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oh totes forgot to post this kinda cringe so
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brokerkisser · 5 months
huhhh.. oh man.. how'd that happen. :-/ oh and vivianite (me) :-)
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emerald-onion · 11 months
If those requests are still open, can I suggest something with Ink, Error, and the Reader/SelfInsert QPR (or just Ink and Error QPR if an x Reader isn’t your fancy!) Any sort of trope or prompt you want to go with it :]
(You don't specify which genre you want so I'm going to go ham with this. >:))
"Ink, that is enough sugar- Error, stay the fuck away from the chocolate chips!"
Error, your best friend, one of the strongest Sanses, and the Destroyer of AUs, hisses like a feral kitten, scuttering away in order to escape your attempt at swatting him with a spatula. You sigh, rubbing your temple. Why did you subject yourself to this hellhole again?
Oh right, because you wanted to make cookies with your friends. A horrible decision, really.
With another sigh, you turn around, only to feel a part of you shrivel up and die when you see Ink dumps an entire carton of eggs into the batter. Shells included.
"Ink," you whisper, unable to help the desperation slipping into your voice. "Just... Why?"
"I'm helping!" Is their reply, but the smile on their face tells you they know exactly what they're doing. And what they're doing is driving you insane.
Calm down, (Y/N). You can't strangle your best friend. You can't.
Maybe... Maybe you can still salvage this. You just need to take out the eggshells, and then... make a bigger batch? Yes, a bigger batch sounds nice. Even more cookies to eat. Think about the cookies, (Y/N).
"Let me bake it!" Ink exclaims, unaware of your growing horror.
But it's too late. Ink has already put the very volatile, very flammable bowl inside the microwave.
The microwave, of course, explodes.
Standing in front of your burning house, once again, you wonder what madness had driven you to befriend the most chaotic people in this Multiverse. Error, at least, has the decency to look ashamed. And Ink? Ink just scoops the charcoal remains of what couldn't even be called cookies and stuffs them into their mouth.
"Hey, this isn't half-bad!" They comment with a bright smile.
"Next time," you growl. "Don't ever let me enter a kitchen with you two ever again."
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universalcas · 1 year
Not giving a single fuck about where this show is going, i'm just here to support actor man so obsessed with his own character that he's writing his own selfinsert show like he's 13 yo again and he just started posting his own LOTR fanfic in fanfiction dot net where he's another member of the Fellowship ready to start a romance with Legolas
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exp123mon · 9 months
more frontier ep thoughts below
05 - Thunder Power that Shakes the Ground - Blitzmon! -OH MY GOD KOKUWAMON IS SO CUTE I know it existed but I've never really seen it outside of static art and stuff and OMG THEY'RE SO CUTE I LOVE THEM (I actually went on Wikimon once and click "random page" until I got a Child/Rookie Digimon and figured I would consider that one my partner if I ever made a selfinsert/tamersona/whatever and it ended up being Kokuwamon now I'm thinking I should have KOKUWAMOOOOOON aaaaaaaah sorry random ToyAgumon I dreamed about a few weeks back, you've been replaced lol) -"They enslave us because our bodies produce something they need but can't produce and they exploit us constantly by keeping us afraid." holy fucking SHIT I love when kids anime just throws in something SO FUCKING HARD like that like jesus christ lol -it's nice seeing Snimon represented as like a sapient enemy rather than just a wild monster like it usually seems to be (same with Kuwagamon… doomed to forever be the mindess mook 'mon) -love that Junpei's response to evolving is to skip around and fist pump the air "YEAH I FINALLY DID IT! I EVOLVED!" haha -all the kids now have evolutions and some mysterious voice seems intrigued by this OOOOOOOOOOH
06 - The Five Legendary Warriors Vs. A New Warrior -Koji has travelled to the mountains train in the art of Hamon--I mean uh anyway nice to see he immediately tries to help the KaratsukiNumemon. I appreciate that he's not being presented as cold or uncaring just because he's working alone. I would like to get to see more of him now though. -ALSO KARATSUKINUMEMON. (Which I only knew as ShellNumemon before this) Honestly one of the best parts of watching Frontier so far is seeing all the Digimon I know exist but have never seen in the anime (or even games for the most part) before. -Bokomon literally has a pocket dimension in his little waistband thing but DOESN'T carry any cash lol -Love the idea of the vertical village for the Numemon, that's clever -So it's GROTTOMON. He has a pretty nice design, it's really distinctive and quite unusual for a Digimon. -Koji saying Takuya is in his way when he's trying to aim at Grottomon was nice. He's been working alone so far and Takuya's only been with the group so they're not used to one another's tactics or fighting styles. Like, it's not even Takuya being RECKLESS here, they're literally just not familiar enough with one another to work well. It felt organic. -SLIDE evolution, you say?? Then the episode ends with… the villain victorious and the kids split up! Definitely a nice hook and cliffhanger combo after the standard intro and "everybody getting their first spirits" episodes. Gotta say I am INTO this so far. It's shaping up to be real good.
07 - The Floating City! ToyAgumon's Toy Country -Open the episode with Takuya, Tomoki and Koji landing in… a giant ball pit. Which is on a floating island, being propped up on an airship, Inside are ToyAgumon who want to… go to the human world to get revenge on kids. That's certainly one way to open an episode. -Bruh Monzaemon just straight up CHARGING Takuya then tossing him to the ground had me laughing so hard -Aww the ToyAgumon are sad that kids won't play with them anymore :( that definitely doesn't make my comment above feel even more shameful lol -Pandamon is cute. It feels so redundant to say (every other Digimon is cute…) but again I've never seen a lot of these Digimon actually moving and stuff before. it fun -The ToyAgumon becoming a tank and robots was pretty apt and fun, especially given they're based on Non-Branded Connecting Toy Blocks(TM) -Oh hey the boys are learning cooperation -omg the ending, the punching noises as Takuya and Koji run up the tower for Tomoki but he's just playing a game once again that gave me a chuckle hahah I am enjoying the humour in this series by and large
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dracwife · 2 years
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hi im dex and i can be your funnyguy mutual. unfortunately i like ncis in 2022 but dont worry its not even the worst thing im into because i also unironically play league of legends and call of duty and like quantum leap and house md in current year too. i talk a lot about my selfinserts and make incomprehensible posts about them. sorry
i have lots of f/os and a lot of them are ugly old men. i have been known to make art and but im mostly known for my funny relatable meme posts.
anyways if u follow me i can be your "why did i follow them again" mutual whos in my just some fucking guy phase :^]
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dunetevenn · 8 months
Me at 12yo watching one of my favorite movie "Monster Mash" (2000): Hehe I love Drac so much ❤️❤️❤️
Me now at 22 who found the movie again after years without seeing it: Aw I love this movie. And Drac is still kinda hot... ...Oh for fuck's sake-
Seriously I've been re-watching this movie almost every day since like almost a week now. I'm back in a phase. And now I have a self insert for the movie who's got a platonic relationship with Drac and an AU where my selfinsert and Drac are in a stupid forbidden relationship
Well I don't really have a big crush on him now, it's more nostalgic, but fuck he still doesn't let me indifferent
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
don't look, its a 3 am observation my mind noticed before i fell asleep that i drafted in a cold sweat.
time to make a hot observation take ive noticed in every corner of dw: 'any ship that isnt doctorrose is inferior because ours is canon! we won!' so was doctorromana and doctorcharley and doctorriver but then i see how yall blantly ignore how and thoschei and doctordonna outlived them both because the doctor treats them more of a romance than the literal romantic interests yall shove at them that rivals the same energy as the evil stepmother cutting off the toes and heels of her children to fit in the glass shoe. the shoe wont stop the bleeding and at this point i dont think billie is gonna return as rose.
i think from the moves she making outside of dw, she gonna comeback as villainess the rani and yall are gonna get pissy because 'if it aint the typecast then dont come back.' dont act like i aint witness the same people that was happy billie was back turned right back around to insulting her voice because she wasnt playing rose like they been waiting to for her to do and automatically go 'oh its rose its just xyz' like genderless entity simply known as girl, if thats rose then rose got reduced to an atomic bomb as a little kitchy box you can buy at hobby lobby on tv as an anniversary event and i know damn well at that point - you don't want rose back. you want your yt self insert back. because those same people would then hate thasmin, hate the concept of doctormartha, hate anyone outside of that paring because doctorrose canon. doctorrose aint canon because the alien left her behind FOUR TO THREE times FOUR TO THREE TIMES. THEY MADE US CRY ABOUT HIM LEAVING HER BEHIND FOUR TO THREE TIMES.
bad wolf/parting of ways like sir you still left and your plan was to leave her anyway because thats your damn emergency protocol: make sure to leave rose behind, GIRL IN THE FIREPLACE like he was just flirting AND GETTIN DRUNK LIKE HE LEFT HER BWHIND AND WAS FULL READY TO JUST SET SHOP IN PARIS WITH NO TARDIS JUST LIKE HIS THIRD AND 8TH SELF HE WAS GONNA LEAVE HER BEHIND. FULL STOP, doomsday because lets be real the doctor has broken through the rift for less than that more than once in his past - he chose not to do it again because she said 'so?' after hearing what was gonna happen. his choice, AND THEN JOURNEYS END HE CHOSE TO SAY DOES IT NEED SAYING.
like thats not a win, that doesnt scream canon. that screams - aw one of the john smiths finally got to be with his dream journal mystery girl and i the alien get to keep traveling and never confess my love and marry anyone and everyone else but that specific yt girl that everyone and their great great grandma selfinsert to make them feel better enough to ignore that the very ship they heralded legitmately robbed a whole year of earthwide torment had 10 not played that hot and cold flirting bullshit to martha A WEEK? after losing rose wheee.
yall tend to fly extremely fast to hate river the second lets kill hitler dropped because as soon as that dropped, yall really got louder in hating river more the second after the reveal that amy and rory's black friend was river song/their kid. like now its died down but whew. yall didnt like that and at the point where all of yall were at the cusp of warming up to liking her because it beats literally anyone else from returning to reprise a former role.
like the writing was messy but yall attitudes shifted to rivaling the oil in the ocean as soon as yall learned her prev face was black.
i dont like the animosity you have towards rose. girl rose tyler is so bland the whole fandom took one glance at hannah baxter: professional sex worker named belle du jour from sdoacg and went: thats our rose tyler now and made the literal rose marion tyler a barbie fashionista collectible to say they were there that day when it dropped. like its not my fault yall got a hivemind when it comes to rose that your go to is [any billie piper character > rose tyler] × the doctor.
sorry. im sorry that yall got lulled into systematic microaggresive racism that made the best of yall the worst simply because the ppl that acting as ur favs are cutie patooties. but im not sorry for noticing in silence as a poc 👽 over the years and writing this out
anyway if billie is coming back on dw on screen, let her come back as the rani. i miss the rani and by what ive seen in i hate suzie, rare beasts, beast, eternal beauty, city of tiny lights, collateral, playhouse presents: foxtrot, true love: holly, penny dreadful, sdoacg, catherine called birdy - billie has the fucking range to be literally not rose tyler again. let rose and tentoo and mia chill in their house that i swear i swear i promise its their tardis i deadass think thats their tardis given what we've seen in journey to centre of the tardis and literally the master's tardis in spyfall that was also a fucking house which just shows how vast and possible it would be for that to be the case. let the house we saw them in flashbacks in the empire of the wolf comic be their tardis please please please please please.
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tmnt-veelicious · 6 years
Across the Stars - Ch.4
Fweehhh, next chapters will be much more interesting in my opinion :’D Fortune Cookie Leo™ is my favorite thing ever, protect dah bab~ First Chapter --> HERE Previous Chapter --> HERE Next Chapter --> HERE
At least once a month, Vee and April had agreed to have a good brunch together, always going to the same small café, taking their time to speak and take things slow. It was a good way to wind up and get away from reality, making point on different parts of their lives. ''Sooooo, you've been spending a lot of time at the lair.'' Vee kept her eyes on April as she kept drinking her coffee, knowing what was coming. ''What's your thoughts on the boys?'' asked the brunette with a smirk. ''Damn, why does this feels like some highschool gossip,'' lightly laughed Vee. ''Oh come on,'' teased the reporter. ''I just want to know what's your view of them. All I've got are Vern and Casey's opinions, which mostly consists of 'I dunnos'.'' The artist sighed, mindlessly tossing a strawberry around with a fork on her plate, thinking. ''Well, I dunno! Leo is hard to understand in my opinion. Some days he's smiling and others he looks stern, but overall he seems nice. Mikey is a real sweetheart and he always brings a smile on my face. … Raph is scary and impressive as shit but he seems to have a good heart...'' Her thoughts trailed off, trying to find the right words for Donatello. ''Donnie is … man, he's just like me. I like spending time with him and it's so easy to talk to him. It's hard to describe.'' ''Do you see yourself in a relationship with him?'' Vee almost spat her drink at that new question. She frowned as April was amused, clearly enjoying the artist's reaction. ''Why would you ask that?'' finally asked Vee. ''Well, you two spend a lot of time together, I don't see why not.'' ''He's a mutant, April,'' hushed Vee through gritted teeth. ''So?'' They stared eachothers, April unphazed and Vee at loss. ''… Hey, yeah, of course, I'll just get to my parents one day and be like: 'Mom, dad, here's a tall turtle dude I'm dating. He's a ninja and he kicks butt. New York is full of surprises, heh?' '' April was already laughing, but Vee tried to keep her cool. ''I appreciate the thought,'' she continued. ''But I don't see how this could work. … At least, not now. He probably doesn't even feel the same.'' ''Are you kidding me?'' added April with a smile. ''You should see the way he looks at you. … Vee, for the years I've known him, there's definitely something going on.'' ''I prefer not to get high hopes about this. … I'll let time take its course and see where it leads. … I don't see why everybody's getting excited over this, damn.'' '''Cause you'd both obviously be the most perfect nerdy couple, duh,'' joked April. ''Oh shut up,'' snickered Vee, slightly blushing. She couldn't deny all what the reporter was saying, but the overall thought somehow felt foreign to her. He was so different, mostly physically, and she couldn't help thinking how that made things most interesting. Maybe she did start developping feelings for him over the last few months, but she always thought of it as a crush and nothing more. Could things be taken a step further? Maybe. But the situation was far more delicate than if it was about a human man... She prefered to keep the thought at bay for now, preferring to focus on the friendship she had with him so far. *** Halloween. Gosh, Vee had lost the count of chocolates she had already eaten. She looked at herself in the mirror, checking out her ninja costume. She could only see her glasses, eyes and her hands from the pitch black outfit, two fake katanas resting on her back. ''They're gonna laugh at me,'' she commented, hearing April approach. The reporter was wearing a witch costume, her hat comically too big. ''Nonsense! I'm sure they'll find it charming.'' ''Do you think I'd be able to sneak up on them?'' challenged Vee. The brunette showed a grin, obviously amused. ''Dude, if you're able to scare at least one of them, next brunch is on me.'' ''Deal!'' They heard a knock on the entry door, April answering to no one else than Casey, her boyfriend. The cop was wearing his infamous hockey mask, preferring to dress up as Jason from ''Friday the 13th''. How original. When he spotted Vee in her costume, he couldn't help his laughter, which was amplified when he learned about the plan. They soon made their way through the sewers, Vee starting to retreat when they got near, hiding in the shadows. She had no clue as to if she would succeed, knowing she was nothing compared to actual trained ninjas, but the thrill was amusing enough. She had a glimpse of April and Casey getting in, greeted by the turtles. The reporter simply stated that Vee would be late, having some last minute work to do. The artist couldn't help her smirk, continuing her path, squeezing around pipes and corners. She stumbled around the kitchen area, freezing when she crossed eyes with master Splinter who was making himself a cup of tea. She pleaded him to stay silent, bringing a finger to her hidden lips, the rat simply agreeing with a nod and a smile (and a part of him was also curious as to how things would unfold). She moved to some higher ground, on top of a large pipe that provided enough darkness. The timing had to be right and the brothers near enough for her to jump in and give them a good scare. Master Splinter had probably guess her plan, soon asking for his sons to come to him. Vee was feeling an adrenaline rush, all too excited for this ridiculous prank. She noticed April and Casey following, although keeping some distance, their eyes trying to find a clue as to where the other woman could be. Then it was time, the turtles so near. She jumped, falling straight before Leonardo, the leader letting out a yelp as he involuntarily threw a punch towards her, Splinter suddenly stepping in and stopping the fist. Everybody was suddenly silent, Vee's eyes big from surprise, but she suddenly started to laugh, joined by April and Casey. ''Oh my fucking god, I can't believe that worked!'' she said, soon snorting loudly. The turtles were confused, Leo mostly on edge, and then they realized who the ninja was, Vee pulling on the piece covering her mouth, revealing her entire face. ''Maybe one day I can become a ninja,'' she joked, her smile wide. ''What the hell, Vee!'' spat out Leo. ''For a second I thought you were an intruder.'' ''Yo chill bro,'' started Mikey, amused. ''It's Halloween time! You gotta admit that she got us good!'' The leader showed a sour face, soon conceeding. ''… Well, she has some talent, I have to admit.'' Vee took a victorious pose, next pointing to April. ''Next brunch is on you, I won the bet!'' *** ''A ninja, really?'' chuckled Donnie, standing with Vee in the kitchen, both preparing snacks for the horror movie marathon that was organized. ''And why not? At least I put the effort of getting a costume. You have nothing,'' replied Vee, her hand doing a karate motion, jokingly slapping the turtle's arm. ''Hum, I'm obviously dressed as a giant mutant turtle, that costume took time to assemble. Have some respect.'' Both laughed, Vee slapping him again. At some point she was starting to get hot, her costume covering her whole. She removed the hood on her head, her hair now flowing around, free. She did not notice the turtle who was now watching her as she expertedly whipped out a hair tie from around her wrist, rapidly bringing up her long hair into a messy bun. She finally looked up to Donnie, frowning in amusement as he seemed speechless. ''What? Has Donnie.exe stopped working? Is there a reboot button somewhere?'' He let out a snort, instantly blushing as he turned back to his occupation. ''I- I think you have nice hair,'' he mumbled. Vee sighed, grabbing two large bowls of popcorn. ''Heh, maybe, but they're a pain to care for and they heat up my head most of the time. I wish I was bald.'' ''Oh please don't say that,'' he commented, his arms full of candy bags and chips. ''We can trade,'' she added, her eyebrows doing an up and down motion. ''If it means I can look epic for once in my life, hell yeah!'' ''OI! We're hungry over here!'' called out Raph's voice. That was their cue, promptly moving towards the living room area, smiles never leaving their faces. Everbody was seated around the television, Donatello mentally cursing his brothers as he spotted how the couch was obviously left empty at some part for him and Vee to sit on. She didn't seem to mind though, her smile never fading, eyes glued on the screen, awaiting for the next scare in whichever movie they were watching. At some point she would just fall back, leaning against Donnie, quietly laughing and discussing with him about how some of the characters' decisions were absolutely pointless or stupid. But then she got scared, her body slightly jumping, but her hand involuntarily slapping against the mutant's leg, grasping near his knee. The clapping sound mixed with Donnie's yelp scared the others, Vee promptly removing her hand, apologizing profusely, hiding her blushing face into her hands as the group was laughing. She felt her body tilt, an arm around her shoulders as she was now closer to the tall turtle who was still chuckling at her reaction. A part of her felt ashamed but it was soon replaced by a warm feeling, her new proximity with the mutant somehow confirming her hypothesis. There was definitely something going on... *** (Vee): Do you think I should apologize to Leo for Halloween? I didn't want to scare him to the point of almost hitting me! (Donnie): If you want, but it's not necessary. People react differently to fear. (Vee): I guess so... I just don't want to get on his bad side, you know. (Donnie): Ah! The day that'll happen, you'll know it. Although I wouldn't let that happen... (Donnie): He may look severe, but that's only because he wants to be a good leader. … He respects you, I can assure you. Vee sighed, setting her phone down, her traits forming a frown. It has already been two days since that Halloween party down at the lair and she still couldn't help thinking about her prank. Yeah, it had been funny and all, but she couldn't erase Leo's expression from her thoughts. Maybe she was overthinking, like always, and she knew she had to act before it would get worse... Jumping out of bed, she got dressed in no time, promptly leaving the apartment. Walking down the sewers almost seemed normal these days, the odors hardly a hassle anymore. She had a firm step, never deciding to back, not even when she finally got to the lair, spotting the blue masked turtle seated in the middle of the common room, on that platform circled with candles and drapes. He was clearly meditating,  Vee then not wasting any more seconds as she stepped up, sat down and copied his position, not even showing an ounce of discomfort. Even with her eyes closed she could feel the turtle's eyes on her, but he resigned himself to say anything, simply sighing and getting back to his previous state. Strangely enough, he didn't feel like her presence was invasive. On the contrary, there was this strange feeling of calmness and warmth emanating from her, the experience somehow new to him. He was used to feeling nothing when meditating, the cold air around cleaning his mind … but now he felt comfortable. They stayed like this for almost half an hour, Leo finally moving, his voice soft and calm when he told Vee to stay where she was, returning some moment later with two tea cups. He handed one to the woman, his eyes always on her as she took a good sip, her overall state relaxed and at ease. ''… Do you meditate often?'' he dared to ask. ''Yes,'' replied Vee with a soft smile. ''Most of the time I do it alone.'' ''You have a nice energy,'' added Leo. ''I'm used to doing it alone too, but this time it was a nice, unexpected change.'' The human put her cup down, her green eyes now fixed in his blue ones. ''Yeah, sorry for just barging in … but I first came here because I wanted to apologize for scaring you on Halloween.'' Leo started to laugh, surprising Vee. ''I should be the one apologizing!'' he started. ''I almost hit you. It's a chance my father has some good reflexes or else you would unfortunately be showing a black eye.'' ''I guess so,'' said the woman with a smirk. ''The thing is, I acted without thinking and without knowing how any of you guys would react, and that was an error.'' The turtle lift his hand as a stopping motion. ''What happened in the past, stays in the past. Let this be a lesson for both of us. … Beside, I have to say that you had some impressive stealth skills.'' Vee shrugged with a grin: ''Heh, wearing all black helped!'' It was surprisingly easy to talk to Leo this time, meditation probably being a calm factor for him. Sitting down with him and sipping tea didn't feel awkward, a feelign of peace mostly floating around the two of them, having finally found a common ground. ''… Donnie told us about your anxiety,'' began the turtle after he finished his cup, his tone still calm. Vee sighed, unsure of how to reply to this. ''Now, I don't want you to be mad at him for telling,'' he continued. ''I wanted you to know that if you need it, you can come find me for meditation.'' That offer surprised the woman, her eyes suddenly back on Leo. ''Like I said, you have a nice energy, Vee. You need to focus on it and bring it out. … I know things can be overwhelming at times. You simply need to reach out and ground yourself to something good. I know Donnie wants to be there for you, and I'm not against it, but it's also important for you to focus on your own strenghts and get yourself out of harm's reach when no one is around.'' ''I understand, and I appreciate your concern,'' started Vee. ''I'm not someone who's usually reaching out to people for comfort, my battles being personal most of the time... But I guess I shouldn't be slapping away a helping hand when it's offered.'' ''The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,'' commented Leo, hands placed before him, his stature wise, as if reciting a mantra. Vee couldn't hide her snort, smiling widely: ''Oh dear, you really sounded like a fortune cookie there!''
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nek-ros · 2 years
it seems like this little horny corpus guy miiight be a self insert. no idea what makes me think that tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ive created a problem where i want to fuck my own ocs so much that they have the power to compell me to create joke characters to fuck them instead of drawing myself interacting with them
also i realize i could actually just do the same thing again with alix considering most of my horny posts are about him. submarine assistant selfinsert..
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1tarashka1 · 2 years
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!Warning! A bit gory (?) It's a selfinsert au with me and my animatronic OC (little hermit crab looking thingy). Also Michael here is not dead and started working at Pizzaplex to find his father and try to kill him (and propably himself) again. Ennard here just beause why not. Translation: (from left to right) 1: Crosshead screwdriver 2: Thats not it 3: Nope    That doesn't even look like a screwdriver 4: What have you been looking at all this time? 5: Ennard for fuck's sake
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dangan-meme-palace · 3 years
You mentioned writing a fanfic with a selfinsert i think? Do you mind sharing more about it? Im curious to learn more.
Ah what I was talking abt yesterday abt working on my OCs was my Overlord OCs, something I've been really into as of late.
But here's a ramble about my DR self insert anyways because I finally have the plot down.
My DR SI is the Ultimate Media Critic who basically fucked up Season 52 at the last minute on purpose (for Rantaro's sake) and got everyone executed, including herself, but she was spared because the audience liked her for it, and so TDR shoved her in V3 with a new talent: The Ultimate Online Investigator.
Keeping old cast members– barring the MM– alive pisses fans off because that takes away time spent with the new cast for people they already know, so TDR tried to get her killed. Specifically Monokuma shoved her down the fucking stairs by the library (to make it look like a double murder and make the investigation harder) and was gonna play it off like she tripped.
She lived though, and got her old memories from the last game back. Just in time to discover the dead body of the person she was willing to sacrifice everything for. Great, everyone last season died for nothing and she's the one who killed them :')
She spends V3 secretly keeping an eye on Tsumugi under the guise of being sewing/cosplay/RP friends; becoming friends with (ugh) workout trio to keep herself relevant; making genuine friends with Miu, Kiibo and Gonta; and secretly helping Kokichi/keeping him company because she realizes how smart he is and is hoping that he'll be able to help her escape the killing games somehow because while she figured out that DR was a story, she wasn't smart enough to escape.
She also spends her time fucking with the audience with lowkey meta commentary that the rest of the V3 cast doesn't understand. She calls everyone characters, and when something happens she'll mention the plot, etc. The V3 cast thinks it's just a quirk of hers because she "RPs" with Tsumugi, but she's directly referring to how they're in a story of some sort and how there's an audience watching them.
She tries to blend in and secure her place within the V3 cast (because if she doesn't make herself neccessary to the plot TDR will try to kill her again) by using her talent as the Ultimate Media Critic to figure out what's going to happen ahead of time and either get involved with it or solve it (since when she got her old memories and talent back, she lost her new ones so she has to pretend to be an investigator when she's not in order to keep up her act.)
Her hunches usually end up being right since she IS the Ultimate Media Critic afterall, of course she would be able guess the plot of V3 when it's written so badly lol.
Chapter 5 she finally loses it and distances herself from everyone because she can't stand them and how they aren't even close to finding a way out of the game loop and not only that but they're ganging up on the only person who is efficiently working on escape (Kokichi.) Everyone is shocked when she calls Kaito and the rest of them idiots for trying to take on the Monokuma army because she's been playing the role of "Member of the Workout Squad" so well that they never knew she secretly hated them and their dumb antics. They think Kokichi is manipulating her lmao and they keep trying to "save" her from him.
An important thing to note is that in CH4 after Miu places poison next to Kokichi, she decides to swap the poison in Shuichi's lab with (sorta) harmless stuff like tranquilizers and the antidotes with the poison just in case someone tries to use the poison, either as their murder method or as a red herring like Miu did. This is how she screws up Chapter 5's murder and is able to turn that situation in her favor.
This leads to that and one mental breakdown later she's saved Kokichi from dying in the hanger by sacrificing Kaito and frames Maki for the crime. During the trial Monokuma tries to (correctly) blame her for the crime because TDR thinks that she's been feeding Kokichi information, which is explicitly in defiance of their unspoken agreement–
The terms and conditions of her continued survival are that she never tells anyone of her memories and that she always makes herself entertaining/improves the plot.
–So to get back at TDR and in a desperate bid to survive, she reveals her original talent and makes a big show of fucking things up and messing with people like she did in the last game. The audience is really happy with her because not only did she manufacture a star-crossed lovers scenario with two very beloved characters, but she also speaks directly to the audience during the trial. Where before she had only been making references that they might get, she is now directly calling for their participation (which coincidentally goes with this season's theme: Audience Participation.)
Since Monokuma was expecting her to die and not Maki, Maki ends up getting my OCs execution: Flame War.
During the final trial she goes on a rant about how V3 is the shittiest story she's ever seen as the Ultimate Media Critic (because shes been bottling it up to keep up her act) and then proceeds to detail exactly why that is, which kinda pisses off the cast because she's "inadvertently" insulting them by insulting their characterizations and the dead cast members too lol.
Story ends with her finally getting out of the game and having a happy ending.
All in all just imagine: What if Kokichi had gotten away with his plan in Chapter 4 and had been forced to play another game instead of dying and you'll basically have a pretty good idea of what my OC is about.
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the-kipsabian · 7 years
lbr if i had a pokemon selfinsert she would absolutely be part of team rocket
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evilblot · 4 years
So, Phantom Blot headcanons anyone? 👀
Considering the high demand for my headcanons about the Phantom Blot from both my friends and trusted mutuals (terms that often overlap 💜), I've decided to translate the ones I shared for this ask, in the hope of one day being able to eventually find the courage to finally post stuff on my selfinsert blog allow everyone to be able to read what I had shared long ago.
🗃️ Because of his haemophobia, for the Blot raw food is a hard no, so in case a poor soul not me ofc sksjksk is planning to take a trip to the local sushi restaurant, they gotta come to the terms of putting their heart in peace since the sir here won't get remotely near one, not even a courtesy grab. [ Both the haemophobia and the raw food hcs are inspired by "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot". Once the Blot gets captured, he's asked about his actions and why he hasn't killed Mickey when he could, and he says he's too soft hearted to witness someone's death; since I kinda didn't like saying he's a pussy, I just came up with the emetophobia to justify this lmao ]
🗃️ That man never sleeps. Or rather, even when he seems to be sleeping, he’s actually in energy saving mode just enough to keep going; in short, he puts himself in a corner with his eyes closed but remains perpetually alert, like a neurotic guard dog. In the rare case fatigue gets the better of him (and the environment is safe) then he allows himself to collapse completely and thus goodbye world for at least a couple of hours where not even the trumpets of the apocalypse could wake him up.
🗃️ Again, talking about food, the Blot has a fucking high metabolism that not even a hummingbird could match him, in the sense that anything he eats just gets burnt within half a second, so he can afford to eat the worst junk food (which does without too much trouble) without gaining a pound. Which is definitely convenient considering the life he lives, but with him being also a very picky bastard, combining these two aspects is just so tragic that he usually reduces to simply skip meals and living on coffee.
🗃️ Never mention, let alone talk, about his family in detail. Especially about his parents. He never had a good relationship with them and what happened must remain in the past where it belongs. [ Inspired by Topolino 2792 and 2878 ]
🗃️ For the Blot, memes remain a mystery regardless of how much he applies to understand them. They simply remain outside his sphere of comprehension and, while on the one hand this feeds his already colossal intellectual ego, on the other it troubles him deeply because he feels the need to understand whatever the universe tosses him at all costs. It's a lost cause as well as a tragedy for a meme lover like Silvia, but tbh she still loves him nonetheless 😂🙈
Thanks for the patience y'all, and remember I'm always here to discuss opinions about this suave motherfucker 😏
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In The Wee Small Hours (Donatello x Vee - selfinsert)(18+)
A draft I wrote months ago for my fic, but might never use. Just a good sneaky quickie after patrol ;P !
They just got back from patrol and now the lair was quiet, Donnie probably the only one still up, sitting at his workplace. He wasn't feeling tired. In fact he never felt anymore awake, his thoughts running wild. He couldn't stop thinking about Vee. Her shape, how smooth her skin was. He was soon imagining her naked form, stuck against him, her scent invading him. He could imagine his hands around her hips, next caressing her butt and her thighs, bringing her closer and letting her rub against his growing erection... Oh great now. Donatello sighed, annoyed by the bulge in his pants. He cursed his thoughts, almost too real for a moment. Then his phone buzzed to life, signaling a new message. It was past two in the morning. Who the hell would be texting him? He was surprised to see it was Vee, her message simply being: ''Hey'' (donnie): Aren't you supposed to sleep? (vee): yeah …. but I just can't (donnie): What's the matter? Insomnia again? :( His eyes got wider as he received an attached picture which only consisted of Vee's naked form, her free hand inbetween her legs, teasingly hiding her. (vee): can't stop thinking about you... FUCK. UHM. What are thoughts? It was like she had read his mind. (donnie): keep your window unlocked and wait for me He didn't leave her time to answer, already up, almost running to the lair's exit. He was careful not to make any sounds though, leaving a written note on his desk, stating where he would be. *** Vee couldn't help blushing, still not believing what she just did. It was true though, she couldn't help thinking about him tonight. It was weird. She was weird. Her feelings were weird. She just wanted to feel him, be near him. Kiss him, make love to him. Ever since they were an item, it was all she needed. After a while she heard her window slowly open, then a form getting in. The fairy lights in the room gave out the shape of Donatello, their eyes meeting after the mutant closed the way behind him. His eyes were devouring her, taking in her whole form, naked, spread on the bed's covers. He moved, taking off his gear on his way, ever so careful not to make any sounds. Vee could feel her skin shiver, goosebumps rising, making her oh so sensitive. This felt like a dream. ''Touch yourself, I'll soon be there to help.'' His tone had been so deep, needy. Vee gasped at his demand, her hand moving back to her core, starting to touch herself, her eyes never leaving him. His gaze was like a flame, the amber in them glistening against the dimmed lighting. Soon enough the only thing he was wearing was his bandana, Vee fawning inside at such look. God. He was sexy. He was now standing next to the bed, his erection already present. ''You were thinking about me too?'' teased Vee in a quiet voice, her pleasure rising as she kept touching herself. He didn't answer, preferring to get in bed over the woman, hovering her body. He started to kiss her, already passionate, his tongue brushing against hers in lustful strokes. Vee's moan was lost in her throat, her back arching, wanting to meet him better. He next moved to her neck, trailing down teasingly slow, wanting to kiss every inches of her body. ''Fuck... you're perfect,'' he said inbetween kisses, his hands following his path. From her boobs to her waist, he then grasped her wrists, moving her hands away so he could have a clear path. ''Ah, Donnie...'' breathed out Vee as she could feel his lips and tongue having a taste of her skin, still going lower and lower. He nuzzled her thighs, lovesick sighs leaving him. She was intoxicating, her scent almost unreal. He then tasted her, ever so slow and sensual. He heard her quiet moans again, looking up a moment as he kept working, noticing how taken up by pleasure she was now. He was now tongue-fucking her, never having enough of her taste. Vee's hips were rolling with his strokes, following his rhythm with need. He could hear her breath accelerating, soon enough her walls squeezing him gently, the woman's body riding up her orgasmic wave all while trying to remain quiet so she wouldn't wake up her roommate. The mutant finished his work by sliding his tongue along her slit, finishing with a long kiss on her stomach. ''I want you so bad,'' he whispered with a growl, sitting on his knees before her. He pulled her towards him, hands on her hips, now her lower body resting on his lap, their sexes touching. He bended his torso above her, his arms around her form, hiding her from the world. Soon they joined, their moans and sighs emprisonned in their cocoon. That position held them close, intimate, Vee's angle permitting a deeper penetration. Donnie couldn't stop whispering either sweet nothings or dirty thoughts to the woman, his hips going in a circular pattern, hitting her in all the right spots. The woman's hands couldn't stay put, either exploring his torso or cupping his neck or his face. Their pace started to increase, the turtle putting his hands down on the bed, beside the woman, sustaining him as he thrusted a bit harder, biting his lip. Vee's hands grasped his arms, her eyes closed, her torso extending with pleasure. That was an image he wanted to see forever... ''Cum for me, baby... you're so beautiful,'' he said, his tongue sticking out a little, as if he could taste her once more in the air. Vee's waist danced under him, meeting him in a sensual pattern. He could sense her legs extending, her toes curling in pleasure. Then her eyes met his, as lost as him in this feeling. She begged him silently to get back to her, the mutant complying and was then met with a hungry kiss. At some point Vee lost control, her mouth gasping for air, her hands now holding him strongly, her nails almost digging in his skin. He could feel her clench around him, small whimpers leaving her as she nuzzled his face. He couldn't help his smile, his arms then encircling her, keeping her in place, glued to him. ''Hmm, baby,'' he cooed, as if praising her. His pace took more speed, his breathing raspy, eager to meet his end. Vee was still on a high, her respiration resembling his. It was only after a few thrusts that Donnie came, nuzzling the top of the woman's head who was now having her third orgasm, at the same time as his. The world was spinning around them, everything so surreal for a moment. Both were panting, every inches of their skin now sensitive. Vee hummed, bringing her arms gently around his neck, endlessly repeating ''I love you'' in sweet whispers. Donatello seemed to get back to reality, a long sigh escaping him as he proceeded to leave numerous kisses on Vee's face, hushed giggles leaving both of them. ''I should send you pics more often,'' started Vee with amusement. ''That was fun.'' ''I'd love that, but at the same time I prefer to stare at the real thing...'' They moved, soon laying next to one another, Vee still in the male's arms, cuddling to his torso. The turtle's hands were slowly tracing against the woman's back, legs tangled with hers. ''I'm surprised you still had energy left for spending time with me after being on patrol,'' commented Vee, her finger tracing imaginary patterns on his plastron. Donnie chuckled, leaving kisses on top of her head. ''I couldn't stop thinking about you.... If you hadn't texted me, I'd be awake for a long time.'' ''Oh my god, you were totally going to masturbate,'' she teased with a small snort. ''Oh hush, you were doing the same,'' he replied back, grinning. ''… Guess we're not so different after all.'' ''We were meant to be,'' replied Donnie, confident. That he knew for sure.
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agoddamn · 4 years
So Yuri is the adopted son of the head of House Rowe. As in, the House Rowe that owns Arianrhod. So guess what that means in terms of Edelgard discourse.
Quite frankly I can’t be assed, my man
Anon asked: > pt Yuri is literally just edgelord but with LONGER hair so are gay options are two men who are extremely easy to think look like women and john wayne gacy but bishie As a gay man im never buying selfinsert fe again cause I cant trust intsys. They absolutely could have, at any point in these 4 waves of dlc, made Dimi and Claude S ranks, who not only MATTER to the story but ARENT gay stereotype- character edition, and they said "fuck fags we only give /u/ loving straights what they want".
I mean. They could also have sprouted wings and and flown round the world. There is, technically, a nonzero chance that it could happen in this universe. They were never going to give Dima and Claude male S ranks, dude. I do not know how you convinced yourself that it was a possibility.
The only thing Nintendo has ever done in direct response to Fire Emblem complaints is completely ignore complaints and double down on what they’ve already done. 
That is it. The Toplel shit happened because of very specific pressure that I have been telling you for months has not been summoned again for 3H because yes, they don’t care about fags. They only care about money. They never cared about fags. I do not know how you convinced yourself they did.
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