#servan raincode
kanai-ward-census · 5 months
Happy Birthday, Iruka + Servan! 5/4
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You've been invited to both of their parties!
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snivyartjpeg · 1 year
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subtle servan redesign doodles so that looking at him doesn't piss me off. also. fursona blast 💥
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raincode-archives · 11 months
Chapter 3 Loading Screen Trivia
Note: Currently, I do not know which of these trivia may be general game trivia or Chapter 3 exclusives (if there is any). And there may be trivia I'm currently missing that I will add later on, if I find any more.
World Detective Organization (WDO) An extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to eradicating the world's unsolved mysteries.
Detective Deed An identification card. These are granted by the World Detective Organization.
Master Detective Among the detectives belonging to the World Detective Organization, this is a detective with a specialized power called Forensic Forte that aids in their investigative activities.
Forensic Forte Those exhibiting innate talent for special powers like clairvoyance or mind-reading are trained by the WDO to develop a supernatural investigative ability called Forensic Forte or simply, Forte.
Amaterasu Corporation Many products are in development, some of which cannot be made public.
Amaterasu Peacekeepers A department of Amaterasu Corporation. They serve as a sort of police force within Kanai Ward.
Kanai Station The only train station in Kanai Ward. It's a magnificent building, but seldom has customers because of the city's isolation.
Kamasaki District Crime generally isn't bad here, unless you venture deeper inside, that is.
Riverbank Due to polluted waters, fish are rarely caught.
Kanai Bus System A bus service running throughout Kanai Ward. The bus fee is fixed at 200 shien. Amaterasu Corporation employees ride free.
Kanai Ward Living Condition Perhaps because of the daily rainfall, some people in Kanai Ward don't mind getting wet.
TV Programs Nearly all the TV programs broadcasted in Kanai Ward are sponsored by Amaterasu Corporation.
Popular Sports Parkour is popular among the young men of Kamasaki District. New problems have arisen however, what will all the trespassing and running across the top of food stalls.
Crosswalks The crosswalks in Kanai ward detect pedestrians and stop traffic for them. As such, it's fairly uncommon to see people waiting for the signal to change.
Pets Because of Kanai Ward's unending rain, indoor pets are popular. At the same time, there is increasing concern of many dogs and cats become feral after being abandoned by irresponsible owners.
Flora in Kanai Ward Because it's difficult to grow plants in the perpetually rainy Kanai Ward, many have been replaced with synthetic counterparts, aside from some roadside trees and flowers in Ginma.
Flavor of Halara's Candy Depends on the mood. The worse the mood, the sweeter the taste; the better the mood, the lighter the taste.
Desuhiko's Bangs Desuhiko is particular about how his bangs look; it takes about an hour a day to style.
Fubuki's Accessories Fubuki's necklace has a clock motif. The choker is decorated with video playback control symbols.
Vivia's Garments There are just bandage-like wrappings beneath his coat, so it wouldn't be accurate to call it clothing.
Yakou's Lifestyle A complete night owl, he typically sleeps in until noon, even when there's work to be done. This nocturnal lifestyle was the norm until the Master Detectives arrived.
Sun & Moon Hotel Breakfast is served buffet-style in the adjoining restaurant.
Cafe A cafe with an open terrace located in Gina District. It is popular among office workers on break and female students on their way home from school.
Kanai Tower The tallest building in Kanai Ward. Especially high-ranking people within Amaterasu Corporation and their families live here.
Dohya District The so-called "slums" of Kanai Ward, where everything is stagnant and polluted. Most of the district is flooded because rainwater cannot be properly drained.
Dohya District Criminals and others on the run from Peacekeepers occupy the abandoned building here, making the area fairly dangerous.
Marunomon District The business area of Kanai Ward. Rows of office buildings line the street, and Kanai Ward's only bank is also located here.
Marunomon District Being a commercial area, it is relatively crime-free compared to other districts.
Marunomon Bank The only bank in Kanai Ward. All the money circulating through the city begins and ends their journey here. Due to the advanced security, no incidents have ever occured.
"Grade A" A meat bun shop in Marunomon District. Though luxuriously priced at 1000 shien apiece nearby office workers have remarked on the bland flavor.
Golden Path Cafe Uniforms Many customers flock here simply to ogle the uniformed waitresses.
Kanai Ward's Electrical Power Because of the perpetual rain, electrical power is derived predominantly from rainwater.
The Resistance A movement that has declared its opposition to Amaterasu Corporation. The name of the group is "Anti-Establishment Organization," but they're commonly called the Resistance.
Dronebrella Incidents Dronebrellas are handsfree umbrellas, and inter-device collisions as well as incidents involving loss of control due to electromagnetic interference has occurred.
Stay Safe at Marunomon Bank! Marunomon Bank uses state-of-the-art safes because the security of your money is our number one concern. Take advantage of our 1% interest rate now, only at Marunomon Bank.
Homunculus An immortal monster created through research conducted by Amaterasu Corporation.
Shachi's Coveralls Shachi's coveralls are made of a water-resistant material, ideal for working outdoors.
Iruka's Tattoo Iruka has a tattoo of dual pistons on the left side of her chest.
Icardi's Boots Made of waterproof material similar to that of wetsuits, the boots have a switch on the heel that turns them into flippers.
Margulaw's Photo Frame The old photo frame inside the shop is not for sale. It was a birthday present from departed family members.
Servan and Gambling A frequent patron of casinos, he prefers games based on probability and theory. His all-time win is currently less than 50%.
Makoto's Meals Almost always eaten at restaurants or the Amaterasu Corporation cafeteria. He's terrible at cooking, so he never makes his own food.
The Clockford Family The world-renowned family tasked with managing the world's standard of time. They are also responsible for deciding on standard operating procedures related to time and the calendar.
Fubuki's Sense of Monetary Value Given her affluent, princess-like upbringing, she rarely went shopping for herself and thusly has a unique sense of monetary value. She thinks an apple costs as much as a car.
Guillaume There's a hobby she hasn't told anyone about: recipe development. She's sweet on sweets and has strong opinions on proper jam making technique.
Rumor Surrounding Dominic Once a soldier, he suffered a serious injury in battle and became a cyborg after undergoing surgery at Amaterasu Corp. That's the rumor going around the company, anyway.
Swindle Detective A Master Detective who turned their advanced skills of deception and cajolery into a Forte. This detective was not summoned to Kanai Ward.
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Item of the Day! For all the Aries out there, big trouble if you don't carry around a used disposable camera exposed to light!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Spot of the Day! For all the Tauruses out there, if you don't repent on the roof of an abandoned building, you'll die!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Place of the Day! For all the Geminis out there, a trip into an alternate dimension will bring you that much closer to achieving your goals!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Life of the Day! For all the Cancers out there, just give up! Better luck next life!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Goods of the Day! For all the Leos out there, wearing some lion fur might be the key to avoiding a tragic fate!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Jewel of the Day! For all the Virgos out there, get your hands on a cursed diamond! Deal with the curse yourself!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Scale of the Day! For all the Libras out there, carry one hundred 100-gram weights around for potential bliss!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Hero of the Day! For all the Scorpios out there, watch your head! Get trampled and become a star!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Gourmet of the Day! For all the Sagittariuses out there, sea turtle soup is the chef's choice! Get to a restaurant and slurp some up later!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Weather of the Day! For all the Capricorns out there, you'll have better luck when the weather clears up! But Kanai Ward is rainy all the time!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Jar of the Day! For all the Aquariuses out there, buy this jar for good luck! It's a steal at five million shien, for a limited time only!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Lucky Fight of the Day! For all the Pisces out there, pick a fight with a shop owner, then jump into the sea! A lovely encounter awaits!
Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Guillaume's Unlucky Human of the Day! Are there still Ophiuchuses around? Shouldn't we go back to just 12 zodiacs?
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Hi everyone, I’m Lop, and welcome to “ It’s Literally Not That Hard To Be Not Racist “. 🤠✨🥂
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lemonjestercoffee · 1 year
i just noticed- why did every single case in Raincode have named involved characters except chapter one?? (spoils below cut)
like look at this
0: Melami, Zilch, Aphex, Pucci, Zange 2: Kurane, Karen, Waruna, Yoshiko, Kurumi, Aiko 3: Saichi, Icardi, Iruka, Servan, Margulaw 4: Huesca, Fink, Yakou, Yomi 5: Yuma x4
and then you have- 1: Priest, Servant, Nun, Worshiper, Boy
w h y ? ?
the only other instance of an unnamed involved character is the robot researcher
can someone please give these poor saps some names???
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Since my Servan Edits did pretty well, I went back and did the rest of his sprites. 🥰✨🥂
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raincode-archives · 9 months
Chapter 4 Character Profile Descriptions
Yuma Kokohead A Trainee Detective with amnesia. His small build is unsuitable for physical confrontation. A lack of self-confidence results in a tendency to frequently complain. However, he posses a strong sense of justice and selflessly tries to help anyone in need.
Enraged by Shachi's murder at the Resistance hideout, he cornered and took the life of the culprit. He believed his actions to be unjust and he was unfit to be a detective, but Kurumi helped him realize he had the conviction to help people.
Fubuki Clockford A Master Detective dispatched to the Nocturnal Detective Agency by the World Detective Organization. Although she's a beauty with outstanding style, her airheaded tendencies can frustrate the people she talks to. She ran away from her pampered life as a lady of the world-famous Clockford family to seek adventure.
While solving the Mystery Labyrinth, she lashed out at what she thought was the abhorrent "God of Darkness." She later realized that Shinigami had Yuma's complete confidence and tried to befriend the death god.
Her Forte is Time Leap, the ability to rewind time and redo things. However, if time has been turned back once, it cannot be turned back beyond that point.
Dominic Fulltank Second-in-command of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers Counterterrorism Squad. A big, burly man capable of tearing a person limb from limb with his bare hands. He's not overly astute, and leaves the thinking to Guillaume, though complex orders may be difficult for him to follow.
Wanting to help the constantly frustrated Guillaume, Dominic quintupled his daily training.
Guillaume Hall Leader of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers Counterterrorism Squad. A boisterous, fast-talking woman who tackles her work with enthusiasm and vigor. She has a gift for telling fortunes, but as they always foretell bloodshed and horror, the recipient is invariably left shaken. Not adept at fighting, she leaves the rough stuff to her partner, Dominic.
In addition to failing to apprehend the terrorist Yuma, she allowed the detectives to capture the true culprit. Having tasted defeat for the first time in her tenure with the Peacekeepers, she swore to repay the indignity with bloody vengeance.
Kurumi Wendy A student at Aetheria Academy. Hungry for knowledge, she seeks out anything she wants to know with unwavering tenacity. Thanks to her cheerful demeanor and excellent communication skills, she's quick to get along with people she meets. Having a lifelong fascination with detectives, she couldn't pass up an opportunity to talk with one and shadowed Yuma.
She was about to be arrested for the theater club murder, but was released after Yuma revealed the truth.
She holds deep trust in Yuma. When he began to doubt his actions, she bolstered his confidence by telling him he was doing the right thing.
Shachi The leader of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. His outstanding leadership skills and charisma draw people to him. He believes that ruthless measures are necessary to defeat Amaterasu.
He was murdered by Icardi on the roof of the Resistance hideout as part of a plan to pin the terrorist bombing on him.
Servan A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. Though short in stature and physically weak, his mechanical expertise puts the best Amaterasu engineers to shame. He completely loses himself in tinkering though, forgetting to eat and sleep.
Coerced by Icardi, he constructed the bomb devices given to Yuma. As he was being taken away by Icardi, Yakou and the others caught him.
Though only an accessory to the crime, considering current Peacekeeper standard operating procedures, his part in inciting a panic throughout Kanai Ward will likely result in capital punishment.
Icardi A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. Her has the slim, muscular build of an excellent swimmer. He works as a courier for the Resistance. He doesn't seem very interested in people and, for better or worse, doesn't involve himself with others.
Tired by Shachi's optimism, he searched for a way to leave the Resistance and escape from Kanai Ward. He planned to steal the safes from a Marunomon District bank, and flee the city, but was caught by Yakou and the others.
With the Mystery Labyrinth solved, his soul was reaped by Shinigami, resulting in his death.
Iruka A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. Despite her dour and gloomy exterior, she cares deeply for her comrades. Highly skilled with weapons and guns in particular, she's in charge of procuring arms for the Resistance.
The Resistance fell apart after the hideout was exposed by the Peacekeepers, so Iruka now lives alone as a fugitive.
Margulaw A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. He is a former Amaterasu employee fronting as an antique art dealer. Having lost his family to Amaterasu's treachery, he harbors a bitter hatred for his former employer. He puts his accounting prowess to good use by managing the Resistance's funds.
The Resistance fell apart after the hideout was exposed by the Peacekeepers, but Margulaw continues to shelter fugitive members while working as a shop owner.
Dr. Huesca Chief researcher and expert weapons developer at Amaterasu Lab. An arrogant man who believes his intellect is unrivaled. He hates having his precious research time interrupted and allows no one to enter his critical labs.
Inside the critical lab, beyond the supposedly impenetrable security, he was found dead with stab wounds in his back.
Fink the Slaughter Artist A skilled assassin who works in Kanai Ward. As very few witnesses have come forward, it's unknown if this hitman is male or female, an adult or even a child. The assassin is certainly effective, boasting a 100% completion rate.
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kanai-ward-census · 1 year
Raincode Tournament: Servan vs Margulaw
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Sorry I don't know how comments on tumblr work, Like I don't think you can comment but there is a blanked out comment symbol? Anyway, just wanna to nod my head at the Servan post. His cannon design made me oh so very :( so I really appreciate your edit.
Hm, that’s strange !! I haven’t had that issue before, so I can look into seeing if it’s something with my blog. :)) 💕✨🥂
Anyways !! Thank you so much !! I always think we’re past the whole “ racist black lips “ trope in media, and then characters pop up every now and again with these lips, so it’s frustrating. At this point, we have the Internet, we have black creators telling everyone “ Hey, this is a racist trope, here are some alternatives to creating black characters in anime “. I even read a post awhile back from a black creator saying basically “ If you can do those types of features with no issues on gyaru type girls and other types of characters, there’s no excuses as to why you can’t do it for black characters “, and I believe that is the best way it has ever been phrased. There’s really no excuses for it anymore. Listening to black voices is what I would deem essential in creating black characters. Hell, listening to POCs when they talk about creating characters of their own race is essential. 💅🏻✨🥂
Just because Servan had light skin, didn’t mean his design wasn’t offensive or based upon a trope many people say is offensive, so I can totally agree. As I said in the post. It’s not hard to not be racist. 🤷🏻✨🥂
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kanai-ward-census · 11 months
And thus, we have reached the end of the 1st Raincode Tournament.
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Our crowned winner is our cutie patootie amnesiac detective....
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Even though he did not receive as many actual votes as others, he's still number 1 since he made it through the bracket.
Thank you to everyone who participated. This was a lot of fun! I'm definitely going to do this again. Not till sometime in 2024, though!
Here is my collection of celebratory doodles so far.
1. "My Man" FT. Yuma, Desuhiko
2. "Marketable plushies" FT. Yuma, Shinigami
3. "Yomi's failed plan" FT. Yomi, Huesca, Makoto
4. "Yomi's Supporter" FT. Yomi, Zilch, Martina
5. "Tuckered Out" FT. Vivia, Halara, Fubuki
Anyways, below is the ranking via how many votes each character received. (Spoiler: Yuma did not win this one but that's okay)
Raincode Ranking!
This was calculated via adding all their percentages from the polls they were in.
Vivia Twilight, 456.147 Votes
Makoto Kagutsuchi, 316.043 Votes
Yakou Furio, 297.969 Votes
Kurumi Wendy, 277.832 Votes
Yuma Kokohead, 234.941 Votes (is still considered our winner!!!)
Aiko, 185.957 Votes
Fubuki Clockford, 184.015 Votes
Kurane, 183.027. Votes
Zilch Alexander, 178.974 Votes
Ramen Stand Owner, 176.012 Votes
Yoshiko, 159.806 Votes
Waruna, 158.043 Votes
Pucci Lavmin, 151.97 Votes
Shinigami, 128.1461 Votes
Iruka, 107.003 Votes
Nun, 96.044 Votes
Margulaw, 95.03 Votes
Shachi, 94.027 Votes
Halara Nightmare, 69.012 Votes
Number One, 65.028 Votes
Melami Goldmine, 46.008 Votes
Aphex Logan + Yakou Furio's Wife, 35.966 Votes (each)
Desuhiko Thunderbolt, 35.96 Votes
Martina Electro, 34.034 Votes
Fink the Slaughter Artist, 32.032 Votes
Yomi Hellsmile, 30.832 Votes
Zange Eraser, 28.987 Votes
Servant, 25.992 Votes
Servan, 24.96 Votes
Karen, 21.021 Votes
Guillaume Hall, 20.944 Votes
Worshipper, 19.005 Votes
Icardi, 17.978 Votes
Seth Burroughs, 17.03 Votes
Dominic Fulltank, 15.984 Votes
Priest, 14.03 Votes
Swank Catsonell, 8.091 Votes
Dr. Huesca, 7.98 Votes
Akira, 4.029 Votes
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snivyartjpeg · 1 year
I must say, you've drawn me in with those animal envisions of the Raincode characters. Will you be drawing more of those? Perhaps making some for minor characters in a case, like the Aetheria girls?
oh! thank you so much! i will definitely be drawing more! in fact, i'm currently drawing the rest of the resistance members since i did hamster servan. and i already doodled the other peacekeepers too, just need to finish coloring them. i haven't considered the aetheria girls, but now i kinda want to do them as well... they look like they'd be fun to design <3
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