#seifer speaks
astrumocs · 4 months
Do you have a crush on her?
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"D.. do I? Ah.. P-perhaps? But we don't need to go talking about that, it's nothing important... The last thing I want is for her to find out I may and become uncomfortable."
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astral-ardors · 5 months
Images and Propaganda/Info under the cut !
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Paswon: Super sweet, easily flustered at times... Acts tough but he's a tender troll, usually... Submissive but will top or bottom, though she's much more of a mess if she bottoms, Always makes sure their partner gets off too,
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Jejune: They're fairly dom leaning, i don't think they'd sub for anyone they weren't very close to.. they love to tease, and if you're into a bit of light mocking they're great for that too.. they're a talker also, they don't shut up in bed, Can handle things getting rough too,
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Marlox: If you like a tsundere type, Marlox is it for you.. they prefer to bottom, but can and will top.. surprisingly easy to embarrass and knock his attitude out of him if you know what you're doing.. also, bc of his psionics, he's always vibrating slightly.. do w/ that what u will,
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Drazms: Very sweet and attentive, but inexperienced... Will probably ask lots of questions any time they try to make you feel good to make sure they're doing it right but is very willing to try, Submissive leaning, but I think they'd top or bottom no issue.. they also prefer things slow and romantic,
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Seifer: Hardcore submissive, totally incapable of being a dom these days... incredibly reactive and timid, but considerate... will let you do just about anything if you sprinkle in some praise and tenderness, even freak shit, Also he has excellent boobs,
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Excirz: Either a very softcore dom or a sub that aims to please and make you feel good.. focuses more on his partner but isn't averse to attention... Has that round padded muscle and also has good boobs, Gets really noisy at times too.. Oh, and if you prefer things rougher or are a werewolf fucker, he's got that going on too,
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Lucien/Lane: Kind of a brat ngl... he likes to antagonize a little and be put in his place, Prefers to bottom, but in the right mood and circumstances, he'll top... Willing to dom or sub, just depends on the person and his mood.. he also doesn't really need a dynamic either.. Can go vanilla or get into things like knife and breathplay too,
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skele8rity · 6 months
its been slow going but fun... i forgot how different and funny all the mechanics in ff8 were, especially relative to some of the other games. the magic systems, command menus, the guardian forces are sort of a whole entire mess themselves, and i havent even played the card games yet!
a t rexsaur popped up and got priority and did 300 damage immediately to my roughly 500HP characters at the time LMFAO but im building them up so they can take those hits okay already!
got the first stat option trained for quetzy and shiva... but didnt realize their boost skills are on the second page djsjf so ill do that next
i am PARSING AS I GO but man they really just slap you on the back like ALRIGHT GO GET EM TIGER dont they lmaooo
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reveromantique · 10 months
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@ofmoonlily | x
He doesn't miss how red her face gets, or how many moments she needs to compose herself afterward-- Seifer hadn't exactly been playing fair, when he'd lowered his voice and murmured an intimate option for thanking him for saving her life.
The grief from the rest of the squad is worth knowing the effect he's had on Yuna because of it; he keeps a mostly-private, entirely too pleased with himself grin on his face the whole rest of the journey to Macalania Temple.
(He does not particularly enjoy the jarring change in temperature, from pleasant warmth to near-freezing, but inside the temple, the guest quarters are warm, and so are the hot springs he's directed toward, when he asks where he can take a shower.
One towel slung over his shoulder later, he follows the path he was pointed on, into the peaceful quiet of the sequestered springs, and for a little bit, he is actually alone. Able to breathe, to think.
No one's in the first little spring he encounters, steam wafting invitingly off the bubbling, bright blue water; Seifer wastes very little time stripping down to nothing and easing himself into the pool, relief in every fiber of his body as sore, tense, thoroughly-abused muscles welcome the heat.
He almost misses Yuna, head back against a convenient rock and eyes closed as he basks like a damn lizard in the sun, but her footsteps are not entirely silent, and eventually, he opens his eyes again, watching her in the fading twilight.
No one would say the summoner isn't pretty; he watches the line of her body, the swish of the pleats in her skirt, the way her hair moves when she looks around. "Pretty" is probably not the right word-- gorgeous, if one happens to like slight brunettes who aren't afraid to speak their minds.
(And, alas, that is exactly Seifer Almasy's type.)
"Care to join me?" he inquires, voice lazy, making no effort at modesty for her sake. She came out here for the same damn reason he did, judging by the towel in her hands.
"Plenty of room left, if you want."
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suleikashideaway · 10 days
So anyway I wrote this longfic… 
Been sitting on this bad boy for, well…a while. Take a peek. A bunch of it is already written so I'm hoping to keep a pretty consistent posting schedule for the foreseeable future. 
And speaking of future…
Title: Time Will Tell
Rating: M
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Relationships: Rinoa Heartilly/Squall Leonhart, Selphie Tilmitt/Irvine Kinneas, Zell Dincht/Library Girl, Rinoa Heartilly & Selphie Tilmitt, Ellone & Squall Leonhart, Squall Leonhart & Quistis Trepe, Squall Leonhart & Irvine Kinneas, Ellone & Rinoa Heartilly
Characters: Rinoa Heartilly, Squall Leonhart, Cid Kramer, Edea Kramer, Selphie Tilmitt, Irvine Kinneas, Zell Dincht, Quistis Trepe, Library Girl, Laguna Loire, Ellone, Kiros Seagill, Ward Zabac, Fury Carraway, Seifer Almasy, Original Characters
Tags: Angst with a happy ending, Fluff in early chapters, Self discovery, Navigating relationships, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Codependency, Sexual content, Drug & Alcohol use, Canon-typical violence, Debunking a fan theory, Friendship, Fandom blind, Post-canon, What is time anyway, Tags to be added
Summary: Carefree, fun-loving, passionate, free spirited, can also mean impulsive, reckless, obsessive, thoughtless. Rinoa Heartilly is learning the dangers of her own personality, and who she will become if she continues down this path. 
Squall is fully awake now, no longer a pawn in someone else’s plan. He’s ready to take charge of his own fate. But what if fate has other plans? 
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
Which OCs that are not yours do you most admire? What is it about that character that you find impressive or engaging?
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is... is there a limit to how many I can name...?
Um, okay. *deep breath*
Seifer d'Latu -- yes, it's my husband's character, but that's not the only reason! (He has other characters that aren't my favorites!) Seifer very, very clearly comes across with a powerful sense of self that I genuinely think comes from Sev having played the character for decades. {As someone who has chronic altitis, I don't think a character has to be a "main" or written for 20+ years to be good, but the development of personality and writing style that Sev has built up for a couple of decades sure doesn't hurt!}
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He's also a fantastic villain who never bothers lying about his intentions, but seems… able to just… slide that right past people? I can't COUNT the number of female characters who happily followed Seifer to the d'Latu home and were shocked to not only meet his wife, but also at his disinterest in bedding them. Like they just… didn't listen when Seifer clearly told them he only wanted to fuck with their heads. It's genuinely amazing.
And Seifer I find particularly interesting because he's not the evil overlord who wants to rule the world. He's best suited to and enjoys being an advisor to the throne (so to speak) and was originally designed to be an enforcer to someone with a greater degree of power. It's rather rare to run into a villain character that isn't either The Leader or aiming to be The Leader and I genuinely enjoy how Seifer works into that role. (And how he works the role itself, he's just… such a delight to engage with.)
There are a LOT of characters I've had the pleasure of engaging with that are just marvelous. Voranoix L'espoir (one of my top fifteen RP characters ever tbh), Zale Bolton, Lupus Lynx, Thravnar Ravensun, Sezra'tan Entialpoh, Targur Steelfist, Wisteria… (Why are none of them active on Tumblr, you ask? Because the Irony Gods love to poke me with sticks.)
However, there are also a whole lot of characters I've never been able to RP with (usually because of anxiety/lack of time/lack of IG availability) that I find fascinating to read about.
@luck-and-larceny's Malika and @dumb-hat's Evander both fall in my top tier. Not only are they well-rounded characters with depth--obvious when you just scroll through a very few pieces of writing--but they're also FUNNY. And characters written with humor--both as from the reader's perspective as well as the character themself--are so, so rare. I LOVE funny characters and I love it when authors/players don't take themselves so seriously that they can't laugh at their characters or themselves. It genuinely makes the serious moments of character reflection feel more important when there's a contrast.
Basically everything @gatheredfates writes. Throw @riftdancing in there because they give each other some truly admirable support and cheer each other on. (It's beautiful to see.) There's… just the sense of WEIGHTY backstory in everything they do and reading their snippets, seeing their screenshots, I feel the same way I do when listening to "Jenny of Oldstones" written for Game of Thrones. Which is to say that there's a whole world they've created I'm getting a glimpse of and I'd dearly love to see more.
While I love @kuro8529's "black snack" (:D), his Viera Fakhri (on @gray-morality ) and @catscratching's Seda have a solid story built up, not only between them but also separately, so when I read either of them writing, I get a glimpse of the HOURS it took to painstakingly build this mutually satisfying story that has so much further that it can go.
@ofcruelghosts -- I love the noir aesthetic, the writing style and the very concept. I can genuinely feel the inspiration from the pieces and I'd love to see the character in even more scenes.
@bloodpoetry-lytharp -- Hi, have you read about Lytha? You should. Not only that, but you should read the other characters @erithe writes because she has an amazing grasp of style, character development and plot. (She's also one of the best people I've ever known.)
@mirugaidoesthings -- Dayar, ofc, I love because not only is he old enough I can thirst after the character without feeling like a perv, but also because he's written so pleasantly, so casually that it's like catching up with an old friend only to find out they killed a tiger with their bare hands at 15. You do a LOT of "WHA??" and it's amazing. Miru is a miraculously talented writer and a wonderful person.
@rylen-ashworth -- Eh, he's okay, I guess. Decent character. I suppose. {:D}
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imustbenuts · 9 months
personal thoughts about playing JP games in JP vs EN, a lot of weird thoughts that probably won't make sense to many
not a dig at localization or translation or anything, just a word vomit on how im perceiving things.
theres 2 main categories in my head when i play games made by japanese devs. Western Themed, and Eastern Themed.
for Western Theme, games like final fantasy (all of it), some/few entries of fire emblems, no more heroes, and elden ring all fall into this category.
for Eastern Theme, it's games like persona, shin megami tensei, sekiro, sengoku basara, tales of series and RGG games
in my head, games in the Western Themed box are games i find far more enjoyable in english localization or dub, and actually find some of the japanese script to be kind of off putting. the Eastern Theme would be the opposite, games that are far more enjoyable in full JP than EN.
learning japanese has done quite a bit to my brain and the more i learn the more i think, "@_@ oh god im in a weird place where people won't understand me help"
because see, if i try to explain, it becomes weird and very subjective. and one of the main factor is that language is kind of intrinsically tied to culture in my head, which, :v
trying to type it down to explain anyway:
as an example, calling people by titles such as "Lord", "Sir", "Madame", "Knight", works far better for a Western themed game than an Eastern one. like, yes, that makes sense if i think about it, historically and even right now, those terms instantly spring up the images of a medieval knight and societal system in stone castles. cool beans.
but we don't use the word knight for Samurais. this is a whole other thing referring to the Japanese class of people wandering around with swords serving their feudal lords.
and in JP, it works the same. Kishi is used for Knights rather than the word samurai. for Lords, 卿(kyou) is used for English lords, and 殿(tono) is used for JP lords. but the japanese pronouns are still there, with some of the roots just reminding me of how a stereotype in JP media would speak. the -sama suffix is the same, and other words like -chan or anime/japanese rooted verbal tics can totally get in there, pulling me out of the immersion.
its like running face first into "Tis but a flesh wound" in the script - you know that specific root is in monty python, a fully ENGLISH bit. a good example of JP would be running into a cat who says "wagahai wa neko de aru", refering to nastume soseki's book I Am A Cat.
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especially in the case of Final Fantasy. with very few exceptions like 7, a lot of them fit better wtih an EN script bc of how much western themed theatrics and setting is packed in there.
as an example, i think i prefer seifer in ff8 for example going "One of these days, I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!" like a dumbass jock over "itsuka kikasete yarusa! ore no ro~~~~~mantikku na yume wo na!" like a dumbass JP highscooler (which he kind of is, but still not a dipshit jock)
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so its really the little things like that. subs not dubs doesnt work for me anymore, im in a very strange place, kupo.
another thing is really, just... the tropes. the deep disconnect between how people behave irl and how anime thinks people behave irl. kind of like how Hayao Miyazaki puts it in 2014,
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so, learning Japanese has actually done a weird bit where it's caused me to actually fully understand the JP, meaning when i pick up on the script getting off putting, it gets off-putting.
when people usually go "subs not dubs", its voiced from a sense that the JP voice is better than EN. but as the years go by this isn't really true anymore, some dubs can have serious quality that's unthinkable back in 2010 ffs. i think this is largely bc anglo-speaking audience do not understand JP, and so builds an imagination between the sub and the tone of the voice acting to carry the work.
but just like old ps1 horror games, that imagination is doing a good bulk of elbow greasing.
to explain:
there are times when JP writers puts in an objectively anime trope or thing. especially in the case of FE, where sometimes that it becomes 'ew' to people who aren't hardcore anime nerds. im talking things like the whole big booba onee-chan Camilla and the kawaii imouto/otouto Sakura and Takumi tropes thats kinda there in FE Fates. and the JP version of Anna's S support in Engage and the weird undertones thats going there.
masking it with subs can cause the audience to kind of brush it off as "aaah those silly japanese" or "ok this is just an anime trope". i mean, hell, check some discourse from people who yell about how this is censorship essentially defending it from what is effectively lolicon tropes and it's just. :v
and thats the thing. once that localization or sub barrier is removed, once im hearing actual JP and past any subconscious filter, i fully see the scene in its original form. i would then have a reaction exactly like hayao miyazaki.
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having that ignorance kind of protects an audience from just how deep the writers ouroborous'd themselves into the nerd sphere. i kind of wish i had that sometimes. the creep vibes in some original JP scripts makes me want to crawl out of my skin, and there is no way i can explain this to an audience without first sounding like im disparaging the original work, shitting on the writers, and bringing in my personal bias into the conversation.
which, yeah i guess it kind of is. but man. if elden ring can commit to their bit with anime tropes used in a good/interesting/subtle way, then so can every one else.
when i started learning JP to play JP games never to see the light of localization, this was not the experience i expected, tbh.
so in summary, im totally disillusioned to the idea of Original = Best, Localization = Censorship at this point. that rose colored glasses are hanging on by a thread now. kind of wondering what other stuff i'll run into but it's been a real interesting journey that i totally get if people wont understand.
loneliness and language learning goes hand in hand lol
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knightfeared · 9 months
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𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘, 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑, 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐀𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 — 𝐇𝐄'𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐅 𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄. Maybe it's the bloodloss speaking, maybe it's a mixture of the pain making him babble aimlessly in an effort to focus on something else — anything else, it's manifesting as grim questions tossed the other swordsman's way. He can't say for certain. One thing he is sure of, is for the first time in a long while, he's terrified.
He knows it shows on his bloodied features, cast in splatters of cherry-hued scarlet, deathly pale skin the colour of sun-bleached bone. Squall's eyes are wide, his pupils unfocused, mirror-light eyes catching & holding tight on the space he thinks Seifer's are, lingering pleadingly as if his word alone could fix him, negate any of this & chase the reaper away. The thing that scares him the most is how familiar this all feels, that building panic that makes his heart drum away, beating so ferociously against his ribs like an imprisoned inmate. He can't reason it away, no form of internal logic soothes it down, & all he can do is tremble in place with chilled fingers & try to ignore the spiking chill that kisses at the nape of his neck like ice.
He's died before. This feels close to it — he isn't sure he can do it again. If he can come back a second time.
He clamps his jaw shut tight, teeth making a sharp sound in the strained tension of the infirmary room, as he curls his fingers restlessly in the blonde's hold. Squall's grip tightens when rustling is heard, muffled voices coming in closer, cutting through the small protective bubble of privacy with an urgency that makes his stomach sink.
He isn't sure if he babbles out that he's dying out loud, but the almost hysteric bark of wet laughter makes his chest ache.
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*CONTINUED. 📨 ➤   @reveromantique  [ ; ] I am thwacking u back with pain happy Monday 💀
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skaylanphear · 2 months
Final Fantasy VIII: Reclamation
Summary: Squall Leonhart has known only one thing all his life—that he was born and raised to be a SeeD. But being an elite mercenary is no easy task. Having grown up sheltered beneath Balamb Garden’s ring, he soon finds himself scrambling to stay alive after his first real mission thrusts him and his teammates onto the political stage in a bad way. Forced to head out into the dangerous, unforgiving wilds or face execution, they find themselves unraveling the ancient mysteries of their world, all while another sorceress war looms on the horizon. Haunted by strange, unexplainable dreams about a man he doesn’t know, and bound to the might of the crystals by abilities he can’t explain, Squall finds himself walking blindly into an uncertain future, even as he’s assured that “fate” guides his every step.
Yet, as circumstances grow murkier, Squall can’t help feeling that everyone else knows more about everything—including himself—than he does, and that he’s nothing more than a pawn in a game he doesn’t know how to play.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Eye for an Eye, Scar for a Scar
"C'mon, Squall." Stepping back, Seifer held his blade aloft and grinned. "Don't disappoint me now."
The same taunt as always, as if disappointment were expected. As usual, Seifer made a habit of needling emotional reactions out of his opponents. Or trying to, though his efforts were generally wasted on Squall.
"Unless you're scared," Seifer added.
Strictly speaking, they weren't allowed to use their real weapons when training one-on-one. Yet, neither Squall nor Seifer had much abided by that policy. They were deep enough in the training center that no one was likely to see them, surrounded by a steep hedge of boulders and masked by the heavy rain. It poured continually, soaking them through and leaving a glossy sheen in its wake.
Straight-faced and unbothered, Squall said nothing, glancing only quickly down at his practice sword before tossing it aside. It clattered, sliding through the mud and thwacking against a bordering rock.
He then reached out and, gripping his real sword by the handle, pulled it from where Seifer had impaled it in the ground. He must have swiped both their weapons from the armory before they'd met up—no one would have stopped him. Not because someone wouldn't have been manning the station, but because Seifer and Squall often trained together against the school's collection of carefully curated monsters, where weapons were allowed.
As the only two gunblade wielders in the school, most of the other students didn't bother questioning their outings, or even see any suspicion in Seifer checking out someone else's gunblade, clearly. Though doing so wasn't permitted, he'd succeeded, the fact that he was head of the disciplinary committee likely assisting. Harder to get in trouble if he was the one doling out punishments.
"Let's dance then," Seifer said lastly.
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wingsyouburn · 7 months
Tagged by @accidentallylita - thank you! :D
How many works do you have on AO3? 93
What's your total AO3 word count? 296,837
What fandoms do you write for? Final Fantasy (usually VI, VII, VIII, X), The Mummy, Power Rangers, some MCU in the past, random Yuletide stuff
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Angel of Mine (MCU, Steve/Bucky/OC, Angels AU)
My Little Dorito (MCU, Steve/Darcy)
Arabian Nights (The Mummy, Rick/Evy/Ardeth)
Beyond the Stars and Stripes (MCU, Steve/Darcy)
With These Hungry Eyes (MCU, Steve/OC)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, but sometimes it takes me a while because I see it come in and I'm like !!!!! yes let's answer our friend in our computer and then I forget, I'm sorry!!!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably House In The Trees; you'll find I'm not your angst writer.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of them, take your pick lol Let's go with You Reflect Me (I Love That About You).
Do you get hate on fics? I have in the past. Y'all, just hit the back button and shut the fuck up.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yup. :D The kind that might make you blush if you read it in front of other people.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? If the thought strikes, so not often. I have my FFIV/FFX crossover series that starts with Left Your Mark On Me, that's probably the craziest.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Thankfully no.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I was co-writing a novel with a friend for a while.
What's your all-time favorite ship? For what fandom? Please be specific.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Angel of Mine is on permanent hiatus, which sucks because I probably have another 30k written that won't get posted.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and character.
What are your writing weaknesses? Descriptions. I come from a journalism background and I'm always trying to expand on things, because my natural style is to be short and sweet.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Generally speaking, I would put those words in italics rather than actually write in another language that I don't personally speak. And since my Spanish is pretty fucking terrible, I'll stick with a few common phrases, thanks.
First fandom you wrote for? Posted? Highlander: The Series. Before that, it was Dark Shadows (the original 1960s gothic soap opera).
Favorite fic you've ever written? This answer will probably change over the years but currently it's Upon My End Shall I Begin, the Seifer redemption fic I always wanted to write.
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syciaralynx · 14 days
20 questions for fanfic writers!
Was tagged by my beloved @hot-flippin-mess!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
23! not a whole lot-
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
360,386, imma wordy bitch 😎
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Zukka, AFTG, TRC, and i have in the past written for FF7/8 and Gundam Seed
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Replay: Not surprising! One of my oldest/longest fics 🥰
Blood in the Wine: Also not surprising, this one is a DOOZY
Cast Your Heart In Bronze: I didn't think this one would be so high, but I aint mad about it.
Lucky Stars: For a pairing that only has 1100 works!!?!?! Y'ALL ARE STARVING FOR THEM HUH.
It's a Wonderful Night (to get dicked down double time): FUCKIN LMAO YOU HORNY LITTLE FUCKS (ily so mcuh)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep, always!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really write angsty endings??? I suppose Cinder is probably my most... brittle one. Also C'mon Baby Go and Set Me Ablaze, but that still has a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
THEY ALL HAVE HAPPY ENDINGS. Idk probably the dragon verse? or arkterra? Or my current Softka works.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so much hate as some ODD comments and bookmark tags, but nothing terrible.
9. Do you write smut?
What is a pebis
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, not my speed.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I believe Lucky is currently getting translated into Russian?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, but i love chatting in discord servers and throwing some spaghetti at the wall to get the juices flowing. Collaborative help.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR IT ALL. Zukka. Jerejean. Andreil. SnowBaz. Pynch. Destiel. Sterek. SPIRK. I could go on.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ohhh Card Trick. I really want to go back to it and rewrite the current chapters before continuing and it is just a LOT of work.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm. I think im good at describing emotions, character reactions to situations. I also think I'm pretty funny.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't think I write very good villains/anti-forces for my big fics. [though I've gotten better for BITW i think]
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I do it from time to time! I do speak a couple, or i take a gamble in google lmao
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Omg either Gundam Seed or FF8. I think it was a Squall/Seifer
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Blood in the Wine I think is the best writing I've ever done, but I have a REAL soft spot for Arkterra.
I taaaaag: WHOEVER WANTS TO!! Most of my mutuals have been tagged already, but feel free to grab it and do it if you want!
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astrumocs · 5 months
i give you a butterscotch candy :)
also yes! she's kinda been hiding out in the woods keeping low trying to search for you, i heard it's near this one village that's pretty out of the way, but she's safe! she seemed really worried about you but happy you're alive <:3c
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"That is a relief to hear. I.. I knew she was resilient, I should not have worried so much... and the woods make much more sense with her background, as well."
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"I wouldn't know what village to start looking for her in, but I will find her. And y-yes, please tell her not to worry, I am alright."
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ofmoonlily · 10 months
❝ Pick spot. Shut up. Wait. ❞ bold words, coming from a guy incapable of any of those things. -reveromantique
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[Sentence Starters] Final Fantasy X | Accepting | @reveromantique
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The mage shoots an intimidating glare at the swordsman.
Wakka rubs the back of his neck. He was going to pretend he didn't hear or see Seifer's lips fix to speak those words in a hallowed place.
Lulu sighs, rubbing her forehead with a faint shake of her head. "In a temple, no less..." she murmurs. Although, she knew Seifer's curt conversation was directed at Tidus, as the blitzer couldn't keep himself from pacing around, grumbling, and waiting for Yuna to acquire the aeon.
"Uhh...so Seifer, you got any fayth where you come from? Fiends?" Tidus just had to ask. The man did not exactly share much about the place from which he hailed.
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suleikashideaway · 6 months
Hello!! I'm interested to see what you choose!! 👀
Oooohhhh yayyyy thank you for the ask!!!! I tried not to take too many hours to select an excerpt to send out into the universe lol
I figured I'd share a teeny snippet from a scene you haven't beta-ed yet!! Eeek!!!
This is from chapter 14 of Time Will Tell. (Well, very likely chapter 14. I'm pretty sure I'm going to cut an earlier chapter in half!) Squall and Quistis have been tasked with coordinating an international summit, and this is their final brief with each other the morning of the big event.
Quistis finally arrived, breaking Squall from his uncomfortable thoughts. She had a pinched look on her face, though she looked very well put together with her formal SeeD outfit, clipboard, and paper coffee cup. "Don't freak out," she said as she slid in the seat across from him.  “What a great start to the day, Quistis,” he said. She pursed her lips together with a look that said it’s not my fault. "Laguna called me last night and said he wanted to make some informal remarks at the opening, in addition to what we all agreed on. He said he had some big, thoughtful things he wants to share before we get started on the official agenda. Something about ‘speaking from the heart’ and ‘clearing the air.’ I personally think he wants to butter everyone up before he announces how Seifer and Edea are getting away with zero punishment.” "Fuck my life," Squall said. "Yeah, I know,” she agreed, then took a large sip of her coffee. “He said he wanted to encourage us all – everyone running this thing, that is – to have a chance to speak from the heart if we want to.” "Hyne,” Squall said. “What is wrong with him?” "I reminded him that SeeDs don't have hearts." Quistis gave him a shameless little smile. 
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irishais · 1 year
Muse A reaches in Muse B’s direction, just to offer them something, and Muse B flinches. They are both taken by surprise. - Squall and Seifer
Afterward, there are celebrations, parties, a whirlwind of events that the freshly-minted Commander of Balamb Garden couldn't escape even if he wanted to.
And, god, he wants to.
Which is why he's here, sitting on the furthest dock that he could get to without a boat of his own, in the dark, watching the party go on without him. Fireworks, music-- he can participate in it all from here, without having to actually participate. Or dance.
He's very tired of dancing.
"Well, well." A masculine voice, drawing every syllable in those two words out far enough to hurt. Heavy footsteps follow, setting the dock to tremble slightly.
Squall sighs, because of course nothing peaceful can last, and looks back over his shoulder. He's expecting anyone else-- Irvine, Zell. Nida, even.
He gets Seifer goddamned Almasy instead, standing there holding a six-pack of beer and a pizza that's already greasing through its thin white paper box, standing in the ray of moon like it's a spotlight just for him.
"Could it be? Commander Leonhart, in the flesh?" A grin, and his title rankles in Seifer's mouth, like something sour.
Squall sighs again, and shakes his head, moving to get to his feet. "I was just leaving."
"Nah, it's fine. Sit down." Seifer does just that, too, gracefully without trying, and drops the box of pizza between them, ripping one of the beers out of its plastic prison. "You playing hooky?"
He lets himself lower back down, hesitantly, and shrugs. Something in the water splashes-- he squints, trying to see, and can't.
"A man of many words. As always."
"Shut up."
Seifer snorts, sips his beer. "I see we're trying complex insults now."
Seifer hasn't offered, and Squall doesn't ask, just takes one of the cans for himself. It's cold, sweaty, probably from the gas station up the road where they don't ask for ID. It's also sour and too hoppy for his tastes; he grimaces and keeps drinking.
"What are you doing out here, anyway?"
It's Seifer's turn to shrug, an expansive motion. "I didn't get an invitation to the party." Obviously. It doesn't have to be said-- he can read between the lines.
"Yeah, well. Next time, don't start an international incident, and I'll get you on the guest list."
It's probably too early to joke about it, but Seifer laughs anyway, far too pleased to be genuine.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Silence follows, but it's not weird-- not companionable, but not weird. Which is interesting, considering that six months ago, they had been actively trying to kill each other. The first cans are empty faster than either of them probably expect; the pizza follows, and Squall doesn't realize how hungry he is until two slices vanish down his throat.
He pulls a couple more beers out of the rings, since it seems like fair game now, and reaches out to hand one to Seifer-- he jolts, like he's been startled (or shocked, Squall can't help but thinking.)
Both of them stay still for a moment, and he sets the can down on the weathered wood instead. Seifer waits until Squall's hand pulls back before he takes it, pops the tab, drinks.
"You good?" He regrets saying anything the second he does, but call it morbid curiosity. He's got a title, an office, more money than he'll ever be able to do anything with. Trauma. Sleepless nights. A sorceress girlfriend on a train back to Timber as they speak.
Seifer had gotten several months in the local prison, cooling his heels while Garden tried to figure out what to do with him. Trauma. A torn-apart knighting and a report in his file about maiming several inmates during his stay.
(It's why Garden took him back, keeps him on a short leash doing clean up work for basically no pay.)
Seifer stares at him like he's just spoken a different language, or grown an extra head; for a second, Squall thinks he might just shove him in the ocean for asking.
"--Yeah. I mean, this is bullshit," gesturing to his back, where there's a tiny scar and a tracking implant embedded deep, "but I mean... Better than being locked up."
A shrug. They're going to be fluent in shrugs by the end of this.
"What about you?"
He has to think about it, but eventually nods. Resists the urge to shrug again. Fails.
"Yeah. If you need anything..."
"I'll be fine, Leonhart."
They drink. Across the water, above the blue glow of Garden, fireworks explode.
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kingofcards · 6 months
❛  here, you can have my scarf.  ❜ -reveromantique
@reveromantique | Cold |
They were in Trabia again. Though this time not at Garden, and not even for a SeeD or Garden related reason. No, Quistis had decided she wanted to see what remained of her home town. She had even dressed for it, knowing it would likely be freezing. On the way into town however, some gigantic Snow Lion had blocked the way, and using her fire breath attack she had somehow singed her scarf and jacket. While the scarf was a lost cause she had been able to put her coat out. She was just colder now.
And while she hadn't forgotten about Seifer's presence, as it had been mostly him and his gunblade taking care of monsters since they'd parked the Ragnarok a good distance away so as not to scare any remaining people. But him speaking after the trudging silence after her trying to burn herself, startled her. She may or may not have tripped a bit and pretended there had been a hole or something in the snow.
She turned to face him and found his very snuggly looking scarf being held out to her. "I... thank you." She took it and wrapped it around her neck, enjoying the retained heat it had from his own body. "I can probably get a new one when we get there."
Not that she hadn't had thoughts about taking his scarf the moment he'd shown up in it, it was far better than the one she'd had anyway. But still, she didn't want to steal it for real. And even if the town didn't have anything like that, she could get a new one upon returning to Garden.
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