#seokin fic
ahundredtimesover · 2 years
The Light of Dead Stars (Epilogue) | KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x (f.) Reader; side Seokjin x (f.) OC; side Reader x Namjoon
Genre/Tags: arranged marriage, fake romance, boss/workmate aus; angst, drama, fluff, smut; slow burn
Chapter Warnings: Foul language; talks of pregnancy; explicit sexual content (breast play, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 10.5k
A/N: We have reached the end! I wished this story got a bit more love, but regardless, it was wonderful being able to write about Jin and falling in love with him even more. To those who read with me and to those who are just about to dive in, thank you. The messages have been so lovely to read. I hope you enjoy this, too.💕
Series Masterlist | Muse Moodboard | Setting Moodboard
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Status: Complete
Series summary:  Your unconventional arranged marriage with your company’s President, Kim Seokjin, is necessary, practical, and simple - both your families benefit, and he minds his own business and so do you. But when a slip-up causes his parents to believe that you and he are in love, you have no choice but to pretend you are, especially with the trip to France for his brother’s wedding coming up. When you get back to Seoul, things start to change, and Seokjin is faced with the most difficult decision he has to make.  
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Jin takes the carry-on bag from your hand and puts it over his shoulder, then holds your now-free hand and smirks before he kisses it.
“Smooth, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“You’re so cheesy, stop it,” you chuckle, nudging him to the side.
You’ve both just checked in the airport and are wandering around before heading to the lounge for lunch. You and Jin decided to leave on a Thursday afternoon, while the rest of your family and friends opted to leave the next day. You don’t want to be too harassed when you arrive in Spain, and you also want to make sure that everything is settled for your guests when they get there.
You’re buzzing with excitement. You’ve been reading up on all the Michelin-star restaurants in San Sebastián and all the other markets and famous dishes in the city, and you can’t wait to try them all. You’re finally able to fully enjoy another country with your husband without the stress of work, and no, France doesn’t really count. There are food tours, cooking classes, and a ton of nearby cities to explore and get lost in. And the fact that you’ll be enjoying some of them with your family and friends adds to the exciting feeling.
You’re about to make a turn for the first-class lounge when a familiar face startles you, and you immediately call her name.
She looks up from her phone, her face contorting in surprise before she gives you her genuine, sweet smile.
She scurries to where you are and excitedly bows to you. She’s a lot more shy and conscious towards Jin, though, and you don’t blame her. The last time they met, he was angry and walked out on her, and you’d been the one to defend her to him during the time when things had gotten too much. 
“Hi! It’s nice to see you again,” you greet her, then you tug your husband’s hand.
“Hey, Seri,” he greets. “How have you been?”
Her face relaxes and you’re glad she’s found her joyful spirit again. 
“I’ve been great! I laid low for a while since, uh, yeah… and there haven't been any unfortunate instances since I spoke with Sejeong,” she responds. “She’s been checking up on me and that’s been incredibly helpful. How about both of you?”
“We’re doing fine, too. Things have looked up for us and we’re going on a vacation, actually,” you smile. “What about you? Where are you headed to?”
“Oh, that’s great! You two do deserve a break,” she says quite shyly. “And I’m heading to Japan. I actually got the courage to apply for a position in our Tokyo office and I fortunately got accepted. What you said stuck with me, you know? About not letting that whole experience ruin me for anyone else, especially for myself, and, well… I also kept thinking that I’ve just been settling for all these years.”
She glances at Jin as she says the last bit, and he catches it, too. It’s not out of spite, you could tell, as somehow she still says it with a glimmer of fondness in her eyes. 
“I realized that maybe if I take a step out of my comfort zone, things can surprise me, and moving to Japan felt like the first step - still a little bit familiar but still new. And I’m really excited.”
“That sounds great, Seri! I’m glad that the thought stuck with you. It was all I could offer at that time,” you reply.
“It helped a lot, so thank you. And thanks to Jin, too. I’m really happy for the both of you, and I truly mean it.”
Jin offers her a smile; he thinks it’s all he could give her, other than an apology.
“I just want to say sorry for how I acted the last time,” he says, looking into her eyes to let her know he means every word. “I was completely out of line and acted like we didn’t share anything in the past. ___ had to knock some sense into me but she shouldn’t have had to. I shouldn’t have been an asshole and put the blame on you, so I apologize. I hope you can forgive me.”
“It’s okay, Jin,” Seri responds. “We do things we don’t mean when we’re hurt and angry, and I understand. I’ve forgiven you a long time ago, so I hope you’re not hard on yourself. You copped yourself an incredible woman; I’m kinda jealous,” she giggles. 
The twinkle in her eyes and the sweetness of her laughter is back, and there’s that feeling of acceptance and joy that overtakes him. So much has happened between them in the past few years and more seems to have happened to them individually in the few months since they’ve last seen each other, but he feels that sense of relief that this is how they officially go in their separate ways. 
Seri was that sweet and charming young woman who was just trying to figure out her place in the world when they first met. And Jin was that seemingly confident man who had to keep going despite the pressure and expectations put on him. It was in each other that they found that little space of comfort, of pleasure, of fleeting happiness that would eventually end. 
And now here they are. Seri is off to start a new phase of her life in another country, and Jin will be starting his with you, the woman with whom he’s found his permanence - of joy and love and excitement and comfort. 
“Well, we’re really happy for you, too,” you say this time. “And I’d tell you to say hi to my brother, Jung Hoseok, for me, but I’ll be enjoying our vacation with him, so maybe next time?”
“Oh my goodness! You’re siblings?!” She gasps. “I should’ve put the pieces together! I can’t believe this. I admire him so, so much! And he’s also so handsome.”
“He’s quite the Casanova there, I heard,” you chuckle, even more when she looks visibly embarrassed at outing herself to you. “But I’m really excited for you, Seri. I hope this new start is all you imagined it to be.”
“Likewise,” she smiles. “I’ll go ahead. Have a safe trip, you two! Bye!”
Jin waves her goodbye and glances one last time as she heads the opposite direction.
And just like that, the light, the star, has been extinguished. 
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Loading your luggages in the trunk of the car, Jin speaks to the chauffeur before guiding you inside.
“Oh come on, you speak Spanish, too?!” You exclaim.
Jin laughs at your shocked face. “My closest friend during grad school was Spanish, and we would teach each other our native languages and cook each other food. He was a good teacher and I learned the basics from him. He was just a pretty bad cook so I didn’t get to appreciate Spanish cuisine from him.”
“That sounded more than basic, though.”
“Maybe advanced basic?” He chuckles. “I try to practice. Father always says that learning another language is good for business. But I’m not all that good. I can assure you, however, that we’re never gonna get lost here.”
“Hmm, nice. Adds to the list of reasons why my husband is pretty hot and amazing,” you hum. 
“Ah, so that exists. So tell me, did you think it was hot when you first heard me speak French?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“Not really, I just thought it was cool. I didn’t really give a shit about you in that way during that time,” you tease. 
“Ugh, brat.”
It's an over-an-hour car ride to your hotel, and Jin switches languages to speak with the chauffeur who is helpful in suggesting places and nearby cities to visit. You and Jin plan to set your schedule during this whole trip later, and perhaps surprise your guests with little luxuries, too.
The hotel that Jin chose sits at the heart of the city. It’s grand and breathtakingly beautiful, and your suite has stunning views of the sea; you’re excited to know how your family will react to this, and you’re glad you’re able to spoil them like this as well.
Once the butler leaves, you drown yourself in the comfort of the couch and true to form, Jin comes over and rests his head on your lap. He asks for a kiss, claiming he didn’t get to do much of it given the full-day of traveling, and you indulge him, complete with the head massage that he loves so much.
You take a shower and rest for a bit before you head to a nearby restaurant for dinner while going over all the things you plan to do for the week. You then decide to enjoy your hotel’s offerings of pintxos and wine in your balcony while overlooking the beach to end the night, and of course, some lovemaking because somehow, the air in this region is making your husband much more irresistible.
You spend the next morning finalizing all the wedding details - from visiting the venue, doing a tasting of the dishes to be served, and then trying on your outfits for the big day. It feels so intimate going through your wedding preparations like this. You didn’t plan the first one, and you were frankly too preoccupied with work to be even remotely sentimental or emotional about that.
But it’s different this time, as Jin wants it to be perfect. He’s gotten your taste in food and design to a tee so you don’t have much to comment on. You’re just amazed that he’s able to plan all of it on his own, and he credits it to being decisive and having connections in the industry. He was able to book everything without a hitch, after all. 
After having lunch at a seafood restaurant, you welcome his siblings and your friends, who all took the same flight, and then some time after, your family arrives. Jin’s parents make it in time for dinner at a restaurant that overlooks the sea, and the sunset is spectacular as you all enjoy amazing food amidst the conversations going on.
“We’re really thankful that you all could make it on such short notice,” Jin says as the chatters die down. “It means a lot to us that you could join us on this special occasion.”
“Yeah well, you offered to pay for it,” Jungkook pipes in. “We wouldn’t have made it otherwise, so thanks, Mr. Rich Handsome Man Jin. I’m glad we could be here for you and my best friend, too.”
“Thanks, Kook, how sweet,” you playfully roll your eyes. “And Jin, you’re too formal. This is a special occasion for us, yes, but also for our loved ones here. We’ve come a long way, I could say. And we’re just really happy that you’re all here. I mean, my sister is here! It rarely ever happens that she gets days off.”
“Don’t be surprised if my brother paid off her employer to let her go for a week,” Taehyung laughs, prompting you and your whole family to look at Jin in shock, who merely shrugs and tries to act innocently, and you know you won’t get a straight answer from him if you asked.
“Please, enjoy dinner. The tab is open in the bar under our name,” Jin says, to the delight of your friends. “And if you could keep your afternoon and evening free tomorrow, that would be great. We booked a spa day for everyone and then we’ll have dinner at the hotel.”
“What is spa day, Uncle Jjan?” Geonhoo asks. “Do we get one, too?”
Everyone chuckles at the little one’s question, but you tell them that they get to spend the day at the children's center while their parents get pampered, and that seems to be good enough for them. 
Jin’s parents seem to be just taking everything in and not speaking much, perhaps trying to get used to being around both of you again. But they send you soft smiles when you look their way, and that’s really all you could ask for. They’re here and they seem happy, and they were really the missing piece that you and Jin needed for this trip to be all that you want it to be.
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You and Jin spend the next morning with your family, as you rarely get to be with them. You see Miyeon twice a year at most, so you want to spoil her as much as you can. You join them as you explore the city, past churches and quaint alleys, past street side food halls and boutique stores. 
Your family is in awe of everything, and you made sure that you got to pay for their trip and give them something memorable in return for all that they’ve done for you. Of course, that includes feeding them amazing food as well. You promise them only the most delicious things to eat during their stay here. 
There’s a bit of time to rest before your schedule at the spa, and it’s one you’re quite excited about. The last time you had something similar to this was during your “honeymoon” in Saint-Tropez, and it was an interesting experience, as you and Jin reminisce while you stay in the hot tub of your assigned suite. 
“It was so awkward trying not to be awkward while we were getting our massages,” he laughs. “I couldn’t look at you and the therapist was looking curiously at me for being so conscious.”
“You could’ve just acted sleepy the whole time, you know, or at least, acted interested without being creepy,” you say, sipping your lemonade. 
“Ah, well, there were lots of times during that trip wherein I wasn’t sure how to act,” he replies. “Things were changing for me and I was confused and that spa day was a challenge. I wanted it to end so badly.”
“I just tried not to mind you,” you chuckle. “I’ve never been pampered that way and I had to savor it so sucks for you.”
“Now, though, I want to take our time here.” 
“And do what?” You arch your eyebrow.
“Hmm, you know…” he hums, asking for your hand and pulling you to sit on his lap. His mouth immediately going to your chest to suck on your pert nipples and kiss your chest. “This and more.”
You moan in pleasure, your hips reflexively grinding against him as your head lolls back. “Ah, this is what you plan to do, huh?” You say, whimpering as he makes it to your neck and licks a spot he nibbles on. “We might not make it to dinner on time.”
“We will, that’s why I scheduled it for 8,” he responds, reaching your lips now and kissing you deeply. 
His tongue slides in, entangling with yours passionately that you feel yourself get lost in his taste, in his movements, in his hand that’s kneading your breast. With you tugging the ends of his hair, he moans into you, and you pull away before you get tempted to sink into his hardened cock that's poking your belly; the tub isn’t the safest place to have sex, after all, and you don’t want to risk it.
“I’ll be tempted to do more if we keep going, love,” you giggle, nibbling his lower lip before you completely let him go. 
“That’s why we’re on a honeymoon,” he whines, making you sit in between his legs after you remove yourself from him.
“We get married tomorrow, so the honeymoon starts after,” you correct him. “We still have to behave, especially since our family and friends are here. Just a few days, and you’ll have me to yourself again. You planned that.”
While you and Jin will be staying in the city during your entire stay, his family will be heading to Portugal, your family will travel to Madrid, while your friends - including Yoongi, whom Jin instructed to take a break, too - will be staying in Barcelona. You’ll at least have some time with them before they leave, and you want to make the most of that, too.
“I know. I also planned to have you the entire afternoon with me here,” he says, kissing your cheek now.
“Hmm, the San Sebastián air really got you crazy for me, huh?” You tease. 
“You underestimate me, ___. I’m crazy about you all the time!”
“Shush, I’m not used to you being cheesy.”
You tease each other until you both make it out of the hot tub, then you call the therapists for your 1-hour body scrub, which you spend giggling like teenagers because you wanted to know if the scrub tasted like coffee, too. But you do feel much cleaner and even lighter, and you’re both left alone, knowing you have time before the next session begins.
Jin’s hands have a life on their own once you enter the shower to rinse, as he just can’t take them off of you - they’re all over you, feeling and caressing you in places as if you won’t be having a massage later on. He helps you clean yourself and you motion for him to switch places with you so you could do the same. It’s really just an excuse to feel him up. 
Your husband is built in an intimidatingly handsome way. It’s deceiving, really, as his long limbs make you think that’s all he is, but underneath the clothes are his delicate-looking yet wide shoulders, his toned arms, and his smooth and honey-skinned chest that flows down to his gorgeous abs and tiny waist. He feels so good under your touch, especially when it causes certain parts to harden even when you just graze them. Somehow, he looks even more breathtaking all wet from the shower, and you have to will your heartbeat to slow down.
Or not. You control your time here, as Jin reminded the therapists that you’ll buzz them whenever you’re ready for the next service. And so you don’t mind, as your hand travels to where he needs it most, and he responds with a grunt and his deep, dark brown eyes boring into you. 
He kisses you desperately, cupping your cheek with one hand while the other cups your cunt, massaging it, sliding his fingers inside it, and playing with your swollen nub.
“Fuck,” he moans. “Want you so bad.”
“Need you,” you groan, as you feel yourself start to shake.
He turns you around, his arms caging you against the wall. He shuts the shower off and there’s nothing but the squelch of his fingers as they go in and out of you, and your joint moans of desire and pure lust as you continue feeling each other. 
Wanting more, he lifts your leg at an angle that allows him perfect access, and that’s what he does - his hardened cock enters you slowly until he’s snug inside you, feeling your warm walls take all of him in, and your sounds of pleasure urging him on.
“So good for me,” you keen. “Always so good for me.”
He kisses you again, slower this time, as he tries to match the pace of his body against yours. It’s intimate, loving, and really just the start of it because pretty soon, he’s securing your head in his hand and he’s quickening his thrusts. You feel the assault on your pussy and it feels so good, especially when he tells you to touch yourself, and the pleasure is so overwhelming that you come easily, without a warning, and even he moans at the feel of your slick on his cock.
“Can you go another round?” He asks, heaving and kissing your forehead, and you know he’s still got more left in him. 
You pant your yes, and immediately after, he removes himself from you and leads you to the bench in the shower, urging you to sit on his lap. You align your entrance with his dick, sinking down; feeling him in this angle is different but just as good, especially with his eyes following your every movement, with him sultrily biting his lips as he revels in the way you like when you’re positioned like this. 
He starts with his tongue doing wonders on your hardened buds, teasingly licking the tips to let you feel just enough of the sensation. 
His hands guide you up and down after, and everything is so euphoric that all you could do is hold onto his shoulders to keep you steady, even if the rest of your body is hurting so good with the pleasure and the physical effort it needs to feel all this.
“It’s okay, just relax,” he says, feeling your muscles tense now. “Let me do the work. I’ll take care of you, just hold on tightly.”
So you do, and he grips your thighs, secures his hold, and starts hammering into you from underneath. He pushes himself up and you clench around him so you could hear that sweet sound of his moans. You take control of the kiss this time, wanting him to reach his high, too, and it’s your tightening walls once he hits your end that does it for him. 
“Shit,” he heaves, slowing down now. “I could do this everyday. Screw work, let’s just fuck all the time.”
“Hmm, you’re funny,” you say, moaning as you continue to grind against him. Jin looking and sounding sinful has caused that coil in your belly once more.
You start feeling it again, and he stops your attempt at touching yourself so he could do it himself, liking your fucked out look as he pleasures you while he softens inside you, but he swears he’s starting to get hard again. You moan his name, feeling it build up once more, so he pulls you close and sucks that sensitive part near your ear while he continues pleasuring your clit, and add to his growls, you start to completely lose it, shaking on his lap now as your thighs start to tire. But the pain feels so good and that’s what sex is like with him - it’s absolutely heavenly. You come again, and you lean on his shoulder as you come down from the high.
“Did I make you pregnant?“ He asks once you’ve recovered, but you recognize the playful tone of his voice. 
“Oh, is that what you wanted?” You arch an eyebrow.
“I’m teasing. I know you’re not ovulating yet.”
“How’d you know?”
“You shared your tracking app with me, remember? But I know we still have to meet the doctor and all,” he says. “Gotta make sure everything is safe and ready for the little Kim that’s gonna grow inside this sexy belly of yours.”
“How is it that you make everything sound ridiculous,” you chuckle, accepting his help to get off his lap. 
“Seriously though, I can’t wait for us to become parents. Maybe I should plan a baby-making trip, too. What do you think? What’s the sexiest city in the world?”
“Oh goodness, I can’t believe I’m married to you sometimes.”
Jin thankfully behaves for the rest of the session. After your massage, you have your facial treatment, then you get your nails done, then your hair. You feel like a new person, but more importantly, you feel ready for tomorrow’s big day. 
Your friends and family say as much when you meet them for dinner, and later that night, as you fall asleep in the safety of your husband’s arms, he whispers just how much he loves you, and that he hopes he gets to say everything he wants to in front of all the people you love, so they could feel, too, all that he feels for you.
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The perfect weather greets you the next day, as you and Jin enjoy your breakfast on your balcony. You plan to stay in in the morning before you get fixed up and head to the venue before your guests do. Something about doing things differently the second time around makes you want to surprise them, perhaps to show how you and Jin are together. They haven’t seen the venue nor your outfits, and you can’t wait to see them be surprised at how everything has been set up, including you.
Jin helps you zip up your dress and puts on your accessories. It’s not typical for both bride and groom to be dressing each other up but you think it’s part of the fun this time, including ogling each other as you both look at yourselves in the mirror.
You have on a simple strapped, sweetheart dress. It’s tea-length and flowy, and you twirl around to show your husband the freedom of movement you have, unlike your long-trained, lace gown from your first wedding. Jin, like you, is in a gold polo and white suit and trousers, and as you expected, he’s stunning with his side-swept hair and brown sunglasses. 
“Shall we, Mrs. Kim?” He turns to you.
“We shall, Mr. Kim.”
He takes your hand and you are driven to a nearby quaint town where the winery, which sits between picture-perfect mountains and streams, is located. The venue for the ceremony overlooks a stunning view, and you could already imagine enjoying a good meal as the sun sets. 
You stay in the holding room while your guests arrive, and not long after they’ve settled in do you and Jin walk down the aisle hand-in-hand, looking like the 100-100 good-looking power couple that you are. 
Everyone gushes, and true to form, Dara yells how, for the first time, she’s crushing on you more than she’s crushing on your husband, but that he’s “pretty close.” Geonhoo squeals your name and how pretty you are, while Ji-hoo screams how handsome her Uncle Jjan is. It’s such a chaotic yet intimate moment, and it’s really what you expected. You don’t expect Jin’s parents to look as emotional as they do, though; it’s the surprise you’re happiest about.
The event is more symbolic than anything, as the minister states. He shares a passage about love and friendship and family, and it’s the perfect lead up to your respective vows. 
“I’ll do the honors. May I?” Jin takes the mic, and you nod your approval.
He begins with thanking everyone present and why he was adamant on having this wedding here, and this soon, and with only the most important people in your lives present. 
“We’re making our promise to love each other to you, too,” he says, turning to them, “and we hope you promise to help us keep that promise to each other as well.”
Your friends and Taehyung, as expected, are the most vocal, and you glance at your parents and Jin’s, and there’s really nothing like their soft smiles and approving nods. 
Then, on a more serious note, Jin takes your hand and kisses it. 
“Hi again to my 100,” he cheekily smiles. “So we’re here in this gorgeous place, yet I still think you’re more beautiful than any view in this world.”
Everyone laughs as he immediately cringes, and you playfully smack his arm because that was “incredibly cheesy.” 
“I tried to practice it with a straight face but I laughed every time,” he explains. “But anyway, ___, we’re here, and I didn’t really think that in this lifetime, I’d be marrying the same woman twice. But if the first time was out of obligation, this time it’s out of choice. And it’s an unbelievable feeling to be doing this now, to be as in love as we are with each other, and to be excited for all that’s to come.”
You give him a smile. His voice sounds so sweet but you do spot a hint of nervousness in it, and it’s also quite adorable. 
“But as we and all those present know, it wasn’t always easy,” he huffs. “We held onto our own stars for years because they shone so brightly at one point, and we kept thinking that they will continue to, because for a long time, they were all we knew.”
The stars. Of course. You suppose that conversation with him at the Han River stuck with him like it did with you.
“But the universe finds ways to surprise us, I guess, because just as we were both learning to let go of those stars, we found each other and learned that, well, there’s something much better, brighter, closer, and that they’d been there the whole time; we just never really bothered to look. Or maybe you did, once, but you said I wasn’t your type so you didn’t really take a second glance, and imagine missing all this,” he adds, causing everyone to laugh again. But you nod vigorously because you insist that it’s true. 
“You took my hand and leaped with me, and we found ourselves in the most bizarre arrangement that, in hindsight, actually allowed us to be comfortable and real and vulnerable with each other. And that’s what did it for me - I’ve known one path my whole life and you… you keep me there, while also taking me to side streets and alleys, to paved and unpaved roads, to scenic routes and dark tunnels, all the while joining me in struggles and joy, laughing with me, joking with me, loving me. 
And like I said, it wasn’t easy; I almost lost you. More than once. But we chose to love even when we didn’t think we could again, even when it felt like the whole world was against us, even when it was the most difficult thing to do. I don’t think I could’ve done all that for just anyone, ___. It had to be you; it would only be you. Because you taught me that. That’s why I’ll be loving you for the rest of my life. I’ll be loving us and our future family for every day of my life.”
He ends with a wink, and the tears slide down your cheeks the same time that you laugh, because his ass just had to conclude it with a flirty yet silly gesture, but you also know it’s his trick to not cry. He seems to only prefer doing that with just you. 
You take his hand now and look him in the eyes; you know this unnerves him and he wiggles his eyebrows as his defense mechanism.
“Kim Seokjin,” you start. “You are probably one of the last people I ever thought I’d marry, let alone fall in love with, because you’re right, you’re not really my type.”
He scowls at you and you can’t help but laugh with everyone else. 
“You’re incredibly handsome, you’re brilliant and hardworking, you make me laugh, you cook me the best dishes after my mom, you listen to me, you take care of me, you protect me, keep me safe… you keep your promises, and you never leave my side. That’s why, because before you, I’d known no man who’d done all of that to me.”
His eyes soften, and he knows of all the pain that you had to bury, that you had to get past, just so you could open yourself again to someone else. 
“You showed me that we could be vulnerable and bare to another person while still being their strength. And like you, I think that’s what did it for me. We got to be ourselves while learning, laughing, eating, bickering, and holding each other when things were tough and scary and unfamiliar. And I know that every day we spend giving each other headaches and the best laughs and the warmest hugs, is a day I’ll want to have for the rest of my life - together, and hopefully with a little 100 in the future, too.”
He gives you a smile this time, and it melts your heart just how easy it is for both of you to get lost in each other like this. You could hear people sniffing and you already know it’s Jimin and Dara. 
The minister finally instructs you to seal the deal once again and Jin, being the dramatic man that he is, half-dips you into a deep and passionate kiss, the exact opposite of the very first one you shared. 
You pinch his ear because of that surprise and he yelps then laughs before finally hugging you. 
“I love you so much, ___. You make me so happy. My ear also hurts now.”
“You deserve that,” you hug him back. “But I love you, too.”
Your guests cheer and it’s a pretty long moment of hugging and greeting all of them while the servers prepare your early dinner. With amazing food that you and Jin chose, against the darkening sky over mountains and little villages - it’s all so perfect, even more when you and your husband finally have your slow dance that he insisted on, because he’d only ever do it in front of your families and friends. 🎵
“Do you remember our dance during our first wedding?” He asks, as you lean on his chest and listen to the beating of his heart in tune with the ballad playing.
“No. We didn’t have one.”
“Exactly. We said it would be weird.”
“It was awkward enough that we had to look in love; dancing would be over the top,” you chuckle. 
“I agree. All we did was laugh during our wedding because we were so amused at how we were able to make them believe that we were secretly dating,” he adds. 
You hum. “We could be actors, Jin. If this whole food thing doesn’t work out; we always have another option.”
“Nah, it only worked because I was comfortable. Like I said, that’s why,” he says, turning to you. “I didn’t feel like I had to impress you or anything, or act like some perfect, flawless being who was so sure of himself. I always felt like I could just be me when I’m with you.”
“Yup. When I tell my teammates you’re actually annoying and you have a weird laugh and you’re like a child sometimes, they don’t believe me.”
“Wow, way to maintain my image, ___,” he pinches your nose. 
“I’m showing them you’re human, okay?” You argue. 
You both go back and forth in bickering again, until your father asks for your hand, and Jin happily lets you go. 
“No more surprises this time?” Your father asks as he secures his hold on you. 
“Maybe the only surprise is that I’ve attracted a good man this time,” you joke. “And that I’ve learned to love one, too.”
“What’s important is that you didn’t give up on it. And I’m so happy that you didn’t,” he smiles, kissing your forehead. “And that he didn’t give up on you, too.”
There’s warmth in your heart at his statement, at the thought that even without talking much about your past, your father knows how hard it was, and just how much being with Jin now means to you. 
“Come to think of it, it’s like I took that bullet for you, too.”
He, as always, makes light of that incident, but he speaks the truth; it’s what got you here, after all.
You smile in agreement and look at Jin with his own moment with his mother, who cups his cheeks and looks at him like his eldest son again.
“I’ve missed you so much, you know that?” She says lovingly.
“Yeah? I almost thought you and Father were going to disown me,” Jin chuckles. 
“Never, my Son,” she pouts. “We may have overreacted a little bit, and we’re truly sorry; it was all so new, being disappointed in you. But you know us, we’d never be able to resist you. You’re our firstborn, Seokjin. We’ll always love you, and we’ll always want the best for you.”
“I love you, too,” he embraces her. “I guess I’ll learn more about this whole love thing when I become a father, huh?”
“You will. And guiding you in that role is something your Father is truly excited about. He talks about it a lot, he’s just a little shy to tell you directly.” 
Jin and his mother both laugh as they glance at the man in question, being forced by his grandchildren to dance to the song that’s playing. True to form, he can’t resist the little ones, too, so he takes their hands and twirls them around. 
Jin softens, thinking of his old man and his moments with your future kids, too. 
Then he finds you, laughing as you referee Jimin and Jungkook who are fighting over who gets to dance with you first. Jimin wins rock-paper-scissors, so you waltz with him first and trip on your second step. Next to you, Dara rejects Jungkook’s offer for a dance and asks you if she can dance with your husband instead.
“Sure, just don’t scare him,” you tease.
Dara scurries to Jin, who takes him from his sister, and she gasps as she takes her position.
“Holy shit, my best friend really hit the jackpot with you. And I can truly say that you, Mr. President, do not have any pores.” 
“I, uh, I’m human, Dara. I have those,” he laughs. “Is… that why you wanted to dance with me?”
“Partly. But also,” she glances around, “I just want to know if it’ll be weird if I ask your secretary out on a date. I have been waiting! I’m the one who always pursues my man and I wanted Yoongi to chase me this time but he’s sooooooo slow, I am losing patience! And I don’t know if it’s because he might think it’s weird so I want to know if it is because if it isn’t, then I’m now going to profess my love for him and—”
“Wait, I thought you just wanted to ask him out on a date…”
“Yeah, after I profess my love for him. I’ve made up my mind already, okay? I want him to know that I’m serious about him,” she pouts.
“Hey, of course it’s not weird. Yoongi just gets shy sometimes; he just needs a little nudge. So go there and tell him how you feel,” Jin says. “And do it now because he’s glaring at me and I’m afraid he’ll hate me forever.”
“Uh, okay! If this fails, I will take back what I said about my best friend hitting the jackpot with you.”
Dara leaves Jin hanging and walks to the bar where Yoongi is, and being free now, the little kids take their chance to dance with their other cool uncle.
On your end, you’re now dancing with your brother, and Hoseok’s smile is, and will always be, a ray of light to you. 
“You know, I told Miyeon everything that happened the past months, and she couldn’t help but cry,” he says. “She hates that she was too far away to comfort you, or to even know what was going on. She wishes she got to be with her big sister when things were hard.”
“Did you remind her that she was?” You smile. “During those dark days, she was always going to my dorm to make sure I was eating. You know I didn’t want her to worry about me this time; I didn’t want any of you to.”
“We can’t help it. We’ll always be protective of you, you know that.”
“I know,” you hum. “But you don’t have a reason to be anymore. Not as much, at least. Someone else is sharing that role with you. He’s a pretty cool guy, I’d say.”
“You really love each other,” Hoseok grins. “There’s that sparkle in your eyes I’ve never seen before. And that man bows down to you, ___. He literally worships the ground you walk on. It’s great to see.”
You nod in agreement and you both continue to talk about their Barcelona trip, until Dara’s voice echoes through the open space.
“He likes me, too,” she wails as she holds Yoongi’s hand while his other one covers his face in embarrassment. 
She pulls him closer to where you are, now joined by your husband in amusement. 
“I can’t wait for our fancy double dates!” Dara chirps.
“Hey, we’re part of that, too!” Jungkook chimes in.
“Couples only, Kook,” Dara shakes her head.
“Jimin and I can fake being a couple! We’ll just ask these two experts here and we’ll be fine!”
You smack Jungkook repeatedly and he yelps in fake pain because it’s him and he’s too built to feel that. 
“I’m kidding!” He laughs. “Even if it’s true.”
You scowl at him as you all fawn over the new couple, and you and Dara giggle as she tells you just how Yoongi shyly admitted that he’s liked her for a while but didn’t know if she was ready for a relationship. You take her up on the fancy double dates suggestion and tell her you’re glad that your own love story led her to the man of her dreams.
The party continues until later in the evening, and once the little ones have started to doze off, Taehyung suggests going to a club for the after-party.
“Tab’s on me,” he says. “No alcohol for me and my wife so we’ll be your babysitters. Let’s enjoy; the night is still young!”
Everyone cheers, and Jin’s parents offer to care for the kids so that Sejeong and Hyo-seop can join, too.
It’s a half-hour ride back to the city and you take the time to take a breather in the car, snuggling next to your husband who caresses and gazes at your ring-bearing hand.
“I never really took the time to appreciate this before,” he says. “I wish I got us new rings.”
“Well, it’s a good reminder of how we started,” you say, kissing his cheek. “We made something good out of it and now we’re here.”
He hums in agreement and kisses your forehead. Seeing you wiggle your feet, he asks for them as you say they’re starting to hurt. His adept hands massage them, and you moan internally at how he’s hitting the spots that hurt the most.
You make it to the club shortly after your friends do, and they’re already at the bar with Taehyung getting their orders, reiterating that he and Hyun-a will just enjoy the show tonight.
It’s a relatively chill place with good music and great booze. You already had some drinks during your reception but given your high tolerance for alcohol, you and Jin are still fine. 
Jungkook and Jimin are already partying it up with other tourists, dragging Miyeon and Hoseok with them; Sejeong and Hyo-seop are being all giggly college sweethearts in their own world; and Dara is already grinding on Yoongi who seems to be enjoying it all. You could swear the man is blushing, but he eventually takes control and just pulls her flushed against his chest, hugging her affectionately and now you swear that Dara is probably crying tears of joy. 
You’re seated on a stool, resting your feet a little bit and watching your group to make sure they’re still  alive, while Jin stays next to you, bopping his head to the beat. Neither of you do much of this back home unless Tae drags you, at which point you give in because your friends want to go, and you both end up babysitting everyone. But it’s your wedding night and there are other people who will be the responsible ones for the evening, so you nudge Jin and ask him if he wants to dance.
“Okay, but can we make out on the dance floor?”
You’d choke on your drink if you had one because he’s being so adorably sexy right now. “Is making out in public one of your fantasies, too?” You giggle.
“Sort of? I know it’s so tame but it’s not like we can do it back at home. This just seems like the place to do it. Am I too boring?” He pouts. 
“Love, of course not. I’m not that… spontaneous or exciting, either. But sure, let’s go for it.”
He helps you off the stool and you turn to your table where everyone has returned.
“Hey, so I'm gonna make out with my husband on the dance floor. Please don’t look, but also make sure that no one’s filming or something.”
They look at you puzzled before they start laughing.
“Do you want us to barricade you while facing the other way?” Jungkook jokes, and he yelps when you smack him again. 
“Go on, lovebirds. We’ll pretend we don’t see anything,” Jimin smirks.
So you and Jin head to an area a little farther from them, but it’s not a large space so you know they can still see you. You turn to Jin, whose hands are already on your waist, and you smile as you catch him admiring you. 
“You are so in love with me, there’s no denying it at all,” you tease. “I’m telling my team that you’re a closet hopeless romantic, Kim Seokjin.”
“I’m kidding, I won’t,” you say, kissing his nose as you both sway to your own beat, which is slower than the music currently playing. “That’s a thing between us. I get to hold that secret of just how loving and affectionate you are, Mr. Kim.”
“That, I am. And only for you,” he replies, kissing you deeply. “It’s probably the San Sebastián air and the post-wedding bliss.” He kisses you again. “And the thought that when we get back home, we’ll start seeing the doctors and maybe have a little one on the way, too.”
He cradles your belly, and the thought of you being pregnant with his child, the child you'll both create out of love, makes his heart swell with joy. That’s another kind of love he can’t wait to feel for another person, something he only gets to feel because of you.
“Hmm, that sounds nice. I mean, babymaking always weirded me out but it’s so sexy when you talk about having babies with me,” you moan, diving into his mouth now with your tongue seeking entrance. 
He meets your hungry kiss, moaning as well. His hand tightens its hold on your waist while yours grips his collar. He tastes so sweet, so good, and you feel that dampness in your sex that makes you want to go back to the hotel now and have him under you. 
Jin pulls away and kisses your pouty lips. 
“My body’s reacting,” he says. 
“Hmm, same here,” you smile, melting into his hug and pecking his cheek. 
You both sway off beat again to the music, and not far away, you spot a foreign couple smirking at you, motioning for your husband and somehow you just know what they want.
“Jin, I think that couple wants a foursome,” you tell him, and he follows your gaze and sees the couple. “Is that a fantasy of yours, too?”
“Nope,” he answers right away. “I’m perfectly satisfied with just you. Plus, I can’t let anybody else fall in love with you. Why… do you want to try?” He asks nervously.
“Hmm, nope. You’re overwhelming enough for me,” you turn to him. “And I can’t have anybody falling in love with you, too.”
“Alright, good. Now that’s settled, should we call it a night?” 
“Sure,” you giggle. “Let’s ditch them.”
You both head to your table and announce that you’re leaving, with Dara, unsurprisingly, stating that “the newlyweds are gonna do their thing now.”
You roll your eyes and instruct all of them to message you or Jin once you’ve gone back to the hotel, if they even will. They wave their goodbyes and you leave. 
When you get to your suite, there’s less of the lust from earlier and more of the need to just be in each other’s arms, so you both decide to just enjoy a warm, relaxing bath and watch the sky slowly turn orange. It’s early in the morning and you hadn’t even realized you’ve been out the whole day, but oddly enough, you don’t feel as tired as you expected.
Sitting in the tub with your back against Jin’s chest, you take his arms and wrap it around you. 
“You feel like home, ___,” he mumbles. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
“Yeah, I’ve had your dick poking my back before but you never said that though,” you tease, and he tickles your sides before he tells you to take him seriously.
“I’m sorry,” you laugh. “You know we’re not always good with sweet stuff and we’ve reached our quota today since your vow melted my insides but I feel the same way with you,” you turn your head to face him. “You’re that large home with so much space because I feel free but you’re also quaint and cozy and you smell like my favorite home cooked meals and my favorite coffee. It’s the kind of place I want to grow old in.”
“I am, huh?“ he blushes. 
“You’re a lot of things, Kim Seokjin. Home is definitely one of them.”
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The rest of your trip is as amazing as you expected. 
You sleep in the day after your wedding but spend the afternoon lounging at the beach and then the pool. 
Jin’s grandparents call and say that something will be waiting for both of you when you get back in Seoul, and there’s less of the guilty feeling this time. Because of the short notice trip, they couldn’t make it, as they’re currently in some pilgrimage. They did eventually get wind of the whole fiasco, but Taehyung and Sejeong were so good at making it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. You’re glad that whole thing is over, and while you and Jin gave up on ever truly getting justice on your and even Seri’s behalf, you at least know you’re stronger than anything that comes your way. 
You take a day trip after that, to the northern Basque Country and visit a few coastal towns. They’re all quaint but beautiful and less crowded, so full of history and lively sceneries that your parents appreciate greatly. It’s also everyone else’s last day, so Jin’s parents treat all of you to a lovely dinner overlooking the sea, and it’s one of those moments that make you feel so thankful that you get to live this life.
The days after they all leave, you and Jin take cooking classes and do food tours, then you visit Bilbao and go to the Guggenheim Museum of modern and contemporary art.
“It’s a must-see,” Jin says on the day you visit. “It looks too stunning not to explore. Is that okay?”
Somehow his question means more but you don’t say much. You’ve come to know art because of Namjoon, but you appreciate it for its existence as art - it’s beautiful by nature, even if you don’t always understand it. 
You don’t think you’ve been to an art museum without Namjoon since, well, since he went away. It was that bitter and immature part of you that was jealous because he left you for it, and somehow being here reminds you of all those emotions that you kept in for years because they didn’t seem fair, nor rational; they just hurt. 
Jin lets you take the lead, and you really just go around and towards things that catch your eye. You soak in what you see, and if before you wanted so badly to understand them so you could see it in Namjoon’s eyes, now you’re just… seeing, and appreciating it for what you see. Perhaps that’s how it is when you’ve truly let go of something, you think. A part of them stays with you, but not big or deep enough to taint your vision.
“This was nice,” you say on the ride back to San Sebastián. “I appreciate you taking me there. Did anything catch your eye?”
You. Always you.
“The colored cherries,” he replies, cracking you up because it’s the same thing you thought.
“I believe they were tulips, Jin,” you say, taking his hand. “But they were pretty. There’s more of the pretty things I’m only really appreciating now.”
He hums and pulls you close. He knows nothing else needs to be said.
On your last day, you go crazy with shopping that you have to buy a separate luggage just for all the wine, cheese, cider, anchovies, and other local ingredients that you’re able to pack and bring home. Everyday since you’ve been here, you find a new restaurant or eatery to fall in love with and you wish you have more time to just soak up the city and enjoy the cuisine a little bit more, but you guess that’s what all the shopping was for - to bring San Sebastián home with you. 
Still, your time here feels enough. You were able to spend time with your friends and family, and be with your husband without the demands of work keeping you both busy - he made sure of that. You’re reminded of how much you love food, and that it’s a privilege that you’re able to share that love with the man you love.
And as you watch the pretty views of the Basque Country disappear as you ascend in the air, you think to yourself this time that you’ll always have Spain. All the memories and words and emotions shared will be kept with you as you continue to live this life with the person who makes you laugh and gush and happy the most, the one who lets you finally see things and their beauty for what they are. 
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You pick up from where you left off when you get back to Seoul. Your officer-in-charge managed while you were away, and you’re glad you have less paperwork to deal with, given your jet lag that you’re somehow still suffering from despite being back a week. 
But it’s okay, you think, as Jin continues to spoil you by massaging your body and making you broth every night just because. He’s still quite the romantic, but less in words now since he’s back to bickering with you as his default, and you really won’t have it any other way. 
Still, you know something has changed. Other than the repaired relationship with his parents, there’s this joy in your husband’s eyes that shows itself as a glimmer, and it’s the kind that you know he can only pull out from himself. You’d know; it’s the same glimmer in yours. 
You didn’t think that marrying him again could give you closure - with your past self, with the stars you held onto, and even with the marriage you have with the same man. 
Perhaps there’s something different with starting again, and it’s not just the redesigned wedding rings that Jin’s grandparents arranged for you to have because “those second vows are the ones that matter, even if you’d both kept the promises you made the first time.” It’s knowing that this is your life now, the life “after” you married him, the life that’s made up of side streets and alleys, paved and unpaved roads, scenic routes and dark tunnels, and you’re here, navigating it all while holding his hand. 
You hold his hand, too, months later, on the day you see your stars on a bright Saturday morning.
You’d just capped off a tiring week of product evaluations and Jin has been taking day trips outside of Seoul and the country for meetings. 
There’s a newly opened cafe in the nearby neighborhood, which serves coffee from beans taken from different parts of the world. It’s got an artsy vibe to it, too, and you want to try out their pastries and see if it’s going on your long list of favorite places with your husband. 
Walking next to his side, you check out the menu some feet away from the counter, and your indecisive asses decide to order 2 sandwiches and 2 slices of cake. It’s in the middle of paying when you hear a familiar voice, prompting you to turn to the side.
He calls your name, and your smile is immediate.
You walk towards him and his embrace is immediate, too, one that you instantly fall into. 
You haven’t seen him since that trip to France, and you’ve only spoken a few times since you canceled that Hong Kong trip to see him. You’d told him briefly about the scandal, the fallout with Jin’s family, and the second wedding you both had. Seeing him again after so long feels new, refreshing; somehow you think it’s meant to be, too.
Namjoon still has that pine scent you liked so much. He still has that deep, low sound of his voice that used to calm you down whenever you were missing him, and that almost child-like laughter that reminds you that he’s also still a kid at heart. There’s that smile that launched a thousand love letters from you, with the dip in his cheeks and the crinkle in his eyes that used to make your heart flutter.
Namjoon still feels and smells like comfort, just a different kind.
“Hey,” your husband approaches him. “I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Jin.”
Namjoon takes the hand that’s reached out for him, mirroring the smile of the man he’s heard so much about; the man he lost you to because he’d been too comfortable living in his own world to give it up for you. 
“And I’m Namjoon. It’s nice to finally meet you,” he says. “It’s nice to see you both here. I hope we don’t disappoint.”
“This is yours?!” You ask excitedly.
“Well, I’m looking after it for a friend while he’s on business trips and I’m staying in Incheon. This is a good space to work and it’s nice to see familiar faces,” he replies.
“So, you took the offer, I see?”
“Just recently. I took a job in Austria before this but something just pulled me back,” he says longingly. “I think I’ve been away from home too long. I’ve forgotten what it felt like.”
“Well, you were never meant for just one place, Joon. I think I realized that some time ago,” you reply. 
I realized it too late, you internally correct yourself. 
“Maybe, but it’s good to have a base. Even if I still have to travel every month, there’s at least somewhere that’s familiar.”
“That’s good,” you smile. “I’m glad it worked out for you.”
“And for both of you, too,” Namjoon hums, softly eyeing Jin’s hand that mindlessly envelopes yours. 
There’s something different. More than one thing, Namjoon thinks. It’s more than your smile and the glimmer in your eyes, and the cheeriness in your voice. It’s your stance, your aura; it’s your other hand and where it affectionately stays.
“Is it, uh, is it rude to ask?” He chuckles.
“Not if it’s you,” you giggle. “So yes, you may.”
“How far along are you?”
Perhaps it’s the different curve of your body; you remind yourself he knew you at one point, too. Maybe it’s also your outfit that doesn’t hide the bump; you and Jin are out for a walk, after all, as prescribed by your doctor. But somehow you also think it’s your smile, or that glow, or for a man who, at one point, knew everything about you, it’s just natural that he’d know. 
“Four months,” you smile. “We’re really excited about it.”
“That’s wonderful,” he chirps. “Congratulations to both of you. I’m sure that baby is going to feel so loved growing up.”
“Yeah. They're obviously going to be well-fed. And spoiled. They have a bunch of chaotic aunts and uncles who can’t wait to meet them,” Jin laughs. 
He turns to look at you and that smile you have on as you look at him, and somehow, he knows this meeting was meant to happen, too.
“But, uh, I think our child would do well to grow up learning about art, don’t you think?” Jin smiles shyly at Namjoon. “Would you know anyone who’d like that role?”
“Ah, I may know someone,” Namjoon grins. “And he’d really, really like that.”
You look at both men - one whom you loved for years, and another whom you’ll love for all the years ahead. This child is the luckiest to have Jin as their father, and having Namjoon in their life is something you didn’t think would make you this emotional, this thankful. 
You grip your husband’s hand - in thanks, more than anything. Namjoon made sure you didn't break beyond repair; he made sure you felt enough love that you’d still believe in it despite everything, even if it wasn’t enough for him. And that’s why he’ll always mean this much to you - you can’t forget the love that kept you whole; you can’t forget the love that made you hope. 
“Our child would really, really like that, too, Joon.”
The barista calls Jin’s name and gives him the tray. You both look around and see the full-house cafe, so Namjoon offers his table. He’s got to check inventory, after all, so he steps aside and lets you and Jin sit next to each other on the wooden bench against the wall.
“Duty calls,” he says, then heads to the counter to pick up the phone. 
“Thank you,” you tell your husband, and you know he just knows all the reasons why you’re saying this. 
“He’s always meant a lot to you,” Jin responds. “I get to love you because he loved you; you get to love me because you let him.”
You hum, basking in his sweet words that still surprise you to this day. You look up and catch Namjoon’s eyes - deep and dark and beautiful, and they glimmer back at you with that speck of acceptance, of clarity, of care. Of love that may have changed in nature, but hasn’t diminished one bit. 
He’s still the stars in the sky, but he isn’t something you look at unknowingly as a thing of the past. He’s here to still shine brightly above you, maybe to guide you, but more than anything, he’s a beauty to still admire. You just know there are more years for this star; it won’t be extinguished any time soon.
The rest of your night sky, your moon, your sun, your trees and flowers and everything else - he’s right next to you, and you’ve both created something so wonderful with the love you both choose everyday. 
Through side streets and alleys, paved and unpaved roads, scenic routes and dark tunnels, you will both love this little 100 with your whole, twinkling hearts.
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx​​​ @di0rgguk​​​ @thequeen-kat​​​ @fan-ati--c​​@cravingforhotchocolate​​​​ @adoraminie​​​​ @helenazbmrskai​​​​ @weasleyswizarding-wheezes​​​​ @preciouschimine​​​​ @gukssunshine​​​​ @nch327​​​​ @kookxin​​​​ @petuliii​​ @yoursthv​​​​ @libra04​​​​ @fancycollectormoon​​​​ @twixxxpie​​​​ @ignoretheskies​​​​ @ohmydarlin-g​​​​ @bids97​​​​ @minyoongiboongi​​ @main-bangtansmauyeondan​​​​ @investedreader
Series Taglist: @iwishselena​​​ @neverthefirstchoice​​​​​ @jungoomoles​​​​ @yoontaethings​​​​ @scuzmunkie​​​​ @aerastus​​​​ @seanachais​​​​ @rjsmochii​​​​ @xiaonismo​​​​ @petalsofink​​​​ @bastard--bunny​​ @little-dark-empress​
292 notes · View notes
bangtanhoneys · 1 year
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Seokjin wedding mood board
simple / hints of blue & pink / gaming / intimate / fish / food
8 notes · View notes
girl8890 · 2 years
R Town | Ch.21
Jin x FemOc
word count: 5k
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POV: Juliet
Warnings: Vaginal sex, Prostitution, Blood, Assault, Physical fighting, Depression, Heavy petting, Rape/Non-con (implied).
Index | Ch.22
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
When I was a little girl, my mother taught me two things. The first thing is to never let anyone know they affected you emotionally. Basically, be a hard shell and never let anyone in. The second thing is, money is everything. This is the part where you understand me more. My mother only married my father for money, and then when he died of a heart attack, she married his brother for more money.
I was taught all my tricks by my mother. I learned how to flirt when I was five, and I was an expert in french kissing by the time I turned ten. To my mother, I lost my virginity late, and to the wrong person. I was fifteen, and she considered him not someone who deserved it, since his family was middle class. That's when I learned that sex could be used as a weapon. A weapon to make any man fall in love with you, and want to pile money and jewels at your feet
But even with that advice drilled into my mind, I never thought I would find myself here. Bent over a red, sticky, couch getting fucked from behind by a fifty-something-year-old man.
"So good~" The old man says as he holds my hips and drills into me with his two-inch shriveled cock.
I drop my head, not even caring about getting this man off with some fake moaning shit. This is a life I never pictured for myself. Having sex with old men for a lousy hundred dollars that I don't even get a hundred percent of. On top of that, I never expected to not be okay with it. The only reason I took up prostitution is that the owner waved the "loads of money" I'll be making in my face on the first day. Turns out it was just a ploy to get in my pants, and after that, the most I've made for having sex with someone here is fifty dollars.
The old guy smacks my ass, making me leap forward, and I feel disgusted when I hear the guy cough all over my back. Some of his spit landing on my skin.
I feel the first tear of the night drop out of my eyes. I watch it fall and darken the red velvet couch underneath me. I used to never care about any of this. I didn't give a shit about the guys I fucked, just the money they gave me. But now I know what it's like to love someone and be loved. The great sex is just a bonus. I now know what it's like to not care about a guy's money, and just want to be with him to... be with him.
I always had a feeling in the back of my mind throughout the years that Jin would be the person to turn me. To turn me into a girl that wanted to feel loved by the right person, but also not care about the money in their bank account. He was just so gentle with me. He treated me like a fucking queen, and truthfully he always has. Not caring about the rumors going around about me or the mistakes I've made. Jin has always seen me for me and focused on the positives about me.
That's why I left. I left the comfort of his bed that morning, looking at his wildly handsome face, knowing I'm going to crave him and the life he's offering me for the rest of my life. That every time I'm with another guy, for money or just another one of my schemes, no one is going to make me feel as safe and as good as Jin did.
But I left nonetheless because even though I knew Jin could help me, I also knew I wasn't right for him. He may be able to put all my bad deeds aside, but I would hate to come into his life and ruin it because of my reputation. I want to protect him at all costs.
I also don't want to know what Felix will do if he loses me. Not that Felix actually gives a shit about me, but Daisy has shared enough horror stories of girls he "likes" leaving. They all end up gone. Like, either dead or sold type of gone. It's even worse if they left for another man because then that guy disappears into thin air, while the girl just ends up right back at the club. If I'm being honest here, the threats of Felix coming after me don't scare me as much as Felix going after Jin does. That's what has me staying here instead of quitting and being with Jin in the first place. I don't want Jin to be mixed up in any trouble if I were to leave the prostitution life.
Jin might not care, but I do. Jin might agree to support me, but I wouldn't want that type of life with him. If I were to be with Jin, I would want it all to be perfect for him... and I'm less than perfect.
Example number 1:
"Fuck, your so tight! - Call me daddy. I get off to when young girls like yourself call me daddy."
I roll my eyes and say in the fakest horny voice known to man, "Yes, daddy. You feel sooooo good, daddy."
"Oh fuck! I think I'm - I'm..." I feel the old dude's cum fill me up inside, and I look underneath me to see not only see his cum drip down my legs but my own blood too. I breathe in through my nose, and try to stop myself from crying uncontrollably at the sight.
This is what happens when you don't get the girl wet first! And I'm dry as a fucking desert. Not that many guys could get me wet anyway... but Jin did.
Before I could go back down that rabbit hole of missing the only person that's ever respected me, the old guy takes himself out of me and pushes me forward, so I fall over the booth.
I look at him with the evilest of eyes, "What the fuck man!"
Instead of saying anything, he just looks me up and down like I'm a piece of shit like he didn't just blow his load inside of me, and throws money at me. The money bounces off of my chest, falling all over the floor.
I only look at the money for a few seconds before I'm staring daggers at the guy. A few dollars is definitely not worth this. "You fucking asshole!"
I guess that went to far for the old man because instead of walking away or just ignoring me, he spits in my fucking face. "Have some class, whore!"
I don't even care about the whore comment, but this mother fucker just spit in my fucking face. It wasn't just a little spit either! I had to wipe my eyes because of the yellow substance, like, fucking ew. When I open my eyes after finally getting the old man's spit out of my eyes, I realize he's left the room.
Oh no, he fucking didn't! I'm Juliet. You don't walk away from Juliet after doing some shit like that!
I quickly put my laced mini skirt back on, adjust my bra so it was back to covering me fully, then I run out of the room. I'm looking around frantic for the fucker, and to my luck, instead of leaving the club, the asshole went to the bar. I stomp my way over there, ignoring the catcalls from all the pervs in the club until I'm standing right next to the man. The bartender just poured the guy a glass of some oil-looking shit, and right before the glass touches his lips I snatch the glass out of his hand.
"What the fuck bitch!"
A bitch? I'll show you a fucking bitch! I splash the alcohol all over the guy's face. The guy is so shocked has jaw hangs open, so for an extra petty measure, I spit in his open mouth.
"Who's the classy whore now, pickle dick!" I go to walk away, feeling victorious that I just showed this guy what's what, but then the guy grabs onto my arm. "Get the fuck off of me!" But of course, the guy doesn't listen, and instead, he tightens the hold onto my arm. Making me wince out in pain.
I think he's about to hit me or say a bunch of cruel profanities, but before he can even sputter a word, a hand gets gripped onto his shoulder. The old man gets thrown out of his seat, and I scream when his assailant punches the guy square in the face. Almost knocking him completely out onto the floor.
"Didn't your mama ever teach you not to touch a girl without her permission?" My savior says to the almost unconscious old man on the floor. Before he turns around, I know exactly who my savior is. The savior's face has been taking up my thoughts since I left his bed two weeks ago.
Jin turns around, and because he's such a little - handsome, kind, perfect - bitch he raises a questioning eyebrow at me. I don't let him question me at all, though. I meant what I said when I told him to stay away from me. Even though my stomach is doing front and back flips from just being in the same vicinity as him, I'm standing by my words. I'm not good for him, and if he won't stay away from me, I'll stay away from him.
I turn around and speed walk all the way to the back room. The room all the girls and guys use to get changed. Jin calls after me, but I completely ignore him as I walk into the room and shut the door behind me.
I know Felix or his guards wouldn't give a shit if a guy barged inside, but Jin isn't an asshole like the rest of them. Jin doesn't come inside, and I waste the rest of my shift sitting in this room crying.
Crying for my heart aching to see him, and crying for the fact I'll never allow myself to be with him.
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
When midnight comes around, I get changed and wipe off the rest of my makeup that my tears didn't take off. There's no way Jim stayed a whole two hours waiting for me, I'm not worth that kind of patience, but to my fucking surprise, once I open the bloody door Jin is standing there leaning against the opposite wall. He has his muscular arms crossed against his chest, and a pantie-dropping smirk plastered on his face. Looking like a fucking king without even trying.
"Un-fucking-... Jin! What are you doing here?"
Jin leans closer to me, the music now on full blast at the club since it's after midnight, and he yells into my ear, "I'm looking for you! We need to talk."
I breathe into my nose in annoyance, but that ends up backfiring because I smell Jin's applewood cologne. It's a type of cologne you can find at Walmart, but Jin's been using it for so long that he never felt the need for an upgrade. It's also one of my favorite scents on guys... or at least... on Jin.
Jin pulls away from my ear but doesn't stand back up straight. He keeps his face level with mine, and he's so close it's making my heart want to beat out of my chest. Any other person I would just tell them to fuck off, but since it's Jin, and his smell and close proximity has my body going through a frenzy, I ask, "About what?"
Jin looks around, and I take this time to admire the man I've recently realized I would literally lay myself on the train tracks for. His jaw is sharp, and the purple hue from the lights coming down on it is making me want to lick the curve. His full lips rub together in concentration, making me want to pull his face until our lips join and I get to feel the pillowy softness I've been craving. When Jin turns back to look at me, I want to fall into him. Everything about Jin is just so... gorgeous.
"Do you really have to ask?" Of course, I know what Jin wants to talk about. He wants to talk about taking care of me and taking me out of this life. Instead of saying anything, I bite my lip and look away. Me ignoring the question has Jin then talking closely to my ear again, "Can we go outside?"
I pick my head up, making our noses bump together while he was leaning away. Staring up into his eyes this closely has me saying anything but no.
"Yeah... sure, Jin."
When we get outside, my ears are ringing. I don't know if it was from the predominantly loud music tonight or the pressure of this conversation we're about to have. When the door closes behind us, I put my hands into my jacket pockets and lean against the door. Unlike before, Jin stands a good distance away from me. His smell and close proximity no longer making my brain go in directions it shouldn't be going in.
"You know what I'm going to say, Juliet." Jin starts off. "And in a way, you know I'm right too. This isn't a place you should be working at."
"That's easy for you to say. Unlike you, I didn't have dreams as a child that could be easily made. Instead, I had a mother like mine."
Jin knows about my mother. He's the one that arrested her years back for trying to sell child pornography that her now ex-husband, my uncle, bribed her to sell. He also knows I wasn't exactly raised right since he was there through all my teenage years when my mother started to really condition me into the lifestyle I've been living. To put Jin's feelings for my mother simply, he hates her.
"That's not a good excuse for you to stay. You know I would never judge you." I close my eyes, not wanting to see Jin's desperate but beautiful-looking face. "I can tell your scared about Felix, but I can help you get out of this life."
I feel Jin's finger move a stray piece of my hair out of my face to behind my ear. The once again close proximity making my stomach have butterflies, but I don't allow my eyes to open. Not even when I feel his comforting hand on my cheek.
"Please, Juliet. Let me help you." I don't answer. "Why won't you answer me!"
I cringe when I hear Jin start to get mad. The worst thing that could happen to me right now is for him to walk out of my life, but I know it's what needs to be done.
I stand my ground in silence until I feel his soft lips touch mine in the softest of kisses. It's so light I barely feel it, but when I feel him detach our lip I instantly crave more. My eyes flutter open to find Jin still holding my cheek and leaning our foreheads together. The sight of him above me makes me want to break all my barriers and just... do it! Just be happy with him, and be selfish! I've been selfish so much in the past, so why can't I be selfish about being in actual love now?
Because it's Jin, I remind myself. It's Jin, and he deserves way better. Not that I deserve to be basically stuck in a life of prostitution, but even if I never agreed to it, Jin would still not deserve a broken doll-like me when he could have any pick at the untouched Barbies in this town.
"Jin-... I-"
"Don't." Jin interrupts me. "Don't break my heart again."
I'm a fucking asshole!
"Don't put it like that," I somehow manage to counteract.
"How else am I supposed to put the girl I've had a ongoing crush on for years leaving my bed with a note that said for me to forget everything about her?" His words should sting me, but they have no fire to them. Only truth. Jin moves his hand from my cheek to comb through my hair until it's lightly gripping at the back of my head. "And even if... how could she ever expect me to forget about her?"
Fuck it! The selfish route it is!
Jin's words slice my stance on this matter right in fucking half. I grab onto the back of his head and smash our lips together. My lips have craved his for too long, and by the way he's kissing me back I know he's feeling the same way.
It's messy and full of spit, tongues, and lip-smacking, but it's fucking needed! Who am I to think I could ever resist him? I had a feeling Jin always had feelings for me, but I was too obsessed with following in my terrible role model of a mother's footsteps to let myself live a good life by following those feelings. Until now, I never expected him to admit them to me though. I never wanted him to because then I would be facing this reality. The reality where I would fall madly in love with Jin Kim.
And the person I'm madly in love with has me moaning into his mouth when one of his hands picks me up by my thighs and slaps my back against the metal door. This is a totally different Jin from last time. This Jin is passionate and rough, and wanting to fill my soul with all things him.
His lips slide off my lips and go to my neck. I'm breathing out moans as I feel his quickly growing erection grind against the center of my core. The only thing stopping us from going all the way is my thin leggings and his tight jeans. Something I'm going to think about rectifying soon.
Jin somehow is able to keep me held in the air while he uses both hands to rip the top three bottoms off my shirt, making me gasp. He supports me in the air by putting one hand back on my thigh, while the other starts pawing at my bra-covered breast. When he starts biting at the top fat of my other one, I'm wiping my head back in ecstasy against the metal door.
As amazing as he's making me feel, I wish my ears didn't somehow pick up the music from inside the club at that moment. Reminding me, once again, that I'm not right for him. That my life is forever going to be inside clubs like these, with old man jizz dripping out of my cunt. Just the thought of Jin touching me there now, after someone I didn't want fucked me, makes me feel dirty. I don't want Jin to be dirty like me.
As much as I don't want to admit it, and I won't tell him directly, I need to get away from him. I want Jin to have a good life... and he can't do that if I'm around.
"J-Jin. Can we-" I feel Jin grind against me again, making me hesitate my words, and I feel a tear run down my face. I wipe it away quickly, then pull his face out of my boobs by his hair. "C-can we stop, please?"
It takes Jin a few seconds to register my words, but then he's cracking out, "Of course!" And then slowly lowering me back down. Jin, being the gentleman that he is, helps me button my shirt back up. With tender hands he cups my face, staring at me with a small smile. "You okay?"
I try to be brave. I try to be brave for Jin and grow the biggest fake smile I can muster. "Y-yeah! It's just... I don't really wanna do that here, and... it is kinda late." I'm making up the stupidest excuses in the world, and I know Jin is noticing my excuses are very what they are: not true.
In any other universe where I don't care about Jin more than myself, I would let him fuck me anywhere and anytime he wanted; but sadly, this is not that universe. This is the universe where I love Jin so much, that I'm willing to sacrifice my own happiness for his soon-to-be better life.
Jin raises a non-believing eyebrow at me. "You sure?"
I'm in no way an actor, but I giggle at him and try to put on my normal Juliet attitude when I say, "Yes, Jin. Stop being all Mr. Detective. I promise you, I'm fine."
Jin still looks like he doesn't believe me, but he eventually nods his head. "Can you text me in the morning then, so we can talk?"
And I respond by lying through my smiling teeth, "Sure."
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Not only did I lie to Jin last night, but I also made sure he had no way of contacting me by blocking his number. I also stayed up all last night packing and pacing as I debated my plan.
If Jin is going to be happy, he can't have me around anymore. I know Felix will probably be beyond pissed, but that's why I don't go to M for help with this. Not because I don't trust her, we actually have been getting pretty close. Every time she works besides Felix it's like a breath of fresh air. She makes sure everything is followed by the guidelines, and anytime some bitch boy breaks them she has security throw them out.
There's also the fact that she's actually a cool fucking chick. She's not a pushy boss, but also that type of boss that anyone could go to with their problems. I went to her with a few problems... Jin being one of them, in the past. M gave me the night off after I was pouring my sorrows into her lap while we were in her office.
I know after I said all this, you're probably wondering, so why the fuck can't I go to her? Well! Along with my sorrows, M has opened up to me about a few things in her life. One of those things is her phone is monitored by her husband. Any texts or calls she gets go straight to Felix after her. Felix is an even more possessive, and terrible husband because of it.
So, I message the next best thing at seven in the morning...
I get a knock at my practically empty shitty apartment door at half-past seven. I quickly run to the door and shove a bewildered-looking Daisy through my front door.
"Okay, you need to explain, like, porto-fucking-via why your doing this?"
Ever since Daisy quit her job at Lee club to be with Namjoon, I haven't been able to fill her in on my life. Daisy and I actually became really good friends after that first night. She was the one to help me off the literal ground that night, and wash all the regret down the drain from all the guys I let - if we can even call it let - touch me the way they did. Since then, I and Daisy have been thick as thieves.
So, without hesitation, I tell her everything. How I realized I was in love with Jin, the amazing sex (not going too much into detail), how he promised to help me as Namjoon did for her, and how he found me last night at the club. But, even after explaining basically all the reasons why I shouldn't be leaving town, I explain to her why I am.
"... I know your going to call me ridiculous, but I'm not actually that great of a person. Before my job, I legit married a guy for money. Tried to ruin his new relationship even because I was to petty that I was found out. I cheated on him with a guy I was planning to divorce him for too. But not for fucking love. I wanted to marry him because he was the second richest guy in town-"
"Wait, wait, wait! Your talking about Jungkook?!"
I look at Daisy in disbelief. "Out of everything I just said that's what your questioning?"
"It's just- I mean- I know someone... um." Daisy sputters out weird explanations for my question, but before I could question her further, she says, "Never mind. Continue."
I roll my eyes but do just that. "Jin deserves someone better then me, is my point. But I know he's stubborn, and he won't let the truth about me break the way he sees me, but... he also doesn't know about a lot of it. He knows I love money, and my mother was a terrible influence on my life because of it, but if I were to let myself be with Jin... how am I ever going to tell him the truth?"
"I mean, I understand your worried about that, but why do you have to move out of town because of it?"
I look away from Daisy at the ten boxes laying in my half-living room, half-kitchen area. I know why I'm leaving, but it still makes it hurt to admit. "Because if I'm still here, I know I'll eventually give in to wanting to be with Jin. And if that happens..." I swallow. "I'm afraid I'll break his heart or Felix will break his soul."
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Daisy told me she will break the news to M and Jin about me leaving after I'm at least an hour out of town. Knowing Jin, if he were to find out anytime before that he would be speeding down the highway to find me. I can't let any emotional, movie-worthy scenes stop me from my plans. I need to do this... for him.
I pack the last box into my cheap station wagon I bought last month, and slam the back seat door shut. After one last long embrace with Daisy, I get into the driver's seat and drive away.
That's when I let the full flood gates loose. I get into my feelings about this town as a whole. Besides meeting Jin, all my memories are here! My first kiss, my first prom, where I fell off a tree once because a bitchy girl dared me to in first grade, the first time I smoked weed at the back of a school. So many stupid, but unforgettable memories here.
I know a lot of people think this town is shit, and there's a reason why when people leave this town they never come back, but I'm actually going to miss it. Every sketchy ally way, an abandoned building inside of it too.
But most of all, to no one's surprise, I'm going to miss my best friend. The kid I met by complete accident when he rode his skateboard into me when we were in middle school. It was kinda my fault, I ran onto the skate park like a fucking idiot. Instead of taking responsibility for my actions though, I blamed it all on him. And you know what made me want to be friends with him? Instead of him telling me I'm wrong - like he should have - middle school Jin told me I was right.
No one allowed me to ever be right before I met him. It was always either my mother or deadbeat father that was right. To Jin, being right didn't matter though. I could say the sky was fucking yellow, and he would tell me, "You know what, you got a point." Jin was never the smartest of the bunch, but he's always been the most caring.
Even today, he cares about the people in this town more than himself. That's why he wanted to join the police force in the first place. To be a hero.
Unknowingly to Jin though, he's always been a hero to me. Whether it's a shoulder to cry on, or to punch some asshole in the face, he's always been, my savior. A savior I in no way deserved.
Even though I told myself to forget everything once I cross the line of this town, to just wipe Jin from my mind so I can start a fresh new life feels in no way possible. I slow down my car to a complete stop just before the "See you next time!" sign marking the end of R Town's borders.
I think about my life with Jin as a whole, as I stare at that sign. No more than two weeks ago, I just saw Jin as a friend that I could count on with anything, but even with that knowledge, I never went to him with anything past petty drama. It's crazy because even before I realized my own feelings for him, I was finding ways to protect him from the truth about me.
That I'm a gold-digging, whore. One that shouldn't be loved by an amazing guy like him in any universe. I know someone is yelling, "But the past is the past, Juliet!" Right now, but how can you expect me to forget the past when it was my present no more than two weeks ago? The whore part was literally last night too!
No. Jin deserves a better girlfriend than me. He deserves one that will take him on dates, and want to tell him stories about her job as a doctor or lawyer - some high-paying job for sure - and he'll never have to worry about her fucking up. That's the type of girl Jin deserves... even if it hurts for me to think about it.
I slowly, and painfully, cross the border of the town into the next one over, and I think about the one person I'll never be able to forget no matter how much I try.
Goodbye Jin.
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hyungieyoongi · 2 years
Pairing: Lawyer!Jin x Lawyer!Reader
Genre: FLUFF + Lawyer AU + E2L/rivals
Word Count: 1.0K
A/N: I mean...this one is pretty self-indulgent I’m not even going to pretend it’s not. Sorry not sorry, I love lawyer!Jin tee hee ❤️ 
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“This is standard procedure—surely your time and the client’s money would be better spent on more substantial issues?” you locked eyes with opposing counsel, unwavering. You watched as the younger man gulped, clearly getting nervous as he met your gaze across the table. You cocked your head to the side slightly, getting impatient while waiting for a response from the associate.
“I’m not authorized to make that decision. I’ll have to run it by the partner on the case, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Great, give them a call. I can wait,” you sat back in your chair, smug in the knowledge that you now had the upper hand during this negotiation session.
“I’ll just be a minute.”
You opened your laptop as your opposing counsel stepped out, reading emails you missed in the past hour. As you typed a reply, you heard a distinctive, windshield-wiper laugh outside of the conference room. You groaned, inwardly cursing as you shut your laptop. Getting up, you buttoned your blazer as the owner of the laugh walked in, briefcase in hand.
“Y/N, pleasure to see you, as always.”
“Seokjin,” you greeted, forcing a smile. He hit you with a wide grin, perfectly cut navy suit adorning his tall frame.
“Y/N, please, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Jin.” 
The man in question placed his briefcase on the table, stripping off his suit jacket and placing it on the back of his chair. Classic Seokjin—already getting comfortable, acting like he owned the room before negotiations even started. You sat down across from him once he took his seat, gearing up for what you knew would no longer be an easy fight.
“What exactly have you done to my poor associate? My driver was dropping me off when I get a frantic call from him about the plaintiff’s lawyer giving him a hard time.” Jin smirked at you, a twinkle in his eye.
“I was only zealously advocating for my client, Jin. You shouldn’t have sent him if he wasn’t prepared to respond appropriately,” you countered, leaning back in your chair and crossing your arms in defiance.
“Is this your way of telling me you missed negotiating with me, Y/L/N?”
“Don’t think so highly of yourself, Kim.” Jin laughed at your response.
“Come on, you and I both have sat across from each other and done this a hundred times before. I wanted to give the kid some practice.” Jin wiped an invisible smudge off of his cufflink, shrugging his broad shoulders with indifference. You gaped at him, frustrated with his attitude.
“If he can’t even make a basic decision without your approval, he shouldn’t have been sent on your behalf,” you scoffed. You pushed a paper in front of your adversary—the same one that his associate had gawked at. Jin gave it a once over before looking up at you, eyes narrowing.
“Agree to the terms, or we take you to trial.”
“I see the time for pleasantries is over,” Jin tsked, feigning disappointment. He grabbed a pen out of his briefcase, striking through various terms in the document with vigor. He flipped the paper over, pushing it back across the table to you.
“You can take the amended version to your client,” Jin said, capping his pen with a flourish.
You flipped the paper over, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. Clearing your throat to maintain your professional demeanor, you stood up, sticking your hand out to Jin for a handshake.
“I’ll get back to you when they’re ready with a decision.” You watched as Jin stood up, placing his palm against yours. You gave him a firm handshake, ignoring the way your hand tingled from his touch.
You had known Jin for years—you were each other’s constant competition in law school, always fighting for the top spot both in and out of the classroom. Now, you were both partners at rival firms, constantly seeing each other as the opposition. You had always wondered if the two of you would be friends if you weren’t always pitted against each other.
Or more than friends…your thoughts couldn’t help but wander as you yanked your hand back.
“Can I give you a lift back to the office?” Jin offered politely, shrugging back on his suit jacket.
“That won’t be necessary.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, let me give you a ride,” Jin insisted.
“Fine, but only because my driver is still on his lunch break.”
Jin held the door for you as you got into his sleek black car, sitting beside you in the backseat as he told his driver to stop by your office on the way back to his in the city.
“By the way, I haven’t had a chance to tell you,” Jin started, pulling your gaze from looking out the window to meet his eyes. “Once this case wraps, I’m done with the firm. I’m going to work in house for one of our clients.” You blinked, slightly stunned by the news. 
“Oh, wow, congratulations, Seokjin. That’s…that’s great news.” You tried to ignore the way your stomach twisted at the idea of not seeing him anymore once he started his new job.
“It is good news. Maybe once this is all over, I could take you out for dinner. You know, to celebrate us finally not being adversaries anymore,” Jin searched your face, his expression neutral despite what you knew he was suggesting.
You put your hand in the middle seat near his, his pinky reaching out, just barely brushing yours. You felt that same spark you always did with him as his driver pulled up in front of your office.  
“Sure, Jin, dinner sounds nice.” He smiled at you when you answered, making your heart swell slightly.
“I normally would have my assistant set something up, but I think I’ll give you a personal call for this one.” Jin’s driver opened your door for you as you smiled at your longtime rival, the tips of his ears going slightly red.
“See you in court, Kim.”
Check out my other work! ❤️
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok​ , @delacyrose224​ , @moon-write​ , @aianloveseven​ , @dulce-pjm​ , @milk-and-moni​, @jxoni​, @mwitsmejk​​
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
acquainted | playlist
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> series masterlist <
lots of songs contributed to the inspiration of this series. some titles may be mentioned in chapters, but otherwise, there is no specific order. please play each as you see fitting!
on the rotation:
don’t think you really love her if you need me so bad 
this some shit i usually don’t do, but for you i kinda want to
i buried my voice for you
and for what it’s worth, i will struggle babe
it’s somethin’ ‘bout being wrong that feels so right
i know you love fuckin’ me, i can tell by the way you in love with me
you can taste the dishonesty, it’s all over your breath
boy, get up inside it, i want you to homicide it
she wants somebody to love in the right way
mess with my head, i guess i’m just another lover
spread your wings and baby fly away
i just need some dick, i just need some love
when i touch on your body, forget ‘bout him slowly
so tell me, baby, do you want me like i want you?
it’s like we’re throwing stones at a glass house
we both grown, so how we feel we can let it show
the world can’t end until we’re finished
you say we’re just friends, but i swear when nobody’s around
cause you made me fall in it, you’re the reason i got a weakness
you can take me to a place where we can be
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niichu · 4 years
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Fanfic: Casal Cupido Autor: Bananinhadohobi
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solarune · 4 years
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pairing: kim seokjin x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 892
a/n: have another self-indulgent drabble featuring isabelle’s thursday night emotional support kpop boy. enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated :-)
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The rain has always made you sleepy. Sometimes you like the rain; how refreshing it feels on your skin, the smell that lingers in the air even when it’s gone, the sense of a new beginning as it washes everything away. But most of the time, you just feel sleepy. 
And with Seokjin already gone, left you with a kiss to your forehead at some absurd hour of the morning for practice, and not pulling you out of bed for breakfast, it’s the perfect combination to keep you tucked in bed. So in bed you stay, faded college shirt bunched around your torso and an old pair of Jin’s shorts that shrunk in the dryer twisted around your legs while the rain pounds against the window. You wake up occasionally to check your phone, glance at the time to see how long it would be until your boyfriend comes home, drink an entire glass of water or two, and go to the bathroom because of aforementioned glasses of water. But in the end, you always fall back asleep. The comforters are just too warm, the bed is just too soft, and the smell of Seokjin is just too strong for you to leave. 
Until you hear the front door opening.
You stare up at the ceiling as you listen to the sounds of Jin moving around outside; the jingling of keys as he hangs them up on the hook by the door, the thump of his shoes as he takes them off, the shuffle of his footsteps as he walks, and the loud sigh he lets out accompanied with the groan of the couch as he plops down on it. Your desperation for some attention from your boyfriend wins over your need to lie in bed for the rest of the day, so you throw the covers off of you rather dramatically and get out of bed with a soft groan. Stretching your arms over your head, you yawn and then laugh to yourself when you hear your joints crack. The cold air finally settles over your skin, causing goosebumps to appear, so you grab one of Jin’s oversized hoodies (oversized on him, that is, so it basically makes you look like a toddler) and pull it over your head before shuffling out of your bedroom. 
Jin perks up at the sight of you, a wide smile appearing on his face that matches your own as you quickly walk over to him with your arms outstretched. “Baby, I didn’t know you were home!” he exclaims, excited that he gets to spend some time with you. “You were so quiet, I thought you were out.”
“I spent all day in bed,” you say with a shake of your head. You clamber into his lap and bury your face into his neck, sighing in contentment when you feel him wrap his arms around your waist and his warmth beginning to seep through the fabric of his hoodie. “I was waiting for you to come home.”
“Well I’m home now,” he mumbles, lips brushing against your skin as he presses a kiss into your temple. “What did you want to do?”
Instead of replying, you just shake your head and shimmy closer to him, inhaling his scent and letting the gentle movement of his hands against your waist lull you into a sense of comfort. The two of you stay like that for a few minutes; you just basking in the presence of your boyfriend while Jin scrolls through his phone and occasionally kisses you somewhere that’s easy for him to access in the position that you’re in. But then your stomach growls rather loudly, and the peaceful moment is broken by Seokjin’s laughter.
“Did you eat a bear while I was out? What was that?” he jokes as he pulls back to look at you. He rubs his hand over your stomach affectionately and laughs once more when you slap his hand away with a glare. Seokjin grabs both your hands in his and intertwines your fingers together, gently swaying your arms as he looks at you like you hung the moon in the sky. “I’ll cook you something, angel, hm? How does that sound?”
You huff at his proposal, mulling it over in your head; you are hungry but you also want his attention…
As if he can read your mind, Seokjin brings his face closer to yours with a soft smile. “You can sit on the counter and watch me while I cook,” he says, offering a solution to your problem. “So I’m not too far from you.” You burst out laughing at his proposal but agree nonetheless. 
Your heart flutters in your chest while you watch him cook, his thumb rubbing your knee affectionately as he stirs some onions around in the pot. “Sorry I’m so needy today,” you apologize, reaching your hand out to run your fingers through his hair. “I just missed you.”
He chuckles as he moves towards you to stand between your legs, his hands coming up to hold your face and touch his forehead to yours. You close your eyes and smile, the affectionate gesture warming you from the inside out. “My girl wearing my clothes and loving on me the second I get home? Angel, there’s nothing I could want more than this right now.”
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kosmosguk · 4 years
Wrapped Up and Gifted; 7 Days of Christmas Day 1|Yandere Seokjin x Reader
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Type: Smut Drabble 
Description: As insufferable as your boss is, you find a small festive part in you to give him a present. You just aren’t expecting what he gives back in return.
Warning: blowjobs, what’s it called when you accidentally walk in on your boss wanking his peepee, seokjin giving switch vibes like it’s nobody’s business, subtle yandere vibes like if you squint you’d see them haha 
[A/n: the next 7 days of Christmas drabble is loosely based on the yandere BTS reaction to meeting you for the first time !! I’m finally on my winter break and although this line of drabble won’t be all out in time for Christmas, my lack of school will allow me to push out a small present for my beautiful readers !! thank you for nearly 600!! Ilysm and have a warm holiday season <3 (whether or not you celebrate Christmas or winter holidays in general)]
Kim Seokjin was an asshole. 
He was a Grinch, a Scrooge, a Boogeyman, and if you had to describe him, you would use every swear word in the dictionary. He picked on every aspect of a dish, spat out spoonfuls of food just because he didn’t like a certain flavor, and threw whole dishes that took hours to make into the trash. And most of all, he loved to pick on you, his merciless harassing extending from the days where you were his student into the days where you received a job at his restaurant--you were extremely surprised when you got the acceptance email; maybe, just maybe, he didn’t hate you as much as you thought he did. 
He wasn’t really that bad, you supposed. Manager Kim Namjoon liked him, and Namjoon was a decent guy through and through. You used to spend lots of time with him when you started working, but Seokjin had noticed, and his biting comments turned into scathing remarks until you stopped talking to Namjoon as much. Seokjin, others had jokingly said, was probably jealous. No, you had bit back, he was just a conceited asshole. 
You take it back; he was that bad. But at least he got you your job. That was something. He was known to be hard on people; others had reassured you that he was this way to all newcomers because he saw a way to shape potential. But as others got the treatment for 6 months tops, yours stretched over an expanse of a year. 
Still, he deserved somewhat of a present. Hell, if he found out that you had gotten Namjoon a present, he would throw a hissy fit and the next dish you made would be tossed into the dumpster. 
‘‘Chef Kim,’‘ you knocked on the door. Once, twice, no answer. You called out again,’‘ Chef Kim.’‘
That was strange. Kim Seokjin, despite how much of an ass he was, was always prompt with these things. 
You opened the door, hesitantly making your way into the dimly lit office. 
‘‘Chef Kim, your lights are of-,’‘ your voice cracked slightly as you took in the sight. 
His chair was pushed back, and there, tilting his head slightly with his bangs clinging to his forehead from sweat, was Seokjin. Your eyes trailed the sight, taking in his flushed cheeks, his soft panting, the slick noises, and the movement of his hand... Oh. That’s why he didn’t answer the door. 
You dropped the gift. The box landed on the floor with a thump, and you winced, hoping the gift hadn’t broken. The chair creaked slightly as he turned to stare at you, really, really stare at you. You swallowed heavily. 
‘‘What are you doing here?’‘ his hand movements didn’t stop. 
Your cheeks reddened in embarrassment--you didn’t dare think that it was anything else--and you spoke quickly,’’ I can leave. I’m-I’m sorry for walking into your office. I won’t speak of this...predicament to anyone. I’ll be go-going now.’’
You bent down to grab your gift and hightail it out of there when...
‘‘Stay,’‘ Seokjin’s voice was rougher than his usual even, clear almost-pleasant tone. You felt something squeeze slightly in the deeper parts of your stomach at the sound and slightly rubbed your inner thighs together. 
‘‘Don’t you want to find out why I’m risking my reputation to do this-oh shit fuck,’‘ he broke off in a groan, and you averted your gaze,’‘ Even if I keep this up, I can’t even cum. And it’s all because of you.’‘
You froze, unable to think or speak or, hell, even breathe. 
‘‘I think about you, the way you always tempt me without even knowing, and I get hard all over again. I bet you’re so tight that you would squeeze down on me,’‘ he panted out,’‘ It makes me want to put you under my control, to fucking take over until you can only think of me. So you won’t think of anyone else but me.’‘
You let out an uneven breath. 
‘‘Chef Kim, this isn’t professional. We’re at work; there are chefs outside and guests and-,’‘ you were silenced. 
‘‘No one will come in unannounced, not like you. Now come over here,’‘ Seokjin groaned,’’ Let me see what you have to give.’’ 
You found yourself taking steps forward, and you weren’t aware you were until you were kneeling in front of him, reaching out to take hold of his length. It pulsed and throbbed slightly under your touch, and you experimentally dragged your hand up and down. 
‘’Shit, you feel so fucking good,’’ he hissed between clenched teeth, his hips rolling up.
You glanced at him through your lashes before pressing a soft kiss on his precum-stained tip. You gave small kitten licks, raising an eyebrow at the new taste, before stretching open your lips as wide as you could and taking in as much of his length as you could. 
Seokjin groaned, his hips bucking up. His length hit the back of your throat, and you gagged, hitting his bare thighs until he dragged back and let you breathe. You pulled off, saliva staining your lips and his dick, before going back down. What you couldn’t fit in your mouth, you stroked, making soft moaning sounds as you sucked. 
His hip movements got jerkier, more erratic as you stroked and licked and sucked, until you felt him let out a husky sound that was a mixture between a groan and a moan. Thick liquid filled your mouth, and you coughed at the new sensation, spitting out a mixture of semen and saliva. 
He reached out to stroke your head, his movements gentle and slightly tired. You looked up, your throat aching from the thrusting as you fought for needed air. 
‘‘You gave me two gifts. It only makes sense if I give you some gifts too,’‘ the stern look he usually gave was replaced by a softer one. This was the most gentle you had ever seen him. 
And as you got up on shaky legs and slotted yourself onto his thigh, a whine pulled from your lips, you thought of how fortunate it was that you decided to give Seokjin a gift. 
And maybe, maybe he wasn’t as much of an asshole as you had originally thought.
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taetaespeaches · 5 years
“And what if we just mess the bed up again?”
Seokjin x Reader genre: fluff word count: 1.6K
a/n: Jin plays guitar, and this is something I don’t think we talk enough about. WE STAN A TALENTED MAN!!! So, enjoy this little scenario where Jin has a cute moment with his s/o and teaches a very basic guitar chord. This includes a very bad guitar pun and I’m sorry in advance. Thank you for reading :))
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BARE feet padding down the wooden floors, you made your way through the hallway carrying two green tinted glasses, three quarters of the way filled with water. Looking down at your body as you walked, you smiled at the t-shirt that hung off your shoulders, the hem sitting at mid-thigh. Jin’s t-shirt. Biting your lip to conceal your excitement, you took a deep breath, exhaling through a smile. 
You were broken out of your giddy haze at the sound of shuffling inside your bedroom as you neared the doorway. Heart pounding, fear settled in that he could just up and leave if he wanted. You hadn’t been seeing each other for very long, you just had sex for the first time, if he wanted to keep this casual, he still could. And you really wanted him to stay. You really wanted it to not be casual. 
Tentatively, you stepped into the room which was cast in a warm glow from both the bedside lamp and the moon light that illuminated through the window. Jin had just plopped down onto the bed wearing nothing but his boxer briefs when you came into his line of vision, causing him to immediately sit up, crossing his legs underneath him as he smiled sweetly at you. 
“Did you make the bed?” You asked him in surprise as you thought to yourself, I want to see him like this every day. 
It took your not-yet-boyfriend of three weeks a moment to answer, his eyes scanning up your body, giving away his distraction. When you tilted your head, flashing him a knowing grin, he stuttered his response, “wha-oh-ye-yeah. Yeah, I thought since I helped mess it up, it’s the least I could do.” A small blush creeped onto his pretty cheeks, making your heart and ego swell at your affect on him. 
The bit of doubt you had vanished in that moment. Of course he was staying. And as soon as the doubt left you, you felt yourself become more confident. 
“And what if we just mess the bed up again?” You teased, walking towards him, carrying the glasses. 
Jin smiled at you shyly. “I’ll just have to keep making it then.” 
Stepping in front of the bed, you held out one of the glasses to him, which he took gratefully took with one hand with a small thank you, his other hand meeting the back of your thigh as he tugged you closer to the bed. 
“Sit with me,” Jin nodded towards the bed, wearing a stunning smile. 
Crawling onto the bed, you settled yourself in front of Jin, sitting cross-legged, your knees knocking with his. As he stared at you affectionately, you averted your eyes to your water glass, bringing it to you lips to take a long gulp. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he told you sweetly. 
You could feel the blush heating your cheeks but you locked your gaze with his regardless. 
“You are too,” you complimented. “But you knew that, didn’t you, Mr. Worldwide Handsome,” you teased. 
Jin giggled as he leaned forward a bit. His eyes left your face for a moment, lighting up when they fell on something across the room. 
“Do you play guitar?” He asked, excitement showing. 
Your eyes widened just the slightest bit as you looked at the guitar propped up in the corner of the room. It hadn’t been touched in over three months, dust collected on the body and along the neck underneath the strings. 
“Oh, no,” you chuckled, looking back at Jin. “I always wanted to, but I never learned. I tried to teach myself a few times but,” you pouted, “It’s hard.” 
Jin laughed affectionately at your expression. 
“I could show a little if you want,” he told you with a smile. “I’m not that great, but I can play a little,” he said a little bashfully. 
“Hey, don’t say that,” you warned. “Don’t diminish yourself like that. I’m sure you’re great,” you smiled gently. “I would love to learn from you.” 
Jin flashed you an excited grin as he stood up at set his water glass on the bedside table. You watched his form as he made his way across the room, gaze set on his toned back and his broad shoulders. Your eyes dragged downward, admiring his ass, taking in the way his thigh muscles tensed and relaxed as he walked.  
Effortlessly, he grabbed the neck of the guitar with one hand and tucked it against his body, plucking the strings with his right arm as he tuned it with his left hand. You continued to admire him from across the room as he worked on tuning the instrument. 
“Does that sound right?” He asked you curiously as he played the third string, the G. Listening for a moment, you nodded. Nodding in return, he began walking towards the bed, still strumming the guitar to make sure it was tuned. Shrugging, he lowered the guitar from his chest, holding it out for you to take “Good enough.” 
With his other hand, he took your water glass from you, trading you for the instrument. After setting the glass onto the bedside table next to where he deposited his earlier, he sat on the bed with his back against the headboard, his legs stretched out in front of him. Reaching for your waist, he guided you to sit against his, your back pressed against his chest, cradled in the V of his legs.
He placed one arm below yours on the neck of the guitar, his hand sitting atop yours, the other arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close so your back was pressed against his chest. 
“Ok, let’s play a C chord,” he whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your skin. “Put this finger here,” he said as he moved your ring finger to the third fret, placing it over the fifth string. He then moved your middle finger to the fourth string on the second fret. “Just like that,” he whispered again, the feeling of his breath and the sound of his voice distracting you. “Ok, now this finger goes here,” he said as he placed your pointer finger to the second string on the first fret, stretching the digit a little uncomfortably. 
“There,” he kissed the top of your cheek bone sweetly. “Now when you strum, don’t play the top string.” 
“Ok,” you moved your shoulders exaggeratedly as you pretended to loosen up and prepare to play. Starting on the fifth string, you dragged your thumb down the strings, creating an unpleasant dull sound, the strings buzzing. “Oh,” you said disgusted. 
Jin burst into giggles, nuzzling his face into your neck as he laughed against your warm skin. 
“Why was that so bad?” You whined with a small chuckle. 
Leaving a few pecks to your neck, Jin lifted his head, setting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Well, one of the problems is, you’re letting your pinky sit on the bottom string, you need to curl it so it doesn’t touch the strings,” he told you as you groaned, making him laugh, squeezing your waist with his arm. “The other problem is you’re not holding the strings down hard enough.” 
Shifting in your spot to get in a better position to play, your butt rubbed against his groin. You quipped back to him, “You’re not hard enough,” jokingly. 
Jin snorted, dragging his hand across the front of your abdomen to tickle your side, making you squirm more. 
“If you keep moving around like this, I will be,” he teased, making you crane your neck to look at his face with an amused smile. 
Taking your hand in his, he pressed on your fingers so they were firmly pushing down the strings.
“If you don’t hold them down hard enough, you’ll get that buzzing sound,” he explained. “Try again,” he nodded to your hand, telling you to strum. You did, and this time the note sounded like how it should. You perked your head up in surprise. “See?” He smiled, sweetly kissing your jaw. “Wanna learn another?” 
“My fingers hurt,” you pouted, holding back a grin, making Jin chuckle. 
“What do you call someone who gives up on playing guitar after two minutes because their fingers hurt?” He posed. 
“Hmm?” You asked, fighting the smile that was already forming on your face. 
“A quit-ar,” he joked, making himself cackle at his own pun, throwing his his head back in squeaking laughter. 
With a wide smile, you shook your head, allowing the giggles to fall out of your mouth. “Oh my god,” you complained. Setting the guitar aside on the mattress next to your guys’ legs, you sat up on your knees, turning around, and settling yourself overtop him, straddling his lap. “Do you realize how bad that was?” You laughed as you kissed his lips sweetly. 
“You liked it,” he giggled, leaning forward to capture your lips in a longer kiss, your lips working against each other. 
“Not as much as you did,” you teased, softly kissing the side of his mouth. 
“Well of course, I just know great humor,” he joked, his hands finding your face as he held you there, kissing your more deeply.
Your hands found his neck, your fingers toying with the ends of his hair at his nape. 
After a few minutes of kissing, you pulled away a bit, resting your forehead against his, Jin’s thumbs swiping gently over your cheeks, the sweet gesture making your heart swell. One of your hands left his neck to hold onto his wrist, your own thumb running sweetly along the back of his hand. 
“I really like you,” you told him, a bit of vulnerability seeping into the confession as you looked into his eyes, which were staring back into yours affectionately. 
A soft, close-mouthed smile formed on Jin’s face. “I’m glad. I really like you too,” he replied. 
Both of you wearing big stupid grins, you slipped back into a toothy happy kiss, your arms coming to wrap around the back of his head, feeling more secure and content and excited than ever before.  
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park-loins · 6 years
hello miss loins... i have a lot of trust in your taste in fic, so i was wondering if you would rec some of your favourite jinkook works. also i am very excitedly following the progress of fake sugar, thank you for sharing with us and keep up the good work!!!
whaaa thank you so much dude! i don’t have ALL that many jinkooks bookmarked for some reason, and it makes it even harder that primarily i stick to longfic bc i’m... a deceptively soft bitch who requires Much emotional investment, but!  here are a few!
You Came For Me (You Stayed For Us) by kuragecharms // rating G // 44k // Hot Single Dad Jin
double chocolate chip by goldenhearts // rating E // 17k // tattooed kook/baker jin
Lemonade Kisses by bizzanus // rating E // 20k // Camp Counselors au
humming by CaptainButts // rating E // 16k // Lifeguards au
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ggukkieland · 3 years
📚BTS Fic Reads - 2021 Aug Pt. 2
I enjoyed last month’s reading list 🥰. Variety of themes from genies to superheroes to hybrids to doctors to slice of life. I also think I said and commented a lot on each fic because I couldn’t help express how I feel 💖
Kudos to these authors for making my exhausting Aug a bearable one 🥰
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🌷 Aug 2021 Fic Reads Part 1:  Ongoing Series
all members
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🥕 [Completed Fics/Series]
Tip: If link doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
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After Rain @rmverse - one shot | 12.8k | kind of supernatural, patient!namjoon x patient!reader, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, lucid dreams at one point | f, s, slight a
Are You Allowed to Tell God to Suck It + Blossom  @min-youngis​ - two shot | 3.7k | Angel AU, Angel!Reader, Human!Namjoon, CEO Namjoon, sort of established relationship, some philosophical talks | f
Competitive @jjksblackgf​ - drabble | 1k | enemies to lovers, college au (grad school?), rivalry turned sexy thanks to one hot namjoon | f
Hit the Back @ironicarmy (deactivated) - one shot | 6.6k | fratboy au, stem major!reader, college au, car wash au, summer au, friends to lovers | s, slight f (no updates yet if author will re-post but will put this here in case it gets posted again)
Hourglass @joonbird​ - drabble | 750 wc | strangers to lovers, strangers on a train | s
Inner Universe @donewithjeon​ - one shot | 6.9k | College AU, disability themes | a, f
Rental Series @moononthejoon (deactivated but on AO3) - one shot + drabble series | 30.9k | Fake Dating? (more of Rent a Boyfriend), Psychologist!Namjoon, Rental Drabble: Established Relationship, Boyfriend AU, Husband AU, Parenting AU | s, f, a (linked the AO3 in my reblog)
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29 + 1 @taeescript​ - series [3/3] | 21.9k | CEO!Seokjin, Seokin is the devil from The Devil Wears Prada (he was really mean T_T), slice of life, enemies to lovers, intern!oc, date/companion oc to gala (not really fake dating but seokjin needs her to help his image) | a, s, f
Code Blue @saladejin​ - one shot | 4.5k | doctor!seokjin x nurse!reader, hospital au, humor, lots of teasing | f
Exes and Superher-O’s @kpopfanfictrash - two shot | 59k | Superhero AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, Action, Exes AU, eventually Boyfriend AU (Part 2) | a, f, s
Gold Embers Touch the Blue Veil @magicalsalamander​ - one shot | 19.5k | Avatar AU, Fire Bender!Seokjin, Water Bender!OC, Enemies to Lovers, Military AU, Warrior!OC | a, s
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.Docx @yngpraisebot​ - one shot | 4.4k | CEO!Yoongi, dom themes, harassment themes (proceed with caution) | s
“Are You Flirting With Me” @rmverse - drabble | 1k? | barista!reader, prompt: “Are you flirting with me?” / “You finally noticed?” | f
2am @sunshinejoon​ - series [4/4] | 5.7k | established relationship, semi-break up au, she thinks he’s fooling around (?) | a
A Scam Marriage @xotoosweet​ - one shot | 4k | arranged marriage (marriage of convenience), grad school au, architecture major!yoongi, psychology!oc, college au, friends to lovers, some unrequited pining | f  
Breakfast in Bed @joonbird - one shot | 12k | IKEA Employee!Yoongi, bed display crasher OC, strangers to lovers, crack/humor, retail AU | s, f (really hot and yet tooth rotting fluff)
Helping Out @itsallabouthedetails​ - one shot | 2.5k | OC is Jin’s roommate, but Yoongi helping her with cramps | s
Mortalised @minyfic​ - one shot | 5.5k | dilf!yoongi, single dad au, bestfriend au, they live apart but Yoongi visited OC, a proposition… | s, f
Not Around @minyfic - one shot | 19.8k | best friend’s boyfriend, basketball player!yoongi x cheerleader!oc, college au | a, f, s
Off the Deep End @boymeetsweevil​ - one shot | 17.5k | kind of sci-fi?, mermaid!yoongi, fwb au, slice of life-ish | s, a, slight f
Petrichor @donewithjeon - one shot | 10k | barista!reader, coffee shop au, yoongi is not the type who stays | a, s
Post-it Note @couture-kookie​ - one shot | 6k | Neighbor AU, Enemies to Lovers, that turned sort of BDSM | s
Snake Kisses @peekaboongi​ - one shot | 8.5k | Hybrid AU, Snake Hybrid Yoongi, fluffy ending | s, f  
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Absolution @junghelioseok​ - one shot | 21.9k | action, secret agent au, secret identity themes, part of the crosshairs/budapest universe | s 🌷
Angsty Divorced Parents drabble @ughcore - drabble | 700 wc | exes au, infidelity themes, parents au | a 🌷
Golden Hour @snackhobi - drabble  | 2.6k | sfw, magic au | f
I Don’t Know What to Call This @httphopewrld​ - one shot | 16.4k | idol!hoseok, friends to lovers, sort of fwb au | s, a, f
Remember Me Not @taeescript - one shot | 14.5k | genie!hoseok, fantasy au, sort of star crossed lovers, bestfriend au, memory-alter themes, sort of reincarnation too? | a, f 🌷
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Blazing Arrows @kingminie​ - series [7/7] | 35.3k | Unrequited Love (for Jungkook). Love Triangle themes, Cupid!Jimin, kind of Roommate!Jimin too | f, a (wasn’t expecting this to be angsty T_T)
Spring Leaves @alilbihh​ - one shot | 11.5k | witch!jimin, witch!reader, arranged marriage au, kind of slice of life but world is more on fantasy, slow burn | f (tooth-rotting fluff 🥰)  
The Call to You @1lyhobi​ - one shot | 2k | werewolf au, alpha!reader, mating themes | s
You Have (1) New Voicemail @coepiteamare​ - one shot | 4.9k | epistolary (all through voicemail), mystery (because we don’t know where Jimin is), sort of falling out? | a (perfect angst) 🌷
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A Crow Without Wings @kissmetae​ - one shot | 5.8k | demon!taehyung (the sweetest demon), but dark scenario (must be in soul form for them to be together) | s, a
Apartment 512 + About the Boy @moononthejoon (deactivated, but on AO3) - one shot + drabble series | 41.3k | neighbor au, fwb au, sort of enemies to lovers, college au (originally), tattooed!taehyung, eventually boyfriend AU, husband AU, post-grad AU | f, s, a
Can’t Flaunt What’s Not Yours @turtletaemin​ - one shot | 6k | FWB AU, OC nonchalant about their fuckbuddy situation but got jealous (and bitchy) | s, a, f  
Corruption @95boysbe - one shot | 2.5k | established relationship, boyfriend!taehyung loves corrupting OC | s, slight f
Fantasies @anoddkpopfan​ - one shot | 2.7k | dom!taehyung, college au, gaming buddy!Taehyung | s
Friends @hobistagram​ - drabble | 1.7k | best friend au, idol au, oc suddenly revealed she had a crush on him before | f
Good Luck Charm @gukyi​ - one shot | 11k | Bestfriend AU, Unrequited AU (for OC), Roommate AU, Actor!Taehyung | f, a
Letters @bangtanocean​ - series [3/3] | 10.3k | historical au, soulmate au, feat Prince!Yoongi, chef!oc, soldier!taehyung (commander), war themes?, heavy angst | s, f, a
North Star @kainks - drabble | 1.8k | god AU, Fantasy AU, Christmas AU, Soulmate AU, Reincarnation AU | f
Once Upon a Boy @eternally-writing​ - drabble | 2.8k | rich!taehyung, strangers to lovers, Cinderella AU | f, a
One Last Time @softjaehyvn​ - one shot | 3.6k | actor!taehyung x actress!reader, break up au, co-worker au | a, f
Pluto Protector @kitsutaes - drabble | 2.6k | childhood friends, bestfriend AU, artist!taehyung, astrophysicist!reader | f
Poetry of the Stars @jjiimin​ - one shot | 25.4k | hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, best friend’s brother, heavy themes (please check tags) | f, a
SPH @venusjeon​ - drabble | 2.2k | FWB AU, humor, SPH stands for ‘small penis humiliation’ 😂, bad parent themes but taehyung is such a sweetheart to make your world better | s, a, f  
When a Ladybug Meets a Spider @gxtsmxt-blog​ - one shot | 14.1k | College AU, Tarantula Owner!Taehyung, Dorm mate!OC, humor (really cute and quirky) | a, f, s  🌷
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↬ One-shots | Drabbles
12:49 PM @likeastarstar​ - drabble | 424 wc | bad boy!jungkook (or so it seems because people are judgers), a little plot twist on characters (who goes soft for wildflowers? who rides the bike?) | f 🌷
Apodyopsis @jeonsjiddies​ - one shot | 12k | Nude Model!Jungkook, Artist!OC, strangers to lovers, Kookie has a sad backstory but he’ll give you whiplash with his triplicity (boy with a story that makes me sad, cocky/flirty, feral!jk - take your pick) | s 🌷
Autumn: My Old Story @thedefinitionofbts​ - one shot | 9.5k | Werewolf AU, supernatural au, sort of childhood friends  | a (beautifully written angst) 🌷
Bunny @btssmutgalore​ - one shot | 17.5k | friends to lovers, shy!jungkook, camboy au, secret identity | s 🌷
Cheer @btssaysstudy​ - one shot | 9.9k | cheerleader!oc, athlete!jungkook, rugby, college au | f
Combative @smasmashin​ - one shot (with ongoing drabbles) | 6.2k | Fuck or Die AU, Assassin AU, kinda alien too? (feat Alien!Seokjin), Enemies to Lovers, Crack/Humor | S (pwp) 🌷
Fighter @eureka-its-zico​ - one shot | 4.8k | strangers to lovers, tsundere!jungkook, bartender!oc, bar AU, ex-fighter!jungkook, protective!jungkook *yes yes* | s, a 🌷
Green Room @honeymoonjin​ - drabble | 1.8k | idol au, jealous!jungkook, exhibitionist (because he’s so jealous of Hoseok 😁) | s 🌷
Hot Ones @yoon-kooks​ - one shot | 5.1k | FWB AU, Co-worker AU, idol!jungkook, sort of Bet AU (over array of deadly hot sauce samples) | f 🌷
Illusions of Choice @hobibliophile​ - one shot | 7.3k | heir au, arranged marriage au, supposedly arranged with the older brother but got arranged with jungkook instead after brother’s death | a, f, s
I Think I’m in Love With You and I’m Terrified @cupofteaguk - drabble | 1.9k | fake dating au, unrequited love for Kookie because he couldn’t say how he feels | f 🌷
I Want You @moonlightchildz​ - one shot | 13k | slow burn, strangers to lovers, eventual friends, virgin!reader (and only wants Jungkook) | s, f  🌷
Just For Tonight @jungkxook​ - one shot | 17.7k | strangers to lovers, dare au (inspired by the film Nerve), party au | s, f 🌷
Kinky Hours Drabble: Single Dad!JK and Babysitter!OC @lavishedinjimin - drabble | 1k | Nanny!OC, DILF!Jungkook, single dad au who is also sexually frustrated, age gap (consenting adults) | s 🔥 🌷
Koopid @gwoongi​ - one shot | 4.7k | feat. Namjoon (viewer), porn stars Jungkook and OC, established relationship, all the acts are seen through Namjoon’s viewing experience | s, kind of f 🌷
Losing Game @kookaine​ - drabble | 988 wc | villain!jungkook, dystopian, apocalypse | a (heavy)
Morning After @jmnjmnjmn​ - drabble | 1k | one night stand AU, friends to lovers, really cute | f 🌷
Mr. & Mrs. Jeon @taetaesbaebaepsae​ - one shot | 7.1k | assassin au, husband au, secret identities, Mr. and Mrs. Smith adaptation | a, f, s
Nothing Compares 2U + Since U Been Gone @burberryplaid - drabble | 790 wc | idol au, breakup au, themes of cheating (someone is rumored with jk) | a
One on One @thatmultifandomhoe​ - one shot | 3.1k | College AU, Sports AU, Boxer AU | f (really cute) 🌷
Pearls and Pastries @masterninjacow​ - one shot | 3.6k | baker!reader, pirate!jungkook, fantasy, pining, medieval au | f, a
Philtatos @sweetbunnykook​ - drabble | 2.1k | god AU, hades’ son!Jungkook, soulmate AU, established relationship 🌷
Quarter Life Crisis @heungtanbts - one shot | 25k | slow burn, bestfriend AU, idiots to lovers, OC experiencing quarter life crisis and they think the solution is for her to get a boyfriend, some angst from one silent bunny | a, f, implied s 🌷
Revenge is Brutally Sweet @yumeyooa​ - one shot | 14.6k | guitarist!jungkook, vocalist!reader, band au, high school au, post break up au, exes au | a, slight f
Sacrifices @jiminiethot - one shot | 4.4k | Gamer!Jungkook, Parenting AU, Husband AU, Unplanned pregnancy, really sweet and was part of my established rel fic rec list for jungkook | f, s 🌷
Sleeposal @joyfulhopelox​ - drabble | 2.8k | boyfriend AU, sleep talker!jungkook proposing in his sleep, really cute!, proposal AU | f 🌷
Snaps @cryxtal-moon​ - one shot | 10.3k | photographer!jungkook, assistant!oc, neighbor au, producer!oc | f (really cute)
Somebody That I Used to Know @imyourhobiii​ - one shot | 9.7k | childhood best friends, roommate au, fwb au, waterpark au, falling out type of fic, really angsty | a, s
Still With You @kooktrash​ - one shot | 4k? | Strangers to Lovers, summer romance type, sort of Exes (but not really because they weren’t officially together) | a, s, f 🌷
The Art of Cheating @justcallmenikki7 - one shot | 1.3k | soulmate au, soulmate marks (they see what is written on their skin except name, phone number, address) | f
The Big Cats @breakiebunny​ - one shot | 10.5k | Mafia AU, Hybrid AU, Amur Leopard!Jungkook,  enemies to lovers, last amur leopard hybrids alive (they need to mate) | a, s
The Cheetah Lounge @kookiecrumb​ - one shot | 2.3k | Kookie just got fired, OC is the girl he sees on the subway on his way to work every day, party/club setting | s, slight f
The Lighthouse @rubycoast​ - one shot | 12k | strangers to lovers, pining, tsundere!jungkook in the beginning, friends to lovers, kind of supernatural, plot twist | a, f  🌷
The Lines Between Us @chateautae​ - one shot | 10k | detective!jungkook, enemies to lovers, slight fantasy, FWB AU, coworker au,  | s, a 🌷
The Pool Boy @idolimagines - one shot | 8.1k | pool boy!jungkook, executive!OC, recently divorced OC, hired employee!jungkook, noona cougar vibes | s, f 🌷
This Time Around @alternateafterthought​ - one shot | 22k | strangers to lovers, hybrid au, both of them are rare snow leopard hybrids, forced to breed (rare hybrid type), kind of action (? when they were trying to escape), OT7 | a, s, f 🌷
Trick @blkjmn​ - one shot | 4.4k | Piercer!Jungkook, tattoo artist AU, OC getting a clit piercing | s 🌷
True Damage @krreader - drabble | 1.3k | idol!reader, rivals on the outside but friends but JK messed up | a
War of Hormones @babiekaykes​ - one shot | 5.6k | Werewolf!Jungkook, supernatural, Established Relationship, Boyfriend AU, Alpha!Jungkook who is scared of touching OC (afraid of hurting her and this is the point of the story because OC is ready to take their relationship to the next level) | s, f 🌷
You @breakiebunny - one shot | 10.7k | childhood bestfriend, former fling, idol!jungkook, OC in a relationship (but abusive one), protective!koo | a, f, s
Your Every Wish is my Command @jeonggukingdom​ - one shot | 13.6k | genie!jungkook, fantasy (a bit), sort of star-crossed? (not sure how a genie and human can end up together and that made me sad a bit) | s, f, a 🌷
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↬ Two-shots | Series
50% Cotton + 50% Polyester @perpetually-jungshook - two shot | 11.8k | Shy!Jungkook, virgin!jungkook, College AU, friends to lovers | f, s 🌷
All The Times You Knocked @taehyung-the-baehyung​ - drabble series [5/?] | 5k+ | neighbor au, slice of life, strangers to lovers | f, a (I don’t think it’ll be completed but it’s a good read ^_^) 🌷
Glitter and Disquiet @joheunsaram​ - two shot | 36k | heir au, ceo au, youtuber!oc, virgin!jungkook, gaming company, post grad au, enemies to lovers | a, f, s
Hiraeth @darlingwoes - series [15/15] | 54k | Royalty AU, Time Travel AU, Fantasy, Slow Burn, sort of starcrossed | f, s, a 🌷
Hot Summer @httphopewrld - two shot | 15.4k | Jungkook is the boy across the street, tattoo artist!jungkook, voyeurism (? OC could see JK and his ex-gf across), eventual established relationship, angst due to OC not admitting about seeing him through his window | s, a, f
Irrevocably Yours, Part 2 @eureka-its-zico - series [2/3] | 29.2k+ | Enemies to Lovers, slow burn, Rich!Jungkook but now adjusting to his situation, disability themes (jk had an accident which now affected his leg), hurt/comfort,, First Love type of fic, really cute | f, a 🌷
(also I realized this is not completed yet but it’s doesn’t have that cliffhanger-ish type of plot so you can still read and feel satisfied with how things ended so far)
Payback @thatsabae​ - series [12/12] | 21.8k | strangers to lovers, their partners are cheating on them, revenge au, comedy, friends to lovers | a, f
Somewhere Only We Know (Final) @qersona​ - series [4/4] | 21k | Hybrid AU, FWB AU, childhood friends au, enemies to lovers, college AU, unrequited (for OC), sports (JK) | s, a, f (this was part of my Aug 2020 reading list so we’ve come a full circle here 🥰) 🌷
Sweet Like Sugar @defsoulstation​ - series [3/3] | 4.5k | Werewolf AU, Noona!OC, a/b/o dynamics but OC is human, Jungkook is like one big puppy who likes Noona who gives him food 🥺(but went feral during his heat) | a, f 🌷
They Were Liars @kooktrash - series [8/8] | 23k | College AU, Neighbor AU, Fake Dating AU, sort of FWB AU, OC recently broke up with hoseok (caught him cheating) and concocted a “fake dating” plan with the neighbor | s, a, f
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The Switch @kookingtae​ - one shot | 9k | Established Relationship (Hoseok), Christmas AU, Poly AU, fantasy I guess? (members can switch during sex so she gets to try them all in different stages of smut *wink wink*) | s, f 🌷
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posted: 2021 Sep 04
link to other reading lists
other fic rec lists (by theme)
I love to read so feel free to message me about fics! 🌷
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2K notes · View notes
broiunno · 3 years
Silk - Part 1
Silk - Part 1
summary: Being a vampire can be mundane. To avoid the monotony you joined the investigation specialists under your area's council. The past few years have been more eventful than most, a new drug is ravaging the city. You are partnered with your ex friends with benefits (Could you even call it that?) and you both rapidly descend into old habits. Who has a secret to hide?
-rating: 18+
-pairing: vamp! kim seokin x vamp!reader
-word count: 2.5k
-warnings: swearing, STRONG warning for fictional drugs, fictional drug mentions and fictional drug use, death (unnamed oc's), domxsub dynamics, choking, restraints, biting (I mean it's a vamp! fic friends) violence, blood, graphic descriptions of torture, and graphic sex scenes will be included in this work, smut, smut, smutty smut, dom!jin.
-authors note: @chelsea-chee is not held liable for this unedited work. I waited until literally 10 minutes before the deadline to post for @bangtandarknet This is my work for the Halloween event~ I've been super out of it but I really appreciate you all <3 ok ily bye
The vampire race was strong. Unlike the many misconceptions that human pop culture peddled, garlic nor silver had any effect. The sun didn’t bother your kind beyond the pains due to your hypersensitive eyes. The most common demise of vampires was due to other vampires or ingesting bad blood.
Therefore it was easily understandable - the shock that had rippled your kind when a substance began to seep into the community over the past 5 years that had few existing survivors. What shocked most was the fact that it wasn’t being forced on your brethren. They were willingly subjecting themselves to it.
You had seen first hand how much of a chore it was for the undead to achieve a true death. Those experiences were feeding into the intense feeling of discomfort about the recent reports that had flooded into the council. The rumors trickled down through the enforcement silo of which you were part. It hadn’t been long until you and your comrades were reporting to summons of gnarly scenes just like the one you found yourself faced with now. You couldn’t help the quiet puff that escaped you, it was exhausting.
It had been years and no one had found the source, but the outcome was always the same. A shriveled corpse that hours prior had been a member of the undead. Waxy looking and completely drained of all energy and blood. All as a result of overuse of the new synthetic product that had caused an alarming amount of deaths and destruction. Vampires on the street called it silk. Not much else worked to inebriate vampires, but this drug was successful and broke the monotony of long lives.
You couldn’t help how transfixed you were by the scene as you tried to piece together the obvious party night that had gone awry. The gore that surrounded you should not have eaten at you the way it currently was. You were far beyond being fearful because you were crouching alone in an abandoned warehouse, fingers lightly passing over the ground to try and stir up any lingering scents that you may have missed. The echoing silence was comforting enough.
Your existence was filled with it.
Tonight you couldn’t shake the feeling of pins and needles. You felt a level of barely suppressed anxiety for the first time in years. The blood that coated nearly every surface in the chilled space, that didn’t faze you. You were immune to the dried almost brown artwork, that was not what set your skin crawling. It was the litany of flesh, shredded fat, and human innards that covered the space.
Your long life and your lifestyle itself taught you conditioning to nearly anything could be achieved, whether it was death, violence, blood. It could all be learned. It was the absolute ferality of the massacre before the perpetrators final breath. Your kind didn’t exhibit such animalistic destruction.
Your ears pricked at the sound of a rock rolling outside as if shuffled forward by a foot. Your crouch deepened as you stiffened. Whoever was approaching was too silent in the rest of their journey to be human, and no vampire kicked rocks unintentionally. Unless they were high on the substance that initiated the scene you were sent to investigate.
Instead of further bumbling a long shadow was cast by the waning sunlight from outside of the broken windows. The scowl that presented itself onto your face was instantaneous as the waxing laugh that exploded from the newcomer.
“You really look like a cat that has their tail all PFFF.” The handsome man gestured with his hands to indicate a small explosion as he neared you.
A move you would have considered brave if it was anyone else that had arrived unannounced.
“We work alone, you pest.” You growled as you subconsciously tried to will your muscles to relax.
“Did you not check your phone? Council sent a message saying they want everyone investigating the silk outbreak to be in pairs.” He spoke quickly and with relish. It made your lip curl.
“Who am I to question our dear overlords Y/N? I just go where I’m told.” He said lightly and gave a small bow. “Seem to think someone internally is trying to impede us finding the source though.”
“That’s literally the reason Seokjin.” You snapped, you couldn’t stand how he spoke in a circle. All for the theatrical flare it provided. And to think- prior to accepting your position working for the council you had been besotted and trailing after any attention Jin had bothered to toss your way.
“I know that’s the reason, but come now. You’re not a newborn. I can’t be speaking for the council. I’m not their mouthpiece.” As he spoke he strode forward with his hands in his pockets, head swiveling to take in the sight before him as he let out a low whistle from his plush lips. “ I don’t think you’ll get much from this.”
You stood quickly and brushed your hands over your black jeans. “I got enough. Clearly they-“
“Of course the humans were drunk Y/N. 5 humans judging by the number of femurs.”
Your hand curled into a claw as you resisted the urge to swing it with all your strength. The thought of burying your nails into the back of his neck was tempting. His teasing cut through you again. “Do you miss sinking your teeth in? We could take our partnership a bit further than the council originally intended..?” He offered with a smile that spread across his handsome features with ease.
The thought was more tempting than you wanted to admit. Nearly perfect immortality came with plenty of indulgence in all types of pleasures vampires could lose themselves in, but no one in all your years since your last rendezvous with Kim Seokjin had scratched your itch so thoroughly.
“What? You want to see if hate sex with me is just as good as when I trailed after you like you were my maker?” The flirtatious undertone had wound its way through your words unintentionally and you couldn’t help but cringe as you turned on your heel, it would be easier to just leave the scene then face him after that.
Jin laughed openly as he followed you, head tilted in curiosity. “Well love, why not? You used to be so sweet and submissive….so eager to please,” He cooed.
You sped up your steps towards the door and forced out a scoff to cover the dryness that grew in your throat. You had fed this morning, so this was pure lust. “I don’t think you could handle me anymore Jin. You wouldn’t remember how we played.” You breathed failing in your attempt of sounding flippant.
Within a heartbeat Jin was blocking your path, dark eyes glimmering but narrowed at you jibe. “Be careful angel, don’t tease me unless you want me to fuck you right here.” He deadpanned, stepping into your space and going still as you let your options play out in your mind.
Jin was not a path you planned on going down, but if you were indeed stuck with him over the course of your investigation, great sex would be nothing but a benefit. It might even help pass the time.
“Come on angel, I’m asking nicely.” His musical voice made your eyes snap back to him as you stilled as you made your decision.
You could only manage a short nod.
The warehouse was dark, as the sun had set now, as Jin watched you with desire in his eyes.
“Are you going to fuck me?” You breathed out as Jin circled you slowly before stopping behind you, unable to stop the smile from spreading across your lips as you licked your lips as he trailed a hand along your shoulders and neck. You heard him take a deep breath to take in your scent and resisted the urge to shiver
“I’m thinking about it.” He mumbled softly as you shifted to give him better access. You had successfully avoided him, because this was always the outcome of your meetings. No matter how brief. Jin moved in, lips brushing and licking at your neck, and as he settled his teeth against your skin you smirked.
It was always the game with him. Give you the sword with which you could impale yourself, he always wanted to see how far you would go in your chase of pleasure. With that thought you pressed up into his teeth, making the long incisors sink into your skin with ease, daring him to go further.
Jin leaned back and groaned, “I know what you're doing.” He snapped, reaching up and grabbing your breast, squeezing hard. “You’ve always liked fighting, angel. The pain…but how much can you take?”
“All of it.” You snap, letting your head fall back as he reaches down until he cupped your leaking pussy, allowing your hips to rock against his hand as he let out a chuckle.
“We’ll see. I do hope so, because you won’t leave here until you have my dick drenched in your cum and your blood on my lips.” The groan that escaped you was sinful as he pressed his fingers harder against your sex. Jin let his hand trail back up your stomach to fondle your breast, before his fangs into your neck violently, earning a scream of surprise and panic from you.
It was a compromising position even for a vampire as he took a deep drink from you. “Jin-“
“Aht…what do you call me?” He hissed as he rose from your neck, fingers tangling in your hair and yanking your head back to force you onto your toes.
“Sir!” You replied helplessly, a bit disappointed in how you bent to his will so easily. A face and body like his couple with his dominating sexual presence had you folding to him within minutes. “Please.”
Jin crashed his lips onto yours, slick with your blood and the plea had him groaning. It was the desperation that had done it. You reach back to free his hard length, working your hand around him. With a growl he slammed your hands up around your head with one hand. “That isn’t how this will be, angel.” He warned.
“Really?” You said breathlessly, trying to force away the tremble of anticipation in your voice, a grin flirting on your lips.
“You said I couldn’t handle you. As if I can’t make you heel. You said yes because you want punishment with your pain.” You couldn’t help the heaving of your chest as he forced you towards a wall and what was obviously once a workstation snatching up a length of chain and forcing your arms together behind you with such force you couldn’t help but gasp.
His next move was so quick a human would have missed his hand shootout to tear away the fabric of your shirt with ease. You knew your eyes were wild as he studied your chest before making short work of your bra and forcing your jeans all the way down. Before he removed your jeans just as quickly.
His gazing at your body was electrifying at first, but as your need grew you began to grow impatient in record time. “Will you stop playing around and just fuck me?” You snapped and he stepped back slightly and raised an eyebrow.
“You can’t rush me angel. It’s been years…and I’ve been thinking about all the ways I’m going to fuck you…how to make you scream.” He taunted but lowered his mouth to your breast and allowed his tongue to pass over your pebbled skin. You couldn’t help but shiver as you arched into him, eyes slipping closed. Without warning he bit down hard on your chest, blood welling and spilling into his mouth again, his nails digging his fingers into your hips.
Your brain began to fog as he teased you with his teeth and a hand gripping your neck in a vice. Jin seemed to pity you as he spotted the slick beginning to run down one of your thighs, your pussy glistening with arousal. He swiftly kicked one of your feet to the side and lifted one of your legs before angling his cock to your entrance and roughly slamming himself inside of you.
You jolted from the force, a noise barely escaping you before he pulled back and slammed in again. The chains clanged together as he took you mercilessly, slipping in and out with ease even as your pushy clenched around him.
When you trembled feverishly Jin finally relaxed his grip enough for you to take a gasp and scream in pleasure as he pushed your body to its limit, somehow still unable to stop from rocking to meet him. Blood ran from your chest and neck, body shifting to gain leverage as you approached the precipice.
He remained speechless only offering groans that matched yours as you tightened around him, a blood covered finger flicking your swollen clit. Jin's pants grew more ragged and thrusts more brutal as he approached his own end. Finally uttering a command you could easily follow, “Cum angel fuck!”
The world shattered around you just as Jin spilled into you.
The stillness of your surroundings was amplified as you came down from your orgasm.
Jin was already zipping himself back into his pants and pushing his black hair back. “Here angel.” He offered yanking at the chain and letting it unravel before undoing the buttons of his large button down shirt and passing it to you. It wouldn’t cover much of your ass but it would do to get back to the car you parked a few blocks away coupled with your speed at night.
“We can’t just fuck every time we have to visit a crime scene.” You grumbled, the reality check hitting you hard as you studied the remains that surrounded you. The reason you were here in the first place.
“Of course not angel! Too much of a good thing you know?” He joked and reached in his pocket, tossing a small package the size of a wallet into the middle of the room. “I figured we would need to torch it.” He supplied as you rolled the over long sleeves.
“I guess that means I get to have your new phone number too, angel!” Jin sang as you rolled your eyes as you headed to the door without another word.
“Jin- we’ll both get the alert when there’s another place to inspect.” You said simply as Jin followed you. “I’ll just meet you there.”
A minute later when you reached your car alone, you saw the flames launch into the sky before the explosion boomed, causing you to wince. Even his destruction seemed flamboyant. You had gained another reason to wish for the end of silk.
27 notes · View notes
hongcherry · 4 years
BTS Masterlist ♡
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Hiya! Welcome to my imagination x bts! 
I hope you enjoy my stories and thank you for giving me a chance! ^-^ Feedback is always welcomed.
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🖊️ = active | ღ = my favorites
f = fluff | s = smut | ac = action | ag = angst | c = crack/humor | hc = hurt/comfort
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Check out my:
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Last updated: September 4, 2023 All Rights Reserved © hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, AND/OR FORM.
* Mature/smut stories are meant for viewers who are 18+ years old. Please refrain from interacting with them if you are under 18.
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
None yet
♡  Drabbles  ♡
None yet
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
Tonight (f / ag) | idol!Seokjin ↳ People say your duty is to your heart rather than your head, but what happens when Seokjin’s heart is torn in two?
moments with you (s / f) | baker!Seokin, est. relt. ↳ With Christmas being one of the busiest holidays for Seokjin's business, you cherish all the small moments you have with him.
♡  Drabbles  ♡
None yet
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
None yet
♡  Drabbles  ♡
unnamed (s, ag) | fwb ↳ Jealous Yoongi teaches you a lesson. [request]
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
With You (s / f) | idol!Hoseok ↳ What’s a better way to surprise your boyfriend—who's been gone on tour for five months—than to hide in his hotel room after one of his concerts on his birthday?
♡  Drabbles  ♡
None yet
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♡  Series  ♡
Drifting (ag / f) | dancer!Jimin ↳ After being assigned different partners for your midterm routine, your and Jimin’s relationship starts to deteriorate when you both begin spending more time away from each other and with your assigned partners instead.
♡  One-shots  ♡
eleven (ag) | exes2lovers au - ��� ↳ After you and Jimin break up to pursue your separate goals to achieve life’s success, Jimin tries to rekindle the spark that’s been flickering ever since the split.
Touch of You (s) | idol!Jimin x fwb!Reader  ↳ Jimin has never let you touch him until tonight, bringing on a storm of emotions you both had tried to suppress.
unanmed (s/f/) | bff!Jimin x virgin!Reader ↳ Jimin takes reader’s virginity [request]
♡  Drabbles  ♡
Forever (s / f) | drifting couple, dancer!Jimin ↳ After an emotional practice, you find comfort in Jimin’s presence. [request]
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
None yet
♡  Drabbles  ♡
Enlaced (ag) | enemies2lovers au ↳ “A familiar face walks into your bistro and you are torn between deciding to say hello or to remain hiding in the back.” [request]
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♡  Series  ♡
Swinging By a Fine Line mini-universe (ac / ag / f / s) | spiderman!Jungkook - 🖊️ ↳ Spider-Man’s role was easy: save everyone, fight the criminals, don’t drop out of school, don’t expose his identity, and make time for his girlfriend. What was so difficult?
Warning Signs (ac / ag / f) | spiderman!Jungkook, SBaFL au - ღ ↳ Spider-Man is a beacon of hope for most residents in Seoul; although, it causes you to feel a little useless to society. With determination to be a change in the world like your masked boyfriend, you find yourself involved in a secluded organization meant to eradicate underground gangs. However, you find yourself deeper than you expected—leaving Jungkook trying to discover who this “new you” is alone.
everywhere you go (f) | 1k Celebration Post! 🎉 (spiderman!JK; sm au) ↳ Jungkook takes a vacation trip to New York.
♡  One-shots  ♡
A little sand never hurt anyone (s / ag) | bff2l au ↳ Happy anniversary! Oh wait, it's just a friendship anniversary. You and Jungkook decide to dedicate your anniversary day to each other by visiting the beach and its shops. Luckily for you and Jungkook, you find a secluded spot on the beach that allows you plenty of privacy.
Stains (f) | established relationship au ↳ Spending Valentine’s Day with Jungkook usually meant venturing out of your home; however this year, you decided to stay indoors. Just you, Jungkook, and a few paint supplies.
Save You (ag / ac) - angel au, Angelfall (book) au- ღ ↳ You're supposed to be at war with the angels, but you can't seem to abandon a certain sarcastic archangel during the battle. [request]
♡  Drabbles  ♡
Once Was (ag) | arranged marriage au  ↳ The arranged marriage forces you and Jungkook to realize the promise you made to each other is not as unbreakable as it seems. [request]
Here for You (f) | established relationship au ↳ A bad day at work results in you crying and Jungkook cradling you to his chest. [request]
Your Light (f) | roommates au, enemies to lovers ↳ Being stuck in the dark with your annoying roommate was not ideal, however, maybe it wasn't so bad in the end. [request] — Part two
my type (f) | nonIdol, est. relt. ↳ For some, having a whiny, needy partner may be annoying. For Jungkook, you're just his type. [request]
unnamed (f, hc) | bf!Jungkook, est. relt. ↳ “yn is on her period and she starts crying because of how caring and beautiful jungkook is” [reuqest]
How I See You (f/ag) | idol!Jungkook, est. relt. ↳ Jungkook eases your mind about your insecurities. [request]
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
None yet
♡  Drabbles  ♡
12 Days of BTS masterpost - ✓ ↳ List of fics for the 12 Days of BTS event for the 2021 holidays 
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adonis-koo · 4 years
the liar’s hotel
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Summary: Everything between you and your boyfriend Jungkook is great until his perfect little lie falls apart along with your relationship
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader, Taehyung/Reader
Genre: angsty, angst, angst, implied one sided pining, implied unrequited feelings, it’s just generally sad, messy feelings, best friend!AU,
Word Count: 3k
~ unedited ~
Anon request; i wish you would write a fic where MC sort of lost her memory and is currently in an established relationship with Jungkook. then her actual boyfriend comes into the picture and Jungkook actually knows about him but never mentioned or hid it from mc. i've been thinking about this plot for a really long time but couldn't think of a really good backstory on how MC and Jungkook ended up being together. and i know you'd be able to give justice to this. i'm ready for the angst. 😂💜
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“...You’re wearing that out?”
You paused from your spot in the mirror as you turned around, still fixing your earring as you gave your boyfriend a teasing smile, “What? It’s nothing I haven’t worn before.” Jungkook sighed as he glanced away from you, a pouty frown on his lips causing you to giggle as you straightened up.
“C’mon, you’re the one that suggested we go out with Namjoon and Seokjin.” You wrapped your arms around his waist as you set your chin in his chest, glancing up at him with a bright smile. Truth be told you were surprised when Jungkook suggested going on, he was a total nerd and introvert who would’ve preferred to stay in and watch a movie or play video games. Regardless you were happy to go out with your boyfriend.
Just the word made you wanna giggle, who would’ve thought you’d end up in love with you best friend since kindergarten. It made sense, Jungkook was with you your whole life, he was the one who hugged you and consoled you when the popular girl threw her drink on your brand new dress in middle school. He was the one who was there for you when your first boyfriend cheated on you. He’s always been there for you. 
God you were so in love with this man. Jungkook’s cheeks dusted pink and you laughed at the sight of his red ears as he gave you a rather shy smile, his hands seemed somewhat hesitant for a second before immediately wrapping around you, “I wouldn’t have if I knew you’d be wearing this dress,” Jungkook nipped at your ear making you giggle again, this time more shyly as you pressed your hands to your face. 
His hands were so much bigger then you remembered and they fit so perfectly on your waist as he playfully squeezed your sides causing you to squeak, “Maybe we should just stay home instead. I doubt you’d complain about that.” Jungkook let his lips press against your neck coaxingly, as if hoping to you’d say yes. 
You could feel your cheeks warm at his words as you pressed your hands on his chest, firmly pulling away as your lips quirked into a smile while looking up at your handsome boyfriend, “Or, how about we go out, and maybe I’ll give you something to look forward too when we get back home.” Your lips twisted into a smirk before pecking your boyfriends lips. 
Jungkook looked like his brain had did a .exe crash as you patted his cheek before turning around to look for your heels. Jungkook wasn’t always this handsome, you couldn’t help but reminiscence. At the beginning of highschool he had an awkward bowl cut that you’d always make fun of him for looking like a coconut head and he hadn’t quite grown into his long limbs. 
Gangly and awkward, that was Jeon Jungkook for a long time. You weren’t sure when he grew up, when he suddenly became not so awkward and a few years later and a hair cut and now he was the epitome of handsome. But it never went to his head no matter how many girls had chased him now in college. Quiet and introverted, your bestfriend who you were lucky to call your boyfriend. 
If there was one regret you had, it was not being able to fully remember how your romantic relationship with Jungkook formed, but like always when you woke up in the back of his car, his beautiful doe eyes were panicked and wide, desperately searching your figure. 
You didn’t even remember the nasty fall you had that caused the amnesia, but it didn’t matter now, you both were together and that’s what mattered. Your memories of Jungkook and your life were spotted at best. You could recall being depressed at prom by yourself and Jungkook offering to dance with you. 
But you couldn’t remember the time in third grade when Jungkook convinced you to try and eat the green glitter that smelt like apples. You couldn’t help but feel somewhat incomplete, in wasn’t just your memories of Jungkook that hadn’t recovered, but other moments in your life revolving around your friends and family. 
Jungkook would always hug you tight and kiss your head telling you that it didn’t make you less of a person and that they’d eventually come back. You truly didn’t deserve his love some days. After putting on your shoes you both left and headed for the nightclub. 
Just as you anticipated on a saturday night the club was packed but you and Jungkook managed to get in. His body was closer to yours then necessary, his gaze sharp and hawk like to any guys that were potentially staring at you. It made you both smile and roll your eyes, looking back, he did always seem protective over you. Even when it didn’t make sense at the time. 
Finding Seokjin and Namjoon you waved them over as you and Jungkook sat down at a table, “Oh god it’s busy tonight!” You remarked as they both sat down, Jungkook coolly sitting beside you, an arm wrapped around your shoulders as you smiled, “It’s good to finally meet you guys! Jungkook is always talking about you both.” 
“Ditto, we’ve heard all about you,” Namjoon replied, a somewhat teasing smile quirked on his lips causing Jungkook’s face to flush as he shot him an embarrassed glare, “It’s good to match a face to a name!” 
What you hadn’t expected was your bestfriend to have his own set of friends, you supposed it was expected, you and Jungkook weren’t as close anymore now that you were in college but now that you were together, you were excited to be more apart of his inner life again. 
Even moreso you were excited that Jungkook shared the same sentiment. You were closer together now then you’d ever been before. It felt like your life was finally falling into place. You were happy with your major, you were working, you had the perfect boyfriend who just so happened to be your best friend. Life was great and every day you spent together you fell for him just a little bit more. 
The night spent with his friends was a blast, Jungkook eventually relaxed once you all had a drink together and that bright bunny smile of his showed up with that cute dimple on his cheek and nose scrunch. Most importantly you loved when that smile was on you. 
As if he was looking at his whole world, it made your stomach all mushy and filled with butterflies. Namjoon and Seokin eventually parted ways with you both as they had class in the morning that they couldn’t afford to miss so you were left alone with Jungkook. Not that you minded of course. 
Just being out in public with him, even in a setting like this where music blared and people were packed together. You snuggled in close to him as you let your head rest against his shoulder with a small smile, “Tonight’s been fun.” 
You couldn’t complain one bit, it had been a fun evening with Jungkook and his friends, but you wouldn’t lie you were getting tired and it was getting late, “Hey I’m gonna use the bathroom, you wanna head out afterwards?” You sat up a little straighter to look at Jungkook. 
His expression was relaxed, soft even, his hand that had been wrapped around you was tenderly stroking through your hair, looking at you as if you were his whole world, as if he was looking at the love of his life, “I love you so much baby, you know that right?”
You sighed as your lips tugged into a giddy smile, your stomach always doing flips whenever he said those little words to you, rubbing your face shyly you mumbled, “Of course I know that. Why do you always have to act like I’m going to leave you when you say it?” 
“I’m not...!” You glanced up in somewhat surprise at the way Jungkook’s tone jumped a little, as if semi guarded before he cleared his throat, sighing as he relaxed once more, somewhat hesitant as he mumured, “I just...I’ve loved you for so long. I still can’t believe you’re mine.” He whispered in your ear, a bunny grin widening on his lips as he squeezed your sides making you squeak, “Go use the bathroom. We can get some takeout on the way home, sound good?” 
“Amazing,” You groaned as you stood up, stretching as you yawned, “I’m starving. I’m holding you too it Koo.” Jungkook leaned his head against his arm as you winked at him making him smile softly as he shook his head. You made your way to the bathroom before fixing your skirt in the mirror. 
It was nearly eleven at night and while you could stay later there was nothing more you liked then the idea of getting cuddled up to Jungkook with some food and a movie before bed. You smiled at the idea as you washed your hands. 
Tugging on your dress you made your way out of the bathroom, scanning over the crowd for Jungkook before making your way back to where your table was supposed to be. The later it was getting the busier this place was though, trying to cram through the crowd had been more difficult then you anticipated. 
Without meaning too you completely smacked into a hard chest that nearly sent you fumbling as you gasped, “Oh my god! Sorry! I am so sorry!” The man managed to keep you steady as you heard him laugh. 
“No it’s ok-...” He paused mid sentence as you pulled a little bit away from him to look up at the man, his pupils widened and his mouth gaped, his grip on you suddenly tightening as remorse washed over his features, “Oh my god! Y/n! Baby I’ve been so worried about about!” 
You squeaked at his strong grip suddenly pulling you into a hug, burying his nose into the crook of your neck as you scrambled to try and push him away, “Um....! I-I’m sorry but I think you have the wrong person!” 
“Y/n, please! Are you still mad at me,” He pulled away from you, gently cupping your cheeks as you swallowed thickly, his thick brows pinched together in worry as he pressed his forehead against your, “Please, come home. I’ve been looking for you everywhere. We can work things out. I know you were mad but please-” 
“Y/n! Baby are you ready to go-” Jungkook paused as you turned to face him, his face looked pale before he suddenly glared, not at you but the man you was previously grabbed onto you, “We’re going.” Jungkook grabbed your arm pulling you away from him. 
“Jungkook? What the fuck!” He hissed making you pause as Jungkook tried to tug you along, “How could you do this to me!? You said you hadn’t heard from Y/n in ages! Y-you’ve been what!? Hiding her? Y/n please, let’s go.” 
You felt confusion wash over you as Jungkook grabbed your arm once more, this time pleading as he held your other hand, “Baby please, just ignore him, I’ll explain everything when we get home okay?” 
“Baby!?” The other guy growled, his fists curling as he snapped, ‘That’s MY girlfriend! What the fuck do you think you’re doing calling my girlfriend baby and acting like you’re her boyfriend when you’re not!” 
“Jungkook...what’s going on?” You mumbled, glancing between Jungkook who was glaring hard daggers at the guy before he sneered, “Taehyung, shut the fuck up. Don’t act like you ever loved her anyways. She is better off without you anyways, have a nice life but she won’t be with you in it.” 
You gasped as Taehyung grabbed you, pulling you close, “Y/n what the hell!? I...I thought you loved me. You’re seriously going out with this loser now? Come on babygirl, tell me he’s lying. It’s always been us.” 
“I...I’m...I’m sorry but I don’t know you...!” You pushed away from him, not liking his harsh touch on your skin and you didn’t understand the need in his eyes as they dilated, “Jungkook can we please go...!” You grabbed his hand, Jungkook’s chest puffing a little as he stood in front of you. 
“Taehyung, stay the fuck out of my business.” Those were his last words hissed at Taehyung before lacing his fingers in yours and leading you through the crowd. The room was becoming suffocated and hard to breath....Taehyung...why did that name sound so familiar?
It was like it was on the tip of your tongue, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t think of anything besides your one fresh memory of the man who...Who...You suddenly stopped once you both made it outside, the air was cool against your skin and much needed as you yanked out of Jungkook’s grip, “Jungkook who- who was that! Why....why did he say he was my boyfriend!” 
Jungkook whirled around, those beautiful doe eyes of his pleading as he grabbed your hands, “Look...I...I can explain everything just please. Y/n can we go home first?” His expression only made you more irritable as you yanked away from him. 
“No...! No! I need to know, now! What are you not telling me! Who the hell is he!?” You glanced at him, lips parted and brows furrowed, feeling warier by the moment at your...Boyfriend...or at least that’s who you thought he was... 
Jungkook stepped closer to you, his eyes looking glossed as he held out his hand, ‘Y/n...please...” 
You couldn’t stop the mirthless laugh from escaping you as you ran a hand through your hair as you glanced away from him, “Were we ever in a relationship!? W-why can’t I remember him? Jungkook I need answers.” You glared at him harshly, feeling tears begin to well in your eyes. 
Jungkook’s lips parted as they trembled before hanging his head in shame, closing his eyes as he felt the first tear escape. He knew this was going to happen, he knew it was only a matter of time. He just wished he hadn’t taken what time he had with you for granted, “...We weren’t together but I always did love you Y/n.” He glanced up meekly, his tears dripping down his face. 
His gaze was met with your own tear stricken face, the first sob coming from you as you covered your mouth, “You lied to me?” This all started when you woke up in Jungkook’s car, his jacket around you. You...you couldn’t remember why you had been outside on that rainy day, you didn’t remember what had happened earlier that day. You 
Just Jungkook’s concerned face, the old motel room and the dim lights that cast over his features, the way he cupped your cheeks before letting his lips press against yours in a heat of the moment, telling you how worried he was about you and how you could catch a cold. Had you gotten some form of amnesia. Were you walking in the rain that day because of....that man...Taehyung, your real boyfriend. 
“Please Y/n,” Jungkook reached out, grabbing your arms before you could pull away, his hands desperately cupping your cheeks as he pushed the tears away, “It wasn’t all a lie. I still love you, I’ve always loved you. Please, you have to understand. You need to understand. He- he wasn’t good for you!” 
Your eyes closed again as you let out a sniffle, tears trickling down your cheeks as you tried to push away his touch, it was so warm though and his eyes were blurred with tears that pained you despite this being his own fault, “You lied! You- you, you said we were in a relationship when we weren’t! You told me we had a falling out that day! How many memories have you lied about!? Jungkook I’ve had a boyfriend looking for me for how long? Six months!? How could you lie to me!? I thought...” You choked as you closed your eyes, shaking your head, Jungkook’s hands frantically pushing away tears, before pushing your hair from your face, “I thought this was real.” 
Jungkook’s face was filled with absolute pain and remorse as he let his forehead rest against yours, tears trickling off that adorable button nose of his you used to nudge with your own, “It is real baby please. I still love you, god please. I’ve loved you since we were kids Y/n. I only did what I- I thought was best. I thought if you just gave me a chance-”
“You lied about half of my life!” You scoffed in disbelief, every word he spoke was like another blow to your heart as you finally pushed him away from you, running a hand through your hair as you wiped the tears that continued to trickle down your face, “About our life Jungkook. I don’t care what the reason for it was. You should’ve been honest with me! If you loved me that much you- you should’ve told me the truth!” 
Jungkook’s lips parted as he stood there helplessly, tears trickling down his cheeks before he lowered his gaze, he deserved this. He did lie to you. It didn’t matter what excuse he had you were right, “I’m sorry Y/n. Just, please give me a chance. I can make this right. I won’t lie anymore. I-I’ll do anything please. I’ve just got you, I don’t want to lose you. Please.” Jungkook would get on his knee’s if he had too, he’d rot on this ground for all eternity if he had too. Anything to get you back. 
You shook your head as you pressed your hands to your face, “I...I need to time. I need to see Taehyung, I need to remember again.” 
“No! Y/n please!” Jungkook scrambled closer to you, pulling you into a hug, his arms locked around you as he buried into your hair, “Please, don’t go back to him! I need you, It’s always been you. God, baby please. I know I’ve fucked up, but please don’t go back in there, we- I can fix this.” Jungkook relented, you could feel your hair becoming wet with tears, fear gripping him just as much as he held you. Afraid that if he let go, it would be the last time he’d ever get to hold you. 
“I’m sorry Jungkook.” You pulled away from him, distancing yourself from him as you sucked in a harsh breath, tears strained your cheeks as you shook your head, “But I need to figure things out on my own.” You didn’t give him a chance to reply. Turning around you opened the door to the club, feeling like you just ripped out your own heart. But you needed the truth, you needed all over it without Jungkook’s influence. 
You couldn’t tell what was your memories and what were his lies. And you fell for it. Were your feelings for him real? They felt like it. 
How could you fall in love with liar? 
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guksthighs · 7 years
Chocolate Souffle
<< Strawberry Tart (I)
Group: BTS
Summary: Jin teaches you how to bake with a pair of well placed hands.
Genre: baker au, drabble, fluff
Length: 0.9k
A/N: part two of strawberry tart 
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One day, you took the afternoon shift instead of working in the morning and after receiving a note from one of the earlier employees, you got slightly worried. It had apparently been left by a man who had commanded the attention of the room like a music conductor. You read the letter and instantly sent a text to Jin who you had been constantly texting.
Within seconds you had received an incoming call from him, picking it up you could already hear his squeaky laughter, as you growled into the phone, “How dare you say my chocolate soufflés are dry.”
He scoffed across the line, “I talked to your boss and she has allowed me to come and teach you how to make a proper soufflé, that means she agrees with me.”
This time you made a sound of denial, “Or he’s scared to lose not only a star customer that encourages business but disagree with a famous chef.”
Quickly hanging up as an employee walked past, you let out a sigh of annoyance as Jin strode into the café for what was the second time that day, you walked over to him, bowing and escorting him to the kitchen.
As he turned and noticed your eyes locked on his face, he blew you a kiss that you swatted away,
“Take a picture it lasts longer.”
You sighed and pulled an apron from the hooks, tying it around your waist as you watched him do the same, ashamed that you were so easily mesmerised by his broad shoulders and the movement of muscles under his white shirt.
But Jin was no longer playful, turning into almost a completely different person as he watched you make the soufflé, every now and then making clicking or noises of understanding. At the end you ate it together; admittedly you were ashamed at just how dry it had turned out. 
Originally when you had applied you just had to make a wedding cake. You had chosen a traditional fruit cake and had wowed your boss with your intricate presentation.
“Let’s do this one more time,” Jin commanded, and you followed easily; the recipe being simple but the method easy to ruin. As you got to whisking the egg whites, a hand engulfed yours before Jin pressed up against you and you were forced to inhale the smell of vanilla that seemed to linger around him, biting down on your lip as his grip tightened as he tried to show you the correct way to whisk.
“Your whisking is too weak, you’re not getting enough air into the mixture.” You were not listening to a word of what he was saying, so lost in his proximity and scent that when he started whisking the whites you jumped and he chuckled realising you had spaced out.
“Come on Y/N, I thought it was your aim to beat me,” the taunt in his comment snapped you out of your trance as you focused on the speed he was whipping the eggs, it was true you had challenged him saying you would surpass him.
At the time he had gone silent, a hand going to his cheeks as he covered the blush that had formed due to your forceful and confident words but mainly how cute you looked like with the determined gleam in your eyes.
As you whisked together he slowly began to back away, before he took his hand off yours and placed them on your hips causing you to jump, “Good whisking comes from the hips,”
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, “sure, or you just wanted an excuse to feel my hips,” he laughed at your bluntness, but your statement had only been half true. The truth was that although Jin found himself uncontrollably attracted to you, he also adored your passion for baking that reminded him so much of himself.
As he was consumed with these thoughts you had turned on your heel, holding the bowl upside down over his head, he screamed before running off to hide in fear as you laughed placing it on the side, “to know the egg whites are firm enough you hold them upside down to see if they move.”
Jin nodded in agreement before hesitantly walking back to you, he would have been embarrassed if he hadn’t done the exact same thing to you when teaching you how to make meringues. You had the exact same reaction he was proud to say.
After he helped you with the eggs, he left you to continue the recipe and when it was finally pulled from the oven, you both dove into it with your spoons impressed at the perfection you had created.
Jin couldn’t contain his excitement at how well you had done and evidently, neither could you as you jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. But neither of you were surprised until without thinking he had pressed his plump lips to yours, and all you could think was that he tasted like strawberries.
JIn smiled into the kiss, so you had been eating the batter when he hadn’t been looking,
If you enjoyed this, please do not hesitate to like, reblog and comment~
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! For my masterlist: click here
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broken-glowsticks · 3 years
[Teaser] Prince Seokjin/Reader
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I was in the mood for a Prince Seokin x Reader fanfic and couldn't find a fic to scratch that itch. So what did I decide to do? Write it myself! This is sort of a "prototype" chapter? A sample If you will. If this gets literally any traction then I'll actually make a story out of it.
Setting the scene: Prince Seokjin and Y/N have gotten into a fight and in walking away from said fight Y/N realizes she doesn't have any real friends in the palace. Or so she thinks. In a solem moment, as Y/N sits on her balcony railing, Yoongi (a son of one of the noblemen and one of six friends to the prince) has come to be someone to talk to.
The Drabble:
“I don’t have any real friends here, I don’t have anybody here…” You utter sourly as you kick your legs, watching the sway of the shrubbery below.
"That’s not true,” Yoongi replied flatly, trying to shake off the sting from your comment, “you have Jin.” He countered, lifting himself onto the thick stone railing himself and making himself comfortable. He briefly hoped he wouldn’t lose his balance and fall, he wasn’t in the mood for a shattered bone or even possibly death.
"The prince…” You scoff, hugging yourself tightly in an attempt to shield yourself from the biting cold, “the prince doesn’t know me as much as I wish he did.” Your voice was soft and tinted with shades of sadness that Yoongi simply couldn’t ignore. 
He was stuck. He had known Seokjin for years, loved him for years. Yet here you were before him now, a new friend he had come to care for deeply, to his own surprise, and you were in pain. In pain because, whether you realized it or not, you were in love with his best friend and with a man who was never good with love despite how much he desired it. Yoongi heaved a heavy sigh. He was really stuck. 
“Y/N… come here…” He murmured gently, hesitantly holding his arm out in a silent gesture.
You look at him rather dumbfounded for a moment before carefully inching closer to him, leaning into his seeminly slender frame and feeling instantly comforted by his warmth when his arm wraps around your shoulders and squeezed you close. Your mind zoomed past all the memories you had of Yoongi shirking affection from his admirers, opting to instead hide beside Seokjin or one of the other noble sons, behind pillars, or nestled in the odd fauna that was used to adorn the palace corridors and dance hall. Idly you wondered when you passed the threshold for this level of intimacy as you nestled your head into the crook of his neck. You couldn't help but notice that despite his looks there were actually muscles underneath his dress shirt, yet he was still holding you so gently.
A twinge of guilt for that earlier comment of having nobody rudely rearing itself into your chest. With a frown you mentally pushed it aside, opting instead to wonder if all the sons of the royal court gave embraces as comforting as Yoongis’. If so, then it was no wonder why they all clung to each other so often and so casually. 
“It’s going to be okay Y/N, I know it is. Hyung really does care for you, he just doesn’t know how to show it. He’s never had to show it before.” Yoongi breathed as he rubbed your shoulder tenderly, trying to instill some comfort. Instead, he piqued your curiosity. 
"What do you mean by that?” You ask, lifting your head to make direct eye contact causing him to look away instantly, clearing his throat as his excuse. “Yoongi…”
"You know how he’s been giving you gifts?” He began after a moment, “But he hasn’t gotten to know you? Well... I mean, I know he means well, but all these grand gestures he’s been doing? That’s what he thinks a prince like him should do. He… he’s never had to do this before. He’s the sole prince of a nation, a globally known celebrity. Can you imagine how many people have gone after him for his status alone?” At this Yoongi turned to you, the care and concern for his friend etched clearly on his face. 
"He’s tried falling in love before, he’s tried, but the few times he thought he'd gotten close they’ve always ended up hurting him. He always performed because that’s what they always wanted. They never wanted him, they wanted the status, what he’s been able to do for them, and because of that, all that Hyung knows is how to perform. He’s never gotten to show who he is or gotten to connect to someone on a personal level.” Reaching out you grabbed hold of Yoongi’s free hand that he had resting on his knee. Running your thumb gently over his knuckles you felt the hand he still had on your shoulder squeeze tightly.
Your heart was contorting at the idea of someone as sweet as Jin being hurt, all the while yearning for love. Despite the current emotional dissonance between the two of you Jin had always been kind and considerate towards you. Since the moment you met him, he was always the handsome prince who loved to tell dumb jokes, make others smile, who strived to make your stay at the palace as comfortable as possible every single day. How could anybody see these adorable qualities that helped make up this man and not instantly love him like-?
“...Yoongi?” You began but were abruptly interrupted by a voice behind you.
“Well, you two look comfortable.” Hoseoks’ voice cut through the pensive air that had gathered around you and Yoongi’s hunched forms, startling you so abruptly that you would have teetered off the balcony’s railing if not for Yoongi’s hold.
"Hobi, how long have you been there?” Yoongi asked curtly, silently pulling the two of you back into the room as he attempted to recompose himself. If it weren’t for your proximity to him you would have missed his flustered expression.
“Not long, what were you two up to?” Hoseok asked accusatorily as his gaze drifted to the arm that Yoongi still had around your shoulders.
“Just chatting, Y/N needed to get some things off her chest and I figured I’d be a listening ear,” Yoongi answered simply, giving a somewhat unconvinced Hoseok a lopsided grin before meeting eyes with you. “I have to go now, are you going to be okay? I think you wanted to say something else at the end there?” 
“Uhm, yeah, yeah I did but it can wait.” You say giving him a reassuring smile before pulling him into a hug that he happily reciprocated, “thanks for hearing me out, it helped a lot. You’re a great listener.” You added, earning you a sweet, gummy smile that you’ve only ever see him use among the other noble sons. 
“Anytime, goodnight Y/N. Come on Hoseok, I’m sleepy.” He said with a yawn, slipping effortlessly back into his lackadaisical attitude. 
“Goodnight Hobi.” You attempt but are only met with a skeptical, sideways glance from the usually sunny man. He gave you a very curt ‘goodnight’ before following after Yoongi who had already made his way out of your room. You suddenly had a very bad feeling about this. 
You were right to worry. You didn’t know how long you had been asleep but it couldn’t have been long because the moon was still high in the sky and your balcony window, which you had absentmindedly forgotten to close, let in a more biting wind than before. But all of that didn’t matter once you noticed Jin above you - gently shaking you awake. 
“Y/N… Y/N, wake up.” He murmured, his voice wavering as if he were trying to maintain his composure and speak evenly. 
"Jin…? What’s going on?” You almost slur as you sit up in your bed, rubbing sleep from your eye. What was Jin doing in your room, was something going on? It wasn’t like him to just come into your room. “s'everything okay?” You yawned. 
“Yes, Princess, everything’s okay,” he said gently as he took one of your hands in both of his, caressing it gently, “I just… needed to see you.” Something in his voice made you focus on him through your dazed state, looking deeply into his dark eyes. 
“Are… you sure everything’s okay?” You ask hesitantly, wanting to be sure he was fine without pushing him too much. Unfortunately, your second inquiry was all it took to break the damn that was holding back all the emotions Seokjin was currently holding back. Gritting his teeth Jin moved his hands from your hand to rest on either side of your face, pulling you close and pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes squeezed shut. 
“No… No, everything is not ok. Hoseok told me how he found you and Yoongi tonight.” You stilled, you had never heard such tension in Jin’s voice before, “I don’t get it Y/N. I trust Yoongi, he’s one of my best friends, but... I just can’t seem to get it out of my head.” Opening his eyes his intense stare bore into you, “I keep imagining his arm around you, his arm where my arm should’ve been, him comforting you when I should have been the one you came to. I understand that I’m not entitled to that - I get it, but why? Why does it still make me so angry?” You didn’t know what to say, was Seokjin… jealous? 
"Jin, you’re being a little bit ridiculous. We were just talking, he was just being a good friend.” You didn’t have to defend yourself, you knew you didn’t. He was the one acting strangely, making his way into your room in the middle of the night. You didn’t have to defend yourself. But that didn’t stop you from wanting to, from needing to make sure that Jin didn’t have the wrong idea about you and Yoongi. 
“Since when did you two become so close?” He snapped, his hands tensing on either side of your face.
“Jin, we’re just friends! I was just having a hard time and he heard me out!”
“He had his arm around you, he never holds just anyone like that!” He spat out, pulling his hands from your face and walking over to the balcony as you struggled through your grogginess to pull yourself from bed. Jin knew he was being overdramatic, he knew it was nothing, he knew Yoongi would never do that to him, all these things he knew but even still he couldn’t help himself.  He was scared of being hurt again.
“Jin…” You began sleepily, the frigid wind not even being enough to fully pull you back into lucidity. “Jin, it’s not like that. I don’t-” you sighed raggedly, hugging yourself once again. If you were honest with yourself, you didn’t want to admit this out loud, all you wanted to do was crawl back into bed and drift to sleep under the soft covers, but you had to say it. “I don’t want him.”
Jin swallowed hard. He stood there for a few moments before turning towards you, once again cradling your face in his hands. He didn't want to hope. The entire time you've been here you've been amicable but unreceptive. He wants to believe he's getting your hint but he has to be sure.
“Then... what do you want?” He asked tentatively, his voice gruff as he tipped his head down so his lips hovered near yours, so close that you could almost feel them against your own. Hovering, but never touching. 
Your breath hitched. The moment his fingers brushed against your skin you were awake, wide awake, the adrenaline thumping through your veins suddenly making you acutely aware of the growing silence between you two, the slight tremor in Jin’s hands, the unkempt tousle of his hair, the floral scent of his striped pajamas, the warmth of his breath and the slight part of his inviting lips. You always knew Jin was handsome, you weren’t blind. Everybody knew about “World Wide Handsome: Kim Seokjin”, but at this moment he didn’t just look handsome, no, at this moment Jin looked downright gorgeous.
Illuminated by the ethereal moonlight that poured in through your open window, you noticed the crisp wind cause his hair to fall and frame his face, his smoldering gaze completely entrapping you. That smolder was so hypnotizing that you couldn’t help yourself from closing the infinitesimal gap between you, desperately wanting to feel his plush lips against yours. 
You felt Jin’s hands twitch against your cheeks before they slid up and into your hair, whatever agitation he was still feeling fueling his desire as he pressed deeper into the kiss. He wasn’t letting you go, not just yet, and you had no desire to pull away either. You hadn’t been wanting to admit it to yourself, but speaking to Yoongi earlier made you realize just how much you wanted to be here with him, to spend as much time as you can with him. Speaking to Yoongi made you realize just how much you were in love with Jin. 
Ok yeah, that's all I got so far. Like I said, if I get any traction I'll actually develop this idea of mine. All I have so far as that the country is a mix between Eastern and European monarchies, I made Jin an only child, same for the rest of the BTS members for convenience sake, but that's about it. But yes, let me know what you think!
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