#served me well
linearao3 · 28 days
So, a little while back, @pyrrhlc very graciously offered to send me a copy of Child Ballad he had bound, and naturally I was very hyped to accept this offer but (a) I live on the other side of the Atlantic, and (b) any packages I receive at my home address must go through my super, who is both daffy and an asshole, and has kept packages from me for time spans ranging from a week to three months to “denying he ever saw it,” so I was hesitant. But I worked out with my friend who lives in a nicer building that it could be delivered c/o her, so I was very excited about that.
Then there was some trivial misadventuring with the USPS, so I had to ask my friend to go fetch it from the post office for me. “It’s very pleasing to the eye!” she texted me, and I ran uptown to behold the wonder.
Now, the box was slightly bigger than I had anticipated, but I was initially just thinking I didn’t think Child Ballad was that long but I too would be worried about sending intricately-made art over the ocean so extra packing makes sense and joining my friend in admiring the box.
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Please note the pattern of the paper. (I actually recognized it from a tumblr post of pyrrhlc’s.)
My friend and I carefully unwrapped it, at which point, she said, “you should make an unboxing video!” and I was not about to wait long enough to do anything that fancy but I did take pictures and look:
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Friends. Comrades. Seen here now at home on my desk:
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Four extremely beautiful books! Plus an enclosed note with a handsome crow (the books are from the Black Crow Bindery!) which contains kind words about my fics and also edifying facts about the patterns on the covers! The Service Work ones are based on wallpaper from the 1880s! They all have pretty ribbons and handsome Baskerville typeface!
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The two Service Work books also have these pretty metal corner guards which probably have a technical name I am unaware of! Tumblr won’t let me add more pictures! You can kind of see them in the others, though!
They are all very beautiful! I am very grateful! Please admire @pyrrhlc’s artistry in this as well as in his writing! I am admiring them on my bookshelf as I speak!
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apencilandpen · 2 years
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favorite spreads and pages, including the first and last, from the late Sketchbook 17, March-ish 2022-June-ish 2022
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ismaasmb · 1 year
Is it normal that I wanna give my broken computer monitor a funeral service and a burial?
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 months
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i told myself i was gonna work on my adrinette comic,,, and then i fully did not
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spidertams · 10 months
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Posting some old TASM doodles since it’s Andrew Garfield’s birthday :) he’ll always be my favorite Peter
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raveartts · 5 months
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gonna take a break and make another sketch page later :3
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slavhew · 2 months
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charmed, i'm sure
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ryllen · 8 months
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((( ANNGGYYYYY!!!!!! )))
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nicomoru-archive · 2 years
I've been wanting to switch accounts for a whole now, cause its actually so annoying having two blogs so I may just archive this and my main one and switch to a completely new one soon. Same name and everything just a heads up. I think then I'd actually be active.
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almondpiglet · 6 months
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happy new year!!! redrew another one of my favorite mp100 official art wahoooo
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linearao3 · 3 months
I do feel quite bad about how long I’ve gone without posting the concluding chapter to Served Me Well; there are a number of factors to this including (a) got incredibly sick and then immediately had to run a giant work event, and (b) keep having to restructure the chapter. But I have about 7k words of what will probably end up over 10k, and I bring you a tiny bit just to prove I am working, I swear, I swear.
Inej breathes in, and reaches under the pillow for the paper there. She’s thought enough, she doesn’t need to read it. But it helps to hold it. A habit of mind from Ketterdam, to trust in what’s written to be binding, to be certain. She has to be sure. “If I’m. Hurt.” It’s still his back she’s talking to. “Or sad. I don’t want you to be cruel to me.”
“You want me to bring you cocoa and sing you lullabyes?”
He says it lightly. Not quite the harsh sneer she’d quailed from in her thoughts, when she dreaded this conversation. But a lump still climbs into her throat.
“I don’t ask you to be someone you aren’t,” she says stiffly. “But if something happens, if some grief finds me. If I can’t tell you about it without being afraid that you’ll mock me and rub salt in my wounds. Then I won’t bind myself to you.” Maybe it’s easier to talk to his back, to his stupid haircut. The way he could write in a letter what he can’t seem to say to her face. “That kind of unkindness is your armor, and I told you. I won’t have it.”
He lifts the poker like he means to stir the fire again, and then lets it fall. “All right. If you tell me you’re… sad. I won’t be unkind.”
“Now you,” she says, and puts her chin on her knees, her heart hammering.
“If you hear something against me,” he says. “You have to come and talk to me first. No matter who tells you. No matter how horrible it is. And no matter how definite the proof seems. Before you believe it, you have to talk to me. Alone.”
“What would I hear?” she asks warily.
“There are always rumors. Some of them I set about myself. Some of them breed in the streets like rats. But I need you to believe me first. Trust me first.”
“Yes,” she says. “I will. I do.”
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lonelyzarquon · 8 months
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DOCTOR WHO | Death in Heaven
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Man I’ve said it before but for as annoying as Leo can be to Hueso, it’s still abundantly clear that Leo has inadvertently done a lot for the man? Yeah, he’s gotten him into a fair share of hijinks, but at the end of each of those was a long standing problem in Hueso’s life solved just like that.
In particular, Hueso’s exile from the Hidden City and his feud with his brother are both solved through Leo’s intervention, and it’s also sweet that both of these issues’ respective episodes end with Hueso happy.
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dragonkick-bootshine · 7 months
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made myself a new icon a while back then forgot about it hehe
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can-of-slorgs · 3 months
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*japanese funky nightcore cover music in the background*
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bluegiragi · 7 months
How does it feel that it's the 1 year anniversary of you finding out about Soap's slutty little choker/throat mic?
(I'm so sorry I was stalking your twitter yesterday cuz I can't afford patreon and needed more of your amazing art)
feels pretty astounding if i'm being honest!! never thought this brainrot would last nearly this long but here i am - more than a year after these idiots crossed onto my for you page and still raring to go!!!
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