#sell your home now
laurapetrie · 1 year
My heart is a locket and your face is in it.
Edna St. Vincent Millay, July 1911
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faeriekit · 5 months
I've been thinking about Bad Parents Jack and Maddie, and how they aren't great even in canon. So like, Vlad actually interacting with them more, as his obsession switches Danny, and just...eyes opening nd falling out of love with Maddie. So he realizes he needs therapy, but as he is what he is and what he has done, well, that makes things difficult. So, Harley Quinn?
I basically almost answered this with a mini rehash of "the Fenton family safety situation is often misrepresented by newer fans who haven't seen a lot of the show" but I mostly realized that wasn't the point, so let me get my act together.
You have activated my trap card, which is "I used to do psych stuff as my main field before I did library stuff", and I can't believe that Harleen Quinzel, known criminal and incredibly visible villain, would still have her license. Like. Even excepting the crime stuff, having her license revoked due to breaking the Hippocratic oath, or straight up having an ethics board boot her personally, I don't think Harley Quinn would have prioritized the NJ medical license renewal. That has to be attended to once every two years. Failure to keep up to date means no practicing in the state of NJ, baby.
If this is happening, Harley is offering services Under The Radar.
Like...probably this is through a service like Betterhelp. Almost no one tracks the actual paperwork for the advisors on Betterhelp. I can see Harley signing on in her pajamas eating ice cream as she gets nostalgic for the life she led when she had stuff going for her career-wise. Vlad, meanwhile, saw a youtube ad and is flinging spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
Anyway, Vlad and Harley sharing illegal psych sessions over Betterhelp while eating ice cream and talking shit is such a visual. I wish them all the best.
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anipgarden · 3 months
I went to my first plant swap and man. It was WILD.
Keep in mind I heard about the plant swap a little over 24 hours before it was happening. I have no plants to exchange, I barely even have seedlings yet. But I do have a bunch of seeds so I decide to roll up and see what I can do.
Its from 2 to 5. I show up at 2:12 and its mostly houseplants. But the local library branch has a tent and they’re letting people check out some gardening books they brought if they have a library card on them!
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So I checked out “Seedswap: The gardener’s guide to saving and swapping seeds” by Josie Jeffery!
(They also told me that if I want the library to set up seed libraries I should email showing interest because a lot of librarians have suggested it but public interest is needed 👀 special reminder to email/contact your local library about adding seed libraries if you haven’t got one already!)
I considered leaving but I decide to hang around and see if anyone else comes around with stuff that’s more my fancy (no disrespect to people who like houseplants but I have a 99% killrate with them and they’re just not my vibe) and
I obtained a Boxcar tomato, a Blackberry Lily, a variegated pepper, a hibiscus cutting, loofah seeds, okra seeds, and FOUR (4!!!!) peach tree seedlings!!!
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I spent like 6 bucks total (1 on a peach tree seedling, 5 on the pepper) and the rest was just seed trades (or the peach tree lady just… giving me more peach trees for being nice. Be nice to the elderly you might get peach trees out of it.) I was there for like an hour and a half TOPS.
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(I had to pot up the peach tree seedlings myself but this is still a W in my book lets see if they survive)
So uh
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aquanutart · 8 months
I absolutely LOVE the Squirtle/Wartortle illustrations by kantaro in Pokemon 151!
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The Squirtle jumping so joyfully from the rock into the ocean, the colors are STUNNING! I love the contrast of the Squirtle's aqua blue framed in the vivid orange sky, the soft bit of blue reflecting in its shell and its tail just catching the sun, how little and squishy its body looks as it launches itself towards the water with such tremendous excitement!
The lineless style of the background gives me the feel of a travel poster and I sense the tropical environment around it from the rocks and trees framing the corners, the waterfall splashing with as much energy as the Squirtle!
The layered blues on the surface of the water and the bubbles rising at the corner make me FEEL the liquid rising to meet the Squirtle--I can just feel how the next moment it's going to break through and be immersed in a cool island swim!
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And the Wartortle running along the sunset beach, this is somehow everything I always imagined for Wartortle! I adore the way the rich purple melts into the warm red/orange sky, the matching purple clouds and shadows in the foreground, and how the dimming sunlight glows red on Wartortle's deep blues!
I love how the yellow and orange of the sky illuminate the lapping waves, I can just feel the gentle motion of the sea at dusk. The aqua color of the ocean matches Wartortle's ears and tail and sets off the red-orange sand, I just love how the colors are here!
Wartortle looks so round and squishy, I love its happiness as it goes frolicking through the shallows, chasing the bubbles caught in the setting sun! The shine and deep shadow on its shell give it an almost jewel texture like real tortoise shell; I love the silhouetted splash Wartortle leaves as it goes running across the shore. It's so full of energy and delight at the end of a gorgeous day! The colors in these are SO vivid and harmonized and the style is so cute and bursting with energy and joy. I just LOVE it (also Squirtle is my starter)
#pokemon#pokemon tcg#long post#i have deep affection for bulbasaur as well though and i also love the bulbasaur/ivysaur cards in this set#i SO wish we'd gotten art of the final evolutions in the same style as the pre-evos' standard cards!!#(yes i do love the full art ones but i also love the illustrations on the standard cards!)#from the way the settings in these two were going; i would have imagined blastoise to be set at night (??)#i LOVE pokemon cards. i can't keep up with every set but i started collecting again now and then a few years ago#and 151 has really got me wanting the full set the way i haven't since childhood. SO many beautiful illustrations (but there always are)#it's like having little pieces of art of my favorite characters and it's only.. slightly... less expensive than actually commissioning ....#i KNOW it's less expensive to buy the individuals online but it's so much less fun#part of the fun is having YOUR own pokemon journey ((going to the store)) and seeing what YOU encounter ((when you open the pack))#i do buy them online sometimes but i usually dont form as strong associations with them as when i open a pack in a certain setting or place#i tend to try to save them to open right before a significant event like starting something new or a holiday. so that i form associations#and it's like 'oh that's the galarian obstagoon from when my mom came home for christmas'#and 'that's the snorlax who reassured me when i was hurt'#i don't buy them too often so i've got to make it count#anyway i know i should wait for the prices on this one to come down because it's absolutely ridiculous#i didn't buy anything at release because i was like $6 for one booster pack??? but i couldn't take just sitting and watching them sell out#i really like the poster because i can look at so many beautiful pictures all together#i could say stuff like this about literally every pokemon illustration (if i had time to write it out) and sometimes i've wanted to#i just chose these two because these are a couple of my original favorite pokemon and i just couldn't keep it to myself. i LOVE these
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asukiess · 11 months
when you write a fic and then it kinda happens to you actually
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
words pale to express how much I hate macron at this point
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if toji suddenly reincarnated back into ssg, how would each character react? like obvi gojo would try to hollow purple him on sight but he manages to hold himself back to get some answers from toji instead. do the others know that it was bc of toji that megumi is stuck in the situation he’s in rn? would megumi even want to talk to his dad?
and how would toji take finding out how the zenin treated his son? he thought that he’d be safe and happy there and then he finds out what they did to megumi and that it was gojo and co who stopped it.
Everyone knows that Toji sold megumi to the zenin.
I think it actually really bothers Megumi how it’s common knowledge. He doesn’t know anything about his own father other than he sold him, and that’s not even private to him. He’s just some unwanted kid who his dad only had to sell like prized cattle.
It was never a secret that Toji sold him to the Zenin. Maki knew, and she already told the others when giving them the rundown on what happened. They’d all know that toji’s the reason megumi’s stuck in this situation.
The second years:
It depends on when he arrived. If it’s when Yuuta still hasn’t gotten the RCT backlash under control, then he may have to worry a bit about the power of love and also this sword.
He’d survive. Not unscathed. But he’d survive.
If it’s after Yuuta’s gotten control, Yuuta still would hate him, but he wouldn’t be as proactive about it. Mostly because Megumi would feel weird about him making a fuss. He’d intervene every time Toji tried to talk to Megumi if Megumi established he didn’t want to talk to him. He’d try to quietly get him the fuck out of there. He'd radiate an aura of murder whenever Toji came close.
Maki would ice Toji out on principle. Like, she’d hate that she had to. Toji’s supposed to be the only one who understands her. They’re both Zenin clan rejects. They both were hurt in such similar ways.
But only one of them sold their fucking kid back into that hellhole, and that ended with Megumi in a hospital bed. She’d be bitter, internally, that she couldn’t try for something like a relationship with Toji. She’d wonder if she betrayed Mai the same way he betrayed Megumi. She wouldn’t outwardly react to him. She’d ice him out.
Inumaki and Panda would embark on a quest to ruin his fucking life. They’d short sheet his bed. They’d put itching powder in his pants. They’d put bleach in his shampoo. All would fail, but this would not discourage them.
The adults:
Gojo would bend over backwards to keep Toji away from Megumi.
Gojo's playing the game of "only let Megumi get information he can physically handle" right now. that's why he's refusing to let Maki tell him the truth about the Ten Shadows. He knows his kid. He knows Megumi's impossibly fucked up and is not going to tell them how badly or ask for help for what happened. He knows Megumi's going to break if anything else happens, and he knows that Toji showing up out of nowhere and dropping six bombshells on him is not something Megumi could handle. He'd squeeze Toji for insider information on the Zenin and threaten to punt Toji to the moon if he didn't stay the fuck away.
Toji would not be impressed by the threats.
Nanami and Shoko would refuse to have anything to do with him. Shoko wouldn’t speak to him. Nanami would, but only to inform him that his sole priorities are the wellbeing of his family, and that Megumi has a right to speak with Toji if he so wishes, but if he doesn't, toji needs to steer far clear of him. He's done enough. toji may have been his father biologically, but Nanami was the one who carried him home--twice--after the family Toji sold him to broke him to the point he was close to death. Nanami has been there for the parent teacher conferences and the nightmares and all the shit Toji never even tried to be there for even when he had a chance. Toji surrendered his place in Megumi's life, and it's been filled. And Toji should not dare to try and hurt nanami's family again. He's already done enough.
Megumi hates him. And he wouldn’t want to talk to him.
Megumi never talks about his dad. If someone asked, he’d say he doesn’t care about him, didn’t expect better from him, and doesn’t care that toji sold him. It’s hard to be hurt by someone you never expected to love you. He’s not surprised; he’s not disappointed; this is just his dad being on brand. He was a piece of shit before and a piece of shit now.
He’d be lying.
His dad selling him to the Zenin cut megumi deeper than anything else in his life. The zenin were always his abusers. But Toji was supposed to be his dad. He was supposed to take care of him.
He was supposed to love him. And a part of megumi has never been able to understand why he didn’t.
In megumi’s mind, he had to have known what pieces of shit the Zenin were, and he sent him there anyway. And Megumi hates him for it, he really does.
I guess it really depends on when in the sgg timeline it is. Like, are we dropping him right in the middle of the currently chapter?
Megumi would assume he’s a hallucination. He’d think his brain would be just fucking with him and making it all hurt more. It would make him violently upset, and Toji would have to be removed from the room, and Gojo would probably have to knock Megumi out to get him to calm down again.
If he’s gotten better, then Toji would still make him violently upset. But he’d be aware enough to hide how much.
He’d refuse to see him. He’d refuse to talk to him. He wouldn’t want to be in the same room as him. His dad couldn’t be fucked to ever be there for him, so Megumi doesn’t see why he should drop everything to see him now.
Megumi's not in a mindset where he could ever healthily see Toji, coming right off SGGs. like, he's traumatized out of his fucking mind. He's absolutely unable to handle the added stress of his deadbeat dad coming back to life and wanting to chat.
Toji would kill all of them.
The thing is, I don't think Toji actually thought Megumi would be safe and happy with the Zenin. I think that's the lie he told himself to justify selling his son to his abusers. Like, he knows his family's cruelty better than anyone. He knows that even if you have cursed energy, they're not exactly tender parents.
I think he was just in a spiral, struggling with a gambling addiction, and was trying to take an easy way out and lying to himself about what exactly he was doing to his son.
He'd feel like shit over it, the confirmation that he son could be literally the most important person for hundreds of years to the zenin and they'd still hurt him. He'd kill them for putting Megumi in the hospital bed, for hurting him all those years ago. He wouldn't know how to begin fixing things with his son, so he'd do what he knows how to do, which is just fucking kill the people who hurt him to begin with.
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bri-does-art · 5 months
a little birdy told me you have some kind of an AU for the Funtime animatronics also?
... who is this.
There are, like, only 5 people who know about this. So which one of youse is it? >:'D (I am not mad. I am very glad to have the opportunity to tease it out. <3)
I am working on an AU featuring the Funtimes, little birdy is right! It's a very different flavour than Call of the Abyss, more of a fantastical drama than a science-fiction horror mystery. It is a tale of duty and responsibility, secrets and closets, choices and consequences, healing and growth, a farmer's child and a puzzling fae, and above all, it is a tale about two lonely souls whose fates are more closely intertwined than either realize.
It is also a tale full of fae shenanigans, fun and indulgence. It's not a serious epic like Call of the Abyss, and hopefully not as huge and ambitious either. 😂 So, dropping the serious act, it's a Fae AU in which some poor unsuspecting farmer gets caught up in the Funtimes' court's bullshit and learns to navigate a new social circle that seems hellbent on keeping their newest member close. I will make a new blog just for it, as there will be more, err, kid-unfriendly elements featuring in this one - I want to be able to properly curate my audience for this AU without alienating people who follow me here and like my non-explicit stories. So, until that's done, I'm leaving y'all with this little sneak peek. :)
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spearxwind · 1 year
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wuxxxian · 1 year
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Personal tier list of main yakuza antagonist deaths ranked from Least Aggravating to I’m Going To Eat Drift Wood ok it goes mine → nishiki → ryuji → aoki
#spoilers#snap chats#my opinion and heres why#Redeemed Through Death is such an aggravating trope but mines is the only one i can vaguely let slide#like richardson couldve been clocked out cold or just straight-up died in that scene mine didnt have to die but w/e#at least i can justify it by being like. This Is Why Daigo's So Depressed Afterwards LMAO (˘・_・˘)#still pisses me off/makes me sad though. i would love to see how he bounced back from uhh Everything LMAOO#nishiki- that shit was senseless like bro stumble out of that room right now and shoot the briefcase you prick#youre so dramatic GOD#nishiki and mine are tied tbh im only slightly more at peace with mines death#ryujis just. ryujis just the funniest character period bro was just here to beat up kiryu#see ryujis death is more funny than aggravating like kaoru was really like 'hey lets go home now yeah'#and ryuji was like 'NO i want to KILL HIM' and. FUNNIEST SHIT plus i live by dead souls canon. hes fine hes chill hes selling takoyaki#theres nothing funny or redeeming about aokis death like. like that shit was just depressing and infuriating#like there was legitimately no reason he had to die- you can justify it for the other three to an extent#but aoki's was just like. they had to fill out a quota in the most Are You Fucking Kidding Me way#its like when youre playing fire emblem on classic mode and youre at the very end of the map and suddenly one of your units gets killed#and youre just like Are You Fucking Kidding Me x2 Where Did That Come From cause you didnt check EVERYTHING before making your move#aokis death pisses me off the most like at least i can laugh at the other three or like be Whatever about it#god just let him rot in jail im begging you i hate it here#ok bye im gonna do those six fanarts challenge#might be more than six idk i dont know how to say no LMAO
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wolfie180g · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to me - I got myself a van I’m now 42! The answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything! I started off the day with reading the final four chapters of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 'trilogy' and started 'and another thing' which I have been saving for many years for this day! When I turned 21 on may 21st I bought my first van. Now double the years later I bought my second! Got lots of bells and whistles that I am NOT used to. most luxury I had in a vehicle was power windows and locks. Now I got a heated steering wheel and 4 heated seats. It’s not brand new but its the newest thing on wheels that I’ve ever owned.
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senxitive · 1 year
Does anyone want to explain to me why I can't feel anything
#i mean emotionally#i *literally* do not know what i am feeling to the point of thinking a similar concept to 'nobodys home' in my head and heart#i know i talk about dissociating a lot but i think that this is....depersonalization which feels entirely different and all together worse#i know thats a type of dissociating but its just so confusing and off putting#im trying to hang on thats why im doing my damndest to like research what is happening#and this is all i can come up with#i literally looked at myself in the mirror and felt like my face didnt look like what i think it looks like#looked non familiar in a way#and my eyes looked both wild and sad despite me talking about how im not feeling much#it was uncomfortable and scary#so im trying to do grounding exercises and to allow myself to know its OK that im not all here right now#and that this is temporary and theres nothing to be frightened of#it's a hard sell but i am trying#depersonalisation and derealisation#depersonalization#depersonalisation#insert question marks....if others struggle with this...can you share your experiences with me? as long as theyre not super scary because#i have been really frightened by these feelings lately so i dont wanna be overwhelmed into a panic attack where i really lose connection#yeah and i just am having trouble telling reality vs non reality if im being honest#like i cant....perceive#i cant tell what others emotions are#i can see their actions but i cant perceive what it means beyond that....to the point of thinking it is a ruse#and THATS what's giving me anxiety#or frightening me#i cant tell whats real in some fashion#delete later
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anipgarden · 9 months
Hey fellow milkweed nerds of Tumblr I have a question.
So. Swamp milkweed. It's pink! That's pretty cool. I wanna know how pink.
Because whenever I google Swamp Milkweed, whether its to look for seeds or plants for sale or just to show other people, the flowers look like this.
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[ID: Three pictures of swamp milkweed, all a very very bright vivid hot pink with white middles.]
Thats Fucking Hot Pink. This bright ass pink is what drew me to the plant in the first place. If I were to find my Dream Swamp Milkweed, it would be this pink.
However, a lot of the times, I end up finding swamp milkweed that looks more like this.
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[ID: Two pictures of swamp milkweed, both from the same plant. The flowers are a light, nearly white, light pink.]
Its a much lighter, more of a strawberry-milk pink. These are pictures I took from my own swamp milkweed plant, but from the pictures I've seen in my gardening server, a lot of them have plants in a color similar to this.
So what I'm curious about is. If you grow swamp milkweed, or have seen it growing in the wild, have you ever seen it as pink in the first example? Or is it just Photoshop magic? And if you do have it that pink... do you have any seeds you'd be willing to share?
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deadtower · 3 months
GOT THE NEW PLACE!!!! look at it crying screaming throwing up etc
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i do have to pay first last security tho so i miiiiight be making a dono post not bc i make shit money or anything but because the news my landlord was selling was literally last minute so like. i didnt have time to save anything :|
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cosmic-aria · 10 months
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