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ライカちゃん by しゅーいち
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russiawave · 1 year
Russian Supermarkets are SO different
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elfidasthings · 2 years
"Evet sonuna geldik belki;ama seni hala çok seviyorum..."
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quiddie · 10 months
Lol I think I’ve been lowkey banned on the bird app for adding a ce@sefire hashtag to my name.
Will follow up if and when a fuck about that makes itself known.
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lisychai · 10 months
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An attempt to design an outfit for Sefir. Still needs so much work. Pls don’t mind the looong legs, I know I have to fix them
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aliceyv · 2 months
Arthur: Welcome to the Round Table. Let me introduce you to your new brothers in arms. This is Lancelot, father to Galahad over there. These are my nephews Gawain, Agravaine, Gaheris, and Gareth. That's Mordred, my other nephew...and son. Anyways, we have Percival and his half-brother Feirefiz. Bors, his son Bors, and his grandson Elyan. Bedivere & Lucan & their cousin Griflet. Also, Sefir and his two broth—
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badoccultadvice · 2 years
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stklsy · 1 year
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[WIP] my dnd character Sefir <3333
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aynodndr · 11 months
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İstanbul'a duyduğum derin aşk üzerine.
Canim Istanbul
Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Ruhumu eritip de kalıpta dondurmuşlar;
Onu İstanbul diye toprağa kondurmuşlar.
İçimde tüten bir şey; hava, renk, eda, iklim;
O benim, zaman, mekan aşıp geçmiş sevgilim.
Çiçeği altın yaldız, suyu telli pulludur;
Ay ve güneş ezelden iki İstanbulludur.
Denizle toprak, yalnız onda ermiş visale,
Ve kavuşmuş rüyalar, onda, onda misale. İstanbul benim canım;
Vatanım da vatanım...
İstanbul...Tarihin gözleri var, surlarda delik delik;
Servi, endamlı servi, ahirete perdelik...
Bulutta şaha kalkmış Fatih'ten kalma kır at;
Pırlantadan kubbeler, belki bir milyar kırat...
Şahadet parmağıdır göğe doğru minare;
Her nakışta o mana: Öleceğiz ne çare? ..
Hayattan canlı ölüm, günahtan baskın rahmet;
Beyoğlu tepinirken ağlar Karacaahmet... O manayı bul da bul!
İlle İstanbul'da bul!
İstanbul...Boğaz gümüş bir mangal, kaynatır serinliği;
Çamlıca'da, yerdedir göklerin derinliği.
Oynak sular yalının alt katına misafir;
Yeni dünyadan mahzun, resimde eski sefir.
Her akşam camlarında yangın çıkan Üsküdar,
Perili ahşap konak, koca bir şehir kadar...
Bir ses, bilemem tanbur gibi mi, ud gibi mi?
Cumbalı odalarda inletir ' Katibim'i... Kadını keskin bıçak,
Taze kan gibi sıcak.
İstanbul...Yedi tepe üstünde zaman bir gergef işler!
Yedi renk, yedi sesten sayısız belirişler...
Eyüp öksüz, Kadıköy süslü, Moda kurumlu,
Adada rüzgar, uçan eteklerden sorumlu.
Her şafak Hisarlarda oklar çıkar yayından
Hala çığlıklar gelir Topkapı Sarayından.
Ana gibi yar olmaz, İstanbul gibi diyar;
Güleni şöyle dursun, ağlayanı bahtiyar... Gecesi sünbül kokan
Türkçesi bülbül kokan,
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
》 Mahfiruze Sultan 《
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Gerçek adı : Hansuret-Bikeç
Doğum tarihi ve yer : 1590 / Kafkasya ( Labe nehri civarında )
Ölüm tarihi ve yer : 28.10.1620
Babası : Prens Alkas Çerkassky
Annesi : Feride Hatun
Ağabeyi : Janhot Bey
Kardeşi : Şahincah Hatun, Ali Bey.
Eşi : 1 Ahmed
Evlilik tarihi :  8 Ocak 1604
Çocukları : 2 Osman                     Hatice Sultan                     Hanzade Sultan                     Şehzade Bayezid                     Şehzade Hüseyin                     Şehzade Süleyman                     Zeynep Sultan
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Real name: Hansuret-Bikec
Date and place of birth : 1590 / Caucasus ( around the river Labe )
Date and place of death : 28.10.1620
Father: Prince Alkas Cherkassky
Mother: Feride Hatun Older Brother: Janhot Bey Brother: Şahincah Hatun, Ali Bey.
Spouse: 1 Ahmed
Marriage date : 8 January 1604
Children: 2 Osmans Hatice Sultan Hanzade Sultan Sehzade Bayezid Sehzade Hussein Sehzade Suleiman Zeynep Sultan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tarihçi Peçevi, Mahfiruz'u Şehzade Mehmed'in annesi olarak gösterir.  Ancak o zaman Şehzade Mehmed'in doğum tarihi 8 Mart 1605 değil 3 Ağustos 1605 olmalıdır. Ayrıca 1611 sefir raporuna göre Mahfiruze Sultan Übeyde adında bir şehzade doğurmuştur.  Aynı yıl Şehzade Übeyde vefat etmiştir.
Historian Peçevi indicates Mahfiruz as the mother of Şehzade Mehmed. But then, Prince Mehmed's birth date should have been August 3, 1605, not March 8, 1605.  In addition, based on the ambassador report of 1611, Mahfiruze Sultan gave birth to a prince named Übeyde. Şehzade Übeyde passed away in the same year.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mahfiruze Sultan beyaz tenli ve uzun boyluydu. Beline kadar uzun kumral rengli saçlara sahibti. Gözleri firuze rengindeydi.
Mahfiruze Sultan was white-skinned and tall. She had long auburn hair up to her waist. His eyes were the color of turquoise.
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yamayuandadu · 1 year
who was the patron deity of the city of Damascus?
Neo-Assyrian sources like Ashur-nirari V's treaty with Mati-ilu of Arpad and the Sefire stele directly label Ramman as the deity of Damascus. The evidence is pretty late though, with the oldest examples dated to the 9th century BCE. The name Ramman can be translated as "thunderer" and evidently designated a local weather god. Safe to say that at least in the first millennium BCE he was understood as (an) Aramaic Hadad, since local kings had theophoric names invoking him, like Bar-Hadad and Hadad-ezer. However, there's also a king Tar-Ramman. It seems Ramman of Damascus at some point spread southwards, since there is evidence he was worshiped in the Tayma oasis. He is also referenced in 2 Kings 5:18 (vocalized as "Rimmon" in the Masoretic text). His cult survived well into Roman times, though in sources from this period he appears in the guise of "Jupiter (or Zeus) Damascenus". It's worth noting the name Ramman is already attested in the second millennium BCE, but only in Mesopotamian sources, and in this context it designated Amurru/Martu, who is weather god-adjacent but ultimately a distinct deity with unique character (best to think of him as the deified equivalent of a Mesopotamian redneck/hillbilly stereotype, see here). In god lists this identification prevailed even in the first millennium BCE, despite the familiarity with the god of Damascus. There is no evidence that Ramman was ever a designation of a weather god in Mesopotamia proper, so ex. a reference to worship of a god bearing this name in Suhu on the Euphrates very likely should be treated as a reference to Amurru. Both transfer from east to west and from west to east have been proposed, though according to Daniel Schwemer there is no evidence for the former option. Bibliography
H. Niehr (ed.), The Arameans in Ancient Syria
D. Schwemer, Rammān(um) (RlA entry)
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nordgis · 1 year
A letter intercepted in Jemi, 15 May, 2055.
Feri na, Kern’ko!  Kardar’a gare na’ko gare ka? Ban’ko se’a gare. Antsefir, voi ibinomonis sirn’ko kard’a ibir gare so… Nagomgis’a fejre, sefir mou’a gare. Voi mou’a nanni’ko garo. Ban’a na’i nare’o jore, sefir naginis’a gare ga moku… Entere. Gej sen’a ibir karmre, na’a sem’ko ere’o nemaje. Ban’a sem’o agisare: Naginis Kern’a ban’o, en banne sirgargis’o, mire. Jeje, nan’o Nomeregargis’mo kitinni mjore.  Ibir mjore,  Skrejsirfan
In Rutherish:
Hey, Crows!  Is it cold to you? It is to us. But, apparently to many it is much colder… The garden is good, so there is food. It seems there is no food for all of you. We wish we could share, but there is little to go around… Sorry. If it ever becomes too bad, you may come here. We know this: a few Crows don’t like us or our home. Regardless, you’re always loved at the Hostel.  Much love,  The Sparrow Group
If anybody has any information regarding the Sparrow Group or the Crow Society, please inform the appropriate authorities.
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sefiriyd1 · 8 days
مشروع وقف اكتفاء للداخل السوري
مشروع وقف اكتفاء للداخل السوري
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sefiriyd · 8 days
مشروع وقف اكتفاء للداخل السوري
مشروع وقف اكتفاء للداخل السوري
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ariswolfram · 22 days
Uplink: Destruction
- 5,922 P. D., Sefir the 38th
- The Major Timeline
- Simulation Omniverse
An alarm blares, resting on the bedside table, signaling the start of a new day.
Without looking, Dualen smacks his hand down onto the alarm to hush it, knocking a glass of water onto the floor accidentally.
He lets out a quiet grunt and sinks into the covers once again in hopes to get even 30 more minutes of sleep. Those hopes are crushed the moment someone enters the room. Judging by how they are happily striding in, he knows its his brother.
"Wake up already, Dualen! It's a nice day out!"
He grunts softly, "No..."
His brother swings open his curtains, flooding the room with light. Dualen fully Retreats underneath his covers to hide from the light like a deranged vampire, letting out a choir of disgruntled mumbles.
"Oh knock it off crybaby, you're not dying" He walks to the bed and sits on it, next to Dualen.
"Close the curtains, Hayes..." His voice sounds weak. He curls further into the bed.
"No, you need to get up..." Hayes grabs the covers and pulls them off of Dualen, releasing him from the bed's eternal grasp, "And take a shower while your at it, you smell like death."
"So am I dying or not... make up your mind already."
Hayes chuckles and Looks at him, Picking up his grayish-tan arm to inspect it moments later, "... Has it got any better?"
"No... I didn't even sleep last night until... I don't know, some late time..."
Hayes takes a closer look at his arm, looking at his black veins which have gained abnormal blue tinge over the course of the last few nights, "Well, it's definitely got worse..." he says, not exactly hiding his grim tone of voice.
There is a pause between the both of them before Dualen sits up in bed to reply, "You don't have to sound like that when you're telling me..."
"I'm sorry... it's just hard to see you like this, that's all..." Hayes puts Dualen's arm down, and looks at him once more "But... I will get it figured out. we still have time!"
Dualen scoffs and looks away. Hayes simply looks away...
After an expectedly long silence, Hayes notices the mess of water near the bed, and sighs, "You made a mess..." He takes a look at the room around him, standing up as he does so, "One second, let me clean it up and get you a new glass, ok?" He heads out of the room momentarily, dodging the mess of cans and pill bottles scattered across the floor.
"Just leave me alone... you're endangering yourself by doing this, you know?"
Hayes yells out from the other room, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
Dualen pouts and looks around his wreck of a room. Alongside the cans, many newspapers and books are also seen neat untouched trinkets, figurines, and drugs. It was as if a drunk tornado swept through the place and left behind its beer trash.
Hayes walks back in with a new glass of water and a handful of pills, handing the glass to him, "I'll get you food in a second." He pours a variety of pills into his hand and motions for Dualen to eat them.
He simply sighs and dumps the pills into his mouth. Struggling to swallow them, even with the water. "It tastes like feet..."
"How do you know what feet taste like, hm?" Hayes teases as he cleans up the glass Dualen dropped earlier.
He shakes his head and struggles out of bed.
Hayes takes note of this and turns to him for support, "At least let me clean the mess first, dude." said in a slightly annoyed tone.
He assists Dualen to the couch, carefully setting him down on it before going into the kitchen to cook up some cheap food.
Dualen turns on the TV with his cybernetic arm as if it were a remote, "Has anything out there got any better?"
"Not that I know of, no... I think things have actually got worse..."
"Why do you say that?" He looks back toward his brother, who thinks for a moment before replying.
"It's just... The government put out a mandate, forcing the Uplinks," quoting the President in a mocking tone, "For the greater good of the people in our 'great nation,'"
"I can't tell if you are joking or telling the truth..."
He sighs and goes over to the couch, holding two plates of some odd-looking protein mash, "I wish i was joking... how do they expect us to pay for something like that?"
"I don't know... maybe if I was working–" Hayes cuts him off.
"–You will not work, you need to rest... plus, they wont even let you."
"They are letting you work... and you have been exposed to me..." saying the last part in a quieter voice.
"Yes... but I think they know we need this... I hope..."
"Your manager is as intelligent as a bundle of grapes, he won't care..."
"... Probably why I am still working with him in all honesty." he takes a bite of the food and hands Dualen his plate.
Dualen stares at the 'food', then slowly puts it aside in disgust. "You just need to set the money aside i guess... but do you even trust it? Trust them?"
Hayes takes another bite before replying. "I don't trust them, no. But I don't want you to die on me... really, it's our only choice... Plus I think it's cool."
Dualen stares at Hayes with a surreal look on his face. "Really? You trust that mechanical beast?"
Hayes simply glances at Dualen, "60% of your body is made of Cybernetics, and you are worried about that?" He takes another bite, replying mid-chew, "Plus, the left half of your brain has machines built into it. If they wanted to take control of you, they would've by now"
Dualen stays silent. He takes a bite of his food and regrets it almost immediately, nearly throwing up on the couch.
"Please don't, foods expensive"
"Oh I'm sorry, my body is rejecting the sustenance, ill just eat it off the couch if that happens." He replies in an annoyed and sarcastic tone.
"Man, I was joking..."
Hayes sighs and looks toward the distraught television, as its news anchor continues to speak, "–The prices for such Cybernetics have skyrocketed to insane degrees, making the uplinking process to general populous nearly impossible...
Luckily, though, the government is in the processes of testing a more temporary uplink solution, which should be cheaper and much more reliable than its 'older brother.'–"
"Temporary?" Dualen says, questioning the news anchor as if they could hear him, "isn't it mandated to have one installed by the end of the month?"
"No, i believe they just want to make sure we can uplink in case something happens..."
The news anchor continues. "–These new shots should give its user uplinking capabilities for 10 days after taking one, and can be easily mass produced for those who need it in lower income cities and neighborhoods. So far, several thousand Cyber Shops have got dozens of shipments of these uplinking shots, with more to come later"
Hayes thinks to himself for a moment and stops eating.
Dualen takes note of it and nudges him out of his thoughts, "It better not be anything stupid..."
Hayes smirks with idiotic intent. "It's not, don't worry about it!"
"... Alright..." Dualen continues to eat his regret-filled meal while watching the news, though Hayes gets distracted in his thoughts again. Looking at a nearby clock.
He claps and stands up off of the couch, putting his plate of unfinished food on the table in front of it. "Well i have work in a couple minutes, so i should go."
"What?" he looks at the clock and exclaims, "Its not even 6:30! You don't have work until 7!... Doesn't it open up at 7:30–"
Hayes shoves a finger against Dualen's lips and shushes him, Dualen pushes his hand aside in annoyance.
"Don't worry about it kid.... make sure to not do anything stupid while im gone, ok?"
"Meh, i think i'll rob a bank."
"To hell you will. you can't even walk properly..."
Dualen grunts.
"I'll be back in a few hours. If you need anything, call me."
"Fine... come back alive."
Hayes walks toward the door and puts on a light leather jacket and opens the door, "Your telling me that in the grim state you're in?"
"Last night you asked if i wanted to commit a double suici–"
"–I expect you to have taken a shower when I'm back." Hayes opens the door.
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lisychai · 1 year
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Sefir wearing my clothes
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