#shalnark imagine
justyanderes · 2 years
hii !! congrats on the new blog ! so..seeing as you write yandere hxh (which we always love to see more of!!), could i request some yan!hcs of shalnark and phinks when their darling confronts them about their creepy behaviour? tysm in advance and im looking forward to seeing where this blog goes !
TY! :3 II hope you like these!!
tw: phinks mentions trafficking kidnapping and other unpleasant scenarios)
*Just like with most things, confronting your boyfriend over the phone was easier. Mainly you decided to do it this way to not see his reaction to your words. 
*"-The point is I thought you only had the two near doors set up, Shal". 
You also didn't want to explain that you have been warned of his behavior for months and didn't consider it more than gossip. Not until you found a camera hidden within your apartment. 
*The camera you had found wasn't anywhere in your bedroom or bathroom but it still deeply unsettled you. Especially considering the fact that was where you spent the majority of your time when he wasn't home. You u doubt you can relax there knowing what you do now 
*"I think you're overreacting". 
Even when you are so sure he is berating you, his cheerful voice is consistent never raising or lowering from shame or anger
*You wish desperately that it would. Just to remind you that he is capable of understanding some human emotion. 
"So you don't consider what you did as a creepy invasion of my privacy?". 
For a moment it's silent, you hope he's taking a moment to consider your words but unfortunately that's not the case.
*"If we had a break in they would likely enter from that window". He explains slowly with extra emphasis on each word
"I never had any ill intention since I only did that to protect you. When I get home you'll have to make it up to me. For calling me a creep".
*It should be normal for any boyfriend to come quickly after receiving such a call from you-
*You had gone off the road, thankfully managing not to hit anything. A car you hadn't seen coming turned out of nowhere and suddenly you found out that the brakes to your car were not working. 
*Needless to say you were a bit shaken up after the whole ordeal. 
The other driver left quickly after not bothering to check on you. once you were sure you were ok you called your boyfriend phinks- who said he would be there as soon as he could to pick you up. 
*Your house was forty minutes away- so you didn't expect him to arrive so quickly. You called him about five minutes after you crashed- And phinks ended up appearing a mere 10 minutes later, nearly giving you a heart attack when he opens your door and hurriedly checks you over for any possible injury 
*By this point you should have gotten used to this behavior. It still unsettled you. Most boyfriends weren't protective like Phinks, who took the matter of your safety to the absolute extreme. 
*You never were worried about kidnappers, mafia men or murderers and the like until you met him. Before you thought there was very little value anyone could find in you. Phinks would argue otherwise with the fact, whenever he tried to warn you of the topic of danger around every corner . "I think they'd try and take your eyes last once they were done with everything else". His explanation of what that exactly meant haunted you for quite a bit.
*He had been trying to protect you, and likely he had good intentions but still… with such warnings it made you a bit fearful and codependent and at this point you were tired of this whole situation
"I am grateful you came so quickly but it's not necessary…"
For you to keep me watching and waiting for something to happen to me… it's infantilizing and creepy is what you want to say. 
*"Are you sure you didn't hit your head?". Phinks asked, likely too concerned to think of what you were going to say. He doesn't take his eyes off the road. 
*There's no point in voicing your concerns any further, your courage all but dead so you keep quiet. You wish the rest of the car ride would remain silent, just so you could be left with your thoughts of what you could do next….
*Unfortunately silence wasn't something you often shared with Phinks.
*"I hate to say it babe, but I told ya your car was a piece of shit- But don't worry I'll get you a new one like i've been wanting to". 
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Shalnark’s Younger Sibling
Shalnark X Sibling Reader
Summary: Chrollo needs some information on a new target and Shalnark knows that his sibling can get a hold of it.
Warning: Eludes to an attraction to Chrollo
Previous (Phinks)
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📱 You were never outwardly a criminal of any kind but if your brother asked something of you then you would give it to him.
📱 Shalnark often came to you when they got a last-minute job, you were good with computers, most of the troupe thought that Shalnark was good with computers but you were better.
📱 The Troupe had all met you at some point or another, you were even offered a spot in the group but you turned it down for the simple fact that you liked your anonymity.
📱 Shalnark would call you when he could but it was rare that you would see each other face to face which meant that when you did see each other it was worth celebrating.
Your room was dark, the only light was coming from the multiple computer screens that you had set up, Shalnark could see that you hadn’t really left the room in a couple of days, Chrollo was close behind him as they entered the apartment “what do you want Shal?” You asked as you turned your chair so that you were looking at him, you saw his hand moving and you narrowed your eyes. “Don’t you dare!” 
“I can’t see anything.” He complained.
“Well, that’s your fault for coming in here.” You argued.
“You won’t come out!” He reminded you as he flipped the light on and you hissed like a frightened cat as you covered your eyes. You blinked a few times before letting your eyes adjust.
“What do you want?” You asked.
“We need your help.” Chrollo’s soft voice interrupted the argument that was sure to break out following your question.
“How can I help?” You asked, your tone changing when you addressed the leader, he smiled as he walked over and pulled a picture out of his pocket.
“We need to find this girl.” He explained and you as you looked at the picture.
“I know this girl… Why do I know this girl?” You asked yourself as you put down the picture and opened the file you had prepared for people that you thought interesting or dangerous and scrolled through names until you stopped on one “Neon Nostrade.” 
“You know her?” Shalnark asked.
“Only by talk.” You answered, “she’s a flesh collector, you hear her name in the wrong places sometimes, you know when she looking for a piece for her collection, but I’m assuming that you aren’t looking for her because of that.” 
“She has an ability that I want,” Chrollo answered.
“So you’ll need time with her.” You mumbled as you tapped a couple of things and smiled. “She going to the auction, of course, you know if you cause enough ruckus in the city her father is going to try and keep her from going anywhere, she’s known for being quite the brat.” 
“That helps us how?” Shalnark asked.
“Well the moment that she’s told no, she’ll do something stupid, something that involves losing all her bodyguards and giving you the chance to get close to her, you just need to cause a disruption big enough to upset a mafia boss.”
“Do you know where she’ll be staying?” 
“That’ll be easy enough to find out but it’ll still take some time so I’ll text the info the Shal when I have it.” 
“Thank you.” Chrollo smiled as he turned and left the room, Shalnark made a kissy face at you only leaving when you threw the closest thing to you which happened to be a spare keyboard that you had just changed over.
Later that evening, your house became the most crowded place that ever existed as the Troupe piled in “what the hell is going on?” You asked as you looked at Shalnark.
“Your place was closer than the hideout so we’re going to stay here until it dies down a little bit.” He answered and you raised both your eyebrows 
“Oh really?” You asked. “You all better be out by morning.” 
“Your only saying that because the boss isn’t here,” Shalnark muttered, no one saw you grab it but before they knew it there was a knife flying at his head, Maki caught it with her nen stitches.
“Make sure you are out by the morning or I’ll cut all the legs off the spider!” You yelled as you went back upstairs.
“We’re already dead!” Shalnark yelled.
“There’s leftovers in the fridge stop bothering me kids!” You called back.
“I’m older than you, we all are!” He called after you but the only answer he got was the sound of your door closing.
Next (Uvogin)
Request Here
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bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Imagine being the sweetheart of the Phantom Troupe. They all just ADORE you!!
You were recruited by Chrollo to be a physician after he sees you caring for the meteor city kids out of the kindness of your heart.
Most of your earnings go towards housing and clothing meteor kids. When you’re not on a mission you’re rolling up your sleeves and doing the work to better the community. Chrollo LOVES that.
You have such a caring heart. Feitan is your target for affection 9/10 because he’s such a grumpy puss.
First time you pat his head the others think you’re gonna die 😭🙏 Phinks is literally like “and there goes another cute girl”
but no he just pushes your hand away and runs off!!
the look of shock on everyone’s faces 😭😭🙏
For the first few months Feitan is absolutely SPRINTING away when he sees you. Makes you a lil sad, so he gets scolded by shalnarks and Phinks a lot :(
One day Phinks sits next to him after a job, watching you doctor up Uvogin with your cute Sanrio themed bandaids.
“Why the hell do you keep running away from her, she’s the only person that has even tried being nice to you, outside of the troupe.”
Feitan starts to run again but Phinks stops him.
“That’s problem. Too nice. Don’t understand.”
Feitan can be seen staring at you from behind corners and in shadows, and more often than not if you’re on a mission he’s close behind.
“Feitan, you don’t have to hide, come here so I can fix you up.”
He just stares at you from the doorway, suspicious but also hesitant, not because he’s scared of you but because… he hurt his chest and he KNOWS how your nen works.
Eventually he decides to enter, sitting in front of you as you check him over. Once you’ve assessed him, you pull up his shirt.
“Okay, this is gonna need a level two. Close your eyes if you need to!”
You lean forward and place a kiss on the gash, and it immediately starts to heal. You pull away and for the first time you’re able to really see his face, and he is BLUSHING!!
When he noticed you saw he is fucking GONE!!
Shalnark is your most frequent patient, always having injuries in… suspicious places. One day he walks in with a pretty bad cut on his lips.
“(Name)~ I need a kiss~”
You roll your eyes and place a finger to his lips, the cut slowly mending itself. “You’ll have to try harder than that, sweetheart. But…”
You place the finger that touched his lips on yours. “Good try.”
He swoons!!!
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sweetmiri · 1 month
warnings: no warnings; just (ooc) feitan being cute!!
Don’t hesitate to follow me on my new blog @sweetmiri-thoughts for more!
. navi || masterlist
a/n: this is my first time writing smth in years and the first time posting something so you’ve been warned lmao
soft!feitan grumbling when you jump into his arms when he comes home after a long day of troupe activities, though you could swear you saw a hint of a smile on his face for a second when you did so
soft!feitan coming into your room unannounced to drop all kinds of trinkets on your bed... huh that's the figurine i've been aching to buy...? i never told him i wanted that... "thank you fei-" aaand he left.
soft!feitan subconsciously looking for you when he doesn't know where you are
soft!feitan bringing you a homemade meal that doesn't taste very good but it's the thought that counts
soft!feitan holding your hand even though phinks and shalnark are snickering at him for it— though their laughter doesn't last long knowing feitan
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mayxo-hxh · 2 months
According to shalnark, manipulators are EXTREMELY VULNERABLE without their preferred weapon of choice, as they cannot use their nen abilities at all without it. As I quote, "Losing the preferred weapon is often FATAL"
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spiderlilydreams · 5 months
Meeting Some Phantom Troupe Men At a Party
(Part 1)
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Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, drugs, sexual themes but no full on smut, and suicide mention that goes along with one of the short fics
Feitan -
You go out onto the balcony of the large penthouse for some fresh air. Feitan has been out there the whole time by himself, just overlooking the city. You both can hear the faint music and the sounds of the city. It's dark, but you're both illuminated by neon lights from inside the party every so often. Feitan was messing around with his umbrella, just waiting for the night to be over. You walked to look over the balconies railing, but you looked a little too far off the edge. Feitan came closer to you, interested in what you might do. You both just stared at each other for a while, not really talking. Then you spoke up, trying to explain the reason why you were looking over the edge, and Feitan listened to you, interested a bit as you spoke. The rest of the night, you did most of the talking, and Feitan listened, not speaking once. Surprisingly, Feitan didn't leave or tell you to leave. He just quietly listened to you. It was just you and him, the cool breeze, bustling city, and lights around you both, sharing a moment with just the two of you. You both were thankful to be outside the party together.
Phinks -
Phinks was at the bar, sipping on some hard liquor, egging on arm wrestling, and fights going on around him. You were the bartender for the night, refilling his drink as he yelled at the guy's, the music loud and pounding. He stared at you a lot, and you stared back. Every once in a while, you served him free booze. He caught on and tried flirting with you, but you both could not hear each other. After a while of the frustration, you both met up in one of the random bedrooms, a steamy make-out session erupting. The room felt private, and cozy, dim modern lighting around you both, the faint sound of music in the background, penthouse window illuminating you both by the city lights dazzling outside. Phinks tasted of hard liquor and was a rough kisser, but somehow gentle and almost sweet in the session.
Hisoka -
Hisoka was the host of the party. He has a couple of penthouses he owns. You met him in a game of spin the bottle. He looked at you seductively as he went to spin the bottle for his turn. It landed on you. Hisoka initiated, standing up and walking towards you as you sat on the rug. He was smiling devilishly. He bent down, putting his finger under your chin and tilting your head upwards. The kiss was intense, and the other people playing the game didn't notice because they were drunk and high off their asses. You melted into the kiss, hungry tongues fighting for dominance. Hisoka picked you up and called you the "lucky princess~" of the night, carrying you into his master bedroom. After your intense time together, he drew a bath in his large jacuzzi, and you both shared a intimate moment washing each other, laughing, sipping on wine, candles lit, the crazy party just right outside the master bathroom. It was just you two in your own bubbly world. The rest of the night, if any drunk person accidently opened the door, Hisoka teased them by offering them to join the both of you.
Chrollo -
Chrollo was in the corner of the dancefloor, sipping expensive liquor, observing. He saw you dancing with your friends, rocking your hips seductively, not a care in the world. You did not notice him watching you. He gained more interest in your carefree, lighthearted seeming nature and approached you. You were a bit surprised, but then before you could say anything, he stole you away from your friends, dancing with you where your bodies were close to one another. You felt nervous but excited because he's so charming and mysterious. As you both danced a few more songs, the music shaking the dancefloor, blinding lights flashing erratically, he picked you up, wanting to give you a more intimate experience. Your friends giggled as they watched him pick you up and then carry you off like he was a prince. When you both arrived in what looked to be an office, Chrollo hoisted you up on the desk, kissing you passionately. Then, after kissing for a bit, he asked you about something he had been wanting to try. You eagerly agreed, and he lifted you up again, asking if you trust him. When you said you did, he pushed your back up against the large window of the office that elongated to the floor, still carrying you in his arms. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. The tall skyscraper had a beautiful view of the whole neon city behind you, the office lighting moody, as you kissed Chrollo passionately in his arms, holding onto him tightly as he did the same to you. It was just him and you against the world.
Illumi -
Illumi was observing the city from a large window in the main area of the penthouse. Lots of people were around him, but he zoned them out, just zoning in on the view. You stumbled over to him, a bit drunk and also crying, accidentally almost falling onto him. Illumi caught you almost robotically, shocked by the situation. You hugged his arm, sobbing over something in your life, and Illumi just pet you like you were a strange creature. After a while of crying onto Illumi's arm, you sat next to him, apologizing and thanking him. You both picked up conversation, which consisted mostly of you just venting about your life and Illumi listening. You drank more alcohol much to Illumi's dismay, but he secretly enjoyed the company and entertainment. After drinking far too much, you fell asleep on Illumi, a huge smile on your face. Illumi petted you as you slept like you were a cat, looking out at the bustling city through the window again, this time a faint smile tugging on his lips.
Uvo -
You attempted a drinking game with Uvo, you both yelling for more beer as you both chugged away. Uvo complimented you by yelling, "strong little lady!" He then punched you softly on your shoulder as you kept up pace with him. A crowd gathered, and you both enjoyed the attention. Uvo noticed that the crowd was beginning to seem to suffocate you, you getting lost in the sea of bodies. Uvo picked you up with one arm, putting you on his beefy shoulder, offering you another mug of beer. You smiled widely, thanking him profusely, as he smiled ear to ear. You could see over the crowd, having the time of your life as Uvo supported you perfectly on his body. Eventually, you could no longer handle the liquor, clinging onto Uvo as you tried to not hurl. Uvo patted your head, messing up your hair, saying, "I'm proud of you, little lady!" And then you passed out with a beaming smile.
Shalnark -
Shalnark and you were going against one another in Just Dance. Shalnark was surprisingly good. He looked goofy, shaking his hips. Even though he looked so goofy, he still was teasing you about if you could beat him, all cocky like. You gave him the middle finger, making him laugh. After you beat him the first round, you both made a bet that the winner gets to ask for one thing from the other. Shalnark got competitive with the high stake at hand, already knowing what he wanted to ask. He beat you best of three by going ham the last two rounds, you both sweating profusely. He then asked you for a kiss, blushing and awkwardly putting his hand behind his head. You teased him but still approached him for a kiss. You both kissed each other furiously. The game caused a lot of sexual tension between you both. You both didn't care as you brought it over to the couch, you straddling his lap in the firey kiss. Shalnark was blushing from head to toe, gripping onto your hips, moaning, and all. People stared at you both, but you both were lost in your own little world, competing for each other's tongues and moans.
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tazzertopia · 10 months
phantom troupe negative traits/habits hcs
*i’m aware that being thieves and murderers are already pretty negative traits but this is more related to their personality 😊😊😊
-unintentionally can sound super sarcastic and condescending
-like if he’s explaining something the cadence of his voice might sound like he’s mocking you, when in reality he just sounds like that
-if you’re in a pissy mood and he’ll ask what’s wrong it kinda sounds sarcastic ?????
-he’ll see you crying and be like:
“are you okay? what’s up?”
and you’ll kinda just be like 🤨🤨🤨 i’m literally crying ???????? what do you MEAN “what’s up?”
-he’ll apologise for sounding sarcastic but he was genuinely asking
-the troupe knows that’s just how he sounds but anyone who doesn’t know him that well just thinks he’s being a prick
-literally has zero social awareness
-considering he sees other people as toys, he doesn’t give a single fuck about randos in public
-he’s the type to have a loud conversation on speakerphone on a busy, crowded train filled to the brim with tired people who just got off their 9-5 and want to go home 💔
“hello? yeah, of course i can talk! so today i was-“
“…..anyways so-“
-is always confused as to why people are glaring at him but like i said, he really couldn’t give one
-he also probably sees someone who’s about to doze off or looks visibly irritated and will make it his mission to piss them off as much as possible and strike up a conversation with them
-extremely sore loser
-if you’re playing a game with him (like mario kart) and he’s about to lose, he will walk away right then and there and quit
-will claim the game is rigged and that’s why he was about to lose (if he wins, he will rub it in and tell you to just improve at the game)
-the troupe audibly groans whenever he asks to join in when they play video games
-one time he unplugged the tv when he lost a game against feitan and shalnark (if he doesn’t win, NOBODY gets to win)
-will claim the other person cheated if he loses
“…have you ever considered that maybe you just suck at the game?”
*throws remote at tv*
-just let him win if you want to have a easy breezy life
-absolutely zero volume control
-he’s loud in public, but he’s completely unaware how loud he’s being
-this also makes him the worst person to tell secrets to
everyone is staring. the man with the weird hairline you tried to whisper to uvo about is staring. you are extremely embarrassed. you want the ground to swallow you whole.
-to add insult to injury, he also points.
-because of this, it’s super easy to tell when he’s talking about you because he will yell AND point
-he doesn’t gaf who hears
-the most brutally honest person you’ll ever meet
-doesn’t sugarcoat anything
-it’s not like she wants to hurt your feelings, but she just doesn’t see the point in beating around the bush or lying
-if she thinks you look fat in something, she’ll tell you. if she thinks you don’t suit a certain colour, she’ll tell you. if she thinks your cooking tastes like actual dookie left out to cook in the desert sun, she will not hesitate to tell you.
-she also will not apologise if she hurts your feelings
-“why do i need to apologise for being honest?”
-she is winning the idgaf war 100%
-will probably forget what she said as well, which makes it worse
-rather than ask to borrow something of yours like a normal person, he will steal it and then proceed to gaslight you when you confront him about it
-makes sense for him due to his ‘thieves take what they want’ mentality
-will have you convinced that your memory is patchy
“feitan where the fuck are are my scissors?”
“beats me.”
“i know you took them.”
“did not.”
“they were on the counter like five minutes ago and you’re the only one in here”
“no they weren’t.”
-this will carry on until you admit you were wrong for accusing him, or you just drop it
-occasionally he will start drama with the other troupe members by stealing their shit (usually phinks) and making it seem like someone else did it
-quite possibly the most indecisive man you’ll ever meet
-you’d much rather prefer to get sentenced to eternal torture at guantanamo bay than have to ask nobunaga what restaurant he wants to go to later tonight
-“my mind will be made up by tonight, i swear!”
-it wasn’t.
-he’s one of those annoying indecisive people who will insist that you choose, but will get mad if you don’t choose the option he secretly sorta preferred
“i can’t decide between place a or b, you choose!”
“place b”
“really? place a looks much more classy”
-you’re convinced he’s only acting like this to piss you off, but he’s just like that
-in the end, you have to force him to flip a coin or else he wouldn’t get anywhere decision-wise
-she often gets lost in thought and zones out, which results in her unintentionally staring at people for a little too long
-because of her stern resting face (or rbf), it usually comes across as her glaring at you, which feels a lil uneasy, especially if you’re not close with her
-she will apologise profusely when she comes to, but before she does she will just be looking at you like
-as well as this, she will sometimes try and touch you to purposefully see your memories if she’s a bit suspicious of you for whatever reason
-if she thinks you’re lying about something for example, she will intrude your thoughts
-she’s not a particularly touchy-feely person so it’s quite amusing to see her try and touch you for seemingly no reason out of the blue
-a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do 🤷‍♀️
-despite being one of the more upfront and mature members of the troupe, she’s also the worst one for holding grudges
-like she will hold a grudge for literal ages
-there are many she’s had for so long that she can’t even remember why she was mad in the first place
-at this point it’s more about keeping a streak than actually being mad
-best case scenario is that she forgets about it altogether or else best believe she will NOT be forgiving you. ever.
-she’s still pissed at the old guy who stepped on her toes by accident two years ago. and the waiter who tripped and dropped the tray on her eight months ago. or the questionable comment hisoka made last week.
-talks about getting vengeance on those she holds grudges against but can’t even remember who they are or what they did
“i swear i will find them, wherever they are, so they will get what’s coming to them.”
“that’s nice and all, but WHO are they and what did they do?”
“….. it’ll come to me soon hold on..”
-feels incomplete without holding a grudge against someone
-his big ass does NOT look where he’s walking and will bump into anything and anyone
-don’t expect him to apologise tho
-“apologise? maybe you should watch where you’re going.”
-don’t even try to fight him on this
-doesn’t see it as his duty to move out the way, but the duty of those around him
-the absolute NERVE
-the only reason why no one confronts him about it is because he’s tall and big as hell
-don’t die for getting bumped into
-one thing about him is that when he’s mad, he’ll give people the SILENT treatment
-heavy on silent
-could go for centuries if he wanted to
-and trust he’s a pro at keeping it up
-he doesn’t gaf if you’re in danger, he’ll keep on giving you the cold shoulder
-he won’t stop because he feels bad, but because he just can’t be bothered to keep ignoring you
-he will randomly just start talking to you again one day and will act confused if you question why he’s taking to you again after so long
-he won’t apologise for it tho 💯
-his minuscule ass is always stepping on everyone’s trotters
-honestly sometimes he does it out of spite and will give look at you like 👁️ if you confront him
-there’s not much to say about him except he will sometimes accidentally sometimes not step on your feet
i fear i’m missing more members but irdgaf rn so enjoy !!!!! also these are fun to write to pls pls pls give me suggestions xoxoxo
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cheesecakethots · 27 days
that’s not fair, if i have to dress up, so does uvo. i want him to be a pretty princess too. do his makeup and shit.
i would say i want shalnark to dress up as well but i just know this mf act like he’s doing you huge favor by participating. make it a big deal so he can ask for something later. or he’d just pick two main characters from some hentai that he could not give less of a shit abt. all that matters is that they canonically fuck.
the Virgin Cuck Loser Uvogin who refuses to dress like a pretty princess VS the Alpha Female Shalnark who will dress both you and him up as magical girls
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skyyletai · 3 months
I don't want to offend anyone, but I'M SO TIRED THAT ALMOST EVERY ONESHOT ABOUT CHROLLO X READER TAKES PLACE IN A HOUSE OR HOTEL😭😭😭😭😭 SO, WHY NOT EATERS??? SUPERMARKETS???? CINEMAS??? FOREST, MARS, ANOTHER GALAXY??? I DON’T UNDERSTAND 😭😭😭 (no, I understand that because of Chrollo’s “profession” they always have to be on the run, but I’m tired of it 😖😣) it would be so cool to play out, for example, the fact that the reader ends up in hxh, the main plot doesn’t interfere, just works as a waitress and then BAM! SHE SEES SEVERAL TROUPE MEMBERS ENTERING THE CAFE.
just imagine what it would be like to be in such a situation. you are in a new world, which is not a fact that you are completely familiar with. you have nothing and no one, you are completely alone and vulnerable. But thank God, there were people who decided to help you with work and housing.
and here you are standing on the threshold of the kitchen, with a tray in your hands and hearing eerily familiar names.
you don't dare look. you don’t dare turn your head. you imagined meeting almost every character from this universe (everyone you remembered). each time you tried to follow the script you wrote in your mind. “don't show it. pretend you don't know them at all. pretend they don’t exist.”
but here you cannot ignore them. you can’t just leave here, this cafe is very small and you are the only waitress here, the only one who delivers orders, although what does it matter, you need to run away from here as far and as quickly as possible-
Uvo’s loud cry about “how this pop music here irritates him” brought you to your senses.
no. you can't run away. you can't show your fear. it can only make things worse.
with heavy, as “smooth” steps as possible, you approach the table.
there are three of them.
“come on Uvo, this song isn’t that bad,” Shalnark assured kindly.
“this is not a song, but complete rubbish,” Uvogin practically spat out.
the third guest just grinned.
you swallowed. with every step they repeated in their heads “just take the order, just take the order, just take the order.” hands tightly grip a notepad and gel pen. your fingers are cold and sticky, the sound of low heels echoes loudly in your head, your heart strives to burst with each new, as it seemed to you, loud beat. you were afraid they might hear it.
everything was mixed up in my head. it all seemed like some kind of surreal dream. like in the first 2 years when you woke up in this world. you are already opposite them.
“good afternoon, what-”
“miss, are you okay?” a quiet, worried voice, like a slap in the face, made you flinch.
"what?" you stammered frantically.
you just now realized that Uvogin and Shalnark are no longer talking. vice versa. they look at you quietly.
“you are crying.” replied Chrollo.
the script failed miserably.
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
I just read the Feitan and Illumi first kiss request and I love it!! Could you do the same one with Shalnark and Phinks please? 🙏🏻
Hi, thank you for the ask! I finally have some time to write, hopefully you enjoy this!
Shalnark, Phinks react to getting their first kiss
He's been planning to surprise you with a kiss since you two first started dating. He planned out almost every detail of it that honestly it's a bit freaky haha
But when you two decided to visit a vintage arcade to play some games, he didn't guess he would be surprised by you
He won a high score in a standard space-shooter game and immediately turned around to hug you and say that the two of you won, but when he turned around you just pecked him on the lips.
Shalnark just froze, he had this surprised look on this face (honestly it was adorable) and then immediately he laughs. "Ah, that was a nice surprise, I was gonna surprise you with a kiss but you beat me to it!"
Expect him to find a way to surprise you with a kiss in the near future. He'll sneak a kiss to you when you guys are done hanging out for the day. The last time he kissed you was when he was hanging out at the playground with Kortopi, then you didn't receive any calls from him. (manga readers iykyk)
He wasn't really sure how a "first kiss" would work mainly because he was so new to relationships. He had to ask for help from Chrollo, who (honestly) doesn't have much experience with a genuine relationship
You probably heard him practicing how he was going to ask you for a kiss in the bathroom when you two were hanging out at your place. You didn't say anything, but honestly it was super cute since he sounded so awkward haha
Phinks was ready to ask you when he was leaving for the night, but before he could ask you placed a light kiss on his lips. He, of course, was surprised and ended up just yelling "WHAT!" but it sounded so happy and surprised at the same time
He didn't have time to say anything about how he was practicing in front of the mirror he ended up just running away. You yelled after him to take care but he was too busy trying to hide his blushing face
Feitan ends up asking him what happened but Phinks doesn't answer. Everyone in the troupe notices the next day that Phinks has been in a particularly good mood, even humming to himself :/. He will be called a "girl who has a crush" by Shalnark ://
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justyanderes · 2 years
I'm only mildly aware of SCP lore but this idea was too good for me to not share ✨
virus!shalnark who originated from a dating website bot whose main purpose wasn't great to begin with. But at least before he was only interested in taking everything in his victims bank accounts.
Now his catfish scheme is a lot more sinister, all you really know is that with every phone call his victims become more dependent on their long distance boyfriend and pretty much go through hell to get the virus a human vessel.
Your tasked with bringing him back to the facility by any means. While you haven't succeeded in bringing him in yet, you haven't faced death yet. So while that's a victory in itself to you, the higher ups don't think so.
They think it's best if you begin place yourself in the victims situations to get closer to the virus. So with that you set up a fake dating profile, and wait for Shalnark to take the bait.
He preys on lonely people so you lay it on pretty thick with your status updates. Not once do you get any messages- but you do receive a call a few hours later.
He knows your full name, not just the one you used in your fake profile.
And if you want him to go anywhere with you he expects you be ready for the lovely date be has planned for you tonight
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igot-jams · 1 year
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bwabys-scenarios · 7 months
Shaved or not? HXH characters edition
A/N: I just had the most random need to write out what their pubic hair looks like… it kind of helps characterizing them for smut later on. I may do this with the ADULT jjk characters as well.
warning: talking about pubic hair, misogyny in Illumi’s and internalized misogyny in Kikyo’s, suggestive content
For his partner:
Kurapika isn’t too picky, and won’t care if you shave or not. He does have a preference for unshaven pussy though, he’s not sure why.
He keeps himself trimmed, but rarely shaves off all his pubic hair. It’s blonde, neat, and soft!
For his partner:
He’s very loud about his preference for unshaven pussy, but won’t complain either way. Once he’s between your legs it doesn’t make much of a difference.
For himself:
He tries to keep himself trimmed and neat, but alas he’s a bit wild down there. His hair is a bit wiry, but not unpleasant to the touch.
For his partner:
On one hand, he holds onto the stupid misogynistic thought that women should be hairless for their husbands, but on the other he really loves hairy pussy…… let’s just say he unlearns a lot of the things he’s been taught when he’s with you
For himself:
He shaves, waxes sometimes even. When you randomly catch him between shaving, his pubic hair is really soft!
For his partner:
Mmm… I think he has a preference for shaven pussy, but again I don’t see him as being particularly picky? If he’s feeling really needy he’ll shave your pussy for you. After all, it’s safer if he does it, he can see better and has much more precise hands!
For himself:
He shaves most of the time, but will go hairy if you ask. He likes to at least stay trimmed up and neat though!
For his partner:
He will grumble if you talk about shaving, so let’s just say he definitely has a preference for unshaven pussy.
For himself:
He naturally doesn’t have a lot of hair, so he doesn’t have much of a choice. If you ask him to shave the little hair he has he will, otherwise he doesn’t have to do much maintenance(lucky)
For his partner:
PICKY!! He likes it hairy and will whine and pout when you shave. He’s only okay with you trimming it, and likes when you trim it into a little landing strip or a heart(he thinks it’s cute)
For himself:
He has soft, pretty pubic hair. He’ll occasionally shave or trim it, but otherwise he lets it grow wild.
For his partner:
Unshaven. He needs hairy pussy, and loves shoving his nose into your pubic hair to inhale your natural scent.
For himself:
His pubic hair is wild and wiry. He doesn’t shave or trim, but will do some light maintenance if asked
For his partner:
He likes bald pussy, but will never state it. He’s just happy when he pulls your panties down and sees you’re freshly shaved for him :3
For himself:
He shaves, and maintains it pretty well. Probably subscribed to manscape 😭
For his partner:
No real preference, he’s desperate for pussy so he’ll dive in face first no matter what. He does get a little harder when you shaved recently tho!
For himself:
Before he met you he just let it grow wild, but now that you’re having sex he keeps it trimmed. His hair is decently soft, if a bit stringy
For her partner:
She likes it shaved, but with a landing strip or cute pattern. She likes to nuzzle her nose into the little bit of hair!
For herself:
She keeps that thang bald. It’s just easier!
For her partner:
She has a preference for hairy pussy… but she’s another one that won’t complain either way. She just loves being between your legs!
For herself:
She keeps herself trimmed, but she’s decently hairy, and yes it’s pink! Soft too, like twirl your finger in it soft
For her partner:
She has a very blatant preference for hairy pussy, and will tell you straight up that’s what she wants. If you want to shave, she won’t stop you though. Your comfort and happiness comes first.
For herself:
She keeps herself shaved, with a landing strip. Sometimes she’ll stop shaving and just occasionally trim everything to keep her pubic hair nice and tidy. It’ll never be wild, just know that.
For his partner:
He likes it wild and hairy… idk where illumi got the thought that women needed to be hairless from(wait yes I do, it was his mom)
For himself:
Also wild. He trims occasionally, but other than that his hair is decently soft and long
For her partner:
Bald. She believes women should shave their pussies! But… she has a secret preference for hairy pussy(it’s been suppressed)
For herself:
Because of her beliefs, her pussy is also bald!
For his partner:
He has no idea about human norms, so he doesn’t even register that you can shave down there. He seems to have a preference for however he sees your pussy first.
For himself:
He doesn’t… have hair…
For his partner:
Unshaven! He thinks hairy pussy is hot, what can he say?
For himself:
He keeps himself neat and trimmed for his partner, how polite!
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hhighkey · 11 months
i rly wanna write for the phantom troupe :(( but haven’t been actively writing on here in awhile so feel free to request— i love feitan, phinks n shalnark
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feitans-sweet-lover · 2 years
Unpopular Kurapika Headcanon
A/N: As always, just my thoughts! Hope you enjoy! 🙃
Warning: torture, murder and rape mention.
I feel like if Kurapika were to find out a spider had an S/O he would go crazy. He doesn’t understand why you’d be with those monsters and that leads him to assume a possibly innocent person has involvement in the troupe that most of the troupe members likely don’t even know exist. Hell, some of the Spiders s/o might not even know the full extent of what the troupe does for their own safety.
( I totally head-canon that they’d all keep their s/o to themselves if they did except maybe Phinks? Especially if they weren’t a spider. Most of this is because while they have some trust in their team they don’t with their s/o especially because they’re aware people with ability like Paku exist thus the more people that know the more danger their s/o is in).
He would demand to know how long they had been with said spiders, what do they know? Do they know about the Kurta Massacre and did nothing? Did they participate? You didn’t even try stopping their murderous acts and this is as bad as the act itself in his mind.
Kurapika would become very angry and unhinged. His friends likely would not be able to stop him. Leorio tried but got knocked out after being punched to a wall. Gon tried reasoning but fell to death ears. Honestly Killua might be able to stop it but it would be more like him and Gon would try finding the spider themselves to get Kurapika to stop from murdering someone who was so clearly not apart of the spiders. (This would come with the condition of not murdering Kurapika. Not a trade for the Spider for their s/o. Gon and Killua can see the advantage to it but honestly they just want Kurapika to stop and don’t care if it comes from a trade or just bringing the spider. This condition is something that the Spiders would live with as they want their s/o back. For now at least. They will plan a brutaler way for Kurapika to die later then.)
Depending on the answers given to the previous questions depends on the outcome.
First, his clan was all murdered. How could a troupe member have someone that they probably loved and still were able to do that with no regrets, qualms or sorrow.
He would want the spiders to feel that sorrow. Even if their s/o wasn’t involved. He’d want the spiders to feel isolated, abandoned, lost and the pain and suffering of loosing the people who love and accept you.
He would be a loose canon. He would only see red.
Depending on whose S/O they were probably depends on their punishment. People like Feitan, Chrollo, Phinks, and Nobunaga’s s/o getting the absolute brunt of it. (If your Chrollo’s good luck, your gonna get the worst of it).
If you weren’t the s/o of one of the previously mentioned spiders you’d probably get a little roughed up and his judgment chain/ chain jail with nen conditions(he would adjust his conditions stating since while you may not have been directly involved with the massacre of the Kurta you are still involved with the Spiders).
The worst possibility is maybe he snaps and kills the s/o. This isn’t likely for the members S/O as he really wants the spiders to see their s/o destroyed as a consequence of their actions.
Now as I stated people like Feitan, Chrollo, Phinks, and Nobunaga’s s/o would get the absolute brunt of it.
Now remember this man is only seeing red, there is no reasoning or stopping him like this. Not when it comes to the fact the troupe can kill people others care about but when it comes to their own loved ones they expect to be untouchable. He just can’t stop. He will regret and have a hard time accepting whatever decision he goes through with. Especially with these members s/o.
Their punishments could go from beating to torture to murder to having his own time with them but it wouldn’t be just his nen chains. The spiders deserved to get pain like no other and what better way than through their s/o.
He would try to break the Spiders s/o. This could be keeping them for a few days to figure out what to do with them and beating them whenever they say something to defend themselves or a Spider. He will break their wills. He wants them to beg for death like his clan did. He will take their eyes. No mercy will be found when he is like this. He wants them to break.
He gets a terrible idea to claim their s/o as his own while breaking them. This means he will force himself on them. He reasons they deserve it. The fact he gets pleasure from the spiders knowing what he did to their s/o disgusts himself. Knowing it will scar their s/o. That the spiders will never be able to get away from a piece of him. Something so intimate and sacred, ruined. He wants to make sure the spiders think of him when they tend to the psychological and physical wounds of their s/o. He wants to make sure they will ALWAYS see traces of him even if just in memories or a flash when they see or touch their s/o. He wants them to feel pain and he’s not above going low methods he will for sure regret and have a hard time living with.
Kurapika justifies all of this with his end goal being to destroy the spiders. Their s/o was unfortunate but necessary collateral damage.
If Killua and Gon show up with the spider they will be horrified but try to block the memory of how far Kurapika is willing to go to break a Spider. The spider will collect their s/o with a calmness like no other but their aura promising nothing but the most painful murder possible. Meanwhile Gon and Killua try to hold Kurapika back begging through tears to just let them go. He’s done enough. When Gon tells Kurapika he’s scaring them that is the moment when Kurapika snaps out of it and looks at his friends. Both pairs of eyes glassy showing urgency for him to stop.
Kurapika will cry, he will feel like he broke himself and imprisoned himself rather than the spiders with his actions. He never wants Gon and Killua to stare at him so afraid and hesitant to reach out again. He refuses to let himself get so out of control again.
He will disappear from his friends for a long time, ashamed of himself. While he is thankful Gon and Killua did stop him from going further he would have a hard time accepting they brought the Spiders to him. Both because it was stupid and they could’ve been hurt but also because his trust felt betrayed though he would push that feeling down a bit more. He knows they did what they had too.
He may still think the Spiders and their s/o deserved it but not at the cost of his closest friends. The only family he has left. It doesn’t necessarily mean he regrets doing it but he regrets being so unhinged that Gon and Killua felt it necessary to seek out the Spiders.
Depending on what happens and if the other Spiders know, Chrollo will most likely order that anyone who crosses paths with the chain user can kidnap and torture the user but to make sure to leave them alive so the s/o’s Spider will get the finishing blows. (After his exorcism of course).
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queensconquest · 2 years
@yeonban​ said: 📜 SHAL AND CHROLLO!!
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Shalnark : Okay, truth or dare? Chrollo: Truth Shalnark : How many hours have you slept this week? Chrollo: Chrollo: ...Dare  Shalnark : Go to bed. Chrollo: I don’t like this game.
Chrollo: Shalnark... Shalnark: Oh no, 'Shalnark' in b-flat. Shalnark: You're disappointed.
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