#several insane things i will graciously refrain from saying
chelemlem · 9 months
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That really was… in some ways, quite emotional
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mastermindmiko · 11 months
Ghost Love
Pairing: Regulus Black + Potter!reader
Word count: 1783
Summary: You have the ability to talk and see ghosts
Warnings: angst, age gap but not really, kissing
Part 2
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
an: this was inspired by someone here on tumblr who is called or used to be called vampirestookmydoubts, but I really couldn't find the account to tag them, so if anyone does know what happened to their account lmk please!
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“It’s completely insane! He still does it, does he not get bored?” Regulus asked you as you both looked at Professor Slughorn. He was once again drunk in one of his Slug Club dinners. This was the last dinner before the Christmas party and Christmas break.
You shook your head at the drunk teacher with a small chuckle. You didn’t turn to look at Regulus knowing that it would make your look weird, “Yeah. He did that too? You know, when you were well-” You trailed off, always so cautious not to mention death to any of them. Some were sensitive but others didn’t quite care like Regulus, “So what I died? Can’t change that now, can I?” He would always say that.
He rolled his eyes “I don’t care by the way so what I-” He started saying his usual phrase but you rolled your eyes and continued to say the sentence with him “Died? Can’t change that now,-” He raised his eyebrows looking at you when you both spoke in unison. “... Can I?”
“You say that a lot.” You say finally looking at him with a smirk. Your heart fluttered when you did.
“As you so graciously care to remind me. Not all of us cry when you mention that we died. Not like Fred who balled his eyes out-” He rolled his eyes.
“... now, now. Reggie. Just because you didn’t have someone to cry over you doesn’t mean you should go all salty on us.” Fred said, going through the wall towards you.
“Fred you’re back!” You said with a smile that he returned. “So tell me all the updates.” You added and you refrained from trying to hug him. You embarrassed yourself by trying to do that on several occasions before and you had to endure other people’s laughter when you went through air. Fred started to tell you about George and the rest of his family. You had intended to switch the subject quickly knowing that Fred dying wasn’t the thing that affected him but rather what his death caused for his family.
You shot Regulus a glare while he just shrugged. You listened to Fred intently as he talked about George and the rest of his family. Your family as well. You laughed at how your uncle Ron still gets mad at Harry when he kisses Ginny. It was a gift you had, no one knew about it except for your ghost friends. You had the ability to see Ghosts, only specific ones of course; the ones who chose for you to see them or just the ones that are there -it depends-.
You first saw Fred at Christmas six years ago, you screamed and shouted at seeing the man you saw in many family photos; in full color, going through a wall and sitting casually beside his twin. When your mom -Ginny- calmed you down and put you to bed, Fred came in to check on you -as he would with any normal family member- and then you talked to him. He was the first ghost you have seen.
The ghost you spent most time with is Regulus. He was your best friend despite the major difference. As you talked animatedly to Fred, he watched you fondly. He saw a girl looking at you weirdly because of the ‘air talking’. So he walked near her and made her punch fall on the floor, so he can grab her attention away from you. He knew how badly you took the ghost thing, you were happy so happy about it. However when you came to Hogwarts people noticed your weird actions and made fun of you for it. He made sure it didn’t happen again.
The party was loud and crowded so he wasn’t worried that someone might notice you, but every so often someone would look at you and scoff or laugh; and he made sure to take care of that. He watched you cry so hard and his heart clenched each time.
His thoughts came back to why he even had to do that in the first place. He was happy for you, you could speak to all your dead relatives and get to know them; but it was so hard for him. At first he watched you from afar curious by why you would do certain things, but as you grew older he started to gain feelings. You were 16 and he was 18. It wasn’t that big of a difference. -excluding the obvious over 55 year age gap-
His heart hurt and when you laughed at something that Fred said, his heart gained a burning feeling. He fumed at how absurd this is and he left the party for the nearest wall. Fred was a ghost, he was a ghost, there’s no way for either of them to be with you so why was he acting like this. Even so Fred owned a joke shop, he made people laugh for a living. So, why was he acting like this?
He sat down in the astronomy tower, he didn’t notice how far his feet took him with his thoughts on the run. He sat on the floor and rubbed his face with both his palms, sighing deeply. Wasn’t there supposed to be no hurt after death? Then what was he feeling?
Reuniting with his brother was the only good thing he could seem to come up with from being a ghost. Meeting you could’ve been the highlight of his entire being but why did it have to be under these circumstances?
“I thought you’d be here.” You said standing a couple feet away from him. Regulus always chose to walk instead of float like other ghosts do. James and Fred always floated so they could twirl and flip in the air as much as they pleased.
The ghosts always appeared in full color to you unlike ghosts who were visible to everyone like Sir Nicholas who was between black and white or transparent. Sometimes you would see him and your heart would soar seeing him real in front of you but then you’d remember and your heart would plummet going straight to the core of the earth.
“It’s a shame I told you.” He refused to look at you. You pressed your lights together tightly as you bound your hands together and you sat beside him. “Well it’s a shame you told me then.”
You looked at his side profile. Merlin! Everything about him is perfect, you thought. Especially with the moonlight illuminating his sharp features and his grey eyes reflecting the stars. It made it look like he had stars in his eyes. Feeling a restricting feeling in your chest you looked away and let out a small chuckle “You made it so dramatic too.”
You switched your voice in a poor imitation of his in a much deeper tone and mimicked, “I used to come here almost every night just to look the stars and think”
You laughed and he matched you shaking his head fondly at you. “You always use that big brain of yours too much.” You smiled at the end of your sentence.
“Why’d you leave?” you asked meekly. Most of your questions resulted in deep conversations with him, it seemed as if the more you got to know him, the more there was to learn about him.
He sighed and he shrugged his shoulders. “Hands.” Regulus ordered, and you obeyed. You turned your entire body to him and you placed both your hands -face down- in front of you. You crossed your feet under you and he did the same. He repeated your action and he placed both his hands on top of yours. He sucked in a deep breath and moved his hands from the top of your hands to the bottom. He watched as his hands went through yours.
He repeated the action for as long as it took for the message to sink in. He created this thing as a cruel reminder to what is real and what isn’t, for what could happen and what couldn’t. It was a cruel that he couldn’t be with you. He did it whenever he felt his heart give him hope because the heart will come up with whatever it wants just so it can numb it’s pain.
In his head, inevitably you will fall in love with someone and he’ll have to watch so why not just get over his feelings now. He pulled his hands away from yours and rested them on his lap. His heart now hurts but at least it now can’t fog up his mind with false hope. The universe always gave him the bad cards, he thought all the bad events that could’ve happened, happened because he died. However there were two cards that he still hadn’t been dealt yet when he died; a good one, you and a bad one, that he can’t be with you.
“I still don’t get why you do that.” you commented eyebrows furrowed as you put down your hands. Whenever you asked he would just say ‘70s’ thing and you would roll your eyes and let it slide. This time felt different though as if he was trying to break himself, and you knew you wouldn’t get an answer.
“WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING DOWN HERE WHEN THE PARTY IS DOWN THERE?” James said as he barged into the astronomy tower, Sirius and Remus following behind. Sirius ruffled regulus’ brother and you waved hello to all of them.
“What are you doing up here?” Remus asked. You had bonded with the former werewolf by opening books for him. While he could create small gusts of wind he couldn’t change anything major like opening a book though you wouldn’t consider opening a book a major thing.
“Snogging of course.” Sirius said, as he fake tutted. I wish, you thought. You laughed at his suggestion, but James went to Regulus and pinched his cheeks. “Of course not, they’re just babies.” Regulus swatted his hands away. As if James would let you come near a 20 foot radius from any guy when you’re his granddaughter.
You let out something between a scoff and a chuckle as you said “Babies my ass.” Remus shook his head and said “Language!”
You stood up trying to be at the same height as him but you failed miserably and you said “As if I didn’t learn all my swear words from you.” Remus opened his mouth before he could protest, Sirius placed his lips on his and said “She’s right, moony.”
Regulus grimaced at his brother kissing another person as any sibling would and James said “Oh! look and prude too!”
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singledarkshade · 4 years
New Old Friend
Part Three
(Part One and Part Two can be found here) Jack grimaced as he listened to the tenth complaint phone call in a row about power outages. Glancing over to where Jo sat, he saw she was listening to something very similar.
“Okay, Mr Fredrickson,” Jack said, finally managing to get a word in, “We’ll look into it.”
Hanging up he sighed, waiting for Jo to finish her conversation.
“Call Henry?” Jo asked the moment she’d hung up.
“Please,” Jack clasped his hands together. He headed over to their small chalkboard they had and cleaned it. He updated it to read, ‘0 days since something weird has happened.’ They’d never made it to 4 days never mind a full week.
Jo appeared at his side and handed him the phone, “Henry.”
“Henry,” Jack said the instant he took the phone, “We’ve had calls that there are a lot of power surges and outages around town. Tell me it’s not you.”
There was a pause before the other man replied, “Not from anything I have going on just now.”
Jack sighed, “Damn. That means GD is more than likely to be the culprit. I might need your expertise while I check this out.”
“We’ll meet you there,” Henry said before hanging up.
Frowning slightly, Jack mused, “We?”
Henry hung up the phone turning to where Rip and Gideon were scanning over some of his inventions. The AI was impressive but also very opinionated.
Henry loved her.
“Problem?” Rip asked.
Henry nodded, “I think your shard may be causing some power problems in town. I’m heading to Global Dynamics. Feel like coming along?”
Rip smiled interested, “I assume I have the credentials.”
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Henry tried to look offended but didn’t quite manage to get rid of his smile, “Your ID badge is in the wallet I gave you.”
Gideon frowned, “I assume I will be turned off.”
Rip bit his lip at her tart inquiry as Henry turned to her.
“Actually no,” he smiled, “GD is used to people field testing their experiments. Although we might want to avoid Fargo, he is our current AI expert.”
Gideon smiled sweetly making Henry chuckle at how Rip rolled his eyes. Grabbing his coat Henry led them out to the truck. Rip climbed inside and Gideon appeared to sit between them.
Starting to drive, Henry smiled as he saw Gideon study their surroundings.
“Dr Deacon,” she said, “I am intrigued by the town. You stated that it was created for those with genius intelligence?”
Henry nodded, “Back in the fifties Albert Einstein and President Truman founded the town as a haven for the smartest people in the country. To give them a place to create and learn. It wasn’t much at first but soon the town grew.”
“It is a shame we do not have a place like this within our own universe,” Gideon noted thoughtfully, “It would have been a good place to relocate the children after we removed the Time Masters.”
Rip shrugged before musing, “It would be an interesting place to have grown up,” sadness filled his voice, “Or to raise a child.”
Gideon shook her head so Henry wouldn’t ask Rip anything, she didn’t say anything further simply watching the scenery fly by. Reaching GD, Henry was pleased by the soft impressed noise Rip made when he drove through the shield surrounding it.
“Hologrammatic shielding,” Rip noted, “Impressive.”
Henry nodded, “There are a lot of top-secret projects within this building, we need good security.”
“Of course,” Rip nodded, a small smirk on his face.
Henry frowned, “What?”
“I believe Captain Hunter has already worked out several ways to infiltrate this building,” Gideon noted amused.
Glancing at the other man, Henry frowned at the slight shrug, “Just try to refrain from doing anything that will get you thrown in federal prison. Or do you know how to escape from that too?”
Innocence covered Rip’s face as they climbed out the truck and started to the front door. Henry pulled out his security badge and motioned Rip to show his. The guard studied it for a second before turning to Gideon.
“She isn’t real,” Henry said before explaining Gideon was an ‘experiment’ Rip was working on.
Looking extremely impressed the guard motioned them inside and Henry led them to the rotunda. Turning he found Gideon glaring at him.
“I’m not real?” she demanded sharply.
“He didn’t mean it like that, Gideon,” Rip soothed, “It was a simple way to get past the guard without going into the technical specifications.” Giving a sniff she turned to look around and Rip shrugged, “She may forgive you sometime soon.”
Henry moved to stand in front of Gideon, “I am extremely sorry I called you not real, Gideon. I never intended to insult you.”
Gideon smiled and nodded graciously before turning to Rip, “You should be taking notes.”
Before Rip could retort a call came making them turn to see Jack jogging over to them.
 Jack Carter had the look of a man who knew he was about to step into an insane asylum, a look Rip often saw on his own face when dealing with the Legends.
“I called Alison,” Jack said as he reached them, “She should be meeting us soon.” He looked at Gideon and asked, “Who is this?”
“I am Gideon,” she replied, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Sheriff.”
Jack moved to shake her hand stunned when it went through hers, “What?”
Henry laughed, “Sorry, Jack. Gideon is an AI, very advanced. Rip is testing an interface.”
Rip turned showing the disc attached to his temple, “Henry agreed to help me with the experiment.”
“What do you want, Carter?” a bored voice came from behind them.
Rip turned with the other two men to see a tall man with a sneer of superiority on his face walking with an elegant woman whose air of authority marked her as the boss.
“Nathan,” she scolded the man at her side before turning to them, “Carter, Henry and,” she paused at Rip, “Dr Hunter I presume.”
Rip nodded and took her offered hand, “Yes,” he said before adding, “And this is Gideon, my AI companion.”
“Dr Alison Blake,” she introduced herself to both of them, “Gideon, you are incredible.”
Gideon smiled back, “Thank you, Dr Blake.”
“Please don’t,” Rip muttered, “Her ego is big enough as it is.”
At Gideon’s sharp look he stared innocently at her.
“Dr Nathan Stark,” the final man introduced himself, “I’ve read your papers on Artificial Intelligence.”
A cough made them all turn to the Sheriff, who was standing waiting to explain why everyone has been called.
“Carter,” Alison turned to the Sheriff, “What do you need?”
Jack turned his attention from looking annoyed at the new man to Alison, “We’re getting reports all over town of power outages. I checked with Henry and it’s not him.”
“That’s some police work there, Carter,” Stark stated.
Irritation covered Jack’s face, but he continued, “We’ve gone over the other options in town and it’s not connected to any of them. So, here I am.”
Alison held up her hand to stop Stark from retorting, “We will check the list of projects to see if there is anything that could be causing the outages.”
“What about my favourite place, Section 5?” Jack demanded.
“That’s classified, Carter,” Stark stated, “As you know.”
“And as you know,” Jack retorted, “It’s usually the cause of all the problems.”
Alison sighed in annoyance, “Section 5 projects will be included in my check. Why don’t we head to my office?”
 Gideon was fascinated by Global Dynamics. Not the humans, who were arguing as humans usually did while her Captain was sitting watching, taking in the dynamics and relationships between the people in the room.
The interface her Captain was wearing which allowed her to be seen by the people in this world, had the excellent side-effect of allowing Gideon to interact with the computer systems of this world.
And the Global Dynamics computers were fascinating. None were as advanced as she was of course, but for the period they were in, advanced enough.
She hadn’t informed her Captain of her new abilities just yet; he might insist she not pry too much into the information she should not be privy to. Considering all the things he’d had her hack in the past though, he had no way to complain but she felt it best to keep this information to herself for the moment.
Accessing all the files for the people in the room, Gideon was impressed by Dr Blake. Smart and independent, she was raising her son alone who himself was different. Dr Deacon, Gideon already liked but seeing his file she was very impressed, and in another life, he would have been taken as a Time Master. Sheriff Carter was not as conventionally smart as the others, but he had his own kind of intelligence and his file showed how many times he had saved the town.
Finally, was Dr Stark, who Gideon didn’t like at all. Yes, he was smart but in this room that wasn’t unusual, but he believed himself smarter than everyone else. Gideon had seen that arrogance before in Thawne, in Druce and so many others.
He was the type of person who could so easily fall into supervillainy if the right, or wrong, type of dominoes fell. It looked however that the people in the room with him kept him on the right side, if only just.
Scanning the systems, Gideon checked for the power issues to help the Sheriff. Going through all the projects, she was impressed by some of the things the scientists were studying although others were laughable but that was humans, eternally optimistic.
Continuing her way through the systems, Gideon turned to Rip.
“I need to speak to you privately,” Gideon said to him softly.
Confused Rip touched the interface and turned it off before he moved to the other side of the office away from the others.
“What is it?” he asked softly so he wasn’t overheard.
“I have checked the projects within Global Dynamics, and nothing could cause the power outages Sheriff Carter is investigating,” Gideon told him.
Rip frowned, “How…”
“The interface Dr Deacon created allows me to access the computers,” Gideon smiled at him, “Quite interesting.”
Rolling his eyes, Rip noted, “But I’m guessing that is not what you wanted to tell me.”
“Astute as always, Captain,” Gideon replied before telling him, “The shard is in a laboratory in the area known as Section Five. It appears safe at the moment but accessing it may be difficult.”
“Wonderful,” Rip sighed.
 Rip was surprised and extremely interested that Gideon could use the interface to access the computers, but it would likely be helpful to reach the shard. Henry motioned him to follow on as he and the Sheriff headed out the office.
“Well?” Rip asked Henry falling into step with the other two men.
“They’ll let us know,” Henry replied, as Jack let out an annoyed sigh.
They reached the exit and started to the cars. Glancing at Gideon, Rip shrugged, “It’s nothing in here that’s causing the power outages.”
Henry and Jack both stalled turning to Rip.
“How do you know that?” Jack demanded.
“Gideon,” Rip explained, “She had a quick check of the systems.”
Henry’s eyebrows rose in surprise, “The interface?”
“A small side-effect we didn’t expect,” Rip noted.
Jack chuckled, “Let’s not tell Alison or Stark about that but at least I won’t be wasting my time waiting for them.” He rested a hand on the top of his jeep, frowning in thought, “Okay, so there has to be a reason why the power in the town in going crazy.”
“Well, it has to be someone in town,” Henry noted, “But if it’s not a GD experiment, then it could be either an unsanctioned one or, even worse, a school project.”
Rip stared at them, “You’re kidding?”
Both men shook their heads, Jack adding, “I thought the same when I first came here but the kids are just as smart as the parents. Which means they can be just as much trouble.”
“Okay,” Henry said, “Let’s get back into town and make a plan.”
Jack nodded, “I’ll meet you both there.”
As the other man left, Henry and Rip climbed back into Henry’s truck. Rip reactivated the interface allowing Gideon to be seen by Henry once more.
“So,” Henry said as he began to drive, “Did you find anything else interesting while you wandered through the GD systems, Gideon?”
Innocence covered her face, “Why, Dr Deacon I am shocked you think I would look at things I am not authorised to access,” she told him.
A mischievous smile touched her lips making Henry laugh.
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