#shadow slugger au
This is probably as far as I'm gonna go with this drawing
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[waves from a little box] ello!
I've been super excited over your stuff ever since I stumbled upon it, and so I've finally unearthed myself from the shadows wheeze--
I was wondering if slugger ever went dark for some reason, would Uncle Scourge be able to talk him down from it? 👀
There is a fic I am writing where this exact question is one of the story arcs. Since it is such a long time away and such a interesting topic to me I don't mind telling even if it might be "spoilers". Also because it got so long, I'm putting it under the [read more] below.
A lot of this au does focus on the similarities and differences between what makes a "Sonic" vs what makes a "Scourge". The charm of Wachowski and Uncle's relationship is less of a "sweet, summer child tames the villain" and more "Scourge finally learns to change for the better now that there is someone in his life who is genuinely invested in him as a person and doesn't want to screw him over, and Wachowski has his coming-of-age story under the guidance of the one Sonic in the multiverse that not only rejected that title but isn't invested in Wachowski becoming a Sonic."
That isn't to say that his parents (The Wachowski's) are pressuring him. In fact it becomes a point in Scourge's favor in a side story where Tom and Maddie assign Uncle as Wachowski's caretaker in the event the worst were to happen to Tom and Maddie. The Wachowski's want their son to be a kid. Uncle just wants Wachowski to be a kid.
The other Blue Devils are also not pressuring Wachowski either really, but they are all Sonics who accepted their place as heroes for better or for worse. They understand and encourage that heroic drive in Sonic because they have seen what happens to worlds without one (scourge's world included). They just don't fully understand the kid in this au because they never had the choice for a normal life like Wachowski does in this au, they are heroes 24/7, no breaks, no vacations, always on the grind. Scrafz (boom sonic) is the closest to being done with it all but even he can't ignore the call for the hero.
Scourge encourages "selfishness" in Wachowski in the form of not being "self-sacrificing" all the time. Cause if Wachowski is so dead set on being a "hero" he is gonna make sure he isn't a door mat like Scarfz ((yes Scarfz would take offense to that)). This approach of Scourge's means he will leave the kid to making his and owning his own decisions and will not tell him what to do. He wont pussy foot around the truth, Wachowski cannot save everyone. ((please note, Scourge goes through a very unfortunate series of events, trials and tribulations to gain these little bits of wisdom throughout the au, this is not a inherent/unearned part of Scourge's character))
So this is a lot of context and I haven't answered your question. There was a what if scenario I played around with in this au where Tom and Maddie were killed and Uncle had to take on his role as caretaker. Wachowski in this scenario was so heartbroken and furious at the drunk driver who killed his parents he sought revenge, essentially he was going to go kill this person who got away with killing his parents. Wachowski chose Scourge to come with him because he figured Scourge wouldn't judge him first of all, but also would understand and possibly encourage him or help ease his guilt/hesitation. Scourge didn't encourage, but he didn't discourage. He purely left that choice up to Wachowski. This was a moment where I saw Wachowski making a choice to become a Sonic or to become a Scourge. Wachowski chose not to act on his anger in that moment. Scourge figured the kid's kind nature would win out, but if it didn't? Well, he'd help bury the body he supposed. Still, I like this idea of Uncle grounding the kid not via shaming him but really getting Wachowski to ask himself why and pick an answer he was happy with. Uncle knew if he told the kid he couldn't/shouldn't Wachowski would follow but he would be eaten up inside having not come to the conclusion himself. Also, if he encouraged the kid, Uncle knows how much killing someone in a act of revenge fucks you up, and there would be a chance Slugger would become bitter not only towards himself but towards Scourge for pushing him towards murder. Its a lose-lose, cause what Wachowski needed in this what-if scenario, was agency in his grief and feeling powerless. If he talks slugger down, its less of a "remember who you are Simba" and more of a "this is a one way street if you go down it kid, what are you gonna do?"
Now how will I adapt it in the fic I'm working on? I'll keep some of my secrets lol but the emotional core are very much the same. This is a moment that I think highlights the uniqueness of their relationship and the part I love exploring.
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penaltybox14 · 3 years
Finally got some spare brain cells and wrote for myself, not school or patient care reports.  Kicking around an idea I had with @dying-redshirt-noises, an Adam-12 AU where Pete is actually a runaway juvenile delinquent who ended up changing his name, fuzzying up his past and becoming an LAPD officer.
Pete has this dream sometimes.  He is twelve years old, before he got taller, when his voice was just beginning to break and hovered in that soft, sweet spot like water sweeping over the suggestion of a stone.  The dream is far from Los Angeles, and he sits on a rock by a creek that lingers on its curves like a freight train far in the distance. 
He is in jeans and a t-shirt and chuck taylors but they aren't chuck taylors, they've got no marks on them but a size, and the t-shirt has a laundry print he tried to cover with the whitewash off a fence a mile ago.  He doesn't belong here, in the dream, but he's got nowhere else to go.  The wind is slow and high, the sun beats down, and the grasshoppers fiddle in the weeds.  
The dream is far from Los Angeles; it is far from anywhere at all.  
The man's voice and the chuckle of a belt heavy with keys comes from the brush, and it throbs in his ears and in his bones: It's time you got back, isn't it?
The creek is too wide and too swift.  When he turns back at the voice, squinting the figure to shadow, the voice says: Let's go, son.  Let's not be any trouble.  
There is nowhere left to run.  
When he wakes up, in his bachelor pad on the second floor, his skin is damp and electric.  The central air shunts the same dry, stale breeze around, here and there a whiff of cigarettes or casserole gone before you can think to identify it.  So he opens the window and leans, and watches the still, unblinking surface of the complex's pool.  Three years ago a beautiful woman - a girl, really, whose scars were still white and not yet stretched and faded and forgotten - drowned in the pool and no one knew who she was and no one knows now.  Some recalled the tender face and tight, pursed mouth, or the long dark hair worn straight with a beaded headband, or maybe the red checked shirt with the blousing sleeves or the dark dungarees.  She was barefoot, which seemed right if you thought about it.
Pete doesn't think there's anybody but him and the landlord left who remembers the whole business.  This is not a place for staying - people live here a while, get on their feet, and move on to split-levels and brand-new subdivisions clustered around glittering, gritting freeway interchanges.  Places where people eat and sleep and dream and wake up and go to work and round the clock and come home and eat and sleep and dream and wake up and do it all again.  They are safe there in their catalog homes, and no beautiful barefoot girls drown, nameless and white-eyed, in paste-jewel swimming pools.  
Jim lives in a place like that.  Him and Jean, the doe-eyed pair of them, and their baby, who will be a toddler soon, with his own yard to play in, grass as neatly hemmed as any major league outfield.  Jim will teach him to play catch; he won't be very good at teaching, from the start, because he's still a boy, still a varsity star whose body did everything he every imagined it to do, without coming up short, without halting or asking.  But that's alright.  Jim will teach him to play catch and he won't be frustrated and he won't be angry, he'll just say, Jimmy, eye on the ball, okay?
Jim will invite him over and he'll watch from the shade and rib Jim, just a little, but not Jimmy, except just a little when he's bigger and he can laugh about it.  He's hoping the kid won't turn out to be a pitcher, he's really hoping, because then he might have to step in and teach the kid how to sling a curveball that'll unbutton a jersey, or fire a fastball that'll make the Army sit up and take notice.  Jim will ask him where he learned it, and he'll have to shrug and think up something, and he'll make up a story about accidentally breaking Mrs Patterson's kitchen window with a bad pop-up from the playground sandlot, which was too small for big boys to play on anyhow, and that'll make Jim laugh with all his teeth and ruffle Jimmy's hair.  That'll be a good story.  It won't be the one where he was popping rocks off his Louiseville Slugger; it sure won't be the one where he pegged a Coca-Cola bottle at a passing freight train.  He didn't know the train was going so fast; he didn't know how the bottle, heavy and sweating in his hand and the high summer, was going to spin, come off the box car at the angle it did.  
He was sorry.  He was.  But that's not the story he's going to tell Jim, and sure not the one he's going to tell little Jimmy.
The girls never run like the boys do.  
Pete's never figured that one out - the girls, at least the ones who know trouble, they go to ground when they're cornered, their eyes down, or, more rarely, hot with challenge.  The girls in patched jeans and old army coats, who smoke cigarettes like men, between stained fingertips, eyes like lionesses.  Girls who know the power of their vices, they bide their time.  
But the boys run: they all do, bolting long-limbed through the clawing dark, breathing hard in time with the street-lamps, their hearts pounding.  They get away, some of them, if not most of them - hard to catch the lot when they spring out like sparks from their squat-houses, their teenage tent-city tenements.  They book it, on sneakers worn to the soles of their feet, into the urban forest.  They will catch a bus in the morning downtown, to Hollywood and Vine, somewhere people with money pass by.  They will hitchhike to the hillsides, or the beach, somewhere to bide their day in the shade.  
Sometimes they never make it past the night.  Early one morning, just when they were breathing easy, just when the sun was scrambling over the mountains and shaking the valley awake, they got the call for a DB.  A man in a suit and tie and glasses perched on the hood of his car shaking his head, while his daughter sat in the back seat with the door open.  She had a book open on her lap and kept pushing up her glasses, which slid down her nose in the dusty morning.  The man shook his head and said: Lydia, she gets car sick, I pulled over so she could be sick in the brush (and the verge stank like vomit; and something else, richer), and then I saw -
A bare foot, as dusty as the sun, and an awkward young leg in jeans, and a brown t-shirt with yellow stripes on the arms, and long curly hair, his head to one side, on his arm, as if he were sleeping.  His eyes half-open, waiting.  The flies were gathering on his lips and he had no hands, and there was still twine around his neck.  Ants marching across his lashes.  Perhaps older than he looked; perhaps not.  He still had one shoe, with no laces.
Boys run; the slip into the shadows.  They throw back their heads and laugh, they are defiant, they are stupid, they are too young.
They stayed late that morning, waiting for the coroner.  They stayed late, filling out paperwork.  
Pete said: "Go home."
Jim had a look that said he didn't know how.  His dumbstruck eyes had blurred the line between work and home, between the pavement and the rocky earth, between the boy (who would wait for a month among the other nameless dead) and himself (whose varsity track ribbons had yet to fade).  Pete said: go home, and kiss your wife, and go to bed.  
"I can't stop thinking about him."
"You will."
"Malloy, that's awful harsh."
"Didn't say you'd stop caring.  Just you'd stop thinking about this one kid, when the next one comes along, and the next.  It's too big a basket, carrying around all that.  You gotta set it down, partner, you gotta set it down and think about the ones that made it."
Pete shrugged.  "I drink too much coffee, and I eat my steak rare.  You do what you gotta do."
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whythinktoomuch · 5 years
I heard you wanna write a soulmate AU, so how about Soulmate AU + Not a Date?
24 (Soul Mate AU) & 46 (Not a date) 
Kara and Alex were in the business of Love. Or more specifically, they were in the business of sparking the first stirrings of affection between soulmates. Or even more specifically, they were in the business of shooting love-tipped arrows at various individuals as assigned to them by upper management. 
The process was very simple: 
Everyday, they checked their emails, downloaded the relevant files—name, photo, other basic information—onto their smartwatches, shadowed their targets, then shot them with an arrow once the timer counted down to zero. 
For the most part, cupids worked alone. There were certainly times when Kara and Alex have teamed up—having been assigned the other half of the same pair—or times when Winn would tag along for the occasional throuple-to-be. But oftentimes, love didn’t really work that way. 
After all, love wasn’t, by any means, an exact science. Mutual true love at first glance was simply impossible.
People hardly ever fell in love right away. They might, instead, fall in love the third—fourth, fifth, or maybe even the twenty-fifth—time they saw each other. 
Or they fell in love at different times. So, it was not uncommon for Kara to successfully complete an assignment, only to come back weeks or months later for their partner as well.
But Kara was damn good at her job! Which was why it was especially frustrating when she couldn’t track down her latest target with the timer at the five minute marker. 
In her careless rush, Kara managed to knock down a woman who just happened to be walking in her path. She was quick to offer a hand and help the woman to her feet, and… it hurt…? 
It wasn’t exactly physical pain, per se; cupids were practically indestructible, so Kara had barely felt the impact. 
But it was definitely something… bodily. The moment the woman’s eyes met Kara’s, she felt her stomach caving in on itself. 
“Are you okay?” the woman asked, a good thirty seconds after Kara had tried to say it herself. “Sorry, guess I didn’t see you there.” 
“My fault, my fault,” Kara said hastily. “Sorry.” 
The woman’s brow dipped. “You look a little… lost. Do you need help finding anything?” 
“Nope.” Then Kara mentally kicked herself. “Actually, yeah, maybe. I’m looking for…” she trailed off, surreptitiously glancing down at her smartwatch to refresh her memory, “… a Pamela Byers?” 
“Oh, Pam? She’s the head of our HR department,” the woman said brightly. “Here, I’ll take you.” 
And it was with this woman’s help that Kara just managed to make her deadline—sending out an invisible dart with a quick flick of the wrist, striking Pam right between the shoulder blades just as she was opening a text message from her boyfriend. 
Later, when Kara brought up the mysterious pangs that Lena Luthor—well, just Lena, the woman had insisted as they shook hands—had roused in her belly, Alex just raised an eyebrow and suggested that Kara refer back to the handbook. 
“Why? How is that relevant?” 
“You’ve worked five whole years as a cupid and never once heard of a ‘crush’?” Alex asked, incredulous.
Kara rolled her eyes. “Of course, I know what that is. I just don’t see how that’s relevant for me specifically. I’ve never… you know. We… don’t get crushes.”
Alex shrugged as she took a sip of beer. “Check the handbook.” 
Kara did. The symptoms sounded remarkably familiar, which just made her want to eat an entire box of doughnuts and watch a re-run of Friends, which she felt no need to resist. 
Kara and Lena started spending more time together. They sorta hit it off after that first encounter and decided to have more. 
And they weren’t dates—as Alex would often refer to them with a cheeky grin—but rather… casual hangouts, platonic meet-ups, a friendly gathering of two and only two because that’s what friends were for, right? 
Meanwhile, Kara’s impossible crush only deepened with each hello, flourished with every affectionate smile, and ached whenever their hands brushed against each other. 
Then came the day that Kara had always dreaded might come, and now it was Lena’s information that was being downloaded onto her smartwatch, accompanied with a timer—Kara’s imminent devastation distilled down to a simple, steadily diminishing number. 
Kara dragged her feet and time. She repeatedly considered hanging up her metaphorical quiver and all the duties that came with it. She talked it out with her sister, who just expressed her trust in Kara to do the right thing in the end. 
And so Kara did. She felt her watch vibrate as the timer hit zero, and sent an arrow hurtling toward Lena’s chest. Then she spun on her heel and walked away, unwilling and unable to even bear witness to what would happen next. 
“Kara?” A voice called after her, a hand encircled her wrist and tugged her around. “Hey, I thought that was you! What are you doing here?”
Lena was smiling up at her, bright and dazzling, a slight pink dusting her cheekbones. Kara could only blink down at her own hand, watch as Lena grasped it with both of her own, her fingertips running over Kara’s knuckles with affection. 
“Me?” Kara asked breathlessly, incredulously, hopefully. 
Lena laughed, and Kara’s heart swelled. “Yes, you! I don’t know of any other Karas, and even if I did, you’d be my favorite.” 
“You’re my favorite too.” Kara shook her head furiously. “I mean, like, favorite person. Not like favorite Kara. You’re not Kara; I am. You’re Lena, which is even better.” 
“Well… I’m a bit partial to Karas myself,” Lena said with a wink. “Hey, wanna grab lunch? I was just about to head over to that new Asian fusion place.” 
And Kara never could say no to food, and it turned out that Lena offering food was an even more enticing combination. 
Bonus scene: 
Kara was engaging in one of her new favorite pastimes: gushing on and on about Lena Luthor. 
“I can’t believe the sheer dumb luck,” she was saying, “of developing a crush on the one person who’d fall in love with me!”
Alex just snorted. “Yeah. Luck.” She poked Kara square in the stomach, right where the warmth had first blossomed that fateful day. “Keep tellin’ yourself that, slugger.” 
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cyclone-sally-art · 4 years
Molly's Awakening: Persona AU
If there was one thing Molly appreciated about the Metaverse, it was the way that it took her mind off normal worries. She wasn’t focused on the night shift she’d have to pick up later, or her grades steadily dropping as more time was eaten up by work, or the unfinished return statements that the IRS kept hounding “Martin” about.
Instead, she was trying to keep out of the way as a giant spider leg crashed down into the floor where she’d been standing a moment before. The Shadow shrieked, making Molly’s ears ache, and lunged towards Giovanni, only to be knocked back by the Soul Slugger bat. “Take that, ya ugly bug!” he jeered, only to yelp as her pincer flung him into the opposite wall.
“Boss!” Molly and the other Blaster- Flamethrower, if the bright red hair is any indication- rushed to his side, but Boss was already back on his feet. “Boss, are you okay?”
Giovanni just gave a pained laugh. “Yep! Let’s see if we can return the favor!”
Flamethrower nodded, rushing forward. He gripped his baton and twirled it, rapidly growing it into a full quarterstaff. With a dodge and a well-time leap, he managed to sweep the Shadow off her legs, throwing her back, and the three Blasters rushed forward.
“Now, my faithful minions! Let’s end this once and for all!” On Boss’s cue, the three rushed into an All-Out Attack. Molly let her mind fade to red as she dealt blow after blow, strike after strike, until the shadow burst into sprays of phantom blood and disintegrated, dropping items and some money.
Molly quickly gathered up the items as Boss and Flamethrower healed up- since they wouldn’t let her fight, she was in charge of all the non-combat roles. She’d be offended, but… it was nice to be babied once in a while.
“Oi, Beartrap!” Boss’s voice cut through her reflection as he tossed a grin to her, bat slung over his shoulder. “C'mon- we still have to find this Shadow guy and steal his heart!”
“Coming!” The makeshift disguise Giovanni had made for her helped to keep her warm as they ventured deeper into Mementos, her breath fogging up into clouds of steam.
Flamethrower shivered, leaning into Giovanni. “Brr! Whoever this shadow is, they really should take a vacation somewhere warm when we’re done with them.”
Boss pulled a thickly-knit scarf from his satchel and wound it around Flamethrower’s neck. “Once we’re done here, I’m cooking you two and the rest of my boys a big pot of chicken noodle soup. Does that sound good?”
Molly nodded, taking a cautious step into the room. Her nostrils flared at the familiar scent of cinnamon sugar, and she glanced around for a moment, searching for the source.
There! Off in the shadows sat a giant man, hunched over something in his hands. She nudged Boss. “Look! We’ve got our target.”
Boss grinned. “Good job, Beartrap! I ought to give you a promotion.” He hefted his Soul Slugger bat. “HEY!”
The giant raised his head, and Molly’s heart plunged. The face, though bloated and distorted by the nature of the Metaverse, was undeniably that of her father.
The word slipped out before she could think otherwise. The distorted version of her father tilted his head, getting to his feet. “Heya, kiddo! You playing with your friends?”
Boss threw his arm out in front of her protectively. “Don’t listen to him, Beartrap. His Shadow has no filter.”
So it’s like normal. Instead, Molly stepped forward. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, swinging his arms out. In each hand he held a doll- one shaped like Molly, the other like her sister. “Oh, I’m just having some fun! If I make the toys, I might as well have some fun playing with them.”
Molly felt bile on the back of her tongue. “Is that why you’re never around?” she growled, tears springing to her eyes. Flamethrower took her hand gently, giving it a squeeze, while Boss had a hand on her shoulder protectively.
“Well shoot, I need a break from parenting all the time.” Her father’s shadow gave a smile. “You and Lorelai can be so inconvenient sometimes.”
“… inconvenient?” The word pierced Molly’s heart like a knife. She felt her throat tighten. “Is that all I am to you?”
“Well, I mean, a man needs to have his own life. You know how it is!” He pointed to Boss.
Giovanni snarled, hefting his bat. “I’m about to smash your skull into next week for making Beartrap cry!” He stepped inbetween Molly and her father’s Shadow, edges of his silhouette burning with hot-red flames. “She’s a better boy than you’ll ever be!”
“Aw, come on!” Her father’s Shadow stepped forward, crossing his arms defensively. “It’s not my fault that they get in the way.”
Molly sobbed, curling into herself. She’d suspected- she’d thought for so long, worried and fretted, that maybe her father really didn’t care about her and Lorelai. But having that confirmed- something in Molly broke at that.
Why do you sit and let them walk all over you? a voice asked. Flamethrower and Boss were engaging her father in battle, but Molly could only hear the soft rasp of a girl’s voice, not much older than her. You allow yourself less than you deserve. You claim compromise and yet you are pushed to the wayside. And all the while, you are taken advantage of by those closest to you.
They were the same things Giovanni had told her the first night they’d met, when she first joined his group of thieves. That she needed to stand up for herself- that she mattered. That was part of why he’d called her Beartrap- so that no one could walk over her anymore.
Let us forge a contract, little one.
“Yes,” she muttered, getting back to her feet. The feeling of a mask- a real mask, instead of the domino one lent to her by Giovanni, soft and fuzzy.
I am Thou. Thou art I!
With a furious scream, Molly ripped the mask from her face. Hot blood ran down her cheeks as a warrior emerged from her face, covered head-to-toe in golden armor with jagged bear claws. The bear-woman roared, drawing the attention of the other two thieves and the Shadow they were fighting.
“Take charge of your destiny!” the persona snarled, ready to rip and rend and tear.
Molly and the persona spoke in tandem. “We will NOT sacrifice our desires for the gain of others!”
Molly and her persona raced forward. The massive woman raked her clawed fingers down her father’s arm, ripping a good chunk of flesh from his shoulder. Molly’s throat was raw from screaming, but she’d never felt more alive. “Pummel him, Goldilocks!”
The woman let out a battle cry as she beat the Shadow into the floor, her father unable to even return a single blow or defend himself from the ferocity of the attack. She only stopped once her father’s Shadow stopped moving, instead whimpering in a bloody mess on the floor. The persona retreated to Molly, taking her hand gently. “Never forget our wrath, little bear.” With those parting words, her Persona reformed as the fuzzy mask on her face.
“Wow,” said a slightly-fearful voice behind her. Molly turned to a stunned Boss and a cowering Flamethrower. “Remind me never to make you mad.”
Molly sighed, holding up her hands. “I don’t know what came over me, I just-” She trailed off. Her hands trembled wildly, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care, still high on the thrill of adrenaline and the rush of battle.
Boss chuckled, ruffling her hair gently. “Damn, Beartrap. Good to see you fight back.” He stepped forward towards the shaken form of Molly’s father’s Shadow. “So, old man. Let’s have a chat.”
The shadow breathed heavily, looking at Molly with- was that sadness? “Molly-” He reached a large hand out cautiously, stopping as Molly flinched away. “God, what have I done?”
“Ya fucked up is what you did.” Flamethrower handed a healing item to Molly.
Her father gave a choked sob. “You can say that again.” He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself. “After your mom died, it all just seemed to weigh on me. Kept trying to drown out the pain, to run away from it all- and all I did what hurt you and Lorelai even more.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out a worn photo. “Here- my treasure. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.”
Molly took the photo gently. It was an old one, from when Molly was barely two, her family happy and united. “Dad…”
“I don’t know if I can ever make up for… this.” Her father chuckled sadly as the walls began to shake. “But if there’s even a chance of it- I’ll try. I’ll do what it takes. I promise.”
“Beartrap, we gotta go!” Boss took her hand, but Molly shrugged out to hug her father’s shadow one last time. Then, she turned and ran as the ceiling began to break apart and collapse.
Flamethrower was the last out, seconds before the entrance to that part of the Metaverse crumbled into dust. The group heaved, trying to catch their breath. Boss was the first to speak. “Well. I owe Kid Doctor five dollars.”
Flamethrower gave an out-of-breath laugh. “Really? Nothing about that awesome persona? What’d you call that again, Beartrap?”
“Goldilocks. Like, from the fairy tale?” Molly looked at her outfit- it resembled her everyday outfit mostly, with some elements of the Banzai Blasters thrown in. Her boots were the most defining feature- her feet were shaped like bear paws.
Boss scooped her up in his arms, carrying her like a kitten. “C'mon, Beartrap. You awakened your persona! This calls for ice cream!”
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jordstyle · 6 years
Bucks Post-NBA kombinieren Mock-Draft-Roundu
Stoppen Sie uns, wenn Sie das schon einmal gehört haben: Die Milwaukee Bucks werden auf Platz 17 im NBA-Entwurf picken. Die Bucks wurden in den Jahren 2017 und 2015 ausgewählt. Dieses Jahr wird ein wenig anders, denn Milwaukee hat einen anderen Blick auf General Manager (Jon Horst) und Cheftrainer (Mike Budenholzer). Ja, Horst wurde vor dem letztjährigen Entwurf von den Bucks als GM angeheuert – aber nur eine Woche zuvor. Was für einen Spieler Budenholzer haben möchte, könnte durchaus anders sein als das, was Jason Kidd wollte. Unabhängig davon, bei Nr. 17 bist du an den Lottotipps vorbei und hoffst, etwas Wertvolles zu finden. Es gibt auch viele Optionen im Vergleich zu, sagen wir in den Top 10 zu sein. Mit dem NBA-Mähdrescher, der letzte Woche abgehalten wird, gibt es immer ein wenig Bewegung und Zittern unter den Interessenten. Wen sollten Sie auf dem Radar haben? Es gibt definitiv keinen Konsens über den Spieler, den Milwaukee wählen könnte, aber es gibt auch eine unterschiedliche Meinung darüber, welche Position er einnehmen soll. Die meisten Spötter denken, dass die Bucks mit einer Schießwache gehen werden, aber es gibt einige andere, die sehen, dass Milwaukee ein Zentrum wählt. (Es gibt sogar einige, die Sie voraussehen. Also, yup, es ist überall.) Mit dem Entwurf, der weniger als einen Monat entfernt ist (21. Juni), sehen Sie sich hier Mock Drafts aus dem ganzen Web an. (Anmerkung: Wir werden mit einem anderen Blick direkt vor dem Entwurf zurück sein, um zu sehen, wie sich (wenn) die Dinge geändert haben.) Gary Parrish von CBSSports.com: Troy Brown, SG, Oregon. „Brown hat sich in der Highschool einen Namen als jemand gemacht, der Wert auf Verteidigung legt und vernünftigerweise mindestens drei Positionen auf College-Niveau spielen konnte, und er zeigte Blitze in Oregon. Der 6-7 Neuling erzielte im Schnitt 11,3 Punkte, 6,2 Rebounds und 3,2 Assists in 31,5 Minuten pro Spiel. Wenn er eine konstante 3-Punkt-Einstellung entwickeln kann – Brown hat in dieser Saison nur 29,1 Prozent von außerhalb des Bogens geschossen -, wird er in der Lage sein, die Vielseitigkeit zu bieten, die NBA-Franchises bei beiden Vorwärtspositionen haben. Reid Forgrave von CBSSports.com: Aaron Holiday, PG, UCLA. „Holiday ist ein explosiver Torschütze. Er mag nur 6-1 sein, aber seine unglaublich lange Spannweite macht ihn zu einem exzellenten Perimeter-Verteidiger. Für eine Win-Now-Mannschaft fühlt sich dieser Oberklasse-Mann mit NBA-Abstammung wie eine großartige Figur. “ Jeremy Woo von SI.com: Zhaire Smith, SG, Texas Tech. „The Bucks waren in der Vergangenheit keine großen Schaukeln und Smith würde sich qualifizieren. Betrachtet man die größeren hausgemachten Schwünge des Entwurfs, ist er ein atemberaubender Athlet, der nicht viel von einem Lebenslauf hat, und auch nicht viel Gefühl dafür, sein eigenes Vergehen am Rand zu kreieren. Er besteht sicher den Sehtest und ist irgendwo in der ersten Runde von einer unbekannten Aussicht zu einer virtuellen Schleuse gegangen. Er könnte ein hochfliegender Zwei-Wege-Mitwirkender werden, oder er könnte schnell ausflippen, und wer auch immer ihn entwirft, muss geduldig sein. Es ist eine Überlegung wert, dass er bei knapp 6'3 „in Schuhen beim Mähdrescher gemessen wurde, was es ihm viel schwerer macht, sich als kleiner Stürmer vorzustellen und eine Falte hinzufügt.“ USAToday Jeff Zillgitt, Sam Amick und Michael Singer: Mitchell Robinson, C, Chalmette Gymnasium. „Der NBA-Mähdrescher wird der erste Blick sein, den Teams bei Robinson bekommen, nachdem er sich vor Beginn der letzten Saison aus Western Kentucky ausgeschrieben hatte. Er ist extrem athletisch und hat die Fähigkeit, den Boden für einen großen Mann zu strecken, aber Teaminterviews sind für Robinson unerlässlich, da Teams versuchen, ihn zu lesen. Wenn sich Robinson entwickelt, könnten er und Giannis Antetokounmpo ein sportlicher Terror sein. “ Sean Deveney von The Sporting News: Robert Williams, C, Texas A & M: „Williams hat tolle physische Werkzeuge, ein 7-Fuß mit einer Flügelspannweite von 7,6 und guten defensiven Instinkten – gut genug, dass er im Lotto landen könnte. Aber es gibt Fragen der Arbeitsethik, und Williams hat sich zwischen seiner Erstsemester- und College-Zeit nicht signifikant verbessert. Die Bucks würden im Vorfeld etwas Größe begrüßen und hatten nie Angst davor, einen Projekttyp zu spielen. “ Scott Bordow von AZCentral Sports: Mitchell Robinson, C, Chalmette Gymnasium. „Robinson ist ein Mann des Mysteriums, nachdem er keinen College-Ball gespielt hat, aber die Bucks brauchen einen athletischen großen Mann, und Robinson war die Nummer 1 in der Rekrutierungsklasse 2017. Er hat noch einen langen Weg vor sich, könnte aber sofort als Abwehrspieler und Felgenschützer zum defensiven Ende beitragen. “ Steve Kyler von Basketball-Insidern: Aaron Holiday, PG, UCLA. David Kay von WalterFootball.com: Lonnie Walker, SG, Miami. NBADraft.net: Khyri Thomas, SG, Creighton. Hoops Hype: Khyri Thomas, SG, Creighton. „Mit einem Team, das den nächsten Schritt vom Playoff-Teilnehmer zum legitimen Titelanwärter machen möchte, ist Thomas einer der besten NBA-fähigen Kandidaten. Er ist im Vergleich zu anderen Interessenten älter, was für einige Teams zu seinen Gunsten arbeiten könnte. Während 17 für ihn vielleicht ein bisschen eine Reichweite sein kann, funktioniert seine Fähigkeit zu verteidigen und das Potenzial, auf beiden Seiten zu kommen und beizutragen, gut für ein Team wie Milwaukee, das sofortige Hilfe sucht. Thomas '8'5 Standing verstreut die Vorstellung, dass er ein zu kleiner 2-Wächter ist. “ Connor Riley von SEC Land: Anferne Simons, SG, IMG Academy. Broderick Turner von der Los Angeles Times: Zhaire Smith, SG, Texas Tech. Vince Ellis von der Detroit Free-Press: Lonnie Walker, SG, Miami. Der Wecker: Keita Bates-Diop, SF, Ohio State. Tankathon: Anferne Simons, SG, IMG Akademie. MyNBADraft.com: Lonnie Walker, SG, Miami. NBA Draft Zimmer: Robert Williams, C, Texas A & M. Paul Banks der Sportbank: Lonnie Walker, SG, Miami. Wayne Staats von Land 10: Lonnie Walker, SG, Miami. Nick Ashooh von NBC Sports Washington: Zhaire Smith, SG, Texas Tech. Dave Heller ist der Autor von Ken Williams: Ein Slugger in Ruths Shadow (ein Larry Ritter Book Award nominiert), Facing Ted Williams – Spieler aus dem Goldenen Zeitalter des Baseballs erinnern an den größten Hitter, der je gelebt hat und so gut wie er ist: Der 1944 St. Louis Browns
Der Beitrag Bucks Post-NBA kombinieren Mock-Draft-Roundu erschien zuerst auf XBET.TIPS.
Source: https://www.xbet.tips/bucks-post-nba-kombinieren-mock-draft-roundu/
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Alr, uh, since as of right now, slugterra is winning the poll, and Shadowslugger is the au you guys want information on. Here are some of the tidbits I wrote down.
A slug-slinging competition is help every year, I think that's Canon but whatever.
Kord, Trixie, and Pronto meet at the competition (this completion takes place when Eli is fifteen). None of them made it to the final round, but they made friends.
Kord, Trixie, and Pronto become a little adventuring group, and about 9 months later, they stumble into the place where Will is (I think it was called corrupted caverns idk) they bring him with and he kinda joins their group making the Shane gang once Will has recovered Energy from being in the corrupted caverns. Eventually, three months later, Will Shane is ready to return to protecting the caverns, and he enters the competition to get his name out there to inspire hope. No one really believes that he is who he is until halfway through the competition. Burpy is also with Will. He kind of starts off like Eli did in the series, with only Burpy at his side.
And now to Eli's party of the story.
When Will was sent to the corrupted caverns, Eli was two. Eli's guardian, at this time, I might just say the guardian is Eli's cousin, brings Eli to slugterra to search for Will after he misses the time to visit. A resulting confrontation with Dr Blakk's men results in at least one more missing member of the family. The cousin isn't important, so they might just not re surface, but the important thing is that Eli is captured by Dr Blakk's men.
Eli escapes his capture with a member of the Shadow clan, who had been there longer than Eli. When this happens, Eli is about five.
He is raised by the Shadow clan, but he knows some Human-like slugterrans. He does have a rather close friendship with a human named Anthony
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I've been a bit busy these last few days and will still be busy until Saturday, so I will resume coloring then
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Hey, slugterra fans? I know this is random and probably a little forced, but if you guys have any idea for this au, feel free to tell me via treks or ask. I'm not very good at storytelling... just taking other stories and making up scenarios, but I really want to expand upon this.
Btw I got a sketch out of the main characters. It will, probably, only be base colors as i have no idea what to do when im shading. I'm just coloring it now. It might take a few days. Sorry for the inconvenience
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Alright, slugterra drawings coming soon and more sentences I didn't post before also coming soon 👍
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For like this au of slugterra, Dr Blakk is like a really bad person, right? I've made that clear so far? Or, like, will later, maybe? Anyways i can't read my own writing, so I figured I would get one of my siblings to help me write it.
The only one who has watched slugterra.. really insists on Thaddeus Blakk x Will Shane... 🙃 which at max I could hint about in flashbacks, so be prepared if I actually write anything for this au... for it will likely only be my own writing
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Alright, since Shadow Slugger Slugterra is winning both polls for some reason, I got some drawings for ya.
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Alright, if slugterra wins my last poll, which one do you want me to ramble/draw about?
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List of all my aus ig, master post?
Lucifer or Luci is my version of 2012 Leo, some things just a tad or a lot not Cis about her
StE- Sisters to enemies: Lucifer and Karai grew up together, Karai fights turtles, then finds out about her parentage, She leaves the foot clan, and Luci Doesn't.
GoLV- A group of vigilantes: Luci is polyamorous and in love with the following: Lotus Blossom, Koya, Yumana Usagi (a version of Yuichi), Casey Jones, and April O Neil. And Lucifer's brothers try to get her to come back to the team.
WLG?- Where'd Leo go? (2012) A mess where Leo and Yumana end up in Yuichi Usagi's universe.
Shadow Slugger- when Eli is 2, Will gets into the Duel that will send him into the future, and Burpy goes with him. He is sent five years into the future. When Eli was 3 His guardian takes him to slugterra to search for Eli's dad, they encounter Dr Blakk's men and Eli hasn't been seen since.
Elias Thorne- Will is transported to wherever he was earlier on, and Eli comes down earlier on, not having made the 'has to be 15-years-old' promise yet. Eli tried to help but gets traumatized and raised by a pizza maker and a racer. Billy is Eli's partner in crime, and jokingly suggested he change his name to sound serious and make his last name Thorne as he was a thorn in Dr. Blakk's side.
Percy Jackson
WBGPoRP- What's better? Ghost Percy or Roman Percy? Instead of Bianca going into Talos, Percy does, and he follows Nic around for a year trying to shoo Minos away from the kid and disappears after BOTL. Nico doesn't visit camp Jupiter very often, it's just to visit hazel who he still found, searching for Percy, and either He finds Percy or Bianca does.
Link to the inspiration for this next one here
BvS-KvA. Body versus Mind or Kronos versus Achlys- (Aka I haven't read MOA or anything past it and somehow grew attached to Achlys, so I made Achlys Percy's aunt figure) based on a post where Percy falls into Tartarus and his soul gets pushed out of his body by Kronos, who takes his body. And the wandering soul meets the goddess of Poison. And she immediately adopts him
RMA- Red Madder Archer: Kai is basically Oliver queen, pre pilots by years. He was going to Chen's Island for work but the ship went exploded, five years later Hes back but with no signs of fire.
Phelix or Miraculous Kai- Kai with a Phoenix miraculous to boost his elemental abilities with Elder brother Morro.
Curler Kai- Crack Au where Kai joins a curling club.
Dsmp Villains vs Kai- Aka Kai fistfights Dsmp villains in the McPuffy's parking lot.
Arrowverse Aus
ABT- Arrow's brother: Target. Moira adopts Dick Grayson while Oliver is away.
Helena's brother- Frank Bertinelli Adopts Dick Grayson
RedX au- Joker isn't revived :)
Ouat au
Okay, a more indepth explanation for this au Is that Jason Todd uses his upcoming birthday and other things to bribe John Constantine and Zatanna into bringing him and the other bats to a world where the joker did not survive outlash from family members. The family member who changed the most in this world is not the one Jason had in mind.
Sog - Swan of gold: Mr. Gold of storybrooke adopts an eleven year old girl named Emma.
Platinum Protector/Silver Sentry - Hunter and Luz swap. Darius finds out Belos has a child (1 yr old Hunter) and immediately nabs him and runs to Eda. Hunter ends up in the human realm with the Nocedas, and one year later, Luz is born. Luz goes to the demon realm at nine, and a few years later, Hunter returns to the Demon realm out of curiosity.
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I told my younger sibling about the Shadow Slugger au I had and they were like 'okay but what if you made Will and Dr Blakk Gay for each other-' and like yeah that's doable.. and probs what I was gonna do anyways. 'And made the others take Eli away from Blakk cause Blakk was gonna give Eli back to Will.'
1. Thaddeus still shoots a ghouled portal slug at Will, it just doesn't send him where it was supposed to.
2. Okay 2 is a spoiler but basically, something can't happen if Blakk is a good person.
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