#sexy taeyeon
koishua · 5 months
growing up on diff kpop gens with my younger sister this is wild bc her le sserafim/nwjns/illit/kiof was my snsd/aoa/apink/girls' day/exid/gfriend/rv :( 4th/5th gen vs 2nd/3rd gen have CRAZY different energies it's fascinating
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taetaetaeng · 2 years
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
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herbertlangethings · 2 years
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please have a look on this profile here or on my other pages and sides, in many different social net, feel free to contact me, here, direct, or in groups, if and how you want of course, so thanks a lot, you are very welcome !!!!!!! (Bday cutie 9th March: beautiful Taeyeon / SNSD)
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artpopbyceleste · 2 years
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paintediamond · 1 year
when are we getting a taemin sunmi collab 🤕
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kesujo · 2 months
Chapter 1: Miss Personal Trainer
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This year was the year Kang Seojun would get his shit together. He would learn more recipes and eat healthier, he would start working out and craft himself a body of the gods, and he would finally get a girlfriend and lose his virginity. After finally being able to move out of his parent’s house, after enjoying his newfound freedom, he admittedly slacked off—but that would change. With the new year came newly discovered motivation, and that started with the year subscription he purchased to the gym located near his apartment complex.
And boy was Seojun glad he chose to do that, because the personal trainer assigned to him was smoking hot. Seojun had seen his fair share of scantily clad idols, actresses, and models, but they all paled in comparison to her. She had perfect, milky-white skin and a slim physique but by no means was a slacker in the curves department. The way her formfitting gym wear followed the soft curves on her body, accentuating the fullness of her breasts and her hips, was absolutely sinful. He immediately wondered what running his hand across her curvaceous body would feel like, not long after catching himself and chastising his dirty mind for thinking about a woman he just met that way.
She introduced herself as Kim Taeyeon, and despite being about half a head shorter than himself, she gave off an extremely mature, knows-what-she’s-doing aura, which stood in stark contrast to her baby-faced appearance. Was Taeyeon in her thirties already or was she still in her early twenties? Seojun secretly hoped for the former as he wasn’t particularly keen on dating someone more than five years younger than him. Not that he ever stood a chance with her—on a scale of 1 to 10, she was probably an 11 in sexiness, cuteness, and general attractiveness. Seojun figured if he spent a lot of money and tried really hard, he was maybe a 7.
“So, Seojun, what’s your goal with working out?”
Her silvery voice was another thing: it was smooth, like warm butter, the words just seeming to flow out of her mouth like water from a steady creek. It was disarming, dangerously so; Seojun felt like he could listen to it all day. He then wondered what it sounded like moaning his name, shortly after catching himself with the salacious thought—what was with him today? He wasn’t normally like this. Was he that desperate?
“Um, I—” he stopped short, his heart skipping a beat at the delightful sight of Taeyeon giggling for a brief moment.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, please continue.”
Seojun hesitated, briefly wondering if she was laughing at him. “—I just thought that with the new year, that I should actually dedicate myself to working out and get a nice physique.”
“That’s admirable—sorry about earlier, I wasn’t laughing at you, I just suddenly thought of something funny.”
Seojun was perhaps a bit too relieved upon hearing that. “Oh, no worries! I didn’t take it that way.”
“The first thing we should do is create a workout plan accordingly. If you want to bulk up, you need to commit to changing your entire lifestyle. Are you prepared for that?”
He nodded. “Protein shakes, eating meals of only grilled chicken, rice, and steamed broccoli, right? Stuff like that?”
She nodded. “Right, something like that…” It may have just been Seojun, but he swore that a gleam appeared in Taeyeon’s eyes when she trailed off. He felt himself naturally shuddering; as sexy as the expression was, the sensation that passed through him wasn’t of arousal, but more akin to a primal fear. Like Taeyeon was a lion and he, a wounded antelope. “…but that’s all really hard work. There’s another way to achieve that goal, but you’ll have to just trust me.”
Honestly, Seojun was having a hard time focusing solely on his personal trainer’s words: the way she was holding her arms at stomach level meant that they inadvertently pushed her ample chest together and outwards, letting Seojun know that they were bigger than what the outfit initially conveyed. He felt bad for being so distracted by it and was thankfully able to catch most of what Taeyeon said, but the added factor of being completely alone in the building only added to the growing sense of anxiety and resulting self-consciousness he was feeling. When it came time for him to answer, Seojun had to actively wipe his mind from such thoughts, fearing they might leak into his response. “Oh, yeah, I would love to!”
He caught Taeyeon giggling again, a bewildered smile unknowingly forming on his face. “Great! Before we get started, I need to test you to see if you’re eligible. Would you come follow me home?”
Seojun found himself choking on thin air. “Wh—What?”
In the few minutes they spent, Seojun’s mind had already gone wild with fantasies. But not even in the wildest ones would he have dared considering Taeyeon taking him home.
“No? I knew it, it’s too strange to ask a client I just met to follow me home…” the adorable pout adorning her lips and the crestfallen expression on her eyes twisted at Seojun’s heartstrings.
“No! It’s not—” Seojun, with all his might, tried not to get his hopes up. If anything, she just proved herself to have pure intentions. “—it’s not that—well, I mean, it is a little weird, but I still trust you.” Even as disarmingly sexy Taeyeon was, Seojun had his inhibitions. What if she was secretly insane? What if she was just leading him to his doom? Seeing Taeyeon’s elated expression vaporized every last one of thoughts, leaving but one thin strand of doubt and self-preservation lingering. “But, um, what are we going to be doing?”
“Oh, don’t worry! I’m not like a psychopath or a serial killer or anything, it’s just I can’t conduct the test here with what we have.” There was something about her chipper, excited attitude that annihilated that last strand of hesitation. “Oh, and don’t worry about the test, it won’t hurt. In fact, I think you’ll like it quite a bit.”
There it was again. That mysterious, mischievous, sexy gleam in her eyes: a predator eyeing its prey. But as soon as it appeared, so quickly did it disappear, leaving Seojun to wonder if he was just seeing things.
“That sounds great. Are we going right now…?”
She nodded, walking past Seojun, grabbing his hand along the way. His heart skipped another few beats at the feeling of her pillowy, warm hand sliding into his own, her delicate fingers locking around his hand. “Depending on the results of the test, I’ll decide on your training regimen. Did you drive here?”
The question went right over Seojun’s head, too preoccupied with staring at the impossibly smooth hand gripping his. Shortly after, he noticed another more delectable piece of eye candy in the corner of his eyes. His attention summarily shifted towards it: Taeyeon’s softly swaying hips, her shapely butt, molded nicely by the black yoga pants she was wearing, amping up his heartbeat so much he could hear the frantic pumping of the organ in his ears.
Taeyeon’s delightful giggle again reached his ears, Seojun’s concentration breaking, his face turning a deep shade of pink when he looked up to see Taeyeon stopped, head turned around and looking directly at him. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude, I—”
“It’s quite alright.” At this point, Seojun had to be sure it wasn’t just him. That same gleam shone again in her eyes, this time mixed with a bit of a playful sparkle. “Did you like what you see?”
Again, Seojun was left bewildered. Wasn’t Taeyeon about to scream at him for objectifying her? Unless she was attracted to—no, there was no way that was the case.
“Y-Yes,” he admitted, his gaze locked fiercely to the carpeted floor of the empty gym, the tips of his ears undergoing the inferno of his embarrassment and shame. “You have a very nice body.” There was an immense desire to lift his head just a little bit to catch another glimpse of what lay in front of him as they continued walking; it felt as though someone placed a super magnet on his chin and another on the ceiling, but he fought it with every ounce of willpower he had.
This wasn’t like him. Sure, he was a virgin and never had a girlfriend, sure he masturbated regularly to the idols he looked up to, but he was never so disrespectful to a woman when she was right in front of him. What was wrong with him?
“Thank you!” Seojun, again, found himself surprised; Taeyeon’s response of gratitude was so sincere, he almost believed that Taeyeon wasn’t the least bit angry or disgusted or fed up with his behavior. “As I said, did you drive here?”
“No, my apartment is within walking distance.”
Taeyeon nodded in satisfaction, continuing to walk, her hand still firmly linked to his. Seojun let himself get pulled along, his eyes fiercely trained onto the ground, not daring move his eyes up even one millimeter. “We’re taking my car. It’s a bit of a long drive, so I hope you don’t mind.”
“No, I didn’t have any other plans for today.”
“How about tomorrow?”
As often as Taeyeon was catching Seojun off guard, one would’ve thought that there was a point at which he would stop getting surprised. Her follow up question was not that point. “Hm? Tomorrow?” It was only then that Seojun raised his head, making sure to lock his eyes on the silky hair on the back of her head. Wow, it looked so soft, like … no. He wasn’t about to let himself slip down another rabbit hole of fetishization of a woman he met not minutes ago.
“Hmm, never mind~” she sang, pulling the door open, a blast of cold air greeting them. “Let’s just do one thing at a time.”
Hearing his stiff reply, Taeyeon let out a deeper, fuller laugh—jarring to be sure, but equally adorable and endearing. “Why do you sound so professional?” She turned around, Seojun quickly diverting his gaze. She cupped the hand attached to her with her other hand, rubbing it gently. “Did me catching you staring at my butt embarrass you?” To this, Seojun only gave Taeyeon a curt nod, sending her into another explosion of giggles. “There’s no need to be shy about that! There’s nothing wrong with appreciating a fine ass, even I do that from time to time. Come on, my car’s nearby.”
Hearing her hearty reassurance and her genuine smile was all Seojun needed to open back up; although he still struggled with looking at her while in the car, they made light talk in the hour-long drive to Taeyeon’s residence. In that time, Seojun learned that Taeyeon had already experimented with many different jobs (which reassured him that she wasn’t the early-twenty-something he feared her to be) before settling on this one as a personal trainer, and how she liked the job because it gave her the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life. The idea of Taeyeon working with other men unsettled him, which he knew was bizarre since he had no right to be protective over a woman he didn’t even know last week.
Seojun then shared about his job at an IT products company, how the work was rather mundane but interesting in its own little ways. Upon further prompting, he told her about his education, how he majored in engineering, how he had trouble finding a job at first and how he had to live at his parent’s house because of it, and how relieved he was after finally being able to move out and how going to the gym was the first step of his plan to truly grow into adulthood.
Although her attention stayed on the driving, Seojun could tell Taeyeon was listening attentively by the way she occasionally nodded while he talked and how her gaze landed on him whenever they pulled up to a red light. It was nice, so nice that Seojun had to repeatedly remind himself to not get his hopes up, that Taeyeon was just a really kind woman and that these things didn’t mean she was into him. But it was so difficult, every time their eyes accidentally met and she would shoot him a dazzling smile and his heart would just leap out of his chest, he felt his grip on reality slipping further and further away.
Thankfully, they arrived at her residence before that happened, and when they did, Seojun’s jaw dropped. While it was no mansion, it was certainly bigger than most houses he’s seen before, not to mention how large and fenced off area was: the nearest neighbor had to be at least 500 meters away on each side. “Here we are, home sweet home,” she announced, pulling into the garage. Was she rich? It certainly seemed so. Seojun was just happy Taeyeon didn’t seem to mind his blatant sexual harassment from earlier, lest he spend a few years in jail with the power and influence she could probably wield.
Seojun followed the tiny beauty inside, unable to help but notice a distinct lack of furniture. While the dining room had a table and chairs, the kitchen equipped with stools, there seemed to be not much else: it gave off the vibe of being not very much lived in. Another thing Seojun found a little strange was how completely unaffected the frail-looking woman seemed to be by the cold weather despite wearing clothes that exposed her entire midriff, both shoulders Taeyeon stopped at what appeared to be her living room. “Here we are.”
“Um, should I wait here while you get your things?”
“Hmm?” Taeyeon’s eyes bore into him, so much so that a shudder inadvertently traveled down his spine. “Things?”
“I-I mean, your, um, your, uh, testing … stuff.”
Kang Seojun didn’t know why he suddenly unable to speak, nor did he know why he suddenly felt so uncomfortable and hot. To his chagrin, he could feel his erection spring up with life, to which he uncomfortably shifted under the ardent gaze of the older woman, embarrassment flaring back up.
“Hmm, but I have everything I need,” her voice lowered as she closed in on him, Seojun unable to even stumble backwards, his entire body inexplicably frozen. She raised herself on her toes, placing her head right next to his ear, whispering the final two words, “right here.”
This time, a powerful shiver jolted throughout his body like an electric shock, Seojun letting out a barely audible gasp. Taeyeon’s hands made contact with his arms, a jolt of electricity shooting out from the point of contact, a moan escaping the red-faced man’s lips as she transitioned slowly from rubbing his arm to his shoulders back down to his chest where her supple breasts lightly pressed against him.
“T-T-Tae-Taeyeon, what—what are y-you doi-doing?”
“I’m testing you,” she replied in a soft, sultry voice, her eyes never once leaving Seojun’s downcast ones. “You said you thought I had a nice body, didn’t you?”
At this point, Seojun felt like he barely had the ability to speak, hindered by his arousal and excitement and anticipation, but equally so his anxiety and confusion and embarrassment. There’s no way someone like Taeyeon, someone who undoubtedly could take pick of the litter amongst men she wanted to have sex with, would choose an average person, a virgin, like him. So why him? Was she teasing him?
“Tell me, Seojun…” her deep, sultry voice almost seemed to echo inside his head. At the moment, he felt no different than what he imagined an injured antelope would feel trying to hobble away from a ravenous lion. “…do you want to feel it?”
Kang Seojun was awkward around women, he would say, but even he had caught onto the signs of what was happening. Even still, hearing the words coming directly out of Taeyeon’s mouth was a completely different matter. It was only then that Seojun locked eyes with Taeyeon, something that proved to be a fatal mistake.
All it took was the one glance, and he felt completely and utterly hypnotized. The rapid pounding in his ear of his heartbeat, the warm feeling of her hands along his chest, her sizable breasts brushing against his upper body, every sensation he was feeling felt like they had been simultaneously amped up to 11 and dulled down at the same time.
Taeyeon smiled even wider at his response. “What a good boy you are…” she cooed, planting a kiss on his cheek. Seojun flinched, the cheek burning at the point her lips met it, as if someone had poured lava on his face. He didn’t even register that Taeyeon had taken a few steps back until he caught some movement in the corner of his eyes.
Black wings sprouted from her back, unfolding with the sound of a soft flutter, like a bedsheet being unfurled from the dryer, and stretching many arm lengths out on each side. Horns simultaneously sprouted from her head, a thin tail springing out from behind and wound around her legs like a snake. “Mmm,” she groaned, the wings spreading out, following the motion of her outstretched arms, her tail likewise straightening out. When she pulled her arms back in, the wings and tail followed suit. “That’s better.”
In that confusing swirl of emotions he was feeling, fear suddenly joined them. “Wha—Wha—you—your—wings, tail—…are you a demon?”
Taeyeon laughed heartily at Seojun’s completely dumbfounded expression and response. “Mmhm.” Seojun thought he was going to regret making such an accusation and almost tried to take back the words as soon as they left his mouth. What he was not expecting was for Taeyeon to confirm it so quickly. But, despite what he was seeing, despite what was right in front of his eyes, he still couldn’t believe it. “More accurately, a succubus.”
Kang Seojun’s mind spun until he was left light-headed. A succubus? That certainly explained a few things, except for the small detail that they didn’t exist. Succubae were just myths, folklore legends created by lustful men who tried explaining away their infidelity to their wives, or something like that. But they didn’t actually have basis in reality. Right? … But how else was he to explain the body-length, midnight-black wings anchored to Taeyeon’s back, the dark brown horns growing out of her head, and the tail swishing about her feet?
“Come here.”
The way Taeyeon purred the words out struck him; they resonated inside his mind, not so much a suggestion but an order he felt extremely compelled to obey. Seojun felt his feet drag across the floor, his eyes locked onto the winged, tailed, horned woman—demon—before him. He stopped when he felt Taeyeon’s hands reach down to grab his, the tail whipping around and resting on the backside of his legs.
“You smell so sinfully delicious, it was a real stroke of luck that I managed to find you,” Taeyeon cooed while leaning into him, her surprisingly strong tail pulling him forward. The bewildered young man stumbled forward into the seductress’s arms.
Feeling Taeyeon’s breasts more firmly against his body and her hands wrap around his torso went by almost unnoticed by the now properly and utterly terrified man. “Delicious? Wait, you-you’re going to eat me?”
Seeing his wide-eyed reaction, Taeyeon couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “No, silly. I’m a succubus. When I refer to something smelling ‘delicious’, I mean your semen.”
Hearing the word coming from her was one thing, hearing the provocative way she said was another, but realizing the, in retrospect, obvious implications of it positively blew away any semblance of fear he held, his arousal coming back in full force.
He groaned under his breath, the raw amount of lust he was experiencing overwhelming him all at once. “My-my what?”
“Oh, don’t play innocent with me, boy.” Her tone took upon a more playful attitude, a playful smile teasing at her lips. “You’ve been imaging what it’d be like to fuck me since you first laid your eyes on me.” Seojun was speechless, only feeling his ears burn a shade brighter. “I admit that was me trying to prime you, although I was impressed with your ability to quell your thoughts even after I grabbed your hand. Most men wouldn’t be able to resist at that point to the degree you did, you know. Especially not virgins like you.” Usually, Seojun might’ve taken that word as an insult, but there was a certain way Taeyeon said the word, the way she seemed to treat the word with respect and even seemed to revere it somewhat, that made him think otherwise. “I really tried my best—well, almost tried my best, but the most I could get out of you was a couple of stares. That’s impressive; I haven’t seen anyone with as powerful a resistance to me in five centuries, maybe six.”
Seojun didn’t know what it was with Taeyeon’s words, but the confident way she spoke them while holding about her a dignified maturity, Seojun found himself immediately believing them: that she really induced those out-of-character lustful thoughts (which, honestly, Seojun was all too willing to believe; he was willing to take any explanation if it meant that he indeed was not that desperate), that his resistance really was impressive, and that she was at least a few couple of hundred, if not a couple millennia, years old. That certainly explained the mature sophistication she seemed to exude and the supremely confident body posture she always had, even when standing a half head shorter than him.
“I think you should be rewarded for your hard work, shouldn’t you?” Taeyeon’s suggestive purring was too much; Seojun could barely contain himself. He was so aroused, he didn’t know what to do with himself: his knees were shaking, his heart palpitating, his penis painfully erect, the muscles on him limbs tensed, it was like he wasn’t even in control of his own body anymore. However, somehow, he wasn’t jumping her, and found that it wasn’t his own willpower that was holding him back but Taeyeon herself. Taeyeon, who looked to weigh 15 to 20 kilograms less than himself minus the wings and horn, was holding him in place so tightly he couldn’t move a muscle. “Would you like that? For me to reward you?”
It was this that allowed him to understand that Taeyeon was in complete control, and while Seojun might’ve ordinarily been inappreciative of his first sexual encounter with a woman controlling him so thoroughly, the fact that it was Taeyeon meant the thought barely phased him. “Please.”
A wicked grin befell Taeyeon’s face, this time that predatory gleam shining proudly and clearly in her eyes. The lion had finally sunk its powerful teeth into its prey. “Good answer.” Her tail tugged down his pants and boxers in one motion with the strength of two hands, Seojun’s boner springing free, proudly prodding her cottony frame-hugging pants. He didn’t even think about this until just then, but his insecurity about his size popped up along with his erection.
“Sorry, it’s small…”
“Mmm mm,” Taeyeon replied, patting his cheeks reassuringly, “Size doesn’t matter to a succubus. We adjust to our partner’s size. That way, we can enjoy the dick of any man without qualms.”
Maybe it was the simple fact that Taeyeon was reassuring her, or maybe it was the firm way she did so, but Seojun felt the burden of not being able to please her dissipate. “O-Oh, that’s good.”
He suddenly felt a rush of wind and, in the next blink of an eye, Seojun found himself sitting down on the couch that was previously behind Taeyeon, the succubus kneeling between his legs, her hands firmly placed on his thighs, her face situated a good meter or two away from his manhood. Her wings floated behind her in a more tucked position; definitely less intimidating, and now that he was starting to get used to it, a strangely arousing sight. “Mmm, fuck,” the lyrical moan sent another anticipatory wave of arousal into Seojun’s body, “You smell so good, I can’t wait to feel your hot semen down my throat. You better be prepared, Seojun, because I’m going to wring your balls dry.”
His dick strained even harder against his body in reaction to the filthy words leaving Taeyeon’s shimmering, luscious lips. “Shit,” Seojun muttered, his fists clenching tightly at his sides, seeing her eyes clouded in lust trained fiercely onto his veiny cock. He wanted to do nothing more than to take Taeyeon’s head and shove his dick inside her mouth, but with the strength and speed Taeyeon just demonstrated to him, he wasn’t about to take any chances with her.
“Be a good boy and cum lots for me, ok?”
“Wait!” It was while Taeyeon’s hands were closing in onto the hardened organ between his legs that a thought suddenly occurred to him. She stopped, big eyes peering up at him, her tail swishing around in excitement also freezing in place. “I-I’m not forfeiting my soul for this or anything, am I?”
Taeyeon giggled again, tickled by the overactive imagination of her prey. “No, nothing like that; souls are the territory of other demons. All you’ll lose is some semen, which you’ll have replenished by tomorrow night anyway.”
Seojun nodded, Taeyeon taking that as a go-ahead to continue. Her palm was the first thing to make contact with his engorged member, to which Seojun let out a loud moan, his brows furrowing at the sight of her small hand rubbing the length of his shaft, its delicate fingers gingerly making their way around its circumference. He couldn’t tear his eyes away, his legs tensing and his toes curling as another wicked grin appearing on Taeyeon’s face as both hands firmly grasped his cock and gave it a few pumps. “Fuck,” he moaned, unabashed in the ecstatic pleasure shooting up his spine. All the lonely nights spent by himself paled like the light from a firefly to the blazing afternoon sun in the face of the beautiful seductress kneeling before him, her expert hands inducing an amount of pleasure he didn’t realize was possible.
Taeyeon leaned her head over, her wings casting a shadow on his legs, hovering her mouth just centimeters above the swollen tip of his dick, gathering saliva inside her mouth and dribbling it onto the sensitive sex organ. “Ah, shit,” the moan inadvertently escaped Seojun’s lips, the warm liquid slathering onto his cock sending an electric shock into his entire body. A shudder rolled through up his torso and down his arms and legs, his dick twitching in kind at the sudden contact. Taeyeon smiled in satisfaction at his reaction, using her hands to coat his manhood with the viscous, translucent bodily fluid. Seojun moaned again, throwing his head back in pleasure, his fists tightly clenched at his sides, the ecstasy coalescing into the precum that dribbled out of his dick.
Upon seeing this, Taeyeon’s eyes shone with glee. “Oh, how kind of you; an appetizer, just for me?”
Seojun whipped his gaze back down just in time to see Taeyeon’s head dive down, rubbing her hot tongue across the tip, collecting every last drop of pre-ejaculate onto the pink muscle before planting upon it a quick kiss. Seojun hissed, his body jumping at the sensation, his breaths turning into pants. Taeyeon’s hands never once stopped pumping, gliding along the slick length of Seojun’s cock thanks to the lubrication provided by her mouth, her throat flexing as the first bit of her meal traveled down her throat. Taeyeon’s eyes widened, freezing momentarily, her entire body experiencing a rolling shiver of ecstasy. “Fuck, that’s so much better than I imagined,” she groaned, her voice full of lust and impatience. Her eyes crossed, an even more fierce look of lust clouding her facial expression, her hands resuming its prior task with even more ferocity than before. Seojun let out a surprised yelp, another jolt of electricity caused by another wave of ecstatic pleasure causing his entire body to jump. Tilting her head down again, she reapplied the warm lubricant, Seojun jumping again at the feeling of the warm, viscous liquid coating his cock.
“Mmm, you’re so close, I can feel it,” she cooed, her face drawing closer to the erect member trapped inside her warm hands, gliding along its length with ease. “You want to stuff your veiny cock into my mouth and shoot your seed down my throat, don’t you? Wouldn’t you like to do nothing more than to fill my mouth with your hot cum? I offered you a reward previously, but don’t you want to collect it already?”
“Yes, please…” Seojun half grunted, half moaned, his willpower teetering on the edge of abandoning all notion of ‘rationality’ and ‘self-preservation’ to grab the succubus’s head and force it all the way down his pulsating erection.
“Why don’t you do whatever you want with me then~” the smiling seductress sang, the soft, seductive sound seeming to sway about ceaselessly inside his skull.
Taking the suggestion—or directive, Seojun couldn’t tell at this point—as an indication that he could take the reins, both hands shot out and grabbed fistfuls of her silky, silver hair and pushed her face downwards, directly onto his awaiting penis. “Mmph, fuck—” the initial entrance of his penis into the wet warmth of her tight mouth sent a series of ecstatic shudders of pleasure all throughout his body, his fingers tightening around the silky locks of hair, but soon was amplified at the feeling of her skillful tongue wrapping around his length, that warmth from feeling her saliva dribbled onto his cock now spread across the entire surface area of his penis. Her head obediently bobbed up and down with the rhythm of his thrusts, her wings moving in conjunction with their lust-charged movements. “—fuck, god, you’re so good—” he could feel the familiar sensation of a building orgasm on the horizon, the sensation only pushing him to thrust harder and faster into the lustful demon’s mouth, abandoning all pretense of embarrassment for orgasming so quickly. “Taeyeon, shit, I’m close, I’m so—uugh!”
Letting out something between a yell and a moan, Seojun’s hips pushed his cock as far back into the waiting mouth of the satisfied succubus, ropes of his thick semen depositing directly into the back of her mouth and down her esophagus. Taeyeon’s lips were tightly sealed around the perimeter of his cock, her throat flexing impressively as she gulped down every stream of his seed in stride, making sure not to waste a single drop of the immaculate sustenance. Only after the last of his ejaculate emptied into her mouth did she let go of her vice grip of his dick.
Her breath deepened, her wings flaring out, her entire body burning with life, as if someone had just splashed her with a bucket full of ice-cold water as she was about to doze off, her entire being consumed with an even greater lust and desire. Seojun’s grip on the back of her head loosened, his body slumping against the couch listlessly, grimacing as Taeyeon came up for air and licked the entire surface area of his cock one more time for good measure. “Mmm, I haven’t had such a good feast from a human in so long.”
“I’m glad—w-wait, Taeyeon?”
Seojun’s eyes widened as he watched her snake her way up his body, straddling his waist with her luscious thighs, her hands sneaking under his shirt and, with a firm tug, ripped it clean off his upper body. “I want more,” she whispered. It was only when Seojun felt Taeyeon rub her wetness onto his leg that he realized Taeyeon had already taken off her pants, her tail looping behind her and pulling the last bit of clothing left off her body.
“Oh god…” the words spilled out of his mouth, arousal returning with force upon seeing her perky tits spill out of the restrictive material. The combination of that and feeling her hot, sticky juices rubbing dangerously close to his groin caused his erection to flare back to full tilt. Now that they were naked in front of him, adorned at the peaks with pink, hardened nipples, he found himself unable to tear his eyes away. Of course, he had seen boobs in pictures and videos before, but seeing them in person, and that they were Taeyeon’s, was a completely other story.
“You like them?” She teased, shaking her upper body playfully, the bountiful mounds jiggling deliciously in response. Seojun simply nodded, to which Taeyeon replied, “You can have them after giving me a second helping.”
Without warning, Taeyeon lifted her hips and plunged her vagina down onto Seojun’s cock.
Seojun’s back arched all the way, his head involuntarily thrown back, the loud sound pushed out of his throat as the surge of pleasure overtook his body.
“Congrats on losing your virginity,” Taeyeon whispered to him, cupping his face gently before pulling him into a fierce kiss.
Seojun felt paralyzed by ecstasy, her soft and warm lips smothering him and massaging his own, the tight, hot walls of Taeyeon’s pussy slathering his already slick cock with other bodily fluids, her vaginal lips depositing her fluids onto his crotch with every hot connection of their groins, drenched with the honey of the domineering woman. Taeyeon’s movements were ferocious, her naked tits pressed firmly into the young man’s bare chest, her lips and tongue overpowering his in an instant, her hips propelling her tiny frame up and down the ex-virgin’s dick. Seojun’s hands naturally found themselves cupping her round, shapely ass, an action that only spurred the succubus on more. Taeyeon’s tail crawled up his right arm, softly guiding the fingers of his right hand towards her puckered, unoccupied hole.
Taeyeon broke the kiss, Seojun barely able to see amidst the sea of pleasure and lust he was drowning in. “Are you ready?”
“For—for what?” The split second after he spoke, he felt the two fingers nearing her other entrance melding together, elongating into what he somehow knew was another penis. “What the fuck?”
“What are you waiting for, my ass isn’t going to fuck itself,” Taeyeon quipped, grinning at the adorable, perplexed reaction of the young man below her.
His arousal soon drowned out his sense of reasoning, and the suggestion was all he needed to completely disregard the anomaly of a second penis inexplicably growing from his two fingers. Instead, he quickly found the unattended hole and plunged it inside.
“Shit, shit shit, fuck, oh my god—” Seojun let out a barrage of swears, the added feeling of Taeyeon’s tight asshole joining the already overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation of her pussy clamping on his cock. Taeyeon’s back arched, pushing her voluptuous breasts further against him.
“Mmm, fuck…” Taeyeon’s melodic moans soon joined the chorus of Seojun’s own moans, adding onto the layer of arousal that was starting to overwhelm his body fatigued by the first orgasm. “…do you want the third one to be a pussy or an asshole?”
Before Seojun could ask, the fingers on his left hand similarly started to meld together, elongating into another firmly erect penis. “Uh, um, I-I don’t know…” He could barely process the question, much less dedicate the brainpower needed to make a decision.
“Hmm, another pussy it is.” Again, her tail guided the newly formed cock into the space just above her asshole, soon meeting another pair of flopping wet pussy lips, eagerly awaiting its guest. Without hesitation, Seojun pushed the third member into her third orifice, the resulting explosion of pleasure causing him to blackout for a brief moment.
“Mmm, you like that? Feeling two pussies and an asshole fucking your cock at the same time? Feeling my hot, tight walls on your dick?” Taeyeon’s hot breath heated up his ear, Seojun rendered completely unable to speak from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure assaulting every fiber of his being. “Your cock is hitting my cervix with each stroke, god, fuck, I feel so fucking full with three of your cocks fucking me so hard. Yeah, hmmph, fuck all of my holes harder Seojun, pump your dick deep inside me and fill all three of my slutty holes with your thick cum.”
While Seojun could feel his arms start to give way, he pushed through. The looming feeling of a following orgasm drove his body wild with adrenaline, his arms burning with the strain of pumping so furiously into the wanton woman. His chest heaved with the huge gulps of air his body demanded, Taeyeon’s erect nipples poking firmly at his skin at the apex of each breath. As he neared his orgasm, he could feel both his own and Taeyeon’s movements grow more erratic. The previously cold room now felt blazing hot, the only sound to be heard being the wet sound of skin slapping against skin, the chorus of their combined moans of lust, and the ruffling sound of Taeyeon’s wings moving in conjunction with the movement of the succubus bouncing ferociously on Seojun’s cock. He could only muster a grunt in warning before he exploded all at once, all three holes sucking up the delectable meal at once.
“Uunggh, fuck,” Taeyeon exploded simultaneously, the ecstasy overwhelming her superhuman senses, her hands vacating the back of Seojun’s head and onto the cushiony backrests of the couch she crushed inside her grip, a tsunami of juices flooding out to match the streams of semen flowing into the satisfied succubus. “God, oh my god, fuck, it’s too much…” she panted, even after Seojun’s orgasm subsided, her entire body burning hot with the acquisition of such fine sustenance.
Seojun, on the other hand, was completely and utterly drained—he lost all ability to move, his untransformed arms dropping to his sides and his head onto the backrest of the couch. It was almost scary, how little strength he had left: it felt like he was half-dead, barely having the strength to open his eyes. He never felt this drained after masturbating, what was going on?
“Ah, fuck, Seojun…” Taeyeon remained panting atop the corpse of a man that remained below her, still trying to take in the influx of ecstasy from the consumption of three simultaneous loads of Seojun’s cum. “…ah, god, I’m going to cum again, holy fuuuck!” The panting moan transformed into an ecstatic scream, another tidal wave of lust and pleasure washing over the demon lost in her own desire. Her body vibrated violently against the lifeless man, sending his cock awash with a second tsunami of her nectar.
When her orgasm finally subsided a minute later, Taeyeon collapsed onto the taller man, her head resting on his shoulder. “Oh my god, I haven’t orgasmed so easily in so many centuries, but never before in my millennia of living have I orgasmed twice from one feeding. You should be proud, Seojun.”
When he didn’t respond, Taeyeon lifted her head to see the lifeless, pale expression in his face. “Oh my god! I—I’m so sorry, I forgot you were—oh my god—…”
When Seojun next regained consciousness, he found himself laying on a soft bed, wrapped up in a warm, thick blanket. His consciousness immediately started to drift off again when he realized that something felt wrong: his bed wasn’t this soft.
His eyes opened and he jolted awake, his eyes scanning his environment to find a naked Taeyeon laying beside him, watching him with a bemused expression. “Good morning, Seojun,” her honey warm voice eased the panic in his voice. It wasn’t long before he found his eyes drifting onto her perky tits and the firm, pink nubs sitting atop their peaks, feeling his erection starting to grow once again. Noticing this, Taeyeon giggled, sitting up along with the equally naked man. “You really like my tits, don’t you?”
He blinked, turning his head away, his face red. “Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to—”
“Don’t apologize, you can look at them all you want,” she insisted, her soft hand reaching out and gently caressing his cheek. Seeing Seojun’s eyes close with content like a puppy cuddling up to its owner brought a smile to Taeyeon’s face. “I’ve decided. Why don’t you become my pet?”
The idols that are to appear on this story are something that you can influence! If that is something you're interested in, go to this link and scroll down a little to the 'Foreword' and follow the instructions listed.
Otherwise, lemme know what you thought, and thanks for reading!
Link to next chapter here.
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authorhjk1 · 14 days
Can you tell me how does each member of SNSD likes to be eaten out, both pussy and ass? Also give a very brief description of how they each of them like it. OT9 of course, please and thank you
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Taeyeon is usually the one to just ask for it. Or rather not ask for it. At least not verbally. Whenever you lie in bed, or on the couch, Taeyeon sees it as an opportunity to take her rightful place on your face. She loves to ride your face, while you eat her out. But she isn't rough or anything. As long as you make her cum, there is nothing to worry about. She can get a little impatient from time to time, but you make up for that, when your hands reach upwards to cup her breasts.
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Jessica likes to get bend over by you, before you eat her out. The way you seem to dominate her, but then kneel for her makes her wet everytime. So the two of you are equals and yet you're the ones on your knees. And yet she is the one who is begging you for more. Jessica melts away when you play with her ass at the same time. While you eat her out, your hands knead her cheeks, pull them apart, occasionally dip a finger inside her puckered hole. Not too much, but enough to tease her.
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Sunny is someone who needs a lot of foreplay. You can't just bend her over and slip your tongue inside her pussy like with Jessica. You have touch her first. Kiss her, let your fingertips glide over her thighs. And then you lie her down on a bed. Taking her feet, kissing them, before you slowly make your way up her legs to her thighs. Take your time there, move upwards, before retreating again, just to hear her gasp.
When Sunny starts begging, you know you're almost there. Spread her thighs apart, kiss them, until you reach her center. Slowly make your way around her lower lips, already tasting a hint of her juices. The moment you place your tongue fully on Sunny's lips should be the moment she already falls apart.
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Tiffany likes to be taken care of. Similar to Sunny, but not with such a long build up. She loves it when you become very handsy in public. She always pretends to dislike it, saying it's inappropriate. But she can never hide her satisfied smile. It makes her feel so sexy, knowing you can't keep your hands to yourself. And once she spreads her legs, you make Tiffany's core your second home. You take care of her, give her lower lips and clit loving kisses, before you let your tongue slowly invade her pussy. Let your hands softly stroke along her thighs, making them shake and her moan.
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I think most of the members aren't that much into having their asses eaten. Or at least, they don't get off as much to it as Hyoyeon. She likes it when you bend her over. Just like Jessica. The only difference is in the hole you get to lick and take care of. Hyoyeon doesn't mind if you get a little bit more rough, spreading her cheeks to get your tongue in as deep as possible. Maybe give her cheeks the occasional slap. Let your finger dance over clit, while you eat her out.
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Yuri loves it when you eat out her ass. She'd never admit it of course. She usually doesn't ask for anything sexual anyways. But it all started when you slipped a finger inside, while you were eating her pussy. Despite hiding her face in the sheets in embarrassment, you could clearly hear the loud moan that escaped Yuri's mouth. And as you fingered her ass, more moans echoed through the room. And when you first let you tongue glide over her hole "on accident" Yuri let out another deep moan, coupled with a needy whine. Despite not asking for sex, Yuri is usually not very shy or embarrassed during sex. But as soon as you let the tip of your tongue dip into her rear end, Yuri hides her face, while streams of moans leave her lips.
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Sooyoung likes to be rough and in control. And not only during sex. But also when you eat her out. She loves to ride your face. Her hands in your hair, pulling on it, while she pleasures herself, using your body. You're only allowed to touch her, when she tells you it's okay. Otherwise, you have to keep your hands to yourself and eat her out the best you can. Sooyoung loves to suffocate you a little with her thighs, when she gets closer. She likes it when you then suddenly go faster, making her bite her lip and moan out loud.
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Despite being one of the tallest in SNSD, Yoona likes to feel small. She gets off on the fact that she is way smaller than you are. Whenever Yoona asks you to eat her out, you usually pick her up. You place her legs on your shoulders and pull her up, until her pussy is right in front of you, while she sits on your shoulders. Once or twice, Yoona almost hit her head on the ceiling. But usually it works without any problems. Sometimes you just stand in the middle of the room and eat her out. Then, Yoona always leans forward, trying not to fall off while your hands keeps her steady, grabbing her ass. Sometimes, you lean her back against the wall, so you can let your hands wander, feeling up her body, while eating that delicious pussy.
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Seohyun is a little like Sooyoung. But she is rough in innocent and needy way. She is just a needy little maknae. If she wants it, she needs it. Which means that you need to jump into action quickly, when you're in public. Because if you don't, Seohyun goes full maknae mode. Pouting, acting cute, sitting in your lap, clinging to your arm. Whatever she needs to do to feel your tongue inside her. And once you finally do place your head in between her thighs, Seohyun bucks her hips wildly in your direction, while she lies on her back, almost as if she is riding you. Begging you for more, needing that sweet release, which only you can give her.
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foulphantomllama · 4 months
A really quick one here. I was bored while looking at my phone and when I saw this picture of Taeyeon, I decided to write down some things. Enjoy!
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Taeyeon x Male Reader
A Good Morning
She was sleeping like an angel. Despite the fact that she was nearly 13 years older than me, she was looking younger. Even younger than me when I cut off my beard. It was a very long night for both of us. She was so tired that she just fell asleep.
She was sleeping half naked. She has her panties on but no bra. Laying on her face, her bare back was looking so sexy. And let’s not forget her side boob from my angle. I couldn’t resist anymore. I hold one of her ass cheeks and start rubbing it. I was massaging her while she was sleeping. And she was slowly waking up. She was saying something but it was so unaudible. I took her panties off so I could rub her pussy. I put my fingers into her pussy and started finger fucking her. This time she was fully awakened. She was trying to hold my hand as she moans. I grabbed her hand and put her middle finger inside my mouth her pussy was getting wet. I stooped finger fucking her and make her turn on her back. I lay down beside her. Good morning she said to me, while grabbing my cock. Over my underwear. She put her hand inside my underwear and get a good grip. My cock was rock hard. We were dating for nearly three months and this was literally the first time I was this hard.
She told me to take off my underwear. I do as my mommy commands. Everytime. She leaned on my cock and kissed the tip of it. She gave it a good lick from its head to my balls. Then she got all of it in her mouth. She started sucking my cock while looking at me right in the eyes. As her head down and up with my cock in my mouth, I hold her head and started to fondle her hair. She likes this very much. My cock was all wet with her saliva. She put my cock out from her mouth and started stroking it with her gentle hands. I hold her boobs with my hands, rubbing them hard. They were too soft. She asked if I wanted to cum on her boobs. She did not waited for my answer. She hold my cock and spit on it. And put it between her boobs. Squeezing her boobs while my cock were between them. She gave me the best titjob I’ve ever had. I cum on her boobs she cleaned herself and came back to bed. She sat on top off me and started rubbing her pussy to my cock, so that I can get hard again. Her gaze was giving me a boner everytime so I did not take a lot of time for me to get another booner.
She put my cock inside her and started riding me. I was in shock because we put no condom on for the first time in our relationship. “No condoms?” I asked. “No condoms.” She replied as she was jumping on top of my cock. It was impossible not to cum early while she rides me. I was able to keep my cool and do not embarass myself. She was only getting faster. “I’m going to cum” she said while her voice cracking. She stopped and and came all over me. And she slumped down on me. “Are you still hard?” she asked me while she put her head on my chest. My cock was still touching her thigs of course she knew I’m still hard.
Taeyeon got up and lay beside me. She was on her back. I get in between her legs. She wrapped her legs around me. After I put my cock in, she was already moaning and telling me to cum inside her. I hold her waist while hammering her pussy. I was so close to get off all my cum inside her pussy. She was biting her lips and rubbing her tits while maintaining the eye contact with me. Then I cum inside her.
I laid beside her after I finish. She hugged me from the side, put her head on my chest. We both needed a shower because we were just soaking wet from sweat. She went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I followed her and joined her inside the shower. But that is a story for another time..
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coldfanbou · 11 months
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Day 16 is giving Taeyeon a special ride, if you catch my drift.
Length 1.3K
Taeyeon x Mreader
You clean your suit while waiting in the car. You stare at the large hotel in front of you, waiting for Taeyeon to step out of it to begin the journey home. You check your watch; it’s about time for Taeyeon to come out. You step out of the car and wait under the hot sun; you begin to sweat from the heat when Taeyeon finally appears in the hotel doorway. As she walks toward you, you take in every part of her. Her short blue dress showed her nice toned legs and pushed her small breasts together well. You open the door for her as she nears and close it as she enters. You get back in the car and begin driving off. Once you leave the area, she lets out a long sigh. “Something wrong, Miss?”
“Nothing to worry about.” She tells you. You glance into the rearview mirror and spot her tying her hair into a ponytail, her arms spread apart. Her smooth armpits are in view. Taeyeon glances up and catches you staring at her. It wasn’t the first time that she caught you staring. She had done this before tying up her hair while revealing her armpits to you. She purposely made it look like she was struggling so that she could hold that pose longer. You reach a red light. “Can you turn around?” You do as she asks and turn around. She keeps her pose and giggles, watching as your face turns red. “There’s a parking garage coming up, head inside.”
When the light turns green, you start moving again, spotting the parking garage she was talking about. You enter and notice that it’s empty. “Oh, perfect,” Taeyeon says from the back seat. “Find a secluded spot.” You head up the floors of the parking garage until you find one that’s completely empty and park in the far corner. You put the car in park, and Taeyeon climbs over the center console onto the passenger side chair. She sits to the side, placing her legs on you and striking her now signature pose again. “So, do you think I’m sexy?”
“I-um, Miss.”
“Call me Taeyeon.” She feels your developing bulge and smiles. “Well, I got my answer. It’s nice to see your body being so honest.” Taeyeon swings her legs back, sitting properly for a moment before putting herself over the center console and having her head hover above your cock. She begins unzipping your pants, “We should let this little guy out. I’m sure he wants some attention.” Taeyeon pulls your cock and her hands rubbing it. You groan; Taeyeon’s delicate rands run over your cock slowly. She watches your reaction, getting enjoyment out of it. She starts stroking your cock slowly, her hand sinking down your shaft before slowly rising. You moan again; you never thought you would have your boss giving you a handjob. That wasn’t the end of it, though. You feel something wet touch your cock, and as you look down, you see Taeyeon dragging her tongue across the head. Taeyeon does it again while her hand strokes your shaft. You want to push her head down, but that would risk ruining the moment, and you decide against it. You restrain yourself, putting your hands to the side as Taeyeon swallows your head. It sends shivers down your back. You already feel yourself getting close to cumming, and Taeyeon’s tongue begins swirling around the head, bringing you more pleasure. You throw your head back, moaning loudly as Taeyeon’s trained tongue laps at your cock. She feels your cock throbbing as she drags her tongue along it but says nothing. She wants to be surprised when you cum. She bobs her head quickly, taking as much of you as possible. It wasn’t too long before you ended up cumming in her mouth. Taeyeon quickly drinks it all; only a tiny bit escapes her lips,  but she quickly gets it. The warm liquid flows down her throat, and Taeyeon moans, savoring the taste. Taeyeon licks her lips, satisfied by her drink. 
“I need you to get hard again.” She says while stroking your cock. She climbs over the console and straddles you. You barely fit in the seat with her now on top of you. Taeyeon continues to stroke your cock until she feels like you’re hard enough. Taeyeon slips off the top portion of her dress and hikes up the bottom. Taeyeon’s modest breasts are free now, only covered by some small pasties. You watch Taeyeon as she moves her panties to the side and drives herself down on your cock. You both groan loudly and make the car bounce as she begins to ride you. Taeyeon strikes her pose, showing you her pits again. You dive into them, kissing the smooth skin and licking them. Taeyeon giggles as she feels your tongue run across them. She puts her other hand on the back of your head and pushes you further in. Taeyeon’s moans more as she feels your cock harden inside you. She continues to bounce on you, her walls giving you the utmost pleasure as they squeeze your cock.
Taeyeon pulls you out of her armpits and plants her lips on yours. The fierce kiss drags on with her tongue pushing its way into your mouth. She has your cheeks cupped, holding you in place until you both start to run out of breath. Taeyeon’s small breasts bounce as she continues to ride you. She pushes you onto them after she breaks the kiss. You can barely breathe as she holds to her chest. You couldn’t play with her nipples even if you wanted to do to the pasties still on her tits. You place your hands on her thighs, squeezing them as your way of telling her to let go. You can feel Taeyeon’s walls clamp down on your cock. She begins to whine as she nears her climax; she grinds against you with wild fervor. “Shit, I’m cumming.” She says with a grimace.
You struggle in her arms and barely manage to pull yourself away. “Mis-Taeyeon, I’m going to cum too. You have to get off.”
Taeyeon shakes her head violently, “Cum in me. Give me it all.” She bounces on your cock quickly, driving herself onto your cock as she tries to make you cum. Her tight wall clamps down on your cock again as Taeyeon goes through her second orgasm. You can’t hold on any longer. You grab her waist and impale her on your cock when you pull her down. Taeyeon throws her head back with a smile as she feels your cum rush into her. She grinds her hips against you as you pump more cum into her. Taeyeon’s head swings forward, and she cups your cheeks to kiss you again. Her tongue lazily moves inside your mouth before she breaks the kiss. She climbs into the passenger seat slowly. “Drive us home.”
Taeyeon has a blissful expression on her face as you drive her home. The top of her dress is still undone, and she’s running her hand along her slit, collecting any wayward cum. Once she’s gathered enough, she cleans her fingers, sucking them clean. Once you arrive, you turn off the car and head to the passenger side. You open the door slightly, peeking in to see if she had put her dress back on. She had. You open the door the rest of the way, and she steps out with grace. With her house key in her other hand, Taeyeon grabs your tie. “I have a new job for you. You’ll be needed inside for this one.” She says while licking her lip. Taeyeon walks you to her front door, where you begin your new job.
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fivemagicz · 3 months
pick-a-card: what would your reputation be like if you were a k-pop idol? ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ (girl group edition)
take a deep breath, clear your mind, and focus on the question.
if you feel drawn to multiple piles, go ahead read them both!
if you don't feel drawn to any, that’s okay, this pick a card isn’t for you.
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image 1 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
people would feel like you are a good idol overall, but that your career is unfortunate. maybe your group ends up disbanding early or something sabotages you from reaching your full potential (I think this could be medical related though, maybe you have a medical issue that would stop your idol career from flourishing). the highs will be high and the lows will be devastating. people would feel pity for you and think you deserved way better.
pity is a big theme here, a lot of people will feel bad for you and think you were given the short end of the stick in some way.
you will be seen as can idol with charisma and also as the “exotic” type. people will think you or your group do great with what you have and can create beauty out of minimal.
you will be seen as an idol that has a lot of friends, people in the industry will lend you a helping hand publicly frequently. (picture something like jennie from blackpink promoting a friend in a less successful group)
real idol examples:
clc sorn
kep1er yuijin
itzy chaeryeong
chuu loona
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
image 2 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
you would have a sexy/sexual image whether it’s just your genuine aura our how your company will choose to promote you.
you’ll most likely have some sort of typical idol scandal that will cause people to not really like you or you will be at odds with the public at some point. there’s some sort of tension here
you will have the image of being a helpful or compassionate idol, you can be the type to donate own your own accord, or your company could just make you go to a lot of humanitarian-type events, but it will cause people to see you as a generous and caring person.
you would be seen as soft spoken and innocent. fans will make excuses for any bad behavior you display because of this
real idol examples:
twice momo
twice sana
blackpink jennie
aoa seolhyun
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
image 3 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
you may have a knack for dancing already, but people will like the way you dance. you don’t even have to be the main dancer, people will think you have the ability to be and it will be talked about frequently.
men will like you a lot and may be a large portion of your fandom, you might be known as being popular with men (both with fans and idols who are men)
if there’s ever any sort of mistreatment you may the type to speak up on it, you may even speak up on it very often, more than other idols. some people will see this as you being attention seeking and self pitying, others will see it as your compassion for others shining through. people will think you want to make a change.
real idol examples:
kissoflife natty
itzy ryujin
aespa ningning
le sserafim chaewon
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
image 4 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
people will see you as a confident and self empowered idol. you will have “rebellious” vibes to a lot of people but they will also assume you are very serious
people will think you had it hard and had to grow up too fast for some reason.
people will see you as a deep or “inspired” idol and may hold you above others just because it appears you’re more deep (maybe you’re hands on in the creative process or your company makes it seem that way)
you will come across as wise, focused and patient. people will see you as the “back bone” of your group whether you’re the leader or not
real idol examples
ive wonyoung
twice jihyo
girls’ generation taeyeon
former aoa choa
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smutoperator · 10 months
If you could pick a different idol to have sex with each day of the week, who would you pick for which day?
Stretching Sundays with Kazuha.
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Mommy Mondays with Taeyeon.
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Titty Tuesdays with Eunbi.
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Big Ass Wednesdays with Chaeryeong.
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Thicc Thursdays with Yujin.
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Fun Fridays with Somi.
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Sexy Saturdays with Sana.
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herbertlangethings · 2 years
[KPOP IN PUBLIC] TAEYEON 태연 - INVU|| Dance Cover By - CLASSIC from Taiwan
OMG..................what an unbelievabel great cover here, the choreo the dresses the dancers, and of course "Taeyeon" here too, fantastic, love it and you all sooo much !!!!!!!!!!!
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
I noticed you said there are many things you know but can't say be sure you're not sure of it as it is not confirmed. More like a rumor. So kind telling us some rumors you know about Kadi or Exo? It's okay we won't condemn you if they don't end up coming true we promise to take them with a grain of salt. Because I believe you many more are scared to be held accountable for their words and never share rumors and gossip, but they forget the Gossip and Tea is always delicious 😋 even when it's most of the time not even true.
Ok I'm going to blurt out some rumors I just happen to know, again! Take them with a grain of salt. They're just rumors might be baseless might be true.
But to make it more spicy, some here are confirmed Facts. 🤫
1. Exo are not renewing with SM (all of them) Don't confuse it with the group contract, this one still valid (they renewed it) to protect and keep their name " Exo".
2. Baekhyun's having a concert in Hongkong in 2024, his comeback would be lit.
3. Luhan is still in contact with all of Exo especially Xiumin and talks to them quite often, but with Xiumin it's everyday.
4. Tao still in contact with Sehun and Chanyeol.
5. Minseok/Xiumin knows he is not popular in Exo and the members tell him to do more efforts but he's quite depressed from Fans not giving him enough attention and he believes '"he's old and boring unfunny and not handsome enough" and he feels inferior to members in his own group because he is not as handsome or tall or with a bright character or sharp sexy features to attract fans, he thinks he's short and cute and unlike the other members he's not attracting new fans anymore. Which is why you would see he's not active and doesn't do any activities because he knows he won't be supported and you can see his album no one gave a fuck.
6. No one's ready to hear this but Baekyeon was real, but mostly one sided, Yes Tae queen loved Baekhyun truly with all her heart, but she knew the age difference would be a problem among his fans and her fans and in the industry she quit mostly because they called her grandma who runs behind younger kids. Taeyeon is still so angry when they ask her about Baekhyun, and she blamed him for not taking responsibility of taming his fans who bashed them so hard that time 2014 ( Ps: he was a just rookie who debuted 2 years only he was still shy with fans and has no power and still building his career).
7. Many idols in Kpop hooked up with their members at least once, if they're not a couple they were once! or they at least once fucked up and hooked. Living with the same sex for so many years not seeing the opposite sex at all, many idol rookies and trainees admitted to have fallen in love with some of their bandmates because they were too nice or good at cooking 😅.
8. Chanbaek are a thing.
9. Luhan and Xiaotong are just media play couple that's been going on for so many years, they never even lived together and there's a vocal where Luhan says he's never even kissed her and he wants this to end as he's tired of this media play and that this stopped him from having the love of his life and always stopped potential partners from reaching him, but the media play was good benefiting both of them so they can't quit.
10. Kaisoo never dated any other person, but themselves. The media play with Jennie was Jennie's choice she liked Ji so much she is so much into The "IT Boys" the "TRENDY BOYS OF THE ERA" once you're no longer famous bye bye bitch 👋🏻.
11. Jisoo and Ah Bohyun weren't even dating. They've never even kissed Jisoo said. It's not the schedule! They didn't click.
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kesujo · 2 months
Chapter 3 - Miss Adorable
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Previous chapter here.
It wasn’t even the full week before Seojun had his first encounter with another succubus.
It was immediately obvious that she was a succubus, evident by the fact that he saw her arrive not at the front door of the residence but landing on the balcony of the bedroom he was replacing the bedsheets for. What was especially startling was that it seemed like a mini-Taeyeon had landed on the balcony, her big eyes peering at him in curiosity, her wings folding back and disappearing back inside her body.
“Hello,” Seojun greeted the demoness as she stepped through the sliding glass door. Here stood another strikingly beautiful female, although her beauty laid mostly in her soft, friendly features; Seojun knew he was fortunate to have been offered the deal Taeyeon gave him, and this was just confirmation of the fact. Immediately, his mind jumped to what her naked body would look like, his eyes flickering to the soft curves of her chest and down to her hips, flickering back up at the realization that doing so was rude.
Fortunately, the mini-Taeyeon didn’t seem to mind, in fact giving him a luminescent smile. “Hello! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Yeoreum, you must be Taeyeon’s newest servant.” Her cutesy, bright voice stood in contrast to Taeyeon’s stable, confident voice. From his preconceived notions of what a succubus would be like, and because Taeyeon fit them so well, Seojun had just figured that all succubae were like her: calm, collected, oozing with an aura of sexiness, and carrying about her enough confidence to make a rabid wolf whimper. However, in just her greeting, Seojun could tell that his assessment was wrong, thankfully not disastrously so since Yeoreum seemed just too friendly. Which, in retrospect, was a ridiculous thing to just now realize, because of course succubae would have different personalities, just as humans did.
“In a few days, yes. It’s nice to meet you Yeoreum, my name is Seojun.”
Yeoreum laughed, waving her hand dismissively at his overly polite mannerisms. “There’s no need to be so formal! Is Big Sis Taeyeon home right now?”
“Yeah, I think—”
“Oh Yeoreum, you’re here?” Seojun turned at the sound of Taeyeon’s steady voice, seeing Taeyeon at the entrance of the bedroom. “I see you’ve already met Seojun.”
She nodded animatedly, strolling up to the man and slinging an arm around his shoulders. Seojun jumped slightly at the contact, trying his best to not let the pleasant feeling of her smooth skin or the pleasant smell of her hair brushing against his cheek. “Yep! We’re best friends already. Right, Seojun?”
“A-Are we?” he asked back, his laugh laced with traces of nervousness.
Yeoreum’s soft, red lips pulled into an adorable pout. “Whaat? What do you mean ‘are we?’”
Taeyeon laughed, clearly amused at the younger succubus’s antics. “He only learned about succubae a few days ago, give him a break.”
“…And you’re making him your servant already?”
“Yeah,” Taeyeon replied. Yeoreum turned her head to take a good look at the man whose shoulders her arm was slung around, Seojun looking back with an awkward smile on his face. Taeyeon, on the other hand, had a contemplative look on her face. “You know what, I think I’ll treat you. When did you last feed?”
The younger succubus shrugged, retracting her arms. “Two weeks ago, probably?”
The mention of the topic flared up Seojun’s imagination, images of this happy-go-lucky, adorable specimen of a female naked, of her perky tits and pink nipples shaking vigorously as she bounced on his cock, her face contorted in pleasure, her tongue lolling out, moans coming out of her parted lips in an uncontrollable stream of ecstasy flashing into his mind.
“Oh, I’m sure Seojun will give you more than your fill. But first, what did you come here for?”
The younger demoness pouted again, jumping forward and grabbing the arm of the bemused Taeyeon. “Can’t I visit my Big Sis when I miss her?”
Taeyeon laughed, her eyes sparkling with a joy Seojun had never seen before. He could understand why; Yeoreum was so adorable in every way, from her mannerisms to her voice to even her choice of clothing, Seojun couldn’t help but smile. To think just last week, he was some random nobody who spent his twenty-something years without having a girlfriend; now, he was in the same room with two top-class beauties who seemed to actually want him there. The very idea seemed to jump straight out of some poorly written porno, but here he was, in the presence of two dazzlingly attractive young-appearing women he would’ve never even dared to dream of having any kind of relationship with.
“Aww, you missed your Big Sis?” Taeyeon cooed, her mellowing facial features showing that she finally gave in to the barrage of cuteness Yeoreum was assaulting her with, wrapping her arms around the smaller succubus. “How have you been? Still getting used to everything? Did you discover your Trait yet?”
“Oh!” Yeoreum’s eyes lit up with excitement, an adorable, toothy smile aimed at Seojun’s mistress-to-be. “I didn’t tell you yet because I wanted to show you, but it finally manifested! I’ve been practicing these last few years and was hoping to show you.”
Taeyeon laughed, unable to help herself from patting the head of the animated female. “Is that so? Well, luckily for you, I have just the opportunity for you.” The two sets of eyes moved to Seojun, who in turn felt a spike of anxiety and anticipation. “You probably can’t tell, right? That he’s a delicacy?”
Yeoreum’s nose crinkled as she tested her nose but to no avail. She shook her head, another pout forming on her lips. “I can’t…”
The smile on Taeyeon’s face stayed as she replied, “It’s fine, you’ll get there. Take some time to acquaint yourself with Seojun’s kind of scent, you’ll regret letting such delicacies slip between your fingers. But I doubt you’ll ever find anyone as great as Seojun.” Hearing Taeyeon so proudly boast about him created a swelling sense of pride inside the albeit embarrassed man—but at the same time, hearing the praise be for something that he, for all he knew, had absolutely no control over gave him mixed feelings. He once harbored jealousy towards those actors and idols with great genetics that granted them handsome faces and great bodies, but now Seojun felt like a hypocrite. Through little effort of his own—in fact, less so than those celebrities, as they had to work hard to maintain their great bodies despite having good genes—he gained the benefits of attracting Taeyeon simply for … what, happening create the type of semen that massively appealed to succubae?
But above all, hearing the boastful way Taeyeon talked about him to Yeoreum gave him a confidence he, the loner guy that he was, never felt before. It felt almost dangerous, the amount of confidence that was ballooning in his chest, and Seojun reveled in it. Screw all those complicated thoughts about ‘not deserving this’; he worked plenty hard up until this point in his life. And really, who was he to complain about the great sex he’s been having with Taeyeon the past few days, and now with Yeoreum? Just the thought of her long eyelashes fluttered shut, her plump lips parted slightly, her round tits jiggling at the fierce motion of her fucking herself with his cock made it twitch in anticipation.
“When was the last time you had an orgasm?”
Yeoreum contemplated that, an action too cute considering the question being posed. “I don’t know, maybe a decade or two ago?”
“And you know how infrequently I orgasm, right?” Yeoreum nodded, unsure where the conversation was going. “Well, the first time we fucked, Seojun brought me to orgasm.” Yeoreum’s eyes widened, her eyes landing on Seojun. He shuddered, again feeling the predatory look directed at him, but this time from eyes not from Taeyeon, but Yeoreum. Hearing those words, something about Yeoreum changed; whereas before her facial expression carried primarily an innocent excitement, now hidden within were hints of arousal and desire.
“Do you want a taste?”
Yeoreum, with her face turned towards Seojun, nodded with such a brilliant display of excitement that Seojun felt nearly blinded by it. “Yeah! May I?”
Seojun suddenly froze up. Wait. Right now? Right here? In front of Taeyeon?
He had gotten used to Taeyeon, although he would be lying if he said that having sex with her still didn’t make him feel anxious about his performance. But at least with Taeyeon, he had the confidence Taeyeon instilled in him over the few sessions they’ve had. It was mere minutes ago that Seojun met Yeoreum. Could he please her? What if he didn’t and embarrassed Taeyeon? What if he did so badly that not only Yeoreum regarded him with disgust, but so did Taeyeon? What if she ended up abandoning him? He couldn’t have that. This was the best thing that’s ever happened in his life—he wasn’t about to let himself lose it.
“Mmhm. And don’t by embarrassed or anxious, Seojun. Just pretend Yeoreum is me.”
Taeyeon’s comforting words helped appease his anxiety a little, but what truly did the trick was the adorable way Yeoreum skipped up to him and guided him onto the bed, saying with an addictively excited tone, “It’ll be more comfortable on the bed, come on!”
A smile sprouted on Seojun’s face: Yeoreum was giving off very strong dongsaeng, young-and-energetic-junior-at-work-who-was-assigned-to-shadow-you kind of vibes, so much so that Seojun was startled when she entrapped his legs between her slim, milky-soft thighs. Her butt was planted on his legs, a few inches in front of his knees, her arms at the hem of his shirt, already moving to pull it off. “Wha—?” But Seojun caught himself, unfortunately not before Yeoreum caught on to what he was saying.
“What do you mean?” she said, giggling in a criminally adorable manner, “Of course we have to be naked for sex!”
Hearing the word from such a cutesy voice was jarring, but that sharp juxtaposition somehow made it all the sexier. “Right.”
Hearing the stiffness in his voice, Yeoreum’s smile shifted into a gentle one. She patted his shoulder gently after removing his shirt. “Aw, don’t be shy~” she insisted, caressing his significantly more built arm—something Seojun had spent next to zero effort in the past few days to obtain. “Let’s do it comfortably, OK? Unlike Big Sis Taeyeon, I like more normal things.”
Taeyeon scoffed, eliciting another giggle from Yeoreum. “Well, excuse me.”
“Sorry Taeyeon, love you!” Yeoreum exclaimed, making a big heart with her arms directed at the smiling older female.
“I’m just going to go into my office and brood about how weird I am.” It was Taeyeon’s turn to pout, Yeoreum’s smile growing only wider in reaction.
“Noo, staay~” she insisted, reaching out to her while remaining on Seojun’s lap. “You’re not weird~”
“You want me to stay and watch you have sex with someone? Are you sure being an exhibitionist doesn’t qualify you as being weird?”
The younger succubus burst into a twinkling laughter, her eyes disappearing into black crescent moons. Everything about the laughter, from the pleasant sound of it to the way her face brightened, transferred over to Seojun like a contagious virus. “Don’t say that! You’ll give Seojun weird ideas!”
“It’s OK Yeoreum, I don’t think you’re weird even if you are into exhibitionism.”
“I’m not!” she whined, “See Taeyeon? You’re already giving him weird ideas!”
“Well, he said that he liked that, didn’t he?”
Both of their gazes fell onto him suddenly, causing Seojun to stammer from the sudden attention from both sets of beautiful eyes. “U-Uh, did I? No, I didn’t, but I don’t mind.”
Hearing that, Yeoreum perked up. “OK, so are you ready?”
Seojun didn’t even realize until then, but that brief exchange greatly eased his nerves. Was it an intentional ploy from Yeoreum, or did it happen by chance? Seeing the excited gleam in her cat-like eyes and the confident, playful smile on her cherry-red lips made the prospect of fucking the second insanely attractive female of the week seem suddenly less daunting, and it was then that Seojun decided that Yeoreum’s bubbly, friendly, cute personality just naturally put the people around her at ease. “Are you?”
Seojun tried for a bit of confidence, and hearing Yeoreum’s sly reply, he was thankful it paid off. “Come here and find out.”
Seojun acquiesced, reaching forward and pulling the frame-hugging, midriff-exposing top she was wearing off, leaving her in a white bra that, unfortunately, did a fantastic job covering her womanly bits. “Damn, your body feels so nice,” Seojun commented, his hands gliding over her silky-smooth skin, reaching around her arms and unclasping the bra that was holding her mounds upright. As he let the piece of undergarment down, so too did Yeoreum’s breasts, the pink nipples sitting atop each mound candidly pointing at the mattress they were seated on. “And your boobs are bigger than they look.” Seojun’s hands traveled to her supple boobs, feeling the marshmallow-y texture of the twin mounds in his palms and fingers.
Enamored with the softness of her breasts, Seojun’s hands stayed on them, eyes locked onto Yeoreum’s malleable mounds under the assault of his hands. Seojun could feel a rush in equal parts of serotonin and arousal, Yeoreum’s soft sighs and mewls of approval only aiding in it. “Your hands … you’re so rough … but it feels so good…” Her eyes were lightly closed, her lips pressed together, her fists clenched at her sides, her chest moving with the rhythm of her deepening breaths.
“Hmm, I can at least tell that your tits are ready,” he said, capturing both erect nubs between his fingers and gently squeezing them. Yeoreum let out a cute yelp, her back arching into his hands. Everything about her was soft, from her skin to her voice even to the way she reacted to his hands, yet another stark contrast to Taeyeon. With Taeyeon, even if she played the role as the submissive, Seojun always knew in the back of his mind that Taeyeon was the one in charge; with Yeoreum, it was different. Her entire body submitted to him easily, as if it was only natural.
“Seojun…” her whine still kept her cutesy tone, something that surprisingly turned Seojun on even more. There was just something about the adorable demoness maintaining her cuteness while her sexy body squirmed under his touch that was immensely appealing to him.
“Look at these cute little pink buttons, just waiting to be pressed,” Seojun continued, his fingers playing with the peaks of both mountains. It was addicting, not just feeling Yeoreum’s boobs inside his hands but also listening to her soft sounds of satisfaction.
“Stop teasing mee…” she pouted, her eyes opening and capturing Seojun’s gaze. His eyes flickered towards her big, dark-brown orbs, immediately enraptured in the longing expression on her face. Maybe it was the contrast between the adorable pout on her face and the sexy body of the woman sitting on his legs, or maybe it was the adorableness of the pout itself, but Seojun found himself obliging to Yeoreum’s silent request.
“Do you want it?”
Seojun’s domineering side came out naturally, or perhaps it was Yeoreum herself who drew it out. Despite most definitely being older than him, her youthful appearance instilled inside Seojun a feeling of superiority, the natural aegyo in her every action only promoting his desire to be in control. Thankfully, Yeoreum was more than happy to oblige.
She reached forward to the hem of Seojun’s pants, but he stopped her before she could do much else. “Nuh uh,” he teased her, “Did I say you could do that?”
Yeoreum retracted her hands, a guilty look befalling her face. “I’m sorry…”
Seojun couldn’t help but break character for a bit, a smile stretching the corner of his lips apart. “Let’s do yours first.”
Before he could even move, Yeoreum’s tail whipped out from behind her and tore the cloth cleanly off her legs, casually tossing the bisected clothing to the side of the bed. And there was another sign of Seojun’s enhancements; although he couldn’t react to Yeoreum’s speed, his eyes could follow her movements whereas before they couldn’t. “Oh, or you can just do that.”
Yeoreum giggled, scooching closer to Seojun. “Sorry, I’m just a little impatient. You can feel how wet I am, right?”
Seojun nodded, biting his lip in an attempt to contain the moan at the feeling of her wet folds rubbing her secreted sticky fluids onto his upper thighs. Although this was the first time feeling a woman’s wet folds rubbing against his leg, Seojun couldn’t help but feel like it felt better than it should’ve felt. Was it just him? Was it something to do with Yeoreum? “Just from Taeyeon’s description?”
It was Yeoreum’s turn to nod this time, the cute, opened-mouth smile never leaving her face. “What can I say? I’m an excitable person.”
“All this excitement,” Seojun retook control of the situation, his arm wrapping around her slim waist and his hand cupping her shapely ass, his index and middle finger reaching down and sliding along the slippery tissue of her entrance. Yeoreum yelped again, her cat-like eyes trained on him as another wave of pleasure washed over her small, sexy frame. “Just for me?”
She nodded, not losing an ounce of the adorable excitement she carried with her since the first moment of their encounter. “For you! Are you going to take responsibility for making me this excited?”
Again, Seojun was hit with another reality check: with Taeyeon, she always seemed so different while having sex than when carrying herself elsewhere. It wasn’t precisely that she lost her sex appeal when they weren’t fucking, it was just that Taeyeon tapped into that side of her more during sex. What this did to Seojun was establish a notion that a person completely changed during sex, to the point that he found himself copying Taeyeon in adapting the same type of personality change while doing the deed. However, Yeoreum lost none of her cuteness, but somehow added onto it a layer of sexiness that caused his arousal to flare higher and higher. “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
Yeoreum giggled again, the beautiful noise resonating inside Seojun’s mind like an addicting song. “Well, are you going to just touch my pussy with your fingers, or are you going to impale it with that throbbing cock you have still hidden inside your pants?”
What was especially startling about the inquiry was the way Yeoreum’s playful, cute tone didn’t disappear in the slightest, even while saying such filthy words. “Why don’t you remove my pants and find out just how much my cock is throbbing and how ready it is to violate your tiny pussy?”
In a slight break of her cutesy character, Yeoreum bit the corner of her strikingly red lower lip in anticipation, her dark tail whipping out from behind her and stripping Seojun of both his shorts and boxers in one stroke, the two pieces of clothing tossed to the side. Yeoreum finally broke eye contact with him, her eyes drawn to the swollen tip of Seojun’s dick already oozing with a sliver of precum. “Oh, can’t waste this,” she chirped, her right hand reaching down and collecting the viscous bodily fluid between her thumb and index finger, swiftly bringing it to her lips.
Her eyes went wide as her tongue greedily lapped up the appetizer.
“Now you can tell why I was so quick to make him my servant, right?”
“Yeah … oh my…”
Hearing Taeyeon’s voice suddenly reminded Seojun that she was still in the room, but the casual way she and Yeoreum addressed each other calmed the embarrassment that he started to feel.
Yeoreum’s eyes snapped back to Seojun’s, that hungry predatory look reappearing in her gaze. “And you have more of that?”
Seojun, in part thanks to Yeoreum’s excessive friendliness, was already feeling comfortable enough to repeat her words from minutes before, “Why don’t you come and find out?”
Yeoreum giggled again, in such a cute and playful way that one might’ve never guessed she was naked, sitting inches away from a man’s fully erect penis. “I would be glad to. Don’t mind if I do~”
Seojun’s hands went to cup the soft skin of her butt in his hands, spreading her cheeks apart as she closed in and lowered herself onto his manhood. Her lips parted, a deep breath entering her lungs as his dick slipped between her soaking wet pussy lips and into her hot core.
Immediately, Seojun could feel it: the hotness of Yeoreum’s vaginal walls squeezing his dick, his entire body shuddering at the feeling of the sensitive sex organ pushing through the impossibly tight canal his cock was submerged inside, and the copious amounts of Yeoreum’s honey being slathered along the length of his shaft. After feeling his cock fully submerged inside the mewling succubus, Seojun could already start feeling his breath shortening. “Fuck,” he groaned, half in lust and half in confusion as to why he was already brought to this state.
“Do you like it? Do you like my pussy?”
This time, her whisper was much more sensual. Her slim arms were wrapped around his nape, her gaze gaining a fervor, rotating her hips against his groin with purpose. A smirk had now overtaken her features, but there was still a playful edge to it. “Yeah, fuck, you feel so good.”
It wasn’t long before Seojun could feel something strange. Not the sinking-feeling-in-his-stomach kind of strange, but a confused kind of strange. As both Yeoreum and Seojun’s intensity increased and his vision from before came into fruition, he found that the ecstatic pleasure he was feeling was seemingly increasing without bounds. It wasn’t even that he was reaching his orgasm faster, it was just that with every connecting stroke, the pleasure from the action increased. Seojun could feel his body tense and shudder more and more with every bounce until Seojun could barely even focus on the ordinarily incredibly distracting pair of bouncing tits in front of him. “Fuck, what…?”
“What do you think?” Although there was a clear strain in her voice, the cute edge returned to her voice.
“You can feel it, right?” Her playful, teasing voice paired with the cute smile on her face drew a chuckle out from Seojun.
“Wha—ah, shit!” Seojun jumped when he felt her foot press against the part of his leg that had been smeared with the first traces of the younger succubus’s arousal.
“How about that?”
“What—what is that?”
“That’s my Trait. I can make anything my bodily fluid touches feel more pleasure. Like this.” With that being her only warning, she reached down and took his hands, peppering his palms and fingers with kisses. When she was done, her gaze landed back onto his, the smile returning to her face. “I noticed you staring at my boobs: try feeling them now.”
Seojun obliged, cupping her ample bust inside his hands. And, sure enough, the surge of euphoria he felt at the touch nearly pushed a moan out of his mouth. “Oh, shit,” he instead murmured, the second wave of ecstatic pleasure joining the one that already existed from feeling Yeoreum’s hot core around his cock.
“Does it feel good?”
“Fuck, yes, I never thought feeling boobs could feel this fucking good.”
It was like that initial feeling of entering Yeoreum, that initial spark of pleasure, fantasy and desire being transformed into reality, only that feeling never faded. The feeling was kept at a sustained high, even growing and building with each resonating slap of her ass onto his groin, each synchronized thrust inside her building that feeling of pleasure. The pleasure shooting through his body grew and grew, as did the impending orgasm that was building inside him. Her mouth widened to a smile, the playful glint in her eyes never leaving despite a cloud of lust starting to overtake them. Their movements sped back up, the room soon filled with the wet sounds of Yeoreum’s butt against Seojun’s crotch and a musky scent of sex.
“Seojun…” Yeoreum’s whine carried about with it a musical quality to it, as if she was singing. Her slim legs were wrapped firmly around his waist, her jiggling boobs being held in place and kneaded by Seojun’s hands, her core repeatedly penetrated by his hardened member. With each stroke, Seojun could feel his dick became more drenched, and with every layer of bodily fluid coating its surface area, the pleasure increased. “Oh, you’re so rough!”
“This is another benefit of having a servant: his stamina and strength, especially during sex, is much greater than that of normal males.”
“Then, I-I need to learn to make one myself soon…” Yeoreum panted, her eyes closed and her lips parted.
“Mmm fuck, here comes,” Seojun’s warning came only a fraction of a second before the tension inside his body released all at once, a thick stream of the viscous sustenance flowing directly into the smaller succubus’s body.
“Oh … Oh!” Yeoreum’s body shuddered violently against Seojun’s, the high-quality semen shocking every nerve in her body and then some. “Oh-Oh my god!” Yeoreum yelped, the absorption of Seojun’s load shocking her lewd body into orgasm.
Although he was already half-way done with his orgasm, the sudden crash of more invigorating juice assaulting his shaft pumped his body with more adrenaline. The pair moaned incoherently, Yeoreum enjoying the delectable meal while Seojun felt his orgasm intensify midway through, his hips desperately pumping into the fleshy chamber, convulsing and squeezing his dick like it was attempting to draw out every last drop of semen from his balls. It was only after Yeoreum’s orgasm subsided that Seojun finally felt the euphoric high dwindle down.
The cute, younger succubus took a second to catch her breath before dismounting Seojun.
“Not bad, right?”
She nodded, evidently not done yet as she kneeled at the edge of the mattress whose bedsheets Seojun had just cleaned. “I want more,” she said, pulling her hair back with one hand while the other casually rested on his leg, her big eyes staring up at him, her mouth opened into the adorable toothy grin she sported. “Oh! I almost forgot!” Yeoreum turned around, facing Taeyeon nonchalantly, as if she hadn’t just orgasmed in front of the older female. “What did you think? Of my Trait?”
“It’s really interesting. You can do some really interesting things with it, I can imagine. But I think it’s best used in combination with multiple people; maybe I can introduce you to Jessica, a friend of mine.”
“Hm…” she nodded thoughtfully, a second later offering, “Then, why don’t you join us?”
“I need to wait a bit longer with Seojun, but I can still help.”
Although Seojun was confused, Yeoreum squealed in delight and turned back around, her hands landing inches away from his damp crotch. “What…?”
“Just sit back and let me do all the work, OK?” Yeoreum gave Seojun one last dazzlingly bright smile before lowering her head. Taeyeon’s hand came up from behind, keeping her hair out of the way as Yeoreum’s tight, warm lips embraced the perimeter of his dick, her hands gently caressing the base of his shaft and his balls. Seojun’s body yet again filled with a crackling sensation of pure ecstasy, his groans drowned out by the loud slurping noise made from Yeoreum’s blowjob.
Even to Seojun, a man who received his first blowjob just days ago, he could tell the chasm of difference between Taeyeon and Yoereum: every single motion Taeyeon made, every lick, the angling of her head, the unobstructed ease at which she blew him, even her facial expressions were precise and meaningful. Yeoreum, while no amateur, was noticeably wetter and sloppier; however, Seojun wondered if it was meaningful as he could feel the saliva coating his shaft turning the blowjob into a more and more pleasurable experience.
The added factor of Taeyeon sitting to the side, keeping her hair out of the way and guiding Yeoreum as she bobbed up and down, each up-and-down motion infusing Seojun with more arousal. However, he didn’t even have time to adjust to it, feeling Taeyeon gently place a hand on his leg, shortly afterwards feeling a second wet tightness clamp around his member. Yeoreum let out a surprised moan, the reverberations coursing out from Yeoreum’s mouth and directly into Seojun through his reproductive organ. The two jumped almost in unison as Taeyeon’s tail, transmogrified into Seojun’s dick, plunged deep into Yeoreum’s greedy pussy.
“Fuck,” Seojun groaned, his fists tightening and his muscles clenching, Yeoreum’s lower half moving in accommodation to the sudden, but welcome, intrusion.
“Mm, that’s a good girl,” Taeyeon cooed while Yeoreum’s blowjob grew increasingly wilder, “Take in both of those dicks like a proper succubus. Think about how it’ll feel to get double the load, with Seojun’s dick both in your mouth and in your pussy.”
The thought spurred the younger immortal on even more, the fleshy, wet cavern tightening at the tantalizing prospect, her mouth swallowing the final few centimeters of Seojun’s penis. Seojun let out another string of swears, feeling Yeoreum’s soft lips briefly touch the base of his cock before coming up most of the way, shortly after plunging all the way back down. The combination of feeling his cock hit both the back of Yeoreum’s throat and brushing against the cervix at the end of her tight pussy was enough to bring Seojun quickly to the brink.
“You like that, huh? You like feeling my Seojun’s cock penetrate two of your holes at once? Does thinking about swallowing his load with both pairs of lips make you want to cum as well?” Yeoreum managed a nod, her actions growing more savage at the sultry goading of Taeyeon.
From Seojun’s vantage point, the sight was certainly one to behold. Her already small face was made smaller by the fact that it was a good few feet below from him, her dainty hands caressing his balls and upper thighs, her cat-like eyes focused intensely at the perfection of her craft. However, it was hard to appreciate the sight with how overwhelming both the impending orgasm and the immense pleasure flooding his every sense and thought, Seojun eventually conceding access to the sight to better focus on the sensations of ecstasy and pleasure he was feeling. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” A breathy moan puffed out of his lips, the tightening sensation peaking just over the edge of his willpower. He desperately held it back, wanting to revel in the blissful feeling of the combined fucking of Yeoreum’s face and her vagina, but it was a sudden, sharp, drawn-out moan from Yeoreum that did the trick for him.
His groan turned into a grunt, another wave of semen erupting from his dick like water from a broken dam, flooding into both of Yeoreum’s awaiting warm caverns, her throat flexing impressively as it took the thick, salty substance in stride while her other entrance was yet again flooded with the white fluid. Yeoreum’s own body, tingling to the max with a euphoric high, became overwhelmed with the sudden influx of the addictive substance inside her body, a second orgasm wracking her small frame as it shook and vibrated with the cadence of the cataclysmic release. Her orgasm lasted long after Seojun’s subsided, at which Yeoreum removed her mouth from his cock still reeling from the feeling of her juices washing over its length.
“God, oh god, I haven’t had anything this warm and thick in so long…” Yeoreum panted, her head hanging inches from Seojun’s penis, her chest heaving and her hands resting on his upper thighs, her legs spread and her cheeks spread, her body still shaking from the orgasm Taeyeon had promised her.
Taeyeon just smiled triumphantly at the mewling female before her. “See? Now you understand why I made him my servant, right?”
It took Yeoreum a few more moments to calm down, and when she did, Taeyeon retracted her tail, reverting it to its original form before disappearing back inside her body. In conjunction, the warmth of Yeoreum’s firm vaginal walls disappeared, his penis finally allowed to start softening. “Yeah…” she wistfully conceded, sitting on her hind legs and looking back into Seojun’s eyes. Although he had just orgasmed twice, his eyes couldn’t help but fall back onto her ample breasts, casually hanging at her chest, the pink buttons on each mound noticeably less firm but still maintaining their cute, pointed shape. “You need to teach me how to make my own servant so I can go find one of my own.”
“I told you, it’s not really teachable,” Taeyeon reminded her, reaching for her hand and gently patting the back of it, “it’s something you learn the more experience you gain controlling your life force.”
“Wait, life force?”
Taeyeon nodded. “It’s what we call it,” Taeyeon told Seojun nonchalantly, “Demons, I mean.”
Seojun was reminded again about the concept of ‘demons’, plural, implicating the existence of other supernatural beings. But after encountering two succubae, Seojun found the idea surprisingly palatable. “I see,” was the mortal man’s reply, satisfied with Taeyeon’s simplistic response for now.
Yeoreum sprang up onto her feet, again showing off her white teeth to Seojun in her adorable, toothy grin. “Thanks, Seojun! I haven’t had a good orgasm like that in multiple, multiple decades.”
 “Oh; um, no problem!”
Yeoreum giggled at Seojun’s failed attempts to mask his sudden embarrassment, using her tail to pick her shirt off the ground. When she put that on, she proceeded to scan the room only to find her messily bisected shorts. She picked it up, sheepishly smiling at Taeyeon. “Big Sis Taeyeon, do you mind if I borrow one of your clothes?”
Taeyeon laughed, agreeing to her request. Yeoreum stayed for a bit longer, enjoying dinner alongside Seojun. When he asked about it, Yeoreum revealed that she liked eating even though her body didn’t need it because her illness in her mortal life rendered hospitalized and stuck eating bad hospital food for most of her life, so when Taeyeon came and healed her by turning her into a succubus, she took advantage of her healthy body to eat as much delicious food as she could find. Seojun found this incredibly endearing and was actually a bit sad to see her go that night, but the feeling only lasted so long when Taeyeon grabbed his hand, gaining his attention.
“It’s time for tonight’s part of the ritual.”
That night, Seojun was once again reminded of how much he loved his life.
In case you were curious, Yeoreum was the first request; if you want female idol of your choosing to make an appearance on in this story, please go to my crowdfund page!
Next chapter here.
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cloudyperfume · 2 years
You’re not going out like that~
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Timeskip!Kenma x F!Reader
stuff included: smut, sexual themes, possessive behavior, fingering, and fucking basically
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I don’t really know why I thought this was even a good idea..
I wore a tight black dress that hugged my thighs at the ends of the dress.
Kenma was in the living room, while I was in the room, with the door locked.
I was too scared to walk out there and basically say that ‘I’m gonna go to a party with my friends in this tight ass dress, while you stay home.’
I mean… I guess I could maybe bring Kenma, right..?
But there’s a problem… he hates parties.
I don’t want to force him out of the house and bring him somewhere that he doesn’t feel comfortable at.
It’s like trying to get a cat into a bath tub.
I stood up a little straighter.
I’ll just quickly say bye to him and walk fast to the door.
Maybe that’ll catch him off guard and he won’t be able to comprehend whatever I’m wearing right now..
I am a very stupid person you could say.
I open the door like a crazy person and speed walk to the door while waving goodbye to Kenma.
“Bye Kenma! I’ll see you later.” I said as I touched the door handle to leave.
“Not so fast.” I felt another hand on mine as they closed the door shut.
I sighed as I knew that my plan failed already. I sighed and looked back to look at Kenma.
“Yes?” I asked.
As if I didn’t already know what he wanted to question me right now..
“Why are you dressed like that?” Kenma said as he looked at my with a lustful and confused look.
I pushed my thighs together as I looked down.
It was too overwhelming to look at him in the eyes right now.
Especially with that.. look.
I blushed.
“I-I’m going to a party with my friends..” I stuttered.
I heard Kenma chuckling.
Kenma smirked a bit as he kissed my cheek.
“You’re not going dressed like this. Especially when I’m not there.” I swallowed nervously.
“Why not..” I said as my breath became a bit heavy.
Kenma kissed me directly on my lips this time.
He placed his finger on my chin and made me look up at him.
My eyes looked away, still too nervous to see his face right now.
“Look at me, baby..”
I looked up.
He looked so hot.
“I don’t want you going out like this because.. you’re mine.”
I gasped as I felt Kenma kissing my chest. As this point, he looked like he wanted to eat me.
“You look so sexy like this, love. I can’t believe you wanted to go outside like this, for everyone to see.” Kenma bit my lightly.
I moaned slightly at the small pain.
“Only I can see you like this. Oh~ I can’t wait to make you feel so good.”
Kenma grabbed the zipper and pulled it down. Once it was down, he grabbed my bra and took it off.
“Ah..” I breathed out as Kenma rubbed my ass while licking my nipples.
“Maybe I’ll even make you unable to walk for a few days so that you’ll remember to not do this again~.”
I gasped again as Kenma fully took off my dress. He took off my underwear as well and he plunged both of his fingers into my wet pussy.
I moaned as he went at a fast pace.
“Do I make myself clear baby?” Kenma said in a low and strict voice.
I felt myself become even more wet.
I bit my lip as I blushed even more at how his voice sounded.
Why was he always so hot?
“Ah!” I loudly moaned as Kenma hit my good spot.
“Do I make myself clear?”
I quickly nodded.
Kenma wasn’t satisfied with me only nodding, so he slapped my ass.
I whimpered.
“Yes!” I yelped.
Kenma grinned, “Good.”
The next thing I knew was that kenma picked me up and threw on onto the couch.
“K-Kenma what-.”
I was soon cut off by Kenma going on top of me with his pants off, his dick out in the open.
I didn't even notice that he took off his pants..
“Ohh~!! Kenma!” I was caught by surprise as Kenma suddenly thrusted into me.
I was heavily breathing as the pleasure seeped into me.
Kenma always made me feel like I was in heaven.
“Such a good girl~.. Do you feel good?” Kenma said in a smug voice.
I couldn't do anything but moan in pleasure.
I felt like I couldn't think of anything else but Kenma.
And that's the truth since I didn't even know that I was saying his name multiple times.
Kenma kissed my brow, “So pretty..”
“I'm gonna cum, Kenma” I whined as Kenma rubbed my clit.
“Go ahead, oh~ I-I’m close as well,” Kenma said as he groaned.
We both threw our heads back as we came together.
I wonder what else I could do to make Kenma act like this again..
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