#sehyun x reader
sikimi · 2 years
hi! may i request a Sehyun Kim and Gamin Yoon headcanon to a s/o who's a fighter, taller, soft, teasing and likes to protect them???🥺 also love your works btw 😭 💕 it's rare to see someone writing for this fandom🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
Sehyun Kim
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oh my lord.
Flustered bby.
He's inlove with you, and He'll do anything in his power to try and help you back as much as possible.
Don't tease him too much, this man will turn as hot as lava and as red as a tomato !
You being taller than him is also a bonus too
He loves that you can not only defend yourself but you have a kind and soft personality too
Will try to train often with Gamin's mom to get stronger so he doesn't have to depend on you much bc he feels bad.
Will get flustered if you hold his hand in public (do it. He likes it)
He's baby <3
Gamin Yoon
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oh? Polite? Soft? Strong? Mmmmm yes. Very attractive.
Would beg you to join his study group
Listens to you alot!
He tries to impress you alot too but would often fail..-
He would love to see your fighting style!
He's head on heels for you!!
He's also rlly protective but not overprotective, He knows you can fight but somehow can't let you fight alone. He almost lost his mom so he can't risk of losing you too.
Would most likely keep your relationship a secret because of his status in school. Someone might use you and hurt you just to see him so he can't risk it.
Tho he'd respect your opinion if you want to keep it public! Although He'd have to try and stay with you as much as posible.
Tease him, do it. I dare you. The boy will just froze there with a red face trying to process what the hell happen.
cuddle this man pls. He needs it.
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vex91 · 1 year
Fifty Fifty Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff (s) - smut
Song Jakyung:
- Soft (f)
Jeong Sehyun:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Jiho:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Eunah:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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blackswan446 · 3 months
Could you please write about yandere who's a fuckboy? At first he was just gonna play with her reader's heart but ended up being obsessed with her. Any member is fine. Thank you so much in advance if you end up writing it!
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→ pairing: yan!jjk x reader
→ synopsis: we live for so many years, why not make them the happiest you can?
→ wc: 5362
→ cws: kidnapping/coercion, death, funeral, sexual advances
→ notes: yay my first ask! hope you enjoy, and sorry it took so long :(
part two || m.list
jungkook was a womanizer.
at least, that's what everybody else called him. he liked to think of himself as...social. sure, he got around a bit, but that's just how young men lived. especially young men like him. born with a silver spoon in his mouth, the man was set up for success from the moment he was born. who cares if that success came at the expense of a childhood with present parents and a sense of family beyond a name?
needless to say, jungkook's reputation followed him wherever he went, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing for him. it gained him a different type of respect from other men of his status, and only seemed to draw more and more women into his addictive orbit, no thanks to his looks and suave personality. assistants, secretaries, office workers, even the wives of others, you name the woman, if she was around jungkook for a while, it's more than likely they had something going on.
what a shame he never stuck around. what a shame he would lure them in, with promises of extravagant dates, fancy dresses, and luxurious houses, all to have the chandelier fall back down on them in the form of "we're just not compatible!" although they acted sad, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were really so heartbroken over. the life of their dreams was hanging just within their grasp, all for it to be ripped away and dangled over the head of another girl. anyone would be sad about that.
did it ever get boring?...sometimes. but there lived no fun without the dullness. for every batch of girls that cycled in and out of his life, there were always a few sticklers. sticklers, who didn't leave quietly, but put up a fight, refused to leave, spat insults at him, one even keyed his expensive sports car. these ones were usually paid a hefty sum to see their way out of his life, and what was funny, is that every single girl who was offered the money took it and left. they didn't even give it a second thought.
the idea of settling down sounded nice for about a year, until he quickly realized that it was easier said than done for a man of his rank. it would be far too easy to lock in with a woman that married him for his house, his cars, his fortune, than for him. he didn't need to be bled dry by some selfish woman who resorted to marrying rich after her failed acting career. so alone he stayed, or rather, lonely. he was rarely alone with himself. but he always had this aching feeling of loneliness in his chest.
that was, until one little choice altered his entire life.
"this is who we've narrowed down for the secretary position, sir. it was difficult, as there were a lot of highly qualified applicants, but these are my choices. i figured you could get the final say, if you don't mind." sehyun concluded, leaving the stack of folders in front of jungkook on his desk. sighing deeply, he looked at he pile, then back to the man before him. "are you sure you want me to choose?"
sejun nodded. "yes, sir. unless, of course, you don't want to." he clarified. jungkook shook his head. "no, it's fine. i've got it." he said, reaching for the pile. shutting his eyes, and shuffling the folders in his hands, he grabbed a random one from the middle and held it up. "this one." he declared, handing it back to sejun.
taking it from the male, he opened the file to read the contents. "who's our lucky winner, sejun?" he joked, leaning back in his chair lazily. "looks like it's [first name/last name]. sound alright to you?" he asked, looking to his boss for approval. he nodded. "sounds great to me. she sounds pretty." he remarked, smiling at his own words. with a courtesy laugh and farewell, sejun left, shutting the door behind him. after he was gone, jungkook looked at the pile of papers left behind, and tossed them in the garbage without thinking twice.
it's almost as if he knew he would never need them again.
tapping your foot anxiously, you glanced around the clean waiting room, observing the decorations, the paintings, and even taking note of the sweet smell of the room, the smell of a fresh flower garden in the midst of spring. the only sound that filled the room was the typing of the receptionist on her computer, along with the occasional conversation from the office behind her. the seconds passed like minutes, the minutes like hours, as you waited for in the chair the receptionist sent you to. why were you in a chair? who knows, you told her you had been hired, but she still sent you to wait amongst the clients. you certainly fit in with them, wearing your nicest clothes and cleanest shoes.
finally, you heard the call of your name from behind the desk, and looked up to see a man rushing towards you. "[name], i'm so sorry to keep you waiting. how long have you been here?" he asked apologetically. you shook your head. "oh please, don't worry about it. i haven't been here for long." you reassured him, smiling in an attempt to ease his worries. "well, welcome to jeon industries. on behalf of everyone, we're all very happy you're here." he beamed, leading you down a carpeted hallway to a small, messy office. "here, have a seat--i guess you've been doing a lot of that today," he chuckled, "and i'll get you setup with your badge and login information."
you nodded, accepting his invitation to sit down in the cushy chair in front of his desk. the office was disorganized, but not in a way that made you want to leave. it looked more like the office of someone who was always hard at work, rather than someone who just didn't bother to clean. 'so you're fresh out of college, right? how's the real world been treating you?" he asked, typing away on his computer before searching around for something on his cluttered desk. "so far, so good. i'm here, aren't i?" you replied, half-smiling. he nodded slowly. "right you are...alright, here's a temporary badge. we'll get you an official one once we can get the photographer in for your picture. and this," he said, handing you a yellow sticky note with some writing scribbled on it, "is your login information for your computer. now i'll bring you to your desk, and get you setup with your trainer, and you'll be good to go!" he said cheerily, standing up from the chair and heading for the door.
a long series of hallways led to your desk, which was situated right outside of a sleek wooden door, on which a gold plate that was engraved with the name "jeon jungkook". the door had glass on either side, that peeked into the office, where you caught a glimpse of the supposed mr. jeon, on a phone call at his desk. unfortunately, he looked up from his desk at the exact moment you were peering into the office, resulting in one second of awkward eye contact before you turned your head away and your eyes met the ones of a new girl.
"hi!" she grinned, "i'm aera. i work in accounting, right down the hall. you're [name], right?" she asked, sticking her hand out for you to shake. taking it, you introduced yourself. "yes, hello, it's nice to meet you, aera!" you said confidently, her kind manner easing your burning nerves. "i'll let you two get started here. aera, thank you for your time, and [name], if you need anything, you can come to either of us, and we'll help you out. alright?" he asked. at your nod, he gave one last smile before disappearing down the hallway.
aera clasped her hands. "well, isn't this exciting! i love when we get new people here. let's start your training, shall we?"
jungkook saw you. you tried to look away, you tried to act like you weren't staring him down, but he always saw the stares. it's not like he had any issue with it, of course. he loved when people looked at him, especially pretty girls such as yourself. and to think that you were just going to be sitting outside, doing nothing else but running around for his sake! he had been looking for a new distraction from his work, his life, his everything. and it looks like he just found it.
three months had passed, three months of your little desk, new friendships, and great work. the job was going great for you; of course, it was work, so it did have its downsides, but the good far outweighed the bad. your coworkers welcomed you in with open arms, despite your young age and inexperience, they respected you and valued your opinions, which alleviated about 80% of your worries.
as for the job itself, it was great. all you really did was secretary work, like scheduling meetings, booking dinner reservations, and calling other businessmen, all for the ceo.
jeon jungkook.
what an interesting man.
right off the bat, jungkook was very...friendly...to you. the first day you were there, without aera by your side to help you, he moseyed on out of his office and right to your desk, taking the opportunity to "personally introduce" himself to you, and by that, he meant saying his name and staring at you like a piece of meat as he carried on a meaningless conversation.
from then on, he was always just around. wherever you were, he always seemed to find himself. for a while, you thought he was just being welcoming. but when it didn't let up after the first month, you started to think that there were some sort of ulterior motives at play. no ceo has any reason to be getting his secretary gifts every week, nor any reason to grab the small of her waist every time he passes behind her. the questions in your head came to an end when aera revealed the young man's real self, in a serious conversation over some hot breakroom coffee.
"he's a major...manwhore!" she revealed, going on to recount all the numbers of women she had heard him being with in her few years there. "he's been with virtually every woman here." you looked at her in disbelief, and you didn't need to ask the question for her to give you an answer. she nodded slowly, staring into her mug. "i'm not proud of it..i was young, and i liked the attention. i feel so stupid now." she admitted.
it all made sense to you now, the touching, the presents, the prolonged conversations about the lobby decorations. it all clicked. he only saw you as another trophy to win and put into his glass case with all the other girls he had tainted. you wanted to be shocked, but with someone of his authority and resources, it'd be a lie to say you expected differently. it was a shame, sure, but at least you knew now.
jungkook, on the other hand, had no clue what your problem was. it didn't usually take him this long to seduce a girl. what more did he have to do? he did everything he knew of--gifts, of pretty flowers and expensive candies, having long and invested conversations together, he even resorted to the subtle-touching method. how long was this going to take?! did you have a boyfriend, or were you saving it for marriage, or were you just a prude?
as frustrating as this loss was, especially for someone who always won, there was something strange about it that he...liked? he didn't know either. but it was oddly addicting, the challenge of it. the unfamiliarity of it. of not being given into at the first smile. the need to actually try, even if it was for something so shallow,
he just liked trying.
the night had come, and left a wash of black over everything that was once bright and clear. you could see the night sky from your window, and the stars glittered like moonlight on the ocean. throwing your things into your bag sloppily, in a hurry to get out out of the office and into the cool nighttime air. you were scheduled to have left an hour ago, but a cold had set you back a few days last week, and you needed to catch up on the work that was left waiting for you.
slinging your purse over your shoulder and pushing in your chair, you walked to jungkook's door to bid him farewell for the evening. as grossed out as you were by him, it would be rude to not say goodbye to your boss, at least, you thought it was. poking your head in the door, you barely got the word 'goodbye' out before noticing something strange.
jungkook wasn't hunched over his desk, or talking on his phone, or even on his computer. instead of bidding you a cheeky goodbye, he was standing at his large window, which overlooked the city and its bright lights. furrowing you brows, you debated going further inside to ask what was wrong, but the young man had already picked up on your presence, so you couldn't back out now.
"[name]," he said, not in his normal flirtatious tone, "heading out?" he glanced at the time on his watch. "i guess so. it's pretty late." you took a few steps into his office, staying close to the door. "yeah, i was. but are you alright? i saw you just...standing there." you asked quietly, nervous that your simple question had overstepped some type of boundary.
he nodded quickly. "yeah, yeah. i'm alright, thanks...just thinking, i guess." he said, turning his body to face you entirely. you cocked your head to the side. "about what? anything in particular?" you asked, mentally slapping yourself. this is probably exactly what he wants to happen, you thought, you were being too kind to him. but you couldn't exactly leave now, you were too far in.
he sighed. "honestly? yeah. i was just thinking...what if i'm not fit for this? i mean, today, i noticed that our revenue numbers have gone down, and not by just a little bit. i mean, i hear all the time that it's normal for companies to fluctuate in their numbers, but nobody ever talks about it. and it scares me. it makes me think that i'm doing something wrong." he confessed, looking down at his shiny leather shoes.
"i see." was all you could say. what else was there? were you supposed to give him business advice? "and i have my father breathing down my neck, always reminding me that i need to have this big, important life, that i need to get married, and run a corporation perfectly, and learn french, and piano, and racquetball, and all this other bullshit, and i can barely keep my head above water!" he complained, having shifted from the window to his desk chair. he chuckled slightly, after a moment. "i'm sorry, [name], god, i get asked one question, and i go off on a tangent. you don't deserve that."
you smiled softly. "don't worry, mr. jeon. i'm the one who asked. as for everything else you said...nobody said you need to do it all at once. you're young, sir. you have a lot of life ahead of you. you have plenty of time to do all of those things, and even more things, that you can choose. you're not running out of time. and i'm sorry you feel like you are." you consoled, scolding yourself for the cliché advice you just gave.
instead of scoffing, he nodded his head slowly. "i guess you're right. i mean, i'm only 28. i won't be going anywhere anytime soon." he mused. you smiled, this time more broadly. "you've given me a lot to think about, [name]. thank you. seriously." he said, his signature grin returning to his face. with a quiet goodbye, you scurried out of the office, eager to get out into the fresh air, and away from the incidental therapy session you just had with your boss.
the next day, you walked in, and as you approached your desk, you were greeted by the biggest arrangement of flowers you had ever seen in a vase. you didn't even need to read the card to know where they came from.
that day at lunch, a pair of dainty knuckles went up to meet the sleek wood of the door. a flat voice from behind it admitted the person to the room, which they entered and shut the door behind them.
"mr. jeon."
glancing up from the paper in his hands, he met aera's sharp eyes. "aera. what can i do for you?" he asked, turning his attention back down to his work. she moved forward, to sit in one of the sleek leather chairs in front of his desk. "well, you can tell me what you and that little assistant of your have going on, for starters."
looking up, this time with much more intensity than before, he stared into her brown eyes. "what are you talking about?" he demanded. she laughed, as if it were the stupidest question she had ever heard. "don't play dumb. you know exactly what i'm talking about. you and that little puritan that sits outside of your office all day?" she laughed again, "always sending her flowers and that other bullshit. i mean, you're not a stupid man. what could you possibly see in her? she's obviously a prude, obviously inexperienced, and so boring! what a sad excuse for a woman! why keep chasing after that..." she paused, standing up and circling around the desk to where jungkook was sat, seating herself on the arm of the chair, "when you could have...something so much better, and all you have to do is say the word?" she whispered, leaning in close to his ear.
clenching his jaw, jungkook turned his head away from aera. "get out." he seethed, refusing to say anymore than that. she scoffed, standing up and placing her hand on her hip. "i--you cannot be serious. don't be shy, sir, i know you want this. all you have to do is tell me yes."
"okay, well, i'm telling you to get out, before i call the front desk and have you escorted out, by security." he boomed, standing up from his chair, sending it flying into the shelf behind him, "and don't bother coming back. not today, not tomorrow, not next week. just pack your shit and leave."
mouth agape, and standing there awkwardly until jungkook motioned for her to get out, aera stormed out, heels thumping on the floor. "unbelievable. un-fucking-believable!" she shouted, slamming the door behind her as she left. she stormed past your desk and as she walked by, spat "he's yours, you little bitch."
confused, you watched her back disappear down the corridor and into her office, where she noisily started slamming things around. jungkook came out of his office, rushing to your desk as he heard her shout at you. her obnoxious throwing and swearing could be heard as she grabbed all her belongings and left out of the back entrance.
looking at jungkook, with whom you were still not totally comfortable with, he patted your shoulder softly as he talked to you. "are you alright? i don't know what her problem is. did she do anything to you?' he asked. after assuring him you were okay, he went back into his office. you wondered all afternoon what she meant by "he's yours".
ever since the night you had caught him all stressed out, he seemed to be different. like he held a higher respect for you now. instead of passing by you by grabbing your waist, he politely excused himself. instead of extending conversations about nothing, he asked you genuine questions, and replied with interested answers. as for the gifts...they didn't really stop. but his shift in behavior was nice, you appreciated the new high regard he held you in.
as for jungkook, he had stopped looking at you like a piece of ass. he didn't see you like that anymore. see, it wasn't the first time he had been asked if he was alright by a woman. it had happened plenty of times. it also wasn't the first time he had answered with that exact thing: the fear of not living up to what he needed to be, that ate away at him every single day. but it was the first time he had gotten an actual response. not a one-word answer, not an 'oh', not a subject change. an actual response, with substance and meaning. it was weird, such a small action was the most heard and seen he had ever felt in his whole life. furthermore, it inspired hope, something that he had long given up on. and it was fucking euphoric.
needless to say, he was smitten. maybe it was destiny, or maybe his standards were just low. either way, he had never felt this way for anyone before, and couldn't imagine feeling it for anyone else. so naturally, he didn't take too kindly to someone coming in and disrespecting you like that, much less one of your closest friends! through his anger, he couldn't help but wonder, why? was she jealous, because she knew that an ugly beast hid behind her mask, and there was no changing it? or was she just that shallow?
whatever her reasons, jungkook didn't really care. all he knew is that she was a problem, one that took priority over any other issue he had. she needed to be gone, not just from the company, but from society. your heart was too golden, too shiny and beautiful to float around, unprotected from the tarnish of others.
oh, you. what would happen with you? it was already decided, at least, in his mind, that you were his and he was yours. it was that simple. you just didn't know yet. that wasn't what the issue was here. you would no doubt be upset over the tragic loss of your best friend, but who would hold you as you cried? who would hug you as you struggled to fall asleep? who would be there for you in your hour of need? jungkook would, obviously. the roles in your life were open, the role of boyfriend, best friend, provider. and he had enough love to fill all of those spots to the max, plus more left over to shower you in, to drown you in. what better person could there be?
the decision was made, he knew what had to happen, and he knew he would get away with it. normally, he didn't like to risk dirtying his hands with anything even remotely like this, but for you, he'd crawl his way through the mud. besides, what harm was there in getting your hands dirty, as long as you washed the muck away?
the news had hit you like a freight train. aera, one of your very best friends, struck while walking on the street late at night, by a drunk driver. how awful! and just that day, she had gotten into a conflict at work...the poor girl. she was so young, too. she had so much going for her, so much to wait for in life.
putting on your nicest black outfit, combing your hair out, and grabbing your plain black umbrella, you parked your car on the road across from the cemetery. your umbrella came in handy, as it was a grey day, rain drizzling from the sky, almost like God was crying right along with you. faces, familiar and not, all flooded to the open grave.
looking around, you recognized a few coworkers, and most notable, jungkook. he had on a black suit, one that looked nicer than his everyday ones, and was standing around with a few people. he didn't look like he was sad, but more solemn. like he was only there because it was the right thing to do.
you shied away from the crowd, preferring to stick to yourself and process the loss on your own. you visited the casket, which had the lid shut up tight, and you just stood there for a minute. memories of aera flooded your mind, from the first cheerful greeting she gave you to the final words she hurled at you as she stormed away. who knew that would be the last time you ever saw each other?
as you mourned, you felt a hand snake around your waist, rubbing your side gently. "hey, [name]. how are you holding up?" jungkook asked quietly, leaning into your ear as he did so. you shook your head. "i'm fine, it's just..so shocking. i mean, we just saw her." you said, not totally believing the words that left your own mouth.
he nodded. "mmh, i get that. it's horrifying, isn't it? absolutely..horrifying." he said, looking down at the polished brown casket and the spread of flowers that sat on top of it. "hey, you've been standing in the rain for a while. aren't you cold? here, take this." he offered, taking the soft suit jacket off and hanging it over your shoulders. "how about we go sit down? the service is going to start soon." he said, carefully leading you to two chairs underneath the tent, away from the cold drops of rain that were hitting your skin.
you thanked him quietly, and before you could do anymore, the service started. the array of speeches and memories shared in aera's honor brought tears to your eyes, and you couldn't help the few that rolled down your cheeks. the whole time, jungkook kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders, at some points even pulling you closer to him and almost cradling you in his arms. admittedly, it was nice to have someone there for you as you hurt, even if it was him.
the service ended, seemingly as quickly as it started. the crowd dispersed, some going up to say their final goodbye to aera. you and your fragile heart couldn't bear to do it, not again, and after leaving jungkook's suit jacket on your chair, you slowly started to make your way back to the car, wiping your tears on your hands as you did so.
"[name]!" you heard a familiar voice call. turning around, jungkook, suit jacket in hand, walked swiftly towards you, arm outstretched. "come on. i'll take you home." he said, reaching to grab your shoulder. you shook your head. "thank you, but my car's parked here. and thanks for the jacket. i'll see you at work." you replied, trying to turn and leave.
"i don't think you should be driving. you know, with...everything. your mind is foggy. it's dangerous to drive like that. come on, i promise i don't mind." he pleaded, a desperate look crossing his features. hesitantly, you obliged with his request, and he wrapped his arm around you once again as you walked to his fancy car. some heads turned, and there were some whispers, and your face burned because of it, but jungkook didn't seem to notice.
his car was nice, and undoubtedly expensive. with only two seats, it looked like something a movie star would zoom up to a party with. getting in, and buckling your seatbelt, you heard the door locks click, and as the car started up, you felt your grief fire up again, but this time, it manifested in your stomach, specifically, a pit feeling, similar to nerves.
"don't you need my address?" you asked him as he took off down the road. "i have your address already." he said, "you know, from employee records." he clarified, smiling at you innocently. there wasn't much conversation. only the sounds of the asphalt beneath you and the feelings of devastation at aera's death heightening in your stomach, now giving you sweaty palms and a racing heart. all you needed was to get home, to your shower, your pajamas, and your bed.
it was only after jungkook drove past your road that you realized the feeling in your stomach might be a bit more than pure grief. "sorry, but you drove past my road." you informed him. he shook his head. "no, [name]. we're not going there. i have something i need to tell you, and i really need you to stay calm, because it'll make it a whole lot easier for you. got that?" he asked, putting his hand on your thigh and making mindless patterns with his thumb.
"what are you talking about? i'd really just like to go back home, jungkook, my house. please." you beseeched. he shook his head again. "listen to me, baby, just listen, yeah? you are going home--well, not your home, but we're going to our home. sound good? i don't want you to worry. i know this is weird, but i promise, you'll love it. okay? stay calm, for me." he explained, slowly, as if you were a child. tears welled up in your eyes all over again. "but why? i don't want to!" you cried.
"why? why do you think, darling, because i'm bored?" he chuckled at his own sick joke, "because, i love you. and i'm the only one you have, now that aera's gone. i know you're sad about that, but trust me, it was for the best. if you heard what she said, you would hit the floor, baby." he said, he laughed at it, as if it were some type of hilarious joke.
it didn't take a genius to figure out what he was implying. disgusted, you froze in your seat, breath catching in your throat. "you...don't tell me...you did that..to her?" you choked out, barely able to annunciate the words. he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "what can i say? she wasn't good for you, darling, that's what you need to understand. she was such a hateful person. she deserved it." he assured you, voice calm and even.
vision blurring, whether it was from the tears or dizziness, you weren't sure, but you clawed at the handle of his car. "let me out. right now. just let me go, and i won't tell anyone. please." you begged, desperately looking around for anything to help you. suddenly, you felt the car stop abruptly in the middle of the road. jungkook leaned over, hand unmoving from your thigh, and spoke directly into your ear. "try to get out of this car again, and so help me god, i will not hesitate to do to the both of us what i did to aera. you wouldn't want that, would you, sweetheart?" he asked, voice sweet and innocent, as he leaned back, and even had the audacity to give you a kiss on the cheek and smile at you as he did so.
slowly, you sat back in your seat, hands folded in your lap. as much as you wanted to, you had no doubt that jungkook would run the both of you off the road if you tried anything else stupid. your ideas for escape started diminishing as more and more trees and fields filled your vision, and the buildings of the city faded away.
"listen to me. i got us a beautiful house in the country. it's huge, and we have anything and everything you could ever want. i'll keep on going to work, and all you have to do is stay home, and wait for me. okay? be there for me when i get home. spend time with me. be my wife. and whatever happens, happens." he told you sternly. "you know, [name], i think you were right. we have so much life left to live, both of us. we have decades left. and what better way to spend it,
than just the two of us, together?"
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https-immotmari · 5 months
❝ I had really sweet dreams yesterday ❞ ─── rules!
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. . . . . Before one's request, let's set some ground rules, alright?
this blog will be only for fluff, angst with comfort/happy ending, maybe a bit of yandere and for fun since, for me, I don't want to mix up the two sides of ying and yang. For those who wants the opposite of it, I've already made a side blog, although, it needs some final touches.
please mention/say the gender of the reader in your request, either female or gender neutral! (apologies to those who wanted a male!reader, I'm still not yet ready, hopefully in the future I will)
I can only take up to 3-4 character per request, there's honestly a lot of characters in the fandoms I'm in so yeah ^^
please don't request anything lewd, I'm still a minor.
with your request, you guys can detail it as much as you want since sometimes my brain just needed a head start to come up with a scenario/story.
please be respectful and patience with me, and anymore writers, since I also have a personal life out of social media.
your request can be either romantic or platonic.
also, don't forget to mention if you want headcannons, short scenarios, etc, etc. I don't write/tolerate anything disgusting or uncomfortable like incest, pedophilia, racism, etc.
If I may feel uncomfortable with any request, which is gonna be rare, I can always decline it. . . . . Now, with the rules done, let's get into the fandoms!
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fandoms that mari is in and writes for: reminder: that the names with the color purple on it are indicating that they are strictly platonic
study group - gamin yoon, hanwool phi, minhwan ma, jiwoo lee, heewon choi, sehyun kim, jun lee, hankyeon lee, geonyeob park, minhee jang, siwon cheon, sunchul kim, hyeonu lee, (may possibly add more) blood of the butterfly - maehwa baek, jaeyon shing, sara lopez, hajin seo, (may possibly add more) akuneko (devil butler with [a] black cat) - all of the devil butlers + muu, (may probably add more) i became the male lead's adopted daughter - phileo, leonia, (may possibly add more) zomgan - mirae on, (may possibly add more) becoming the dark hero's daughter - lea/leticia, jade de lewelton, duke kallen de lewelton, marianne de lewelton, (might add more) project sekai - vivid bad squad, wonderlands x showtime, (may add more since I've still have to read the other bands stories) twisted wonderland - possibly all + grim and ortho (except for the adults and event characters) surviving as a maid in a horror game - adrian caiser von der paltzgraf, hilda (might add more)
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nihyunluvskookie · 3 years
i missed you;
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“Seungcheol one shot”
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x female reader
Genre: Slice of life, a bit of angst
Warnings: mention of pregnancy
Word count: 2.1 K
A/N: Finally I am posting this, this was in my drafts since a long time; lemme know if you like this, I was wondering cheol would be the best dad for sure.
“Sehyun baby where are you?” I called her. I kept the bowl after washing; I rinsed my hands and took off the apron. I went to the living room searching for her “Sehyun, baby, Choi Sehyun where are you baby?”
“Mommy!!” I felt a back hug and I looked back and her. She was smiling sweetly at me; I bent to her level and ruffled her hair. “Baby where were you?”
“I miss daddy” she was looking down, I picked her up in my embrace; “Dad is coming today baby, we will go to airport soon. We need to get ready” she was holding something in her hands.
“What are you holding love?” I asked her, she smiled at me, “Chocolates!!! I want to give chocolates to daddy.”
“Awww, my baby” I kissed her and she hugged me tight. I miss him a lot but Sehyun must be, missing him more than me, she was just one and half years old when she hugged him last and felt his touches. I can’t imagine how Sehyun will react when she will see him. ‘Seungcheol, I want to see you, I miss you’. I am just happy he is finally coming back.
I looked at the time, it was 5 pm already, “baby we need to go change because we will go meet daddy soon, okay?” she nodded and smiled. I took her to our bedroom and changed her into a cream colour dress with cherry print on it. I combed her hair and made her sit on the bed. I went to my closet to choose something; I was going through my clothes and noticed the white dress I brought on my birthday last month; I took it out. I wanted to try it, I wore it once only, “Sehyun… should mommy wear this?”
“You will look pretty mommy!!!” she was smiling so wide; I love her so much. I went to her and kissed her on her cheeks. She got his eyes, her eyelashes are long just like him, her dimples remind me of him. All the beautiful features are from him, the way she resembles him the most; makes her look so lovely.
I changed into the white dress, and let my hair down. I combed my bangs and applied light makeup, and cherry lip tint. I looked at my wedding ring for the last time and smiled, it shined when I moved my finger; it reminded me how he put the wedding ring in my finger so carefully that day. I can’t believe we came this far together, from dating and being campus sweethearts to husband and wife, who have a little angel now. It’s been five years since we got married and Sehyun is three years, everything feels like a dream, a dream I would never want to wake up. I grabbed my car key, phone, my sling bag and picked up Sehyun in my arms. “baby let’s go”
I went down, wore my heels and helped Sehyun with her shoes. She looked adorable. “Mommy ready!!” she looked so excited; this is my first time taking Sehyun with me to the airport to pick Seungcheol alone. I locked the door and Sehyun ran to the car. “Sehyun don’t run, you will fall” I told her but she is just like him, she won’t listen and will do what she wants to do.
“Mommy open! I want to go inside” she was jumping near the car, she looked more excited from me; I walked to her and unlocked the car. I made her sit in the middle, of the back seat and put on the straps on her from both the side; making sure she is seated safely. I double checked on her and got into the car. “Love let’s go” and I started driving. I turned on soft music, “Mommy, I can’t wait.”
“Yes baby, I know. But let mommy drive now, or else if I get distracted, we will get into an accident.”
“Okay mommy, I will not call you while driving” I could see her soft small smile from the mirror, she is cute.
“Good girl” Sehyun is a three years old girl, but the way she always listens to me when she should and that always amaze me, she is growing up well.
There were times when she would cry and tell she is missing seungcheol; she would call him and cry all night. Some sleepless nights were just painful, she would just cry and looking at her would make me cry and hurt; even if I miss him, but looking at her makes my heart hurt. She’s too precious and the way she reminds me of him, I miss him more and more. I can’t forget those days when I was carrying Sehyun inside, he used to take care of me like I’m a fragile glass. He would always deal with my mood swings, take care of my weird cravings, always comfort me after my morning sickness, he wouldn’t let me do any work at all and what not, he used to take days off just to take care of me, it was very hard for him I could see that but he never told anything or complained me. I can never thank him enough for taking care of me like that, maybe that’s how someone feels they go through pregnancy. I never lived apart from Seungcheol till now, that’s why when he said he needs to go to a different country for a project and since he is the head of HR department, and he needs to go with his team, I was sad because Sehyun was just one and half years, and I can’t just go, stay with him there just because I would miss him. He wanted to take me there with him but I refused, I knew I won’t stop him because it’s his work and he doesn’t have a choice. So, I let him go, but who knew I would miss this terribly and it would be this hard to take care of Sehyun alone; I was working sometimes it would be really hard for me to manage everything, working from home was exhausting as well. I regretted staying apart from him, almost blaming myself for not saying yes to him when he asked me if I want to go with him, because it will be for two years. I remember calling and crying all night after Sehyun slept, I stayed with Seungcheol’s mom and dad for a year; she helped me with Sehyun a lot but they had to go back since they had some work there; and I didn’t stop mum since it would be a bit hard for dad to manage everything alone there along with work load. Everything was so hard until Sehyun turned 3 years old, she listens to me sometimes and I quit my job too, now I just want to spend my time with Seungcheol and Sehyun; I feel empty when Sehyun goes to playschool.
After an hour I reached airport, I looked for parking and parked my car. I got out and went to take out Sehyun, I picked her up and locked my car. “Mommy when will dad come?”
We went inside the airport, we were waiting for him to arrive, Sehyun was getting impatient, she is just like him. I saw his flight arrived and I was waiting patiently, Sehyun was on my lap holding chocolates, she wanted to give to Seungcheol. The clock was ticking, I was trying not to get impatient. I wanted to calm myself down but I know I can’t because I missed him so much that I can’t stop myself from being impatient, nervous, happy and tears almost coming out. Missing a person like this, never happened in my life.
I remember, when I came here with Sehyun last time; she was just one year old and he was leaving. I remember crying so much, Sehyun was crying; mum came with me to see him off. I remember not leaving him, and hugging him tight until he had to go inside for check in, he was just telling me to take care of myself and whipping my tears. I remember crying all night that day, I would just call him and cry, I would miss him so much and had to take care of Sehyun, it was exhausting thanks to Seungcheol’s mum, she helped me a lot. Every morning I would wake up with Sehyun but it would feel cold, because he wasn’t here with me to cuddle, I would miss his morning kiss and goodnight kiss; which made my day and end my day but without him everything felt so lonely and empty. I would never want to go back to those days.
I almost teared up thinking about those days because I know how hard it was for me. It felt like I wouldn’t survive a single day anymore but I did.
“Mommy let’s go stand there please, I want to see daddy first” Sehyun had that adorable face on her, which I can never resist. I nodded.
“Okay my baby let’s go” I got up and held her in my arms. She was smiling, her smile could heal me from anything.
I was standing then I saw him walking, he was wearing white t-shirt, his favorite denim jacket, black jeans and white specs. He was looking perfect as usual, his bangs were falling perfectly on his forehead, giving him the most adorable look ever.
“Don’t cry I am here~” my grip around his shirt was tight, I just couldn't let him go, “I missed you too love” he was caressing my hair, he always does this to me. My cries got louder, his voice was just comforting as always.
It felt like world stopped then and there, it looked like he was taking forever to come to me. “Mommy let me down!!!” I let Sehyun down first and saw her running to him; I saw him halting his steps and bending down. Sehyun got him and hugged him tight. Seungcheol took her in his arms, and picked her up. My tears started falling even though I wanted to stop them, they weren’t listening to me. Cheol kissed her and hugged her again, I was walking and then our eyes met. I smiled, trying to stop my tears, I wanted to walk slowly and not let him see that I am again crying for him, but my mind wasn’t listening to anything at all; all I wanted to do was run to him and hug him tight.
I saw him letting Sehyun down, I went to him and hugged him tight; he hugged me back. I couldn’t stop crying, it felt so good to be in his embrace again, all these days I craved his touches the most. I inhaled his green aromatic scent, which I missed the most, the safe and comfort feeling which I craved for the most is back.
“How are you love?” he kissed my cheeks.
“I… miss…ed you….” My voice cracked; I just couldn’t explain how much I missed him.
“mommy don’t cry please” she started crying, I looked at Seungcheol, his eyes soften he hugged both of us and pulled us closer. “Sehyun, daddy is sorry now don’t cry and mommy will not cry too.” Sehyun was sobbing lightly, I looked at both of them, they are my little universe, Seungcheol was trying to calm Sehyun and he eventually held her in his embrace and pulled me closer.
“Daddy!! Mommy is crying again, just like she does because of you, I hate it when mommy cries, daddy please stop her from crying.” I heard Sehyun’s voice, I let go of his shirt, wiped my tears and looked at Sehyun, she was tearing up. I picked her up and kissed her cheeks; “baby mommy won’t cry anymore because daddy is here now”
He placed a kiss on my forehead, “I love you, my love. Sorry for not being here but now I am back”
“I love you too” I smiled at him and he pulled me closer.    
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Eleven)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too.        
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.  
Pairing: Sehun x reader    
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature, Language (sometime will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au  
-Y/N P.O.V-
You cannot understand things were going fast or slow. After the whole three months, Sehyun came back to you, within 72 hours you had breakup in an unimaginable way. Then again after two months, you saw him in the club (that night heaven only knows why you dream about Sehun). Next day you meet him, he told you he never cheated on you and he still loves but then what? nothing. He never called nor message just like always, no matter whose fault it is, he won't talk with you until you take initiate. But this time, he created the worst blunder and you were not ready to forgive it easily. Well, you did forgive him a little but trusting him was the question.
This morning was one of those days where you just want to lie down in bed and sleep, nothing else but you were to force go college then at work because all of the sudden Mrs. Kim wants your daily report. She instructed to update her from now on and not to his husband anymore, three messages per day becomes ten messages plus few calls.
At the store you were waiting for a new part-time worker, after working for a week alone, you ask your boss to hire anyone. The store door gets open from counter you saw Sehyun entering with a big smile. Sehyun at your workplace it was stocking. As you were still angry, you almost shout “What are you doing here?” Your boss comes from his back and “He is the replacement for Myung from now on he will work with you” disbelieving the situation you ask your boss “What a medical student is going to work here?” Your boss smile and said “Okay so you guys are friends. Good, I hope for good work and Y/N, you only told me anyone would work. He needed the job so I gave him and there no rocket science in working here as helping hands” he turns toward Sehyun and said “Sehyun, you have to follow Y/N and help her. Okay?” Sehyun gives him a nod while you were still stock-still.  
As soon as your boss leave for lunch, you grab Sehyun collar and ask “There are thousands of other places where you could have gotten the job then why here?” He smirks and grabs your waist, tugging you closer to him, said “I have two reasons to be here. First, my parent saving won’t help me any longer and YOU. You are my biggest reason to work here, I don't have to stalk anymore. I can just be near you like this” You free yourself and said “If you want to work here better stay away from me or I’ll throw you out of here” He laughs, winks and then nodded. Your day was complete with the mixed feeling, being near him give you comfort but it also gives you discomfort remembering all his previous actions. You explain to him about the store and his work, he seriously follows you and his work.
Days pass he keeps working sincerely and tossing a few flirting comments here and there which you ignore. He doesn’t have lunch seeing that because of your stupid love, you start to bring him lunch which he happily eats, it always makes you happy seeing his smile even though you're angry. You can see what actually has the actual change about him, he got aggressive and retaliate almost everything. It surprises you but you can understand it could be because of the incident. His behavior reminds you of Sehun (from the way Sehyun talk about his brother) after 'that night dream' Sehun had made his place in your mind.
Today he doesn’t come alone, he came with 'that girl' it angers as well as hurt you. Trying your best to keep up your fake smile as he introduces two of you. In awkwardness, you both exchange greeting God only knows what he has told her about you or didn’t at all. Sehyun said "Y/N I bought her here because she needs your help" You look at two of them with confusion. Yuna said "Actually, I'm alone here, my parents are leaving in foreign and I want a lawyer. Sehyun told me you know one" You nodded and give her Mr. Kim the number and office address, she asks a few questions about fees and another thing, you nicely answer as per your knowledge with a smile but inside you have been annoyed whole time. You go back to your work while she stayed with Sehyun.  
Your eyes make its way to them again and again, you keep making mistake because you cannot concentrate. Whenever her hand touches him while talking a huge jealousy strike inside you, it becomes really hard from you not to shout loudly and throw her out of this place or to slap him again from bringing her here. However, shortly after she was gone and you got to relax a little.
When Sehyun asks for his lunch, you give him a look with full a rage. He laughs a little and said "Nothing going on between me and Yuna. She is Sehun friends and there are two more people, I’ll make you meet them too” you huff and said “Sehun’s friend, isn’t she too close being all touchy with you or she is still confused between you and your brother” he laughs again and said “Someone is on fire with jealous” to avoid more dialogue, you hand him over food. Many questions were there which you wanted to ask but don’t get a nerve too or not willing to hear more incorrect things.
Finally, time to go home comes. You close the store and got near the car, Sehyun came after you. You ask “Do you want me to drop you?” he shakes the head and said “I want to you to have dinner with me” You were about to say ‘No’ but he gives you the pleading and sad look you agreed, he also insists to let him drive that also you agreed. Not wanting him to spend money, you took him back to your apartment.
You made dinner and eat in silence from time to time you felt his eyes on you. While you clean he sat alone on coach thinking something. When you completed, he asks “Y/N, do you still love ...me?” this question surprise you, sigh and said “How could I stop? But I don’t trust you anymore” He gives you a sad smile then again silence. You sit next to him and ask “Whatever is bothering you......” He cut you and said “She is just a friend” He was saying the truth but it still bothers you seeing their closeness in real short time, not wanted to hear more you got up, he caught your hand, pull on his lap. From the crook of your neck, he said “I’m feeling so alone Y/N. Three of my friends help me but still, I’m lone. I try to be strong but I feel I’m weak. I-I-I miss him, I miss my brother, it is hard to stay without him. I miss my parents but I miss him more. He knows how hard is for me without him but he still left me. Why did he leave us alone?” by this time you can feel his tear. Forgetting all the problem between two of you, you pull him closer, rub his back while he silently cries, seeing him crying like this made your eyes teary but control yourself.
He took a long while to completely drain out himself. He stops crying and look into your eyes and said “Thank you for letting me do this” you give him a smile. It has been really long being this close to him, lean a bit to feel his lip on your but he turns his face and said “I have to go. Don't get me wrong, I also want to kiss you but we haven’t shout out our issues yet. Y/N please give me time to explain everything, let’s sit and talked thing out please” You nodded as it was true but cannot understand the meaning of holding back a kiss it won’t be harmful. You both got up, once again he hugs you then kiss your forehead and said “Bye” There was not much of talk but it still gives you some kind of certainty let you sleep with a little peace tonight.  
-Sehun P.O.V-
Away from all of my problem a few moments of happiness I get with Y/N. In between of my work, I tease her but she ignores and her annoyed expression is so cute. She keeps looking at me whenever I get angry over a small thing, she doesn’t tell but I can see her bewildered. It makes me little jealous seeing how much she loves my brother, even though her angry she starts to bring me lunch. Now her homemade food is making me miss my mother too. At the college, the thing was going back to normal but Jaehyun now has got more eyes on me, it was not a problem at all, I wanted it.  
To ease Y/N anger a bit, I introduce Yuna to her with an excuse but it got her angrier, she needs to be clear-headed to figure out ‘I’m Sehun’ It would have been easier if I could just tell her that but I cannot. By early evening, I got a message from Teayong saying he got the hint about my brother's death, I told him to wait until I come home.
It is kind of news which I needed to hear for long but when the time came where I have to be strong and plan next move, I become weak. I cannot go to my friend in the weakened state, I have to strong there so I reach to Y/N where I could be however I want. Back at her apartment, we had dinner, I settle in coach while thinking. I mixed up and about to take Sehyun name when I ask her 'she still loves him' she answers how I had assumed. I silently cried on her shoulder for long while, she let me hold her until I let out everything, I thanked her for that. When she leans for the kiss but I stop her, I’m already enough guilty, not willing to end more to it. I set up my mind, if a kiss has to happen, it should only be happening after she knows I’m Sehun. I go back to the house with new strength.
Teahyong said while handing me over the message record “It is your brother messages record, Jaehyun was must have known about it” while I go to every message Teayong told Yuna and Jinwoo “Sehyun was talking with someone from Wang gang” Jinwoo said “Did he was part of Wang gang? Oh my god, your brother was on the gang it means he was also doing the wrong thing and died because of it” I look at Jinwoo with anger and said “Don’t you dare talking nonsense you ass. This message record said he was giving treatment to someone who was got beaten, thinking he was poor and when Sehyun comes to his identity, he was asking that person to stay away” Jinwoo look down and apologize. I cannot stay angry on him, anyone would think the same and behaving like my brother made me think logical about the thing and now I have to find this person from Wang Gang.
Morning in college was going hectic with studies and projects. In between Jaehyun gives me an evil smile it means he has planned something for me but nothing happens. I go to work, Y/N smile seeing me. It was the first time after this long, she smiles seeing me I also give her a bright smile, we had lunch then work. I saw Jaehyun from one-way mirror wall of the store I said to Y/N who was busy on her calculation “Go inside to store room and don’t come outside until I call you back” She looks at me with and said “I think the customer is coming......” I cut her and said with more aggregation “GO INSIDE NOW” not waiting for a reply I push her toward the door, she goes but I know her ear will be open. Jaehyun comes inside and said “Sehyun, my friend. You work in a small place if you would have told me, I would have to give you a job in my hospital with good payroll” In small voice but with eye contact, I said “I’m okay working here” he smirks and said “However you prefer, my friend. Just remember to meet me after the work” I nod. He smiles and asks “You work alone here. I heard there is one girl here, isn’t your girlfriend work with you here” Shit, Y/N was hearing, I said to him “No, Yuna doesn’t need to work and ‘that girl’ is not coming today” he hummed, looks here and there then left. Y/N didn’t come out, I knock on the storeroom door and called “Y/N, come out I’ll explain you” she didn’t reply, I push the door open saw her in the ground with a fresh tear.
-Y/N P.O.V-
Morning comes fresh your anger was almost gone if you say truly it was reduced from the day, he starts working with you but keeping up fake, to keep up your ego but last night ask you to let go everything and start new. You were willing to spend more time with Sehyun and clear things out. It was really hard to stay away from him. If you describe in a word, he is like drugs, even a little new Sehyun attract you a lot. It was like to fall in love all over again.  
You complete your college routine and went to work, your boss informs you he is going out for a week from today, you have handle store alone and take store keys with you every day. When Sehyun come you told him what boss said, he asks “So you will be skipping college and work here from morning?” You rolled your eyes and said “You and your ‘not to skip college ever’ thing. No baby, I’ll open the store only after attending my college” he nodded. You bit your lips in nervousness, you got eager to solve everything and go back together again. You wanted to ask him to come for dinner and clear thing out by tonight only, so from tomorrow morning everything goes back to normal but the words were not coming out.
Suddenly he asks you to go inside the storeroom, you try to object but he pushes you inside, you almost got bump to the door. Not understanding what wrong with him to go inside, he has always been caring, he never pushes you like this before. You heard someone telling him to meet after the work, now again he was hiding you from the world just like old time. It was okay until you heard ‘Yuna is his girlfriend’ He told you she was not his girlfriend but she was. In fact, made it official and told everyone about, its something he never did for you. Your leg was not supporting you anymore without releasing you were on the ground with a tear. You were blind in love, you never had an argument about making it official, blindly trusting him when he asks you to wait for right time but with Yuna, he was changed. It would have been okay he if said he loved her, you would have cried but always care about his happiness more than yours but he was lying telling you he still loves you when he had her. Like he is using you, making fun of you. A small hope you had was entirely lost.
He sits next to you, cups your face, wiping the tear with his thumbs and said “It is not what it sounded like. Y/N, Yuna is just my friend nothing else I promise” In a small voice you ask “But you just called her your girlfriend. Just tell me one-person name whom you have told I’m was your girlfriend” He looks down, you shove his hands from your face, got up and said “No one is there, right?” no answer from him. You said in a little firm voice “I don’t know you anymore. Only talk with me when work is there, don’t touch ever or dare look toward me with work. Knowing your condition, I will let you work here but if you try to come near me, I will throw you out” with this you go back to work, you don’t want to show him how weak you have become, not giving him enjoy to see you broken, refuse to let him toy with you anymore. The whole day went without a single word, you don’t even look at him and refuse to get melt on his sorry look. After work you close the store, he was standing next to you but you went to your car without looking at him. As soon as reach home, you let out everything by crying loudly.  
Next day you didn’t go to college, you weren’t able to wake up early after crying till late night and the morning headache was another thing, not caring about breakfast or lunch you come to work with a full makeup hiding your bad state. Your stomach was paining because of a lack of food or water but not good enough to make you go and full it. Sehyun comes, he said tomorrow his project is due and if it is okay for him to only work on the project just for today. There was not much of work anyway so you just nod without looking at him. The day finally ended, he got a call and said to you he has to go, again you just nodded, only more 15 minutes were there to close the store but he left in a hurry. He forgot his project file and phone, at first you let it be but then you decide to go to his place to hand it over because he said his project was due tomorrow, no matter what it was still hard not to care about him, you cannot stop loving him in a day or don’t if you will ever.
The car was parked far away because the road toward his house has the narrow lane. You don’t know if it was right or wrong after everything but to reach near his house just one lane away. You saw someone getting beaten up and heard “Sehyun my friend, next time when I ask you to meet be on time” they left. Sehyun got up like nothing happen, you still stock till while he saw you. He runs toward you and said, “What are you doing here?” You can see a drop of blood running from the corner of his mouth, automatically your hand went his face examine if there are any other cuts. You ask “Is it paining?” You caught his hand said, “Let go to the doctor and who were they?” He said “It is nothing. You don’t have to worry Yuna will....” he stops in between. Of course, he doesn’t need you, Yuna is there for him. You immediately let his hand go and took the step back from him.
He hugs you and said “That is not what I meant. She just.....” you cut him and said “It is okay, go to her” asking him to go to someone else made you cry. He tightened his grip and said “It is not what you think, please give me a chance to explain it” he let go and cup your face and said “Y/N I never loved anyone else besides you and never will. It was just a situation she is with me” You honestly said “I don’t know how to trust you anymore. You say something and do something else. You are the same yet this different. You know what is wrong, I still love you. I cannot hate you, even if she is your girlfriend and you are just playing with me, I just cannot. I want to believe you but cannot. You are doing all the wrong things but still cannot hate you. I just don’t know anymore” he places his forehead on your and asks “What is your heart saying? To believe or not. To love me or not” you close your eyes and said “To believe. To love you”  
After many months his lips touch your, lips were moving in sync, just a light kiss then he pulls off but it was not enough for you. You pull for a fervent kiss, showing how much you have missed his touch. His tightly hold waist, pulling you closer while your hands were on his hair, it gives you happiness which not there for months, feeling his lips on you was one of the best things and with his heartbeat giving satisfaction but suddenly it starts to feel wrong, you push him off. He cannot understand why you did it nor you can. You handed him the phone and run out of here as fast as you can.  
You start you drove back to your home, you cannot understand what happened why suddenly you start to feel this wrong like he is not your Sehyun. Your heart was beating so fast out of unknown fear and worry. Maybe your mind is messing because of Yuna. You have the clear thing out once and for all even it gives you heartbreak. You saw Sehyun project file is still with you, you forget to give him. You turn your car again toward his house, prepare yourself to clear things out and mentally prepare for the worst.  
At his home, you saw his house door was open. From the door, you saw Yuna with others to male and Sehyun.
The first male said, “Who is she?” Sehyun didn’t answer.
Yuna said again “I saw Y/N leaving, actually run away and previously I saw her the way she looks at you”  
The second male said “she will get in unnecessary troubles if she stays close to you”
The first male again ask “Who is she?”
Sehyun finally said “I’ll protect her from any troubles. You guys don’t have to worry about her”  
The second male said “Why would you do that? Who is she to you? Are you going to lose forces because of mere girl”
Sehyun said “I’m fully forcing to finding my brother murderer, I never lose it for once and Y/N, I have to look for her, she cannot be alone. Just let it go” You cannot understand what they were talking but it was your chance to find what he is hiding, you stayed silent.
The first male again ask “Who is she?”
Yuna said “I also want. Who is she? Why are you being this protective about her”
The second male said “SEHUN come on man tell who is she” He called him Sehun, not Sehyun. Your heart starts to set.
He said “Y/N is my brother’s girlfriend. She is Sehyun girlfriend. She thinks I’m Sehyun  and I don’t know how to tell her I’m not”
Yuna said “Are you kidding since when do you know it and why didn’t you tell her about Sehyun death”
The first male said “Your brother had a girlfriend too. Did he got killed because of it”
Every emotion hit you at once, your stop feeling your heart, tear start. Project file fall from your hand and got everyone attention on you, in a small voice you said “YOU ARE SEHUN”
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sikimi · 3 years
Candy sweet personality
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Characters: Hanwool, Geonyeob, Gamin, Minhwan
Contains: Character x reader, Wholesome shit, fluff, Sfw stuff
A/n: Greetings fellow readers~! I'm going to spoil you with a request from someone :> (I mentioned them in 2 of my shit posts, So you might know who they are). Enjoy~!
3rd person's POV
Y/n is a girl who got transferred in this YB school a few months ago, Ever since she transfered there, She's gotten very popular.
She was known for having a very kind, and caring personality. The girl was very bright, and cheerful always giving out a happy Aura of herself, She's not very good at fighting much, but her bravery and knowledge says it all!
Let's see how the boys fall for her :))
Hanwool Phi
Hanwool was always mysterious and secretive, Anyone who he finds interesting will be targeted by him, And you just got his attention
Just like how he did to Gamin, He'll do anything to break your cheerful spirit.
However, It never works, The way he treats you is like trash and you always act fine with that. He tripped you, embarrassed you, hurt you, and all you did was keep that smile ofc yours, apologizes and go to the others
Unlike everyone else, you never even feared him, instead you treated him just like everyone else. With kindness ofc
You never seem to hate him, which makes him even more confused.
After a few months of trying, He gave up and finally give in and accepted to be friends you. (Good job Y/n)
I feel like Hanwool isn't the type to 'fall inlove at first sight' if I were to think of his sexuality, it might be Pansexual but who knows?
Hanwool slowly starts to admire you
He also starts to warm up to you abit bc you took care of his sister when she got lost somewhere else
You should rlly thank Minhwan for this otherwise Hanwool might think you were the one who took his sis—
Hanwool always spare small glances at you, gives you small smiles, and even in the luckiest times, You could catch him subconsciously playing with the ends of your hair
Minhwan notices how differently Hanwool is acting, He knows he have a crush on you but chooses not to die instead
One time, you so were focused on a book you got from a close friend of yours in another school that you didn't notice Hanwool sitting next to you, but he didn't do anything, He just stares at you, admiring you piece by piece.
He remembers that one time where one of the guys in the white lead was threatening you with a weapon, and you just stood there smiling like an idiot, smiling like it's the most normal thing in your life. Hanwool on the outside looks like he's about to rip off the guy who threaten you but on the inside, He was freaking tf out bc he saw you smiling there with a cut on your face
Villain boi Minhwan came to the rescue and took you away to help you with that cut and also save your ass from getting scolded by Hanwool (Thank him for that)
Hanwool would be that "Tell me what you want, I'll give it to you" type of person (Ah~ ah~ ah~ You'll get the nfsw version later, don't get yourself too excited now~)
You got yourself a sugar daddy.
(I wish he could buy me primogems...HELP AUTHOR-KUN PLS..I'M VERY POOR)
Gamin Yoon
He might not look like he get bitches but honey that dick is 11 inche— AHEM.
Just like Hanwool, I feel like Gamin isn't rlly the type to fall for ' love at first sight ' due to him being so focused on studying and so clueless with love since he have no experience at all
But the one thing that made Gamin actually interested in you is how friendly you are to join his group, like he didn't even need to beg you or convince you to join it, and the fact that you're rlly smart makes him even more interested.
He also remembers the time when you were threatened by a gangster with a weapon in his hand and you just stood there smiling like it's the most normal thing ever, Poor bby, He panicked alot and asks if you're ok...He even thought of bringing you to the hospital- (Sehyun and Jiwoo have to convince him that you're alright and nothing too bad happened)
Gamin is rlly thankful to have a person like you, his friends and teacher by his side, otherwise he'll be left all broken-
Gamin truly adores you, you here to comfort him and be there for him even if he's shit
He fell for you when you guys were studying together in his house
You were explaining to him and you were too close that he could feel both your bodies touching, and he took this as a possibility to take in all your scent (basically not even listening to what your saying)
When studying, it was getting Abit late, the sun was going down and the orangish soft light of the sun reflected to your face making you look even more cute
After that day onwards, Gamin started acting more shy around you even Jun notices his master behaving weirdly
Gamin gets called out by Jiwoo which left him rlly shocked and red
Sehyun have to explain to him why he's feeling that way, bc he have a crush on you.
Hee won tried comforting him telling him it's not much of a deal and just act like how he does before! (Which actually worked)
The other two just stood there nodding there heads agreeing on what Hee won was saying
After knowing he has a crush on you, Gamin became even more shy! Which is adorable and bad!
Gamin gets all blushy when you two hold hands
Just small touches from you could leave him blushing and dreaming Abt you the whole day!
You got him so worked up he doesn't get too affected by his bad grades anymore, POG
He gets all warm and fuzzy when you're near him
Poor you, who doesn't even know what's happening to him-
He would be that "Do whatever you want bc you're just making me fall for you even harder" type of person
This man would likely fall inlove at first sight but remember, he falls inlove fast and also falls out of love fast. If he gets bored, He'll just leave you (which is sad)
Randomly appears and starts a conversation with you bc you were pretty, turns out you two had alot in common, You both also have a messed up life! ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ...not Pog at all.
You're less chaotic than Minhwan
You never fail to amaze him, even in silence.
Minhwan notices how much he's been staring at you, That moment he knew he was into you but he thinks it's too fast so he took the opportunity to slow it down Abit and spend more time with you
Understanding you, Reading you, and finding out more abt you
The more he finds out about you, The more he falls for you, Mans so inlove with you he's over his knees for you.
The way you smile, laugh, talks, He loves it.
Villain boi is like a soft yandere, He'll simply manipulate you to fall for him only but he doesn't hurt the others or any close ones, But yk He failed to manipulate you bc JOKES ON HIM YOU ALREADY LOVES HIM AHA—
He teases you alot, and also flirts with you but if you flirt with him back then He'll get very red. He's not used to someone flirting with him back.
Hanwool keeps saving you from trouble bc you're like a lil' sis to him (Ayo- Favoritism?) and He hates it when Minhwan brings you with him just to burn a fucking house down-
You two would play videogames together, and he sometimes gets touchy with you, like putting a hand on your legs (not thighs, legs.) Or going behind your back and whispering in your ears..or giving you a small lick on the neck- BUT He only does that when you both are like, comfortable with each other, Still tho if you're still uncomfortable with that, then he'll stop, But he'll still tease you
He buys you gifts, and supports you alot
Who knew a playboy like Minhwan could be adorable and sweet? <3
Geonyeob, Fuck you for being hot. I hate you so much but I want you to rail me against the wall
ANYWAYS, Geonyeob is just not interested into you when you guys first meet and he shows it right away.
However... You're close to Gamin, which leads him curious, Very curious of you.
Almost all Gamin's friends from his study group is strong, Hee won doesn't know how to fight much but She's rlly smart- Not to mention she even managed to get the whole China town to help her with the fighting shitz-
But you? You're just..Nice. That's what he thinks
He doesn't seem to like you, He thinks you're kinda annoying, and weird. (Rude much)
But after friending with you for awhile, He understands you alot
In the study group, you're like..the supporter! You're rlly smart, Caring, and not to mention you're also like the good older sibling in the group!
Everyone respects you, and loves you (not romantically inlove :/ )
Geonyeob helps you with things too, sometimes he might walk home with you
Well one time when he was walking home with you, He feels all warm and gloomy inside his heart. I also feel like he would ask himself like, 'what tf am I feeling' 'omg is this love? Am I inlove with an idiot?' 👋😭
Geonyeob would never ever admits it but he loves giving you slight touches on your hand
Geonyeob is a Tsundere 👹
He'll insult you for doing something wrong but will mutter a small sorry in the end
On the outside, He looks like he's so done with you, but on the inside he just can't get enough of youuu (人*´∀`)。*゚+
He's not an idiot like Gamin, He knows he's into you the moment he feels something Abt you.
Geonyeob likes this when you smile, He'll do anything to keep that smile on your face
If you continue to play with his hair when you're both in his house, He'll stops you at first but then gets used to it and just relaxes
He's like putty on your hand (・∀・)
He would be that "I hate annoying people but you're an acceptance" type of person
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Gahhh~ I'm so tried :,)
I haven't gotten enough sleep due to my insomnia, and I'm now doing another oneshot
Anyways, Did you enjoy this oneshot? :D?
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Fifteen)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too.        
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.  
Pairing: Sehun x reader    
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature, Language (some time will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au
Summary, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven(M), Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen
-Sehun pov- 
Twenty-four critical hours have passed. She hasn't wake up yet, though she is okay. Mr. Kim remembers Sehyun as a school topper, so I was allowed to be around her without any suspicious, and it also means Y/N knows him from school. Mr. Kim asks lots of questions. About the accident, what I was doing there and other things. I lied in every answer. Not knowing how to say, she was trying to kill herself because she lost my brother. Or how crazy she was.   
I don't know what the hell is happening with me? First same hospital and now the same investigating officer. Officer Kwon, he was appointed for Sehyun and my case. The lazy ass is no help. I'm sure he is a corrupt person. Or else why he didn't do anything after knowing Sehyun was beaten to death by college gang.   
Mr. Kim greets him and tells I'm the eye witness of the accident. He shakes my hand, "How it is going, Oh Sehyun? I hope everything is good with you and I'm sorry. I promise to find those criminals. Your case is still open." I nod and mentally curse him. After question and answer, he fake promise to Mr. Kim and come back after Y/N wake up for her statement. As soon as Y/n wake up, I have to let her know about all the lie I said.   
I went to college. I cannot find Jaehyun after Junsu inform him about my fighting skill, I thought, he would at least try to confront. After college, I went to the hospital again. Which was okay with Jinwoo, Teayong shows his dislike, and Yuna was neutral. Y/n was still sleeping like she doesn't want to wake up. Mr. Kim was skipping work since he is in hospital. I offer to stay at night so he can go home and work a bit. After hesitation, he accepts it. As Y/N stayed in hospital private room, I get a couch to sleep.   
-Y/N P.O.V-
You woke up by the bright light. You blink a few times before fully able to open it. You can hear the sea waves. You look around, see him cooking in the kitchen which front of your bed. But where were you? You sit up, look at him for a minute. Then you call him, "Sehun?" He gives the brightest smile and says, "Why are you getting confused between us? And haven't I told you so many time my stupid brother cannot cook." Your eyes grow wider, tears fall from it. You run to him, tightly wrap yourself around him. It feels the same as always. There was no doubt inside you; he is Sehyun. He is your Sehyun. He hugs you back, runs his hand on your hair. You sob, "Where were you?"  "In your heart." He jokes, you giggle and rolls your eyes at the same time. You look into his eyes. It is like you remember. You ask, "Where are we?" He lightly presses his lips to your and says, "I'm giving your long waited gift. I'm going to spend time with you and only you. I won't even think about my brother until the next morning." You couldn't be happier than these. The room was so small. In a tiny space, there was a kitchen, bedroom, and doorless bathroom. While brushing your teeth, you keep looking at Sehyun. Whenever he looks toward you while cooking, he smiles. Confirming he is here. He is with you. After a long time, someone had cooked your favorite food. It tastes perfect as you recognize. It was a good day like you imagine as you want for a long time. Two of you in the beach house, breakfast to dinner, from morning to night together; you had a great beach walk, long talk, movies, and feeling close to each other. You are getting everything you wanted from him. You were in his arms, sleeping. He wakes you up  and says, "Hey, it is time to go." You hug him tightly in denial. You want to stay like this. He laughs, "But it is time now you have to go back." You got up to look at him. You cannot understand, go where? And alone? Why? He pulls you back in his arms, "I have fulfilled your dream. I have gifted you this. See outside the sun is rising, it time you need to go back." You snap, "I don't want t o go anywhere without you. I didn't have enough of your time." How could this small-time be enough? He created distance between both of you. With a smile and said, "I know it is not enough, it is not enough for me too, but you have to go back for every one good. If I had the power, I would have never let you go. You need to go back, love. People need you there. " You huff, "People? You mean Sehun. You are still thinking about him. He is still the most important person. For once, you cannot you put me above him?" He cups your face while saying, "You took Sehun name, I don't. Y/N, I love you both there is no one above another. And yes, he also needs you." You start crying, try to hold on him but no use. He pushes you away from him. After that, you didn't understand what happened.   
You wake up and look around. Panic rose in you. You remember being hit by something while you were on the road. You are sure you were in the hospital. You sit up and see him. He saw you sitting up. He rushes toward, runs his hand on your hair, and asks, "Are you feeling okay?" You hug him by his waist, and weeping, "Sehyun." He stops caring your hair, creates distance, "Y/N, Sehyun is not with us anymore. I'm Sehun. Anyways, I'll go and call the Doctor." As he left, you look around realizing where you are, you start crying again. He leaves, never coming back. You hate him. How could he leave? Just a minute ago, you had him. Sehun comes back with Doctor. As you couldn't stop crying, he gives you a sleeping injection to make you relax.  
-Sehun pov- 
She woke up, finally. I was happy, but it didn't last even for a minute. She was finding Sehyun again. As Doctor makes her sleeps, I also dozed off.   
I woke up after getting irritated by chatting noise. My irritation is left as she wakes up and seems relaxed. I smile at Mr. Kim as they talk with her. As Mr. Kim left room to call Mrs. Kim, I informed her about the story and lies I told to Mr. Kim and Officer Kwon. She nods.  
After a while, I was about to leave. Mr. Kim stop me, ask to have breakfast with them. Mrs. Kim came along with a girl and breakfast. I guess the girl is their daughter. She just kept looking at me, I ignore her and concentrate on food. After a long time, I have homemade food. "Hey, Sehyun. Right? I'm Kim Sol-Mae." Y/N look amused by her behavior. I nod and take my last bite. I choke as she said, "Y/n if you are not dating him, can I have him?" Mr. Kim angrily said, "Sol-Mae. Stop the nonsense, or else you are grounded forever." As he gives me an apologetic look, I awkwardly smile. My eyes meet Y/n eyes for a second. She looks angry. And I don't if I was imagining or not, I saw a slight amount of jealous. Sol-Mae storm out of the room so does Mr. and Mrs. Kim too. Avoiding meeting eyes with Y/N, I again try to leave, and Office Kwon comes and stop me. Mr. Kim joins as he starts to ask questions to Y/N. I assume Mrs. Kim, and Sol-Mae has left. I don't know how Y/n manage to answer adjusting with my story and lie.   
I left with Office Kwon. He asks, "Sehyun, I'll ask you again. How do you know Y/N and how much you know her?" I lied again, "I told you. She was my classmate in school. What else?" I try to leave again he stops me, "You are lying. Just a classmate doesn't have an infinite amount of long call logs. I've checked yours, and your brother calls detail. She seems your only friend or more than a friend."  
"What are you trying to say? Why does it even matter?"  
"Nowadays young boys are interested in other girlfriends. I want to know if you fought because of it? There is no other reason to justify your incident beside the girl. Don't worry, if you want to hide your relationship with her and protect her, I will help you. But I need to know, why did you guys start fighting that night and what happened in recent accident night.", he seems genuine while saying it. What a good actor. There was no meaning of denying Sehyun relationship. "Yes, she is my girlfriend. I want to hide this relationship until studies get complete. However, she has nothing to do with my fight that night. No one knows about us, and no one will know. I already told you. They suddenly come, start beating me, and later my brother tries to rescue me. I don't remember them besides my college mates. As for Y/N accident, I admit having an argument with her. She ended up saying some nonsense. I left her place in angry. I turn around to go back again to her place and see her getting hit my min-truck. End of story."   
"Hmm, I don't think the person who killed your brother is your collegemates. I already told the name which you took as the suspect were not in town." I cannot believe it. My memory vague, I cannot remember any faces although I remember that laugh. But it is crystal clear, Jaehyun and his gang were there. Even Junsu admit it and here Officer Kwon denying it, my blood was boiling, I wanted to tell him, I don't his help anymore.   
I keep my face neutral and nod to him. As soon as Officer Kwon left, Mrs. Kim come in front of my face, angrily asked, "Y/N is your girlfriend? How long it has been going on?" I was speechless. I cannot deny because I'm Sehyun for everyone, cannot say yes because I'm Sehun and how long? Only Sehyun and Y/N know the answer. Without waiting for my answer, she rushes toward the Y/N room. I also run after Mrs. Kim.   
Mr. Kim help her to set up on the bed as Mrs. Kim entry and shout, "Y/N, This is why you like to stay alone, so you can call him anytime you want?" She turns toward Mr. Kim "Jin Ho I told you, send her to hostile or to foster home. It is not right for 16 years old girl to start leaving alone. Look now, what she is doing. She has a boyfriend, never told us about it, and she almost kills herself because she argued with him." I cannot understand her, her daughter was openly flirting and Y/N couldn’t even date. Y/N looks confuse and shock. I try to control the damage, "Ma'am it is my fault. I wanted to wait. I'm sorry. She......" Y/N cut me, "Mr. Kim, I want to talk with him, alone. Please. After that, I'll answer your question." I cannot read Mr. Kim face he nods and pushes Mrs. Kim out as she protests. Sol-Mae comment with a pout while passing me, "My bad luck. Anyways, if you guys break up anytime, I'll be forever available for you." Oh God, not even Yuna was this bold. Sol-Mae is something.  
In harsh, low voices with fiery eyes, Y/N said, "How dare you?" I look at her with a blank face. "What did you said to Mrs. Kim? Who gave you the right you to call me your girlfriend?" Cardiac monitoring starts beeping as her heart rates increase with angry. In a calm voice, I said, "Get rest and let me explain. I didn't say anything to anyone. I was talking with Officer Kwon. He had Sehyun call logs, obviously your number there. He figures out about you and Sehyun was together. I have just confirmed it, and Mrs. Kim heard......" "Sehyun is death; you are him for everyone. Why the fuck did you confirmed it? You are the best liar and actor I have ever seen, cannot you come up anything. Let me guess, after our fight, you needed a reason to stay close to me, right?" I cannot believe it. What shit is running on her mind? She tries to get up from the bed. As stop her, suddenly she smirks, "What wrong, Sehun? I said this much you still didn't say 'I did it because I love you.' Come on, Sehun says it." What the fuck? That is it. I was angry now, "Y/N, don't. Don't cross the line. You have no right to.........." She cut me with the laugh, lean back in the bed and said, "Line? You are the one was the one who crossed it. You pretend to be Sehyun, kiss me and then reason it out with I love you. It wasn't enough. Now you start to tell the world I'm your girlfriend. You know what, if you won't stay here, nor Mrs. Kim would have come to know nor Officer Kwon asked you a question. Wait, this reminds me. What the fuck are you doing here anyway? Didn't you say 'I won't see you again.' I get it. You bring me to the hospital, then what? Why didn't you leave? You even spend the night next to me. Why?" I become voiceless. I don't know what is burning more, my heart with her word or my body with angry. She is lost her mind completely. I thought her death would hurt, but on, her words were hurting more. Previously, whenever I heard her, it makes me think, she will understand me after knowing the truth. Before I say anything I regret or cry, I decide to leave.  
I open the door, she shouts, "What happen? Don't want to stay? Wait, I didn't get a chance to say, Thank you for saving me." Mr. and Mrs. Kim heard her. Without looking at her, I said, "No need for your Thank you. I bring you to the hospital on base on humanity. And don't worry, I'll keep my words. You will never see me again." shutting door behind, I run out. Mr. Kim surely sees my teary eyes, but I don't care. 
Going straight to home. I let out my pain. Yes, I cried and break a few things same as I did after y brother death. After crying for a while and thinking, I've made up my mind. From today onwards I won't look at her as a person I love. I'll treat her as my brother girlfriend if we ever cross paths. Today is the last day I will cry for her. Even if she ends up killer herself, it won't be my concern. Only thing I want is to find those murders. After that, I don't care what happens to me. If I end up killing some of them and go to prison, it will be okay. I will never get distracted again. 
-Y/N P.O.V-  
You couldn't believe what you have done or why. You only know you were angry. He cannot call you his girlfriend. He was pretending to be Sehyun. He wasn't him. Sehyun always manages to hide our relationship, and he, in a one day, everything was out. Mrs. Kim is going to ask a lot of questions, which you didn't desire to answer.  
You know you were rude. You should have thanked him for saving you and staying with you. Love or not, truth or lie, Sehun has helped you a lot. You don't know if you were angry on Sehun for calling his girlfriend or confessing his love. Or you were angry on Sehyun for dying and filling up your mind with unless talking about Sehun being my option after him. Or on both of them. Unhappily, you can take your anger out on Sehun only. Now there is no step back. What done is done. You will go on this road. And remembering Sehyun pushing you away from him in your dream will help you. Again love or not, he never acknowledges your relationship, he was selfish. And his brother, he is also same, he has used you. You will change yourself. You won't depend on anyone, anymore. 
Mr. and Mrs. Kim come inside. Mrs. Kim demand, "What was that? You break up also." You look at her with blink face and, "I'm tired, I will sleep." with this you lying down, pulling the cover over you. Today for the first time to disrespected her like this. You regret from inside but won't let it come on your face.
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Fourteen)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too.        
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.  
Pairing: Sehun x reader    
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature, Language (some time will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au
Summary, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven(M), Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen,
-Sehun POV-
I couldn’t sleep for the whole night. I was worried about her, she was alone and what if she does something with yourself. After coming to know about her, one thing is unquestionable she is crazy about Sehyun. If she can forgive him for cheating and lying, she insane enough to hurt herself. In the morning, the debate takes place inside me whether I should go and meet her or give her more time alone. As afternoon approaches, I decide to go and see her. Even if I have to face her angry, I have to confront her.
I took food with me to see her. In the last few days, she has gone through many things. She must be not eating correctly.  
I reach her apartment, ring the doorbell. She didn’t answer the door; it makes me anxious. I continuously keep ringing, hoping she is alright.  
I never think of seeing her in the only towel with messy hair. Some other day, I would tell she look extremely lovable, but today this shows her emotional mess.  
I set food on the table while she goes and changes. I can see the extreme anger she has for me. As she keeps quiet, I also don’t say anything. After lunch, I clean everything while she keeps staring me. I ask her to come to the store. She tells, she’ll come later. I left her alone as she was still in one piece.
Later at night, I was thinking about what should I do with her. When she calls me, I immediately thought she is hurt, but no, she was outside my house. I didn’t want to make noise, Jinwoo, and Teayong is sleeping soundlessly after a long working day. Without making a noise, I bring her inside my bedroom. I let her see around. When she told me, she has gifted us, our bunk bed, it made me angry. My shy ass brother has fooled me a lot. I control myself, say sorry for getting angry.  
We talked about Sehyun death. It is still crystal clear in my head, my brother eyes to that bastard laugh. The thing turns wrong when she misunderstood. She thinks I was pretending to be Sehyun to use her in my revenge plan. I want to tell her truth about loving her but couldn’t. I don’t want her to hate me. It was happening all over again. I’m still lying to her.
I give her space, which I was also needing. I took a walk for half n hour. When I come back to the room, she falls asleep after crying. I put the cover on her and went to upper bed to sleep. I’m able to sleep in peacefully as she was near me, she is okay.
In the morning, I woke up, but she was still sleeping. I let her sleep and went to see my friends. If Teayong comes to know Y/N had slept here, he won’t be happy. Jinwoo was in the kitchen, making breakfast. I cannot see Teayong around.        
Jinwoo says, “Good morning. The breakfast is almost ready. I had sent Teayong to his place, and I’m going to. Make sure you, and Y/N both have food.”  I look at him with wide eyes. How did he know? He said, “I saw her last night when you drag her inside your room. And don’t worry, Teayong doesn’t know it.” I nod. He says, “I hope you have told her everything.”
“No, I couldn’t tell her. I mean, she misunderstood when I complete telling her.”
“Now, what left? besides your love for her.”
“Yes. Wait. How do you know?”
“I can see what others cannot.” He put his hand around my shoulder and says, “I think you should wait. She goes through a lot of pain and suffering. Give her some time.”  I nod in agreement. She needs time. I will stay around her to help for now. After a while, Jinwoo left. I take breakfast and coffee in my room. It was a little late, so I woke her up. I make her eat, although she doesn’t want to. Later, I took her home than to store.
After that day, she has become like a robot, complete her daily routine, meaningless. She stops caring about the world, spends her time crying. I make sure to make her eat, help her in work. At night, when I drop home, it enhances new worry. I don’t know what she will do when she is alone or if I’ll be able to see her again or not.
I was already in many of distress seeing Y/N condition. Teayong comes and says, someone from Jaehyun gang has tried to harass Yuna. For a minute, I thought to go and complain to Jaehyun then I change my mind, this was a chance to find out a few things about Jaehyun, and I need some action. I sent Jinwoo to Y/N with food and take Teayong with me.  
I was waiting for Teayong to bring Junsu in one of their abandoned places. After 30 minutes, they arrived. Teayong unties him. Junsu huff, “Sehyun are you kidding me? You bought me here.” He starts laughing, “Did you forgot, who I am? Let me guess, is this because of your girlfriend. What are you going to do? Huh, hit me?” I silently keep listening, how great he is, what can Jaehyun do, I have made a mistake, he won’t let me off and more. I run my hand on my hair, smile and say, “Who talks more, cannot do anything. So stop barking and show me what you got.” Like always, Teayong takes a step aside when I want to fight. Junsu comes and throws his first punch on my face. I take it to see how strong he is. He makes me fall on the ground, hit in my stomach three times.
I turn him around, few punches in his face, around his rib, in abdominal, all in the perfect spot and he was over. I make his almost limp body sit and ask, “This was for Yuna. Now, if you don’t want to die, then tell me about Jaehyun.” He breathly ask, “Who are you?” I smirk, “I’m Sehyun, but you must be not knowing, my brother was a great fighter. He taught me a few things.”  
“You call this a few things. It is much more than that.”
“Don’t waste my time and don’t say Jaehyun will kill me if I say something or something like that.”
“He will. I don’t know about me, but I’ll make sure you die. I’ll tell him everything.” Taeyong laughs behind me. I also smile. I lift my fist he tries to block from getting hit. He was showing braveness from above only. I smirk, “Let me tell you something. Jaehyun will never believe if you say I have beaten you up. As I know your history, I know it is hard for you to win anything. You only have one option to tell me about Jaehyun, and I’ll make sure, I won’t hurt you when I take Jaehyun down.” He was thinking. I give him motivation, “Do you remember drugs burning incident? I did it. You know better what happened with your gang. If you don’t want to go down with others, be on my side.” I have done enough with him if he doesn’t tell anything. I have to make him go to cop somehow and reveal myself. Junsu says, “Do you promise to save me. I don’t want to get caught up in Wang gang mess.” I nod.
We take a proper seat, Teayong gives Junsu some water. I ask, “Everyone know, Wang gang is powerful, but why everyone is so scared of them?”  He took a breath, “They are not any college gang, they have a connection with the real mafia. I know the leader, who has never seen. He is the son of a mafia boss.” I nod. Teahyong asks, “Okay. If we go after Jaehyun, how much will Wang gang interfere in it?”
Junsu close eye while saying, “They won’t. They don’t care about it until no harm comes to them. And they have a little problem with Jaehyun.” He told us Jaehyun unknowingly get involved when some of the Wang gang members try to kill the leader. He informs regarding Jaehyun activities. He was telling me everything so he can run away when something went wrong with the gang. The drugs burning issue has still not settled.
I was already late for the store. Y/N was alone there. I ask Teayong to look for the remaining stuff and left. I know Junsu will go and tell Jaehyun about my actions, but as he said about Jaehyun activities, he will say half-truth.
I reach the store. Y/N didn’t say anything, but her eyes show concern. I ensure her nothing is paining and I will tell her everything after I change.
Unluckily, Yuna comes and take my moment away with Y/N. It was the first time, after that night, Y/N seems to get concern about something other than crying. Stupid, Teayong must have told her. After Yuna was gone, she keeps ignoring me, and I couldn’t do anything.  
Y/N has become more sensitive. Cannot understand when she will cry or get angry. As I look like Sehyun, I was able to calm her down. I have never seen a person being this crazy in love. On the other hand, Junsu has told Jeahyun about me beating him. I know he wants to attack me but waiting patiently for the right time.
After a few days, I made a plan to know something about that night. Teayong and Jinwoo come with me. I was not worried about Y/N as she said she is going out with her friend. Still, I ask her to call Yuna, if in case she needs something. According to plan, I’ll wait until Teayong and Jinwoo make Junsu drunk and ask him why they were beating Sehyun that night. I want to beat him until he spills out everything, but I have done enough, and he cannot know about my identity.
Jinwoo come and tell me, according to Junsu, Sehyun has met the Wang gang leader, he had promised something to Sehyun, Jaehyun wanted to find about it. That night Jaehyun comes to find out about it and to know who is the leader.  Sehyun refuses to tell him about him. Same night deadly attack happens on the leader. It makes Jaehyun in suspicious. Jaehyun gets to meet the leader only after the incident. The leader was not happy with Jaehyun because Sehyun brother die. After saying this much, Jusun passed out. Teayong comes after dropping him home. Teayong says, “Sehun this is deep now. How could your brother any connection with mafia bosses son, and what was the promise?” I cannot understand anything. I could never imagine, my brother is involved with the gangs. I say, “I can understand my brother knows something about Wang gang leader, but I’m sure he not involved in any activities and that promise, I will find out.” Jinwoo nod in agreement while Teayong nod but he has small doubt on Sehyun. I could feel it in his eyes.
I already have a headache with everything, unknown call me. First time I ignore it, in irritation I pick up the second time. “Hello, Sehyun. I’m Myung. Where are you?” Myung? Then I remember Y/N telling his name. And how he does knows about Sehyun? Y/N always said Sehyun had kept their relationship hidden. I ask, “How do you..” “I got your new number from Y/N phone. And why didn’t you contact us after coming back? Anyways, I know your and Y/N relationship is going through a rough phase for the last few months. I don’t know what is the problem here.” he pauses then continue, “But Y/N is wasting herself with alcohol, can you please come and take her back to home. Me and Mishil had called her up so she can have a break with the problem, not to drink. And please, sitting in one place, solve the problem with talk.” I sigh. I have to think about how to help Y/N too. She cannot waste herself like this. I say, “I’m coming. Which club you guys are?”
“Liquid Kitty club near her house. Sehyun doesn’t mind me asking, you still love her, right?”  
“Yes. Why are you asking?”
“Y/N loves you a lot. She is crying for months now. How long you guys want to continue like this? Like you said to me when you confess, keep your promise and bring her happiness.” One more promise? What promise did Sehyun make to Myung? I reassure him to make her happy again before he cut the call.  
Teayong and Jinwoo keep looking at me. Teayong didn’t like me going to Y/N. He didn’t say it only he shows it. I ignore him and go to pick up her. Everything is running in my mind, my brother involved with Wang gang, and Y/N friends know about their relationship. My brother told his friends about loving Y/N. It is this one thing which will make her happy. I got the reason to make her smile.
I reach to the club, try to find Y/N. I couldn’t control when I saw a guy near her. His one hand was on her thigh and other on her back, on dress zip. I go up and punch him, knocking him off. He was clearly either high or drunk or both and ready to undress her in front of everyone. I look toward Y/N. She completely looks confused. I got her out of the club. I cannot understand her, I know she has lost her world, but how could she not react when someone is trying to undress her in front of everyone.  
As her apartment was near, I drag by walking. In the middle of the road, she vomits. I lose my anger a bit. At her place, when said ‘Thank you’ it triggers my anger. Even after getting sober, she cannot understand what could have happened. We had the biggest fight.
I left, not even take a glance back at her. How could she say, I don’t love my brother? He is still my everything. My life goal is to find his murderer. I never thought of the future until I fall for Y/N. Part of me was sorry to fall in love with her. I was slowly walking home with teary eyes. Again I sense the emptiness. Without Y/N, I’m alone. Today was another worst day of my life.
I stop walking when I realize Y/N is alone. I was the only person around her every day, and I’m leaving her alone. She can hurt herself. I turn around and see her in the middle of the road. Why the hell she is out? I see the mini-truck coming toward her. I screamed her name as loud as I can. She doesn’t even move an inch from her place. Look like she is ready to die. I run toward her, but the mini-truck hit her. She flew away to the sidewalk. The driver didn’t look back and run away.
I go beside her, see blood flowing from the side of her head. I left her just a few minutes ago, and she tries to kill herself. I was lost there for a moment. Thinking about her death made me move. Only thing is important is to save her. I called the ambulance. I did emergency things which I have learned in college and what my brother had taught me. I think as a doctor, Sehyun has taught me how to behave if I see an accident and not get emotional, even if the patient is your loved one.
As we reach the hospital, she had taken straight to the operation theatre. I told the doctor what I have observed in her condition. He thanks me and go back to her. During form filling, they ask for her relative. I didn’t have Mr. Kim number, so I called Myung. Mr. and Mrs. Kim reaches. Myung and Mishil come too. The doctor comes out and informs due to injury is in the head. The next 24 hours will be critical. It was a hit and run case, so the hospital inform the police.
Finally, I get a chance to think. It was the same hospital where me and Sehyun had admitted. I lost him here. Now I’m about to lose her. She tries to kill herself. I’m partly should blame for it. If I would have let it go, not fight, never left her, it would have been fine. She was leaving her life. In whichever way but she was alive. I’m praying to let her live. I have lost so many things already if she is gone, whichever part of my heart is working will die along with her.
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Thirteen)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too.        
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.  
Pairing: Sehun x reader    
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature, Language (some time will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au
-Y/N P.O.V-
You didn't go to the store after a long mental fight. After Sehun's third message, asking 'Where are you?'. You reply to him, 'I'm don't want to come today. After the work he has, close the store, take the key with him, you'll see him tomorrow.'
You think for the whole day and decide to go to his place, to know what happens to Sehyun. You gather your courage and reach his place. You didn't talk to Sehun. Although he invited you, he doesn't know you were standing out of his place. You press the doorbell, no noise came from it. Gussing the doorbell was not working so, you called him.  
He picks up, restlessly asks, "Y/N, are you okay? Did you get hurt? Where are you? Tell me. I will be there as soon as I can."
You answer his only one question, "I'm outside your house." 
He replies, "Okay, wait for me. I'll be there soon. Wait a minute. Did you say my house? What are you doing here? Does it mean you are okay?"
He was showing you overconcern, "Yes. I tried the doorbell. I guess it is not working...." He cut you. "Stay silent. I'll come to you. Please do not knock at my door." You cut the call. You cannot understand yourself. You are angry with him then why didn't you do anything about it? Why didn't you show it? Why are you still trying not to hurt him? He opens the door before you could say anything, he put a finger to his lips, gesturing you to stay silent. It confused you. He silently invites you inside.  
You step inside, see two figure sleeping before you can say anything, he grabs your hand drag you to other room, to the bedroom. He pushes you inside and closes the door behind. You keep looking at hand which is holding yours he let go.
For a moment you couldn't take eyes of the things. It was an ordinary room, but for you, it is Sehyun room. The place in which he had been every day. He had told you about his house still you have never been here, not while he was alive. It was your first time coming to his house.   You look around the study table, the cupboard, the large mirror, few pictures of him with family members here and there. And bunk bed your gift to him and Sehun. While you busy looking around, Sehun stays silent. 
You take steps toward bunk bed with teary eyes, said, "You still have it?" Sehun said, "Have what?" You sit on the bed and say, "This bunk bed. I have gifted both of you, on the birthday." He looked stunned and said, "You had given this gift Sehyun didn't buy it!"
"He never has that much money." 
Sehun huff, "Of course, he doesn't. How could he? When he loves you so much."  
"Excuse me, what is that supposed to mean?" 
“He must have spent a lot of money on the customized gift in your room.” You don’t know how to reply to it Sehun looks angry about it. In frustration, he grabs his hair and says, “Look around. There is plenty of things he said he had bought. I’m sure many of them must have been giving by you.” You dumbfound. He is getting angry over a gift while you have still hide angry over the kiss.
"I'm sorry to take out my anger on you. Sehyun always used to say. He loves me the most. He never hides anything from me, but he did, including you. Anyways, What are you doing here?" You wanted to ask him to say more about Sehyun, but if you hear more, you will lose your courage and start crying. You took a deep breath, "W-what happen to him?" Finally, Sehun looked the way you wanted, hurt from his brother death.
Sehun tells you everything. While telling you saw him cry as well as anger. You also cried while hearing, couldn't hold your self back. He explained Sehyun death night and his parent death. "You must be thinking those people have come for me and by mistake, Sehyun caught in between. Believe me, I assumed the same thing, but no, those people have something to do with his college." He told you what have they found out till now and what he is thinking to do next. You carefully listen to everything. He continued, "That day you met on the road, I got confused. Sehyun never told me about you. Y/N, I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I never meant it to happen. I know it was not right, but I thought of using you." You hate him for everything you want to tell him that. And 'using you.'   
He understands your unsaid question and says, "That day I thought to experiment living like Sehyun with you. To say it in simple language, if you couldn't see the difference between me and him no one else would too, but then  I-I-I......." You understand and cut him, "So you kiss me to see if I can figure out you are Sehyun or not. You are an idiot like him. You could have told me then. How could you think of this nonsense and play with someone feelings? And what if later I have found out. And what if we would have done something more than a kiss. Did you even think about it?" His voice comes small, "I'm sorry. Please believe me, I would have not crossed my line. I admit for not thinking properly." You control yourself, "Thank God, that kiss was not for some other reason. I'm so angry about everything.  I'm hurt, but it is okay until it is because of Sehyun." 
He looks hurt for some reason. You ignore it. Then he hummed. "Why didn't cops find anything?", you asked. "I have no idea about it. The first month after his death, I use to go every day to the police station. They use to repeat the same thing." He told you more about college, Jaehyun moreover other things. When he announced, he has completed telling you everything. You feel like he is hiding something. You ignore it too. You already hear too much, more than your heart could take. Sehun leaves you alone in the room, giving you space. Unwantedly, crying you fall asleep there. 
The week has passed after losing your world. You become more lost in grief. Again your life took a different turn. Till last week you had hope, to restarted everything again. Now there is nothing.  
In college, you try to escape away from everyone and find a place where you peaceful cry. Mishil and Myung observe it but let you do what you want.
The most problematic part of the day is when you go to work and have to see Sehun. He has maintained his distance from you, yet, he is too close. He never forgets to bring you lunch, whenever you couldn't do work properly he helps. If you say truthfully, you cannot do anything. He does all the thing without saying a word. You were kind of glad as your boss decided to extend his holidays.  
You often get confused, even after knowing about Sehyun death, you keep forgetting it. Sehun was similar to his brother. His smile, his eyes, his behavior even heartbeat is the same. That is the reason, to obey him when feeding you or try to help you and then get anger on yourself. You were anger on him for everything he has done but knowing the reason you couldn't hate him. Although, Sehun normal behavior everyday make angry. 
There is nothing left for you to do, Sehun does everything to take vengeance, to fulfill his incomplete dreams. Not that you can do any of it, but still it is one more reason to hate him.  At night he drove back to your home. Your empty house reminder of how alone you are. You have a meaningless life which you want to end but don’t know how to.  
New morning, new day but old you, you woke up with a similar headache because of all the crying at night. You skip college if Mrs. Kim finds out she will scowl you, but you don’t care anymore.  
Doorbell rings, as usual, you thought Sehun come with food and take you to work. You want to tell him to stop caring and leave you alone to fadeaways but you cannot. His face was stopping you, not letting you end your life. You were bottling up all your anger. 
You open the door someone else was there you don't know his name though he was Sehun's friends. He said with a smile, “Hi Y/n, do you remember me?” You nodded he had similar food bag that Sehun bring you. Where is he? He said, “Sehun couldn’t come so, he sends me. I’m Jinwoo. May I come in?” You let him come in. He places food bag in the dinner table and look around and said, “You have a nice house.” You give him a fake smile, “Thank you.” He smiles back, “You don’t have to give a fake smile. It is okay I know Sehyun death is new for you. I remember how Sehun was when I see you.” He starts removing food from the bag you ask, “Why?” He smiles and says, “For three month he never smile just like you, he tries to hide it although we know whenever we leave him alone for even a minute he cries." You hummed.  
You both eat in silence, you ask, “Do you know Sehyun?” Jinwoo looks up and says, “No, I don't know him. We never knew Sehun had brother until the incident. After that, we promise to find Sehyun killer.” You nod and ask, “Why?” He gives a small smile, "Because of Sehun, he is our friend. It helps him to get peace, and those people deserve to get punished." You hummed.
Not able to control yourself, you ask, "Where is Sehun?” He didn’t answer like he was deciding whether he should say or not. “You cannot say it?” you ask. He runs his hand through his hair and says, “I don’t know how to. Sehun doesn't want to get you to involve in the mess. You can ask him when to meet.” you nod. Jinwoo is surprisingly cute. He had made you smile with his silliness, yet he fully understands your feeling. He drops you to store.  
You were alone in the store, Sehun was running late so again back to your thinking of Sehyun and about what Jinwoo had said. After one hour Sehun comes with a bruise around his face, dirt on clothes. You look him with wide eyes silently asking what happen. He is Sehyun brother, you cared about him, because of Sehyun it has become your habit. He understands your question, “It is nothing, not even paining. Let me change first, I will explain.” You nodded. By the time he changes, you arrange the medical box. He comes out same time Yuna entry in the store. She hugs him and examining his wound. You hide your medical box pretending to work. When you hear her asking to remove his shirt to clean the wound, you ask them to the used storage room. She drags him inside. It hurt you seeing their closeness. You question yourself for getting hurt by it. In conclusion, you thought it is because you are still not using by Sehyun death, till last week he was Sehyun for you. After she left Sehun to try to talk with you, you ignore him.
Few more days pass you're more sensitive only Sehun know how to handle you. You meet Sehun other friends, Teayong. He and Yuna show their dislike toward you, not that you care, still you want to know the reason for it. In other hands Jinwoo heartwarming, you can call him your friend. Sehun, his natural behavior bothered you. You know how much he loves his brother and he has to live to take avenge still some time you think he doesn't care about him. From inside you know it is hard for him, maybe more than you. You cannot point out, but there was something else bothering you. Actually, you want a reason to hate and stay angry with him for everything he has done with you.
Whenever Sehun gets close to you or takes care of you, Yuna tries to come in between or give Sehun a look. You can unquestionably see her distress, she like Sehun. You want to talk with her, to say Sehun is just helping you and he doesn't have any feeling toward you. Except she don't talk with you.
Myung and Mishil dating anniversary was there today. They ask you to come to join them in a club. Unable to say no you went. They have invited many of their other friends. So their attention was not on you. In the bar corner, you were wasting yourself with drinks; not caring who is where lost in your world. Everything was running in your mind. Some random person comes next to you and says, “Hey, beauty needs a company?” You didn’t answer and continue drinking hard liquor. By now, you were drunk with your broken heart and life. He says again, “Come on, beauty. I will show you a good time.” You didn’t look up, “Whatever.” You are thinking of Sehyun and how angry he became when you drink or talk about getting drunk. That person hands rest on your thighs and going up. Your mind doesn't alert you to stop him. It was busy thinking of everything.
Sehun comes from nowhere and punches that person. Mishil comes next to me and asks, “Are you okay?” Everything was happening so fast you couldn't understand what happened. Myung handover that person to security. You were looking at everyone in confusion your eyes landed on Sehun. He looks so fierce. He comes, tightly grab your hand starts dragging you, you struggle to free from his grip but no use. No one helped while he drag you out. He took you back to your home. You got somewhat sober after empty your stomach in the road while coming home.   
You said, “Thanks for bringing me home.” He shouted, “ARE YOU INSANE? HOW ARE YOU SO OKAY AFTER WHAT HAPPEN?” You also snap back, “STOP IT YOU ARE HURTING MY EAR.” He huffs and grabs your arms, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” You said, “Leave my arms. You are hurting me.” He didn’t let go. You shouted, “DIDN'T YOU HURT ME ENOUGH ALREADY? LEAVE ME ALONE LIKE IT SUPPOSED TO BE AFTER SEHYUN DEATH.”
He shouts back, "I AM SORRY FOR HURTING YOU AND NO, I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ALONE. I HAVE LOST HIM TOO. I AM ALSO HURT. I CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS. BUT IT DOES MEAN TO LOSE MIND COMPLETELY." You start crying and ask, "Why do you care? You're pretending to be Sehyun, but you are not him. So, stop caring about me and leave me alone. It is not your concern what happens to me." He let you go and huffs, "You are insane. Do you even know what could have happened if I'd not come there on time? And I cannot leave you alone. I won't. "
"Why not? Why it matters to you?"
"It matters to me. You are my concern. Don't ask me why ......"
You cut  him, "WHY?"
He yells, "Because I LOVE YOU." You stare at him. He continues, "I love you. That is why you matter to me. I cannot see you hurt or let anyone hurt you. And of course, Sehyun is my biggest reason. He loved you that is enough reason you protect you." You started to laugh loudly and said, “You love me? Really? How could you say rubbish like this? And you cannot see me hurt; You are the one who is hunting me.” You continue, “Okay. Let say this; You do love me. But then, how could you come near. You knew I think of you as Sehyun still you kissed me. Is that what you call love?" He opens his mouth to say something. You stop him and continue, "What do you want from me? If you loved me, why didn't you told me about his death? Or maybe you never want me to know. So could stay with me. Did you wish to sleep with me?" He becomes weak and says, “You are taking it wrong. I wanted to tell you. I tried to tell you...." You cut him, “How? When? You make Sehyun look bad, by messing up. I don’t have to repeat it how.” He grabs his hair in frustration, “You are getting all wrong. I ask you to meet me after work that day. I can explain everything to you, but you were not ready.”
“Only after I come to know, who you are? What about before that?”
“I wanted Y/N. I almost told you in the park.”
“I don’t need to remind you what you did in the park.”
“Please listen to me. You don’t know the whole story. Let me explain. After it, I will do what you say me too.”
“I don’t want to know anything. Sehyun is death. His brother kisses me without my knowledge, then take care of me. One more thing, why are you so okay after Sehyun. He used to tell me, you love him, he is part of you but you look fine without it didn’t affect you. You don’t care for him. You are just putting up show about care.”
You know you cross some line. It was a lie, Sehun is more effective than you. He shouts your name and raises his hand to hit you. He looks angry more than you ever have seen anybody, a small part of you was scared of it. Whatever you had said, you regret it. Deep inside, you know Sehun. He is Sehyun brother. He would have never used you. Yes, he did kiss. You can never forgive it. But he is not bad.
It hit you when you see tears forming in his eyes. He turns around and says, “You will never see me again. I will leave the job. I’m sorry for everything but Y/N I do love my brother more then you can think of, I don’t care if you believe me or not. And hate me as much you want.” he left without looking back.
You fall on your knees and start crying. You were alive after knowing Sehyun death because to get to see his face. You can deny and be angry from the outside, but inside you knew, you will die for loneliness without Sehun. Unwantedly, Sehun has become part of your life. You don’t hate him. You were just frustrated with everything. You don’t know what to do next.
You never wanted him to go like that. Hurting him, hurt you too. He did wrong without a doubt, but doubting his love, for his brother was not right. Jinwoo told you how Sehun is coping alone with everything, how he is fighting.
You got up and run after him. After a while, you saw him. Aching to call his name to stop him, but your throat was dry after shouting and cry. In the middle of the road, you stop questioning yourself, 'Why are you going after him?' You did wrong, but nothing compares to him. You wanted him to live you alone.
You see him going away from your eyes. If you take a few more step to stop him, it will take you back to leaving without Sehyun. And if you turn back, you will be alone until your heart stop. You're thinking while you see Sehun going more further. You closed your eye again get lost in your world. Until you feel something hit and then everything went blank.  
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Twelve)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too.        
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”. 
Pairing: Sehun x reader    
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature, Language (some time will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au
-Sehun P.O.V-
I don't understand why Jaehyun had to visit the store and make my life difficult then already is. She was smiling toward me and now replaced with the resentment.
I think I'm losing my chance with her even before starting anything. I manage to damage, something or something, every time I meet her. It was all right if she hates me, but as I'm Sehyun for her, she hates him, it was wrong.
The day was already the worst because of her angry. She barely looks toward me or said anything. I don't know how to talk with her and clear thing up. Jaehyun calls me tells about our meeting which slips out of my mind yesterday. I hurriedly left the store to meet that prick.
Jaehyun along with Jonah was waiting for me, near my home. Seeing me, Jaehyun said, "My friend, finally you come. You keep me waiting for a whole 24 hours." I give them fake respect and look down in remorse. Johan comes near me and tonelessly said, "Let's us get to point. We need Jonny phone number and his house address." I got confused. Did Sehyun had a friend? Why did Jaehyun had waited to get it from me? He could have easily found from his source. Jaehyun notices it and asks, "Why do you look confused? I said, "I don't remember who is he." Jonah laugh shortly hit back of my head and says, "Do you consider us as a fool? You and Jonny was a project partner before he left our college. You guys meet lots of time after college hour." It was especially hard for me not to break his hand right away. Jaehyun said, "Relax Jonah." He said to me, "I'm sorry on behalf of Jonah. Are you sure, you don't remember him at all?" I nodded. As a medical student, he knows it is easy to forget some memories after the accident like mine. After all, the brain works in unpredictable ways. Jaehyun hummed and said to Jonah, "We have to find him in some another way." then he said to me, "It's okay if you don't remember. Jonny has gone to the police and filed a complaint against my friend. Just a little advice don't dare to interfere." I nodded again. I realized the reason behind this meeting. Jaehyun hummed suddenly punch me, making me fall on the ground and said, "Sehyun my friend, next time I ask you to meet, be on time." He put a hand on Jonah's shoulder and left. Jaehyun comes here and gives me an unsaid warning. He called me yesterdays to see whether I obey him or to defy him. It was a good thing I couldn't meet him yesterday. Seeing me daring he will do something to make me fear him. After the fire incident, he doubts me. I'm happy about it.  I got up, brush the dust of me and smile, the corner of my lips burst but nothing painful. I took a deep breath to relax and surprised to see, Y/N a little far from me, look like she saw Jaehyun and me.
Again, I got jealous of the way she loves my brother. Her angry replaced with love and concern within a second. For small cut, she about to take to the doctor. Unintentionally, I take Yuna name and hurt her again.
We talk sincerely I forget my own words. I thought I have gain control over my desire but no. Y/N lips touch mine and I get lost. Her lips were soft against mine full of love. We both pulled each other closer. I could feel my rapid heartbeats. It was selfish, but I never want her to go away from me. She pushes me away from her like creating some distance from me. She looks confused with action just like me. I see her running away. Guilty hit me I shouldn't have kissed her, thinking I will talking her later after clearing my mind. I turn toward the road to my home and my three friends looking at me. We all go to my house.
Yuna brings the medical box to clean my blood from my lip. I asked Jinwoo do instead of her, back of my mind Y/N was running. After cleaning, I told them about Jaehyun, ask Teayong to find out about Jonny.
Jinwoo asks, "Who is she?" I muddled what should I answer.
Yuna said, “I saw Y/N leaving, actually run away and previously I saw her the way she looks at you.” It means they didn’t see the kiss. Thank god.
Teayong said, “She will get in unnecessary troubles if she stays close to you.” Nothing has happened till now I won’t anything happen too.
Jinwoo again ask, “Who is she?” I ignored and said “I’ll protect her from any troubles. You guys don’t have to worry about her.”
Taeyong huff “Why would you do that? Who is she to you? Are you going to lose focus because of a mere girl?” She is not just a mere girl.
I harshly said, “I’m fully focusing on finding my brother’s murderer, I never lose it for once and Y/N, I have to look for her, she cannot be alone. Just let it go.”
Jinwoo again ask, “Who is she?"
Yuna said, “I also want. Who is she? Why are you being this protective about her.”
Teayong said little too loud, “SEHUN, come on man. Tell who is she.”
In irritation, I replied “Y/N is my brother’s girlfriend. She is Sehyun girlfriend. She thinks I’m Sehyun and I don’t know how to tell her I’m not.”
Yuna said with a little rage, “Are you kidding? Since when do you know it and why didn’t you tell her about Sehyun death.”
I’m already guilty enough Yuna is adding fuel to the fire. Jinwoo said, “Your brother had a girlfriend too. Did he get killed because of it.” I wanted to hit him for nonsense, no one about her existent. Well, he would have been right in the same another case.
Everything was silence as everyone was thinking about what Jinwoo said. Our attention caught by the noise, my important project file on the floor and we saw Y/N, I SAW Y/N. 
She is here to give my project file. She heard everything. She said in a low voice, “YOU ARE SEHUN” but enough to hear and know, for now on everything will change. I want to apologize. I want to tell her I love her too. I’m selfish. I want her to forgive me for everything like she forgives my brother.
Teayong and Jinwoo asked together, “Who are you?” Yuna answered “Y/N.” While three of them was chatting I and Y/n become still. I cannot believe my fortune. I wanted this. I wanted her to know I'm Sehun but not this way. Finding like this means, she is only going to hate me. I know it is not right yet I wanted her to fall for me, just a little before knowing about Sehyun death. I looked at her, the tear leaving non stop from her eyes, other than that she is like a stone on my door. I kept thinking about what should I do next. I don’t know how long it has been I waited for her to speak anything. Yuna put a hand on my shoulder, “God, this is crazy. Sehun says something.”
I looked at her once then back to Y/N. I tell myself to be tough and to be ready for her wrath. I go to Y/N, grab her hand and drag her out of my house. She didn’t give any reaction. I assumed she would fight, be angry. Yuna and Teayong call my name. I do not bother to stop.  We reach her car, she is like a robot not saying anything, nor angry, nor fight, it was wrong she has to respond.
Jinwoo silently came behind us to give me her car key, which supposedly fell in my home. It was the first time he impressed me with his behavior. He gives a small smile, said to me to take her home.
I make her sit in the passenger seat while I take the driver seat. Still, no response, I started driving toward her house. While driving, I called her a few times, apart from her sob, there was not any voice. She reminds me of my brother. He was lucky to have her. Seeing her like this making me cry too, feeling like he has died today. Just like her I also never got to say goodbye. I cannot even go to burial or funeral. I never got to see him last time. Again, telling myself to be firm. I park the car, open the door for her, she didn’t come out.
Somehow, I carried her till her bedroom, make her sit on her bed and look at her for a minute. I want to help her, reduce her pain but is not possible. She was a state of shock. I can understand her feeling. It still hurt when I wake up and don’t find my brother. Some hole in the heart cannot be filled.
I sit down and removing her shoes. Finally, she said in a small voice, "What are you doing?" I look into her eyes. It was gloomy and tear never stop falling. "I-I-I removing....." She cut me, pulls her leg away from my hands and said, "I will do it. You should go back home." She sounds angry yet sorrow. I cannot leave her alone. How can she stay alone in this condition?
Without thinking, I cupped her face and said, "Let me stay. I won't disturb, will be in the corner." She removes my hand from her face, angerly said, "I want to be alone. Like its supposed to be after Sehyun...." She couldn't complete. I took a deep breath and said, "Please listen, I know how you are feeling. I can understand you. But I'm sorry. I cannot leave you alone." She looks into my eyes. She was angry at me and said, "Leave me alone please. Give me time to mourn. And your face won't let me get peace." She was right. She has to mourn. Me being like Sehyun won't help. She is going to be angry at me, for everything I have done. I shouldn't make her angry more. I nodded and left.
Still, this is not what I thought. I imagined, slapping, get angry.  Blame me or something like it. 
Whatever happened between Y/N and me, I cannot sabotage my plan. I have to be a strong person.
-Y/N P.O.V-
You got panic as he leaves, feel every word, every touch nasty from last few months. You are alone the one and last person you love the most is death. Last few months was a lie. You always thought it was a big miracle Sehyun alive. It seems next to impossible for Sehyun to survives when Sehun dies. His love for his brother would never let him. Your heart knows it but you become greedy now suffering will come because of it.
The moment you heard a person calling him Sehun, everything hit you. You remember every moment. From the road to till now. From awkward behavior to kiss. It was a joke when you and Sehyun talk about you kissing Sehun. Why did he kiss you? Why did he lie to you? What happens to Sehyun? Why?
You curse yourself for letting him get close when you felt something was odd. You shed your clothes and go to the shower.  Your mind blocked and can't feel your heart anymore. When your skin burned after scrubbing too much, you let it go, wrap a towel around your body and come out of the bathroom.
First thing you saw is your teddy bear which was giving by Sehyun. You collapse on the floor and start crying as hard as possible. Hundreds of question running in mind overwhelmed with every emotion. As your body becomes tired, you fall asleep.
“What are you making?” he smiles, the fifth time you asked him. Giving him a back hug and again said, “Sehyun, tell me. What are you making? We can order. I’m seeing you after five days. I want to talk and have a long kiss session. But you are wasting your time in cooking.” He finally stops, turns around look at you with a smirk “Really?” His eyes roam on your body. You push him a little and said, “I’m asking for a kiss, nothing more.” He makes his face then turn around and said, “Then let it be. I want more, if not then I’ll try to cook a new recipe.” You said, “You come here just for sex I don’t want it. Go home and find another girl.” He turns around with a smirk, hands on your waist, pull you closer. He kisses you. It feels so good and right, you forget about everything. Soon his hands roam on your body, you moan. He breaks the kiss and said, “You don’t want sex, but you moan as soon as my hands touch you. Are you sure want me to go home? And find another girl? You know my brother could help me.” You rolled your eyes and sigh. He turns around takes another potato to cut. You wanted his attention. God only knows what will Sehun do and make your lover busy helping him and how many more days you won’t be able to see him. You start to tickles around his waist. He loses his grip on the knife; it falls in your leg. You cried out louder, unnecessary. He got down and examining the cut. It a small cut, only one drop blood come out of it, you keep crying without reason. He carries you back to the main hall, set you on the couch and said, “Stop crying noise, not even tear come out and it is not even big cut.” You pout while saying, “It is paining” It was not but you cried. He put the bandage and said, “Are you this weak person? Crying over a small cut.” You pout,“You should be sorry because of you, I got cut.” He rolled his eyes and said, “You tickled me. What else could have happened? And don’t change the topic.”You fold your hand over your chest and said, “Why are you serious?” He sits next to you and said, “Y/N grow up. What if you are really hurt and no one is there what will you do?” You cutely said, “I’ll cry for you.” He rolled his eyes and said, "What if I cannot come for your help?" You again cutely reply, "There is no chance you will not come.” He almost huff, “Okay, forget it. Let’s say I cheated. Now you get hurt then?" You pretend to think, "I'll cry, wait, until you come. It will make you come back to me." The conversation turns, “You will just take me back.” You cutely said, "Yup if you come back I’ll take you back." He got angry and said “Why you are acquiescent? You should be strong and kick my ass if I do anything wrong.” You let go all silliness and said “Sehyun, What is the meaning of that? When I cannot stay without you. What can I do if you do something wrong? Just cry and wait until you come back. Call me crazy, but I'm like this." He opens his arm inviting you on his lap. You smile like a child gets their favorite. He stroke your hair and said, “You are mentally unstable. What should I do with you? I should be sacred for you like I’m for Sehun?” You giggle, “My heart is unstable because of you and no thanks. Don’t forget I stay alone and you don’t come every day.” He hummed then said, “You are right. Anyways let’s order, it will take around 45minute to come and by that time we’ll over.” You got up from his lap and said, “Sehyun I’m tired. I worked the whole day.” He pulls you on his lap again, kisses you and as always you melt in his touch. 
You wake up with sweet memory and phone ring, you still on the cold floor only towel. You reach to your phone. 20 missed call was there from your friends.
Phone ring again. You pick up, “Hello.” It hurt your throat. Mishil shouted, “Where are you? You didn’t come today also.” There was nothing much to say “I’m sorry.” , “Y/N what is wrong? Why your voice sound like that?” You lie, “I’m not well.” She panicky ask, “Do you want me to come?” You said, “No.” She asks you to call her if you need anything and to take rest. 
You lie down on your bed thinking what to do. You were finally alone in this world. You have never imagined your future without Sehyun. Closing eyes starting to remember another moment.  Doorbell start ringing. At first, you didn’t get up, when it didn’t stop, annoyed and angrily you got up and open it.  
He stands in front of you. The face you loved before, wanted to see every minute have become bizarre. You remember all the lie he told. You are angry but don’t know how to show it. His face stops you to mad. 
He stares at you. You huff “What do you want?” He awkwardly says, “You should change.” You give him a questionable look. He closed his eyes, “You are in……t-towel.” You realize and run toward your room and change clothes.
You come back to the room see him setting food on the table. You huff, "I asked you to leave me alone. Then why are you here?" He ignores your question, "You must haven't eaten anything, so I bring you. I know you are not in the mood, but still.” You close your eyes, sigh, turn around and about ask him to leave. He said, “Y/N eat please. For Sehyun.” You look toward him with anger. He used his brother name like this. It is easy to find out, Sehyun was your biggest weakness. Sehun knows flawlessly, how to use it against you. You huff again “Leave me alone. I don’t want anything.” He gives you pleading look “Please Y/N eat. I’ll leave after that. I’m here for some other reason.” For a moment you forget he is not Sehyun. You went to the table, take some food on your plate. You complete eating quickly. You didn't realize being hungry.  
After lunch, he cleans up everything while you keep staring at him and asks, "Why are you here?" He didn’t look toward you and said “Store. We need to open it.” He was talking to casually as nothing happens. Sehyun always told you his brother love him the most in this world. Does he love him like this? How can be normal? He said again “Come with me at my home tonight.” You open your mouth to say, but the voice didn’t come out. He continued “You need to know what happens to Sehyun and meet the remaining two of my friends.” You wanted to punch him behaving like everything is okay.
Yes, you want to know to happen to Sehyun and why Sehun is staying as Sehyun. You hide angry inside, “You go, I’ll come later.” He looks like he was about to argue. You give him a look. He nodded, took the key and left. 
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Nine)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too. I’m hoping for comments on my writing. If you like or dislike please feel free to drop a message. Thank you…      
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.  
Pairing: Sehun x reader    
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature, Language (sometime will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au  
-Y/N P.O.V-
You reach at the club by walking as it was 15-minutes away from your apartment. Mishil was already there, she sees you, she raised her one eyebrow and said “I asked to wear a black or red color to look hot, sexy and appealing” You rolled your eyes, both of you keeping taking till Myung comes and joint us then three of us went inside. A club is like a club, loud music, dancing people some were making out, colorful dancing lights and bar. Mishil and Myung drag you toward the bar and order tequila jello shots. Alcohol was feeling good at a moment but you didn’t want to get drunk, you remember Sehyun had told you not to drink more than 3-4 shots or get drank. Mishil and Myung went on the dance floor while you were a bar playing with empty glass and lost in your own world.  
After 30minutes in the club, you started to feel deserted, you search for your friend to tell them you want to go home but you saw Sehyun entering the club. Your eyes grow wider with stock, he never comes to place like this, the only time he comes because you got to drank and continually calling or messaging him after that scowl you like never before and told to stay away from your friends.  
You were seeing him after two months, you want to hug him tightly and forget about everything, tell him you love him, you could never hate him and you regret slapping him that night. Before you can approach him, you saw ‘that girl’ with him, it was a stab into your heart, without caring about your friends, you got up from the seat to run away.  
You collide on the man while leaving, the glass was still in your hand but mercifully it was empty. You said “Sorry” and look at him. He was good looking but the aura was demonic and you don’t want to deal with this kind of person. He looks at you from down to up and with a smirk said “Hello pretty one, it’s okay. Why are you leaving? You can join me in the private” chill run down your spine from the way he speaks, Thank God Mishil and Myung come for your recuse and took you away from him back to bar. They order shot again, you said them to go and enjoyed themselves but refuse to leave your side.  
You saw Sehyun again, he looks at you only once then ignore you like you never exist and went somewhere with ‘that girl’, it made you incandescent with rage. How he dares to move on from you this soon? When he came back you saw something different about him, was that because of her. She made him changes this much, he coming to the club, what else he does smoke or ride bike.  
Now you started to order more shot, you were angry and want to get wasted. Alcohol was working like drugs and giving you encouragement to show Sehyun you can also move on and you don’t care about him.
Myung said “Y/N slowdown” you rolled your eyes and said “Didn’t you guys wanted to me lose up. You know what Mishil, you were right, I need to undo my frustration. I going to find that guy whom I got to run into and have fun with him” you got totally drunk by now. Before your friend could say anything and a guy next you said “I don’t think he will be able to help you” you face him and give him questionable look, he smiles. He was fucking handsome and hot and sexy and more, alcohol filled brain cannot produce more word, he said “I can do so much better job if you are looking for one-night stand” you give him an amused smile and ask “What makes you think that?” he comes near you and said in a low voice near your ear “Sorry baby girl but I was listening and looking at you since have entered the club and I saw you look at your boyfriend or I should say your ex-boyfriend. Right now, you want someone to take your pain away and I would love to help you with it” he was right.  
You near been a rebellious person but you were full of alcohol and pain. You looked into his eyes and asked “Kiss me” he laughs shortly and said “I like to fulfill your every desire when we are alone. I don’t like when people stare what mine even it is for one night” you shyly smile and said “My house is just 15minute away from here” he nodded and extended his hand, you took it. Your friends asked you if you are sure when you said ‘Yes’ they let you go.  
You exit the club with him. You could hardly walk the straight and handsome guy next to you just keep laughing at your state. After 10 minutes of the walk and talking about here and there he stops you and asks “Do you really want to take me home?” you give him a puzzled look. He gives you a small smile and said “Y/N just because you are angry at him and want to take revenge doesn’t mean you need to harm yourself. Alcohol is messing up with your thinking ability, if you have sex with me, I’m sure you will regret it in the morning and I don't like it” You look down at your feet and said “Then what should I do Stanger? He acts like he never knows me. I just want to escape from everything, from him” He cups your face with his hands and said “Wait until you are ready and take time. Time always heals everything. I know it sounds strange but if your love is true, he will come back” your face bright up with a smile thinking about Sehyun coming back. He let go of you and said “When we meet again and he still doesn’t return to you. I promise, I will take you home next second and fuck you till I claim each and every part of your body, until it becomes fully mine. And it won’t be a one-time thing baby girl” He gave you a little shock, one moment he was sweet and next moment he got sharp but you smile. When he started to take a step away from you, you asked “Hey, Handsome Stranger. What is your name?” he laughs and said “I like what you called me ‘Handsome Stranger’ remember me with this name until the next time. Bye” you also said “Bye” and start walking toward your home. You were about to fall while taking a step to climb on the sidewalk but someone caught your waist before you fall.
-Sehun P.O.V-
When we reach to the club gate, we do a final check on the plan. I entry and my plan collapse like an old building during the earthquake. I saw Y/N here. She looks beautiful in her dark blue knee-length dress, the club dancing light making her look alluring. She saw me and I’m sure she saw Yuna next to meet, I curse myself for bringing Yuna along with me. If Yuna was not here I could have spoken with her after two months. She seems like she wants to run away from me but bump into Jaehyun. He looked at her with desire, it made me angry and forget about the real reason coming here, before I do anything Y/N friend got her on time. Yuna saw my sudden rage and said “Sehun I know you are angry on Jaehyun, possible he killed your brother but do you really want to fight now” Yuna was right, my aim was to end them, if I fight it won’t help me and if Jaehyun saw my thread with Y/N, she will get in unwanted trouble. I come back to my sense and decide to ignore her for now.  
Jaehyun saw me and gestured me to come behind him. We reach a private place in the corner of the club. 10 of the gang members was there with few girls, drinking, kissing or fucking. I keep my eyes down so does Yuna. Jonah said “Brought a girl along with you” and laughs, Yuna comes to stand behind me as I try to keep my calm. It was part of the plan to bring Yuna here, to make them see and think I have the weakness. Jaehyun said “Shut up Jonah. Sehyun we have no interest on your girl, trust me. I called you here to pay my condolences for your loss and if you need anything in college, you can come to us” I said in a low voice “Thank you” still looking down. Jaehyun asked, “Do you remember what happens to you and your brother?” I shake my head. He said “So sad, if you remember anything come to me. I'll help you to punish them” I just nodded. He asks a few more question to verify something and he asks me to leave. I was successful to behave like Sehyun.  
I turn around to leave but keeping my ears were open. One of the girls must have an approach Jaehyun but he said “I'm not interested in you wench” Jonah ask “You saw someone. doesn't you? Who is she?” I reach at the door when I hear Jaehyun reply “There is a pretty one near a bar in a dark blue dress. She looks interesting. Jonah, trust me, her mouth will look good on my dick” all of them was laughing. It took all of my strength not to attack him right now, I keep my calm and think with a straight mind, I decide to get Y/N out of here before Jaehyun makes his move.
I start to search for Y/N and saw her with her friend and a guy, appear like they don’t know him. I notice her friends letting her go with the guy, hand in hand on her totally drank state, it raised my anger more. I bluster “Yuna take Jinwoo and Teayong to home. Don't wait up for me” Yuna didn’t dare to question anything and left my side. As soon as three of them left the club, I left to get Y/N thinking if that guy even dares to touch her, I’ll just kill him.  
After 10 minute or something, I saw her, that motherfucker cupping her face with his hand. Right now, my anger was in a peck, I don’t care if she finds out I’m Sehun in this way. Anyways I wanted her to know. I was ready to launch toward him but he started to walk away from her. Y/N called him ‘Handsome Stranger’ and he said to remember him with that name. What the fuck. I huff “Motherfucking seducing bastard”
She cannot even walk properly when she was about to fall, I hold her waist. She looks at me and gives a brightest smile as said “Sehyun, you came” I was angry but her cutest drank look was making me soft. I said “You idiot look at your state. You can even walk but you were about to take a random guy home and your friend.....” She brings her hands around my neck as she cut me in between “Stop scowling I know what are you going to say. ‘Y/N you idiot. Where is your brain, why did you drink this much and stay away from those troublesome friends and blah blah blah’ I remember it you said it last time too” last time, Sehyun did scowl her last time. I was about to scowl her too then realize in her drank state she won’t care.
She suddenly grabs my collar and continues “Did you got jealous of that guy and God you look so good when you are angry. Did anyone told you that, you look fucking awesomely hot when you are like this, angry, jealous......” I was about to cut her and say but she put her finger on my lip and said “I missed you so so so much” Wow alcohol has messed her up completely, she doesn’t know what saying or doing.
I carry in the bridely style to take her home, she happily let me but then she coos “Sehyun let me down, people will see” I just rolled my eye, she was about to take a person home for sex but she is worried about what people will say when I’m simply carrying her home. She said again “Let me down, you never like when people watch us or if they think something is there between us” Oh God It is because of Sehyun. What have you done shy-ass? She continuedly keeps saying to let her go or how much she missed my brother.
We reach her apartment door, I ask her for keys, she pouts and said “No, I don’t want to go inside. I want to stay like this, in your arms” she makes me uncomfortable, not exactly just making me lose my control little by little as she keeps kissing my neck skin, I huff “Y/N key, please. I tried of carrying you” I let her down on her feet's, she keeps whining with her pouty face. After a while she gives her key with the condition, I will carry her till her room and put her on her bed as if I wasn’t going to do that.
I placed her on the bed, remove her heels, put the cover on her and about to leave, she sat up and grabs my hand in her both hand with a sad smile said “Please don’t go. Just don’t leave me. I love you Sehyun. I love you so much I cannot stay with you” I swear every time I hear ‘I love you’ my heart skips a beat even it is not from me.  
She made the sobbing voice which gains my attention “Why did you do that to me?” My expression was blank in the confusion, she said in a small voice “Why did you sleep with her? You said you love me, only me” I sat beside her, still hand in hand. I shock myself with unexpected honesty as I said “Y/N, Sehyun near sleep with anyone, he loved you” She was changing her expression every second, now with a smile she asks “You love me?” of Couse you idiot I love you but she was asking it to Sehyun, I said “Yes, Sehyun loves you” maybe because she was drunk it gives me a little confident, to be honest with her.
She keeps asking three more times than said “I’m asking you love me, you are saying Sehyun loves me then who are you? SEHUN” my eyes grow wide in stock. She swinging my hand and ask again “Are you Sehun?” When I didn’t reply, she asks five more times, it got me irritated, I shouted “Yes, I’m Sehun” She keeps smiling then suddenly asked “Did Sehyun left me?” again I shouted “Yes, he left you, he left me. Y/N he left us” she let go my hand, emotion took over me I got up from her bed to run away from her.
She giggled and said “I love you Sehun” I had a mini heart attack hearing it, not believing my ears I ask “What did you say?” She starts laughing “I have told Sehyun if he ever leaves me, I will be with you. So, I love you Sehun” seeing her silly behavior I couldn’t help but laugh. My brother girlfriend is totally drunk, she thinks my brother left her and for that reason, she is telling me to love you. I again sit next to her, cupping her face with my hand as I said “You are the best idiot I have ever seeing in my life, you have no idea how much I missed you in last two months. I know it is selfish but I hope, I'm your option” she just looks at with innocent eyes,
I again said “You are drunk, go to sleep now” suddenly she got panic and hugs me “No if I sleep. You will go away, I don’t want to stay alone, please don’t leave me. I beg you, please. you said you missed me then why you want to leave” I push her little away and said “Y/N I have to go, I cannot stay......” she cut me again and said “Ahhh, I know Sehun need you like always Sehun need you. You know what I will go marry Sehun right now. So at least after that, you will pay a little attention me” I don’t what she thinks, I laugh again and said “What are you saying? How will marrying Sehun will make Sehyun give you any attention?” She pouts cutely and said “Sehyun attention is always on his brother, If I stay with him, Sehyun have to give attention on me too. It is a circle. Got it you intelligent fool” I started to laugh loudly now, “Ahhhhhh, wait how are you? Sehyun or Sehun or someone else or I'm dreaming” I control myself while saying “I’m Sehun”
She comes closer to me and cup my face with her hands and ask in a serious tone “Sehun do you love? I’m asking you not Sehyun” my heart was beating faster while I said “I love you Y/N. Just like my brother, I love you, not the same as him but I also love you just like Sehyun. ” She smiles and asks “If Sehyun leaves me, will you stay me? And never leave me like he did. Will you promise me that?” With my whole heart, truthfully, I said “I promise you” she smiles in relief and put her forehead on mine. I know it is wrong but I lost my control and in a moment of heat, I lean forward to kiss her, we close our eyes.
Our lips just touch but didn’t move. I gain my control again and about to pull back but she didn’t let me as she starts taking control. She started to kiss me, I also start to kiss her back, our lips were moving to slow against each other, tasting each other.  
We break it, I look into her eye I don't know what I was searching in it, hungry was set inside my heart, I was dreaming about kissing her for so long. I push her on the bed and hover over her, we start our kiss session again but this time hurriedly.  
Soon her hand moves to remove my jacket, I stopped her and said “No Y/N. If I go any further then this, my brother will never forgive me. You may also not remember it, I don’t want you to regret anything” She protests but then let it go. I got up to leave again but she stops me again “Ahhhh, don’t go. I promise I won’t make any move. Just sleep beside me. I don’t want to sleep alone” I just smile, I also wanted to stay with her, I said “I will stay until you sleep” she nodded. I sleep beside her. She comes closer and tightly wrap herself around me. I was about to object but she said “Don’t worry Cinderella, I just want to be close” I ask “Cinderella?” She said from the crook of my neck “Yes you are Cinderella while I’m a Prince who keeps waiting or finding his Cinderella but you, Cinderella always go back to your place exactly at the time. The only difference here is that Cinderella use to run away at 12a.m and my Cinderella run away at 10p.m” I laugh on it. Soon she falls asleep, I waited for a while then I went back to my place with unknown satisfaction and new reassurance as I still have a chance with her.  
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Eight)
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This GIF is not mine......
Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too. I’m hoping for comments on my writing. If you like or dislike please feel free to drop a message. Thank you…      
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.  
Pairing: Sehun x reader    
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature, Language (sometime will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au  
-Y/N P.O.V-
While waiting for Sehyun in the park you were thinking about the morning, still not able to understand the meaning behind his words, he behaves too awkwardly than too emotionally and ‘Please don’t hate me’ what he had done to make you hate him plus something about ‘his brother’ was bothering him.   
You previously think about it, what could have happened three months ago. You know Sehyun has a trend to get in fight so more or less always got on one scenario, Sehun got in fight, Sehyun saw it and jump to help his brother (without knowing the ‘F’ of Fighting) and Sehun must have got more involve to save his brother, in all this prosses Sehun got severely hurt which leads to his death and Sehyun must have to feel guilty about it.   
Your eyes fill with the tear even thinking about it. You perceive how Sehyun must be hurt because of it, he saw his brother getting killed in front of him. Now when you think about it. Why Sehyun was this quiet? Why he hasn't done anything to put those people in jail? You stop yourself to overthink about the matter and thought tonight you will get every answer by itself.   
You spend around 20 minutes alone just thinking. When you have messaged him, he said he is reaching in 2 minutes. You cannot be still anymore, you walk near the gate of the park,  looking around to find him. There was just a couple kissing in a distance, beside them no one else but then you realize it was Sehyun with that girl. You couldn’t understand anything when he saw you seeing him, it made you afraid of something which you cannot understand so you just run far inside the park. 
‘You will hate me, there is no way you can forgive me for what I have done’  this mean Sehyun was talking about that girl not about his brother. Your mind was running in the maximum speed visualize about thousands of things at once. Sehyun called you “Y/N” you turn around to see him, he was looking down like you have caught him doing something wrong. Without thinking you blurt out “Did you sleep with her?” immediately regret it, you never mean to say it.  
He looks with a stock that replaced by anger. You stutter “I’m sor-r-ry. I-I-I-I didn’t mean it, it just co-o-ome out of my mouth. I-I-I-I know you could never hurt me like that......”, “Yes” Sehyun said and stop you to speak more. You got confused, all the sudden you feel extreme pain in passes in your heart “What do you mean by ‘Yes’ please Sehyun don’t joke....” he cut you and said “Are you dump? I’m saying ‘YES’ I did sleep. She offers me comfort and I took it” he shouts loudly.   
Still, you cannot believe it, you choke up “W-why?” he just huffs the air in anger. You grab his shirt collar and asked “Why Sehyun? Why would you do that to me and you had me then why you chose someone else over me” he grabs both of the wrists tightly, it cause string but you ignore it. He lashes out “Because she was with me when you weren’t. She supports me when no one was there. You didn’t even come to see me when I half death. What you were doing all this time? What did you do in the last three months?” His words were making your body to lose it strength, you lose the grip on his collar as he continued “When I meet you again, you look too fine, in fact, were enjoying your life and getting a new car. Eating, sleeping, working and laughing while I was suffering because of my brother dead. Y/N did you even care about me? Or you just wanted a person with whom you can fuck without anyone knowing about it and the way you were hiding me from Mr. Kim.......” you couldn’t hear anymore, you free your hands and slap him as hard as you can.   
You don't know this person, he looks like Sehyun but he was not him. Crying but with the anger loud voice, you said “I was hiding you from Mr. Kim because YOU WAS NOT READY. You were never ready to make to make an official commitment. You wanted to wait until we complete our study. I have been your girlfriend where no one can see us together or always behind a closed door. You told me it was not the right time to tell anyone about our relationship and because you wanted to focus on your parents, your brother and your studies. You never allowed me even to caught his hand in public, I could never message or call you when I want. I just wait for you in every means but I never complain” He tries to say something but you lift a finger in defense and stop him to say anything “And you don’t know how the hell I have spent my three months and how eagerly I was waiting for you. As always just waiting for you because I don’t have any choose beside it” roughly wiping your tears you said again “And how dare you to question my intention, question me. When I was doing everything, you ask me to do, as you wanted it and I did it without any complaints because I loved you. You sleep with her, you should be guilty but you dare to put the blame on me. You have always been selfish and because you are selfish now also. I do hate you now. SEHYUN I JUST HATE YOU” with it you just run away from him. 
You don’t realize you were shaking this much, you couldn’t even open your car door. After the fifth time, you were able to open it without dropping key, tear never stop flowing from your eyes.
You drive carelessly to go far away from Sehyun. When you reach home, go to directly in the cold shower, fall on the bathroom cold floor and crying loud as water was soaking your clothes, thinking about why he is making you inculpate and how you lost one and the last important person left from your life........ 
-Sehun P.O.V- 
I saw Y/N running inside the park. I told Yuna to go home and wait with a look that she cannot defy. I want inside the park where Y/N was, I called her as looking down on my feet collect the word in which I can tell her I’m Sehun and about Yuna but when she said ‘Did you sleep with her?’ it made me a shock then angry. She doesn’t trust Sehyun? She thinks this little of him? I got angry for no reason.  After that I did irreparable damage, I don’t know how I was able to spend this much venom.
I realize how far I went when she slaps me and told Sehyun to keep their relationship in secret. I try to speak and apologize but she stops me and says those words which I not at all wanted to hear, at least never for Sehyun.
I was shock-still when she was running away. I never wanted her to hate Sehyun. I was doing all the wrong here. I run toward her to tell her truth but when I saw her drove away from me, all of my confidence and courage to tell her truth drain from my body...........
Two months after.........
-Y/N P.O.V-
You still remember that day clearly, words of Sehyun still haunt you, you still cannot believe how your worlds got separated for him. After that night you stop going to work, just spend the whole day in bed thinking about him and crying. You got a fever and cold because of your over thinking but you don't care about it.
You said you hate him but that was not true, you still love him like hell, you can never hate him. You love him that much, you wanted to go to him to apologize for everything even if you were not wrong, leaving your dignity aside you want to beg him to take you back.
You didn’t clean your house, eat something when you get angry while thinking of him ‘Why should I waste for my life for cheater’ Then again, a sadness takeover angry and you go back to crying.
Keeping all this apart still something about Sehyun was different, it was still nagging you, why he blaming you when he should be guilty and what about Sehun. You had a lot of question for him, you thought about meeting him and clear everything out but for doing that, you didn’t have the courage to face him.
It all goes like this until Mrs. Kim called you, just one day before your college starts when she comes to know you are not going to work anymore.
You tried to look normal as much as possible when you met her. She gives you a lecture about how fortunate you are that even after your parent's death, they have provided you everything, you should honor and make them proud. And what she saying was all true so after that, you start going to college, work and live your life for the sake of your dead parents but your routine was the same like before, when Sehyun was not there, just a little here and there, you go to college, work till night, still eat only one time a day and cry before going to sleep. 
Before the class, you sat leaning on a tree in your small college garden. You were again thinking about Sehyun with it few drops a tear leave from your eyes. Thinking about it you can understand he was alone and she must have been a great help him with everything and technically you were not his girlfriend so he never cheated on you. You laugh at yourself, you cannot believe you were justifying his action.
Whatever you say part of you still waiting for him, to forget everything and start everything all over again, you wanted to support him and love him. You don’t want his ‘Sorry’ you just wanted to be with him, near him. 
“Y/N” called Lee Mishil, she was your college friend. She called you from the gate of your Yale college, coming with her boyfriend Lee Myung toward garden where you were seated. They both fall in love because shared same surname and Myung also work with you.
You quickly wipe your tear before they see it, Myung said "You do anything fun? Ever?” Mishil said “Do your own work and stop harassing my friend and Y/N no excuse you are coming with us to the club tonight” You sigh and said “I cannot go. A club is not my thing and I have work” and I just want to go home, stay alone and cry. Myung said “Y/N come on, buddy, lose yourself up. People of our age want their parent gone somewhere so they can go and party but look at you. always alone. Don’t be like that and use some time to have fun” Mishil added “Girl come on, come with us and have fun, find some boy and make out with him or take him home to release frustration or just come for change. You need a break. Look at you, looking like the dead” she took your hands on hers and give you pleading look, after her continuous pleading you get agreed thinking you will come up with something later. Lecture bell rings and three of us go to a business management class. 
In the evening you started to get ready for Liquid Kitty club, you don’t want to go but you didn’t any more reason to say no, Myung somehow convenience your boss about the holiday. You choose a dark blue dress, got ready and put some makeup to hide your dark circle under your eyes. In the end, you look pretty just enough to look good in the club. 
-Sehun P.O.V- 
Scientists claim it takes men just 8.2 seconds to fall head over heels. Less than 10 seconds to fall in love. Y/N took more than 10 seconds just run toward me across the road when we meet for the first time. So, by the time she was running toward I already fall for her.
Sehyun and I are part of each other it made it easier for me to love her more. It was a little complicated I loved her because of Sehyun, he was the bridge which made me love her. In conclusion, I do love her same as my shy ass brother.   
That night all of my bravery has abandoned me. I still clearly remember everything and regret it in my every breath. Everything happens so fast I cannot understand anything. After ‘I hate you’ I could never able to tell her the truth. So, she has to figure out by herself but I cannot build up the courage to even meet her.
Whenever I want to see her so badly, I kind of stalk her, watch her from far when she is going home from work or stand in a dark alley near her apartment looking at her window until the light goes out.
She doesn’t look good but at least she is following her daily routine just like me. I wanted to meet her, hug her, talk with her, put my head on her lap and relax while her hand goes through my hair, slightly massaging my scalp.
But every that time I take one step toward her and three steps back away from her. I created a false reason for taking steps back, telling myself I should not get her involved in mine or Sehyun fight but the truth was I'm being coward to face her after all of my mistakes.
Yuna has stopped bothering me, she cried a lot when I explain to her nothing will ever going to happen between us. Still time to time, she tries to get a bit over friendly but I shove her away now completely rudely without caring much, I cannot completely ignore her as she goes to college with me and along with Jinwoo and Teayong she was helping me. Part of me wanted to scream and tell her that ‘I Love Y/N’ but time was not right. 
College, I cannot believe I’m going the college. The first day was worst, everyone was looking as if I was a ghost, I was a part of gossip for the whole college but it got settled after a few days. Sehyun wanted to become Doctor and his reason was me. I’ll get in the fight and he will help me recover, he also made me study a lot of things saying it will help me during the fight. Intelligent fool one moment he says don’t fight to go back to studies and another moment he helps me so I can fight better with less injury. Well Thank God he made me study with him almost daily otherwise I wouldn’t be able to be Sehyun and my IQ was great I could learn anything new in one shot. 
In the last two months, nothing happens with me in college but I know one person was keeping an eye on me Jung Jaehyun. I found out he was the leader of Jung gang in the college, in this gang around 30 people and there was more one gang, Choi gang along with Jung gang with 20 people, Choi gang was led by Choi Woo-Shik so altogether there are 50 people whom I should take down in Kean college (means Sehyun and now my college). Still, I’m not certain who had killed my brother but this 50 people needed to stop.   
And the main group Wang Gang. All gang together makes Wang gang, it has altogether had over 150 people (including 50 people from Kean college) every gang member in the city works under a Wang gang and this gang leads every main decision. But no one has seen the main leader beside the leaders of gangs.
Beside watch no one was doing anything, to make those bastards move I’m going to do something which they could never imagine.   
Beside this, my college life was going smooth, even though I have never attended college before I’m able to study well and do all the college stuff without any problem, all thanks to my loving brother. He was kind of a loner in college not having friends and just loving his books so there was no one there to bother me. Well, it looks like Y/N was the only person in his life. I’m also well-adjusting in Sehyun lifestyle just leaving Y/N aside. Even if I think about Y/N, it makes every fiber in my body wanted her but I have learned to control myself now. 
When I was walking toward the home from college, I felt someone was behind me but I keep pretending not knowing it. When I reached inside and close the door. Yuan, Jinwoo, and Teayong were waiting for me, I shush them with my action before they could say anything.
That person slips an invitation from under the door, an invitation sent by Jaehyun calling me in the club. I smirk looking toward my friends and said “Before I could do anything, they made their move" three of them cheer with 'whoa' and cursing. I sat on one of the dining chairs and said “Jaehyun have sent me an invitation. I and Yuna will entry together and two of you will enter after a minute and maintain distance until I give you a signal to make any move” we discuss in and out of the scenario, in case I got into a fight then all of us went to get ready for the club.
I was searching Sehyun party wear in our shared cupboard, I don’t know which thing was where because I never been home, my clothes and food was mostly taken care of by Sehyun. I found a perfect jacket, t-shirt, jeans, and shoes with it I also found a key with keychain miniature of a house. I guessed it was Y/N apartment keys, I grab my hair in irritation and shout “Sehyun you shy dumb ass, you have her house key with you” I breathe in and out to relax, get ready and focus only on Sehyun's murderer. 
I just got ready and the doorbell rings. I open the door and saw three of my friends ready. I smirk and said “Okay guys ready for some action in Liquid Kitty club. Finally, the game being”
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  Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too. I’m hoping for comments on my writing. If you like or dislike please feel free to drop a message. Thank you…   
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”. 
Pairing: Sehun x reader 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Mature, Language (sometime will be there), Violence, Smut (in future), Crime au, College au 
-Sehun P.O.V- 
I don’t know what I was doing. Everything from the moment I entered her apartment was happening instinctively. I was completely behaving like Sehyun, it is not that we were any different, we were 98% same, 2% which was different was only because I can fight and easily gets angered toward things. 
We complete our dinner and dishes. When we were on the couch naturally, I placed my head on her lap like I know her for very long, It was comfortable with her it makes me forget that she thinks I'm Sehyun. My eyes were closed when she was stroking my hair and lightly patting on a shoulder, it was relaxing. While I was thinking about everything which has happened in the last three months. I asked her about ‘What did she do when her parents have died?’ after a moment she answer me, she told me about her time with Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim and how Sehyun was there with her. 
I cannot even believe when she talks about, my shy ass brother told her about his ‘Just for fun swaps date’ and she was participating in this nonsense. It leads us to tease each other but soon her teasing made me little irritated and jealous. I had submerged myself in the situation which made me almost cross my limit. I have pushed her on the couch and fall above her, our lips were just inched away from each other. I was so lost without even thinking I lean to kiss. Thank God doorbell rang before it happens, it made me come back to reality.  
I try to control myself while finding out who is there in the door at 11p.m. when a male voice came from the door with the casual tone it made me angry a bit. In one moment, I thought about every possibly from ‘How he knows her?’ to ‘Does she allows her other male friend to come over her house at night?’ but when she took ‘Mr. Kim’ name made me shock and still. ‘Why he was here?’ ‘What I will say if he asked me something?’ and the mean question ‘DOES SHYUN MET HIM BEFORE?’ Y/N roughly shake as asking me to go to her room, hiding was a better idea then facing him. I run toward her room but stops in between, there was two room which one is hers, right or left. Y/N came, handed me two photo frames and push me toward the left one.  
Her room was painted with light pink and blue color, dressing table, large circle bed (Large enough for three people) and with the large closet, everything was well coordinated with each other. In the side of her bed there was a table with lamp and another side there was two large teddy bear (Brown one with red heart, it looks little customize and another one was light pink) and there was one small bear of red color. I placed frames on the table and come back in the middle of the room. I started to regret my action ‘How could I get this close to her?’ Today again we were close to kissing each other if the doorbell wasn’t had ranged, I would have kissed her. I try to push away those though it was not right, I had no right to be here and it was just my second day with her. I don’t want anything physical but I just wanted to keep her close to me. I was losing self-control every second, angry and guilty build inside me, I was getting ashamed of my behavior. Tonight, I already did something which I shouldn’t do, wherever next time I come to meet her, I needed to be in control and being careful not overstepping any bounder but now I need to go before I lose control totally. When Y/N open a door, I saw my shoes on her hand. As she placed my shoes near the door, I give her a puzzled look. She took a deep breath and said “You have to stay here tonight” What? NO, MY FUCKING GOD. PLEASE DON’T DO THIS. 
“Y/N, I have to go. I cannot stay. A whole night here it is too much” I said. She put her both hands on her hip, smirk in annoying while sarcastically saying “You cannot leave from the door but you can leave from window if you want” I nodded my head and said “Okay I will leave from window”, “Ah, so you want to jump from the fifth floor?” she said, I couldn’t reply, I can do it but Sehyun could never. She comes near me and hit in the back of my head I got astonished by it. My hand went to the back of the head, it was not strong but ‘Did she just hit me?’ ‘Did Sehyun let her hit him?’ My shy ass brother never let me do this kind of stuff, I couldn’t keep my expression in control and she did notice it. She took a sharp breath and said “What makes you think I wanted you to stay whole night? You cannot go because, just by my bad luck, if Mr. Kim saw you while leaving, I will be dead meat. Already Mrs. Kim is suspicious of me that is why she wants Mr. Kim to spend a night here. So, my sweetheart stops useless nonsense” I try to think about it, she was right she cannot get caught for my selfish reason, I wanted to meet her every day, I nodded my head in agreement. 
She sighs then went to a closet, she was trying to find something. I was hardly able to control myself, but my eyes grew wide as I saw Sehyun clothes inside the closet, nicely hidden. She took out the blue hoodie and black sweatpants. That was the same hoodie which I wanted to wear, whenever I ask my dumb-ass brother about it, he always says he lost it somewhere. 'Lost it my foot’. He had made me the biggest fool of this world. She came back to me, handed me clothes and demandingly said “Change it” I didn’t reply and be still, she added “If you want to stay a whole night in jeans then go head” I just nodded and went into the bathroom. The bathroom was luxury with bathtub, again showing she was richer then. I changed my clothes then look myself on the mirror. Today was the first time in my whole life I felt anger toward my brother, he had lie to me. Okay, I understand he does not want me to meet Y/N but why did he lie, it was not like that I would have forced him to let me meet her. Call it silly but actually, I was not angry about Y/N, I was an angry hoodie thing and now I guess another thing which went missing must be somewhere hidden in this house. ‘Sehyun Hyung, if you would have told me that you a girlfriend and keeping all the spare thing hidden in her house, I would have understood. You Dumb-Shy-Ass’  I sighed and went back inside the room.  
Y/N had a prepaid bed for us. Are we going to sleep together? it got a little worried, whatever amount of self-control I had gather has already started to crash. She took one look on me then sighed and said “Make yourself home, OH SEHYUN” she put pressure on ‘Oh Sehyun’ while saying it, I can see that she was getting annoyed by my awkward behavior, she passes me and went to the bathroom. I set on the edge of a bed. I need to talk with her and cleared thing out while waiting for her, my eye landed on a brown teddy bear with the red heart. I took it on my hand, he was wearing a white shirt, in the hand, there was a red heart with ‘I love you’ written, then I saw small ‘S’ in the corner and also heart made of plastic, like chocolate box cover with fur. When I open it there was a small hanging chain of ‘Sehyun & Y/N’ with smiling pictures of them in back. I swear on hell I never could guess about my brother being this much of a romantic person and he did love her, that much of love with made him spend money on making a customized teddy bear. He always said to me he loves me the most but still never spend any money on me. Suddenly I started to feel like I never knew him, like we are 100% different from each other, before losing my mind totally I put back on its place. 
When she came back, I mentally curse The Fucking Hell of This World. She was wearing mid-thigh shorts and a tank top. I can feel the temperature rising inside me, I couldn’t help but stare. She went to the dressing table and started to put some cream while doing that she saw me from the mirror and said still with little-annoyed voice “Stop staring like it is the first time and go to sleep” I wanted to scream ‘It is the first time for me and I’m Sehun’ but I kept my mouth shut.  
That was it I cannot stay I have to go anyhow. I got up and said “Y/N, I have to go, I cannot spend a whole night her” she come and stand front of me, make me sit and said “Listen please you cannot leave this room even if you go from windows, Mr. Kim will come to know. I cannot get in trouble because of your consternation” she was right about it but still, I got irritated. “Sehyun, any problem is there? Someone is waiting for you? Why are you so eager to leave?” she asked before I could answer my phone vibrates, I took it to see who is calling before I could, she comes closer, took my phone and throw on the bed and with an angry voice said “I’m asking you something”  
“Nothing is wrong. I will stay but I cannot sleep in the same bed sheet” I said with annoying 
“You cannot sleep in the same bed sheet. What do you think I’m doing here? Do you think I want to have sex that is why I’m stopping you from leaving? Come out your delusion and go to fucking sleep” she said with a small but with fully rage voice. Again, surprise me when she curses and her words which made me more annoyed. 
“Stop irritating me and don’t stand this close to me,” I said. 
“So now irritating you,” she said. I didn’t reply but make sure my expressions show my irritation, with one hand she thrust me close putting my head on her stomach and other hand grabbing my hair and said “Which part of your head you got? I think some of your brain cells had destroyed” while saying her finger grab my hair than all of the sudden yanking my head to meet our eyes and said again “You didn’t hear me before, I'm not making you stay here to fuck you, I’m making stay here because I don’t want to get in trouble” now I got so angry, I just wanted to hit something, as soon as her hands let go of me, I took them in hand on mine, pulling her toward me, throw her on the bed and I hovered over her and said “Stop speaking nonsense or I will find another way to stop you. Wait, or else I will make you scream so loud it will make Mr. Kim come running here” when she didn’t say anything, I lose my grip a bit but again got a surprise when she uses her full strength and flips me over, set on the same position as mine before and says “If you pull any stunt, I swear I will be the one who beat you till death. Now go to sleep and let me sleep, I have to go to work tomorrow. GOOD NIGHT OH SEHYUN” Work? Oh yes, I saw the same document about it in Sehyun laptop. She let me go and went to one side of the bed and lie down. I also lie down but go in another corner of the bed, as far her as possible from her, seeing this she turns her back toward me, my phone vibrates again. She got up angrily took my phone and turns it off and off the room lights, went to sleep in her side without a word and I just stay still. 
After a while, I perceive what has happened. I was angry for nothing, she hasn’t done anything, we had a fight for nothing, it was just me if I wasn’t lying to her thing would have been different. I took a deep breath and tried to talk with her and wants to apologize “Y/N?” she doesn’t reply, I tried again “Y/N, did you sleep? I wanted to talk” again no reply, I was sure she was not sleeping, she was just angry on my behavior, I didn’t push it I will speak with her in the morning. In the corner of the bed, I settle myself and fall in sleep. 
In the morning when I wake up, she was nowhere in the room, a watch was showing 8:30a.m. I started to look for her. She was in the kitchen, cooking something when she turns around her face, it said everything, she was not in the mood. Our night fights had affected her so much, I didn’t know what to say. She said “Have a breakfast I’m making and before you ask Mr. Kim left you don’t have to worry anymore” right now I just wanted to leave, tonight I will come back with some chocolate and apologized for my behavior. “Y/N let it be please, I have to go now. See you tonight at a dinner that time we will talk” she turns her back to me. “Bye,” I said. She also said ‘bye’ without looking at me, hurriedly I left without the closing door.
I almost reach down of the building, that time I realize my clothes and phone was still in her room. I need them so I went to her apartment again, the door was still open and burning smell. It made me little panic, I run inside to look, food in the pan was totally black. She was still in the same position as I left her but I could hear her sobbing. It was less than 48 hours that we met but I was able to make her cry. 
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Seven) (M)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too. I’m hoping for comments on my writing. If you like or dislike please feel free to drop a message. Thank you…     
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.  
This chapter is lengthy from my others because from the next chapter story will go a little fast forward  
Pairing: Sehun x reader   
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Mature, Language (sometime will be there), Violence, Smut, Crime au, College au  
-Y/N P.O.V-  
You had one of the worst nights of your life. You never thought Sehyun first night with you will go like this. He sleeping far away from you in the corner of the bed as if you will eat him alive or something. He so uncomfortable being here it made you dishearten. You weren’t able to sleep a whole night thinking about what did you do to make him behave like this. You know he wanted to go back to his place but you had reason to make him stay. And since Mr. Kim step in, his behavior changes dramatically but you know he was not the reason. Sehyun was just wanted to run away from you.   
There was something about him which you cannot understand, he was the same but yet different, one moment he behaves comfortable as he knows you for long and another moment, he behaves awkwardly like you met you from the first time.  
Mr. Kim was gone when you got out of the bed. You thank God for that as you really weren’t in a mood to speak with him. You went to the kitchen to make breakfast, soon Sehyun comes out too. When you said about breakfast, he rudely snaps and tells you he will see you tonight. He was still angry because you made him stay. You turn your back toward him when he said ‘Bye’  and with it, he races out your home like he cannot breathe the same air as you. Why he is so restless? You try to control yourself but you end up sobbing. Why it is difficult for him to spend a night with you? It made you remember your incident with him.  
You completed your dinner and sit in the coach to read the book. You were supposed to have dinner with Sehyun but you were so angry because of last night. He promised you that he will spend a whole night with you like your birthday gift but he left around 10 as usual that also without telling. You didn’t want much but just to sleep beside him.   
So, because of that, you don’t wait for him. Your doorbell was continually ringing but you ignore it. Sehyun said from outside “Baby I know you are inside please open the door and let's talk” You didn’t reply “Y/N baby I’m sorry I had to go yesterday, I promise I will make it up to you” You sigh but still didn’t reply “Y/N are you going to open or I should come inside using spare key, you know I have your spare keys with me” It made you regret giving him spare key but you didn’t move.  
He uses his key and comes inside. He sits beside you when you didn’t give him attention and keep pretending to read, he put his head on your shoulder and wrap one hand around your waist while the other hand your bare thigh making the circle with finger (You were wearing a long night t-shirt which was giving him great access) You were angry but still you couldn’t make yourself push him away. He waited for you to say something but when you didn’t, he said “Y/N tell me what you want? I don’t like fighting with you. I’ll do anything you ask me to do” You sigh and ask “Stay with me tonight and fulfill your promise” He replies you in low voice “I’m sorry I cannot stay the whole night. I have to be at home.........”  before he could complete, you free yourself from him, run into your bedroom and throw yourself on the bed facing one side.  
He slowing settle behind you, your back pressed on his chest, one hand on your waist and another slide under your pillow, you lifted your head and allowed him to do that as you also want him near, he tugs you closer and said “I cannot because Sehun needs me. Yesterday night he got involved in the fight again. I had to go for him” Okay that was a valid reason, actually Sehun was only the reason which made Sehyun stay away from you most of the times. Still, you could never hate him for anything but time to time you do get jealous of him. In some way, you did love him because of Sehyun even if you haven’t met him for once. As soon as Sehun name came up you forgot all of your angry and if he is the reason you can forgive everything.  
You turn around to face him and asked “Truly Sehun was the reason?” he nodded. You turn fully to hug him properly and said “Okay then, just because he is your brother and he has more right on you than me. I’m letting it go” He laughs and said “Don’t forget he is my half. Actually, more than my half and I love him more than anything in this world” You rolled your eyes and said “Does he love you the same way you love him?” he can feel his grin near your hair “He loves me more than you could imagine” You can feel how warm their relationship is. You just closed your eyes while relaxing and breathing his scent. After a while his finger started to linger around your thigh, you left your head to see him. He started to kiss you everywhere on your face, coming above your body and crushes his lips on yours. Your hand reaches on his hair to bring him closer to deepen the kiss. You thought it was simply makeout session but then his hand cup your breast, you stop him and break the kiss. With a wheezing voice you said “Sehyun not today” he pouts and asks “Why not?” before you reply, he sits up on his knees and asked again “Did you stop taking pills?” you pull him above you and said “I’m taking my pills regularly. I’m just not in the mood” he glowers a little but when you kiss him once, he let it go and went back to his position.  
For a while he cuddles you but slowly his hands start to roam on your body. He started to kiss on your shoulder then on your neck. You hold your moan and ask “Sehyun why are needy today?”, “Because my girlfriend is still angry and lost in her world” He knows you were not angry nor lost in your whole but he lies to made it look like ‘Makeup Sex’ His hand reach under your t-shirt and making a seductive circle near the breast. You didn’t want to get seduced by him but he was provoking your inner desire and his puppy looks were doing other magic. His kissing started to get sloppy around your neck and shoulder with his hand roaming around your thigh, it made your voice stuck in your throat. Somehow in a silvery voice, you asked him “Since when did I become your girlfriend” as that words left your lips. It made, three sixty degrees change in his character, his puppy look turns into a dark.  
You cannot understand how and when you both got naked. Your legs were locked around his waist, your nails were digging on his back as roughly placing love bites on your skin. You moan more and more by every passing moment, his lip comes back to your lips as his roughly push himself inside you, you moan between the kiss. You had sex with him many times before but still it was hard to take his length and roughness was heighten every sensation but it was magnificent. He giving you time to adjust as he asked “If you are not my girlfriend then how did you allow me to make this mess of you” you just moan as an answer. He started to thrust in and out of you, every time reaching your sweet spot, more moan escape for your lips and he also groaned feeling tightness around him.  
Your hand tight around him as your orgasms was coming closer, he understood it and increase his pace it made eyes roll back. Your word was lost, the voice was coming out as a whimper, you started to pant heavily as your body started losing all the strength but you didn’t want him to stop and he knows it “Baby I’m also close let’s cum together. Okay? Then you can relax” you weakly nod a little with few more thrust you both cum together. He kissed your forehead then fall beside you.  
He pulls you in his arms and started to rub your back to relax you. He laughs a little and said “I don’t understand how do you still get this messed up every time we have sex. You are small but not that small compared to me” you still not able to say a word. Now with the concern, he asked “Baby are you okay? Did I go extra rough on you?” You gather yourself as much you can and with a low voice, you said “No” he kisses your forehead again and as “I will be careful with you next time. I’m sorry for the hurt you” When you got a little relax you said but still in a small voice “Sex never hurts me, it is always amazing” he hummed. You started to get sleepy as you had a busy workday and then sex, but he heard him “I’m sorry. I cannot stay with you but trust I’m also eager to spend a whole night with you but Sehun need me I cannot live him alone. I have people around with whom I can talk, laugh or cry but he just has me. No one is trying to understand him, everyone thinks he is a hooligan”   
Even being in a sleepy state you said “It's okay and take care of Sehun but you always leave without telling me. Sometimes it made me feel like you will never come back to me”, “Why do you feel like that? Whenever I leave you, I always come back to you in the end........” you didn’t hear the rest as sleep took over you besides his warm body.   
When you start to feel cold, you wake up and see you are alone in bed. Sehyun left a written note “Even in angry you did save food for me. Thank you I utter eat it and clean up everything. Take a good rest. And baby I’m sorry I won’t be able to come for a few days, as usual, don’t message or call me unless its emergency but I promise I will make it up. Love You” So know you understand why he was needy tonight.  
You can understand all those times his brother was needing him and you never complain about it but what about now. You come back to a sense when to smelled burning food, it has turn black. You stop crying and sigh because now you have to do more cleaning before going to work. Suddenly when you look up and got stunned as you saw Sehyun standing across the kitchen counter and hope he didn’t see you sobbing. You quickly try to distract him and ask “Why did you come back?” He looks at burn food than you and said “I forgot my clothes and phone” you hummed and said “You can go inside and change” he nodded and went inside your room not to pushing anything. You started to clean the kitchen mess.  
You had completed your cleaning but he was still inside, taking away to long just to change. You went inside your room, saw his sleeping in your bed with last night clothes and with shoes on. In irritation you said, “Are you kidding me why are you sleep in bed with shoes on?” When no reply comes you go near him wanted to scowl but you saw him silently crying. You quickly sit beside him, running your finger on his hair and wiping his tear ask him “Baby what happen? Why are crying like this?” He places his head on your lap and said “I’m sorry for last night. Please don’t hate me. I swear I never wanted to hurt you and I never want to see you cry” you rub his back to relax him “Listen to me it is okay and why would I hate you for something this small, just because I cried” You saw him getting sensitive before and sometimes over a very little thing. He sits up on his knees and cups your face with his hand as he said “Y/N I have to say something it is not about last night. Please try not to hate me. My intention was never to hurt you everything happens so fast. I-I-I wasn’t able to control me. Y/N really want you, I don’t know why but I just want you. Please don’t hate......” he let your face go as looks down and took a breath and continue “You will hate me, there is no way you can forgive me for what I have done and Y/N my brother......my brother he...... I don’t know how to say. I want to tell you the truth I want to tell you what happen three months ago but I’m not able to” You didn’t understand anything but you know if there is something about Sehun is there must be really painful and how deeply he is hurt because of his death.  
You cup his face, wiping his tears as you said “Listen to me, I can never hate you. You do not have to tell me anything now take your own time and I know how much you and Sehun mean to each other. And you continuously talk about him it makes me care about him although we never meet. Sehyun can tell me about him when you are ready there is no hurry” you give him a little smile with it he slowly he eases.   
As your bodies were close to each other, in the heat of the moment you lean a bit to kiss him. You both close your eyes, your lip just lightly touches his as you heard Mr. Kim “Y/N where are you keeping the door open and did food got burn ?” Door, your bedroom door was open. You got panic, push Sehyun away and got out of bed not caring where he falls back, running out of the room and closing door behind not wanting Sehyun to get caught.   
“Mr. Kim, my college friend called it made me forget about the food and because of the burnt smell door was open” you lied. He nodded “Okay, no worry I bought breakfast from outside. Actually, I wanted to give you a break from regular routine” Mr. Kim was really sweet, always treat you as if you are his real daughter. You felt really bad for lying to him but you cannot tell him about Sehyun until he is ready.   
He was removing food from the bag as Sehyun silently comes out of your room. In the apprehension glass bowl drop from your hand, Mr. Kim got on the floor to pick up the broken glass “Y/N what is wrong with you today?”. While Mr. Kim was distracted, Sehyun slips out of your house without any noise for a moment it dazes you. How did he do that? but you were glad as he was gone now.  
Rest of the day just went as breakfast then Mr. Kim drops you at work and you work in tiredness. In the afternoon Sehyun message you to meet him in the park after you had your dinner. He wanted to tell you about the incident three months ago. You try to argue with telling him to take his time and have dinner with you but he was being obstinate at the end you agreed.  
-Sehyun P.O.V-  
I was on her bed thinking about everything. She started to feel awful because of my behavior, I cannot hide it anymore, I have to tell her about Sehyun but what if she hates me for lying to her like that. And if I tell her it means she will cry but I don’t see her in tear anymore.   
I don’t when my tear starts to flow from my eyes. Whatever happen I have told her about Sehyun even if she hates me still, I have to. She will cry, she will hate me but maybe with the time, she will forgive me. Keeping her in the dark is no good, it means I’m doing wrong with her and somehow it was wrong with Sehyun too. She doesn’t deserve it nor my brother does.  
I came out of my thought when she was sitting next to me, wiping my tear away and asking why I’m crying, I put my head on her lap and answered her. I had made my decision I have to tell her now. I tired but words were stuck inside me, she tells take my time.
She tells me Sehyun and her talk about me and she also cares about me. Me not as Sehyun but as Sehun. Even though we never meet but she still does. It gives me some endearment and elevates my want to have her.
I was lost again and our lips lightly touched but before any damage could happen Mr. Kim voice saved us. In a panic when she pushed me away and left a room. I put my hands on my face in shame, I did it again. She thinks I’m Sehyun and coming near me but I’m Sehun I should know my limits. To clear my mind, I need to get out of here, little space between me and her became necessary. I got out of her room silently not wanting to get caught by Mr. Kim. Thank God door was still open. When she saw me, bowl in her hand drop in the floor while Mr. Kim was distracted with it and Y/N also keep making noise till I slip out of her apartment.   
The way toward my home was full of thinking. By I reach home walking I made up my mind to tell her truth tonight anyhow. I start to prepare myself for however she responds. With it one more thing I have decided to do, to always be there for her just how Sehyun did when her parent dead. I’m hoping that she will be able to forgive me for everything.
Whatever happens from today onward I will be honest with her. In the afternoon I message her to meet me in the park after dinner, she again tells me to take my time and have dinner with her but with an argument, she gets agreed. She doesn't know how hard it is for me to tell her everything and right now my biggest fear to see her hating me. My feeling is not clear to me I cannot understand in just two days how did she become this important for me.  
Some of how a night come and my anxiety were intensified but by anyhow I build up my courage to meet her. Y/N messaged me that she has a reach and waiting for me. I was also just a 2-minute away, I was lost in my own thought that I didn’t get aware someone was behind me until she back hugs me. I didn’t push her away thinking she must be Y/N. When Kim Yuna voice said, “Hey Sehun where were you last night?” For a moment my mind and the body got paralyze then immediately break the hug and said “What are doing here?” She smiles and said “No hello or anything. This is how you treat a friend who has come back from foreign just to be with you” I just snap “I didn’t ask you to come and I think I had made it is clear I have nothing to do with to you” When she loses her smile and look down I felt little bad.
Yuna has been my good friend. She does know me a little and most of the time she understands my mood. She has been sweet and nice to me it made me let down my guard for a while and once we got physical but I stop before we have actual sex because I remember Jinwoo feeling for her and started to maintain my distance. But after that encounter between us she many times kissed me, every time I stop her going any further. I told her I don't have any feeling for her that time it was just brief temptation and also talk about Jinwoo feeling for her but she thinks he is just fooling around her and she hopes in future I’ll let go all my concern and accept her.
I sigh and said "I’m sorry Yuna. I was just lost and you know how things are with me and I also told you we cannot have anything between us” She look up and give a sad smile and said “I know you don’t feel the same about me and probably you never will but what can I do? I somewhat do love you and you don't have any girl around you” I sigh and about to say something but she put her finger on my lips and said “I didn’t come here because I love you. I came here because I know the meaning of losing a brother and most probably the same way as you” Her finger left my lips and continue again with a sad smile “I want to help you just like you help me in past. I will help you in retribution and after all of this is over. We can plan our future together when you become Sehun again. I will help you again to stay strong as Sehun”     
I forgot about Y/N and started to think about Sehyun and my vengeance plan. Yuna brings back thoughts my own future. She cups my face with her hands and said “Sehun stop worrying. I trust you, you will do everything right and three of us is there with you in anything. I’m personally there with you in any way you need me” I just smile and she habitually kissed me, my hands went on her hip to push her away. Yuna put a hand on her lips and said “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it to happen” I was vexed and wants to scowl her but eyes landed on Y/N in the long distance but enough see each other clearly. Y/N saw my kiss with Yuna. NO, SHE  SAW SEHYUN KISS WITH SOME GIRL.
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THEY NEVER KNOW(Chapter Three)
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Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too. I’m hoping for comments on my writing. If you like or dislike please feel free to drop a message. Thank you…   
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”. 
Pairing: Sehun x reader 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Mature, Language (sometime will be there), Violence, Smut (in future), Crime au, College au 
-Sehun P.O.V-  
I was stock-still when this girl hugged me. That hug me with full of concern, anxiety, emotion, and full of warmth, before this girl it was always been a sexual way. I don’t even know her name yet, I’m standing at her doorstep. I don’t even know what she is to Sehyun. But when she asked me if ‘I’m okay?’, ‘Did I have food?’ it give me warmth. It was the first time someone had asked me that in a long period. Before her only my brother and only sometimes mom or dad used to ask me. When I said ‘No’ she drags me to her home. Her apartment was in the popular area of the city not very rich, but good amounts of money. I could tell she was richer than my family was. In the way toward her apartment, I was thinking about telling her. I should tell her that I’m not Sehyun, I’m his brother Sehun but part of me disagrees, asking me to test her. By her behavior, I could tell she was close to Sehyun. If she cannot recognize me that others won’t too. If she is at Sehyun’s college than it would be a bigger help. I need to find out those people who killed my brother. My family is destroyed because of them.  
From the door I had to scan her apartment, a large hall room painted with a light blue shade almost like white, in the middle of room matching blue couch beside lamp table, my eye glimpse on her she stands with arms crossed over the chest and one eyebrow raised with confusion and queer, immediately I understood and step inside, sat on the couch comfortably. She must have noticed my strange behavior but yet she did not question anything. When she went back to the kitchen, I started to look around again. In the lamp table beside there were three photo frames, one with her parents (I guess) and the other two were Sehyun and her. In one picture Sehyun was giving her back hug and the other picture they were looking toward a camera with coffee, cake, chocolates on the table may be in some cafe. In both, the picture Sehyun looks so happy. In conclusion, she occurred to be Sehyun's girlfriend, but why hasn’t he told me about her? I wasn't sure yet. I cannot believe my brother could hide it from me.  
I was lost in my thought when she called me to join her, I sat beside her and look at all the food there. I was stock seeing the dinner table was full of my favorite before I control myself words came out of my mouth, “How do you know those are my favorite food?” immediately regretting it because it was Sehyun favorite too. She looked me with confusion and asked “What kind of question is that? I know all of your favorite things.” I started to look at the food. Other stupid questions come out of my mouth to cover the previous question “No, I meant how do you still remember?” I mentally curse myself for it. I looked at her trying to keep my expression in control, she looks bewildered with my question. She laughs sarcastically and said “What do you mean by remembering it? I know you for around six years, only for the last three months we didn’t meet. Did you really hurt your head this bad?” FUCK. How could I say something stupid when I’m trying to act like Sehyun, wait six years ‘Six Years’ they know each other for this long. What did you do Sehyun? And why you never told me about her?    
When I did not reply to anything, suddenly she asked. “Do you recognize me?” I looked at down again, that it’s. I need to tell her, I have to say now or I won’t get the next chance. I looked up again, but before I could say anything, she spoke “I’m sorry. I did mean it,” she looked so dreadful. When her eye met mine, my heart skips a beat. Instinctively, my hand reaches to care her cheek, she took my hand between both her hand and place it on her thigh. She looks down on our hand and started stoking with her thumb, taking a deep breath to speak again “I know how are you feeling, I have also lost my family and it’s still hurting a lot to be alone. But when I lost my parents you were always there for me and I want to do the same.” she sighs. She was also alone. She continues “Take your time. If you don’t want to say anything, it is okay, but please at least let me be near you. I know I’m being selfish here but I need you too.” She looked up, her eye met the mine as she spoke again “I’m sorry, I know you’re suffering a lot but….” she couldn’t complete. I understood she won’t be able to say anymore. Her word must have filled her heart with guilt and she has also suffered for the last three months. Right now, I just wanted to ease her pain. I place my free hand on her hand and said “It is okay. Please don’t be sorry,” I don’t know what came into me, I have just met her. Hell, I still don’t even know her name yet, I don’t want to see her doleful.   
She sighs again and said “Some time is different about you today.” she could see the difference between Sehyun and me. She must have known Sehyun enormously otherwise it is really hard to tell the difference between us both, leaving a few things we were the same. She spoke again “I know people change, losing family could lead to major changes. I mean I had also changed myself when my parents die that time, I was just sixteen, but I did change” when she continued, she let out her though “Wait, sixteen is the age of change, I mean everyone changes their behavior when they cross teen… ahh, I don’t know what I’m saying” she leaves my hand and turn her face to hide her embarrassment for nonsense. It made me laugh loudly. Who is this girl? She gave me the stock, then she drags me to her home, her presence is reminded of Sehyun more which I’m liking and now she is making me laugh.  
I pull myself along with chair closer to her, I cupped her face to turn it toward me and honestly said “It is the first time in the last three months I laugh. Please give me a little time and I’m sorry” for still not telling you about Sehyun. With my word she smiles. We complete our food, she asked me to wait until she washes dishes, I argue to help but she kept saying ‘No’. 
While waiting for her, I started to question myself. What I’m doing here? She thinks I’m Sehyun, her every word was for Sehyun not to me, but I wanted to get near her back of my mind was saying, it is all wrong. She maybe was Sehyun girlfriend, I have no right no her. I should tell her about his death. I should just stay away.  
But the other rational part of me was telling me she would be a big help to find out about Sehyun death, even it is wrong I still need to use her. I still don’t know which gang killed Sehyun, I just know it was from his college, and also the question was ‘Why have they killed him?’ I need to find out. For that, I may need this girl to help. The battle began in my head one part wanted to give her care and another wanted to use but in both parts was not allowing me to tell her truth. Now when I decide to stay as Sehyun. I need to know this girl's name. I cannot address her as a ‘Girl’ anymore. Oh God, it would have been better if I could just ask her but I cannot do that. What else I could do? Suddenly my phone vibrates, which gives me an idea to have her number at least, for now, I bind myself toward the kitchen to look at what she is doing, she was coming out. I took back my position and make it look like I’m thinking something. “Hey, what are you thinking?” she asked with a smile. “I’ve forgotten to tell you that my phone number is changed. Can you hand me your phone? I’ll change it.” 
“Okay, wait a minute,” she started to look for her phone. “Where did I keep it” she murmured ‘ah’, ‘here it is’  
When she handed me her phone and stand near me, I’ve replaced my number with Sehyuns. When I give it back to her, she smiles at me, I couldn’t help but smile back. She looked at her phone and said “It’s 12 a.m, it is the first time when you stay this late with me” I looked at my wristwatch “It is late, I need to go” I got up while saying it. “NO,” she said. Her expression change she looked frightened and caught my hand “Please don’t go, you have come after a long time. If you leave now, I don’t know when you will come back”. I put my free hands on her shoulder and start to rub it and “I’ll come back tomorrow. I promise you I won’t leave you, but I have to go for now,” she still looked worried “How about we have dinner tomorrow?” I said again with a smile. She relaxes a bit as we start to walk over the door, “Wait” suddenly she said. “It’s midnight you won’t get any bus or cab and your house is around 30 minutes away from here, just wait here for a Sec” I tried to stop her, but she runs toward the bedroom. She comes back with a key which had a small car key chain with it, handed me a key and said “Take this” before I could open my mouth to say, she stops me and continue “It will give me the certainty that you will come back tomorrow, please take it” again I couldn’t control my mouth “You have a car?” oh shit. I’m caught this time. Sehyun must be knowing about her car.  
“I just got it today,” she said. Thank God  
“You have that much money to buy a car?” she started to laugh.  
“It was a gift from my parent for entering last year of college,” she replied, I gave her a confused look, Isn’t her parent’s death. “You know Mr. Kim, my family lawyer. He has given me this car. My parent has saved my car money in advance.”  
“Okay” Now who is Mr. Kim? I hope Sehyun has not met him. I need to start making mental notes Suddenly she hugs me again, it made me come back to reality but this time I hugged her back. “Thank you,” she said. In answer, I started to rub her back. When she unwraps herself from me, she tiptoes and grabs my shirt collar to pull my face near hers. I have become motionless, my heart started to beat fast. I cannot do this. I cannot let her kiss me. It is morally wrong. She has done nothing wrong. I’m already using her enough. I’m lying to her. If we kiss it would mean disrespecting her. I need to pull myself away. Before I could do anything, she kisses me on my left cheek and took one step away with a large grin on her face and said: “Good-bye, see you tomorrow and my car small and black.” I got flush by her kiss “Good-bye” with it I rush out of there.  
My heart was beating so fast I felt faint. I still cannot believe anything, my brother had a girlfriend, she was sweet and caring, she thinks I’m Sehyun, I was lying to her. Still, I don’t know her name and we were about to kiss. Guilt started to build inside me, I don’t need to lie. She will help me if I say about Sehyun, she will do it for him. But I’m not able to tell her. She is saying, she is being selfish here but the truth was I’m a selfish one. My heart was being selfish, telling me to leave everything aside and just be there for her, be by her side. I was confused, I’m liking the way she is caring even if she does it thinking I’m Sehyun. I close my eye and took a deep breath, when I open my eyes it leaned on the nameplate. I found her name, I smiled, noted and said “Y/N”.  
-Y/N P.O.V-  
You close your door and went straight to the bed, took your large teddy bear and hug it tightly. You were so happy that he came to you and tried to recollect every moment from the last two hours. How stupidly you asked ‘If he still recognizes you?’, then nonsense about ‘How people change’ and when his lips were just inches away from you and how he got flush with you kissed him on the cheek. Oh God, that time you really thought about kissing him, but thank god you have to hold yourself. You don’t want to be desperate about him, he is going through a lot of things. You have to be patient. In the back of your mind, you know something is different about him today like he wasn’t himself but you push that thought away. You close your eye and tell yourself, from tomorrow onward everything will slowly start to go back to normal. 
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