#shadowhunters alec lightwood imagine
gatorbites-imagines · 8 months
Kinktober day 1
Alec Lightwood + Praise Kink
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Happy first day of kinktober everyone. I’ve got a lot more schoolwork this year (curse you psychology) but ill be doing my best to try and keep up with my posting.
I’m gonna be honest I haven’t watched Shadowhunters in a long time, but Alec and Magnus still mean a lot to me. So, this is super vague about background stuff, cuz I can’t remember any of the plot from the show or books.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist
Alec found himself sighing as he leaned back in the chair behind his desk, his hand reaching up to rub at his aching temples. He took his duty very seriously, but at times it could do nothing but cause pains and aches throughout his body and psyche. Not only that, but his work kept him apart from you, sometimes for days or even weeks at a time. Alec had known at the time when he gained his rank that this work would fill much of his life, but now that he had finally found his way to you, it almost didn’t feel worth it.
Alec sighed softly as he got out of his seat, there was no reason to keep working any more tonight. At this point he had stared at those reports enough that he was seeing double, and the thought of your shared bed was like an angel’s call. With that in mind, the shadowhunter found himself almost floating to your shared room, a new edition to your relationship. Neither of you even had much time to spend in this room, as you were both important people in your circles and both took your duties seriously.
It was because of this that Alec didn’t even think about you being present when he entered the dimly lit room, his eyelids heavy and half shut as he pulled off his clothes robotically, folding it up neatly and placing it off to the side to go in the laundry in the morning. It was only when he fell onto the bed, now only clad his boxers, that he noticed the second presence in the room. He almost jolted up with shock, but your arm wrapped warmly and securely around his waist, pulling your lover close as you nuzzled into the back of his stiff neck.
“there’s my pretty boy” you rumble, your voice thick with sleep but also the love and admiration you have for Alec. Alec only allows himself to huff a little, feeling embarrassed at your sweet words. He had never gotten used to being complimented or praised, so when you peppered sleepy kisses on his neck and mumbled about his beautiful, he was and how strong he was, the shadowhunter felt himself grow hotter in the face.
“Look at you, all tense” you huff, your warm hands running up and down the planes of Alecs torso as you hook your chin over his shoulder, your thumbs rubbing just below his pecs, the action causing him to twitch and exhale sharply. “Always working so hard for everyone, but you never take care of yourself” you mumble, your lips pressed to the side of his neck. You can’t help but nibble on the skin there, letting your tongue flatten against the rune on his neck.
“Guess that’s why you have me, isn’t it” you almost tease, your hands finally grabbing his tight pecs in your palms, giving him a loving squeeze, making your sensitive lover whine. “Always such a diligent, good boy, aren’t you?” you croon, giving both of his nipples a quick pinch and twist, enjoying the punched-out noise that leaves Alec at the action. You had always loved how sensitive he was, and how easily you could work him up with just a few touches and sweet words.
“My good boy” you purr, hands traveling down his torso at a snail’s pace, almost in a worshipping manner as you feel out every shape that makes up his body, basking in the shaky way he breaths and how he can’t seem to keep his legs still. “My pretty boy” you hum, your thumbs teasing at the elastic of his underwear, an almost catlike smirk on your lips as you let your lover stew in the need and want running through his tired body.
“Just lay back Alec, ill take care of you” you mutter, using your grip to pull him further against your chest, your hips grinding into his own from behind. Alec shakily exhales but seems to melt in your arms, his muscles untensing as you fold his boxers down under his sack, releasing his hardness to the darkness of your shared room.
“Ill always take care of you. Because you are so good, and so beautiful. So smart, and so considerate of everyone around you” you keep mumbling, one of your hands wrapping around where Alec craves you the most. The noise that leaves him sounds drawn out and almost painful, like he had wanted you to touch him for so long. There isn’t a need for lube, as you don’t have to do much to work Alec how he needs it, at the moment he doesn’t need anything wild, he just needs your touch and presence.
The loose grip you have around him and the lazy way you stroke him is enough to have Alec twitching and jolting, his mouth open as he gasps and whimpers, words long gone from his person as he arches his hips into your hand. How you feel about him is impossible to express in words, so you keep laying every compliment you can think of on him as you kiss and suck at his neck and shoulder.
His keens rise in volume, his voice wobbly and almost hoarse as he begs in broken words. “Go on baby. Good boy, come on, be good and give it to me” you rumble, reaching up with your free hand to give one of his nipples a rough pinch and twist. Its all Alec needs to finish, his hips jolting almost painfully into your hand as his essence spills across the sheets in thick white stripes, painting your black sheets in a different shade.
You barely are able to withdraw from his back before Alec is asleep, the exhaustion of the multiple days of nonstop work and the euphoria of his orgasm knocking him out cold. With a soft chuckle, you kiss his temple and start cleaning up, moving him around to change him out of his underwear into a new pair, and getting new sheets on the bed. As you cuddle against his back again, this time under the sheets, you smile softly to yourself as you kiss the back of his neck. “I love you so much, my sweet boy” you whisper before shutting your eyes, burying your face into his hair, and inhaling his scent, letting the familiar scent carry you off into the land of sleep.
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tallertysupremacy · 1 month
I love everything about this interaction (Alec literally flirted with Raphael and I will never get over it akrjsbwkdj) but the absolute best part it how long it took for the joke to come full circle😂
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First pic from Ghost of the Shadow Market, 2019
Second is The Bane Chronicles, 2014
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soulofapatrick · 3 months
Safe in your Arms - Alec Lightwood x female reader 
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Summary: You can’t sleep so you slip into bed with Alec
Words: 1.7K 
Warnings: none really 
Notes: This is written from female pov (my pov) however can be read as gender neutral so will put this story in both male and female reader 
The darkness presses in around me, suffocating and heavy. Another sleepless night grips me tightly, refusing to release its hold. With a sigh, I rise from the bed, the covers slipping off my like unwanted shackles. 
Padding down the familiar corridors of the Institute, my footsteps echo softly against the stone floors. The hushed whispers of the night greet me, a comforting presence in the solitude. Each door I pass I hesitate, unsure who I’m looking for comfort in. 
I barely pause outside Clary’s room as we’ve never seen eye to eye so I continue on, finding myself outside Izzy’s door. The familiar, faint scent of jasmine wafting though the air. She's always been a source of strength and support, but tonight, the idea of seeking refuge in her embrace feels somehow... wrong, too intimate. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something holds me back, a silent voice urging me to continue my search elsewhere.
Jace’s door looms ahead, a silent invitation beckoning me to seek shelter within his presence. For a moment, I hesitate, my hand hovering over the door handle as memories of shared laughter and whispered secrets flood my mind. But then, with a heavy sigh, I pull away, the weight of unspoken truths pressing down upon me like a leaden cloak.
My fingers ghost over Simon's door, the thought of seeking solace in his company tempting yet ultimately unfulfilling. We may share a bond forged in battle, but there's a divide between us that I can't seem to breach. With a sigh, I move on, the ache of loneliness gnawing at my heart with each passing moment.
And then, finally, I find myself standing outside Alec’s room, the door a silent barrier between me and the solace I seek. With a hesitant hand, I push the door open, the soft creak of hinges breaking the silence like a whisper in the night. 
Inside, the room is bathed in a gentle glow, the moonlight filtering through the curtains casting shadows across the floor. Alec lies asleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. For a moment, I simply stand there, drinking in the sight of him. Gone is the usual tension that seems to etch lines into his features during the waking hours. Instead, his face is softened by slumber, his expression serene and unguarded. The furrow of his brow, which often accompanies his deep concentration or stern demeanour, is smoothed away, replaced by an air of tranquility.
A small smile graces his lips, a sight so rare it’s almost surreal. It’s a stark contrast to the usual scowl that seems to be his default expression during the day. In this moment of vulnerability, his true essence shines through, a gentle warmth that draws me in like a moth to a flame. 
I find myself captivated by the peacefulness that radiates from him, the subtle rise and fall of his chest a soothing rhythm that lulls me into a sense of calm. It's as if all the worries and burdens of the world have been momentarily lifted from his shoulders, leaving behind only the purest essence of who he is.
In this moment, Alec is not the fierce warrior or the stoic leader. He is simply Alec, vulnerable and human, a reminder that even the strongest among us need rest and respite from the battles we face.
And as I gaze upon him, a small smile tugs at the corners of my own lips, mirroring the one that graces his face. I hesitate for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest, before I gently lift the duvet and slide into the bed beside Alec. The rustling of the sheets stir him from his slumber, his eyelids fluttering open blearily as he tries to make sense of the intrusion. 
“Wha—?" His voice is thick with sleep, the words trailing off into a soft murmur as he blinks owlishly at me. Confusion dances in the depths of his eyes, but there's also a hint of warmth, a flicker of recognition that warms my soul.
“What are you doing Birdie?" he mumbles, his words barely audible in the stillness of the room., the nickname he’s given me sending a shiver down my spine. Despite the grogginess that clouds his mind, there's a note of curiosity in his voice, a silent question hanging in the air between us. 
"I couldn't sleep," I confess quietly, my voice barely more than a whisper. "And... I needed to be near you.”
Alec’s expression softens at my words, a silent understanding passing between us. Without a word, he shifts around in the bed, making room for me to settle beside him. The duvet envelops us both in its warmth as we find our positions, his body fitting against mine like two puzzle pieces finally coming together. 
We settle into our newfound arrangement, a sense of peace washes over me, a warmth that seeps into my bones and drives away the chill of the night. In Alec's arms, I find sanctuary from the storms that rage within me, a refuge from the chaos of the world outside. And as sleep begins to claim me once more, I find solace in the knowledge that, for tonight at least, I am not alone. 
As the first rays of dawn  filter through the curtains, I gradually awaken from the depths of sleep, the heaviness of slumber clinging to my limbs like a comforting embrace. The warmth of Alec's presence envelops me, his arm draped protectively over my waist, anchoring me to the present moment.
I can feel the weight of his body pressed against mine, a comforting solidity that grounds me in reality. His unruly black hair tickles my cheek, a stark contrast to the softness of his lips pressed against my shoulder where my shirt has slipped slightly.
Alec emits a soft snuffle in his sleep as I gently begin to scratch his scalp, the motion soothing both him and me. His breath is warm against my skin, a gentle rhythm that lulls me back into a state of tranquility. 
He shuffles around as he begins to slowly slip from sleep, his brilliant blue eyes fluttering open, revealing a sleep-ridden expression that tugs at my heartstrings. There’s a softness in his gaze, a vulnerability that I've rarely seen in him before. And as his eyes meet mine, a flicker of recognition dances in their depths, as if he's just now realizing that I'm here, lying beside him. 
For a moment, we simply stare at each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between us. And then, slowly but surely, a small smile tugs at the corners of Alec's lips, a gesture so tender and genuine that it sends my heart soaring. 
Alec brushes the hair out of my face, his touch gentle, his fingers singing against my skin as if committing the moment to memory. I can feel the intensity of his gaze as he studies my face, his eyes searching for something, perhaps an answer to the question that lingers between us. 
And then, without warning, he moves forward, his face hovering just inches from mine. My breath catches in my throat as anticipation coils within me, every nerve in my body on edge with anticipation. 
And then, finally, his lips crash against mine in a kiss that sends shockwaves coursing through my veins. It’s everything I've ever imagined and more, his lips soft and plump against mine, fitting together with a perfect symmetry that feels like coming home. He rolls us from our sides so he’s leaving over me, his weight above me feeling right, perfect almost, as if we were always meant to be in this position. 
His kisses are a revelation, each one tasting of warmth and longing, a tantalising blend of sweetness and desire that leaves me breathless. I can feel the heat of his body pressing against mine, his warmth seeping into my skin and sending shivers racing down my spine. 
With every touch, every caress, I lose myself in the sensation of him, the feel of his lips against mine, the brush of his fingers against my skin. He smells of sandalwood and strawberries, a heady combination that fills my senses and leaves me intoxicated with desire. 
In this moment, with Alec pressed against me, every nerve in my body tingles with anticipation. It's as if the world around us fades away, leaving only the two of us in our own little universe, bound together by the intensity of our connection.
But, just as our passion threatens to consume us, a quiet knock at the bedroom door shatters the fragile bubble we've created. Alec lets out a quiet groan, his head falling to my shoulder in frustration before he clears his throat and calls out, "One second!” 
As he climbs out of the bed to open the door slightly, I sit up, the sheets rustling around me, betraying the fact that Alec's not alone. My heart races with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, unsure of what awaits us on the other side of that door. 
And then, as Alec peers out into the hallway, his expression unreadable, I catch a glimpse of blond meaning it’s Jace standing in the corridor, his presence casting a shadow over our moment of intimacy. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realise that our time alone together may be coming to an abrupt end.
Alec hisses something to Jace before closing the door and turning back to me, his eyes raking up my body, blue eyes darkening before he’s shaking his head and asking, “Breakfast?” 
“Clothes then breakfast?”
“You can wear some of mine, then breakfast.” 
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The Shadowhunters Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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margareturtle · 29 days
Rip Livia Blackthorn and Max Lightwood
The TWP gang would’ve been just too powerful with y’all as a part of it 💔😔
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malecarchive · 2 months
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kasirose · 1 year
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What would happen if Book Magnus met Show Magnus 👀
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lislgtwd · 5 months
just to understand: am i the only person on earth who would love for the scene (which was fairly deleted) of jace kissing alec to prove that he was never in love with him to be in the final version of cog??
imagine jace brooding over the disappointment of being rejected by his parabatai for the rest of his life and tell me if that wouldn't be hilarious
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ghoulie-67-baby · 4 months
Partners in crime - Shadowhunters.
Summary: You’re Magnus Bane’s best friend and fellow warlock, when Shadowhunters ask for help you take the job together.
Warning: Mentions of nightmares, skimpy pyjamas (idk what you’d call them tbh), playful teasing between friends, fluff.
Pairing: Magnus bane x Warlock!reader (Platonic).
Word count: 1,336.
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The sun scorched across my face through a gap in the curtains. I dramatically huffed as I glared at the curtains in disdain, knowing I wouldn't fall asleep again. I stretched with an obnoxiously loud yawn, humming contently as my bones popped in a chorus.
Discomfort quickly set in from the glaring light and I raked my fingers through my hair before swinging my legs from the bed and trudging towards the door. My dreams had kept me up a good portion of the night and in the end, I crawled into bed with Magnus which kept them at bay.
"Mags?" I called through the quiet loft, "Mags, why do you never close the curtains properly?" I searched the loft half asleep for my flatmate only to come up empty. I straightened out my shorts as I wandered to the kitchen, letting the growl of my stomach lead me.
My pyjama vest rose up my stomach as I reached to grab a bowl and I shivered at the cold air of my exposed midriff.
Shuffling towards the living room, I failed to notice the gathering of people until the sound of someone clearing their throat caught my attention. I nodded hello to the group sleepily, gathering my thoughts as I ate my breakfast. I snapped out of my sleepy state as Magnus appeared in front of me protectively.
"Good morning, my dearest, I'll make sure to close them properly from now on shall I?" The question was rhetorical but I nodded anyway, placing my now empty bowl on the table. "Now, as much as I love seeing you half-dressed," Magnus teased with a playful wink. "I'm not sure how much longer Simon can watch without holding his drool back so how about we cover you up." I sighed but let his magic swirl around me, a beautiful, feathered robe appearing around my body.
The fabric brushed the ground as I stepped forward and planted myself into Magnus' chest in a tight hug. He reciprocated, both lost in the cuddle and temporarily forgetting about the group awkwardly standing behind him. Unfamiliar people weren't going to stop me from having my morning cuddle, they could wait.
"Thank you, my love," I whispered, pressing a small kiss to his cheek before peering up at him quizzically. "so, who do we have today?"
"Shadowhunters and Vampires," I moved to stand beside him, smiling at the small sea of faces, some of which smiled back whilst others remained blank. A huge smile overtook me and my eyes softened as my es met Rachael's gaze. I knew he had turned away when I appeared in my pyjamas, he always felt awkward and refused to see me in a vulnerable state, saying it wasn't proper. I understood considering Magnus and I had practically raised him since vampirism. Though he hated to admit it, he was my boy but he had a reputation to hold up and such so I let him seem hardened and cold, sometimes.
"Hello my lovely boy," I held his face in my hand gently, looking at his handsome face before putting my arms around him. He kissed my cheek and hugged me back before clearing his throat, letting me step back towards Magnus. I sniggered as he glared at the group of shocked Shadowhunters, daring them to say something. "Play nice Rafe."
"This is Y/N, best friend for all intents and purposes, partner in crime and partnering warlock." I grinned, bowing playfully at the group who stared at me strangely.
"Y/N, these are the Shadowhunters of the New York Institute. This is Alexander," I noticed the twinkle in his eye at that name. "Jace, Clarissa and Isabelle. The new vampire is Simon, he's with Raphael." He gestured to each respectively and I looked over each of them.
"Nice to meet you all. What can we do for you then?" I let my eyes stay on Alexander a little longer than the others, taking in his tall muscular stature and handsome face.
"So, are you two, like, a thing or?" He trailed off and I raised an eyebrow, looking up at Mags and our grins matched.
"No," I chuckled, shaking my head, "We've been best friends and partners for a few centuries. Most people do assume that though." A gentle hand squeezed my hip and I leant into it softly.
"You seem close enough, you're kind of handsie too," I raised a curious eyebrow at the young vampire, enjoying his curiosity though going off the look on Raphael's face he didn't.
"We've lived together for a long time, and known each other even longer. We come as a pair, can't have one without the other but that doesn't have to mean we're together in that way." I grinned at him, my magic swirling through my fingers languidly. "Curiosity is a fine thing Simon but you should be careful who you're curious about, might just bite you in the ass." I chided him softly, using a small spell to deliver a small biting sensation on his butt. He yelped and jumped, laughing nervously, but grinning widely all the same. I liked him, he seemed sweet.
"And you wonder why Raphael doesn't play nice," Magnus tutted, an amused twinkle in his eye. I hummed before turning back to the matter at hand.
"Now, I've heard you're causing quite the stir in the Shadow world Clary Fray, what is Magnus getting us into now?"
"I need help getting my Mom back, Valentine has taken her," A shiver ran down my spine at that name but I motioned for her to continue. "I don't know where he's taken her but I could do with all the help I can get and I've been told you guys are the best warlocks to ask." I thought about it seriously, biting my lip as I did. "I don't want to cause any trouble but Magnus knows about some of my past memories, ones he blocked that could help me find her." I walked towards her, cupping her face in my hands, hushing her gently. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and let my thumb wipe away one of her tears with a gentle smile.
"Sweet girl, we'll help however we can as long as it's not a threat to the Downworld." She nodded gratefully, mouthing her thanks as her chest shuddered with a heavy breath. "I can't promise we can remove them but we can damn well try."
"Mama, it's not that simple." Raphael interrupted, looking furious. "We shouldn't get involved in shadowhunter business. They cause nothing but trouble for us." He spoke through gritted teeth, a hard glare fixed on Jace who leered back at him. These two obviously didn't get along.
"Rafe, sweetie, you can't justify not helping them because of that. That would make us just as bad as the Clave now wouldn't it?" I crossed my arms, looking at him disapprovingly. We raised him better than this, his anger was just clouding his judgement. "If things get too much then we'll walk away won't we Mags?" I glanced towards my partner who agreed with me. "You know that's how we work, my darling, we don't bite off more than we can chew." I made sure to emphasise so the Shadowhunters knew where we stood, looking pointedly at Jace whose glare never faltered. Perhaps my comment about the Clave had touched a nerve.
"Well, if you come back tomorrow we can get started, we have stock to replenish and things to organise, I'm sure you understand." Magnus began to shoo them closer to the door, waving them goodbye as I hugged Raphael. He paid special attention to bidding Alexander goodbye and I couldn't help my smirk as I made him a drink. It was 5 o'clock somewhere in the world after all.
"I can't help but feel like the next few days are to be exhausting." I handed the glass to him and nodded solemnly. There was no doubt about that.
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shadowhunters-reprise · 11 months
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Raphael taking a liking towards you
(Raphael x fem!reader)
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layla-carstairs · 7 months
do you think Alec ever like reads reports on the yearly births and pretends he doesn't notice the weird (even for shadowhunters) number of children named Jonathan
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buffyspeak · 9 months
"it's only edom, you always come back" and magnus looking at him heartbroken bc he doesn't have the heart to say what they both know, which is that he won't this time
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kenkaneki224 · 9 months
Oh how i would love to see a Shadowhunters x Good Omens au/fanfiction 😩. But like imagine the gang from Shadowhunters visiting Aziraphale’s bookshop for advice of just visiting the bookshop and finding out that Aziraphale is an angel and Crowley is a demon and that theyre besties. Or like if Aziraphale and Crowley gound out about the shadowworld, how their minds would be like “wtf, theres a whole different universe thats been existing right under our noses??? 😳”.
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arosesstorm · 2 years
Hello!!! may I please request a alec lightwood x gn!reader where he gets jealous when someone is flirting with the reader and he gets possessive?? thank you for this! ♥️
-ahhh I hope you enjoy this, I think I kinda diverted a bit, but jealous Alec is priceless so hopefully I'll write something more angsty next time; thanks for the request it was fun to write <;3
Jealousy Contest - Alec Lightwood
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words count: a few
gender neutral reader! x Alec Lightwood
warning: jealous Alec
summary: as soon as Sebastian Verlac crossed the institute's doors Alec knew he brought nothing but trouble, but not for the reason everyone may be thinking...
English is not my first language loves, trying my best, enjoy :)
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As a good writer would write, it all started when a Ravener demon decided to take a walk around New York. 
It was a normal evening, like any other at the institute when the news came and the Lightwood-Harondale trio was sent to solve the problem; their usual partners, y/n and Clary, were busy running after a Shax demon (something y/n hated as much as doing laundry) two blocks too far away to be involved.
"I just don’t feel good about this" Alec mumbled, slowly making his way towards an ally, bow raised in front of him as his steps were careful. 
"We follow orders, Alec" Jace sighed "he’s right big bro and-" a sudden turn to the left "it’s not like y/n and Clary are not capable of defending themselves" Izzy finished.
"I still don’t believe it’s a good-", but he didn't get to finish; the loud cry of a man interrupting him mid sentence. 
The three immediately felt the sudden urge to run as Alec’s feet guided him: he turned around the corner, to the right, to the left, to the right again, and there he stood, the blood in his veins dry: y/n was on the ground, a cut as long as Jace’s blade on her left side, but it didn’t belong to a blade, its darkish spots of venom visible as the Ravener stood in front of her, ready to go for another hit.
Someone was with her and it was not Clary. 
The figure stood forward, a blade as shining as the moon was in his hand as he cut the demon’s feet. 
The beast crying in agony as it fell forward, knocking the stranger to the ground. 
"Alright, now I am angry" he heard y/n mutter as their will helped them on their feet again, a tight hand pressed on their side, they were trying to show as little pain as possible. 
It took a second, he didn’t have the time to process, as he saw them took a couple of daggers from behind their back, their hands holding the weapons tightly as they threw themselves at the beast. 
As soon as the daggers sinked into the demon’s stomach, Alec’s harrow hit the creature in its head, its body falling still on the ground as he saw them turn towards him. 
The daggers falling to the ground as he heard them chuckle: "I can’t keep doing your work Lightwood" and he watched, horrified, their body falling to the ground, eyes shocked as they landed in the arms of the stranger. 
What Alec found out later was that the stranger in question, was a shadow hunter, worse, he was a man: Sebastian Verlac was his name and he was far from being discrete.
It was obvious the guy had a crush on y/n, he saw it from the way his eyes followed their figure every time they left a room, or how he would make sure to have breakfast at their table every morning, a stupid grin on his face when they laughed. 
It started to be very ridiculous and Alec himself for some strange reason was starting to get sick of it. 
When he entered the training room that afternoon, he felt himself roll his eyes. 
Y/n and Sebastian were training in a way it looked more like flirting. 
He touched them in ticklish spots, his words a continuous tease, his eyes a staring mess. 
Alec coughed, hard, which got their attention, eyes shooting his way. 
Sebastian was quick to react, his eyes kindly drifting back to y/n, "guess I’ll go, I’ve won enough for today", y/n’s quick remark "ah! You wish"as the blond made his way towards the door Alec felt the sudden urge to punch him. 
"I want a rematch then" Sebastian said, smiling, before disappearing into the institute’s many corridors. 
Y/n’s eyes were back on Alec as he came forward, "you look pissed" they stated as he took two training sticks from the weapon’s section. 
"How about we train?" He asked, his eyes sharp as he threw one in y/n’s direction. 
"Alright serious boy" they snorted grabbing the stick, legs in position. 
He was the first to come forward, his legs strong as he aimed for y/n’s stomach but they were quick to stop him halfway. 
Alec seemed determined as he came forward again, a shot for their shoulder, they dodged, a aim for their leg, they stopped him again as y/n pushed the stick back to Alec’s face. 
"More than pissed I guess", Alec chuckled darkly as he turned into position "this is called training" he spat, his gray shirt sticky on his torso. 
Y/n felt like giggling "what is going on with you?", "how about a hand to hand?" Alec replied, kicking the stick aside as you followed his moves, not failing to see his hands were trembling. 
"Something was in your latte this morning" y/n teased as Alec pushed himself forward, a hand flying in the air as they dodged his punch "actually, I go for black coffee" his body as stiff as a log. 
He tried to take y/n down again, legs following his moves swiftly, this time he got a open shot as he grabbed them by the shoulder, his arms wrapping around their throat as he held tight behind their back. 
"This is called winning" he slowly loosed the grip, as y/n’s eyes lightened with amusement "so you’re jealous". 
"What?" He asked, coming to the front again, his eyes everywhere but on them, "you really are jealous" y/n couldn’t help but laugh as the man was clearly uncomfortable. 
"As future head of the institute, it is my duty to show you how to properly train" Alec was quick to react, his eyes finally meeting y/n’s as they softly smiled. 
"Sure, future head of the institute, this is clearly what this is all about". 
"It is."
Y/n sighed: "How about a rematch?" They asked. 
"Can’t, gotta go" Alec replied quickly, his legs taking him as far away from y/n as possible. 
"Don’t go make a scene to Sebastian too!" Y/n laughed as Alec cursed under his breath, hurting to disappear, maybe, if he left quick enough, it would have been as if nothing happened. 
Y/n felt themselves softly smiling: "Head of the institute? More like lover boy".
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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lurafita · 7 months
The Humphrey Bogart curse
Alec gets hit by a curse that makes him narrate his every thought and action like in those old black and white detective movies.
Magnus, entering the institute where the group is waiting for him: "Alright, you all look well enough. So what's the big emergency?"
Alec: "He breezed into the institute like the true force of nature he was. Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn, possibly the most powerful warlock alive, and the man I loved more than anything. He was as magnificent as ever, and even though it was a most inapproriate time, I couldn’t help but remember the night before, in our bed, when his glorious legs were wrapped tightly around my waist and I-"
Jace: "I'm begging you not to finish that sentence. Please. I already got the endorphins from your side last night through the bond, I don’t need the imagery as well."
Magnus: "Ah, the Humphrey Bogart curse. Been a while since I have last seen it in use. Don’t worry, everyone. I should be able to mix up the cure easily."
Alec: "Magnus was so smart. And pretty. And wonderful. I wanted to kiss him right where he stood. More than that, I wanted to-"
Jace: "Alec, by the Angel, please stop talking!"
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
The last straw
Character: Alec Lightwood x male reader
Universe: Shadowhunters
Warnings: None
„Can you two shut the fuck up, for once?“, your loud voice called out to the two people making everyone's life a living hell.
Jayce and Clary looked at you shocked. Until now, you never opened your mouth in destaining. Just running with the flow, except with Alec. You found amusement to stress him out. But this was going too far even for you.
You had heard from your family back home, that Alec is short to lose his position in the Institute, because of unauthorized missions. Since Clary came, everything had changed. Jayce and Alec’s relationship fell apart and you could not hear her voice anymore.
„Clary is a narcissistic little girl, who does not understand the world in the slightest. Even if her mother can be saved, the price is too great and her mother is not worth enough to lose everything.“ But your pleas as always fell on deaf ears. Jayce whined like the little bitch he is, which only let your eyes roll back into your head. „Would you be okay with Alex losing the Institute Jayce? To save a woman who betrayed her entire kind? A woman who stole from the angels?“
Before you even asked these questions, you knew the answers he would give or more likely Clary would give.
Just as he opened his mouth, Clary was already talking shit about her being new to this part of her, and she just wants her mother back. Just her manipulative self, to make everyone bend to her will.
„You disgust me, Clary. Nobody likes you. Everything done for you, was only because Jayce asked us to. We would've never done anything like this for a girl we just met. So get back down from your high horse and either go with our rules or fuck off. Because if Alec loses his position, I will make sure you will never find a friendly smile under any of us!“
As your threat was delivered you slammed your hands on the table your friend group was standing in front of, walking away in a rage.
All four of them watched you stomping off, completely stunned at your aggression and especially wanting the best for Alec. It took all of them especially Alec a moment to comprehend everything. „I think you should go after him, big bro,“ Isabelle told her brother, with an obvious wink. He did not understand this light gesture but still did what his sister told him to do. He was in no shape to decide for himself.
It wasn’t hard to find you. A long array of beaten-up men walked out of the training room. Alec had a perfect view of you, as you trashed the next one challenging you. Nothing you did could calm down the storm brewing up in you.
Just as you were about to give the finishing blow to your next victim, another stick stopped yours. Furious eyes looked in the calm collected one of your Instituts leader. Alec stood strong and proud in front of you. Eyebrows cocked up in a challenging way.
Not a single second was wasted by you, as you began to slam your stick onto his. Sweat drops flew around as you fought with everything you had. Alec who never was a master of close combat had massive complications to fight you or stand against you in any way. 
„Are you going to tell me, what was this all about at the table? You taking my side? To be honest that one came as a surprise.“ Even though you were sure, that he did not mean it that way, he looked and sounded smug as nothing in his life before.
It took you over the edge, getting even more aggressive with Alec, till the point, where he was on the ground, with the end of your stick at his throat. „Don’t think too much about it Alec or you might hurt your little pretty head.“
Not knowing what came over him, after hearing you telling him something like this, he slammed his feet, against your legs, for you to fall over. Just a moment after you had won the match, you lay on the floor, with Alec between your legs, his arms beside your head. „Seems as if I have one, what do I get?“
It was the closest you ever were to Alec, his lips so close to yours. Full, mesmerizing a sin you could not let go of. Before his smile could falter, his light laughter stop echoing through the wide hall, you grabbed his neck kissing him, as you wanted for years. He tasted like cherries and mint.
For a moment there was a hesitation on his side, but it quickly subsided, as his hands began to run down your torso. But the moment could not hold on forever. But you had to separate. Sadly breathing was still a thing.
„That was…“
„Sorry, this should’ve never happened, I know you are in love with Jayce and-“
You tried to get away from him, but Alec had you prisoned in his presence. „In love with Jayce? Did you talk to Isabella too much?“, he laughed out almost maniacally. „Yeah she has some fantasy, I had a crush on him for a while, back when we became parabatai. But since then I moved on to an even prettier face.“ His hand slowly cupped your right cheek.
„Why didn’t you tell me?“, you asked him out of breath and confused.
„I thought you hated me, always playing pranks, making me go insane.“
Now it was on you to chuckle, „I did this only to get to you, I never wanted anything more than be close to you and these pranks always brought you to me,“ you confessed to him sincerely.
„By the angels, you are cute.“ Another kiss followed the long one you had before. This time full of affection. „Thus this means you stop with the pranks?“
„Maybe don’t go ever again in your room?“, he suggested cheekily to the guy above him. But Alec just laughed. He had known before he asked that it wouldn’t stop. But now it did not matter anymore. From now on it would be an excuse to be with you, without anyone knowing. He did not want anyone else to see his more loving side. You knew this and had silently agreed to never tell a soul.
As you both stood up, brushing go the none existent dirt on your sweat-drenched clothes, you together used the back passage you find a room to talk or do better things with your mouths, who knows?
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malecarchive · 3 months
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