#sharon stone imagine
noirapocalypto · 1 year
I think I just need to sob into someone’s shoulder. I think that would really fix me. I just want someone to be with me while I cry. Even for a little bit.
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cantsayidont · 1 month
I still sort of like the movie CASINO (1995) even though it's objectively pretty bad. Everyone says it's inferior to Scorsese and Pileggi's earlier GOODFELLAS, which is true, but GOODFELLAS does nothing for me: I don't hate it, but I also don't see why people are nuts for it and I don't think it has any particular claim to Cinematic Greatness.
CASINO doesn't either, except maybe for Sharon Stone's performance (she has to work three times as hard because she's the only woman in the movie with more than two lines of dialogue), but its period design manages to look actually lush and attractive rather than campy (a feat more recent shows and movies set in the same period constantly fail to match), and I enjoy the documentary quality of the overlapping voiceovers that allow Sam (De Niro) and Nicky (Joe Pesci) to explain the ins and outs of the characters' various scams. (It IS based on a true story, although all the names have been changed.) The voiceovers are sometimes clunky, but without them, you'd be left with the weak story, and I think it would be unbearable. As it is, it's a movie I can put on in the background for three hours to satisfying effect, I guess sort of like people who like podcasts and video essays use podcasts and video essays.
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anniebass · 4 months
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baby don't be mad
1.3k word actverse ficlet under the jump rating: M tags: dialogue-heavy, beginning of the relationship, the boys are arguinggg, old man eddie's being a clueless slut, and also a dweeb, and steve's being... a person that rly needs therapy lol
Rapid catchups, they name it, though it doesn’t really need a name, it’s basically just talking. Early on Eddie realizes he doesn’t know all that much about his sexy old-but-new long distance serious boyfriend, that he possesses a fuckton of outdated information, that, duh, people change, especially in the long-ass time they spent apart. That the habits and opinions of a twenty-year-old shithead don’t necessarily last until someone’s forties.
That evening, they do the rapid catchups, starting off easy, prompted by the takeout dinner they have at Steve’s: best Asian food, go, at which without a second thought Steve says Chinese, while Eddie goes with Japanese, love me some sushi, yum. Later, when they’re full of kung pao and mapo tofu, lazily digesting on the couch, half-watching an old movie where Sharon Stone saunters across the screen and smolders at bad men, Steve says: you have to sleep with a woman, any woman in the world, dead or alive, go.
Eddie groans and slides down the couch, throws his hands up: dude, I don’t know! Uh, like maybe— Cleopatra? Or maybe one of those amazonian greek warriors with one boobie?
So, no one you actually know the face of? he says, with a little smirk.
Man, I don’t— I mean, there are some beautiful women walking this earth, like stunning stunning women I can’t get enough of, but that don’t mean I want to fuck them! My willy shrinks at the thought, he explains meekly, and shrugs, clicking his tongue: I dunno, maybe Eartha Kitt? She seems very fun.
Good choice, mutters Steve, and to Eddie’s your turn he tilts his head, scratches his nose: I don’t know if that question really applies to me. But if I had to have a sex list, it would be… Linda Evangelista? Or Sharon, she’s hot. Or— yeah, Monica Belucci, Jesus. Her, definitely. If not her then Cleopatra, that’s actually a great answer, she must have been good for all that shit to go down around her, he says with a smile, and Eddie sighs dreamily, oh, I’d love to watch. From the closet, imagine myself in her place. In a little egyptian wig, he adds, to which Steve snorts, rolling his eyes.
Alright, my turn. Best casual sex you’ve ever had, go, says Eddie, and Steve hums at that, leans back on the couch, rubbing his chin, mumbling under his breath, until he sighs and says: I actually didn’t have that much of it beyond my teens, and what I had back then was very… teenaged, y’know. And in that short gap between my first and second wife I slept with just three people, two dudes and one woman, and neither of those was mind-blowing. The guys were kinda disappointing, I thought after so many years of straight sex I’d be blown away, but it was just… okay. Actually—, he adds, shaking his head: it sucked. I was drunk, they were drunk, I don’t remember much of it. Or don’t want to. I remember stinky balls. So, I dunno—, he says, and sighs, and glances at him: am I a big loser if I say the best one was when we reconnected? Could say it was still casual back then, right? When we fucked in the church, or by the pool, or—, yeah, there was a lot of it, on that trip.
It really was magical, agrees Eddie, smiling at him.
So, uh, your turn, says Steve. Best you've ever had, go.
Oh, man, mutters Eddie. I know my answer to that. Japan, in the mid-nineties. We were on tour and stayed for a few nights in Tokyo, and I got to explore the city, research shit with the help of a very discreet translator, and finally, on our last night there, I ended up in a gay bar. Very hush-hush, a basement place hidden away in some grimy back alley, he says, lowering his voice into sultry tones of gossip. Met a guy there, this… slightly chubby middle-aged businessman type, suit and tie and briefcase, wedding ring on his finger, very regular looking guy, and we drank sake through the night, sang some karaoke, and ended up in some seedy by-the-hour love hotel. He didn’t know who I was, didn’t speak a lick of English, I was obviously drunk, but I still remember that night like it was yesterday. God, just— the way that guy fucked me, the way he seemed to know every inch of my body without having seen it before, the way he just knew what I wanted without any language, it was insane. We did it a few times that one night, practically without stopping, and never saw each other again. I actually jerk off to that memory to this day.
To this, Steve lets out a small hm, purses his lips and leans back, crossing his arms, and Eddie clicks his tongue, leaning closer, touching his shoulder: aw, don’t be jealous. That was casual, but out of all people, of course you are my number one, no contest. I just— remember that one time in Japan, because it worked so well without language, and that’s always kinda hot. Language of love, all that cheesy stuff. Up to that point and following it, it'd mostly happen with some hot Brazilians.
Okay, he says.
Eddie sighs, watching his face: Steve, you know that’s what my life was like back then, this neverending barrage of hookups. And most of those weren’t even that good, like, you talk of stinky balls? I met dozens, slobbered over them anyway like they were fucking Ferrero Rocher!, he says to a small groan in return, then sighs, speaks softer: being with you is a completely different quality from that, even from my previous relationships. It’s way different. With Marcell, we both slept around, there wasn’t much that we had in common beyond, like, incredible attraction at the beginning, and the fact that we work in the same industry, could endlessly talk about that. And with Zu, we— we really loved each other, but we weren’t a good fit. It was this weird thing where she needed someone more masc, but also I needed someone more masc, he says with an amused scoff. We were two bottoms in love, and it’s hard to make it work in the long term, without fucking other people. We’re way better off as friends. And the other dudes I dated, it was just— me being a drunken asshole, most of the time. I was a very shitty boyfriend for a looong-ass time.
There’s a stretch of silence, and Steve slides down the couch, still frowning: man… I just wonder why you asked that question in the first place. Because it seems to me like you wanted to brag a little about this incredible hookup you had in fucking… Japan. Do you miss fucking other people, Eddie?
He sighs, rakes a hand through his hair: Steve, I literally just told you I don’t. I might romanticize it, the— the way I might romanticize being on drugs, but I don’t want to go back to that. I asked because I want to know everything about you! I dunno, I— I guess I like Japan. It’s such a weird place, I really want to go back there, he says and inches closer, placing a calm hand on his thigh: come with me. Like, for two weeks or something. We’d take the girls with us, go in the summer or for the spring break. Would be cool to just wander around, shop, sing karaoke, eat tons of good food. Go to Kyoto, see the geishas, tea ceremony. Go to hot springs. Japan’s truly like no place you’ve ever been to.
I didn't know you liked it that much. A trip does sound nice, says Steve, with a small smile. Emily would go crazy, she loves those cartoons. Chels would like it too, I think.
Eddie smiles and squeezes his leg: sounds like a plan. Also, just to— get it out of the way: from the moment you first kissed me, I stopped thinking of us as casual. I was, like, fully fully back in love with you in point two seconds. Even before that, to be honest. If I ever for a single moment considered that a hookup, it’d totally blow that businessman out of the water. If you want, I could show you, uh, how I blew him out of the— fucking—, he falters, then snorts: sorry, failed metaphor. But you catch my drift.
Yes, please, says Steve.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
🌹snippet from The Same Story? (if you have one)
I just read through the entire thing for the third time and it is still just as amazing
aaaauuugh thank you so much!! i'm so amazed when anyone's read it more than once, it's a bit of a monster sljsds i'm so glad you enjoy it :')
HERE'S THIS- it's a bit of a longer one, later on in the fic from a conversation roy has with dr sharon about all of the..... everything that's happened. he's been having a bad one, and hasn't really been unpacking that until now.
“I’m sure this has all been terribly painful for you.” The observation is delivered in the same calm, frank tone in which Sharon has rendered all her questions and responses throughout the conversation. It sets Roy’s teeth on edge just the same as many of the other things she’s said have done, even so. “For me?” he asks. There’s a faint, disbelieving sneer in his voice that he doesn’t try very hard to keep out of it. “My sister keeps saying the same shit, you know. That this has been hard for me, that it’s been painful for me, that she’s worried about me. But this shit didn’t happen to me. Dunno why you both keep…” Roy waves a hand to indicate the comments that Sarah and Sharon - and, okay, a few other people too - keep making to him.
“Well, stop looking at it from Jamie’s perspective for a moment.” Roy’s hackles go up immediately at that suggestion, but before he can voice his disagreement with it, Sharon shakes her head and elaborates. “I know, but I’m not saying forget it was him. I’m not saying make him not important. I’m saying think about what it means that it was him. For you.” It must be clear from his face that Roy doesn’t really understand what she means, because Sharon considers him for a moment and then keeps going. “This would have been a horrific thing to see happen to any stranger on the street, and it would be completely normal and expected for seeing that to upset and even traumatize you. But it wasn’t a stranger on the street. You witnessed a terrible, violent attack on someone you care for.” Sharon pauses there like she’s waiting for him to sign off on the descriptor. The fact that she stops and waits, looking at him expectantly, is what makes Roy say it. The question implied in her expression, and is that how you would describe him - as someone you care for? strikes him hard in the chest and he finds it revolting. Not the idea that he does care for Jamie, but the idea that he might say that he doesn’t, that there’s any kind of doubt about that at all. It flips his stomach and turns his hands to stone. “Someone I love.” The correction is out before he can stop it. Or, not before he can stop it. That would imply that he had tried to, that he would have tried to stop it, and he wouldn’t. It’s the first time he’s said such a thing directly, in his own voice, with his own words, and it stings coming out. Like it’s the sort of thing Roy just doesn’t know how to say. Like it’s the sort of thing he should have said a long time ago. Now, the only thing that he can imagine in the world that would have been harder than saying that would have been not saying it. Roy swallows hard, clearing his throat to dislodge the lump that’s risen suddenly in it. His voice is hoarse, saying, “He is my… He is my family. This happened to my family.”
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ishipallthings · 1 year
Cap-IM Rec Week 2023 (Tues)
It's About the Yearning Tuesday, July 18 for @cap-ironman Rec Week!
Today I'm reccing fics based on my favorite trope of all time - pining 💜
Remember to show some love for your hard-working creators!
take my heart clean apart by mistymountainking @stovetuna
Tony comes home exhausted after an SI event. Steve acts as welcoming committee. It's an old, careworn routine they've perfected over the years, but tonight ends up going in a very different direction.
Take A Number by 51stCenturyFox
So what if Tony Stark is sleeping with everybody else (except him)? Why would Steve care? He doesn’t even like Tony, and certainly not like that...
for you I’ll pretend (to fake it) by AvengersNewB @avengersnewb, Lacerta
Steve doesn't think twice when he agrees to help Tony out, even if it kills him inside to attend a gala as Tony's fake date. Tony doesn't know if he can keep up the pretense on this evening out as friends but it's as close as he can get to an actual date, so he takes it. Things don't go as planned though, with all the pining, the pent-up feelings, and bumping into Tony's horrible, obnoxious ex, Ty Stone.
Can't Write One Song (That's Not About You) by FestiveFerret @festiveferret
Ten years ago, Tony fell in love with his roommate: funny, handsome, kind, smart Steve Rogers, who also happened to be the lead singer and guitarist of a band, The Howlies. Then The Howlies made it big, Steve moved away, and Tony vowed to avoid any mention of the band, their songs, and the man he missed his chance with. But chance has a way of giving you exactly what you need, even if you don't know it yet...
you'll be mine and i'll be yours by complicationstoo @ifmywishescametrue
Five words ruin Tony's life. “He doesn't love me back,” Steve says, and Tony feels his world crumble to pieces at his feet. Steve loves someone, and Tony knows it isn't him.
in my head by brucewaynery
Tony tells Steve about solipsism, the theory that everything is merely a figment of your own imagination, and Steve lets something slip.
ignorance is (not) bliss by earliebirb @earliebirb
One of Tony’s hands shoots up to grab his wrist, gripping it tightly. Slowly, Tony opens his eyes. Steve’s blood freezes in his veins. His heart sinks with dread.  “Tony?” Steve hopes that this is just some weird bout of sleepwalking, but Tony doesn’t sleepwalk, and from the thoughtful way Tony regards him, Steve knows that Tony is somehow very much awake, which means— Tony swallows, his eyes wide and alert in a way Steve didn’t think they were capable of being twenty minutes ago.  “Steve,” he says, the single word carrying too much weight.
now I worship a celestial sun by haemodye (616)
A mostly-comedic farce involving: 1 obedience spell, 2 pining Avengers, 1 long-suffering Sorcerer Supreme, and 1 single, extravagant Saint Patrick's Day float.
Not a Perfect Man by Neverever @captainneverever (616)
Steve and Tony are back on track as friends and spending a lot of time together as they form a new Avengers team. But Steve is again in a rocky relationship with Sharon and Tony is dating a new woman. Steve struggles as his long-dormant crush on Tony comes back with a vengeance because he's supposed to be a good man and he doesn't want to lose Tony as a friend. What is he supposed to do as a friend when Tony's new girlfriend turns out to be not good for Tony?
The Culling of the Stars by dirigibleplumbing @dirigibleplumbing (616)
Tony dies saving Steve's life on the courthouse steps. Now Steve is left with the fallout of their Civil War, expected to take charge and preserve Tony's legacy. He doesn't know how he can do it alone—not when he can't stop thinking about Tony, or keep track of the days, or even feel.
What Was It You Wanted by sheron @sheronm
"C'mon, a kiss from Captain America is not so terrible." According to the alien custom, Steve had to kiss each teammate on the mouth, and some kisses come with more aftermath than others.
Down in Lonesome Town by resurrectedhippo
“Why do I always find my way back to you?” Maybe Tony didn’t necessarily return to Steve, but fate is a funny little thing, and after living a life of loss, Steve wants something that’s his to keep. After the universe is restored, Steve is lost without any direction. Retiring from the Avengers, he moves across the country and ends up building a house by a misty blue lake. Across the bridge is Tony Stark’s new workshop.
Hope you guys enjoy the recs, and stay tuned for more! Please mind the tags before reading. Check out my tag for previous years’ rec lists :)
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d-criss-news · 11 months
Alzheimer’s Imagine Benefit Exceeds Expectations
The Alzheimer’s Association, the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s research, held its annual gala on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, with cocktails beginning at 6 p.m. at the Jazz at Lincoln Center. Formed in 1980 by Jerome Stone, the Alzheimer’s Association has raised over $80 million to date.
The 250-person sold-out evening, attended by 250 people and costing $1,500 per ticket, was one of the most enjoyable of the year, featuring delectable food, a plethora of entertainment, and a meaningful program. Emcee Laurie Hernandez, a two-time Olympic medalist, and Alzheimer’s Association Celebrity Champion, introduced Ballet Hispanico, singers R.Q, Tek, Darren Criss, and Colton Ryan, and musicians Evan Drachman and Wan-Chi Su, who all made the evening a smash success.
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Darren Criss and Coltan Ryan at the Alzheimer's Association Imagine Benefit at Jazz at Lincoln Center on October 25, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Lieba Nesis)
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cthulhu-calling · 2 years
Wedding Bells II
Wanda Maximoff x female!Reader
Summary : Your best friend is getting married. You’re beyond elated. And he asked you to be his best man. But there’s a catch. The maid of honour is the woman you were with for two years. The woman you were going to get down on one knee and ask to spend the rest of your life together. The woman who cheated on you, smashing your heart into millions of tiny pieces. Can you truly make it down the aisle with her on your arm?
Warnings : fluff, angst, cheating
Author’s Note : This story has elements of cheating, maybe a graphic description further down the road. The reader is female and has no particular race or body type so feel free to imagine yourself (though I write with woc in mind).
I spent a long time staring at pictures of Kathryn Hahn's face to figure out her eye colour (not that I truly mind) so y'all better appreciate my dedication.
Word Count : 1265
series masterlist
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Preparations for the wedding are in full swing, but you have surprisingly little to do. You never realised that most of the work is taken over by the bride’s side. You’re thankful for it, you suppose. You’re kept in the loop, sure, but you never actively contribute. You’re glad, you couldn’t imagine having to interact with Wanda regularly. That one voicemail was enough to drive you up the fucking wall. You never did end up replying to it. You thought about it a lot though. Even found yourself going back and listening to it but the initial anger was replaced by something else. Something you didn’t want to dwell too long on or God forbid you act on those feelings. It was best to keep your distance until it was absolutely necessary or unavoidable for you to interact with her. 
Bucky and Natasha’s engagement party was this weekend. You were as ready as you’d ever be. You’d gotten a brand new outfit, an emerald green jumpsuit with a halter neck and mostly open back. The colour looked beautiful on you and you had just the right heels to pair with it. You were going to get your hair done professionally the day before too, putting it up high so that you could really show off your outfit. You were leaving no stone unturned. There was only one problem : a date. You needed one ASAP. You could ask your friend from work, Carol, to come along. You knew how much Wanda despised her but Carol tends to get a bit handsy when she has a couple of drinks in her, as the entire office witnessed at the Christmas party last year. So, she was not an option. You need to find yourself a date, fast. Peggy had offered to introduce you to her cousin, Sharon, and you’d jumped on the idea. She was a total smokeshow, that woman. You’d met her before, at Peggy and Steve’s wedding but back then you had no idea she was into women. You were going out to meet her at your favourite bar downtown for a drink. Casual, laid back. Peggy had already told her you were looking for a date and she seemed fine with it so that was half your work already done for you. 
That evening, you meet Sharon for a drink and you must admit, she’s just as gorgeous as you remember. She stands up to greet you, pulling you close for a hug and you can smell the sweet perfume on her. The shorts she’s wearing hug her figure amazingly and her top is low cut enough to give a teasing hint of cleavage. She’s pure seduction with legs that seem to go on for miles and perfectly styled blonde waves. 
The date seemed to be going well but honestly, you found something off about her. You tried to push the feeling down, thinking it’s because you’re still kind of stuck on Wanda but no, it kept bubbling up to the surface. And for good reason too. Alarm bells started going off in your brain the moment she asked what your financial situation was like. You wanted to tell her it was none of her business, or make some dumb joke about how that was a more third date kind of line of questioning but instead you told her just what she was itching to hear. God, you wish you had a spine.
“It’s okay, I get by,” you shrug and the look of pure joy that takes over her face is blinding.
“How would you feel if I told you that I have a business opportunity for you that’s going to make you a lot of money?” she asks gleefully. 
You should’ve ended the date then and there but your lack of a goddamn spine came through and you sat and listened to her whole spiel, telling her you were interested in selling nutritional supplements as a side hustle to make extra money and that you’d get back to her soon. She left pretty satisfied after that and it was safe to say that you hate yourself.
You were getting sick of this. Another failed first date. You plop yourself down on the bar stool and the bartender, and your friend, Agatha, greets you with a quirk of her perfectly plucked eyebrow. 
“What was wrong with this one?” She asks, setting a tall glass of seven and seven in  front of you, on the house, she says. 
“Is it too much to ask to not get roped into an MLM recruitment on the first date? I mean, save that shit for the tenth date, at least,” you say as you take a rather large sip from your glass. 
“It happens to,” she trails off before sighing, “Actually, it does not happen to all of us,” she finishes with a snort.
“I’m cursed,” you groan, sipping from the straw.
“You’re not cursed, you’re just special,” she says sympathetically, patting your hand before going to the other end of the bar to attend to another customer. 
“So, who was she?” Agatha asks.
“Sharon. She’s my friend Peggy’s cousin. I didn’t even know she was into women,” you shrug.
“Hmm, maybe she was just trying to get a new member for her cult. What do they sell anyway?” 
“Nutritional supplements or like gummies or something, I wasn’t listening,” you grumbel, biting the straw. 
“Well, you need to wade through a sea of cheaters and recruiters to finally find the one. And you’re young, you have time,” she says. Agatha was older than you, by ten years at least. You were turning thirty this year and she seemed closer to forty, though you’d never ask her.
“Not really. I need a date for my friends Bucky and Nat’s wedding. My ex is gonna be there too,” you say, blowing bubbles into your drink.
“The one who cheated on you?” she asks, wiping down the counter.
“Yeah, and last I heard, she’s still with that old guy she cheated on me with,” you sigh, holding your head in your hands in despair. A warm hand encircles your wrist, making you look up. Agatha’s looking at you with a mischievous smile and you realise that you never noticed before just how pretty her eyes were. They were a pale grey and if you weren’t so close to her, one might even mistake them for blue. 
“So, you need a date for this wedding to make your ex realise what she’s missing, right?” She’s outright smirking now, a twinkle to her eyes in mirth.
“Yeah, what are you suggesting?” you frown, confusion lacing your tone.
“I think I might have an idea of exactly who can help you,” she says and you must say, you’re intrigued. You’ve never heard her speak like this, so giddy, almost evil. She was easy going and while you weren’t extremely close to her, you knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t cause you any harm, not intentionally.
“Really? And who might that be? If you’re about to suggest a shrink, I have a rather colourful array of words to offer,” you squint your eyes at her, wondering where she’s going with this.
“Darling, no one short of the good Lord up above can help you but for this situation, I know who can,” she says as she lets go of your wrist, knowing that she has your full attention. 
‘Well? Spit it out already,” you demand impatiently.
With a dramatic flourish of her hands, she says in a sultry tone “Me, darling, who else?” 
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brain-rot-central · 8 months
This is gonna sound stupid at first, or the whole thing is, but bear with me for a second, because this brainrot requires a setup: So it's canon that in BG3 there's different worlds and cosmos. Now imagine the our Tav was plucked by the Nautiloid from our modern Earth or its equivalent. So she essentially got isekai'd (escapist fantasy genre where the character is transported or reincarnated into a DnD type world, usually after getting hit by a truck).
Thus this Tav is very much fish out of water. Maybe she has cheats like they do in this genre and can see the dialogue options (and Astarion always hears her mumbling about how rude some of the options are). Perhaps she was carrying her violin, gets mistaken for a bard, and is great at distracting her enemies, like regaling the goblin camp with the tale of the crime family from the land of Sicily while playing the theme music (Godfather).
Now for the actual important bit: Imagine Tav using her knowledge of modern media to try and woo Astarion with varying and hilarious results. Maybe she goes full Basic Instinct and uncrosses her legs for Astarion without her underwear, awakening something in him. Or she fails to find an appropriate pencil skirt, accidentally reveals her plan to Astarion via tadpole, and he plays the Uno reverse card and invites her into his tent and poses like Sharon Stone.
...look, I've been giggling at this stupid idea that I had to share. To end this ridiculous AU, let's say this Tav can't age since the gods from her cosmos can't reach her, so she can live with vampire spawn Astarion forever in Faerun because dammit I need a cliche happily ever after. The End.
....that is a very thought out AU.
So essentially, Tav is one of us, dies from her life here on Earth only to be reincarnated in Faerun, but still has knowledge of her earthly life?
So she's literally wooing everyone with concepts she's picked up from movies and they all think she's a genius?
Astarion's none the wiser to it until the tadpole betrays her???
Very interesting idea for a reincarnation AU!
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saleintothe90s · 1 year
482. Seventeen Magazine, March 1996
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(see also: 1994, 1995)
Two things that are sightly upsetting: 1. I barely remember looking through this issue when I was 12. 2. I had to pay $30 for this issue off eBay.
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Unfortunately, the Tendrecils line from Lancome is discontinued. Doesn't stop me from misreading it as "tendrils" though.
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Does Kate know what magazine she's reading. This was Seventeen in 1995/1996, not 'Teen. 'Teen was the girly magazine back then. I don't know about Y/M, never read that one.
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Those Hush Puppies the girl in blue is wearing.
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South Coast Today [archive]
A similar green pair with laces seemed to be everywhere in my magazines for a brief time in 1996. I never saw anybody wearing 'em though. Never saw them at Kinney. I don't see 'em on eBay either, Joel sold 6,000 pairs at his store in 1995, wherearethey. 1
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'Y'all know Cover Girl still makes this?!
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Remember this beautiful "great" packaging Maybelline had. If I had money to throw around to collect old makeup, this would definitely be in the collection.
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The fuzzy trim dress was a classic prom dress (or, at least the teen magazines made it seem that way) for the mid to late 90s.
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Anna's dress is #1. I love the short sequin Hawaiian print dress. That is 1996.
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There's those black and white dresses again! The Chanteuse girls will kick all of our butts.
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I saw a lot more of these pastel dresses in my 1997 issues, which sadly yes, I'm trying to find on eBay right now. No luck.
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If I was allowed to have makeup back then, you better believe I would have worn this look at school the next day.
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I honestly had no clue that self tanner was a thing yet, or maybe just a thing that was sold at like, Saks in the glass case.
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Slick straight hair. That was the thing. I had hair down to my waist back then so suffice to say I was not sporting this look
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I used to get my Sanrio stuff from the My Doll and Toy Shoppe in downtown Hampton, Virginia. If you said the name of the store quick, it almost sounded like "MIDOL toy shop".
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Every time I would see this ad for Kaepa shoes, naive 12 year old me thought "oh my god is that girl going to burn her school down?"
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I had that lava lamp keychain and the 8 ball! I used to get them from either Claire's or Spencers. I had a Cracker Jack keychain too around this time that will just randomly show up in my dreams.
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Did people really have scanners to scan in their handwriting back then? I imagine they were a small fortune back then. I tried doing some research on this software, but nothing came up.
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Mickey was still stuck in 1995.
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Oh, these were SO GOOD in the waining days of the low fat craze.
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I remember when the Backstreet Boys got real big when I was in high school, I thought back to the ad and wondered "wait, haven't they been around for a while?" In 1996, they didn't even have an album in the U.S. yet.
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"our internet address is.."
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Some of these look more like pageant dresses.
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I adore all the short dresses in this issue.
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Is this a freshman dance? They look like freshmen.
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Sharon Stone is a not-g0ing-to-prom icon.
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Man, what happened to Finesse? It's like once 2000 hit, it became bottom shelf stuff.
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There's always one dress that makes me sad in the prom issues, and I think it's this one. It looks so ... mature.
School Zone time, real pics of real kids from a school in Las Vegas:
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The shiny, silky shirts!
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These are the only two things I remember from this issue when I was 12: MaryBeth's amazing outfit--I wanted it so bad--and Jennaia's cat shirt.
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A baby Tobey Maguire.
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Baby Eliza Dushku. Did anybody else other than me think it was totally the norm for a guy to want to wear a bright tuxedo like this to prom?
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I wish my scanner app on my phone got a better picture of this amazing Betsey Johnson dress Kathleen Robertson is wearing.
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ok, a lot going on here on page 230.
-When I was attending Mary Baldwin College, there was this really cheezy store downtown that sold mostly cutesy poo gag gifts. Very cringe store. I'm sure if that store existed in 1996, they would have sold PMS Crunch.
-We're still in the waining days of the low fat craze here, so here are some "healthy" chips. Garden of Eatin' is still around! I think Guiltless Gourmet went out of business?
-I want to see photos and or footage of the Creamette Pasta Party at Tavern on the Green. All I I found was a blip on the New York Times:
On Saturday, about 17,000 carbo-loaders at the annual pre-marathon pasta party at Tavern on the Green will dig into five dishes created by New Yorkers, one from each borough. The dishes were the winners in a contest sponsored by Creamette pasta. The judges included as many weathermen (Storm Field and Mr. G) and sportswriters (David Kaplan of The Daily News) as food experts (Patrick Clark, Bob Lape and Robin Leach).
The meals, which will be served from 4:30 to 8:30 P.M., are free to runners in the New York City Marathon, which will be held on Sunday. The dishes are: baked ziti and vegetables by Martha Katzeff of the Bronx, rigatoni with beef and cheese by Mike Boyd of Brooklyn, spinach-rotini toss by Barbara Shields of Staten Island, creamy macaroni and basil salad by Karin Mackin of Queens and sweet nutmeg kugel by Diane Girer of Manhattan. All the recipes are by runners. 2
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Remember when these Y-Necklaces were popular for about a minute?
1.Parnes, Francine . “Old Dog Trots Out in Trendy Places.” New Bedford Standard-Times, December 25, 1995. https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/1995/12/26/old-dog-trots-out-in/50652285007/. 2.Fabricant, Florence. “Food Notes.” The New York Times, November 8, 1995, sec. Home & Garden. https://www.nytimes.com/1995/11/08/garden/food-notes-021709.html.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
Pls don't shoot me, but a good pick would be Sharon Stone and Sydney Sweeney. Pls put the pitchforks guys and hear me out😭
Sydney is a very good actress and has a deranged, passionate fanbase that will go to the theatres and see that film. Anyon but you made silly money at the bo, and it's not good at all. With Tom, that film could make half a billion, if not more, on a smaller budget. I'm a fan of the art, but I'm also a fan of the business icl.
Not to compare, but I still have friends who didn't watch Challengers because they didn't care for the male leads. Or find them them attractive sorry Z😅. I'm a film girl, so of course I know who Mike and Josh are, but I can only imagine if they had cast more accessible actors it would have done more in the bo.
Jmo pls don't shoot me guys😭
Ooooo..... Sharon Stone would be an AWESOME Choice Anon.
She def has the vibe and sex appeal I would be looking for in this role. 👌🏾
Sydney wouldn't be bad either for the role of the daughter.
Re: Challengers
Yea lol I told y'all what that older waitress told me right? 😅 She said she loves Zendaya, but that the guys weren't "cute enough" to make her leave home and go to the theaters to see that movie rofl 🤣 😂
I stuck up for Mike and Josh (cuz they're great actors!), but I already said on my blog a little while ago that I wonder how well this movie would have done at the box office if Zendaya had hand-picked slightly better-looking actors, and maybe slightly better known actors as well to play opposite with her in this film.
I think it's coz Z is so gorgeous lol. A lot of ppl just don't find it realistic that she'd be going after those two guys rofl 😂
With that said, I actually think "Challengers" did pretty well at the box office seeing how it's more of a smaller film and not a blockbuster film or a film based on a popular already established IP. 😃 Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
The film did pretty well imo! The movie made back it's budget and then some. It didn't do as well as ABY, but again, that could have been changed if the actors she chose were different. If the film already did this well with relative unknowns who people don't find "handsome", can you just imagine how much MORE it would have made if the male leads were different? 😅🤣
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periru3 · 8 months
Festivids Rec List, But Make It Horny (Part 1)
So this year I am the extremely lucky recipient of three wonderful Festivids, and I could not be happier! They all understood exactly what I love about the sources I request, they have excellent music choices and are beautifully made, and, to my delight, they are all horny as hell! And in wildly different ways, no less! So when I was thinking about making a vid rec list I kept thinking about my amazing, sexy gifts, and somehow what I ended up making instead was a list of this year’s horniest festivids, ranked from normal vanilla horniness to kinky/bizarre/fucked up as hell horniness. So uuuh… if anyone reads this, enjoy I guess?
15. Ruin My Life (Rebecca Ferguson RPF) This vid is a short and sweet bit of pure Rebecca Ferguson thirst, and I’m here for it. Nothing too out there, just some classic lusting after a hot celebrity. Definitely the low extreme of the overt-kink-o-meter, but no less horny for it.   14. I Just Want Your Extra Time (Our Flag Means Death RPF) Another RPF entry, this one isn’t quite as thirsty as the previous entry, but it’s set to Kiss which is an incredibly sexy song, and it features the super-hot cast of OFMD. Also, whether you are in favor of the practice or not, shipping two real people is definitely straying a little further from pure vanilla than just being horny for one celeb.   13. Satisfaction (The Quick and the Dead) I’d say that horniness isn’t the main point of this delightful vid (that would be revenge), but it is all about Sharon Stone’s character, and she’s a total smoke show in this movie. Oh and there’s also the part where she fucks a preacher (Russel Crowe) in handcuffs and this vid is kind enough to give us a close up on him picking her up with his handcuff-clad hands by her leather-clad ass at 2:10 so that’s just an objectively good thing. (Also a quick shout out to Raising Hell – it didn’t seem horny enough to include, and I know nothing about the fandom, but a nun does certainly seem to have sex in it. Possibly several times) 12. Drink You Sober, Sucker, With You a Girl Could Get Bolder, & Believe in You (Bound) I could not be happier with the fact that there are four gorgeous Bound vids this year, but I’ve lumped them together lest they completely overwhelm my list. Drink You Sober (a beautiful, sexy, amazing gift for me!!!) and Sucker are the hornier of the four, but that’s mostly to say the other two have more varied content. Honestly they’re all hot as hell and feature lesbian sex very, very prominently. While there’s nothing overtly kinky shown, they get a lot of points for how wild and transgressive it was for two (trans women to make a movie with explicit lesbian sex where the lesbians get to be happy in the 90s. Also Violet is an unapologetically horny femme top and we love to see it. 11. Magnetic (Romeo+Juliet) & Boys Keep Swinging (As You Like It) I’ve also decided to lump these two together because they’re both a ton of fun, they’re both Shakespeare, and they both have the MOST gender imaginable and I love it. Also I couldn’t decide which to put above which. Magnetic features Harold Perrineau’s Mercutio while Boys Keep Swinging showcases a whole bunch of Rosalinds and everyone in both vids is just throwing the gender binary right the fuck out the window and if I may say so, that is very hot of them. Magnetic is definitely the hornier of the two, but on sheer gender-fuckery points alone they deserve to share this slot. 10. I Like That & I’m That Queer (Janelle Monáe RPF) Another two I couldn’t separate: the two wonderful vids all about the gorgeous, talented, non-binary, bisexual icon, Janelle Monáe! These are both excellent tributes to Janelle and her queerness and her artistry……. Aaaand they’re both super hot. They rank this high on the kink-o-meter because a truly ridiculous number of Janelle Monáe’s music videos feature either explicit or heavily implied orgies or threesomes and also I Like That is I believe the only vid of the year to have sex toys in it. 9. The Shape of You (The Pirate) Speaking of bizarre! I have not seen this movie, so I figure the tags on this one can do a better job explaining its place on the list than I can: hypnotism, pirate dubcon roleplay, sword spanking, elaborate sexual fantasies about Gene Kelly in a skimpy little outfit, and a wild trick with a cigarette. And BOY does it deliver on all those fronts. Whatever weird-ass kink is going on in this movie and this vid, I am living for it. Other things I’m living for include Gene Kelly’s butt and also the aforementioned cigarette trick.
(Part 2)
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
I like that Austin and Kaia don't have too much problem in being photographed at events because they choose to but clearly (rightfully) hate paparazzi at the Varity Fair party kaia was probably in the car because she left with manu rios and henrique zaga (they arrived together with they and kate passed by her side so probably austin was right behind) because they knew there was going to be paparazzi, fans, screams....ex? lol can you imagine how much bigger the drama would have been if it wasn't sharon stone on his side but kaia? 😬
oh good heavens i hadn't even thought abt the clusterfuck it would've been on god's internet if he was waiting outside with kaia when v walked by. dodged a fucking bullet there whew
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'A year ago, the idea of moviegoers dressing up in suits and wide-brimmed hats to see Christopher Nolan’s three-hour biopic about theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer would’ve sounded absurd. One fateful scheduling matchup with Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and (the disorienting state of meme economy) later, however, and suddenly Oppenheimer is this year’s #Gentleminions.
These are wackadoodle times, but the film’s costume designer Ellen Mirojnick, for one, is tickled.
“When Oppenheimer and Barbie collided in this magnificent starburst that only Oppenheimer could dream up, and then to see the cultural and financial result, was staggering,” says Mirojnick, who coincidentally was once attached to costume a previous iteration of the Barbie movie. When she visited a movie theater last month, she saw firsthand moviegoers across genders decked out in hot pink and Oppie ties. “Halloween will be quite the event this year,” she predicts. “I think Barbenheimer will have another go round for sure at the end of October.”
As far as Mirojnick is concerned, however, the fact that Oppenheimer is as stylish as it is shouldn’t be terribly surprising. Oppenheimer, the man, took his clothes very seriously—his father, Julius, ran a textile importing firm in New York, and Oppie developed his good taste from an early age. His famous hat—which featured an unusual porkpie top with a wide, cowboyish brim—was a hybrid of sorts, likely shaped by his love for New Mexico. So, too, was his Indigenous-designed turquoise-inset silver belt buckle, which the costume team had recreated based on an archival photograph. “He used to use that buckle to strike the match to light his pipe or his cigarette,” she says, “so it was quite cowboy-esque.” (If you’re in the market for a similar buckle–as many of my GQ colleagues now are—Mirojnick suggests bringing a photo of it to a silversmith in Santa Fe and having them custom-make it for you.)
Both items feature prominently in one movie ensemble that Mirojnick calls Oppenheimer’s “mythic look,” which appears midway through the film. As Cillian Murphy’s Oppenheimer takes the reins at the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, he dons a suit tailored from hardy workwear fabric, a sky blue shirt, and a stout brown tie. “When he walks out of that office, he is the sheriff, make no bones about it. He owns that town that he built.”
Thanks to archival photographs, the costume team didn’t have to imagine how Oppenheimer or his colleagues dressed—and menswear-minded viewers might clock that many of the physicists alongside Oppenheimer at the Berkeley lab and Los Alamos seem peculiarly stylish. (No small feat, given how many guys [gender neutral] are in Oppenheimer.) This, as fans have noted, is a Nolan signature: “[Nolan] is a man that you see every day in a sport jacket, a waistcoat, and a shirt, so he is a fan of that type of silhouette and structure,” Mirojnick says. “I think that has a very particular masculine approach to his men.”
But it’s also a signature of Mirojnick’s, who has outfitted countless powerful figures throughout her legendary career. (“I love seeing men in suits,” she says.) Her credits include Sharon Stone’s Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct and Michael Douglas’s Gordon Gekko in Wall Street, the latter of which remains one of the most influential suiting movies ever. The costume designer says she wasn’t consciously thinking of Gekko when it came to dressing Oppie—another archetypal American man who wielded tremendous and destructive power—but she sees stylistic parallels between them. “I’ll be bold to say [Oppenheimer] took the same course as Gordon into becoming a self-made man, trusting and being empowered by his brain and his intelligence,” she says. “He knew [how] he could present to elicit what he needed.”
In the film, Oppenheimer’s keen sense of style also helps establish his real-life reputation as a womanizer. His clothes, Mirojnick says, were “simply elegant, but in a hugely seductive way.” Casting Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer also didn’t hurt, of course, as far as conveying sex appeal is concerned: “He could put anything on and make it look like a million dollars,” says Mirojnick, who was delighted by the actor’s premiere outfits before the cast halted their promotional run in solidarity with the SAG strike. “I was surprised at the sheer Saint Laurent, to be honest, because I wouldn’t have thought that he likes to bring that much attention. He has a perfect je ne sais quoi about him.”
It's that same sort of ineffable quality that hits at the core of the Barbenheimer experience. “One day when we study [how this phenomenon happened], I’d be hugely fascinated by why it became what it became,” she says, adding: “The ones who really pull the strings, it would be very nice if they really paid attention to what we have been part of, what history has brought us right now.”'
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dossantosspirit · 2 years
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Top 100 of 2012 [REMASTERED] 10 years ago I did my first end of the year selection and it was a top 50. By that time I started to discover more music and so, I’ve decided to select the best 50 from that year (a thing I still do until today). This year, to celebrate the decade achievement, I did a remaster to my first top ever I turned it into a top 100. Enjoy! 100. Matt and Kim – Let’s Go 99. The Killers – Runaways 98. Wake Owl – Gold 97. Funeral Suits – All Those Friendly People 96. Wiz Khalifa – Work Hard Play Hard 95. Dan Croll – From Nowhere 94. Muse – Madness 93. Bastille – Flaws 92. Big Sean – Guap 91. Angus Stone – Monster 90. Purity Ring – Fineshrine 89. Chief Keef – I Don’t Like (ft. Lil Reese) 88. The Vaccines – Teenage Icon 87. Perfume Genius – Hood 86. The Ting Tings – Day To Day 85. Bloc Party – Octupus 84. A$AP Ferg – Work 83. Linkin Park – Lost In The Echo 82. The Shins – Simple Song 81. Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros – Man On Fire 80. Katy Perry – Wide Awake 79. Future – Turn On The Lights 78. Kacey Musgraves – Merry Go Round 77. Kid Cudi – Just What I Am (ft. King Chip) 76. Mumford and Sons – I Will Wait 75. Carly Rae Jepsen – Call Me Maybe 74. Twin Shadow – Five Seconds 73. Frank Ocean – Pyramids 72. D.I.D. – Teenage Daughter 71. DIIV – Doused 70. Father John Misty – Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings 69. A$AP Rocky – Fuckin’ Problems (ft. 2 Chainz, Drake & Kendrick Lamar) 68. Kodaline – All I Want 67. Kid Ink – Hell & Back 66. Matisyahu – Sunshine 65. Alabama Shakes – Hold On 64. Icona Pop – I Love It (ft. Charli XCX) 63. Todd Terje – Inspector Norse 62. Kendrick Lamar – Money Trees 61. Chairlift – I Belong In Your Arms 60. Tame Impala – Elephant 59. Paloma Faith – Picking Up The Pieces 58. XXYYXX – About You 57. Death Grips – I’ve Seen Footage 56. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Same Love (ft. Mary Lambert) 55. Alt-J – Taro 54. The Lumineers – Ho Hey 53. Cat Power – Ruin 52. Crystal Castles – Affection 51. Imagine Dragons – It’s Time 50. Taylor Swift – We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 49. Woddkid - Run Boy Run 48. Sharon Van Eten – Serpents 47. Of Monsters and Men – Little Talks 46. Haim – Forever 45. Jai Paul – Jasmine 44. The Temper Trap – Trembling Hands 43. Panama – It’s Not Over 42. Grimes – Oblivion 41. Flume – Sleepless (ft. Jezzabell Doran) 40. Mac Demarco – Ode To Viceroy 39. Japandroids – The House That Heaven Built 38. Miike Snow – Paddling Out 37. First Aid Kit – Emmylou 36. Jack White – Sixteen Saltines 35. Hot Chip – Flutes 34. Two Door Cinema Club – Sun 33. Mac Miller – Clarity 32. Django Django – Default 31. Passion Pit – I’ll Be Alright 30. Miguel – Adorn 29. THGHT – Higher Ground 28. Grizzly Bear – Yet Again 27. Solange – Losing You 26. G.O.O.D. Music – Mercy 25. Sleigh Bells – Comeback Kid 24. AlunaGeorge – I Know You Like It 23. Kendrick Lamar – Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe 22. Rhye – The Fall 21. M.I.A. – Bad Girls 20. Disclosure – Latch (ft. Sam Smith) 19. Usher – Climax 18. The XX – Angels 17. Arctic Monkeys – R U Mine? 16. Danny Brown – Grown Up 15. Lana Del Rey – National Anthem 14. Tame Impala – Feels Like We Only Go Backwards 13. Bat For Lashes – Laura 12. Santigold – Disparate Youth 11. Sky Ferreira – Everything Is Embarrassing 10. Beach House – Myth 9. A$AP Rocky – Goldie 8. Alt-J – Breezeblocks 7. Fiona Apple – Every Single Night 6. Jessie Ware – Wildest Moments 5. CHVRCHES – The Mother We Share 4. Passion Pit – Take A Walk 3. Kendrick Lamar – Swimming Pools (Drank) 2. Grimes - Genesis 1. Frank Ocean - Thinkin Bout You
>>> Playlist on Spotify <<<
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msookyspooky · 2 years
This came to me in a dream, so enjoy! 😌
It was suppose to be just a party. A fun party. After all the shit that went down, you were honestly looking forward to it. But now Tatum was dead and so was James, Casey, steve, and even the principle.
Now here you were, with Sid and Randy, hiding behind Billy as he shuts the door.
"Stu's gone mad!" Randy exclaims.
You and Sidney look at each other in shock. You couldn't believe it could be Stu. Sure, he was eccentric, but he was nice! Especially over summer.
"We all go a little mad some times."
"Billy, no!" Sid cries out. All you could do was stand there with your mouth hanging open and a shocked expression.
The gun goes off and the bullet hits Randy, making him fly onto his back onto the floor.
"Ray!" You move to go to him but Billy is quicker and grabs you with his knife to your throat.
Sidney runs to the kitchen and right into Stu. You breathe out a sigh of relief. At least you knew now Stu wasn't the killer.
He looks bloody and hurt...but alive. Which is good.
"Stu-!" Sid cries into his chest. She looks up at him with pleading eyes before he pulls out something from his pocket...a voice changer.
Holy shit.
Your eyes widen as you put the pieces together.
He turns it on and puts it to his lips. "Surprise Sidney!"
He then chucks it to Billy who does the same thing. "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!"
Stu and Billy each grab you and Sid and push you two into the kitchen area. You try to comfort Sid by putting your hand on her shoulder and saying that you'll both survive.
You manage to let out a quiet, "you sick fucks, you're not going to get away with this!"
Stu simply laughs while Billy smirks.
"We already did!" Stu exclaims. " oh, you're going to love this, sweetcheeks!" Walking backwards, he exits the kitchen. "I'll be right back!"
You and Sid look at each other in confusion. Neither of you wanting to ask out of fear it might set one or both of them off.
A few seconds later, Stu comes back in, dragging a person in by their collar. You freeze up.
"Don't!" Sid exclaims, reaching forward but again, Billy grabs you, pulling you back.
"Not so fast!"
Stu puts up the voice changer and phone to show you and Sid before putting it into his jacket's front pocket.
Billy lets you go, with the gun still pointing at both you and Sid. "After I found out about my dad cheating with Maureen, I had to kill her. She flashed her shit all over town and ripped my life apart and made my mom leave!"
"Yeah, cause lets face it, Sid. Your mom was no Sharon Stone!"
"And then, imagine my surprise when I found out my mom was also cheating!" He points the gun at your dad. "With your father!"
"W-what?" You gaze turns to your dad.
"Yep! We just said "fuck it!" And made a list after Maureen!"
Stu gets closer to you. "Sorry that it has to be this way, babe."
You felt like you could've thrown up. "Go fuck yourself."
Billy lets out a chuckle. "We figured we could just pin it on your dear old dad here! That's why James and Casey's were the messiest! Any parent would want to protect their only child, especially their only daughter! It was perfect, really. I mean, Casey was a stone cold bitch who spread rumors about you and James put bruises on you more than once!"
As Stu and Billy worked to be seen as the victims, you and Sid worked on getting out of here alive.
You split up in the hall and Sid takes your dad as you hide in the closet. Taking out the phone, you dial Stu's house phone.
"Stu, Stu, Stu," you tsk. "What's your motive? Billy's got one and now the police are on their way, what are you going to tell them?"
"Peer pressure, i'm far too sensitive!"
You could hear some slurring in his speech, Billy must have got him good.
Just then, you hear yelling over the phone. "Where are you, bitch?! I'm going to rip you apart, just like your fucking friends!"
"You gotta find me first, pansy ass mama's boy!"
You hear clanking and you immediately know he threw the phone in a fit. You click end on the phone and wait.
A few seconds later, you hear footsteps approach your hiding place. You grab an umbrella with a sharpen end and ready yourself.
The footsteps stop right in front of your door and you don't hesitate when Billy swings open the door to stab him in the gut with it.
He goes down and you tear off the ghost face mask and robe.
You then turn to Stu.
"Guess we're not going to prom?"
You nod.
Stu yells out and tackles you over the couch.
"I always had a thing for ya!"
In response, You bite him on the forearm before kicking him in the face. You quickly get up. "In your fucking dreams!" You then push the t.v onto him.
You call out for Sid and you hug.
"Your dad is safe and i'm sorry I thought you were one of them."
You smile. "It's fine."
You hear groaning and to your surprise, Randy is standing up!
"What the hell-?"
"Oh my god, Randy! We thought you were dead!"
"I should be! Guess I am lucky to be a virgin!"
You roll your eyes before lightly punching his arm and pulling him into a hug.
The three of you hug in triumph then you all stand over Billy's body.
"This is the part where the supposedly dead killer comes back," Randy points out.
Suddenly, Billy springs back to life and you put him back down with a bullet to his head. "Not this time."
Ooh this is much more Scream plot and I like it!! Definitely such a good 'what if' idea!!! bc there's no way we would forgive them for trying to frame our father (unless we had THAT shitty of a relationship with him but let's say a normal healthy father daughter relationship. Even as strained as my relationship can be with my own Dad I'm probably not letting him die or go to prison for something he didn't do bc of those two.)
So them framing our father would be what would have made us take on Sidney's role and just kill them whether we want to or not bc our friends we've known for a few months is one thing, an abusive boyfriend we've had for one summer is one thing but killing our family or pets FOR ME? Nah, I'm a 4th house mars I do not play with who I view as mine getting hurt in any way 🔪🔪🔪
Thank you so much for writing this!!! 🖤😭😩
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littlemissidontcare · 2 years
The best part is when he’s all confident and sassy and then the brain malfunction after he gets called sexy by a hot tall lady // no I mean imagine him teasing you and trying to be a dom and then with just one praise he gets all flustered and he's not in control anymore // The same thing happened in that interview with Sharon Stone. He was all confident and sassy turning the charm on Sharon, until she told him he was cute and he turned into a flustered mess lol
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