#she IMMEDIATELY ratted us out bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
thmollusk Ā· 1 year
me and my autism vs. the aba therapy supporting autism and disability awareness hr person at my work who will win
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oh-meretseger Ā· 6 months
part 5 - The Party
attack on titan modern college au // Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
notes: mostly sfw, a little fluff (Iā€™m posting the smut part tomorrow, it was SO unbelievably long I had to cut itšŸ˜­ Iā€™m unable to write shortly about anything smutty Iā€™m sorry shdnxmdh), mentions of alcohol, drug use
word count: 3,6k
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"WHAT" Sasha screamed as they froze and both her head and Connie's cake covered face snapped in perfect sync.
"Man, you made it!" Jean took the man in his arms with the happiest grin plastered on his face, Sasha, then Connie quickly joining them as they jumped right onto them. "Connie, your face!"
"Sorry, bro" he stepped back as he tried to wipe chunks of cupcake from his face, but the man's jacket was already smudged with cherry cream, just like Jean's shirt.
"It's okay, I wanted to wash it anyway" the stranger laughed, and you smiled at him as your eyes met. Jean's eyes shot to you as well, and he immediately jumped to pull you closer.
"Y/n, this is Marco, our childhood friend" he motioned towards him, and you accepted Marco's handshake, returning his friendly smile. His expression was warm and kind, freckles on his nose wrinkling as he beamed with joy. "Marco, this is our own little house rat, Y/n"
You gave Jean a death stare as he and Connie giggled like schoolgirls, his body jolting away from you as you poked a finger between his ribs.
"Nice, couldn't tell you were a wild animal at all" Marco deadpanned and you grinned.
"I'm not, I'm fully domesticated"
"You're such a jerk, why are you so rude?" you heard Sasha hiss at Jean thinking you wouldn't hear, but as always, they were unable to bicker without getting loud.
"I'm not rude, you just have a stick up your ass" Jean snarled at her. You shook your head, having zero clue why they were acting like brawling puppies all night.
"I'll show you a stick up your ass, JEANBO" Sasha yelled, and Niccolo sprang to stop her from trying to pull Jean's pants down without a second thought. In a second, they were a bundle of tangled legs and arms on the floor, shouting and kicking at each other.
You saw more sophisticated behavior in middle school.
"The fuck was that?" Connie's eyes widened at a loud BANG coming from the living room, and swiftly left the kitchen to investigate its source.
"Holy shit, it feels like I'm gonna have a seizure" you put your hands over your ears at the massive overstimulation, and Marco let out a heartfelt laugh. He quickly picked up two ciders from the counter Jean and Sasha were beating each other next to, then handed one to you and put a hand on your shoulder to turn you towards the door.
"Let's go outside. We'll check back when they're done killing each other"
A pleasant relief spread in your chest as you left the noise and complete chaos. Loud music became muffled as soon as Marco closed the glass door to the patio behind him, and soft laughs and chatter hit your ear of those who were sitting outside.
"Y/n! Let me help you with that"
You smiled at Armin and handed over the cider for him to, like the gentleman he was, open the bottle for you while you settled down on the wood bench next to him. "Thank you, Armin"
"Good to see you, man!" Marco reached over with a happy grin to shake his hand, then leaned over to shake Bert's as well. Annie greeted him with a small wave - they all looked at Marco with such a warm smile, you could feel how loved by everyone he was. "Annie!"
"Marco, s'been a minute! How's everything?" Armin asked while opening Marco's bottle as well, and you took a sip of the strawberry cider, sweet bubbles sizzling on your tongue as your eyes followed Marco's movements. He grazed his palm as a greeting over Mikasa's shoulder who sat next to Armin - she smiled up at him, but kept half an eye on Eren and Reiner, lounging on a pair of chairs a little further away, seemingly having a heated conversation over something sports related. Marco grinned back at Armin while shaking Reiner's hand, then taking Eren's as he mumbled a "hey, bro", immediately getting back to the vital argument they were having.
"Nothing much, working. I had to come and catch up with you guys though, how's uni life?"
"What the hell are they so pressed over?" you asked Mikasa in a low voice as you motioned towards the two athlete bros, trying not to disturb Armin and Marco's coversation.
"Don't even ask" Mikasa shook her head, her gorgeous black strands of hair moving around her face, shining in the faint light coming through the glass door to the patio. "It's just some statistics, or whatever. But Eren's been irritated all day, so even some stupid numbers can get him worked up, I'm afraid"
You looked over to Eren, lighting a blunt as he was listening to Reiner talk. You often saw his face around campus just like this, grumpy and unmoved by anyone and anything happening around him, but Mikasa knew him like the back of her hand. If she said he was unusually irritated, there was no room for doubt.
The grumpiness on his face seemed to quickly dissolve anyway as Marco and Armin's conversation started to spread across the table, getting Annie, Bert and Mikasa, then shortly after Eren and Reiner involved as they told you where they all knew each other from, what childhood or high school memories they shared, and how the strings of their lives still interweaved from time to time - even though everyone went on to different colleges, jobs and paths of life.
To answer their curious questions, you even talked about how you were completely new not only around this town, but to this whole state, attending this college being a fresh new start for you. And about how you were so happy to have met them here.
The small amount of alcohol and all the funny and endearing stories they shared made you forget about any anxiety you previously had about this party. You really felt like you were at home as you looked around to see their glimmering eyes, and faces glowing with joy as they laughed.
Even Eren seemed to forget about their super important battle of numbers with Reiner when they pulled their chair closer to the table to join memory lane.
"You want a hit?" Eren's hand suddenly appeared in front of you, holding the blunt that was obviously on its last legs. You turned your head to meet his low-lidded green eyes, and Reiner's eyes shot to you at your movement. He flashed his million dollar grin at you, and you bashfully smiled back at him. God, he was handsome.
"No, thanks" you smiled at Eren, amused at how much more relaxed he looked than before. To Mikasa's greatest delight, it seemed.
"Where are your glasses?"
"I've decided not to be short-sighted anymore" you shrugged, and Eren shook his head at your reply as a grin formed on his face.
"Yeah, you shouldn't let some object define you anyway" he played into your joke, and you nodded.
"That's what I'm saying"
"Where's your king of sarcasm by the way, Your Royal Highness?" Eren smirked at you, and you instantly felt yourself blush at the unexpected question. You dropped your eyes to look at your fingers as they started to fidget. You both knew who your king was, but at that moment, you would've done anything to avoid admitting it.
"I saw him playing beer pong inside, they're on a winning streak with Connie" Marco appeared next to you with two bottles in hand, cold and fresh from the refrigerator. You felt your cheeks getting even warmer as you looked up at his happy grin, accepting the bottle he held out to you. He knew.
"Thank you, Marco" you muttered, and quickly reached out to grab the bottle opener. You were more than happy to do something with your hands to hide your sudden nervousness.
"He told me about you, you know" Marco went on in a lower voice as he sat back down next to you, so only you could hear him.
Your heart started to pound faster in your chest. Jean told him about you?
"He did?" you replied hesitantly, not sure what to think. "And what- What did he tell you?"
"Well" Marco smiled back. "He told me about a cute little nerd he often annoys for fun"
"Of course he'd say that" you mumbled, fingers rubbing the bridge of your nose as you tried to hide the blush of your cheeks. Cute..? "I don't know about the cute part though, I'm pretty sure you misunderstood 'loser'"
"You think so?" Marco let out a heartfelt laugh. "I'm pretty sure I heard him right. Jean doesn't really gush over any girl, so him saying 'cute' caught my ear"
Your eyes dropped once again to your fidgeting hands, but you couldn't help a smile curving your lips.
"Could be anyone, a lot of cute girls compete to entertain him around campus on the regular"
"Jesus, you two really are the exact same person" Marco laughed, and you looked up at him flustered and confused at what he meant. "Look, through a difficult investigation, I found out he liked this smart, pretty girl with a bad eyesight, who likes reading her crime novels curling up under her nightlight, blushes easily, and whose bitter jokes he finds hilarious, but would never admit to it. I'm quite sure that can't be anyone"
You felt your stomach flip at the thought of Jean not only knowing you, but paying such attention to particular details about you. You couldn't have described the feeling even if you wanted to - but despite the sudden nausea and nervous fluttering of your heart, you couldn't help your smile growing into a grin at Marco's words.
You felt like you were on cloud nine.
"Are you sure Jean said that?"
"Yep" his bottle momentarily covered Marco's smile as he took another sip, examining your happily flushed cheeks under the dim light. "Why is it so hard to believe? I thought you both liked each other"
A few seconds of silence sat between you as you fought the tension straining your chest from inside. The tension that held you back from admitting your feelings up to this point, not only to someone else but even to yourself.
"I- I do. It's not that" you muttered in a small voice. "We've just been bullying each other for so long now, it's-"
You nervously paused as Marco let out a chuckle.
"It's hard to believe he'd look at me like that" you looked into Marco's joyful brown eyes. He truly found you and Jean floundering around entertaining.
"I know Jean. Believe me when I say he's actually smitten with you" he replied, making your fluttering heart almost jump out of your chest. "He's not gonna admit that though. You two like suffering in silence, as I can see"
You let out a quiet chuckle. As you looked at Marco's genuine, caring smile, you felt like this was the right moment to finally be truthful, that you were ready to open up. But before an honest answer could leave your mouth, the glass door to the patio flew open, and Sasha bursted out of the living room with Niccolo by her side.
"Guys, you won't believe what I just found in Connie's kitchen"
"It's nice to finally see you, too, Sasha" Mikasa replied to Sasha's choice of entry while Niccolo shook hands with the guys, already familiar to all of their faces.
Inside the house, the party reached its loudest, most chaotic peak. Loud banging of the music and shouting of the guests filled the basement, the kitchen and the living room. Guests being random faces of people not even Connie knew - the product of having your front door open to anyone without an invitation. But Connie couldn't care less.
Girls surrounded them in the back room, giggling as Connie threw the winner shot, jumping with a victorious yell as he hit the final cup. His audience was cheerful and tipsy, and that was all Connie needed to have an amazing and carefree time.
"I'll look for Marco" Jean waved his hand towards the living room, but Connie stopped him with a palm slapping on his shoulder.
"You can't leave me, we're on a winning streak!"
"You'll be fine, Connie" Jean patted Connie's hand gripping him, smirking over to all the bystander girls watching with gleaming eyes, waiting on their chance to join the team of the king of beer pong himself. "I'll be with Marco if you need me"
"But I need you NOW" Connie squealed, and Jean turned his back to him with a chuckle, shaking his head as he left the room.
Jean pushed himself through the sea of bodies moving and dancing in the living room, careful to dodge the plastic cups full of alcoholic beverages that all the drunken hands flung around in the air. Getting use of his height, his hazel eyes panned the room as he towered over most of the dancers, but beside a few familiar faces, he found none of the ones he was looking for. Not a sign of Armin and the guys, Sasha and Niccolo, Marco, or you...
He faced towards the stairs to the basement, but swiftly changed his direction when he saw a bunch of people occupying the steps. Knowing you and Marco, he was positive he wouldn't find you in an area so loud and crowded.
"Hey, Jean!" a shout exceeding the deafening music hit his ears and his eyes quickly followed its direction, Sasha's waving hand catching his eye. She pushed people standing in her way without a second thought, her eyes wide with excitement.
"Where are you guys?" Jean yelled as they reached each other in the crowd, and Sasha motioned towards the door to the patio.
"Y/n is out there with Marco" she replied, and Jean's heart jumped with a nervous beat as Sasha mentioned your name. "The others want to talk to you too, go!"
Sasha tapped his shoulder, encouraging him to step outside, then she continued her brutal way to the kitchen, elbowing and kicking anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in her way. Jean shook his head as he laughed to himself, then turned his head towards the patio.
With Marco?
What did Sasha mean you were outside with Marco? With Marco, like you two were only in the presence of each other, outside of the whole group?
Jean couldn't help a small little string of jealousy twist in his chest as he thought about you, and the first glimpse he caught of you tonight. How his heart was beating in his throat as you caught his eye, and how a mix of electric sparks and warmth spread in his body as he looked at yours.
The tight dress hugged your body just right, you tried to hide it under the oversized jacket, but the beautiful curve of your waist, your hips still showed underneath as you moved. He felt the blood rush right out of his brain, straight to his groin, as his eyes ran over the soft skin of your thighs showing where your pretty little dress was slit. He just realized tonight - he's never seen your knees, the curve of your calves, those delicate ankles... Jean immediately imagined them on his shoulders, and had to force himself to quickly shake off the thought. He's not a horny high schooler, for fuck's sake... The fluttering of his heart would've diverted his mind anyway as he gazed at your gorgeous face, your silky, soft strands of hair framing it as they fell to your shoulders. Beautiful, big doe eyes looked at Bert and Reiner as you talked to them, light glistening on your sweet lips as you spoke.
This was the second time he felt jealous today. What even got to him? Jean wasn't sure, but he quickly shook off these thoughts as he realized he had no reason to feel this way. He knew Marco, Marco knew about you, and you... Jean was pretty sure he knew where you two standed.
Waking from his momentary daydream, he pushed his way through the crowd of people to reach the glass door, then opened it to step out on the dimly lighted patio. Jean felt a sense of relief as a cool breeze moved the strands of his combed back hair and tickled his face. A similar tingling started to form in his chest as among the others, you caught his eye - sitting at the table, laughing wholeheartedly with that breathtaking smile of yours, as Marco put a blanket over your shoulders to protect you from the chilly night air.
Jean couldn't help clenching his jaw.
"Jean, where've you been? Want one?" Reiner called out to him with a grin as he grabbed a can of beer from the table. Jean caught the can flying towards him in the air, and threw it right back to Reiner with that same momentum.
"Nah, but thanks, Reiner"
As Reiner drew everyone's attention to Jean, all cheerful faces turned to him, eyes beaming with joy at the sight of him. You noticed that, and you heard the happiness in all of their voices as they greeted him, even though they'd already met earlier.
You looked at him. The Jean standing in front if you was so different from the arrogant prick you saw in him a few months ago - in this moment, it made perfect sense why he was so loved by every one of his friends.
"Jean, finally! C'mere" Marco waved for him to come closer, and your eyes nervously dropped to your lap as Jean's eyes panned over to you and Marco.
He looked exceptionally fine in the dark button-up shirt he wore tonight. Rolled up sleeves letting those damn perfect forearms be seen, collar hugging those damn beautiful muscles of his neck that simply screamed to be kissed. The dark trousers and the belt hugging his hips looked so mouth-watering, it made you want to rip them off when you put your arms around his waist earlier. Not even talking about how your stomach kept doing backflips as you looked at his pretty face. Stubble making his jawline look even sharper, his beautiful eyes under frowned eyebrows looking at Marco as Jean talked to him, the straight line of his nose driving your eyes right to his inviting lips, glistening a bit as his tongue ran over them before he bit down on his lower lip... His eyes burning right into yours as you suddenly became aware that you were staring.
He caught you.
"I'll be right back" you jumped to your feet, pushing the blanket off to the bench as you left the table. You had to be alone for a minute. This evening was becoming too intense.
"Where are you going?" Sasha asked worried as she put her arm in front of you, stopping you in the doorway, and you looked at her with a reassuring smile.
"Just to the restroom. Do you know where it is?"
"Sure, it's at the end of the hallway next to the stairs" Sasha's thumb showed the way, pointing back above her shoulder. "But I think you should use the one in the master bedroom upstairs. It's closed for all these randos, but you can go in, Connie wouldn't mind"
After getting the directions from Sasha to find the key, you pushed your way through the brutal crowd in the living room, making your way up the stairs between shouting, drinking strangers, even a drunkenly kissing couple. You fished out the key to the master bedroom from a plant pot, just like Sasha said, then easily unlocked the door, quickly closing it back behind yourself.
You pressed your back to the door with a sigh of relief. Silence, finally.
"What are you acting so grumpy for?" Marco laughed as Jean sank down to the bench beside him, right where you just stood up from.
"M'not grumpy, the hell are you talking about?" Jean frowned at Marco and accepted the empty glass he passed to him.
"You wouldn't be if you heard what we talked about" Marco smiled while grabbing a bottle of whisky, pouring some in the glass he just handed to Jean. That just made Jean's frown deepen even more with confusion.
"Why, what'd you talk about?" he asked as he slowly raised the glass to his lips, a wondering shimmer in his hazel eyes.
"You" Marco's finger poked into Jean's chest, and he just looked at Marco's entertained grin completely confused.
"You, man" Marco nodded. He was absolutely amused at the curious hesitance showing on Jean's face.
"And what... What did she say?"
"Well, Sasha almost blew it, but she did tell me eventually..."
You stood in front of the mirror above the sink, and examined your face while you washed your hands. You felt like you looked different. You felt different. Even though huge parties like this made you feel severly overwhelmed, you still felt an immense joy about how great it felt to be with people you grew to like so much, people you could call your friends.
And Jean...
It felt like a hundred little butterflies woke up in your stomach as you thought of Jean, and you smiled at your reflection. Maybe you were a little tipsy, but the usual embarrassment you felt when you thought of the dirty little memories you shared, was nowhere to be found. A knot of excitement started to form in its place instead.
You wanted to talk to him again. You had to hear him, touch him, feel him.
You burst into the bedroom, hurrying straight to the door, then just when you placed your hand on the doorknob, a sudden voice made you nearly jump out of your own skin.
"Where's the rush, smarty-pants?"
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cocogum Ā· 3 months
Letā€™s TALK about episodes 11-12-13
(ā€¼ļøSPOILERS FOR SEASON 4ā€¼ļø)
@onyichii I know I told you once that this was initially going to have more than two parts to explain what happened between these three episodes but I decided to scratch that idea out and instead put them all into one post.
Before I begin, I would like to address something crucial.
Thank you, Ankama for everything that youā€™ve done for Wakfu. And thank you for this final season as well. Itā€™s clear that despite the many rough challenges youā€™ve had to face and overcome over the years, Iā€™m really happy that Wakfu has fully made its course. Youā€™ve outdone yourself for this season just for us and it shows.
A lot of us have been here since our childhoods so we really love you for creating such a series that weā€™ve managed to fall in love with or else we wouldnā€™t be here talking about it.
This season was absolutely beautiful and what a way to end it all.
Unless Season 5 makes its appearance lol. (later did I know that we recently got the news of a season 5)
Now letā€™s begin.
My god he looks angry as hell I literally never saw him like this, imagine seeing this in the corner of your eye, and heā€™s right there staring at you hiding in the shadows like-
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But anyway yeah heā€™s completely broke.
My guy at least got one kama thanks to Junior šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
OH SHIT YUGOā€™S HERE!!!! RUEL TURN AROUND ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø
First thing Ruel does is cry about his money to Yugo. Bro isnā€™t even asking why tf he grew. That wasnā€™t even his first question. Scratch that, that wasnā€™t even something that came up in his head.
Thatā€™s how you know he deserves the Rat King crown.
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Love how even though Dally and Eva told each other not to worry about Flopin, these two still looked like shit, even after hugging it out. So theyā€™re still gonna keep Flopinā€™s room the way it is, right? Theyā€™re not gonna give it to Pin, right? Cuz their house is kinda big for five people (make that six with Goultard) so I feel like theyā€™ll keep Flopinā€™s room the way it is and make a brand new room for Pin. I can imagine Poo helping them use a spare room to turn it into a bedroom for Pin (Poo will do it out of the sheer goodness of his heart ofc and definitely not because Elely was gonna beat him to a pulp lol)
YUGOā€™S HERE OMG EVERYBODY STFU ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø (and Ruel too)
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You have no idea how happy I was to see Dally not welcoming Yugo back and immediately trying to punch him. It makes sense for him to confuse Yugo for Oropo, especially after all the things he and his family went through because of him.
Never in my life did I think I would ever witness seeing these two fight against each other. Even if they had been play fighting, I would have never seen it coming.
But GOOD. At least we get to see more of Yugoā€™s ass Yugo moving around and getting to test his strength out.
Elely and Goultard even went in and tried to jump the guy but bro wasnā€™t even trying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he literally threw Elely like a ragdoll like THATā€™S YOUR FRIENDā€™S CHILD WHAT ARE YOU DOING-
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(yeet the child)
Thatā€™s practically his niece by the way and he just threw her like she was nothing lol
Anyways, Eva breaks the fight and NXKAKSLDKKSKSLDL the way she gently touched Yugoā€™s face! Sheā€™s so shocked by how he looks now! To think that she used to be his older sister figure, and now heā€™s taller than her and the others šŸ˜­šŸ’–
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It's funny and cute that Eva used to be the tallest in the group lol
It also took all these years for Dally to understand why Yugo is his best friend...
So the others finally get to know whatā€™s been happening for nine episodes now and the iops in the family are absolutely down for it šŸ’€
Yugo literally described the end of the world and these three dumbasses can't wait for it.
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After that, the boys go back to the Sadida Kingdom and THIS. THIS IS THE REUNION.
I just love how Amaliaā€™s first instinct is hugging Eva just look at the girls smiling together like this šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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I missed them so much together šŸ’•šŸ’• even Pin is happy to see Amalia omg sheā€™s absolutely killing it as an aunt šŸ˜­šŸ’•šŸ’•
And thenā€¦.
Here comes Yugo.
I swear his and AdamaĆÆā€™s reunion was the most bro-like thing I have ever seen from any of the seasons, comics, and manga chapters. Dude just comes out from another world that had creatures immune to anything in the krosmoz and tortured his body for who knows how long, and the first thing his bro does is give him a bro slap.
Freaking killed me.
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But the Eliatrope Goddess just had to cut off their reunion šŸ˜’ urgh I swear this woman cares too much for her kids. Like to an unhealthy amount. Look at her hiding him away from Amalia and the others, she was clearly trying to separate him from anyone who wasnā€™t related to her. The only reason why Joris wasnā€™t being pushed away was because he was way too close. Iā€™ve already explained so much about this one scene alone in this post so if youā€™re interested go take look at it.
The Eliatrope goddess was so lucky Yugo didnā€™t see her call Amalia ā€œcrazyā€ thoughā€¦cuz man, I know she was panicking but gurl youā€™re insulting your daughter-in-law calm down-
Armand and Aurora get here and see this reunion and my god Armand actually had a point though.
Like the guy isnā€™t happy to see the eliatropes, he clarifies to them that this whole situation with the necromes was because of them. Yugo doesnā€™t even try to retort because Armand is completely in the right to be angry at him and his people.
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And shocker, the Eliatrope Goddess decided to ditch them all and takes the kids.
Even though Yugo told her they couldnā€™t leave because theyā€™d just keep running away forever, she didnā€™t listen and would rather even leave HIM and AdamaĆÆ behind, TWO of her literal FIRST CHILDREN FROM THE KROSMOZ.
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I understand that she had been severely traumatized by the necromes, but something tells me she used to always flee at the first sign of danger when it came to anything at all. Her bad habit of fleeing mustā€™ve been as far back as when she used to be part of the other gods. When she used to be with them, she was even willing to break an important rule between her equals, which was ā€œto not have your own planet for your followers.ā€ After they learned she had betrayed them, they all tried fighting her off but she didnā€™t dare fight back. Either it was because sheā€™s a pacifier or because she prefers fleeing. With the many cases weā€™ve seen of her fleeing, Iā€™ll have to say the latter since it might as well just be a habit. I can also support this claim by pointing out that she can fight but chooses to flee instead: when she was in the meeting between the rulers, she clearly showed that she had the strength to fight back when she was being challenged by one of Bontaā€™s queens.
The war startedā€¦
Not gonna lie, the Eliatrope goddess' shield was pretty useful since the group needed to buy some time for Yugo, Joris, and Goultard to get Nora back. I like how they knew they had no choice but to buy some time because fighting a necrome is like trying to kill water: that shit is impossible.
Although one thing I will never forget from that war, was Dally and Armand talking to each other.
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This was a true full circle. The minute they met, they did not get along and were on completely opposite sides. Even during these years, they somewhat got along but never made any real improvement. But when they reach a war where they could potentially die, that's when they now see that they truly have no qualms at all anymore.
Like...thinking about how they used to fight over Evangelyne now sounds childish and so old to remember.
If you were to tell me years ago that they somewhat now get along and Armand was actually happy to see Dally, I would've thought you wrote a fanfic about it.
Nonetheless, it was nice seeing Armand get a taste of what it felt like to be on an adventure. He missed his chances to join Amalia and her friends, so being in a war fighting alongside them seemed like a good compensation to have instead. It's like putting all the dangers and adrenaline into one big ball and seeing what happens.
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Armand enters the legend.
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He might have been the king that had the shortest reign in Sadida history but after what he just pulled off, heā€™ll stay the best in record. This man beat a dragon made by the gods from another world and defeated it before dying while standing up. Name me another mortal in the krosmoz who has ever pulled off this kind of shit. That's right, zero. Not even Dally did that and that guy died like three times. Someone get Armand a real proper wife who he can have fun with, the man needs it after the awesome shit he just pulled off.
It baffles me however that when a sadida dies, they turn into sprouts so they can be planted and turned into trees in time.
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Itā€™s kind of bittersweet knowing that their deaths somewhat turn into a sort of reincarnation. Sadida is the only god who wellā€¦doesnā€™t look like heā€™s visually made of skin and bones. Heā€™s a plant and created his own form of photosynthesis to make his Sadida dolls. His subjects, who can be compared to roots, are linked to one tree, not to mention that they could all die in the blink of an eye if anything happened to it as how I explained here. Itā€™s almost like the sprout, from Armandā€™s death, could be considered the sadidasā€™ inner cores, sort of like their real selves (?), and they are exposed and revealed when they die. The only instance where we did not see this happen was when Nox managed to dry up the Tree of Life which made the sadidas turn into trees on the spot instead of being planted in peace.
Being a sadida just keeps being more depressing and traumatizing. The sadidas are lucky they love being like this or else theyā€™d all turn into Qilby šŸ’€
When Nora and Efrim leave Toross in his world, we see him go back to his throne while glitching from time to time. At first, nothing about this scene seemed to have been out of the ordinary until @MachineBandage on Twitter let everyone know that if we paused at the right moment when he was walking back to his throne, we could see shots of him sitting on the stairs looking defeated and miserable.
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And now, yumalia fans, we have the moment weā€™ve all been waiting for!!
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Not gonna lie, at first, when I saw Amalia carrying those flowers with Yugo, I thought they were both walking to pay respects to Armandā€™s tree grave but then THIS HAPPENEDā€¼ļøā€¼ļø
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I HAD A STROKE, I THOUGHT I WAS SEEING SHIT BUT THEYā€™RE LEGIT ABOUT TO GET MARRIED ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„
I was so happy for them. Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve been rooting for these two.
Ever since 2012, I had a hunch about them because they wouldnā€™t stop hugging so tightly as itā€™s been making me go insane. All these years, I was so hopeful and yet worried that I wouldnā€™t see this happening!!
But not anymore because they finally got together šŸ’–šŸ’–
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I literally watched my kids grow up, Iā€™m so proud. I shed a tear when I first saw this.
But after watching it over and over again, thatā€™s when I shut off my fangirling (it was getting in the way of visual details lol) to properly inspect what the hell I just saw.
Wouldnā€™t Yugo and Amaliaā€™s marriage technically be considered a very uncommon thing to happen? Three reasons would suggest this.
The first is how unconventional their marriage ended up looking regardless if its main objective was supposed to look like a political or romantic wedding. You can find that whole explanation in this post I made when the finale came out. The second is that Amalia married someone who isnā€™t a Twelvian. The third, the most crucial one, is that two RULERS of different races married and, due to that, have unified their people together.
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I like how @onyichii noticed that during Yumaliaā€™s ending scene, Yugo was actually the one who was about to kiss Amalia first but she ended up being quicker than him and pressed their lips together first.
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He was about to close his eyes and lean in.
If you really pay close attention to Yugo in this scene, youā€™ll see it. That was such a nice detail to notice and Iā€™m so glad @onyichii brought it up.
These kinds of details are why I love Ankamaā€™s way of sprinkling them. Theyā€™re always the kind that would make you blink and miss it until you run the scene again more slowly.
Can you imagine what the people mustā€™ve been thinking when Yugo dropped Amalia in one of his portals?
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Dude legit dipped with his wife without warning anybody, not even Amalia knew he was going to plan that.
I can just imagine the people being confused as all hell and then awkwardly waiting for them to come back or wondering IF theyā€™ll even come back.
Renate and Canar are going to spread so much tea in the kingdom, these two are gonna think Yugo took Amalia away for some ā€˜private timeā€™ cuz he couldnā€™t wait any longer JZKSSKSKXKXKSKSKKDKKDODKF
I wanna join Renate and Canarā€™s little group so badly, they sound like a lot of fun lol
Yugo is absolutely smitten šŸ’•šŸ’•
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And letā€™s not forget our boy Flopin who attended the wedding!
Because yes, despite not physically being there, we saw him with his grandpa on an open field. He had his eyes closed, the same way how Madagaskan was able to look out for Eva and Cleophee all these years. And look!! Flopin smiled!! He approves of the wedding!! Like AdamaĆÆ, he is also a yumalia shipper!
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Itā€™s confirmed. The shot of him smiling as the wedding scene keeps going can only mean two things: Flopin is learning fast as he can now watch over his family, and HE SMILED AT THE SIGHT OF YUMALIA WHICH MEANS HE LIKES IT!
I wonder if Cleophee is aware that she has a father though. Weā€™ve only seen Evangelyneā€™s reaction when she learned of this fact but what about Cleophee? She mustā€™ve wondered where Flopin went since he was missing while the Percedal family was attending the wedding. Maybe weā€™ll get to see her receiving the news in Season 5 or The Great Waveā€™s other volumes.
Despite this beautiful ending, however, there are still many things we have yet to know or dig deeper about: 1) The other rulers still have this strong mindset that the eliatropes are bad news. In a way, they indirectly caused a lot of destruction, so a lot of them will not like the fact that Yugo remains here, let alone married a twelvian, making his stay official.
2) Yugo still needs to get the rest of his people, the eliatrope kids who are still with his mother.
3) We have no idea where the Eliatrope goddess is at right now. She could be anywhere in the krosmoz, but I hope she eventually learns that her son saved the world.
4) WILL YUGO AND AMALIA THINK ABOUT HAVING KIDS!?! Because of Amaliaā€™s position as queen, and being the last living member of the royal family, she is required to bear children to keep the family name going. So likeā€¦are we going to see their kids someday? How many are they going to have? I NEED TO KNOW SO I CAN FANGIRL MORE-
5) There will be more yumalia moments so more cute cuddles and convos lol
6) Yugo and Amalia's marriage will be a loving relationship and an alliance one. Yugo is king of the eliatropes, while Amalia is queen of the sadidas. Despite being together, they are rulers of their distinct people, but they both will help the other without hesitation.
7) The only other ruler I can think of who might be willing to side with Yugo and Amalia is that Lance Dur guy. He's cool. I like him.
8) Ush still wants to fight Yugo. Again. Letā€™s not forget what he told Yugo before he let the Eliatrope goddess bring him back to Bonta.
9) Brakmar supposedly got half destroyed?? Will we ever get any news from them in Season 5 or in the manga? I bet Astra is feeling ecstatic right now lol
11) Frigostā€¦.what happened to it?? Yeah, I didnā€™t see anyone talk about this. Harebourg has been implied to have died back in Oropoā€™s pocket dimension and yet we see him in Waven and had joined one of the four clans. So is Frigost okay? What is going on over there?
Thatā€™s all that came to mind.
But now that we have recently heard the news that Season 5 was coming, I was so thrilled to know that this wasnā€™t truly going to be the ending for the anime and Tot persevered to get more!! Despite what weā€™ve been told about Season 4 being the finale, Iā€™m so glad AND GRATEFUL that Tot didnā€™t stop there ā˜ŗļøšŸ’•šŸ’•
Who knows, maybe weā€™ll have some of our answers in Season 5 since Tot did say that weā€™d have about 26 episodes which is a lot to put lore in. I'm still not sure if we truly will have 26 episodes like he said back in his tweet because it might have been just a tease (a cruel one at that) but Iā€™m still hopeful that weā€™ll have more than 13 since Ankama now has partners!
But the upcoming season and the manga will obviously not reveal everything, letā€™s be aware of that. Tot likes to sprinkle lots of lore in the games too so weā€™ll have to look out for those.
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lettingthoughtsflow Ā· 1 month
season 1: episode 1 (crush, chop, & burn pt. 1)
alright y'all I'm bulletpointing as I watch so let's go!!
the whole "mrs. and mr. davenport" beginning scene is literally seared into my brain from childhood-i think it's funny how clearly i remember it
when we meet the team they're in these mission suit esque things and seeing as all they do is train, is that what they live in????
davenport saying "i don't want to brag, but i am incredibly smart" when introducing the kids is so wild when you consider the fact that he probably didn't have anything to do with making the kids
i love how offended they get when tasha calls them robots
tasha and leo have such a cute relationship i freaking love it
i know we hate donald, and rightfully so, but this episode really amps me up bc dude you are literally introducing them to your wife and you keep talking about them like plants you're growing
when donald is introducing the kids, tasha's the only one recognizing that they're children
"i wanna go upstairs" šŸ˜­
they literally never leave the room, it's not just because of filming and set design, they don't even have a place to run THERE'S A RAT WHEEL
@fairytalesociology said that davenport feeds the kids glorified dog food and they're so right
you can't just feed them food??? even preordered????
they eat, sleep, and bathe in their capsules no one can convince me the man was just looking to be cost effective in getting these inventions perfected (they were not children to him AT ALL)
bree is just a girl and i love her for it bc thinking about breaking into song/dance numbers is so real
If you pay attention to the background you can see chase playing with a random locker for a while and I think itā€™s so funny/cute
Honestly I with it opened and he was just using his bionic hearing to unlock the locker
i just noticed leo has brown paper wrapped around his textbooks and it reminds me of when my mom and i use to make book covers out of trader joes bags and decorate them šŸ’—
baby chase was insterested in chess club and taking med school courses, he deserved more extracurriculars and hobbies in the show
the early heat vision graphics šŸ˜…
"i know a chiropractor in the phillipines" is so cute
davenport is awful but the freaking out performances are great
30 grand for a situation to go away is insane bc what really happened??? like yeah the mascot's head caught on fire but it wasn't like they destroyed the building. and even if it was a bribe to get rid of witnesses, you'd have to adress the entire school bc it was a pep rally
tasha being a mom to the kids is so cute like yeah, they're just kids
bree immediately getting excited about the party with tasha is freaking adorable, we deserved more Tasha fr
honestly i think she was more freaked out about the kids than their bionics
lecturing them about how they were designed for missions is so disheartening bc 1. you've probably told them all about how they're top sercret their whole lives and 2. they are superHUMANS
it honestly feels akin to when a parent tells a child they have to be perfect or pushes them into a career they never wanted
yes bc having no contact with the outside world will prevent their glitches and train them for missions (not to mention real life)
obviously it's the perfect solution
honestly if they socialized they would probably have better emotional regulation and control over their glitches. like you could have at least brought them to a company party (and told everyone to treat them as humans) so they have practice talking to people.
chase really was always in blue plaid from the start huh?
"they are not just science projects, they're teenagers" TELL HIM QUEEN
bro you're going to tell me that you can't reprogram your ROBOT FRIEND to like your WIFE
like he can still be snarky but he literally hates her
i really hope someone gets this, but there are a few scenes where Adam feels more like a regular person than just someone who's core personality is being kind of dumb and reckless, and the ending scene before everyone goes to bed is one of those few scenes
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rzyraffek Ā· 1 year
Alr yall Eddie Gluskin brainrot part 2 or something. ITS MADE FOR MY PERSONAL NEEDS TO VENT ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM ALR DONT JUDGE scroll down for hyper important notes
Tw: eggie gluskin is his own warning, dub-con???(not really tho), erm eddie gluskin??? Ermmm idk yandere? A bit of nsfw (but there's warning beforehand) ALSO REQUEST OPEN FOR EDDIE SIMPS
Silly Eddie Gluskin headcanons
This idea is my personal one (so prepare). Imagine s/o in that spooky psych ward and she just hangs out around Eddie CUZ LETS BE HONEST HE IS THE SAFEST OPION OUT THEREšŸ˜­ LIKE rest of people there bearly speak and would bite my toes off. Also I would totally get lost, so fallowing this dude is my best option
Tbh he at least pretends that hes nicešŸ˜­
Also bro is mesmerised by her cuz 'shes not like other whores' cuz she doesnt scream or run away.
After he got attached (so in like 3minutes) he starts to fallow her like lost puppy and has dumb smile on his face for the whole time
He he w- he when he wh- when he- he when-
He is also very physicalšŸ„° if he cant hug he holds hands, AND he talks a lot too... o my god
the only red flag is that he immediately wants to erm have babies šŸ˜” BRO WANTS TO FUCK ON FIRST DATEšŸ˜°šŸ¤Æ
Home boy 100% commits cannibalism THERES NOTHING TO EAT HERE ALR
Trying to escape WITH Eddie? Like acually from the ward? Say less
Beats up everyone, litteraly everyone. Somone stands near her in 50meter radius? They are totally dangerous mind if i stab?
Fatherless with attachment issues šŸ‘šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø
Loves when s/o sits on his lap, and loves being a big spoon. Litteraly melts when she grabs his hand
He 'invites' her on dates and makes some weird ass food (probably cooked rats) and if she refuses to eat he gonna grab that fork and force it inside her cuz darling you need to stay fed and healthy
He is very into domestic type shit, so if shes okay with becoming housewife he is flying away, blushing, kicking, screaming, begging for more. I mean he still would make her a housewife but its cute that she consents and he doest have to do all this threatening and manipulation stuff to make her do so
If she bakes cookies for him he will litteraly has one of those 'its so cute i want to squash it' moments and cup her cheeks and kiss all over (aggressively)
Believes in zodiac signs and tried to learn tarot once
She has to force him to stop using hair gel he looks like he has boat on his head
Looks like he smells nice but I doubt that
Kinda likes when she tries to run away? let's be honest I doubt that s/o was in love with him from the start, he is some random weird looking dude in hospital after all. So yeah he kinda liked (and still does) enjoy the whole prey/hunter thingy
Lets start with obvious stuff, breeding kink, whole pregnancy stuff, likes his wife cute and obedient, but its kinda fun to chase her around once per few days, see her fear and panic o m g he loves that
He also fucks whenever he wants really, she has to have really good relationship with him to make him lisen and do what she asks him for (to some degree anyways)
Table, chair, wall, bed that he tortures people on, his bed, floor, any place is a good place to make some love
When he's not horny he is acually romantic (rare) he gives neck kisses, holds hands, talks about his plans for future, makes sure that stuff shes wearing and her hair is in good condition, bare minimum yknow
Also I use she/her and 'wife' stuff cuz even if s/o is the most masculine guy ever he is still cute lady in his eyes or something idc
My guy can do fast and rough or slow and deep. Depents of his mood really, if s/o annoyed him or he's just simply frustrated he will be rough, and do it no matter what she was doing, oh you were doing laundry? Not anymore, hop on this washingmachine, we are going on a ride. If he's in more romantic mood and s/o too, he will pick them up, kiss them, do it nice and deep to make sure that s/o feels everything
Tbh he loves 'hunting his prey (shes the prey lol)' prompt so much! Looking for her, feeling her fear... o my god this gets him going so hardddd
Bite marks on her, Hickeys on him
ALSO O MY GOD HER SITTING ON HIS LAP? omg imagine, s/o riding him, Eddie guiding her hips with hands HE DIES OMG YOIR SO CUTEEE
NOT ME WRITING WHOLE ARTICLE ABOUT EGGIE FUCKING GLUSKIN OMG IM SORRYšŸ˜­ ALSO I was attacked by horse 2days ago and zapped by electric fence twice, just to buy a kebab, Im a survivor you all
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tremendouskoalachild Ā· 2 years
Still thinking about the previous episode of tlou... By now we know that the showrunners love to make the story even more tragic than the source material. I would say they've outdone themselves in episode 5 though. To sum up some of the more fucked up changes (spoilers for the show up to episode 5 and game up to the Sam and Henry story):
Making Sam younger (8 in the show, somewhat younger than 14 in the game) is an obvious one ā€“ but there's more to it than just us feeling more sympathy for a little kid than a young teen. It also puts Ellie into the role of a protective older sister, which the show calls attention to in Joelā€™s dialogue.
Similarly, while Samā€™s deafness does make him more vulnerable and dependent on Henry it also has other implications: it makes existing in a world where monsters seek out their prey by sound significantly more dangerous, so the brothers likely never could have left the QZ even if they wanted to and managed to sneak out. Samā€™s situation post-bite is also affected ā€“ since the infected rely on their hearing he likely would have sat there unable to move his body until something crossed his field of vision. His last action while still in control was probably to turn away from Ellie so he couldnā€™t hurt her while she slept šŸ˜­
On a related note, Sam being a superhero fan and getting inspiration from seeing himself as one makes the is-it-still-you-inside conversation hit much harder. Revealing his bite to Ellie also makes him more sympathetic ā€“ while we felt for game!Sam, hiding a zombie bite from your group is a dick move.
Ellie knowing about the bite also triggers another change, which is her revealing and attempting to use her immunity. It shows that despite putting on a tough front and having killed before she is still a naive child herself. It is also the first time we see her survivorā€™s guilt as well as her desire for her condition to be meaningful and helpful. The fact that she promised to stay awake and failed makes the episode even more tragic of course.
Switching the brothers from travelers who got trapped in a city run by hunters to city dwellers actively hunted by their former neighbors adds drama (as does their food situation - pretty sure they gave Ellie blueberries in the game). More importantly, show!Henry not being a fighter means that his first and only kill ā€“ ratting out Kathleenā€™s bro notwithstanding ā€“ would be his little brother. The fact that he sold out the resistance leader to save Samā€™s life puts some extra guilt on both of them and, of course, punches the viewer in the gut when Sam dies anyway.
Speaking of Kathleen, the city in the show is fucked. Those guys were oppressed by fascists for 20 years, had a violent revolution, less than two weeks of relative freedom and then their entire militia gets annihilated by a horde of infected who immediately head towards the city. (The horde is also I think implied to be the people who were part of that tunnel community. The game has several confirmed survivors of the sewer breach and the children still inside were all mercy killed iirc ā€“ depending on the timeline the child clicker might be from the daycare the group spends time in.)
also couple easy ones: giving Sam leukemia (give the kid a break showrunners), showing Ellieā€™s reaction to Henryā€™s suicide (bella ramsay is one hell of an actor), making the sniper a sad old guy. also the games for all their fucked-upedness never show a child clicker, so there's that
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