#seteth x jeralt
burned-enigma · 1 year
Hey y'all, I'm looking for an FE3H RP! Looking for m/m or m/f ships like Ferdibert, Dimilix, Jeralt x Seteth, Rodrigue x Lambert, Yuri x Balthus, or Claurenz! (if you want something different we can discuss!!) I could play Ferdinand, Dimitri, Felix, Seteth, Rodrigue, Balthus, or Lorenz for the mentioned ships, but I can play others depending on what we want!
I am a literate writer, and am also looking for emotional depth. 18+ will not be turned away, but I don't want it to be the entirety of the rp. Totally open to doing Canon, AUs, or "fix it" things!
Just hit me up on Tumblr or Discord (burnedfreedom is my tag on Discord) and we can discuss plot and others!!
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wingsofhcpe · 2 years
THE HOPE THAT BINDS US;; A Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes true ending.
Chapter 1: Edelgard must reach a decision.
Characters: Edelgard von Hresvelg, Ferdinand von Aegir, Shez, Byleth Eisner, Jeralt Reus Eisner, Seteth, Flayn.
Core ships: f!Shezleth, ferdieflayn, setjeralt
Quick summary: basically I'm writing an ending for Scarlet Blaze/3 Hopes in general since IntSys apparently ain't gonna do it.
Reblogs greatly appreciated 💖
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asperrusual · 2 years
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3h x The Onion
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alora-thetotd · 2 years
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certified dilfs: Rodrigue, Jeralt, and Seteth
i had way too much fun with this mwahaha
should i make a certified milfs????
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sergeanthopeless · 5 months
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Happy WIP Wednesday! Sleep training with my baby is going GREAT which means I'm getting full nights of sleep and I'm feeling RESTED and actually have time and energy to write consistently! (Plus I'm my brother's accountability buddy for his 2024 goal of writing every day, so that helps too)
Here's a peek at chapter 12 of my Setleth arranged marriage AU:
To Her Grace, Lady Byleth, Enlightened One of the Church of Seiros: I know of a place where we might find more information about Flayn. If you want to tag along, meet me by the entrance to the training grounds at second bell after noon on Sunday. But for the love of the Saints, wear something that stands out less. Jeralt
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hecvenwept · 2 years
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@gottgenug​:  seteth is busy talking to hanneman, right next to the fishing pond, which gives jeralt the perfect opportunity to prove his point from a few days ago— that is, tossing byleth into any lakes if they asked him to really wasn't that bad. seteth was, frankly, appalled at the mere idea, so the knight now swoops in, heaves the advisor over his shoulders, and jumps into the lake with a running start. is he cackling? maybe, a little bit.
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It takes him a few seconds to process what exactly is happening;; one moment he’s just standing there, having a conversation with Hanneman about the practical matters and logistics of the upcoming White Heron Cup and whatnot, and the other he’s suddenly scooped up by Jeralt and tossed over one shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and then, when Jeralt starts running towards the direction of the pond, Seteth realises what’s going on and--
❝ No, Jeralt, don’t-- ❞
Too late, he realises, as Jeralt vaults them both over the edge of the little lake and a moment later they land haphazardly into the water in a tangle of limbs and oh for the love of Saint Seiros the water is freezing.
Somehow, Seteth manages to kick himself free from Jeralt’s vice, breaks the surface of the water gasping and yelping like a drowning cat. 
❝ JERALT-- ❞ He cries, teeth clattering, trying to stay afloat. And Jeralt is laughing, cackling really, and oh, Seteth is going to murder him. Hanneman, too, probably, since he’s also laughing and he doesn’t look shaken at all, which leads him to believe the scholar was in cahoots with Jeralt to begin with. 
❝ Why- What- Why did you do this?! ❞
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raxistaicho · 10 months
Just on the topic that Sothis might magically reconstitute herself and do a bunch of Goddess stuff, including overthrowing Edelgard like her detractors seem to think she will, Fire Emblem Heroes gives some context on what is actually happening with Byleth, courtesy of Seteth.
Fallen Rhea: I believed that if I could resurrect
my mother... I could regain all that had been lost...
Seteth: Your mother? Lady Rhea, you know
full well that such a thing is
forbidden, and yet...
[Alphonse asks what is happening, Seteth explains Rhea's deepest most secreted desire is to bring Sothis back to life.]
Seteth: Day by day, year by year, that desire must have grown, but...it would be the greatest affront of all.
For it was Sothis herself who forbade any and all attempts to return her to life.
Is this the consequence of Lady Rhea’s attempting to break that stricture?
If so, her words can mean only one thing...
1. Seteth says that it was Sothis herself that told the Nabateans not to bring her back to life.
This means she knows it's possible and DOES NOT want it to happen. (I personally have a theory that Sothis was attempting to tell Rhea to become the next "Goddess" to lead Fodlan onwards as their protector and guide when she speak to her in the Holy Tomb before she meets Wilhelm. This would make sense as Rhea says that the name Seiros was given to her in VW, which seems confusing at first until you remember that her birth name is likely "The Immaculate One" or "The White One," in the same way Sothis' is "The Beginning," and Byleth "The Enlightened One." Seiros being a name that references Sirius/The Blue Sea Star and Sothis herself, along with the entanglement of the Crest of Flames and Seiros being the first and last tarot card numbers to actually appear in Three Houses. But I digress.)
2. Not only were the Nabateans told not to bring Sothis back to life, Seteth readily assumes that Rhea is being PUNISHED for attempting to do so. Obviously he's wrong, but it paints a picture of the person Goddess Sothis was and just how taboo this act is.
3. We learn later in this event that Rhea's degeneration is caused by her despair at not being able to resurrect her mother, which obviously matches the in game reasoning. (It also heavily implies that this is THE only thing keeping Rhea from degeneration. She has no other purpose left, which I feel is why she is so so strangely distant, distracted, and unreachable throughout the game. Sothis even criticises her lack of observation that lead to Solon's presence in Garreg Mach. Detachment is clearly not a trait Goddess Sothis would have tolerated in her children. The Nabateans are often hinted at being warriors or at the very least militant by TWSitD and the Shadow Library records, combined with Seteth's intense nature, Rhea's reactions to opposition, Seiros' actions in battle, and the combat oriented nature of Crests. They're all obviously caring, but in the Greek Pantheon/Old Testament kind of way.)
All of this is to say that it's not Byleth or Sothis' heart that "breaks" at the end of Crimson Flower, it's Rhea's.
She's begging and demanding Byleth give her mother's heart back.
We know Sothis is still around. Her essence is in Byleth's soul ever since they merged.
Sothis also says the Crest Stone is nothing but a decoration in every ending of the game, the thing has been empty ever since that point. The only thing keeping it around was Rhea's magic.
There's some heavy implication there that even IF Rhea had been able to retrieve the Crest Stone from Byleth, there wouldn't be a Sothis within it to revive.
Sothis herself didn't just put herself into Byleth, she very likely, and intentionally, made it impossible to revive her from that point onwards.
Now, obviously Rhea can die in SS, but that's also the route where Byleth chooses divinity, that doesn't mean the Crest Stone is still actually doing something when Byleth absolutely should have the Major Crest of Seiros as Jeralt's child. It's literally the X factor Rhea claims to be the difference in Byleth compared to the other vessels. Byleth herself might be keeping the Stone whole, not intentionally, but subconsciously. The same way we all beat our hearts.
Just some thoughts. Rhea is the only one who wanted Sothis back, including Sothis herself. I mean Byleth also wants that, but they get what they want with soul merged Ghosthis.
Also, if Sothis didn't want Edelgard alive, why the hell would she help Byleth wake up? Or bring the rain in CF, or allow Byleth the ability to run through these cycles at all, which her opening dialogue of "It is almost time to begin" and "Drift through the flow of time to find the answers that you seek..."
Considering the Black Eagles is the only route where greater context and knowledge actually enables you to alter the outcome, these quotes show an awareness of that fact. Especially since AM requires the LEAST knowledge of grander events.
Sothis supporting Edelgard and not wanting to be revived is also supported by how "To the End of a Dream" serves as a reference to Rhea's dream to resurrect Sothis, Sothis' constant sleeping, AND Byleth being "The End/Ending" to Sothis' "Beginning."
Sothis canonically, endorses Edelgard through her opinions, actions, foreknowledge/hindsight, and the meta of the game.
It's no mistake that VW and CF titles make allusions to dawn, waking, change and spring, while SS and AM reference night, dreaming, conservation, and winter. The game and Sothis both have a preference.
(Sorry for the essay, I got carried away. I have a lot of thoughts on all four of these ladies.)
Not at all, that was a really interesting bit of analysis! I especially liked point 3 and the point on Sothis acting against Rhea in CF. I broadly knew most of the details from Heroes, but I didn't quite know all the specifics, so I appreciate you sharing them.
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fantasyinvader · 3 months
Regarding Heroes depicting Edelgard looking for pawns with a “low sense of self.” A sense of self, or rather an understanding of who you are, is something important to have. It allows us to be ourselves, as we know what comes from us and what comes from others. That I genuinely believe A, B, and C and therefore support those rather than supporting X, Y and Z because I see others supporting them. Or to use a literary example, this is rampant in American Psycho as it's characters are so caught up in appearances that they dress like buffoons because it's supposedly fashionable, eat foods they like because it's trendy, buy art they don't understand to look sophisticated and spout beliefs they don't believe because society tells them they are correct. This all leads to Patrick Bateman either being or imagining himself as a serial killer in order to feel like an individual in such a conformist society (with the novel having clues he's not the only one doing this.
Ironically, Edelgard says this to Jeritza who she uses for the Death Knight. She took Emile killing to save his mother and sister and twisted that, leading to a man with severe mental illness that is degrading his mind and a desire to die in order to stop his “other self.” Not to mention, her calling a man she's admitting to using a pawn. And considering that Edelgard is dressed up as the Flame Emperor in this, which is also her ending title, this likely reflects what her actual views are.
Jeritza, Hubert, Monica, even Byleth aren't friends or allies, as she continues to believe that she is all alone in this struggle and fails to see their contributions for what they actually are. Edelgard merely sees them as pawns, tools she can shape to do whatever she wants. That's her going after those will low senses of self. Hell, this is her attempt at consoling Byleth after Jeralt's death. Hell, if you think about it the decision to join Edelgard ultimately comes down to ignoring Byleth's default stance, the morality they would have otherwise gained in White Clouds, in order to side with Edelgard. We disregard Byleth's character by deciding to support Edelgard.
And this is something that really clicked. Remember Seteth's infamous line about how Edelgard is not merely a tyrant? I think this is what it's referring to. She is not a mere tyrant, she's something worse. She does something to people in a less literal manner than TWSITD, she turns people into animals.
Her path is called out in the Japanese text by Dimitri as the path of the beast, which relating to Buddhist terms means that it's a path of ignorance, delusion or foolishness. Animals don't operate on morality or reason, they operate on instinct where the strong prey on the weak and the weak fear the strong. We can see a reflection of this in the parley, where when challenged on the world she seeks to create only benefiting the strong Edelgard in turn blames the weak if her world doesn't benefit them. Meanwhile, the world of humans is where souls can exercise self-control, not falling prey to their instincts and instead act in a humane manner. And it's from the world of humans that you can start working towards Nirvana, but without control a soul can fall back into one of the lower realms. It's the route where Byleth spiritually regresses, and in Azure Moon we see Edelgard turn herself into a beast unit as supposedly the end point of her ideals.
Now think about the “low sense of self” in the context of this. By siding with Edelgard, Byleth loses their paralogue where Rhea leaves behind her shield because Byleth ended up betraying Rhea. On top of that, Ferdinand and Caspar lose theirs as well despite being native to the Black Eagle class. Those paralogues and their rewards are lost to the player, in addition to how Ferdinand can not be confronted with his father being blamed for Arundel's actions or Caspar can't prove his strength against the Death Knight he wanted to bring down. Linhardt supports a bloody war despite hating bloodshed, Bernie is so scared she resolves herself to kill others before they can kill her, Petra fights to enslave two nations to free her own from the Empire, and Dorothea will support Edelgard's fuck the poor mentality while blaming Sothis for the war Edelgard started. And that's not counting the optional recruits to Safflower.
They lose some of who they are when they side with Edelgard, and I don't think they're the only ones. When Edelgard sets up the Southern Church in Hopes with a wildly different gospel, it's noted in game that it appeals to people who didn't like what the Church of Seiros taught. And we also know that the Imperial army kills everyone who doesn't bend the knee, and according to the Japanese text go out of control while invading other nations post-war. Edelgard's influence is turning people into animals, making them lose whatever morality they had as well as their ability to reason. Like at the end of Safflower, some of the cast realize that Edelgard is lying to them and keeping things secret while blaming the Church for Arianrhod but they still support her to the end. Even characters who reject Edelgard's beliefs and instead still practice altruism still supported her in making Fodlan Ayn Rand's wet dream.
The last chapter being called “To the end of a dream” ending with the cutscene where Rhea is killed called “A world for humanity” though. I believe those are ultimately related to this. It's not that Edelgard kills Rhea and ushers in an era of humanity, it's that by killing Rhea and replacing Sothis's teachings with her own beliefs, Edelgard is ending the world of humanity as she pushes Fodlan back into the world of animals. That in doing so, Edelgard takes away teachings that teach morality or reasoning in order to impose her own will upon Fodlan. The will that would lead her to becoming the Hegemon Husk while still believing she's doing this for “humanity.” But her ideals are implied to have come from the Agarthans manipulating her into creating a world for them, and to the Agarthans “beasts” are anyone who is a non-Agarthan because they view themselves as the only true humans. But at the same time, they do not act in a humane manner or are self-aware enough to realize their fall from grace was a consequence of their own actions (much like Edelgard). In essence, the people calling others beasts are the real beasts themselves.
It's the subversion here. Much like how you need to rescue the dragon from the princess, the dragon represents humanity whereas the princess represents devolving into a mindless, immoral monster. And it took Heroes to help point it out because of the translation fucking things up.
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genshinemblem564 · 11 months
Intermission I: Festival
Occasionally in my stories there will be chapters called intermissions, where the focus will be on interactions between characters and are used to move the story along, as to not linger too long at a certain point. As a rule, intermissions hold no plot points, but that doesn't mean that the points brought up won't be touched upon later. Essentially, these can be seen as filler. Intermissions are formatted like headcanons for the sake of efficiency.
Hilda x Marianne ship hinted at
Childe and Tartaglia used interchangeably
Not proofread
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• Once Xinyan started playing, everyone was in awe. You had tried to explain rock to them before but could never find the right words, and it was made abundantly clear why from this performance.
• Hu Tao spent a great deal of time listening to Mercedes's ghost stories, enamored by the feeling of a chill running down her spine from words alone.
• Xiangling was having the time of her life. Not only was Raphael willing to taste test almost anything, but Dedue was more than willing to share some Duscur recipes.
• Ashe and Xingqiu hit it off almost immediately. How could they not while they both hold a burning passion for literature, chivalry, and justice? They've both commented on how the other seems like a hero from a story they read, one of noble birth and one of humble origins.
• You already know but I'm going to say it anyway. Felix and Childe got into a fight. It was actually closer than you'd think, Childe still won but he was so impressed that someone without a vision could do so well against him. Offered to be Felix's sparring partner again in the future.
• Beidou, Catherine, Jeralt, and Alois are now drinking buddies.
• You shared your reward money with the others, not having much use for the sheer amount and also knowing you wouldn't regret it as Ningguang has already discussed a meeting schedule with Alfonse and Sharena to discuss a currency exchange rate.
• Dorothea, Manuela, and Yun Jin discuss how operas of their respective worlds differ, the two divas hoping to give the current opera singer any pointers they can. She likely doesn't need any, but she's so curious that she wouldn't say that out loud.
• Hilda, finally having some mora thanks to you, decided to try on some fancy Liyue dresses, and Hilda's fashion choice combined with Liyue's style of clothing left Marianne a blushing, stuttering mess.
• Ferdinand was enthralled by Teyvat's many weapons. Even just the polearms had a variety of designs and it sparked his collector's flame, and when he heard some people had signature weapons unique to them, without being sacred artifacts or heirlooms, he wanted to explore all of Teyvat at that point just to see these weapons.
• Seteth, Flayn, and Rhea were interested in Liyue's religion and history, but not wanting a glorified children's tale they asked around and were led to Ganyu, who was surprised but thrilled that someone outside of Liyue's devoted was so interested in its history to the point of wanting the facts without the fluff.
• If you thought Shamir and Yelan would get along, you were wrong. They don't hate each other, but Yelan can't stand how blunt and work focused Shamir is. It's more of a one-sided thing as Shamir actually doesn't mind Yelan's "outgoing" attitude. (I had to close the game because I was not expecting this woman to whisper in my/Aether's ear during the last Lantern Rite event.) However, they both have mutual respect for each other's efficiency. Their interaction was brief, so they didn't really get to know each other.
• Dimitri, Edelgard, and Yuri wished not to offend any Liyue citizens and to not be cheated like the tourists they are, leading them to Yanfei, who was more than willing to teach someone about Liyue's laws and how to avoid scam artists.
• Claude wants to learn about Liyue's culture. Being the idealist that he is, he hopes it'll help him find a way to convince Almyra and Fodlan to stop fighting. This leads him to ask around, starting conversations with countless familiar faces.
• The two Byleths were keen to bring Sothis to a food stall, as the goddess has only recently attained a physical form thanks to being summoned. The two were met with a fist to the gut each after commenting on how cute she looked while eating.
• Arval, being in a similar position as Sothis, is also accompanied by the two Shez's. However, they seem more interested in physical activity like dancing or making their own lantern.
• Hubert, while keeping an eye on Edelgard from the shadows, was scared half to death when he realized he was being watched by a masked spearman. While their face was covered, he could feel a glare that threatened to pierce his entire being. Truly, none can escape the eye of The Vigilant Yaksha.
• Lorenz could be found trading poems with Xingqiu or Hu Tao.
• Jeritza was accompanying Mercedes and was practically being harassed by Tartaglia's requests to spar after hearing about him from Felix.
• The Traveler and Paimon met Constance and Hapi. They were kind of put off by Hapi's seemingly uncaring tone, but it was cute how her tone would shift when talking about her Coco. Constance was bosting about house Nuvelle as usual. When the two groups parted, Paimon couldn't help but comment on how familiar Constance's behavior was, but she couldn't explain why.
• Ingrid had lost sight of Sylvain, and when she found him, he was talking to Shenhe. Assuming the usual was taking place, she grabs Sylvain by the ear, apologizes, and drags him off, leaving Shenhe confused, as they were just talking about flowers.
• Monica is attached to Edelgard at the hip, constantly trying to get her to wear some accessories she thought would look nice on her.
• Bernadetta, still on the boat, decides to paint the harbor as the lanterns lit up the city enough for her to see it, and her window gave her the perfect view.
• Linhardt tried getting books from Wanwen bookhouse, but he couldn't tell fact from fiction, as in he couldn't read Teyvat's writing. Due to language not being a topic of interest for him, he gives up.
• Caspar and Ignatz had left the city. Caspar had too much energy to stay in the harbor, and Ignatz wanted to paint Liyue from a good angle. Both had a chance encounter with Kazuha, who complimented their respective qualities.
• Balthus had told everyone about Genius Invokation and suggested it to them as well
If someone is absent from this, it means I couldn't think of anything involving them. My knowledge of certain characters is limited( I had to dig for Lorenz's poetry bit. ). Also, I know Yelan isn't really like that, but I put that in because I thought it might get a chuckle out of some people.
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dazzlerazz · 8 months
Would you believe me if I said Seteth x Jeralt?
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meggannn · 1 year
Three Houses/Hopes x Taskmaster
AKA here's how I think the kids would do in a school-wide Taskmaster competition.
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notes/explanations/ramblings under the cut
My thinking is that this is a lighthearted team-building game across houses, like a school sports day, so that’s why it’s students-only. If the staff participated, here's how I'd categorize them:
Rhea: I do not see a universe in which she participates lol. like I try to envision it and it does not compute
Seteth: just does the task
I included Cyril above just cause of his age and his likelihood to become a Garreg Mach student post-canon. He's only in “asks for help” because he needs someone to read the tasks out. After he hears it he’d be “just does the task.” But I wanted to put someone else in the bottom category with Hilda lol
Hanneman: would fall under the “distinguished older gentleman who completely loses his marbles over something small” category if there was one. Otherwise, loophole user or overly competitive
Manuela: I didn’t make an “older woman who makes every task as horny as possible” category, but if she was involved I’d make one just for her
Gilbert: gets distracted by something small, like categorizing all the rubber ducks by color or cleaning up after himself, and forgets to do the task. In this tier, “doesn’t give a fuck”
Catherine: overly competitive
Shamir: just does the task
Alois: does his best with mixed results
Jeralt: doesn’t give a fuck
Alois as Taskmaster was something I came around to after the subreddit recommended it. He'd award a bonus point randomly to whoever genuinely laughs at his puns.
I considered Seteth as Little Alex Horne, because he does have a sense of humor, but I think he's too genuine of a “straight man” to join in the spirit of the game. I do think he'd do well in the studio portion, reciting the stats and calling out mistakes/quipping back when the conversation gets rowdy.
But I like the thought of Byleth as the assistant for the recorded on-site tasks as someone who: 1. would get their hands dirty, and 2. doesn't mind the students making fun of them. Either way, I think a hard-working assistant (Seteth/Byleth) carefully planning all of these tasks only for the results to be judged by Alois who decides winners on his whims would be a funny inverse of the Davies/Horne dynamic, and very on brand with the show.
I thought about putting Ingrid in the “just does it” category but I think she’d get competitive if it were a game of BL vs other houses. If it’s just her house, she’d just want to have a good time. If it’s vs the other houses, she wants to represent her country well.
Annette is in the competitive category because she reads the task and immediately gets to work once the timer starts. Too concerned with Doing a Good Job and doesn’t read over the task and think it over, much less check under the table or look for any hints.
Claude also could have been in “overly competitive” but I think he’d have too much fun trying to find loopholes that he wouldn’t care about winning, he’d just try to have a good time bending the rules as much as possible or getting a rise out of the TM+assistant. Like Rhod Gilbert but with less antagonism.
Petra is in the loophole-user category because she is smart, and I think her second-language skills would help her here. She’d read instructions and interpret them as the Rules as Written, not Rules as Intended, which comes in handy in this game.
I haven't played Scarlet Blaze yet, so admittedly I had to make an educated guess on Monica based on content I've seen at a glance and fandom reactions to her.
Lysithea is ambitious in schoolwork and stuff that matters, but I think for something this nonsensical, she’d just do the task to get it over with. That is assuming she shows up at all.
I was torn with Sylvain because he is the type to show off, but since this is something that ultimately does not matter, he doesn’t want to try hard, fail, and look like an idiot doing something stupid like Felix or His Highness, so I think he’d just be in it for a good time. He occasionally wins without even trying, which absolutely infuriates Felix, who says he does not care (he does care).
For Felix himself I swung between “overly competitive,” “just does the task,” and “doesn't give a fuck.” But I think he's competitive only in certain things (he wouldn't get bent out of shape if he can't draw a horse with his feet), and I think he is too passionate a person to put in no effort at all. For most tasks I think he'd fall somewhere in the middle in terms of effort, thinking this is all stupid but still privately kind of wanting to do well.
Subcategory 1: “Does the tasks while wearing a unique/weird Taskmaster outfit” includes Sylvain, Caspar, Hilda, Flayn (Seteth helped her make it), and all the house leaders. Dimitri and Edelgard got convinced into wearing one by their class. Claude was down to wear one immediately.
Subcategory 2: “Does good on the art tasks and nothing else” includes Ignatz, Flayn, and Bernadetta
I see Claude making a running gag out of his prize tasks, like something that embarrasses Edelgard or Dimitri every single round but it's always a tossup who it'll be. Like for "bring in the thing someone will miss the most," he'd bring in all of Dimitri's left shoes. Claude would also bring in the Sword of the Creator for "most high-octane item" and it's unclear whether he stole it or Byleth lent it to him because she thought it'd be funny.
Caspar would get a tattoo of the Taskmaster.
Raphael brings in the grilled cheese/cheese toastie box for "best subscription."
Hilda would be a big-time bullshitter like Judi Love trying to talk up all of her prize tasks.
Petra would bring in a reindeer skull for "most unusual item."
Hubert would find some way to bring in human blood in every task.
In a shocking turn of events, Ashe would steal the Spear of Assal for his "best stolen item."
Leonie is responsible for the "And I haggled for it" running joke, but it's unintentional.
Someone like Edelgard, Dedue, or maybe Ignatz would bring in the puzzle box, I'm not entirely sure who, but what I DO know is that Sylvain is responsible for "Just open the box, you p***y" and Byleth calmly stands, motions him over, and pulls him outside to chastise him while the entire class watches in disbelief/horror.
Ingrid brings in the laminator. It's by far her proudest moment in the competition.
Edelgard would be like Victoria Coren Mitchell: She'd keep trying to apply reason to the tasks, with mixed results, but on certain things (that may or may not even help her in the competition) I think she'd shine. Like when Victoria calculated everyone's scores in her head before Alex and Greg did, or when she taught herself how to ride a bike on camera just to complete the task.
Dimitri would just try to have a good time, but the assistant would need so many extra props because he'd end up breaking a lot of the materials. He would do excellent on all the food tasks though. In "Eat this egg the fastest" he'd just break it on the counter and swallow it raw.
Claude would get caught out by the two-part tasks every time because he'd try to be so clever working on Part 1 that it'd end up fucking him over. He'd make the obscenely tall chocolate sandwich for "make the most exotic sandwich" only for the second task to say he now has to eat all of it as fast as possible.
Felix mockingly saying "All the information is on the task" becomes a meme. Most of his tasks are crumpled from all the times he's clenched his fist in anger.
Leonie + Hilda on a team = Ed Gamble + David Baddiel. "Can I just check, have I been put on a team with Hilda Valentine Goneril?"
Solo tasks: The TM would probably want to give all the house leaders unique tasks, e.g. making Edelgard count all the beans in a can or Dimitri send him 500 cheeky texts. But I think Felix, Ferdinand, Hilda, Sylvain, or Lorenz getting extra tasks would be best for entertainment value. I think Felix is the only one who might be a sore loser about it, but god it'd be funny (even Lorenz might laugh it off if he sees it ~endears him to the public~ or something).
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indigowallbreaker · 1 year
could I change that last ask to be manuela x jeralt x seteth instead?
I deleted the first ask like a fool but I remember you had asked for the dialogue "Have some of this. You’ll feel better." It's from the Soft Prompts list but, uh... I did this instead.
Seteth doesn't look up when he hears the sharp tap of heels on the stones steps behind him. He doesn't jolt when a soft hand touches his shoulder. He doesn't shift over to make room when someone stands beside him.
He just stares at the gravestone. Has been since sunrise. Snow has long since numbed his feet and the freezing winds of Ethereal Moon have reddened his cheeks. Yet he doesn't think to go inside and sink into a chair by the hearth.
"Five years next week," Manuela says. It's a statement. It's an apology. She slips her fingers through his.
Five years since their trio had broken forever. Seteth swallows and nods. There's nothing to say to that. No condolences or comforts he can offer that he hadn't already said five years ago-- and every Ethereal Moon since.
Manuela apparently doesn't expect him to say anything. She lifts the bottle in her other hand. "To Jeralt," she says, followed by a hearty gulp. She holds out the bottle to Seteth. "Here. You'll feel better."
He knows she's lying. And Manuela knows that Seteth knows she's lying. But he takes the bottle and downs half of it anyway. Though she huffs in annoyance when he hands the bottle back, she leans against him anyway.
They watch the gentle morning snow cover Jeralt's grave. Manuela doesn't take another sip, Seteth doesn't say a word, and the sun silently climbs higher into the sky.
It's some time before Manuela begins to slowly guide Seteth away. She murmurs something about getting food in their stomachs and Seteth must nod because she sets off with purpose up the graveyard steps. At the top of the staircase, they come face to face with Byleth.
"Professor!" Manuela says with astonishment. "How are you feeling? Yesterday's battle was exhausting-- I thought you would still be resting."
Byleth gives Manuela a wan smile and shakes their head. Seteth agrees. There is too much to be done to rest for long. They have a real shot against the Empire, and too much time has been lost already.
That in mind, Seteth doesn't look over his shoulder. "When you are done, meet me in my office," he says. His voice is thinner than he would like but his words are firm. "There is much you need to learn about the state of Fódlan before we can proceed."
Byleth nods. Grips Seteth's arm briefly as they pass for the stairs. Seteth hears them descend the stone steps towards their father's grave and wills his feet forward, Manuela and her bottle in tow.
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kyogre-blue · 10 months
Started a low effort playthrough of 3H Golden Deer. I actually played part of Blue Lions a year? two years? ago and got up to the month where you choose the dancer, but then just kind of put it down and didn't touch it again.
This time, I'm going to play the least emotionally involved route (or so I hear) with the least politicking, no talking to NPCs, no looking up anything about anyone's optimal builds, minimal grinding, keeping the recruiting down. Hopefully, I'll be able to get through it this way.
So far, without the personal connection the Blue Lions had to the missions, the story slants much more toward the mythological aspect, with a side of "Claude is kind of sus, what's his deal."
The progression of lore is actually pretty clean and direct. Red Canyon is a long term mystery, then we see a Relic for the first time (via Catheryne), then we get our super-Relic (Sword of the Creator), then Nemesis is introduced and our Crest of Flames, then we find out that Relics have a dark side (turning people into Black Beasts).
It holds together pretty well as a fantasy adventure kind of story, so far.
However, it does run into the flipside - (non-Avatar) characters aside from Claude and maybe Lorenz feels entirely disconnected from the storyline. Every time we get a whole class group discussion about things, it's very... awkward, because these characters were dumped on you en masse from the very start, and none of them know each OR have anything to contribute. Even once you start getting their supports, they're largely so low-stakes and simple that they don't feel like they explain the class being adjacent to the Relics and Church storyline.
Additionally, it's not immediately noticeable if you're not keeping track, but the fact that we go to the Kingdom twice is weird. We don't go to Alliance (so far), we don't go to Empire... you're just arbitrarily leaving out two thirds of the continent, including your team's homeland.
And at the same time, the more Blue Lions related aspects weren't removed from the quests entirely. Catheryne name drops the Tragedy of Duscur in a way that is very specific and too detailed for an event that's nearly irrelevant for this route. It's good in Blue because you'll be hearing about Duscur a lot from supports and such, but on Gold? You hear about Almyra, but Duscur is just a mystery noun that feels important and yet isn't. Same for stuff like the Miklan chapter being named "The Gautier Inheritance" when you're quite likely not even keeping track of what Gautier even is, or him not having a Crest coming up out of left field depending on your dialogue choices (since you're not told why he was disowned unless you picked that option).
Even Edelgard becomes a weird kind of existence that isn't really present until she suddenly barges into a scene between Claude and Byleth, where she... really just serves a ham-fisted segue into listing off all the ways Claude is sus and him dropping on you that he has a totally selfless dream, promise.
The route format of 3H is really... it's just not great.
Minor notes I took while playing, nothing interesting:
Year 91 "do you remember the Red Canyon"
"you took everything I loved" lol what about your other siblings?
birthday day 25 of moon 12 lol
chose "dreamed of a girl", Jeralt says he doesn't recognize her, this is a recurring dream, which Byleth has told him about, wonder what he says if you choose you dreamed about a war
Jeralt doesn't know Seteth, wonder why
Jeralt tells Rhea that Byleth was born many years after he left the monastery. Presumably Byleth saying they don't know their age is to facilitate this lie.
the fact that you choose a house so early is sending me
three way battle is intended to gauge current progress... But presumably this refers to their starting level, since they haven't even been assigned teachers yet
tbh this game is kinda disappointing visually
voice acting is good tho
the houses are explicitly "for students of X nation" which makes the cross-house recruiting so ridiculous...
unlike holy blood in Genealogy or Awakening, Crests don't seem to have a physical mark on bearers. Hanneman uses a machine to check its shape and doesn't ask about any birthmarks
I saw a windmill in a panning shot, but I can't see it while exploring :(
"I had a bunch of other schemes too" other schemes?? You didn't do even one scheme, Claude
the announcer on the chapter namecards and the new month images is uh... I can't say it does much does much for me
sothis music is cool
why was Zanado renamed to Red Canyon, Claude wonders, it's not very red L M A O
For Lonato's mission, we're only handling the "aftermath" when the bulk of the fighting has already been done by the Knights of Seiros
Tragedy of Duscur was 4 years ago. There were accomplices within the Kingdom and one of them was Christopher, Lonato's son. The Church passed down judgement on in place of the Kingdom, which was in chaos. Supposedly. (This won't really matter on GD, I guess)
some soldiers slipped past the knights using the fog
Claude was only recognized as Riegan heir a year ago.
Rhea is admittedly sus about "I hope the students learn not to fuck with the church" but I've heard Things about localization changes, so I wonder if this was there in the JP script too.
The tone of the deer group discussions tho...
Hilda's brother beat "Nader the Undefeated" and Claude claims (unclear if true) that Almyra has been keeping quiet recently because they're wary of him.
Ignatz's family has received the patronage of House Gloucester
The Relics glow red when used by someone with a compatible Crest.
The Flame Emperor, at minimum, knows that the Crest Stones set in the weapons are part of their power, but I'm not sure if normal nobles do. Like, has a relic ever had the Crest Stone removed?
Nemesis was the King of Liberation. Weird that they let him keep such a positive sounding title, though I guess they're selling it as him being originally worthy of being given the goddess's power.
It's kind of implied he might have a bloodline (aka descendants) but we don't actually see any, right? I guess it's just an excuse for why Byleth can use the sword.
It's been more than a thousand years since he got his ass handed to him.
Fodlan was attacked by "wicked gods" lol
Rhea hasn't explained anything about Byleth to Seteth. Which is... a choice. Does she think he won't approve of her mom necromancy attempts
Sothis says the sword feels distinct from "other Relics we've seen" GIRL we've seen ONE
Claude "finally found" the sword... so he was looking for it?? He wanted to use it?!
Judith out of nowhere
This is very funny because Claude previously said his grandfather is disgustingly healthy. 4shadowing... OR--
Byleth's crest is too... big?? to be analyzed like other crests
students do the grocery shopping, cleaning at least some common areas... These are noble kids tho.
Raphael and Ignatz have known each other since they were kids. Notable that I think they're the only ones with history in GD
Hilda and Leonie C rank... Hilda complains about organizing the library, background is the woods. Something here is not right.
Claude is very interested that Miklan had been using the Lance without a Crest.... Which is very funny because I didn't get the dialogue path about why he was disowned and didn't talk to anyone else, so I think him not having a Crest just gets dropped here out of nowhere
Claude is also very funny going "oh, you're counting on me? How about you give me your magic sword then? Haha, I'm joking" after we already had the scene of him saying he had been looking for it before
no option to keep the Lance of Ruin, guess it requires Sylvain?
I don't remember this scene of Tomas being ominous and also sus
Edelgard out of nowhere. Kind of abrupt, especially since it seems just a segue into talking about Clayde’s lack of history
Claude used to have an uncle, his mom's older brother, but he died
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tinnictheguardian · 1 year
Ideas for new Fodlan Fire Emblem games
Okay, so Fire Emblem Engage is out, and it's set in a whole new World. However, it should be noted that Fire Emblem has released additional games in the same world entries apart. Notably, the worlds of Archanea, Jugdral and Valentia are all connected and set on the same planet but are thousands of years apart. Also, Fates and Awakening are set in the same world at the same time, just on different continents.
So while I think that the chances of us getting a DLC for either Three Houses or even Three Hopes that continues one or more routes is less likely, it is possible we can get more Fire Emblem games set in the world of Fodlan. This is in keeping with how IS has operated in the past, and the world of Fodlan is popular enough to warrant a second look.
So here are my ideas about when in time new Fire Emblem games set in Fodlan could take place.
The War of the Eagle and Lion
This is the most obvious period in Fodlan's timeline given that, based on the information we have FE3H, Loog and Kyphon used special weapons and soldiers provided by the mysterious tactician Pan. So Pan is your ready-made protagonist for an FE game. They were supposedly from the TWSITD, and it's made very clear that Loog and Kyphon were NOT used relics because the Church had their relics and only returned the relics to the Kingdom families after they became independent so they had the fighting strength to stay independent from the much more powerful Empire. So the potential FE game could have its own gimmick that's not relics.
Furthermore, the game set during the time of the War of Eagle and Lion would have at least two returning characters: Rhea and a youth Jeralt, who is pretty much confirmed to be from Faerghus and joining Rhea around that time initially as a bodyguard and then joining a knight of Serios when she shared her blood with him, thus giving him his crest, in order to save his life.
Other characters, such as Aubin, who we know lived long enough to share his blood with Yuri so as to give him his crest, would have been younger and potentially a unit you could play with. I don't expect to see Flayn because she was still sleeping or Seteth because Jeralt confirms he never met Seteth until his return to the Monastery. But the devs could maybe give Macuil and Indech non-beast forms and have them play a role... there are options, is all I am saying!
The story, in this case would be as linear as Engage because we know how it ends, Kingdom becomes independent from the Empire.
The Almyra Tales
Claude has the potential to live in all four routes and leaves for Almyra in all four routes. While he only gives his relic to Dimitri explicitly. You could just add a few lines of dialogue to explain why he doesn't have his relic at the beginning of a story about how Claude Khalid works with plucky Almyran tactician to secure the throne of Almyra.
IS could do this would out confirming a canon route for FE3H and have the potential to having branching stories because this isn't the past. Three Hopes Character Shahid would, of course, be able to make an appearance in this game.
Saint Serios
Go back in the time to help Rhea fight Nemesis or side with Nemesis and bring about a what-if world... I frankly don't see this one being on the cards because I don't think this would be of interest to the general FE fan. It could be a great Warriors edition because fans of Fodlan would pick-up a title like this to see what the world was like when Rhea got her revenge. It's also not a time which has a built in protagonist because we know Seteth was the tactician. But then again, would anyone cry foul if IS created random character X to be the protagonist of such a title?
Distant past/Distant future
Awakening and Fates was set 2000 years after Shadow Dragon, Gaiden etc, while Genealogy and Thracia are set 1000 years before Shadow Dragon, Gaiden.
Now we all know that Fodlan is that FE3H is a post-apocalypse world where in the distant past, humanity was much more advanced. Ballistic missiles advanced. So if IS wanted to bring FEH Niðavellir style mechs, or revisit the steampunk idea they were exploring for Awakening in the world of Fodlan. They could potentially set it in the distant past of Fodlan, when Sothis was alive and walking among mortals and humans as a whole had a lot more magi-tech.
Alternatively, we could have a game set in the distant future of Fodlan and it could be science fantasy plus sword and sandals like Harvestella or like they did with Awakening and Fates, just stick to more medieval stuff.
The game I want but won't get
So I did list these ideas roughly in "most likely" to "least likely" and this is the least likely but the game I want the most. That is, just acknowledge Azure Moon as the canon route, which means that almost all the characters, except for Hubert, Jeritza and Edelgard, have the potential to live. Just assume they all lived and procreated and you get to play with the kids.
You can import your saves from FE3H into the new game and the child characters have different stats based on who you S-supported, Awakening style. Also obviously if you played classic and didn't recruit/save X, you don't get X's descendants. But if you start a new clean game, the world assumes all characters were recruited, maybe you can some default S-supports or it's implied they all married off-stage characters and the child units therefore have default stats.
This incentivises new players to go back and buy FE3H, without making it impossible for this FE instalment to be a persons' first FE or at least first Fodlan FE.
As for who would be the enemies, well I heard some devs say that with Engage, they were exploring the idea of FE as not a war game but an adventure game. So just send the kids on an adventure!
Alternatively, given that homunculus technology exists in Fodlan, just bring back Edelgard as a homunculus and build her a faction with what remains of TWSITD, Impedial royalist + a Foreign power that aims to topple United Fodlan.
As I said, this is the most unlikely but it's the one I would want the most.
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a-pale-azure-moon · 2 years
Midnight Plays Azure Gleam: Prologue & Chapter 1
I'm playing on Normal difficulty. I picked both female Byleth and female Shez; I'll try to use neutral pronouns for them both, but it's highly likely I'll slip.
The opening cutscene is awesome! I love seeing Rhea/Seiros being badass. And the Saints are there, including Indech and Macuil! Pity we don't get to see Seteth and Flayn in their dragon forms, but I like the confirmation that they dyed their hair (poorly) too.
Wait...Rhea just morphed into the Immaculate One in front of everyone. Are we supposed to believe none of the other soldiers noticed that?
Assuming that cutscene was Shez's dream, this is exactly how 3H starts. I appreciate the symmetry.
Aaaand right into battle. And I immediately have no idea what I'm doing aside from mashing buttons, lol.
...Except there's a tutorial window popping up every two seconds. I love it when games just relentlessly shove information into my face, breaking up any flow I might be starting to find. /s
Byleth! I love their intro/music. Really badass, as is watching them fight. This cutscene makes it obvious why the house leaders were so enamored with their skills. It's also great hearing them actually speak. I always liked female Byleth's voice; it's stoic, yes but the cadence of it is almost...soothing?
Super mode activate! And it barely matters because hopeless boss fight. Saw that coming. Byleth hits like a freight train.
Calling it now; Arval is evil/aligned with the Agarthans. I'm sure a million other people have made that same guess. It's just way, way too obvious.
If Shez is a discount Byleth, Arval is the dollar bin Sothis. All of the snark with way more condescension and absolutely none of the warmth. Ugh.
A Chance Encounter (I see what you did there.)
OK, so Shez is more of a generic idiot shonen protagonist. That's at least fairly inoffensive, but pretty disappointing all the same.
DIMITRI!! <3 <3 <3
I'm going to sidebar for a moment: I don't think his student design gets appreciated enough. Everyone talks about his hair looking funny, but please consider that the game engine is bad at rendering hair and cloth. He's 100% adorable, and I love all the little details in his uniform, like the sword and the bits of armor the others lack, immediately telling you he's a soldier too.
Man is this nostalgic. And I just replayed 3H a year ago.
Ah, it switches you automatically between the leaders to demonstrate the weapon triangle. That's neat, if a bit jarring when I was suddenly Edelgard.
Oh my god these tutorial windows just will not stop for five seconds! I obviously want to learn how to play, but the pacing with telling me this info is flatly awful.
The character banter in the background is entertaining. Too bad I can barely pay attention to it because there's so much going on.
Alois is here! And I somehow S-Ranked that, even though I have no idea what I'm doing.
Ah, so this is the point of divergence; by killing Kostas, Shez made it so the leaders didn't have to go to Remire and find Jeralt's group. No Dimitri, you need to go to Remire and meet your beloved!
Now we're at a base camp. I'm shocked that the characters aren't voiced here, considering all of the Garreg Mach dialogue in 3H was. It's pretty jarring.
The character models are significantly improved, much smoother and cleaner looking than before. There is a strange (but minor) bloom effect going on with them in some lighting though.
Look at all these familiar faces! It's getting me emotional, especially seeing Ferdinand. (RIP Billy)
Edelgard tells me I can trust Hubert. Riiiiiiight....
Bernadetta didn't come. Good.
Sylvain's flirting with Shez, of course. Never change.
Once again, Dimitri raves about all of his friends while saying nothing about himself. Where the heck is my "Press X to hug" option?
Alois says Shez should come to Garreg Mach for payment. Shez says it sounds like hush money (Church Bad!). Arval calls it a threat. Claude says to make the best of it, Dimitri's remorseful, and Edelgard's all, "This is a prime opportunity for us to get to know each other!" Subtle game. /s
Pfft. Shez's observations on the leaders are pretty much the polar opposite of Byleth's.
Really nice establishing shot of Garreg Mach.
Rhea! Seteth! And free tuition for Shez to the Officer's Academy, because plot's gotta plot. Though at least this generosity is a big bright positive for the Church.
My Lions! The gang's all here! <3 <3 <3
...Jeritza is our teacher? OK, sure, that makes total sense (it makes no sense. WTF game? Did one of the writers spend too much time on Reddit? This is going to suck...)
Hearing Shez voice their chosen responses is good. And it makes me more angry that it wasn't done for Byleth in 3H. I don't really mind silent protagonists overall, but in Byleth's case, it would've benefited them a great deal.
Not a bad start. The gameplay pacing is an issue, but so far, so good.
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hecvenwept · 2 years
Oh also I'll add it to my rules & make a proper post about it eventually, but I should mention my Seteth now has a main ship with @gottgenug 's Jeralt! While I'm still open for shipping him with other muses, each different ship will be an au separate from his main verse, and I'd like to plot about it with the mun instead! In his main verse, he's either crushing on, in a relationship with, or married to Lucifer's Jeralt (they're amazing check them out if you haven't already).
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