#sex buyers are rapists
burningtheroots · 1 year
Sex isn’t a service, and women & their bodies aren’t commodities. You can‘t morally/ethically purchase either.
Sex is only consensual when it‘s mutual. And it‘s NOT mutual when money is involved. After all, if it was mutual, and thus consensual, money wouldn’t be needed. If you removed the money, the woman wouldn’t agree to it (she technically doesn’t "agree" to it either way due to money being a coercive factor).
But "sex work" always involves an exchange between (usually) a man’s money and (usually) a woman’s sexual service. And that’s sexual coercion, and hence it’s rape.
Simple logic, right? But apparently a huge amount of people traded their brains to live on easy mode, free from critical thinking and morality.
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thelesbianpoirot · 8 months
The thing about BDSM/stripping/pornography/prostitution that I critique is not about what the sub/victim/penetrated wants. I don't care to shame the person with the abuse and rape fantasy. People from oppressed groups who hate themselves will seek out means of self destruction and humiliation. They are taught to. It is what society trained them to do. It is not surprising that many young women (and young gay men) run towards violent sex, plastic surgery, extreme piercing, extreme tattooing, prostitution and exploitation. What other group is taught to hate themselves more? What other group is more death seeking? I am not shocked the groups with the highest rates suicide attempts, eating disorder, lowest record self esteem, poor body image, mocked the most in media, have high murder and sexual assault rates hate themselves and seek lifestyles that reflect or perpetuate their own destruction. "Choke me daddy," the 14yr old writes on her social media page, and gets likes of people thinking she cool, hot and progressive. She knows there are people who want to do horrible things to her, and if she lets them, and "enjoys" it, that is the closest she will get to love, attention, and praise. She reads and masturbates to rape fantasies in fanfiction/dark romance books because she is aware of the place society wants her in and was a victim of their concerted efforts to normalize and even eroticize her submission and degradation. She is not a product of free choice and individualism. She is a good student of society's bigotry and hatred. Proof of free choice would be her having the highest standards, self preservation and dignity. That is what would make her stand out amongst her peers. That is what would buck tradition. I have grown up around poor black people my entirely life, and watched many people destroy their lives with drugs, gangs, getting pregnant by multiple men, and many other social ills. Many of these things were avoidable, I avoided them, a few of my friends did, I wondered why they hadn't. And it's after I grew up that I realize many of those people didn't think they were capable of doing anything else, or were deserving of any other kind of life. When the world hates you, makes a systematic effort to destroy you every day, you listen and begin destroying yourself too. In a way to pretend you have total control over your life at all times.
I will not argue with a sub/pornstar/stripper/prostitute that she should be ashamed of herself. She already is. She wouldn't be doing this if she were raised to care for and respect herself by a loving just society. I will argue that her abusive dom, the sex buyer, rapist, and director (person in power exploiting them) needs to be tried for crimes and put down like an animal.
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most murderers are men most serial killers are men most rapists are men most pedophiles are men most child rapists are men most war criminals are men most warlords are men most necrophiles are men most doms are men most sex buyers are men most zoosadists and zoophiles are men most sadists are men most domestic abusers are men most violent offenders are men most nationalists are men most terrorists are men most porn consumers are men most stalkers are men most peeping toms are men most exhibitionists are men etc etc
how do so many people #notallmen these issues instead of recognising that male violence has a system?
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aux-squiggle · 1 month
Surrogate parents / intended parents ❌
Parent identified (gestational) exploiters ✅
Surrogacy agency ❌
Gestational trafficking organization ✅
Liberal feminism ❌
Feminism identified liberal exploitation ✅
Feminism appropriating female exploitation ✅
Feminism appropriating capitalism ✅
Sex positive (re: BDSM) ❌
Sexual violence positive ✅
Kinkster (male dom) ❌
Wife beater ✅
Male who beats women in sexual context ✅
Rape emulating male ✅ (re CNC)
Sexual misogyny enthusiast ✅
Kinkster (female sub) ❌
Sexual violence victim/survivor ✅
Brainwashed ✅
Groomed by the patriarchy ✅
Kinkster (female dom) ❌
Class traitor ✅ (especially when doing this to another woman)
Sexual traitor / sexual class traitor ✅
Conduit of fetishization of women's liberation ✅
Kinkster (male sub) ❌
Man who's enjoyment of patriarchy reversal still requires the patriarchy to exist and is not in any manner revolutionary ✅
Fetishizer of women's liberation ✅
Sexual violence victim/survivor ✅ (especially in gay male situations)
Sexual violence ✅
Transwoman / trans woman ❌
Trans identified male ✅
Sex appropriator ✅
Sexist ✅
Transman / trans man ❌
Trans identified female ✅
Internalized misogynist ✅
RCTA / race change to another ❌
e.g a white person who thinks they're black/brown/asian would be:
Black identified white person ✅
Brown identified white person ✅
Asian identified white person ✅
Race appropriator ✅
Racist ✅
RCTA (black/brown/Asian → white) ❌
White identified racially oppressed ✅
Internalized racist ✅
RCTA (Racially oppressed → other racially oppressed) ❌
Fucking stupid ✅
[Pretend race] identified [actual race] person ✅
DCTA / disability change to another ❌
Disability identified abled person ✅
Autism identified allistic ✅ (example)
Disability appropriator ✅
Ableist ✅
(For any xyz change to other thing, you can also use "out of touch with reality" or "reality denier")
Sex worker ❌
Prostituted person ✅
Sexually exploited person ✅
Commercial sexually exploited person ✅
Economic rape victim/survivor ✅
Porn actor/actress ❌
Sexual exploitation media victim/survivor ✅
Child porn ❌
Child sexual exploitation media ✅
Teen porn (as in age of majority teen) ❌
Teen sexual exploitation media ✅
Sex industry ❌
Rape economy ✅
Pimp ❌
Rape economist ✅
Sex trafficker ✅
Commercial sexual exploiter ✅
Rapist ✅
Sex-buyer ❌
Rapist ✅
Rapist by economic coercion ✅
Brothel ❌
Rape economic market ✅
Rape economic building ✅
Rape economic architectural conduit ✅
Rape economy establishment ✅
Strip club ❌
(Any of the alternatives for brothel can work depending on the establishment) ✅
Sexual exploitation establishment ✅
Non-contact sexual exploitation establishment ✅ (if it's actually non-contact)
Makeup ❌
Capitalization of low self image ✅
Product of unnecessary cruelty to animals ✅
Unnecessary stress on the supply chain ✅
Ecological waste ✅
Dermatologically geared waste ✅
Trans rights activism ❌
Trans ideology activism ✅
Threat to women's rights ✅
Leftwing misogyny ✅
Gender critical ✅
Gender atheist ✅
Gender disbeliever ✅
Gender abolitionist ✅
Radical feminist ✅
Woman with common sense ✅
Woman who reads books ✅
Woman who reads statistics ✅
Woman with class consciousness ✅
Woman with critical thinking skills ✅
Woman who develops her own opinions ✅
Woman who left the TIA proxy-cult ✅
Woman who left the sexual violence proxy-cult ✅
Woman who may understand these precise language words but still use the old words to avoid having to explain acronyms every sentence ✅
Woman who may choose to change her language to better reflect the reality of these patriarchal and oppressive concepts ✅
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dysphoricangell · 21 days
i will never understand the arguments for keeping the sex “work” industry alive.
how can anyone take the stance that sex work is okay, and not incredibly dehumanizing?? when so many women who have gotten out of the industry have spoken up about the mental and emotional strain it put on them, as-well as the physical abuse they’ve endured at the hands of sex buyers.
female sex workers experience higher levels of male violence compared to women in nearly all other fields of work. they’re also murdered multiple times per year, and are then neglected by police after death.
you can say “some women enjoy it!” all you want. you can say “women buy sex too!” or “men do sex work too!” or whatever stupid strawman you want to use. but i will never support men renting a woman’s body for sex. no argument will ever get me to support sex work. i could never imagine supporting an industry built off of male violence and the sexual abuse of women.
sex work should stay stigmatized. sex workers deserve happiness, and shouldn’t have to continue being in such a disgusting industry in order to make ends meet. sex work is not, and will never be the same as any regular job. sex buyers are rapists.
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mikasasrippedtoenail · 5 months
Women's existence as a social class is a profound reality. The poorest man-bruised and battered by the capitalists- still has access to the labour of a woman-his wife. With what little strength he posseses, he exploits her cooking, her cleaning and ofcourse her sex. Misogyny is the oldest form of slavery. When it comes down to men and women, no barriers of race, caste, creed or class prevent men from abusing women. The belief that women of upper station live in ivory towers that shield them from sex based oppression needs to die. The hold of patriarchy upon them is albeit light; howerver, you cant dismiss that their performance of feminity is also a show for the poorest of men. The poor man is a sex buyer, a wife beater and a rapist. His poverty does not dissuade him from committing violence against women. Unlike women, it does not make him more vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Removing class will not dismantle the patriarchy for men will hate and violate all women regardless, be they rich or poor.
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you aren’t a sex buyer, you are a rapist.
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floridakilo · 2 years
roommate during my spring break trip really liked those true crime podcasts made for women (yk the ones) and she asked me who my favorite famous criminal was while trying to pick an episode and i was like hmmm definitely miss aileen because i can support the reasoning behind the killings and she looked at me like i was insane and i forgot that wanting to murder rapists and sex buyers is considered extremism to the average unenlightened mind but maybe i made a small difference by spreading the good word
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coffincanary · 1 year
hey happy ww to you too! very broad question but what are your (fave) dark!samdean headcanons? how dark is up to you<3
Happy WW, and thank you for the ask!! Broad questions are always fun, because there's a lot to do with them :D (Also, sorry for the length but dark struff gets me going). But uh, this got incredibly dark and messed up actually, so buyer beware
My current fave is that Sam enjoys hurting people a little too much, and Dean really, really likes being hurt.
CW for violence, gore/guro, very very extreme sadomasochism, non-con, some mentions of John/Dean
I think Sam probably liked hurting others when he was younger. Not really because he doesn't have empathy, he absolutely does and he feels quite acutely. At the same time, when he beat up a bully or got to kill a monster, it felt better than it should have. And because he has that empathy, he feels deeply guilty and disgusted at himself for it. Which is one of the reasons he's so reluctant to get into hunting again. It's been a while since I watched S1 but I remember thinking that Sam doesn't really kill/hurt a lot of monsters in the early episodes, so I will run with that and say it might be due to Sam being afraid of what he's gonna feel once he does.
But once he gets into hunting, all of those urges just come back stronger than ever. Some part of Sam loves hunting, and as a result, the rest of him hates it. But, he can't really stop, it's like an addiction. It's so intense for him to watch a monster breathe their last breath with his knife in their throat, or when he gets to chase down someone who's running away, afraid for their life. With Dean there, it's easy to keep in check however. There's an entire episode (2x3"Bloodlust") that's a about Dean enjoying hunting a little too much, and I feel like seeing Dean do something that seems morally wrong helps Sam to ground himself and stay away from hunting to just satiate his sadistic and murderous urges.
Dean likes hurting people, but even more than that, he loves being hurt in every way possible. I'm a big fan of Dean/John, and while I don't hc John as some kind of serial-rapist, I absolutely do think that something happened one night while John was drunk that kind of changed Dean.
Dean doesn't really value himself or his body, but I think one of the main reasons he's so willing to put himself in danger is also to satiate some kind of deep urge inside of him, awakened both by the feeling that he doesn't matter and that one night with John. The pain feels good to him, and he seeks it out almost compulsively. Dean does not want to be in control, so he seeks out scenarios where he isn't. I think that both shows during his hunts but also in his sex life. I think Dean would purposefully put himself into situations where he might be drugged and/or taken advantage off, just because part of him craves that sense of helplessness, return to it in some way to understand it, and because it absolutely arouses him.
Hell, in a way, was absolutely horrible and traumatizing and yet so utterly amazing. Dean got messed up in ways he can't even describe and part of him absolutely loved it. Things that wouldn't be possible to do to an alive human were so easily done in hell. And Dean had no control in any of it. Maybe his first time torturing someone was not because he wanted to hurt others, but because he was promised that he'd be on the rack again after.
Now, when it comes up between Sam and Dean, it gets messy. I feel like the first time it'd come up is Souless!Sam. Sam doesn't really have any inhibitions in that state, meaning that he spent an entire year hunting and hurting and killing without the moral inhibitions usually keeping him from exploring what that meant. Now, he used an entire year finding out what he liked.
And, as a result, he'd 100% do the worst possible things to Dean, if given the chance. Dean being turned into a vampire would be the best chance for Sam to try out what he wants on his beloved brother. Dean regenerates, so Sam goes absolutely crazy on him. He stabs, shoots, guts, cuts and hurts Dean in every possible way. By the end, both of them are hard, and Sam fucks Dean with his hands pushed into his brother's guts.
Their whole relationship in S6 would be pretty fucked up, even after Dean was cured. Sam can't really torture his brother the same way he did the first time, but he keeps doing what he can. Putting Dean into incredibly dangerous situations, fucking Dean when he's hurt and close to dying, but making sure to never actually letting him die. Having sex with Dean whereever he wants, no matter who can hear. It's kind of like the floodgates opened and years of suppressed feelings are now needing an out. Dean tries to protest, he really does, but Sam never really cares for it, and what can Dean do? He couldn't fight off John, either.
I think the memories of that time between Soulless!Sam and Dean would be the ones death locks up and also part of the ones that Cas essentially takes up, meaning that Sam, in the end, remembers nothing about what he did to his brother. He is back to his old, ashamed but controlled self. And Dean is left missing the other him, wondering whether that Sam is still there, somewhere, hidden. But, I don't think it would ever come up again, it's just another quiet burden Dean carries. The memories of it now used to push himself over the edge below his sheets.
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gretchenantwort · 5 months
obligatory intro post. i'm a woman who wants to keep learning about radical feminism. i'm not completely new to it or to radblr tho. i only don't call myself a radical feminist because i don't think i can "qualify", at least not yet (i haven't read feminist literature yet for example, and that's because i have trouble focusing on reading). pro-abortion, anti-surrogacy, anti-prostitution (i don't blame sex workers, it's the buyers who are rapists), anti-porn, anti-patriarchal religions, gender critical, anti-beauty industry... the works, really. i can't remember anything else off the top of my head rn lmao. i'm bi and an atheist.
my url is a reference to the german word gretchenfrage, a compound word between gretchen (from faust) and frage which means question. it's a reference to gretchen asking faust how he feels regarding religion, while he is secretly in cahoots with the devil. a gretchenfrage is then an unpleasant question due to its answer being a painful truth. in other words, it's a question that goes straight to the root of a problem... and "radical" literally means "pertaining to the root". gretchenantwort isn't a real word from what i can tell, but it's meant to be a compound between gretchen and antwort, which means answer. it's supposed to mean the unpleasant answer that goes straight to the root of a problem, the natural and logical response to a gretchenfrage.
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anarchymeow · 6 months
why do many anarchists support prostitution?
if all work under capitalism is coercion,
and sex by coercion is rape,
then sex buyers are... rapists...
You can't buy consent. I don't understand how this isn't well known.
I don't associate with TERFS. Sorry
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burningtheroots · 1 year
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I‘d suggest to read the entire thread, especially if you still don’t understand that prostitution is slavery, exploitation, a hate crime against women & a human rights violation in some of the worst ways.
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radfemverity · 2 years
“Legalising prostitution will reduce rape rates” because you’ve delegated a subset of the female population to rent out their bodies and perform whatever sex acts the buyer commands, without any right to refuse or retract consent because it is a transaction. Of course when you legalise a type of rape there is the chance that the official statistics will lower (emphasis on chance. The data to substantiate this claim that normalising the sex trade reduces sexual violence is sketchy as all hell, never mind all the unaccounted–for biases and stigmas that come with researching sexual violence statistics to begin with. For example when certain forms of sexual assault are trivialised, the people victimised in those specific ways are less likely to think that the police will give a shit so they don’t bother reporting).
Men who espouse these sorts of statements are literally admitting that they’re rape apologists at best and rapists at worst, and that the male sex need a subsection of women and girls (let’s not forget how teen girls command a higher price in both prostitution and porn) to brutalise. Don’t fall for thar trick. No group of women and girls are rape fodder for men and boys.
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some people will frame pedophiles and even child rapists as victims before acknowledging the victimisation and exploitation in prostitution. and you already know whats up. its because pedophiles and child rapists are predominantly men, while prostitutes are mostly women, and sex buyers are mostly men.
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Worst succession characters:
Dasha nervosas character simply bc i cannot stand miss pedophilia anorexia nazi lover lol makes me sick to my stomach everytime i see her
Connor. Canonically a rapist (hes a sex buyer). Brought a subpar gift to logans birthday
Roman. Date rapist coded. Weird how yall woobify the creepiest motherfucker on tv
Shiv. God. Women that grew up around only brothers are insufferable. I couldnt be friends with shiv in a million years she reminds me too much of the rich girls in high school.
Kendall. Boring as fuck. I dont get how people feel anything for him other than apathy. Hes just a spoiled rich kid and hes a deadbeat dad. Im supposed to feel sorry for him? I dont.
Stewie. Dont like him because his name is stewie and i get so excited bc i think people are talking about stewie family guy and theyre just talking about the tumblr show
Greg. Hes funny but kinda annoying
Gerri. Shes cool i like her.
TOM tom tom tom tommmmmmmmmm thomasssss tommyyyyyyy.
LOGAN !!!!!!! Funniest most relatable character on the show hands down
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girlconglomerate · 1 year
I make money hand over fist by laying on my back doing basically nothing while some fat fuck cums in under 30 seconds and you whine online inbetween your 14 hour shifts at whatever shitty wagecuck job you’ve got. We are not the same. Go Retweet cookie porn or whatever it is you do here while I go buy tears of the kingdom lmfao
Legitimately fuck you and all these 'sex workers' who try to make their own exploitation sound easy and glamorous and fun and peddle onlyfans and stripping on TikTok as 'a way out of the system' for teenage girls to see with your fucking glitter filter money-counting videos. Fuck you people. Genuinely fuck all of you. Pawns of female exploitation and human trafficking. A literal demonic male feminist psyop. You're a fucking joke say that shit about tears of the fucking kingdom to the face of the millions of prostituted women worldwide. Legitimately vile.
'Sex work is work' Why are 80-90% of prostitutes female, why are 80% of them under 25, why are they disproportionately poor, marginalized, disproportionally the victims of physical violence, murder, suicide, AIDs, drug addictions, etc. Why have over half suffered previous sexual abuse. "If sex work was decriminalized they could-" Okay how come in Germany, where it's 'decriminalized', most prostitutes are Roma or Eastern European and the country has the highest rates of human trafficking in Europe, with the pimp sector taking the most massive victory. Why do so many of them- the vast majority- wish to leave or have literally no other option. Where's your industry standardization, protections, union rights, healthcare benefits, legal protections, ETC. Where's your protection against bodily harm, bodily fluids, illnesses, injuries. Where is the power you have against the pimp sector and the government. Why are you fucking murdered so often. If it's labor just like any other career just like coal mining or what-have-you where are ANY of these benefits and protections. Can you revoke consent by quitting your job anytime. Can you revoke consent by refunding at any time or are you 'locked in' when the session starts. Would you consent to self-admittedly unpleasant and undesirable sex with these 'fat fucks' without money involved. Do you think money buys consent under the context of one needing money to survive in this world- does a starving woman prostituting herself for bread constitute as a consensual exchange, or was it coercion, and why. Is assault okay if the assaulter pays afterwards. What if they state they intend first and then refuse to pay afterwards. Are you allowed to deny any customer on the basis of anything including sex/gender or is that discrimination because it's standardized employment. Describe to me how 'unpaid labor' and 'overtime' in the venue of sex work would pay out. Explain to me how this field abiding by completely different rules in every single one of these ways means absolutely nothing.
Why do you all react in this defensive way to defend the global sex industry. Is it some kind of self-defense mechanism. I don't know how anyone can recognize the reality of female exploitation in this world and still delude themselves in the manner such as you have. You're a victim of this same system and still peddle yourself as rich and glamorous in this way in this teenage girl's inbox over buying tears of the fucking kingdom. "I have to reactively defend my own sexual exploitation in the inbox of this stranger by describing how I have self-admittedly coerced sex with selfish men". You and every other literal ghoul you don't defend or support sex workers at all. You support rapist sex-buyers in their 99% male glory and you support the massively expansive industry that constantly abuses ALL sex workers including you. You shove your head into the fucking sand in order to campaign for this shit. You either don't know or don't care about what these legalized countries look and are like. You have no answer for why sex work is the way it is in this deeply misogynistic and sexist society. You don't care about or want to support trans sex workers either because you don't have a fucking answer as to why men want access to the bodies of the most marginalized groups, why they're forced into it so early often due to homelessness, why they're so often beaten and killed, and why this profession is what causes the beating and the killing. You don't have an answer as to how to defend against violent, selfish, misogynistic, sexist, racist sex buyers who deliberately target the youngest and most vulnerable. You don't care about the root, the cause, the means. You can't acknowledge any of this without acknowledging the brutality of sex work, which is why you never do, and behave in these aggressive reactionary ways in the inboxes of strangers instead. Your head is in the sand it's deep in the fucking sand. Pull it out and recognize your own exploitation I'm begging you.
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And fuck you extra because I have the fucking game anyway
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