#shawn everett
sinceileftyoublog · 7 months
Brittany Howard Album Review: What Now
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The title of Brittany Howard's second solo album is a question we've all likely asked, many times, perhaps to nobody in particular. It's evocative of a state of exasperation after, or perhaps even during, an overwhelming event, shared or personal. For Howard, she found herself asking, "What now?" a lot during the pandemic, a time period after which she had received heaps of critical acclaim for her debut album Jaime but also recently moved from New Mexico to Nashville after a divorce. As such, the songs on What Now are inspired by the desire to not simply live in the moment during chaos, but to make moments for herself. It starts with "Earth Sign", a song Howard wrote to manifest a partner. "Out there, there's a love waiting for me," she sings, her vocals layered, over piano, bowls, and Nate Smith's jazzy drum pitter-patter, sounding as far away as ever. As the song builds into a sort of stadium soul, upbeat and burbling, Howard ascends, shouting, "It's nearly there!" In real life, she did find love after writing the song, after all. And on the album, she similarly constructs a world for each song, ones that show how much she can soar when not beholden to a singular sound.
Co-produced with Shawn Everett and using all analog instrumentation, What Now nonetheless at times sounds otherworldly and cosmic, with instrumentation to match Howard's pained falsetto. She determinedly weaves through and along with the instrumentation, reaching out to grab whatever life has in store for her. On the title track, her vocals follow her buzz-saw riffs as she sings, "You're fucking up my energy / I told the truth, so set me free," channeling her passion into chugging funk and ready to take on whatever comes her way, continuing, "If you want someone to hate, blame it on me." Howard wished for "Red Flags", meanwhile, to purposefully sound cold, a foreboding warning to herself and her tendency to ignore the predictable nadirs of relationships. It succeeds greatly in intent of vibe, with Brad Allen Williams' off-kilter tremolo guitar chords flailing atop Smith's skittering drums. When Howard screams "Don't let it die" later in the song, you can hear her desperation, so badly wanting something bad to be good.
In fact, some of What Now's most successful songs come from Howard seemingly at war with herself. She slaps bass on "Patience" alongside former Alabama Shakes bandmate Zac Cockrell, creating a funk rhythm slow-burning enough to emulate her agonizing desire for a relationship to move faster. She repeats, "All we need is a little patience, girl," but the third time through, cuts off the statement, as if to make you wait for everything to come to fruition along with her. Even more stunning is jazz/hip-hop hybrid "Samson", a classic "Should I stay or should I go?" song that features a rolling drum beat and reflective-sounding trumpet from Rod McGaha. Towards the end of the song, Howard seems to be leaning towards leaving, heartbreakingly alone in the mix when she sings, "It's getting harder not to disappoint you." Her sentiment introduces an outro of meandering and circular trumpet and guitar, a sonic interpretation of her state of mind.
Howard may never stop wondering what's around the corner, but she knows better than to speculate. "I am having the time of my life," she sings on fried funk jam "Another Day". It's why much of What Now, even when subdued, sounds so immediate. Four-on-the-floor banger "Prove It To You", bolstered by an incredible band performance highlighted by Smith's propulsive beat and Lloyd Buchanan's stabbing keys, lays it all out at the club like Howard does in relationships: "I've never been any good at falling in love / I fall so hard I never get up," she sings. And on the surface, it may seem odd for What Now to close with the realist and depressive "Every Color In Blue", but Howard's inclusion of a song where the impending rain is "all out of rainbows" makes the moments when feelings are high all the more monumental. And when the songs ends, you want to press play on the album again, to experience her highs and lows with her for another round.
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thecrusadercomrade · 23 days
Everetts After the End Chapter 1: You Agree With That?
Summary: As Lee sits in the back of a police car, his thoughts drift to his family. Many miles away, the remaining members of the Everett family are boarding up their beloved drugstore after reports of civil unrest in the area. What none of them know is just how dire this "civil unrest" truly is, becoming the event that will see them reunited and on the path to reconciliation after years of having grown apart. That is, assuming that they all can live long enough to do so.
Surprise! A whole new multi-chapter story for your enjoyment. This one has been in the planning stages for a very long time. While I haven't been feeling the best the past few days, me finally being done with work has given me the energy to finish this first chapter, so here it is!
Those who follow my What If series will immediately recognize that this is based off of one of those What Ifs. If you aren't familiar with the oneshot, don't worry, this story stands completely on its own, no need for homework.
Not sure yet how this will slot into my upload schedule, I just really wanted to get it out there. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Read Everetts After the End on AO3!
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bourbonificould · 3 months
The Red Walking Dead - Chapter 2: Turn of The Hour
While both Lee Everett and Arthur Morgan try to build some bonds, the things that all are running from aren't so far behind.
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mtreebeardiles · 7 months
Stardew Effect, Summer Year 1, pt 19
Updated over on AO3
Shouldn't be such a huge gap between this and the next one, I hope.
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memoriesofachicken · 1 year
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Kenny saves his son Duck from the Walkers! Good of him to put his son first. But then I realized...
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...if this were almost any other game (and possibly in this one too), it would be possible to save both. Duck was pretty much safe at this point, so Kenny could've put Duck down for a moment and helped Lee save Shawn.
But no, this is a Telltale game, where tough choices plague the characters' lives, you can't save everybody and Shawn is a goner either way.
Shawn's fate was not only a tough decision for Lee, but for Kenny as well, to an extent. Now I can't truly say that I approve of Kenny's actions here, but in the long run, I feel that it's admirable that he would keep his son as his first priority in this situation on the off chance that Shawn still dies even with Kenny's help.
On a related note, I'm sorry that Shawn couldn't be saved, Lee, but at least you gave a good effort. You, Clem, Kenny, Carley and many others in your universe deserve better!
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the-delta-42 · 2 years
Wings - A New Day Part 1
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A New Day Part 1
If you were fortunate enough, you were born with wings. If you weren’t, you’d hope a child in your family would born with wings. Lee and his younger brother fell into the former camp, their parents were in the camp with them. Centuries ago, people with wings were once treated as deities, then were hunted, and then treated with the utmost respect.
That wasn’t to say they were above the law. Criminals with wings had them amputated when they reached prison. Which Lee was on his way to.
A fact about wings, despite being feathered appendaged that could be incredibly fragile, they were sharp. If done correctly, a wing would be able to slice through reinforced steel, hence why criminals had them amputated. Not all criminals, just those who had committed serious offences, like rape, murder and so on and so forth.
Lee found himself thinking more on Sam than his wings.
“Alright, I reckon you didn’t do it then.” Said the police officer driving him to the prison.
“Why do you say that?” asked Lee, looking at the man.
“Y'know, I've driven a buncha fellas down to this prison. Lord knows how many. Usually is 'bout now I get the ‘I didn't do it.’” Answered the Police officer, “Had one of your kind try and tear the seats up with his wings while doin’ it.”
“Not from me.” Sighed Lee, looking back out the window.
“'Cause guys in your position already said it enough?” Asked the Police officer, as the radio said something, “I followed your case a little bit, you being a Macon boy and all.”
Lee looked at the Officer in the rear-view mirror.
“You’re from Macon then.” Said Lee, adjusting himself in his seat when he felt his left wing cramp.
“Yep. Came up to Atlanta to be a city cop in the seventies.” Responded the Officer, smiling wistfully, “Always wanted to work a murder case, like that senatorial mess you got yourself mixed up in, with all due respect. A real shame, that is.”
A Police car shot past them, heading towards Atlanta. Lee frowned, wondering what it was heading to.
“Hell, the whole family used to be regulars at your folks' drugstore right in downtown. Still there?” Said the Officer, glancing back at Lee.
“Sure is.” Answered Lee.
“Good.” The radio sparked back into life and said something that Lee didn’t catch.
There was a moments silence between the two, before the officer started speaking again, “I got a nephew up at UGA, you teach there long?”
“Going on my sixth year.” Said Lee, ‘Or I was.’ He thought.
“You meet your wife in Athens?” Asked the Officer, passing a couple of cars.
Lee froze, internally panicking, before he turned and looked out the window.
The officer quietly looked at Lee, “You wanna know how I see it?”
Several more police cars shot past them, along with a SWAT truck, all of them heading towards Atlanta.
Lee looked away from the window and at the rear-view mirror, “Sure.”
The Officer went to speak, before catching sight of Lee, before deciding against it.
“Regardless, could be you just married the wrong woman.” Dismissed the Officer, making Lee open his mouth to speak, before deciding not to.
“You'll have to learn to stop worrying about things you can’t control.” Continued the Officer, as a helicopter flew past them and towards Atlanta. The radio started making noise again, Lee couldn’t understand what they were saying.
Another helicopter flew towards Atlanta, followed by two SWAT trucks and several police cars.
“I'm driving this man once, he was the worst one. He wouldn't stop going on about how he didn't do it. He was an older fella.” Said the Officer, either unaware of, or ignoring, the other police vehicles heading towards Atlanta, “Big, soft eyes behind a pair of smart folk glasses, and he's just wailing back there, says it wasn't him. Crying and snotting all over, right where you're sitting.”
Lee tried not to wince at that piece of information.
The radio made some more noise, before the officer turned it off.
“Then before long he starts kicking the back of the seat, li--like a fussy baby on an airplane. And I tell him he's gotta stop, that's government property, and I'll be forced to zap him otherwise.” Continued the officer, “So he stops, and having exhausted all his options, he starts crying out for his Mama. ‘Mama, it's all a big mistake! It wasn't me!’”
“So, did he do it?” Asked Lee, curious.
“They caught the fucker red-handed! Stabbin' his wife, cutting her up as the boys came through the door! He sits in my car screaming bloody murder that it wasn't him!” Spat the officer, “I think he actually believed it himself. It goes to show, people will up and go mad when they believe their life is over. Oh, I got another good one for ya. This one's a little bit less depressing and a bit more hilarious if I do say so.”
The Officer looked away from the road and towards Lee, just as something stumbled across the road and into the path of the police car.
“WATCH OUT!” Yelled Lee, his wing flaring out and breaking the binds on them.
“This other time-” The Officer was cut off when the car crashed into the thing in front of it, making it veer out of control, through the guard rail, off the road and into the forest.
Lee hit his head on the seat in front of him, half-conscious, he saw figures moving outside of the car, before hearing screams and growls before passing out.
Lee woke up some time later. He didn’t know how long he’d been unconscious, but the sky had started to change colour, so he assumed it’d been a few hours at least.
“Ugh... Ow, shit.” Groaned Lee, his head was pounding.
Lee tried to take his handcuffs off, the object unyielding against his hands.
“Thirsty...” Groaned Lee, rubbing his throat, before he shifted and felt a stabbing pain, “Ahh! Fuck, my leg.”
Lee looked down at the large, bloody gash on his thigh. He looked out the back window and spotted the officer lying face down on the ground with blood streaks leading up to him. Lee turned to look at the door window and growled, before positioning himself with his wings facing the window. With one swift movement, Lee’s wings cut through the metal and glass. He grunted as the remains of the door fell on him. After carefully turning around, Lee hauled himself out of the police car. He grunted again as he fell to the ground.
Lee unsteadily got to his feet and hobbled around the car, stopping before spotting the officer. He glanced down and spotted a shotgun and a shell. Lee frowned, before stumbled over to the shell, he picked it up and slid it into his pocket. He briefly considered picking up the shotgun, before deciding against it. He needed to get the handcuffs off, he considered using his wings on them, but dismissed the idea, he didn’t want to run the risk of accidentally cutting his hands off. Lee hobbled over to the Officer.
“Officer?” Rasped Lee, looking down at the older man, “Officer, are you alright?”
The Officer didn’t respond to Lee. Lee felt a pit of dread form in his stomach, he hoped he was wrong but, he thought the Officer was dead.
“How did this happen?” Muttered Lee, frowning at the body, “He wasn’t ejected from the car.”
Lee leant down and took the handcuff keys off the Officer’s belt, he swore when he dropped the keys, leaning back down, he grabbed the keys again and unlocked the handcuffs. The metal restraints fell to the ground, as Lee rubbed his wrists.
The Officer then groaned. Then he growled, before his head snapped up and looked at Lee with cold, dead eyes and lunged at him. Lee acted on instinct, swiping his wing at the Officer, cleanly separating the head from the body. Lee shuddered as he felt the blood soak into the feathers, before limping over to the shotgun. He picked it up and loaded it, sighing through his nose, Lee looked around. He spotted a figure standing on top of a hill.
“Hey!” Yelled Lee, waving at them, “Go get help! There’s been an… incident.”
The figure turned and ran away, Lee caught a glimpse of a small pair of wings before they vanished. Groaning reached Lee’s ears, making him swear and look around.
More of those things were heading towards him, taking a deep breath, Lee limped up the slope as fast as he could and, as soon as he reached it, hopped over a fence and landed on his bad leg in some stranger’s garden.
“Fuck.” Wheezed Lee, checking his leg and making sure he still had the shotgun.
He quickly looked around, before placed the end of the shotguns barrel to the ground and pushed himself to his feet. Looking around, he noticed he was in the backyard of a house in a small neighbourhood. He hoped that no one called the police on him.
“Hello?” Called Lee, deciding to throw caution to the wind, “Anybody?”
He heard some distant gunshots and the monsters on the other side of the fence wandering away.
“I can't go back out there.” Muttered Lee, turning away from the fence and looking around the garden. There was a covered-up swimming pool and a patio that led up to a front gate, a wooden porch that led up to a sliding glass door and a patch of grass that had a big tree with a tree house. Lee contemplated checking the tree house, but dismissed it, if there was someone there, they wouldn’t’ve been able to climb all the way up a tree, get into a tree house and close it all up to appear that no one was there. He looked at the door.
“I wonder if anybody's home.” Wondered Lee, before walking up to the door and knocking on it, “Hello? Anybody home? I need a little help.”
There was no reply, Lee glanced at the tree house, before looking at his leg, “I’m not getting up there with this.”
Lee looked at the door again, before sighing, “Screw it. I’m just going in.” He went to open the door, before he paused, what if someone was hiding and they thought they were being robbed? What if the door was locked and he set off a burglar alarm? He knocked again.
“Hello? There’s something going on.” Called Lee, as he looked in through the window, “Doesn’t seem like anybody’s home.”
Lee banged his fist on the door again, hoping to coax someone out of hiding and open the door for him.
“Maybe it’s unlocked.” Muttered Lee, when no one appeared. He gingerly gave the door a tug, wincing as it opened slightly. Reluctantly opening the door, Lee called out, “Coming in. Don't shoot, okay?”
Lee entered the house and closed the door behind him, he felt a sudden stab on pain from his leg, making his wings flare out, then grabbed his leg.
“Ahh, shit.” Winced Lee, almost falling to the floor, “Hello? I'm not an intruder... or one of them.”
Lee silently chided himself, of course he was an intruder, you just can’t go up to someone’s door and let yourself in.
Lee then noticed that the furniture in the living room was knocked over and there were bloodstains on the floor and wall of the kitchen.
“These people might need more help than I do.” Muttered Lee, looking around the ground floor. He considered looking around, before he spotted a bowl of fruit on the table. Reaching out, he grabbed an apple, “It’s fake. Damn.”
Turning away from the table, Lee limped into the kitchen and slipped on a pool of blood. Grunting, Lee hauled himself back up and hobbled over to the sink. He filled a glass up and took a drink from it. Feeling the dryness disappear from his throat, he sighed, before looking through the draws. He came across a note that had a hotel name and a Savannah area code, before he opened a drawer and found a radio. Lee frowned, before placing the radio in his pocket. He checked the other drawers, but found they were empty. Lee paused, tilting his head slightly, he could hear something. Looking around, Lee couldn’t find the source of the noise, but it sounded like beeping. He slowly made his way out of the kitchen, before he finally spotted a phone and an answering machine.
Lee approached it, turning it on and making the beeping stop.
“Three new messages. Message one. Left at 5:43 PM.” Said the automated voice of the machine.
“Hey, Sandra, this is Diana. We're still in Savannah. Ed had a little ‘incident’ with some crazy guy near the hotel, so we had to get him back to the ER and have it checked out.” Said a woman’s voice, “Anyway, he's not feeling well enough to drive back tonight, so we're staying an extra day. Thanks so much for looking after Clementine, and I promise we'll be back in time before your spring break!”
“Message two. Left at 11:19 PM.” Said the machine.
“Oh, my God, finally! I don't know if you tried to reach us; all the calls are getting dropped.” Said Diana, sounding panicked, “They're not letting us leave and aren't telling us anything about Atlanta. Please, please, just leave the city and take Clementine with you back to Marietta. I've got to get back to the hospital. Please let me know that you're safe.”
“Message three. Left at 6:51 AM.”
“Clementine? Baby, if you can hear this, call the police.” Diana sounded like she was near tears, “That's 9-1-1. We love you...we love you...we love y—"
The machine beeped after the last message. Lee picked up a picture near the phone and looked at it, which showed a young girl and her parents. This must be Clementine, mused Lee, before the walkie-talkie activated.
“Daddy?” Came a little girl’s voice.
“Huh?” The voice jerked Lee from his thoughts, he took out his walkie-talkie from his pocket and walked over to the glass door, flaring his wings as he did.
“Hello?” Asked Lee, looking around the garden.
“You need to be quiet.” Said the girl, making Lee frown.
“Who is this?” Asked Lee, trying to spot her.
“I'm Clementine. This is my house.” Said the girl, sounding indignant.
“Hi, Clementine. I'm Lee.” Said Lee, only noticing that his wings were still flared and folding them.
“You're not my daddy.” Stated Clementine.
“No, I'm not.” Responded Lee, as he walked into the living room, “How old are you?”
“And you're all alone?” Lee frowned, who’d leave an eight-year-old girl alone?
“Yes. I don't know where anybody is.” Answered Clementine, “How old are you?”
“I'm, uhh...37.” Answered Lee, starting to question how he entered a game of 20 questions with a child.
“Okay.” Said Clementine, as Lee entered the kitchen, avoiding the puddle of blood, and stopping and looking out of the window.
“Are you safe?” Asked Lee, trying to find where Clementine was hiding.
“I'm outside in my treehouse.” Answered Clementine, “They can't get in.”
“That's smart.” Said Lee, looking at the treehouse, as Clementine appeared in the doorway of the structure.
“See?” Asked Clementine, looking at the window, “Can you see me? I can see you through the window.”
Clementine waved at Lee prompting him to wave back. Clementine suddenly let out a scream and disappeared back inside the treehouse, closing the door behind her. Lee turned around and saw one of the monsters behind him behind him. It growled and tried to attack him, making him push it to the ground. As he tried to escape, he slipped on the puddle of blood, making him fall and hit his head on the counter and landing awkwardly on his wings. His vision was blurry, but he could vaguely make out the creature crawling toward him, making him kick it away.
Lee screamed as he felt pain course through his leg, reminding him that he was still hurt. Lee got back on his feet and tried to run, only for the creature to grab his leg and trip him. He punched it away as it tried attack again. Clementine ran up to the glass door and opened it, holding a hammer. The creature attacked again, making Lee push it away, continually kicking it in the head and crawling backwards.
“Here...” Said Clementine, holding the hammer out to Lee. Once Lee reached Clementine, he took the hammer from her shaking hands and looked at the creature. He felt his heart plummet, realising that this creature, that was trying to kill him, was what remained of the babysitter.
Lee yelled as he violently bashed the creature on the head with the hammer, deforming her face in the process.
“Man...” Gasped Lee, taking a step back and placing his hands on his knees, before remembering about Clementine, “Hi there.”
Clementine took a step back as the creature's blood oozed across the floor, her small wings quivering slightly as she stared up at Lee.
“Did you kill it?” Asked Clementine, as Lee’s wings twitched.
Lee looked down at the deformed corpse, before regretfully saying, “Yes.”
“It's okay.” Said Clementine, making Lee look at her, “I think she was a monster.”
“I think so too.” Mused Lee, before kneeling in front of Clementine and looking her in the eye, “You've been all by yourself through this?”
“Yeah. I want my parents to come home now.” Clementine nodded, making Lee frown.
“I think that might be a little while, you know?” Said Lee, as gently as he could.
“Oh.” Said Clementine, looking down sadly, making Lee move closer.
“Look, I don't know what happened.” Said Lee, gently making Clementine look up at him, “But I'll look after you until then.”
Clementine gave a small smile and nodded, her wings giving a little flutter. Clementine looked around, before looking up at Lee and asked, “What should we do now?”
“We need to find help before it gets dark.” Answered Lee, standing back up and looking down at Clementine.
“Yeah, it's not safe at night.” Agreed Clementine, reaching out and grabbing Lee’s hand.
“Let's go. Stay close to me.” Instructed Lee, folding his wings against his back.
The two then left the house, Clementine closing the door behind them and then going ahead of Lee, leading him to the front gate. Lee approached the gate and noticed two men in the street trying to push a car out of the road.
“Aw, man... I ain't never getting home to Mama at this rate.” Bemoaned one of the men, looking at the other man.
“This sucks.” Agreed the second man, making Lee frown.
“It's hot dish night.” Continued the first man.
Lee reached to open the gate, before pausing and turning to kneel in front of Clementine, who looked conflicted about something.
“What's the matter?” Asked Lee, gently placing a hand on Clementine’s shoulder.
“Should I stay?” Asked Clementine, quietly.
“What?” Frowned Lee, confused.
“I don't want to sleep in the treehouse tonight,” Continued Clementine, “but I don't know if I should leave. What if my parents come home?”
Lee sighed, “I won't leave you alone.”
Clementine smiled at Lee, getting a smile from him in return.
“Let's go somewhere safe that's close, okay?” Suggested Clementine, trying to take the lead.
“That's a good idea.” Lee smiled, before getting up. Clementine opened the gate. They approached the two men, the two still somehow unaware of their presence, “Hey, man!”
The men turn around, startled.
“Holy shit!” Swore the second man.
“Don’t eat us!” Pleaded the first
“We're not gonna hurt you.” Said Lee, frowning in confusion at the two men, “Why would we eat you?”
“Phew, thought for a second you and the little one were both gonna give us the chomp.” Said the second man, only furthering Lee’s confusion.
“What are you doing?” Asked Lee, his wings flicking slightly.
“Trying to get home, this neighbourhood's a disaster.” Said the second man, “Are you trying to get outta here? Because you should be. Those things are all over the damn place. I haven't seen anything as gnarly as this neighbourhood since downtown Atlanta, fifteen miles back.” Before adding, “I'm Shawn, by the way, Shawn Greene.”
“Lee.” Responded Lee, before gesturing to his side, “This is Clementine.”
Chet knelt down and waved at Clementine, “I'm Chet.”
Clementine smiled at him, making Chet get up.
“We shouldn't be out in the open like this.” Said Shane, looking between Lee and Clementine, “How about you help us clear the way, should be easy with those wings of yours, and we'll take you and your daughter out of here, and down to my family's farm. It should be safer there.”
“I'm not her dad. I'm...” Started Lee, before pausing, unsure what to say, “...just some guy.”
“Some guy?” Shawn frowned, looking between Lee and Clementine.
‘Great,’ Thought Lee, ‘now he either thinks I’m pervert or I kidnapped her.’
“Yeah.” Said Lee, awkwardly.
“She's alone?” Asked Shawn, frowning when he got a nod from Lee, “Let's get going. Staying put for too long is a mistake. Even for a guy with wings.”
Lee nodded and turned to Clementine, “What do you want to do?”
“I...” Clementine trailed off, looking at her house, then back at Lee. The growls of the creatures reaching their ears.
“Them monsters comin'!” Gasped Chet, crouched down, “We gotta go!”
Shawn started pushing on the car, trying to move it out of the road.
“Lee, quick! Let's go!” Yelled Shawn, looking at Lee, making the winged man rush over to him. Lee and Shawn pushed on the car, Clementine joined in helping them push after a few seconds. Chet crouched behind the truck, hiding from the approaching creatures. Once the car was out of the way, Shawn got into the driver's seat, and looked at the others.
“Get in!” Commanded Lee, hauling Chet to his feet.
Chet jumped in the truck bed, while Lee got in the front passenger seat, after making sure Clementine was sitting in the middle looking out the back window. Shawn drove the truck away from the approaching herd.
“For just ‘some guy,’” Said Shawn, glancing at Lee, “it seems like you've saved a bunch of lives today.”
Lee sighed and closed his eyes, the sound of the creatures fading away and being replaced by the sound of the truck running, he carefully adjusted his wings against the seat, with Clementine mimicking him.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year
Songs4Caplan Challenge
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(I located an older song fic challenge from a deleted blog I had that had this graphic on it. LOL)
Tag me in the authors notes & send me a message with yuor fic once it's posted! (along with the hashtag so I know which Masterlist to place the fic when I post it)
Please tag the proper warnings before the fic
More than one person can write for the same prompts
RPFs are allowed
If you’d like to write for more than one song, please make them separate fics
the songs are randomly picked from my playlist, so don't judge lol.
Can be however long you’d like the fic to be, however, please be considerate to the folks using the app and place the 'keep reading' feature on your posts!!
PLEASE tag the fic as #songs4caplan so i can easily find your fics!!!
Addicted to you simple plan
Africa Toto 
All downhill from here new found glory 
All for you sister hazel 
All summer long kid Rock 
Alone together fall out boy
Amnesia 5 seconds of summer
Animals maroon 5
As it was Harry styles 
as the world caves in Sarah cothran
Ashes of Eden breaking Benjamin 
Attention Charlie put 
Bad guy Billie eillish 
Bad things jace Everett
Beautiful mistakes maroon 5
Beautiful soul Jesse McCartney 
Before he cheats carrie underwood 
Before you go Lewis capaldi 
Beggin maneskin 
Better than me hinder
Blue ain’t your color Keith urban 
Burn usher 
Car radio twenty one pilots 
Church fall out boy
Climax usher 
Come & get it Selena Gomez 
Count on me Bruno mars 
Criminal Fiona Apple 
Deja vu Olivia rodrigo 
Delicate Taylor swift 
Diary Tino Coury 
Dirty laundry Carrie underwood 
Dirty thoughts Chloe adams 
Don’t call me up Mabel 
Downtown lady a 
Drivers license Olivia rodrigo 
Easy on Adele 
End of me a day to remember 
Every breath you take the police 
Every morning sugar ray 
Everybody hurts r.e.m. 
Fall for you secondhand serenade
Fallin Alicia keys 
Fast car Tracy Chapman 
Flowers Miley Cyrus 
For the first time the script
Forever young alphaville
Forever and ever amen randy Travis
Fuck it Eamon 
Fuck you bitch wheeler walker jr
Ghost of you Justin beiber
Glimpse of us Joji
God gave me you Blake Shelton 
Hate (I really don’t like you) plain white tees
Havana Camilla cabello 
Heart attack Demi lovato 
Heartbreak anniversary giveon 
Heaven Kane brown 
Hello darlin Conway twitty 
Hold on, we’re going on drake 
How do you sleep Jesse McCartney 
Hurt Johnny cash 
I fall apart post Malone 
I miss you blink 182
I see red everybody loves an outlaw 
I wanna be your slave maneskin 
I’m not the only one Sam smith 
I’m the only one Melissa Ethridge 
I’m yours Alessia Cara 
In my blood Shawn Mendes 
It ain’t me baby me Johnny cash 
Jealous nick Jonas 
Just one yesterday fall out boy 
Just the way you are Bruno mars 
Keep Holding On Avril Lavigne 
Killer queen Queen 
The last of the real ones 
Leave  the door open Bruno mars 
Leavin’ Jesse McCartney 
Let her go passenger
Like I can Sam smith
Lips of an angel hinder
Little do you know Alex & sierra 
Little Talks Mumfords & sons
Mama's broken heart Miranda lambert
Man down Rihanna
Misery Maroon 5
My Boo usher & Alicia keys 
Needed Me Rihanna 
Never gonna be alone Nickelback
New Rules Dua Lipa 
Not Over You Gavin DeGraw
Obsessed Mariah Carey
One Call Away Charlie Puth
One More Night Maroon 5
Our Song Taylor Swift
Picture KidRock & Sherry Crow 
PillowTalk Zayn Malik 
Please Don’t Leave Me Pink
Red Taylor Swift 
Remember the time Michael Jackson
Rolling in the deep Adele 
Say My Name Destiny’s Child
Say So Doja Cat 
She’s Got You Patsy Cline
Shower Becky G
Smokin out the Window Bruno Mars 
Someone You Loved Lewis Capaldi
Stay With Me Sam Smith
Take a Bow Rihanna
Take Me to Church Hozier
Take You Dancing Jason Derulo
There’s Nothing Holdin Me Back Shawn Mendes
Title Meghan Trainor
Too Good at Goodbyes Sam Smith
Too Little Too LAte JoJo
Trip Ella Mae
Trouble P!Nk
True Love P!NK
Unfaithful RIhanna
Unholy Sam smith
Unsteady X Ambassadors
Uptown Girl Billy Joel
Wait For You Elliot Yamin
Walk Me Home P!NK
Walkin After Midnight Patsy Cline
Want U Back Cher Lloyd
What a Man Gotta Do Jonas Brothers
What Ifs Kane Brown
Wolves Selena Gomez
Would You Go With Me? Josh Turner
You Found Me The Fray
You Had Me @ Hello A Day to Remember
You Need to Calm Down, Taylor Swift
82 notes · View notes
eludin-realm · 11 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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hbowar-bracket · 8 months
Albert Blithe 
Alex Penkala 
Alton More 
Anthony 'Manimal' Jacks  
Antonio 'Poke' Espera  
Antonio Garcia 
Army Chaplain Teska  
Baba Karamanlis  
Bernard DeMarco   
Bill 'Hoosier' Smith  
Bill Leyden  
Billy Taylor  
Brad 'Iceman' Colbert  
Burton Christenson 
Capt. Andrew Haldane  
Carwood Lipton 
Charles (Chuck) Grant 
Charles Bean Cruikshank   
Charles K. Bailey  
Col. Robert Sink 
Cpt. Bryan Patterson  
Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje  
Cpt. Dave 'Captain America' McGraw  
Curtis Biddick  
Darrell (Shifty) Powers 
David Solomon  
David Webster 
Denver (Bull) Randleman 
Donald Hoobler 
Dr. Sledge  
Edward (Babe) Heffron 
Elmo 'Gunny' Haney  
Eric Kocher  
Eugene Jackson 
Eugene Roe 
Eugene Sledge   
Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford  
Evan 'Scribe' Wright  
Everett Blakely   
Father John Maloney 
Floyd (Tab) Talbert 
Frank Murphy   
Frank Perconte 
Frederick (Moose) Heyliger 
Gabe Garza  
Gale 'Buck' Cleven  
George Luz 
Glenn Graham   
Gunnery Sgt. Mike 'Gunny' Wynn  
Gunnery Sgt. Ray 'Casey Kasem' Griego  
Harry Crosby  
Harry Welsh 
Herbert Sobel 
Howard 'Hambone' Hamilton   
Jack Kidd  
James (Mo) Alley
James Chaffin  
James Douglass  
James Gibson   
James Miller 
Jason Lilley  
Jean Achten  
Jeffrey 'Dirty Earl' Carisalez  
John 'Bucky' Egan  
John Basilone  
John Christeson  
John D. Brady   
John Fredrick  
John Janovec 
John Julian 
John Martin 
Joseph 'Bubbles' Payne   
Joseph Liebgott 
Joseph Toye 
Josh Ray Person  
Katherine 'Tatty' Spaatz   
Ken Lemmons  
Lance Cpl. Harold James Trombley  
Larry Shawn 'Pappy' Patrick  
Leandro 'Shady B' Baptista  
Lena Basilone  
Lew 'Chuckler' Juergens  
Lewis Nixon 
Lt. Edward 'Hillbilly' Jones  
Lt. Henry Jones 
Lt. Nathaniel Fick  
Lt. Thomas Peacock 
Lynn (Buck) Compton 
Maj. 'Red' Bowman  
Maj. John Sixta  
Mama Karamanlis  
Manuel Rodriguez  
Mary Frank Sledge  
Merriell 'Snafu' Shelton  
Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan  
Neil 'Chick' Harding   
Norman Dike 
Old Man on Bicycle 
Patrick O'Keefe 
R.V. Burgin   
Ralph (Doc) Spina 
Renee Lemaire 
Richard Winters 
Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal   
Robert 'Stormy' Becker   
Robert (Popeye) Wynn 
Robert Leckie  
Rodolfo 'Rudy' Reyes  
Ronald Speirs 
Roy Claytor  
Roy Cobb 
Sgt. Mallard  
Sidney Phillips  
Stella Karamanlis
Teren 'T' Holsey  
Vera Keller  
Walt Hasser  
Walter (Smokey) Gordon
Warren (Skip) Muck 
Wayne (Skinny) Sisk 
Wilbur 'Runner' Conley  
William Guarnere 
William Hinton  
William J. DeBlasio  
William Quinn  
Winifred 'Pappy' Lewis  
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myleftnut-06 · 2 months
(Chapter one)
Paring: Lee Everett x oc
Warnings: slight gore, canon events
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line!
It was dark as a truck pulled into the driveway of a farm house. Three people hop out the truck, a man named Lee, a woman named Pip and a little girl named Clementine.
"Hey, Shawn, I'm a' run on home. My mama's gonna be in a snit" Chet said cracking his neck.
Shawn nodded "no sweat, man. I'll catch you tomorrow night" he said slamming the car door.
Chet nodded turning to the three that tagged along "it was nice to meet y'all" he said waving to them.
Clementine shyly waved back while Lee and Pip did the same.
The front door opened and an older man walked out, Hershel. The man walked over to his son "thank God you're okay" he said hugging him.
"I was worried it'd be bad here, too" Shawn said returning the hug.
"Been quiet as usual the past couple days. Ol' Breacon down the way thinks his mares gone lame but that ain't nothing new" Hershel shrugged it off letting go of his son. Shawn nodded "I wouldn't have made it back without Chet"
"Well, I'm glad you took him with you then" Hershel said before turning his attention to the new three as they walked up to him.
Hershel looked slightly surprised "you've brought a couple guests" he said. Lee nodded "your boy's a lifesaver" he said. Shawn smiled brightly looking at the three nodding his head.
Hershel smiled "glad he could be of help to somebody. So it's just you, your wife and daughter then" he noted. Shawn shook his head "oh, not their daughter, they were her babysitters" he corrected.
Pip lightly interrupted as well "actually, I just met them" she smiled. Hershel raised a brow crouching down to Clem's height "honey, do you know these people?"
"Yes" Clem responded nervously looking up at Hershel. Hershel nodded standing up "ok then" he responded.
The older man looked at Lee's leg examining it "well, looks like you hurt your leg pretty bad there" he said stating the obvious still staring at his bloody leg.
Lee grimaced looking at it "yeah. It's not doing too good" he said wincing due to the pain. Hershel nodded "I can help you out"
The older man turned to Shawn "Shawn, run on in and check on your sister. You, take a seat up on the porch and I'll see what I have"
Hershel and Shawn walked inside and Pip and Clem followed Lee to the porch. Pip looked at Lee's leg "are you sure you're okay?" She asked with worry.
Lee nodded grimacing once again "I'll be fine, doesn't hurt as bad as it did when it happened" he lied. Pip shook her head taking his lie watching as Hershel walked back out.
"Let's have a look" the older man said causing Lee to lift his leg up so he can take a closer look at it.
Hershel shook his head "yeah, this is swollen to hell" he nodded. The man winced and couldn't keep up his lie "it HURTS like hell" he breathed out.
"I bet it does. What'd you say your name was?" Hershel asked. Lee grunted "it's Lee" he responded his face still scrunched up from the pain.
"Nice to meet you, Lee. I'm Hershel Greene" Hershel introduced as he began wrapping up Lee's leg. Lee breathed in heavily and Hershel furrowed his brows lightly "how'd this happen?" He asked.
(?) Hershel knows Lee's name.
"Car accident" Lee responded truthfully looking at his leg. Hershel nodded "that so. Where were you headed? Before the car accident" He asked.
(?) Hershel made note of that.
"Out of Atlanta" Lee said, once again telling the truth. Hershel tilted his head at that "the news says stay" he said. Lee nodded "yeah, well that's a mistake. We hit a guy, one of those things you've been hearing about, on the road"
Hershel looked back up at him "who were you with? The girls?"
Lee shook his head "I was with a police officer. He was giving me a ride" he said not exactly wanting to tell him why he was with an officer in the first place.
(?) Hershel believes Lee.
Hershel hummed "awful nice of him" he noted lightly. Lee chuckled "I'm an awful nice guy" he said smiling.
"House is full up with mine. We've got another displaced family of three sleeping in the barn. You, your wife and daughter are welcome to rest there, when we're done here" Hershel said to Lee, Pip lightly cringed as she was called his wife once again.
"I didn't catch your names, you two" Hershel said looking at the woman and shy girl. Pip smiled "I'm Pip" she said. Clem smiled "Clem-Clementine" she answered shyly.
Hershel shook his head "can't imagine what you've been through Clementine" he said. Pip spoke up at that "we're looking after her until we find her parents" she said referring to herself and Lee, once again stating they're not her parents.
Shawn soon walked out of the house "hey, dad, so I was thinking...first thing tomorrow, we gotta reinforce the fence around the farm"
Hershel lightly rolled his eyes "that doesn't seem necessary" he said crossing his arms.
Shawn shook his head "I don't know what you saw on tv, or heard on the radio, but there's some serious..." he took a moment before looking at Clem.
"SHIT hitting the fan. I don't think anyone knows how big it is yet" Shawn said and Lee nodded his head. "Your son's right. You're going to want to fortify this place" Lee said trying to convince him.
Hershel shook his head "stuff like that doesn't happen around here, Shawn" he said furrowing his brows in anger.
"Dad, I'm serious. Lee, come on, tell him what you saw out there, man" Shawn said looking at Lee. Lee frowned lightly "got chased by a couple of dead people"
Hershel sighed "well, do what you think you should. We've got plenty of chores as it is" he said. Shawn nodded "Pip, Lee and those folks in the barn can help out in the morning. We gotta do it, really" he said.
Hershel rolled his eyes again "I already said okay" he said. The older man soon looked up at Lee "well. I'm all done here. It should start to feel better tomorrow" he smiled. Lee stood up "thanks" he replied.
"If your leg gets hot, or the swelling doesn't go down, you're probably dealing with an infection" Hershel informed looking at Lee's leg again.
The man looked at his leg before looking at Hershel again "what do we do then?"
Hershel pointed his fingers at him in a gun shape "we'll probably just have to shoot you" he joked. Pip and Clem's eyes widen lightly "we'll clean it, re-dress it and you'll be fine" Hershel clarified. Lee nodded "ok, that'd be preferable"
"There's blankets and such in the barn. We'll be seeing you bright and early. Come tomorrow, which way you headed?" Hershel questioned the three, more Pip and Lee than Clem.
"Towards Macon, I suppose" Lee responded, Hershel nodded smiling down at Clem before turning to walk inside the house. "Alright then" Lee said walking towards the barn with Pip and Clem behind him.
The three got to the barn and fixed their beds, Clem being inside her sleeping bag and Pip and Lee lying on top of theirs.
Clems nose scrunched up a little "it smells like..." she started causing the other two to look at her. Lee sighed "manure" he said finishing her words.
"Manure? Like when a horse...plops?" Clem asked. Pip chuckled "just like that" she smiled at the little girl. Clem pouted lightly "I miss my mom and dad" she frowned.
Lee sighed "I bet Clem" he replied closing his eyes. Clem looked at the two "how far is Savannah?" She asked. Pip looked up at the ceiling "pretty far" she replied.
Clem looked down "oh..." she mumbled softly closing her eyes. Pip and Lee did the same, Lee lying on his back and Pip on her side facing Clem, and the three promptly fell asleep.
"Hey. Get up" a voice said causing the three to slowly sit up. Pip yawned rubbing her eyes now seeing a man looking at them. The man was wearing a hat, light tan shirt and dark jeans matched with boots.
Clem sat up scratching her arms "I'm itchy" she frowned looking at the man. The man chuckled "well you slept in a barn, little lady. Lucky you don't have spiders in your hair" he said pointing to her hair.
Clem gasped looking at her hair causing the man to shake his head "but I bet your mommy and daddy scared 'em all away, huh?" He smirked.
Pip shook her head "we're not her parents. I'm Pip" she said holding out her hand. Lee nodded "Lee" he introduced. The man smiled individually shaking their hands "I'm Kenny" he said before a voice started shouting.
"Dad! We're gonna build a fence!" A little boy came around the corner with a smile on his face. "There's a tractor and everything!" He cheered.
"We better get going" Kenny chuckled, the four turned to leave the barn. "Or we won't hear the end of it. That's my boy Ken Junior. We call him Duck, though"
Lee tilted his head "Duck?" He questioned looking at the man next to him. Kenny nodded "yeah. Nothing bothers him. Like water off a ducks back, y'know" he explained.
Pip smiled "dodging or quacking?" she chuckled out. Kenny smiled back "quacking" he jokes. The boy shouted again as if he heard him "DAAAD!"
Pip kept her smile as the four of them walked over to Kenny's wife. Kenny turned to Lee "word says you were on your way to Macon"
The man nodded "my family's from there" he smiled. "Well, it's on the way. And frankly, I'd like the company some people who can knock a couple of heads together if they have to"
Lee looks over at Pip and Clem "I'll ask the girls" he said. Kenny nodded "ah. Gotta consult the missus. I understand"
"Honey, Duck, this is Lee and Pip...and, uhm, what was the girls name?" Kenny asked looking over at her.
"Clementine" Lee responded as the little girl hid behind Pip's leg. Katjaa, Kenny's wife, smiled at Clem "that is a very pretty name" she complimented.
Clem smiled shyly as she emerged from behind Pips leg "thanks" she said holding her hands in front of herself.
Shawn walked over "well, we should get to work. We've seen what those things can do out there, so the faster we get this fence up, the better"
"I wanna build a fence!" Duck shouted happily.
Shawn looked down at him "yeah? Well, I need a good foreman. You can sit on the tractor and yell at me whenever I take a water break"
"On the tractor?! Cool!"
Shawn smiled "Duck and I will hop to it"
Katjaa looked at Pip and Lee "I'll keep an eye on your little girl here on the porch. We can visit" she said assuring the two.
Pip thought for a moment "actually I'll stay here with you guys, it's a bit too early" the woman said sitting next to Clem.
Katjaa chuckled lightly "yeah, so...how did you meet Lee and Clementine?" She questioned  curious look in her eyes. Pip smiled "I was trying to call my sister when I saw him limping around and tried to help but I'm not much of a nurse so we tried going to a neighbor and that's when we came across Clementine"
Katjaa nodded "hmm...oh, did your sister ever answer?" She asked tilting her head. Pip sighed "no, she's a news reporter, Carley, if you know her name...last time I heard from her she texted me she was just getting off her shift" the woman said.
"Oh...I do hope we find her" Katjaa said with light hope in her voice. Pip nodded softly "me too"
After a long while Lee walked over, he greeted the three and Katjaa gave him a smile. "I think we're doing just fine. Clementine was just telling us about first grade" she said.
"Oh. How is that?" Lee asked her causing her to smile brightly "it's easy" she said. Pip and Lee lightly scoff, not in a rude way, but more of a 'yeah, I could've guessed' way.
"Well, yeah" the two said almost in sync causing Katjaa to look a the two with soft disapproval. Lee coughed "soo, you're good?" He asked Pip and Clem.
Pip nodded and Katjaa sighed "anyway, it's...almost like we didn't see people eating people for the past three days. It's peaceful here, no?" She asked
Lee nodded "how did you handle getting through the city?" He asked. Katjaa frowned looking down "Kenny just...drove. We passed so many people that needed help, and...we just passed people. Over some. Just...just..."
Lee frowned as well as it sounded as if she was going to cry "it...it's okay" he said trying to reassure her. The man shook his head "it's fine. You don't have to say anymore"
"I want to go home tomorrow, but even that can't take away the things we - Duck - went through" Katjaa continued. Katjaa looked between Pip and Lee "don't you two want to go back to the moment before you knew about all this?"
Lee nodded causing Pip to do the same "anybody in their right mind would. Families and BBQ's and beers with good friends" Lee reminisced. Katjaa smiled "all of those things" she said. "A nice BBQ would be fun right now" Pip laughed lightly.
Lee smiled before walking away from the three. After another while a loud scream was heard, just as Pip was about to get up Clem grabbed her arm "I have to pee" she frowned.
The woman sighed "but...okay" the said dashing into the house hoping for Clem to get done quickly so she can know what's going on.
The little girl walks out of the bathroom and Pip grabs her hand dashing back out of the house to see Shawn on the ground, dead, and Kenny tightly holding Duck.
"Get out. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" Hershel screamed angrily at the group as Pip walked over.
"I'm sorry..." Kenny frowned looking down at the floor.
"Sorry?! Your son's alive! You don't get to be sorry!" Hershel screamed, he soon turned to Lee "and YOU! You didn't even try to help!" He yelled.
Before Lee could respond he turned to Pip "you as well! Where the fuck were you!?" He asked getting in her face.
Without waiting for an answer Hershel turned around "just go...get out! And never come back!"
Kenny shook his head before looking at the three "you've got that ride to Macon, if you want it"
Kenny and his family walked towards the pick up truck. Pip picked up Clem and the three followed in.
A/n: yippee! Finally finished the first chapter of a Pip story! Anyway! I do hope you enjoyed also before you say "Shawn could've lived!" Well yes but no, bc I feel the story would've been a bit different if he lived so ye- anyway! (Also yes Pip will be stealing some of Lee's lines), OH! I’ll be making a master list ASAP! I’m still working out this app so stay tuned!
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If Saturday cartoons taught us anything it’s that The Power Of Friendship is the ultimate weapon that can defeat any obstacle! But can it defeat…other friendships!? 
This tournament pits Dynamic Duo vs Dynamic Duo to see who has the Ultimate Friendship. They will do this by punching other pairs in the face winning polls!
We are currently running Round 1, Part 1. If you don't see your guys, don't worry, Part 2 & 3 are coming later! Thank you everyone for voting! Part 1 round 1 is over, and Part 2 round 1 is next.
Tied polls will perform the "befriend your enemy" trope and team up! They need to be within 1% of each other to qualify as a tie.
[Part 1 matchups image]
Links to polls:
Ballister Boldheart & Nimona vs Giovanni Potage & Molly Blyndeff
Kris Dreemurr & Susie vs Agent Curt Mega & Tatiana Slozhno
Gon Freecss & Killua Zoldyck vs Dr Coomer & Bubby
Wander & Sylvia vs Bill Preston & Ted Logan
Firestar & Graystripe vs Dean Winchester & Charlie Bradbury
Qi Xiaotian "MK" & Long Xiaojiao "Mei" vs Maya Fey & Phoenix Wright
Gus Porter & Willow Park vs James T. Kirk & Spock
Balloon & Suitcase vs Tian & Longtae
The Knight & Little Princess vs Meander & Quintet
Palamedes Sextus & Camilla Hect vs Shawn Spencer & Gus Burton
Ariel & Shiraori vs Simon Snow & Penelope Bunce
Lee Everett & Clementine vs Aang & Zuko
Chet Anderson & Player vs Miguel & Tulio
Geo Stelar & Omega-xis vs Sonic & Tails
Leslie Knöpfe & Anne Perkins vs Sherlock Holmes & Joan Watson
Pavitr Prabhakar & Hobie Brown vs Finn the Human & Jake the Dog
Good luck to everyone!
👉Absolutely DO NOT comment things like “These characters are totally dating!” This is an aro-safe space & insisting that 2 characters someone sees as platonic are ~actually dating~ is cruel. If you genuinely believe someone cheated & submitted an unqualified duo, DM or send me an ask. (Also: characters who date after a long friendships are allowed if emphasis is on the friendship)
(Note: I will NOT be going out of my way to organize every single piece of propaganda, bc that is WAY too much work. However, I will reblog all propaganda that comes to my attention, & I will answer all propaganda asks.)
Shameless self-plug: if you like my me, please check out my [YouTube channel] where I do art & science education, or my [Warriors/art tumblr]. You can also donate to [my ko-fi] to help me afford my meds & food. Thank you!!
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 months
We’re pretty convinced…
Alfred Soto: What the fuck. I expected pop for NPR-affiliate listeners everywhere, not this homage to Clinton-era deep house where the percussion rattles and Brittany Howard gives the kind of anonymous vocal performance of which those dance classics were made. I'm on an airplane dancing, knocking drinks over. [9]
Katherine St. Asaph: The frontwoman of Alabama Shakes making a throbbing, explosive, furiously sung dance track, kinda like the midpoint of Prince, Depeche Mode, and classic house, about an all-consuming crush — i.e., the most Katherinebait thing imaginable — is something I never expected. The extended edit is not extended enough. [10]
TA Inskeep: A slightly warped take on late '90s prime-era deep house — think Masters at Work-adjacent — is easily the last thing I expected from Brittany Howard's sophomore solo album. And she sells it, with smart, crisp production and a voice that really can seem to sing anything. I love when queer art is this good. [8]
Harlan Talib Ockey: Music journalism is simply finding a thousand ways of saying 'good and also catchy'. It’s Brittany Howard doing house, of all things, and the synth chirp sounds like my washing machine. I love it. [8]
Tim de Reuse: Out from the unremarkable feel-good beat grows a strange, growling sound-animal, lashing together every other element, supporting the echoing vocals from below while filling in the dead air between bursts of gasping, airy synths. Few house-revival efforts in this day and age reach this level of sonic cohesion, filling in every frequency like a jigsaw puzzle without letting anything cover up anything else. Tropical not as in "Tropical House" (touristy, antiseptic, manicured) but Tropical as in humid, dense vegetation, a buzz of color and sensation. [8]
Ian Mathers: As someone who's mostly hit the heights of "well, I wouldn't actively avoid it" with Howard's work before (solo or in a band), turns out I like her doing skronky, lovelorn dance music a lot more. Is the whole record like this? Do I need to actually seek it out? [8]
Nortey Dowuona: Zac Cockrell on bass, Brad Allen Williams on guitar, Lloyd Buchanan and Paul Horton on keys, Nate Smith on drums: It takes a village to execute a producer's vision. Brittany's vision of four-on-the-floor pop is a compelling idea, but everyone clashes against one another. She mixes alongside Shawn Everett, forcing mastering engineers Emily Lazar and Chris Allgood to compress the raging bass, the overly loud drums, the stubby keyboard stabs. The latter jabs and rips into a box to create holes so that loose, squelching sounds can slip inside. I don't know what was proven by this, other than that Brittany cannot execute her vision, nor abandon it to establish a community. [5]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: I have been in a number of relationships where I am the one more likely to express my affection verbally. It can be rough at first to navigate, if only because underneath my love for speech is a stark reminder that it needn’t have supremacy over other modes of expression. And Jesus Christ, here is a song that makes this clear: the beat rattles and the synths roar, and Howard makes sure you can feel her passion even before she sings. “Prove It to You” is a nice three-minute reminder that we can all grow a little more sensitive to the ways we receive, well, anything from anyone. [7]
Leah Isobel: "Prove It to You" isn't so much a dance song as it is a rock song in dance clothing — or the other way around. While its straightforward, aerodynamic thump is conversant with house, all of its instrumentation is given a physical, earthy touch: its bass is overdriven and gritty, its kicks booming and heavy. In other hands it could come across as irritating authenticity-bait. Here, though, the effect isn't vaguely patronizing but grand and kaleidoscopic, its momentum sourced from actual, felt urgency ("I will show you how I feel for you right now") instead of perceived external necessity. Howard meets dance halfway; it's kind of like love. [8]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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raymenpin61 · 5 months
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Never live used my home anymore a lot my grandson ago he used it back to ewa beach apartmnet home always accept it okay yes 2017 2023 2018 2021 Kirby cran Krady crestmere Tony Kasacro Come My Way DOA Alive 5 ugly eek Dugly Eekenk Trekkend okay Yes quit it noboody never hurt my grandson 22 years old to not all them us not healthy never no more again okay yes Bobby Raecren English French German Canada vs Japan Japanese Korea Korean China Chinese It's Italy Romanian Miani DJ Spyroof always Hate Mark Black guy James Dess ray Whore Punk Wipe crack face crutkipe Bratwipe okay Yes Leave My Grandson alone you stupid care nurse no good at castle no good anymore not more again Craymen Raymen Pin always his Mom accept available sometime do not lost him mother grandson 22 year old anymore Im he give to him Pocket dirt rock him Makeover okay Yes make him beat him window glass throw him makeover okay yes Like my Mom Rey Pin say Hi to Grandson Craymen Racren always accept okay yes not all of them anymore never follow the staff never again okay yes ive tell them fucking whorewipe Punkwipe okay Yes Ma Danny yes. Mhm 2006 2007 2016 2017 Bring Grandson come home to ewa apartment 101 91-1671 Joseph Lucas Joe Lucas Vance Ft Uncle waene Vietnam Vietnamese not Philipine Philipino never again a lot too much Not any Minutes and Whole Hours ago anymore okay Yes GTA 5 Blue White Red Purple Lavender Tan Plaid Shirt Polo Western Ribbon Neckite i love DJ song okay yes Guardian family like Raymen does always ago dont over sleep now again just stay still ok. American European Asian Boy Male Man Men guy Young Teen Not Girls no Women ladies Female anymore okay Yes gotta stay strong bro okay Yes Phone a03s always have to used back over sametime back again soon okay Yes Hate Salverdor Talk Upset his problem get a grip person said quit it you two just cut it out you too a lot en it You no longer to my boyfriend okay Yes Doobi Doo Dont be Shy Yes Dance Pop Indie Rock Crying Sad song Relationship okay Yes Park Yoochun Jo in sung So ji sub Lee Hoya Lowon Sophie Monk Namie Amuro Milky Way Hate Grudge and Ring no good From Ghost Shotgun okay #RaymenPin #Kirbycran #ParkYoochun #Joinsung #Sojisub #Hilaryduff2004 #Comemyway #Ewabeach101 Bae Sung Woo Jung woo Sung not Ryu Jun Yeol just Park Sung Woong and Son Hyun Joo Lynda Trang Dai Sadness together be happy always a lot okay back come heaven come praying milky way starry healed Raymen bro okay Yes 김현우 #김현우 #KBS #MBC #SBS #SophieMonk #LilouBboy #LeifangJacket #Lyndatrangdai17 #더킹 2017 2023 더킹 #소피몽크 #박유천 #조인성 #손현주 #배성우 #소지섭 #박성웅 #김사홍 Kim Sa Hong Gay Love Drama Loveless no more Homeless anymore not more to alan My Mom never like you not more to you alan Youll stay away my Mom and Brother they accept me to Healthy Home ewa okay Yes Alan we all kleep are mouth shut okay yes. ホール マイ エワ Rainbow angelic Russian France Colby Rank Facewipe Princess Headdress Mary Jane Shoes White Pants Stocking Short Loafer Ribbon Not Superman Batman anymore again okay Yes American Hawaii Home Christmas Help ok Iceman Cyclops Bobby Drake Scott Summers Pasha and Yutaro Same Love Male Bro always love same back Couple love gather same over back again okay Yes Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ Blonde Ginger Hair Bald Short Left Side cute okay Yes Brandon Routh Embrace hate Cartoon network Jannlee Rig bayman leon Akira Jacky Zack Ein Male Xtreme Take it easy okay Yes Hate it here kaaka st village park no good safe again okay Yes Uncle waene bro buddy okay Yes 😭👌🏻🤗💙📱🎀🧊 Tu vivi nell aria Return accept KBS MBC SBS TVN JTBC KBS2 Phi Viet Volume 11 Aaron Shawn Ashmore Hames Marsden Iceman Cyclops Bobby Drake Scott summers Logan Lerman Dylan Everett #Tuvivinellaria #DoobiDooDontbeshy #Tonykasacro Bro Buddy gay love always relationship accept Yourerv Irve Accept it to my Mom Rey Pin and Danny Idea to me Grandson okay Yes Lilou Moy Cratrey Randen MeanSaint TinXpete not ae not more again to him okay accept. Open up or were bustin in okay Lee Young Hoon Gamma Sachen Carfend #FrenchvsKorean #YoungteenBro
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bourbonificould · 4 months
TWDG What-If One-Shot Series - Chapter 3: Different Ends, Pt. 1
Living at school is really odd. It's not exactly what your average kid would have predicted when they began their learning process. And it might be even more odd as a teacher.
So what happens on a day where Lee Everett was coming in for a summer checkup on a day in July? And how does that affect another child in danger?
Alternative Title: What if Lee Everett was teaching at Ericson's on Day 1? Part 1.
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mtreebeardiles · 1 year
Stardew Effect, Summer, Year 1, pt 17
An update! Hey! Another chapter I had partially written and finally did something about!
Full chapter over on AO3!
"So you're having these dreams every night, now?"
The question was quiet, for all the bar wasn't overly crowded at this time of day. Not entirely empty, a few regulars seated in the booths on the other side of the main room for lunch, but Kaidan didn't want to risk drawing unwanted attention. 
Bad enough Everett looked asleep on his feet.
The other man fought back a yawn as Kaidan watched, largely failing, and rubbed at an eye. 
"Pretty much, yeah," Evvy replied, blinking down at the glass in his hand as if needing a moment to remember how it had gotten there and why. "S'not quite like the other ones, though."
Everett's brow furrowed and he resumed cleaning the glass. "Keeps taking me somewhere I don't recognize." He glanced up, catching Kaidan's eye, and added, "all the others are places around here, in the Valley. I mean I guess this place could be, too, but not any part of the Valley I'm familiar with."
Kaidan hummed, leaving off on any follow-up as another customer wandered over to place an order. Everett managed a smile, a little tired around the edges, and excused himself to drop the ticket off to the kitchen. 
Kaidan resettled on his bar stool, absently tapping his fingers against the side of his glass of lemonade, puzzling over the details Everett had shared with him so far. The dreams in and of themselves weren't anything new; Evvy had told him about them once it became clear they were a recurring thing. Some tie or other with whatever forest spirits resided in the abandoned Community Center, and he didn't think it was a coincidence that the dreams had started taking on a different tone when Liara had vanished. Some kind of warning, he figured, though to what end he couldn't begin to guess. Liara was gone, the circumstances as uncertain now as they had been before, and they already knew about mines. 
"What'd this place look like?" Kaidan found himself asking once Evvy had returned. The other man sighed, leaning a hip against the bar as he considered. 
"It was… dark? Seemed like a swamp, maybe? Not really the climate or environment for that sort of thing around here, but I guess stranger shit has happened."
"And is this coming from our, uh… Community Center friends, too?"
"Yes and no?" Everett grabbed a rag, absently scrubbing at the bar top. "It feels different, somehow, but they're there, still. But kinda like they're along for the ride, and I have no idea who's driving." He chewed on his lower lip a moment before glancing up at Kaidan again. "And… you don't have weird dreams, right? Or visions or…whatever this is?"
Kaidan shook his head, reaching out to cover Evvy's hand with his own. The other man looked exhausted in more ways than one. Maybe they weren't going through the same thing, but he remembered what it had felt like, to have something going on that he couldn't easily share with anyone else. Remembered how isolating it had been, how isolating it still could be, and the irony of finally finding some sense of common ground in this place so tucked away from the rest of the world he'd known wasn't lost on him. 
He just wished he could do more to help Everett.
Maybe I can… He drew a fingertip along the exposed line of Evvy's wrist, following the trail of his tattoo. Maybe there were things he could do, things he just didn't know about yet. 
Maybe it was time he headed back to Liara's tower to see if he could dig up any other answers. 
He stopped at home after his lunch with Everett before making his way to the tower, following the main trails down into the grassy stretch of land immediately to the south of his farm. A ranch was situated off to the east, owners he still hadn't properly met yet, and farther down from there was a cottage settled near the edge of the river. Some loner lived there according to Everett, a woman largely uninterested in socializing with the rest of the townsfolk, and Kaidan supposed he could appreciate that. 
Wonder if she's seen anything though… Doubtful, though he had to wonder if Everett knew everyone in the Valley who was…aware… of the sort of oddities they'd encountered so far. Monsters in the mines clear on the other side of town were one thing, but it wasn't entirely outside the realm of possibility that someone living in the shadow of an honest-to-god wizard's tower might've seen a thing or two. 
He just doubted they'd know enough to understand what they were seeing, if they'd seen anything at all. 
Absolute last resort, he thought, angling for the path that would take him past the lake and to the tower in the distance. And not without Evvy. Someone keen on maintaining their privacy probably wouldn't like some strange new neighbor appearing on their doorstep asking weird questions. 
The tower didn’t look any different as Kaidan drew closer -- no change in the air, no change in general atmosphere, just as empty and dark and dreary as it'd been the last time he'd come here. He pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside, setting the portable lamp he'd snagged from his cabin on the table to help brighten the darker corners natural sunlight couldn't quite reach. 
If he'd been hoping for some evidence that someone may have come and gone, he was sorely disappointed. A fine layer of dust lay over every surface, kicking up as he shuffled around to investigate. He sneezed rapidly in succession, eyes watering, and made a mental note to come back with a broom and duster to clean the place up a little. 
Least I can do for her, he thought, stubbornly refusing to accept the possibility that she may not come back at all. 
He made his way towards the far side of the main room, hefting the lantern closer so he could read over the spines of the books she had arranged on the shelves back there. Plenty didn't bear titles at all, and of the ones that did, many were in a language he couldn't read, or written in characters he didn't recognize. Several of them bore evidence of heavy use -- dog-eared pages in some that he took off the shelf and flipped through, notes scribbled in the margins of dense text or complicated diagrams. Whatever sort of power Liara had, Kaidan already knew it was a fair amount more complicated than what he himself could do -- if his was more a manipulation of physical properties (mass, if Liara was correct, and so far as he could tell that definitely tracked), then hers was something more akin to the sort of magic you'd hear about in fantasy novels. Spells and shit, components and wands and potions, things that required some measure of care in order to elicit certain results. 
Kaidan carefully shut the book again and slipped it back into its place with a sigh, glancing around with a frown. Some of the books struck him as…guides, almost. Textbooks, like the sort you'd expect to see in a school or library. He never had asked Liara where she'd learned, and if she were making her own notes in these books it stood to reason someone else had written them. 
But who? And where would they have come from? Could they even be contacted?
Or maybe she has something laying around, some diary or…or…wizard's address book? 
He felt stupid even thinking it, but he couldn't exactly picture Liara making do with something like a phone. Her home was hardly the epitome of modern technology or comfort, the tower something so out of step with the times he wondered if it'd been here long before she'd come to live in it. 
He stepped back from the shelves, looking up towards the ceiling, then towards the curtained off area near the back. 
Well, she clearly doesn’t sleep on this level, he thought, taking a deep breath and stepping forward. He pulled the curtain back, revealing a wooden door with an ornate handle -- a handle that turned, much to his relief, allowing the door to slide open. The air beyond wasn't as fresh, not helped by the stone cut of the spiraling staircase beyond, and he figured it'd be in his best interest to open some of the windows on his way up. 
Please don't let this be a mistake.
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identity-library · 5 months
Diverse Sexuality (TV Shows)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
José "Joey" Gutierrez (Gay)
Marcus Benson (Gay)
All Saints (1998)
Charlotte Beaumont (Bisexual)
Andor (2022)
Cinta Kaz (Unspecified WLW)
Vel Sartha (Unspecified WLW)
Arthur (1996)
Nigel Ratburn (Gay)
Patrick (Gay)
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Felix Gaeta (Bisexual)
Big Mouth (2017)
Ali (Pansexual)
Charles Lu (Unspecified MLM)
Connie LaCienega (Pansexual)
Elijah (Asexual)
Jayzarian "Jay" Bilzerian (Bisexual)
Jessica "Jessi" Glaser (Bisexual)
Matthew MacDell (Gay)
Maury Beverly (Pansexual)
Megan (Bisexual)
Mona (Bisexual)
Nadja El-Khoury (Lesbian)
Shannon Glaser (Lesbian)
Simon Sex (Bisexual)
Sonya Poinsettia (Bisexual)
Tyler Pico (Pansexual)
Bob's Burgers (2011)
Natalie "Nat" Kinkle (Unspecified WLW)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013)
Jenny Gildenhorn (Bisexual)
Jocelyn Price (Lesbian)
Kevin Cozner (Gay)
Raymond "Ray" Holt (Gay)
Rosalita "Rosa" Diaz (Bisexual)
Chicago Fire (2012)
Clarice Carthage (Bisexual)
Darren Ritter (Gay)
Emily Foster (Bisexual)
Leslie Shay (Lesbian)
Chicago Med (2015)
Lawrence Dayle (Unspecified MLM)
Peter Kalmick (Unspecified MLM)
Terry McNeal (Gay)
Code Black (2015)
Carla Niven (Lesbian)
Malaya Pineda (Lesbian)
Noa Kean (Bisexual)
Community (2009)
Craig Pelton (Unlabeled MLM)
Frankie Dart (Unspecified WLW)
Craig of the Creek (2018)
Alexis (Pansexual)
Courtney (Lesbian)
George (Gay)
Jasmine Williams (Lesbian)
Kelsey Pokoly (Lesbian)
Laura Mercer (Lesbian)
Raj (Gay)
Secret Keeper (Gay)
Shawn (Gay)
Stacks (Lesbian)
Tabitha (Lesbian)
Dead End: Paranormal Park (2022)
Barney Guttman (Gay)
Logan Nguyen (Gay)
Norma Khan (Bisexual)
Zagan (Pansexual)
Doom Patrol (2019)
Kay Challis/Crazy Jane (Lesbian)
Larry Trainor (Gay)
Dr. Who (2005)
Adric (Pansexual)
Bill Potts (Lesbian)
Canton Everett Delaware ||| (Gay)
Chris Cwej (Bisexual)
Clara Oswald (Bisexual)
Elizabeth "Liz" Shaw (Bisexual)
Heather (Lesbian)
Jack Harkness (Omnisexual + Polyamorous)
Jennifer "Jenny Flint" Scarrity (Lesbian)
Madame Vastra (Lesbian)
Melony "River Song" Pond (Bisexual + Polyamorous)
Nyssa of Traken (Bisexual)
Oliver Harper (Gay)
Olivia "Liv" Chenka (Bisexual)
Patricia Haggard (Lesbian)
Rogue (Gay)
Tania Bell (Lesbian)
Tegan Jovanka (Bisexual)
Toshiko Sato (Bisexual)
Yasmin Khan (Queer)
Equestria Girls (2017)
Sunset Shimmer (Bisexual)
ER (1994)
Courtney Brown (Lesbian)
Kerry Weaver (Lesbian)
Kim Legaspi (Lesbian)
Maggie Doyle (Lesbian)
Sandy Lopez (Lesbian)
Euphoria (2019)
Cal Jacobs (Bisexual)
Elliot (Unlabeled MLM)
Jules Vaughn (Unlabeled WLW)
Nate Jacobs (Unspecified MLM)
Rue Bennett (Lesbian)
Ever After High (2013)
Apple White (Unspecified WLW)
Darling Charming (Unspecified WLW)
Glee (2009)
Adam Crawford (Gay)
Alistair (Unspecified MLM)
Blaine Anderson (Gay)
Brittany Pierce (Bisexual)
Dani (Lesbian)
David "Dave" Karofsky (Gay)
Elliott Gilbert (Gay)
Hiram Barry (Gay)
Kurt Hummel (Gay)
Leroy Barry (Gay)
Santana Lopez (Lesbian)
Sebastian Smythe (Bisexual)
Spencer Porter (Gay)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Amelia Shepherd (Bisexual)
Arizona Robbins (Lesbian)
Callie Torres (Bisexual)
Carina DeLuca (Bisexual)
Dayna Knox (Lesbian)
Eliza Minnick (Lesbian)
Erica Hahn (Lesbian)
Levi Schmitt (Gay)
Mika Yasuda (Bisexual)
Nico Kim (Gay)
Taryn Helm (Lesbian)
Teddy Altman (Bisexual)
Harley Quinn (2019)
Basil Karlo/Clayface (Gay)
Edward Nygma/The Riddler (Gay)
Frank (Asexual)
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn (Bisexual)
Leslie Wills/Livewire (Lesbian)
Mari McCabe/Vixen (Bisexual)
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (Bisexual)
Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Unspecified WLW)
Sylvester "Sy" Borgman (Bisexual)
Hazbin Hotel (2024)
Alastor (Aromantic, Asexual)
Angel Dust (Gay)
Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar (Lesbian)
Cherri Bomb (Bisexual)
Husker (Pansexual)
Sir Pentious (Bisexual)
Vaggie (Unspecified WLW)
Valentino (Pansexual)
Vox (Bisexual)
Heartbreak High (2022)
Darren Rivers (Gay, Queer)
Donald "Ca$h" Piggott (Asexual)
Dustin Reid (Unspecified MLM)
Malakai Mitchell (Bisexual)
Missy Beckett (Bisexual)
Quinni Gallagher-Jones (Lesbian)
Rowan Callaghan (Bisexual)
Sasha So (Lesbian)
Heartstopper (2022)
Ben Hope (Unspecified MLM)
Charles "Charlie" Spring (Gay)
Darcy Olsson (Lesbian)
Isaac Henderson (Asexual, Aromantic)
Nick Nelson (Bisexual)
Tara Jones (Lesbian)
How I Met Your Mother (2005)
James Stinson (Gay)
Human Resources (2022)
Claudia (Lesbian)
Danielle (Lesbian)
Flanny O'Lympic (Bisexual)
Van (Lesbian)
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (2015)
Alix Kubdel (Aromantic)
Caline Bustier (Unspecified WLW)
Gisèle (Unspecified WLW)
Juleka Couffaine (Unspecified WLW)
Marc Anciel (Unspecified MLM)
Max Kanté (Asexual)
Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Unspecified MLM)
Rose Lavillant (Unspecified WLW)
Zoé Lee (Unspecified WLW)
Modern Family (2009)
Cameron Tucker (Gay)
Gil Thorpe (Gay)
Mitchell Pritchett (Gay)
Pepper Saltzman (Gay)
Ronaldo (Unspecified MLM)
Mom (2013)
Bonnie Plunkett (Bisexual)
Ray Stabler (Gay)
Rudy (Bisexual)
Nanbaka (2016)
Jyugo (Bisexual)
New Amsterdam (2018)
Elizabeth Wilder (Bisexual)
Iggy Frome (Gay)
Lauren Bloom (Bisexual)
Leyla Shinwari (Lesbian)
Martin McIntyre (Gay)
New Girl (2011)
Melissa (Unspecified WLW)
Reagan Lucas (Bisexual)
Sadie (Lesbian)
Peacemaker (2022)
Christopher Smith/Peacemaker (Bisexual)
Leota Adebayo (Lesbian)
Private Practice (2007)
Amelia Shepherd (Bisexual)
Raising Dion (2019)
Kat Neese (Lesbian)
Roswell, New Mexico (2019)
Alex Manes (Gay)
Allie Meyers (Unspecified WLW)
Anatsa Mufaro (Unspecified WLW)
Blaire (Unspecified WLW)
Forrest (Gay)
Isobel Evans-Bracken (Bisexual)
Michael Guerin (Bisexual)
Shivani Sen (Unspecified WLW)
Runaways (2017)
Karolina Dean (Lesbian)
Nico Minoru (Bisexual)
Xavin (Pansexual)
Safe (2018)
Pete Mayfield (Gay)
Saving Hope (2012)
Bree Hannigan (Lesbian)
Maggie Lin (Bisexual)
Sydney Katz (Lesbian)
Shadowhunters (2016)
Alexander "Alec" Lightwood (Gay)
Aline Penhallow (Unspecified WLW)
Magnus Bane (Bisexual)
Olivia Wilson (Unspecified WLW)
Samantha (Unspecified WLW)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Adora (Lesbian)
Bow (Bisexual)
Catra (Lesbian)
Double Trouble (Gay)
Entrapta (Bisexual)
George (Gay)
Glimmer (Bisexual)
Huntara (Lesbian)
Kyle (Bisexual)
Lance (Gay)
Light Hope (Lesbian)
Lonnie (Bisexual)
Mara (Lesbian)
Mermista (Bisexual)
Netossa (Lesbian)
Perfuma (Unspecified WLW)
Rogelio (Bisexual)
Scorpia (Lesbian)
Sea Hawk (Bisexual)
Spinnerella (Lesbian)
Station 19 (2018)
Amelia Shepherd (Bisexual)
Carina DeLuca (Bisexual)
Dayna Knox (Lesbian)
Eli Stern (Bisexual)
Emmett Dixon (Gay)
Maya Bishop (Bisexual)
Michelle Alvarez (Lesbian)
Nikki (Bisexual)
Pam Williams (Lesbian)
Travis Montgomery (Gay)
Steven Universe (2013)
Bismuth (Lesbian)
Dogcopter (Gay)
Harold Smiley (Gay)
Pearl (Lesbian)
Peridot (Asexual, Aromantic)
Ruby (Lesbian)
Sapphire (Lesbian)
Stumptown (2019)
Dex Parios (Bisexual)
The Babysitter's Club (2020)
Dawn Schafer (Unlabeled WLW)
Janine Kishi (Lesbian)
The Magicians (2015)
Eliot Waugh (Gay)
The Owl House (2020)
Amity Blight (Lesbian)
Darius Deamonne (Gay)
Eda Clawthorne (Bisexual)
Gilbert Park (Unspecified MLM)
Harvey Park (Unspecified MLM)
Hunter (Bisexual)
Lilith Clawthorne (Asexual, Aromantic)
Luz Noceda (Bisexual)
Willow Park (Bisexual)
The Resident (2018)
Jake Wong (Gay)
The Rookie (2018)
Jackson West (Gay)
Gino Brown (Gay)
The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy (2024)
Klak (Unspecified WLW)
Slug Girl (Unspecified WLW)
The 100 (2014)
Bryan (Gay)
Clarke Griffin (Bisexual)
Eric Jackson (Gay)
Lexa (Lesbian)
Nathan Miller (Gay)
Niylah (Lesbian)
Zev (Gay)
Titans (2018)
Tim Drake/Robin (Bisexual)
Total Drama (Franchise)
Bowie (Gay)
Raj (Gay)
9-1-1 (2018)
David Hale (Unspecified MLM)
Evan "Buck" Buckley (Bisexual)
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson (Lesbian)
John Russo (Unspecified MLM)
Karen Wilson (Lesbian)
Michael Grant (Gay)
Tommy Kinard (Gay)
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)
Carlos Reyes (Gay)
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand (Gay)
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