#shared some screenshots in a server i'm in
READ: @alex-silli-art-corner
tw: suicide, abuse
I'll start this callout by saying that most evidence has been deleted long ago. There is no way to recover most of it, but if I have found any more, I'll add them to this post later. My friendship with him/how it ended.
It started in March of 2024.
Alex had been a member of a discord server, and had a tumblr account where he answered asks as Katy Kat. (Keep this in mind, as sometimes he will be shown as Katy Kat rather than Alex) He then asked for a vent channel to be created in the discord, where he would post frequently about how he was going to kill himself. (this is important later)
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He started to DM me about him killing himself, so I started to support him. He would then message me about normal stuff, with him telling me he was suicidal every now and then. I talked with him, because every time I didn't talk to him, he would say i'm ignoring him on purpose.
Around that time, someone else in the server was banned for drawing CP of him and Alex. (both him and Alex were minors at the time.) Everyone in the server told Alex that this person was not a good influence on him, but he ignored us.
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As it turns out, he did not cut off this person, (the name that's in blue) and kept being in a relationship with them.
This would continue for a long time. Alex would tell me he would kill himself, I would try to talk him out of it, and he would be fine the next day.
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He said he had epilepsy, but those claims are unconfirmed as he has watched the Um Jammer Lammy cutscenes multiple times, which have flashing lights most of the time. If I remember correctly, he would use this to guilt us even more, with us not even being allowed to send any gifs. That would be understandable, if he didn't refuse to turn on Discord's accessibility feature that pauses gifs.
In his Katy Kat ask blog, he drew a lot of gore of Katy Kat. Some of these are deleted, but you can still find some on his account of Katy missing an eye, with bruises and bandages on her. I am not okay with gore, but I kept talking to him because he was suicidal.
All of my friends cut him off though, except for a stray few who I assume didn't know what he did.
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When I cut him off:
About a month ago if I can remember, one of my friends showed me screenshots of Alex saying that one of his suicide attempts was a lie. He had apparently made a joke about him killing himself, and the two people there were telling him it wasn't funny and to not say that. This screenshot was taken a while back, and I didn't see the convo back then. Seeing this, I decided to cut off Alex entirely, because I couldn't trust if what anything he said was true. On top of that, I looked back at everything he'd done, and decided that I wasn't going to talk to him, ever again. He kept trying to contact me.
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I noticed how guilt trippy all of his messages were. In fact, most of the time, he was guilt tripping all of us.
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This is his last tumblr message to me before I blocked him.
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He kept trying to contact me on other websites, such as Reddit.
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I had sent him a message telling him he was in the wrong, and that we would never be friends again. This message was deleted, as he threatened to share it with one of my closest friends.
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As for the IP address thing, I had posted this meme to Reddit and Tumblr using a fake copypasta that was a lot of information. It's a meme about leaking someones info, but all of this isn't real. It's taken from a copypasta website. In fact, it's this one.
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Alex interpreted this as me posting his IP address publically, something I would never do, (yet as you read, it's something he would do to someone else.)
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I did not, and will not post someone's IP address publicly. Yet he thought I posted his, even though it isn't hard to look at your own address, and compare it to this meme.
What caused me to make this post.
This happened just today. I was sent an ask clearly written by Alex containing my personal information to me.
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Alex. If you're reading this, which I know you are. This wasn't okay. You're putting my life in danger. You're putting other's lives in danger. You're putting my family's life in danger. Why would I want to be friends with a guilt tripper?
Why would I want to be friends with someone who leaks other's information?
Why would I want to be friends with someone who draws gore of my favorite characters?
Why would I want to be friends with a liar?
None of this is okay. You were, and still are, the worst thing that's happened to me.
You don't deserve happiness.
I ask anyone who's been affected by him, to please speak up. Don't sit there in silence like you have all this time. I know he's done awful things to you. Please, if you can, tell me what he's done to you. Nobody should have to go through what he's put me through, and I'm sure that he's done something similar to you.
Sorry for being a bit rude to him in this post, but I don't care.
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salemsimss · 2 years
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Beginning | Previous | Next
Transcript under the cut
Sorya: How are you holding up? Are you doing okay?
Juliana: Yeah! Honestly, it's not painful at all. It feels relaxing if anything.
Sorya: Okay, great! Just let me know if you need a break at any point.
Juliana: Yes, boss.
Sorya: [Snort] It feels weird having you call me that outside of work.
[Tattoo machine noises]
Juliana: Oh my God, did I tell you about this weird customer we had come in last night?
Sorya: I don't think you did! What happened?
Juliana: So this guy came in, acting all high and mighty and stuff-
Sorya: [Scoff] Typical.
Juliana: Pfft, yeah. But for some reason he would not shut up about his sex life.
Sorya: Oh God...
Juliana: So Rahul was serving him- poor fucker, and out of nowhere he brings up that Isaac Osario dude.
Sorya: What did he say?
Juliana: I can't remember all of it, but if I remember correctly, he was talking about how he was going to fuck him up, and make him his bitch or something. I don't know...
Sorya: Oh...
Sorya: Huh, it'd be interesting to see how that would go. I heard Isaac's pretty brutal on the streets.
Juliana: Oh he is! I've seen him fight; he's not someone you want to mess with.
Sorya: So I've been told...
Juliana: Told?
Sorya: Yeah. I asked Tom about him the other day- only out of curiosity, and he pretty much filled me in.
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Thomas: Hey, can I ask you something before I forget?
Sorya: Yeah, sure. What's up?
Thomas: I'm thinking of going up to Carlisle in mid October to surprise my Mum, and I just wanted to ask if I'm good to book some time off to do so?
Sorya: I don't see why not? It's been a while since you've last seen your family. How is she, anyway?
Thomas: She's doing okay! She's got a bit more movement in her left leg, now.
Sorya: That's great! I'm glad to hear she's doing better. Put the request through online, and I'll check with Dan.
Thomas: Thank you!
Thomas: My Mum asked about you, you know?
Sorya: Really?
Thomas: Yeah. She mostly just asked how you were- she really wants to meet you.
Sorya: We're gonna have to arrange something, then.
Thomas: Yeah. She'd like that. She really likes you.
Sorya: I see you've been saying nice things about me, then.
Thomas: Well, it's not like I have anything bad to say about you.
Sorya: I find that hard to believe, Tommy.
Thomas: Okay fine, next time I'll tell her about how you're a workaholic who doesn't know when to take a break, and that you have weird eating habits.
Sorya: Leave my eating habits out of this!
Thomas: [Laughs] But seriously, though. You're the only person I know who eats food in a certain order based on the least liked to the most liked food.
Sorya: Is that not normal? I swear everyone does it! Even Isa- my old housemate, Isaiah does it. Maybe you're the one with the weird eating habits.
Thomas: Whatever you say, weirdo.
Sorya: [Laughs]
Thomas: But seriously, though. I'd like you to meet my family one day, I think you'd get along really well.
Sorya: I'd like that, man. You'll have to be my tour guide and shit- show me around Carlisle.
Thomas: I could show you the Lake District, also.
Sorya: For real? I've always wanted to go there at least once.
Thomas: Looks like you've got some holiday requests that you'll have to put through, also.
Sorya: Right.
[Car drives by]
Thomas: Sorya?
Sorya: Yeah?
Thomas: You still down for the gym tomorrow?
Sorya: Fuck yeah, bro. Just let me know what time and I'll be there.
Thomas: Great! Just... Be careful on your way back. We've had a bunch of shit happen up this road lately. Some older man got jumped by a group of lads the other day.
Sorya: Shit... I'll be careful.
Thomas: You sure? We can get you an Uber or something to get you home quicker.
Sorya: I'll be fine. Honestly. You know me, I can take care of myself.
Thomas: I know. I just worry sometimes.
Sorya: Trust me, I'll be okay.
Thomas: Okay, fine. Just message me when you get back, okay?
Sorya: Sure. I'll see you tomorrow.
[Music playing through earbuds]
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
💖 Day 3 Updates! 💖
If you haven't already joined da 14DWY Discord, here are all of the Day 3 screenshots I've shared over the past months!
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⇢ More under the cut!!
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💖 General updates! 💖
(Some updates here are a continuation of this post!)
Translations have been put on hold until I push out more content for the game.
Most of the spites have received a few minor adjustments to (hopefully) fix the art inconsistency issue.
There will be another woohoo scene in Day 3... The 14 Nights With You DLC is slowly turning into a reality.....
You will be able to invite the cast to your apartment (or visit a few of them!) to hang out one-on-one 💗
I created a new and improved "relationship screen"! Now you can see the status and affinity meter of the cast more clearly.
To all of the 2017 Ren enjoyers… I see you I hear you I feel you 💕 Enjoy having the option to choose Ren's hair length now hehe
I changed up some of the UI so that the overall theme is more consistent.
There's now a new Dead End, a Fox Ren easter egg, and updated CG art to match Ren's hairstyle!
Still no ETA yet on when the beta version will be released to the public >.< But Discord "Server Boosters" currently have access to the beta build!
💖 Day 3 Beta Build! 💖
As a way to show my gratitude towards those who choose to boost the 14DWY server, I've decided to release the Day 3 beta build for them to test out! Because of them, we're able to have over 200 emote slots, a custom banner, and a vanity link!! I appreciate y'all very much!
I also don't have a specific date in mind, but once I'm satisfied with all of the feedback + bug fixes, I'll release Day 3 for everyone else to play. So no need to boost the server!! Feel free to wait until I release it to the public (which should be soon >:3).
Thank you all again for your endless patience and support!! ♡
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demilypyro · 7 months
Hey I thought I should elaborate on what's going on and what I'll be doing with this blog.
First of all, I'm not deactivating it, I'll still be posting things like what I'm doing in games, reblogging things, and of course stuff that's relevant to my streams. I just won't be posting anything overtly personal anymore.
While people have often told me that they appreciate getting to hear my personal trans experience, in recent years there's just been this constant pattern of people assuming bad faith on anything I say or do, that it's all a sign that I'm secretly evil, and it's been seriously impacting my mental health and my ability to even get out of bed. It's been making me feel persecuted in both cisnormative society and the trans community, and it's not sustainable. I've been having panic attacks. It's bad.
I've tried blocking people, I've been seeing a therapist, I've done everything I think I can do. I've considered just quitting my job entirely but that's not an option, since given my disabilities I have no other work opportunities. I'd be out on the street in weeks. So this is my solution.
I've made a new personal account, one that I won't be sharing here. I think I'll enjoy using this site without people watching me like a hawk. That's not to say this account will be inactive. Expect stream links, game screenshots, fanart reblogs, stream clips, media recommendations, some ask answers, the occasional selfie, things like that. I'm sorry I had to take this measure, but my mental health has been at a breaking point for a while now. I hope people will still be willing to support my content even without that personal perspective on my life.
If you want to stay updated on my content and maybe join me when I play games, you can always follow me on Twitch and join my Discord server.
Thanks for understanding.
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Someone shared this tweet in a Discord server I'm in and I couldn't help but quote retweet with this, figured I might as well repost it here too x'D Imagine if instead of arriving in the demon realm, Philip arrived in the world of Gumball and ended up finding Caleb dating some overly cartoony version of Evelyn x'D
(background was a screenshot from the show)
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ungrateful-cyborg · 4 months
Fuck it, let's try again.
Some time ago I created a forum that didn't stay lively for very long, unfortunately, but I don't want to give up on it as I think forums offer something that no other tool for online community can offer: an actual community that doesn't rely on everyone acting like their own PR/marketing team.
So here it is, in case anyone's interested:
What does it have to offer?
A place to meet artists and roleplayers from the FFXIV fandom, where you won't be assailed by notifications like a Discord server, that's LGBTQ-friendly and won't ask you to post all the time to remain visible (contrary to social media).
What you'll find:
RP sections for your RP threads, easier to manage than on Tumblr, and without the pressure of being seen online on Discord because you wanted to talk to your friends but aren't in the mood for RP
A place to get help to create your character or write an NPC, if you're feeling insecure and want to try your hand at writing/roleplaying
Galleries for your writing, fanarts, screenshots, irl craft, etc. where you don't have to worry about peak hours to be seen
Forums where you can gush about your own characters and get asked questions: no need to have a big following anymore!
A place where you can discuss the lore and share your meta analysis to your heart content
A place to organize your own in-game event and promote it, once again without needing to build a big enough following for it to be noticed!
Yes, there's a NSFW section (that you have to ask to get access to). Forumactif—the host—is not in favor of this, however, so if Etheirys has enough success I might consider hosting it myself (but I'm not rich so we'll start with the free alternative for now and just keep it on the low XD)
And more!
I am taking suggestions to improve it and I'll gladly help you and answer your questions if you're not familiar with forums (or this sort of forums, anyways).
For those who don't know me or find me intimidating to talk to (I know it has happened) I've been leading communities big and small for about 18 years now, and I've always put a big emphasis on fairness, communication and patience.
(Please reblog so more people can see this!)
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rttgytg · 1 month
Hello CC Fandom! I'm a lurker here in the fandom, but I want to share something that I feel is important for everyone to know.
andi-the-cool-nerd and vaudevillanic are zi0nist$.
Here are some screenshots related to Vaudevillanic being a Zi0ni$t:
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(For context - the video was about Pal3$tine being b0mb3d, and how the youtuber Dream could save Pal3$tine.)
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(For context - these are all in Vaudevillanic's PUBLIC likes.)
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And here is the proof for andi-the-cool-nerd:
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Andi has shown support for Eurovision throughout the b0yc0tt. Andi has also supported Vaude/Zoe throughout her being called out in a server for being a Zi0ni$t. Vaude/Zoe for a period of time had 'AM ISRA3L CHAI' in their description on discord. I do not have a screenshot for this, but it has been seen by numerous individuals. I am making this post as I have seen these two get more and more traction in the fandom, and have realized most people do not know they are both Zi0ni$t$.
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AITA for backing out of an art exchange because the person who pulled my name has an art style I really don't like?
In the fandom based Discord I'm in we had a small art exchange last month. Everyone got randomly paired with someone else to exchange art based on their prompts.
I'm a big believer in all art having value and that people enjoy different art styles, but unfortunately the person I was paired with has a really specific art style that I just.
Honestly, I hate it.
Our fandom is soft-anime style, think something like Genshin or similar art. Anime but more rounded off, 3D style.
However this artist has a really sharp, angular, honestly a little strange kind of art style that makes the final result look nothing like the original character design at all except for features like their clothing being the most obvious clue as to who they are.
If you ever read the really old Roald Dahl books with the super pointy, triangular art style, its kind of like that. Huge, super sharp pointy chins and noses, super long faces, all of the eyes drawn in the same long, sideways triangle style.
Its amazing that they have a style they like, but its 100% not my style and I really didn't want to have to fawn over it and share it across my socials when it is clearly the opposite of the art style I like.
I wound up pretending I had an unexpected work trip which meant I had to back out of the exchange (which actually wound up being true, but the trip was only 3 days so it wasn't like I wouldn't have had the 3 other whole weeks to work on my side of the exchange.) I was super polite about it, because again, its not my style but its theirs and I'd never deliberately make someone feel bad about their art.
Well, turns out some genius in our server forgot we all follow each other on Tumblr too and made a post basically laughing about how I had the balls to get out of it and how funny and smart they found it.
The mods sent a screenshot of it into the server and said bullying would not be tolerated and I got a warning for bullying. I pointed out I hadn't lied about the trip and I wasn't even the one who made the post, but they blacklisted talking about it further and made a new rule that if you fail to participate in future exchanges for anything less than like, someone dying or whatever, you get removed from the server completely.
All around nobody is happy about any of it, and there's talks about voting to just veto exchanges completely both because nobody wants to single people out and nobody wants to be forced to fawn over art they don't like.
I'm mostly angry with the person who poked their nose in because before they said anything it was completely fine with me and the other artist. They understood completely, we joked about how shit work is, and they were just going to do an art piece for the server as a whole which I thought was a really cute outcome, but now both of them have gone silent in the server and won't reply to anyone.
What are these acronyms?
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dashing-through-ecto · 11 months
So, the Graphic Novel came out.
(NOT A SPOILER) I just want to say something.
For the first time in two decades, there's been new canon Danny Phantom content. Needless to say, we're all very exited about it.
As we passed the day of the official release, there are still a lot of people out there who don't have the GN, yet. There can be a lot of reasons for that. Some are still waiting for their copy to arrive in the mail, some live outside of America and shipping takes very long/the release of the book in their country has been pushed back (<- that one is me by the way) or they simply can't afford to spend the money on it right now (if this is you, there is already a google drive with the entire GN going around).
What I want is to ask you all to be a little mindfull when posting in the near future. Excitement is at an all time high and I know we're all vibrating to talk about the new content and share art/fics/screenshots/whatever.
If you post on tumblr, then please tag your spoilers for all the people that follow you that haven't had the chance to read the GN yet. This counts for rebloggs as well.
If you post a fic on AO3 or FF.net or any other website, then please either tag your spoilers or write a short little note into your summary so people will know and can chose to avoid it for the time being.
If you talk on discord or any other community website, please be mindfull what you say and where. If you're unsure where to talk, ask your mods. If you're a mod and want to help people feel comfortable in your servers, consider (for discord) to give people channels with role-bound access to talk about spoilers.
I myself have been spoilered multiple times already and friends have tolde me that it happend to them as well.
I don't want to ruin everyone's fun. What I'm asking is:
Please don't spoil the fun for people that haven't had the chance to read for themselves.
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armoralor · 6 months
[TW: homophobia, threats of physical violence, SA, gun violence]
IMPORTANT: do not interact with the person mentioned below. please do not send hate or harass ANY of the accounts mentioned. the point of this post is to warn the community of a serious threat, not to dog pile or stir a hate mob. his accounts have been reported and local authorities have been made aware of his potential for harm. Last updated: 01/30/2024. New information begins close to the bottom, starting at the red text.
Some of you may already be familiar with the homophobic incel that was previously filling the Ahsoka & Sabine Wren tags with vile misogyny. He's gone by many names due to banning and deactivations: @sabezrastan01, @longlivetheemporer, @imperialloyalist01, @standorando, and @imperialsycophant. Here's the guy that gave us this classic:
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Now, as meme worthy as that post was- it's unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. Despite his exile from this social media site, he continues to be active on Instagram and TikTok. He also continues to get support from some of the same folks that have been painting sapphics and wolfwren shippers out as vicious bullies.
I didn't intend to find everything I did, but this man constantly comments under official Star Wars media posts calling queer women "degenerates" and "beasts," so it's been hard to miss. It honestly hurts to reread this shit again, but I want to warn anyone who 1) may interact with him without realizing he's a incel neo nazi 2) may be harmed by his continued harassment.
First thing to remember about him- he doesn't just complain about shipping, he has wished death and harm upon multiple people. On top of the two screenshots below, he also discussed wanting to put a bullet in Dave Filoni's head (the alt account was taken down before I thought to screenshot):
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He wrote "these people need to be beaten" on a dozen anti-wolfwren posts before his most recent account was taken down. He has embraced the common anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric of queer people being pedophiles and rapists:
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He repeatedly brings rape up unprompted, especially when talking to nonbinary folks and women:
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Plus buys into the "woke agenda" causing queer relationships to happen in media:
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You'll notice the irony of him "worrying" wolfwren shippers are going to threaten the actors, despite him previously threatening to kill Dave Filoni and beat wolfwren shippers. He seems to be projecting a lot of his own desires and wishes onto other people, which will become even more obvious further down this post.
Now, thankfully his last tumblr account was taken down for inciting violence, but as i mentioned before, it's hard to miss him on other platforms:
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Out of morbid curiosity I clicked on his account, and it's unfortunately what you would expect for from an incel. His follower and following list is littered with white nationalists, militia groups, tactical gear stores, weapon vendors, alt-right religious orgs, and 4chan neo nazis.
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Instagram Followers:
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Instagram Following:
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It's clean he's unhinged and a danger to those who don't share similar interests. He seems to make allowances for anyone who ships sabezra, but otherwise is a diehard supporter of alt-right Christian nationalist beliefs.
One of his previous account names on Instagram was @cajunminuteman, with a confederate flag as his pfp. In current alt right groups, a minuteman is a person who is ready to pick up a gun and fight on a minutes' notice, typically in a militia against the government. His previous account also followed a number of Christian Southern Nationalist accounts:
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There are a number of shippers that continue to interact with this man. Most sabezra shippers I've chatted with are very sweet, some of you even share discord servers with me and have so much love for this fandom. I'm only asking those of you who choose to ignore this man's threats of violence to revaluate how far you are willing to go to support a fictional ship.
Wolfwren shippers have bore the brunt of fandom hate and harassment since Ahsoka started airing. We continue to get called degenerates, rapists, pedophiles, and threatened with physical violence. This is not the same, or in any way equivalent, to silly jokes made about fictional ships being made canon. It's exhausting to get constant harassment in real life AND online.
Are there mean wolfwren shippers? Absolutely. I'm sorry queer people sometimes cheer on cishet ships not becoming canon, I know it sucks when it's over something you like. No, enjoying cishet ships doesn't make you any less queer, and I'm sorry there was an asshole out there that said that shit. But can we PLEASE stop acting like sapphics and wolfwren enjoyers are ALWAYS bullies? That we're somehow always the ones threatening people? It plays into the alt-right rhetoric of the LGBTQIA+ community being predators and I'm so sick of it, especially when there is so much outright vile hate for queers.
If there are any wolfwrens sending hate and/or threats, I am begging for an example or name so they can be reported properly. None of us condone any of the nasty shit that's been sent, we deal with enough hate irl. This man's closest friends aren't much better, joking about wanting to hurt wolfwren shippers and how the LGBTQIA+ community is a bad thing:
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The most recent return to tumblr was under account @imperialsycophant where he tried to pretend he wasn't the same incel loser:
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He eventually went mask off, realizing that most people weren't foolded:
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On January 24 2024, his most recent Instagram account (@imperialloyalist01) was taken down. Less than 24 hours later, a sabezra shipper DM'd me asking me to delete this post. I explained to the shipper that the point of this post was to warn the fandom as a whole of this guy's behaviour, and at multiple points I make it clear everyone should stay away + not engage any of the accounts involved.
Everything included in this thread is public information taken from public posts or public accounts. The shipper who DM'd me still demanded I remove this post, as it could "hurt their friends."
The context of who the incel associates himself with is helpful when conveying the severity & underlying motives of his actions. There are approximately two non alt-right/neo-nazi accounts in the following/follower lists I shared. Those who were following @imperialloyalist01 up until January 24th were both privately and publicly made aware they were following a person threatening harm against others, but they continued to like, comment, and follow the account. This does not mean any of them should be harassed or bothered. It simply provides additional context to the situation and will hopefully aid others in forming their own opinions on who they wish to befriend.
When I reminded the shipper who DM'd me that their friends were continuing to make jokes about hitting/hurting wolfwren shippers, AND tagging wolfwren in those edits, I did not get a response. However, what I did get was mass spam reported.
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Shortly after I sent the above message and the sabezra shipper realized I would not be taking this post down, my account was hate reported and temporarily terminated. Tumblr has an automated feature that bans accounts immediately (out of safety) if they are reported by a large group of people at the same time (which is fair, say someone posts torture or something terrible). Thankfully, after I emailed the abuse support team and explained the situation, they reinstated my account:
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I will not be sharing the name of the sabezra shippers who tried to take down my account. I already get harassed enough, and I don't want anyone to go through the same shit. Please remember that a small group of bad people do NOT represent an entire community. There are plenty of sweet sabezra shippers that do not support this kind of disgusting and hateful behaviour.
Key takeaways: don't send hate or threats. Let people have their fun online while they attempt to avoid the Horrors of real life. Please don't support people spewing vile hate JUST because they like the same fictional ships as you.
Other posts related to him: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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many-but-one · 1 year
Hey! Why did I split over something not even THAT traumatic??
I'm here to tell you. :)
So, this particular discussion has come up in our system server before and it's actually something I've wanted to talk about for a long time on Tumblr because I've never actually seen someone talk about this, and I am being hit with a sudden god-like hubris at 3 in the morning, so here we go!
So your question was "Why did I just split? What just happened wasn't even that traumatic. I've been through so much worse in the past, I don't even feel that stressed. What the hell? Am I just making this new part up?" and on and on. The idea that only the most awful and traumatic things are what cause splits in DID (especially later in life, after the childhood trauma window of 7-9ish has ended and especially in adulthood) is actually incredibly false, and I am about to explain why.
Note: This is about traumagenic DID systems, so endogenic systems, please stay off of this post thank you. :) /not mad
Note number two: I do want to get out of the way, that all parts DO split for a reason, there's no parts that exist for no reason (even if the reason doesn't seem relevant to you now, it may have been relevant at the time of the split, OR may have been somehow relevant to your brain even if it doesn't make sense to you now.) So I want to make it really clear that splits do not occur only because of hyperfixations. There typically has to be something going on for a split to occur, and hyperfixation alone will not cut it. Alright, now that I've got that out of the way, let's talk about how DID brains run on patterns.
DID brains run on patterns, like I said. All brains do, actually, but DID brains take it to an nth degree because these patterns that it learns are what help it stay alive in a distressing and traumatic environment during childhood. Our brains are remarkably plastic and they will do whatever is necessary to survive a given situation. It's why something like DID can even exist.
So what kind of patterns do we typically see in brains with DID? Well, the easiest one is that a lot of people with DID have pretty similar alter "types" or "roles." This is just a widespread pattern that you see across a large demographic of systems. It's why terms like "gatekeeper" and "protector" and "caretaker" exist. Because nearly all DID systems have parts that fill those roles, even if those roles aren't filled in the most "traditional" sense. DID is rarely random, every part exists for an express reason, and that reason is almost always symbolic in some way, even if it doesn't seem like it now. Once you start learning trauma memories and WHY parts exist, you very quickly start to see the symbolism and sometimes it is absolutely fucking terrifying, to say the least.
What other patterns are common?
Well, patterns we see in our own system and in other systems are something quite literally called "splitting patterns" which are more common in polyfragmented systems but not exclusive to them. This has various ways of showing itself, and the user @foreverfragmented made a post awhile back that I'm having a really hard time finding, HOWEVER I did screenshot the section about splitting patterns when I first read it, attached below:
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Wow that photo ended up bigger than I thought it would be. lol. Anyway. Those are another example of splitting patterns. (Note: in the original post, FF talks about how some of the terms above were coined by them or other systems, so not recognized medically, however I think they were worded perfectly which is why I shared them here.)
Another few examples include alter templates (AKA, splitting the same alter over and over in varying iterations), the same parts going out for the same types of trauma every single time, and why certain alter roles very often have the same "flavor" of personality.
For example, gatekeepers are often considered a bit cold and distant, and can be very analytically minded and rarely react purely on emotion alone. (I feel like the most common gatekeeper Myers-Briggs has gotta be INTJ...that was a joke, lmao.) This is typically for a reason. You have to have a certain mindset and a certain way of handling things to be able to properly manage a system. And this is not to say all gatekeepers are this way, but the pattern of a LOT of gatekeepers being like this is not unnoticed. Our DID specialist could tell pretty early on that our primary gatekeeper (James) was a gatekeeper long before he ever told her he was simply because of how he held himself, how he spoke about others in the system, and how much he despised her for "stepping on his toes"😂 They work together much better now, FYI, but it was rough in the beginning.
An example of alter templates in our system in particular is what we call the "Michaels." They were some of our earliest alters, and our brain was like "hey this guy is working really well, so I'm just gonna keep doing it." And it worked! Then, when trauma shifted to something completely different but in the same vein (CSA) our brain once again attempted to use this "Michael" template. It didn't work quite the same. And so our brain had to figure out these new patterns, which it was fucking desperate to do because we were going through some heinous shit that it could hardly even comprehend. I've learned that basically every blue-eyed white-haired motherfucker in here was a Michael copy at one point, but had elaborated into some other version that suited its job more.
Now, for the example that is going to actually help me explain the answer to the question posed at the very beginning of this post: alters who go out for the same things over and over.
So, depending on splitting tolerance, or whatever you happen to be going through in your childhood, you will likely have various "groups" of alters that handle certain things. If you had a particularly tumultuous childhood with several varying types of traumas, you will probably have several of these groups. And depending on length of trauma time, severity of trauma time, and levels of support during trauma time, these groups may be very large.
For example, if you had a situation like domestic violence (DV) happening in your household, you will have a part or parts dedicated just for DV, and if you also had CSA going on, you will have a separate group of parts (or a single part) who handles only the CSA. Unless your system is quite small and you have alters take multiple types of abuses, this is pretty commonly the case. [Note: want to say this is not subsystems unless these groups are highly separated via either amnesia barriers or inner world (IW) barriers, and have better communication with each other versus the rest of the system. The definition of subsystem gets a little funky, but we're not talking about that. Just wanted to make that clear. You can have groups of alters without them being subsystems.]
"Okay, so yeah, you're right. I have alter groups for [insert various traumas] what does that have to do with me splitting over [insert mundane thing that isn't even really traumatic]?"
Continuing on the "DID brains run on patterns" line of thinking, if your brain has patterns set and understood for the various traumas that you lived through in your childhood, usually up until teen years or adulthood, your brain knows what to do when those traumas occur again. The patterns are set. It's why it's super common for people with DID who experience SA in teen or adult years and don't end up having a split. Unless they have an extremely low splitting tolerance or the situation is extremely unique, the brain will just recycle what it already has. No need to go through the literally massively painful and traumatic experience of splitting again for something it already knows how to handle. This being said, the part that experiences this might end up splitting at a much later date if this trauma is far too difficult for it to handle, this is also common because sometimes it's "easy" to handle the trauma in the moment because they're used to this flavor of trauma but the processing of said trauma afterward can be just as traumatic and can cause a split.
Same if your father was super abusive to your mother, or vise versa, and you happen to have an abusive partner. That pattern is known and comfortable. That's what professionals mean by "DID systems are more likely to be victims of abuse than perpetrators." They return to the comfortable patterns, which, with DID, equals abuse. Things outside of those patterns are dangerous and confusing to navigate and the brain will avoid that at all costs.
However, and this is the answer to the question. What happens when something happens that the brain doesn't recognize in its "pattern database"? I'll give an example.
Say you were very high achieving in school. This is pretty common of systems who were diagnosed in adulthood, so far as I've seen. You likely did really well, had really high marks because your parents expected it of you or were abusive and angry if you didn't constantly constantly succeed in their eyes. This can also reflect in sports, clubs, musical talents, etc. This pattern continues on in adulthood. You push yourself very hard to be high achieving. Whether this be in a college setting, a work setting, etc. You are likely often doing well in those fields pre-system discovery, at least. Post discovery often leads to the "spiraling" phase, which sucks but again that's not what we're discussing.
So, say you have a job. You're hella good at it. You are always receiving praise, you are always getting raises, your reviews are always hella good. You're like "okay yeah, I'm good at this job, so I'm going to apply to a higher paid position in the company that just opened up."
And then...you don't get the job. Well, that sucks. Better luck next time, right?
Wrong. Well, not entirely. That's completely true. But that's not how your brain is actually processing this, is it?
You might tell yourself "oh well" but in your high achieving brain's POV, it's like "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???? WE DON'T DO THE FAILURE STUFF!!! WHAT THE F***!!!" And it might panic, and several alters might panic, and the host might panic, and suddenly they're spiraling out of control over something that is mildly disappointing at best. Because WE DON'T HAVE A GUY FOR THIS?! We have a guy for SA, we have a guy for DV, we have a guy for medical trauma, we have a guy for bullying, etc. But we don't have a guy for REJECTION?! AHHH! [splits a part just to handle rejection.]
In adulthood, I've noticed both in myself and other systems I frequently speak to, these highly specialized parts are more commonly split in adulthood. Because while patterns are super helpful in childhood when you're experiencing the generally same shit over and over, in adulthood or even late teen years, there's so many effing unknowns that the brain is just like "what the actual fuck is this, this doesn't follow the fucking SCRIPT you guys. The PATTERNS?? Do they mean nothing to you??"
DID is a disorder that is incredibly helpful for survival in childhood and is an absolutely miserable crutch to live with in adulthood. And that's not me saying it super sucks all the time, but the disorder is not meant to happen, it shouldn't have happened, and coping with it without therapy and proper integration of parts and memories just makes adulthood kind of a hellscape, to be frank. There are tons of positives, I am so thankful, don't get me wrong. But there are a lot of downsides too.
So, to kind of drive home some examples of things that can cause a split that might not even be inherently traumatic based on my own experience and the experiences of some folks in our system server:
-(TW: mild NSFW in this one) We had our first consensual sexual experience when we were 19. We didn't have a guy for that. Everything we'd ever experienced throughout our childhood and teen years was not consensual. So when we were having consensual sex with our girlfriend, we were losing our mind because we didn't have this pattern integrated. So we split a guy whose literal only job was "consensual sex" and he was pretty much made to be the "perfect partner" for our girlfriend.
-We have a part whose only job is to play video games. We didn't know why until we realized he was fronting during stressful family gatherings and was playing videogames to pass the time until they were allowed to leave.
-We have a part that split only to handle our irrational fear of getting sick with a deadly illness right around COVID lockdown time.
-We had a part split just to internalize the feeling of "going to hell" due to our religious beliefs at the time.
-We have a lot of parts that split just to hold feelings of anger, sadness, or fear, even in adulthood. This is common in situations where anger or showing emotions was not allowed in childhood, so if the brain decides that's not allowed, when a part gets overly angry they might split a part to hold that anger, which then typically gets buried deep down.
Note about the above example: Trauma therapists often say that anger is one of the last emotions processed when processing traumatic events. Which is why "anger holding alters" are so so so fucking common. Kids and teens and adults get angry and if that's not allowed in some way shape or form, the brain will suppress it. It's also why it's common for people with DID to be able to "turn off" emotions or if triggered, will have a sudden intense burst of emotions (typically anger or frustration) because of how intensely repressed emotions often have to be just to survive living in a toxic environment that would cause something like DID. When you were a kid, you couldn't cry in front of your parents because you would be ridiculed or punished. So you will "turn it off" and go hide to cry later. But if, as an adult, you never let yourself "go cry later," that shit will build up and cause those intense emotional breakdowns, even after something that's considerably smaller scale than what you're used to. Kind of considered the "straw that broke the camel's back." You can be having a shit week with horrible thing after horrible thing and you're doing really well at "shutting it off" especially when around others, because god forbid you let the mask fall, and then suddenly you can't open a cheese stick or you can't find your keys so you might be late, or there's a stain on your shirt right before work, or the entire contents of your bag get dumped onto the floor of your car because you had to brake too hard...and that's when the breakdown happens.
Anyway, to get back on track, there are probably a plethora of other ways a system could split that seem mundane or "not that traumatizing" or alter roles might be super hyper-specific and the reasoning for that is because ✨patterns✨ We love to see it. /sar
Hope this was helpful! If you have further questions, feel free to hit up the ask box or the replies. :)
(Again, endos please don't interact, this is not for you. This is for the folks whose DID was caused via childhood trauma. These patterns likely would not exist in someone whose system didn't form from repeated traumas.)
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arcielee · 2 months
I hope you're doing fine amidst all this drama. It's no surprise that my intuitions were proven right once again, and here we have Ange, crying on her blog about being doxxed while conveniently ignoring her own complicity in Bel’s racism. It's sickening that some people still support her behaviour. However I wanted to bring up this post:
Weren't you also doxxed in Ange and Em’s groupchat? And now they only come to you when the dust settles after their mess with Bel. I'm tired of these women always playing the victim and never taking responsibility for their actions. We're all over it!
Hey anon. You are referring to this post that I made. I thought it best to respond to this before we return to some much needed healing and hydrating.
I mentioned that I was not going to speak on the subject again, but more information has come to light and there is something that has been weighing on me.
As I posted before, I found out that I had been doxxed. This was something that happened in the same groupchat that included Bel, Fae, Ange, and Em where screenshots had been shared. I learned about this prior to the post when Em reached out to me through a mutual we shared. She was very remorseful and apologetic for what happened, and she provided me with the unedited versions I needed so I could handle this at my local police department.
Doxxing is frightening. When I returned to Tumblr back in 2022, I enjoyed the anonymity of it all, how I was able to blatantly be some dork who swooned over silver haired fictional characters with my kindred spirits. Seeing myself tagged in the post mentioned above, seeing those original screenshots with my legal name and my private, personal IG on display rattled me to my core.
In this chat I learned that not only had I been doxxed, but it was also mentioned about the animosity that stemmed from lies being shared without being validated. The TL;DR of the situation is that Bel and I shared a small server together. I was warned about her behavior by Ange and others, but at the time Bel had been nothing but kind to me, so I ignored it. Then Bel left our server and went to Ange and Em with some false narrative about me and some others. Despite how I was warned me in the beginning, she accepted what was said without thought. This resulted in me being blacklisted and harassed within the HotD fandom.
This was and continues to be an ugly ordeal. We are finally seeing that worst things happened in that same chat, which is why I was wary to even bring this up again.
But I do feel I should remind everyone that doxxing is the act of providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization, usually via the Internet and without their consent. [x]
And this is what happened to me.
I did not want to do a super detailed post about it; I understand the insanity of it all since we literally came to this hellsite for a show about some incestual family that rides dragons. But the only way for us as a fandom to move on is to acknowledge what happened and those who were affected by it before we can move forward to create a safer environment for everyone who is a part of it.
I truly believe that we can and will do better. 💜
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eregyrn-falls · 1 year
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Organizing a Stan Twins-centric Multi-Artist Lyric Comic!
There's a song I've always wanted to see as an AMV or a lyric comic for the Stan Twins, and years pass, and I've never been able to tackle a project that big. So, I wanted to try to organize it as a multi-artist lyric comic!
The song is "Trouble", by Avicii. (See below.)
What is a multi-artist lyric comic? One where people sign up, and each artist is assigned a line from the song. Artists will then do 1 page for their line, and at the end, it's all put together. Here is an example from GF fandom in 2018. (Here is a video version that someone put together with the music.)
This song has 28 lines of lyrics, but it also has some instrumental breaks, and I've thought of a way to fill those that would allow more people to participate (particularly if someone was unsure if they could take on a full page).
Here's the song:
There's a lot of details to go into, so to keep this post from taking up too much dash real estate, I'm going to put more detail below a read-more.
Here is a link to a Google form you can fill out to indicate interest. (But we do urge you to read over the details below!)
The goal would be to complete this in time to make it public on August 31st or Sept. 1st, 2023 -- in line with the actual last days in-story of the show. Therefore, the due date for final art will likely be around August 15th or 20th.
I hope folks will find this intriguing! I think it could be a lot of fun!
@mercury-falls and I are the point-people for this, at the moment!
All right -- the way I've always seen it, the first verse of the song is very Stan-related, and the second verse is very Ford related.
Here is a Google Doc with the lyrics.
My idea for the instrumental breaks was to have people contribute smaller pieces of art that look a bit like Polaroid snapshots. If we can get the lyric comic combined with the music, think of the collection of Polaroids accumulating the way they do at the end of the show's opening credits.
There are two main ways artists can contribute to the project:
For lyrics, full landscape illustrations (which include color, lettering, and a background)
For instrumental breaks, polaroid-style illustrations (smaller, simpler pieces in square format). We will use these in a video edit of the comic and have them accumulate like the show’s intro during the breaks. (We will also figure out a good way to display them in the lyric-comic post itself.)
Your art should be canon-compliant, and can depict any time period of the Stans’ lives (past, present, and near-future)! Do with your art as you best see fit with your lyrics, but keep the focus on the Stans and their relationships with each other and other GF characters. Both original content and screenshot adaptations are welcome!
We also welcome collaborations between artists on full pages! We encourage every artist in the project to help and support each other if they are comfortable. On the interest form, you can tell us if you are interested in volunteering to help others with inking, coloring, or creating backgrounds! Or, you can tell us if you think you will need help.
On the form, you can indicate your preference towards the Stan or Ford verses. But once we have the team of artists doing lyrics chosen, we will randomize the list and then contact people in order, to ask about preferences for lyrics. If you aren't chosen for one of the full pages, we would still like to have you involved for the Polaroids! (And you can indicate willingness to be called on to do a page if others drop out.)
We will have check-in dates through the summer, with goals for people to report on the subject of their piece; to have a sketch or layout ready to show; and to show progress closer to the end.
We will be setting up a Discord server to help share information, and to allow people to post WIPs or just generally discuss things, and keep motivation going. If you really don't use Discord, though, and don't want to sign up for it, that's okay. We will put whatever instructions and details we have in a Google Doc, and will share that link for reference. And we can always communicate via email.
I (Eregyrn speaking!) have been involved in a LOT of fan projects over the years. One of the key things to ask of people who sign up for a project is: communication. That is, if you're having difficulties, just let us know! If you need to drop out, just let us know! Don't feel guilty that you signed up and then had to drop out. The thing that is hardest on organizers of projects like this is when people sign up, but disappear and don't answer DMs or emails. Believe me, I've been in that position where you feel guilty and don't want to admit that you have to drop out -- but it's always much easier on the organizers if you just let them know, instead of keeping them guessing! This is just something to keep in mind when you're signing up -- life happens! It's okay! But please try to let us know if something comes up and you have to bow out.
Here is the link to the Google Form, that you can fill out to indicate interest.
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daniigh0ul · 6 months
— #simblr gratitude day
dear simblr community,
hello! i'm going to be sappy. i just want to say that i really enjoy this corner of tumblr, and i look forward to reading everyone’s stories, seeing pretty screenshots, laughing at jokes only simmers would make, and the kindness i’ve seen extended from the people i follow and have had the pleasure of being mutuals with. and, modders, i didn’t forget you!! thank you for making this game better where it needs to be! this is a general post, because i want everyone to feel included today! consider yourself tagged, because you are. ❣️ (heart emoji)
to the storytellers: hi, there are so many stories on here that inspire me to be a better storyteller. whether it’s the people i’ve talked to about writing, plot, or character development, or lurking afar during a sleepless night while going through someone’s backlog, or seeing the cool and fun ways we use the video game(!) medium to tell stories, i appreciate every single one of you. whether the story is slice-of-life, fantasy, royalty, or something i haven’t discovered yet, i’m glad you’re telling your story/stories. and if i haven’t read your story yet, i will soon!!
to the funny simblrs: thank you for keeping this place alive with laughter. seriously the amount of times silly jokes have crossed my dashboard that made my day brighter are countless. whether we joke about the game’s numerous bugs and glitches, references to townies we love to hate (or hate to love), or things that are simblr specific, i appreciate you.
to the casual players:
y’all are stronger than me!! if you play vanilla, vanilla-lite, or modded and are happy to play through legacy and bachelor challenges, or share your sims for the sheer joy of sharing your sims, you are a pillar in this community! you keep this place collaborative and fun! please keep sharing your gameplay!
to the blender users (+ pretty picture people):
hi i adore your work. the use of lighting and composition and posing and all of the things you learned to make visuals for my eyes to feast upon? thank you!!! these are all things i’m still learning to do, so i really do love seeing it on my dash so i can take notes. keep posting them!!
to the modders: hi! thank you for making free recolors, free poses, free builds, free meshes, etc. made available to keep this hobby alive!! some of my favorite cc i have ever downloaded has been really niche cc—so if you’ve been doubting making that jester cc set or trash bag dress please do it. obviously, my examples are very silly but i’m being genuine!! i am a cc hoarding dragon and my collection is forever-growing, so continue making pretty things for my sims to wear, useful things to shove into lots, and poses to make my story-telling hobby a smidge easier thank you !!
okay, sappy time is over!! it’s impossible for me to know every single one of you, but to everyone i do know (or have chatted with, or am mutuals with, etc) you have been a fun and positive place for me to hang out online which is so rare in this age of the internet. keep doing that. and to anyone i don’t know yet, don’t be shy!! even if it’s not to me, the best way to become apart of this community is to engage in it—whether it’s sending an ask, replying to someone’s post, or joining a discord server! i promise you will have fun here!
<3 ok bye
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drdtfuitgumies · 1 month
pinned post
(updated: 9th june 2024)
this blog is unofficial, and not affiliated with danganronpa: despair time, the official danganronpa franchise, spike chunsoft, or nisa. all characters belong to danganronpa: despair time; all art is made by me unless stated otherwise.
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-) (31/5/2024) arei has been jailed and will not (directly) appear for at least two weeks (you can still send arei requests i just won't do them for a while!!)
let's have fun!! rules & quick faq under cut
blog explanation & rules
i'll be drawing the drdt characters in my fuit gumy style (example above, and also it needs to be spelt exactly that way). ideally i post one thing a day, but real life circumstances might help or hinder me
requests are currently open. i can't promise that i'll get to every request and i don't know if i can answer every ask, but i'll try my best!
i do not Bite but please be nice to me!! i am just a 1) gremlin 2) a Student who needs stability and routine
i can draw headcanons, aus, and such, but i'll be adhering to canon most of the time. also, i love weird combos too if you can find an explanation for them interacting whether platonically, romantically, or a secret third thing
if a request has multiple characters, please specify if you mean it romantically or not, so romantic interactions can be given ship tags as well. if it isn't specified in the request, i'll interpret it as platonic by default (i'm pretty dense and have trouble interpreting interactions sometimes)
i won't draw, read any of these asks, or interact with certain blogs if they contain: nsfw (out of personal comfort!), hate speech (what are you doing here), proship
this blog is NOT spoiler free! most of my art here is 99% going to be unserious shitposts anyways, but this is here just in case. also since drdt is 16+ this blog is 16+ too
any of my art posted in this blog can be used for personal use with credit (icons, headers, wallpapers, discord emotes for private servers and any other social media that lets you do that kinda stuff), but (for now) please don't repost in other social media (you can just share links if you'd like!)
this is a recent discovery but I can't reply to replies for some reason. i'll probably just screenshot the reply and reblog it to communicate if i need to
quick faq before anyone asks
call me gremlyn (18+)! you can find me on @thatseitagremlin (drdt sideblog) / @iamjustagremlin (limbus main)
for this blog i draw with miro . com by default so i can restrict myself to a limited brush and color palette. this helps my brain not get distracted when drawing. depending on what tomfoolery i come up with or what requests i get i might use other apps though!
whit is the posterboy for this blog because he's my favorite character. my blorbo, if you will. my other faves are j, nico, and xander (i feel a Lot of cuteness aggression with xander specifically) if you're curious
i'm an omnivore and am fine with most ships but if i had to pick a ship to fight for it'd probably be charwhit or areiden. i also like jarei but i'm not sure if i prefer it platonically, romantically, or a secret third thing, and i'm not bothered enough to find out soon
also, do you guys know how to run an ask blog. because i don't. but once again, let's be nice and have fun!!
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AITA for sharing screenshots of a groupchat to people who couldn't understand them?
I'm bilingual, I speak English and French. I have a group of friends that I speak English with and a group I speak French with, the French being mostly online friends because I'm in the States at the moment.
I was talking (over discord) to my English speaking friends about French texting, because there are quite a lot of acronyms and phonetic shortenings that we don't really do in English, with numbers added in and all of that. It looks like random keysmashes sometimes.
To give an example, I took a screenshot of a groupchat I was in with some French-speaking friends. I picked a conversation to screenshot that had a lot of acronyms, and it happened to be us gossiping a bit about one of the members's brothers.
I didn't think much about sharing it, because nobody in the discord server spoke any French or knew anyone else in the groupchat, but when one of them mentioned that it was probably not good to share private messages, even if nobody understands, I deleted it. I told the French groupchat about it, and apologized, but Madeline (fake name, the person whose brother we were talking about) is still really mad at me, saying I invaded her privacy.
I wasn't honestly thinking about it, and I understand being hurt but I didn't really think it was that big of a deal? Am I in the wrong?
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