E for whoever you wanna answer this with? :0
I ammmmmmmmm gonna answer for Q actually :3
E, endanger: How would your f/o protect or save you from a threat?
Well considering that he's an omnipotent, all-powerful reality bender, he can and WILL do literally anything to keep me safe. He's even saved me from a few threats I didn't even know happened; at least, I didn't know until he showed up to brag about how he just saved me from something that was about to happen (cuz let's be real he would never be able to do any good deed without intensely bragging), but that would honestly make me a liiiitle bit paranoid about things happening that I don't even know about and we'd probably need to have a talk about him not secretly controlling fate for me without me even knowing it 😳😳😳
💜 ask game here! 💜
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wolf-2099 · 3 years
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I love this whole sequence especially the first two images, but those two frames go by so fast you literally would not see the otherwise. But because I am myself, Felix Granz, I went through episodes frame by frame to find good in betweens like these. And trust me those top two images make me feel things I love them so much.
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foxships · 3 years
THANK YOU!!! let’s look at my poisonous gf again!!
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isn’t she soooo cute and mean~? I love her so much!!
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parkersbear · 3 years
Marigold for you and Hawks? :0
marigold - what is your favorite picture, video, and/or moment of your f/o?
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Baby Hawks has stolen my heart and I just want him to be happy so badly! 🥺🥺🥺
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9 for that AU ask with all your Romantic F/Os? Sounds interesting!
thanks so much for the ask!!! :)! <3!
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes?
aslgjkhgkj this is kinda a long one, but this was really fun to do askdjlgjhg.
Arthur: mostly lurks. doesn’t really know how Discord works, so he just kinda reads what everyone else has to say, and ignores the hundreds of notifications that pile up.
Saeran: the guy that draws godlike fanart in like 10 minutes. most of it is of me. also sometimes will just talk about how cool he finds the designs. tends to be kinda friendly in the chat, but doesn’t talk much.
Miku: has done covers of both the op and the ed, loves to talk about how much she loves me and how I’m her favorite character. has a bunch of stickers of me that she sticks everywhere and then enthusiastically posts pictures of. she also likes to put heart stickers with them, or get stickers of me with hearts.
the rest under the cut! :)! <3!
Akko: super enthusiastic. gushing like 24/7 about how much she loves me and stuff. she just openly links her selfship blog and tells everyone else it would mean a lot to her if they followed. she likes sending internet hugs and comforting anyone when they’re down.
Yuri: lurks, but knows exactly how Discord works. occasionally sends a meme to the memes channel. feels very proud of himself when people keyboard smash in response.
Knives: the wholesome sweet one. like always tells everyone else how great their stuff is, uses a bunch of smiley faces and hearts, and more. she also sometimes draws things and happily shows them off to everyone.
Sharpay: loves to be the center of attention. talks every time that she can. has made an English cover of the op and ed. drags Ryan into a lot of things, since he’s a little nervous to just join out of nowhere.
Lio: joined, dropped his intro, didn’t talk for like a year, when he talked, just gave the most out there excuse for why he was silent. it turned out his excuse was true.
Teru: a helper on the server and has to say “hey guys! can we take it down a notch? we wanna keep everything friendly haha.” quite a lot. gets along pretty well with everyone. has a link in promos to his academia Tumblr.
Kai: the owner of the server. practically like a father figure to everyone. asks if people finished their homework, offers life advice, and more. also politely posts screenshots of me in the screenies channel and tells everyone how pleasant, soothing, and therapeutic he finds the anime.
Keiji: literally owns the memes channel. like makes shitposts 24/7. links to his YouTube in promos. his YouTube is like 99% just shitposts about the show, and 1% speedpaints.
Sou: “haha everyone go check out my essay on why Parker’s a queer-coded character. I know it’s 5000 words. it’s on my main Tumblr. everyone go check it out.”, has made so many theories. when I got confirmed queer he literally screamed about it for like ever.
Arisa: I just watch it for the magical boys! I don’t like... like any of the characters or anything. super privative about everything relating to her affection to me. has used the “oh Parker we’re really in it now” meme so many times.
Alex: liked the anime so much that he made his grandparents watch it, too. pretty upbeat. likes to tell everyone about how his grandparents reacted to scenes. “I’m so glad to have this server because literally no-one I know irl knows about this show.”
Kent: lurks. just lurks. like has probably posted his intro and that’s about it. sometimes reacts with hearts to pictures of me and messages that he likes.
Geordo: his parents buy him like every piece of merch and he shows them off to everyone once he gets them. in the merch channel, he is king. if anyone wants to know whether something off of any of the merch lines looks good or is good quality or how big it is, they check in with Geordo, because he always owns it.
Light: gives everyone homework help, talks about how important of a character I am, goes on like rants about his theories in the theories channel.
Misa: the other wholesome sweet one. became super good friends with Knives. sends a bunch of supportive wholesome memes in the memes channel.
Hayasaka: “please @ me in every image of Parker sent. I’ll look at them on my lunch break.” like severely overworked, and everyone’s like “aren’t you,,,,, not on your lunch break right now?” and he’s like “shhh don’t tell my boss.” has a coffee mug with a picture of me on it that he shows off every chance he gets.
Ryan: gets dragged into talking by Sharpay. has ALSO made covers of the op and ed. knows the entire dance routine in the ending theme by heart. does a lot of cosplays.
Victor: likes things other people made and shows off things he made. loves using the pets channel to show off his dog, Wick. everyone oohs and ahs over him.
Mikoto: “let’s get along, everyone! :D!”. uses a bunch of exclamation points and smiley faces and hearts. makes a lot of theories about me and likes to talk to the theory makers about like what they think comes next and what they think my character’s like. super positive and likes to make sure everyone’s okay.
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😎 for any F/O?
(Since you didn't specify an F/O, I'm going to choose Bernadetta for this one!)
😎 - What stereotypical high school ‘clique’ would your friend group mostly fit into?
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Well... If you mean Heather, Ashe, Annette and me, we’d definitely be a bunch of nerds. I mean, with my reading, Ashe’s knowledge of herbs, Annette being a keen study in general and Heather’s writing, I guess we take comfort in that we’re all passionate about something!
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lex-n-weegie · 4 years
1 and 7 for you and Sakura?
1. Nose kisses or forehead kisses?
NOSE KISSES!!! Its like my favorite thing to do to Sakura since I'm so short and she's so tall-
7. Romantic dinners at fancy restaurants or take out dinners on the couch?
I'll have to go 50/50 on this one. On one hand, Sakura dressing up all fancy and adorable. On the other hand, cuddling Sakura on the couch while we eat pizza or something. Both are fantastic
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farmerboy-milo · 4 years
Milo! I recently got a wooloo (Wooly) and was wondering what are some things to keep in mind while taking care of my wooloo? Thanks in advance!
You got a shiny wooloo?? Congratulations!!
Now, when taking care of a wooloo, it’s very important to feed them properly. They like to graze, so letting them outside to go eat some grass would be lovely for them. If you’re unable to do that, keep them on a regular schedule for feeding!
You should also regularly check to make sure their hooves are in good shape. If they’re damaged it can become a serious issue for them and can make it painful to walk, and nobody wants that!
And make sure that their wool doesn’t get too long!! It can become to heavy and start to weigh them down. Things can also get caught in them. Wooloo wool is very soft and can be used for lots of different things! There are many places in Turffield that accept wool from trainers to make goods!
And with any Pokémon, it’s important to make sure that your wooloo is well loved. Give them lots of hugs and kisses and head pats. They deserve it.
(Also wooloo are very nice to cuddle with!!)
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
🌸 Sky-Forme Biscuit- In what ways has your F/O helped you? And in what ways have you helped them?
Lance has been my rock, has fought me on my own self-depreciative comments, and has done his part in convincing me that I’m worth something. He continues to stand by me, and listen to me, and wait for me to be able to tell him what’s wrong, and is there with open arms when I get so so tired of standing and am ready to just fall. He’s my respite. His arms are a place where I can find rest and love and comfort and protection from this hellish asinine world. 
I can’t think of how I’ve helped him in turn, beyond just having different world view/points than him. I’m not sure I’ve done much of anything to help him, beyond helping him in various missions that I might have gone on with him, regardless of his opinion on the matter. I suppose, based off one of the recent dreams this year, that he considers my opinion and perspective important, and valid, and that it’s been helpful in guiding him somehow, cementing his thoughts or feelings on various subject matter that he might not have known about prior. Like, I suppose I could consider myself the reference point for queer things, having learned them myself and then being able to teach to him when asked or whenever I learn something new, I wind up sharing that with him and teaching him in the process....? I think that counts as something.
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junkratsloverat · 4 years
🌸 Nanab Berry Sundae- What hobbies do you and your F/O like to do together?
Rhys has been helping me learn bunkers and badasses! he gets pretty busy, so we haven’t gotten to play it together yet, but we’re really excited to! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
🌸 selfship gracidea cafe! 🌸
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deerself · 4 years
I just realized you self ship with Zacharie from OFF!! Gosh OFF is one of my favorite games of all time and I'm so happy to see people are still interested in it! 😊 You and Zacharie are super heccing valid and I hope you two have a good day
0: YES!!! I DO!!!! off is also one of my fav games!! i first played it a few years ago and its still super important to me and i love it so much (and not to mention the spinOFF games which i greatly enjoyed!!) thank you so much reece 🥺🥺 i hope you have a great day too!!! 💕💕💕
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selfshipeventhall · 4 years
Hey!! I heard there was a discord for this event and I was curious how I can join the discord (or if I'm too late to join?) Because I'd love to see what the panels that are going on there!!! ^v^
You can join by following this link!! It’ll mostly be used for panels!! : ) We had a very successful panel about tsundere selfshippers today!
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foxships · 3 years
Headcanon: Vanica loves seeing you wear her cape- it not only is super comfy to those who wear it, but she only lets the people she loves dearly wear it. She thinks you look super beautiful in it too!!
(make me blush with headcanons for my f/os!)
Ohh, her coat!! It’s so warm and soft! I’m not sure it would fit me as a coat, but her just placing it on my shoulders like a cape is really cute!!!
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parkersbear · 4 years
For the latest ask game (I'm not sure if I fully understand it but) Mirko!
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Blush Headcanon: Saeran is very affection/touch starved so the minute you hold his hand or smile he basically melts into your embrace! Sometimes he has to hold back tears from how happy he is to be with someone who cares about him as much as you do!
omg yes.
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thank you. just. I love him so much omg. he deserves it.
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🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other selfshippers
Right, sorry for leaving this as late as I have, but I have Joker on the brain these past few nights so I wanna talk about his voice for a while!
I heard his English dub voice first and, let me tell you, the instant I heard that Irish lilt...
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I gathered that his dub voice was a little divisive among fans but, imo, the way his accent bounces between Irish and Cockney with carefree abandon is super cute! But he also can sound genuinely intimidating if/when you get on his bad side... Say what you want about the dub, but I think Matt Mercer nailed it!
Still, that's not to say I don't think his Japanese original voice is great either! Actual legend Mamoru Miyano brings his trademark charisma to the role but, again, also gives Joker a commanding presence when he needs to be taken seriously.
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Totally unrelated to the above; I've always thought Joker's hair (especially the back of it) resembles a lion's mane, so I might just end up calling him "my lion" as a half joke... Also he's autistic because I said so
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