relicsongmel · 6 months
hi! i was reading your pinned post and it made me think - what color(s) are each of the aa main characters' theme songs! :0
Synesthesia question yippee!!!!! Here are all main character themes from the games I’ve played <3 so far I’ve done AA1 through AA4 as well as both Investigations games~
Phoenix Wright (Objection! 2001): G minor—dark green
Phoenix Wright (Objection! 2002): F minor—gray-blue
Phoenix Wright (Objection! 2004): D minor—sea green
Maya Fey (Turnabout Sisters 2001/2002): A♭ major—purple (roughly the same shade as her haori <3)
Miles Edgeworth (Great Revival): F minor—gray-blue
Franziska von Karma (Great Revival): G minor—dark green (though it’s worth noting that the Great Revival themes despite being in minor use a lot of borrowed harmonies from the major mode that end up brightening the overall color a little)
Dick Gumshoe (It’s Detective Gumshoe/I can do it when it counts, pal!): C minor—sea blue
Ema Skye (Turnabout Sisters 2005): C major—yellow
Ema Skye (Scientific Detective): G major—pink
Pearl Fey (Pearly Questioning): F major—cerulean
Godot (The Fragrance of Black Coffee): D major—green
Larry Butz (When Something Smells, It’s Usually Me): G mixolydian—yellow (but some sections sound blue due to borrowed flat harmonies)
Apollo Justice (Objection! 2007): G# minor—dark magenta
Trucy Wright (Child of Magic): D major—green
Klavier Gavin (Guilty Love): E♭ major—royal blue
Kay Faraday (The Great Truth Burglar): A minor—light gray
Shi-Long Lang (Speak Up, Pup!): E minor—gold
Raymond Shields (Joking Motive): A minor—light gray (with additional analysis available here if you’re interested :3)
Justine Courtney (Goddess of Law): F minor—gray-blue
Gregory Edgeworth (A Defense Attorney’s Knowledge): C major -> C minor—yellow -> sea blue
Sebastian Debeste (First-Class Reasoning): C major -> F major -> G major—yellow -> cerulean -> pink
Sebastian Debeste (A First-Class Farewell): G minor—dark green
You'll notice that not all colors necessarily match the character's color schemes. This is because while sometimes a character design can influence my synesthetic experiences (which is a whole other conversation in and of itself), they are still primarily based on the key of the theme itself—so a character theme in C major, for example, will always sound yellow regardless of which character it's meant to represent. This is both a blessing and a curse as sometimes the synesthetic color/mood will match a character perfectly whereas other times it will be completely off the mark. But it is still a very fun thing regardless—thank you for the ask!
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ind1c0lite · 1 year
for sprite redraws - Edgeworth's smirking sprite!! (either the knife cat one or the courtroom one both are good) LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH <33
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they TRULY nailed the assholelerly in this sprite it's so good JFHGKJHLK
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anglerflsh · 10 months
hey, have you played pentiment? it sounds like you'd love it!!!
I have! And I do love it! It combines both a quite pleasing aesthetic and the absolute fun of an investigation / multiple path game, it's one of my favourites. I should really play it again
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saltpepperbeard · 2 months
hi jodi!!!!! saw you on da dashboard and i hope that you're doing awesome 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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I hope you're doing so so awesome, too! Hugging you so tight and kissing your forehead and RUNNING LAPS AROUND YOU BECAUSE WE'RE GETTING LOCALIZED GREGS HUH!!! LIKE WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!!!!!!
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luminecho · 9 months
5, 10, and 20!
5 answered here!
10. Will you keep a record of all the fics you write and/or post this year?
what does this question mean... I have all of my fics saved in google docs? if that's what it means? otherwise no I don't really need to like. keep a record of it all because ao3 kinda does that automatically, i can just check my statistics lol
20. Any plans to work on original fiction this year?
Actually writing it? Definitely not. But i have a few OC stories that i adore working on in my free time just as far as worldbuilding and characters and plot beats go. i think Blackbird is the one that i'm farthest along in because I kind of have a story arc figured out, and I'd like to figure out more details of that one! But I don't plan on actually WRITING any into any novels just yet. Don't feel ready, yknow? Plus who knows, I might decide to make a story or two into something animated someday instead or smth. but I do want to figure out the vague details of Blackbird, The Red Tide, and Starsong this year. Starsong especially because that one needs a COMPLETE renovation from head to toe. yikes
(Fanfic asks for the new year)
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bringmoreknives · 1 year
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@sevenyeargap bc bread does not come in everything flavor!!! and bagels also are thicker/crispier!!!!
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majoringinsarcasm · 9 months
FEENIE TO BEANIX PIPELINE ESSAY????? grabby hand grabby hand grabby hand g
I think about the difference eras of Phoenix Wright and all his extreme that we are given and I see love sick college student who eats glass But Also lies in court when he’s accused or murder and is petty enough to push someone to the ground. And I’m already feral. And then I think about the Rest Of Him and I go crazy. If not an academic style essay certainly some kind of character study if only to put my rambling thoughts somewhere
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franziskavonkarma · 7 months
AMAZING url, my god! franzi our beloved!
thank you 🥺🫶 franziska von karma is THE ace attorney character of all time
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franzizka · 10 months
18, 37, ANDDDDD.... 62 👀
18. miku - anamanaguchi
37. heartbreak feels so good - fall out boy
62. wouldn’t it be nice - the beach boys
//send me a number and i’ll give you the corresponding song from my spotify wrapped!
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frogs-in3-hills · 11 months
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you got laetiporus sulphureus (chicken of the woods)!
chicken of the woods is known as one of the most delicious forageable mushrooms and is said to have a taste and texture similar to chicken.
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vesperosy · 10 months
omg im absolutely enamored with your art style... the way you draw maya & edgeworth is so good and cute and i looooove your doodles!!!! AND you're into tbna too...... thank you for sharing your art!!!
aw thank you!!! 💜
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kexing · 1 year
i associate you with good vibes, pink and heart-shaped things, pretty gifsets, and kindness!!!!!!
hi!! heart-shaped things!! i love them!!!
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thank you so much for thinking so sweetly of me!!! and for thinking my gifsets are pretty 🥰🥰🥰🩷🩷🩷
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ind1c0lite · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎁💐🩷
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anglerflsh · 10 months
btw i love your art and vibes and idk if you're into ace attorney anymore but i wrote a whole analysis of edgeworth based on one of my favorite legal essays.... im a law student who loves history so we're like. similar vibes! do you have any books on legal history, or any legal essays, you'd recommend? :0
Thank you! I do generally still like aa, I just post about it a bit less- oh but that sounds very interesting as a base for an analysis. Eye.
I am taking a course on legal history this semester, actually! So I hope you won't mind if my suggestions are taken from my syllabus or from the bibliography of said syllabus that I looked at for my own research (and hopefully you can find translations if needed): - "Lo Stato Moderno in Europa. Istituzioni e diritto" by M. Fioravanti - "Historie du droit administratif (de la Révolution au début des années)" by F. Burdeau - "L'età dei diritti" by N. Bobbio - "The philosophical Origins of Modern Contract Doctrine" by J. Gordley - "Scienza Giuridica Italiana, un profilo storico" by P. Grossi (his work in general on the history of law is very interesting) And specifically on criminal justice: - "Diritto e Ragione, teoria del garantismo penale" by L. Ferrajoli - "Vidi communiter observarit" in the journal 'quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno'. - "I volti della giustizia e del potere: analisi comparativistica del processo" by M.R. Damaska - "Criminalia (nascita dei sistemi penali)" by F. Cordero
Apologies if this is a long list, of most of these I've had the chance to read specific chapters and not the entire work, but! I thought them quite interesting regardless + I haven't had the time to look up the specific authors I'm sure there's at least one here whose values I don't agree with but I am one man and this is a spur-of-the-moment list
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
Jodi ilysm and i hope ofmd S2 watching is going awesome but. isn't it like the middle of the night for you???? please go to sleep my beloved????????
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It's CURRENTLY not, but yes, I was deadass up crying/throwing up/shitting over OFMD S2 from 2:30am to about 6am L M A O
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luminecho · 9 months
wait im sorry i just realized i meant to type 12 instead of 10 for the fic ask 😭
hfdkjhdfkjdf you're good!!!
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
i'm probably gonna bully my friends into betaing for me and giving me concrit more often lol. it's SO much more helpful than i ever realized. and especially with longer fics it's nice to have somebody else read everything over for you so you don't have to subject yourself to your own writing over and over and over and over again
(Fanfic asks for the new year)
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