#service top ilia
goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
"Always remember to praise your Service Top"
Emerald: (holding camera) Okay, we are live in five...four...three...two...one...
Blake: Hi, I'm Blake Belladonna.
Kali: I'm Kali Belladonna.
Weiss: And I'm Weiss Schnee.
Blake: And this is a public service announcement:
BKW: (go up to Yang, Ghira, and Ilia respetively) To always remember to praise your Service Top.
Blake: (kisses Yang's cheek and drags her nails through her hair) Good Girl~
Kali: (nuzzles Ghira's temple before giving him a kiss and scratching his beard) Good Boy~
Weiss: (hugs Ilia around the neck and gives a soft peck) Good Girl~
YGI: (blushing and goofy smiles)
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somer-writes · 5 months
pestilence au notes ft wind
He’s 13 - 8th grade
outset has a small schoolhouse. Classes are taught in the afternoons as most kids go out on boats in the early mornings for fishing
pigs! Pigs are common on the tingle archipelago. They’ve been domesticated and are common sources of food
outset island is a crater volcano and is dormant. The soil near the top of the mountain is very fertile and there’s a network of underground caves which do lead to the depths
plants like taro and palm trees grow natively on the island
aryll is 11 and is a 6th grade student
wind and arylls parents were lost at sea. Their grandma raised them. Wind remembers their parents, aryll does not
wind and aryll are both extremely compassionate and both have big personalities. They have a reputation for standing up to bullies. Aryll is typically better behaved and is a much better student
wind has a sea canoe he found washed up and fixed himself. He and aryll go fishing
Islanders are strong swimmers
swearing is common for kids on the islands
the archipelago is just off the akkala coast
unlike lorelin, outset is not very tourist friendly
tropical rito are common in the islands
twi notes:
Rusl is part of an inner circle which works to protect and advise the royal family. Impa is also part of this group
colin is 10. He sees twilight as an older brother
cora is almost 1
Twilight just showed up in Ordon when he was 7. He spent the first two years effectively mute. He doesn’t remember anything before Ordon and Rusl was unable to find any birth records for him
Twilight was a village effort but Rusl and uli primarily raised him
twilight lives just outside of Ordon village in a 2 room farmhouse
twilight works on fados ranch. He helps with the goats and horses and rusl is training him in being a farrier
Twilight is ordons golden boy. He’s often doing odd jobs and watching the younger kids
twilight is generally very gentle but he can be hot headed
Despite the adults pushing, twilight has little desire to go college. He was an average student in high school. The only program he’s shown interest in is a vet tech vocational program
ilia is majoring in education
ordon village shares a regional school with other small townships. Ordon is one of the few incorporated townships in the province. The school only has classes in the mornings and has a barebones curriculum as sourcing teachers is difficult. Many ordonians are taught in homeschool groups
Ordon is known for its wool and pumpkins and has a reputation as being backwater
ordon is one of the poorer provinces and there’s very little white collar work. Cell service is spotty and internet is slow and expensive
ordon is south of Faron and is mild throughout the year but gets into the 30s in the winters and the 90s in the summers. It’s a humid region
uli is an heiress to an affluent castle town family but she cut them off when she married Rusl
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barnabyboppins · 1 month
I am thinking in my brain about how Ocarina Of Time and Windwaker narratively are about either Link as individuals growing, changing and making change but Twilight Princess is about Link as a member of a community that is growing and making change and it’s about generosity and compassion when Rusl and Uli took in Link and Telma took in Ilia and later risked her own life to bring Prince Ralis, an unknown zora child. It’s about trust and shared values Telma brought Ralis to Renado, a then stranger, and when Link learned and earned the way to be brother of the gorons and it’s about Midna learning not just from Link, but from everyone Links helps and who help him in turn that a sole pillar is not enough to uphold a community.
Zelda’s rule was decaying because despite hiw much her knights seemed to like her (the dead ones at least), she was alone at the top of a castle plagued by cowardice and dereliction and it’s only through the efforts of care from many countless people across hyrule that she is freed and given another chance to repair the kingdom.
The entire Snowpeaks ruins dungeon is about helping Yeti make soup for his sick wife. The death mountain dungeon is about recovering the lost brothers of the gorons so that Kakariko can recover its primary source of trade and commerce. Helping Malo with his endeavours is further yet basically entirely about literally rebuilding paths between towns and people by supporting the gorons and Malo financially (and with hot spring water). I’ve never checked after the first time you meet him but the doctor guy in Hyrule Castle Town is supposedly charging ridiculous prices for his services because of the bad state of the towns economy and sparse resources but Malo’s crusade to oust the economic elites and the restoration of of the zoras and the gorons absolutely would repair that.
This game is about caring and love and it’s about a part-time werewolf emo cowboy with a heart of gold and family in every corner of the land and I love it
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Bumbleby Week - Day 5: Arranged/ Political Marriage
Reunion - AOE Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43200318/chapters/108719478
The streets of Kuo Kuana were bustling, the years of border skirmishing with the Atleasians having seemingly done little to stem the cities growth.
Where once Blake remembered small houses and tents, great compounds now rose up, housing clans, storage depots and businesses alike. Walkways connected streets on multiple levels and a tram service was brimming with Faunus as it rolled by her.
Blake was drawn from her musing with Ilia tugging on her kimono top, "Hey, why are we dragging out feet?"
She sent the smaller Faunus a scalding look, "I'm just taking in the city, its been a long time since I was here."
"Pretty sure you'll have plenty of time to do that after you take your blushing bride to bed and start raising kids," The chameleon countered.
"Oh stop it," She groused pushing ahead even as she sort of wanted to drag her feet.
"Seriously, what's the problem? You two loved each other as kids, and I remember all the letters you two sent while we were on campaign. 'Oh don't worry Yang, I'll finish my apprenticeship soon and come back to marry you, UWU!'"
"Did you seriously just annunciate UWU?"
The chameleon shrugged, skin flickering different shades, "My point stands, you were close, and then you just got all moody about it."
"I didn't get moody I just," Blake bit her lip, "Neither of us really understood what marriage meant then and its... This part of my life has been planned out for me since I was a cub. Its just a lot; so I stopped knowing what to say."
"Yeah well, you'd better think of something cos we're arrived," Ilia said, as they came to a stop outside the home of the Belladonna-Khan clan. A great walled fortress of elaborate towers and gorgeous gardens, flocks of birds sang. The doors were marked by the families sigils, now touched with gold to signal Yang's place in their clan.
Blake sucked in a breath, "Well let's see how this goes."
Yang was nervous, she wasn't showing it, but she was a nervous wreck!
She'd spent years mastering herself into the ideal clan mother. She knew how to handle economics for the compound and public events. She sat on several Kuo Kuana councils. She had styled her golden locks 'just so' and the kimono adorning her frame was made with her own hands, an elaborate weave of lavender, black and white.    
She was also very much resisting the urge to pace the ornately decorated hall or stone and opal she resided in. But with her honor guards waiting in the wings and both Kali and Sienna waiting a not far from her, there was little she could do to alleviate the tension. Especially from behind a ceremonial screen with her silhouette clear for all to see.
"Ancestors," Kali cursed, "What is taking that girl so long?" She looked to Sienna like she would have an answer but the War leader merely rolled her shoulders, cape flowing with the motion.
"She was quite willful when she came to me for her final apprenticeship and old enough to be out on her own much of the time. She might have picked up a penchant for wandering."
"Well there's a time and a place," Kali said dryly, before looking to her, "I am sorry for the wait dear, this should have been scheduled better."
"Its... Its quite all right, I imagine Blake has much to think about, its been a long time since we saw one another as well, she..." Yang didn't want to say it.
"She hasn't found someone else, if that is your fear, Clan Mother," Sienna intoned gently.
Yang nodded slowly, but she didn't want to leave it on that thought and added. "War Leader Khan, Sienna... You have seen Blake the most recently, please tell me... I mean, when we were young she was so warm and kind to me. A scared little girl so far from home, but she welcomed me warmly and made this all seem so easy and simple..."
It was a wistful memory, of Blake finding her huddled on her bed, miserable and confused in a foreign land. The girl wrapped her arm around Yang and promising to be there for her if she needed a cry or to smile. Promising to be by her side forever.
"Is she still kind?" Yang finished quietly.
There was a lingering moment, "I think you can ask her yourself, Clan Mother," The woman's tone was tinged with a quiet amusement.
Yang resisted the urge to startle as the door to the chamber swung open and the guards announced, "Presenting, children of the clan, Blake Belladonna & Ilia Amitola!"
Yang's screen began to drop, slowly revealing the room to her, and Yang's eyes zeroed in on Blake alone.
She's grown tall, her hair now in a long mane, her golden eyes as piercing as ever, but her features had gone from cherubic to handsomely chiseled. Her face was marked by a subtle blush, and only made Yang's face burn hotter as they both tried too meat each other's eyes but found themselves glancing away.
Falling back on regal training and fixing her posture she said, "Welcome home brave warriors of the clan and a special welcome to you, my groom."
Blake finally met her eyes, a small smile spreading on her lips as she answered, "Thank you, its good to be home, my bride."
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neonbitemarks · 9 months
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𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. Nikolai Warren Finnegan 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. Nik 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒. N/A 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. He/Him 𝐒𝐈𝐙𝐄. 6'1" 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 18 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂. Sagittarius 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒. Fluent in English, ASL, and ancient Greek. Knows a decent amount of Latin, French, and some Russian, Japanese, and Spanish, though not fluently
𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑. Brown, short, wavey 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒. Green 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄. Extremely pale 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄. Fit, slender 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄. Softer spoken, noticeable blended English/American accent 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃. Right 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄. Relaxed, stands up straight for the most part 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒. Approx. two dozen over the front and back of his torso from injuries he received when he was abducted at age 14. The largest is over his left hip. Additional scarring on his arms and legs from episodes of self-harm 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒. None 𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒. Eyes, smile, and tattoos.
𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇. London, England 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍. New York 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. brothers: Jack (adopted), Leon (adopted), Blake, Ren, Valerian, Hemlock, Vervain, Cypress sisters: Valencia, Brittia, Nyla, Belladonna, Evelyn, Wisteria, Ivy, Amaranth, Camellia 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. father: Warren mother: Ava
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. N/A 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄. New York 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒. Mason, Ilias 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄. No - exempt for medical reasons 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃. None 𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒. Alcohol, weed, and other drugs occasionally
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. Demiromantic/Pansexual/Polyamorous 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄. Flexible 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄. Top/Dominant 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐒. Anything that triggers his PTSD 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐒. Biting 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄. Touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒. He's polyamorous, so he's a shameless flirt and collects lovers and hookups like Pokemon at times.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐄. Throne - Bring Me The Horizon 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄. Pays guitar, sings, draws, paints 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃. Right 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋. Depends entirely on mood/mental state
𝙏𝘼𝙂𝙂𝙀𝘿 𝘽𝙔: Just doing extras for shits and giggles now 𝙏𝘼𝙂𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙂: Feel free to steal it
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noisynutcrusade · 7 months
Midimttop Motorcycle Upper Front Nose Headlight Cowling Cover Fairing Cowl Beak Nose Extension Top Cover for Apr-ilia RS 660 RS660 2020 2021 2022 2023
Price: (as of – Details) ♚Midimttop focus on the manufacturing of motorcycle accessories,which bring motorcycle modification lovers high quality products and best service. Specification: *Motorcycle Headlight Cowling for Apri-lia RS 660 2020 2021 2022 2023 *Condition: 100% Brand New,Never Mounted, High Quality *Placement on Vehicle:Front *Color: Carbon fiber look,As picture shown *Material: High…
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Saarthi.ai is India's pioneering multilingual voice and language technology company consistently endorsed by industry and government bodies such as NASSCOM, FICCI-ILIA, MEITY, Startup India and many others. Our mission is to simplify and standardize voice and non-voice business processes of enterprises across telecommunications, online commerce, healthcare, automotive, real estate, banking, financial services, and insurance sectors. We offer ready-to-hire multilingual call center AI agents and conversational robocalling ai solutions pre-trained in the most frequent business processes such as lead qualification, payment reminders, debt collection, CSAT feedback survey and others to premier financial enterprises globally. Our proprietary Conversational AI framework, i.e. GODS when coupled with domain fine-tuned highly accurate Speech-to-Text & Text-to-Speech engines, enables semantically rich and coherent dialogues. Built on top of the lossless language understanding, and dialog management software in major global languages. We have been part of NVIDIA Inception Accelerator, Microsoft for Startups, AWS ML Elevate and NASSCOM DeepTech Club in the past. We also provide pre-trained Multilingual Customer Support AI Agents for mobile network operators to manage 70% customer interactions without human intervention and have recently unveiled the world's first AI frontdesk receptionist for hospitals and diagnostic lab chains. Besides this, we also offer interactive desktop for live agent assistance, 360-degree analytics and voice biometric solutions.
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orthodoxydaily · 1 year
Saints&Reading: Thursday, May 25, 203
may 25_may 12
The Ascension of the Lord
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Troparion, Tone IV
Thou didst ascend into glory, O Christ our God, having gladdened Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. And this blessing convinced them that Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.
Kontakion, Tone VI
Having accomplished for us Thy mission and united things on earth with things in heaven, Thou didst ascend into glory, O Christ, our God, being nowhere separated from those who love Thee, but remaining ever present with us and calling: I am with you and no one is against you.
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Throughout history, Georgia has frequently been forced to defend what St. Ilia the Righteous called its “threefold treasure”— language, fatherland, and Faith. In this regard, the events of the 17th century are some of the most tragic in all of Georgian history.      In 1616 the bloodthirsty Persian ruler Shah Abbas I invaded Georgia with a massive army. His goal was to level the country altogether, leaving no building standing. The Shah’s army kidnapped hundreds of thousands of Kakhetian Georgians and then sent them to Persia to be sold as slaves. They settled Turkmen in the newly depopulated Georgian regions. In collaboration with the Shah, many Lezgin peoples from the mountainous North Caucasus moved south to occupy the homes of the exiled Georgians.      The 17th-century Italian traveler Pietro della Valle described the Georgian exile in Persia: “It would be too long to narrate all that has passed in this miserable migration, how many murders, how many deaths caused by privation, how many seductions, rapes, and acts of violence, how many children drowned by their own parents or cast into rivers through despair, some snatched by force from their mother’s breasts because they seemed too weak to live and thrown down by the wayside and abandoned there to be food for wild beasts or trampled underfoot by the horses and camels of the army, which marched for a whole day on top of dead bodies; how many sons separated from their fathers, wives from their husbands, sisters from their brothers, and carried off to distant countries without hope of ever meeting again. Throughout the camp, men and women were sold on this occasion much cheaper than beasts because of the great number of them.” (Quoted in David Marshall Lang, Lives and Legends of the Georgian Church (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1956), p. 170.)      The Georgian exiles in Persia included a large number of clergy. Many celebrated the divine services secretly and inspired the people to remain faithful to God. Those discovered were punished severely. Many Georgians were martyred for the Christian Faith during the Persian exile. Not only Georgian researchers, historians, and travelers of other nationalities attest to this truth. Furthermore, ethnic Georgians residing in formerly Persian territories continue commemorating their fallen ancestors. They make pilgrimages to the sites where their ancestors were martyred and prepare feasts to honor their memory. One of these sites is called “Ascension.”      Of language, fatherland, and Faith, only language remains alive among Georgians in the formerly Persian territories. Most have lost touch with both their homeland and the Christian Faith. Those fortunate enough to be able to return to Georgia often convert to Orthodox Christianity. In 2001, when Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II visited the ethnic Georgians in Iran, he presented them with a mound of Georgian soil. With great emotion, the Georgians scattered the ground over where their ancestors were martyred.      On September 18, 2003, the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church prayerfully considered the martyric contest of the Georgians in Persia. The Synod declared all those martyred at the hands of Muslims in the 17th and 18th centuries worthy of being numbered among the saints. Their commemoration day was set on the feast of Holy Ascension in honor of the place where many of them were martyred.
© 2006 St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood.
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Saint Dionysius of Radonezh, in the world David Zobninovsky, was born about 1570 in the city of Rzhev. A novice and then head of the Staritsky Dormition monastery during the Time of Troubles he was the foremost helper of Saint Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow.
From 1611, Saint Dionysius was the archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. Under his administration, a house and hospice for the injured and those left homeless during the Polish-Lithuanian incursion was opened near the monastery. During a famine, he told the brethren of the Lavra to eat oat bread and water, leaving the wheat and the rye bread for the sick. In 1611-1612, he and the steward of the Trinity-Sergiev monastery, the monk Abraham Palitsyn (+ 1625), wrote letters asking the people of Nizhni-Novgorod and other cities to send fighting men and money to liberate Moscow from the Poles. He also wrote to Prince Demetrius Pozharsky and to all the military people, urging them to hasten the campaign for Moscow.
His monastic training helped Saint Dionysius maintain his inner light undiminished during the terrible years of this evil time. The saint achieved a high degree of spiritual pefection through unceasing prayer, which gave him the gift of working miracles. He carefully concealed his spiritual life from others, who might suffer harm from a superficial knowledge of it.
“Do not ask a monk about things concerning his monastic life,” said Saint Dionysius, “since for us monks, it is a great misfortune to reveal such secrets to laymen. It is written that what is done in secret should not be known, even by your own left hand. We must hide so that what we do remains unknown, lest the devil leads us into negligence and indolence.”
We can only measure his spiritual development and the knowledge of God, which he attained by those things which became apparent when circumstances compelled Saint Dionysius to take an active part in the world around him.
One such circumstance was his involvement in the revision of the service books. In 1616 Saint Dionysius spoke of work on correction of the Book of Needs by comparing it with the ancient Slavonic manuscripts and various Greek editions.
During their work, investigators discovered discrepancies in other books edited in the period between patriarchs (1612-1619). People did not understand what the editors were doing, so they accused Saint Dionysius and the others of heresy at a Council of 1618.
Deposed from his priestly rank and excommunicated from the Church, he has imprisoned in the Novospassky (New Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior) monastery, where they wanted to kill him by starvation. The intervention of Patriarch Philaretos of Moscow and Patriarch Theophanes of Jerusalem (1619-1633) won his release in 1619, and he was cleared of the charges against him.
Saint Dionysius was known for his strict observance of the monastery Rule, for sharing in monastery tasks, and in rebuilding the monastery after the siege of the Lavra. The Life and Canon to the Saint were composed by the Trinity-Sergiev monastery steward Simon Azaryn and augmented by the priest John Nasedka, a coworker of Saint Dionysius when he was correcting the service books.
Saint Dionysius was reposed on May 12, 1633, and was buried in the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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ACTS 1:1-12
1 The former account I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 2 until the day in which He was taken up, after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen, 3 He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things about the kingdom of God. 4 And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the Promise of the Father, "which," He said, "you have heard from Me; 5 for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. 6 Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, "Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7 And He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. 9 When He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come like you saw Him go into heaven." 12 They returned to Jerusalem from Mount Olivet, near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey.
MARK 16:9-20 
9 When He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons. 10 She told those who had been with Him, as they mourned and wept. 11 And when they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe. 12 After that, He appeared in another form to two of them as they walked and went into the country. 13 And they went and told it to the rest, but they did not believe them either. 14 Later, He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table, and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen. 15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and recover. 19 So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 They went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.
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mbbsinrussianow · 1 year
Georgian National University SEU
"Georgian National University SEU is Georgia’s eminent & prestigious university. The university is popularly known as Ilia Chanchavadze. It was established in 2001 and is located in Tbilisi city. It is a top-ranked medical university that offers high-quality education. The college offers various medical courses at a very affordable cost. Tuition & Hostel fees are low compared to private Indian medical universities. MBBS course duration is six years including an internship and the teaching medium is English. "
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The university has 8 faculties, which offer undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, law, medicine, and business. It has a diverse student body of over 20,000 students, including international students from around the world.
Georgian National University SEU is committed to providing an enriching learning experience for students that promotes critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and social responsibility. We offer a wide range of degree programs in various fields, including business, law, engineering, and humanities.
Our faculty members are experts in their respective fields, with years of experience in teaching and research. They are dedicated to providing students with a challenging and supportive learning environment that prepares them for success in their chosen careers.
At Georgian National University SEU, we believe in the value of hands-on learning. That is why we provide opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internships, research projects, and community service activities. Our students have worked with leading companies and organizations, gaining valuable skills and knowledge that they can apply in their future careers.
Georgian National University has a strong reputation for academic excellence, and many of its graduates go on to successful careers in academia, government, business, and other fields. The university has partnerships with universities and institutions around the world, which allows its students to participate in international exchange programs and research collaborations.
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your-dietician · 2 years
Jennifer Aniston’s Facialist Compared This Mascara to Having Lash Extensions
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/jennifer-anistons-facialist-compared-this-mascara-to-having-lash-extensions/
Jennifer Aniston’s Facialist Compared This Mascara to Having Lash Extensions
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Us Weekly has affiliate partnerships so we may receive compensation for some links to products and services.
You know how people repeat affirmations to themselves in the mirror in order to strengthen their confidence and mood? We have a similar process, but ours goes something more like, “I have longer, stronger lashes. My lashes are long and beautiful. Long, long, long.” If our mascara hasn’t worked, we might as well try to manifest them, right?
Falsies are a pain and often look way too dramatic or fake, and lash extensions are even more of a pain, not to mention expensive. We just want a quick and easy way to add some serious length to our every day lashes. Is that too much to ask for? For a while, it seemed like the answer was yes, but this Ilia mascara is changing our minds!
See it! Get the Limitless Lash Mascara at Amazon! 
We already knew that Olivia Wilde was a big fan of this mascara, but more recently, Jennifer Aniston’s facialist, Melanie Simon, revealed it as one of her top beauty product picks to Who What Wear as well. “This is my absolute favorite mascara for lengthening,” she said about the Ilia bestseller. “ It’s literally almost as good as extensions and I can’t live without it.”
Of course, the product’s fanbase doesn’t end there. It currently has over 4,200 reviews on Ilia’s site, and the number goes up every time we check. Shoppers say this mascara “has done wonders” for their lashes and has become a “true holy grail mascara” for them. They say it “goes on like a dream,” and when they go out in it, they’re “constantly being asked if [their] lashes are real or fake”!
See it! Get the Limitless Lash Mascara at Amazon! 
This mascara claims to “go above and beyond the expectations of any natural mascara.” It was formulated to be buildable, flake-free and lightweight to eliminate hard, spidery lashes, and it claims to lift, curl, lengthen and volumize in just one stroke for quick and effective glam. It’s cruelty-free, clean, ophthalmologist-tested and uses 100% natural dye. Its formula is nourishing too, consisting of organic bee and carnauba waxes, shea butter and arginine (keratin) to condition, strengthen and soften every last lash without bothering sensitive eyes!
Even this mascara’s brush is next level. Ilia tested over 100 wands before deciding on this dual-sided brush. There are short bristles on one side to curl and create volume, while the longer bristles on the other side may lengthen and separate lashes for results you may have never thought possible from a mascara alone. Curl before using for an even more amazing result!
See it! Get the Limitless Lash Mascara at Amazon! 
Looking for something else? Check out the brand’s Fullest Volumizing Mascara here and explore all bestsellers at Ilia here!
This post is brought to you by Us Weekly’s Shop With Us team. The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful, such as wedding-guest outfits, purses, plus-size swimsuits, women’s sneakers, bridal shapewear, and perfect gift ideas for everyone in your life. Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post.
The Shop With Us team may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from the manufacturer of the products we write about when you click on a link and then purchase the product featured in an article. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product or service is featured or recommended. Shop With Us operates independently from advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback at [email protected]. Happy shopping!
Read full article here
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crazywolf828 · 3 years
Top 5 bottoms
Blake, Yang, Winter, Sun, and Ilia 😌
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jadonsancho09 · 3 years
BullPerks - The fairest and most community dedicated decentralized VC and multi chain launchpad.
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#bullperks #bsc #crypto
I'm Jadon Sancho here will explain more about the project Bullperks
About BullPerks
The Ultimate and most fair platform for retail buyers to get access to private sale allocations to the most sought after crypto projects just like crypto funds do
Who is behind this?
The BullPerks team and advisors have been around for a while and have over 20 years of combined crypto experience. Each member has managed tons of projects in the crypto space.
A mix of talented individuals at the top of their fields is here to build a unique skill set to have a fun and successful journey from crypto start-up ideation to execution.
What's unique about Bullperks?
The majority of decentralized VCs and launchpads have become private member clubs after their token price increased. With a set tier system based on the token amount you hold, only early investors have access to those tiers and share in the deals.
BullPerks, with its adaptive tier system, is the fairest and most community-dedicated platform giving access to early-stage deals.
BullPerks — The All-Inclusive Decentralized VC That Can’t be Tamed
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As a proud crypto bull, you know this is an exciting time to invest in a wide range of cutting-edge blockchain technologies that show great potential to revolutionize an industry or service. However, having access to those groundfloor investments with typical VCs presents its challenges because of the exclusivity that comes with getting in early. This results in missed opportunities and keeps you on the sidelines as great projects turn into great companies.
At BullPerks we intend to disrupt this pattern and provide stakeholders with even modest starting capital the chance to buy into projects they feel align with their vision of a healthy crypto/blockchain portfolio.
The Team Behind the Bull
The experts that make up our BullPerks team are entrepreneurs, advisors, investors, marketing professionals, and VC fundraisers. We are at the top of our respective fields with a long list of projects to their credit and over two decades of experience in the crypto space. The wealth of knowledge our team possesses allows for us to present you with projects that will bring new blockchain technology to the forefront of the business world.
Where To Get Started
Investors are encouraged to contact BullPerks through our website info page and join our Telegram group. It’s important to purchase BLP tokens and establish which allocation tier you fall into. This will also allow you to see which projects are available to you.
We also understand that from time to time, you may come across a project that does not resonate with you; and this leads to one of the many “perks’’ of joining Bullperks. Your investment is your choice, which means you have the freedom to buy into or pass on any project you see fit. You simply select the “pass” option on the BullPerks platform and you will maintain your place in the queue.
Support For Your Project
As a founder of a project, the BullPerks team will pool their extensive experience and resources to help raise funds, develop an effective marketing strategy, and advise you on a wide range of procedures and opportunities that may include potential partnerships with other successful projects.
What Sets Bullperks Apart?
BullPerks acts as a VC/fund that offers traders access to seed and private rounds which are otherwise known as “exclusive” allocations. It is well known that to partake in these types of investments, an individual or organization must have access to a high-profile network and must also provide very large sums of capital. Being able to participate in these types of exclusive sales is one of the most coveted opportunities in the crypto space and something typically far out of reach for the average joe.
Experience and Focus That Equals
The various skill sets of our team of crypto and blockchain experts help every project we bring to market reach its full potential. As a trader or project founder, you will have the support you need as you join a community of like-minded people with years of experience and a proven track record of success. Contact us at BullPerks today to get more information on how you can get started on our platform.
300M total tokens BLP
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Token sale
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Total raise: $2,120,000
Team: 1 year cliff and then 8.33% per month
Advisors: 8 months cliff and then 8.33% per month
Initial market cap on TGE - Seed + Strategic + Private + Public at $0.05
7.389M tokens = $369.5K
Buyback Program
The 3% fees on investment will go fully to buy backs!
All the profits from the sales of the NFT store
Using 10% of the profits of the company investments
Our Investment model and tiers
There are other platforms that offer so-called investing like VС’s, however in all of those only if you join early you win and really get allocation for projects
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We will have deals and allocations for each group or fair mixes
Silver Bulls will be guaranteed to get some allocations on some deals.
Per every 4 deals:
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Eran Elhanani: Co-Founder
Constantin Kogan: Co-Founder
Dmitry Chirun
Seasoned CTO with over 20 years of creating and managing remote teams in a variety of industries. Master’s in cryptography. Building engineering teams from concept to delivery. Ex-VP of Wargaming, USGold, advisor to various crypto projects and accelerators.
Sheynel Smith
Compliance Officer/Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO)
Managing Director of Driftwood Advisory Services. An experienced crypto compliance professional with a Master's of Law specializing in Financial Crime. She is certified as a Crypto Currency Investigator (CCI), Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (ACAMS) and Financial Crimes Specialist (ACFCS).
Alex Man
Head of Business Development & Partnerships
Partner at Jun Capital, serial entrepreneur, futurist. A digital assets specialist primarily focused on early stage emerging technologies, startups and revolutionary DLT projects. Alex helps companies get access to strategic capital and builds bridges between global partners.
Dima Doroshenko
Project Manager
Calculated and strategic decision maker with 10 years of proven leadership, communication skills and a relentless drive to exceed expectations.
Nikita Drozdov
UX/UI, Graphic Designer
An award-winning UI/UX designer with a core focus in FinTech.
Tina Kocharian
Content Manager
Technical content writer with experience in blockchain technology.
Dr Deeban Ratneswaran
CEO and Founder GD10 Ventures
An award-winning academic, serial entrepreneur and international educationalist. As an early-stage blockchain investor, multinational VC advisor, Deeban has developed impressive investment achievements with a 25x portfolio growth between 2019 and 2021.
Josh Meier
Partner at Latitude Blockchain Services. Marketing Team & Strategic Advisor for multiple projects, including Splyt, StackOS, OMNI, Ally, EQIFI and others. Holds a Bachelor of Business Administration with a Major in Marketing and a Minor in Finance. Over 10 years of professional sales and marketing experience and 5 years of experience in blockchain technology.
Mike Miglio
Founder and managing partner of the esteemed American cryptocurrency law firm, Wolfe Miglio. Throughout his career, Mike has aided in successfully launching dozens of cryptocurrency projects. In 2020, Mike moved away from providing services as an attorney to found Bridge Mutual, a popular decentralized coverage platform that allows users to protect themselves from losses caused by hacks or exploits against cryptocurrency projects and exchanges.
Shane McQuillan
VC at Alphabit Fund, fundraiser and strategist, a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience working with startups in all aspects and stages. Former Saxo Bank executive, Shane has been at the forefront of development through blockchain-based startups, co-founder of "TrustedIn Trading."
Jason Fang
Jason is a Founder and Managing Partner at Sora Ventures. Prior to Sora, Jason was the Head of Global Business Development at Juzix (now PlatON). Jason joined the blockchain industry in early 2016 as an Investment Associate at Fenbushi Capital, where he did deal flows and post management of North American companies.
Yida Gao
Founder of Shima Capital.
Former Bitcoin and Ethereum Investor, former VC Investor at New Enterprise Associates (NEA), 2020 Forbes 30 Under 30. Former M&A Investment Banker at Morgan Stanley, Former Consultant at McKinsey, M.B.A., Stanford Business School (dropped out). B.S. in Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Ilia Maksimenka
CEO/Founder PlasmaPay
Ilia Maksimenka is a builder of Web 4.0, early-stage investor, DeFi engineer, founder, and financial architect of PlasmaDLT - blockchain for Decentralized Finance, Payments and Banks, and Spaceport.
Corey Billington
Director of Latitude Blockchain Services, Senior advisor of multiple projects, including AuBit, Splyt and StackOS. Has a professional background in business development, marketing and mechanical engineering.
Edna Yuan
Edna Yuan, Investor in 40+ project, including ANKR and Chiliz, incubated over 10 projects such as Findora, Channels, Oddz, Reef. Former Investment Fund Analysis Manager at Fidelity & Securities Trading Broker at TD Ameritrade.
Aylon Morley
Prolific investor in the blockchain space With more than 20 years of experience in the capital markets under his belt. Previously Tech Investment Director for Wentworth Hall, a London-based family office that specializes in private equity ventures and start-up investments. He is also a strategic partner in the SAVA Digital asset Fund. Advisor to Tezos and DuskNetwork.
For more information please follow the link below:
Website : https://bullperks.com/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/bullperks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bullperks
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bullperks/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/77364631/admin/
Telegram : https://t.me/BullPerks_Official
Medium : https://medium.com/bull-perks
youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIY2Vz-X3vmBLSqbMcPZyMQ
Forum Username: Jadon Sancho
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2954208
Telegram Username: @Jadonsancho09
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xb05fc25bCfa612Eaef1Fa17cEBF05A675a40D5e1
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nevervalentines · 4 years
“we can’t go back in time, so stop trying to reverse what you said.” for white rose
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For white rose: 
#13  “we can’t go back in time, so stop trying to reverse what you said.”
#23  “well the probability of that is 0, but you go ahead.”
hi!! hope it’s ok that I did two-in-one. here’s a short fill featuring future white rose…………….my favorite kind of angst, and a LOT of gratuitous bumbleby
She hasn’t seen her since the engagement party. Which, if anyone is asking, is perfectly fucking fine. It’s only been six months, and she’s been really busy anyway.
And the engagement party had been a disaster, as far as Weiss is concerned. But it’s not like Yang and Blake would have noticed if an entire Atlas fleet dropped an air raid on their doorstep.
The caterers had been late, and the florist delivered Easter lilies instead of calla lilies, which completely clashed with the color scheme, and Ruby somehow managed to stay a room away from her the entire time, gnawing on her bottom lip, sipping a virgin cocktail and hiding behind Yang every time Weiss got close.
But that was six months ago. And Ruby has been away on a contract for most of it. Or so Weiss has gathered from the sparse texts that hit the group chat every time Ruby allegedly gets service.
They’re living in the fucking digital era, how hard is it to locate a cell tower?
But this is the bachelorette party and, at the brides’ demands, she has nowhere to hide – and Weiss will be hiding hardly anything, for that matter.
“Why do I have to wear this?”
Blake says, “I like it,” at about the same time that Yang says, “It looks hot.”
They share an amused glance over the rim of their drinks, and Yang sidles across the room towards Weiss to pluck at the strap of her dress.
Lowcut and mostly sheer, the hemline only just brushes the tops of her thighs, the bodice dipping low, only a zipper and a prayer holding it in check.
“You said Blake could dress you.” Yang smiles. “You should have seen this coming.”
“What can I say?” Blake sinks deeper into the window seat under the hotel room’s enormous bay windows. “I’m a boob girl.”
The window panes are thrown open, a salty sea breeze ruffles her hair, and her ears flick, eyes squinting shut as she shifts deeper into the sunlight drenching the crushed velvet cushion.
With Yang butting into her space, still tugging slightly at the sheer straps of her dress, Weiss is unfortunately face to face with the proof.
“Apparently.” Frowning, Weiss tugs the top of the dress up, figuring if she adjusts the fabric enough, she’ll get some kind of coverage. “You guys do know you two aren’t technically supposed to spend your bachelorette party together, right? Isn’t that, like, a break from tradition?”
“Since when are we traditional?” Blake asks.
“And I’m not hiring strippers,” Weiss says.
“Who needs strippers?” Yang laughs. “We have you in that dress.”
Blake grins. She drains the last of her drink, and stares at the melting ice sullenly.
Yang moves to take it from her hand, swaps it with her own full glass in exchange for a kiss.
Weiss pauses from wrestling with her dress to watch them – the ease of it, the familiarity. Yang tucks her mouth against Blake’s cheek happily, lets herself be pulled down for a second longer kiss, nipping at Blake’s bottom lip.
Burying her face in one hand, Weiss reaches blindly for her drink, nearly knocking it to the ground in the process. “Okay, knock it off. I scheduled in plenty of time for that tonight.”
Blake pulls away curiously, one hand still wrapped around Yang’s bicep. “Did you block out time during our bachelorette for Yang and I to make out?”
“I just meant that there will be, you know, leisure time.” Weiss presses her flushed cheeks to the cool condensation on the glass, feels water bead on hot skin.
Grinning, Yang bounces to her feet. “Is there enough time for a quickie? Did you dictate exactly where and when I’m allowed to use tongue?”
If this wasn’t a five-star hotel, and if this wasn’t a crystal glass, and if this martini wasn’t hitting the spot right now, Weiss swears she would throw it at her.
“You asked me to help plan, okay? I was just doing my job as maid of honor.” She knows she sounds whiny, can feel the constricting, scratchy pitch in her throat, hates that everything is hitting so much harder right now. She feels on edge, trapped, anxiety that even a beach side resort can’t tame.
She can tell Yang hears it in her voice, watches her face soften, lips pursing in that signature look of concern. Eyebrows bunching, she beckons Weiss closer. Weiss complies, taking small steps with bare feet. Like this, her head barely comes up to Yang’s shoulder, and she has to tilt her head back to look at her.
“You know we’re just teasing,” Yang bullies her into a careful hug, arms around her back, dropping a kiss against the top of her head.
Beside them, still seated, Weiss can feel Blake’s hand reach out to touch her thigh, petting once, careful. “You did a killer job, Weiss.” Then, quieter. “You know, seeing her again, it’s going to be –”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Weiss’s voice is muffled against Yang’s collarbones, and she turns her cheek flat against the warm, freckled skin, inhaling the smell of post-workout sweat, of sunlight and the faint sharpness of her deodorant.
After so many years, it relaxes her more than it stifles, and she feels Yang’s arms tighten, a hand rubbing carefully at the tense knots in her spine.
“You look really good,” Yang says quietly. “And you planned an amazing party.” She shifts, and Weiss catches her reaching for Blake out of the corner of her eye. “And even if everything goes wrong tonight, tomorrow Blake is going to by my wife, so it’s like,” a shrug that ripples against Weiss, still wrapped in a tight hold, “everything is already perfect.”
“Yang,” Blake says, soft, careful. The single word has so much adoration it almost stings. She stands from the bench, wriggles closer until Yang folds her into the hug. Weiss works an arm free to wrap it around Blake’s waist, accepts the kiss dropped against her temple.
“You’re right,” she says, peeling away just enough to look up, to look at them looking at each other. “Everything is going to be fine.”
Everything is not fine.
They were supposed to leave the club thirty minutes ago. She had reserved a private cove along the beach for the wind-down portion of the night, had planned to have everything wrapped by midnight so Blake and Yang could get enough rest before the big day, or whatever.
It’s not exactly a night of tantalizing debauchery, but she figures they’ll have enough of those in their future.
Instead, she’s leaning up against a sticky bar top. The floor is tacky under her feet, and her heels keep getting stuck in the refuse of spilled drinks. She’s trying desperately to close the bar tab with Blake fully draped over her shoulders.
She’s practically dead weight at this point, and Weiss can feel the beginning rumblings of a purr while Blake rubs her cheek against Weiss’s shoulder.
“She’s just so funny,” Blake says. To her credit, she hardly slurs. “I mean – look at her.”
Under the pulsing lights of the dance floor, suspended in static-shocks of green-blue-red, Yang and Ilia are half-grinding, half-grappling. The intervals of flashing lights wash them in turn – open mouths, laughing, tosses of long hair, swaying hips.
Blake sighs, breath warm against Weiss’s ear. “And so hot.”
Weiss plucks her lien card from the bartender with a thanks, palms them a hefty tip, and sinks back into Blake’s embrace. Perched on a swiveling bar stool, Blake is holding her from behind, two arms around her shoulders, Weiss leaning back between her knees.
“She is certainly – something.” Weiss tries to wave them over. Yang waves back, enthusiastically, entirely missing the point. “Idiot.”
Spotting Blake, Yang pouts. Mouths something. Behind her, Weiss can feel Blake laugh.
“I’m going to go dance,” Blake says. She squirms off the bar stool, kneeing Weiss in the back in the process. “You want to come?”
“You know,” Weiss says, watches Yang light up as Blake takes half a step toward the dance floor, “I’m going to sit this one out. Wheel’s up in ten.”
Blake hardly hears her, already striding toward the strobing lights, a confident walk belying any inebriation, tossing her short, dark hair over her shoulders. She falls into the beat and sway of the music easily, Yang’s hands palming her hips, stooping to whisper something in her ear.
Weiss turns away. Decides, suddenly, she has to pee. If just because waiting in the snaking bathroom line will give her something to do.
The rest of the bachelorette party is scattered around the bar and, to no one’s surprise, Ruby is nowhere to be seen.
She had met them all at the hotel earlier – let Yang wrestle her into a headlock, and graced Blake with a long hug. She looked – good. Wearing a sleeveless blouse and short skirt, paired with combat boots, it felt distinctly her. But she had cut her hair again, a layered bob falling just under her chin, and a fresh, raised red scar puckered at her shoulder, black stitches visible in another on her thigh, just under her hemline – looking distinctly like an animal bite.
She had hugged Weiss hello, brief and glancing, but even that – the innate smell of her, the cording strength of her muscles – had made Weiss feel sick with guilt.
With a tightly packed itinerary – cocktails at the bar, dinner reservations at a swanky Vacuan hot spot, then a meandering stroll to the club where they are now – Ruby had been able to avoid her easily. Or Weiss avoided her. It was hard to tell.
There was a row of single-stall bathrooms, and the line moved at a crawl. Trapped between other clubgoers, the close-humid air of the bar was thick with sweat, the stink of fruity body spray and the heady sugar of watered-down mixed drinks.
Like this, penned in on either side, trapped between snatches of conversation, between the blurred movement of bodies, the music bobbing heads, tapping feet, she feels entirely distant from the people around her.
It’s like she’s suffocated under the weight of some unseen barrier, her on one side, everyone else on the other. Her drinks rush to her head now, warping sound, blurring her vision, slowing the world to fragments. Beside her a man’s mouth moves as he talks to a friend, she looks at his teeth. Thinks again of the mark on Ruby’s thigh.
She’s at the head of the line now, and is suddenly desperate to escape the dim light, the noise. She lurches for the door, finds it unlocked, hurries inside. The music mutes instantly, like she’s pressed her face underwater, only the tempo of the bass follows.
It’s only after she falls back against the inside of the door, face flushed, breathing hard, that she realizes she isn’t alone.
Of course.
It’s Ruby, mid-motion, drying her hands with a pulpy, brown paper towel. Eyes comically wide, her perfect rosebud mouth dropped open, she looks deer-caught, flighty. Her skin shines with sweat, likes she’s been dancing – which, Weiss knows she has, had watched her spinning Nora on the dance floor about three drinks ago – and her clothes are a little mussed, blouse half-untucked, skirt rucked high on her hips.
Weiss is staring. She’s caught, and she staring.
Ruby tosses the paper towel into the bin without looking, crosses her arms protectively over her chest.
“Hey, Weiss.”
“Hi.” Her own voice sounds embarrassingly quiet.
A beat. They both start and stop sentences at the same time.
Ruby says, “you look – ” as Weiss says, “I should – ” and both fragments strangle away to nothing.
Ruby steps closer. Tries again. “You look really good.” Her eyes flit down, fix on Weiss’s chest, and her cheeks flush. “Did Blake pick that out?”
Softly, “yeah.”
Ruby smiles then – genuine, toothy, at her most Yang when her dimples press deep into her cheeks – “I can tell.”
Breathing a laugh, Weiss presses an arm to her stomach. “She is getting married tomorrow, I thought I should let her have it, just this once.”
Ruby’s face softens further, and she rubs at the back of her neck, like she’s curbing a reflex to reach for her. Crowded between the sink and the commode, it isn’t the perfect place for a reunion. The air smells sharp, like cleaning chemicals, but not enough to mask the lingering scent of vomit. The walls are close and dark, gratified with sharpie scribbles and feathery layers of stickers and posters, corners curling up to reveal the patchwork of histories underneath.
Weiss thinks this is a huge mistake. Weiss thinks this is the best thing to happen all night. Thinks this is the most herself she has felt in months, standing a few feet away from Ruby – close enough she can make out the sleepless shadows her eyes, can see the freckle at the corner of her mouth, can feel the tension, the possibility, of a conversation between them.
“I missed you,” she says.
Instantly, Ruby’s face hardens. It’s unfamiliar on her round, graceful futures. Her lips turn down, and her muscles in her jaw pop. “You don’t get to say that.”
“I can’t miss you?”
“You broke up with me. So, no. You don’t get to miss me.”
Weiss wrings her hands, feels panic rise in her throat like nausea. “We were never together,” she says, voice climbing, knows immediately it was the wrong thing to say.
Worse than anger, Ruby looks sad now, too, eyes glassy with a dangerous cocktail of fury and tears.
“We were fucking for nine months. I don’t know what else you can call that.”
“It was casual – ”
“You told me you loved me. Does that feel casual to you?”
“I do love you,” Weiss says. The metal of the door is cold through her dress. She wonders at the line outside; wonders how much time they have before the others come looking. “I didn’t mean for things to end I just – I just needed some space.”
“We can’t go back in time, so stop trying to reverse what you said,” Ruby says, a harsh whisper. “You knew exactly what you were doing.”
Ruby lurches forward like she’s going to leave, and Weiss presses back against the doorknob, instinctively, effectively blocking her.
Ruby flinches away, surprise flashing across her face, and Weiss feels her stomach drop at her own action. It feels like the kind of thing her father would have done, her brother. To keep her in there, to keep her caged.  She steps away from the door, vodka messy and drowning.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.” She turns her back, presses her face into her hands. “You can go, I’m so sorry.”
There’s silence, then the hush of footsteps. She waits to hear the lock click, for Ruby to slip away, but she feels the press of Ruby behind her, instead.
Ruby brings her hands up to Weiss’s shoulders carefully, like she’s waiting for permission. Weiss leans back into the touch. Exhales slowly, rubs hard at her eyes. She can feel her makeup blurring, is embarrassed when the heel of her palm comes away wet.
She sniffles, chokes out a hollow laugh. “I can’t believe I’m crying in a bathroom at the club. I’m a lesbian cliché.”
“Hey,” Ruby’s voice is gentle. Her hands tighten, rubbing soothingly at her upper arms. “I also cried, so. It kind of cancels out, if you think about it.”
Weiss laughs again, real this time, feels the firm muscle of Ruby against her shoulder blades. The buttons of her shirt press hard into her skin, and despite the situation, it ignites a familiar kind of thrill. “You shouldn’t be nice to me. You should forget about it, go back to the party and let me just, like, cry myself sober in here.”
“Well, the probability of that is zero, but you go ahead,” Ruby says. She dips her head, hooks her chin, gentle, over Weiss’s shoulder. “I’ll have tissues when you’re done.”
“Are you mad at me?” Weiss says, small.
Ruby’s weight bullies into her, her hands drop to Weiss’s stomach, stroke gentle over the near-sheer fabric. “I’m so fucking mad at you.” Weiss’s breath catches. “But we aren’t going to solve anything tonight. And this weekend is about Blake and Yang, it’s not about us.”
Weiss turns in her arms. Ruby doesn’t move, just stands facing her, toe-to-toe. Weiss thinks she had forgotten what it felt like to be looked at.
She feels flushed and caught, the center of someone’s entire attention, the pressure of Ruby’s gaze more familiar than almost anything else on earth. They’ve spent nearly a decade watching each other, protecting each other, and when Ruby leans in, slants her mouth against hers, Weiss kisses back like it’s the first time she’s been seen in months.
Maybe it is.
It’s a careful kiss, chaste, brief. More habit than anything, a careful, telling comfort. Ruby pulls away, runs a thumb under Weiss’s eye, cleaning up running makeup, brushing her bangs out of her face.
“What now?” Weiss breaths. She turns her face into Ruby’s hand, presses a careful kiss to her palm.
Ruby’s eyes are steady and gray, clear, like she’s wide-awake.
“We leave the bathroom, we apologize to the poor people behind us in line, and we follow your ridiculous itinerary.” She pauses to laugh. “I mean God, it’s more detailed than most of my battle plans.”
Weiss laughs, too. Heaves a shaky breath. Takes a step back. She knows enough to give Ruby her space, knows the conversation is long from over. “And later we’ll talk?”
“Yeah, Weiss,” Ruby reaches for the door, unlocks it with her thumb, and starts to turns the knob, “later we’ll talk.”
Weiss follows her out, slipping back into the half-dark of the club, the damp roil of the crowd, the strobing lights. She knows that somewhere on the dance floor, Yang and Blake are waiting for them.
Snaking through the packed bar, trying not to trip on empty plastic cups or wayward, thrashing limbs, she almost misses it – Ruby reaching back, a hand held out for her to take.
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faunusden · 5 years
Sun’s Out Bun’s Out! Pt. 1
Part 1 of a silly fic idea of mine where a Big Buff Velvet has a Big Gau Holiday in Menagerie to meet up with Blake whom she’s dating, and meets Ilia, the adorable chameleon faunus whom Blake is also sweet on.
Expect R A I N B O W F R A P P shipping, swearing, some sexiness implications and my own terrible prose
"Fuuuuck me..." Velvet groaned, wiping sweet from her freckled brow as she stepped off of the boat. It was so gods damned hot. The rabbit faunus was not used to the heat: Menagerie was a sweltering tropical paradise for faunus, but not every faunus was a tropical species; such as her, a simple lapine. She groaned and stretched, her thick, heavily muscled frame strained and she felt several joints popping. Menagerie architecture was unlike anything she was used to back in Vale-all curves and wood and exotic styles-and it was a refreshing change, as was the cool water sloshing against the pier and the jetties. Velvet glanced at her reflection in the waters off the pier; and allowed herself a few seconds to admire her own physic before she felt her scroll vibrate in her shorts. Pulling it out, she cupped her hand around it so as to actually see the screen in the uncaring bright sun. -- Shake n Blake Hey Velvet, just wondering if u got off the boat or not yet. I kno its hot so we have cold drinks here waiting lol. See u soon! X Blake -- Smiling, Velvet responded with a text of her own. -- Buns of Steel Ye, off the boat now. Fucking A its hot-I can feel myself melting aaaaa Be there soon kit-kat. -Velvel -- Satisfied, she put the scroll away and walked along the streets of Menagerie town. She'd never been here before, and it was such a wonderful sight! Faunus of all kinds living in peace, away from human racism and oppression. Cool clear waters. She caught the eye of a canine faunus wagging her tail and smirking at her, clearly eyeing her abs up. Hotties... Velvet shook her head, causing her ears to flop about. Not even in Menagerie for an hour and already crushing on every hot girl she saw. Smooth, Velvet, really smooth. The walk wasn't much further; but it was a pain in the ass to hop between shade beneath palm trees and buildings. The sprawling manor house that the Belladonna clan resided in came into view; imposing in person as it was in picture. Velvet gulped; even though she knew Blake, having been with the feline faunus for some time, she had never been to her family home before, nor even Menagerie itself. This was all so much for her to take in, she hoped she wouldn't mess up by being a dumbass. Her scroll buzzed once more. -- Shake n Blake U here yet? My parents are dying to meet u and keep asking me when ure gonna b here! Blake X -- That was relieving, Velvet breathed out a sigh. She was practically at the gates of the place and so didn't feel it neccessary to text her back. Here goes... Velvet knocked on the door, the heavy wood giving a resounding, almost echoing thud with each blow to it. For a good few seconds there was no response, nothing happened. But then, slowly, there was a loud clunk behind the doors, and one of them began to open, and Blake's grinning face emerged to greet her. "Velvet! You finally made it!" the dark skinned cat Faunus beamed, swinging the door open fully and embracing her buff rabbit girlfriend in a deep hug, capping it off with a gentle smooch. "Hey, Blakeyboo~" she responded, her strong arms almost crushing the taller, but thinner girl against her when she tightened the hug. "Ew, you're sweaty as shit." Blake chuckled, her nose almost crinkling from Velvet's strong, musky odor. "Gonna need a shower before you meet my folks, and uh, someone else I want you to meet." Velvet cocked her head, someone else? Blake had alluded to there being another girl she was sweet on, and Velvet was okay with that, but she hadn't expected her to maybe meet this mysterious waif during her brief stay. From what she knew, this mystery girl was some form of reptilian faunus? "Right, where's your shower then luv?" she rolled her eyes. About thirty minutes later, the now squaky clean Velvet was clad only in a towel within the Belladonna clan's bathroom, drying her ears off. She looked in the mirror and smirked as she let the towel loosen enough to reveal her muscles; abs and biceps that made even the likes of Pyrrha Nikos and Yang Xiao Long, the two other buff girls of Beacon jealous. The click of the door opening behind her and subsequent gasp of shock made her rabbit ears twitch and she spun around to see who had walked in on her. She assumed it was Blake being mischievous, as she was wont to do, but instead it was...another faunus girl? "A-ah... I-I'm...I;m sorry, I didn't...!" she squeaked, hiding her scaly face behind her hands. Was her face...glowing? She was blushing so hard she was almost glowing pink. It was so cute. "Hey hey, its okay!" Velvet said softly, trying to show that she wasn't bothered by this accidental intrusion. "My fault for not lockin' the door eh? Calm down sheila, okay?" The new girl relaxed, removing her hands from her face enough so that her grey eyes were visible. Velvet took her in:  A short, skinny girl with a tan complexion and patches of scales, and long brown hair in a ponytail. She was clad in a simple black tank top and blue shorts, and was wearing sandals. her facial scales still thrummed a vibrant pink, seems that they changed color to indicate her mood. "You Ilia Amitola?" she asked her, tightening her towel back up. "Y-yes, I am! And you must be...Velvet?" Ilia responded, finally sharing a tiny smile now that she wasn't freaking out about seeing a buff rabbit faunus almost naked in the bathroom. "Yup, Velvet Scarlatina, at yer service." Velvet did a mock curtsy, her ears sagging down comically. "Blake told me you'd be coming, but hadn't mentioned you were already here..." "Oh, she must have expected you to accidentally walk in on me almost. or actually naked then." Velvet rolled her eyes. "Where're her parents anyway?" "Ghira is away on business, something to do with tribes up on the northern most part of the islands. Kali is out shopping. So its just me, you and Blake." Velvet smiled and grabbed her clothes, motioning for Ilia to leave while she dressed. "Unless you want a show I'd suggest you take your cute scaly arse outta here." Ilia's facial scales flushed bright pink once more and she wordlessly, practically jumped out of the room and shut the door so quickly there blast of air from its slam chilled Velvet. She laughed and went about dressing herself. Blake, your other girlfriend is an adorable little dork.
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brokenthehero · 5 years
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A team forged from Former Villains! Dedicated to Stopping their Enemies by Any Means Necessary.
Penny - Atlesian Automaton, Rescued and Reprogrammed, and Back to her Happy-Go-Lucky Persona, but Hiding a Killer Streak if Pressed Too Far. Powers: Cybernetic Input; Sword Manipulation; Energy Blasts; Irrepressible Nature.
Ilia - Former White Fang Stealth Operative Excited For A Brand New Start; Powers: Dust Whip; Stealth; Enthusiasm!
Neopolitan - Vicious Criminal Manifesting some Community Service in Exchange for Helping to Bring Down the Sinister Salem. Powers: Manifestation(?); Sociopathy(?) The Token Evil Character.
Emerald - Would Rather Just Rest, but her Deeply Buried Better Nature Forces her to Lend Her Knowledge of Enemy Forces to the Cause. Powers: Mental Illusions; Regrets.
So I had this idea, right. Three RWBY characters that are somewhere on the spectrum of Evil But Maybe Not As Such, from Ilia’s reformation, Emerald’s apparent regrets, and Neo’s “Totally gonna backstab Cinder as soon as possible” thing. And I was casting around for a fourth character, because apparently teams always have to be 4x people.
And I was, like, ‘If Penny really does come back, as some sort of rebuilt body with similar Aura/consciousness, then she’ll almost certainly be pitted against the heroes for a time before Ruby wakes her up and we get Happy Grinning Robogal again.
So that’d make four reformed/semi-reformed villains that by hook or by crook, the heroes could point at the real villains and go “Sic ‘em!” Totally legally distinct from X-Force! Plzdon’tsuememarvel.
I also made the mistake of drawing the characters in their little quadrants before i tried to figure out their team name, which is why Penny’s not up at the top like a leader should be. Also, PINE is the only combination of letters that creates an actual color. Plus theoretically Oscar/Oz would have something to do with setting this Attack Team up. So maybe it works out?
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“I want to… be with you…” ( from luxagarde I smol hilde to curran )
violet evergarden starters // SMOLS SMOLS SMOLS SMOLS
    They’d almost certainly be in trouble for this later--skipping service, sneaking up to the old belltower with a satchel of candy, legs danging out through the guard rails. And skipping was really the unforgivable part of that equation; the old abbess who looked after them was a real sour apple and scolded them like there was no tomorrow whenever they broke the rules, but not showing up when the old priest rambles off the same old sermon they’d all heard a billion times now? She treated it like a personal affront to Ilia herself. She’d probably have Curran scrubbing the church top to bottom.
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     He hadn’t tried to be cruel when they’d first met, just realistic--Hildegarde’s parents weren’t coming back, so why bother? Why put so much effort into trying to impress people who’d never care anyway? She’d taken quite a bit of offence to that, which Curran hadn’t really understood at the time--maybe he just didn’t get it, not having parents of his own. Hilde had snapped at him, insisted that of course they were coming back--
    Days passed. Then weeks. It’s been a few months now since they left Hildegarde here, and it seems she’s finally coming to terms with it... and likewise, Curran is starting to understand why it made her so upset. Of course she’s hurt by it--she’s not like the other kids here who have never known what it’s like to have parents. The abbess insists they’re all brothers and sisters in the eyes of Ilia or whatever, but Curran has seriously come to doubt that. The older kids especially loved to pick on them because for once they were finally the strong ones. That’s not a position a bunch of poor orphan kids get to fill much.
    Hilde, though--he thinks he’s okay with calling Hildegarde family. She seems like she could use one, anyway.  
    “I’m not going nowhere,” he promises, pulling another treat from the bag and popping it in his mouth. “You don’t need some crummy parents who just want to forget about you. You got a new family now, and I ain’t going to leave you behind like those jerks.” // @luxagarde
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