#sex pollen type spell
jaimebluesq · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jiāng Yànlí/Niè Huáisāng Characters: Jiāng Yànlí, Niè Huáisāng Additional Tags: Sex Pollen, it's a spell but still fits the trope, Mildly Dubious Consent, Loss of Virginity, it's mutual, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Cloud Recesses Study Arc (Módào Zǔshī), frankencanon, Outdoor Sex Summary:
Desperate to move on with her life after the dissolution of her betrothal to Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli conducts a secret ritual designed to purge her heart of love for him. When the ritual is completed and she is already feeling its effects, her private moment is interrupted by the accidental arrival of her brothers' friend... and had she never really noticed before how handsome Nie Huaisang was?
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michelleleewise · 1 year
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: somnophilia, thigh riding, masturbation, spells gone wrong, "sex-pollen" type fic, swearing, dirty talk, loki speaking Norwegian, swearing, mildly explicit smut, unprotected sex, penatration (p in v), fluffy ending.
Summary: you borrowed a book from Loki's personal library, and weren't prepared for the consequences.....
A/n-graphics by @harlequin-hangout. This story inspired by my dear @mochie85 and her amazing story "Pheromones". Thank you so much my dear for all your help and support!! This story absolutely got away from me, it's definitely longer so be prepared 💚💚
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You walked into Loki's room, slowly closing the door behind you making your way to his overly large book case. He had been away on a mission for the last week, but told you to feel free to borrow whatever you wished. Carefully putting back the ones you had borrowed you browsed his large collection. Running your fingers along the spines you couldn't help smile, knowing you were one of the only ones, if not the only one allowed in his room, let alone allowed to borrow his books.
Over the last year you had grown close to the God, being born with powers you didn't understand, let alone control had made your life burdensome. You didn't have many friends, your family had basically disowned you, dropping you at an orphanage. Apparently you were too unpredictable for them to handle. But Loki had taken you under his wing, helped you understand your abilities, even training you to control them. On more then one occasion telling you how proud he was of you....calling you his "little witch" making your heart flutter.
You wandered over to his personal books, ones he had been able to save and being back with him when they had to leave Asgard and come to earth. You pulled out one of the larger volumes, Your fingers running over the golden runes inscribed on the cover. Tucking it under your arm remembering you could translate it with your phone you walked back towards the door, glancing around seeing his daggers displayed on the wall, his desk neatly organized not a thing out of place. A warm feeling running over you picturing him laying on the couch reading...sitting at the desk writing some long letter, his long slender fingers wrapped around his pen.
A shudder running through you thinking about those fingers gliding aross your skin, gently wrapping around your throat as he took what he wanted from you, claiming you for his. You shook the images out of your head remembering he was your friend, your mentor, your teacher. He would never see you as you saw him. Sighing you hugged the book to your chest, grabbing the knob turning the lights off as you closed his door, smiling as you made your way back to your room excited to see what knowledge the book contained.
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"AGAIN!" Loki yelled, throwing another green blast at you, deflecting it just in time as another came out of nowhere knocking you off your feet. You laid on your back trying to catch your breath when he came over looking down at you "have you not kept up your training in my absence?" He asked crossing his arms "y...yes...i...have." You panted grabbing your chest "then you would not be so easy to defeat. On your feet, we are going again." He said sternly walking out of your vision. You sat up watching him walk to the other side of the room, he looked powerful, regal, you would give him the world if you could. "I said up...now!" He yelled making you jump.
You got to your feet, bringing your hands up holding them out emitting a purple glow, watching his glow green. "This time you shall have no warning, you must react on instinct y/n." He said as you nodded, planting your feet in a defensive stance, watching him slowly stalk around you. Your anxiety rose as your eyes followed him, traveling between his hands and his face seeing him smirk. You saw something in your peripheral, turning slightly to see what it was you were hit in the chest hard by Loki's seidr, once again landing on your back. "Y/n where are you? You are not focusing!" He yelled as you sat up rubbing your chest.
"Loki, I'm only....ow human. What do you...." you were cut off as he drug you up to your feet, gripping your shoulders "you are not merely human y/n, your are...more." He said clenching his jaw "and I expect more from you then what you are giving me." He snapped as you looked to the floor "i..I'm sorry, it's just.." you started "don't be sorry, be better. How am i to be sure you will be alright out there hmm?" He asked as you looked back up at him, the green of his eyes seeming to glow "how will I know...." he started, feeling his thumb rubbing your arm, his eyes shooting to your lips and back. "Loki..." you whispered when he dropped his hands "I expect better next session." He said storming towards the door, leaving you alone with your wounded pride.
You made it back to your room, the look of disappointment on Loki's face was burned into your mind as you walked to the bathroom. You knew when he came back from missions he was like this. Harder, firmer, more demanding, but it didn't hurt any less seeing that look. "I'll never be good enough." You sighed, turning the shower on you slipped your training clothes off, throwing them in the corner as you stepped into the shower, the hot water making you wince as it hit your sore muscles. You wanted to be better, to impress him but it seemed to be a losing battle. You sighed, wrapping a towel around you you walked into your bedroom. Putting on a tank top and some sleep shorts you walked into the living room.
Flopping down on the couch you saw Loki's book on the coffee table. You hadn't had a chance to look at it yet with everything that had been going on, but now would be as good a time as any. You got up, grabbing your phone and a piece of paper and pen you sat back down, opening the book to a random page seeing the runes running along one side, a picture of a heart engulphed in flames on the other. You slid to the floor, opening your phone you went down the page finding the word for each rune writing down the translation, smiling as you reached the end. "Ok, now let's see what your saying." You said to yourself leaning back.
Hearts Desire
Suns shine, and moons shimmer,
Love and passion meet in shadow,
The fire burns, the flames grow higher,
The body yearns, the hunger grows,
Only sated by your hearts desire...
As you recited the last line you saw the book begin to glow on the table, the runes shimmering with a gold light on the page before suddenly stopping. "What the..." you said to yourself, running your fingers across the page feeling a shock in your fingers making you pull your hand back. "Ooook, I think that's enough reading for tonight." You said, carefully closing the book you put you phone down as you stood up feeling light headed. "Time for bed." You said Turning the lights off you climbed under the covers. Knowing you had another training session with Loki tomorrow you closed your eyes, willing sleep to take you.
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You rolled over, groaning as the blankets stuck to your damp skin. Looking at the clock seeing it was just past midnight you sighed. You put your hand on your forehead wiping the sweat away "why is it so hot in here?" You breathed, throwing the covers off you went to stand feeling your knees try to buckle. "I better not be getting sick" you said to yourself slowly making your way to the thermostat seeing it was still set at a cool sixty degrees. "What the hell." You turned on the ac, going back to bed you layed down, the cool sheets making you sigh as you closed your eyes trying to go back to sleep.
Images flashed in your mind. Long dark hair...deep green eyes that seemed to penatrate your soul...long fingers running up your thighs, moving up to slowly caress your clit..."Come to me darling...I need you." You heard furrowing your eyebrows feeling the fingers slide down towards your entrance. "Come....now!" The voice growled as the fingers pushed inside you waking you with a gasp. You shot up, looking around into the dark room seeing you were alone "Holy hell." You panted rubbing your eyes. You scooted forward feeling the wetness between your legs, your body covered in a sheen of sweat "maybe a shower will help." You sighed, scooting off the bed, the friction of your shorts against your core making moan as you braced the wall. "That must have been some dream." You thought making your way to the bathroom.
You turned on the cold water, stepping inside you let out a deep breath. You felt like your were burning from the inside out. You closed your eyes standing under the spray when the images returned. You hand slowly sliding down between your thighs, opening yourself up as you saw Loki...standing before you In nothing but his leather pants, slowly stalking towards you with a hunger in his eyes "come to me pet...I must have you." He purred, reaching out his large hand he wrapped it around your throat, his eyes boring into you. You worked your fingers through your folds, circling your clit feeling a shiver run through you as he leaned down, feeling his breath on your neck "I will give you pleasure as you have never known...all you must do is...come." He said sternly.
"L..loki..." you moaned, feeling your orgasm wash over you, pressing your thighs together at the feeling. You opened your eyes seeing the white tile wall "god...if only." You panted. You finished washing up, wrapping a towel around you you grabbed another tank top and clean shorts you sat on the bed, the pressure on your core making you moan. "What is happening?" You said to yourself shaking your head. You had dreamt of Loki before...numerous times but usually a little self care would sate your lust until the next dream, but now it only seemed to make things worse. You slipped your clothes on, feeling your body begin to heat up again, worse then before. "A...am I dying?" You said to yourself, gripping the side of the bed goaning as another wave of pleasure rolled over you.
Your eyes shot open remembering the book, the letters glowing as you read from it. "Oh shit...I cursed myself." You said rubbing your temples feeling sweat beading on your skin. "L...loki! I need to talk to loki, he'll...ahhh...know what to do." You moaned, slowly standing up feeling another wave push through you. Looking over seeing it was past two in the morning. "Well, I hope he's awake." You sighed, making your way to the door, nails digging into the handle as a another wave washed over you, your core feeling like it's om fire "I....ahh....better hurry." You moaned, quickly making your way to the elevator you pressed the button hard as the next wave hit you making you knees buckle. "Aahh fuck.." you moaned gripping the wall.
You made it to his floor, slowly walking out of the elevator you braced yourself on the wall, another hit you hard bringing you to your knees. "Holy shit..." you panted, standing up you felt the wetness between your thighs soaking your shorts. "L..loki..." you moaned making it to his door. You pressed your forehead to it, sighing as the cold wood met your hot skin. "Loki..." you breathed, knocking to be met with silence. Your thighs clenched together as you tried to knock again, still not getting a response you gripped the handle, turning it finding it unlocked. "Oh thank God." You sighed slowly pushing the door open.
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You stepped inside, quietly closing the door looking around the dark room. Your body shivered as the scent of pine and sandalwood washed over you. You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts "Lo..." you started, wincing feeling the skin under your ear burn, putting your hand over it feeling your skin hot to the touch. "Fuck.." you whispered looking back across the room, seeing the bedroom door slightly ajar. You walked towards it, you mind getting hazier the closer you got. "L..loki..." you whispered, slowly pushing the door open, the moonlight streaming through the window giving the room a soft glow when your eyes met his sleeping form, biting your lip seeing the sheet pooled around his hips, revealing his bare chest.
You opened your mouth trying to say his name, a moan coming out in its place as you gripped the door knob, leaning over as your head swam. Squeezing your thighs together you stood up, your vision hazy as you walked towards the bed, slowly making your way across the bed, running your fingers along the soft sheets looking down at him. You stood at the side of the large bed, his long hair splayed across the pillow making your hand twitch, you needed to touch it...now. You leaned down, slowly sliding back the sheets hearing him groan lightly as you climbed in next to him, carefully scooting towards him pressing your front to his side hearing him sigh.
You leaned up on your elbow, reaching your hand up you gently moved his hair exposing his long neck, smiling seeing a small freckle under his ear. You leaned down pressing a gentle kiss to it, his skin warm on your lips hearing him groan. You continued peppering small kisses to his neck as your hand slowly slid across his stomach, moaning as your fingers found the light patch of hair that traveled down. flattening your palm your hand slid down, feeling his muscles tense as your fingers grazed his adonis belt. "Loki.." you whispered against his skin as you went lower, your fingers running through the tuft of hair just above what you wanted most. "Y/n.." he moaned softly, freezing hearing him say your name, looking up seeing his eyes still closed.
Was he dreaming about you..you thought as your lips pressed back to his skin feeling his head turn slightly. Your pressed your thigh over his as your hand found what it was searching for, smiling feeling him hard as you slowly wrapped your fingers around him, groaning as you realized you couldn't get them all the way around him. "Mmm..god..." you moaned into his neck as you slowly moved your hand up and down, stoking him as you teeth grazed his skin. You groaned feeling him twitch in your hand as his hips rocked upwards meeting your strokes. "Mmm... I need you so bad." You whispered into his ear hearing his breath hitch.
You slowly rocked your hips against his thigh in rhythm with your hand. Tightening your grip you stoked him harder, your lips traveling to his collar bone as you squeezed your thigh against him, the friction on your clit sending electricity through you. "Y...y/n..." he groaned as your teeth grazed his collar bone. "Loki..." you breathed into his skin feeling him stiffen "w...what are you...ahhh...." he hissed grabbing your wrist stopping your movements. You looked up at him, his eyes wide as he stared at you "i...I need to feel you." You panted, releasing your grip on him you threw your leg over him, straddling his hips.
"Wait...y/n..." he trailed off trying to grab your hands as you tried to shift the sheet off of him. "P..please loki i...i need you." You panted, lifting your hips trying to get the sheet out from under you. "Y/n...stop this at once." He demanded as you looked into his eyes, a shudder running through you "i..I cant.." you whispered, leaning back you reached for the sheets again "Y/n...wait..." he said as you felt another wave slam into you, bracing yourself on his chest you rocked your hips against his erection, moaning at the friction when he suddenly bucked his hips, flipping you onto your back as he settled over you, pinning your wrists above your head in one large hand. He took in your appearance, seeing the sweat beading on your skin, your skin like fire under his hands. "What are you doing y/n?" He asked sternly as you dug your nails into your palm "i..need you." You whispered.
"You are not yourself, What did you do?" Loki asked sternly eyeing you. "Nothing! I just....please...." you pleaded, bringing your hips up as he pushed them back down with his other hand. "Y/n, I will not ask again, what..." he started as his eyes went to your neck, reaching up he grabbed your chin turning your head "all I did was borrow a few books while you were gone." You said shakely, feeling sweat pooling on your skin as his eyes met yours again "which books?" He asked still gripping your chin. "I..I don't know i..." you started "Dammit woman, which ones did you take?" He yelled making you shiver "i..I don't know the title...I just t..translated a page." You said shakely feeling your eyes burn. "P..please loki...I feel like I'm dying." You said feeling a tear escape your eye, traveling to your hair as he turned your head back.
He released your chin, his fingers ghosted over the skin of your neck, moaning when he touched where it burned the most, your thighs gripping his sides feeling another wave of arousal wash over you, your walls clenching around nothing. "Hearts desire..." he whispered splaying his large hand against your neck. "It appears you borrowed one of my spell books and...enchanted yourself." He said as his eyes met yours again. "A..m i...am I dying?" You whimpered feeling another tear fall as he wiped it away with his thumb "no my dear, you are not dying, not yet anyway" He said "but, your condition will worsen until you body becomes too hot and starts to shut down." He said feeling your forehead "how long ago did this happen?" He asked "a..a few hours or so." You said as he nodded. "H..how do I make it s..stop?" You asked shakely as he looked down "the only way to cure Hearts Desire is to become one with the one you...love." he whispered as your eyes widened.
A sob escaped you as he released your hands, leaning back slightly watching you "i...im s...sorry loki, I...I didn't want you to find out like this, or ever. i..." you cried, covering your face with your hands "I'm s...sorry." you said again as you shifted, trying to get out from under him when he grabbed your hips. "Where are you going?" He asked making you look at him "i...I've ruined everything with my stupidity and...." you rambled, feeling his finger prsss to your lips, it taking all your will power not to wrap your lips around it. "You need to calm down darling, your getting warmer." He said shifting closer to you "did you not hear me, your condition will worsen." He said sternly "i am going to help you." He said cupping your cheek "n..no! You don't have to do that, i..I'll just..." you trailed off "pleasure yourself? It will only make it worse." He said, gripping the sheets as you felt another roll through you, your nerve endings igniting making you whimper.
"Those sounds...you have no idea what you do to me my little witch." He groaned, pressing his hips to yours, feeling his erection rub against your clit "g..god....loki...." you moaned wrapping your arms around his back. "Let me take care of you." He whispered, leaning down pressing a kiss to your neck making your hips jerk. "I can smell you..." he groaned, rocking his hips into you as he leaned back, hooking his fingers under the band of your shorts, slowly sliding them down your legs "no panties hmm?" He purred, tossing them across the room. "I...they were dirty." You stuttered as he lowered himself back between your spread legs. "Oh, im sure they were my little vixen." He smiled, leaning down pressing a kiss to your collar bone.
You moaned feeling his hand slide up your thigh, slipping between you as his teeth grazed the top of your breast "mmm....you are soaking darling." He said, his long fingers gliding through your folds making you arch up into him. "P...please Loki...." you panted, screwing your eyes shut. You felt him shift, pulling the sheet from between you as his cock pressing into your thigh, precum smearing across your skin as he lined himself at your entrance "open those eyes for me, I want to see you as I take you." He growled. You opened your eyes, looking down seeing his cock begin to push into you. "Look at me." He said, as your eyes shot up to his "så vakker.." he whispered, pressing his hips forward, your nails digging into his back as he inched inside you, stretching you to your limit.
"Norns! Your so...warm, so...aahhh tight." He groaned, pressing his forehead to yours as he jerked his hips forward, knocking the wind out of you as he bottomed out. "Holy...fuck..." you panted, spreading your legs further apart as he pulled out to his tip, thrusting back in. You felt your body tingle as he slowly rocked in and out, keeping his pace slow. "L..loki....harder....fuck me....harder." you growled, sliding your hands down to his ass pulling him into you. "A...as you...mmm...wish." He growled, pulling out as he slammed into you, jolting you up the bed "oh fuck...yes..." you yelled, burying your face in his neck biting the skin under his ear hearing him growl.
"F...fuck....I can feel you...ahh squeezing me darling." He panted, snapping his hips hard, his pelvic bone hitting your clit with each thrust making your cry out. "I..I'm gonna..." you breathed, digging your nails into his cheeks as he pushed you up the bed. "Mm...min lille heks...ahhh...hvor jeg har lengtet etter deg." He said, slipping into his native tongue making you shudder. "kom for meg ... melk kuken min." He growled, slamming into you hard, your head hitting the headboard as your orgasm flooded over you, your walls clenching hard around him "c..come with me loki...fuck...let me feel you." You panted, feeling him twitch inside you as his hips met yours, holding himself in you as he spilled deep inside you. "Fuck...y/n J...Jeg elsker deg." He panted, dropping his head to your shoulder, his warm breath fanning against your skin.
He slowly pulled out, shifting to lay next to you as you stared at the ceiling. You pulled the sheet up covering yourself feeling your skin start to cool off, your mind clearing as you glanced over, seeing his eyes closed. You looked back to the ceiling, a knot forming in your stomach as you thought about what just happened. "Your thinking too loudly." He said making you look over at him, your eyes meeting his. "Im...I'm sorry Loki, about all of this." You said, pulling the sheet back starting to get up when you felt his hand on your shoulder pushing you back down as he leaned up on his elbow looking down at you
He reached up feeling your forehead smiling "how are you feeling my dear?" He asked tucking your hair behind your ear "b..better." you said looking down. "Is it true?" He asked, his eyes staring into you "umm..i...well you see..." you tried, looking back to the ceiling, feeling his fingers genlty grab your chin making you look at him. "Yes loki, it's true." You said gripping the sheet. He leaned down gently pressing his lips to yours, his tongue slowly sliding across your bottom lip. A warmth filled you, your toes curling feeling his tongue gently pass your lips, cupping your cheek as his tongue tangled with yours, his lips impossibly soft against your own as he claimed your mouth, biting your lip as he pulled back looking at. "Be mine y/n." He breathed, pressing his forehead to yours "i..what?" You asked tilting your head up "I have wanted you for so long, i would like to court you." He said smiling "y..yes Loki, I would like that very much." You smiled back as he pulled you towards him, laying on his back guiding your head to his shoulder "get some rest my dear, we can talk more tomorrow." He said running his fingers through your hair as you wrapped your arm around his middle "and y/n...no more books." He said making you laugh "ok, no more books." You agreed, closing your eyes slipping off to sleep listening to the steady beat of his heart....
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hvor jeg har lengtet etter deg-how i have longed for you
min lille heks-my little witch
Jeg elsker deg-i love you
kom for meg ... melk kuken min-come for me...milk my cock
så vakker-so beautiful
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybaby @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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codywanweek · 4 months
PROMPTS 2024 (aug 4-11)
Thank you all so much for voting!! I hope you like this year's selection of prompts 🧡💙
Two notes: Firstly: ✨✨This year Codywan week will be 8 DAYS! On day 8 we celebrate our fifth year of codywan week.✨✨
Secondly: Like last year the overall top 7 of all prompts have been marked orange*. If you prefer having just one set of prompts, you can use these seven!
Alternate Universe: Day 1. No/Different Order 66* Day 2. Aro/Ace Codywan (how to write aro/ace codywan) Day 3. Soulmate AU* Day 4. Video Game AU Day 5. Original Kenobi Series Script* (see: here) Day 6. Crèchemaster Obi-Wan Day 7. Modern AU: Teacher/University/Academia AU*
Broad: Day 1. Lightsaber/ Lightsaber training Day 2. “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” — Patrick Rothfuss - The Wise Man's Fear Day 3. After the war Day 4. “Subtle” witty banter during the war* Day 5. Hurt/Comfort Day 6. Quiet Love Day 7. Courting
Specific: Day 1. Truth Spell/Serum Day 2. Beating rival suitors off with a stick* Day 3. Take me instead/saving each other Day 4. Raising kids/padawans/kidfic Day 5. Only one bed Day 6. Touch starved* Day 7. Dimension travel (by one character)
DAY 8: 5TH anniversary
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[ID in alt text]
Alternate Universe: Day 1. Rebel Husbands AU* Day 2. Crèchemaster Obi-Wan Day 3. WLW Codywan Day 4. Meet as kids/young Obi-Wan and Cody/Padawan Obi-Wan and Captain Cody Day 5. Celestial Beings AU/(Celtic/Scottish & Māori) Mythology AU* Day 6. Soulmate AU Day 7. Modern AU: Rural type jobs (farmer/cowboy/homesteader)*
Broad: Day 1. "I love you like the sun" Day 2. Growing Old Together Day 3. Kyber Crystals* Day 4. Red string of fate Day 5. Pets and animals (tookas, Boga) Day 6. Touch starved Day 7. Battle couple
Specific: Day 1. Beating rival suitors off with a stick Day 2. Cody with a lightsaber* Day 3. Scars Day 4. One of Cody's antennae is linked to a tracker in Obi's lightsaber* Day 5. Comfy clothes vs. slut attire (a ho never gets cold!) Day 6. Force Sensitive Cody* Day 7. Long hair, hair cutting/trimming
DAY 8: 5TH anniversary
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[ID in alt text]
NSFW (below the cut)
Writing: Day 1. Bottom Cody Day 2. "Good boy" Day 3. Sex Pollen Day 4. Praise kink Day 5. That's not how the Force works Day 6. Gasping/Begging/Moaning Day 7. Service top Cody
Art: Day 1. Kneeling Day 2. One naked/one clothed Day 3. Gasping/Begging/Moaning Day 4. Piercings Day 5. Wedding night Day 6. Shower sex Day 7. Lingerie
DAY 8: 5th anniversary
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[ID in alt text]
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2w1ld3st-2dr3ams · 9 months
*•.¸♡ Do you want to be the final girl? ♡¸.•*
➥ w1ld3st-dr3ams' k!nkt0ber 2023
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This year, I'm gonna do kinktober even if it kills me. And, as the results of the poll show, it probably will. This October, indulge in all of your wet dreams and dirty fantasies! Yours truly will be more than happy to deliver!
You are free to request from any of the fandoms that I write for. If you want a character that is not from the fandoms listed on my masterlist, you're always free to ask. As per the results of the poll, you can request for 2 or more characters per day (default number per day is three, but some days might accept more).
Without further ado, let the dreaming begin!
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➸Day 1: Hybrids ➸Tomioka Giyuu (Demon Slayer) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 2: Corruption ➸Fuyumi Todoroki (My Hero Academia) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 3: Aphrodisiac ➸Luffy (One Piece) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 4: Food Play ➸Jing Yuan (Honkai Star Rail) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 5: Brat Taming ➸Hawks (My Hero Academia) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 6: First Time ➸Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 7: Toys ➸Lyney & Lynette (Genshin Impact) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 8: A/B/O ➸Caelus (Honkai Star Rail) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 9: Stuck in a Wall ➸Leon S. Kennedy ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 10: FWB/Fuck Buddies ➸Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 11: Free Use ➸Stelle (Honkai Star Rail) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 12: Hate Sex ➸Geto Suguru (Jujutsu Kaisen) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 13: Exhibitionism ➸Natsuo Todoroki (My Hero Academia) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 14: Blowjob ➸Kaeya (Genshin Impact) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 15: Cuckolding ➸Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 16: Dumbification ➸Ms Joke (My Hero Academia) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 17: Monster-Fucking ➸Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 18: Breeding ➸Tighnari (Genshin Impact) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 19: Bet ➸Wanderer (Genshin Impact) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 20: Sex Doll ➸Miguel O'Hara (Across the Spider-Verse) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 21: Borrow ➸Uzui Tengen (Demon Slayer) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 22: Eat Out ➸Sucrose (Genshin Impact) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 23: Obsession ➸Neuvilette (Genshin Impact) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 24: Collaring ➸Rengoku Kyojuro (Demon Slayer) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 25: Lingerie ➸Peter B. Parker (Across the Spider-Verse) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 26: Somnophilia ➸Nimh (Blush Blush) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 27: Knifeplay ➸Choso (Jujutsu Kaisen) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 28: Sadomasochism ➸Shigaraki (My Hero Academia) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 29: Bondage ➸Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 30: Sex Pollen ➸Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
➸Day 31: Halloween Special ➸Sanji (One Piece) ➸SLOT 2 ➸SLOT 3
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metalscoops · 9 months
💞A different type of rec list ask game, to rep your own fics and other authors you enjoy.💞 Spell out your username with fic recs. If the letter correlates to one of your fics you rec it (no duplicates use a different fic for repeat letters.) If you get to a letter you don’t have a fic title for you rec one you‘ve liked from someone else. 💖Send this to someone who might need a little love on their own fics or just like spreading the love.💖
Oooh I love this thank you for sending it to me 💞💖
most of these are mine, but there were a couple letters where I didn't have anything that fit!
M - Magic in Your Veins: (rated E) t4t harringrove, sex pollen fuck or die
E - Either Die A Hero (or don't die at all): (rated E) harringrove, zombie apocalypse one night stand AU
T - Taste of Her: (rated E) Billy/Chrissy, after a party at Steve's Chrissy finds herself alone in a room with the boy she's always wanted
A - All Cried Out: (rated E) Billy/Kurt Kunkle/Jonathan, Billy fucking Kurt in front of his boyfriend
L - little moonbeam by VirusZeref: (rated M) harringrove, amazing vampire Steve and werewolf Billy fic from @adelacreations I loved it so much!!!
S - Sexy Single: (rated E) harringrove, Steve and Billy are friends with benefits and Steve wants more
C - Cherry Wine: (rated E) harringrove, Steve getting Billy off by playing with his tits
O - Only Me: (rated E) Steve selfcest, season four Steve getting fucked by season one Steve
O - oh, can't you see? by thchateaus: (rated T) harringrove, cute little 5+1 things oneshot
P - Pants Off: (rated E) mungrove, Eddie's been injured and Billy's trying to take care of him.. in more ways than one
S - Seems to Satisfy by peevee: (rated E) steddie, I don't often read steddie but I've gone back to this one so many times! Steve's having trouble getting it up after everything with the UD so Eddie helps him out. It's a great smutty oneshot!
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destieltaggedfic · 1 year
Hey, thanks for what you do! I wanted to ask if you've come across fics in which Cas is addicted to Dean, sexually or otherwise? I think I read a fic where Cas, new to sex (or new to sex with Dean), couldn't get enough of Dean. Or maybe I just wanted to read that so much that I imagined it. Thanks!
oooh. Interesting. I've tried to stay away from love spell/sex pollen type of fics for this one. I couldn't really find anything about "addicted" its more insatiable or needy
Personal Space - orphan_account   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Cas’ personal space problem gets worse, always needing to be closer and closer with Dean.  And Dean is surprisingly ok with it.
Word Count: 1k                                 Non-Graphic Sex
Insatiable – Pinkmink   Ao3
Set S12.  Dean should have known how it would be.  He’d met that human version of Cas in 2014.  It shouldn’t be surprising how much Cas wants him.
Word Count: 2k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts  
Between Layers – magickastiel   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Sometimes Cas doesn’t feel close enough to Dean.  One night during sex he works out that possessing Dean would be the answer.
Word Count: 2k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
I think I still prefer the coffee - Rinoa2530   Ao3
Set 15x20 didn’t happen AU.  Now he can have Dean, Cas wants him all the time.  Dean is fine with that as long as he’s had his coffee first.
Word Count: 1k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
Worthy – Mayalaen  Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Cas is being more clingy than usual, eventually Dean works out because his mating drive has kicked in, and instincts are driving him to provide for his mate. (angels have an a/b/o type thing)
Word Count: 2k                                 Non-Graphic Sex
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runawaymarbles · 1 year
17! positivity in this house.
You know what I respect that
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
Was talking with friends the other day about how much I love when fics deal with the lasting consequences of certain getting-together tropes. When sex pollen does more damage to a relationship than an easily resolved "I was into it but I am guilty bc I feel like I raped you/you were into it but you are guilty bc you feel like you raped me" miscommunication (which can be excellent don't get me wrong) or like, I wish more people did truth spells/mind reading where one character does reveal their feelings for another character but there's also a bunch of ugly thoughts revealed too because everyone has them. And knowing the offhand mean thoughts people you love have about you would be pretty devastating even if you know they love you.
Choose violence ask meme
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earisridesagain · 2 years
Earis Recs 4.1 - I Put A Spell On You
Witch!Rey has definitely put a spell on me.
When Rey is a witch, I know I'm going to have a good time reading. The identity of ‘witch’ serves as a great lens to look at Rey’s self-sufficiency, knowledge, and power - along with digging into her loneliness and lack of trust. Plus, I love stories about badass witches and Rey is such a good one. Most witch!Rey stories are au’s - usually historical fantasy or modern urban fantasy. They run the gamut from fun and cute to dark and violent. In many of them, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is also non-human, such as a vampire, werewolf, or demon, but sometimes he is a human. I don't have any canonverse fic where Rey is a type of witch, like a Nightsister. So, if anyone knows one, please send it my way. Otherwise - enjoy!
Also on Dreamwidth and Twitter
1. The Witch in the Wood
Authors: HarpiaHarpyja and Inmyownidiom Tumblr for HarpiaHarpyja Twitter for HarpiaHarpyja Twitter for inmyownidiom
This was one of the first ‘Rey is a witch’ fics I ever read and it’s enchanting, no pun intended. Set in a fantasy world, Kylo Ren is a knight who fights monsters to defend the kingdom and make up for his crimes. He takes on an assignment to rescue a beautiful princess from an evil witch. But when he makes his way into the forest, he meets Rey, a lovely, brilliant, independent young witch who happens to look like a woman from Kylo’s dreams. Rey is equally intrigued by Kylo and the way he makes her feel, but she also has to deal with an evil poisoning her forest.
Status: Complete Rating: Explicit Warnings: violence and gore, necessary patricide, angst
2. The Devil Is Not as Black As He Is Painted
Author: aemondkinslayerx (could not find other socials)
Rey is a young witch, and not quite as successful as she would like. Plus, she has finals and they are kicking her ass, so she tries to do a little spell to help herself out. Only she accidentally calls on a lord of hell named Kylo (or Ben) and now she is stuck in a small apartment with a demon trapped in a summoning circle until she can find a spell to return him whence he came. Good thing he likes scarfing Doritos and binging sitcoms.
Status: Complete Rating: Mature Warnings: A little bit dub-con, if you squint; Kylo gets a bit possessive
3. Nine in the Afternoon
Author: RamboBrite Twitter Tumblr
Rey is very happy working for Luke in his magical apothecary shop. The only fly in the ointment is Luke’s nephew, a snooty asshole who thinks he is too good for retail and too big for the shop. One day, however, Luke leaves Rey in charge of the shop, and in charge of his naughty nephew. The same day, the shop receives a shipment of a very potent batch of a very special pollen. Can you guess what happens? (n.b. This is also a sex pollen fic!)
Status: Complete Rating: Mature Warnings: Dub-Con due to Sex Pollen
4. Good Fences
Author: quamquam20 Tumblr Twitter
For me, this is THE Witch!Rey + Vamp!Ben fic. It’s got everything - independent, creative, brave, compassionate Rey and moody, mysterious, dangerous, but oddly gentle Ben. Magical artifacts, interesting rules, and of course, hot sex.
Status: Complete Rating: Explicit Warnings: Violence
5. Our Endless Numbered Days
Author: frito_reys Twitter Tumblr
This fic is not yet complete, but I HAD to rec it. One of my historical interests is the Salem witch trials, mostly because they are a truly bizarre moment in history and a revelatory glimpse into the worst of human behavior. Here, Ben is Magistrate Judge and is part of the witch trials, but his wife, Rey is definitely a witch. So, go read, and give love and comments to the author.
Status: Not finished, 1/3 chapters Rating: Explicit Warnings: Historical accurate misogyny, temporary character death, historical accurate violence and injustice
6. The Baker and the Lily
Author: steelandtemper
Werewolf Ben is very intrigued when a woman moves to the edge of the town where he is the baker, and learns that she is a witch. He is concerned for her because the town might now be very friendly to a witch, and because her cottage is dangerously close to the territory of his old pack.
Status: Complete Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Some Violence
7. Unfamiliar
Author: SolarLilith Twitter Tumblr
Rey is a witch and binds a demon, Kylo Ren, as her familiar. After a horrible attack forces Rey to drop her wards, he reverses their situation and binds her as his familiar, bound to serve him and all his violent whims. DARK.
Status: Complete Rating: Explicit Warnings: Dark Fic, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; Rape/Non-Con, Murder, Violence, Gore, Sexual Slavery, Forced Pregnancy, Forced Body Modification, Forced Lactation
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Jukebox reviews part 26! For context, see my post “A Project”     under this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA   stories, they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Blank Space
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8/8/2015                                       mc mf md
This one is just *cute.* Like, also hot, but the two of them are *cute,* and I really hope they continue to be happy with each other. Mindy and Grant just click in a way that works so well, and I do enjoy that they started talking over the Silmarillion - those moments where the characters have those non-sex passions and interests always make them feel more real, make me more invested in them. And the way things went, well. It's just fun. 10/10 spirals 
 Stranger In My Own House
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8/15/2015                                     mc mf fd cb
Another superhero story, and a twist I didn't see coming! I won't spoil it, but the way this story builds and ends is A+ storytelling, in my opinion. And the use of "I won't do it" "Resist? Of course you won't" is SUCH a good exchange. Though I may regret giving any of my partners reading this that one to use against me in the future (but only in the most fun version of regret). I love how we can feel Huang's desire and ability to resist fading away as he spends more time exposed to the intoxicating perfume, too. 9/10 spirals 
 Relief Is Just a Swallow Away
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8/22/2015                                     mc mf md
This is much too sex focused for me. There's plenty of good mind control, but the sex overwhelms it for me to a point that makes this story not my taste 
 Smoke From a Distant Fire
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8/29/2015                                     mc ff
EEEEEE Amy and Dawn are back!! And oh gosh, Jukebox captures the emotion of a long-distance hypnotic relationship in this one. Granted, my calls with partners tend to have less sex in general, but the control, the power .... oh, that feels *familiar.* It's so sweet, too, around all the heat, and my heart melts at the way these two clearly love each other. Having done that tranced out, barely-audible "I love you" more than once, I love that that bit gets included here as well. And the last line.. oh, *that* is a line that's going to stay with me for a very long time, I think. 10/10 spirals, despite the sex-heavy lean, because I love Dawn and Amy just that much. 
 Doesn’t Really Matter
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9/5/2015                                       mc ff
Opals are hypnotic. So much so that even *non* kink writers have described their hypnotic effect in their stories - including my favourite author, Tamora Pierce. That fact aside, this is a well handled induction, one that could only be pulled off with someone who's used to people obeying her without question - as this nameless lady surely is. And Jukebox's description of the fire in an opal is *lovely,* though it makes me wonder what kind of opal she has. Maybe a black opal? It doesn't really matter, though. It's hypnotic whatever type of opal it is. The story has a lovely focus on how Piper responds to the opal, and I enjoy just about all of it. 9/10 spirals 
 Georgia On My Mind
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9/12/2015                                     mc ff ma
Right, this is an interesting story. Not necessarily to my taste, mind, but *interesting.* The idea of a magic spell forcing someone to think of the caster any time they're aroused is a clever one, and will cause strong associations, for sure, but story's focus just is a bit of a miss for me. 6/10 spirals 
 Milk-Heavy, Pollen-Eyed
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9/19/2015                                     mc ff la
Oh, the idea of "she just wanted to think what it made her want to think" is such a clever idea. I might need to steal that one. But the rest of this is ... alien flora aren't my go-to, so I'm not sure I can rate this one at all. But if you like the idea of plants with mind-controlling pollen, it's probably going to be up your alley? 
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9/26/2015                                     mc
Another of Jukebox's induction scripts, and another extremely visual one. I'll be over here in my not-really-visual (though I'm getting better with some practice!) corner. It's fine, as an induction, it just leans too far into visualization to work for me, especially in text form. But the sky and air current motif is a clever one! 7/10 spirals 
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
10/3/2015                                     mc ff md ma
This one requires a little reading between the lines to see the control, but it's a solid story all the same. The vibe of the control is solid, and you can tell that both our narrator and the gal she's talking with had been effected by it. The cause of the footsteps makes perfect sense, if you do that reading between the lines. 7/10 spirals 
 Watch the Tapes
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
10/10/2015                                   mc mf md
This feels like an obvious outcome to me, it really really does. Maybe I just consume "too much" mind control media, but I would have been *super* sus AF of the tapes after the first one viewed. Ok, yeah, that's definitely a use of genre saavy. But still, there's only one place this story was ever going to go, and the way it gets there isn't all that satisfying to me. She just doesn't notice the process at all, until she's responding to the conditioning, and that isn't my personal preference. 6/10 spirals.
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megthemewlingquim · 2 years
im not sure how you feel about writing smut, but i had this one idea and im not much of a writer, so i graciously ask you to write this:
it's a morpheus x reader
sex pollen: desire puts reader under a spell type thing/in a trance. morpheus goes to check on reader and discovers their condition and offers to help seeing how distressed reader is.
dear nonnie, i would write this, except sex pollen fics don't sit right with me. the reader isn't ever in a sound state of mind, and it just... unnerves me. though i've never had this experience, of course, reading it almost makes me think of the reader being drunk. it clouds the mind, makes it bad at judgement making. would the reader want these things to happen if they weren't drugged?
it makes sense, with desire and all that, but it seems very dub-con ish, and i'm not comfortable writing any sort of dub-con/non-con. at all. ever.
thank you for understanding. maybe i've reblogged a sex pollen fic here and there in the past (i can't remember) but to be honest they don't sit right with me, not really.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Google docs is where I type up my fics. I also sometimes use docs to write outlines, but I tend to use actual notebooks for that. I also use grammarly to catch smaller grammar mistakes I often overlook when rereading it.
Edit: I forgot this Question -  ⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
There is this smut fic that I just never got around to writing where Arthur messes up a spell and becomes like...ugh what’s the word... anyway, it ends up affecting him like sex pollen and Ludwig ends up showing up and they fuck. I was going to return to it, but I end up using aspects of that outline in a more recent outline that I like a little better so that original fic will probably not be written. 
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
My sibling and more recently my best friend found out. But only my sibling actually reads them. I don’t plan on sharing my fics with my irl friends lol.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I mean...I’m a fluff writer so this is tough, but I’ll say the Frain fic I just posted (Little Piece of Heaven), An Indulgent GerEng Sick Fic, and Lastly Winding Down.
Little Piece of Heaven: Just some teen Frain, unable to keep their hands off each other. A lot of kissing and giggling. I was little flailing as I wrote it out lol. 
An Indulgent GerEng Sick Fic: Touch starved characters my beloved. It’s hurt/comfort in a way because Ludwig doesn’t know how to handle being loved so much. 
Winding Down: It has everything I could want for GerEng. Overworked Ludwig with Arthur taking care of him. Massages, cuddling. Just makes my heart swell. One of my favorites to reread. 
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thaiamulet-us · 1 year
Magical Love spell powder
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Magical Love spell powder
💘 Magic love potion Believed to improve the power of influence over the opposite sex. Is perfect for increasing the passion and closeness in your relationship. It is an Powerful Spell Powders of romance for binding new couples together as well as for existing love couples who needs an ultra strong boost in their love commitments. It can also attract lost love back and binding two people back together.
It is a powerful and effective "Magical Love spell powder" that will bring a past love into life once more regardless of how long it has taken and under what circumstances did it end.
Magical powders, Herbal powder consist of various herbs ground up VERY fine, Pure 100% natural herbal blend with no fillers or dyes!
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Magic love potion Is extracted from Sacred herbs various natural healing herbs, fragrant plants, and pollens, blend using herbs that traditionally correspond to love, romance, & lust magick.Magic powders and substances that have been meticulously collected for the purpose of generating a most powerful gift of Love. By an adept in the Islamic Occults which are mixed together according the authentic method of Malaysia shamans of olden times. Hence, the exact composition of ingredients as well as the proper consecration technique has been applied to produce this mystic powder Made according proper tradition, using ancient formulas and magic spells to consecrate the mystical Love relationship Magic Powder. And as such, this mystical powder therefore already can be considered quite rare and unique in its own right for it has the natural quality to attract and absorb magic power. Thus, the Powerful Spell Powders underwent a consecration ritual so as to charge it with powerful blessings. Various ancient incantations were performed to make the Magic Love Potion an effective talisman for boosting one's charisma, as well as increasing one's power and authority. 💥 Powerful Spell Powders can be used by both females and males so anybody can utilize them. and can be used either by Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, This means that people from all faiths and religions can benefit from using this type of Magic powder .  
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💘 Powerful herb powder Use for Improve and tighten your broken relationship, gain back your love spouse attention, lovers ,(Mend broken marriages or relationships) 💘 Enhance your current relationship for those who always had ISSUES with their lovers or problematic relationships; To Mend broken marriages or relationships. This Magical Love spell powder can connect to a person that you loved and who loved you. It used the power of thoughts, dreams, memories and other natural elements to bring back your ex-lover. If the person you love walks away, the does not necessarily mean that you love is over. If the love you had was real, it will not disappear. A powerful love spell powder to bring back your ex-lover can fix it and restore it to how exactly it was. and may even put him/her under your control. 💘 This very powerful herb powder Not only used for lovers only It can be used with anyone you desire. Let that person fall in love with you - Sacred powder will lock your target person and cause them to become crazy over you. They will always be thinking of you and longing for your presence. It works by simply watching your desired person and establishing eye contact to influence their soul; no touching or physical contact with your desired person is necessary. You are required to establish and maintain eye contact with the person for few seconds to create a powerful yet enchanting effect on them Once your spell is in place, the person will find it difficult to forget you and will begin to long for you. This will attract them to you and this power will help to facilitate a better introduction on a positive manner. Over time, this person will start to fall in love with you.
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How to use Magic Powders Powders are typically sprinkled from your own hand while calling out the intended target by name. It is important to call them by name, for it is the only person that the love spell will affect. (Anyone else who walks over the powder or touches it will not be affected.) Then Pray for what you wish then blow out the powder.This love spell powder will be effective at a distance of 20 meters.Will make the power of this Magic powder spread around effectively. Or Magic Love Potion It can be worn on the body by anointing your pulse points and your heart chakra - Touch the Magic powder on your face/neck/other part of your body for boosting your charm & attractiveness Before meeting , Before leaving your home to attract someone that you are interested Furthermore, it is also possible to mix a few of the Magic powder in purified water, which can then be used to wash one’s face with. This is believed to enhance physical attraction so that one’s entire body will be radiating enormous sexual charisma. Use the Magic powder mixture constantly whenever you can. for strengthen ones Relationship Or improve relationships and attracts compassion, love and caring ,That person will always think of you without reasons
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Amuletlove provides free of charge domestic Amulet-Talisman  and Thai Product delivery to your door all over the country. Yet, we ship Thai Product worldwide with the most suitable couriers. This Item comes with plastic bubble wraps and would be carefully packaged in a carton box. The package would be delivered from Chiang Rai Thailand through Registered Air Mail Via Thailand Post Co.,Ltd. Please allow 7 - 15 Business Days for shipment arrival.   Note: The actual Amulet & Talisman Or Thai Product might be slightly different from the display image due to camera light and/or brightness of screen monitors. Likewise, The features mentioned above Still the same in all respects Read the full article
0 notes
stuckybarton · 2 years
i had this idea that i would love to see written out, but im not much of a writer and i would love to see what you do with this
sex pollen: desire puts reader under a spell type thing/in a trance. morpheus goes to check on reader and discovers their condition and offers to help seeing how distressed reader is
maybe breeding kink, praise kink, whatever you feel comfortable with
ohhhhh, this is an interesting idea~ i'll see what i can do with this. thank you so much for the request.~
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Please send a private message to this Tumblr account or send an email to [email protected] to claim. This pinch hit will be due at the same time as the regular assignments, August 29th at 8 PM EST.
Link to firebase: https://autoao3app.firebaseapp.com/#/BlackEmporium2022/user/anamuan
Requests below the cut:
Request 1
Characters & Relationships: Female Hawke/Cullen Rutherford, The Iron Bull/Cassandra Pentaghast
Type: Fanfiction
Ratings: Any
For Female Hawke/Cullen
I love a roguish purple mage Hawke just kind of flirting with/poking at/joking with Cullen, and he enjoys it but absolutely doesn't know what to do with it (at first? Cullen can be surprisingly smooth given enough time to gather his courage). If set during DA2, how much Cullen likes/loathes mages can vary, but he should like/respect Hawke regardless. If set during Inquisition, I think leaning into the awkwardness of a reunion is great.
Likes: Purple Hawke, cullen being flustered, get-together fic, there was only one mount (dragon, horse, nugalope, etc., your choice), cullen's mild exhibitionism kink (let's go to the battlements for make-outs every time), shameless flirting, kissing, Hawke's side quest hobbies, Fereldans and their dogs, identity porn, relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic. I like Mage Hawke, Hawke & Varric bffs, helping each other out, helping each other out ;) Dubcon is ok as long as everyone is having a good time (I really enjoy sex pollen fic where only one character is sex-pollened, and the other character volunteers to have sex with them because they want to/like them/want them to suffer less, whatever). I love mutual pining, pining, resolved or unresolved sexual or romantic tension. For mature or explicit fic, I like: pegging (esp. Cullen wanting to be pegged), frottage, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, fingering (either direction),
DNW: No bloodplay. No AU settings (canon divergence AU ok). No modern/college/high school/coffee shop/flower shop AUs. No A/B/O. No Noncon. No underage. No Bestiality. No Necrophilia. No Incest. No pregnancy (any gender). No toilet-related sex stuff. No 1st/2nd Person. No Reader Fic. No character bashing. No Solas. No people angsting about being queer or having sexuality crises. No crossovers. No major character death (background canonical character death mentions or using a potentially canon character death as a plot point or in passing are ok. e.g., mentioning the death of Hawke's parents is fine as long as it's not a major focus of the fic. A worldstate where the Hero of Ferelden is dead is fine). No grief fic. No misogyny, especially casual misogyny. No real world racism. No major focus on canon-typical fantasy racism (background canon-typical racism is ok). No spelling it "cum". No humiliation kink (characters feeling embarrassed is ok, but I don't want porn kinking on the embarrassment specifically). No major focus on torture/pain. No sickfic. No Anders/Hawke. No custom Hawke (use default character appearance and default Hawke name). No strong focus on addiction or addiction recovery (canon typical addiction ok if mentioned in passing or as background). No play piercing/piercing kink. No petplay. No bloodplay. . Please don't leave Hawke in the Fade. No love triangles. No (relationship) jealousy. No non-canonical nicknames.
dislikes: excessive gore (canon typical gore ok), euphemisms for genitalia, Inquisition-era Cullen who still hates/fears mages, blowjobs, hurt/comfort, cheating (open relationships ok), kidfic, dragging irl baggage into Thedas, D/s dynamics. dubcon where characters aren't enjoying what's going on, spit as lube.
For Cassandra/Iron Bull: Cassandra/Iron Bull
-The Iron Bull respectfully flirting and Cassandra flirting back. -Cassandra and the Iron Bull slay a dragon together (and whatever might follow).Likes: gift-giving, creative use of food, service as an act of love (cooking, armor polishing, etc). get-together fic, there was only one mount (dragon, horse, nugalope, etc., your choice), identity porn relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic.  I love mutual pining, pining, resolved or unresolved sexual or romantic tension. For mature or explicit fic, I like: pegging (esp. Iron Bull wanting to be pegged), frottage, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, fingering (either direction), hand jobs
DNWs and dislikes are the same.
Request 2
Characters & Relationships: Charade Amell & Female Amell & Female Hawke
Type: Fanfiction
Ratings: General, Teen, Mature
I just want a mage Amell (warden), female Hawke (mage or rogue), and Charade Amell hanging out together as cousins. It could be in Kirkwall during DA2 or anytime later. Just some dumb family hijinks.
Likes: Sleepovers, eating desserts, girl-talk, flustering Cullen, annoying Carver, comparing weapons & techniques (& techniques ;) ), making loving fun of other family members, giving the dog treats & pets/the dog doing tricks.
DNW: No bloodplay. No AU settings (canon divergence AU ok). No modern/college/high school/coffee shop/flower shop AUs. No A/B/O. No Noncon. No underage. No Bestiality. No Necrophilia. No Incest. No pregnancy (any gender). No toilet-related sex stuff. No 1st/2nd Person. No Reader Fic. No character bashing. No Solas. No people angsting about being queer or having sexuality crises. No crossovers. No major character death (background canonical character death mentions or using a potentially canon character death as a plot point or in passing are ok. e.g., mentioning the death of Hawke's parents is fine as long as it's not a major focus of the fic. A worldstate where the Hero of Ferelden is dead is fine). No grief fic. No misogyny, especially casual misogyny. No real world racism. No major focus on canon-typical fantasy racism (background canon-typical racism is ok). No spelling it "cum". No humiliation kink (characters feeling embarrassed is ok, but I don't want porn kinking on the embarrassment specifically). No major focus on torture/pain. No sickfic. No Anders/Hawke. No custom Hawke (use default character appearance and default Hawke name). No strong focus on addiction or addiction recovery (canon typical addiction ok if mentioned in passing or as background). No play piercing/piercing kink. No petplay. No bloodplay. . Please don't leave Hawke in the Fade. No love triangles. No (relationship) jealousy. No non-canonical nicknames. No incest.
dislikes: excessive gore (canon typical gore ok), euphemisms for genitalia, Inquisition-era Cullen who still hates/fears mages, blowjobs, hurt/comfort, cheating (open relationships ok), kidfic, dragging irl baggage into Thedas, D/s dynamics. dubcon where characters aren't enjoying what's going on, spit as lube, Cullen is a virgin.
Request 3
Characters & Relationships: Leliana/Josephine Montilyet/Cullen Rutherford, Male Hawke/Cullen Rutherford
Type: Fanfiction
Ratings: Any
For Leliana/Josephine/Cullen: I just love the dynamic these three have around the war-table and in some of the passing overheard dialogue you get in Inquisition. I'd love to see these three relying on each others strengths, in fluffy and/or serious situations
Likes: Leliana and Josephine affectionately teasing Cullen, established relationship, kissing, mutual pining, fluff, identity porn, complex OT3 relationships that don't sideline any of the characters, gift-giving, finding common ground. Relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic. For porn: I cannot think of a single thing I won't like for an OT3.
For Male Hawke/Cullen I love a roguish purple mage Hawke just kind of flirting with/poking at/joking with Cullen, and he enjoys it but absolutely doesn't know what to do with it (at first? Cullen can be surprisingly smooth given enough time to gather his courage). If set during DA2, how much Cullen likes/loathes mages can vary, but he should like/respect Hawke regardless. If set during Inquisition, I think leaning into the awkwardness of a reunion is great.
Likes: Purple Hawke, Cullen being flustered, get-together fic, there was only one mount (dragon, horse, nugalope, etc., your choice), Cullen's mild exhibitionism kink (let's go to the battlements for make-outs every time), shameless flirting, kissing, Hawke's side quest hobbies, Fereldans and their dogs, identity porn, relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic. I like Mage Hawke, Hawke & Varric bffs, helping each other out, helping each other out ;) Dubcon is ok as long as everyone is having a good time (I really enjoy sex pollen fic where only one character is sex-pollened, and the other character volunteers to have sex with them because they want to/like them/want them to suffer less, whatever). I love mutual pining, pining, resolved or unresolved sexual or romantic tension. For porn, I like: anal sex, frottage, intercrural sex, hand jobs, fingering
DNW: No bloodplay. No AU settings (canon divergence AU ok). No modern/college/high school/coffee shop/flower shop AUs. No A/B/O. No Noncon. No underage. No Bestiality. No Necrophilia. No Incest. No pregnancy (any gender). No toilet-related sex stuff. No 1st/2nd Person. No Reader Fic. No character bashing. No Solas. No people angsting about being queer or having sexuality crises. No crossovers. No major character death (background canonical character death mentions or using a potentially canon character death as a plot point or in passing are ok. e.g., mentioning the death of Hawke's parents is fine as long as it's not a major focus of the fic. A worldstate where the Hero of Ferelden is dead is fine). No grief fic. No misogyny, especially casual misogyny. No real world racism. No major focus on canon-typical fantasy racism (background canon-typical racism is ok). No spelling it "cum". No humiliation kink (characters feeling embarrassed is ok, but I don't want porn kinking on the embarrassment specifically). No major focus on torture/pain. No sickfic. No Anders/Hawke. No custom Hawke (use default character appearance and default Hawke name). No strong focus on addiction or addiction recovery (canon typical addiction ok if mentioned in passing or as background). No play piercing/piercing kink. No petplay. No bloodplay. . Please don't leave Hawke in the Fade. No love triangles. No (relationship) jealousy. No non-canonical nicknames.
Dislikes: excessive gore (canon typical gore ok), euphemisms for genitalia, Inquisition-era Cullen who still hates/fears mages, blowjobs, hurt/comfort, cheating (open relationships ok), kidfic, dragging irl baggage into Thedas, D/s dynamics. dubcon where characters aren't enjoying what's going on, spit as lube, Cullen is a virgin.
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thesmutbasement · 3 years
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These are the filthiest of the filthy fics - the most depraved, delicious, explicit, and smutty ideas from the Pedroverse. Please make sure you stay hydrated and buckle your seatbelts. We cannot be responsible for what happens after you read these. (18+ friends only, minors and unverified persons will be blocked)
As with all of nature's beautiful creations, sometimes a fic fits in more than one category. We've done our best to organize them below, but you may see a fic cross-posted to more than one category. Let us know if you think we made an error! (Sometimes it's real hard to type and do links when you're this horny.)
Please heed ALL author warnings when you click a link. There's some real smutty stuff here, and some of it is dark. Read all of the warning labels before you read the fic.
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The Asylum
When a fic is so bonkers you can only call it a “crack fic”
Bite Me
Vampire fics that don't suck
The Breastaurant
Lactation kink fics that hit the spot!
Butt Stuff
Anal, anal, anal
Code Red: Shark Week!
All the best period sex, period.
The Control Room
Dom/Sub action to scratch that itch
The Great Divide
May/December romances and [fully legal!] age gap smut
Holy Shit
The original forbidden fruit: a hot Priest and some impure thots...
Hot For Teacher
You can't concentrate in class, and for good reason...
It's All Greek To Me
Alpha/Beta/Omega fics that will get your heat running!
The Oldest Profession
Fics featuring consenting adults who charge for their expertise.
The Oral Report
The best blow jobs and pussy-eating this side of the Mississippi!
Send In Your Best Swimmers!
Get ready to spread the baby batter around for these hot breeding kink fics!
The Splash Zone
The wetter the better! Open the shower curtain for hot squirting action!
Stranger Danger
Sometimes you just want some anonymous sex with a hot stranger
Three's Company
And more! Threesomes and hot poly action here!
Under the Influence
Sex pollen fics that will put you under their spell
The Smut Bucket (A-Z by character First Name)
This is where we put fics that defy categorization entirely (or we just haven't come up with the right category yet...)
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Multiple Characters
Dave York (Equalizer 2)
Din Djarin/Mando (The Mandalorian)
Ezra (Prospect)
Frankie “Catfish” Morales (Triple Frontier)
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels (Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Marcus Pike (The Mentalist)
Pedro from Across the Street (AppleTV+ "Calls")
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
To be continued...
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destieltaggedfic · 2 years
Sex Pollen/Love Spells etc - Part 6
The Gang Hunts a Sex Monster – riversfire   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.   A hunt where Dean and Cas were affected by the incubus type monster they were hunting, lead to them waking up in bed together and Dean at least was completely naked.  The awkward morning after has them both trying to figure out what they want.
Word Count: 8k                                 Non-Graphic Sex
Struck By Lightning - Dean-Bangs-Cas-In-The-Impala (Maknatuna)   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  After being struck by lightning, Cas is compelled to tell the truth, as it develops his libido is also increasing.
Word Count: 8k                                 Non-Graphic Sex
Uninhibited - Banshee1013   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  When Dean starts expressing his love for Cas after a run in with a witch, they think it’s a witch, but its actually a spell to rid him of his inhibitions.
Word Count: 6k                                 No Sex
Transaction – swtalmnd   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  A spell needs someone to take an angel’s “essence” into their body.  Dean has volunteered for the job and he and Cas are ready.
Word Count: 1k                                 Non-Graphic Sex
Don't Let Me Forget You – ElizaD   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  An encounter with a trickster has left Dean unable to lie and when he accidentally reveals that he regularly pretends not to remember after getting drunk and kissing Cas, the angel is going to push to find out the whole truth.
Word Count: 7k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
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