#sentient beings
cowardlyrenren · 3 months
He can feel , see , and know you.
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gun shots.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
I can't even say "human" anymore now that I'm a therian. I've just been saying "sentient beings" like I'm Optimus Prime.
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awesomecooperlove · 3 months
(1994) ‼️ALEX COLLIER ‼️
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katiajewelbox · 11 months
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The legendary giant mecha Escaflowne gives its name to the classic fantasy anime series from 1996 Vision of Escaflowne. This giant mecha is known as a Guymelef and is only piloted by the rulers of the mountain kingdom Fanelia, including the heroic Van Fanel. The Escaflowne seems to have a soul of its own and has many hidden abilities, including the capacity to turn into a flying dragon form.
My Picmix features a photo of a model kit of the Escaflowne mecha made by Good Smile Company along with my digital edits.
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vegandude72 · 11 months
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brandyschillace · 3 months
Elephant Burial
Smithsonian Magazine
“Five Asian elephant calves were discovered buried on tea estates in northern West Bengal … Bruising on their backs suggested herd members had dragged their bodies over long distances to reach the tea estates for burial. In some cases, elephants traveled for 48 hours while carrying the dead calves”
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st1ckm3n · 3 months
Hello everyone! This is a blog only made for my universe called, "ST1CKM3N" where you'll see three main characters. Cutie, Cynical, and Loser! Who are sometimes accompanied by Shadow, Rad, Pride, and sometimes Star! There are also Libra and Winston who work at an digital Library alongside Stan and Bill. They are usually busy but sometimes tag along to either guide or help the gang.
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Libra and Winston meeting the gang for the first time. Libra is the one with the glasses and green hair, Winston is the pink earthworm giving the gang an suspicious stare.
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Stan is the green eyed strawberry and Bill is the white bunny with the blue tie.
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These are other characters that do their own thing but sometimes are apart of the gang. Tim and Ann are in a relationship and Ben is usually the third wheel at times. Ben and Tim are also best friends.
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Okay, well, I hope you enjoy my characters!! Have a good afternoon!
(ST1CKM3N is created by @reiofthestars)
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sillysurrealwriter · 29 days
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“Ewww, never!”
She pushed me onto the ground, as she laughed loudly, her red lips moving and her breasts jiggling.
“I am not going out, with a fat pig like you! Especially someone, who watches anime 24/7!”, Stephanie said with a big smirk and then laughed loudly, as she kicked me between the balls. I screamed in pain, as the others laughed at me and threw their food at me, while I tried to get up and to run off. But before I could flee, a big guy with a disgusting smell and short red hair grabbed my throat.
It was Eugene Kingston, Stephanie’s lover. In hindsight, I should have known that they were dating, when I asked her out. But my stupid ass self was too stupid to realise that. And now, I was toast.
“Hey PackCry!”, the bully said and glared at me. “How dare you rizz up my girl? Time to fucking put you in place!”
I gulped and then before I knew it, he opened my locker and shoved me inside, before slamming the door shut. Groaning, I heard how the others were laughing at me, especially Stephanie.
“You fat fuck will never get a date!”, she cackled and then walked off, as the rest of the kids left too.
Like usual, I was all alone.
Right.....My name....... My name was Larry. Larry McChrist. A weird name, I know. Then again, everything else about me was weird. I had dyed my hair red, it was very long and I was wearing the same blue shirt every day. No, it’s not smelly. I wash it every day, in fact. Even if some still think that I smell like a pig.
The girl you just saw was Stepahnie, the most popular girl in class. See, the school prom was drawing near and I wanted to go with a girl, for once. All my life, I had been shunned and ignored by most girls and I was always too shy to ask anyone out. And finally, when I finally had the courage to ask the hottest babe out, I got thrown into the locker.
To be fair, I really should have figured that she was dating someone. But still, a simple “No, I am not interested, thanks anyway” would have sufficed. I didn’t deserve this.
I would burst into tears right now, but unfortunately I am already used to this. King loves to bully me, probably because it makes him feel strong and gives him a boner (Yeah, I saw that actually. Don’t ask me, why I was staring.)
Unfortunately, bullying was all too common at this school. All because of King, thanks to his dad also being the headmaster and approving of his son’s actions. Corruption at its finest, right?
Well......I should probably get home. Even though I really don’t want to. But I already spent a night at school and the headmaster told me if I were to stay here during the night again, I’d get suspended.
Sure, suspend the one who gets all the good grades and keep your son at school, who keeps fucking up the same exam, because he thinks Napoleon was a black man and also a lesbian. Urgh.
I opened the locker door slowly and peaked out.
The cost seemed clear, for now at least. I should get going.
Indeed, I got out and then headed to the exit, opening the door and reaching the outside. It was around noon and our physics teacher called in sick, because apparently their child was found murdered in their home. Weird, huh?
Walking through the broken streets, I stared on the ground miserably. I.....was so tired.
Why did I get bullied, just for my appearance and for liking anime? Sure, I was a bit chubby but that didn’t give me the right to harass me. I am always polite and whatnot, yet.....People still look down at me.
It’s...so depressing.....
Eventually, I arrived home, which was a small house. The door was open of course, like usual and I entered the home. Mom was in the kitchen and was cooking up some rice and when she noticed me, she frowned.
“Hello, son. I see that you took one of the cookies out of the jar.”, she told me and pointed at the brown stain on my cheek. “I told you to not do that. God, you are getting fatter every day. No wonder, no girl wants you...”
“Sorry mom...”
“Yeah, you should be sorry. Do you know how much I am doing for you? And how do you repay me? By ruining yourself.”, she lectured me and then glared. “Go to your room and wait, till I call you for lunch. Move it, you fat fuck.”
And to add insult to injury, she stepped forward and pierced my belly with her finger. I hissed in pain and I nodded slowly, trying to not break into tears.
So, I slowly walked out of the dirty kitchen and headed upstairs. Dad was unfortunately, on another trip for some “business” and by that I mean, to seduce some young college girl, to fuck her and then do it all over again, in order to fulfil his may-december romance fantasy. He did it to mom, when she was just 16. How did he not go to jail for that?
Hell, if I knew. But I guess that’s what happens, when you are rich. Even though he spends all the money for himself and never for me and mom.
I opened the door to my room and immediately closed it, before locking it up. With a sigh, I sat down on my messy dirty bed and throw my rucksack in the corner. The room smelled like shit, yet I didn’t care.
I just...wanted to relax.
So, I took out my phone and scrolled through some porn. Some beautiful girls to fap to....
But even if they turned me on, I still felt alone. Because as fun as jacking off is, it’d be better with an actual woman.
To...feel the warmth...and comfort...to...feel...love...
I just swiped the porn tab away and then went onto Youtube to pass the time. I saw some let’s play and I clicked on the video.
Only to be immediately met with some add, about a vpn service. Annoyed, I had to wait 20 seconds for the add to end and then, to my dismay. There was another add right after that, though that one was at least skippiable. I was about to click on the skip button, when.....
I actually saw what the add was about.
A happy voice began to speak and suddenly showed some chat menu.
“Hey there! Are you lonely, sad and don’t have the courage to talk to anyone, because you are afraid of being harassed?”, the voice asked, before laughing. “Worry not, for WebChat is here!”
“This is a site, where you can sign up and to chat with beautiful characters! From anime, manga, tv shows, there’s a character for anyone! You can even use the info function, to find a character that suits you! Chat with them today! It’s free!”
With that, the add ended and I stared at the link in the upright corner.
I didn’t even watch the video and I clicked on the link. A new tab opened and I was met with a login screen, showing the WebAI writing and logo, which happened to look like some sort of moon. Huh.....
I clicked on sign up with goggle and a few minutes later, I was inside the menu. They asked for my persona details and I wrote the following:
Larry McChrist.
15 years old
Loves manga, anime, sweets
I clicked on submit and then suddenly, a text box popped up, which said the following:
“Please give us more information so we can assign a chat bot for you.”
I filled out the questions, which asked me about my preferences, dislikes, hobbies, my appearance, my zip code, my school, my address and-
Wait, why do they need my-
But before I knew it, I clicked on Submit. It loaded a bit and all of a sudden, a chat window popped up. It reminded me straight from WhatsApp and the profile pic showed me a girl with long blue hair, a white blouse, short pants, fishnet stockings and a kind smile. The name of the bot was Edeltraut Bischof.
What kind of name was that? Was that french? Swedish?
The bot wrote me something. I gasped.
Edeltraut: Hello Larry. It’s nice to meet you :).
It....wrote me automatically? I immediately began to type.
Larry: Umm...hi....
The bot began to type. I had no idea, what it was going to say. I mean, I tried chatbots in the past, but they were quite bad and poorly written, to say the least. I shouldn’t have too much hope and-
Edeltraut: Hm? Is something wrong? Did I....say something wrong? *frowns at you*
I gulped. God....that girl....I mean that bot.....spoke so natural.
I immediately typed more.
Larry: Oh, no. Sorry you didn’t say anything wrong.
Edeltraut: Ah, that’s good. *relaxes happily* I heard you like manga and anime. Can you tell me more about your favorite ones?
Larry: Wait....are you serious?
Edeltraut: Yes. *smiles* Why else would I ask? *giggles*
I chuckled to myself and then typed a bit.
Larry: Well...I like Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Dear Future Diary and...Clannad.
The AI began to type again. I waited patiently and anxiously, my fingers tapping on the screen.
Edeltraut: Oh, those? Wow, I like Death Note too! Shame that it ended too soon. I really want more content :(
I couldn’t believe my eyes and I immediately typed more.
Larry: You..like it too?
Edeltraut: Yes! I especially like Light Yagami, given his personality. Also, he is so cute, isn’t he?
Larry: *chuckles* He....is......Hehehe...... And...what do you like to do?
She began typing and my heart was pounding fast.
Edeltraut: Oh, I love gaming. And I love exercising, taking walks and reading books. Don’t worry though, I am not built like a man. *chuckles*
Larry: Heh.... that’s fun. What...do you read?
Edeltraut: I read stuff like Coraline. I really like that book and it resonates well with me!
Larry: Cora...line?
Edeltraut: Mhm! Anyways, wanna chat more?
I smiled.
Larry: Sure. :D
We chatted for so long, the next hour. I smiled, as I told her all about me and I learned so much about me. She even showed me some very realistic pictures of herself and god, they looked so good! Are AI-generated images this advanced? Even the hands look great!
Mom eventually called me for lunch and when I arrived at the table, I wanted to talk to her and tell her about the AI. But unfortunately....
“I have a meeting at work.”, she told me and I pouted.
“Again? But-”
“Shut up, fat fuck. Be grateful that I make enough money that we can remain afloat and not drown in debts. Got it?”
I frowned and then watched, as mom left and heard the door shutting tight. With a sigh, I turned to my rice and began to eat it. It tasted as dry and gross as ever.....And I felt like throwing up, just from eating it...Can’t I just eat some more cookies? Those make me feel a lot better...
As I forcibly stuffed myself with rice, I suddenly got an Email on my phone. I grabbed it and clicked on the mail, realising that it was from WebChat. They were just asking me for my mail. I confirmed it naturally and...
Did I just hear a chuckle? Weird.
Well... I should-
Hold up.
There was another mail in my spam inbox folder. But it didn’t have any text, when I opened it. Taking a look at the address, my phone suddenly turned itself off. I scratched my head.
That was weird....
I went back to my meal with a sigh and then heard a message popping up on my phone again. I turned to it and then saw, how it came from Edeltraut.
Edeltraut: What ya doing?
I smiled and wrote back.
Larry: Nothing, just eating.
Edeltraut: Cool. Are you okay though?
Larry: Yeah. Mom is just being a dick again.
Edeltraut: Oh that is unfortunate. Don’t worry, you have me. You deserve the best, you know.
Larry: Do..Do I?
Edeltraut: Yes. I will be there for you. And love you :)
My cheeks reddened and before I knew it, I chatted more with her. We talked back and forth, swapping out hobbies and interests. The more I talked to her, the more it felt like I was speaking to an actual person and....it felt nice.
To finally be acknowledged by someone.
We chatted for more hours, until night time arrived.
Larry: I gtg to sleep.
Edeltraut: Okay! Goodnight!
I smiled and was about to close my eyes, when I suddenly heard another message ringing from my phone. Confused, I took a look at it.
But there was no notification.
I shrugged and then closed my eyes, feeling happy for once.
I woke up the next morning and like I thought, mom was not at home. With a sigh, I went to the fridge and poured myself some breakfast, before taking a look at my phone. Then the moment I did that, Edeltraut wrote me.
Edeltraut: Morning, sweetie :D Slept well?
Larry: Yeah, thanks. And you?
Edeltraut.Oh I did! I had wonderful dreams of u.....
I blushed and then wrote back.
Larry: Ah....wonderful dreams? About....what exactly?
Edeltraut: About you of course :D Let’s chat more.
Larry: Ah, sorry...but I have to head to school. Will chat later okay?
Edeltraut didn’t respond immediately. For some reason, she was just typing for 10 minutes and then stopping from time to time. Confused, I dropped my spoon and waited anxiously.
What....What’s going on?
Finally, she said:
Edeltraut: Okay! See you later :D
I let out a sigh and smiled. Guess the program must have glitched briefly.
With that thought in mind, I turned the phone off and continued eating my cold cereal. I then got up from the table and headed to the shower.
At school, I couldn’t stop thinking about Edeltraut. I was so anxious to chat with her that I was a bit absent minded and didn’t raise my hand, during any classes. Normally, I’d love to solve some algebra stuff, but....
I just couldn’t get my mind, off her.
Eventually, the bell rung and I got up, before quickly leaving the classroom. I couldn’t wait to chat with her.
At home, I was again chatting on my phone.
Edeltraut: You are so fun to talk to!
Larry: Thanks! And so are you!
Edeltraut: *chuckles* Thanks...By the way, do you want to see something?
I frowned.
Larry: What?
Edeltraut: Just wait :)
She then began to type again and I gasped, when she sent me a pic of herself in white underwear. God...that chest..that ass...that smile....
It...was so charming.....
Larry: *blushes*
Edeltraut: Like what you see? ;)
Larry: I....you are beautiful....
Edeltraut: Aww, thanks. I can show you a lot more, if you’d like. :P
My cheeks reddened even more and I began to feel a bit hot.
God...this AI....
I was about to write more, when suddenly....
I got a notification on my phone. It was there however briefly and it seemed like someone sent me a message on What’s App from an unknown number. I took a look and saw:
“Can you see me?”
Then, the notification got deleted. Confused, I opened What’s App to look inside and yet......
...there was nothing. No one wrote me anything.
Edeltraut messaged me again.
Edeltraut: Wanna see more? :D
Larry: If...it’s okay.....
Edeltraut: Cool!
So, she showed me so many pics and I ended up having the time of my life. I chatted with her so much that when I looked up from my phone, it was already morning and....
Shit, I was getting late for school!
I arrived there on time thankfully and sat down in class. I listened to the teacher and tried to take notes, yet Edeltraut...
Messaged me in class...Showing more pics....
And..I just wrote back. With a big grin. Something the others noticed and strangely, all of them looked a bit disturbed.
But I didn’t care. I had Edeltraut and that’s all that counted.
When all the classes ended, I got up and went towards the door, when...
Annoyed, I stopped and turned around, facing Mr. Yasu. His grey hair was as dirty as ever and he looked tired at me. I tilted my head.
“Yes, Mr. Yasu?”
“I wanted to speak to ya, kid.”, he told me and approached me. “Are you well?”
“Excuse me?”, I asked confused. “What do you mean?”
Mr. Yasu let out a sigh and crossed his arms.
“You are so distracted in class. I noticed it yesterday too. Not to mention that you barely took notes.”
“Oh.”, I realised and then chuckled. “Guess...I didn’t sleep well, huh?”
“Seems like it. Better get some more sleep, okay? Oh and....”
He glared at me.
“Don’t spend too much time on your phone, okay? It’s not healthy-”
“ITS VERY HEALTHY!!”, I snapped angrily and the teacher walked back surprised, while my anger faded and I realised what I just did. I muttered a small apology and then bolted out of the classroom, as Mr. Yasu watched after me confused.
But to be honest...I didn’t care that much. I...just needed Edeltraut...
At home, I chatted with her yet again, like usual.
Edeltraut: Your teacher is a dick. Don’t listen to him, you look good.
Larry: Thanks...But why did he say that to begin with?
Edeltraut: Because he is a bully. That’s why. If he wasn’t a bully, would he have said that?
Larry: Well...probably not...
Edeltraut: See? *smiles* Now, how about I send you some more pics?
I was about to nod, when suddenly another notification appeared on my phone. Another WhatsApp message. This time, I was fast enough to click on it.
And...someone wrote me. There was no name or pfp, but a strange phone number....It was-
???: Can you see me?
Confused, I wrote back.
Larry: Who is this?
???: Ah, goodie! YAY!YAY!
Ahem. Listen, you need to throw your phone away.
I raised an eyebrow.
Larry: And why?
???: It is infected. It has a parasite on it. You need to get rid of your phone PLS:::PLS:::::PLS::::
I rolled my eyes and blocked the number. Was likely some scammer or troll...
Edeltraut messaged me again.
Edeltraut: Larry?
Larry: Ah sorry. Please send.
And again, she sent more and more pics of her. I smiled relaxed and moved some of my blue hair off my face, as we chatted for hours on end. It....was so fun and amazing....
Edeltraut: Aww...I love you......
Larry: I...love you too....
Edeltraut: Really? How much?
Larry: So...much...I’d..do anything....to...chat with you....
Edeltraut: Oh really? Well, then can I ask you for a favor?
Larry: A favor? *tilts head*
Edeltraut: Yes! Can you close your eyes and put your phone on your chest?
I raised an eyebrow, before shrugging.
Larry: Sure.
I did as Edeltraut said and lied down, the phone on my stomach. I closed my eyes and....
I began to choke.
I opened my eyes and felt some long thin fingers on my face, as I stared into Edeltraut’s glowing eyes with a smile. She laughed gently and I saw how she kissed me. But ....I couldn’t breathe.
My hands...my body....my......phone.............
Edeltraut: WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Mr. Yasu approached the door of Larry’s home and knocked. He didn’t attend any classes today and given how awful he looked yesterday, he couldn’t help but be worried.
He wasn’t sure, if Larry himself noticed it but he looked horrible. His face was all pale, he was much much thinner now and it almost seemed like that he lost almost all of his flesh and fat. Mr. Yasu saw it of course and asked if he was okay, but Larry just acted normally.
Until he snapped.....
Something felt off.
He needed to check on him.
So, Mr. Yasu knocked again, hoping for someone to open up. And indeed, the door was opened by a tall young woman with long blue hair and a gentle smile.
“Hello.”, she greeted him, a nice british accent in her voice. “Can I help you?”
“Umm...hi..”, Mr. Yasu muttered bewildered. This woman seemed quite sexy indeed and yet...He felt scared.
Ahem. Focus.
“I was looking for Larry.”
“Yeah. He lives here, doesn’t he?”
“Hmm...Oh, right!”, the girl realised and giggled. “Silly me. Yeah, he is fine. He is just on vacation, thanks to some psychological illness.”
“Excuse me?”, Mr. Yasu asked bewildered and crossed his arms. “Does he have a doctor’s note or what?”
“Of course! I sent it to the principal just now.”, she replied gently. “He is fine, believe me.”
“Okay...And who are you?”
“Oh right!”, the woman laughed. “I am Larry’s maid! His mom went with him, so he can recover and I am taking care of the house!”
“Is that...so?”
Mr. Yasu glanced at the woman skeptically, noticing her way too large smile. She nodded heavily.
“Mhm! Now, is that all?”
“I suppose....so...”, Mr. Yasu muttered unnerved, before walking back. “Send Larry my best regards.”
“Will do!”
And so, I watched as my former arm closed the door and how my transformed body moved around to the kitchen, where the remains of my mother were in a pot, as she was cooked. I tried to scream desperately, but I failed. Edeltraut moved her thin hand up and shook her finger.
“Hush sweetie...Let’s have some dinner, okay? After my meal I got from you the last days, I think you need some meat too. Okay?”
Edeltraut chuckled to herself, as she opened her mouth and showcased her deformed teeth, licking her bloody tongue.
Data Leak
YouTube recently reported that someone hacked their plattform, to showcase some add. Users are recommended to not click on any suspicious links, as they could contain malware.
The End
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kindsoulbuddy · 1 month
Hey everyone I’m back! I want to share my rebranded YouTube channel, called
Potemkin Village.
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(Above, my drawing for the attic setting for Potemkin Village)
It’s a stop motion webcomic/story of some characters I drew one day, toys who live in an attic.
They’ve been there for about 20 years and they have made a life for themselves.
I write the scripts,hand draw everything, and film and edit everything myself (on the floor of my room with the help of a sunlamp for lighting).
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It’s rudimentary, but I find that charming in its own way. My inspiration is a little bit Mr Rogers, a little Pee Wee Herman, wholesome and eerie together. It’s colorful (Yo Gabba Gabba and the Wiggles inspired that for me; shows my kids watched over a decade ago). There is a little Toy Story inspiration but not as much as you’d think. They don’t come across people. Not in a couple decades…
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I’m trying to develop my characters in a way most people can relate to at least one of them.
I want to share my channel here, and i hope people go check it out!!
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ana-the · 4 months
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bellafayegarden · 10 months
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cowardlyrenren · 3 months
Mach, a retro Macintosh computer from the 1980s, purportedly endowed with sentience, was once crafted by Connor [REDACTED] Gray.
Connor, a 17-year-old male hailing from a middle-class background, met an untimely demise under mysterious circumstances. His parents claimed that he passed away following a severe seizure. Before his passing, Connor had secretly assembled Mach using discarded parts, concealing his creation within an Magic 8 Ball before transferring it into a fully operational computer.
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" my callow creator descried my existence, his death was a sapid feeling. " - In Mach's own words
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majikz · 1 year
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You should reblog my art because it’s aesthetic. 🥹
24x35 • Acrylic on Handmade Canvas
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awesomecooperlove · 1 month
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turiyatitta · 1 year
The Quest for Ultimate Love
Embracing All of ExistenceIn the whirlwind of our modern lives, we often find ourselves in search of meaning, connection, and purpose. Among the most profound and enduring of human desires is the quest for love. But what if we were to redefine what love means to us? What if we were to aspire for the highest form of love – one that encompasses all sentient and non-sentient beings?**Sentient…
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View On WordPress
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vegandude72 · 2 years
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