#sg d&dorks
fusionmonkey · 2 years
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The first meeting with Polnaros just stuck in my mind so much that I decided to try and draw something for like the first time ever. Still not totally satisfied with how parts of this turned out, but I got the important aspects, so it’s good
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narrlsy · 1 year
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They’re just napping
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glibussy · 2 years
Hey! D&Dorks fandom! Yeah all 10 of you!
Come join the fandom discord! Its a lovely place to share art and fics, make friends, and just goof around! We'd love for more people to come in and hang around!
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ot3showdown · 1 year
Goodbid/Glib/SG propaganda they're so silly and their shipname is literally Polykill they're disasters and so fuckin funny. Goodbid is a capitalist, Glib is a college drop out, SG loves gaslighting. What more do you need. D&Dorks fandom we MUST submit them.
so many of these throuples are killers. very nice
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polishtem · 2 years
The Helio Headcanon
D&dorks are my life at the moment
so i made a lengthy (and growing) headcanon about one character we meet in the season 2 finale. Emerald.
So yeah, this is the helio headcanon for emerald from d&dorks symmetry war: Godforce/Backspace
emerald is actually genderfluid while emmy is agender because their gender identity changed and grew with time. And emerald finds it freeing to be able to kind of....fluidly be.
Also emerald is seen as the face of the Backspace council despite not wanting to. like, they're a loner first and foremost but people seem to cling to them.
this emerald named themselves after being named something else...did some quick research. this emerald uses the name emerald with the newcomers since that's the most common name emmy's take on. While This emerald can create Heliodor gemstones and so they use the name Helios.
in the begining they didn't have a name, cuz the godcursed didn't care much for them and the first glib called them emerald because he had an emmy he lost and Helio was like, okay with the name, but grew resentful, because it wasn't THEIR name, it was the name of someone else that they were given for looking like them and the name doesn't even RELATE to them as it should seeing as they CAN'T make emeralds
and so they went to a SG, since they're the god of wealth and asked them WHAT the gems they can make are. the Sg looked at them, quickly responded with a string of words, with the only one that stood out was Heliodor (they listed off the properties, that they're in the same gem family as emeralds etc.)
and so the big boss emerald got their name. Helio (or Helios/heliod/heliodor, but more often Helio)
looking at my other headcanon. emmy's physical age is what they feel like/their mental age at the moment and not an accurate reflection of how long they lived
WHAT IF HELIO- and hear me out. Didn't get to be a kid. Like, godcursed got them, they got to backspace/created backspace, and emerald had to help lead it. No time to be a teen, to grow.
they had to skip it. No Kid-Preteen-Teen-Young Adult-Adult just Kid-Adult+leader of a growing community A load of responsibility just dropped on their shoulders like a ton of bricks
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took me a hot minute to work out this is a character from D&Dorks! y'all heard anon
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #81: “Sweet For Brak” November 18, 2001 - 11:30 PM | S07E05
Well, it was bound to happen sooner-or-later: an episode of Space Ghost that I think is “just okay”. Tenacious D are the guests this time. If you’re thinkin’, “whozat??”: they were former darlings of the alternative comedy scene, for some reason, and current-day shills for the rapist scoundrel Bill Clinton. I don’t hate them by any stretch of the imagination, but I never really liked them that much. The HBO show is pretty fun, I guess. I’m also one of the only people on earth to enjoy their movie, awful John K. animated opening aside. But I'd rather attend a Girls Guitar Club concert than Tenacious D. Wait, actually, is Neil Hamburger opening? This is one of those episodes of Space Ghost where you can tell the Space Ghost writers actually sorta respect their guests, so the show is a little too suck-offey. The worst one for that was the Terry Jones episode “Explode”, which featured Space Ghost and crew just making a bunch of Monty Python references like they were a bunch of drama club dorks. The Terry Jones show might be the only episode of Space Ghost that I think truly sucks. The SG crew are much less geeky towards Tenacious D than they are for Terry Jones, and maybe if I didn’t have "Explode” to compare it to, I wouldn’t be quite as down on this one. Again, I like this one okay. The part where they have to dub over the Tenacious D song is really funny. The part where Brak is watching the show and gets his feelings hurt is also funny. There’s all kinds of little moments that make it all worth while. The line about the Omen movies comes to mind whenever “The Omen” enters my life. But one of these had to be the runt of the litter, and it sure as shit ain’t gonna be Mommentary. A thing to note: I coulda sworn that I once found the blurred-out shirt that Jack Black is wearing. I’m PRETTY SURE it’s a Space Ghost shirt! Turner has an overzealous legal department and came up with some insane reason why it had to be blurred. Or, maybe the editor just didn’t like Jack wearing a Space Ghost shirt on Space Ghost. Who knows.
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beru-m · 4 years
Hello, can you to your top husbando no-ML on personnality ? Like not looks but how they talk/interact in the story ? ML if you have time and if this don't bother you. I don't know top 5 ? Top 10 ? Sorry i'm just curious, i have no idea how many i can ask. Top 5 i guess then. I hope you have a good day anyway.
Hello! MY DUDE, I COULD TALK ABOUT HUSBANDOS ALL DAY, I just don’t know if people want that over art lmao. Also I don’t think most people following on this acc are in the E7 fandom, I could be wrong about both though :’D. Ok hotness mainly based on personality I’ll give you 8, ML and Nat.
1) Kayron. Of course it’s Kayron. This is based on personality. He knows what he wants and he’s stuck to it in all the worlds. He’s dedicated to his goals, he knows what he desires *wants to die* asdfghjksda. He’s very pessimistic, and I’m drawn to that. That unexpected glimpse into his tsundere side got me falling hard. If this were based on looks…. ASDFGHJL KAYRON, I AM SORRY MILORD BUT YOU, FRANKLY, I HATE YOUR ARMOR. IT’S DONE ME MORE HARM THAN GOOD. I DIE A BIT DRAWING IT EVERY TIME. I DON’T LIKE MAGENTAS AND PINKS IN GENERAL, SO LIKE VILDRED I THINK—..im gonna shut up. KR Kayron sounds super sexy.
2) Vildred/Arbiter Vildred. His story is angsty, very angsty. He hurts my heart and makes me cry, but all the *what ifs* with him they make me cry even more— I meant to say they make me happy. A happy sad but relatively happy. Canon-wise, I sympathise with him greatly. He makes me find Ras less likeable. Somewhere in my heart I was probably rooting for Vildred in ending the world with Kayron and the other Acolytes. Regarding his voice actors, JP and KR I think he’s hot, super hot, but there’s a certain charm to his ENG lines. He sounds so.. awkward.. BUT IN A CUTE WAY!!! VILDRED IS CUTE!! HE’S A DORK TOO HAVE YOU HEARD HIS HORROR STORY CAMPING LINE IN ENGLISH ASDJHADAS!??! I LIKE DORKY BOYS. Arby though, no. Give me back my cute dork… :( I MISS THE CUTE VILDRED.
3) Rikoris/Captain Rikoris. RIKOCHAN MAKES A RETURN. YOU REMEMBER WHAT I WAS SAYING ABOUT DORKS? I LOVE THEM DUMBASSES. “POWER OF THE SPEAR; LIGHT AND JUSTICE; NOW YOU KNOW MY PASSION FOR SPEARS.” HEEHHEEHEE. I was laughing so hard at his appearances near the end of EP2. I’ll leave it at that, since I talked about him earlier.
4/5) Watcher Schuri & Sez. I can’t make a decision who to put next, but I like both of them for a similar reason. THEY’RE BOTH ALOOF AIRHEADS ASDFSDFSD. Sez is a bit more on the violent, impulsive side, but he really shines…esp next to Bellona. Makes me question if I ship SezVio or Sezlona, why not both AHAAHHAHA. Though I’m putting Watcher Schuri this high, it’s questionable if I’d put regular Schuri here as well. I like Schuri’s design just like how I like his ML version. I just.. it’s his personality.. I DON’T KNOW. I’M USUALLY NOT INTO THE FLAMBOYANT, OVERCONFIDENT TYPES. (Violet makes me cringe and facepalm even while knowing his backstory and why he’s like that.. he might be slowly growing on me through exposure though. I’m getting used to him.)
6) Kawerik. He’s finally appeared after a long year of waiting. He definitely climbed the ranks; he might still be climbing it. His story pulls at my heartstrings and I also cry for him like with Vildred. BUT AFTER WAITING FOR SO LONG HE WAS GONE AGAIN SO SOON ASKDJASJKDASKD. SG WHY YOU DO THIS. THEY KEPT TEASING KAWERIK TOO BRO. HE WAS RANDOMLY THERE IN THE EVENT SCREENS AND THEN HE WAS IN THE STORIES & SIDE STORIES SDASGJKL. I WAS LIKE STOP TEASING HIM COWARDS. GIVE HIM TO US. LEGIT WAITED SO LONG FOR HIM /INHALES.
7) Baal & Sezan/Sage Baal & Sezan. I find the Baal & Sezan duo very comedic. Baal S3, he just tosses his lady up and grabs her while she screams I’m like ASDJASDASD CRYING LAUGHING. My friend once asked me WHY ARE ALL UR OCS IN HIGHER/LOWER (servant master i guess?) RELATIONSHIPS and I’m like I DON’T KNOW WHY IT JUST APPEALS TO ME??? And this is pretty much Baal and Sezan.. Apprentice and Magician. I’d very much like to learn more about them and their journey to help return Sezan to a human body. SURE SOUNDS A LOT MORE INTERESTING THAT WHATEVER RAS IS DOING RIGHT NOW :’D.  Crossing my fingers waiting for the day to come. The way that Sage Baal is anxious for Baal and worries about Baal’s lady lacking a human body makes me sad because  perhaps she too, LIKE HIS LADY, would fade away never to move again… I headcanon that Sage Baal tells Baal and he’d better treasure his relationship with Sezan, return her to her human body soon— ELSE HE GON FUCK HIM UP WHEN SEZAN ENDS UP LIKE HIS OWN LADY. No one draws them :( *big brain I can draw them*
8) Cidd….maybe Dingo too…….Pretty much same as the previous. CIDD-DINGO RELATIONSHIP BE AKJDASDASD CRYING LAUGHING. I love the relationship Cidd and Dingo have. I ship it. Cidd is such a straight man in this comedy with Dingo. Dingo is just so random and bizzare? :’D Somehow Cidd has adapted to it and I find it cute that in the future when Dingo becomes Blaze Dingo, A NORMAL SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE MAN, Cidd is losing his shit. LIKE IM SORRY DINGO, GO BACK TO THE WAY YOU WERE. THIS AINT IT BRO. THIS AINT IT. GIVE ME BACK THE OLD DINGO ASDASDKFDSF. I love them. LOOKS WISE, CIDD IS CUTE. BRO CIDD HE SUIN, HE.. KEMONOMIMI… HE’S NOT A FURRY LIKE THE OTHER DUDES. I DON’T UNDERSTAND MIND CANNOT COMPUTE, BUT GIVE ME MORE. Dingo.. yeah  I don’t like him. He’s low. But I know people that like his design… and they’re.. they’re slowly converting me with exposure just like Violet asdasdasdgjkf. 
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hi-epervier · 6 years
I’ve been tagged
by @batnanne (coucou ! <3). Bit out of my comfort zone here, I’m usually a very private person, but I’ve been wanting to do one of those for a while and it’s fun, so, let’s see:
Name: Pauline
Gender: Female
Height: 5′5′’ if I didn’t manage to mess up the conversion x)
Sexuality: It’s been established that I’m sadly not a lesbian. 
Wallpaper & Lockscreen: Before a Windows update took it upon itself to remove my wallpaper (rude), it used to be a commissioned chrobin fanart made by the very talented @ticcytx (you should check out her art!), because I’m FE Awakening trash and these dorks are cute. My lockscreen is a picture of my daughter.
Ever had a crush on a teacher: Nope!
Where do I see myself in ten years: Cuddling with the man I love, loudly asking each other when the spawn turned 11 (’she literally was a baby, like, yesterday!!’), and why we ever thought spawn The Second would be a good idea. We wisely don’t butt in when they start annoying the cat (I WANT A CAT DAMMIT. A CAT THAT MEOWS A LOT AND PROBABLY LIKES EVERYONE BETTER THAN ME BECAUSE HE’S A TRAITOR). He’s on his own. Ideally I’ve figured out shit by then and know what I want to do with my life. 
If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be: Just me give sensible weather, I’m m e l t i n g D:
My coolest Halloween costume: Wow, um. I don’t,,,,really celebrate Halloween?...Back lacing, though? Pretty cool. 
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Favorite 90′s show: Idk. Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Stargate SG-1? Those have literally nothing in common 
Last kiss: ????????? a goodnight kiss, if you’re asking about the last one I had before today????
Have you ever been stood up: Don’t think so
Favorite pair of shoes: slams fists on table THESE BABIES 
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The picture doesn’t do them justice. They’re gloriously bright irl!
Favorite fruit: Nectarines. Same as peaches but smooth
Favorite book: Howl’s Moving Castle and The Amber Spyglass both hold a very special place in my heart aoifjrzpigzog don’t make me pick one. Please.
Stupidest thing I’ve ever done: Once I walked around in my pj’s with half my ass bare for the whole world to see (in the streets, yes), because I’d somehow managed to make a huge rip in the fabric and failed to notice. Why I was wearing pj’s is another can of worms. One that I won’t open. :’)
Tagging time! @radioactive-spacemen, @definitely-not-grima, @save-me-grunkle-ford, @yoyoplisetsky, @teekettle, @postingpebbles, @eriskay and @fallsintograce . Love you guys <3
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gumnut-logic · 6 years
Favourite Character Meme
From @the-lady-razorsharp
Rules: Name your ten favorite characters in any fandom, then tag ten friends to do the same.
Jim, John, Jack, John, Michael, John, Tony, and Virgil. Hmm, that’s not ten, but these are the only ones up there on a pretty much equal standing.
Jim Kirk - Star Trek: The Original Series & The Alternate Original Series. This is my original fandom. This is where is all started. The first fandom I encountered way back in 1986 (and yes, I am halfway through my lifespan, told you I never grew up :D ). He was in my first fanfic (which will never see the light of the internet because omigod bad - though you can see my second one - Goodbye, Spock - both of which were physically printed in my local club’s fanzine all those years ago). My history with ST is a little different to some. I entered through the James Blish books as at the time the show was not being shown on TV at all, videos were scarce and expensive and ST was not trendy, not at least until ST:TNG came to play a few years later (well, try four years, it took forever for anything to get onto this side of the planet back then). Fortunately there were books in libraries and I was an avid reader (and as a budding librarian, I had my ways :D ). So due to this, William Shatner wasn’t in the equation when I first met Jim Kirk. In fact, when I first saw ST:TMP I stared at the screen and asked what TJ Hooker was doing in the captain’s chair?! 
Jim Kirk is your typical hero. Sacrifices himself to save the day, has great friends who would do the same for him, and a honkin’ great big starship to back him up. What’s not to like? :D
John Crichton - Farscape In the early 2000s before the new Battlestar Galactica changed sci-fi storytelling for good, Farscape was at the forefront. It bent the rules that BG later broke completely and that single astronaut stranded on the other side of galaxy found himself in a world nothing like the safe Star Trek he probably grew up with.
John Crichton is a geek, but a geek with spine and a good set of leather pants, long black jacket and a big gun to match. At heart he was a gentle scientist, but he was forced to adapt and kick ass. But through everything something in him stayed true and the world around him which at first found him simply a weak oddity eventually mapped itself to him. His weaknesses became his strengths, his associates of suspect motivations became his loyal friends and together they took on the universe.
And the leather, c’mon...
Jack O’Neill - Stargate SG-1 Oh, poor Jack. Stargate fandom was where I truly waded into fandom. I started really writing here back in 2003 (yes, I’ve been on FF.net that long). I met some fantastic friends through Stargate that had both me and them travelling thousands of miles to meet each other. It was also where I learnt to whump. As I said, poor Jack :D i wrote my first novel length fic in Stargate all 75,000 words of it. Took three months, most written by hand as I couldn’t type fast enough - by the time I finished it, I could touch type. 
Jack is the only character I can claim to still be older than me, just (it was a momentous year when I passed Jim Kirk’s age of 34, our characters are forever young, we are not). He is the goofy colonel, typical tough guy with a soft heart, but will of steel who always did what he thought was right, willing to make the necessary sacrifices just like Jim Kirk, and again with the team who would all do the same for him.
John Sheridan - Babylon 5 Okay, I admit it, I was a Scarecrow and Mrs King fan long before Bab 5 was even dreamt up. but the beard in season 4 that did it :D I’ve never written in this fandom, basically because it is pretty much a closed loop story and the actual show did a pretty good job of  venturing where fandom would have gone anyway :D
John was another military type with a strong moral backbone (would you believe that I’m not a military type, but all these guys seem to be - what that says about me, I don’t know :D ). Again he is soft around the edges hence the whole Delenn storyline. Maybe for me it is a combination of kickass, doing what is right and squishy insides :D
Michael Knight - Knight Rider I loved Knight Rider as a kid and in 2004 when I discovered the tiny little KR writing fandom online, I instantly fell in love. Real Life at the time was a bit of a challenge and KR was a haven for me. I wrote a lot of KR fanfic and it and the people I met in that fandom still hold a special place in my heart. Michael and Kitt saw me through some tough stuff and I returned the tough onto poor Michael. If I was feeling awful, he got it. I used my writing as a vent zone and managed to create something out of it. This was also the fandom that introduced me to RP. And yes, I RP’d Michael Knight, you can find my long abandoned journal here. I also managed a bunch of other characters including a several hundred year old version of KITT.
I really should say Michael and Kitt, because just like Kirk and Spock, one character isn’t much without the other. A hothead ex-cop who, once again, has a moral core to stand up for the small guy and drives a smart car, literally. The both of them together are quite capable of kicking ass. A not so typical buddy cop show with so many writing possibilities. I built up my writing skills in this fandom and eventually started writing original works (which were all brought to a grinding halt by the event of motherhood in 2008, thus followed the lack of writing for the following 10 years...until a month ago).
John Sheppard - Stargate Atlantis I’m mentioning this John because I fell into SGA quite hard about three years ago, but with the exception of one unfinished attempt at fic (which you can find on FF.net), i haven’t really written anything in this fandom. I like a bit of John and Rodney interaction and because I know SG-1 so well, and John is really just a younger version of Jack in many ways, it was inevitable.
John is military (again ::sigh:: ), but not military. He breaks the mold and tends to be just outside what he should be. Again a softy, not as confident or as steely as Jack O’Neill, but with his own code and strengths.
Tony Stark - Marvel Cinematic Universe Well, in all that writing desert, this is where I have been. There is enough fic in that massive fandom to keep an addict fed for years, literally, I’ve tried it. I have never written any Avengers fic. There is no need to, and really with young children, a job and a small business there really wasn’t time.
Tony Stark is a geek with money. He has troubles, he’s socially messed up in places, but under it all he does his best. He cares, sometimes too much, and is willing to step up to do what is necessary. He is far from perfect and he screws up big time, but he continues to try. There is also a load of angst and whump attached to this poor character, even in canon. (I think the last movie sent me into shock, I really shouldn’t have seen it while recovering from appendicitis, it hurt). And he is not a soldier, he has made that perfectly clear.
Virgil Tracy - Thunderbirds Are Go And here we are today. About a month a go this fandom hit me like freight train and in the process revived my writing skills, created this journal and drew me back into fandom. I still don’t have time to write, but somehow I have.
Out of all the characters above, Virgil is the most different. He has an artistic side which I can understand, being an artist myself (no, I don’t play the piano or any other instrument, unfortunately). He’s a softy, he’s kind, a bit of a dork, he’s calm (much unlike all of the above), he has four brothers he would do anything for, is certainly well built for a cgi character...and he drives a big honkin’ aerotank :D Pairing him up with Scott leads to interesting conversations and the whumpfactor...I’m so sorry, Virgil. But I think at the core of it is the hero again. The Tracy boys go out to save people. There are no guns, no animosity, they are just trying to help because they care. And who couldn’t fall in love with that?
I’m not going to tag anyone, but feel free. it is an interesting way to share info about yourself :D
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narrlsy · 1 year
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Season 3 squad rolling up
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glibussy · 2 years
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D&Dorks valentines i never posted
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bxngtans · 8 years
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Hey guys! This is just my reaction/summary post of the BTS Concert in Newark (Thursday, 3/23)! I’ll be going into a lot of detail, but bare with me. I’ve linked all the fancams I took throughout the post, so you can check that out :)
[Full Fancam Playlist]
Alright so first things first...I’ve been following BTS since ~May/June 2014, and this was the first time I was actually able to go to a live concert. I WAS LITERALLY BEYOND THE MOON when I got tickets, and I was so excited that I was badgering everyone I knew with my fangirling. BTS means so much to me, they got me through some of the hardest times in my life, and they gave me happiness and hope. So getting to go to one of their concerts, see them and support them in person, was such a blessing.
I had P2 seated tickets, so I got to the Prudential Center at around 7pm. I immediately got in line for some merchandise, and I was able to get a BTS Army Bomb!! I met another girl who also came to the concert alone and we bonded over BTS and the struggle of putting batteries into the lightstick LOL. Once I got to my seat, I was all alone as in the seats on either side of me were empty, BUT the MVs were running and the energy in the venue was so amazing. Everyone was singing along, jamming out, cheering, and I got into it too. It’s pretty amazing how so many people were singing along to BTS and I was really really happy tbh. Two girls eventually ended up next to me, and they were seasoned concert-goers so they were really nice! The seat to my left was empty though :( Also!!! So many volunteers were handing out colored baggies for the rainbow, it was so touching.
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Okay so....holy shit. The lights finally dimmed and literally everyone was losing their shit. They had this cool shattering effect play on the screens and then BOOM BTS was out, kicking it off with Not Today! It literally felt so surreal. They were even better than I could have ever imagined, and everyone was so hyped it was amazing. To start off the concert, they transitioned pretty quickly between songs. I was so into it, I only got a few snippets of the songs, but it was all so good. I think at this point they had gone through Am I Wrong, Baepsae, and Dope! AND LEGIT I COULD NOT BELIEVE THEY WERE THAT IN SYNC AND STILL SINGING SO WELL.
When they got to the introduction, I was pretty much dying with how cute they were...and how dorky they were in real life. If I had any theory that they were in fact cool and chic that was thrown out of the picture when J-Hope came out onto the scene with his “I’m your hope~, I’m your angel~,” line! They all clearly practiced their English, which was so touching too. AND OMG SUGA. What a dork, he just kind of basked in the cheers when it was his turn to speak, and had this little smirk on his face, I was dying!
Video Clips: Am I Wrong + Baepsae / Introduction Ment (JK)
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Holy. Freaking. Shit. MY BOY IS S O   F R E A K I N G  T A L E N T E D. When he first came out, I was internally screaming, and when he opened his mouth, it was like angels came out from behind the clouds...But nothing could have prepared me for that dance break. He seriously killed it and I could not believe how stable he was while singing. I’ve never been so proud of him. :’)
Video Clip: Begin (JK)
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Alright, first off, I was so into this stage I legit did not want to take my phone out to record, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He sang so well, he danced so well, and the stage was so freaking beautiful, from everything from the bit where he was blindfolded to the choreography. It was so just...so freaking beautiful to watch. Park Jimin is ART.
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I love Min Yoongi. Everyone got really quiet during his stage, and we were all just totally enraptured by his stage and his rapping. His presence is no joke. I was so into it I didn’t even think to record anything man.
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WOW WAY TO MAKE ME ALMOST CRY NAMJOON. This was not planned as far as I know, but when Namjoon sang “I wish I could love myself,” all the audience echoed back “We love you,” like they did in Brazil, and I got GOOSEBUMPS. It was so freaking sweet and he totally owned the stage, even shouting out to the crowd at one point. Definitely an awe-inspiring performance.
DUDE I WAS NOT EXPECTING THEM TO SUDDENLY POP OUT FROM THE STAGE THE WAY THEY DID, the girl next to me had to redirect my eyes LOL. I am so pumped I finally got to see this performance, and they were all so stable and their energy was A+.
Video Clip: Lost
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Okay, they did not give ARMYs time to breathe, literally once Lost was over, they started Save Me, and I was lowkey hyperventilating. Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, and V were the only ones on stage until the first chorus, and they were all walking around the stage and interacting with the crowd, it was so cute. Then the chorus hit, and sUDDENLY THE RAP LINE WAS RUNNING ON STAGE TO JOIN IN THE CHOREO and DAMN SON was that GOOD. One thing I have to mention for this stage, was Suga’s rapping was so o n  p o i n t.
Video Clip: Save Me
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I recorded the entire stage because one of my friends is a Tae stan, and I’m so glad I did, because holy shit. Tae hit those high notes like a motherfreakin KING. Anyone who sleeps on his voice needs to listen to him sing Stigma live BYE. Also, totally unrelated, but he was so sparkly in this stage LOL.
Video Clip: Stigma (V)
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O.M.G. I have to admit, I’m usually not one to get into ballad-type songs, but this was literally an experience. They had instrumentalists on stage too which kind of just enhanced the experience even more. And Jin’s voice was better than I could have ever imagined. He sang so emotionally and honestly, I don’t know how I was able to even keep my hand stable to record any of it...
Video Clip: Awake (Jin)
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THIS WAS SO LIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were hyping up the audience so hard, and we were legit dying. This was the point in the concert where they started flinging water onto the crowd, it was getting hype real fast. (And later in the concert, Tae even threw his entire water bottle into the crowd LOL). Also, I have never loved the lyrics to this song more: every person in that stadium was singing “I love myself” and it was so freaking awesome. I love how BTS managed to create such a hyped environment and STILL have everyone singing along to the most wholesome lyrics...
Video Clip: Cypher Pt. 4 (RM, SG, JH)
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Rap line took off their coats and the music started and the other members came on the stage and DAMN. Anyone who says BTS isn’t talented has gotta look at them performing Fire live and try saying that again...Also, the fanchants/singing along was 10/10, I’m sure BTS could feel the love!
Video Clip: Fire
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This was probably the best moment of the night for me. They started off with No More Dream and then went through all of the older songs that got them to this point. I was so emotional by the time they got to Boy in Luv and Danger, because those were the eras I first got into them...and it kind of hit me that that was three years ago, and look how far they had come. I was literally such a wreck during this part of the concert, but I loved every single bit of it. I recorded the whole bit too!
Video Clip: BTS Medley
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This is one of my favorite songs by BTS, and they absolutely killed it on stage!! The message has always made my heart melt, and seeing everyone in the crowd screaming and chanting and singing along was such a surreal moment to me. All the ladies really DID put their hands up in the air and SCREAM!
Video Clip: 21st Century Girl
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Man, what can I even say...After this concert, I love J-Hope even more than I thought I could, and the dancing in this was too good to describe with words so honestly just watch it omfg.
Video Clip: Boy Meets Evil (JH)
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(cough cough, you mean my blood, sweat, and tears after this entire concert??? LOL) I was totally emotional during this song too, because Namjoon had just announced this was their last song. And while I knew full well that it wasn’t, it STILL got emotional for me because I realized the concert was almost over. But they really did awesome with this performance, although I was a bit concerned because they looked dead tired :((
Video Clip: Blood, Sweat, & Tears
Okay so BTS left the stage, and the audience quickly started cheering and chanting for BTS and it was a pretty euphoric moment tbh. Also, we all started putting on our colored baggies over our lightsticks, and seeing the rainbow ocean develop was truly amazing. I swear I got goosebumps.
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So obviously, BTS came back on stage to perform a few more songs LOL, and Wings was one of them! I could literally feel my heart melting throughout the song, because right before, they played this video basically figuratively telling the story of BTS, and how they were seven hearts into one, seven boys into one, and wow it was just really, really emotional and beautiful. Also all of them were walking all around the stage and dancing and jumping and playing around with the fans it was so SO awesome. :’)
Video Clip: Wings
Oh god, don’t even get me started on this...the boys called us their Wings and told us without ARMY, they wouldn’t be able to fly. And FRICK Namjoon really knows how to pull at our heartstrings. They also looked so genuinely happy with the rainbow ocean, and thanked us for it, and GOSH EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MOMENT WAS JUST PERFECT.
2! 3!
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One of the most emotional songs of the concert. When the boys held their mics out for the fans to sing, I got goosebumps, and I was really proud with how hard we tried to sing for them, despite most of us not knowing Korean, and I’m sure they were really happy too. Can I say goosebumps?!
Video Clip: 2! 3!
This was probably the sweetest moment of the concert. They all took their time to say something in English to the fans, and they all had something worth it to say. Jin was so freaking cute, egging the fans on to say that his solo stage was the best :’) And J-Hope was just so excited, you couldn’t help but smile when you saw his face on the screen. Not gonna lie, I’m gonna call Suga out on his bluff, because I’m 90% he just heard Namjoon calling us our wings and repeated that and he looked so satisfied with himself and our response LOL. BUT I LOVE HIM FOR THAT. Jungkook was adorable, and he didn’t want to speak first, our cutie! Jin called us our rainbow which was adorable too. I WISH I COULD INGRAIN EVERYTHING THEY SAID INTO MY HEAD, but alas I can only remember being so happy, laughing, and this general warm feeling in my belly.
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Okay, for real for real the last song, and it was beautiful. The dancing was more than I could have ever wished to see from BTS after performing so much and for so long, and yet they still did an amazing, amazing job.
Video Clip: Spring Day
My heart hurt a little bit when they came out to do their final thank you and bow to us all. But I think they probably make a habit of doing long and meaningful goodbyes, and I’m really happy they do. The audience was singing along to the “Whoa~”s of Spring Day, and BTS just looked out to us as we did so, and it was such a sweet moment. As they bowed, a bunch of people in the pit through plushies onto the stage, and J-Hope actually picked one up and tried to mimic its face, it was SO CUTE! Jungkook took a flag and tied it around his neck like a little superhero, it was adorable. Also, Jin blew so many kisses and acted so GREASY towards the end, I freaking loved it. One of my favorite moments was when J-Hope started swaying his arms to make the crowd follow him, and Jungkook copied him except in 10x speed, like the absolute dork he is.
I PROBABLY MISSED SO MUCH and I wish I could honestly relive it all over again and again, but the memories and videos will have to suffice.
Honestly, sorry for the long-ass post, but this is mostly for my sake so I don’t forget a thing :’) But I hope you guys enjoyed reading/watching this as much as I did.
To those of you who made it to the end, wow ;D
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daily-coloring · 7 years
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[000] Iron Blu - The Protagonist [Vivod - 005]
[007] ?
[012] Ultra Red - A16 (Edit) [FatCat - FATDA 31]
[015] Pedram - Lex (Craig Richards Magic Carpet Remix) [Born Electric - BE 011]
[021] Binh - Get Xox [My Own Jupiter - MOJ 05]
[029] ?
[035] B12 - Play With Me [Central Processing Unit - CPU 00100100]
[039] Aside - Aguirre (Tempel Rytmik Edit) [Hivern Discs - HVNed03]
[041] ?
[044] Villa Abo - Business In Pattern [Borft - 126]
[049] Hearts of Darkness - Just On For The Ride [MJCR001]
[055] Idjut Boys & Laj - Not Reggae (Varoslav Mix) [Rue De Plaisance Re-Issue - R2P-RI01]
[060] ?
[068] Persnickety Presents - Jungle DJ (DJ Bang Lost Edit) [Persnickety - PS 1003]
[075] Ondo Fudd - Veto Plank [The Trilogy Tapes - TTT 043]
[081] Luca Lozano - Faith [Super Rhythm Trax - SRTX014]
[087] ?
[093] Photonz - My Orion [Vivod - 011]
[096] Shift Work - SBFM (Factory Floor Remix) [Houndstooth - HTH 051D]
[102] Roman Flügel - Church Of Dork [Hypercolour - HYPE 048]
[105] Donato Dozzy - Destination Eskimo Pt.1
[113] Unbalance - The Way I Get High [Solid Groove - SG 33]
[118] Konrad Black - Scorched Earth (Barac Interpretation) [Meander - 16.5]
[1??] + Konrad Black - Scorched Earth (Acapella)
[125] Filalete - Extermination [Enter - EMC 109]
[129] ?
[135] D. Diggler - Trans Central [Level Non Zero - LZ24]
[141] Barac - September By Touch
[150] ?
[154] Monolake - Cray [Imbalance Computer Music - ML 030]
[159] 214 - Programs On The Move
[165] ?
[169] D Ball - Transition [Ourtime - OUR 002]
[172] ?
[175] Terrence Dixon - The Parkhurst [Thema - 022]
0 notes
narrlsy · 2 years
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narrlsy · 2 years
Goodbid obsessing over dramaticus might be one of my favorite moments of his
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