#send what pairing you want
peepdraws · 6 months
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I really liked Elliott and Leah's friendship in the game. Having a writer and an artist friend makes for some crazy inside jokes and hilarity.
I do wonder why Elliott stops hanging with her after the farmer reaches +6 hearts with her. It makes me sad, he doesn't really have any other friends.
What do you think?
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
Emey can I change you and ask for number 5 with Seth/Allison? I understand if not considering you don't draw Seth often <3
Maybe not but that is not to say I won’t draw him 😘
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Requests are open until the end of Dec ‘23 💕
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neptunianrefrain · 3 months
still thinking about this thing that i said to my brother ages ago and i think you guys wanna think about it too so here
(paraphrased slightly) "so you know how wedding rings are worn on the left hand's ring finger right? cuz it has a direct connection to the heart right? well note how v2 left behind her left arm after the first fight. She was proposing to you. And you rejected her. or the whiplash is the wedding band and the knuckleblaster is the engagement ring believe what you want"
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crehador · 5 months
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uhhh yeah. not too formal. sure. nailed it
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allylikethecat · 10 months
Hiya! If you’re still doing the kiss prompts, I’d love to hear your take on 1 & 2!
Hello! Sorry this took me literally ten million years to finish! Thank you so much for sending it in though - the Kiss Prompts are my absolute favorite and I had so much fun working on this one! I combined them both into one prompt because I thought that would be fun - I hope that's okay! Let me know what you think and if this was what you were looking for! Thank you so much for sending it in! (Also... I realized later there wasn't a pairing listed so I just did Matty/George and if that wasn't what you were looking for let me know and I can rewrite it!
Thank you again for indulging me and sending this in!
1. Kiss… good morning & 2. Kiss… goodnight
George groaned when his alarm went off, the sound low and pained, pulling itself from the back of his throat. The three am wake up call for a six fifteen flight always seemed less miserable on paper compared to in practice. He rolled over onto his back, his phone still screeching from where it lay on the bedside table, he groped blindingly, desperately pressing the snooze button so that the insistent siren-esque alarm would stop at least for the next eight minutes. He groaned again, turning his head to apologize to Matty for waking him up as well, when he realized he was alone. He reached for the bedside table, and turned on the lamp, finding the sheets on Matty’s side of the bed cold and unslept in. George sighed, forcing himself to sit up. It was so early in the morning that Matty hadn’t even come to bed yet. 
Turning off the alarm on his phone fully, lest it start blaring again, he pulled himself from the blankets and shuffled barefoot into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He hated the early flights out of Heathrow, even though he knew he would be happy when he landed in New York and it was still Friday morning, the rest of his day still in front of him. He yawned around his toothbrush, thankful he had the foresight to finish packing his bag the night before, along with laying out a pair of joggers and a long sleeved tee shirt to wear on the plane. He didn’t feel awake enough to be digging through their shared closet at the moment. With his luck he would have packed a pair of Matty’s trousers in his exhaustion and been shit out of luck.
He swiped some of Matty’s deodorant under his arms, his own already stowed in his carry on and pulled on the joggers and tee shirt. It was too early for coffee, even, he thought, running his fingers through his close cropped hair. It was too early to be alive. The prearranged car would be picking him up soon, he thought with a yawn, he would have preferred to take the tube, but the Elizabeth line wasn’t running at three thirty in the morning.
He dragged his bag out of the bedroom and sat it by the front door, double checking that he had his laptop charger in his backpack, and then set off in search of Matty. He was easy enough to find, George could hear the soft strum of an acoustic guitar coming from the music room, the cords cutting off abruptly when Matty either stopped to write something down, or sigh in frustration. He was playing quietly, as if he was worried about waking George up. George pushed the half open door open fully, and Mayhem lifted his head up in acknowledgement from where he lay on the couch, before resting it once again on the cushions. George smiled despite himself. Matty and Mayhem both knew that he wasn’t allowed on the furniture. Matty was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, his back to the door as if he was playing for Mayhem, a private show for his best boy. 
He looked soft and rumpled, George though, leaning against the door frame watching him. His curls were messy and sticking out in every direction as if he had been running his fingers through them. He was wearing old plaid pajama pants with a hole in the knee and one of George’s hoodies- it was so big on him that George knew when he stood it would come down to mid thigh. He hadn’t heard George open the door, too lost in thought, hunched over his guitar,  crumpled up pieces of paper surrounding him on the floor, an empty bottle of wine was by his left knee, the dirty glass next to it. There was a pile of paper towels a few feet away from where Matty was sitting and George was willing to bet that Matty had knocked over the glass at some point, and was trying to hide the evidence of the stained carpet. There were cigarette butts smoldering in the ashtray on the low coffee table, and a fresh one tucked behind Matty’s ear. 
Matty’s Macbook was open in front of him as he worked, the screen brightness turned down low. George had drilled it into his head that even if he doubted what he was working on, he needed to record it in case they wanted to pull from it later. He leaned over, writing something down in his notebook before turning back to the guitar in his lap. George swallowed a sigh, he hated to interrupt him, content to just watch him work, but he needed to say goodbye, the car would be there any minute. He hated that he was going to New York without him, but work was pulling them in opposite directions. Matty was needed for creative meetings in London, and George was being summoned to New York for a mystery project with Jack. 
“What are you working on?” he asked softly, not wanting to break the calm. Matty flinched anyway, turning his head with startled wide eyes, the stillness broken like a rock tossed into a pond shattering the surface tension, transverse waves moving away from the center focal point  as Matty blinked up at George as if he had gotten caught committing a crime red handed. 
“Did I wake you?” Matty asked, concern heavy in his exhausted voice. 
“I’m heading to the airport,” George said, swallowing a yawn of his own. 
Matty blinked, scrambling for his phone to see what time it was. He stared at the glowing numbers in disbelief. 
“Fuck,” he swore, “I didn’t realize it had gotten so late.” 
George chuckled, “Early you mean.” 
“Early,” Matty conceded, setting the guitar on the floor and standing up, he made his way over to George, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his cheek against his chest. “Good morning then, I guess,” he said, standing up on his tiptoes to press his lips to George’s. 
George deepened the kiss, licking against the seam of Matty’s lips until he was granted access, tasting the red wine and cigarettes on Matty’s tongue. Home. Matty tasted like home. Matty pulled away, raising his hand to his mouth to try and stifle a yawn. He was sleepy and tipsy and George hated to leave him. 
“And goodnight to you,” said George, pressing a kiss to Matty’s forehead. Matty tightened his grip on George’s waist, not wanting to let him go even as George’s phone buzzed in his pocket against Matty’s stomach, with the notification of his car’s arrival. 
Matty yawned again. “Have a good flight,” he said, making no effort to detach himself from George’s person. 
“Sleep well,” George said, doing nothing to discourage him. 
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airenyah · 9 months
I’m very much in the gmmtv should split all their ships camp but joongdunk are an exception as well for me. They have such a fun dynamic with each other even in the bts and interviews that it would sadden me to see them separated. I’d also worry for their productivity, even Tee said for Hidden Agenda whenever they were apart they’d start sulking 😂
right!!!!! i actually rewatched the hidden agenda special ep where tee talked about that only a few days ago. them being sulky when they can't work together is just so cute and wholesome!! and you know what?? relatable djfkgjkfdgd (my best friend and went to this summer camp for like a decade, first as participants and then as leaders. and back as participants we spent 4 out of 5 years sitting at the same table at every single meal and usually right next to each other, even. then when we became leaders we had to split up, bc every table was required to have at least one leader. idk about her, but i was definitely sulky that we couldn't sit at the same table for the 4 years we were leaders. and towards the end of the camp, the more tired we got the more we ended up sitting at the same table anyway lmao. and again, idk about her but even the other activities and tasks that we had to do were always more fun when i was allowed to work with her. so. i absolutely 1000000000% get the boys)
that being said, me personally? i wouldn't necessarily be sad for them if they don't get to work together. they're grown-ass men and they are perfectly capable to function without the other. and they can always hang out and talk outside of work (if dunk picks up his phone when joong calls or joong manages to get dunk out of the house, that is kjdfkjdfgk)
will i be absolutely stoked if they get another series together? hell yeah!!!!!! (dark sexy vampire fantasy bl for joongdunk when???????)
but not gonna lie, purely from an acting standpoint i'd actually love to see them work separately at some point. especially dunk. he works extremely well with joong and i'm super curious if he manages some of the things i've come to adore about his acting when it's with someone else (whether it's another male co-star or someone of another gender)
not just that, another reason why i want to see them act with other people is because different acting partners can bring out different things with you because you'll have a different dynamic, a different way or working and interacting with all of them. and that can also help you grow as an actor, because you can take away something different from every partner you work with. and that is something that i would want for them, also
(plus, i wouldn't want them to get bored of doing series together. absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that, you know? i think it'll be more exciting for them if they do go off to work on separate projects and reunite every once in a while. i wouldn't want their joint projects to become like... a habit, i guess. i'm not sure how to phrase what i'm trying to say)
so either way, whether they'll get a series together or work on separate projects, i'll be satisfied. as long as i get to see both of them on my screen next year in some way (preferably as a lead)
the absolute best case scenario would actually be two projects per boy: they do one bl project together (hi dark sexy vampire fantasy bl) and one separately. unfortunately i'm never going to get this, though
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
it’s that time of year again, and i get so annoyed when my family is like “oh you’re so hard to get gifts for” and i’m just like. i’m literally not. i am so loud and open about my interests, the quickest of google searches will turn up dozens of little knickknacks i’d love. i’m not hard to get gifts for, you’re just not listening to me.
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Writing a college choice chapter and I just got walloped with the memory of my dad making an absurdly detailed spreadsheet with like 4 separate sheets to help me choose which college to go to. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
...but this apple still managed to choose the wrong college.
#I didn't even apply to the state school I ended up transferring to and loving#My guidance counselor made the state school I ended up loving seem like a dumbass school#Bitch I coulda gotten a full scholarship to go there had I applied in the first place!!! Why didn't you encourage me!!#They all knew I was in a 6 month long dissociative state during college shit#WHY DID NOBODY EXPLICITLY TELL ME KSC WAS A GOOD IDEA#Fun fact every time I write a high school AU#It's my attempt to relive my senior year without the trauma and the Extremely Bad Shit and the 6 months of dissociation#So that's why most of my HS AUs are fluffy fun with some angst thrown in#Because my senior year was mostly trauma and angst (it was So Bad) with a little fluffy fun. Prom was great#Anyway this post is to show that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree#Mom wanted me at the elite private school Dad wanted me to Just Choose A School Oh My God Sara#And I wanted to go somewhere with my friends#None of us got what we wanted#I chose UConn while high on NyQuil and I really think someone should have questioned that#Mom? Dad? Anybody?#Come on#Anyway#This turned into an essay#If you reach here send me a song lyric and a pairing and I shall fluff in thanks#Oh Daddums#Also my mom opened like 4 of my college letters without me then burst into my classroom while I was teaching to tell me#Still annoyed about that#'You got waitlisted at your dream school!!' 'COOL THAT'S BAD NEWS IT COULD HAVE WAITED UNTIL I WASN'T TEACHING????'
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leek-inherent · 2 years
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“Bowling alley performance art? Just the... two of us?” They didn’t get banned from the bowling alley for life but they did give it their all and everyone watching was very confused, so overall a very successful art piece.
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twotales · 7 months
Listen, I write for myself. If y'all wanna show up to the puppet show then come on in, but I don't need an audience.
#I think it's pretty obvious considering my pairings that idgf#getting love from people is a bonus#I know this has all been said to death but people still need to hear it#you can't just expect or demand love#it doesn't work like that#love yourself love your passions and your work#and eventually someone might send you some love too#I believe in a lot of cases the lack of feedback or “love” may be caused by not marketing your work#when I was active in discord and posting my fics there I got a lot more feedback than just posting to ao3 or tumblr#I honestly do believe it's a bit unfair to expect people to give you validation - validation is lovely but you shouldn't expect it#I haven't met a single person who has given a comment on every fic they enjoyed nor have I ever expected my friends to read all my stuff#not to mention strangers#imagine if every person expected that? exhausting#I think it's more fair to expect people to at least enjoy their own work to the point where the feedback doesn't matter#and if you absolutely want feedback then YOU yes YOU need to actively reach out for feedback - find a beta or space to discuss with others#I even heard that people are refusing to finish works because of bad comments#um ok? why?#because it demotivated you is what I'll be told#well that sucks but if it does and you stop doesn't it mean that person sort of won?#they demotivated you. they stopped you. they defeated you. shut down your fic. the thing that THEY didn't like#and of course that is totally your decision#but what about the readers who are enjoying it? ones who may not be even saying anything? or even future readers!#I have commented on fics from like 2010 and GOT RESPONSES - so don't discount those future readers - some may not have even been born yet!#like yeah these stories are for me#but I still want to throw the puppet show#because I love doing this and maybe#someone else will too#but I don't need to know about it#twotalestalks
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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Ok, but like. The agent's Nar Shaddaa mission had to have been about 80% unsanctioned, right? Like, yeah, go find out about and dismantle any terror cell on Nar Shaddaa, by whatever means you deem best, yes. But the means being "collaborate with a former Watcher who so deeply traumatized the rest of the Agency that they can't even talk about what happened but they thank you if you kill him" can't have been like. "plan a."
#swtor imperial agent#i really deeply feel that watcher x and watcher two have a past together#even if she wasn't at all connected to the ops that Went Wrong and eventually got him 'retired'#i think there's hero-worship there and a fear of becoming him#and a need to prove that surely she doesn't actually have anything to worry about#and sure maybe he did one bad thing (or a series of bad things)#but the conditioning is still there and still right. and the empire is still right.... right?#agent narsh is just watcher two trying to prove to herself that Everything Is Okay#and then everything backfiring spectacularly#if you couldn't trust me why would imperial intelligence give us this assignment - i don't think they did#i think watcher two did because she wants so badly to believe that even though watcher x Went Wrong he's still the Watcher she admired#and yes yes i'm sure watchers are given a large degree of freedom in terms of what specific assignments they send their agents on#but as much as she likes what's proper and 'the rules' idk if she actually got the official go-ahead on this one#like. keeper's got his hands full anyway dealing with. yaknow. everything falling apart.#she can justify not getting his signature on every little thing if it's gonna cause him more hassle to make him sign off#so ask for forgiveness instead of permission when her brilliant plan works because surely it's going to work#watcher x makes her skin crawl but her cipher is Very Good#and he's the watcher she always dreamed of being#so it has to be the right call to pair them up. right?#sorry for writing a novel in the tags but you know it is with imperial agent replays
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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✨change the system✨
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mixtapedoh · 11 months
stray kids?
thank you for sending this in!!!!!!!!!! king behavior, if i am allow to say so.
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[ if i stan ]
favorite member / bias line
seungmin and changbin are my biases and lino is my bias wrecker <3 they're all sooooooo iconic <3 (but also i.n is soooooo important <3 i am always like 0.2 seconds away from calling him a bias wrecker, i just think he's neat <3)
which member I’d fight (& why)
predebut han. i would not win but i would survive and that would be a story all in itself. plus, i know there would be no bad blood. i want to fight him simply so i can say i have battle experience, i have no actual beef with hanji, it would simply be an honor to say that yeah, i punched han jisung so hard he had a black eye for weeks, and yeah, he almost broke my nose, i sought out medical attention for that <3 just bestie things <3(if i can't go back in time, then, i think fighting hyunjin would be An Experience™ but also, i feel like he'd hold a grudge about it so there would be very little advantage to seeking out such violence.)
favorite song(s)
that's a tall order for a such a short woman — i have to juggle so many — but here's a few off the top of my head (a non-comprehensive list): venom; back door; thunderous; charmer; winter falls; sorry, i love you; hall of fame; circus; mixtape: oh; voices; taste; cheese; my pace; district 9; waiting for us (and that's not even solo music, asdfghgfdsdfgh)
favorite thing about the group
gosh.... so much? i really love their music, ofc, i feel like there's very rarely a miss, and their concepts are always so cool. they also just very clearly remind me of my brothers and cousins — there's a big sibling vibe in skz that makes me like them all the more.
something i’d like to see from them
hmm..... i seriously slack on watching their variety content, tbh, so while i can offer concepts i want to see, i'm sure it's already out there, i just have to find it. i do think it would be fun to have more skz family content because it's so. funny. you don't get it. i also want to see those fools do a cooking show or something similar because the chaos would be off the charts, i think <3.
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send me a kpop group and i'll answer!
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agentmmayy · 2 years
Me: I’m going to be completely normal about your new fic Me, about a minute in: HE CHANGED HIS SHEETS FOR HER NO ONE TOUCH ME NO ONE LOOK AT ME (Also sorry if this got sent like 3 times bestie tumblr is being weird and I have to make sure you know how you broke my brain)
HE CHANGED HIS SHEETS FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God he is so gone for her he'd do anything. Cold? Here's his jacket. Her feet hurt? They are switching shoes or eddie is carrying her. She's embarrassed to ask a question? Eddie is asking it for her and even more obnoxiously to have all the attention on him instead. He's head over heels!!!!!!!!! He wants her to be comfy and happy and totally not judge his crusty sheets
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chisatowo · 2 years
Man I've been dead as fuck on here I miss posting stuff but idk what to post abt :/
#rat rambles#Ive mostly been thinking abd wc rp stuff and a lil bit of sploon and bndori but not enough that I feel motivayes to talk abt it#idk I might try doing an oc art ask game tomorrow maybe. like yall can give me two characters and Ill draw a scene between them#honestly if you wanna lock and load a pair ahead of time feel free to send it just know I might not get to it in a bit#I do have owed art Im working on still but Ive drawn more art than I have due total in one day before so Ill be fine#Im getting to draw monkeys for the first time so thats exciting!! Ive been wanting to for a while but havent had a good excuse to so Im#having fun with it :]#Im happy abt how flexible my artstyle is now if you asked me to draw a monkey like a year ago Id probably die djskhdjd#also Im soooo much better at poses now which also makes me rly happy#idk I just feel like my art is in a good place rn :]#I still have things I wanna improve on (mainly perspective) but all in all I think Ive made HUGE progress over the past year#I will say though I still feel like a lot of my stuff from abt a year ago still holds up (not all of it tho lol)#like in abt 2 months my beats animation will be a year old and thats fucking wild to me#but I will say I think in general my art is on average better quality noe#plus I will say the background in that animation was kinda shit Ive definitely improved on that frong djskysjs#I still have way more to go until Ill be happy with my ptoper backgrounds though#Im not bad at them per say but I dont rly know what Im doing with them either#I wanna be able to more easily get across the images I have in my head for backgrounds#Ill get there eventually tho#for now Im ok with where Im at Im sure Ill improve more as I draw as is always the case djsjhsks
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arklay · 2 years
thinks about the time diana and al danced at an umbrella holiday gala before they ever had that weird not date definitely a date and clemens joked that the two seemed to have chemistry and they both scoffed at the same time then had weird eye contact moment before diana walked away but al got really (doesn't show it) blushy :)
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