#sell your home quickly in California
jjkilll · 3 months
—-------✫ THE RECIPE | JJK ✫-------—
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— pairing | dealer jk x rich girl y/n
— summary | Jungkook only loves the three W's, Women, Weed, and the Weather. Oh! and fucking you, maybe more than his ego will let him admit.
—  warning | eventual smut, drug use, and selling, angst, violence, crime
— word count | 2.5K
— song | The Recipe - Kendrick Lamar
Jungkook is a smart man, very powerful in his line of business. Being a drug lord that is. He fucked around and ended up being one of the most know dealers in the bay area. He ran a nightclub called the Cabaret. He didn't expect someone like you to be there. The club had half-naked girls, which usually brought in horny men, and girls so drunk they'd wake up the next morning promising they'd never have a night like that again.
So when you walked in, brown skin shimmering under the lights, he watched you closely. You didn't drink, you danced with your friends and politely declined all the sleazy men wanting to take you back to their apartments. Finally, you glanced in his direction scanning the booth of girls that surrounded him. Again, half-naked, covered in glitter, and high off whatever substance they'd been snorting. Putting the blunt between his lips Jungkook took a drag, tilting his head back and blowing the smoke into the air.
Your eyes finally land on him. His hair slicked back, smoke floating up from his lips. Though he wore a leather jacket, you could tell he was built. The way he sat, legs apart and back against the seat, his other hand resting on his lap.
"Who is that?" You lean over to your friend Marla at the bar. You and Marla go way back. You were in middle school together and both went to ASU for college, stayed friends ever since. Somewhere in the middle, you met Shannon.
"A whore, stay away from him." You laugh. "What? That's probably why keeps staring at me." She turns quickly to face you as Shannon, on the opposite side of you chimes in. "Look away that's how he gets you. That man is no good... Hot but dangerous, He lives life with the three W's." You furrow your brows in confusion. "Women, Weed, Weather." Marla says simply saving you from asking the question she knew would come.
Women. God Jungkook loved women. He never discriminated if you were a hot woman who piqued his interest, we wanted you. He was known to have quite the roster as well. Supermodels, actresses, singers, next he was hoping for you.
And Weed, Some would say he's addicted, He says he likes to have fun. He wouldn't be caught dead without weed on him. He could roll a blunt in the snap of a finger, and 90% of the time he's higher than a kite.
Weather. He loved California, the sun beamed like no other, He traveled a lot but California was his home. And quite frankly where the money was.
✫ -----------------------✫
It was getting late, so you, Marla, and Shannon decided to crash at your shared apartment not too far from the club. As you walk out trailing behind your friends, there he stands right at the door.
"You ladies leaving so soon? The party is just getting started." He flashes a smile sliver grills dripped in diamonds covering his bottom teeth. Fuck he was so hot, no wonder every girl in there was huddled around his section. "J-just a little laate," Shannon says slurring her words a bit. "You..." He takes a few steps closer to you. "New around here, huh?" He tilted his head taking a blunt and placing it between his lips. You nod as he lights it. "I'm JJ." He says. "Welcome to the Bay." He takes a hit from the blunt. Damn, a blunt sounds amazing right now you thought to yourself. You smile lightly take the blunt from his lips and put it between yours. You take a long drag blowing the smoke up into the air. "Y/n." You say a small smile on your face. He stares and watches as you take another hit from the blunt. You take the blunt between your fingers and place it back between his lips. You lightly blow the smoke in his face. "Thanks for the warm welcome. See you around." A smirk grows on his face as he watches you walk away. The way your hips sway has him in a trance.
"Y/n! What the hell? He's bad news, you can't fuck around with him." Marla says quickly. "I need to butter up my dealer somehow. He already thinks I'm hot. Think... free weed." You lookup. Shannon starts laughing, "Look just be careful, please. He's been to jail like four times." Marla says. "Mar, I'll be fine. I can handle myself. We're finally in the Bay, baby! It's time to have fun."
✫ -----------------------✫
Weeks pass and you find yourself home alone. Marla is out with her boyfriend and Shannon is out at a spin class. There you are relaxing and listening to music with a candle going. Suddenly a knock at your door. You rise from the couch lazily and open the door.
Jungkook. He stood alone, which from your knowledge was unlike him. "Oh, Hey." You say. He holds up a bag of weed. "Welcome to the neighborhood. Thought I'd bring a gift." You both stand there the little silence sounding so loud. "Come in."
If Marla knew you let him in here, she'd flip her lid.
He steps inside removing his shoes at the door. Dressed in a black compression shirt and grey sweat, different from the first time you met. "So, you stalking me." He chuckled. "Not particularly no. Just didn't realize we were neighbors." He points out the window the the apartment across the way. "Saw you walked in and asked the guy at the desk where I could find you." He spoke. "And he just told you?" you asked a little concerned for your safety. "Something like that." He speaks. "I have my ways, mama." He smiles.
You almost blush at the nickname, and then you remember is a criminal. A hot criminal. "So Y/n, what brings you to the Bay? The Hills not good enough for you?" You scoff. He guessed you were from the Hills, weird how he knew but you are in a tweed Celine top.
"Got bored, I guess." He hums. "Well, with me you'll have some fun." You chuckle. "Something funny?" He asks. "Nothing it's just... You're nice and I appreciate the weed, seriously, but you don't have the best rep. I've heard about you." You say surely handing him a water bottle.
"Oh yeah? What have you heard about me?" He smirks sitting back on the couch, his arms resting at the top of the cushions. "I know you sell more than weed. Coke and Pills aren't my thing. "And?" He questions. "And, you get around. You're like druglord G-Eazy."
"Ouch, G-Eazy is fucking horrible." He says putting his hand over his chest. "I'm not like that. I get a lot of women, yes, But I think you and I both know that I'm a nice guy."
"How'd you get the man at the front desk to tell you where I lived?" You smirked.
"Fine, I'm a nice guy most of the time. I like to get what I want. I'll do whatever it takes to get it." You nod and hum. "You're such a pretty girl, you know that?" He says randomly. "Thank you," you reply simply. "You should come to my party tomorrow night. Bring your friends." He says. "Maybe." You say. He stands walking over to you. You don't make eye contact as he steps closer. His hand lifts your chin so your eyes are now locked into his. He hums. "I like you, Y/n. You're a good girl. See you tomorrow." He says as you watch him as he walks to the door. "Maybe." You say. He chuckles, "See you tomorrow, baby. Welcome to the bay."
✫ -----------------------✫
"YOU WHAT?!" Marla screams. "Jesus Mar calm down, I didn't tell him where we lived he just showed up." You say following behind her to her bedroom. "That's even worse. He's stalking you. We could die." You roll your eyes. Shannon sighs, "Honestly, It's not that big a deal. I mean, she's alive. Our home is intact. I don't see the problem here."
"We're not going to die, Marla. He's a drug dealer, not a murderer."
"Close enough. I mean he's like druglord G-Eazy." She says plopping down on her bed. "I know I told him."
"Nice" Shannon high-fives you. "Look he's having a party tonight, I'm going. I could probably meet a hot guy and fuck around a bit. I don't know, I have a brand new Frolov dress in my closet calling my name."
"Shannon you're not gonna stop her? I mean he's a drug dealer." Marla protests as you leave the room. "She's grown as hell, plus it's not like she's going to fuck him." Marla sighs. "Plus, I'm going... Just to make sure she doesn't fuck him." Marla groans. "Now I have to go."
"What? No, you don't." Shannon says looking up from her phone. "Shan, if you're drunk and leave with someone's sister before Y/n even gets a drink in her system." She shrugs.
"Whatever let's get ready."
✫ -----------------------✫
You walk into the party, music blasting through the speakers. Weed smoke lingers in the room from the others taking puffs of their blunts. "Okay meet me by the pool in 20 minutes." You say to the girls, they nod and you break away.
The address that Jungkook gave was to a huge house not too far from the beach. Decorated with torches and little colorful leis around the rooms.
You and the girls always did a search of your own to check out the vibes of the party, usually to make sure there's no crazy shit going down, but for you somehow you'd hope to fun into Jungkook.
You step into the backyard scanning the area. There are people playing chicken in the pool, splashing playfully. People smoking by the fire and there he sat on the edge of the diving board. He stared into the water, seemingly looking at his reflection in the constantly rippling waves. You've only seen him twice before and somehow this is the saddest you've seen him look.
You walk on the back quietly sitting next to him. "Found you." You say quietly not wanting to startle him. "You were looking for me? Cute." He says looking at you. The reflection of water sparkled against your skin. "I'm glad you made baby." He says with a smile. He was one charming fucker. "Let me show you around, huh?" You nod. "You go first." You stand walking off the board and he follows.
"This is the living and dining room." He says a little louder than he heard over the music. He walks away and you get separated due to the large crowd. "Oh excuse me." You say but the drunken men still push you around. "HEY!" Jungkook shouts. "Watch out! You fucking blind or what? You don’t see her?" The boys move out of the way letting you by. 
He takes your hand guiding you to the kitchen. "Kitchen. I don’t cook here." He says simply. "Wanna see my room?" You nod hesitantly. He looks at you and smiles. Jesus H. Christ, what is up with his man? 
You make it to his door and he opens it swiftly. It’s cold and lacks personality. No posters or pictures of family, nothing but a bed, and two nightstands with two tall lamps on either side. 
"I thought you lived across the street from me." You state. "I do, I just own this house. Mainly use it for parties though. I don’t like people in my apartment." 
"This is the best part, baby. Look at this" He says pulling back the curtains that covered the left wall. It revealed a door to the balcony that looked out the front of the house. There was on chair and table and an ashtray. 
"Wanna smoke?" He asks holding a blunt between his fingers. "Always." You say, earning a chuckle from him. He reaches into his pocket grabs a lighter and lit the end of the blunt
You didn’t really understand, he didn’t seem as bad as Marla and Shannon made him out to be. He’s… Regular. Despite being a drug dealer, he was normal. 
He motions you over to the balcony before stepping out. You follow behind.  It stands near the rail allowing you to take a seat. The silence between you is thick, both of you wanting to speak but holding back. He looks up at the moon. "You okay?" You ask him. His eyes dart to yours. "I’m fine." He says.    You hum. He’s still looking at you. No… No, staring at you. Like he’s examining you. "What?" He asks. You shake your head tucking your bottom lip between your teeth. "You hummed." He states. "You don’t want to say anything?" He asks. 
"It’s just… I don’t know you, seriously. I don’t even know what either of the J’s in JJ even stands for but you seem… distracted."
"Jungkook Jeon." He mumbles. "What?" You questioned as he passed the blunt to you. "My name is Jungkook." He looks away from you almost as if he’s embarrassed. You stand, walking over to him. "Jungkook." You call him. "What?" He says coldly. "Look at me." He looks at you and his features soften as he gazes at you. You peck his lips softly. His phone rings and his eyes linger on you as he hears the phone continue its tune. "You’re uh…" you remind him.
"Oh." He grabs his phone out of his pocket and answers it. "What the fuck?" He responds to whatever news he is just given. He ends the call. "Someone just threw up in my sink, I’ll be back."
"Shit! Shannon." You say remembering you were supposed to meet the girls. "What?" Jungkook asks as you follow him out of the room. "It’s probably my friend. She loves getting drunk but it is like an ultralight weight." He hums. You find Marla in the kitchen. 
"Hey, why were you with him?" He asks snarling at Jungkook. "Calm your tits, he was just showing me around." She hums lightly. "Okay, whatever we have to go. Shannon threw up in the sink." You sigh. "I knew it." 
"Okay get in the car. I’ll be out soon." She leaves quickly going to collect Shannon who you could see sitting on the curb. You grab a marker from the counter and walk over to jungkook. You grab his hand and he looks over at you. You scribble your number down on his palm. "Call me?" You look up at him. "Yeah. I will." He smiles lightly. "I’m sorry about your sink." He chuckles, "You’re fine baby. Get home safe." You nod and walk away. 
You get in the car and let out a deep sigh. "Don’t fuck him, Y/n." Shannon slurs. "Yeah." You say lightly. In all honesty, you just want to get to know him. Tonight he was someone different. You wanted to know why. You were determined to know why. 
✫ -----------------------✫
You never waited on a man you weren’t dating, But you waited on Jungkook. 
You sat up in your bed phone’s brightness illuminating your face. You were waiting for him to text you. You were hoping he’d text you. Maybe kissing him was too much. 
It just got later and later. No text. Not a peep. Maybe he wasn’t feeling you how you thought. Maybe this is what Marla and Shannon were talking about. 
You clicked your phone off and turned it over. You laid down in your bed finally drifting off to sleep. 
✫ -----------------------✫
a/n: Finally back to writing some... this is part one of a little three-parter i have for you. Please enjoy, liking, reposting and requests are so very greatly appreciated.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
If you look at the trademark application for American Riviera Orchard, you’ll see that she’s trademarking it through a newly registered in Delaware company called Mama Knows Best, LLC.
Infact when you dig into the domain names etc, it seems this was thrown together last minute aka 2months ago after KC3/ PssoW C’s illnesses were announced. They are using PR to pretend they were working on it for an entire year, but even Scobie said they had nothing or whatever they had was all over the shop and he had no idea what it would be.
His comments don’t speak to a focused vision that is researched into whatever this is.
And what’s glaring about this launch is the lack of anything to sell. Not videos or actual products which speaks to the theory that this wax thrown together very quickly.
Russell Myers from the Mirror says if you sign up to the website, you get a respinse telling you that you’ll be notified of products when they are created/ available……if this was a year in the making and with proper marketing/ PR people, they’d have products ready to go. What it is right now is a landing/ holding page ( comments turned off on IG) until it produces products. 
It’s also interesting that the video is showcasing cooking which Markle tried to manifest for years while dating Corey. She auditioned and or popped up on varioys cooking shows/ fashion segments hoping to be hired. Acvording to people magazine, this launch of a lifestyle brand will have a companion show on Netflix. If Network tv won’t hire her for dream job then she’ll use her distribution deal to make it happen aka pay herself to make it happen!!!
However, one thing she revealed which tells me she has no clue about aspirational lifestyles/ branding. Her home kitchen hasn’t been updated from the dated 2000s/ early 2010s decor. It’s tye same kitchen from the sales brochure. 
Infact, glimpses of their home show a distinct lack of updating from the sales brochure. The onpy room thry updated is the one with the dining table as desk and their two side by side chairs. They removed all furniture and painted it white and addedva jute rug and that california bear poster over the fireplace. 
The current trend in kitchens for the wealthy is marble counter-tops and sleek designs meanwhile she’s displaying faux country/ italianate kitchen from the 90s. 
The women she is cosplaying eg GOOP, Martha and Ina Garten have upgraded to the current trend in kitchens. GOOP showed off her new kitchedn in AD. Heck, JLO is showing off her sleek kitchen. 
That they haven’t updated their house to their taste is what I laugh about the most. Are they really that cash-poor? Do they really have that much debt that they can’t afford to redo anything? Surely Markus and Soho House can cough up a few million to keep her happy, and when the Sussexes default on the loans, they can make Soho Olive Garden, a Californian spinoff of Soho Farmhouse. Win-win, if you ask me.
meanwhile she’s displaying faux country/ italianate kitchen from the 90s. ➡️ Remember, Meghan’s whole aesthetic is 90s. Of course she wants the Italian Country kitchen.
And thanks, anon. You’ve just reminded me of a house I looked at when I was moving back in 2022. The homeowners were so into that Italian Country Kitchen theme that they PAINTED the entire kitchen like it was a rustic Italian restaurant. You know you go into a family-owned Italian mom-and-pop place (not a chain like Olive Garden or Maggianos, but something like your neighborhood Italian pizza place) and it’s got that orangey-beige sponge paint that’s supposed to mimic sandstone and there’s a huge wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling mural of Italy and dusty fake vines hanging from decorative columns? Yeah, that was how this kitchen was painted. Even the cabinets. And that was not even the weirdest house I looked at by a mile.)
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Rock N' Roll Dreams Come True
summary: you've been joining corroded coffin on tour and at a big show eddie can't keep his hands off you w/c: 2.767 warnings: 18+ only minors dni, swearing, oral (f receiving), use of afab language to describe the reader (pussy, cunt), p in v sex a/n: i love rockstar eddie with my whole soul and my whole 🐱so this one getting the most votes on the poll seemed like a no brainer, again i did take a lot of this from something I'd written before for a different fandom but i've edited it and changed some stuff
if you like this please consider reblogging it and leaving a comment, it always helps me out
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(moodboard by me)
It had been a dream come true when the Band got picked up originally. They’d played small shows here and there at first, bigger bars than the hideout, a couple local music festivals nothing mind blowing. That came later when Corroded Coffin had been asked to be the warm up act for the warm up act for a very famous band. 
Now here you all were, it had been ten years of climbing the ladder but Corroded Coffin could sell out an area almost as quickly as Metallica or Iron Maiden or any other band you’d care to mention. 
Everyone at home who had cheered them on, who’d believed in the band, they were the original fans. They might not be screaming their songs back to them in a sweaty crowd of metal heads or getting riled up in a mosh pit but there was no way Gareth, Jeff or Eddie could forget those friends who’s faith had never wavered. 
Dave the new guy maybe didn’t understand at first when a guy in glasses and pink Ralph Lauren polo showed up backstage with a girl who wouldn’t stop running her mouth in the most beat up pair of red chucks. Or why a certain hard nose reporter was only too happy to do fluff pieces on the band's meteoric rise to fame. He understood the California Stoners a little more but it still kind of baffled him when everyone begged one guy to take their pictures. 
This was Eddie’s family. Your family. The band and the Hawkins group. You were all older now, maybe not wiser but you would always share something deep, spring break 86 had truly bonded  you all for life. Most of Eddie’s early song writing for the band after Spring Break is what got the band picked up in the first place. 
So there you were. Sitting on a busted amp backstage watching the boys argue before going on stage. Eddie had apparently broken some sort of rule about being 'cool' and 'metal' to the point where the other three guys just couldn't let it go. Gareth had even decided  to document the 'crime' with his polaroid and now everyone was playing keep away while the photo developed and threatening to give it to the next reporter they spoke to, 
“You’re ruining my image!” Eddie protested, "come on dude don't be a dick" 
“You’re ruining your own image! You’re drinking out of a juice box! What are you six?” Gareth shot back, holding the picture above his head and signaling for Jeff to take it
“I need the vitamin c!” Eddie shot back, "it's not my fault  you all want to get scurvy" 
You couldn't help but laugh as Jeff took the picture and handed it off to a random crew member telling them to guard it with their life while Dave and Gareth wrestled with Eddie. This was the Corroded Coffin people didn't get to see, just four guys who loved each other and loved music, not the on stage personas, not what the media loved to make them out to be and  you were so fortunate you got to experience it all.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
The sound of the crowd cheering and chanting the band name sent chills up your spine and looking up at the others you could tell the band felt it too,
“Knock them dead babe” you smiled reaching up to grab Eddie by the lapels of his worn leather jacket to bring him down for a searing kiss, 
“Always do” he laughed before shrugging out of the jacket and draping it over your shoulders. A little pre-show ritual he swore brought the band luck and with how the tour had been going so far, no one could fault him.
You watched as the band took the stage and the crowd went wild. Your chest swelled with excitement as Eddie started playing, a wink thrown to you waiting there for him before his attention turned to the rest of the band and all that nervous energy transformed into an unbelievable stage presence.
You’d read every article that came out about the boys and  saved every article you’d found, clipped from magazines and pasted into a scrapbook you were keeping so that in years to come when you were all old and looking back on the glory days of your youth, the boys could look back at their beginnings. Along with Gareth's collection of Polaroids, embarrassing or not. 
The articles that made you laugh were usually the ones written about Eddie and his stage presence. The way he acted when he was playing had these journalists convinced he was some sort of tantric sex god, they drew their conclusions from the energy he put out while on stage and how touchy he was with you after. The band thought it was hilarious honestly and put it down to lead guitarist syndrome, everyone assumed because Eddie played lead he was just this amazing lover who could never be sated and while it was partially true it wasn’t everything the assorted press made your relationship out to be.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Eddie’s hair shone under the stage lights, his body covered in a sheen of sweat as he played his heart out to a stadium packed full of screaming fans. They were here to hear him play, just to hear their band. No one else. It had been a long time coming, from playing the hideout every Tuesday to a band of drunks who yelled and threw empty beer bottles at the chicken wire surrounding the 'stage' and demanded old country songs to being hare, now and playing a sold out stadium of die hard Corroded Coffin fans. 
His eyes flicked back to where you were standing, your arms inside his oversized jacket as you sang along to every song and danced along to the music. You knew every word to every song they played, you’d been there when most of it was written and Eddie swore up and down you were the band’s good luck charm. If you hadn’t been there at the club there’s no way the band would have ended up where they are now. 
Turning his attention back to the crowd, Eddie poured his heart and soul into their last few songs knowing that everyone else would do just the same pouring every ounce of their being into the music. That's what it was all about in the end, the lights, the crowds, the fame, it was all secondary to the music itself.
As the band finally finished their set before the encore they came back off stage to change quickly and rehydrate. Eddie had other ideas apparently and rushed at you, sweeping you into his arms ignoring your cries of protest about how sweaty he was and demands that he at least wipe down first,
“Need you now baby” he groaned in your ear, pressing himself against you so you could feel just how hard he was. The energy from the crowd had been unlike anything else they’d experienced all tour and Eddie needed you.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
You were giggling as Eddie stole kisses as he dragged you towards the band's dressing room, the rest of the boys staying behind with warnings that Eddie better not miss the encore and threats of serious bodily harm if he did. His kisses were heated the closer you both got to the dressing room, your protests about his sweat slicked body dying in your throat before you had a chance to voice them. Instead they surfaced as little moans as Eddie’s hands roamed all over your body, he pushed you through the dressing room door and kicked it shut behind him.
Eyes dark as they took in your form, your home made corroded coffin shirt you wore to every show since the first one you'd ever been to,  but above all you were still wearing his jacket and Eddie would freely admit what seeing you in his clothes did to him,
“Baby do you have any idea how hot it is knowing my girl is on tour with me?” he grinned, his hands reaching out to pull you in close by your hips, “knowing everyone is looking at you but they can’t touch”
His teeth nipped at your neck as he sucked a bruise at the base of your throat, his hands trailing down your body to push your skirt up around your hips. You moaned openly as his hands kneaded your backside, Eddie knew exactly where to touch you to make you melt into him. 
You pulled at the hem of the tank top Eddie was wearing and managed to pull it off with his help. As soon as the tank top was off Eddie’s hands were pushing you back towards the couch, 
“Gonna fuck you so good baby, gonna make you scream my name so everyone knows who you belong to” he growled into your ear. 
You let out a yelp of surprise when the back of your knees hit the arm of the couch, reaching out for something to grab onto so you wouldn’t fall but only grabbing air as you toppled backwards. Eddie smirked and licked his lips at the sight of your legs propped up by the arm of the couch while the rest of your body lay flat on the couch. 
Crouching down so he was at eye level with your throbbing pussy, Eddie pushed your legs apart and settled himself between your opened thighs. You could feel the heat of his breath against your panties, the sensation only made you wetter as you waited for whatever Eddie had in store for you.
It wasn’t much of a wait as Eddie’s large hands trailed up your thighs, over your panties, his fingers ghosting over the waistband. Placing soft kisses to the inside of your thighs Eddie moved his fingers along the seam of your panties chuckling to himself when he started rubbing his thumb against clit and hearing the moan you let out in response,
“That’s my good girl, be as loud as you want baby. Want everyone to hear you” he crooned fingers rubbing your soaked panties against your needy cunt,
“Please Eddie, need you, please” you begged, you wanted more than this teasing sensation. Needed him to stretch you out with those thick fingers, needed him. 
Eddie laughed at how needy you were for him. Who was he to deny his girl anything she wanted? His good girl..
“Since you asked so nicely” the sound of fabric ripping filled your ears before Eddie’s mouth was attached to your dripping pussy, licking up the slick from your folds and moaning at the taste of you. Always so sweet for him, he could stay here for hours and had done so on more than one occasion.
You keened loudly at the feel of him, his tongue working wickedly between your legs as he sucked on your clit like it was his favourite milkshake, “taste so good honey” he purred as he slipped a long finger into you.
“Please Eddie, need more” you gasped, “please, please” 
“Greedy little girl, you want more than this? Tell me what you want” 
“Need you to fuck me, need your cock inside me” 
Eddie almost gave in then and there. His cock was straining against the denim of his jeans, it was painfully hard but he was a man on a mission and he would not be deterred. Instead he added another finger using them to stretch you open as his mouth went back to work on your clit. 
The room smelt of sex and sweat, the sounds of your moans and Eddie’s fingers in your wet pussy filling the air to the point that you were sure the crowd could hear it from the main stage. It was music to Eddie’s ears and he wasn’t going to stop until you made the sweetest sound of all for him.
Adding another finger he worked them in tandem with his mouth as he found the spot inside that had you seeing stars and gripping his hair tightly in your hands begging him not to stop. You could feel the coil tightening in your tummy, you were so close and Eddie could feel it too with how your walls were fluttering around him, 
“That’s it baby, cum for me” he encouraged, his fingers moving quicker and quicker until you felt the pressure inside you boil over and you came with a loud moan of his name soaking both Eddie’s fingers and his chin. 
He didn’t stop until he was sure you had come back down from your high and you were panting on the couch trying to catch the breath he’d stolen from your lungs. 
Standing up Eddie quickly unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down around his ankles. He looked down at you, your face flushed and chest heaving. God you looked so pretty like this, all wrecked after an orgasm. Almost as pretty as when he fucked you into your shared hotel room bed every night. 
That was for later, for now Eddie needed you and he wasn’t going to wait. He lined himself up with your entrance and pushed in, gripping your hips tightly as he did so. God you were so tight, so warm, he had to be careful not to blow his load there and then. 
A string of curses left his lips until he bottomed out. The stretch was almost unbearable every time Eddie filled you but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love the feel of his thick cock dragging through your pussy walls. 
The way Eddie fucked you like each time was the first and the last and he’d never get to feel this again, dragging his cock out of you until just the tip was left inside before slamming his hips back against yours. Again and again, angling his hips so that the tip of his cock hit that sweet spot inside of you. 
You were clawing at the couch, his arms, anything you could reach. Moaning loudly at each deep stroke inside, you were sure you could feel Eddie in your stomach and it felt incredible. 
You could feel yourself getting close again as your pussy clenched down around Eddie’s cock. Knowing you both weren’t going to last much longer he reached between your sweaty bodies and rubbed quick energetic circles on your clit encouraging you to come apart around him. 
It didn’t take long for your high to wash over you again and you were screaming Eddie’s name for everyone to hear as your vision whited out, Eddie continued to fuck you through your high his own not far behind as he released into you with a grunt.
You stayed like that for a moment as you caught your breath. Splayed out on the couch with Eddie’s weight on top of you, his head resting on your stomach. Finally he looked up at you with a boyish grin on his face,
“Fuck honey you were amazing” he praised, a small kiss placed against your belly button as he pulled out and you groaned at the empty feeling left behind. 
Eddie disappeared from your line of sight for a moment before coming back with a warm wet towel to clean you off with. He placed another chaste kiss against the inside of your thighs before helping you stand and fix your clothes and hair. Not that the other members of the band or really anyone backstage wouldn’t know what the two of you had just been up to. 
Reaching up you captured his lips with your own and smiled into the kiss. Maybe the magazines were on to something after all. The moment was broken when Jeff began knocking hard on the door of the dressing room,
"You have two seconds to get out here or I swear to god I'll kill you myself!" 
Eddie pulled the door open wide and grinned at Jeff's irate expression as if he hadn't just been fucking your brains out on the couch,
"Relax, I told you I wouldn't miss the encore!" Eddie gave you a quick parting kiss before following after Jeff to finish the set for good.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Days later Eddie came back to the hotel you were currently crashing in with a ‘surprise’ for you. Peeling off his jacket he was able to show off a brand new tattoo, a heart with both of your names written inside. Eddie showed it proudly on stage that night proclaiming to all the world his love for one girl. 
His sweetheart.
Taglist: @pillow-titties @eddiemunsonwillbethedeathofme @munsonology @thegirlblogstuff @boomhauer @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @manda-panda-monium @insertcoolnameherethanks @aftermidnightwriting
Let me know if you want to be added!
His sweetheart.
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warnersister · 6 months
Chapter 10 - Gifts from Sacramento
The Highwayman Series | Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
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They’d managed to dig the bullet from your father’s stomach, cleaned it with the finest top-of-shelf whiskey. It was a horrible of thing, 'five-mil' gage and starting to rust, damn thing starting the oxidise while swimming around his guts. Doctor Bates sent him home with twenty-four stitches against his stomach, four bottles of the strongest liquor, courtesy of Penny; and strict instructions to stay on bed rest.
He’d been home four days now, Tuesday it was. And you hadn’t let him do much as lifted a finger. Coyote took over in the Sheriff’s office, and did as the job entailed. Your dad had never and would never admit it, but in a small and unassuming town such as Miramar, there wasn’t much crime; only a little thieving. So honestly there wasn’t much for Coyote to do so he picked up on his tasks very quickly.
But something was mulling over in your father’s mind and he just couldn’t get it out, couldn’t get rid of it. It was itching at him, biting, scratching, taunting. Jake Seresin should be six feet under the ground right about yesterday. Should’ve been hung, mocked and buried two days ago; but he still heard that damned voice outside his window, could still hear his laughs and his conversation flowing as he spoke with you. But Beau couldn’t kill him, not now. Not now him and his little highwayboys had saved his life, he was indebted to Bob and had to admit that fact.
His eyes searched the room, mind trying damn hard to deaden the sounds of your's and his conversations through the open shutters. He looked at the pills Bob had given him, of course they’d been helping. The bullet removal wasn’t half as painful as the one he’d had taken out of his left knee, and the stitches he could barely feel. He squinted and reached for the bottle, looking over the pills and reading the label twice over.
‘To be taken in small doses as instructed by a physician. Better taken with a shot of whiskey. No more than 6 pills to be taken in one 24 hour period. Not to leave the Sacramento area.’
He read it again ‘No more than 6 pills to be taken in one 24 hour period. Not to leave the Sacramento area.’ And again. ‘Not to leave the Sacramento area.’ His eyes widened as a realisation dawned on him. Either these pills were prescribed to Bob on his travels, or they’d been stolen from California state. Which meant these men, either way; were federal criminals. Bob was the suspect, and the other three were harbouring a wanted fugitive carrying illegal narcotics across the country.
He could hang all four of them, get the problem out of his way for good. Away from Texas. Away from Miramar. Away from him. And damn far away from his daughter: six feet below ought to be plenty. He lurched himself out of bed, looking at his stitched stomach; overly weary not to pop the string keeping him together as he headed to the window. “Boys!” He shouted to the grave diggers across the way, the two of them looked at the direction of the voice “Sheriff” the taller acknowledged. “Dig me another three. We gotta hangin’ on Sunday.” The two boys looked at each other and just nodded in response, knowing better than to doubt him, especially now being an injured sheriff.
Now, bob was indeed a physician in Sacramento. A good one at that. He'd helped plenty of folk when they were hurt or injured, but being acquainted with the other Daggers, they'd formulated the idea that Bob's marvellous medicine should be distributed across the US, perhaps even across different continents if they could find someone willing to hitch a ride on a ship over to Europe, hell Payback was in Mexico right now smuggling them across the boarder.
Before they'd made it to Miramar, Coyote and Bob had been North to try sell some of the pills to more secluded towns they'd only heard of in the Rockies. and boy, they were prepared to fork out a fortune for this promise of health but no matter how much they fed him, Bob's mare couldn't make it all the way - which is why they'd made their way south to Texas to try pick up a new horse from the sweet farmgirl they'd bought some carrots off on the way with no intention of returning.
That was all fun until they'd stayed in town too long, and Sheriff Simpson was a very ill man, but he sure as hell wasn't stupid and the fact that he'd caught on brought him some form of satisfaction, pushing aside the pain by clever use of adrenaline and instead, had full intention to have the whole dagger squad hung.
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Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
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rileyxmaddox · 14 days
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[cis female and she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [RILEY MADDOX]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ZOË KRAVITZ]. You must be the [THIRTY-FIVE] year old [BARTENDER AT FOUR LEAF IRISH PUB]. Word is your [ADAPTABLE] but can also be a bit [DISTRUSTING] and your favorite song is [DISPARATE YOUTH by SANTIGOLD]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [FISHER'S COVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
fullname. riley jean maddox
nicknames. riles, doc.
gender. cis female
pronouns. she / her
d.o.b. may 31st, 1989 | ( 35 years old )
astrology. gemini ☀ aquarius ☾  aries ↑
birth place. brooklyn, new york city.
hometown. brooklyn, new york city.
current residence. aurora bay, california. ( @aurorabayaesthetic​ )
occupation. bartender at four leaf irish pub.
religion. none.
tattoos. several (here and here).
piercings. several ears, both nipples, septum piercing.
marital status. single.
sexual preference. bisexual.
family. louise maddox ( mother ), unknown ( father ), cole walters ( foster brother ).
children. none.
eleanor shellstrop ( the good place ), sarah manning ( orphan black ), letty ortiz ( the fast & the furious ), alex stern ( ninth house ), selina kyle ( batman ), gillian owens ( practical magic ).
+ adaptable, spirited, opportunistic. - sarcastic, distrusting, irrational.
( tw: car accident, death, crime, drugs mention, violence, domestic violence ) 
There’s not much known about where exactly Riley Maddox came from. Some may say she came straight from the pits of hell. The only memory that comes to mind when thinking of a time before being shuffled from foster home to foster home is of a beautiful blonde looking at her in the rearview mirror of a beat up car. A warm smile, two bright headlights coming towards them and then, nothing but darkness.
Police would say it was a drunk driver but Riley was never sure which driver exactly was to blame for her mother’s death.
Jumping from foster home to foster home for all of her childhood, Riley learned very quickly that people are mostly not to be trusted. Running away, starting fights, whatever she could to get through until she was old enough to be on her own. When she was just eight years old, she met the ying to her yang. Cole Walters was around the same age and just as angry. They were inseparable from the moment they met, forever causing trouble and simply being the bane of their social worker’s existence. 
Try as they might to keep the two separated, they’d always find each other. And Cole is the only person that Riley has ever considered to be as close to family. 
As they grew, so did their anger. Juvenile delinquents who had nothing to lose. 
A perfect storm of bad intentions, they’d hit up liquor stores, sneak into clubs, start fires. Whatever they could to feel something. Riley’s specialty was stealing cars. While her mind wasn’t academically smart, she was always curious about how things worked, taking things apart and putting them back together.
Stealing cars for joy rides were a regular occurrence but selling them for parts was more lucrative. But there was only so much one can do in a busy city without getting noticed. On the precipice of aging out of the system, Riley wasn’t about to let Cole start a new life without her so they decided to run. 
Escaping from Brooklyn in a stolen car, they road-tripped around the States, making money and making trouble. It was tiring, always scrounging for cash, moving from place to place. Riley never longed to be still.
Stillness always came at a cost. 
One night, after spending all their cash on whatever the hell they felt like, the two decided to rob a liquor store with a stolen gun that Riley had taken from an ex-lover. With her waiting in the getaway car out the back, it felt like every run they’d done before. But this one was different. 
As shots were fired from inside and the sirens came in the distance, Riley knew that she had to bail. Once the police had arrested Cole, she knew it wasn’t long before they took her too. After destroying the car beyond recognition, she waited for them to come. But they didn’t. Cole didn’t breathe a word. 
After his conviction, Cole got five years for attempted robbery and theft of a firearm and Riley wanted to say that she’d never leave his side for what he did for her and all they’d been through, but that wasn't the case. They'd been on the run for so long, she didn't know how to sit still. Jumping from place to place around the country but it never felt the same without her brother, she always needed someone else to hold her down and keep her steady.
She ended up in Arizona, working in a local mechanic when she met Kyle. At first, Riley thought they were perfect for each other. He worked as a boxing instructor at the local rink wanting to make it to the big-time, but Riley knew he was never gonna get there. ( tw: domestic violence ) Their relationship was tumultuous, screaming rows and thrown objects at each other. For Kyle looking at another girl's ass at a bar, for Riley getting home too late from the mechanic's where she worked, for Kyle taking steroids to keep up with other fighters at the gym. It only took one time for him to give her a black eye for her to know she needed to leave. Once that boundary is broken, it only gets more frequent from there.
At this time, Riley knew that Cole had finally gotten out and was living in some beach town in California. She hadn't contacted him, worrying that he'd hate her for never visiting but with her face half beat to shit, Riley didn't have anywhere to go. She left in the middle of the night, stole her car boyfriend’s car and drove straight into Aurora Bay to find him.
coming soon!
foster sister of @colexwalters
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eatpeesweetpea · 3 months
REVIEW: My 2nd case of COVID-19
TW: mild self destructive behavior, mentions of ED, the state of California
"[COVID-19] is the Vipassana retreat of viruses..."
Following north of two years after its debut, my immune system has encountered its sophomore case of COVID-19. Because I am up to date on my vaccines and boosters as of the time of writing, this is an impressive context for COVID-19's return.
It began as a slight and deceptive, "something's stuck in my throat" sort of feeling at the end of a five day road trip through the California. (Let this serve as foreshadowing to how I will review the state of California.) I had choked on a ramen noodle earlier in the day, so I thought nothing of it. The accompanying "off" body feeling that gradually intensified into the evening made the final leg of the drive somewhat uncomfortable. But overall, an underwhelming opener.
COVID-19 really picked up the following morning. Since my girlfriend is a furnace, she can attest that I sleep slight: one blanket, one pillow, soldier, grumpy. No cuddles. I woke up roughly two hours earlier than usual attempting to sell my music in order to exit the freeway on a motorcycle. In my delirium, I whined and snuggled up. I was shivering under two blankets in a sweater, and clammy. My yucky throat feeling had evolved into an icky dry cough that sometimes produced a satisfying wad of phlegm. I was too lazy to get up and get socks to thaw my icy toes.
Post 600 mg ibuprofen, I had reclaimed some vitality and managed to drag my sorry ass home. I dilly dallied unproductively around my room for most of the day, feeling somewhat paranoid about brain fog, long COVID, some weird swelling above my hips, etc. Come nighttime and my fever had crept back up to a surprising 102.9° F. I slumped at the dining room table and spooned hot chicken soup into my hanging mouth. There is something very fascinating and rewarding about these sorry, altered states of consciousness, and I pondered that for a few minutes before redosing. I went to bed shortly after and passed out.
I mostly slept through the night, only beginning to stir prematurely towards morning. I half-awoke very unpleasantly drenched in sweat and flipped the blankets around a couple times to evenly distribute the spoilage. Once I fully woke up, I recorded my temp at a cool 97.2° F. In fact, the rest of the day went swimmingly. I completed some chores, did some painting, and cooked for myself with minimal medication and nursing only a somewhat irritating cough. My throat was more itchy than sore. As for the body feel, I think I could have successfully ran a quarter-marathon given a sufficiently motivated bear or pack of wolves.
Overall, I have mixed feelings on COVID-19. Within the context of its contemporaries, COVID-19 did no more harm than a moderate flu, and I much prefer its dry, manageable cough to the agony of strep throat. The body load and fatigue of COVID-19 was notably brutal on its first day, but backed off much more quickly than any other condition of its caliber. The true scale-tippers here are the social effects of COVID-19; this is the only sickness where you are expected to inform all of your previous company of the potential that you got them sick. Not fun. This is also the only common illness where you can't get away with re-entering society right about when you feel better. The strict code of courtesy around COVID-19 is good and ethical, but knocks it down a couple points by the standards of my review.
That's not to say there are only negatives. On the other side of the coin, I have appreciated the impetus to refocus on art and personal reflection. I've made my maiden voyage through more albums in the last two days than the last two months. I made my first Tumblr post. As someone who is typically noncommittal about disordered eating, I considered the mild reduction in appetite a plus. And further on the topic of self-destructive glee, anybody who claims they don't want to see just how high they can get their temperature before they get scared is full of shit. Number go up funny dopamine -- so I appreciated the astounding effort on fever here.
If you are looking for a new sickness to contract and have a light ten days ahead, keep COVID-19 on your radar. It is the Vipassana retreat of viruses: painful, isolating, meditative, and occasionally gross. Tolerable. Just don't feel tempted to share the love.
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textales · 1 year
"The Unabomber."
“It was a town, a town without milk.” I made this statement while presenting my milky-white lower leg as if it were a prize-winning cheese curd from some county fair. The saying makes no sense to most people now, but in the mid-1990s it was part of the hugely successful “Got Milk?” campaign by the California Milk Processor’s Board.  
“My legs are the color of chicken before it’s cooked.”
“Eeew, take your milk and your chicken somewhere else,” shrieked Joe. We were just waking up and nobody had coffee yet. It was day two of our great adventure - I had convinced several friends to come to my family’s cabin in the teeny town of Lincoln, Montana for a snowmobiling junket over President’s Day weekend in 1996. This was our unofficial fraternity, all five of us working in the radio business in San Francisco.  Even though we were in our 20s and 30s, we were behaving a bit like rowdy, drunken college kids on winter break.
The town of Lincoln had maybe five bars and we hit every one at least twice. A favorite was the Seven-Up Ranch, a bar-restaurant that had a few motel rooms and also rented-out cross-country skis and snowmobiles. We took a liking to the bartender who’d recently moved from Chicago.  He and his wife were urban ex-pats who, like us I suppose, didn’t quite fit-in here in the middle of nowhere.  The husband was okay with living hundreds of miles from the nearest Starbucks, but the wife made no bones about wanting to move back to the civilization of Chicago.
As Joe and I poked around the pool table, a couple families came through the saloon doors. They were wearing brand-new snow suits. Curious, I glanced outside to see two shiny, brand-spanking new black Chevy Suburbans, each pulling trailers with shiny, brand-spanking new snowmobiles.  As a kid I was always envious of those rich folk who could afford new Polaris and Arctic Cats and Ski Dos. We were regular folk, and our sleds – although well maintained – were always at least a dozen years old.
Impressed with the shiny new sleds and suits, I was of course curious who these people were and how they ended up here. Perhaps they, too, were fellow urban dwellers from real cities, here to explore the winter splendor of Big Sky Country. Maybe they were just like us, but with deeper pockets? My curiosity was killing me.
I asked where they were from – and I got odd answers. One guy I assumed to be the leader told me he and his family were from Bozeman.
“Oh really? My brother graduated from Bozeman High in 1974 – he would have about your age. Did you know Mike McKiernan?” He didn’t answer, turning quickly to the bartender to order.
Unsatisfied with the non-answer, I redirected my interrogation to a woman from their posse while Joe and Val finished the pool game.
“We’re from Helena,” said the mid-30s woman who probably assumed her prompt and curt answer would shut me up.
“Who was your gym teacher?” I ask this question because my cousin was a gym teacher at one of the two high schools in Helena, so there is a 50/50 chance the answer will be Shirley Chesterfield.
Without responding, the woman led her entire tribe to the dining room in an effort, I suppose, to escape me and my line of questioning.
“Well hell.” I felt slighted since most Montanans are friendly and I had failed in my attempts to connect. Oh well, their loss. These people were more like those “pesky Californians” my father complains about. The type of people who sell their starter homes in LA and move to Montana and pay cash for everything, pushing up property taxes and pissing-off the locals.
“Sure, I’ll have another Miller Lite. Thank you.”
It all made sense six weeks later when we were back in California. Val called me from LA to tell me the Unabomber had been captured at his cabin just a few miles from where we had been terrorizing the countryside with our snowmobiles. 
The not-so-friendly crowd in brand-new snowsuits, Suburbans and sleds turned out to be FBI agents. NO WONDER they were so dodgy and didn’t know my brother or my cousin!  I felt vindicated.
Lincoln, Montana was at the epicenter of what at the time was the most expensive investigation in FBI history.  Agents arrested Ted Kaczynski at his cabin, about ten miles down the road from my parents’ place, on April 3, 1996.  Found was bomb-making stuff, lots of hand-written journal pages with damning evidence describing his crimes, and one live bomb.
The town of Lincoln, with a population of 1,000 on a good day, was suddenly a media sensation. Reporters and producers from every network and dozens of media outlets booked every flight and rented every hotel room. Rental cars were sold out, as were RVs.
Hindsight is “20/20” and I realize now how I could have arranged to rent my parents cabin for a pretty penny. A friend living in Denver was a freelance cameraman for ABC News and the network would have easily paid thousands to put-up him and a producer and Barbara Walters for a couple weeks.  They could have admired Red’s art carvings while enjoying a “Uniburger” from the bar down the road.
I’m pretty sure the bartender at the Seven Up Ranch ended up in a couple radio interviews, since Val, Kira and Carolyn were producers for morning shows in LA and San Francisco. That bartender got to return to civilization, even if only virtually, for his fifteen minutes of fame.
And decades later, I was at KGO radio in San Francisco when the Program Director was introducing some of the talk show hosts to the sales staff.  A small world was made smaller when I got to meet Candace DeLong,  an FBI criminal profiler who helped find Kaczynski and at the time hosted a show on our station. She remembered the town, but did not remember the “Uniburger” from the bar down the road.
My mother remembers seeing the Unabomber. “Oh yeah, I remember that guy. I think I saw him at the post office.” I wish she were still around so I could verify, but a nerdy weirdo mountain man really wasn't all that odd in that little town.  A town without milk.
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Selling Your Home in Huntington Beach: How to Avoid Mistakes and Get the Best Results
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If you're planning to sell your home in Huntington Beach, California, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the process. The purchase agreements on their own are 16 pages long that includes arbitration and mediation if Buyer or Seller does not perform execution of the contract. However you can streamline the process and maximize your profits by avoiding some common mistakes to selling your home. Here are some key tips for selling your home in Huntington Beach.
1. Price Your Home Competitively
Huntington Beach is a popular and competitive real estate market, so it's crucial to price your home competitively to attract potential buyers. You have to understand that the location of your home gives the best value. Huntington Beach homes near the 405 will not be the same value as in Huntington Harbor. Having an agent who knows how appraisers work will give your the best approximate range of value. However in the end, the Buyer purchasing your home is the Final price not what it is listed on the market.
2. Make Repairs and Maintenance a Priority
Before listing your home, make sure everything is in good working order. Address any necessary repairs that are major repairs. Having a roof and termite inspection to know exactly what the costs are so there are no surprises while in escrow. Not only will this make your home more appealing to potential buyers, but it can also help you get the best possible price for your home. Buyers are nervous when they do not know the condition of the property and many are not experienced. Escrow moves easier when the condition of the home is excellent.
3. Stage Your Home
Staging your home can make a big difference in how quickly and easily it sells. Work with a professional stager or take the time to declutter and organize your space. Sometimes it's as easy as removing a couple chairs in the dinning room or making your home ready for many people to walk through your home at a time. This can make your home feel more inviting and help potential buyers envision themselves living there.
4. Market Your Home Effectively
In Huntington Beach's competitive real estate market, effective marketing is key. Work with a real estate agent who has a strong online presence and utilizes social media to showcase your home. This can help you reach a larger audience and generate more interest in your home. The listing agent's job is to get as many eyes inside your home. The more people seeing your home physically than online is a great sign of good marketing.
5. Be Prepared for Showings
When selling your home in Huntington Beach, it's important to always be prepared for showings. What's important is knowing when buyers are available to capture the most eyes of your home possible. Keep your home clean and tidy, and be ready to vacate the premises at a moment's notice. This can help ensure that potential buyers have a positive impression of your home. This can be very tiresome if your home is not priced accordingly or marketed effectively because you'll be doing this chore more often.
6. Work with a Local Real Estate Agent
Working with a local real estate agent who knows the Huntington Beach market can make a big difference in the success of your sale. They can provide valuable insights into the market, handle negotiations, and help you navigate the selling process with ease. It's also important to have the ability to market your home to attract the most buyers possible. Chances that someone buying your home in Huntington Beach will be out of area. That's why it is important to have a program that casts the widest net possible.
It is also important to understand the purchase contract. Many transactions that I represented the Buyer, I've had Listing Agents counter with 'as-is'. That might be small, but in the state of California all real estate residential transactions are conducted "as-is in the current condition". So it is not necessary for a seller to counter that to a buyer in a purchase contract.
By avoiding these common mistakes you can be confident that your home will sell in Huntington Beach and maximize your equity.
Mr. Huntington Beach Real Estate
315 7th St D Huntington Beach, CA 92648
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americamortgages · 12 days
How Can Hong Kong Citizens Get Mortgages in the U.S.?
The U.S. real estate market has been one of the strongest property markets globally with no signs of slowing down. If you are a Hong Kong citizen looking to diversify your portfolio or simply get the most out of the booming U.S. economy, now is the time!
According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), China (including Hong Kong) emerged as the top country among foreign buyers in 2021! Between 2010 and 2021, they purchased an average of $18 billion worth of U.S. property annually, acquiring around 27,000 units each year.
Can Hong Kong citizens buy property in the U.S.?
Yes, Hong Kong citizens can buy property in the U.S.
There are no limitations towards any foreign nationals mortgage to purchase real estate in the U.S. If you are ready to invest in U.S. real estate simply apply for a mortgage as a non-citizen.
We’ve noticed an uptick in foreigners from various Asian countries investing in U.S. real estate owing to better housing prices. If you are considering obtaining a mortgage in the U.S. but are cautious about the process, you are not alone.
There are significant differences in how the mortgage system works in Hong Kong vs the U.S. So let’s clear them out. We’ll share the ins and outs of obtaining a U.S. mortgage as a Hong Kong citizen.
How do home prices in the U.S. compare to Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is notorious for its sky-high property prices. In fact, it’s one of the most expensive real estate markets globally. Let’s take a look at the average prices per square meter for comparison, Hong Kong is USD 28,570
In contrast, some major U.S. metro areas have significantly lower prices:
San Francisco, California: USD 7,180
Miami Area, Florida: USD 2,660
Orlando, Florida: USD 1,940
New York Metro Areas: USD 3,070
Austin, Texas: USD 2,620
Types of U.S. mortgages available for Hong Kong citizen
Foreign National Mortgage
A mortgage that is designed for foreign nationals, or non-U.S. citizens. So if you don’t have a U.S. social security number or a green card this is the perfect option for you. A Foreign National Mortgage generally has a down payment of 25% of the property value and requires proof of payment and substantial financial reserves.
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) Loan
This loan is based on the property’s income potential and not the borrower’s income. This means that even if you don’t have a high personal income or a strong credit history, you can still qualify for a loan if the property itself is profitable. It’s a great option for investors who want to leverage rental income to finance their property purchases.
Bridge Loans
Bridge loans are a short-term loan used to bridge the gap between purchasing a new property and selling an existing one. They are ideal for acting quickly and seizing the investment opportunities but haven’t yet sold your current property yet.without waiting for your existing property to sell.
Portfolio Loans
These are mortgages that lenders keep on their books rather than selling on the secondary market. Since the terms are customizable these loans offer more flexibility.  Portfolio loans are especially great for high-value properties, unique properties, or borrowers with unconventional financial profiles.
How Can Hong Kong Citizens Get Mortgages in the U.S.?
America Mortgages helps foreign nationals obtain U.S. mortgages. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.americamortgages.com.
Additionally, if you’d like to schedule a commitment-free meeting with one of our U.S. loan officers to explore your U.S. mortgage options further, you can do so using our 24/7 calendar link.
Reference: https://www.americamortgages.com/how-can-hong-kong-citizens-get-mortgages-in-the-u-s/
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Top Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Sell Your House Fast in Walnut Creek
Selling a house quickly can be a stressful process, especially if you're under time pressure. Many homeowners in Walnut Creek and beyond find themselves saying, "I need to sell my house fast!" Whether you're dealing with a sudden relocation, financial difficulties, or simply want to offload a property quickly, it's crucial to avoid common pitfalls that can delay your sale. At Sell Quick California, LLC, we've seen it all, and we’re here to help you avoid these mistakes so you can sell your house fast and for cash.
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Overpricing Your Home
One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when trying to sell their house fast is overpricing. While you might think your home is worth more, the market ultimately decides the value. Buyers are savvy and will compare your house to similar ones in Walnut Creek. Overpricing can lead to your property sitting on the market longer, which can be detrimental if you're looking for a quick sale. If you want to sell your house fast for cash in Walnut Creek, consider a competitive pricing strategy from the start.
Neglecting Necessary Repairs
When you're in a hurry to sell, it can be tempting to skip repairs and hope that buyers will overlook any issues. However, this can be a costly mistake. Even minor repairs, such as fixing leaky faucets or patching up holes in the walls, can make a significant difference in how quickly your house sells. Remember, buyers looking for a home in Walnut Creek are likely to choose a property that’s move-in ready. If you're looking for a faster sale, consider working with companies like Sell Quick California, LLC, where we buy houses as-is in Walnut Creek.
Ignoring Curb Appeal
First impressions matter, especially when selling your home. Potential buyers might drive by your property before deciding to schedule a viewing. If the exterior of your home is unkempt or outdated, they might pass on your house entirely. Simple improvements like mowing the lawn, painting the front door, and planting flowers can enhance your home’s curb appeal and help you sell your house faster.
Not Staging Your Home
Staging your home is more than just cleaning and decluttering. It’s about showcasing your home’s potential to buyers. A well-staged home can make a significant impact on how fast your house sells. If you're trying to sell your house for fast cash, consider hiring a professional stager or getting advice from your real estate agent. Staging can make rooms look bigger, brighter, and more inviting, which appeals to buyers.
Choosing the Wrong Selling Strategy
If your goal is to sell your house fast in Walnut Creek, choosing the right selling strategy is crucial. Traditional real estate sales can take months, especially if your house needs repairs or is in a less-than-ideal location. However, if you choose to work with cash home buyers like Sell Quick California, LLC, you can expedite the process. We buy houses for cash quickly, often within days, helping you avoid the lengthy traditional selling process.
Failing to Market Your Home Effectively
Effective marketing is key to selling your house fast. Relying solely on a "For Sale" sign in your yard isn’t enough. Make sure your home is listed on multiple online platforms, and consider using social media to spread the word. High-quality photos and a compelling description can also make your listing stand out. At Sell Quick California, LLC, we have the expertise and resources to help market your home effectively, ensuring a faster sale.
Underestimating the Value of Cash Offers
When trying to sell your house fast for cash in Walnut Creek, don’t underestimate the value of a cash offer. Cash buyers can close deals quickly since they don’t have to wait for mortgage approval or worry about financing falling through. At Sell Quick California, LLC, we buy houses for cash in Walnut Creek, providing you with a quick, hassle-free sale.
Not Understanding the Local Market
Real estate markets vary greatly from one area to another. Understanding the Walnut Creek market is essential if you want to sell your house fast. Factors such as the time of year, local economic conditions, and the average time houses stay on the market in your area can influence how quickly your house sells. Working with a company familiar with the local market, like Sell Quick California, LLC, can help you navigate these factors effectively.
Choosing the Wrong Buyer
Not all buyers are created equal, especially when you're looking to sell your house fast. Some buyers may back out at the last minute, or their financing may fall through, leaving you back at square one. To avoid this, consider selling to reputable cash home buyers in Walnut Creek. At Sell Quick California, LLC, we buy houses fast and for cash, ensuring a smooth and reliable transaction.
Being Unprepared for the Closing Process
Finally, even if you find a buyer quickly, the closing process can still present challenges. Being unprepared can delay the sale, costing you time and money. Ensure all necessary paperwork is ready, and be prepared to move out quickly if needed. When you sell your house to Sell Quick California, LLC, we handle most of the closing details for you, making the process as seamless as possible.
Selling your house fast in Walnut Creek doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By avoiding these common mistakes and working with the right company, you can achieve a quick and profitable sale. At Sell Quick California, LLC, we buy houses in Walnut Creek and surrounding areas, offering fair cash prices and fast closing times. If you’re ready to sell your house quickly and efficiently, contact us today!
Media Contact : Sell Quick California, LLC 1630 N Main St #46, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, United States (925) 854-5040 https://www.google.com/maps?cid=2356332949212550095
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brgibson72 · 2 months
Break the Energy Chain: Freedom with Sunshine Power
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The state of California is where sustainability and sunlight meet! Leading the way in creating the future might be you as a home builder in California. This is the reason why: California solar energy is a solid foundation for your houses, not just a passing trend. Solar power not only saves energy bills but also increases the appeal of your house to environmentally conscious consumers. This is especially important given the state's focus on clean energy. The Simply Solar blog offers guidance on California solar technology. One rooftop at a time, let's mold the solar future of California!
What effect do solar energy systems in California have on real estate prices? 
Making the ideal homes in California a reality? Your best weapon is solar energy. According to studies, houses with solar panels might fetch a higher price and sell more quickly. Why? Customers who are concerned about their energy use are drawn to solar power's financial advantages, which result in long-term savings on electricity costs. Moreover, today's market loves the new sustainability that solar panels bring. This is an investment in the future of your houses and your client's bank accounts, not just a building material.
The sunshine in California is not just a good sight to watch but also a valuable resource that is just waiting to be used. You're not only building gorgeous homes when you integrate California solar energy into your construction; you're also building a good future for the environment and your clients. Together, let's make it a better tomorrow on the way to a more eco-friendly and optimistic future. One solar panel at a time, we can change California's rooftops.
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joehomebuyer · 2 months
Sell My House Fast Riverside: The Ultimate Guide to Quick and Easy Home Sales
Selling a house can be a daunting process, especially when you're pressed for time. Whether you're relocating, facing financial challenges, or simply want to capitalize on a booming market, selling your house quickly can offer numerous benefits. If you're wondering how to "sell my house fast in Riverside," this comprehensive guide will provide you with actionable tips and insights to help you achieve a quick and profitable sale.
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Why Sell My House Fast in Riverside?
Riverside, located in Southern California, is known for its beautiful landscapes, historic architecture, and vibrant community. As a result, the real estate market here is competitive, making it possible to sell your home quickly if you know the right strategies. Some common reasons homeowners choose to sell their homes fast in Riverside include:
Relocation: Job transfers or personal reasons often require a quick move.
Financial Distress: Avoiding foreclosure or managing debt can necessitate a swift sale.
Downsizing or Upgrading: Changing family dynamics or lifestyle preferences.
Market Conditions: Taking advantage of favorable market trends.
Preparing Your Home for a Quick Sale
The first step to sell your house fast in Riverside is to make it as appealing as possible to potential buyers. Here are some essential tips:
1. Boost Curb Appeal
First impressions are crucial. The exterior of your home should be well-maintained and inviting. Simple actions like mowing the lawn, planting flowers, and painting the front door can significantly enhance your home's curb appeal.
2. Declutter and Depersonalize
Buyers need to envision themselves living in your home. Remove personal items, excess furniture, and clutter. This not only makes your home look larger and more inviting but also helps buyers focus on the property's features.
3. Minor Repairs and Upgrades
Fixing minor issues like leaky faucets, cracked tiles, or broken fixtures can make a big difference. Consider updating outdated lighting fixtures or applying a fresh coat of paint to give your home a modern and well-maintained look.
4. Professional Staging
Staging your home can significantly impact how quickly it sells. Professional stagers know how to arrange furniture and decor to highlight your home's strengths and make it more appealing to buyers.
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Pricing Your Home to Sell Fast
Pricing is a critical factor when you want to "sell my house fast Riverside." If your home is overpriced, it may sit on the market for longer, which can deter potential buyers. Here's how to set the right price:
1. Conduct a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
A CMA compares your home to similar properties that have recently sold in your area. This analysis provides a realistic price range for your home, helping you set a competitive and attractive price.
2. Consider Market Conditions
The real estate market can fluctuate based on the time of year, economic factors, and local trends. Work with a real estate agent who understands the Riverside market and can help you set a price that reflects current conditions.
3. Strategic Pricing
Sometimes, setting a slightly lower price can generate more interest and lead to multiple offers. This strategy can be particularly effective in a competitive market, potentially resulting in a higher final sale price.
Marketing Your Home Effectively
Effective marketing is crucial to attract the right buyers quickly. Here's how to market your home to sell fast:
1. High-Quality Photos and Videos
In today's digital age, most buyers start their home search online. High-quality photos and videos can make your listing stand out. Consider hiring a professional photographer to showcase your home's best features.
2. Online Listings
List your home on popular real estate websites and social media platforms. A well-written description that highlights your home's unique features, combined with attractive photos, can draw in potential buyers.
3. Open Houses and Virtual Tours
Open houses and virtual tours allow buyers to experience your home firsthand. Virtual tours are especially useful for out-of-town buyers or those who prefer a convenient viewing option.
4. Working with a Real Estate Agent
An experienced real estate agent can be invaluable when selling your home quickly. They have access to a network of potential buyers and other agents, can handle negotiations, and can help you navigate the paperwork and legal aspects of the sale.
Consider Cash Buyers and Real Estate Investors
If you need to sell your house even faster, consider working with cash buyers or real estate investors. These buyers are often willing to purchase homes in as-is condition and can close deals quickly, sometimes within days. Here are some advantages:
Speed: Cash transactions eliminate the need for mortgage approval, inspections, and other traditional sale contingencies, speeding up the process.
Convenience: Selling as-is means you don't have to invest time and money into repairs or staging.
Certainty: Cash buyers typically have fewer reasons to back out of a deal, providing more certainty in the sale process.
Sell my house fast Riverside requires careful preparation, strategic pricing, and effective marketing. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of a fast and successful sale. Remember, working with a knowledgeable real estate agent and considering all your options, including cash buyers, can further expedite the process. If you're ready to "sell my house fast Riverside," start implementing these strategies today and enjoy a smooth and efficient home-selling experience.
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pacifichighlands · 2 months
Pet-Friendly Living
If you're searching for pet-friendly modern apartments in Carmel Valley, look no further than Sola at Pacific Highlands Ranch. Offering one, two, and three-bedroom homes in two unique color palettes, Sola caters to residents and their furry companions alike. Pet owners will appreciate amenities like the dedicated dog spa and outdoor dog park, ensuring pets stay happy and healthy. Located within the vibrant Village at Pacific Highlands Ranch, residents enjoy easy access to shops, dining, and entertainment, enhancing everyday convenience. Sola prides itself on being a 100% smoke-free community, creating a clean and pleasant environment for all residents. With pet policies accommodating up to two pets, including breed restrictions, Sola provides a welcoming home for both humans and their beloved animals.
The Transportation System in San Diego, California
San Diego, California, boasts a well-connected transportation system that helps residents and visitors travel conveniently around the city. The Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) operates buses and trolleys, offering reliable public transportation options. The San Diego International Airport serves as a major gateway for air travel, connecting the city to domestic and international destinations. Highways and freeways crisscross the region, facilitating easy access to neighboring cities and attractions. Bike lanes and pedestrian paths are also prevalent, promoting alternate modes of transportation and enhancing the city's bike-friendly reputation. Overall, San Diego's transportation infrastructure supports efficient commuting and travel, contributing to the city's livability and accessibility.
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park is a vibrant reminder of the city's rich history and cultural heritage. Located in San Diego, California, it preserves historic buildings and exhibits that showcase life in the early days of the city. Visitors can explore adobe houses, museums, and shops that sell handmade crafts and traditional Mexican goods. The park offers guided tours where you can learn about the area's significance during the 19th century, when it was a bustling hub for settlers and travelers. Live demonstrations of historic trades like blacksmithing and candle making provide a hands-on experience of the past. With its charming atmosphere and educational opportunities, Old Town San Diego State Historic Park invites everyone to step back in time and discover the roots of California's oldest neighborhood.
Missing Hiker From San Diego County Last Seen During Heat Wave
It is generally not wise to take hikes during heat waves due to the high risk of heat-related illnesses, including heatstroke and heat exhaustion. Heat waves bring extreme temperatures that can quickly lead to dehydration and overheating, especially when engaging in physical activities like hiking. It's crucial to prioritize safety by choosing cooler times of day, such as early morning or late afternoon, for outdoor activities. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after the hike to stay hydrated. Wearing light-colored, loose-fitting clothing and applying sunscreen can also help prevent heat-related illnesses. Always listen to your body and be aware of the indications of heat exhaustion or heatstroke, like dizziness, nausea, and rapid heartbeat.
Link to map
Old Town San Diego St Hist Pk San Diego Avenue and, Twiggs St, San Diego, CA 92110, United States Get on I-5 N from Congress St 2 min (0.5 mi) Continue on I-5 N to Carmel Valley Rd. Take exit 3 from CA-56 E 15 min (16.6 mi) Continue on Carmel Valley Rd. Drive to Highlands Pl 3 min (0.9 mi) Sola at Pacific Highlands Ranch 13385 Highlands Pl, San Diego, CA 92130, United States
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needlesthc123 · 3 months
The Healing Center
Many in Needles, California's thriving business community see Marijuana Dispensary as a beacon of optimism.
We have cannabis experts on staff who are happy to lend you a hand if you need it.
Being one of the world's most famous cannabis shops is something we're really proud of needles dispensary The collection of premium indica and sativa strains has been greatly expanded, and we couldn't be happier to share the news.  We have sent you the two premium cannabis strains you ordered. We greatly value your support. Among the many cannabis items offered at our dispensary are edibles and vape pens.
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It is quickly becoming the market standard because no other product can compare to its quality and performance.
For the record, we are not associated with the medicinal marijuana sector. Conversely, we keep an eye on internet markets that sell all sorts of stuff, including cannabis and cigarettes. If you search carefully enough, you might discover some very breathtaking websites in this day and age.
Needles is a station on Route 66 on the route from Arizona to California. Among Needles's many potential enterprises is the Healing Centre Weed Dispensary. It is possible that California is home to both of these spots. This area of California is home to all of these stunning landmarks. Both of these locations probably are in California. Two cannabis dispensaries, in an odd coincidence, are located in the same building. If you are in search of local greatness, they should be your go-to. We have a wide variety of premium cannabis products in stock at our dispensary, each chosen for its unique benefits. You can find whatever you're looking for here. At our dispensary, you are welcome to make use of these items. Flower, extracts, candies, and more besides are available at the Healing Centre's extensive cannabis product selection. This is vital regardless of the type of cannabis product you're seeking. The issue's continuance is unrelated to how accurately you typed in your cannabis search phrases weed dispensary near me You may trust this promise since it ensures a smooth and enjoyable transaction. Before you go ahead and buy cannabis goods online, remember this. Nobody can afford to ignore this.
Helping you make the greatest product choice is our first goal, and our helpful and knowledgeable staff is here to make that happen. Having our kind hosts take us on a tour of their showrooms would be an honour. Your gracious acceptance of our invitation would mean the world to us. Stop by any of these locations to browse our vast variety and get the most recent recommendations. Here at the Healing Centre's dispensary, our customers' well-being and security are our top priorities. Come along with us on Route 66 as we begin your never-ending search for the perfect cannabis experience. We warmly welcome you. Having you there would be a tremendous blessing for us. Please get in touch with us at any time if we are of service to you.
Please adhere to following guidelines to guarantee a trouble-free order pickup experience at the dispensary.
At the Healing Centre dispensary, you can begin the ordering procedure for cannabis goods for pickup by perusing our menu. It will be easier to begin the process if all the required information is collected in advance. Give us a call whenever it's convenient for you, whether you need help or simply want to talk about anything. Take a look at this alternative expression. Once a technique is decided upon, selecting the desired items and quantities is as simple as dragging and dropping. When you turn the key to start the engine, everything falls into place. You may be able to maximise the space in your suitcase with this choice.
The items need to be collected promptly, so please come and get them. Following the correct steps will get you ready once you've found them. Without the following details about you, we will not be able to complete your order. In order to complete the order, this request is required. Existing users will have complete access to all features, while new users will be required to submit identification when they sign up. Once the verification process is complete, we will grant the user access to their account. Because they do not possess the necessary credentials, they cannot take part in the verification procedure.
We will handle the disposal at the curb after you give us the OK. We will notify you via text message when your order is ready for pickup.
It is crucial that our clients understand the gravity of the situation regarding the responsible usage of our cannabis products. We would like to stress this point again and again. This is crucial to their success, and we couldn't be more certain.
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technonewsupdates · 3 months
Factors Affecting the Average Time to Sell a House in California
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Selling a house in California can be influenced by numerous factors that determine how long it will stay on the market. Understanding these factors can help homeowners plan more effectively and optimize their selling strategies.
One major factor is the current market conditions. In a seller's market, where demand exceeds supply, homes tend to sell faster. Conversely, in a buyer's market, where supply exceeds demand, the process can take longer. Monitoring local market trends can provide valuable insights into the best times to list your property.
The location of the house also plays a critical role. Properties in desirable neighborhoods with good schools, low crime rates, and proximity to amenities like shopping centers and parks usually sell faster. Conversely, homes in less desirable areas may take longer to attract buyers.
Property condition is another significant factor. Homes that are well-maintained and updated with modern amenities tend to sell quicker than those needing extensive repairs. Investing in minor renovations and curb appeal can significantly reduce the time your house stays on the market.
Pricing strategy is crucial as well. Overpricing a home can deter potential buyers and prolong the selling process. It's important to set a competitive price based on a thorough market analysis. Working with a real estate professional can help you determine the right price to attract buyers without underselling your property.
The time of year can also impact how quickly a house sells. Traditionally, spring and summer are peak seasons for real estate transactions. During these months, the weather is favorable, and families prefer to move before the new school year starts. Listing your home during these peak times can increase the likelihood of a quick sale.
Marketing efforts play a vital role too. A robust marketing strategy, including professional photos, virtual tours, and widespread online listing, can attract more potential buyers and expedite the selling process. Leveraging social media and real estate platforms can broaden your reach and generate more interest.
By considering these factors and implementing strategic measures, homeowners can improve their chances of selling their property quickly and at a favorable price.
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housetobuynearme · 3 months
Navigating the Market: How to Quickly Sell Your Home for Cash in Napa
When looking to sell your home fast in Napa, California, the traditional home selling route often doesn't meet the speed required by many homeowners. That's where companies like Sell Quick California, LLC come into play, offering a swift and hassle-free solution to sell your house for cash. This post will guide you through the process and provide practical tips to ensure you get the best deal possible.
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Understanding the Cash Sale Process
What is a Cash Home Sale?
A cash home sale involves selling your property directly to a buyer without the involvement of traditional financing. This method is faster and less complicated because it avoids lengthy mortgage approvals.
Benefits of Selling Your Home for Cash
Speed: Transactions can close in as little as a week.
Convenience: As-is purchases mean you don’t need to worry about repairs.
Certainty: Reduces the risk of buyer financing fall-through.
How to Sell Your Home Fast in Napa, CA
Choosing the Right Cash Buyer
Reputation: Look for a buyer with positive testimonials and a strong track record in Napa.
Transparency: Ensure the buyer is clear about their process and fees.
Offer: Consider not only the speed but also the fairness of the offer.
Preparing Your Home
Documentation: Have all your property documents ready and accessible.
Legalities: Ensure no legal issues with your property that could hinder a sale.
Assessment: Understand the value of your property in the current Napa market to gauge offers.
The Role of "Sell Quick California, LLC"
Sell Quick California, LLC specializes in buying homes quickly and for cash in Napa. They streamline the selling process, making it as easy and hassle-free as possible. Using a company like Sell Quick California ensures that you can sell your home without the common complications of the traditional real estate market.
Tips for a Successful Sale
Effective Communication
Clarity: Be clear about your timelines and expectations with the buyer.
Availability: Be available to answer questions and provide necessary information promptly.
Legal Considerations
Consult: Consider consulting with a real estate attorney to review the sales agreement.
Compliance: Ensure all legal requirements for property sales in Napa are met.
Marketing Your Property
Online Listings: Utilize online platforms to increase visibility.
Local Advertising: Consider local newspapers and real estate magazines.
Selling your home quickly for cash in Napa can be a smooth and efficient process when you choose the right partner like Sell Quick California, LLC. By understanding the market, preparing your property correctly, and working with a reputable cash buyer, you can navigate the market effectively and meet your financial and timing needs.
Remember, the keyword to keep in mind for residents in Napa looking to sell their homes swiftly is "We Buy Houses Napa CA". This emphasizes local expertise and commitment to the community.
Contact Us
Sell Quick California, LLC 1648 Tallac St, Napa, CA 94558, United States (707) 307-5554 https://www.google.com/maps?cid=15080355270405531959
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