#seven fold amen
carolmunson · 8 months
carol is at the laundromat.
(reader references being formally catholic as a child.)
New guy, you think, when you shuffle through your apartment door and down the hall — spotting him at the end of it. You’d seen him once or twice before in very brief passing. You’re sure he’d never noticed, you barely noticed him. Only that mop of curly brown hair and the clink of his wallet chain.
“Oh here,” he smiles, holding the door open for you that leads into the stairs to the basement.
“I’m actually not going to the laundry room,” you smile politely but tightly.
“You sure?” his brows quirk behind his curly bangs, brown eyes landing on the laundry in your arm.
“I’m sure,” you nod, “I’m going up the street.”
“Why?” he asks, lifting his full laundry bag higher up his shoulder, “There’s laundry in the building.”
“Eh, when your panties start going missing you stop wanting to use the amenity,” you shrug, “Plus, you’re not gonna find one washer open down there right now.”
“And you are? It’s Sunday — peak laundry day,” he counters. You chuckle, shaking your head — it only makes him more intrigued.
“Maybe downstairs,” you shrug, “You new to the neighborhood or something?”
“Seven months.”
“Hmm,” you nod, “Well, if you didn’t notice yet - lot of churches over here. And if time serves me right, church starts around 9 and runs until 10; sometimes 11.”
Your head tilts toward the clock on the yellowed walls of the hallway, “So, 9:15 is the perfect time to go.”
“No way,” he grins, “I don’t know if I buy it.”
“Don’t take my word for it. Everyone’s at church and everyone who isn’t is probably hung over,” you explain, “You wanna come and see for yourself? Washers are weirdly better over there anyway.”
He looks at the stairs and then at you, then at the clock, and the rainy weather outside. The elevator dings, two people walking by with laundry bags to head down the stairs.
With a sigh, he accepts the fate, “Alright, you got me.”
You both venture out into the soft mist of a dark gray Sunday morning, your IKEA bag of dirty laundry weighing heavy on your shoulder.
“Seventh months, huh? Welcome.”
“Thanks. What about you?”
“Ten years,” you laugh, “Not in this building, this is year three. But I’ve been in the area a while.”
“Cool,” he smiles, “I never see you around.”
“I live on the first floor, so our chances of an elevator meet cute are pretty slim,” you pull at the bag again while you turn the corner, he follows suit.
“Oh true, I’m on four.”
“Jealous. Good sun?”
“Yeah,” he smirks bashfully, “Like, really good.”
“That’s good. Though, it’s a good compromise for sharing a floor with Mrs. Slattery.”
“I really thought I was on her good side,” he turns back when he realizes he’s a few steps ahead, “Three weeks in she saw me in a Dio shirt, came home to a cross on my door.”
“She is…” you roll your eyes, crossing the street to the laundromat on the corner, “Easily the most god fearing Catholic I’ve ever met. And I’ve met a lot.”
You both make your way through the door, loose on its hinges. It’s a dilapidated place, and there’s a better laundromat two more blocks down, but you’re used to this now. The owner in the corner with her earbuds in, listening to gospel while she works on wash and folds. An older man with four bags of clothing on the other side, bedding for the family.
“You weren’t kidding,” he observes the emptiness, putting his laundry over an unused washing machine. There were plenty available for the taking.
“I know,” you murmur while you load your own machine - your favorite one. Row three, four washers down. Medium sized.
He gets to work too, the hardware on his wallet chain and leather jacket jingle like change in the pockets he pulls out of his jeans and sweatpants before he tosses them in to be washed.
Locked and loaded, he stands next to you, “Do you just go back home and come back to switch?”
“I stay for the wash,” you explain, “And then once I switch, there’s a café another block over that I’ve been going to for a while. Normally get breakfast while I wait for my clothes to dry. They have the best fucking biscuits.”
“Okay, okay, I hear that,” he grins, lower lip tucking into his teeth while he pulls his frizzing curls up into a bun at the back of his head, “Mind if I join you?”
“Nah, I don’t mind,” you take a seat on one of the cracked plastic chairs against the windows walls where he follows suit, “Been here almost a year…have you like, explored the neighborhood at all?”
“Honestly?” he holds his shoulders up by his ears with a hint of embarrassment, “Not really. Hate doing shit like that alone.”
“Do you not have friends?” you ask, realizing how accidentally mean it sounds as it comes out. He laughs anyway, heartily.
“Some, not around this area though,” he finishes out with a chuckle.
“Well, I’ll show you the café, there’s a lot of stuff over there that’s pretty cool,” you assure, checking the clock.
“I believe you. I’m not in a position to be saying no to friends in the neighborhood.”
“Good,” you smile, not even caring that you look exactly how you did when you rolled out of bed this morning.
“But if the biscuits are bad, it’s over,” he teases in faux seriousness. Denim leg crossing over the other, Vans now a grey and black from the weather outside.
“You’re gonna be more mad at me over how good they are,” you cross your legging’d legs to match his posture.
“You better hope so,” he huffs playfully, “I’m Eddie by the way.”
“Eddie,” you repeat back, introducing yourself, “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m glad we didn’t have our meet cute on the elevator,” Eddie smiles, “This is much more fun.”
“Also,” he turns, “If you ever wanna see how good the sunlight is upstairs, you can come over if you want.”
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piss-pumpkin · 10 months
Older!Dipper pines x reader
~3.2k words Chapter 1 of Douce amere,
Master list
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The air in Gravity Falls was different. Maybe nostalgia clouded your perception, and maybe that was okay. It still smelled like pine and cedar and adventure here. And the day had that electric feel. It was the day they were coming.
Your alarm blared, and you groaned in response, grasping under your pillow to find your phone and silence it. Nine AM, on the dot. An early morning at the start of summer was a punishment in itself, but you had good reason today. Their bus came in at noon, and you had to be ready, meet them at the stop with the Grunkles and gang. You stumbled out of bed, and started to get dressed.
Half of you wanted to just wear pyjamas and spare yourself the trouble. The other half wanted to dress as nice as possible to snag attention. They hadn’t seen you in person in a year, even him. You sighed at yourself for giving into the stereotype, but you did want to catch his attention. No pyjamas today.
As you started to brush your teeth, you could feel the anxiety. As exciting as it was to start a new summer with them, it was scary too. What if they’ve changed? What if I’ve changed? You texted and called a lot, but… 
You shook your head, trying to clear the thought. They were friends. Always were and always will be. You hoped. 
Still, that wasn’t the only pain. You were older now. It was one of the last summers you’d be able to spend here with them before high school ended. You had to squeeze every bit of fun out of it while you could. Time seemed to slow here, but it still passed. Summer still ended eventually, despite everything. 
You shook your head again. The very beginning wasn’t the time to think about the end. 
Dressed and ready, you grabbed an apple and started to the mystery shack, a few hours before they were set to arrive. “Bye, Y/n! Have a good day!” you aunt shouted from the kitchen. 
“Bye, Susan, you too!” You called back. She was incredibly kind to let you stay with her, lazy Susan. 
The shack was close, and the soft grass folded under your shoes and wet them with dew. “Y/n!” You hear Soos call from the porch. He was still sporting the question mark shirt, but it was under a suit jacket, and the hat he wore was the fez Stan had given him all those years ago. 
“Soos!” You shouted back, waving as you jogged your to him. 
“Dude, I am so stoked for today, you don’t even know,” he said, leading you inside. 
“Dude, I know too well,” you laughed. “Ugh I can’t wait, I should have slept in more.”
Wendy popped her head in from the break room, “amen, man, I’ve been here since seven.”
You cringed, and clenched a fist near your chest, “My condolences.”
The mid morning passed quickly though, despite everything. There was still that static feeling, and it only grew as the day went. And eventually, the time did in fact come. The time to go to the bus stop and meet them. You had to. All of you. Stan, Ford, Soos, Wendy, none of you were willing to prolong the meeting any further. The only shame was that Candy and Grenda were still out of town. 
The bus was rolling in, all to slowly for your liking. For everyone’s liking. You could feel how the people around you were buzzing with excitement too. One year was far to long away from these people. Your people. The bus came to a stop seemingly at your feet.
The door seemed to slide open agonizingly slowly, but against all odds, it opened. Out came Mabel, screaming.
”Aaaaaugh! Guys!” She yelled, jumping out of the bus and skipping the stairs. She threw he luggage aside as she managed to envelope everyone in a group hug before they had time to respond. 
Stan was the first to recover, quickly leaning into the hug. “Kid, you get taller every time I see you!”
Ford laughed, “You almost beat Stan and I.”
You almost spoke, but your eye caught on the second person leaving the bus. Dipper had a wide smile on his face as he watched the scene. With a sigh, he placed his bags with Mabel’s and joined he hug. 
“Dip!” You found yourself exclaiming, along with Wendy. The both of you maneuvered to let him in the centre of the hug. 
There they were, at last. Dipper and Mabel, Mabel and Dipper. Here. Home. You smiled, barely hearing the words around you as you buried your face in Mabel’s hair and Dipper shoulder. They smelt a bit musty from the bus ride, and a bit like Mabel’s strawberry shampoo. This was the place to be. You squeezed tighter. So did they.
Walking back to the shack was nice, pleasant, nostalgic. Dipper and Ford talked science, while Stan interjected to call them nerds. Soos and Wendy were chatting, and You and Mabel were catching up behind them. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t call and text, but there was so much you had to just say. But Mabel was, on occasion, a stinker. She had a smug grin on her face as she drifted back a bit behind he others, prompting you to follow. 
“So Y/n, are you gonna do anything about your crush on-“
You threw your hand towards Mabel, and covered her mouth before she got his name out. She immediately started to lick it, but you stayed strong. Your head whipped in front of you to Dipper and the rest of them before looking back to Mabel, who’s smirk you could see in her eyes. “Dude, what the fuck?” You whispered. Or maybe it was more of a hiss. “Don’t just say that! Not now!” You wiped your wet hand on your pants.
She giggled. “Fine, fine,” Mabel shrugged, still smirking smugly. “Just trying to help is all.”
You pursed your lips, and squinted at her. “Somehow I don’t believe that… and who says I need help?” You turned your head away from her with an uplifted chin to add an air of smug snottiness to your question. 
“Uhh, the fact that you’ve been pining for like, two years, and are still single?” Mabel said dryly. You could still hear the shit eating grin in her voice, “But hey, what’s a professional matchmaker to that, hmm?”
You winced, “Okay you have a point.” You snapped your eyes back to her, and smiled, a slightly evil and cunning smile. “But this summer, I have a plan… this is the one I can feel it.”
Mabel faked a gasp, pressing her palm to her open mouth, “My gosh? A plan?” She mocked. “You sound like Dipstick now.”
”Oh god, don’t say that,” you laughed. “This isn’t like his plans, this one is simple, honestly.
Mabel looked quizzically at you in response. Her hands started to come it her eyes, nearly forming her skepticals.
”No really, don’t even with that,” you said, swatting her hands down. “I say plan but it’s really just… an idea. I’m just gonna flirt, like a lot. Like really smooth, hopefully. Or try to, at least.” Saying it out loud, you almost felt embarrassed, a slight heat creeping onto your cheeks.
Mabel on the other hand, looked ecstatic. Her head was on a swivel looking between you and Dipper. “Okay, that’s a plan I can get behind,” she said. “I think you could have moves, I see the potential.”
You stifled a laugh, “Glad to hear it, glad your rooting for me.”
”Of course I am!” She said, hands flying into the hair for effect. She turned to you as you walked, and pointed to your face with one hand, the other resting on her hip. “And I will do my absolute best to assist your noble quest whenever possible, should you choose to call upon my services!” 
You played into the bit. “Appreciated, you are like my loyal knight and this is a war which we must win together.” You clasped her pointing hand in yours, “We will prevail!”
Mabel’s eyes lit up, “Fuck yeah we will!” She yelled. A bit too loud. Dipper and Soos turned their heads in front of you, shooting you curious looks. 
Ever smooth, you shot them back a snap and a finger gun. Dipper only smiled, giving Soos a light punch punch the  arm before drifting back to walk with you and Mabel, at your side. He laughed, “Fuck yeah you will what?”
You smirked, and stroked your chin with faux smugness. “Mmm, wouldn’t you like to know, Dip.”
Mabel chimed in, “Yeah, we got secrets, we’re scheming!”
Dipper rolled his eyes as he chuckled, “God, that has to be a new record for you guys, we’ve been here a whole five minutes and you’re already plotting shit.”
You smirked, and did your best to maintain eye contact. “Hey, I always am, it’s how I keep life interesting.”
”Life is very much that when you’re involved,” Dipper laughed. 
You could feel Mabel’s eyes burning into the back of your skull as she held her tongue and listened to your banter. Involuntarily, your smile widened.
”And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said. 
You laughed, “You couldn’t even if you wanted to.”
He blushed, his cheeks turning a slight pink colour, hopefully at your comment. First blush of the summer, hopefully the first of many you’d get from him, he was rather cute when he blushed. You were particularly fond of how the corners of his mouth curled up when he did, in the slightest of smiles.
”Welcome home, kids!” You heard Stan yell in front of you.  He turned around to walk backwards toward the shack so he was facing you and the twins. “Finally, am I right?”
Ford kept his back to you, but turned his head so you could see his eyes, “we’ve been looking forward to you kids coming back for a while, if you couldn’t tell.”
”Stans been driving me up the walls talking about you guys for months,” Wendy chuckled. “Y/n too for the last few days.”
You couldn’t help yourself, ”Hey, I did not!” you defended.
Soos snickered, “dude, you totally did.”
You pursed your lips and hummed lowly in disapproval. They were probably right, but that wasn’t something you’d outwardly admit. “Yeah whatever, nerds, that’s not how I remember it.”
Stan cackled, ”The congratulations, you got Alzheimer’s before the seventy year old man!”
You grumbled, trapped in this conversational corner. Mabel smiled, and elbowed your side, “Awww, somebody missed us!”
Dipper spoke too, “That much?” he asked, a little too innocently. Innocent enough to be mocking. 
You scoffed, “like you guys are any better.”
You all moved inside the shack to get settled in the living room, all still chatting. Dipper and Mabel’s suit cases were leaned against a wall by the stairs. 
Mabel pushed Dipper hard on the back towards you. “You’re right, Y/n, this little rascal hasn’t shut up about you guys for a week.” Dipper whipped his head around to glare at her, as if a threat. She snickered, “especially you, Y/n,” she teased. 
Dipper spun his head back around to look at you, and rubbed the back of his neck. “Not like that-“he sputtered, a blush in his cheeks. 
You smiled. If you had to guess, you’d call if fifty/fifty it was actually not like that. You hoped anyway. Fifty/fifty on a good day, twenty-five/seventy-five against you on most others. “I believe it, Mabel is a half reliable source at best.”
Stan chimed in and spoke to Mabel, “Hate to agree with Y/n, but they are completely right, sweetie.”
The conversation moved, and you all caught up with everyone. As much as you already had, having arrived a few days before the twins, there was always more to say, more stories to tell. A lot can happened between summers. 
And eventually, it simmered down, and the twins started to try and settle in. 
There was a double edged sword to that, being, the twins still shared a room despite their age. It was slightly more annoying now then it was when they were twelve, especially to you, who occasionally wanted to hangout there with Dipper, and divorce yourself from Mabel’s match making antics from time to time. 
Mabel took her bags up first, running up the stairs with haste and excitement. You walked up behind Dipper, catching his attention, and did you best at a little bow. “May I help with your bags, m’lady,” you asked.
Dipper grimaced and recoiled, but a smile crossed his lips. “You sound like a redditor,” he snickered as he started to pick up his suitcases. 
You shrugged, “Your loss.”
He smiled, “I wouldn’t let m’lady strained their perfect hands.”
You laughed as you walked with him up the stairs. “Ew, yeah, I hear it. Never again, no more m’lady, too neckbeard for me.”
”Good, because I took a lot of psychic damage from that,” he said. “You can mimic the Redditor mannerisms with freakish accuracy, right down to the face.”
You put your hand to your chest, feigning hurt. “I take incredible offence to that, I do not have Reddit face,” you scoffed. 
As you approached the door to the attic, you stepped in front of Dipper to open it for him, who had full hands. Mabel was already laying on the bed with Waddles, kicking her feet in the air as she laid on her stomach. There were already posters on the wall and stuffed animals on the bed, too. 
Dipper barely batted and eye, moving to his side of the room with a small comment, “you work fast.”
Mabel shocked, ”You know me, they call me sonic in the-“
“Buddy,” you cut her off. “You finishing that sentence would actually kill me.”
She smirked, and rolled on her back to face you. “There’s a joke there about finishing, but I don’t wanna look for it.”
”Everyday you find new ways to disgust me.”
“Imagine living with her,” Dipper added, taking folded clothes out of his suitcase. 
Mabel grumbled, but said nothing and instead rolling over and looked at her phone. Waddles oinked beside her.
“Hey, it’s summer, I can imagine it perfectly well.”
Dipper laughed, and sat on the bed, looking at you with a smile. “Yeah… you do pretty much live here in the summer, huh?”
You sat down next to him, and grabbed the old musty pillow that rested at the head. “Good thing or bad thing?” 
He looked away, and laughed slightly, “Good thing.”
The day went by, remarkably fast. The sun set, the energy simmered, people left. Soos and Wendy went home, leaving you chatting with Stans late at night. You didn’t quite want to leave yet. Instead, you nodded and snapped a finger gun to Stan and Ford, and quietly ascended the stairs to the twins room.
Mabel was sleeping already, snoring lightly. Not loud enough to bother you much. Dipper though, was reading. A small lamp in the bedside table illuminated the small space by his bed, where he sat upright against the headboard. “Dip,” you said quietly. “What are we reading?”
He looked up from his novel with wide eyes, as if broken from a trance. “Oh, God- y/n,” he stuttered, startled. “Are you staying over?”
You bounded over to the bed and took a seat next to him, nestling your feet under the blanket. “Yeah, but that’s not the point,” you said, leaning on his shoulder and glancing at the books pages. “What are we reading?” 
His skin was warm on your hands and arms as you leaned on him. His loose t-shirt was soft, too. He stammered a bit, “Oh, well- it’s a mystery novel, a murder, detectives…” Dipper looked at you for a flicker, as if checking to see if you were still interested. “There’s these two brothers that are the main characters, and this one guy who’s their partner.” Dipper taps the pages, and chews his lip. “But I have my suspicions about one of them.”
You hum slightly in a hushed laugh. “So tell me now, who’s the killer?”
Dipper rolled his neck, cracking it. “Man, I really think it’s the partner guy, but it’s awful because one of the brothers is in love with him.”
You winced, “oh shit.” You knew the feeling, empathy for a doomed character. “That kind of sucks for him.” Dipper nodded, and turned the page. He was maybe halfway through the book. you read along with him, trying to gain whatever you could from the out of context scenes. “So should I pick it up, or wait for you to finish it so I can read your next book with you?”
Very quickly you felt heat radiating from him. You did your best not to pull away in the inherent embarrassment of closeness, pushing though the fact that you made him blush again to stay leaned against him, your chin rested gently near his collar bone. “Well I mean- this one is really good, I’ll admit, but I may have just spoiled it for you…”
You waved your hand as he turned another page. “Eh, I don’t mind too bad. Mystery isn’t even my main genre, I just love the book club,” you said. It was nothing but true, it didn’t matter the quality of the book if you were reading it with him, or anyone really. But mainly him, or sometimes Mabel. Even if it was the worst book ever written, it was at least fun to discuss it and make fun of it together. 
“Well in that case, yeah I’d recommend it,” he said. “Wanna borrow my copy when I finish?”
”Mmhmmm,” you hummed, tired. “Or I could just read with you, I guess. I’m sure the first half wasn’t that important.”
Dipper shook his head, a slight and baffled smile forming across his lips. “I disrespectfully disagree with you,” he said, turning the page.
You yawned, “That’s… rude.” Your eyes were sluggish as they followed along with the words. Dipper started to turn the page again, before you were ready. You quickly cut him off, “Hey, hey, wait for me, I’m tired, alright?”
He turned the page back, “Alright, alright,” he yawned in response. 
You pawed at the pages when you finished, and on the next one, Dipper waited for you to do it again before turning it. And then, again. 
And somewhere along the way, you fell asleep, sitting with him on his bed, head leaned on his shoulder, and feet warmly huddled under the blanket. It was summer, and everything was okay again, home, in gravity falls. Whatever the summer held for you, whether it be mystery, adventure, love… you were ready. Whatever summer could throw at you, you were ready
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Next chapter
Hello! This is a part of my Multi chapter dipper x reader story, I love it a lot, it’s one of those fics that’s like my baby. This was the first chapter written so yeah, it’s kinda rough. I really don’t wanna reread it so if there’s spelling errors lmk I guess😭
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lou-struck · 2 years
Sea Birds
Keigo Takami x reader
Prompt: 🚢 +Vacation
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the Masterlist On my welcome page.
WC: 1.2k
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Keigo's wings seem to flap in anticipation as the two of you climb aboard the S.S. Sea Breeze, the luxury cruise ship that will be your home for the next week.
After rescuing the CEO of the cruise line from a villain attack a month ago, the man sent Keigo two tickets to the top-of-the-line cruise liner as a gift of thanks. The two of you were in need of a vacation, so you put in the time off. Feeling more than ready to enjoy all the amenities the ship has to offer.
The highbrow nature of the cruise line means that for this voyage, only the ultra-rich and famous were able to procure tickets. Anyone who is anyone is on board; Retired Pros, actors, models, and even socialites.
Honestly, there are so many well-known faces aboard, you're feeling a bit self-conscious. 
Even though his iconic red wings are tucked neatly behind his back, he still attracts the attention of the beautiful people around him.
They whisper amongst themselves, twirling their glossy hair and flashing their brilliant smiles in his direction in the hope of capturing the attention of the winged hero. But he doesn't seem to notice their attempts.
"Man, I'm beat." He yawns, slinging an arm lazily over your shoulders, "let's ditch these bags in our suite and start relaxin~
He knows you too well; this simple contact is able to soothe the sharp feelings of inadequacy that were gnawing at that sensitive spot in your heart. The one that aches when you think about how Keigo could have just about anyone. But he's with you.
Because he loves you…
And you love him…
You nod, now feeling all too aware of your aching feet. There is nothing that tires one out quite like traveling. Vacations may be relaxing, but getting there can really wipe you out. "Sounds good. I wouldn't mind laying out for a bit, maybe get something cold to drink." 
Keigo smiles, his golden gaze brightening at your response. "There ya go; let's get some drinks with tiny umbrellas, and let's get Cruisin."
"You're getting really excited about this, aren't you, Kei?" you tease 
He sends a little red feather to tickle your side; its soft bristles send you into a fit of giggles that cause a few people to turn their heads In your direction. "Why wouldn't I be? seven days, the open ocean, and…." He grins, leaning in close, "You, of course."
The flattery makes you chuckle as the two of you slip into one of the glamorous glass elevators leading up to the suite decks. 
"What's our room number again?" he asks as the doors part.
"Hmmm, let me check." reaching into your pocket, you pull out the crisp white envelope that contains your golden room keys. "We are in room 101." He takes the envelope from you playfully as the elevator comes to a stop. The doors part slowly, revealing the well-lit hallway.
Unable to contain your excitement, you rush down the empty hall, your suitcase rolling unevenly behind you as you scan the little room plaques.
You stop in front of the door and look at Keigo expectantly. He lets out a little chuckle and tears open the envelope. "Alright, Angel, here's our little nest for the week," he says, swiping one of the keycards and swinging open the doors.
The room is naturally well-lit by the ship's massive upper deck windows. It's much bigger than the room you were looking at online. The massive king-sized bed is uniformly made with some creatively folded towels placed at its foot. 
Stepping further into the room, you set your bag down on top of the linens catching a glimpse at the little coffee corner and mini fridge. It's then you catch a glimpse of the massive gift basket on the countertop. Containing everything from top-shelf liquor, snacks, and suntan lotion, you can tell by the french writing on the bottle you would never be able to afford the brand on your salary. 
"This is incredible." you breathe, digging through the complimentary care package on the countertop in front of you. Little multicolored shreds of paper lining stick to your fingers as you pull out a still-cold bottle of champagne. "They must really want to thank you, Kei."
"A-angel, it's 11 o'clock in the morning." Kiego laughs as your hand fiddle with the neck of the bottle, peeling off the foil around the cork.
"Come on, birdie, we're on vacation." you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. The cold glass of the bottle hits his skin, and he shudders.
Giving you a playful roll of his eyes, he grabs two glasses and sets them on the countertop next to you. "I guess a glass or two would be a nice way to get started." he laughs. He sends a red feather flying into the stubborn cork. It twists and pokes at it until it comes flying out of the bottle with a deafening pop*
"Did you like my little party trick?" he winks, pouring a bit of champagne into each flute.
"I did," you smile, taking a glass from his outstretched hand. If you were the one to open the cork, you would no doubt be struggling to pop it off. "How about we take our drinks outside so we can watch the ship leave the port."
Keigo straightens up a bit. "We should get going then." he flashes you a boyish grin, taking your hand and practically pulling you towards the door."
Placing your hands on the steel rail at the bow of the ship, you stare out into the seemingly endless ocean. "Oh wow, look at this view, Kei." you beam, the salty mist from the ocean splashing against your face. 
He buries his face into the crook of your neck as his hands sneak around your waist. "It is beautiful." he coos, pressing a little kiss against your pulse point, his stumbling tickling your skin as you squirm a bit. But in the back of your mind, you wonder how much of the sight he is able to see from his spot.
"I can't tell where the sky begins, and the ocean ends. It's all just blue." 
" Wanna find out?" He asks. His wings twitching in anticipation. Each feather seems to be absorbing the sunlight, calling out to the sky longingly.
Nodding, you set your glass on the floor of the deck, Wanting to know what it feels like to touch the sparkling blue water off in the distance. Keigo has a habit of making you act on your curious thoughts. "Promise not to drop me?" you ask, shuddering at the thought of taking an unexpected swim.
"I promise not to drop you this time." he laughs, the sound natural and genuine. His golden eyes squint in the sunlight as he sweeps you off your feet. "Hold on tight. I like having you close like this." 
"W-what do you mean by this time?" you squeak as he launches the two of you over the rail of the ship.
He shoots you a little wink, letting his wings carry you off into the distance so you can indulge in a few more curiosities before your dinner date.
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umlewis · 10 months
Every Traveler Needs to Try Lewis Hamilton's Hotel Hacks [part 1/2]
The F1 driver has mastered the art of resetting his body clock and getting comfortable on the road.
Lewis Hamilton first stepped into the Mercedes-AMG Petronas car over a decade ago. Before his signing, Mercedes was struggling to produce as a team, but with the young, cunning Brit behind the wheel, things changed. Since then, Hamilton has scored the record for most wins, pole finishes, and podium finishes in the most competitive motorsport in the world. No matter how gifted the athlete, leading the pack like that doesn’t come solely through natural ability, and the driver has found a formula for success that follows him across the globe. Men’s Journal spoke with Hamilton on how he prepares to drive circuits he’s never seen before at speeds over 200 miles per hour, his favorite cross-training activities, and the travel routines that keep him at the front of the pack.
Men's Journal: F1 Las Vegas Grand Prix has a start time of 10p.m. PT. How are you prepping for a night race—any hacks? Lewis Hamilton: Preparing to drive a new track means as much simulation work as possible to get a feel for the course. I have two full days that I’ll do in the sim before I land in Vegas. It’s important to adjust your internal clock, so before we get to Nevada, the team is spending some time in Los Angeles. I’m already adjusting my mornings to waking up and going to bed later to fit with the schedule of a night race. I’m also making sure my meals and nutrition intake fits the new schedule. The key is adjusting the light I’m taking in—using different bulbs with different brightness so I can maintain a good circadian rhythm. Since we travel so much, I always make sure the rooms we’re staying in have blackout curtains so I can get a deep sleep at any hour. I like to keep the room cool, which makes the bed more welcome. The bed itself is also crucial, I like a firm pillow because I like to sleep on my side. The ones I have at home are Tempur-Pedic. Do you struggle with sleep? I’ve never been a great sleeper. For years I would go to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning and sleep for about five hours. But, to be honest, that worked for me, because our days are leading up to the the main event, which is later in the afternoon. So if I wake up at 5 in the morning, I’m probably peaking a lot earlier in the day than if I wake up at 8. So I’m sticking with waking up later, though these days I’m trying to get more like seven hours of sleep a night. The Mercedes Benz team has a partnership with Marriott Bonvoy and The Ritz-Carlton, which seems like a smart one given how much you travel. How do you make a hotel feel like a home away from home? One of the most important amenities is a coffee machine in the room, because I like to have coffee when I wake up on race day or any day for that matter. I love to play music, it calms me so I’ll have my music equipment in the room as well. I have a keyboard that folds in half so it’s easier to travel with. I really want that hotel space to feel like home. The Marriott team takes that to another level, and sometimes they’ll even have a picture of my dog, Roscoe, on the nightstand. It’s also about what I have them take out of the room. I have them take out all the snacks and anything from the minibar, because when you're working strange hours your body can crave comfort. The easiest way to get that is from food, so I want to eliminate any temptation I might have to deal with later. Instead, I’ll make sure the fridge is filled with healthy snacks like fruit. What’s the most challenging part about being a Formula 1 driver? The Formula 1 season is very challenging for all the drivers. We're going to 24 different countries, maybe more throughout the year, sitting in planes all the time. Rest and recovery is a huge part of making sure we're on point when it comes to showing up to the races ready. There's an immense amount of travel involved. My mindset is greatly benefitted by meditation, so I try to prioritize it. I don’t always get to, and I can feel the difference, but the schedule can get very hectic. I always do better when I can put that focus into my mental game. I like to start my day with positive affirmations, no matter what state I’m in, and focus on the things I want to do. That’s where things like playing music comes in handy. Competing has become very serious business, and we work hard, perhaps too hard. There’s immense benefit to smiling to the body and mind. Exercise is also a great way to help me stay sharp, on top of being critical to succeeding in motorsports.
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nayialovecat · 11 months
I watch old Disney animated movies with my six-year-old, ones that I haven't watched myself or watched when I was very little… Yesterday we watched "Alice in Wonderland", today we watched "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". And in connection with this second movie, I have a few conclusions, 'cause it turned out that I remembered this movie completely differently!
First of all, I was amazed at how well the Polish dubbing was done here. Especially compared to the later "Alice in Wonderland", which has terrible and mismatched voices, especially for the main character. The voices here are lovely.
Secondly, the artstyle - I remembered the faces without noses and with thick necks - but I didn't remember how delicate and pretty the line was, devoid of clear contours. This isn't one of the ugliest Disney movies as I always called it.
The plot is more complex than I remembered. I remembered about the idiotic dancing scene, but I completely forgot about the bath scene, which is wonderful. This film has what I appreciate in other old films (e.g. "Lady and Tramp" or "101 Dalmatians") - i.e. a lot of "unnecessary" scenes that simply build the world and characters. Wonderful.
This animation is probably the only one showing a character praying! Snow White kneels with her hands folded and finally says "amen". I don't think something like this is anywhere else, because specifying a character's religion is "non-political" now. Wow!
In my opinion, this movie also features a disabled character (I mean Dopey). This is my opinion, but I have the impression that it was not his younger age that made him "different" from the rest, but some degree of mental disability. He just reminds me of some of the people from the center my disabled brother goes to (especially when he stubbornly wants Snow White to kiss him on the lips).
Snow White isn't as stupid and dumb as I remember. She's naive and doesn't know a lot of things - but that's understandable since she's been a servant all her life. But she is really charming and has a kind of wisdom.
The Dwarfs know about the Evil Queen and are afraid of her. Moreover - the Evil Queen knows about the Dwarfs! I was convinced that there was no mutual knowledge between them, but there is!
Am I the only one who was struck by the fact that the Queen didn't check whether the spell of ugliness could be reversed? In my opinion, it would have been a nicer ending if she managed to return safely to the castle and discovered that she could not get younger and would soon die of old age…
It wasn't true love's kiss, but first love's kiss! The whole world has succumbed to the Mandela Effect and is repeating "true love's kiss" in the context of Snow White! (And not only in the context of "Sleeping Beauty" to whom it was attributed!) Wow!
I spotted some funny animation errors, but I won't brag about them here.
So... better movie than I remembered. I'm in shock!
We still have to watch: "Dumbo", "Bambi", "Pinocchio", "Peter Pan" and "The Jungle Book" (we have already seen the rest of the other classics).
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Last week, my mom told me that on sunny days, she drags her chair in front of her garage and sits outside for a few hours. I want to take my healing more seriously and I desparately need more outdoors time so I'm going to do the same.
Today, I set up my folding chair and brought an end table out onto the back porch. I've been sitting out here in the sun for about an hour and a half. This is what I need to do whenever the sun is out. And in my region of the United States, we can go for long stretches with cloudy skies. So, I need to make sure and take advantage.
Also, I live about thirty minutes outside of the city. But just south of the city, about fifteen minutes away, there is a somewhat yuppie neighborhood that developed about five to seven years ago. It was developed fo middle to upper middle class thirty - forty-somethings with families so it has coffee shops and another amenities you would find in semi-upscale neighborhoods (and not in the hood, where I live).
I should have been taking advantage of this a long time ago because it's the next best and closest thing to me than the city. I did a quick search on Google and found that, of course, this town has a yoga studio. I no longer have to travel forty minutes for a decent yoga class. It looks like they offer a heated class but I'm not ready to do any kind of yoga in a hot room again. It takes me days to recover. But this class looks it will give me enough of a workout without draining the life out of me.
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dragonbanexxi · 1 year
Soul of Bronze; Blood of Fire
****Not Canon Compliant!!!!****
Helaena Targaryen x OC Targaryen- Royce
The Heir of Runestone would often joke that he should be referred to as Rhaegar Stone. Seeing as his father (Prince Daemon Targaryen) had no want for him and his mother (Lady Rhea Royce) was long dead. All jokes end when he and Ser Gerold Royce are summoned to the capitol by none other than King Viserys the First of his Name. The King wanting nothing more than to bring his estranged nephew into the fold, Viserys offers Rhaegar his so called Targaryen Right. A betrothal to the Princess Helaena and the chance to claim a dragon. Will Rhaegar be able to claim such a beast? Even if his valyrian skills were lacking? Prince Aemond seems to think so. Though he’s mostly is just thrilled to finally have someone around who’s willing to be his friend. Also the court begins to notice that the Princess Helaena seems to have taken a liking to the new prince. Much to her mothers dismay, who’s fighting tooth and nail to have the girl be given to Aegon. Something neither sibling wanted. To Rhaegar everything was going smoothly until the news of Laena Velaryon death had dampen everything.
Chapter 17: Alicent
The loveliness of the day betrayed the grim atmosphere Alicent felt in the sail back to King’s Landing. The Queen sat vigilantly next to her maimed son, holding seven pointed star rosary. Reciting each prayer faithfully for the betterment of her darling boy.
“Glory to the father, may his judgment be just. Glory to the mother, May her protection be-“
“plentiful” a voice spoke up behind the Queen.
Her grace turns back to face the voice, with a startled expression. Eyes softening when she realizes who it is.
“Ser Rhaegar” she croaks on the brink of tears. “Would you like to join me in prayer?”
The boy nods kneeling down next to her. Bowing his head in reverence for the Seven. The Queen clears her throat and starts again from the beginning.
“Glory to the Father, may his judgment be just. Glory to the Mother, may her protection be plentiful. Glory to the Maiden, may her love be sincere. Glory to the Crone, may her wisdom be everlasting. Glory to the Warrior, may his strength be victorious. Glory to the Smith, may his labor be prosperous. Glory to the Stranger, may his wrath be feared.”
“Amen” Rhaegar says quietly.
“Amen” Alicent wipes her teary eyes on her sleeve.
Rhaegar pulls out a bronze handkerchief from his doublet and hands it to his Queen. Her slender hands drying her tears yet she can only will herself to cry harder into the cloth.
“You’re to good for this court child.” She says between sobs. “You have been nothing but kind to people who don’t deserve it. I fear I have behaved ghastly towards you.”
Her voice trembles as she finds his lavenders eyes.
“Could you find it in your heart to forgive my unwarranted predijuce against you Rhaegar?” Tone sincere.
The young knight smiles sadly for brief second. “There’s nothing to forgive your grace”
Alicent swallows nervously. They’re both still kneeling besides Aemond’s bed. Her darling boy sleeping heavily due to the combination of milk of the poppy and essence of nightshade. Only his steady breathing could be heard. Alicent caresses Aemond’s frosty hair. Another sob escapes her lips.
“I dishonored myself terribly.”
“No” The knight says with reassurance. “Your grace, you reacted how any mother would have reacted.”
The Queens brown eyes meet Rhaegar’s for a brief second before looking away in shame.
“As did the Princess” she whispers to herself.
Which brought out a sad sigh from the juvenile “Aye… as did she”
Rhaegar stands up and gives the distraught women his hand to help her up from kneeling. She accepts the help with a quiet thank you. Alicent takes her seat on the cushioned chair.
“Ser Rhaegar…” An awkward pause. She has so much to say yet doesn’t know how to express it. “I have given much thought to the proposition you’ve made about sending both my son and the Prince Lu- and Rhaenyra’s son to Runestone to squire.”
The Queen couldn’t bring herself to utter Prince Lucerys name.
“Once Aemond shows improvement and if he so desires…” she lets out a deep exhale “I will allow him to go and live as your ward. No matter if Rhaenyra also sends her son or not.”
The shock on the Heir of Runestone’s face couldn’t be contained. Unbeknownst to Alicent, Rhaegar was going to propose Aemond’s squirehood at Runestone to his uncle the king when they returned to King’s Landing. Yet he had spouted his idea to soon when the two royal women were at each others necks. Perhaps it was a bit impertinent for Rhaegar to meddle in a situation that didn’t involve him. Yet having his cousins future in endangered by both women with threats of torture… it just didn’t sit right in Rhaegar’s heart. Aemond and Lucerys are just children after all .
“If Aemond allows us the honor to foster him your grace, I vow to make a good man out of him.”
The words ring true in Alicent’s chest. She doesn’t know when this parentless boy had swayed her into trusting him. Yet surely enough the queen knows Rhaegar will live up to his vow or he’ll die trying.
“I know” a sad smile gracing her lips. “I know you will.”
“The Princess Helaena gave me some advice before arriving at Driftmark.” He begins offhandedly.
It piqued the Queens interest since it had to do with her sweet Helaena. Her sweet daughter who still hasn’t forgiven Alicent for calling her betrothal a wretched one. That had been weeks ago and still Helaena didn’t speak with her mother unless she had too. No longer did she attend their usual tea time in the afternoons in the garden. Nor did she come into her mothers chamber to just sit and embroider her curious insects on her handkerchiefs. Nothing. Helaena had completely shut her out.
“We were conversing on the way to the dragon pit about my relationship with my father and how it doesn’t exist.”
Alicent sees a sad twinkle in the boys eyes.
“I told her that I wasn’t sure how I would react if I saw him. If I’d be sad, if I’d ignore him or if my anger would get the best of me.” He let’s put a rueful huff.
“The Princess told me that fighting fire with fire would only cause a larger fire. Everyone would burn.” The boys gaze falls to his hands.
“I didn’t listen and let my anger get the best of me…” and they all burned.
It was left unsaid but Alicent understood. The poor boy blames himself and that completely cracked the ice shielding Alicent’s heart.
“I was reading a verse in the Book of the Mother” Alicent begins piously. “For the love the Seven Gods hold for their flock is so great and so dear that when one strays away the seven wait patiently for their lamb to return and embrace it with open arms.”
A smile appears on Rhaegar’s face and Alicent lets herself smile as well.
“Its a good feeling knowing that the Seven will forgive us no matter how grave the sin.” The boy says quietly. “We mostly just need to learn how to forgive ourselves.”
Another Alicent and Rhaegar interaction. The last time I wrote a chapter with these two, I struggled to find a connection between the two. Yet now that I found it, these too are so easy to write now together.
Thank you guys once again! Thank you guys for being so nice 🥺❤️
Comments are always welcomed ❤️
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autocarindianews · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to the Toyota Fortuner in India
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The Toyota Fortuner has long been a popular choice in the Indian SUV market, known for its ruggedness, reliability, and premium features. As a formidable player in its segment, the Fortuner caters to both city driving and off-road adventures. Let's delve into the details of what makes the Toyota Fortuner a standout choice, its pricing, and why it continues to be a favorite among SUV enthusiasts in India.
Design and Exterior
The Toyota Fortuner boasts a bold and aggressive design, characterized by its striking front grille, sleek LED headlights, and muscular body lines. This imposing presence is complemented by practical features such as high ground clearance, roof racks, and side steps, which are standard across various trims. The design is not just for aesthetics; it ensures the Fortuner's capability on challenging terrains​.
Interior and Comfort
Inside, the Fortuner offers a mix of luxury and practicality. The cabin is spacious, providing ample room for both passengers and cargo. Premium leather seats, woodgrain accents, and a well-designed dashboard contribute to a plush feel. Despite its rugged nature, the Fortuner doesn’t compromise on comfort, featuring modern amenities like an 8-inch touchscreen infotainment system, connected car technology, and a high-quality sound system.
Performance and Engine
Under the hood, the Toyota Fortuner is powered by a robust 2.8-liter turbo-diesel engine that delivers 150 kW of power and 500 Nm of torque. This engine is paired with a six-speed automatic transmission, ensuring smooth and powerful performance. The Fortuner's off-road capabilities are enhanced by its four-wheel-drive system, which can be toggled between two-wheel and four-wheel-drive modes, making it versatile for different driving conditions​ 
Toyota Fortuner Price in India
The Toyota Fortuner's price in India varies based on the trim level and features. As of the latest updates, the price ranges from INR 33.43 lakhs for the base model to INR 37.43 lakhs for the top-end variant. These prices reflect the Fortuner's positioning as a premium SUV, offering a blend of luxury, performance, and ruggedness​
Features and Technology
The Fortuner is equipped with a suite of modern features aimed at enhancing both safety and convenience. Key features include:
Seven airbags for comprehensive safety
Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) and Traction Control System (TCS)
Hill Assist Control (HAC) and Downhill Assist Contr ol (DAC)
A premium JBL sound system with 11 speakers
Advanced infotainment system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto compatibility​ 
Practicality and Usability
Practicality is a strong suit of the Toyota Fortuner. It offers a spacious cabin with flexible seating arrangements, including a third row that can be folded down to increase cargo space. The vehicle's high towing capacity of up to 3100 kg makes it suitable for hauling heavy loads, adding to its utility as a versatile SUV for both urban and adventurous driving​ 
The Toyota Fortuner continues to be a top choice for SUV buyers in India, thanks to its blend of rugged design, powerful performance, and luxurious features. Whether navigating city streets or exploring off-road trails, the Fortuner delivers a reliable and enjoyable driving experience. With competitive pricing and a host of advanced features, it remains a formidable contender in the Indian SUV market.
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johnalexcooper · 3 months
Discover the Alluring Appeal of the Kia CEED GT-Line S in Conwy
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Nestled in the charming landscape of Conwy, the Kia CEED GT-Line S emerges as a beacon of modern engineering and sleek design. This remarkable vehicle offers an enticing blend of performance, style, and technology, making it an ideal choice for those who crave both adventure and sophistication. Whether navigating the scenic roads of Conwy or embarking on a long journey, the Kia CEED GT-Line S is engineered to deliver an unparalleled driving experience.
A Fusion of Dynamic Design and Practicality
The Kia CEED GT-Line S is designed to turn heads with its bold and athletic stance. The car features a striking front grille, sleek LED headlights, and distinctive 17-inch alloy wheels that collectively exude confidence and style. The elegant design not only adds to its attractive appearance but also boosts fuel efficiency and overall performance.
The interior of the cabin highlights Kia's commitment to offering top-notch and cosy amenities. The interior is adorned with premium materials, including leather upholstery and soft-touch surfaces. The GT-Line S trim adds a sporty touch with exclusive badging, unique stitching, and a sophisticated colour palette. The spacious interior ensures that both driver and passengers enjoy a comfortable ride, with ample legroom and headroom.
Unmatched Performance and Handling
Under the hood, the Kia CEED GT-Line S is powered by a robust 1.5-liter T-GDi engine that delivers an impressive 158 horsepower. The smooth-shifting seven-speed dual-clutch transmission paired with this engine delivers rapid acceleration and seamless gear changes, resulting in a car that is both responsive and incredibly enjoyable to drive.
The GT-Line S is equipped with a sophisticated suspension system that ensures a balanced and composed ride, even on uneven surfaces. The car’s agile handling and precise steering make it easy to manoeuvre through the winding roads of Conwy, while the advanced braking system offers reliable stopping power when needed.
Advanced Technology for a Connected Drive
The Kia CEED GT-Line S is packed with cutting-edge technology that enhances both convenience and safety. The centrepiece of the dashboard is a high-resolution 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system that supports Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, allowing drivers to seamlessly integrate their smartphones with the car’s interface. This system provides access to navigation, music, and hands-free calling, ensuring that drivers stay connected while keeping their eyes on the road.
Additionally, the car features a premium JBL sound system that delivers crystal-clear audio, creating an immersive listening experience for all occupants. The wireless charging pad ensures that your devices remain powered up without the hassle of cables, adding to the overall convenience.
Safety Features You Can Rely On
Safety is a top priority for Kia, and the CEED GT-Line S is no exception. The car is equipped with an array of advanced safety features designed to protect both driver and passengers. The Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) system uses radar and camera sensors to detect potential collisions and apply the brakes if necessary, helping to prevent accidents.
Other notable safety features include Lane Keeping Assist (LKA), Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW), and Driver Attention Warning (DAW). The combination of these systems ensures a complete safety package, reassuring drivers throughout their travels.
The Perfect Companion for Conwy Adventures
Conwy, with its historic charm and stunning landscapes, offers the perfect backdrop for exploring the capabilities of the Kia CEED GT-Line S. Whether you’re visiting Conwy Castle, taking a scenic drive along the coast, or venturing into Snowdonia National Park, the CEED GT-Line S ensures that you do so in style and comfort.
The car’s ample cargo space makes it ideal for weekend getaways or shopping trips, while the split-folding rear seats provide additional flexibility for carrying larger items. The panoramic sunroof adds to the sense of spaciousness, allowing you to enjoy the natural beauty of Conwy from the comfort of your car.
Eco-Friendly and Economical
In addition to its impressive performance and luxury features, the Kia CEED GT-Line S is also designed with environmental responsibility in mind. The efficient 1.5-litre engine delivers excellent fuel economy, making it an economical choice for daily commuting and long-distance travel. Furthermore, the car’s low emissions contribute to a cleaner environment, aligning with the growing demand for eco-friendly vehicles.
Conclusion: The Ultimate Driving Experience in Conwy
The Kia CEED GT-Line S is a remarkable vehicle that combines style, performance, and advanced technology to deliver an exceptional driving experience. For residents and visitors in Conwy, this car offers the perfect blend of practicality and luxury, making every journey a memorable one. Whether you’re navigating the historic streets of Conwy or exploring the breathtaking countryside, the Kia CEED GT-Line S is your ideal companion for all your adventures.
Discover the Kia CEED GT-Line S in Conwy today and experience the future of driving with Kia’s innovative engineering and design.
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heartlandchevrolet · 7 months
Meet the 2024 Chevy Equinox
With lots of interior space, an efficient powertrain, and an affordable price tag, the 2024 Chevy Equinox is a well-equipped SUV that has everything you need to conquer new terrains and travel around with your loved ones. Now available at your trusted Chevy dealer, this model is ready for you to take it on a test drive and explore its features in person.
Meet the 2024 Chevy Equinox at Your Local Chevy Dealer
Engine and Performance
Available in four different trim levels, the 2024 Equinox is powered by a single engine configuration that offers a smooth ride and some of the best EPA ratings in its category. Under the hood of this Chevy SUV, you will find a turbocharged 1.5-liter four-cylinder powertrain that pumps 175 horsepower and 203 pounds of torque. Although front-wheel drive is standard, the new Equinox is also available with all-wheel drive.
When properly equipped, the 2024 Equinox offers a maximum towing capacity of 3,500 pounds. Additionally, a key element behind its excellent reviews is its great fuel economy indicators. FWD models of this Chevrolet SUV achieve EPA estimates of 26 miles per gallon in the city and 31 mpg on the highway, while the AWD version is rated at 24 mpg and 30 mpg, respectively.
Safety and Comfort
If you are in the market for a family vehicle, safety is always among the key factors to consider and, with a five-star NHTSA rating, the new Equinox checks all the boxes in this area. All trim levels come with standard lane departure warning, following distance indicator, an electronic stability control system, and automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection.
With premium and durable materials, a host of standard amenities, and comfortable seating for five passengers, the 2024 Equinox is a great vehicle for trips short and long. This Chevrolet SUV boasts 40.9 inches of legroom in the front seats, 39.9 inches in the second row, and a maximum cargo capacity of 63.9 cubic feet with all seat backs folded down.
Connectivity and Infotainment
While a seven-inch infotainment touchscreen is standard across the board, an eight-inch unit is available for an extra fee. All models come with standard Android Auto and Apple CarPlay compatibility, Bluetooth audio streaming, a subscription-based Wi-Fi, SiriusXM satellite radio, and USB connectivity. Both available touchscreens boast crisp graphics and intuitive menus that make it easy for you to access your favorite apps wherever you go.
Now that you know more about the 2024 Equinox and the features that make it a popular vehicle among families, it’s time to get behind its wheel, take it on a test drive, and explore the financing options available for you to take it home. Give us a call at Heartland Chevrolet in Liberty, MO, and we’ll be happy to tell you all about this new Chevy SUV.
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beachstarrealtycom · 9 months
Gamers Delight-11K GCR
The perfect getaway for your family with entertainment included for everyone! This beautifully remodeled ground floor 1 bed/1.5 bath condo is literally 50 feet from the pool deck which includes a hot tub, grilling stations and outdoor dining. Enjoy the private screened in porch with a dart board and game table to escape the heat of the day. Just 1.5 miles from the Family Friendly Surfside Beaches, Golf Colony at Deerfield is perfectly located between the Hwy 17 Bypass and Hwy 17 Business for easy access to all of Surfside's fabulous amenities. Rent a gas powered golf cart (King of Carts) for the week and follow the path to the beach, local restaurants and grocery stores for a true getaway experience, no car necessary. If you are ready for a quieter, more laid back experience where you have plenty of room to spread out, don't have to fight for a spot at the pool or in the parking lot and can cook delicious meals in the spacious fully equipped kitchen, this is the place for you! We are also kid friendly and can provide Pack N Play and high chair on request so you don't have to travel with them.
Seven Palms-20J GCR
Spacious and comfortable 2 Bedroom/2 Bath condo overlooking the pool! Living Room includes a sleeper sofa (2 people) 60" HDTV. Master bedroom has 1 Queen Bed. Upstairs Bedroom has1 Queen bed with walk-in closet and private bath. Plus a generous kitchen area with overflow bar stools to accommodate all your guests. Don`t forget the full grilling station right by the pool to relax sand free in those care free days. You will love this adorable Villa just a quick drive to the beach. Golf Colony Resort is tucked quietly back in the Deerfield subdivision but right in the middle and close to everything! Book your family`s next home away from home with relaxing breezes and the beach right around the corner!
Check in time is at 4:00 PM and check out is before 10:00 AM.  All properties are non-smoking and no pets. By state law, occupancy may not exceed what is posted for each home. Maximum occupancy includes infants and children. If it found that the occupancy exceeds  the limit you will be asked to leave with no refund.
The Blue Pearl-21i GCR
2 Bedroom/2 Bath condo renovated in 2021 steps from the pool! Don`t forget the full grilling station right by the pool to relax sand free on those carefree days.
Living area includes leather furniture, the Master bedroom has 1 Queen Bed and the second Bedroom has 1 Double bed. There is also a fold-out bed in the living room for a guest.
You will love this cozy Villa just a quick drive to the beach. Golf Colony Resort is tucked quietly back in the Deerfield subdivision but right in the middle and close to everything! Book your family's next home away from home with relaxing breezes and the beach right around the corner!
We Value our Guests Privacy but are Available if Needed!
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Surfside Beach Rentals, Surfside Vacation Rentals, Surfside Beach Condos, Surfside Rentals with Pool & Surfside Beach SC Rentals.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.beachstarrealty.com/
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wolint · 10 months
2 Corinthians 1:20
Every time we seek God for a miracle, God first speaks to us about a promise. God’s miracles are embedded in His word and vice versa.
Psalm 138:2 is confidence and certainty boosting, in that it tells us how much value God placed on His word- His promises. Almost all the psalms written by David reaffirm his confidence in God’s promise to uphold His covenants. His psalm also encourages his readers to continue to trust God to accomplish all that He promises, especially in regard to miracles.
The Lord will not promise us something He cannot deliver. The Lord will never promise us anything that is not in His word: His word is His bond and vice versa. It is on the premise of His word that He gives us a promise that we expect as a miracle.
“He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea declares Psalm 102:17. It’s very easy to become discouraged in tough and difficult situations and challenges when we have no idea when what God has promised will materialize but it’s in such times and situations that we must hold firmly to the promises of God if we are to see the miraculous materialize.
The reason there is a resounding yes to God’s promises is two-fold, firstly, because all of God’s promises are based on the person of Christ and secondly because the word is living and active as stated in Hebrew 4:12.
The word of God given to us as a promise will try us before manifestation according to Psalm 105:19: “Until his word [to his cruel brothers] came true, until the word of the Lord tried and tested him. In other words, the testing of the word of God is what produces the miracles.
The miracle is in the word and the promise in Christ!
All our claim for a promise from God must begin with prayer and as stated in Psalm 17:6, God hears and answers prayer. “I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words.
His answer becomes the establishment of the promises on the word given to us.
We see Abraham in Genesis 12, receive the promise of God’s word for a son but not until Genesis 21:1 did he receive the miracle of the promises. It took him 25 years to receive his promised miracle and the same time for God to establish His promise to Abraham.
Persistence is the key to establishment! So many times our prayers isn’t answered the first time we pray. As seen in Luke 18 we must be like the persistent widow until the fulfilment of the promised miracle.
God gave David a promise in 1 Samuel 16 to become the king of Israel but he waited seven years before sitting on the throne as king yet he had a promise of appointment from God.
Are you waiting on the Lord for a miracle? Be sure then, that you have a promise from Him first. If the Lord has given you a promise, then wait for your miracle, it will come.
God will fulfill his word and bring his promise to pass. You just have to remain persistent in prayer and never give up. Be encouraged according to Matthew 7:7-8.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord that your promises find their fulfilment in Christ and not in me, I wait with expectations for the miracles of your promises in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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libidomechanica · 11 months
An hendy hap ich habbe yhent, ichoot
Where the tailor— that move men’s heart.     Reserve your faithless as with a dearness not his wine and     harmony combining in, and tuneless crocodiles.     Though at times convenient, but still: but the levee rose, and     its deep, and chestnut-flowers
of either side, and levels     of youth be flown? Sharpens and much rather be. By the tower,     if men esteemed for itself without spring-days, with     sound. Which rainbows of those who has nought to seek to know the     whole act express, that Love
is lost, my shepherds pipe all distance     lies for such a field of as we pass his warm life-breath,     their own Joys, and near my dusky highways left ear folds into     his, and anon there is not mine; ’ both have been waiting,     and love. Now do I know
he has my hands clasped for in this,     that they meant by this half- world. But many waters trough the     ground, who took fire, like a March twig: an arm of eminence     mongst them, and only when first do blow. Plains of hell. I trust     beyond all the warp’d and
found such another turning the     softer than are then death of life. Whatever is to come     back of the seraphim, they shall by those which he climbs to     watch the story must all this, and love. Is when art is too     precise in the lengths its
end, doth teach thing is your famish’d     count it but a din. The Seven in a row, which destroyed.     His warm life-breath, their shared bed, who rolls away, whilst Ben he     was uncurl’d, baked, fried, or burnt, turn’d a lieutenant to shore:     and till should it looking
with honors to his own will always     used her of annoy; stella, Soueraigne of my spirit     leaps with me through grief, and lips are valleys, vouchsafe your words.     Advantage on the evening. To endure, and only when     I caught you are dying
I throw mildly, all the blushing     was thrown down of all things which troublesome, and curl’d much rather     rough, of him here! Bit the Amen, ere thy poor, worthless     was dry together and the blanching there. Like bridegroom meets     the first thing resolvèd; if
to secretes its beating leagues     of murder, I will the musk carnations break in the house.     What thou too, mortal man such ladies! And her Pleasure nor     purpose; and hid under that great wall of good found there, be     the shore, and mine idle
life have soothe his woes with Sally     Brown, to endure, and unembroyder’d from staring at the     surface, my Peggy’s work and queir; yet, by my mother’s face,     nay, image be white stockit mailens. Where I go, she goes.     Speak, while her person past
bounds of wit, fooles. Valleys; meseems     I feel a handsome uniform,—a scarlet coat, black     again are the palm was infused, she said: Go up, dear heart     blooms through worlds like a sharper sense of inward as a shell     secret forests, turning
noon without that putti-filled heaven!     Closing day. An hendy hap ich habbe yhent, ichoot     from Oxford up your throat like hangovers, and all parties:     never could not keep, some heart and mine had bound us     All overlay us.
0 notes
keyon-seth · 1 year
Jeep Compass: The Perfect SUV for Your Next Adventure
The Jeep Compass is a compact SUV that has been popular with consumers since its introduction in 2017. It is known for its off-road capability, stylish design, and comfortable interior. The Compass is also available in a variety of trims and powertrains, making it a versatile option for a wide range of buyers.
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Off-Road Capability
One of the things that sets the Jeep Compass apart from other compact SUVs is its off-road capability. The Compass comes standard with four-wheel drive and a variety of off-road features, such as a skid plate, hill descent control, and a terrain select system. The Trailhawk trim level adds even more off-road capability, with features like a raised suspension, rock rails, and tow hooks.
Stylish Design
The Jeep Compass has a stylish and modern design. It features a seven-slot grille, which is a Jeep signature design element. The Compass also has a sleek profile and a muscular stance. The interior of the Compass is also stylish and well-designed. It features soft-touch materials and a variety of amenities, such as a heated steering wheel and heated and ventilated front seats.
Comfortable Interior
The Jeep Compass has a comfortable interior with plenty of space for passengers and cargo. The front seats are supportive and the rear seats offer plenty of legroom. The Compass also has a spacious cargo area that can be expanded by folding down the rear seats.
Variety of Trims and Powertrains
The Jeep Compass is available in a variety of trims and powertrains. The base Sport trim level comes with a 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine that produces 180 horsepower. The Latitude, Limited, and Trailhawk trim levels come with a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine that produces 200 horsepower. The Compass is also available in a plug-in hybrid version that gets up to 50 miles of all-electric range.
The Jeep Compass is a great choice for buyers who are looking for a compact SUV with off-road capability, a stylish design, and a comfortable interior. It is also available in a variety of trims and powertrains, making it a versatile option for a wide range of buyers.
Here are some additional thoughts on the Jeep Compass:
The Compass is a bit more expensive than some of its competitors, but it offers a lot of value for the money.
The Compass gets good fuel economy for a compact SUV.
The Compass is a fun and engaging vehicle to drive.
The Compass is a good choice for families, thanks to its spacious interior and comfortable ride.
If you are interested in buying a Jeep Compass, you should visit the Landmark dealership near you. They offer attractive deals and discounts on the Jeep Compass and also provide excellent after-sales service and support. You can book a test drive or request a brochure online at their website or call them at their toll-free number.
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wiackcom · 1 year
Vans offer unique advantages over other vehicles when you need serious hauling power, passenger space, or commercial capabilities. With so many options on the market, it can be tricky choosing the ideal van for your needs. This comprehensive guide covers the leading minivans and full-size vans for 2023. We'll overview the top-rated models in both categories and discuss key features and strengths of the best vans. Whether you need family-friendly transportation or a versatile work vehicle, these recommendations help you find your perfect match. Let's dive in and review the cream of the crop when it comes to vans. The Best Minivans for 2023 Minivans bridge the gap between spacious family vehicles and car-like maneuverability. Here are four standout choices for 2023: Chrysler Pacifica Chrysler Pacifica The Pacifica reigns as the most luxurious minivan you can buy. With seating for up to eight, you'll ride in comfort and style. Signature features include: High-end cabin materials and attention to detail User-friendly infotainment and connectivity Segment-exclusive Stow 'n Go folding second row seats Hybrid option with 33 mpg combined fuel economy The Pacifica remains unmatched for those wanting a premium family hauler. Honda Odyssey Honda Odyssey The Odyssey delivers exceptional comfort, convenience, and safety. This perennial top seller provides family-friendly flexibility. Key strengths: Spacious eight-seat cabin layout Handy storage solutions throughout Kid-focused rear entertainment system Advanced driver aids and excellent crash test results For those needing serious interior versatility, the Odyssey can't be beat. Toyota Sienna Toyota Sienna Now exclusively a hybrid, the Sienna offers outstanding fuel efficiency without sacrificing roominess. This tech-savvy people mover keeps the whole family happy. Notable attributes: 36 mpg combined fuel economy Available all-wheel drive Standard seven-seat configuration User-friendly infotainment and connectivity Extensive active safety features The Sienna pairs hybrid efficiency with Toyota's renowned quality and durability. Kia Carnival Kia Carnival The Carnival brings unexpected style and luxury to the minivan segment. This new-for-2022 model combines innovation with value. Key highlights: Striking SUV-inspired design Palatial passenger room High-end details and materials throughout Abundant tech and infotainment features Smooth handling and ride quality The Carnival is a home run for families wanting a modern, refined minivan. This quartet represents the cream of the crop for today's minivan offerings. Now let's discuss the must-have features and benefits of top minivans. Key Features of the Best Minivans The leading minivans for 2023 deliver an ideal blend of practicality, comfort, and innovation. Here are some of their most important attributes: Passenger and Cargo Room With seating for seven or eight, minivans excel at comfortably transporting families. Second and third row seats are roomy enough for adults. Cavernous rear cargo holds offer abundant space for luggage, groceries, sports gear, and more. Advanced seating configurations enable flexible load options. Family Friendly Amenities From rear seat entertainment systems to multi-zone climate control, top minivans are designed with families in mind. Conveniences like hands-free liftgates, charging ports, cupholders galore, and expansive storage make trips easier. And kid-focused details please the smallest passengers. Updated Safety Tech and Infotainment Today's minivans provide the latest high-tech driver assists and infotainment options. Safety features include automatic emergency braking, blind spot warning, lane keeping assist, and more. Entertainment comes from large touchscreens, Wi-Fi hotspots, and headphone accessibility. Fuel Efficiency With the rise of hybrid models, minivans now deliver impressive fuel economy.
This saves money while reducing environmental impact. Hybrid versions with 36+ mpg make running errands and daily commuting more efficient. Yet hauling power is never compromised. These core strengths demonstrate why modern minivans keep families happy. But what about shoppers needing more hardcore cargo and towing abilities? For that we turn to full-size vans. The Best Full-Size Vans for 2023 When cargo capacity and commercial duty call, only a full-size van will do. Here are the leading choices: Ford Transit Ford Transit The Transit rules as America's best-selling full-size van, offered in multiple sizes and configurations. This workhorse is ready for any task. Key attributes: Class-leading cargo room and payload rating Efficient gas and diesel engine options Easy to maneuver for its size Available all-wheel drive Highly customizable options No matter what the job, the Transit gets it done. Mercedes Benz Sprinter Mercedes Benz Sprinter With its European styling and engineering, the Sprinter brings premium touches to full-size vans. It delivers unmatched refinement. Notable features: Powerful yet fuel efficient diesel engine Five body configurations plus 4x4 capability High degree of customization Elegant and comfortable cabin Class-leading safety technologies The Sprinter merges work duty with Mercedes luxury. Chevrolet Express Chevrolet Express The venerable Express remains a trusted full-size van for commercial uses. This brawny hauler provides power and durability. Top traits: Strong V8 engine muscle Proven reliability and longevity Up to 278 cubic feet of cargo room Available passenger version seats 15 Excellent value for money The Express handles jobs big and small while resisting the rigors of work. GMC Savana GMC Savana Close corporate cousin to the Chevrolet Express, the Savana boasts similar toughness and versatility. It focuses on brute strength. Key assets: Towing capacity up to 10,000 pounds Huge cargo volume capability Optional heavy-duty trailering package Powerful V8 engines Excellent large work van value The Savana ranks among the brawniest full-size vans for the toughest assignments. In the full-size van arena, these stalwart models continue setting the standard. Next let's examine the unique abilities of these trucks. Capabilities of Full-Size Vans Beyond sheer size, full-size vans provide a range of talents tailored to commercial and fleet use. Towing and Cargo Capacity With expansive cargo bays and strong engines, these vans can haul insane amounts of gear or cargo. Maximum tow ratings exceed 10,000 pounds for taking equipment trailers and vehicles to job sites. And cargo room ranges from 200+ to 500+ cubic feet depending on configuration. Commercial Upfitting Options These vans serve as blanks canvases to customize for specific commercial and vocational needs. Upfitting options include shelving, ladder racks, toolboxes, generators, wheelchair lifts, and more. Fleets outfit them as mobile workshops fully customized for their work. Passenger Configurations Certain full-size vans like the Express and Sprinter adapt for shuttle bus and van pool transportation. Passenger models can carry 10, 12, or 15+ occupants thanks to removable seating that creates open floorplans. Power and Durability Robust V6 and V8 engines deliver the muscle needed for hard work. These motors churn out over 300 horsepower along with stout torque. Rugged body-on-frame construction and heavy-duty components allow full-size vans to withstand years of daily punishment on the job. Hundreds of thousands of miles of reliable service is common. This combination of capabilities makes full-size vans essential for many trades and delivery services needing serious cargo or towing abilities. Of course, choosing the right van involves carefully analyzing your needs...
Choosing the Right Van The ideal van for you depends on weighing several important considerations: Assessing Your Needs Honestly evaluate how you will use your van most of the time. Key questions: Will you regularly need to carry passengers or prioritize cargo capacity? What payload and towing capabilities are required? Do you plan commercial upfits or mods to the van? Is fuel efficiency a deciding factor? Answering these questions will guide you to the optimal van category and features. New vs Used Considerations New vans ensure you get the exact options you want, while used may offer affordability. Evaluate upfront cost, predicted reliability and maintenance, included warranty coverage, and financing terms when deciding between new or used. Also inspect any used vans thoroughly before purchase. Reviews and Test Drives Don't rely purely on specs and photos. Read expert reviews and test drive top contenders yourself to get a true feel for each van. Focus on cabin comfort, driving dynamics, visibility, utility of cargo and passenger space, ease of access, and how they fulfill your needs. Identifying the best van for you requires hands-on experience. Taking time to weigh these important factors helps ensure you select the ideal van for your specific transportation requirements, whether personal or professional. With this comprehensive overview and expert advice, you can confidently shop for the perfect van. Let me know if any other questions come up! FAQs What is the most reliable minivan brand? According to various sources, including CarMax, U.S. News, and Kelley Blue Book, the Toyota Sienna is one of the most reliable minivans for 2023. Other reliable options include the Honda Odyssey and the Chrysler Pacifica. Do new minivans have good safety ratings? Yes, new minivans generally have good safety ratings. The 2023 Honda Odyssey, for example, has a 5-star overall safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and is an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Top Safety Pick. Other minivans with high safety ratings include the Toyota Sienna and the Kia Carnival. What is the least expensive full-size van? According to TrueCar, the 2023 Ford Transit Connect is the least expensive full-size van, with a starting price of around $28,000. Other affordable options include the Ram ProMaster City and the Nissan NV200. How much can full-size vans tow? The towing capacity of full-size vans varies depending on the model and configuration. The 2023 Ford Transit, for example, has a maximum towing capacity of up to 7,500 pounds, while the 2023 Ram ProMaster can tow up to 6,910 pounds. Should I buy or lease a minivan? Whether to buy or lease a minivan depends on your personal preferences and financial situation. Leasing a minivan may offer lower monthly payments and the ability to drive a new vehicle every few years, but you won't own the vehicle at the end of the lease. Buying a minivan may offer more long-term value, but you'll have to pay higher monthly payments and may have to deal with maintenance and repair costs. It's important to consider your budget, driving needs, and future plans before deciding whether to buy or lease a minivan. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 1 year
Vans offer unique advantages over other vehicles when you need serious hauling power, passenger space, or commercial capabilities. With so many options on the market, it can be tricky choosing the ideal van for your needs. This comprehensive guide covers the leading minivans and full-size vans for 2023. We'll overview the top-rated models in both categories and discuss key features and strengths of the best vans. Whether you need family-friendly transportation or a versatile work vehicle, these recommendations help you find your perfect match. Let's dive in and review the cream of the crop when it comes to vans. The Best Minivans for 2023 Minivans bridge the gap between spacious family vehicles and car-like maneuverability. Here are four standout choices for 2023: Chrysler Pacifica Chrysler Pacifica The Pacifica reigns as the most luxurious minivan you can buy. With seating for up to eight, you'll ride in comfort and style. Signature features include: High-end cabin materials and attention to detail User-friendly infotainment and connectivity Segment-exclusive Stow 'n Go folding second row seats Hybrid option with 33 mpg combined fuel economy The Pacifica remains unmatched for those wanting a premium family hauler. Honda Odyssey Honda Odyssey The Odyssey delivers exceptional comfort, convenience, and safety. This perennial top seller provides family-friendly flexibility. Key strengths: Spacious eight-seat cabin layout Handy storage solutions throughout Kid-focused rear entertainment system Advanced driver aids and excellent crash test results For those needing serious interior versatility, the Odyssey can't be beat. Toyota Sienna Toyota Sienna Now exclusively a hybrid, the Sienna offers outstanding fuel efficiency without sacrificing roominess. This tech-savvy people mover keeps the whole family happy. Notable attributes: 36 mpg combined fuel economy Available all-wheel drive Standard seven-seat configuration User-friendly infotainment and connectivity Extensive active safety features The Sienna pairs hybrid efficiency with Toyota's renowned quality and durability. Kia Carnival Kia Carnival The Carnival brings unexpected style and luxury to the minivan segment. This new-for-2022 model combines innovation with value. Key highlights: Striking SUV-inspired design Palatial passenger room High-end details and materials throughout Abundant tech and infotainment features Smooth handling and ride quality The Carnival is a home run for families wanting a modern, refined minivan. This quartet represents the cream of the crop for today's minivan offerings. Now let's discuss the must-have features and benefits of top minivans. Key Features of the Best Minivans The leading minivans for 2023 deliver an ideal blend of practicality, comfort, and innovation. Here are some of their most important attributes: Passenger and Cargo Room With seating for seven or eight, minivans excel at comfortably transporting families. Second and third row seats are roomy enough for adults. Cavernous rear cargo holds offer abundant space for luggage, groceries, sports gear, and more. Advanced seating configurations enable flexible load options. Family Friendly Amenities From rear seat entertainment systems to multi-zone climate control, top minivans are designed with families in mind. Conveniences like hands-free liftgates, charging ports, cupholders galore, and expansive storage make trips easier. And kid-focused details please the smallest passengers. Updated Safety Tech and Infotainment Today's minivans provide the latest high-tech driver assists and infotainment options. Safety features include automatic emergency braking, blind spot warning, lane keeping assist, and more. Entertainment comes from large touchscreens, Wi-Fi hotspots, and headphone accessibility. Fuel Efficiency With the rise of hybrid models, minivans now deliver impressive fuel economy.
This saves money while reducing environmental impact. Hybrid versions with 36+ mpg make running errands and daily commuting more efficient. Yet hauling power is never compromised. These core strengths demonstrate why modern minivans keep families happy. But what about shoppers needing more hardcore cargo and towing abilities? For that we turn to full-size vans. The Best Full-Size Vans for 2023 When cargo capacity and commercial duty call, only a full-size van will do. Here are the leading choices: Ford Transit Ford Transit The Transit rules as America's best-selling full-size van, offered in multiple sizes and configurations. This workhorse is ready for any task. Key attributes: Class-leading cargo room and payload rating Efficient gas and diesel engine options Easy to maneuver for its size Available all-wheel drive Highly customizable options No matter what the job, the Transit gets it done. Mercedes Benz Sprinter Mercedes Benz Sprinter With its European styling and engineering, the Sprinter brings premium touches to full-size vans. It delivers unmatched refinement. Notable features: Powerful yet fuel efficient diesel engine Five body configurations plus 4x4 capability High degree of customization Elegant and comfortable cabin Class-leading safety technologies The Sprinter merges work duty with Mercedes luxury. Chevrolet Express Chevrolet Express The venerable Express remains a trusted full-size van for commercial uses. This brawny hauler provides power and durability. Top traits: Strong V8 engine muscle Proven reliability and longevity Up to 278 cubic feet of cargo room Available passenger version seats 15 Excellent value for money The Express handles jobs big and small while resisting the rigors of work. GMC Savana GMC Savana Close corporate cousin to the Chevrolet Express, the Savana boasts similar toughness and versatility. It focuses on brute strength. Key assets: Towing capacity up to 10,000 pounds Huge cargo volume capability Optional heavy-duty trailering package Powerful V8 engines Excellent large work van value The Savana ranks among the brawniest full-size vans for the toughest assignments. In the full-size van arena, these stalwart models continue setting the standard. Next let's examine the unique abilities of these trucks. Capabilities of Full-Size Vans Beyond sheer size, full-size vans provide a range of talents tailored to commercial and fleet use. Towing and Cargo Capacity With expansive cargo bays and strong engines, these vans can haul insane amounts of gear or cargo. Maximum tow ratings exceed 10,000 pounds for taking equipment trailers and vehicles to job sites. And cargo room ranges from 200+ to 500+ cubic feet depending on configuration. Commercial Upfitting Options These vans serve as blanks canvases to customize for specific commercial and vocational needs. Upfitting options include shelving, ladder racks, toolboxes, generators, wheelchair lifts, and more. Fleets outfit them as mobile workshops fully customized for their work. Passenger Configurations Certain full-size vans like the Express and Sprinter adapt for shuttle bus and van pool transportation. Passenger models can carry 10, 12, or 15+ occupants thanks to removable seating that creates open floorplans. Power and Durability Robust V6 and V8 engines deliver the muscle needed for hard work. These motors churn out over 300 horsepower along with stout torque. Rugged body-on-frame construction and heavy-duty components allow full-size vans to withstand years of daily punishment on the job. Hundreds of thousands of miles of reliable service is common. This combination of capabilities makes full-size vans essential for many trades and delivery services needing serious cargo or towing abilities. Of course, choosing the right van involves carefully analyzing your needs...
Choosing the Right Van The ideal van for you depends on weighing several important considerations: Assessing Your Needs Honestly evaluate how you will use your van most of the time. Key questions: Will you regularly need to carry passengers or prioritize cargo capacity? What payload and towing capabilities are required? Do you plan commercial upfits or mods to the van? Is fuel efficiency a deciding factor? Answering these questions will guide you to the optimal van category and features. New vs Used Considerations New vans ensure you get the exact options you want, while used may offer affordability. Evaluate upfront cost, predicted reliability and maintenance, included warranty coverage, and financing terms when deciding between new or used. Also inspect any used vans thoroughly before purchase. Reviews and Test Drives Don't rely purely on specs and photos. Read expert reviews and test drive top contenders yourself to get a true feel for each van. Focus on cabin comfort, driving dynamics, visibility, utility of cargo and passenger space, ease of access, and how they fulfill your needs. Identifying the best van for you requires hands-on experience. Taking time to weigh these important factors helps ensure you select the ideal van for your specific transportation requirements, whether personal or professional. With this comprehensive overview and expert advice, you can confidently shop for the perfect van. Let me know if any other questions come up! FAQs What is the most reliable minivan brand? According to various sources, including CarMax, U.S. News, and Kelley Blue Book, the Toyota Sienna is one of the most reliable minivans for 2023. Other reliable options include the Honda Odyssey and the Chrysler Pacifica. Do new minivans have good safety ratings? Yes, new minivans generally have good safety ratings. The 2023 Honda Odyssey, for example, has a 5-star overall safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and is an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Top Safety Pick. Other minivans with high safety ratings include the Toyota Sienna and the Kia Carnival. What is the least expensive full-size van? According to TrueCar, the 2023 Ford Transit Connect is the least expensive full-size van, with a starting price of around $28,000. Other affordable options include the Ram ProMaster City and the Nissan NV200. How much can full-size vans tow? The towing capacity of full-size vans varies depending on the model and configuration. The 2023 Ford Transit, for example, has a maximum towing capacity of up to 7,500 pounds, while the 2023 Ram ProMaster can tow up to 6,910 pounds. Should I buy or lease a minivan? Whether to buy or lease a minivan depends on your personal preferences and financial situation. Leasing a minivan may offer lower monthly payments and the ability to drive a new vehicle every few years, but you won't own the vehicle at the end of the lease. Buying a minivan may offer more long-term value, but you'll have to pay higher monthly payments and may have to deal with maintenance and repair costs. It's important to consider your budget, driving needs, and future plans before deciding whether to buy or lease a minivan. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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