#she brought him back from the dead bruh
Can I request? You don’t have to if you don’t want:)
Where the reader is to someone he was brought from the real world, and yuu is like still there, so like yuu and the reader, both get teleported from different parts of the real world and they get teleported into twisted wonderland together. However the reader doesn’t get acknowledged as much as yuu, because yuu is more out there and the reader kinda keeps to herself but the reader has a crush on mallus and she’s make it known to him. However, he has disregarded her feelings and practically made it obvious that he prefers yuu over the reader which breaks the reader’s heart, and let’s say the only person who knows about the reader or pay attention to the reader is Rook, and Rook talks to the reader as a best friend in a way. Let’s say during mallus’s overbot she takes a hit that was meant for yuu and she gets really really hurt. As she’s in pain yuu take the chance to defeat mallus, the reader starts to feel a bit woozy and this gains the attention of yuu and mallus and everyone around, but the reader disappear like the evaporate, a bit like how in Demon slayer when you defeat the demons in a more of flowery way. The plot twist is that the reader is not dead but, they return back to the point in the real world as if time had not changed, and at this point mallus is upset and tries to move on like yuu has but realises after a while how much he actually likes the reader’s attention and has feeling for the reader not yuu. He then becomes very distraught after the realisation and find ways to bring back the reader. you can ask me for part two if you want any more ideas I guess.
You can ignore this if you already busy. ☺️😊(sorry for the mistakes🥹)
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*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴A/N: BRUH why is this so good. I felt like I was reading a story more than a request when I read your ideas. I’m lowkey just adding my own head cannons onto this with a little bit of pazzah, pls tag me if you ever write this as a full story, part 2 and everything! ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" I will probably not write a pt2 just because I am terrible at writing parts 2. Not completely happy with this one-I don’t think this is that fluffy with all the info/thoughts in my head, but I tried to flesh it out in my own way!
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Malleus x f!Reader (NOT YUU)
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴WC: 1.2k!
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Tags: bittersweet love, pinning, one sided love, miscommunication of feelings, fake!death, some dragon tendencies like possessiveness, got a good amount of mistakes in here so pls forgive me *cries*
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It really wasn’t fair. You peered over the railing, looking out into the night. The fairy lights and moon shine against Yuu- short, chopped hair accenting their feminine features, an innocent like beauty, outgoing and extroverted unlike yourself. She was the main character here as she stood next to Malleus, quiet, ebony hair that drapes down his shoulders. He tucks a slimmer of her hair behind her ears. 
Yuun affirmed that there was nothing between them. That she had no feelings- she didn’t even know his real name! And that was ridiculous, because how could she not see the regal air around him?
He doesn’t notice you; that because Yuu is perfect. She is the sun shining and you are the shadow that it casts. 
Your confession came out of the blue. Yuu was feeling under the weather after diving deep into the ocean to search for some painting. You never really understood the details. What you understood is that Yuu acted rather delirious and needed sleep. Green pulses outside the balcony window, your heart races. 
A light blush overtakes your cheeks as you see the firelights flicker outside the front door’s side window. You step outside, the cool porch tingling against your bare feet. He’s there, graceful and poised as ever compared to your bags and tangled hair. A squeak of the boards catch his, his eyes widen with the downturn of his lips, “Oh, Ramshackle other inhabitant,” he looks up towards the room Yuu is resting in, something stirs in your heart at his expression, “It seems as if your Prefect is fast in the realms of dreams.” You nod your head, clutching the blanket closer to you. Head tingling, this is the closest you’ve been to him. Your first conversation and yet monotone comes out, “She is sick and needs sleep. Come another night to talk to her.” He hums, a delicate finger holding his chin in thought. “Ahh…I pray that our nightly chats haven’t disturbed you.” He is about to turn around, to leave, you can see his foot already ready to pivot, “Tell her I will return when she recover- “ “I like you.” Malleus pauses and you can’t believe you were stupid enough to confess to him. You want to deny it, to explain how you fell in love with the way he walks, the charm of his voice through windowpane seals, the way you wish he looked at you like the way he looks at Yuu-  “I have read about this before, this type of confession,” he starts, and your stomach drops as he crosses his hands against his chest, “I cannot accept your feelings.” He looks up towards the balcony and it mortifies you.
So, you try to do your best, well the best you can with the insomnia caused by yourself and your big fat mouth. 
Rook eats breakfast with you each day- him curating a balanced meal towards a heart-broken soul. He could read you so well. 
“Why my petite ombre! All you need to do it become the beautiful sparrow everyone can’t help but want.” Rook says before heading off to class. He tussles the hair on your head, or fixing it? You couldn’t tell. 
So, again, you try. A little more active, a little more talkative, a little more confident. If the sun cast shadows, then you were the flower peaking over the edge.
What you didn’t expect was Malleus to Overblot. 
It’s scary. Yuu looks like the commander as she barks out orders with the rest of the NRC students fighting. Silver sending off another attack, pain etched on his face. Another attack blasts students away and you see Yuu fly among the rubble. You see another flash of light coming from the dragon’s breath-
You didn’t expect to take a hit for Yuu as well. But she is the sun, and you need the sun to live no matter how far in the shadows you are. She will save him. 
You can’t see straight after the battle is over, that half the world is dark…blurry…like it doesn’t exist, like it's disappearing. 
“(Y/N)! Oh god.” You hear Yuu from your right as she grips your hand. Everything feels so cold. You hear him shout towards Rook, oh he’s here also? “Why- why is she like this?” You want to talk, and you open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Yuu is crying, she has tears in her eyes, and you wonder why. Rook speaks this time, you’ve never seen him this discomposed, “I- I’ve never seen this before.” “What do you mean!? She- she’s evaporating!” Yuu cries taking off her jacket trying to cover your arm. You don’t understand, as you twist out of Yuu’s jacket, she tries to stop you, “No, don’t move! Not until we figure this out.” But she’s too slow at explaining and with your blurry vision, you see your hand? Or half your hand as it dissipates into the air.  “(Y/N)…?” You don’t even have to see to know whose voice that is.  Malleus. 
He kneels next to you, alongside Yuu and Rook, his bare hands touching against the wisps of what your hand was. He looks frightened. Can you even read expressions right when you can only see half a face? 
You want to tell him not to worry, even though you are scared. That you're glad he is alive, that he was your first love, and you wish you could redo that night all over again. Something warm tingles against and suddenly stops. He must have done something wrong because you see pink and black hair- Lillia- tugging on his shoulder, shaking his head. 
Love is bittersweet. There are no last goodbyes as you fade away. 
You wake up on your bed. Your bed. The AC flowing, the faint hum of your earbuds against plush comforter, the city noise in the background. 
You’re back…?
A weight on your palm as you turn against your side. It was there- your phone turned on and open to the home screen of Twisted Wonderland. You click on the screen…Nothing. Again, again, again! And nothing happens. It still just reads the logo. 
Your mind is spiraling as you twist on your bed, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror by your nightstand, and everything stops at once. Your hair is shorter- by your chin. It was so long… you haven’t cut it since the day you woke up in Twisted Wonderland…
It wasn’t a dream…. was it? . . . . “This won’t bring her back.” The caldron bellows into an array of green and yellow swirling into one. Books litter the floor as chaos organized the room. He is one of the most powerful magicians in Twisted Wonderland.  Something was strange about that last night, the way you seemed so scared, different that how steady you presented yourself. The way your eyes stared at him seconds before you phased out of the existence of this realm. He adds a pinch of hazel dust and the green turns into a dark blue like your eyes. He shakes his head- unnecessary thoughts would be of no use to him.  Not until you returned.
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Hot take regarding Heihachi Mishima coming back.
I know I said my page was going to be art focused from now on but I need to get this out of my chest.
I´m a veteran Tekken player, since 3 . I basically consumed any Tekken related media too (the mangas, comic books, the animated movie, the CGI movie, the horrible live action one, the anime on Netflix, etc)
Tekken 8 for me was a perfect conclusion for the story. I know that Kaz and Jun had an open ending but it was ok, she is going to take him to wherever she wants, maybe to retire, heal, you get it.
But... the whole clash between Kaz and Heihachi was CLOSED, ended in Tekken 7 in a very emotional manner, it was peak.
In Tekken 8, the final confrontation between Kaz and Jin was INCREDIBLE. I got shivers with Jun stands, T3 Jin theme ost, Angel Jin, etc...
It was cool as it is. It is true that Reina was very disappointing lore wise, I thought she was going to play a bigger role but it was, ok I guess??? leaving an opening to Tekken 9 as her as the main villain probably.
Now, after FINALLY progressing the story for all our main characters we get THE STUPID GRANDPA BACK. Seriously, am I the only one pissed??? it hasn´t even a WHOLE GAME without him. It makes zero sense, it destroys everything that happened during the climax of Tekken 7 and 8. We go back to the starting point. Is getting BORING and tiresome.
I get it... main Heihachi players missed him, cool. MAKE HIM A FLASHBACK.
Heihachi got his own flashback in Tekken 7 along with Kazumi and even though she was dead the whole time, she was still playable. They could have done the same with him.
Kazuya didn´t get ANY flashback of him and Jun in Tekken 2. Why???? Do we even know his aspirations appart from "muh control of the world" . NO. NOTHING.
They could have also bring Jinpachi back as a playable character in a flashback mode telling us about Kazuya childhood. But no... we got CANONICALLY GRANDPA RESURRECTED AGAIN.
Also... isn´t it misogynistic as well???? Jun was missing for +20 years in real time, she didn´t appear canonically since Tekken 2 and the old fart comes back not even one game later.
Same with Kazumi... she HAS THE DEVIL GENE. Heihachi only broke her neck ONCE and she can´t come back ???? COME ONE BAMCO.
Jin and Kazuya have died multiple times and survived others because the Devil Gene allows them to but not for Kazumi???? The true inheritor and probably pure blood devil gene user. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
Bruh... honestly. it pisses me off.
On the other hand... Heihachi gets thrown into a volcano, no human being can survive the erosion and melting of the body because of the lava.
Also, I´m pretty sure Heihachi didn´t gave her a proper shinto burial. She came out of a volcano in arcade mode, so Im 100% sure he just tossed her body along with the tiger into the lava. According to Shintoism, if someone doesn´t get a proper burial, they can come back as a vengeful ghost. So she can be brought back as well, not only as an evil ghost but also BECAUSE SHE HAD THE FUCKING DEVIL GENE.
I love Tekken lore to the core and Namco has just killed any progression the story had.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
Shenanigans Part 10
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Part 10/ Bakugou Katsuki and the case of the fortune teller
Warnings: Swear words. That’s it.
Summary: Best Jeanist wants to go to a fortune teller. Bakugou hates the idea.
New to the story? Click here for the first part!
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💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥
Mr. Katsuki wakes up in a hospital.
It’s loud and cold and it smells like shit.
Mr. Katsuki wants to go back to sleep.
“Katsuki!” Kirishima’s loud and annoying voice comes through the haze in his brain, giving him a new kind of headache. “Are you okay?!”
“I was okay until you started yapping.” The blonde mumbles, definitely not ready for this shit yet.
First of all, he was absolutely manhandled by the Menace.
Second of all, he kinda liked being manhandled by the Menace.
He’s not sure which statement is worse. He really hopes these are only the side effects of his concussion, even though he wasn’t concussed when he first thought about them. Fuck.
“Thank god.” Shitty Hair sighs and looks at him with the look Katsuki hates the most; the look of pity. “Don’t fret too much, she was unfair. I can’t believe she…” Kirishima couldn’t finish the sentence as Bakugou’s palm crackled under the covers, leaving an unpleasant burning smell behind.
“What the fuck, Shitty hair!” The blonde screams. “She won fair and square. She distracted me and it worked. Yes, I fucking hate to lose but I know defeat when I see one.”
Even Katsuki can’t believe he just said these words. Maybe he does need to sleep a bit longer. A few hours maybe. Or a few weeks. Or he will just hibernate until the menace dies of old age so he never has to face his stupid shitty feelings.
“I’m really not sure if I should be proud of you for saying this or be concerned that you might have been brain washed by Y/N.”
“That’s it!” Comes the excited voice of Dynamight, his eyes sparkling with joy like he’s not in a hospital room after being beaten up by a girl half his size. “She brainwashed me! That’s why I feel all these weird things, like my heart can’t stop beating when I think of her stupid, flushed face looking down at me…”
“Well thank fuck it doesn’t, you would be dead, bruh.” Comments the redhead but his response remains unheard.
“And the way I don’t even feel bad for losing because she earned my respect! Yeah, fuck that, I was just brain washed!”
Kirishima’s best friend looks absolutely insane right now; his hair is tousled from the hospital pillow, his face is pale and there are massive bags under his eyes and a few bruises around his chin. He looks like the conspiracy theorist from that old meme. It’s hilarious and disturbing at the same time.
“… just… sleep a bit more, will ya? I think you are still not completely yourself.” Kirishima mumbles and leaves the room quicker than he does a burning building.
What the fuck did he just listen to?!
You really considered resigning at this point.
You made all the possible mistakes; you kicked your boss in the balls, you flirted with him in front of the whole office and made it absolutely obvious that you secretly have the hots for him and you also talked back to your other boss who only wanted to reprimand you for being an absolute ass.
You brought in a small box to put your stuff in, just in case you get fired today because fuck, you definitely will be.
Hm. You might as well start packing.
You start to put your knick knacks into your small little box one by one. You are so zoned out you don’t even realize when the door opens up with a loud bang.
“What the fuck are you doing, shithead?!” You can’t help but look up at the voice; you were absolutely sure you’ll never hear it again after what you’ve done.
“Mr. Dynamight, I’m…”
What the fuck are you supposed to say now?!
Hey, no need to fire me I’m on my way out anyway. Oh, also, here’s my number, call me, maybe? No? No worries, love you, bye.
“I don’t fucking care anyway, just stop it and get your jacket, we are going out with the stringy hoe.” The blonde says nonchalantly, like the last 2 days didn’t happen at all. Okay, now you are even more confused.
“Uhm, yes, I’m coming, yeah, no worries, really, I wasn’t about to resign anyway. Absolutely not.” You mumble with a red face and grab your jacket without asking more questions; if this is his way to lure you out of the building and kill you, so be it. It’s still better than being alone with him in the office.
Best Jeanist is a really weird person. He loves people and he cares about them, but at the same time; thanks to all the shit he has been through; he doesn’t really know what’s appropriate and what’s not. Shortly; he can’t read the room. At all. Like Shouto fucking bacon face Todoroki times 10. Hence why, a day after Mr. Katsuki gets his ass handed to him, his sexual frustration clear and obvious to everyone after the the shit they’ve pulled in the training room, Best Jeanist decides this is the right time to ask Katsuki, Kirishima and Menace out to a….
“…Trip to that famous fortune teller!” Best Jeanist finishes his sentence. There was probably something before that last part, but fuck if Katsuki knows, he was too busy thinking about… well… everything.
“The fuck?” Katsuki and the Menace barks into the awkward silence in unison.
So apparently there is this famous fortune teller in Japan who is able to tell your future with his quirk. Not the whole thing, but bits and pieces. Katsuki doesn’t really understand why is this such a big thing; he really doesn’t care about shit like that and he certainly doesn’t care about his sore knee at the age of 53 or about his 50 cats when he’s 70.
By the look on the Menace’s face, she’s going through the same thought process; they look at each other questioningly for a second before deciding to look away with a slight blush on their faces, like two fucking teenagers. They really need to get their shit together. They fought, Y/N won. End of the story. Nothing has changed, they still hate each other. They just had a moment in the middle of the battle. No biggie.
“Yeah, Mr. Jeanist, we can come with you!” Kirishima - as always - saves the day. Best Jeanist has a mischievous smirk on his face; Bakugou is not sure what makes the other blonde so excited about this, but at least he won’t be forced to talk to the menace today.
People think Best Jeanist has nothing in his head but strings and clothing designs, but the truth is; he is a sucker for a good romance story.
Hence why he came up with the perfect plan to get his two favorite students together as soon as possible.
“So what’s the plan?” He asks Masato, the famous fortune teller, his hand holding out a thick envelope. The guy reaches out to take the envelope then looks inside; there is enough money to feed his 3 kids for at least a year. He has mouths to feed, so self-respect be damned.
“I’ll tell those two they are meant to be.” Mr. Masato smirks.
This needs to be a scam.
The whole place just screams “fake”; the dark purple walls, the over-decorated tables, the massive amount of stones and crystals available for purchase at the counter, the crystal ball in front of the guy who looks like he’s cosplaying a magician from an MMO game; it’s so over the top it’s actually disgusting.
“Let’s get over with this, I have paperwork to finish.” The blonde mumbles, absolutely uninterested in this whole shenanigan.
Kirishima looks like a kid in a candy store; he’s all over the place, looking at every single crystal and right now he’s bothering the poor sales person with random questions about them. To be fair, he is absolutely adorable from afar, leaping around the room with an excited spark in his eyes. Kirishima is a precious little fuck.
“Kiri is so sweet, isn’t he? You just want to put him in your back pocket and keep him there to cuddle him when you’re lonely.”
Well, you didn’t want to say this out loud, but oh well. It’s out there now.
Apparently, this wasn’t the right thing to say as Dynamight’s palms sparked up and his eyes went even more red than usual.
“Oh yeah? Go and fuck him then, he’s single.” The blonde pouts angrily, stomping towards the confused fortune teller guy to sit down. Kirishima stares at you with a red face, like this is the first time someone complimented him in his sad life.
“Aww, you are so sweet when you pout, Mr.Katsuki!” You put your hands on your chest to dramatize your words. “I do have two back pockets, you can both take one, if you want!”
“I don’t share.” The blonde responds with a straight face and now it’s your time to blush like a teenager; did he just… flirt back?!
… or he might have the hots for Kirishima and he doesn’t want to share them.
What? It’s an option.
“I’m really confused by the relationship of you three.” The long forgotten Best Jeanist speaks up and sits down next to Katsuki.
“Well, you are at the right place to get answers for your questions!” The fortune teller guy speaks up and if you weren’t sure about this being a scam, now you are. He sounds like those guys in the TV advertisements, which is definitely a good thing when you work in the industry but it’s a little bit too much when you are only a fortune teller in a shitty tent.
“Let’s start with the blonde young man with the threatening aura!” The guy perks up, locking his eyes with Dynamight without an explanation. His eyes go blank and there are tiny pictures scrolling though his eyeballs, too small for a normal person to actually see. You cheekily start up your magnifying quirk to get a closer look at the pictures; there is one with you in it, kneeling in front of the crying Dynamight, cupping his cheek with teary eyes.
Okay, what the fuck?! That’s way to out of character for you two to actually happen.
There is another picture that makes you smile; Katsuki in his cute little glasses taking your hand in the middle of the city while rain pours all over you. He looks like the Katsuki from the other dimension, so he will probably find you in their own world, just how he promised.
Ahh, you miss that fucker so-so much. You really hope your other self will appreciate the boy the way you would appreciate him.
“No snooping, this is not your future! Well… technically.” The guy winks at you as he comes back to reality. “Mr. Bakugou Katsuki. You are a lucky little sod.” The guy smiles at the blonde. “I don’t want to go into too much details in case it changes the future, but… “ He sighs dramatically. “I can see you are a really strong and passionate person, kind of aggressive, hard to be around for a long amount of time.”
“No shit, Sherlock, everyone who owns a TV knows that.” The blonde scoffs, clearly unimpressed.
“That’s true. But would I know how much you seek comprehension and how much you secretly wonder if there will ever be a person romantically loving you for who you are?”
Well, one thing for sure, you are not going to question the guy’s abilities when it’s your turn, he clearly knows how to fight back.
“This is a fucking scam, I don’t think about any of those things! I’m absolutely fine by myself!” The blonde grumbles with his face all red, avoiding eye contact.
“Well, if you enjoy solitude, I have bad news for you; you won’t be alone for long.” The guy smiles and looks right at you as he winks again. You really want to tell him off for his bullshit, but you saw the pictures. If this is actually a scam then it’s a really good one at that, and you can’t help but respect his shenanigans.
For your surprise, Dynamight doesn’t scream at the guy again, instead he asks a question.
“So who’s the fucker who ruins my perfect life?” Katsuki almost whispers to the guy, who can’t help but smile at that.
“The one you’ve been constantly thinking about for the last two days.”
Katsuki grunts in response but doesn’t say anything else. The guy moves to the next person without a word while you wonder about the meaning of his reading; yes, you saw yourself in the pictures but non of them were romantic; you might have missed something, there might be someone else in Dynamight’s life. There is no way he is thinking about you so much, especially not after all the drama in the training room. He’s probably doing his best to forget those few hours so you can’t be the one the guy was talking about… right?
Kirishima is the next, the guy praises him for being the best friend and the best boyfriend the world has ever seen - Kirishima perks up from the sound of having a significant other in his future and he can’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. For Jeanist, his future isn’t as fluffy as the young one’s, the guy insist he needs to go on a vacation, but he gets some good news as well.
“Last one!” The guy moves to face you properly, and fuck, you are sooo not ready for this shit.
“Last one!”
Oh. Katsuki zoned out for the entirety of Kirishima’s and Best Jeanist’s reading.
He has so much to think about; this whole reading sounded like the biggest scam until the guy laid him bare in front of his friends like a bitch. Katsuki didn’t lie when he said he’s happy being alone, but deep inside he always felt like there is something missing. The new feelings in his heart only made the void deeper; he can lie as much as he wants, but he absolutely loved the way his heart beat out of his chest from the sight of Y/N on the battle field. This doesn’t mean the Menace is the one though; she might have been at the right place at the right time to wake something up in Katsuki, sure, but it doesn’t mean she’s the one the guy was talking about.
“I will love you in every single universe.” Katsuki wakes up from his stupor to the future teller’s voice resonating in the small room. “I’m not sure what this means but it was a part of your reading and I really liked it.” He smiles at Y/N who’s red as a tomato. “You have quite a life story, miss Y/N. Or should I call you the Menace? As much as you insist hating that nickname your heart rate goes up every time you hear it, why is that, I wonder?” The guy does that fake chin touching/deep thinking face, and it’s extremely annoying. The menace doesn’t say a word, she’s clearly mortified. “You almost lost your life on the battle field…”
“That’s the past, not the future, you dimwit.” Katsuki interrupts.
“The past and the future are connected. I can see them both.” He responds, clearly tense from being interrupted in the middle of his reading. He takes a deep breath and continues. “…then you got dragged to another universe. You found something there you cherish, but let me tell you something; if you live in the past, you won’t see the bright future that’s ahead of you. Stop comparing those two and just look around; the path is clear and obvious, paved out for you to step on, yet you still stumble on the dirty, uneven grass.” He sighs again with his back hitting the back of his chair as an indication that the reading is done. “Also, there is a wedding in the future for all of you. Not yours, though. Someone else’s. But you’ll see when you get back to your office.”
A wedding? Another lie. There is no one around Bakugou who’s about to marry, this needs to be another bullshit.
“Thank you for your service, Mister!” Kirishima perks up and makes his way out of the building, skipping around like a lovesick fool. He clearly doesn’t care if it’s fake or not. He’s really easy to please.
You were just about to leave the building when you felt a shoulder bumping into your own.
“Oii, fuckstick.” Bakugou speaks up, but instead of his usual fury, his voice is calm and subtle. You look up at the blonde; he is looking at you with hesitation in his eyes. “It was a good fight. Thanks… for doing that.” The blonde mumbles, his shoulders bumping into you again affectionately. “Can we stop being weird about it? It’s really annoying. I can’t fucking focus.”
Okay, what the hell is happening?! First the unintentional (or intentional?) flirting, now the shoulder touches and if that’s not enough to lose your shit, Bakugou just said the work “thanks”.
You died and this is your personal heaven. That needs to be it. This can’t be happening right now. If you need to look at his blushing face another second you’re going to propose.
If this is real life, then this needs to be temporary. Don’t get your hopes up. This is just a moment of weakness from the blonde. The sudden rising of your heart rate has nothing to do with your feelings, you probably just had way too much coffee in the morning.
“Yeah, it was really nice….” Oh fuck, those are not the right words! “I mean, it was a good fight. You are great. In fighting, I mean. Thanks. Yeah. Let’s do it again?” Jesus fuck, why did you say that?!
“You want a rematch?” The blonde laughs while he walks towards his car. “Yeah, I don’t mind pinning you to the floor again….” The blonde’s eyes open wide in a surprise when he realizes what he’d just said. His blush gets even deeper. It’s absolutely adorable. “I mean, I will definitely win next time. Yeah. I will clean the floor with your blood while using you as a mop…head. Yeah.” He stutters and opens the door for you to jump in. “Want a ride, Number One?”
“Y-yeah, Number Two.” You grin at the blonde as his face contorts into an angry frown.
“I hate you so much.”
The ride was absolutely exhilarating. Katsuki drives like a badass and he also has a good taste in music; that didn’t stop you from making fun of his taste though. You were bickering the whole time like two dumb teenagers and thankfully, this cleared the air enough to get rid of all the tension between you two. Everything is back to normal, thank fuck.
As you make your way into your shared office you find 2 envelopes on Bakugou’s desk; one for him and one for you. It’s gold and sparkly and smells like a fancy perfume.
It’s a wedding invitation.
“Fuck, that bloke was right.” Bakugou’s surprised voice fills the room. “But wait, I thought Denki and Jirou broke up again a few weeks ago?” The blonde asks, confused by the whole situation. The wedding invitation clearly states their name, so…
“Well, apparently I give great love advice.” You answer proudly; Denki did message you a few weeks after your meet up to say thank you, so you are not lying.
“Yeah, you are that middle aged person who hooks everyone up but can’t get a bitch herself.” Dynamight fucking giggles, the area around his eyes wrinkle happily with every movement. Who is this person and what happened to Dynadick?!
“Bakugou, we are far from being middle aged!” You snicker, with a slight blush on your face. “And also, low blow!” You try your best to look offended. “You know what, it’s fine, I won’t be lonely, because you’ll be there with me, you forever alone dipshit.”
Was it always this easy to fuck around with him or is this just a special occasion?
Why is it so hot in here?
Oh lord, this is bad.
“I had a really weird day.” Mr. Masato tells his assistant while he drinks his beer like it’s water. “So this guy gave me a shit load of money to lie to these two people about their future; to make it look like they belong together and shit.” The jug knocks on the table aggressively as he continues his rant. “So the two came in, they literally looked like they hated each other, so I started to feel really bad about this prank… but then I read them and… they were actually connected by fate. They can literally fuck up every single thing and they’ll end up with each other anyway. I’ve never seen a bond so unbreakable. So I got this shit load of money and I didn’t even have to lie. I feel like I won the lottery.”
The assistant stares at him like this is the first time he heard human speech then throws up on the floor. Just like that.
“Good talk.” Mr. Masato sighs and stares into the space with dead eyes.
Mr. Masato feels like this is a great time to finally retire.
-> Next Part
💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~
Yes, I know I said I’ll be working on another project, but I’m in love with this story so much!
So, how are you guys feeling about the budding romance? I am absolutely thrilled! I literally want to cry from happiness!
Also, you won’t need to wait long for the next part as it’s already done! Might post it sooner if I see some comments under this part! No pressure. Really. 🙄 💜
As always,reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated, they make my day 💜
Thank you for reading! 💥💜
Taglist: @ibkg @chuugarettes @lilmaimai
@nonomesupposedto @sozainturpal @luleck @notplutos
💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~ 💥~
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dalxuez-voil · 7 months
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*coughing* ok so… recently, i’ve found another obsession that FINNALY brought me here to LaDS fandom (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
if only i could install the Global ver. of the game on my phoneee *literally screaming in agony rn i don’t even know how to use a vpn*
but anyway nothing could ever stop me from my OWN pathetic ass so instead i logged in, made my very own character, and leave her just like that because i deleted the game right after🧍🏻‍♀️
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i named her “頌嫻” after an english word ‘Ode’ and might’ve named her Saeri or Odette in the global ver.
she kinda looks intimidating and collected with some dead humor ass on the outside but deep down she’s just nonchalantly the sweetest person, a complete mess, a big sleepyhead that have a crush on an even bigger sleepyhead (??)
her very few hobbies including cooking, baking, and playing Kitty Cards!! -also, she LOVES hunting all plushies collection and stack each of them on her bed for scientific purposes 👀
istg she is so strawberries and cigarettes (m not talking ab the song, okay?) coded, like you would actually finds her walking down the midnight street eating pack of strawberries while holding a cigarette the other hand -pls note that she don’t smoke she only holding it because she wanted to look cool ehehe
✨ however, this one particular alien boi seems to have a very strong grip on my heart ✨
Xavier my cutie little boi who can’t cook for the sake of his own life, biggest sleepyhead, the brightest star on the sky
most precious boi on the entire universe i love him so so so bad it hurts.
don’t be fooled by his innocent face tho. he trully is an epitome of a wolf in bunny costume, unholy ass, a menace for the society (and me ofc) like it even feels ilegal for me to say that he just a cutie patootie babiest baby 🥹
he knows okayyyyy… afterall i believe he is more at soft dom side and not a sub
and so here i am now,
waiting for all authors and creators out there to feed on my delulu
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them together are the powerful dynamic duo couple i might cry
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clearlydiamondz · 1 year
The Game
Erik!Stevens X Black!Reader
Part Six 
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Erik being the most popular person at  Texas Southern University, he has his heart set on a particular girl.
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(Y/N) sat at her desk, reviewing her notes for her astronautics class. She needed something to keep her mind off of the situation with Erik for the time being but she knew she would have to face him. Especially because she left her things and her car over at his house. She woke up with a huge headache, still a tad bit drunk from the night before so that really wasn’t an option to try and go over there. 
She fixed herself a nice cup of tea, put on some classical music, and did what she did best. Studying. She couldn’t help but think about the fact that her feelings were hurt. Especially after everything she thought her friends said. As much as she wanted to refuse the idea of Erik using her to get back at the two of them, the little piece stayed in her mind. 
She heard her door open, turning around to see Omariana in her gown with a croissant in her hand. “Here, eat this. You need some bread.” she placed it on her desk and she thanked her. 
“Thank you,” she whispered before pulling the crossing apart and eating pieces of the bread. Omariana leaned against the desk and started to stare (Y/N) down. She looked back at her before sighing. 
“Don’t catch an attitude with me. I still deserve an explanation from last night,” she said to her with a chuckle. “I mean, Jakeen told me a few things but I want to hear your side of the story,” she said. (Y/N) placed the croissant on her desk before starting, 
“I was coming out of the bathroom and he was there. I-”
“He followed you into the bathroom. Fucking weirdo.” Omariana rolled her eyes.
“I’m sayin’. Anyways, he tries to talk to me about Erik and how I didn’t know him like he did. And how he said that he was changing me because I started to drink and go to parties.” she said with a roll of her eyes, making Omariana scoff. 
“Okay but that doesn’t make no sense. Because you were planning this way at the beginning of summer. Boy bye.” she said sitting on (Y/N)’s bed. 
“That part. Then Aliyah brought her ass out of no were asking if there was an issue. I was just trying to leave but he bought up how I was fucking Erik.” 
“No... Aliyah was on Instagram last night on some bull shit.” Omariana replied. For some reason that just made her stomach drop. 
“Wait.. what?” Omariana pulled her phone out of her robe pocket, pulling up her Instagram and showing Aliyah’s page.
Dumb ass hoe blocked me... how you claim you were a friend but fucked him at the chance. Bitch been plottin from the start ong 
“Bruh, I been had her blocked, what the fuck is she talking about?” (Y/N) said before going to the next story. 
Enjoy my leftovers lil hoe, that’s what I call a rebound bitch fr  
“Does she not have anything else to do with her life. Tired ass bitch.” (Y/N) mumbled giving her the phone back. 
“I mean... you had to know that this was going to happen sooner or later.” Omariana warned her. 
“I know, I know. We tried to be secret about our relationship but fucking Travis. Like, dead ass he should’ve just kept that shit on the low if he liked me. I don’t even think he really likes me. He just like the idea of me liking him but I don’t want him no more. Not after doing some pussy shit like that.” she snapped turning up. 
“Forreal. Especially after Erik punched the Mario coins out of that nigga. That is not a turn-on.” Omariana laughed. 
“It was kind of sexy when Erik punched him. Not gonna lie.” (Y/N) admitted. 
“About Erik, have you talked to him?” she asked as (Y/N) shook her head. 
“He’s been texting me but I have my phone on do not disturb.” 
“So how do you know he’s been texting you?”
“Because I be checking.” The both of them laughed as (Y/N) sighed. “I really don’t know what to do or say to him. Like god’s honest truth, what they were saying, as much as I hate it, does make sense.” she finished. Omariana sighed before saying, 
“You know I wouldn’t tell you anything that I know would hurt in the long run right?” Omariana said. 
“Of course.”
“And you know how much I dislike Erik.. right?” 
“Oh, I haven’t noticed.” (Y/N) responded nonchalantly. Omariana hit her on the thigh before saying, 
“Look. I would have never thought in a million years I’d be saying this but... ever since you and Erik started dating, I noticed a change in him. Hell, even Jakeen noticed it too.” she admitted. (Y/N) tilted her head to the side. 
“What do you mean?”
“He’s been more tolerable. Like a little more mindful of what he does and says. The other day I went over to Jakeens place and Erik was there, we actually had an interesting conversation just me and him. And I remember thinking to myself, wow.. he ain’t that bad. Then yesterday when he corrected himself.” she said. (Y/N) couldn’t respond to that because that’s how Erik has always been with her. 
“That’s how he always been with me, though.”
“Key word.. with you. Even when he was dating ole girl he wasn’t like this. The fact that he’s actually pressed about you. I know Erik, he would’ve been moved on from this situation. Matter of fact, he wouldn’t even have fought Travis if it was some other chick.” she finished off. (Y/N) went silent as her mind started working. 
“As much as you are thinking about how this looks on Erik’s part, look about the overall picture. Travis is realizing that he won’t ever get the chance to be with you. So now he is on his if I can’t have you no one can bullshit. We all peeped at how he started acting when you and Erik started to flirt with each other. At the party back in August.” 
“Aye, (Y/N). Come outside with me real quick.” Travis spoke up. She looked up at him confusingly. 
 “Yeah, I’ll be right back,” she said. She followed him outside, Erik waited till they were out the door before looking at Omariana. 
“Aye, Mari. What’s up with her? She gotta man?” he asked her as she talk to her.
”No but you ain’t finna talk to her. And what did I tell you about calling me that.” she said to him. Erik rolled his eyes.
 “Damn I can’t even-”
“You damn right you can’t. You must have forgotten, girl talk on the team. And there has been a lot of drama surrounding you.” she pointed at him as he kissed his teeth. 
Omariana looked at Jakeen to see if he was peeping the same shit. Obviously, Omariana told Jakeen about the old crush that (Y/N) had on Jakeen. And Jakeen saw the way Erik looked at (Y/N)’s photo earlier. It would be like Erik to try and holler at her to get back at Travis. 
Jakeen peeped it too. They both knew that Travis was slowly starting to feel her, but it was way too late. Jakeen knew once Erik made his way into (Y/N)’s life, she would want him. 
But they weren’t expecting Erik and (Y/N) to fall head over heels for each other. 
The night in question started to play in her memory. He had feelings for her since that night. 
“Damn. I’m dumb,” she said scratching her forehead. 
“Nah not dumb... you just see the good in everyone and people take advantage of that. Think about the ole girl. Even after she was caught cheating on Erik, she tried to start shit with every other girl that she thought he was talking to. So she tried to say that Erik was getting back at her for being with you. And not gonna lie, I thought it too. Until I saw how he acted around you.” she responded honestly standing up. 
“All I’ma say is, maybe, give Erik a chance. He really does want you. (Y/N).” Omariana gave her one last look before leaving. 
One thing she could say is Omariana was really spot-on with her advice. Not once had she ever given (Y/N) advice that didn’t turn out well for her. She grabbed her phone, unlocking it where there sat the messages that Erik sent her. Four more text messages came in.
Erik: I’m just texting you to check up on you, that’s all
Erik: You left everything over here, do you want me to drop it off. 
Erik: Actually just come over, your car is here is too 
Erik: Come on, I miss you...
She decided to text him back. 
(y/n): can we talk
In an instant, (Y/N) received a face time call with Erik. She accepted the call, placing her phone up against her laptop. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Erik asked immediately. She couldn’t help but chuckle at how fast he called and his jumping straight to the questions. 
‘Hi, I’m fine. How are you?” she asked him. 
“Fine, just worried about you,” he said honestly as she smiled at the camera slightly. “I want to see you. Are you coming back?” he asked her. 
“Yeah... I need to call and uber but I-”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll come pick you up,” he said. It looked like he was getting out of bed and getting dressed. 
“Dang can I finish.” she laughed. “I need to study and-”
“You can study over at my house.” he cut her off. “I’m serious (Y/N), I want you over here. You were supposed to be with me last night.” he placed his phone up on his bathroom sink grabbing his toothbrush to brush his teeth. 
“I know, I know it’s just-” she paused before continuing to talk. “After everything, I was just overwhelmed and I needed to be in my own space to get my thoughts together,” she replied honestly. 
“I understand but look-” he spat out the toothpaste before looking dead into the camera. “I’m saying this because I want to be with you. What they were saying wasn’t true, right. I want you and I need you for real. I’ll do anything to show that to you..” he told her. 
“I know, but that very thing we tried to avoid it happening,” she said worriedly. 
Erik knew what she talking about. Aliyah was blowing his phone up with text messages and calls, trying to get in touch with him. Finally, he saw what she had posted online about her. 
“If you’re talking about Aliyah, I’m sorry about that. Forreal,” he said.  “I’ve been ignoring all her calls and text messages,” he said. 
“She’s been trying to reach out to you?” she asked him, he nodded finishing up brushing his teeth and picking up his phone. 
“All last night and a little bit this morning. I’ll show you the text messages when I see you, this shit is blowing me,” he said putting on his beanie and grabbing his keys. 
“Erik, I can catch an uber over there,” she said standing up and closing her door so she could get dressed. 
“Nah, I’m picking you up. I should be there in about 15 minutes,” he said stepping out of his front door. The two of them hang up as she packed up her materials to study over at his house. 
Erik got into his 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat. He heard his phone ringing, thinking that it was (Y/N), not looking at the contact. 
“Finally you answer my fucking calls nigga, the fuck is wrong with you!?” he heard the irritating voice on the other end, knowing that it was nobody but Aliyah. 
“To be honest, I answered that shit on accident. Aliyah what the fuck do you want and why do you keep blowing my phone up.” he snapped at her, starting the car up and pulling out of the parking spot. 
“You’re really fucking trifling you know that. Playing with that girl’s feelings to try and get back at me. Nigga let it go. I’m so over”
“How the fuck do you know I’m doing this to get back at your ass. If that is true, do you think that you would have known this by now? We’ve been fucking with each other for months now.” he snapped at her. The phone got dead silent making Erik laugh. “Now how is the silly ass bitch now. Stop fucking playing with me. You wanna sit here and act like this shit is about you, it ain’t. So you and that other nigga can hop off my dick and stop fucking with (Y/N). Because if I find out any one of y’all dumb asses said anything to her, I swear-”
“Oh please, Erik. Ain’t nobody scared of you. If I want to say something to that bitch I will happily do so. She’s the one that’s fucking my ex and-”
“And did you not cheat on me with that bum ass nigga!? Someone who was still my fucking bro!? Get the fuck out here and be real with yourself. Because it ain’t the same and you a crazy ass bitch if you think so.” 
“You didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself!? You were in Oakland and I was lonely and he was-”
“Listen. I’ma be real with you. I really don’t give a fuck. That wasn’t stopping you from asking me for money, right? That wasn’t stopping you from staying in my apartment when I was in Oakland, right? Yo dirty ass would have probably fucked him in my place if I didn’t have cameras old dirty bitch.” he insulted her. 
“Dirty? Nigga you fucking with a bitch that’s dirty. Who sleeps with her ex-friend’s ex. That’s fucking childish as hell bro all for what? A nigga that she wanted, wanted me? That bitch wishes she was me.”
“Nah I highly doubt that. I ain’t wasting no breath with you. Say anything to her, I’ma beat his ass, and then pay them bitches that don’t like you to jump you.” Before she could say anything else, the phone hang up
As she was tidying up her room, there was a knock on her door. “Come in!” she yelled, thinking that it was Omariana. When she noticed that it wasn’t her, but that it was Erik, she looked at him in shock. 
“Hi.” he shut the door behind him before walking towards her. 
“You good?” he asked her cupping her face. 
“Yeah, I was just reviewing my notes and things. That’s-” 
“You know what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about that.” he reminded her as she sighed. 
“I’m not really a drama-filled person so this is obviously irritating me. I just wanted to keep what we had on the low and now it’s blowing back in our face,” she admitted looking back at him. He smacked his teeth letting her face go. 
“I’m going, to be honest with you. Straight from the begging I didn’t want to do that shit. I want everyone to know I’m yours and vice versa. If anyone has something to say about it they can come to me. And I’ll ignore their ass like I’m doing this bitch.” he said. He pulled out his phone opening it up to see text messages from an unsaved number: 
834-432-4394: Erik answers my fucking call...
834-432-4394: Tell that bitch when I see her it’s on sight, on everything. 
834-432-4394: You a weak ass nigga for fucking with that bitch on god  
834-432-4394: That’s fine, keep ignoring my ass. You act like we ain’t been through this before and you came back, begging to eat this pussy
“Oh, my-” she whispered rereading the text messages. It threw her by surprise how crazy this girl really was. She ain’t never seen this side of her. She was surprised she didn’t catch her like this when they were friends. 
“She called me begging to talk but I don’t want anything to do with her. " Either of their asses,” he told her as she returned the phone. 
“Erik... I am worried about this. I have a lot to lose if she does something.” she said sitting down at her desk. Erik kneeled in front of her grabbing her hands that were in her lap. 
“I promise I won’t let anyone touch you. I put that in my life. I don’t want to be the reason that everything you worked for gets fucked up. I’ll fix it, don’t you worry about nothing.” he comforted her. He looked back at her before saying, “I will do anything to protect what we have.” he whispered to her. 
She scanned his face, seeing nothing but worry and adoration. She knew he was telling the truth. And she knew that he was the type of man to stand by his word. Something in her told her not to worry, and she was going to do exactly that. 
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The next day, she sat in front of the mirror in the dance room, doing her normal stretches. Not surprising her though, she was getting some stares as the girls whispered amongst themselves. She had her AirPods pro so she couldn’t really hear what they were talking about. Kia, Omariana, and Brandy walked into the hall before seeing (Y/N) stretching in the mirror. She looked up and saw them walking towards her, standing up and taking out her earphones. 
“Girl..” Brandy whistled as (Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. 
“Don’t get me started. I swear.” she said placing her hands on her hip. 
“You don’t have to tell me anything. Erik got you all posted up and shit. Y’all adorable or whatever.” Kia laughed pushing her a little bit in a teasing way. 
“Mhm, could’ve fooled me.” Omariana laughed placing her bag and water on the ground. 
“Well, we are taking it a little slow. On my request.” (Y/N) said a matter of factly as Omariana scoffed. 
“ ‘Taking it slow’ my ass.” She mocked her. “This nigga be looking at you like he ready to chew through yo panties.” Everyone laughed as (Y/N) blushed. She knew it was true, and that look got him anything he wanted. Before she could say anything, Ms.Ruby, their coach came out on the floor. 
“(Y/L/N). Lemme see you in my office.“ Everyone looked at her, as she stood up from her seat. She wiped her hands off on her thighs before walking pass the glares and stares she received. She walked into the office before closing the door shut. 
“Gone head and sit down. I think you know what I’m going to talk to you about.” Coach Ruby said sitting down in her office chair. 
“Yeah.. I figured.” (Y/N) sighed sitting down on the chair scratching her forehead. “Look Coach, I-”
“Hold up. Lemme finish.” she said with her hand up to signal for her to stop talking. “Now between me and you, you are the only girl on this team with the exception of a few who has given me your 100% effort since you were a freshmen. Hell, you gave me more at your tryouts when you were a little bitty thing when you were a senior in high school.” she started off. “You’re always on your Ps and Qs, crossing your Ts and dotting your Is. So when one of your dance mates comes to me and tell me that you’re messing with that boy Stevens, you know I had to say something to you right? Knowing everything he has done with this team.” she said. 
“Coach Ruby with all respect, majority of them are lying. I-”
“You don’t think I know that? Trust me, I know a desperate female when I see one but like I said. You are one of my best dancers and best students and I don’t need drama getting to your head, you hear me?” she warned as (Y/N) nodded. 
“Yes Ma’am.” she nodded. 
“That brings me up to my next point.” she pulled out her tablet and passed it across the table as she picked it up. It was her at one of the fraternity parties that her and everyone else were on the weekend before. She had a cup of liquior in her hands and she was dancing on Erik.. a tad bit sexually. 
“Did someone really send this to you?”
“Yes, Mirah did.” she rolled her eyes. Of course it would be one of the girls he entertained. “Look, I can care less about what you do once you are outside these walls. But when the outside effects what we have going on inside of these walls, that’s when I have to step in.” she reminded her. 
“And has anything happened?” 
“You don’t think I know about the little tussel that happened on Saturday night?” she asked her. (Y/N) sighed. 
“That wasn’t even our fault. Travis-”
“All I’m hearing is excused (Y/N). And you know how I feel about those.” she stopped her. (Y/N) closed her eyes in annoyance. 
“So what? Am I suppose to not date. Am I suppose to not have a life? Because people don’t know when to mind their business?” she snapped. It caught Coach Ruby off guard. 
“Now wait just a minute. I don’t have a problem with you dating that boy. Like I said once your grades start slipping and drama starts happening because you started dating this boy, that’s when I have a problem with him.”
“My grades are not slipping. And me and Erik has been dating for months.” she snapped once again. That statement caught Coach Ruby off guard. 
“You’ve been dating for how-”
“Long enough to know that people started messing with us once Erik and I were seen with each other. We don’t even post each other.” she said. “Now within them months, has my grades been slipping? No. Matter of fact my grades has been better than they have been since I started college. And the team and me as co-captain have been doing great have we not?” she said as the Coach sighed closing her eyes. 
“Yes.You guys have.”
“Okay, so Erik is not the problem. The problem is the girls on this team feeling entitle to speak on my relationship because of Erik. Maybe we should have a discussion as a team instead of passing pictures and gossiping and get to the real issue.” she said sliding the tablet back across the table. Coach Ruby looked at the iPad then back to her. 
“Do you think that will fix these issues?” 
“No. But it will warn them not to be in people business before it really does effect us.”
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“I can’t believe she really said that to you.” Erik said as they talked on the phone. (Y/N) was in the middle of making her some brain snacks so she could spend the rest of her time tonight to study. 
“That’s not even the worse part. Mira sent her a picture of me dancing on you. Coach Ruby was like ‘she’s only doing that because she’s concerned for the team’.” she mocked her voice. “Like no bitch, she’s doing it to be messy. Like what is it with you and picking all these messy ass girls to fuck with.” she snapped. 
“Whoah. First of all like I said, I only really fucked with Aliyah. Mirah was just a dumb spin the bottle bet sophmore year. Everyone else are non-factors.“ he defended himself. She sighed, feeling guilty about snapping on him. 
“I know.. I’m sorry. It’s just I hate how they view you and I, like we are two concenting adults. What we do is no one business but ours.” she responded placing her fruit in a bowl. 
“What she say after that.”
“She then tried to say if my grades start slipping and the team starts slacking it’s because of we are dating. First of all, we’ve been talking for months and not a damn thing change. So we not the common denominator in this expression. So if it does happen, it ain’t got shit to do with me, but it does have something to do with how they feel about shit.” she snapped. 
“Yeah nah, that’s wild. The fact we stayed to ourselves for this long and no problems raised up until Travis said some shit.” 
“So now, tomorrow at practice she wants me to hold a team meeting as team co- captain since Omariana won’t be here.”
“How do we feel about that?”
“Oh I’m excited.” she said quickly making him laugh. “You’re laughing I’m so serious. I’m literally just gonna be like, ima ask them a few questions. Then set the record straight.”
“Do what you gotta do.” 
And she was.
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@life-in-the-slut-house @gloglamsparks @waveynaee @lalaooopsie @luvvjada @nccu-rnc @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @leahnicole1219 @meeksmillsfrenchfries @hinatasfleshlight @kokokonako @junie04 @sourbabynaee @sociallyawkward18 @raysunshine78 @justgetitoverwith0 @lishabaybee @rbhp @ladymac82 @musicismeb @keviekevswife1 @chaneajoyyy @youlovechicky @sexicherri3 @amirra88 @jameica17695 @lishabaybee @softleoblue @automaticdragonmugalien @lynaye1993 @eterrealluvrr @xsweetdellzx @ajenae @forevermoremagcon @babbydollaaassignn @ziayamikaelson @blmcd57110 @kaireads2020 @ts1mp0ne @luvvvjada @cozyashhh @xsweetdellzx @shurixwifey1 @blkmystery @princessmel-1995 @trippyscotch @determinednot2fall @metra873 @ravynnn-12 @meeeeep5
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merriemarvels · 1 month
(carry) : one muse finds the other after they’ve fallen asleep on a chair / couch, and carries them to bed (if chairs/couches even exist in AoA bruh it could be a dead tree)
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The days were long, the fights were exhausting, and getting to go home wasn't promised; they'd made it as far as the compound, and even so, just barely. Westchester, yes -- indoors, no.
Teleporting them all was hard on her, so she usually dropped them all off outside to save them from getting potentially thrown into furniture or walls. This time, she had sunk down against the crumbling retaining wall of the outer garden, trying to catch her breath and regroup. Pulling a leg up to rest her cheek on her knee, she'd only intended to sit there a moment.
Raze came looking for her an hour later, when she didn't turn up inside the mansion after debrief. It wasn't unusual for her to skip them, and he didn't blame her. She'd been shouted at a few times, and being reamed in front of their teammates, all of whom were years older, could be humiliating. Demeaning. It used to not bother him, but the closer they had become, the more their relationship evolved...
Better if she stayed outside. He didn't like that hot feeling in his chest when she was getting shouted at.
"Where is she...?" he muttered to himself, taking a quick sniff. The air was as stale and dusty as ever, but that just meant her scent was easily tracked. Why would she still be back at the gardens?
Well, the answer was clear as soon as he caught sight of her. She was still curled up against the wall, her head had drooped slightly so her hair was concealing her face and at first he felt a surge of alarm -- had she been hurt in their raid? He crouched next to her, fingers brushing the magenta locks back, and breathed a sigh of relief. Just asleep. Grubby, haggard, fresh rips in her uniform, but no worse for wear.
No less lovely for the grime on her face.
Gently he slipped his arms under her and pulled her close, lifting her up as he stood. She roused a bit, shifting her head into the curve of his neck, unconsciously winding her arms up around his shoulders. She was carried often; initially, only by Victor, but more often nowadays by Raze. He got a few questioning looks when he brought her inside, including a long look from Victor. How much did the man suspect?
How much had his nose picked up?
Still, Raze simply walked past, up some stairs to find a quiet bedroom with a door that still closed. He set her down on the bed, still supporting her as he eased the quiver off her back and boots off her feet. As he was tucking a threadbare blanket around her a hand came out, gripping his, and gleaming jade eyes turned up to look at him. Wordless communication. He smiled, shifting off his own bulkier attire for something a little less uncomfortable, and slid in to lay next to her, stroking her hair gently as she drifted back to sleep.
"Not going anywhere," he hummed, nuzzling his nose against hers lightly. "Promise."
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beevean · 1 year
You won’t miss anything by not watching the series, it’s absolutely dull. The monster designs are boring (this is the most grievous offense to me, they’re all human-looking but with added body parts, shells/armor, wings etc), the most frequent action our protagonists do is running away, the characters share no similarity to their game counterparts (big oof with Juste), the main boss is especially lackluster compared to Dracula (even Netflix Dracula), the music is lacking and unimaginative, the voice acting combined with the animation/design is awkward, the aristocratic enemies are non-entities (they’re just npc vampires in powdered wigs, heck the Headhunter has more personality and they only have attack voicelines), the plot is Richter, Maria, Annette, and Tera have to defeat the vampire Messiah and their underlings along with a subplot about saving a friend (how is it different and better than the games which “have no story”), their modus operandi for giving the protagonist characters a backstory is to have their loved ones killed (heck even Olrox’s past lover was killed), and France was underutilized.
I noticed in the first three episodes how the series has regressed to NFCV S1 tier of generic monsters, when the rest of the og show actually tried to bring back iconic enemies - I remember smiling when I saw Karasuman! Hell, Abel stole the show in S4E6! What happened here?
Tumblr media
no really. what happened here.
I'm already seeing takes that always bringing Dracula back is boring and we need variety (which is the literal same argument moved against Eggman. I hate it here). And look, not only Castlevania, original name "Dracula's Demon Castle" is all about Dracula and his castle... but are the replacements worth it? The games gave us the likes of a corrupted Richter lamenting the fate of his clan, Walter the entertainingly sadistic lord serving all sorts of cunt, Isaac the cruel, insane, cunning yet tragic and loyal servant, Brauner who stole two girls and turned them into vampires out of grief, Barlowe the eerily realistic abusive cultist... only the Sorrow games are lacking in this department IMO. What did the show replace Dracula with, after swearing up and down that he's nothing but a dysfunctional dumbass? A girlboss? A cute rapist? An edgy redditor? Now a thundercat with her BDSM simp that wants to be Isaac so badly but doesn't have what made him charming? Wow, it was worth shitting on Dracula for three seasons straight and then basically saying "yeah he's not evil anymore" :V
I also noticed how both animation and voice acting took a nosedive. The fight betwen Richter and BDSM mommy is 10 fps, and Sun Thundercat sounds like she recorded herself on a shitty flip phone. c'mon bruh those were like, the two things I could easily praise about the og show. what are you doing.
I also also noticed how everyone has a dead mom, or alternatively a dead sister, and now we have a dead lover because Olrox has to be a poor little meow meow too on top of the tiddies. Oh, but the Games Are Stupid because they keep fridging wives, right? We Are So Much Better Than The Stupid Games :) fuck you.
Yeah I am so uninterested. I don't even want to hatewatch this. I don't care. It's just a shitty French Revolution story told from an American perspective, plus the most condescending of crumbs for the game fans. No, I don't care that you brought Juste back and you gave him afterimages, if you then say that Maxim died like a dumbass and that turned Juste into yet another cynical old man. Bleh.
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
The Last of Us Episode 4 Spoilers
Shortest episode so far at 45 mins
Ellie with her gun omg “pew pew pew”
She gonna get caught put that shit away babes
THE JOKE BOOK i love her this is too good
i’m so happy they included the joke book and brought it back
More direct script from the game.
“Bye-bye dude!” never gets old
Both chef Boyardee fans lmaoo
Joel teaching her why they can’t have fire 🥹 Joel teaching tho
He is so done with her I love it
Anxious protective joel in the woods i love it
I agree with Ellie though coffee is nasty
“Smells like burnt shit” as joel slurps it up
The “your cargo” scene wasn’t as hurtful as I thought it would be
another back shot of Joel that used to be my pfp slay
The adrenaline would feel so different watching the show If I didn’t know every spoiler, it’s why I loved Frank and Bill’s episode because it wasn’t already spoiled for me. 
Kansas city babyyyyy
ellie probably shit herself right there, Joel ain’t dead yet sweetie
joel is pissed as fuck about the gun, but rightfully so
bro she shot someone for the first time. imagine how hard that has to be she’s literally like what 14? damn. 
The cannibals- naw no thanks (my ass can’t remember if they were the cannibals or if david was the cannibal… oops)
maybe I’m a bitch, but this ‘Kathleen’ lady isn’t a very good actress. It feels so forced she’s not tough enough to give orders like that. sorry
show me the bloater, man. I want to see sum infected
only complaint about the show so far- not enough infected 
Daddy Joel consoling Ellie
“i’m really not good at this” “yeah your not”
he’s teaching her how to use a gun omg how cute! 
I lied this is a sweet moment between Ellie and Joel with the gun
aww he’s helping Ellie jump in to the building. Really want to push the triangle button right now 
old Joel. I love him ❤️
33 floors?! daddy Joel needs to sit down 
DAMN 56??? my ass thought Joel was 52 (at least in the games)
idk why they made him 56. Pedro is 47, the oldest I would take Joel for is 54. Easily could have kept the age, I don’t take joel for being almost 60 (if you count 56 as almost 60)
The diarrhea joke was good bruh
HENRY wassup babes 😉 
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nibwhipdragon · 1 year
bruh suzi is such a massive victim of yaoi it's not even funny. like the whole "oooo joseph fell for her because she reminds him of caesar" and later "oooo joseph cheated with tomoko because she shared caesar's feisty personality" wtf
like bruh caejose isn't even canon. it's a playful casual flirt at most. and joseph never even brings up caesar after he dies except for the headband thing which feels more like "honor a fallen comrade" more than anything romantic and yet the fandom likes to treat old joseph like he still can't move on from caesar after 50 years. bro he probably doesn't even remember who he is at that point
tbh the whole "joseph cheats on his wife" felt so out of character. probably just a cheap excuse for josuke to exist. don't get me wrong i love josuke but couldn't he be like, a distant cousin or something?
I'll never forget like. Last year or so. Went through Suzi's tag on here and found a post made by someone who got mad at her for "getting in the way" of caejose and. They were calling her a hag and a lot of other stuff I cannot remember. And just. You are being misogynistic at that point. It's not even funny. You are being misogynistic. I could probably find the post if I wanted to but I'm not starting stuff. It was so bad. Suzi has done absolutely nothing wrong she is just a silly little gal and she barely gets screentime as is WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP IT STOP IT NOW PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU SAY THESE THINGS GOD
And yeah the whole cheating thing bc of Joseph's feelings for Caesar? It. Makes no sense. Maybe thats because I'm aroace but personally I wouldn't cheat on someone bc their personality reminded me of a dead lover bc it's not them that makes no sense wtf. And Joseph loves Suzi and this is shown very much which just. Refutes the whole "he married her bc she looked like Caesar" thing people think. Joseph keeping Suzi in the dark in part 3 about what he was doing (claimed he was on a business trip) and that Holly was only ill, not on Death's door bc of her stand was from a place of love, wanting to protect her from the fact that not only was he putting his life in danger again but also that their daughter would die if he failed. Suzi herself comes to the conclusion that he's lying about all that and literally says that if he's lying about it then it's for a good reason because he loves her and wants to protect her. And the Tomoko personality thing is just. Their personalities are completely different I cannot see a similarity between the two other than the fact that they have anger issues. It really does feel like people are grasping at straws here. Massive stretches. I feel like if I sat down and looked back down on part 2 3 and 4 in detail I'd be able to refute all those takes in more detail than here. And cite sources specifically. Because they are that big of a stretch.
Though tbh with you bringing up the fact Caesar isn't mentioned past part 2? I understand that yeah but. This has made me think and part 2 is so neglected overall in being mentioned in part 3 onwards? Smokey was a close friend of Joseph and isn't even mentioned, the only part 2 characters mentioned are Erina and Speedwagon, and even then they are mentioned like once. And you'd think they'd be mentioned more because it's literally Erina and Speedwagon and they knew Jonathan personally and had to deal with Dio in part 1, it would make sense for them to be brought up by Joseph more than once, no? Nothing with Joseph talking about the suffering Dio brought to them both? Huh??? Especially since part 1 and 2 were so intertwined story-wise (Part 1 cast present, talks about part 1 frequently, was affected by part 1 and can see through character actions, Caesar brings up Will's death, you find out who made the stone masks that caused part 1, etc.) and DIO is LITERALLY the main antag for part 3 so it makes sense to have this same sort of consistency but with part 2 and some of part 1 (Joseph did not live through part 1 so knows less) instead. Especially since jjba was planned to finish at part 3. Why would Araki make part 3 so disconnected from 2 like that. Why.
AND YEAH THE CHEATING IS SO OOC. Joseph has flaws. Araki sees him as more of a conman than a hero. However he has lines he will not cross. He cares for his family and loved ones a lot. Therefore it is more logical that he would not cheat. It makes no sense. You're right Araki coulda found another way to bring about the 4th Joestar (could've been Jolyne/a Jolyne equivalent. Jotaro was right there.) but he had to jump straight to cheating. And now so many people think Joseph is genuinely a cheater when that's so ooc for him to do. Poor guy is done so dirty by the official writing he may as well be a Sonic character at this point
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tiodolma · 1 year
Previously, I sent an AU with time travel + the accidental acquisition of baby Mordred + season 5 Merlin and Morgana + divorced parents dynamics + UST. 🤔 I was thinking... What if the accidental acquisition is of baby Arthur instead? Morgana time travels back in time to kill Uther, but doesn't realize she brought Merlin along for the ride (he's linked to her, being both her destiny and her doom).
Morgana kills Uther via poison and Merlin tries to stop her, but he's too late. Both proceed to argue about what she has done and throw spells to one another until baby Arthur makes an appearance. Gaius makes them responsible of Arthur (you killed the king, you deal with the consequences). In summary, prince Arthur grows up with passive aggressive foster parents with magic with a great ton of issues and maxed out UST. If and when that UST gets resolved, that's up to you. 😂
Arthur will be spoiled rotten by both of them lmaoo. They will make him read soooo many books. Morgana will teach him how to do politics and fight wars. At least MerMor will agree with each other on that aspect. There is increasing attraction and UST when their ideas match 😂. Bonus if by raising arthur they will both start to imagine what it would be like if they had a magical child aksjshjwsj (which brings them back to the mordred and aithusa question and then they fight again coz they’ll never get over it 😂). Then later cue teenage angst arthur coz he doesnt have 'gifts’ like his foster parents. I think Arthur will be a more okay king because of them at least XD
They’ll probably fall in bed while doing one of those heated fights about arthur, mordred and aithusa (they’re a mess). I can see that happening. Basically Merlin would be all 🥺🥺🥺🥺 when Morgana blurts out the truth about Aithusa in her frustration and rage and his whole attitude with her will shift 😏😏😏😏
But man the paradox this timeline will induce lmao
With Igrain and Uther dead and with the prince still a baby... that means the Purge will never start. Therefore, Nimueh and Balinor are still attending court. Magic is still alive and free in Camelot. The problem would be the civil unrest after the assasination of the monarch. So... who’s gonna show up and try to take the throne? I’m guessing Nimueh and Balinor would prolly fight it out? Morgana’s birth is probably secure coz the Duke of Cornwall wont have to go fight a war or smth. But the problem would be Merlin not being conceived if Balinor is a Camelotian courtier and his future mom is waaaay over farming in Ealdor. Unless Nimueh takes the throne and drives Balinor away (which is unlikely). Merlin would have to find a way to be conceived by his mother smh 😂... all the while raising a future prince with his sworn enemy from their own timeline 😂😂😂
This timeline also have the funny side effect of morgana and nimueh being in the same room as merlin. Imagine the bitchfights bruh. And Merlin, Morgana and Nimue would be of approx the same age. Morgana would be so insanely jealous of Nimueh’s confidence and merlin’s attraction to her and and vice versa. Maybe morgs will side with nimue bec ofc she will... or maybe not.. morgs cannot stand if anyone not her sits on the throne of camelot... she’s gonna bring nimueh down.. i just know it and... Omg yeah theyre gonna fight over merlin. All the while the Gaius x Alice storyline is happening in the background with a nice nimue x gaius x alice tension going on.
Arthur is gonna grow up with this political landscape and i shiver thinking abt it. Morgana would parade him around as hers and Merlin’s child in front of nimue and she’ll be extra flirty with merlin (holysht yep she’ll definitely seduce him to gain leverage over nimueh).
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
The Musketeers Reaction: The Good Soldier
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Wench Intro: This episode is brought to you by the fact that my work life sucks and I’m drinking one of my finite number of sodas that count as Jezebel-approved Real Snack Food, so we just had to do a react… what a shame :)  We’ll pick up Dark Angel at some point soon, but I took advantage of the lull between Ben and Alec to steal Jezebel’s fandom attentions!  On with the show!
– – – 
GAHHHH! The king is such a child!  He whinesssss so much
So they ARE French!  Where’s the accents 😤 😂😂😂
Ooo jumpscare
Oh, buddy, not a “torn between my old friend and my new ones”  [Friends or "friends"?]  
She’s too nice!  [Anne?]  The queen [… Anne alksdjf]  Oh ☠️☠️  [She pays for it, alas]  Oh nooooooo!  Wait, the queen?  Or the sister?  [asldkfj The queen.  Anne of Austria.]  Hey the Terminator is from there [wtf is this exchange? We're bonkers, I see]
d’Art!  Of all of them to pop up!  It’s always d’Art!
d’Art.  You have.  No right.  To call anyone mad.  adslkfj
“Your endless deceptions… now give me your word”  ‘Cause that means anything
[Poor Constance keeps getting dragged into shit]  I know 😭😭  [Y'all, she ain't dumb]
Are they holding hands?  Buddy… Port is gonna be jealous  [Marsac's wrist is tied to Aramis' and his cloak is hiding the rope]  Oooh
[Um.]  Well  [*Hand on wrist*  *sigh*  "I've thought of you many times"]  Er… bro.  [Bruh… this scene]
But.  But you just called him that?  Why?  If you don’t-?  *sigh*  [No, stop, that’s not what he said… He said "Your name is held in contempt amongst your old comrades.  You're a coward and a deserter.  For that alone, you're under sentence of death."]  Ohhh  [That's all qualified by the "amongst your old comrades"]
Poor d’Art
Athos got some dead eyes! I’d be so scared to cross him
[Marsac favors Tom Hiddleston btw]  Ye I see it
Wottttt?!??  PLOT TWIST
OOOOP!  He ded  [He ded]
Fuck that! Rats
[Cardinal, stop posturing; it always goes badly]  Exactly  [I know this version of you is true neutral so you really don't have to do the whole villain monologue thing]  😂😂
He favors Izzy so much I can’t even
[Dude, the fics I could write in jail with no responsibilities]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ MAAM DON'T GET ANY IDEAS
[I adore Athos' and Porthos' loyalty to Treville]
Buddys temper is extremely short  [‘Tis true!  And d'Artagnan is not holding back!]
Gonna be beaten by a child  [He didn't, but only because he cheated and grabbed the sword to throw it away alskdjflaskdfj]
Oooo!  Not mad at the longer hair!
WOMAN  [MA’AM]  You don’t know what you want, sweet lord!  [YOU ARE MARRIED]  “Married”...  Lots of quotations this episode
“You’ll be out on your ears” Like you was supposed to be this time
Which… would be pretty good protection, what do you mean?
[I love this scene btw]
Athos is like… Wot now?  [Dumbass legit picked the best swordsman in the Musketeers laksdfjalskdfjaldskfj  Like.  Buddy… Ya ain't winning]  😂😂😂😂  [“Athos is the best swordsman in the regiment”  See?  I wasn’t exaggerating.]  😂😂😂
Athos is like… Aight, easy
[Buddy pissedddddd]
[It is a veryyyy good thing they picked Athos, for real… Man's about the only one of them not gonna be hot-headed and screw it up.  He'll sit there, stare the dude down with a glare that could cut, and still give the apology, but he *will* actually give the apology]  😂😂😂 but then he gets basically called hot headed anyway and has to apologize… Like, sorry I won?
[I love Athos’ passive aggression]  YESSSS  ["What motive could a Musketeer possibly have to want to kill the Duke of Savoy?"  *cough cough* I KNOW WHAT YOU DID]
– – – 
Jezebel: 🙂 Flirt Ep! 🙂
Wench: Indeeddddd
Jezebel: Buddy shoulda kept the locks 😮‍💨💕😂
Wench: asdlkfj Then you’ll love season 3; I think they all have longer hair
Jezebel: 💕💕💕💕  But also ack!  As much as he has been my favorite, I hatteeeeee the old friend loyalty storylines.  But like. Can one of them have a happy backstory episode orrrr? 🥺🥺 or is it like a requirement for the musketeers ☠️
Wench: Uh... d'Art was good up until his dad?
Jezebel: Exactly ☠️☠️☠️ He was probably doing his interview telling his life and they were like “ehhhh we don’t think you’re the right fi—” and then he goes “…and then my dad is as murdered.”  and they’re like “oh, you’re in”
Wench: Also technically Aramis had the backstory AFTER he joined.  He didn't have trauma pre-regiment that I know of
Jezebel: Ahhh I see 🙂  But alas idk if I trust the friend or not.  And I’m leaning more toward not.  And now 🙂 the sword fight! 🙂
Wench: I love that fucking swordfight
Jezebel: Again!  Man has DEAD eyes!  I would not want to fuck with him!!
Wench: akdsljf Don’t be rude
Jezebel: Shush! I don’t mean it to be rude! He just has a constant look of I give zero fucks
Wench: But that two-handed twist thing in the middle of the fight?  I'm not at all sure it's historically accurate (and probably isn't) but I love it regardless.  You know the bit I mean?
Jezebel: Yes! 😂😂😂 and SAME!
Wench: Aight... ready?
Jezebel: Yup!
– – – 
[Aramis, how have you not gathered that Athos is gonna be loyal alksdfj  I thought y'all knew each other really well alskdfj]  Not gonna lie I’m kinda annoyed Flirts so quick to drop his loyalty  [Oop!  Scandal!  :))))]  Shush lol
[Also, Port in the rain again]
Oooop… Maybe they should be losing loyalty
[Oof, the soundtrack HELLA Doctor Who rn]
Oooooooh hell no  [Bruh they said she's married]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Not that that’s stopping d'Art but still]  I really hope Flirt doesn’t defend this.. What a TURD! Ew! 😤😤😤
Lady, you stop that look
Poor d’Art ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ He was getting excited  [I love her though]  But yes I do too!!  The little giggle was adorable!  [:)))]
Well shit
Damn I felt the anger behind that punch irl 
Booooooo, Flirt, his- Welp.  Saw that punch coming.
["I need a drink"  We know, Athos, we know]
Ooooop she gonna get ded
[I love their cloaks 😭]  Yesssss! 
“It’s absolutely pointles- Do as he says”  And that doesn’t scream red flag  [He recognized d’Art]  No, I know laksdfj  I’m saying the duke is dumb
“How awkward”  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
The loook ☠️☠️☠️☠️ cardinal being sassy
Well now look at that, Flirt… You done fucked up!  [Not the kind of bedroom bondage he expected?  :)]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [I’m hilarious]
OHHHHH!  PLOT TWISTSSSSSS!  [Yup!  Not Treville's fault after all!!!]
FLIRT you are flip flopping so hard
Oooop more trauma *sigh*
His queen gift! 🙂  [Something something past lover vs present]
Now Flirt’s in the rain
– – – 
Jezebel: 😤😤 I don’t like the friend at all but I don’t fully hate him either! I get why he was doing what he was doing. But it was still wrong. And the captain wasn’t truly guilty. But Flirt you upset me in this one!  For shame! They are always blinded by the urge to be loyal to the friend.  And there wasn’t much Flort interactions 🥺🥺
Wench: My condolences asdkfj  If it's any consolation, there was relatively little Athos too.  We both suffered
Jezebel: I also felt bad for Athos because he held on to his loyalty for so long then in the end he looked so disappointed that maybe it was in vain.  Meanwhile, d’Art. 😮‍💨 buddy either a) doesn’t like conflict or b) doesn’t like change. Cause he refused to believe the captain was capable of this with like… NOTHING.., to back it up.  At least the others had worked under him for a while
Wench: Yeah… d'Art is just a bit naive and idealistic.  So he believes in the good of people without much basis.  He's also hot-headed, which seems contradictory sometimes, but it's not… He makes up his mind quickly and then refuses to change it unless confronted with a serious reason.  So, he's convinced Athos killed his dad; damn but he's gonna have to fight a duel, even against three Musketeers and not just one.  He's come to know Treville as a good guy?  He wouldn't betray the Musketeers.  Etc
Jezebel: Yeah I see what you mean 🙂  Also I loved the dutchess!!!
Wench: Yessss
Jezebel: Do they ever talk about her being a spy again?
Wench: I don't think so aslkdfj
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  What about Cluzet?
Wench: Nope
Jezebel: Sheeesh loose threads!  I’m still salty I didn’t get more Flort 🥺🥺 😂😂  I mean, I didn’t get much Port at all!  He was just kinda there… For shame!
Wench: Let him recover from last episode.  Oof- and prep for the next
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️ recover from whatever they walked off t- wait, next episode?  Is it bad?
Wench: Yes.  I have to stay up and do some more work.. wanna do another?  np if not
Jezebel: I’m 👀👀 hmmmmm…. Yes.  I do
Wench: Aight :)
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vermanaward · 3 months
dawntrail msq, 95-97
tuliyolal, evenutally
okay so that was the end of disc one i guess
i would ask 'why couldn't she have asked him earlier' but. the drama.
everyone seems remarkably unconcerned about first promise and/or the dickhead trailing around after him. counting down the minutes until one or both of them causes problems on purpose
why are the hyper capitalists in xiv always short. lalas, pelupelu, mord.
...oh okay here we go, disc two commences!
swear words?!?!
how come npcs get to have guns without shitty lunchboxes. ANSWER ME YOSHI P
"saddle up!" [proceeds to make me ride bareback]
somewhere between "my poor boy erenville being deadnamed to heck and back" and "ah. yeah. immigrant adopts local name to not stick out, resulting in Complicated Feelings when they go back home and people use their native culture's name"
oh. a bent cop. whoever saw that one coming
i would ask 'why are there dinosaurs in north america' but. you know what. it makes a pleasant change from them being in africa
"hey, remember shadowbringers. you guys liked shadowbringers, right? everyone loved the bit with the trolley?? right????"
at least there isn't a dead wife this time ig
the design of this train is offensively bad. like it's a stream train, fine, except it has a ceruleum (ie. petrol/diesel) engine, fine. except it's a steam train but instead of steam coming out the top its?? burning ceruleum? what???
man i was just thinking to myself this morning. 'we haven't seen yshtola all expac. it's been so nice not having to constantly brace myself for her biannual death fakeout.'
oh and she brought the allagan fanboy too. yay.
at least it's not the fucking allagans ig
(obligatory: ok so shtola is here so she can reprogram the gate and go get some ronso booty)
rofl though. so okay if this is a 9 parallel, then who is garland here, and when will necron come haring out of the left field wait that was endsinger nm
unrelated but the more i think about it the more :\ i am that the girl is The Emotional One and the dude is The Logical One. like bruh
estinien is determined to be Sir Not Playable This Expac and honestly i can't blame him
"don't do anything reckless" what like pick up both eyes of nidhogg while soaked in his blood? that kind of reckless?
haha see the joke is that in the First his wife is dead aren't dead wives funny
heritage found
alexandria, huh [chinhands]
man. this is extremely the "hey, remember shb?!" expac. and not in a good way.
honestly this is a gripe for another day but i really hate the way this game just goes [handwave] ~time dilation~ any time they want something dramatic to happen with shit on reflections. time always passes at the speed of drama. it bugs me.
actually ykw. this expac is so actively pro monarchy it's kinda nauseating. there i said it
erenville's mom is dead isn't she. .-.
heavensward: let's kill the pope and install democracy! shadowbringers: let's kill a dictator and install a democracy! stormblood, dawntrail: let's, uh. install and uphold monarchies! yay royalty! yay bloodlines!
do i expect progressive politics from final fantasy? hell no, i'm not delusional. does this mean i'm going to let this slide? also no!
ooh namika's going to be euthanised isn't she
ha ha he's wearing armour from the alex raids ha ha
in a robot? no just piloting a robot.
okay i take it back this hellhole is worse than amaurot. good job a+
that said: it's absolutely a fragment of a world consumed in a rejoining that somehow managed to avoid being rejoined, yes yes? from the calamity of lightning, for obvious reasons.
which would make oblivion that shard's equivalent of the scions/ardbert and his gang
which unrelated but would mean there are people on the source at 6/14 aetheric density. (and would put krile at 1/14, for that matter)
...hm. are we supposed to take from this then that alexandria and 'the golden city' are two seperate places?
oh. yeah i found rowena's shard from the lightning reflection. lel.
100 scrip vendor unlocked finally, time todo what i came here for: FISH
0 notes
nsk96 · 8 months
So in this middle of breakfast this morning my parents got into an argument. As usual it’s because something happened such as an item getting sabotaged, and then my mom asking us about it and my dad getting defensive.
This time it was because one of the rubber stoppers for the toaster oven door went missing and there’s no way it could have gone missing unless it was pulled out. This rubber stopper helps protect the door but also muffles noise from closing the toaster oven which is great considering my mom is a light sleeper.
I already know that my dad makes noise to wake her up during the night. My mom has set her phone’s voice recorder to pick up on said noises and a couple of the recordings correspond with a couple of the nights I caught him awake [context: he sleeps on the couch because his apnea]
Anyways, as always, he’s the first to raise his voice and yell, and bring up past events as if that will somehow invalidate my mom’s points. Then when my mom would defend herself and recall those events accurately, my dad would deny and try to gaslight her saying “no, [this, that] happened” which is always a lie. Maybe lies he tells himself and other people to make himself seem like the victim.
He is always trying to make himself look like the victim. Thank god I witnessed the events he brought up in the argument, and so I knew my mom was telling the truth and that he was lying. It’s hilarious watching him lie about things, forgetting I was there for said things.
He lied about the poor condition of the pool to our faces. Back when he was responsible for cleaning the pool, it was always green and had bugs and mosquito larvae because he wasn’t using enough chlorine. It was green like the trees. He tried to lie and say it didn’t look like that and the only bugs in the pool were the ants that fell in “from the wind”. Bruh…I have pictures. Don’t try me.
Then after my mom walked away, my drama queen of a dad put his head in his hands (like he always does) and said it’s so hard to “live with that woman” and “it’s getting worse”. Then he said “I just want to live out the last 4 years of my life in peace.”
That last line took me by surprise. I didn’t know what to make of it but decided to ask. I asked “4 years?” And he replied “I’ll be dead in 4 years.”
I asked “how do you know?” and he said “I know”. I asked it again and all he could say is “I know”.
Either he’s trying to scare me (because he’s used many tactics previously to scare us like the gun threats or saying he wants to die, or threatening to drive us into oncoming traffic) or maybe this is the length of his plan. Honestly, he seems so unstable, I’m not sure what’s scare tactic and what’s a real threat. I don’t know what to expect from him now so that’s why I need to prepare. How ironic that just before I came here to type all this out, I caught a glimpse of a news article of yet another man who killed his wife and children and then himself. He was 80 years old if I recall correctly. My dad is merely 60, going on 61 this May. If an 80 y/o can do it, what’s to stop a 60 y/o? A 60 y/o who literally threatened to do this multiple times and then just a few years ago after a heated argument with my mom, was banging on the walls like a madman and frantically went looking for his handgun and was yelling and shouting at us asking where it was. He came asking me where it was and said I was told to put it away when we moved in and I said I wasn’t and didn’t know where it was. When he couldn’t find it, I thanked my forgetfulness later on. Because when we moved to this house, I was responsible for placing the handgun in their room where my mom told me to put it…but I forgot about where I put it and forgot that I even was put in charge of that task. The one time forgetfulness saved my life I guess. It was only until a week later that I remembered that I was put in charge of storing it away and then it finally hit me where I put it. Apparently my mom forgot where she told me to put it too😂 It was hidden well. Now my mom and I both know where it is and he doesn’t. However he still has a gun cabinet with other guns in there including a shotgun and another pistol and a historic rifle replica that is also functional. So we’re not out of the hot water yet.
Maybe in 4 years he plans on taking the money and leaving as my mom and I suspected all along. We have emergency money stashed away in my room and he’s been desperate to get to it.
He also has a joint bank account with me and was scared when he saw I started to use some of the money to pay off tuition costs (from what my FAFSA loan didn’t cover).
He could legally take the remainder of the money in our joint bank account and leave, leaving me with no money in there, and I wouldn’t doubt that was a part of his plan.
Two years ago he expressed wanting to move up to St.Augustine in a few years. But he said “I’m moving to St. Augustine” not “we’re moving to St. Augustine”. There was no discussion. My mom said “don’t you mean all of us?” and his answer was a shallow confirmation, like he was just trying to get her to back off.
His words are a reminder that I need to get my stuff together and get out as soon as I can. I hope I have enough time to finish pharmacy school before whatever he plans goes into effect. Whatever it is, I may have to leave right after I graduate, whether or not my mom is ready. I will warn her again but there’s only so much warning I can give her. If she doesn’t want to leave, then that’s her choice but I can’t let her force me to stay.
Oh and he poisoned us with the waffles yesterday. We didn’t even know he was gonna make any. He usually tells us the night before. I couldn’t believe it when my mom and I got sick from it, because it’s always one batch and he eats it too. However, he made the first few then conveniently remembered that “he forgot” to add yogurt to the batter.
So he added yogurt (and I don’t know what else because my mom and I wasn’t around to watch him. I only know about the yogurt because that’s what he told me) and so the last 3 waffles had the “yogurt”. Those 3 ended up on the top of the stack and that’s what my mom and I ate while he ate the waffles without the yogurt. I also ate one without the yogurt and realized there was no reason to add yogurt at all because it was soft and chewy like always.
At first I dismissed it because I figured he’s still learning about how to substitute for egg. There was no need to add yogurt if he was adding baking powder. I don’t think the recipe he used even called for milk. It didn’t hit me until after I finished, when the surface of my tongue went numb and my throat as well. This is one of the main symptoms of when he prepares our food or drinks. But magically doesn’t happen when we make these things ourselves using the same ingredients. I wonder what ingredient is missing…
I asked my mom how she felt without telling her my suspicions nor my symptoms, and she told me she was experiencing those symptoms. Then my stomach started to get upset and later that evening, some body pains had started. My mom and I had to go out to get my PPD so we discussed it then. It’s crazy. I guess no more pancakes nor waffles from him either.
This is why my mom and I always have to prepare our own food and unfortunately his as well. The only time we eat what he cooks is when he’s cooking for the week. Food we know for sure that he will eat. Even then, when a little bit of leftover food remains back, I’m scared to eat it and wait for him to eat it before taking any. I’m tired of living this way. I’m tired of being paranoid of everything in the fridge. I’ve been eating so unhealthy for the past few years because the only foods I can trust are the ones that are sealed and snack foods he eats as well. Ramen noodles beloved.
0 notes
sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 127
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning/Victory of the Daleks
“Mannequin 3: The Reckoning”
Plot Description: when Ben calls Dean and tells him that Lisa is in trouble, Dean leaves Sam to investigate a case alone and rushed to the rescue
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I saw this in a doctor who once. Though those mannequins didn’t have faces so weren’t nearly as creepy. It was also aliens, not ghosts…I’d probably be dead
Also, Sam’s not dead, so that’s good!! 2-3 minutes in hell feels like a week
Dean no. There’s gotta be a middle ground between fully kicking down the wall in Sam’s mind and suppressing everything til it boils up in violence and alcoholism
Oh. So he doesn’t IMMEDIATELY run off to help her
Ah, bruh, I don’t think it’s Johnny. Why ARE these mannequins attacking people??
Dean, you know your past year and Sam’s past year are not comparable.
Ohhhhhh, Ben doesn’t want Lisa dating anyone but Dean. It’s kind of cute. He got so attached.
Ok…so…it’s not exactly fair to pin THIS on Dean. Ben called and said you were in trouble. Dean wants to help, Dean wants to protect, to make up for the danger he brought into your lives. Yes, he’s being a little bit of an ass about it right now.
You assholes, you don’t play with a girl’s feelings like that. She seems like she was really sweet, and you turned her into a vengeful spirit because you wanted to pretend she had a secret admirer and then LAUGHED AT HER FOR BELIEVING IT.
OH! THAT’S what the cut on all their foreheads is all about. Kinda hope this guy dies too, honestly.
Watching Dean say goodbye to the life he had with Lisa and Ben is a little bit of a gut punch. Ben admired him so much, but Dean doesn’t think he’s someone to be admired at all for anything
Uhhhhhhhh. So, the last dude from the terrible prank turned accidental manslaughter just got killed by his sex doll that he was treating like his partner. I am not disappointed
Well, that’s not comforting. Rose is possessing the impala. Trying to go all Christine on Dean. Why Dean though??
…she did it to kill her sister to get to the kidney she donated so she could be at rest. Fuck.
Just accept the thank you, Dean.
“Been On My Mind…”: Nope. 5
"Victory of the Daleks"
Plot Description: From the terrifying future of the United Kingdom to one of the darkest chapters of its past - World War Two, The Doctor and Amy find themselves in a top-secret cabinet war room deep beneath the London streets
So...here's one of the things about the Moffat era. I think a lot of his plots rely on the shock of the mystery, but if you remember that the scientist is a sort of Dalek hybrid or is a Dalek or has been brainwashed by the Daleks, much of the plot becomes kinda boring
Goddddd Matt looks so young. I mean...it's because he is and this was like 13 years ago (a true gut punch of a sentence to write).
I think it's hilarious that they slapped the Union Flag on a Dalek. How extremely like them. See something from another land? another planet even? Just put the Union Flag on it...it's property of Britain now.
Oh that "To Victory!" poster was so popular back then
I am interested in remembering the explanation for why Amy doesn't remember the events of Journey's End
Watching the Matt Smith era makes me crave Jammy Dodgers really bad
It's interesting to watch everyone watch Eleven beat up the Dalek to to avail. WE know so much of what they've gone through against each other, but with each newcomer comes a new horrified expression
Right....it was that the Daleks created that scientist to think that he had created them
Times like these make me miss Donna. Donna would have been making some sarcastic remark about how his plan (didn't) work
AW YEAH the giant colorful Daleks!! Like picking out the color iPod you wanted
Hey Doc, pack of Jammie Dodgers says this ISN'T the end of the Daleks.
The Doctor's going to make the scientist A REAL BOY...or not.
For all the time the Doctor has spent around humans and how many human companions he's had, he really still needs them to step in to make the REAL human connection
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
How would the Overlords from Hazbin hotel protect their s/O??
Ooooh boi
*Would demolish anyone and everything that even slightly inconvenienced you
*You stubbed your toe once and he threw the table outside
*Person in the street tried to mug you? Welp, he's dead now
*Exterminator tries to stab you? Angel meat for dinner tonight! (Also bandage him cause that's a lot of bloodloss)
*"Darling! Who was that chap who was shouting obscenities at you?" "Idk" "Well I made stew!"
*It's the catcaller in that stew
*Literally would fight God and Lucifer both at the same time to keep you safe
*You are the only thing in a very long time that has brought him so much joy so anything that would hurt you has got to go
*Anyone that you tell her about will die. Simple as that
*You could say that you have a stalker and she'd find them and then murder them with her bare hands
*Like a true lady
*Sometimes, you don't even have to tell her
*Because she's right around the corner
*Would get you the fuck out of dodge if you were out during the extermination (she knows she couldn't really win against an angel)
*You're being held up and she just rounds the corner with some cups of warm beverage to see it and
*She just dumps the hot liquid on them and pulls out a knife, stabbing them through the back of the neck
*No change in expression, still a small polite smile
*No words, just her grabbing your hand and heading home to clean up
*Literally just so straight forward, no need to pussyfoot around
*I mentioned in some of the fics I wrote that he just straight up murders anyone who'd hurt his s/o
*Guns, maiming, doesn't matter the method
*You're being catcalled? Gunshot.
*Someone grabbed you and pulled you into an alleyway? Ripped into four pieces with no struggle.
*You hurt yourself in the bathroom and he just broke down the door with four guns pointed in all directions
*"Who hurt my babycakes?!" "Val please, I hit my elbow on the counter"
*Would stay close to you after any kind of harshness happened
*So clingy
*You're not allowed out for the whole week of extermination
*That way, you won't get hurt and he won't have to fight an angel
*Please don't give her a reason to get violent
*She'd go overboard
*Stabbing them over and over again
*You'd literally have to pull her back and calm her down
*Catcall? Barely recognizable corpse.
*Angel? Probs just like find an opening to get her out of there.
*A table? Well, you needed a new one anyway.
*Likes to take selfies with the bodies of the people who tried to hurt you and snaps them to you
*You receive them with a horrified, yet slightly thankful face and she just sends her bloodied, smiling face back
*Bruh he literally has eyes everywhere, there is no way anyone would get away with hurting or even looking at you funny would survive
*He's got a bit of a temper and he's not afraid to let it show
*The average demon, angels, Lucifer, God, doesn't matter
*Would destroy all of Heaven and Hell if you wished
*One time you tripped on the sidewalk and he destroyed the whole city block
*Look, I'm not saying that you should stay inside and far away during exterminations
*But he did ride the back of a dying angel to try and fight God for sending down the angel that nearly severed your head so like...
*Maybe just not leave your hiding place?
*I mean, if you still want your boyfriend to live, at least
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we-have-bangtan · 3 years
Pairing: Doctor! Yoongi x Patient! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Crack (??), Ex's, smut
Warning: Swearing, smut (just an old memory)
Synopsis: When Yn is forced to go to the hospital after falling down the stairs of her office. The doctor who was to attend to her was none other than her ex-boyfriend Min Yoongi.
A/n: let me know if you like it! And give me a reblog to support me!!!
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Yn turned over onto her back, her eyes still closed. She wondered silently why her normally soft bed was hard today. With another roll, she landed with a thud on the cold, hard floor, jolting her awake.
When the blinding lights of the room filled her vision, she suddenly regretted opening her eyes. She sat on the floor, rubbing her eyes to clear the sleep from them, oblivious to the drool on her chin. Her eyes opened in confusion when she saw the IV line on her wrist, her gaze following the line, attached to a bottle mounted onto an IV stand.
She sprang to her feet immediately, taking in her surroundings: the IV stand, the white bed, white walls, the hand sanitizer mounted on the wall, the white floor tiles, and the white blinds that kept the sunshine out.
A hospital? She guessed as she took in all the equipment, the machines that beeped every few seconds were a dead giveaway. Is this a private room? She asked herself, trying to find any clue which hospital this was when the door swung open.
Min Yoongi entered the room, wearing a white lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He walked over to her side and encouraged her to take a seat on the bed.
"Where am I?" Despite the fact that she already knew the answer, she inquired. "Take a wild guess," Yoongi replied dryly as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. Yn racked her brain for the name of the hospital; she was certain she knew which one Yoongi had been working at, but her mind was blank, displaying only a buffering page similar to that of a 2004 Dell laptop.
"Did you really hit your head that hard?"  Yoongi said what he was thinking, a little concerned for her safety. "Do you have a headache? Can you recall what you ate for breakfast or what happened just before you passed out? "He questioned.
"My head hurts a bit, so for breakfast, I had cinnamon crunch with milk, and lunch I had a sandwich. Walking down the stairs is the last thing I recall," She responded. All of her responses matched what her coworkers had told them, leading Yoongi to believe that Yn simply didn't know where he worked and that her head was okay.
He was irritated that Yn had no idea where he worked, but he forced his resentment to the back of his mind before informing her that she was in a private room at Asan Medical Centre in Seoul. "Wait, are you serious?" She yelled as she struggled to get out of bed.
"Yes, seriously," he explained, forcing her back onto the bed "You fell down the stairs in your office and one of your colleagues brought you in; you were unconscious for 5 hours; you will need to stay the night so we can run some tests on you; you will need to stay the night so we can run some tests on you," he added. "Why on earth do you have no idea I work at Asan?"He demanded once he was done briefing her.
"I would have noticed if you hadn't blocked me on all your social media pages," Yn said after some thought. She hisses, reminding him why she was blocked in the first place. "I wouldn't have had to block you if you hadn't started tagging me in those dumb Facebook memes," he retorted as he paging one of the nurses to come to change the IV bag.
"Is there something bothering you? Aside from your head," Yoongi inquired, reaching for his fancy click pen, which Yn had given him in college. "You still use that?" She inquired, her gaze falling on the royal blue color of the pen, the brand name has faded over time. He calmly replied, "I started using it once I got my residence, now answer the question."
To search for any injury, Yn moved her limbs around, starting with her feet. She turned them around to look for any discomfort before moving on to her legs, which were still perfect.  She eventually tested her shoulders and despite her best efforts, winced in pain as she raised her left shoulder.
"Left shoulder, okay. Do you feel nauseous?"  Yn shook her head as Yoongi asked more.
"Any ringing in your ears?"
"Is that gray hair on your head?" Yn interjected, pointing to a few strands at the start of Yoongi's hairline. He dismissed her and instead scribbled a note on his clipboard.
"OK, so you don't have any concussion symptoms, your hearing is good, and you're not feeling dizzy and your eyesight is better than ever before considering the fact that you could pick out my gray hair from that far. We still have some blood work to do and I'm putting you on observation tonight in case any symptom pops up, you're free to go home after that," Yoongi informed.
He reasoned that saying anything else would be unprofessional of him. Heading for the door when, "Yah, why am I in a private room in the first place?" Yn intervened, preventing him from leaving. Yoongi replied, turning around to face her, "I figured it would be more convenient for you."
"Bruh, do you have any idea how broke I am," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her stomach. "I ain't a hotshot doctor to be able to afford a private room in Asan Medical Centre," she sneered. "Who said something about you paying?" asked Yoongi. As he returned to her side. "So, who is going to foot the bill?  You? " She inquired, he nodded, causing her jaw to drop. She was perplexed by his words and asked, "Why would you do that?" "What good is it to be a hotshot doctor?" He shrugged.
The mental picture of a very sleepy and confused Yn, with her hair all tangled up and a tiny spot of drool on her face had made him soft, and there was no stopping his heart from falling head over heels for her all over again as he walked out of the room, the smile he had been battling slowly crept into place...
Yoongi peeked into Yn's room after his shift, his shoulders slouching from the stress of his job. He had his coat and stethoscope wrapped over his arm, his hair slightly damp from the shower he had taken, his white t-shirt clinging to his body.
When they were dating, one of Yn's 'rules' was that if he wanted to get close to her, he had to shower after returning from the hospital because she hated the scent of antiseptic. With the scent of antiseptic all over her, he wondered how she was doing.
He discovered her in bed, knees drawn up to her stomach, phone in hand, the screen almost brushing her nose as she mindlessly scrolled through Instagram. Her food, which had been left on the side table, had not been touched.
He warned, walking into the room, "You'll go blind if you keep doing that." Yn's head snapped up at his voice but calmed down when she saw who it was. He drew up a stool next to the bed and checked what Yn had received from the hospital. Soup, kimchi, rice, and pickled radishes were served on the side (Yn hated those). "Is the food not to your liking?" Concerned about her dietary habits, he inquired.
"They don't have any salt or spice," she replied as she stowed her phone. Yoongi grimaced after taking a sip of the soup. There was no salt or pepper and was as bland as raw tofu.
"SEE!!" Yn screamed, delighted that she had been proven right, but Yoongi, not one to concede defeat, put on a display. "How come it's so salty?" His face scrunched up in exaggeration as he groaned. "Stop acting, I can see right through you," Yn said, raising an eyebrow to call him out on his nonsense.
"All right, fine, you're right," Yoongi conceded as Yn yanked the sheets off herself and reached for his shoulders. He thought it was strange, but didn't say anything when she gently rubbed the spot near his collar, the tension in his shoulders dissipating as she applied pressure. He'd always thought Yn had magical hands. It felt like a miracle to have her hands on him again, something he had never expected to feel again.
"Can you tell me what I can do to get you to order me a plate of jjajangmyeon?" Yn asked. Yoongi thought, Darn it, I knew it was a trap, but he was too relaxed to say no. As she worked out the knots in his muscles, he melted under Yn's touch. She was no longer connected to the IV, enabling her to freely move about the room.
"I knew you were only in it for food," he chuckled, moving away from her to grab his phone from his coat, "What else did you think I was in it for?" Yn jested, playing along as she massaged his shoulders.
"Only jjajangmyeon?" He questioned, scrolling through the options, Yn looking at the phone from over his shoulder. "Order some side dishes too," she added, Yoongi let out a groan when Yn put pressure on THE SPOT at the back of his shoulder blade, the sound making Yn blush. "Stop that, people will think we're filing a porno," Yn scolded lightheartedly, continuing her ministering.
"I don't think we need to film any more of those, I have a whole collection already," Yoongi teased. His gummy smile showing up when he felt Yn's hand round his throat, threatening to choke him. "I think it's the other way round," he scoffed. His heart going into dangerous territory.
Yoongi remembered the night he had discovered Yn's choking kink, it had been a very eventful night. He had just come back home from the hospital when he had heard moaning coming from his bedroom, he had walked inside, totally unprepared for the breathtaking view that awaited him.
Watching porn wasn't considered cheating by Yoongi as long as Yn showed him what she was watching so he knew what they were getting into. When he walked in on Yn in his rotating chair, her legs spread out on the armrest, touching herself to a film about choking, he was pleasantly surprised. He went up behind her softly and wrapped his fingers around her throat, not putting much pressure. When Yn groaned for him, he felt himself harden in his pants and murmured, "You like that baby."
"Stop imagining it," Yn snapped, pushing away from Yoongi, "How do you expect me to just stop, those were some great moments of my life," he chuckled when his phone rang. It had something to do with the meal. He went to get the dinner by himself, leaving Yn alone.
When he returned with her dinner, he delivered it to her before saying his goodbyes and preparing to leave. "Enjoy your meal and get some sleep," he added as he gathered his belongings. "Where are you going?" Yn inquired. "Home??" Yoongi answered, taking his phone from the table when Yn stopped him. "Did you have dinner?" she asked, opening up the takeout box to reveal a generous serving of jjajangmyeon.
"Not yet, I was planning on getting some on the way," He answered, waiting for Yn to say anything. "Then you should stay and give me some company, it's not like I can finish all this on my own," She mumbled. "You sure?" Yoongi confirmed, taking his place on the chair as Yn grabbed the chopsticks from the bedside table, letting him have the wooden chopsticks that the restaurant provides.
They both dug into the meal, savoring every mouthful. In the otherwise peaceful hospital, just the sound of them slurping their noodles and the beep of the monitors could be heard. The majority of the patients were fast asleep, and those who were awake were taking special precautions to avoid making any noise.
Yn was the one who broke the stillness by inquiring about Holly. He said, licking his lips to get rid of the sauce, "She's good, I got her a ribbon for her ears the other day." He was intrigued about Yn's cranky cat, Buster, who had scratched Holly once. Yoongi's heart dropped to his stomach as Yn replied, "We had to put him down."
Although he was simply a large, sluggish cat who refused to get his butt off the window pane, Buster had been Yn's pride and joy, her support system. "That must have been difficult," Yoongi paused, unsure of how to express his condolences.
"It had to be done; he was in a lot of agony," Yn shrugged, shaking her head to clear her mind. "How are the boys doing?  I haven't seen them since we broke up" Yoongi's six other friends were the subject of Yn's inquiry. He assured her everyone was ok. "You might see Jungkook tomorrow," he said, explaining that he had taken the day off today. "Does Jungkookie work here?" Yn inquired, quite surprised by the information. "Yes, he's an intern trying to get his residence, surprising isn't it," Yoongi admitted.
Yn burped after she finished her dinner, making Yoongi laugh at how cute she looked. Once Yn had freshened up, Yoongi said, "Ok, now that you've finished eating, I'll go home, and YOU'LL go to sleep." "You always leave," Yn remarked, rolling her eyes. The words weighed heavy on his mind as he tucked her in. On his way out, he turned out the light and gave her one last look before walking away.
Yoongi slouched his shoulders again once he was in his car. The words Yn had just said reverberated in his mind. Since he had broken up with Yn, the words "You always leave" had tormented him. He had been in love with her, yet he was the one who had abandoned her. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, HE LEFT HER. It was painful to recall the details of their breakup.
Yn crying into his chest, asking why she wasn't enough. Him holding her as fiercely as he could, not knowing if he'd ever get another chance. His cowardice had broken both of them that night. He'd run away from one of the most precious part of his life, and he still regrets it.
They had broken up because of him. Yoongi always believed Yn deserved someone better than him, she was too good for him. She had yelled at him when he had told her that. Saying that it was her who got to decide who was worth her time and affection, and if h really thought h didn't deserve her then maybe he should make himself deserving, she had said that that was the solution for Yoongi's thoughts, breaking up was not the solution, but he was stubborn as a mule, refusing to see how he was destroying both of them and everything they had.
And now here he was, striving to be less of a wimp than he had been all those years before. He remembered how enraged the boys had been when he told them what he'd done. "Have you gone insane?" All Yoongi could do was nod when Jin Hyung asked. Yes, he'd gone nuts, which was why he'd been insane enough to let her go. He had no problem admitting it.
He cruised around the deserted roads, far too late in the evening for anyone to be out. He considered calling Jin hyung for advice, but he opted against it because he assumed he was already in bed. For the rest of the night, he was alone with his thoughts, his mind eating away at him, keeping him awake at night, tossing and turning in bed, contemplating what they could have been if he hadn't been a coward.
The next morning was the same as any other, the only difference being the speed of Yoongi's car when he was on his way to the office. The usual 60km/h had escalated to 80km/h and he was certainly a little too excited for someone who was going to be at the hospital for the next 18 hours.
He was walking up the corridor to Yn's room after exiting the elevator on the third level when he heard screams. "MOVE, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY PEOPLE!" shouted Yn as Jungkook pushed her wheelchair down the slanted corridor quicker.
What the fuck!!, Yoongi thought as he saw Jungkook climb onto the wheelchair's back supports, watching in horror as the two of them laughed and giggled their way down the corridor at full speed (which wasn't much speed btw), completely disregarding the 'no noise' and 'no running' placards which were stuck to the wall.
He quickly stepped in the way, feeling a little sense of joy watching Jungkook's eyes widen in fright. Bringing the wheelchair to a screeching halt a few inches away from Yoongi. "Good morning, Hyung!!" he said cheerfully as if he hadn't just broken every regulation in the hospital.
"Can you tell me what you're up to?" His gaze fell on Yn, who appeared to be having the time of her life. "Relax, Yoongo-boongo," Yn remarked. Yoongi frowned at the old nickname, which he had pleaded with Yn to abandon.
"This is risky, you know," Yoongi said, "especially since you wounded your shoulder," He added, quick to understand that Jungkook had no idea about Yn's wounded shoulder. "You hurt your shoulder?!?" the younger one screamed. Yn scowled at Yoongi for giving up that knowledge so easily. Yoongi justified himself by saying, "Don't look at me like that, he was going to find out regardless."
"Yes, but you didn't have to tell him so early, now he won't let me have any fun." She whined, Yoongi scoffed at that, "he isn't supposed to make you have 'fun', he'd supposed to take you to get your x-ray done, it's on the first floor."
Yn pouted as Jungkook nodded at the instructions, pushing the wheelchair with Yn still in it towards the elevator. "Without the wheelchair," Yoongi clarified, making Jungkook pout as well, helping Yn out of the wheelchair.
They both sulked like kicked puppies in the elevator and Yoongi could not stand it. "Ok, fine, take the freaking wheelchair, but just be careful." he said, finally giving in. The two of them gave him bright smiles. Yn sat back in the wheelchair just as the elevator door slid open and Jungkook rolled Yn out.
They're fortunate. Yoongi thought to himself as he went about his rounds that Namjoon owned the hospital. While Yn was getting her x-ray, he checked in with his patients. Yn had a good night's sleep and awoke fairly early, according to the nurse in charge of her surveillance. She felt a minor headache, but nothing else was wrong with her. Only the shoulder was a big issue, and they were unable to determine what was causing the pain.
It took 2 hours for Yoongi to check up on all his patients and meet with a few others in the clinic when Jungkook barged into Yoongi's office with an envelope. "Jungkook you can't just barge in like that," Yoongi groaned as he quickly gave the patient their prescription before sending them out. Telling the receptionist to not send any more patients, he turned all his attention to Kook.
"Now, what's wrong?" He asked, spinning in his chair to face the intern. "Noona's reports are here" Jungkook informed, holding out the envelope. "So fast?" Yoongi questioned. It usually took a day or two for the reports and none of the radiologists took Jungkook seriously, dismissing him as just an intern. He found it suspicious that they had given the reports back so early.
"Namjoon hyung was there for an inspection, he got it done when he saw noona," Jungkook said with a cheeky grin. Yoongi nodded at the explanation. Namjoon always had a soft spot for Yn regardless of if Yn and he were together. He pulled out the reports, scanning through them. "Where is Yn now?" He asked, putting the reports back inside. Jungkook informed that Namjoon had taken her to her room, playing along with Yn's wheelchair drama.
Yoongi rolled his eyes at that, but Jungkook didn't miss the quiver of his lips. Jungkook followed Yoongi upstairs to Yn's room, where they found Yn squishing Namjoon's cheeks. Jungkook joined them, laughing, and Yn hastily let Namjoon free. "So, Doctor, what do you have to say?" Yn asked as Namjoon got out of the chair, rubbing his red-tinged cheeks.
"You must slow down with the usage of your shoulder. You appear to be putting a lot of tension on it; fortunately, it's only strain and nothing dangerous." Yoongi said, instructing Yn to apply heat and ice packs to the affected area. "Are you going to issue me a leave sick note?" Yn inquired as she got out of bed.
"Nope, you can go back to work just fine as long as you don't do any heavy lifting," Yoongi said, scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Yah, Yoongi-ah pleaseeeee write me a sick note," Yn pleaded as she searched for the t-shirt she had worn when she had come into the hospital yesterday. "Nope, and are you really going to wear that?" He asked, surprised that Yn hadn't called anyone to come to pick her up.
"Yeah, I need to head home," Yn answered, gathering her things, "Wait, you can't wear that, I have a spare shirt in my office I'll get that," Yoongi said, getting out of the chair while Namjoon and Jungkook exchanged knowing looks.
"We'll get it hyung, don't worry," Jungkook assured, dragging Namjoon with him. The two of them got into the elevator before spilling the tea. "He is SO whipped!" Jungkook exclaimed, pushing the button to go downstairs. "So is she and did you know Yoongi hyung was footing her bill and he got her a private room?" Namjoon asked, amazed at the extent his extremely tsundere hyung was going to for Yn. "He's pretty much in love all over again, and the nurse said that Yoongi hyung spent more than an hour in noona's room," Jungkook informed with a giddy smile.
"Jin hyung NEEDS to know about this," Namjoon exclaimed but made no move to call their hyung, quickly going to Yoongi's office and grabbing the gray FG shirt which was in his locker before going back upstairs.
As soon as the boys returned to the room, Yn grabbed the t-shirt. She hurriedly removed the hospital gown she had been compelled to wear. Yoongi was quick to respond, instantly stepping in front of Yn so the two younger men wouldn't get a glimpse of his lovely ex's exquisite body, and only pulling away once Yn was covered in his shirt.
"You didn't have to do that, I was wearing a tank top beneath," Yn said, tucking the shirt's hem into the jeans she had worn the day before. "For safety reasons," Yoongi shrugged, avoiding eye contact as though it weren't a big concern that he was covering up his ex. Namjoon's sniggering at the entrance went unnoticed.
"Noona how are going home?" Jungkook asked, checking the time realizing it was his lunch break. "I'll take a cab, don't worry," she assured, grabbing her phone and keys from the bedside table. "I'll drop you home, it'll be hard to get a cab at this time over here," Yoongi said, following after her into the hallway as Jungkook and Namjoon watched.
As she approached the elevator, Yn commented, not really trying to stop Yoongi from coming with her, "There's a thing called uber Yoongi, I'm sure I'll catch a cab." "Jesus woman, will you ever accept aid without a fight?" Yoongi moaned as he snatched her wrist and brought her downstairs to get his keys.
"Aish is so stubborn," Yn grumbled as she trailed behind him, her hand slipping into Yoongi's. They didn't seem to be aware that they were holding hands.
"Jin hyung will be so happy hearing about this," Jungkook exclaimed, watching Yn and Yoongi argue like an old, married couple while holding hands as they went to the hospital parking lot.
"They look cute, 10$ that they get back together by the end of the month," Namjoon bet, moving away from the window of the private room. "Hyung, you literally own the hospital, I'm just a flimsy intern, how could you expect me to pay 10$," Jungkook whined making Namjoon laugh as Yoongi’s car spedmout of the driveway.
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