#serafina hawke
inquisitor-julia · 4 months
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Did some of those cute kiss picrews that have been going around!
Ft. my cousland and alistair, hawke and anders, trevelyan and cullen, solas and lavellan, astarion and tav, and my dnd girl and her LI <3
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highwayphantoms · 2 months
happy friday!! for tabris & hawke, “You can go to sleep now. I will keep watch.”
thank you! :D I've spent a lot of time thinking about these two but so rarely writing any of it out, and this prompt works perfectly!
for @dadrunkwriting
Words: 821 Rating: T Warnings: Don't think too hard about what the Taint does to a person ;)
Hawke is late. Between the noise in her head and the ache in her bones, it is the one coherent thought she can cling to.
By all rights, she should be dead. Fully, truly dead, instead of being only mostly dead. She dimly remembers something Hawke had told her, months ago. A Warden, like her, still shambling along long after he should have been dead. A ghoul, now. Not a Warden.
Hawke is late. Two weeks, she’d said. Fourteen days, fourteen nights. Tabris has counted seventeen days, and the light that pours in through the cave’s mouth is still too bright for the sun to have set and begun the seventeenth night. Two weeks. If she was delayed, she’d send Anders.
There have been Grey Wardens nearby. Maybe darkspawn. It used to be hard to tell the difference; now it is impossible. But Anders does not travel with darkspawn, and he does not travel with Wardens. It is not Anders she has sensed in the area around her hiding spot, and so she has not dared to venture out. Not while Wardens-darkspawn are nearby.
Late. Late late late late late.
For a time she wonders if Hawke misjudged the Inquisition. Perhaps the Wardens have realized that the former Warden-Commander of Ferelden has not been working alone. Cannot work alone.
In seventeen days, the most she has accomplished has been stealing food from the village nearby. It’s easy, almost laughably so; the villagers are haunted by undead that emerge from the lake at night. Most of them cower inside their homes, leaving their sheds and farms undefended and unwatched. A loaf of bread here, vegetables there, perhaps a chicken or two when she’s well enough to take something that can run away from her.
She spends most of her time tucked away in the recesses of the cave that has become a home. Staring at the rock walls, listening to the bats and nugs that keep her company, picking at the sores in her skin. She does not sleep, not really.
If not for the rising and setting of the sun, she would be unable to keep track of time at all. As it is, she knows she loses minutes and hours. It is morning one moment, late afternoon the next. Whether that is sleep or the taint stealing away what’s left of her mind, she does not know.
Tabris knows she has company long before she can hear the voices over the music that echoes inside her skull. A Warden-darkspawn, but just one. Then: two voices. Familiar voices, bickering as only they can. She slowly uncurls herself and gets to her feet as a solid thud echoes from the mouth of the cave, followed promptly by an irritated curse from Hawke. Then: “Have you been sitting here in the dark this whole time?”
Her joints are stiff as boards and cause her to lurch as she moves out into the cavern between her hiding place and the entrance. Tabris hums faintly as she considers Hawke’s question, which takes her long enough that by the time she says, “Yes,” Hawke and Anders are standing on the other side of the cavern, a small flame hovering above Anders’ hand illuminating the space.
Hawke looks irritated. Anders looks concerned. Their dog lurks just behind them. This is not unusual. Hawke never knew Tabris as she was before the Taint took half her mind and warped her body. Anders… did. And the dog… the dog avoids her.
“You’re late,” Tabris says.
“Someone,” Anders replies, with a pointed glance at Hawke, “decided to take a qunari up on a bet and lost. Badly.”
Hawke grins. “Worth it.”
“I’m not patching you up next time.”
“Yes, you will.”
Anders shakes his head and turns his attention back to Tabris. “The Inquisitor stopped to seal the rift over the lake. She said she’ll try to meet us here tomorrow.”
She nods, though she remains apprehensive. Why Anders can’t play the part of Hawke’s Warden contact, she still does not understand. At this point, he knows as much as any of them do; the Orlesian Wardens are up to something, something Nate had refused to take part in, and as a result the Orlesian Warden-Commander has issued orders to bring to heel every Fereldan Warden. What they intend to do after that… a mystery.
But Tabris doesn’t really care about their intentions. They’re standing in the way.
She was not going to let the Taint take her.
“You look dead on your feet,” Hawke remarks. “Well, more dead than usual.”
“She’s right,” Tabris says, vaguely amused.
“Take your paranoid ass and go sleep,” Hawke says firmly. “We’ll keep watch.”
“If you insist.” She doubts she’ll get much rest. She hardly ever does, with or without companions. But Hawke is right, and even a half-dead Warden needs sleep sooner or later. She’ll try. It’s the best she can do.
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trexalicious · 4 days
A few months ago we had to put our 13 year old turkey, Lurkey, down. Meet Whiskey our new yard baron...
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me: i’m an adult i left my childhood fandom behind with ease harry potter i don’t know her
also me: serafina pekkala’s daemon was a GOOSE not a stupid HAWK i want to fight this writers room with my bare hands
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hollyand-writes · 1 year
My other Arlathan Exchange 2023 gift for @highwayphantoms (2nd of 2 fics I wrote for @arlathanxchange!) 😁
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Rating: Teen/Mature   Chapters: 7/7 Word Count: 9,785 words Pairing: Carver/Merrill Characters: Templar Carver Hawke, Merrill, Keeper Marethari, Female Hawke (Jay's OC Serafina Hawke), briefly-mentioned Isabela & Fenris Other Tags: Soulmate AU, Title from the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Soulmate-Identifying Marks (Soulmark Tattoos), Descriptions of Cutting For Blood Magic, Time Skips, Angst with a Happy Ending, Referenced Mahariel/Alistair/Zevran (Jay's OC F!Mahariel), Background Anders/F!Hawke
All Carver knew was that his soul-mark would exactly match that of a soulmate; and that the identical symbol on their flesh represented both him and them. Either way, it didn’t matter: there was a war to fight; and the soul-mark still etched on his skin meant whoever had its twin was still alive, or Carver’s own mark would have faded.
He didn’t want to think about how his soulmate might feel if their mark ever faded.
So Carver got the mabari tattooed over it—something that made his soul-mark look like nothing more than kaddis war-paint on a war-hound—and tried to forget about it.
Soulmate AU. Templars and blood mages are mortal enemies—but what if one is the other’s soulmate?
When Carver Hawke’s soul-mark showed, he covered it with a mabari tattoo.
As an eighteen-year-old away at war, about to go into battle at Ostagar, the last thing Carver Hawke wanted to think about was his soulmate—the possibility that there was someone out there, waiting for him, needing him to come back alive. For he was happy to lay down his life if need be, if it meant saving his country, saving his family—saving his home.
He didn’t have time to think about soulmates. What use was that anyway, when his purpose was far higher, for a far worthier cause.
The only girl he’d been interested in was Peaches, but when her soul-mark showed… well, his own wasn’t fully visible yet; but it was clear the design gradually forming on the skin over his tailbone was never, ever going to match hers in a million years.
(He was only glad Serafina and Bethany were off practising magic in the woods again when he got home, so that they weren’t there to see the disappointment on his face.)
When Carver’s soul-mark finally emerged fully, on his lower back, a glance in the mirror told him it had a sword in the middle of it, along with some flame-like markings around it that would have made it the Sword Of Mercy—the symbol of the Templar Order—if it wasn’t for these strangely delicate, swirling, pencil-like outlines surrounding it that could have been… vines? but hollow, rather than filled-in? or maybe they weren’t vines at all?
He couldn’t be sure.
Read more on AO3...
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jukkariart · 2 months
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Serafina the diplomatic and undeniably cute Hawke of @thefallennightstars
Attack 16/?
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ask-byul · 1 year
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i doubt i could stand to gain anything from someone so loaded up with items that they probably couldn’t hold their own without them. besides, i’m sure i’ve found exactly what i need on his island, and i plan on taking it for myself.
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hawk... these clouds... maybe he does have the power of a chosen leader, after all.
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goddessofeternity · 6 months
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 21: Hope and Despair
This was not supposed to be happening. 
Celica would not make it much longer if we didn’t get off this planet and heal her. Where and why was everything going so wrong? The Darkness appearing made everything much much worse. There was no telling how long Lady Serafina and the Darkness would be fighting. We were so close! We finally have Altair and completed our mission, but we were losing Celica in the process. She would probably see this as a noble sacrifice, but I would never let her think that. She had so much to give to the cosmos, and she was my oldest friend. 
I just can’t bear to lose her.
I watched her as she managed to fall asleep despite the pain of her injury and the planet eating itself. For over two painful hours, we sat in silence as we waited for it to pass. I had no doubt that Lady Serafina could feel Celica’s life force draining from her body. I imagined that it was hard for her to feel it, but that was nothing compared to seeing it. Her breaths were becoming more and more labored, and I’m sure that she stopped breathing at times. Her skin was paler than ever and her ice was making it hard to even be near her. Nim was watching over her like a hawk and Altair looked ready to burst into tears. He had held onto her hand despite us warning him he would get frostbite. Nerissa was pacing so much that she had made a path on the floor. Ka’seem looked the worst, he had gotten choked up when she had stopped breathing. He was blaming him more and more as her breathing grew slower and she mumbled incoherently.
“It’s stopping…” I glanced at Nerissa as she watched the movements of the planet start to slow down. Sure enough, the movements were slowing and Ka’seem stepped out from under our temporary shelter to inspect it. His shoulders and movements were tense, and I wish I knew what to say to him. Altair finally separated from Celica to look up at the moon. It was bright and full on, and the cloudless night made it easier for us to see that Lady Serafina and the Darkness were still fighting. 
“We should move. We’ll make camp somewhere and just…figure something out. I’ll try and contact Lady Serafina, but…” I released a breath as I rubbed my head. “I’ll try…”
No one said anything and Nerissa took Altair by the hand as she led him away, with Ka’seem following them closely. Nim gathered Celica into his arms, but she barely even made a sound. We shared a look before following the others. I could not stop staring at Celica as she started to mumble in her delirium. 
“Staring will do nothing for her…”
“It isn’t like there is anything else to do Nim.” 
“Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.”
“I have nothing to say about this Callum. Anything that needs to be said would just be redundant.” 
“Talking to her would bring her some comfort I imagine.” Her eyes were starting to open for a split second, before they closed again. “She needs us Nim…not more of your indifference.”
“....” He sighed and he knew that I was making sense. Nim was never one to talk about his deeper feelings, but now was not the time for it and he knew that. It was not the time for stubbornness. The silence carried us still as we found an area under a sea of trees to rest. Ka’seem managed to make some makeshift huts for us to sleep in. Nim placed Celica in one and she seemed to relax for a bit, but now her wound was getting blacker. The veins on her arms were turning black as well. I grimaced as blood began to seep from the makeshift bandages and was just as dark. 
I placed my hand over her wounds and poured my light energy into it, but it just didn’t seem to make a difference. She seemed to relax, but it just made her comfortable. It was what I wanted, but I also just wanted her to be ok. As a God of light, I should have been able to heal her much better than this, but I feel that this mission is teaching us to learn more healing techniques. Celica was just always the one to go to. She was a tough woman and an even better healer, but we relied on her too much and it showed. How long had we been taking her for granted, and why did she never speak up about it? 
“You know that she would never complain about anything.” I forced a chuckle as Nim sat beside me as we saw her breathing relax a little. 
“I suppose you are right about that…”
“Celica!” We leaned forward as she move her head side to side and tried to raise her arms. “Take it easy please…you must conserve your strength.” Her mumbling just continued and I sighed now even more frustrated. All of this waiting around was starting to bother me. My dearest friend was dying and there was not a thing I could do about it. 
“Callum…keep calm, she is probably-”
“My…Mykel…” My heart almost broke hearing her say that name. It had been some time since she last spoke it. He was always a sore subject for her, but hearing from her now just caused me more pain. “Mykel….mother…”
“I’m gonna take a walk.”
“Nim-” He was gone before I could even finish. It would be best to let her rest and contact Lady Serafina. Leaving the hut, I was about to meditate and contact Lady Serafina, but I saw Altair sitting by himself under a tree. Ka’seem and Nerissa were in deep conversation as they skinned some animals for us to eat. The boy was scared and he was trying to act like he wasn’t. 
“May I sit with you?” Altair flinched as he looked up and me before he nodded and moved over. He pulled his knees up and buried his face between them. “It is alright to be afraid. There is no shame in it.”
“I…I’m not scared.” I could practically hear the pouting in his voice. “I just have things on my mind.”
“I’m a good listener. We have…we have time to talk about anything you are worried about. I know that you must have some questions by now.”
“....” He peeked at me for a second, weighing whether he really wanted to talk to me right now. He pulled on a lock of his hair before he faced me. “Is she going to be ok?”
“I don’t have an answer for that. I wish that I could ease your worries, the worries of the rest of my friends, but I can’t.” 
“We are doing our best to keep her comfortable until we can get some help.”
“There is no one coming to help us though. That thing is keeping us here and I don’t think that Goddess will be able to keep fighting it. Just face it…we’re screwed.”
“Hey…” I clapped him on the shoulder and he frowned at me but I just laughed. “That Goddess above us is much much stronger than you think. She will not let the Darkness get to us no matter what. We just have to have a bit more patience.”
“Is this the Goddess that I heard you guys talking about? The one who is supposed to keep me safe from all of this?”
“Yes…Lady Serafina is a benevolent Goddess who wants nothing more than peace across the cosmos. When she found out about you, she halted everything to find you and keep you safe. Of course, there were some bumps in the road, but at least we have you.”
“What…what is she like?”
“Oh she is magnificent….she truly has a heart of gold and does her best to cater to the many needs of the beings across the universe. She is the Celestial Mother and we owe her everything that has ever been made.”
“So…she made a lot of stuff…like what?”
“Well…she made people and Gods…animals and planets and solar systems. Her laugher even creates the stars in the sky.”
“Her laughter? 
“Oh yes, once I met her, she explained that some stars can come about by her laughter, but once are formed when a person is born. We all are attached to them in some way.” “Really? So I have one too?” I chuckled as he smiled for the first time since Celica was injured. He looked up at the night sky in marvel. “I’ve never really heard about her…”
“Yes well…spreading the word about her is a work in progress.” Honestly, it was taking longer than I would have liked, but Lady Serafina wasn’t exactly keen on spreading any gospel about herself in the first place. Being the humble person she was, she didn’t want people to sing praises about her. Compared to most of the Gods, she was incredibly humble.
“I…will I make a good impression? I still don’t think that I’m very special…”
“Trust me Altair…she already loves you.” I chuckled at his flushed face, before my gaze turned down to my ring. I could feel Masami’s ring burning in my pocket and I wanted so badly to finish this and talk to her. It was unlike her to not want to talk to me when we had a disagreement. I had to find out what it was that made her want to halt our entire marriage.
“You’re married?”
“Huh? Oh…yes I am…” I didn’t realize that I was just staring at my ring. It was the first time I really had the time to think about since the mission took a turn.
“How long have you been married? What is she like?” Children always asked too many questions, but it was keeping him occupied. 
“We’ve been married for over three hundred years…three hundred and twenty-five to be exact. We have an anniversary to plan soon.”
“Wow! That’s such a long time! Is she a Goddess too?”
“She…” Well now I knew that she is a kitsune, but before I was led to believe that she was a simple fae and that explained her long life well enough for me. “No she…is something special though. She is the light of my life. She is beautiful, sweet, and the other half of my soul. Perhaps one day you will meet someone like that.”
“I’d rather get back to my grandpa then think about girls. Girls are really annoying anyway. They always want something.”
“Haha…yes, but it often depends on the type of woman you bring into your life. Not all women are so superficial.”
“Still annoying…” I ruffled his hair and he pouted at me. I was about to continue to tell him about Lady Serafina, but Nim appeared and gave me a solemn look. My heart skipped several beats as I left Altair to go back to the hut. Nerissa and Ka’seem were standing right outside of it, and Nerissa looked as if she had been crying. Ka’seem kept to himself and was twirling his daggers around. Entering the tent, I was relieved to see that Celica was awake. 
“H…Hey…” I knelt beside her and took her hand as she coughed something fierce. “You guys…have…to stop crying…”
“That…isn’t an easy thing to ask us.” She weakly squeezed my hand before she stared at the ceiling. There were so many emotions running across her face right now, but the ones I could see clearly were anger and sadness. There was also some bits of frustration behind her eyes as well. “Tell us how you feel?”
“That’s to be expected.” She rolled her eyes at Nim as he stepped into the tent and looked over her. “You just can’t help doing the most when it comes to children.”
“I…guess I can’t…” 
“We have to get you back to Lady Serafina’s temple…perhaps if you’re there you will be able to heal.” It was probably going to be a hard task with them fighting above our heads, but we had to do something at this point. Getting settled was not something that we really should be doing. The faster we came up with a plan, the faster she could recover and get better. 
“I…I don’t think so…”
“Just…just listen…to me…both of you…” She blew out a breath before she looked at Nim and he knelt down to take her other hand. The veins in her skin were becoming even more prominent and I was terrified to check how close to her heart it was. Her bright eyes were even duller than they were an hour ago, and I refused to even guess how much longer she had. For the first time in a while, her eyes sparkled with tears. It took me back to see her so vulnerable and I just wanted to take her pain away. 
“I'm dying…” She sniffled and her hand tightened against mine. “There is no…denying that…I need you both to…promise me something…”
“Celica…don’t say that.” Nim looked away from her and she just sighed and shook her head. 
“Promise me!” Another coughing fit wracked over her body and Nerissa pushed in an orb of water for her to drink from. After taking some hefty sips of it, she relaxed against the floor again. “You…you can’t deny me…not now…”
“I…I need you both…to free Mykel…and my mother. They need to…they have to have…a happily ever after…” More tears streamed down her face as she tried to blink them away. “I…I promised…I promised my father…he needs to…see her again…and Mykel…needs to have a life…”
“I…I promise.” Nim silently nodded his head and we both knew that was the most we would get out of him. “We…you just have to hold on as long as you can. You have to promise us that.”
“I…I promise…also…tell your sister…that she’s in charge…” She laughed weakly before she took a deep breath. “You make up with Masami ok? I…I’d hate to know you’re…still fighting…”
A few more tears rolled down her cheeks, and I reached out to wipe them away before I cupped her cheek. “You will make it through this…and Masami and I will be just fine…”
She smiled and turned her face into my palm to lay a gentle kiss against it. “I know…that’s also a gift…a blessing for your…continued happiness and future bliss…you’re both…my best friends…yes…you are included in it…mutt…”
“Tch…who says I want it…icy bitch…” These two could never stop their taunting with each other. Celica turned his hand over and placed a kiss on his knuckles. “What was that for?”
“For you…to get that…stick out of your ass.” I couldn’t stop my laugh at the sight of Nim’s face as a vein almost jumped from his temple. “Nim…seriously though…that was for you…to find love…”
“Celica…” It was nice to witness moments when the two of them weren’t fighting, I only wished the situation was better. 
“No no…I want you to find…and have love…real true love…something to…to carry you through…infinity…and…so you’ll never doubt…that someone…loves you…for you…endlessly…” She trailed off before she passed out into what I hoped was a peaceful rest. Her hand felt so fragile in mine and Nim’s composure was starting to break. He raised her hand to his forehead before gently setting it down. This…this was going to hit us far too hard, and the Darkness would pay for what they have done. Nim stormed off before I could say anything more, and I looked down at her once again as she seemed to sleep peacefully. 
“Is…is she sleeping?” I nodded as Nerissa moved by my side and brushed away Celica’s matted hair from her forehead. I could hear Nim and Ka’seem’s frantic conversation that sounded like it was about to become an argument. Altair was crying now, and I couldn’t muster the strength to go and comfort him. 
“Yes…we have to move on from here.”
“O-Ok…” I could feel her eyes on me, and if she was expecting me to say something comforting, she would have to try someone else. I did not see a way out of this, and she had to realize that. Kind words  would not free us from this planet to help her. I took Celica into my arms and Nerissa was close behind, as was Altair. Nim and Ka’seem finished whatever it was that made them look ready to throw their fists at each other. The only thing that we could do was make our way further into the forest. I suspected that the Darkness would eventually send someone or something after us, and we would have to fight them off. Things were never easy, and with Celica like this it would only get worse from here. The walk was silent, and the only thing that made noise was the creatures around us. Celica was still breathing in my ear thankfully as a full hour passed us by. Altair was starting to rub his eyes and yawn, which meant that we would have to stop soon. I would prefer to keep moving frankly, but he was just a child. There was a clearing up ahead, and that would have to be where we settle for now, or until the planet started to feed again. 
“Nim we should-” 
I barely dodged something that bolted from deep in the forest. The only problem with my sudden movement was that I was holding Celica. The sudden need to move caused her to slip from my arms. I managed to grab her, but not before a sharp pain shot through my left leg. The pain was enough that I took a knee, but I made sure that she didn't hit the ground. The others moved and I looked at my leg and furrowed my brow as a simple pike gave me a deep cut. Something like this should not have hurt this bad unless…
My words of caution did not matter as a series of fights took place before my eyes. Nerissa was engaged in a fight with a brute of a man, as was Nim. Ka’seem fought a woman who looked like a Goddess that I’m sure I had seen before. I turned my attention back as the pike was yanked out of the ground by a tall man with pitch black eyes. 
“In battle…it is always wise to take out the weakest link…” He smirked as he scanned over Celica and my leg. “It was a good call to aim for the bitch…saving others will get you in the position that you see yourself in.”
“I don’t feel particularly in danger.”
“Hehe…not yet you mean.” He struck his pike at me with blinding speed, but he had to realize that there was no way that he could catch me. His weapon was one of those God killing weapons, and my leg aches fiercely, but that didn’t mean that my speed was gone. The only problem was Celica was a target and the others were occupied. I stood and faced him, but my attention was once again thrown away as I heard Altair shout. 
One of their cohorts grabbed him by the shoulder and began to drag him away and I moved to intercept them. Holding Celica was a problem as I held her waist and appeared at Altair’s side. The woman looked up in surprise, but grunted in pain as I hit her aside with the back of my fist. I hated putting my hands on women, but they could not have him. The woman was unconscious before she even hit the floor, and I pulled Altair to his feet. The others were fighting around me, but my focus had to be on Altair and Celica. They were more important right now and the others would have to fend for themselves. 
I caught Nerissa from the side of my eyes fighting the larger man, but I also saw more people pouring in from the forest. It was starting to get crowded and I would have to remedy that. Laying Celica down, I pushed Altair behind me and felt my power surge over me. My leg was burning for me to relax, but I could not let anything else happen! A radiant force of light erupted from my being, and the men and women around us were consumed in my light. Almost like a bug being hit by a trap, they burned and struggled on the floor and their screams echoed harshly in my ears. 
Nerissa threw her opponent across the field right into the one that Nim was fighting. Nim took his sword and cut right through them. It didn’t seem to matter because they just kept coming from deep in the woods. Their weapons were shining an eerie black under the moonlight, but I would get rid of those soon enough. I caught Nim’s gaze and he nodded at me as we prepared to intercept the weapons before they did any serious damage to any of us. 
Speed was certainly on our side as we both moved around the clearing to take the weapons, but I couldn’t help but wince at the wound on my leg. These weapons were far too potent and it almost felt like a poison moving through my body. I was starting to slow down, but not remarkably so. Despite the volume of enemies coming through, we all fought them off. Altair was still next to Celica who had woken up and was holding onto him. 
The last weapon was in the hands of a mere mortal, and that would be the end of this charade. My staff barely managed to hit him before I felt the pressure of a blade in my side. I barely choked out in pain before I was slammed down onto the ground. I blinked up at the goddess that Ka’seem was fighting. I knew that I had seen her before. 
“Hello Lord Callum…it’s lovely to see you.”
“You…you’re working with the Darkness?! Why?!”
“I don’t exactly have the time to talk about that. I have a job that I must do…and as a goddess of Light…I was the only option to keep up with you and Nim.” She swept her long hair over her shoulder before plunging her staff into my stab wound. 
“Bitch!” Nerissa charged over and swung her ax wildly and Uris  had no problem dodging the blows. Ka’seem rushed over to assist her and the three of them began to fight and I finally took note that Nim wasn’t even here anymore. I could hear him fighting in the distance though, so his fight must be tougher than he thought. 
“Stop it!” 
“Altair!” My heart sank as I heard Celica yell with the last bit of strength that she probably possessed in her weakened frame. Another hulk of a creature had Altair in his arms and Celica was under its foot. The ground was freezing under her, but she was only flailing about at this point. 
“Hey-” I went to stand up, but the wound that I had sustained from those weapons made my sense of gravity shift and I fell to my knees. Dammit…this was not happening! Uris was having trouble fighting Nerissa and Ka’seem which could mean something if they kept it up. Uris was never a goddess that was known for her fighting abilities. It honestly made no sense for her to even be doing this. 
How many other gods had defected to the other side by now?
I had no time to think about such things as the hulking man carried Altair into the woods. I could not will my body to move. The weapon that struck me must have had some sort of numbing agent.  I was starting to bleed out into the grass and Celica was starting to struggle more than ever. She was practically dragging herself across the grass to follow after them. Where the hell was Nim? 
“Give…give him…back!” Celica pulled herself to her feet in a test of strength that I could honestly not even be surprised by. That woman was always full of surprises and stronger than anyone gave her credit for. 
Well…those were my thoughts before she tilted over and fell face first into the dirt. My breath left my body as I realized that she was not moving at all. She wasn’t even breathing anymore.
“CELICA!!” My fear and anger mixed together and my light burst from my body all at once. It had been awhile since such fear coursed over me. It was even worse for the enemies around us. Nim had returned and lightning struck the ground, and the force felt like it was rocking the planet. Combined with my light burst it decimated everyone in the field. 
Uris had managed to block the blast from the man that had Altair and he rushed off into the woods with Altair. Uris looked down at Celica with no emotion in her usually kind eyes. Raising her staff, she went to stab her in the head. I moved at the same time Nim did, but he was faster than me at the moment and hopefully he would reach her first. My heart skipped a beat as the staff was inches from Celica’s head, but she flipped the staff up and a blade appeared and stabbed Nim square in the chest. Everything felt slower as she twisted it in before pulling it out of him. Blood instantly poured out of his mouth as he dropped to his knees.
“Noo!” I turned as Nerissa ran full sprint toward Uris with her ax raised and ready. Ka’seem was right behind her but he failed to notice someone behind him.
“Ka’seem behind you!” Both Nerissa and Ka’seem turned at my warning, but Ka’seem was not quick enough to dodge the arrows that pierced his body. 
“Ka’seem!” I could see the gears turning in Nerissa’s mind as she looked between them both, unable to decide who to go to. She was the only one that might be able to go after Altair at least. The rest of us were to incapacitated at this point. I was sure that I could do something and Nim was still moving, so Uris probably missed something vital. It didn’t mean much since it definitely would have weakened him. 
“I suggest you stop while you can Nerissa…” Uris sighed as she looked down at Celica with sad eyes. “I think that you should give up now.”
“Fuck you bitch!” Nerissa growled through clenched teeth and began to advance to her. “I don’t have shit to say to you. You’ve picked your side so stick that “advice” up your fucking cunt bitch!” 
“So vulgar…” No more words were shared as the both of them clashed and I turned my attention to Nim and Celica. Ka’seem was pulling the arrows from his body as the person in the tree made their way over to him. Nim had grabbed Celica who, by some divine miracle, was still breathing and awake, but I feared that she wouldn’t be lucky for much longer. 
“We have to get the damn kid…” Nim was bleeding more than I thought he was, but he was more focused on the storm around us. “You need to get up.”
“I would if I could Nim!” I didn’t mean to snap at him, but this whole situation was a pain in the ass. Ka’seem brushed off his injuries to face the archer and Nerissa was having a tough time keeping up with Uris. It would continue like this if she didn’t tap into her other abilities, but she was terrible at it. I barely could get my thoughts together before a shadow overtook the three of us. A figure crashed into Nim and completely knocked me away from him and Celica. 
As the dust finally settled, a gasp escaped me as I saw a very very large man had a God killing weapon made into a gauntlet, and it was buried far into Nim’s chest and it was splayed in his blood. In his other fist he held a dark chain and Celica was hanging from it with her arms tied behind her back. He made eye contact with me and smiled before he snapped his fingers. 
Any energy left in my body was sucked out as the same chains appeared from nowhere and wrapped around my body. Hearing the gasp from Ka’seem and Nerissa was not a good thing to hear either. It was good for Uris as Nerissa seemed to catch her off guard and was slamming her fist into her face, but the chains pulled her back. 
“These are the “Supernovas”? What a joke…” Snapping his fingers again, it pulled us all together and the situation just went from bad to worse to astronomically bad. Now the five of us were on our knees in a clearing and Altair was gone, and Lady Serafina was still fighting with no end in sight. Celica could barely even stay on her knees as she rocked back and forth. This was a dangerous obstacle for her since these God killing weapons drained our divinity. The chains were draining my power and in theory they could essentially make us mortal and we were sitting ducks. Her divinity was probably the only thing that was keeping her stable, so Celica was in more danger than ever. 
No way to contact our pantheons, Lady Serafina in combat, in essence, we were screwed. 
“Morlo should be on his way to retrieve the child.” The large man smiled down at us as the archer that Ka’seem had been fighting came to speak with him. “We have to dispose of them soon. Our liege will wrap up their fight with the Light. The child-”
“Give him back you fucking rat!” Nerissa tried to get up but the man just laughed at her failed attempt. The chains were affecting us faster than I thought. Ka’seem and Nim were also starting to breathe heavier. 
I…I saw no way out of this.
I breathed out a frustrated sigh as our enemies moved away from us to talk and I leaned into Celica so she wasn’t using all of her strength to sit up. 
“Does anyone have any idea how we can get out of this? Anything at all?” Ka’seem was met with only silence and Nerissa cursing to herself. “We have to think of something guys-”
“There is no plan right now Ka’seem! Damnit!” Nim growled at Ka’seem who turned to kick him and I was getting more annoyed now.
“Fuck you Nim! I’m trying to be positive and come up with solutions for Serafina’s sake! Stop being so fucking negative!”
“Could you two stop fucking fighting!” Great. Now Nerissa would join in their arguing. Celica felt like she was about to pitch over again. “We’ve all been off our game here!”
“Some more than others…”
“Really Nim? You want to go at this with me now?!” Ka’seem looked ready to headbutt Nim into the ground and I’m sure Nim would be sparking with lightning right now if he could. 
The three of them kept up their arguing and I just turned to look at Celica. “You’re gonna be ok…we’ll make it out of this. I just have to think.”
Feeling Nim tense up next to me, I watched as his head snapped up and his eye glanced to the side. 
“What is it?” He furrowed his brows as his ear started to twitch. 
“Something is coming…and it's approaching fast…”
Next: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/748035469794754560/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/747537706751606784/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Thanks for reading!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! Likes are welcome!
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marsipanic · 1 year
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Character Profile (Because I make literally so many characters for this universe it’s a problem) 
Name: Serafina Tillinghast (Sera)
Age: 29
Ability: Empathetic touch, meaning she knows what happened/almost everything about someone just by touch
Personality: Sera is kind but guarded and practical. Charged with the infirmary, she works hard, and her healing ability is on par with Toa’s. She often uses her ability to help diagnose/work on unconscious patients, but otherwise is careful to keep her distance. No one liked to hug her or touch her growing up because she could read their thoughts and emotions and they often were unkind. 
Love Interest: Hawke Durand. 
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book--brackets · 2 years
hi!! not sure if ur taking asks rn for the books but heres some of my favs:
the moon base alpha trilogy by stuart gibbs
the chronicle of the dark star series by kevin emerson
the adventurers guild series by zack clark and nick eliopulos
george's secret key to the universe by lucy and stephen hawking
the bridge home by padma venkatraman(made me cry fr)
ths serafina series by robert beatty
the septimus heap series by angie sage
the ascendance series by jennifer nielsen
the witch's boy by kelly barnhill
sorry if theres any repeats and sorry for the long list!! i just found this poll but i alr love it tysm for doing this mod <33 :) my childhood was books so yeah lol :D
Everything except Septimus Heap and Serafina, which were recommended before, have been added! What is it with incredibly sad children’s books and bridges lol
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grumpyuthen · 5 years
Sketchcomming for @highwayphantoms ! Been a great pleasure to draw that stunning woman, I really enjoy her design!
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inquisitor-julia · 14 days
21, 24, 25, and 26 for all 3 canon protags!
21. what is their biggest regret? Elsanna Cousland: outside of the obvious being what happened to her family and having to leave her parents to die at Howe's hands I think her biggest regret is that Loghain was killed in front of his daughter. This isn't to say she didn't think Loghain had to be executed for all of his crimes, she does believe that it was the right course of action but she still regrets it. To Anora she'll always be just as much a monster as Howe was to her and that haunts her a little bit. (it is more nuanced than that but that's the gist of her regret)
Serafina Hawke: she has so many regrets, her story is full of them but I think her biggest one is her mother's fate because she really feels like she should have been able to do something to stop it. Most of her other regrets from what happened to Bethany to Corypheus getting free are things that were in part out of her control whether because of circumstance or lack of knowledge but she was actively looking into the murders when her mother was taken, she should have been faster or done better. In general she tries not to think on her regrets too much, she's been through a lot.
Nayeli Trevelyan: Her biggest regret during da:i is probably how she and her friends in the Circle fell apart as a group, she's not sure where most of them are now and they could have been lost in the mage/templar fighting for all she knows. Some were even lost at the conclave. She regrets fading away from those who weren't.
24. what languages can they speak?
Elsanna Cousland: I'd like to think she can speak multiple languages or at least has a grasp of them for diplomacy's sake. She'd try to pick up words and phrases in her travels to different places during the blight if she could. I imagine she knows some fairly unsavory dwarven phrases (thank you oghren). I think if she learned anything growing up it would have been a language that might be important for a port like Amaranthine. Highever is in charge of coastal areas after all. I think knowing a bit of a Marcher language or even a few antivan/rivaini phrases here and there wouldn't be outlandish for her. As queen she does *try* to pick up some Orlesian (again, for diplomacy's sake) and she hates every second of it.
Serafina Hawke: Monolingual, she does pick up the swears her friends use though.
Nayeli Trevelyan: also monolingual, she's tried to learn a few languages but she doesn't usually have the patience for it much as she would like to.
25. what did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
Elsanna Cousland: She saw a future for herself with Ser Gilmore, they grew up together and had a budding romance neither had acted on yet when the game began. She would have been happy married to him I think, I have an AU where she is in fact. If he'd been recruited into the wardens she would have stubbornly refused to just never see him again. She'd have her duty and he'd have his but it wouldn't have stopped her. I don't think she'd ever truly want to lead the teyrnir, her brother could handle that but she'd still be an important figure in ferelden as tenacious as she is.
Serafina Hawke: Honestly wasn't sure what her life would look like, she was honestly fairly sure she'd get taken to the circle at some point so she didn't let herself dream too big. She'd have liked just a quiet life with her family in Lothering though.
Nayeli Trevelyan: Was sure she was going to spend her life wasting away in the circle but once mages started rebelling she started to dream big, she craved the freedom for her life to be something other than being trapped in a dusty tower. Obviously since she was at the conclave she didn't advocate for the violence between mages and templars but she did advocate for an end to the circles. So I suppose she got some of what she wanted in the end.
26. do they get a happy ending?
Elsanna Cousland: I don't feel like she will until the blight is cured. She's Queen, Warden Commander, married to the love of her life, and has avenged her family and saved Ferelden but....she could lose everything so soon with the looming threat of the calling. And she can't have any children until she's cured of the blight and she desperately wants to. So....yes and no for her, as happy as it could be but still not quite resolved in my opinion. I do headcanon that (no matter what BioWare does with the warden), the blight is cured down the line and Elsanna and Alistair have a daughter named Alessandra.
Serafina Hawke: I wouldn't say so, no. She's had to leave her home again, she's lost so much in kirkwall and then to lose her place there as well? That's hard to stomach. She does at least have Anders at her side even if they are very much on the run for probably the foreseeable future. They do have a daughter named Lorena though at this point in the timeline. (I randomized a daughter for them in sims once and the game gave me a mini female carver hawke so that has been added into my belief system that Lorena looks a lot like Carver.) Serafina did not get left in the Fade so she's out there doing...whatever it is Hawke is up to these days. I still say it's not the happiest of endings but she is happy enough if that makes sense.
Nayeli Trevelyan: Her ending so far has been happy. She's married to Cullen, she disbanded the Inquisition, and her job is (publicly) over but she'd never sit back and let someone else handle them mess her friend and mentor is trying to make of Thedas, at least not fully. She's far too restless and determined to save her friend for that. So yes i'd say she's gotten a happy ending....so far...
Thank you so much for the ask!!! <3
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highwayphantoms · 2 months
Happy DADWC, Jay!!! I'd love to see your take on "you’re not telling me the full story. you’re leaving things out." for Tabris & Hawke 💙💙💙💙💙
here's a short one for @dadrunkwriting!
Words: 198 Rating: G Warnings: none
“No, hold on,” Serafina said, pointing an accusatory finger across the fire at Tabris. “You don’t get to say something like that and then change the topic.”
Tabris smiled thinly. Unperturbed, she crossed her arms over her chest and replied, “Like what?”
She made a frustrated sound. “You cured a mabari of the Blight with a flower?”
“My only contribution was finding the flower.” Tabris shrugged. “I went back to the Korcari Wilds years ago, hoping to find more of them, but…”
“Most of the Wilds was consumed by the Blight,” Serafina finished. “Still—that can’t be the whole story. You’re leaving things out. I know it.”
Tabris laughed, though the sound was wrong. “What else do you want to know? I named the dog Vigil, and I gave him to Alistair when I left Denerim. The end.” As if to put an end to further questions, she rose unsteadily to her feet and gestured loosely at her tent. “Unless you’re about to tell me you know the process for whatever was done with that flower to cure Vigil, I’m going to get some sleep. Or try to, anyway.”
Reluctantly, Serafina said, “If only. Goodnight.”
Still. A flower?
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runespoor7 · 7 years
I’d forgotten how much fun/weird my murder!Hawke is to play.
She’s friends with Varric, so he tells her the recipe for a good hero:  “One part down-to-earth, one part selfless nobility, two parts crazy, and you season liberally with wild falsehoods.”
And it’s pretty fun figuring out what he means. Serafina Hawke doesn’t think herself bigger than life - no-one really does, except apparently Varric, and maybe Merrill. 
down-to-earth, that’s a nice way to say “will make people dead with no hesitation when they’re becoming threats”
selfless nobility, that’s a nice way to say she’ll endanger herself for others. (oh, Varric. That’s not nobility, that’s... what she’s meant for.)
two parts crazy - ...Varric isn’t the first to say so. Coming from Varric, it sounds like a compliment, so even if she thinks he’s full of shit, she thanks him for it. I don’t think she’ll ever really accept that people get scared enough to prevent them from action; that’s certainly why she gets on well with the (non-Aveline, non-Varric) rest of the gang. Even if she doesn’t really get on well with Fenris, due to irreconcilible opinions re:mages.
She’s pretty different from the characters I generally gravitate to though the decisions she takes are very much in line with what I usually do (pro-mage pro-mage pro-mage), but she’s got a lot less scruples. She’s that chibi fanart of Sasuke in Hogwarts when Flitwick tells him, offscreen, “no, no! swish and flick!” when Sasuke is mimicking *stabz?* with the wand.
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
Dragon Age II - Meghan Hawke/Nathaniel Howe, Sebastian Vael *ears perked* *grabby hands* :D for your WIP folders?
Hehehehe   Thought that might get your attention! :)
Okay, so let me start with Meghan and Nate.  Meghan is the only Hawke I’ve ever played (dual wielding rogue).  I ended up playing her twice because on my first playthrough (romanced Fenris) the save I tried to import didn’t work, but I didn’t discover it until Alistair showed up and I knew that language I needed to hear, and I didn’t.  Okay, not so bad.  So I reimported it, it took this time, and I romanced Sebastian second time through in the game.  Great - now I have some baseline on both of those romances.  
That said, I already knew Meghan wasn’t going to be with either of them in her story - she ends up with Nathaniel Howe who she meets when he is still a squire for his lord in the Free Marches.  In fact, they meet in Kirkwall as he is waiting on the ship that will take him back to Ferelden.
Going to put under a cut because this got long really fast! lol
(And I do not vouch for any of this as I first wrote it about six years ago, possibly longer! lol  I’ve certainly learned a LOT more about writing since then, so these will inevitably get cleaned up before I think of posting them in future)
Deep in thought, Meghan left the table and returned to the bar.  She waited to be served another and was considering looking to round up a game of Wicked Grace to entertain herself with when she was unexpectedly and quite rudely hit in the back.  The move shoved her belly first into the bar counter, and the edge caught her just beneath the ribcage.  “Ooof!” Her breath was forced out of her lungs, and for the briefest of moments, Meghan thought she saw stars ….
“Maker’s breath, are you alright?”
Blinking back pain and trying to suck in enough air to breathe let alone reply, Meghan coughed harshly and finally resorted to nodding.  Her vision wasn’t quite back to normal yet, but a strong hand at her back pounded a few times in an offer of help -- help?  How does this help?  
Almost as if he sensed her thoughts, the hand grasped firmly at her shoulder and he guided her to sit on a nearby bench.  She recognized that it was a he, despite still being doubled over from pain.  His voice had that soothing baritone feel to it, very similar to the voice her father once had.  
Once seated, he left her side, returning a half moment later.  He dropped a tankard on the table beside her with a not so gentle thud and both he and she ignored the suds and ale that sloshed over the side, dripping down to form a ring around the vessel.  “I must apologize,” he told her, dropping to a knee in front of her to bring them to eye level.  
Meghan lifted her head, still searching for enough breath with which to speak, when she met cool, steely grey-blue eyes.  Blinking, her mouth worked again, but still nothing escaped that even remotely resembled words.  At best, a rough grunt slipped past.  His eyes narrowed in concern and he moved to her left as if to pound on her back again.
Meghan reacted instantly.  Straightening, she lifted her hand, warding off his actions, and finally drew in a deep breath.  “No, thank you!” she rasped.  She pulled in another immediately following, and then another.  Absently, she rubbed at her ribs where they’d hit the counter. “I’m … good.”
“Are you certain?” he asked.  The look of concern on his face didn’t fade.  If anything, Meghan noticed, his brow seemed to furrow more deeply.  “I would hate to think that I --”
She managed a lopsided smile, waving her hand back and forth between them.  “I’ll be fine,” she promised, this time with better vocal projection even if it was still rough around the edges.  “What -- what happened?”
He grimaced. Glancing around, he pointed towards a mild brawl taking place that was now moved onto the far side of the tavern. “I guess I walked into the middle of something.”
Meghan’s eyes followed his direction and she spotted a pair of vaguely familiar faces in the center of the tussle.  Sighing, she shook her head.  “Willis and Farlan are always in the middle of some ruckus,” she assured him.  Her voice was stronger now and she straightened further.  Reaching for the tankard, she took a careful drink.  Tilting her head slightly to the side, she observed, “You aren’t from these parts, are you?”
The concern finally eased from his face, but Meghan wouldn’t say it softened his features at all. Dark hair, light eyes, and eagle like features even down to his unfortunately large ‘beak’.  Still, he wasn’t entirely unattractive, and Meghan had to admit the caramel smoothness of his voice more than made up for any perceived deficiencies so far.  
“I’m not, no,” he agreed.  Rising, he took a seat on the bench next to her, his eyes drifting to follow the activities across the room.  “My name is Nathaniel Howe.  I’m a squire for Ser Rodolphe Varley.”
Meghan frowned, searching her memory for any information on that name.  She’d heard it a time or two, but had no first hand knowledge. At the same time, something about Nathaniel dropped into place for her.  “You aren’t from the Free Marches, are you?”  When he looked startled, she smiled.  “Your accent -- Ferelden?”
Slowly, he nodded. “I’ve worked hard to disguise it,” he admitted, “and thought I’d made progress.  Obviously, I was mistaken.”
Dropping into the Fereldan tongue, Meghan gave him a sassy grin and extended her hand. “Meghan Hawke, lately of Lothering. My family and I fled to Kirkwall when the Blight started.”
“Lothering?” His look of astonishment faded into a half smile of amusement.  “Your accent, on the other hand, is quite good.”
“My parents were originally from Kirkwall,” she explained.  “They moved to Lothering before I was born.”  She took a healthier swallow of her ale.  “Can I buy you a drink?” she asked after a moment.  
Nathaniel chuckled softly and shook his head.  “It is I who should be buying you one, I think,” he told her.  
Meghan jumped to her feet, only the slightest of tightening at the corner of her eyes indicating any residual pain left from her injuries.  “Nope.  This round is on me.”  She left him before he could protest, returning a couple of minutes later.  Handing him the tankard while regaining her seat, she reached for her own and lifted it to clink against his.  “We Fereldens have to stick together.”
Now, let me tell you a bit about Sebastian in this world.  I adore Sebastian, good parts, bad parts and all the in between.  I’ve always thought he got the short end of the stick on some things too, and I wanted to include him more predominantly in this series of fics, so I’ve sort of broadened his horizons, so to speak.  
Now the clip i’m going to share technically is a part of Serafina and Alistair after the Blight, but it happens in Kirkwall (long story there, too), so I sort of wedged it in on this side of things to make it easier to find in my notes.  You see, he and Serafina met years ago when she is visiting Orlais.  Neither has seen each other since then - about five years previous to this moment.  This is how they bump into one another after all that time...
Their path took them into an open courtyard and for a moment, Serafina’s steps slowed.  
“Did we take a wrong turn?” Alistair asked, his eyes searching the area.  
“I think we must have,” she replied.  “Oh, wait. There’s the Chantry.”  She pointed across the way.  “I think we need to head that way.”  Her hand drifted to a stairwell to the right of the building.  
Alistair’s eyes lifted to view the large building looming over the city.  “You know,” he mused in a tone only she could hear, “I’ve always heard how the people of Hightown think themselves above those in Lowtown, but I didn’t think it was so literal.”
“Hmm?”  Serafina glanced around.  Smiling gently, she nudged him in the arm.  “There is a lot of history here,” she agreed, “but most people tend to forget the simple yet more important aspects of it.”
“Oh?  What do you mean?”  He stopped walking, pulling her over to the center of the courtyard near the Chantry Board.  
Casually, she pointed to the exits to the immediate area.  “What do you see?” she challenged.
Alistair blinked. “Stairs?”
Serafina nodded. “Where do they lead?”
He frowned. “Down?”  
She nodded again and waited, her eyes meeting his.
“To … Lowtown … Oh!” Blinking, Alistair tilted his head to his right.  “Stairs lead up and down.”
“Exactly.  They might find themselves above those whom they think they are better, and their history certainly provides enough reminders that even the bloodiest of battles have not reached these heights,” she pointed out, “but the fact remains that when that happens, they are still stuck. Those stairs are their only way out. If a siege can be held long enough, they have no means of escape.”
“Thankfully,” he muttered for her ears only, “Denerim isn’t set up the same way.”
“There is that,” she agreed.  Then, walking out into the middle of the square, she turned in a slow circle, eyes lifted and surveying the architecture and situation of the buildings surrounding them, “On the other hand, it’s difficult to argue that it isn’t a pretty view.”
“And clean,” Alistair interjected as his eyes followed her.  Granted, certain parts of Ferelden’s capital city were better tended than others.  He wondered how much that had to do with the Blight and civil war or simply because Cailan had been king.  His eyes fell back to her after a moment and he stiffened when he realized …  “Watch out, behind you!”
Serafina, eyes still on the buildings around them, stumbled as she stepped backwards into someone. She caught herself awkwardly, but didn’t quite lose her balance.  “I’m so sorry!”  A strong hand at her arm helped her maintain balance, and she dropped her eyes … to an unexpectedly handsome and familiar, if somewhat older, face from her past. Gasping, her own eyes widened.  “No!  It … it can’t be!” she breathed.  “Sebastian?”
Startled, the man released his hold on her and took a step backwards.  “I’m sorry.  Have we met?” he asked.
It was all Serafina could do to break her gaze from his.  When she did, her eyes trailed over the rest of him.  He stood before her, just as vibrantly muscular and male as she remembered, now dressed in armor that clearly had Chantry’s influence in the design.  That, perhaps, answered a question.  However, some things remained the same.  The blue of his eyes.  The velvety roll of his voice and the soft burr as he spoke ….  
It stung a little that he didn’t recall without some prompting, but considering the circumstances that led to that night, it wasn’t much of a surprise.  “Five years ago in Val Royeaux,” she murmured quietly.  “There was a masquerade and …”
Recognition hit him instantly and he took another quick step backwards from her.  “You!” he gasped, face paling with shock.  
She nodded slowly but remained where she was.  She didn’t realize Alistair had joined her until his voice, quiet but urgent in his concern for her, penetrated through the fog of surprise.  “Are you alright?”
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rhunae · 5 years
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Rhue Surana, Lucrezia Hawke, and Serafina Lavellan; made with this picrew.
I wasn’t tagged. But if you want to do it, consider yourself are tagged.
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