#seriously so many spoilers
kookoofufu · 11 months
Spoilers for chapter 1096
Just read the unofficial 1096 chapter release so GIANT SPOILERS, but Oda..... you fucking tease....... how did we get everything and nothing at the same time?
The main focus is on Kuma, Ikankov, and Ginny escaping, but Oda skips over a ton. How did Kuma escape from Saturn? How did he save 500 people? How did they all get off God Valley? Did they interact with any pirates or Marines? Ginny only listed two devil fruits, so what was in the four other treasure chests seen in chapter 1095?
Plus it's interesting that Kuma returns to Sorbet Kingdom. I think this interaction hints at how he becomes king due to his kindness (before whatever happened to make him known as a tyrant):
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It also implies he stayed in Sorbet kingdom all his life which depresses the shit outta me. He may have only become a pirate after losing everything :(
Plus... yall... :(
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That's not even mentioning the major players!! Roger, Garp, all the Rocks pirates?? We still don't know what happened, why Roger and Garp teamed up, if Rocks pirates fought Saturn, how Roger finds Shanks, how the Rocks pirates escaped, etc, but neither does Kuma apparently. I have a theory that Ivankov saw Whitebeard in action, it could explain his reaction to him in Marineford.
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Plus the new info that Gloriosa was with Rocks! Oh my god!! We know Gloriosa had love sickness, but who for? My theory is that she loved Whitebeard because of this interaction with Stussy. Gloriosa calls her "shameful," maybe because she's clinging to Whitebeard?
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I'm not sure who the two dudes in shadow are, maybe Ochoku and Silver Axe. But "today" being the deciding battle is verrry interesting, especially since this incident destroyed the Rocks pirates. Maybe they were going to disband after this day anyway? So many questions.
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The details of the tournament are top secret, so maybe the Marines or Garp didn't know the extent of what the Celestial Dragons were really doing. Garp only comes to God Valley to fight Roger. I'm very confused by how much he knows about Hachinosu vs God Valley, maybe it's a translation issue or intentionally unclear.
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And Roger says that it's been a year.... a year since what?
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Here are snippets of what God Valley looks like, very western. I feel like this is important...
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Next week is probably more flashback so maybe we'll find out how Kuma became king, if Kuma and Ginny fell in love, how Kuma and Ivankov reunited, how they joined the Revolutionary Army, etc.
Oda drop your location I just wanna talk
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Danse Macabre
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zorionbbq · 7 months
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who even are these guys
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peach-coke · 3 months
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"What do you got, six months? Less? That's too bad. W-We're not gonna have that last dance together." ➤ The Boys || 4.01 - Department of Dirty Tricks
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 months
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the way she just crashes into his arms wings
the way she just dissolves and he holds her like he never wants to let go (he doesn't)
the way she hugs him just the same and yet he's just ready to make sure she's okay
what do you mean. i'm normal
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endless-nightshift · 6 months
Heaven officials blessing version of this. They fill me with joy <3
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soath · 2 months
Very funny that the team behind Downfall apparently realized most of the Critical Role fanbase is cultural Christians projecting their religious trauma onto the Dawnfather and exploited it by appealing to the only weakness of the American Atheist: a slightly unsettling all-loving messianic archetype.
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laurrelise · 1 month
i gotta be so honest if you liked five x lila before season 4 fine i guess, i really can’t see it at all but everyone is entitled to their own opinions so we can agree to disagree.
however, i can’t imagine supporting it AFTER season 4 came out when its completely clear that it was never an “appealing to the fans” sort of thing.
i hate to break it to you, but steve blackman and the rest of the terrible writers for season 4 weren’t listening to you guys and “doing what the fans want”. they were being fucking weird.
no matter how you put it, aidan gallagher being freshly 18 when they came up with the idea for five and lila to get together (and possibly even much, much earlier than that???) is seriously fucking creepy. steve can say “we decided five needed a love story this season” all he wants but it’s clear, and it has been PROVEN, that this has been planned for a while. and it’s seriously gross.
everyone is entitled to their own opinion. i firmly believe that, and i will genuinely go on to preach it.
but i hope its obvious and understood that writing this terrible plotline into the show was clearly for shock value and for the satisfaction of the gross adult men who all put their stamp of approval on it.
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glitchedcosmos · 8 months
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Lick up your poison , gimmie your poison
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bibiana112 · 1 year
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Important part of their dynamic to me
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anixknowsnothin · 8 months
I think one thing I appreciate the most is the humanising of Luke in the series. I have never been a Luke defender, nor did I ever believe his actions were justified but after watching the last episode, I feel bad for him. I mean that guy saw his family break apart because of the gods and when he needed support, the gods were never there. Charlie's expressions convey all the emotions the book couldn't because the book was in Percy's point of view. Yet we still see Hermes' perspective and Poseidon's perspective. They felt that they didn't have a choice but to be a dead-beat dad because that's what the gods were expected to do. And that's the beauty of the show. It offers so much more than the book could offer because these talented actors, script writers, Rick and everyone behind this show brought this beloved childhood series to life and add their own personal touch. So I'm not really mad about the changes. Would I have loved to see some of the scenes that were cut like Gladiola? Yes. But am I sad about the show or find it terrible? Absolutely not. It is amazing to see the one series that is the closest to my heart come to life, with a few changes. Plus the feeling of knowing a whole new generation of demigods are going to grow up watching the show, and how it's going to spark so many people's interest in greek mythology is truly unbeatable <3 People say this is going to be the next Harry Potter, but I always knew it was going to be better. (not sorry guys, I ALWAYS preferred pjo to hp)
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cosmothealien358 · 6 months
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Y’all don’t understand- I saw the spoilers and I’m hanging onto every last hope that LEGO canonizes this despite what was (probably) confirmed in the captions. Cole being queer is actually so important tho. It makes so much sense for his character. Man’s popped up on screen in 2011 and has been covered in rainbows ever since. I could write an essay on the obvious queercoding of his character since season 1, and with Geo, it’s one agonizing step closer to switching from subtext to text. This would be a bigger step for LEGO than having queer background characters or pride stickers, but it would mean so much to its queer audience. And, again, it fits Cole, especially with his current relationship with Geo.
Please LEGO just do it, it’d be so easy, just one kiss or one scene. PLEASE.
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averytirednerd · 8 months
About Episodes 7 and 8...MASSIVE SPOILERS!!
Initial thoughts (because if I talk about EVERYTHING right now you'll be here for at least half an hour)...
I mean I loved getting to watch the season finale, don't get me wrong. But I have just as many grievances as things I loved about it and also SO MUCH happened?!?!?!
Charlie: Loved getting to see her be all demon-y, I've been waiting all season. Also loved her and the cannibals (especially Rosie!!!). So glad she got to work w/ Luci to protect the hotel <333 She and Vaggie are adorable too.
Vaggie: I really enjoyed watching her and Carmilla's song, that was cool. Protecting her girlfriend, very cute. I liked seeing her and Lute have that little face-off.
Husk: Sad that we didn't get to see much of him, but I get it. His interactions with the others were sweet (especially Angel). I loved the one line he got to sing on his own in that last song of episode 8. 😍
Angel: Ngl I am very glad he wasn't the one to die. It would've been a fun little "oh crap" moment but I really didn't want to be right. He's still got business down there. His interactions with the others here are everything to me, and he's just grown so much and aaaaaa. It's lovely to see! I love him more and more with every episode.
Niffty: YOU GO, GIRL!!!! Love to see the stabbing. I also really loved the...one line Nifty got. Kimiko Glenn's voice is a gift, I freaked out over getting to hear one line. Anyway. not much else to say other than I definitely thought it was Alastor doing a big "oh look, I'm alive!" thing when Adam got stabbed, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Cherri Bomb/Sir P: I was surprised, to say the least, when Cherri and Sir P had that little moment. Glad they got it before he went and DIED. Cherri is such a good friend to Angel and she's great. Now, onto Sir P...WOW, OKAY. Glad we know Charlie's plan isn't completely stupid. Wonder how Sera's gonna react to him being there now, lol.
The Vees: FIRST OFF, VOX?????? "This is better than sex!" 💀💀💀 Truly was not expecting to see as much of the Vees as we did. Not complaining though. It was...interesting...to say the least, watching Vox get as excited as he did over the prospect of Al dying (still as obsessed as ever, fr). Not at all surprised to see Val and Vox have a thing going, I figured from the interactions we've seen so far. Them dancing together was silly, them practically making out was less so 😃. Also, gotta continue the love for Velvette--putting up with these two idiots must take a lot. Also also, her HAIR! HER HAIR!! EEEEE
Lucifer: I reallllyyyyyy enjoyed seeing Luci make a return to help Charlie, even if it was in one of those "last-minute saves" that I usually hate. Idk, makes sense here I guess because he's probably always watching over Charlie some way. ALSO LUCI AND CHARLIE GOING ALL DEMON-Y TOGETHER WAS <33333333 I really loved him starting off that last song in episode 8, and telling Charlie that he believes in her. It was so sweet. I love Luci sm, hoping he becomes a more integral part of the crew in s2.
Adam/Lute/Lilith: HAHA HOW DOES IT FEEL TO LOSE??? Lute got what she deserved with the whole...arm thing. ALSO WHAT--JUST GONNA CASUALLY DROP LILITH IN HERE NOW? Sure, fine, whatever, totally cool. Not sure how to feel about Lilith atm so moving on. I dunno why I was so shocked upon seeing Adam's face. I guess I expected him to...not look as good as he does? Also so upset that he broke Al's staff. How rude. He sucks.
Rosie: Not how I expected her to sound, but I'm most certainly not disappointed. I don't have much to say other than I loved literally everything about her. No complaints--at least not yet ig, need to go back and rewatch the episodes critically. Her and Alastor is everything to me, and seeing them dance was <333333 I cannot express my excitement over it enough.
Alastor: Saved him for last because yes. If I wasn't limiting myself to a short paragraph for each, I'd be writing a whole essay just about Al, I swear....CANNOT believe what just happened omg. Not only did we get to see silly Al in episode 7, but we got to see scary (and scared) Al in episode 8. He's really freaking out, it's so entertaining! I'm so glad it wasn't him who died, I started getting a bit worried for a minute there....His relationship with Rosie is aaaaa, best of besties fr. Fighting Adam scene was glorious. Making Vox act like an idiot even when not trying was funny to watch (Vox's obsession with this guy is so silly). Him retreating sure was a move, but I'm glad he didn't get all stubborn and end up dying. Him ranting a bit in his section of the final song was so...AAAAAAA. Man is so scared, he looks stressed as can be. I need to see Alastor just have an external breakdown because he honestly feels like he's on the verge of one. 💀
Stopping for now before I go on a bigger rant than I already have. To those who read all this, I'm so sorry pfft. Feel free to leave a comment if there's something you wanna discuss (or, better yet, send one of those ask thingies. I do not have comments figured out yet...)
Anyway, have a good one <3
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cosmiado · 7 months
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absolute king of coming back wrong <333
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r3dvlvet · 1 month
I love when villains are like “you’re all sad losers! You’re all working at MY video store! I own you!!!”
Like hey man, didn’t you have a loftier goal in mind? You’re vaguely in charge of six people at a video store in Lake Elsinore, California.
Surely you’re the most on top of the world person, right?
You’ve probably laundered money from that place and are quite possibly only paying your staff the minimum wage because you’re required to. Your store is closing - you’re not the big dog you think you are.
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deer-with-a-stick · 1 year
How did the Abbot fuck up the forging process so badly
Multiple night creatures are outright retaining their original souls and personalities
I'm cackling he's so bad at this
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