#series: we will never be here again
lollytea · 2 years
Yes it might have taken me an embarrassingly long time to really pay attention to it but in ASIAS, along with the 'half a witch' parallel, both Hunter and Willow are motivated by upholding the legacy of those who came before them. That picture of Gilbert and Harvey being flyer derby champions is just as significant to her as the Golden Guard sigil is to him.
#other miscellaneous ASIAS thoughts that are not worth their own post but i think about them often:#its an episode that asks ''but who are you outside of the roles this story uses to define you?''#this is the only episode of the Hunter Makes Friends series where his actions are not motivated by Belos#and Willow is neither one of Luz's two best friends nor the estrangled acquaintance to Amity#both characters are unnattached to those influences here. And without those roles slotting them into predictable places#we're able to explore new nooks and crannies of their personalities#stuff that really hasnt been revealed before#the two of them are trying out something new and a little out of their comfort zone and it pulls new traits out of them#Hunter’s hexside infiltration reveals him to be WAY more socially awkward than previous eps have shown#and then after his flyer derby match it really brings out his excitement over having friends and the genuine affection he has for them#Meanwhile this is the ep that really establishes what an ambitous go getter Willow can be#Shes never been a leader before. Shes never been this direct or ruthless. But her dedication to this team really pulls it out of her#and these lesser known sides of themselves are the version the other meets#lastly it is a very good take on a Person Vs Society story#again Hunter's internal conflict in this episode has nothing to do with Belos. He literally never gave a fuck if Hunter had magic#But Hunter was still born and raised on the boiling isles and no matter how sheltered he is#the inherent prejudices of the place is gonna gnaw at his self confidence. hes gonna internalize this shit#so while every Hunter ep before this was about how Belos has manipulated his self of worth as a person#this time we are dealing with how hunter views himself as a WITCH#MEANWHILE Willow's struggles with have always been entirely focused on her insecurity as a witch#her terrible grades and her severed friendship has always been about her insufficient abilities with magic#but in this ep you learn that it goes deeper than that#she berates herself not because of her magical ability but because she believes that shes stupid#the half a witch thing has severely deteriorated her worth as a PERSON#their respective struggles go in different directions in this ep and their emotions are complicated#but they still overlap enough that they can understand what the other is feeling#OKAY AND LASTLY AGAIN. Forreal this time#that scene when Darius is about to attack the entrails and Willow throws her arms out to shield all three of them#and then Hunter proceeds to run in and shield HER#because SOMEONE had to shield her. they are instinctive protectors. they are the same
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
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#same vibes
Julie and the Phantoms 1.01 | Angel 3.13
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Bitches* be like “this is a story about a guy who can see ghosts, you like ghosts, right? You like fairly grounded low level contemporary fantasy about psychic powers, right?” and then hit you with a giant alien mind controlling bug man and demon pig hybrid cavemen from the future.
*Dean Koontz, Dean Koontz is bitches
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if you were to tell me luxord was probably one of if not the most loyal org 13 member about a month ago i probably woulda looked at you funny but in review
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my-every-obsession · 2 years
thinking about going back on Tumblr because the kinnporsche brainrot is real and I need to scream somewhere 😭✋
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eremin0109 · 2 years
So I picked up 2gether the series and is it just me or are Tine and Pat basically the same damn characters????
Tall, muscular, baby-faced, silly, himbo, pure of heart, dumb of ass bisexual/pansexual boys who have a preference for women but end up falling head over heels in love with a reserved, tsundere (ish) gay dude who plays the guitar and writes love songs for them.
GMMTV really took one look at Tine and went copy paste huh???? Tbh good for them because GOD I'm obsessed with both Tine and Pat. Guess I have a type (and so do Sarawat and Pran AHEM)
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eerna · 3 years
Today I found out my seventy-something-year-old dad hateread Requiem by Lauren Oliver by hearing him ranting at my mom about it. In his words, nothing was happening aside from dumb uprisings, and every time it seemed like something WAS about to happen, the POV would change, and when they returned to it it turned out it was a fakeout cliffhanger (the rant started bc he accidently picked it up again while choosing his next read, and the chapter title names made him instinctively break out in anger). I asked him if he was aware that was the third installment of a popular series aimed at teen girls, and he just stared at me in shock because “What do you mean it is the third book?? They explained everything that happened and I had no issue following along?????? It was so uneventful what would you need two other books for???????????” 
All in all, congrats dad for managing to get the gist of 2010s YA trilogies from a reading a single work belonging to the trend
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starkitters · 2 years
Alright Fellas who wants some MM ocs
I’ll stick with like, the ones I made for the classic series to start? and even then this isn’t everyone because I’m still making and fleshing out more ocs. Putting it under a read more cuz this got kinda long.
Jazz (DTN. 000):
• The first robot of her line, and therefore the “eldest”. She acts as a lab assistant, but she also helps out with general housework and the like. In reality, she doesn’t exactly have a “set” purpose (aside from being Dr. Takahashi’s daughter), as she was built to act as one of the other prototypes created a year or so after Dr. Light introduced the world to The First. As such, Jazz considers herself more of a “Jack of all trades”, and is glad to not have one specific purpose.

Rodeo Man (DTN. 001):
• The second in the DTN line, and built for cattle herding as well as general farm work, Rodeo Man currently works on a large ranch. Acts as a big brother figure to many of the DTNs, Jazz included, and always tends to look on the bright side of things. Roadie is honest to a fault, and cannot lie to save his life. At most he can tell half truths and little white lies, but a full on fib? Nah.
 If he uses his hat to cover his face it’s a dead give away there’s something he’s hiding/doesn’t want to talk about.
Crow Man (DTN. 002):
• He probably should have been named “Menace Man”, because this bird bot is probably one of the most annoying members of the DTN line you’ll meet. I’m still struggling to figure out exactly what I want his job to be? I can’t decide if I want it to have something to do with scavenging or something else. I did have the thought of him being a search-and-rescue type bot for forest areas, since Crow’s are really fucking good at remembering people. He would sell his siblings to robo-satan for one bottle cap. Not Wily though. Never Wily. He may annoy the shit out of everyone but that is a line he would never willingly cross.

Disco Man (DTN. 003):
• Built to act as a skating instructor (possibly doubles as a dj, not super sure), and the result of Dr. Takahashi’s love of the genre, Disco Man has a very flamboyant and positive personality.
 He loves his job a lot, and really enjoys teaching people how to skate. I honestly think he might get along pretty well with Top Man? Gets really. Really annoyed whenever he catches Crow trying to squirrel away the shinier bits of his armor on his off days. Like excuse you I understand you’re a kleptomaniac when it comes to shiny things but leAVE MY SHIT ALONE.
Glass Man (DTN. 004):
Tentatively named Gaffer Man during development, Glass Man was built to assist in glassblowing work. I haven’t quite figured out what specifically yet, but I know when/if he ever gets a weapon he’s literally and figuratively going to be a glass canon. He can and will eat the glass making pellets and just. blow them like bubble gum. Fun forbidden snack.
Squeaks (DTN. 005):
• Squeaks was built for cave exploration and mapping, as their small stature allows them to get into tight spaces.
 However because of this, this lead to them being the shortest member of the DTN line and they absolutely hate it. They’re even shorter than megaman, and he’s a child! Crow and Shark tease them nonstop about it and Squeaks always retaliates by kicking them in the shins for it.
Moth Woman (DTN. 006):
Moth is a nocturnal robot master created to pollenate flowers at night. Perpetually sleepy and soft-spoken, Moth can come off as rather spacey at times and prefers to go with the flow. However, she’s more aware of things than people give her credit for. Seriously she has so. much. dirt. that she’ll probably never use, or at the very least will share on accident. She can/does wake up in the morning, but she's much more active in the evening. During the day her perpetually sleepy/sorta high vibe is even more visible.

Base Man (DTN. 007):
Built for chemical mixing and development, Base Man works at a chemical plant. He’s very confident in his work, but so. god. damn. picky about it at the same time. Every measure has to be EXACT with this bot, otherwise he’s going to get real snippy real fast. Do you WANT to make ammonia? because you’re going to if you mix THAT chemical in. He absolutely loathes Acid Man for how he constantly jumps into the chemical tanks to check the levels of each chemical. Stop doing that you’re going to fuck up the PH balance!! Get out already!!
Shark Woman (DTN. 008):
Created for ocean exploration and mapping, so she spends most of her time in the deep down dark deep down. She LOVES the sea, loves swimming around, and would probably never leave if she 1. didn’t have to go in for maintenance and 2. didn’t wanna see what the rest of her family is up to and annoy them (affectionate). Surprisingly, she’s able to withstand high temperatures, and can go through areas with hydrothermal vents no problem. Likes biting at fiber optic cables, and also enjoys scaring the shit out of scientists that are trying to take footage of the ocean floor.
Lava Man (DTN. 009):
Created for volcanic exploration and cataloguing, Magma is often sent to active volcanic hot-spots to gather data. He is also Shark Woman’s younger “twin”, being activated 30 minutes after she was (to her amusement and his annoyance). Despite his namesake, Lava is actually rather calm and collected. He really only blows up (ha) after things go unchecked for a long period of time, and it’s usually for a good reason. Constantly has to remind his more chaotic siblings that no, you cannot eat the lava, not even once.
Float Woman (DTN. 010):
• Built to handle heavy lifting and transport large equipment, Float Woman can often be found working at the city’s docks. There are times where she’ll be sent to supervise equipment transportation, 9 times out of 10 she stays to make sure nothing goes wrong when shipments come in. She’s a very warm, bubbly individual who has an optimistic outlook on things.
 She can also be kind of a worrywart at times, not wanting anyone to accidentally get hurt because they weren’t careful. Gets along very well with her siblings, though she sometimes has to step in and diffuse any arguments. Humans:
Dr. Madeline Takahashi:
The creator of the DTN line and an old classmate and friend of Dr. Light’s. She’s very kind and caring, but will absolutely wack you on the head if you say something out of line. Seriously she’s able to lift most of her robots with little to no problem don’t test her. She cares greatly about the robots she creates, and views all of them as part of her family. As such, she absolutely dreads the day Wily remembers he had a few other friends in college that he could mooch off of for world domination.
Tooootally a human and definitely not an alien robot cosplaying as a human. Totally. Ignore how their sclera sometimes turn black, they’re just wearing contacts! It’s fiiine Jamie introduced them to this cool anime and they really got into it, don’t worry about it. They can take things a little too seriously at times and can be a bit protective, but they mean well. *Really* doesn’t like Shadow Man for some reason, for Asimov’s sake stop hissing at him Kress!!
Works as a mechanic and is pretty damn good at his job, and can (and has) patched up robots when the situation calls for it. However he is very much a dumbass and sometimes gets into more trouble than he probably should. He’s got a big interest in supernatural stuff, and as terrifying as it was at first he’s ecstatic that his roomie and best friend is an alien robot. He will protect them with his life. Really, really wants to go spelunking in an old abandoned Wily castle but Kress said no. He’s gonna go one of these days though. Somehow.
Currently works in retail and is just. trying to get through college. She’s a big space nerd, and NO, Jamie, Pluto was designated as a dwarf planet for a REASON they can’t just put its planet status back! As much as she’d love to become an astronaut she’s fucking terrified of heights and math is not her strong suit so she’s content stargazing on solid ground thank you very much. She’s been friends with Jamie for awhile now, and found Kress more than a little intimidating at first. Now she considers them one of her close friends.
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boiling-paint · 3 years
I have been completely overtaken by an Au idea that involves Grian and (unknown to him) the rest of boatem getting sent into Tokyo Soul years into the future (in a ver where the multiverse wasnt destroyed, ig). For those that wish to keep the YHS hatchet buried, I have added a cut so u can scROLL LMFAO-
Also, if u actively still support Sam? Pls do not interact. The CC is. Not cool. Im referencing strictly some really old content that, frankly should not be rewatched. But it has been ingrained in my memory from middleschool and I'm struck with brainrot. Anyways uh here we go:
For now, I'll just be posting the idea of where everybody wakes up in-universe. Maybe start a fic for the fun of it? Anyways,
Grian wakes up in a burning building. It's a mess of him scrambling out of some random apartment and onto the street without enough time to even have shoes on, left to look at the flames in bewilderment. Where on earth is he? After a moment of looking around, noticing familiar parasols and a coastline, his stomach drops.
Mumbo wakes up in.... his. His house? Is this supposed to be his house? Someone calls him for breakfast and he is baffled to find people he has never met before in a house he has never seen. The woman at the stove is cheery and calls him sweet names in a way a mother would a son. She reminds him he'll be late for class and when he scrambles for a way to tell her he has no idea what's going on he's reminded that he apparently has a university course. Uh... may as well go to school, I guess.
Impulse wakes up in the softest bed hes ever slept in. The black sheets smooth and warm, mattress plush. A fireplace crackles and the floor is black marble, morning light cascading like a story, picture perfect through the windows behind him. It felt like a fairy tale... before he notices the gun under his pillow. And the sharp rings on his fingers. And the belt of knives on the nightstand. And where is he? What happened?
Scar wakes up cold, soaking wet, in a dark old warehouse. At first he thinks of one of the old warehouses he worked to convert, but the smell of smog is too thick for this to be near boatem or... anywhere, in hermitcraft. He can't move, ropes grating against his skin. He's tied to a metal post. What is going on? When hushed voices come up to the door his stomach sinks at their tone. He has a feeling he's going to miss his armor.
Pearl wakes up with the taste of dirt in her mouth. The birds around her chirp early, the sun barely risen and the ground covered in dew. Someone her age calls out to her, says she's been out all night. The white picket fence and the cute blonde girl saying her name is, confusing, but she can only guess she fell asleep in her backyard. Deep breath, go with the flow, find the others. The girl mentions something about work after class. They have a class? No- just her. Pearl has a job...? What job?
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vivienna-vivid · 2 years
Vividha Vastra ~O Myriad-colored Virtue, Become My Shield~
The beautiful clothing worn by Draupadi. When Yudhisthira lost her to a crooked dice game, Duryodhan and Karna ordered the brutish Dushasana to have her be stripped in public. However, the folds of Draupadi's saree could not be unbound no matter how much and how long Dushasana tugged — inexhaustible and unyielding. Some versions say that this was a miracle granted by Draupadi's dear friend Krishna Govinda, but in truth it was merely Draupadi's own Divine nature crystalizing her virtue to protect herself.
Vividha Vastra is a defensive Noble Phantasm with two forms: passive form and active form. In it's passive state, Vividha Vastra manifests by having Draupadi be unable to be stripped or even touched by her enemies. Flames emit from her clothing to protect Draupadi if a fool dares to touch her; the more she hates them, the stronger the flames.
But when activated, Vividha Vastra allows Draupadi to extend her sari indefinitely; essentially making Draupadi into a roll of cloth. Draupadi can unroll the cloth into whatever shape she pleases — though, a multilayered charkavyuha is her go-to choice. The cloth is self-regenerative, capable of healing itself when damaged or disintegrated. Some sections of the cloth can even be booby-trapped; spouting flames when hostiles step near it. In other words, Drapadi can create a maze-like shield with this cloth.
This Noble Phantasm can be given to other people.
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myshipshipsitself · 2 years
Lines That Will Haunt Me Forever
There are just certain lines that you KNOW will always haunt you, from the moment you hear them. And yes, it’s all in the context, so if you haven’t seen these, the lines won’t make sense, or won’t pack a punch. But if you know, YOU KNOW. 
X-Men: First Class
Eric: I’ve been at the mercy of men just following orders.
Castiel: If you wanted to kill your brother, you should’ve done it outright.
Not Me
Yok: I should have believed you then.
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They really will do ANYTHING not to give us canon bechloe won't they???
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razors2rosaries · 2 years
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this isn’t the most straightforward interpretation of “why a giant swan made of light appears to rue before mytho kind of casually phases out of that swan” but i choose to hc that, actually, yes he Can choose to assume the form of a giant swan made of light at his convenience/discretion
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like, not like we didn’t have the instance (twice, now) that one of tutu’s sort of like, alternate forms is A Giant Swan Made Of Light, so who knows maybe it’s meant more like “here you go, riding the wave of hope magic to transport you here for this moment” or just that he has to magically get from point A to B somehow and why not have some extra detail about it looking cool and throwing in another Swan visual to do so....etc etc. but also we do know that mytho and tutu Share Powers so why can’t he also be a giant swan made of light voluntarily like he can choose to use the plant/flower magic himself. and the whole implication that [at least some original tutu Essence] is legitimately contained in his physical magical gem heart which sorta goes hand in hand with them sharing powers. i choose to interpret all this as “mytho can also be a giant magic light swan” because that would be sick and i want that (and also b/c 4 min ago i was like “gee it’d be cool if he could bust out some like Special Power to drive off the raven when it kills lohengrin b/c what are you gonna do, Not?” and Hmm)
couple more [fond pairs of screenshots] b/c where else would i put them
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thank you to a buffering pause like hell yes. epic (only now did i finally pick up on his cape being secured behind one shoulder and at the waist....big shoutout to practical rhombus swan battle dance outfit. panache)
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love whoever designed his sword like Sniff it’s so beautiful w/the Wings Outstretched Swans guard and the heart formed by the necks/heads and the tiny crown detail and it’s Such a pain to draw lmfaooo.....cherish this v nicely dramatically executed moment, joke’s on anyone not actively appreciating pt’s music selection And how it uses that soundtrack......also always a bonus for me when the Milo Expression shows up in the wild, the one i am always drawing. you know like (8o as it were. raised eyebrows / wide eyes / mouth slightly open. :o and bless the ballet posture completely unironically (why would it be ironic i watched this series B/c of the ballet) like sob looks great....imagine if he was just standing there Not striking this pose, where’s the dramatic impact. thank u king
#princess tutu#although if we suppose he got his Magical Shared-With-Tutu powers From her.....#and we assume tutu's Textual 1 Pg Appearance in prinz und rabe happens after lohengrin's death....that's a wrench in the plan#But nothing to say that the prince and tutu never interacted before that specific page. who wants that? no one. i never say that#and then there's also the idea that yes they both have this same sort of Magical Repertoire but they still just have it independently lol#e.g. Before tutu literally becomes part of anyone's heart or anyone teaches anyone anything / transfers abilities or whatever goes on around#here.....the author's convenience gem lol.#but yeah dialing it back s/o to the person with a whole long reply on this whole ''why do the prince and tutu have Shared Powers / similar#magic motifs here lol'' with ''well maybe Good Magic in this Lore is [this stuff they're both doing]'' like yeah that's sure a feasible take#thank you This Series for having so much going on to extrapolate from like Yes you may connect these threads Yes it's all so ambiguous /#there's such little concrete info that you can think abt it as much as you want / however you want and there's no evidently Correct Vs Not#answers so you can just run with it. and i will. mytho can be a swan; i like the White Hair Was Eternal Battle Stress idea and also i like#that it was a side effect of [tutu's Story appearance] heart merging stuff b/c it's Swan Visuals lol. and maybe also the stress of her just#disappearing too lmfaoooo....but then if the point of it was Imparting Hope suppose it couldn't've been That stressful or else....L#anyways i love mytho shoutout to him and everything he's up to#anytime in the series it's like ''yeah everyone thinks mytho's just the best'' like well they are correct. applauding him. giving him the#ability to morph into a giant bird of light whenever he feels like b/c it would be cool....#i like to think no scabbard exists for his sword b/c he can just Put It Away as [it senses he doesn't need it rn and turns into the 2 swans#of light again which will return whenever they're summoned] like imagine. the drama#although also apparently it was just....lying around as an Artifact and then fakir is just like yeah gotta give it sm blood to get it going#but then again. mytho Had that sword out and about when he lost his heart wherein he also presumably did not have access to Magic Abilities#so no Swan Light stuff / no emotions with which to get all that stuff going so....the sword is just bro it is just sitting here.....
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rimouskis · 2 years
Follow-up q: do you ever feel unsafe at a game alone?
genuinely never. not at all. a few things contribute to this, though:
I know the city well and I know my routes around/in the arena well. the arena is super nice and I've never had cause to feel uncomfortable inside it (aside from, like, my general discomfort with drunk people, but usually the drunk people are nice drunk people [I once explained the Big Mac Attack to two very nice, very hammered Canadians], so it's not a huge deal).
I don't linger outside the arena at night, nor do I really linger anywhere ever outside at night. it's not an unsafe part of town or anything but I tend to beat a hasty retreat as habit. I'm a fast walker lol.
men do not come up to me to bother me basically ever in general in life, so that helps at sporting events too lol.
it depends on your comfort level with cities and with being alone in them, honestly. when I first moved here I was much less confident about stuff. now I navigate it (perhaps overly) confidently. I've sincerely not had many bad experiences around and in the arena. when I go to a game by myself, I don't prepare myself at all to feel weird or unsafe. I know exactly what I'm getting into, and honestly if someone ever were to bother me, I would just walk away haha. the arena's huge and the ushers are great :) !
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onstoryladders · 2 years
posting a gramblack fic with no warning like that…..with that much cuteness……im charging you with attempted murder
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