#severe chlorine allergy
harleythealter · 5 months
I’m walking thru an Air BnB and I’m getting light headed. Can’t breathe. Shorts shallow breaths. I almost passed out in the shower. I chalk it up to being in the ocean.
Well I almost pass out again on the stairs.
Which makes it all make sense because I’m severely allergic to chlorine. As in I’d go to the hospital if I have another allergic reaction. It’s that severe.
So I’m locked in my room because I don’t trust the extended relatives to keep it closed. So I’m going to post a sign I think. So they know the door has to be closed for my safety.
So there’s that. Ngl it makes me eager for them to leave cuz I don’t like to be around things that are a danger to my life.
I do feel better after isolating in the room so I’m gonna keep doing that. :)
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electronicnutcycle · 4 months
Egon Spengler headcanons
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Description: Headcanons about Egon Spengler
Warnings: Nothing except fluff and my silly little thoughts that aren’t canon
.As much as Egon likes twinkies , he LOVES licorice and has a packet in his lab and bedroom side drawer
.Is surprisingly really into fantasy and is that type of person to be like “um actually” when he sees a live adaptation of a book . He also really likes science documentary’s , which unsurprising
.HATES slow walkers , especially since he has long legs . Whenever he’s behind a group of slow walkers he feels like he wants to commit several felony’s
.Was the kid who lit stuff on fire “to see what would happen” and has a small-ish scar on his thigh because of an accident including a paper and a lighter
.PETTIEST person alive , like this man is a expert in it but only when the person deserves it
.somehow allergic to chlorine and has known about it since he was a kid when his mom put him in a kiddy pool one hot , summer day where the kiddy pool was full of pool water and a few minutes after he developed hives and when his mum noticed and took him too the hospital . After some tests they found out that he was allergic to chlorine
.Can’t swim well and doesn’t like swimming overall and because of said allergy to chlorine
.Is a morning person and ALWAYS gets up at specific time no matter if he’s only had 2 hours of sleep or had stayed up the whole night he’s gotta get up at that specific time or his whole day is skewed
.Despite his lab being very cluttered he’s very clean , organised and he needs to know where everything is
.Absolute coffee addict , like this man is constantly shaking because of the fact that he has 2 cups of coffee before its 7:30 am and is one of the only reasons he even comes out of his lab
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bellamonde · 2 years
Iran Protests - Genocide in Kurdistan
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Islamic Republic security forces have launched a massive assault on protesters in Kurdish-populated cities in Iran. The death toll is rising every day. Yesterday, armoured vehicles and artillery mounted trucks were moving into the Kurdish region and they continue to do so today. Over the past few days, cities in the Kurdish-populated towns and cities in western Iran have seen the worst levels of violence by state security forces so far in response to growing protests. Daily killings of civilians by security forces have led to massive anti-government demonstrations at funerals in solidarity with victims’ families in each city.
On November 19, protesters reportedly took control of parts of the city of Mahabad, 181 miles north of Sanandaj, and barricaded the streets. After several hours, large military reinforcements were sent to the city. Before confronting protesters, the city’s power was shut off. The sounds of gunfire and protesters could be heard until the early morning as soldiers pursued people from house to house. At the same time, the authorities have shut down access to the internet almost completely in the west of the country to minimize the ability to share information about the state’s violence and atrocities.
In these cities, the Islamic Republic is using hexachloroethane, a nerve agent that temporarily disorganizes the central nervous system and is quite toxic by skin adsorption.
The most common initial effects are chlorine and zinc poisoning, vomiting, burning skin and coughing, but in the long run it can cause liver cancer, skin allergies and kidney damage. 
Please spread the news. The world needs to know that there is genocide taking place in Kurdish-populated towns and cities in Iran.
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veersnz · 4 months
Hi Veer
Sorry if this sounds weird (if it does feel free not to answer)
What allergies do yo have that’s making you sneeze so much?
And god bless you
Hey there Anon !
Not weird at all I love receiving asks so much !!
So I actually don't have many allergies, only grass and chlorine (when it comes to making me sneeze at least, otherwise I'm allergic to bandaids lmao)
But yep, grass (and chlorine when I go to the pool) get me although not severely, just enough to make me sneeze a lot more than average and make me congested. I don't get much of the itchiness people describe, only a little bit in my ears but my throat is almost never affected. I'm also photic but not the sun kind, just the chocolate and hair pulling kind xD
For wavs I don't involve grass tho, just the good old twisted tissue or clothing tag, I'd rather not take some into my room and be an allergic mess for days xD
And thank you 💖
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Cacoa is a happy cat and keeping my feet warm. As for the bandaid, I was attacked by smurfs.* They went after several toes, and those are also covered in bandaids. My adhesive allergy is making itself known.**
Click read more for gross facts.
*I've had plantar warts for over a decade, and treatment has been OTC chemical burn medicine, which proved ineffective. I've also had liquid nitrogen treatments, also ineffective. Currently seeing a podiatrist every two weeks. He scrapes off layers of tissue until I'm bleeding, then applies an acid created by an acid beetle, and covers everything in bandaids because open wounds and bleeding. This has been extremely effective. Nearly half the warts ate gone and the big ones are a fraction of their original size. The biggest was a mosaic wart, made of many tiny warts that grouped together. It was the size of an american fifty-cent-piece. Walking felt like I had sharp rocks embedded in my feet. Now? Fucking amazing. I've been dealing with this shit for over a decade, haven't been able to walk more a single city block for the last three years because of the pain in my feet (my asthma was a contributing factor until two years ago). Wear sandals or swim shoes when showering at the gym, and consider swim shoes at the public pool (I worked at a public pool and will never swim in one again; your eyes turn red and itchy from urine mixed with chlorine).
**Like my mom and one of my sisters, I'm allergic to adhesive. This includes bandaids and tape, which makes protecting wounds extremely itchy. When I gave a heart monitor on during overnight hospital stays, I leave looking like I was attacked by an octopus. When I had to wear a bandaid on my leg after falling on the sidewalk and get raspberry from the pavement, the wound healed quick but the bandaid print lasted for several weeks thereafter. My toes itch!
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eyerootseyeclinic · 19 days
Eye Allergy Treatment
Millions of individuals throughout the world suffer from eye allergies, often known as allergic conjunctivitis. Red, itchy, watery eyes are not only irritating, but they can also interfere with your daily life. Eyeroots Eye Clinic on delivering the best treatment programs and advice to help you manage and avoid eye allergies. In this comprehensive guide, we will go over all you need to know about eye allergies, including their causes, symptoms, and treatment choices, with a focus on tailored care from our professional ophthalmologists.
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What Are Eye Allergies?
Eye allergies arise when the eyes react to an allergen (a chemical that causes an allergic response). The body’s immune system recognizes these compounds as hazardous and overreacts, causing inflammation, irritation, and other common symptoms. Allergic conjunctivitis is the medical term used to describe a reaction that affects the eyes, specifically the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the front of the eye and lines the inside of the lids.
Types of Eye Allergies
There are different types of allergic conjunctivitis, and understanding them can help in choosing the right treatment. The two most common forms are:
Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis (SAC):
Triggers: Pollen from grass, trees, and weeds during spring, summer, and fall.
Symptoms: Mild to moderate itching, redness, watery discharge, and swelling of the eyes.
Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis (PAC):
Triggers: Indoor allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and mold.
Symptoms: Present year-round with less severe but consistent irritation.
Other forms include Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC), Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis (AKC), and Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC), which are typically more severe and require specialized treatment.
Symptoms of Eye Allergies
The symptoms of eye allergies can vary depending on the type and severity of the reaction. Some common symptoms include:
Itching: The hallmark symptom of eye allergies. It is often intense and persistent.
Redness: Caused by the dilation of blood vessels in the conjunctiva.
Watery eyes: Excessive tearing is a natural reaction to try to flush out allergens.
Swelling: The eyelids or conjunctiva may swell due to the inflammation.
Burning sensation: Some people experience a burning or gritty feeling in their eyes.
Sensitivity to light: Also known as photophobia, it can occur in more severe cases.
Blurry vision: Can result from excessive tearing or inflammation.
These symptoms can be aggravated by environmental factors like wind, smoke, pollution, or prolonged exposure to allergens.
Causes of Eye Allergies
Understanding the causes of eye allergies is critical to both treatment and prevention. Common triggers include:
1. Pollen
Source: Grass, trees, and weeds.
Seasons: Varies depending on geographic location, but generally spring through fall.
2. Dust Mites
Source: Found in bedding, carpets, and upholstered furniture.
Prevention: Frequent cleaning and use of allergen-proof covers.
3. Pet Dander
Source: Proteins found in the skin flakes, urine, and saliva of animals.
Prevention: Limiting pet access to bedrooms and using HEPA air filters.
4. Mold
Source: Damp, humid environments.
Prevention: Reducing indoor humidity and fixing leaks.
5. Smoke and Air Pollution
Source: Cigarette smoke, vehicle emissions, and industrial pollutants.
Prevention: Avoiding exposure when possible, wearing protective eyewear.
6. Chemical Irritants
Source: Household cleaners, chlorine in swimming pools, cosmetics.
Prevention: Using hypoallergenic products and ventilating rooms during cleaning.
Identifying and avoiding your specific triggers is one of the best ways to manage eye allergies.
Diagnosis of Eye Allergies at Eyeroots Eye Clinic
At Eyeroots Eye Clinic, we utilize a combination of patient history, clinical examination, and diagnostic tests to accurately identify the cause of your eye allergies.
1. Patient History
We start with a thorough discussion of your symptoms, including when they started, their frequency, and potential environmental triggers.
2. Clinical Examination
Our eye specialists will perform a detailed eye examination to look for signs of allergic conjunctivitis, including swelling, redness, and any corneal involvement.
3. Allergy Testing
In some cases, we may recommend allergy testing, such as a skin prick test or a blood test, to identify specific allergens.
Once we have a clear understanding of the cause of your eye allergies, we can create a customized treatment plan.
Treatment Options for Eye Allergies
At Eyeroots Eye Clinic, we treat eye allergies effectively with a multimodal strategy that includes avoiding allergens, taking medicine to manage symptoms, and, in certain circumstances, immunotherapy.
1. Avoidance of Allergens
Pollen: Stay indoors during high pollen counts, use air conditioning, and wear sunglasses when outdoors.
Dust Mites: Regularly wash bedding in hot water and use allergen-proof covers.
Pet Dander: Bathe pets regularly and clean your home thoroughly.
2. Medications
There are several over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications available to treat eye allergies, including:
a. Antihistamine Eye Drops:
These drops block the effects of histamine, a chemical released during an allergic reaction that causes itching and swelling.
Example: Ketotifen (Zaditor), Olopatadine (Pataday).
b. Decongestant Eye Drops:
Reduce redness by narrowing the blood vessels in the eyes.
Example: Naphazoline. However, these should not be used for more than a few days due to the risk of rebound redness.
c. Mast Cell Stabilizers:
These prevent the release of histamine and are often used for long-term prevention rather than immediate relief.
Example: Cromolyn sodium.
d. Corticosteroid Eye Drops:
For severe cases, steroid drops may be prescribed to reduce inflammation. However, long-term use can lead to side effects like increased eye pressure and cataracts.
Example: Loteprednol (Alrex).
e. Oral Antihistamines:
While these are often effective for nasal allergy symptoms, they can sometimes cause dry eyes, so they may not be the best option for eye allergy relief.
f. Artificial Tears:
These lubricating eye drops help wash away allergens and provide relief from dryness and irritation.
Available OTC, these are a safe, non-medicated option to use alongside other treatments.
3. Immunotherapy
Allergy injections or sublingual pills can gradually help those with severe allergies develop immunity to particular allergens. This is a long-term therapy option that can enhance quality of life and lessen the need for medication.
Lifestyle and Home Remedies
In addition to medical treatments, there are several lifestyle changes and home remedies that can help alleviate eye allergy symptoms:
Cold Compresses: Applying a cold, damp cloth to your closed eyes can reduce inflammation and provide relief from itching and swelling.
Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes: Rubbing can worsen inflammation and increase the risk of infection. Instead, use lubricating eye drops to soothe irritation.
Use an Air Purifier: Installing HEPA filters in your home can help reduce the number of airborne allergens.
Keep Windows Closed: During allergy season, keep windows closed to prevent pollen from entering your home.
Maintain Clean Eyewear: If you wear glasses or contact lenses, clean them regularly to prevent the buildup of allergens.
Manage Indoor Humidity: Keeping humidity levels between 30% and 50% can reduce the growth of mold and dust mites.
Preventing Eye Allergies
Prevention is key when it comes to managing eye allergies. At Eyeroots Eye Clinic, we recommend the following preventive measures:
Track Pollen Levels: Check the pollen forecast in your area and limit outdoor activities on high-pollen days.
Switch to Hypoallergenic Cosmetics: If you have sensitivities, opt for hypoallergenic makeup and skincare products, especially around the eyes.
Avoid Smoking and Secondhand Smoke: Cigarette smoke is a significant irritant for people with eye allergies.
Clean Your Home Regularly: Dust, vacuum, and change air filters frequently to reduce indoor allergens.
Why Choose Eyeroots Eye Clinic for Eye Allergy Treatment?
We at Eyeroots Eye Clinic take great satisfaction in providing patient-centered care that is customized to meet your individual needs. With the latest diagnostic equipment, our skilled team of optometrists and ophthalmologists can accurately diagnose and treat your ocular allergies. What distinguishes us is this:
1. Personalized Treatment Plans
We are aware that each patient is distinct. Together, you and our experts create a personalized treatment plan that targets your unique symptoms, way of life, and allergy triggers.
2. Expertise in Advanced Treatments
We offer the latest advancements in eye allergy treatments, including innovative medications and immunotherapy.
3. Holistic Approach
We take a holistic approach to eye health, focusing not only on symptom relief but also on long-term prevention and overall wellness.
4. Patient Education
At Eyeroots Eye Clinic, we believe that informed patients make the best decisions about their health. We provide comprehensive education on how to manage and prevent eye allergies.
Although eye allergies can be annoying, you can control your symptoms and have comfortable, clear vision with the correct care and preventative measures. We at Eyeroots Eye Clinic are committed to giving patients with ocular allergies the best care possible. Our staff is available to assist you in finding relief from seasonal allergies or year-round aggravation.
If you’re experiencing eye allergy symptoms, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with our specialists. Together, we’ll develop a treatment plan that works for you, ensuring that your eyes stay healthy and comfortable all year long.
Contact Eyeroots Eye Clinic For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us at [Eyeroots Clinic Contact +91–9971385090] or visit our website at [Eyeroots Clinic https://www.eyeroots.com/]. We are here to help you see clearly and live allergy-free!
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maidforhaven · 27 days
The Science Behind Green Cleaning Services in Manor, TX
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There's been a growing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly practices in recent years, and cleaning is no exception. Green cleaning services are becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of traditional cleaning methods' potential environmental and health impacts. This blog delves into the science behind green cleaning services in Manor, TX, highlighting how they work, their benefits, and the tools used to provide a cleaner and safer environment.
What is Green Cleaning?
Green cleaning refers to using cleaning methods and products designed to minimize the impact on human health and the environment. Unlike traditional cleaning products containing harsh chemicals, green cleaning products are formulated with natural or less harmful ingredients. These products aim to reduce pollution, improve indoor air quality, and decrease the risk of health problems associated with chemical exposure.
Green cleaning services in Manor, TX, utilize these eco-friendly products and techniques to effectively clean while supporting a healthier planet. The core principles of green cleaning include:
Sustainable Ingredients: Products used in green cleaning are often made from renewable resources and biodegradable materials.
Non-Toxic Formulations: Green cleaning products avoid harmful chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine, and phthalates.
Reduced Environmental Impact: Green cleaning services aim to reduce waste and energy consumption through efficient practices and recycling.
The Benefits of Green Cleaning to Your Home
Green cleaning services in Manor, TX, offer numerous advantages compared to conventional cleaning methods. Here are some of the key benefits:
Improved Indoor Air Quality
Traditional cleaning products often release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, contributing to poor indoor air quality and respiratory issues. Green cleaning products, on the other hand, are formulated to be low in VOCs or free from them altogether. This helps maintain a fresher and cleaner indoor environment, reducing the risk of allergies and asthma.
Healthier Living Environment
Green cleaning services minimize the risk of chemical exposure for occupants by using non-toxic cleaning products. This is particularly important for families with children, pets, or individuals with sensitive health conditions. Green cleaning reduces the presence of harmful residues and irritants, creating a safer living space.
Eco-Friendly Practices
Green cleaning services prioritize eco-friendly practices, such as using energy-efficient equipment and minimizing water usage. By choosing green cleaning, you reduce environmental pollution and conserve resources. Additionally, green cleaning products are often packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials, further supporting sustainability.
Enhanced Cleaning Performance
Green cleaning does not mean compromising on effectiveness. Many green cleaning products are designed to be as effective as their traditional counterparts, utilizing natural ingredients and advanced technologies to tackle dirt and germs. With green cleaning services in Manor, TX, you can achieve a spotless home while supporting eco-friendly practices.
How Do Green Cleaning Products Work?
The science behind green cleaning products involves several key principles that make them effective while being environmentally friendly. Here’s a closer look at how these products work:
Natural Ingredients
Green cleaning products often use natural ingredients like citric acid, baking soda, and essential oils to clean and disinfect. These ingredients have inherent cleaning properties and are effective at breaking down grease, grime, and stains without the need for harsh chemicals.
Enzyme-Based Cleaners
Many green cleaning products incorporate enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. Enzyme-based cleaners break down organic materials like food particles and bodily fluids, making them easier to remove. This approach reduces the need for strong chemical agents and enhances cleaning efficiency.
pH-Balanced Formulations
The pH level of a cleaning product can affect its effectiveness and safety. Green cleaning products are often pH-balanced to match the pH of human skin, reducing the risk of irritation. pH-balanced formulations also help maintain the integrity of surfaces being cleaned.
Biodegradable Ingredients
Green cleaning products are formulated with biodegradable ingredients that break down naturally over time. This reduces the accumulation of harmful chemicals in the environment and minimizes the risk of pollution.
What are Some Examples of Green Cleaning Tools and Products Used by Cleaning Services?
Green cleaning services in Manor, TX, employ a variety of tools and products designed to enhance their eco-friendly approach. Here are some common examples:
Microfiber Cloths and Mops
Microfiber cloths and mops are popular in green cleaning because they are highly effective at trapping dust, dirt, and bacteria. Unlike traditional cleaning cloths, microfiber cloths do not require chemical cleaners to be effective. They can be washed and reused multiple times, reducing waste.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions
Green cleaning services use eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are free from harmful chemicals. Examples include all-purpose cleaners made with plant-based ingredients, glass cleaners with natural citrus extracts, and floor cleaners that utilize biodegradable surfactants.
HEPA Vacuums
High-efficiency particulate Air (HEPA) vacuums are designed to capture tiny particles such as dust, pollen, and pet dander. They help improve indoor air quality by preventing allergens from being recirculated into the air.
Reusable Cleaning Pads
Reusable cleaning pads, such as those used for scrubbing and polishing, are another eco-friendly option. They can be washed and reused, reducing the need for disposable products and minimizing waste.
The science behind green cleaning services in Manor, TX, reveals a commitment to creating healthier and more sustainable environments. Using natural ingredients, non-toxic formulations, and eco-friendly practices, green cleaning services provide an effective alternative to traditional cleaning methods. The benefits of improved indoor air quality, a healthier living environment, and eco-friendly practices make green cleaning a valuable choice for homeowners.
If you want to impact your home and the environment positively, consider choosing MaidforHaven for your green cleaning needs. Our professional team is dedicated to providing top-notch green cleaning services in Manor, TX, ensuring a spotless and eco-friendly home. Visit our website to learn more about our services and schedule your green cleaning appointment today.
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kesarsalonandspa · 2 months
How Long Does Eyebrow Tinting Last?
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Eyebrow tinting, a popular beauty treatment, involves dyeing the eyebrows to enhance their color, shape, and overall appearance. This procedure is particularly favored by those with light-colored or sparse brows, as it offers a way to achieve a fuller and more defined look. Many who seek eyebrow tinting in Lisle often wonder about the longevity of the results.
Factors Influencing the Longevity
The duration of eyebrow tinting results can vary based on several factors. Primarily, the type of dye used and the individual's skin type play crucial roles. High-quality tints tend to last longer, and those designed specifically for eyebrows generally offer better results. Additionally, individuals with oily skin might find that the tint fades more quickly compared to those with dry skin.
Average Timeframe
On average, eyebrow tinting can last anywhere from three to six weeks. During this period, the tint gradually fades due to the natural shedding of hair and exposure to elements such as water, sun, and skincare products. To maintain the desired look, many people choose to have touch-up sessions every few weeks.
Maintenance Tips
To prolong the effects of eyebrow tinting, it is critical to follow some maintenance tips. Firstly, avoid using oil-based facial cleansers on the brow area, as oils can accelerate the fading process. Also, limit exposure to direct sunlight and chlorine, as these can bleach the color. Gently brushing the brows daily and conditioning them with a brow gel or serum can also help maintain the tint.
Pros and Cons
One of the significant advantages of eyebrow tinting is its simplicity and non-invasive nature. The procedure is quick, usually taking about 15-20 minutes, and provides immediate, visible results. However, as with any beauty treatment, there are some downsides to consider. For instance, those with sensitive skin might experience irritation or allergic reactions to the dye. Additionally, the results are semi-permanent, necessitating regular touch-ups to maintain the appearance.
Eyebrow tinting offers a convenient and effective solution for enhancing one's natural brows. By understanding the factors that influence the longevity of the tint and following proper maintenance routines, one can extend the duration of the results. Regular touch-ups ensure that the brows remain vibrant and well-defined. Whether one is seeking a slight enhancement or a dramatic change, eyebrow tinting can cater to a range of preferences and needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should eyebrow tinting be done?
Eyebrow tinting typically lasts between three to six weeks. To maintain the desired appearance, consider scheduling touch-up sessions every three to four weeks.
Is eyebrow tinting safe?
When performed by a trained professional using high-quality dyes, eyebrow tinting is generally safe. However, individuals with sensitive skin or allergies should conduct a patch test prior to the procedure.
Can I wear makeup after eyebrow tinting?
It is recommended to avoid applying makeup on the brow area for at least 24 hours post-tinting to allow the dye to set properly. After this period, makeup can be applied as usual.
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smartcarediagnostics · 5 months
Understanding Conjunctivitis (आँख आना).  From symptoms to causes, and simple home treatments, let's navigate this common eye ailment together.
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Conjunctivitis, commonly known as “आँख आना” in Hindi, is a prevalent eye condition characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin transparent layer covering the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. This condition, often referred to as Pink Eye due to the reddish appearance of the affected eye, can be caused by various factors including viral or bacterial infections, allergies, or irritants. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the types, symptoms, causes, and simple home treatments for conjunctivitis, aiming to provide valuable insights and aid in managing this common eye ailment.
Types of Conjunctivitis:
Conjunctivitis can be broadly classified into several types based on its underlying cause:
Viral Conjunctivitis: This type is typically caused by viruses such as adenovirus and is highly contagious. It spreads through direct or indirect contact with infected individuals or contaminated surfaces.
Bacterial Conjunctivitis: Caused by bacterial infections, particularly strains of bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae, bacterial conjunctivitis results in symptoms such as excessive eye discharge and crusting of eyelids.
Allergic Conjunctivitis: Triggered by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander, allergic conjunctivitis leads to itching, redness, and watery discharge. It is often accompanied by other allergic symptoms like sneezing and nasal congestion.
Irritant Conjunctivitis: Exposure to irritants like smoke, chlorine in swimming pools, or harsh chemicals can cause irritation and inflammation of the conjunctiva, resulting in conjunctivitis symptoms.
Symptoms of Conjunctivitis:
Regardless of its type, conjunctivitis manifests through common symptoms, including:
Redness in the white part of the eye and inner eyelids
Watery or thick discharge from the eye, which may form crusts overnight
Itching or burning sensation in the eyes
Gritty feeling, as if there is sand in the eye
Increased sensitivity to light (photophobia)
Swollen eyelids
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While these symptoms may vary in severity depending on the cause and individual factors, prompt recognition and management are essential to alleviate discomfort and prevent the spread of infection, especially in cases of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis.
Causes of Conjunctivitis:
Conjunctivitis can be caused by a multitude of factors, including:
Viral Infections: Adenoviruses, responsible for a significant portion of viral conjunctivitis cases, are highly contagious and can spread through respiratory droplets or direct contact with infected individuals.
Bacterial Infections: Bacterial conjunctivitis is often caused by bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae, which can enter the eye through contaminated hands, towels, or contact lenses.
Allergens: Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the immune system reacts to allergens such as pollen, dust, or pet dander, triggering an inflammatory response in the conjunctiva.
Irritants: Exposure to irritants like smoke, pollution, or chemicals can irritate the eyes, leading to conjunctivitis symptoms.
Home Treatments for Conjunctivitis:
While severe cases of conjunctivitis may require medical intervention, mild to moderate cases can often be managed effectively at home. Here are some simple home treatments and preventive measures:
Maintain Good Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before and after touching your eyes or applying eye drops. Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes to prevent further irritation or spread of infection.
Warm Compress: Applying a warm compress to the affected eye can help soothe discomfort and reduce inflammation. Use a clean, damp washcloth and gently place it over the closed eyelid for several minutes, repeating as needed.
Artificial Tears: Over-the-counter artificial tear drops can provide relief from dryness and irritation associated with conjunctivitis. Choose preservative-free drops and follow the instructions for application.
Avoid Irritants and Allergens: Minimize exposure to known irritants or allergens that can exacerbate conjunctivitis symptoms. Keep windows closed during high pollen seasons, use air purifiers indoors, and avoid smoking or exposure to smoke.
Smartcare Diagnostics Lab: In case of persistent or severe symptoms, it is advisable to seek professional medical advice and diagnostic services. Smartcare Diagnostics Lab offers comprehensive eye diagnostic services, including tests for conjunctivitis and other eye conditions, ensuring accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations. Visit Smartcare Diagnostics Lab for reliable and efficient eye care services.
Conjunctivitis, though common, can cause significant discomfort and inconvenience if left untreated. By understanding the types, symptoms, causes, and home treatments for conjunctivitis, individuals can take proactive measures to alleviate symptoms, prevent recurrence, and promote overall eye health. Remember to prioritize good hygiene practices, seek medical advice when necessary, and rely on trusted diagnostic services like Smartcare Lab for comprehensive eye care solutions. Together, let’s safeguard our vision and well-being against the challenges of conjunctivitis
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harleythealter · 1 year
Me: I shouldn’t go swimming if there’s chlorine in that pool because I’m allergic.
Every other person I’ve had this conversation with: Isn’t everybody allergic to chlorine?
Me: Well-
Every other person I’ve had this conversation with: -because it’s really bad for everybody.
Me: I mean that I’m really really allergic. As in I stop breathing and feel like I’m suffocating. It’s probably best if I stay behind and read in my room instead.
Me(alternatively): I actually mean that I have an asthma attack when I go in chlorine water, or when I enter a pool room, or when I walk past a swimming pool, even out in the open. I’m saying I can’t go with you if you decide to do that activity for your birthday/event/whatever.
Every other person I’ve had this conversation with: Oh… well maybe you shouldn’t come then.
Me: *fakes a smile and blinks a few times* I agree.
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ecoprodutpros · 5 months
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borisnikolov1 · 8 months
How to Recognize and Address Occupational Asthma - A Guide by Boris Nikolov
Boris Nikolov
How to Recognize and Address Occupational Asthma - A Guide by Boris Nikolov
Symptoms of occupational asthma often resurface even after exposure has stopped, requiring increased medication to control symptoms - this often results in more frequent and severe asthma attacks.
Cycled symptoms provide a key diagnostic indication. They typically worsen with each passing workweek, ease during weekends and vacations, only to resurface upon returning to work.
What Causes Occupational Asthma?
Pharmaceutical, manufacturing, construction, and cleaning industries produce hazardous substances that may exacerbate occupational asthma in susceptible individuals. These harmful agents typically take the form of gases, fumes, or dust particles released into the air, which irritate respiratory organs and trigger symptoms in sensitive individuals - these could include wood/grain dust, animal dander, mold spores, or chemicals,
When you notice respiratory symptoms related to work, you must contact your GP immediately. They will ask questions about when and where your symptoms occur and any past experiences of similar issues; in some cases, they may refer you to a specialist for occupational asthma treatment.
Boris Nikolov mentions that an asthma specialist can determine whether your symptoms are work-related and their severity through serial spirometry and skin tests. Furthermore, they may perform an inhalation challenge test, inhaling substances thought to trigger asthma attacks to assess any effects they might have.
This test can be challenging and should only be administered at specialist centers where you are closely monitored. Sometimes occupational asthma persists even after someone leaves an industry or workplace due to sensitization and hyper-responsive lungs; this may result in persistent bronchitis, which in turn develops into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pneumonia.
Symptoms of Occupational Asthma
Symptoms of occupational asthma include wheezing, breathlessness, and tightness in the chest. A runny nose or nasal congestion may also accompany these. Sometimes, these symptoms worsen at night or after exercising but usually improve when people leave work for vacation; this cyclical pattern provides critical insight into this condition.
Boris Nikolov suggests that occupational asthma symptoms typically arise when an individual inhales irritants that provoke lung inflammation. Irritants may include both allergens and nonallergens; often, these include chemicals or gases that produce allergic reactions, such as chlorine gas or smoke, while fungi, animal dander, or chemical cleaning products are other potential culprits.
Those suspecting occupational asthma should contact their healthcare provider immediately for evaluation. Their healthcare provider will take an in-depth history and physical exam, among other measures.
Healthcare providers typically order tests to confirm occupational asthma diagnoses, such as peak expiratory flow (PEF) monitoring and spirometry testing. PEF/spirometry testing will require an individual to inhale various substances to see which ones trigger their asthma symptoms; additionally, healthcare professionals will likely conduct an allergy test.
Diagnosis of Occupational Asthma
When susceptible individuals are exposed to allergens or irritants in the workplace, their immune systems overreact. Their bodies release chemicals that inflame and narrow airways, resulting in difficulty breathing - potentially leading to bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or other lung conditions over time.
Skin prick testing may help diagnose occupational asthma. The test involves injecting small amounts of suspected allergens under the skin; any adverse reaction manifesting itself will appear as red, raised areas on your skin. Skin tests also help detect other respiratory ailments like rhinitis or sinus issues.
According to the perspective of Boris Nikolov, for occupational asthma to be accurately diagnosed, a thorough medical history review and discussion with your healthcare provider are the keys to a successful diagnosis. Also, please list symptoms when they arise and any exposures at work that might trigger them; bring in your job site's material safety data sheet, as this can help both of you identify potential irritants.
Healthcare providers will conduct a spirometry test, which measures how much air you inhale and exhale. A significant increase in peak flow after inhaling a bronchodilator inhaler can indicate reversible airway obstruction, an indicator of asthma, as per the observations of Boris Nikolov. Furthermore, you will undergo physical examination and allergy testing to detect additional respiratory tract issues.
Treatment of Occupational Asthma
Ideally, the ideal treatment for occupational asthma would be avoiding contact with substances that trigger symptoms; however, that isn't always feasible. Medication can help manage symptoms as well as help prevent flare-ups.
Symptoms of occupational asthma may include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. These can be caused by inflammation and narrowing of airways, which results in decreased oxygen flow to the lungs. To further exacerbate symptoms, the immune system releases chemicals known as histamines, leukotrienes, and cytokines, which cause lung tissue swelling inside, restricting airflow and causing symptoms associated with occupational asthma.
Individuals who have allergic occupational asthma can use skin allergy tests to pinpoint specific allergens that might be to blame. These tests involve injecting small doses of suspected allergens under the skin; any raised red area indicates an allergic response; clinicians can then develop a treatment plan based on these results.    
Other treatments for occupational asthma may include using peak flow meters at home and work to monitor symptoms or conducting the bronchoprovocation challenge test, as per Boris Nikolov. At the same time, strategies might involve limiting exposure by employing advanced workplace filtration systems, recommending protective gear use, changing jobs, or switching careers altogether. When this isn't an option, medications can help manage symptoms effectively and decrease their impact on quality of life.
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rebeccaoptical2 · 1 year
Pink Eye: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
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It also known as conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition that affects people of all ages. While it may sound harmless, it can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, highly contagious. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of pink eye, exploring its causes, symptoms, and available treatments.
Pink Eye?
It is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent tissue that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid. This inflammation can result from various factors, including infections, allergies, or irritants.
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Causes of Pink Eye
1. Bacterial Infection: Bacterial pink eye is often characterized by a thick discharge that can cause the eyelids to stick together, especially after sleeping. Common bacteria responsible for this type of pink eye include Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.
2. Viral Infection: Viral pink eye is highly contagious and is usually associated with a clear, watery discharge. It is often caused by the same viruses that lead to the common cold or the flu.
3. Allergic Reaction: Allergic pink eye is triggered by allergens such as pollen, pet dander, or dust mites. It tends to affect both eyes and is typically accompanied by itching, tearing, and redness.
4. Irritants: Exposure to irritants like smoke, chlorine, or chemicals can lead to irritant conjunctivitis. Symptoms can vary but often include redness, burning, and tearing.
Symptoms of Pink Eye
Regardless of the cause, pink eye shares some common symptoms, such as:
1. Redness: The whites of the eyes become noticeably pink or red.
2. Itching: A persistent and often intense itch in and around the eyes.
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3. Tearing: Excessive tearing or discharge, which can be clear, yellow, or greenish.
4. Swelling: Swelling of the eyelids, making them appear puffy.
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5.Light Sensitivity: Photophobia, a condition where certain individuals become more sensitive to light, can be experienced by some people.
6. Gritty Sensation: A feeling of having something gritty or foreign in the eye.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you suspect you have pink eye or are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, it is crucial to consult an eye care professional for a proper diagnosis. They will examine your eyes and determine the underlying cause.
Treatment options for pink eye may vary depending on the cause:
1. Bacterial : Antibiotic eye drops or ointments are commonly prescribed to clear the infection. It’s important to complete the full course of antibiotics even if symptoms improve before they are finished.
2. Viral : Unfortunately, there are no specific antiviral medications for viral pink eye. Treatment typically involves managing symptoms with cold compresses and artificial tears. It is also essential to practice good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing, to prevent the spread of the virus.
3. Allergic : Identifying and avoiding allergens is key to managing allergic pink eye. Non-prescription or doctor-prescribed antihistamine eye drops have the potential to alleviate symptoms. Cold compresses and artificial tears can also provide relief.
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4. Irritant : Remove or avoid the irritant causing the inflammation. Artificial tears can help soothe the eyes. In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe medication to alleviate symptoms.
Conclusion It is a common eye condition that can be caused by infections, allergies, or irritants. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking prompt medical attention is essential for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. By following proper hygiene practices and taking preventive measures, you can reduce your risk of contracting or spreading pink eye, helping to keep your eyes healthy and comfortable.
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junusfit · 1 year
"Dive into Fitness: A 30-Minute Low-Impact Cardio Pool Workout"
"Dive into the Benefits of Pool Workouts: Low-Impact Cardio for Fitness Enthusiasts"
Are you seeking to add some excitement to your workout routine? Look no further than the refreshing waters of a pool.
There are countless reasons to shift your exercise regimen to an aquatic setting.
To begin, water workouts are classified as low-impact, which means they are gentle on your muscles and joints. According to a 2019 research review published in ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, this characteristic enables you to engage in workouts with greater intensity and extended duration while minimizing the risk of injury compared to land-based exercises.
Angela Ruest, a NASM-certified personal trainer and water aerobics instructor at Life Time Westminster in Westminster, Colorado, emphasizes the benefits of low-impact workouts: "By reducing stress on your body, low-impact workouts necessitate fewer rest days and lower the likelihood of injury."
Additionally, the natural resistance provided by the water contributes to the appeal of these workouts. Ruest notes, "The consistent resistance of water allows you to engage your entire body, enhancing strength, coordination, and balance."
Moreover, if you're searching for a means to beat the scorching summer temperatures while staying active, the pool offers a perfect solution.
Let's delve into a pool-based cardio workout inspired by aqua aerobics, crafted by Angela Ruest.
Preparation Essentials:
It's ideal to have aquatic dumbbells (lightweight bars with foam ends) or water gloves for this routine, as they provide additional resistance in the water. However, if you don't have them, the water itself will offer resistance.
For shallow water fitness, particularly activities involving impact or traveling movement, the Aquatic Exercise Association suggests the use of aquatic shoes. These shoes reduce stress on weight-bearing joints, provide better footing during movement, enhance traction during traveling exercises, protect feet from injury, and elevate the overall quality of the workout. This recommendation is particularly relevant for individuals dealing with obesity, pregnancy, diabetes, or musculoskeletal disorders.
Who Should Give It a Try:
Aqua exercise is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels and ages. If you have an autoimmune disease, consult your doctor, as water temperature may be a factor. Individuals who have recently undergone surgery should also seek medical clearance. However, individuals with compromised respiratory functions, severe low blood pressure, bladder or vaginal infections, infectious diseases, chlorination allergies, or open or unhealed wounds should avoid aqua workouts, according to the International Fitness Association.
Executing the Workout:
Begin with approximately five minutes of warm-up exercises without any equipment.
For the main workout, perform each exercise for one minute consecutively in waist- or chest-deep water, taking 15 to 30 seconds of rest between exercises. This constitutes one set.
Repeat for a total of three sets, or until 30 minutes have passed. If this feels too challenging initially, start with two sets and gradually progress to three. While a cool-down is not essential in the water, you can conclude the session with a few stretches at the pool's edge, as preferred.
Incorporate this seven-exercise routine into your weekly routine two to three times a week, and consider alternating it with other activities you enjoy.
The 7 Exercises:
Water Marching: March vigorously with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells in each hand. For added intensity, switch to jogging in place.
Side-to-Side Walking With Wall Push-Ups: Walk briskly to the opposite side of the pool, perform five push-ups against the pool wall, then repeat on the other side. Modify by using a jog instead of a walk or trying a different pool-edge exercise.
Jumping Jacks: Perform jumping jacks with dumbbells in hand, maintaining a swift pace.
Rocking Horse: Alternate between leaning forward with one leg extended behind you and leaning backward with the opposite leg extended behind, while sweeping your arms in the water.
Side Shuffles: Shuffle quickly from side to side along the pool wall while holding dumbbells.
Moguls: Hop in place, twisting your feet from side to side in parallel fashion.
High Knee Lifts With Overhead Press: Lift your knees while pressing dumbbells overhead, alternating legs with a brisk pace.
Incorporating pool workouts like this one not only offers a refreshing change of scenery but also delivers a rewarding low-impact cardio experience that benefits your overall fitness. So, why not dive in and make a splash with your fitness routine?
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simpleekare1 · 1 year
Conjunctivitis: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Professional Care & Treatment
Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as “pink eye,” is an eye infection that has garnered attention due to recent cases in India, particularly in the state of Odisha. This highly contagious condition affects people of all ages and can lead to discomfort, irritation, and even vision disturbances. In this article, we delve into the nitty-gritty of conjunctivitis, and its prevalence in India.
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Understanding Conjunctivitis: Unveiling the Causes, Types, and Symptoms
Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a widespread eye infection that can affect people of all ages. Conjunctivitis occurs when the conjunctiva, the thin, clear tissue covering the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids, becomes inflamed. It can affect one or both eyes and may cause discomfort or irritation.
The condition can be contagious, especially in cases of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, so proper hygiene and precautions are important to prevent its spread. This inflammation can be triggered by various factors, including bacterial or viral infections, allergies, irritants, or underlying health conditions. Understanding the causes, types, and symptoms of conjunctivitis is crucial for early detection, proper treatment, and prevention.
Causes of Conjunctivitis:
Bacterial Infection: Bacterial conjunctivitis is often caused by bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae. It can result from poor hygiene, touching the eyes with contaminated hands, or using contaminated makeup and eye care products.
Viral Infection: Viral conjunctivitis is primarily caused by viruses like adenovirus. It is highly contagious and can spread through coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces.
Allergic Reaction: Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the conjunctiva reacts to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or certain chemicals. It leads to itching, redness, and watery eyes.
Irritants: Chemicals, smoke, chlorine in swimming pools, and other irritants can cause irritant conjunctivitis, leading to redness and discomfort.
Underlying Health Conditions: Conjunctivitis can be a symptom of an underlying health condition, such as dry eye syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, or systemic lupus erythematosus.
Types of Conjunctivitis:
Bacterial Conjunctivitis: This type is characterized by redness, eye discharge (yellow or green), and sticking eyelids upon waking. It often affects one eye initially and can spread to the other.
Viral Conjunctivitis: Viral conjunctivitis causes redness, excessive tearing, and a watery discharge. It is often associated with symptoms of a common cold, such as a runny or stuffy nose.
Allergic Conjunctivitis: Allergic conjunctivitis leads to intense itching, redness, and excessive tearing. It can affect both eyes and is often associated with other allergy symptoms.
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis: Common among contact lens wearers, this type is characterized by the formation of large papillae (bumps) on the inner surface of the eyelids.
Symptoms of Conjunctivitis:
The symptoms of conjunctivitis can vary based on the underlying cause, but some common signs include:
Redness in the white part of the eye and inner eyelids
Irritation, itching, and a gritty sensation
Excessive tearing or watery discharge
Swollen eyelids
Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
Crusting of eyelashes or eyelids, especially upon waking
Blurred vision (in severe cases)
If you suspect you have conjunctivitis or are experiencing any symptoms related to your eyes, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional or an eye doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Click to read full blog on Understanding Conjunctivitis: Unveiling the Causes, Types, and Symptoms
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irabale · 1 year
Eyebrow Tinting
Eyebrow tint and thread near me involves applying a semi-permanent dye to your eyebrows to enhance the shade and shape. It's a popular service for those who want a clean, natural look.
There are three main tint formulas—Henna, PPD, and Silver Nitrate. Silver nitrate is the safest option for the delicate skin around your eyes.
Eyebrow tinting is an effective way to make your brows look fuller and more defined. It is especially beneficial for people who have light-colored brows and need a little extra definition.
In addition, eyebrow tinting is a great alternative to tweezing and waxing. The process is quick, painless, and doesn’t remove as much hair as other methods do. In fact, it can even help people with naturally thin brows look fuller.
However, it is important to use a product with a low allergy potential and always perform a patch test before coloring your brows. Additionally, it is advisable to use an angled or spoolie brush and avoid applying too much dye.
In order to keep your brows in good condition after tinting, it is a good idea to use a nourishing clear brow gel. This will help your brows stay moisturized and soft, and prevent them from becoming dry or flaky. It is also a good idea to avoid using oil-based cleansers and face serums around the area, as they can fade the tint.
Eyebrow tinting is a quick and affordable way to get a natural-looking, fuller brow. The tint can dye both the brow hairs and fine hairs around your brows, which can make your eyebrows look thicker and darker. The results of the procedure usually last for several weeks, but it is normal for the color to fade gradually over time.
You can also tint your brows at home using a kit that you purchase from your local beauty store. However, it is important to read the instructions carefully, since the methods vary from one kit to the next. It is also a good idea to do a patch test before you apply the dye to your eyebrows.
If you’re planning to get a brow tint, ask your technician for a patch test first. This will help you avoid any allergic reactions. In addition, you should keep your brows away from chlorine, salt water, and sweat for at least twelve hours after the treatment.
Eyebrow tint is a semi-permanent dye that can help fill in thin brow hairs and make them appear thicker. It is a safe and quick way to color your brows and it can last for about two weeks. It is important to choose a high-quality eyebrow tint kit from a reputable brand like Ardell or BaeBrow. The ingredients should be natural and nourishing to your brows. It is also important to avoid tints that contain para-phenylenediamine (PPD), as it can cause a severe allergic reaction.
PPD is a common ingredient in many hair and eyebrow dyes and can be dangerous if it comes into contact with your eyes. Alternatively, you can opt for Henna, which is slightly safer. However, henna can be messy and requires skill to apply properly.
Eyebrow tinting is not FDA-approved, so you cannot be sure that the dye being used by your technician is safe for use around the eyes. A patch test is recommended to check if you are allergic to the dye before scheduling your appointment.
Side effects
Eyebrow tint is a good option for people with sparse eyebrows, especially those who want a fuller look. The treatment is safe, painless and non-invasive, and the results last several weeks. However, there are some possible side effects. Eyebrow tint contains a semi-permanent dye, which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. This is because the skin around the eyes is thinner than on other parts of the body and more sensitive to dye. The best way to avoid an allergic reaction is to ask for a patch test before you get the procedure.
Another potential side effect is itching and burning in the eyebrow area. This is usually due to the chemicals in the dye, but it can also be a sign of an infection or other problem.
The most common type of eyebrow tint is a silver nitrate formula, which is safer for the delicate eye area than PPD and henna. It works by coating the hairs with iron oxide, rather than penetrating them, as henna and PPD do.
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