility and communication. As those with the most power, we all must play our part to ensure the best for our society.”
          Because at the end of the day, that was all that mattered to the Arcosian people. That they improved, that they adapted, that they become the best. And that was not an inherently evil thing. Freeza may have been the worst that Arcos had to show of their kind, but Cooler would see to it that the stain his brother left on their people’s legacy would be thoroughly scrubbed from history.
          And if he had it his way, Freeza himself would be wiped as well.
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wecanbeperfect · 2 years
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We must be born again. 
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keykidpilipili · 1 year
Currently haunted again by the fact that KHUX had data org fights and they never connected that with how the Marluxia+Larxene medals/cards could have affected Elrena and Lauriam's keykid lives.
(This is not even going into Ventus impacted by both Ven Cards/medals but also the Roxas ones cause... you know most keykids would have just assumed that was he stealing Sora's name or sth like Ansem sod)
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wiirocku · 4 months
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Matthew 6:33 (NIV) - But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi brothers and sisters
Today, I will also write my testimony on how my life looked like when I was listening to KPOP, how Lord of Lords delivered me from listening to worldly music, watching a lot of content from some groups and solists, and how my spiritual life looks like now.
My journey with kpop
I discovered kpop in 2018. However, I only listened to a few music groups: Blackpink; Twice; Red Velvet and one song from Sunmi. I won't say too much about it for it isn't that important. I just liked listening to this music but wasn't that invested in it.
However in March 2021, I started listening to BTS, Enhypen and TXT. I quickly wanted to just know their names so that I could recognize them, but I began to really like their songs. I loved the fact that everytime I was sad, I could listen to their songs and feel happiness. I felt a lot of energy after listening to their songs and began to watch different types of content from these groups and videos their fans published. I was very anxious and thought that they are the reason why my anxiety calms down. Whenever I felt hopeless, I came to their music, I also posted posts about them on a few apps. I didn't see any red flags and even when I began to see that I depend on them when it comes to happiness and my well-being in general and felt miserable, very sad when I thought of going back to school after breaks on which I listened to Kpop and watched Kpop content for a few hours everyday. Even though I could see how I depend on kpop groups too much, I didn't even think of taking a break from it. There were times when I wasn't listening to this music for a few days, but I still watched content related to it. I didn't see that it is satanic, full of blasphemy against my Creator God, personal Savior Jesus Christ and maybe blasphemy against my Precious Friend Holy Spirit too. I was so blinded by all of those innocent looking people that I didn't see that there is so many wrong things about this industry. I saw how people working in it are treated, the negative impact their songs have on my emotions and heart (my heart hardened really quickly after listening to some songs), I heard songs about the devil and revenge, and even though I tried to be closer to God, I actually didn't seek Him in the right way, as I was too invested in this music industry and didn't stop listening to these songs for the sake of my identity as a child of God. I even loved singing them. I even started thinking that I should be like those singers and tried to learn how to sing and dance like them. I had a lot of scenarios about becoming a kpop idol (even though the name is also a huge red flag which I didn't see as I was blinded by satan) to the point that I even dreamed about talking with my (now ex) favorite groups. I am ashamed for I even tried to introduce other people to kpop not knowing that it was one of the reasons why I was so miserable, but I realized it only recently.
How God delivered me
I actually didn't have to do much to get rid of listening to kpop. On 15th March, I went on referat and the for the first time in my life I truly felt that it's not a priest talking about God to me, but it's God talking to me through the priest. I felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit and loved it. When I went out of the church, my mind was filled with the thoughts that I want to truly start seeking God and spend much more time with Him, at least a few hours. I also lost the desire to listen to the wordly music and after some time I also stopped having the desire to watch movies that aren't about God, study if it isn't about Him (I still study and have good grades, but I just don't keep on seeking knowledge after school at all. However, I love getting to know about Almighty more).
The comparison how my life looked like before and how it looks like now
I can easily notice that just like I had so much anxiety when I was listening to kpop, it is gone. I sometimes feel anxiety when I want to explain the Bible for someone and obey God's will but it disappears thanks to the Most High. Earlier, I used to compare my looks and abilities to everyone around me and got way too involed in beauty standards. However, today I noticed that I haven't felt ugly or wanted to change anything about my looks for a few months now (it's May, so 4 months' passed since I was born again). I also stopped feeling so sad and lonely, don't need to depend on music to feel happy. I found my identity and only true happiness in the Holy Trinity and know that they always care about me. Even when someone rejects me or doesn't treat me with respect, I always come back to my Heavenly Father and remind myself that having Him, Jesus and Holy Spirit in my life is more than enough. I did overthink everything, but stopped. Randomly, different thoughts about future fill my mind, but I able to ignore them and focus on my Savior. These days, I get tempted so much to come back to kpop. To be honest, I wanted to come back to kpop to listen to Christian songs. However, I also had a strong desire to listen to other kpop groups but my King of Kings lead me to the video that talked about the negative impact it has on faith of people. Then, I realized that I could watch kpop content and listen to this genre even for 5 hours during the day but prayed for only 25-30 minutes and didn't feel that I need God as I thought that I only need those groups. I watched a few videos about how bad it is and on the next day, I told myself that I won't come back to this again. I was tempeted way more often and the thoughts that told me to come back to this were really intensive, I also saw some articles and videos on the websearcher but didn't choose to waste my this way. I learned how to stand firm and I am thankful for Holy Trinity, for God helped me. Thoughts of the books I read about kpop also show up in my mind and try to encourage to read them again, but I will not break for God. He died for me, I can at least put Him first and not go back to something that is against Him. You can choose Jesus as well! His Arms are always opened for you, no matter how much you've sinned. He loves you to the point that He even died for you, took your blame on Himself to give you salvation and not let you perish. He is always there to listen to you and give you comfort. Just accept His offer, you won't regret it in the end :)
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Wowzie the gang is all here! Only two of them have names, but it's ok Ill figure smth out
#keese draws#oc art#ocs#oc posting#pls prepare for me to be a lil annoying with the self rbs on this one </3#anyways I can FINALLY actually talk abt this story a lil bit now!!#Im still refining things but basically the main pov is the middle kid who used to be a tree and the son of an old powerful being#but one day his mom's forest got burned down and he died :(#but its ok he got better but only thousands of years later in an new body and hes trying to figure out what happened to him and his mom#pretty early on he ran into stanley and quartez who were two half siblings from the kingdom that most the other stories take place in#they had to leave and are mostly just wanderinf and trying to survive and stanley decides to help this odd lil fella out#the guy to the far right was found next in the region that the main kids mom used to control#they were being possesed by a magic user after being infected with this tree parasite but they managed to break the wizard's staff and#pacify the parasite mostly because of quartez getting possesed tbh but they found them too#they were here because they read of an anchient artifact and tried to find it and got possesed in tge process#now they have no idea where they are or how long theyve been possesed so party member aquired woo 🎉#but theyre more interested in whatever is going on with these losers anyways so they sugguest that they try seeking out an old god that#lives deep in the dangerous waters of the seemingly endless ocean with the help of some of their magic#so they go down there main kid gets dragged away buy the kid to the far left but the big ocean lady manages to catch them both and is like#hi little ones whats up have my blessing#and the main kid is like can u bless my friends too?#and shes like ya hold on and summons the other three there#and meanwhile the eel girl is quietly freaking the fuck out because shes been raised with the goal of killing this lady#long story short she brings them home to subtly ask her parents what to do with them because thered been rumors that one of them has a#super powerful magic item that holds the power of another old god that might give them the strength to kill the ocean lady#and theyre like ok ok. lets not shed blood that we dont need to since the ocean god has her eyes on these guys and we dont want her#suspecting anything so just like tag along with them and gain their trust and then either steal it or have them give it to you#so then she joined the gang too yippee#and then ~stuff~ happens or whatever#thats the basic run down of the squad but I have more I just do not have the energy to go through everything rn dydkgdjsy
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