#senpai and kohai
screwusernames27 · 3 months
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Shh… Senpai just needs a hug from his wonderful kohai 🥰
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enby-opera · 2 months
I really hope her hair stays like this it’s adorable
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anime-to-the-t · 1 year
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Ganbare, Douki-chan
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this entire exchange is funny to me bc it outright shows that the guy who ate an entire pantheon decided cu chulainn alter (medb flavor) was the stronger of the two
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i love how megumi is like the certified person to use for any angst related storylines. that kid could fit so much trauma in him it’s insane.
i just can’t wait to see megumi interacting with everyone when he’s feeling a little better. like i know he would win everyone over with his little shit attitude & quiet menace ways. i just know that the students would hear megumi cursing up a storm, humbling gojo with a funny ass insult, & needing to be tied to a pole to keep himself from unleashing his trump card onto the zenin & boom, you’ll have panda taking out a pen & paper, forcing megumi to sign himself over to them because HE IS THEIR BABY NOW. gojo who? toji where? no. the current first years has took custody. megumi didn’t know wtf he was signing though. he just thought they wanted to know how to spell his name or some shit.
cue gojo being a little fed up that everyone is after his son. THESE BITCHES TRYNA REPLACE HIM. he simply can’t let this be. now imagine a weird ass custody battle between an adult & a bunch of teenagers.
Panda, with adoption forms: just sign rightttttttt there
Megumi, blind as hell, thinks these are school enrollment forms: I don’t know why we need to fill out this paperwork now
Panda, sweating: we have to be mindful of deadlines fushiguro
Megumi: I guess
legitimately megumi cannot escape Boyhood. It’s too late for him. He’s already Their Boy.
Fundamentally all of the second years are completely insane so they take one look at this fully feral biting child who won’t stop trying to kill himself to have the last word and are filled with unspeakable fondness for him. He’s their little flour sack child they’re communally raising for health class.
Gojo has a lot of Literal Children throwing a lot of shade about his ability to raise his own child and it confuses him. This is not a group activity. Well it is but it’s a group activity with Nanami and Shoko.
Megumi does not know what about him inspires teen parenthood in others but he needs it to stop.
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punk-63 · 2 months
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kilowogcore · 10 days
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Baka Super-kun! Don't you understand that I… that I like being with you!
--Doki doki sound effects--
(Art sampled from "My Adventures with Superman" Vol. 1 #1 by Josie Campbell, Pablo Collar, Nick Filardi, Lucas Gattoni, Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert, and Sabrina Futch)
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
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Something about how i owe them everything
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oprescuewagon · 1 year
He's always gotta annoy his kohai
Serves you right tenzo for passing out on his couch
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A slightly duller version
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screwusernames27 · 5 months
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When your cute little kohai gains some confidence 😏🪵🪵
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storge · 2 years
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Senpai... You've forgotten about our kiss, haven't you? But that's fine. I won't forget. I'm happy enough by being of help to you like this.
Senpai, This Can't be Love!
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 710: Support, Sakamichi
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Pag 1
2: I see it
I finally see it! That's the peak, Kei-chan!!
3: Another 1km and we're there!! It sure it's hard, racing!!
Yeah, 1km is long, Kyou-chan
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Pag 2
1: I wonder if Roku-chan surpassed him
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Pag 3
1: Maybe
3: I think he chose “go”
4: “Go”?......
Ah..... I see
….. I guess so
5: It feels a little lonely
6: While saying things like “we'll make sure (that he passes Kinaka)”, maybe we were the ones who
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Pag 4
1: really valued the time spent in the same club as Roku-chan
He passed him!!
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Pag 5
1: In the end Rokudai caught the experienced Kinaka at the last minute on the peak!!
4: Da..... mn...
This race really
5: is super fun...!!!
He- he freed himself from the tape!!
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Pag 6
1: I did it.....
Kei-chan.... Kyou-chan....
2: I passed him
I kept.... our “promise”
3: Seriously!! Did you see that!? Imaizumi-san!!
Wa- Issa, don't push Imaizumi-san's head!!
Obviously, I saw it
Waa, Imaizumi-san is getting all serious 
4: Rokudai-kun!!
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Pag 7
1: Amazing
4: Rokudai's concentration when he passed Kinaka...
5: His feelings...
His resolution...
6: His full strength....
7: I felt them all while watching him from here....!!
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Pag 8
1: Yeah!!
2: You're right!!
5: Onoda-kun!!
6: Ah- but-but of course I fel Kinaka-kun's.... willpower and pride too!! Yes!!
…. you shouldn't be so stiff about treating them equally just because you're the captain, Onoda-kun
7: It's okay when it's the moment to support them
8: Ah
9: Telling them how you feel
10: It's a senpai's role
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Pag 9
1: Okay
4: Dammit...... really.....
5: He really passed me!?
6: The reason I lost is..... my lack of ability!!
Kinaka entered the downhill and, as expected, he passed him back!!
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Pag 10
1: From now on it's a long downhill, I hope Rokudai can still..... keep up......
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Pag 11
2: Here.....
3: Oi, you, Rokudai- pedal seriously!!
Ehi, Issa
You're falling behind! D'you want Kinaka to take the finish line like this?
4: Doesn't Rokudai look a little bad?
5: Rokudai-kun!!
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Pag 13
3: Rokudai-kun!!
Rokudai fell from his bike!!
4: He hit the curb and fell into those thick bushes
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Pag 14
1: He used up all his strength.....!?
A-anyway, thank god he fell in the bushes, thank god!!
2: Rokudai-kun
3: Onoda-san!!
4: He's here
5: Are you okay, Rokudai-kun?
Are you okay!?
Can you run? Go back to the race..!!
Don't be absurd, Issa
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Pag 15
2: Ah!!
3: My bike.....
4: W- what about Kinaka-kun!?
5: I.... I have to chase him.....
Yeah!! That's right!!
It's okay, Rokudai!! You can still catch up!!
Oi Issa, don't get too excited
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Pag 16
3: My right hand has no strength, teh....
6: But..... I have to go....
7: Kinaka-kun said that......
“If I win this first years' race I can go to the Inter High?”
“If you can pass all of us experienced riders and take the finish line”
8: He said that if I'm the very first one to reach the finish line....
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Pag 17
2: I can.... with Back-gate-slope-senpai....
I can run...... together with him..... teh.....
3: Otherwise
My goal is.....
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Pag 18
1: Rokudai-kun.... I received your feelings
2: So, it's alright now
You can rest now, you can retire from the race
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Pag 19
3: You ran so amazingly, so you must be tired
Ah, no-no-no
Thank you for supporting me*
(NdT.: the verb he uses here, which is the same as the chapter's title, has also the meaning of “hold up”, so “support” both physically and figuratively)
4: Ahhh, but I can't move either my hands and legs
6: Roku-chan!!
7: Kei-chan, Kyou-chan!!
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Pag 20
1: You passed him!!
2: Yeah!!
4: Good job!!
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anime-to-the-t · 1 year
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gaasublarb · 6 months
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Since I've got these better quality shots may as well make a post about it
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girlymatsu · 2 years
do you think erina & osoko could go out and share a drink ?
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truly-morgan · 8 months
[Adult Mob with a 9-to-5 job and his exorcist adventure]
Shigeo Kageyama | Mob Psycho 100 20-03-2023
Now @unashamedfully made me have brain worms
But Mob ends up having a normal and boring 9-to-5 job, even tho he still helps Reigen from time to time with spirits.
and every time coworkers ask him what he did on the weekend and he answers honestly with stuff like:
"I travelled to Fishing City to go to a house near the sea so I could exterminate some evils spirit that was haunting the place since my shisho needed help"
and everyone is either "😃" because wtf senpai or "🤨😒" because they believe that he's lying or crazy
And it is always like this, no one actually believes that he does any of this. Shigeo Kageyama, one of the most normal dudes in their department, playing exorcist for a shisho he keeps mentioning?
yeah, sure.
but they still listen because it's entertaining.
but then I had two routes here.
Someone who is stuck with what they believe to be a spirit and although everyone says that Kageyama-senpai is lying about his story or has to be insane, they still ask him for help, and they are ready to take a gamble for that.
sweet old Mob who accepts because why would he ever reject someone in help? When they end work he follows them home and takes a look at their apartment.
Sure enough, a spirit had been bothering his kohai and taking care of it for them. The spirit has gotten stronger from feeding on them for so long, but it's obviously nothing Mob cannot deal with, he has seen a lot worse.
He does apologise for all the stuff that ended up knocked to the floor as he replace everything in their place.
Lill' Kohai who is dumbfounded by what just happened, barely managing to say that it's nothing at all really.
they aren't sure if what happened was all true, but sure enough, all the weird event and feeling weirdly exhausted even after sleeping properly is gone.
now Kageyama-senpai always has someone listening to him like "😲🤩" when he talks about what he does of work with Reigen-Shisho.
Maybe they also try to make the other stop slandering him like that, what he says is true!! But everyone thinks that poor Kohai is gullible.
but it's okay because they know, and if anyone seems to be having a similar problem they are ready to refer Kageyama-senpai for help.
or 2-
Someone who wanna "catch Kageyama-senpai being fake" and asks for help about evil spirits.
They take him to an abandoned building where they planted speakers and stuff like this to pretend there's a ghost. And when Kageyama-senpai will pretend to exorcise something they are gonna reveal everything.
Only, Kageyama-senpai doesn't react much, and makes his way around the place while they follow him. They try pushing him to say something, but Mob simply says that he doesn't feel any spirits, but he'll keep looking.
He does follow all the weird sounds and all the weird movements, but he doesn't pretend to be an exorcist.
The college loses sight of him for a moment, only to see him reappear and continue searching. then after so long of just searching around Kageyama-senpai turns to them as he checks the time on his phone. "There's nothing in here AA-san, Maybe what you saw was someone playing inside of some animal who got in"
and the college isn't sure what to say. After all this time looking around, he isn't going to show off his "exorcist talents"?!? But there was plenty that could have convinces so.
"But I am certain there was something here and people say there is a ghost here" they try to push.
Meanwhile, Mob is already making his way out.
"Sometimes ghost stories are just that, ghost stories," Mobs says.
And then, just before he exits the room, "Oh and AA-san, it's not very nice to fake a place being haunted just to trick people". Then Mob is out, leaving them alone in the very normal abandoned building.
I can imagine Mob eating ramen with Reigen a couple of days later and retelling that story and Reigen is just like "I can't believe people would fake it just to trick you and make you lose your time"
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